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ABDL needs a new home for Christmas, until I get on my feet


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My name is Colin and my luck has run out. I moved to Lombard, IL (Chicago) from Waunakee, WI for a job. After two months, my contact was cancelled due to my pre-existing MS (had symptoms that prevented some work). On November 2nd, I went to check a noise at my door. Coincidentally, my apartment complex refused to fix a fob door that should have been closed but was being left wide open 24x7. I went to close it and that is my last memory until a flash in an ambulance; then I woke up in a hospital bed.
I was diagnosed with MS stage 5 (halfway to the end) in June
I signed on for a contract with Randstad as a W2 employee
Due to the contract, I moved to Lombard, IL on August 8th. In September, I signed on for all benefits including Short and Long Term Disability, medical, etc...
Found out I cannot actually USE these benefits until I have been signed on for 3 months. Not good. Conveniently, I was never really given any assignments and I didn't understand why
BofA cancelled my contract with 2 days' notioce effective September 29.
Told I was being looked at for other positions but I was pretty much terminated with 2 days' notice
On November 2nd, I was almost killed trying to close a door that should have been closed in the first place. From what I have pieced together (and this is in the police report), this is what happened:
During the time I was unconscious, I was beten with something metal. The result is they broke my back in the transverse discs around t7. I also had a bleeding head wound and the police found my blood on the 3rd floor on the carpet and elevator room. I live on the 4th floor.
Supposedly there was a video of someone getting into a car quickly with the car leaving quickly from the 3rd floor of the garage. However, I am unsure of the video's status.
I spent a total of 8 days in the hospital, with discharge on the 10th. Upon returning, I visited the apartment management and they didn't know I was the one attacked. They then informed me that even though I was wheeled in by an RN, I was late on my rent and they would be filing eviction papers. Luckily I paid it immediately.
That brings us to today.
I'm out of money, out of credit cards, and have residual damage from the attack:
  • I am now in a full body cast for 6 months to a year. I still have blood clots shedding out of my hair.
  • I no longer have insurance, even though I paid for 1 montrh of COBRA. It expired October 31st. I was attacked on November 2nd.
  • My hands shake, and I developed a stutter. I can no longer afford treatment for my MS.
  • My whole body is sore and I can't walk a straight line.
  • Driving is limited.
  • I can't afford the doctor payments for follow-ups from the hospital. I am cancelling them now.
  • I no longer have a job and can't really work right now.
  • I cannot pay my bills.
  • Oh yeah, they stole my walker. I can't afford a new one. I guide myself around now with my hands near walls in case I fall.
I'm looking to raise $50,000 to pay hospital bills and help me move back to my family in upstate NY. I also need to clear up debt since my credit is being shattered. I am willing to help in the IT and Finance industries as well as a consultant to make the donation worth one's time. I have a B.Sc. in Mathematics and an MBA in finance with sub-emphasis in IT Management.
If you decide to donate, thank you. I appreciate your time and effort.
Take care,


Oh, I'm bi by the way

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23 minutes ago, Alyeskabird said:

Sounds like you need a lawyer. The manager from the apartment complex can be held liable for the attack on you, and the company that fired you like that, might be liable for breach of contract as well.


I would AGREE:  First of all, if you have an apartment complex that is supposed to be SECURE, the fact that they are leaving a fob-key accessed door open, is in my opinion a SECURITY RISK, and if they left it open, THEY are liable for your injuries, and NOT only that, they want their RENT, and you have been injured:  Whether or not is is LATE, in my opinion, is NOT the issue:  They have a responsibility to YOU as a LANDLORD to provide a safe, clean, comfortable, habitable unit for you to live in:  If they KNEW that there was a problem with this, and they REFUSE to fix the door, and others reported it BEFORE your injury, and they did NOTHING, that would be a BREACH of the lease, and YES, I would get hold of Legal Aid in the state that you currently reside, and I would SUE them:  If you need $50,000 USD, you are gonna need more than that, if you are gonna be able to restore your health, your credit and your safety/piece of mind. 

