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Sam's Vacation


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Great chapter.  As I am reading this, a thought keeps popping up in my head.  Is it possible to be regressed due to at least a perceived forbidden love? I am wondering if Sam’s mind is causing her to regress so that Nina will love her as much as she loves Nina. 
I am looking forward to seeing more. I have a feeling the escape room is not going to be very easy and that diaper is going to be tested. 

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I make a point every Thursday to check how this story is going. Sam is a very interesting character. She's super insecure and defensive about the optics of her condition, she's had these lifelong mental blocks in place to distance herself from it, and now that she's been forced to face that wall head on she's realizing that nobody thinks less of her, and that she's allowed to be vulnerable. She's slowly latching onto Nina as a kind of safety blanket through the process...and now Nina seems to have cottoned on to what's going on and is trying to coax Sam out of her shell. At least that's my read of it?

This is a great story Elfy 😁 Looking forward to seeing how the endgame plays out.

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14 hours ago, lilmissapricot said:

I make a point every Thursday to check how this story is going. Sam is a very interesting character. She's super insecure and defensive about the optics of her condition, she's had these lifelong mental blocks in place to distance herself from it, and now that she's been forced to face that wall head on she's realizing that nobody thinks less of her, and that she's allowed to be vulnerable. She's slowly latching onto Nina as a kind of safety blanket through the process...and now Nina seems to have cottoned on to what's going on and is trying to coax Sam out of her shell. At least that's my read of it?

This is a great story Elfy 😁 Looking forward to seeing how the endgame plays out.

Thank you!

I've written quite a few Sam stories (and more to come!) and although the situation is always different Sam is always the same (or at least very similar). She is always defensive about her size, usually she has to be forced into babyhood, it's been interesting to write a story where no one is really forcing her to be a baby. You could argue the Midforest employee did a little bit but she needed a little push in that direction :D

I will say the next Sam story is a sequel to a previous one ("Sam's Flight to Babyhood") that I think will also have a unique take on the character. I'm hoping that will be ready to start being posted once this one is finished :)

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Your Sam stories are excellent Elfy. The one where Sam was busted at a party by the Police and given to social services had a real twist to it, hopefully there will be a return visit to the woman who she had to stay with at some point. Keep writing, you are very good at it!

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It's time for Sam's vacation to continue and their next activity is an escape room. Before reaching it Amy has some questions for Sam and then, once locked in a room together, Sam quickly realises she may have made a terrible mistake.


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and eveything else are the same across both



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Half an hour later it was time to get going. Sam dropped off the couch and quickly pulled her skirt down. She needed to visit the bathroom but she wasn’t going to be able to get the diaper off without ripping the tapes. It wasn’t a problem after another few minutes. As Sam was tying her shoelaces she took the time to relax her bladder and wet her diaper. She closed her eyes as the warmth enveloped her, the now familiar feeling of her own pee being held against her body and warming her up.

“Everything alright, Sam?” Chrissy asked.

Sam looked up from her position kneeling to tie her laces. She saw the other three looking at her and realised that as she peed her pants she had completely stopped moving. Amy and Chrissy looked confused whilst Nina, standing behind them, twitched a quick smile before turning away. Sam muttered an apology and quickly finished tying her shoes.

When Sam stood up she could immediately feel the difference between the wet diaper and the dry one it had been previously. She waddled out behind everyone and waited for Amy to close the door. Nina and Chrissy were already at the road at the end of the little path that led to the front door.

“Sam…” Amy said quietly when she had locked the door, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” Sam replied.

“Erm, I don’t want to upset you…” Amy looked unsure.

“Is it something that is likely to upset me?” Sam asked semi-jokingly.

“I don’t know.” Amy replied honestly.

“OK, I promise I won’t get upset.” Sam said.

“Is there anything going on between you and Nina?” Amy asked.

If Sam had been drinking she would have spat it all out on the floor in front of her. She hadn’t been expecting that question at all. She had tried to keep things on the down low since she wasn’t even sure how she felt yet. Sam became aware that Amy was waiting for a response as her own eyes darted around and she nervously fumbled over her words.

“W-Why do you ask?” Sam finally said. She immediately realised that answering Amy’s question with her own likely gave the answer away.

“Just… you two have seemed to spending a bunch of time with each other.” Amy shrugged, “And you’ve been acting a bit… differently?”

“Differently?” Sam repeated.

“Yeah, I mean, normally you wouldn’t be caught dead being treated like a kid or anything. I’ve seen you practically bite the heads off people for making that mistake. But in the last few days…” Amy trailed off a little and looked around. She squatted down a little and spoke much quieter, “You’re wearing a diaper again aren’t you?”

Sam immediately looked down and felt the familiar embarrassment rising up. She hadn’t realised it was so obvious. Maybe everyone could see she was padded just from looking at her. All this time she thought she had limited who knew but perhaps literally anyone who looked at her could instantly tell. She was suddenly massively regretting the skirt and childish shirt.

“I mean it doesn’t bother me!” Amy quickly added when she saw how uncomfortable Sam had suddenly become, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. Forget about it.”

Before Sam could even work out how to formulate a response to all this Amy quickly apologised again and hurried down to the road with the others. Sam kept her eyes down as she turned and followed Amy to the tarmacked street.

“What’s wrong?” Nina asked as soon as Sam reached them.

“Nothing.” Sam replied.

“But-…” Nina started.

“I said I’m fine!” Sam snapped.

There was an awkward silence. Sam looked away from the group. She knew she shouldn’t be taking her frustration or anger out on her friends, especially Nina, but it was an almost instinctive reaction borne from years of being ultra-defensive. Nina didn’t press the issue though when Sam glanced up she seemed to look concerned.

“Right, let’s go.” Chrissy said, “We don’t want to be late and get locked OUT of the escape room.”

It was a relatively short walk to the escape rooms. There were three of them and they were each themed differently. Sam saw one that was clearly meant to look like a cabin on an old cruise ship, another was set up like a rustic old cabin in the woods and the third was very futuristic and sci-fi.

“That’s our one.” Amy said as she nodded to the science-fiction door.

The four of them went to the door and waited. They were five minutes early and as they milled around outside other groups turned up for the other rooms. Sam felt prickly again, she hated that she had snapped at Nina, she was about to apologise when two people in Midforest uniforms walked into the room.

“Everyone ready?” One of them asked after the usual greetings.

The groups all smiled and murmured that they were indeed prepared.

“OK, just so you know, there are cameras in each of the rooms and you’ll all be monitored.” The other employee said after everyone had confirmed they were ready, “There is a button next to the door, if you get really, really stuck we can give you hints. Likewise, if there’s an emergency press the button. However, if we have to open the door, for safety and fairness, we have to end the game there so we try to avoid that if at all possible!”

“These rooms are all roughly equal in difficulty.” The first person continued, “So we can have a little race to see which of you finish first. We’re going to the control desk, when the light above the door turns green you can head in and start. Any questions?”

Sam didn’t have any questions but she was somewhat surprised that no one was telling her she was too small to do it. She didn’t think she was too small for the activity but other people usually had a different opinion. It was nice, for once, to be able to do things with her friends. The two staff members walked away and Sam waited with everyone else, she felt like there was a slightly nervous tension in the air but couldn’t wait to start as she had noticed the people in the other groups giving her curious looks. Whether they thought she was a baby who was too young to do this because of her size or if they could tell she was padded she had no idea.

Thankfully the lights above the door turned green and there was a click as the locks disengaged. Sam was the last of the four girls to walk into the futuristic themed room. She broke into a big smile when she looked around, it really did look fantastic, as if she had stepped out of the forest and into a totally different world.

“This is so cool!” Chrissy exclaimed as she walked across to a shelf full of vials of strangely coloured liquids.

“Hold on, don’t touch anything.” Amy said as she went to a sealed envelope sitting on a metal table in the middle of the room, “You might mess up the puzzles!”

“Sam, do you want to read it?” Amy asked as she held out the envelope.

Sam took it. She rather felt like Amy was testing the waters in terms of whether she had offended her earlier. The letter was sealed with wax and stamped with the Midforest logo, it almost felt like a shame to tear it open. Sam pulled out the paper and unfolded it.

“Attention cadets!” Sam said extravagantly as she got into the role play aspect, “You are on the space station Sevastopol which has experienced catastrophic failure and is plunging into the atmosphere of the nearby planet!”

Sam paused for dramatic effect and Nina covered her mouth in shock causing everyone to laugh.

“You are our last hopes for saving the station. It is imperative that you work together to get the mainframe computer back up and running. You have one hour. Good luck, cadets!” Sam finished.

As Sam finished reading a digital display above the door they had entered turned on showing sixty minutes. It immediately started counting down. Everyone looked around, there didn’t seem to be any more information on how they should start going about their task.