Priority #1 is your HEALTH/SAFETY:  sounds like you need to get hold of someone at home, and if they are NOT aware, TELL them what happened. Your landlord should FIX that door, and if they KNEW it was broken, and it was being left OPEN all the time, that is incompetence, and you need piece of mind - How can you even LIVE there with landlords that want RENT, but have left the place VULNERABLE?   How can the landlord ask you for RENT when you have been INJURED because your building is unsafe?

1 hour ago, Minkey72 said:
On November 2nd, I was almost killed trying to close a door that should have been closed in the first place. From what I have pieced together (and this is in the police report), this is what happened:
During the time I was unconscious, I was beten with something metal. The result is they broke my back in the transverse discs around t7. I also had a bleeding head wound and the police found my blood on the 3rd floor on the carpet and elevator room. I live on the 4th floor.
Supposedly there was a video of someone getting into a car quickly with the car leaving quickly from the 3rd floor of the garage. However, I am unsure of the video's status.

This is why I say that they should be held accountable for what happened to you:  The fact that you were unconscious, and you were beaten SENSELESS with a metal object says that someone got IN that should NOT have been there, and in this day and age, you can't even feel safe in your building, because there is always some muttonhead that wants to do you wrong, hurt you, or screw with you!  People even leave doors ajar, or open, or they don't close/lock or latch properly!  Would check with the landlords to see if they have anything on the security cameras, and if so, have a LA Lawyer get that footage for you.  If you have MS, this should be something that I would THINK that LA would Take, so I check with them, and the police:  If they have footage of that event on the camera, assuming that there is one in the building, the lawyer you engage should be able to get it, or prepare any legal documents you need to help you with your case.

Good Luck!  Keep us advised



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2 hours ago, ~Brian~ said:


I would AGREE:  First of all, if you have an apartment complex that is supposed to be SECURE, the fact that they are leaving a fob-key accessed door open, is in my opinion a SECURITY RISK, and if they left it open, THEY are liable for your injuries, and NOT only that, they want their RENT, and you have been injured:  Whether or not is is LATE, in my opinion, is NOT the issue:  They have a responsibility to YOU as a LANDLORD to provide a safe, clean, comfortable, habitable unit for you to live in:  If they KNEW that there was a problem with this, and they REFUSE to fix the door, and others reported it BEFORE your injury, and they did NOTHING, that would be a BREACH of the lease, and YES, I would get hold of Legal Aid in the state that you currently reside, and I would SUE them:  If you need $50,000 USD, you are gonna need more than that, if you are gonna be able to restore your health, your credit and your safety/piece of mind. 

Priority #1 is your HEALTH/SAFETY:  sounds like you need to get hold of someone at home, and if they are NOT aware, TELL them what happened. Your landlord should FIX that door, and if they KNEW it was broken, and it was being left OPEN all the time, that is incompetence, and you need piece of mind - How can you even LIVE there with landlords that want RENT, but have left the place VULNERABLE?   How can the landlord ask you for RENT when you have been INJURED because your building is unsafe?

This is why I say that they should be held accountable for what happened to you:  The fact that you were unconscious, and you were beaten SENSELESS with a metal object says that someone got IN that should NOT have been there, and in this day and age, you can't even feel safe in your building, because there is always some muttonhead that wants to do you wrong, hurt you, or screw with you!  People even leave doors ajar, or open, or they don't close/lock or latch properly!  Would check with the landlords to see if they have anything on the security cameras, and if so, have a LA Lawyer get that footage for you.  If you have MS, this should be something that I would THINK that LA would Take, so I check with them, and the police:  If they have footage of that event on the camera, assuming that there is one in the building, the lawyer you engage should be able to get it, or prepare any legal documents you need to help you with your case.

Good Luck!  Keep us advised



he can try legal aide but if its probono they might not take his case, free legal aide dont like to sue, still worth a try

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5 hours ago, Alyeskabird said:

Sounds like you need a lawyer. The manager from the apartment complex can be held liable for the attack on you, and the company that fired you like that, might be liable for breach of contract as well.