Sam was happy to spend a minute just marvelling at the set that had been built. There were computer banks with flashing lights and dials around the room and even a porthole with the blackness of space outside. Sam looked at the computer screens, they were flashing warning messages and asking for a password that would reboot the system. Aside from the computers there were some space bunks on the other side of the room as well as a vent and another door next to it. Aside from that there were a lot of other things that, whether they had use in the puzzle or not, provided nice set dressing. Scientific equipment, a partially built robot and about a dozen other things that demanded Sam’s attention.

“So… what do we do?” Chrissy asked.

“Was there anything else in the envelope?” Nina asked.

Sam turned the envelope upside down. When she did so a small key fell to the floor. Without thinking she bent down to pick it up, it was only as she straightened up again that she realised she had just flashed her diaper to her friends and anyone who was watching the camera feed. She blushed as she held up the key.

“A key!” Nina quickly said to try and distract from Sam’s indiscretion.

“For what?” Chrissy asked as she looked around.

“It does seem a bit out of place…” Amy muttered as she looked at all the futuristic gadgets.

The girls got to work looking for anything that seemed to have a lock. It took five minutes before Nina announced she had found a chest underneath one of the bunks. The key fit and the chest opened.

The activity carried on like that for twenty minutes. Each puzzle answer gave a new clue and the girls were having a lot of fun in their “space station.” It was after those twenty minutes that Sam felt an uncomfortable feeling growing in her tummy, one that she remembered very well from the previous day. She nervously looked up at the timer, there was still thirty-eight minutes to go.

“Sam? Have you seen a screwdriver?” Chrissy asked as she walked over to the drawer Sam was looking through, “I’m determined to get more clues right than Amy…”

“I think I saw one on one of the lower shelves.” Sam said distractedly.

“Perfect.” Chrissy replied as she turned and hurried across the room again.

Sam bit her lip as her tummy complained again. There was no way she was going to make until they unlocked the door, she didn’t know what to do, if she asked to be let out she would end the experience for all of them. Hindsight was twenty-twenty and she now knew she shouldn’t have had a breakfast quite so rich in fibre. She saw Nina at one of the computer consoles, she looked at the other two who were distracted and waddled over to her.

“Hey…” Sam said quietly.

“Hi. I don’t suppose you’ve seen any four digit numbers anywhere?” Nina asked as she frowned and looked at the screen.

“No.” Sam replied, “Listen, I…”

“Ah ha!” Chrissy suddenly exclaimed attracting everyone’s attention, “Screwdriver!”

“What do you need that for?” Nina asked as she walked over leaving Sam alone at the computer.

As Chrissy explained her thinking Sam cringed and leaned against the metal of the computer bank. She closed her eyes as she felt another pain in her belly. This was becoming a critical situation, she was fairly sure that even if she pressed the emergency button right then she wouldn’t make it to the toilet. Her face was flushing with heat, she had done this just the previous day and now it seemed inevitable it was going to happen again.

Sam was still thinking about what she was going to do when she felt her struggling sphincter partially open. She covered her mouth as she felt poop push out of her for an inch or so before she clamped down again. Her heart was pounding. Whether it was the fibre or something else her control seemed greatly diminished, despite her problems she had rarely known a need for the toilet to come on this quickly.

“So we need to go through the vent to the other side of the door?” Amy asked. She was referring to a door on the opposite side to the entrance, “Who do we send through?”

“Well, I think we could squeeze through but…” Chrissy turned to Sam and the other two followed suit.

Sam couldn’t say anything. Every muscle she had was contracted against the inevitable. Her legs were shaking and her eyes watered. Her friends may not have known there was a problem before but now it was obvious.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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Poor Sam.  I figured there might be an accident while she was in the escape room but I had no idea it was going to be that bad. I wonder what her friends are going to think of her now.  I am sure Nina already has a change ready for her but Amy and Chrissy are starting to wonder what is going on. 
I am looking forward to seeing what happens next. 

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Sam's in trouble but there's still n escpe room to finish. Can she and her friends figure out the puzzles or will they have to tap out?


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and eveything else are the same across both



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“Sam?” Nina hurried back across the room and knelt down in front of Sam with concern etched across her face, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m…” Sam started. She had no idea how to tell her friend she was actively pooping herself. She had thought being found in the messy diaper the previous day was as bad as things could get but she had been very wrong. This was much worse.

Sam’s body answered for her. She felt a cramp building through her bowels and she knew there was only one way to relieve it. With Nina hands on her shoulders Sam lowered herself into a squat. Before she had even reached her lowest point the rest of the first turd that had been poking out of her emerged and dropped into the padding, she exhaled softly as her butthole closed but there was more to come. She could only imagine how she looked, squatting in front of the others like this.

“Oh… god…” Chrissy was muttering but in the now mostly quiet room her voice carried to every corner.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Sam cried as tears ran down her cheeks. She was still fighting the rest of the waste that felt like it was piling up at her backdoor. A useless battle that she would inevitably lose.

“Shush, it’s OK.” Nina said quietly, “Sam, look at me. It’s OK.”

Sam looked up at Nina but it felt like the hardest thing she had ever done. She felt so ashamed. A second later her resistance gave up. Her eyes closed and she held her breath. Just as her tummy muscles tensed and pushed she felt Nina’s arms wrap her in a tight hug that she didn’t let go. Sam could hear Nina whispering to her as a sticky mass spread over the back of her diaper.

“It’s OK.” Nina kept repeating, “I’m right here. You’re going to be alright.”

Sam grunted. Her hands balled up into fists and she separated her legs a little more. There was a rush of hot sticky poop that pushed out the back and bottom of her diaper. She let out a breathy exhale as she stopped pushing. The heavy disposable felt like it might now be sticking out under her skirt.

“That’s it.” Nina continued to quietly whisper, “Everything is going to be fine.”

Sam covered her face with her hands and could feel the wetness of her tears on her cheeks. As soon as she had finished pushing she relaxed her bladder and soaked the front. At this point she felt out of breath and leaned forward into the cuddle which felt like the only thing keeping her from losing her mind.

“Is everything OK in there?” A female voice came through the speakers. Clearly an employee of Midforest.

“Erm…” Chrissy hesitated to say anything.

Sam was still wrapped in a hug with Nina. She could smell herself and was shocked that her crush wasn’t gagging and running away. Sam’s tears had calmed down and one of Nina’s hands was up and stroking the back of her head.

“I’ll tell them to unlock the door.” Amy said as she started towards the intercom.

“W-Wait!” Sam suddenly blurted out.

Everyone stopped and looked at Sam. She finally untangled herself from Nina and stood up slowly. She winced as she felt her heavy load rubbing against her skin and pulling her diaper lower. She swallowed nervously, she could see her friends looking at her with concern and not a little disgust. Bearing in mind what she had just done right in front of them she could hardly blame them.

“If… If you can put up with the smell we… we could continue.” Sam hesitantly suggested. She was surprising herself in some ways.

“Are you sure?” Nina asked with concern, “I’m sure no one will blame you for ending it.”

“I don’t want to ruin it for everyone.” Sam said, “If you guys want to keep going then we can keep going.”

Sam saw Amy and Chrissy look at each other. The smell was clearly spreading. She wondered if they both wanted to leave but neither had the heart to say so. Eventually Chrissy shrugged and Amy walked over to the microphone and pressed the button.

“Erm… We’re fine. Thanks.” Amy said.

“You really don’t have to stay in here doing this.” Nina said quietly to Sam, “I’m sure we’d all be happy to leave if it would make you more comfortable.”

“I’ll be OK.” Sam replied in a slightly choked voice, “We must nearly be done, right?”

Nina smiled and gave her a little nod. Sam stood still as her taller friend leaned forwards and gave her a small kiss on the forehead, for just a brief second Sam forgot all about her predicament.

“Alright, well…” Chrissy was still looking like she would’ve rather left the room but didn’t want to be the one to say it, “We need to go through this little vent still.”

“I’ll do it.” Sam said.

“Are you sure?” Amy asked.

“Guys, please…” Sam said as she waddled into the middle of the room, “If we’re going to carry on can we just try to pretend everything is normal?”

Sam saw her friends nod but she understood how impossible what she was asking of them was. She couldn’t realistically hope that they wouldn’t act differently towards her after she had just filled her pants. She grimaced a little as she went across to the vent, the diaper’s contents shifted with each step and she wondered if the bottom of her disposable was peeking underneath her skirt. It certainly felt heavy enough to be poking out.

Chrissy had already unscrewed the vent covering. It was a short tunnel but it would clearly be easier for Sam to traverse than the others, even so, she would have to get on her hands and knees. As she looked at the small hole she thought about how well she was taking everything. Before the week had started she had always thought she would throw herself off a building if she did anything so childish and humiliating. Now she had lived through her worst nightmare multiple times and yet not only had she not died from embarrassment but she was carrying on almost like everything was normal. She didn’t know how things had changed so much.

“Alright, so I think there’s a button or something on the other side.” Amy said. Sam saw she was very pointedly breathing through her mouth.