The local lawyers say it's a 'complex case'...it seems since when the attack happened outside my door and blacked out and saw nothing next until I was in a hospital bed with blood in my hair...the police never really updated me or anything.

I'll try on the lawyer too again.  I'l admit I'll need a few to get through the support.  Thanks!


The complexity is that no one can / will put me with a place for me to get up on my feet again with SSDI and Medicare.  I'll even get max benefit, that stuff is slow.  However, now I'm turning to friends and family since I am out of options.  I am hoping for a miracle...

Thanks, Colin

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13 hours ago, Alyeskabird said:

Sounds like you need a lawyer. The manager from the apartment complex can be held liable for the attack on you, and the company that fired you like that, might be liable for breach of contract as well.


12 hours ago, ~Brian~ said:


I would AGREE:  First of all, if you have an apartment complex that is supposed to be SECURE, the fact that they are leaving a fob-key accessed door open, is in my opinion a SECURITY RISK, and if they left it open, THEY are liable for your injuries, and NOT only that, they want their RENT, and you have been injured:  Whether or not is is LATE, in my opinion, is NOT the issue:  They have a responsibility to YOU as a LANDLORD to provide a safe, clean, comfortable, habitable unit for you to live in:  If they KNEW that there was a problem with this, and they REFUSE to fix the door, and others reported it BEFORE your injury, and they did NOTHING, that would be a BREACH of the lease, and YES, I would get hold of Legal Aid in the state that you currently reside, and I would SUE them:  If you need $50,000 USD, you are gonna need more than that, if you are gonna be able to restore your health, your credit and your safety/piece of mind. 

Priority #1 is your HEALTH/SAFETY:  sounds like you need to get hold of someone at home, and if they are NOT aware, TELL them what happened. Your landlord should FIX that door, and if they KNEW it was broken, and it was being left OPEN all the time, that is incompetence, and you need piece of mind - How can you even LIVE there with landlords that want RENT, but have left the place VULNERABLE?   How can the landlord ask you for RENT when you have been INJURED because your building is unsafe?

This is why I say that they should be held accountable for what happened to you:  The fact that you were unconscious, and you were beaten SENSELESS with a metal object says that someone got IN that should NOT have been there, and in this day and age, you can't even feel safe in your building, because there is always some muttonhead that wants to do you wrong, hurt you, or screw with you!  People even leave doors ajar, or open, or they don't close/lock or latch properly!  Would check with the landlords to see if they have anything on the security cameras, and if so, have a LA Lawyer get that footage for you.  If you have MS, this should be something that I would THINK that LA would Take, so I check with them, and the police:  If they have footage of that event on the camera, assuming that there is one in the building, the lawyer you engage should be able to get it, or prepare any legal documents you need to help you with your case.

Good Luck!  Keep us advised



This, and keep calling lawyers if one says they probably can't help.  Pay more for a good law firm.  They will get a percentage of any settlement so they will work hard to get you as much as possible.  The more they get for you, the more they make for themselves.

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Don't forget to hit your now x employer, that shit with making you move, then fireing you is rather bullshit, and can be viewed as a form of entrapment as well, spec if you had been upfront about your MS from the get go. I hate to say it, but, do not be nice, all the company, and rental agancy want is your money, and not to pay out there responsabilitys. 

Plus with you being in a full body cast, you might want to look into a long term care facility, I really do not like saying that, but, I know I have trouble just keeping food on the table, careing for another person would put me on the street withen a month. I really would rather not be living on the streets again.

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There's a lot of lawyers that take a case just like this and if you win they will get a part of it. Please don't give up , I would think 🤔 you may be able to get a lot less money up to just do the move to your parents house, then you might be at least in a safe house to go forward with the lawsuits , you maybe able to find a conversant place for a temporary housing also . Call a welfare to see if they can get you some emergency money, Red Cross may help also. 

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Today I found out I had filed for disability in June (MS), so that is good news!  Looking forward to finally getting some cash in.  However, I really shouldn't be living alone.  I fell twice last night and got lucky I didn't get more than a few bruises and cuts.  Everything has gotten worse since the attack...




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