Sam dropped to her hands and knees. She heard gasps behind her and cringed, no doubt her friends could see her diaper under her skirt but she hadn’t thought that the damage she had done would be clearly visible. She could practically feel their eyes burning a hole into her bulging and stinky behind. Her automatic reaction was to freeze up but after a few seconds she decided the only way through it was forwards.

With slightly awkward movements Sam crawled forwards. She quickly found that crawling in a messy diaper was even worse than walking in one, the poop rubbed against her and spread even more. Crawling in a diaper she had just filled as her friends watched her, it was easily the most like a babyish she had ever felt. She found that she wasn’t nearly as upset about it as she would’ve thought and wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or not.

It only took a few seconds for Sam to scamper through but once she was on the other side of the door she breathed a sigh of relief. It felt good to be out of view for a second. She leaned back against the wall and as she looked around she noticed a blinking light in the corner, of course she wasn’t alone and Sam started wondering just how much the people on the other end of the camera had seen.

“Sam?” Nina’s voice called through the tunnel, “Can you see a button or anything?”

“Hold on, I’m just looking.” Sam shouted back.

The room on the other side of the door was very small, barely bigger than a closet. It was dark with a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. It was so dark that basically every bit of the walls just a few feet down from the light were completely hidden. There was indeed a button next to the door, in fact there were half a dozen and each was a different colour. Sam could just about reach them when she stood on tiptoes. As she looked at the buttons she started to smell herself, the small unventilated space quickly being made toxic by her underwear.

“Erm, there’s a bunch of buttons.” Sam shouted through the vent, “Six of them.”

“Damn it.” Chrissy exclaimed in frustration. Patience never was her strong suit.

“They’re different colours.” Sam continued, “Red, blue, green, purple, yellow and orange.”

“Well there must be a clue in here somewhere…” Amy said thoughtfully, “Give us a minute, Sam.”

Sam leaned against the wall with her upper back taking special care to keep her diaper area away from anything solid. As she listened to her friends searching the main room for clues she wondered about how things would change. Once they all left Midforest would they all respect her after everything they had seen her do? Could she just go back to “normal?” Did she even want to? The strange fact of the situation was that Sam, after all of the accidents she had suffered through had rarely felt as at peace with the world as she did right then. Her walls had fallen and she didn’t feel the desperate need to prove anything to anyone for the first time in her memory. She’d always thought being exposed, being shown up in any way as anything less than a totally mature adult, would be the end of her but it had happened, repeatedly, and she was still OK. If anything she was happier than ever before just to not be constantly on guard, it had allowed her to get closer to Nina so it couldn’t be all bad.

“Alright Sam, we have an idea.” Amy yelled, “Try…”

A sequence of buttons was read out and Sam dutifully pressed each one. Everyone watched the door expecting it to slide open but it didn’t. Instead, a new button lit up, one shining a bright white light from it. It was above the other ones and obscured by the darkness which was why Sam had missed it before.

“Nothing?” Chrissy asked.

“There’s a new button.” Sam said as she stretched and stood on tip-toes. It was just out of reach, “I can’t reach it.”

“Hold on, I’m coming through.” Nina said.

“No, I’m OK.” Sam replied, “I can do it.”

Sam stretched as much as she could. She heard her diaper crinkle as she reached up and was just about able to touch the bottom of the panel that this new button was on. She gritted her teeth and stretched a little more. With her other hand she leant against the door. Finally, with one big effort she jumped and smacked the button with her hand.

A lot of things then happened very quickly. Sam was essentially a passenger to events as time seemed to slow down to give her just enough time to realise everything that was happening. Firstly, it turned out that the laws of physics still applied and as she hit the button she was pushed backwards, it was only a slight movement but when she was already so off-balance it was all that was needed. She started to topple over backwards as the door she hand been resting her hand on quickly slid open.

Sam’s eyes flew wide as she stumbled and was twisted around. She saw her three friends standing at the doorway and looking through to her, she reached out her two little arms but it was all for nothing. She started falling backwards. It seemed like it took an age for her to hit the floor but she landed in a sitting position with her heavily soiled diaper the only thing cushioning the drop.

It felt like an explosion. The poop had piled into a lump since it had been deposited in the diaper but now it was rapidly flattened between the floor and Sam’s butt. The sticky mush shot in every direction. Sam could immediately feel the hot excrement heading up her lower back and around the front until it seemed liked she was entirely coated. For a horrifying minute she thought the diaper had burst or leaked but it seemed like the disposable still managed to hold.

“Ugh…” Was all Sam could say.

“Are you OK?” Nina asked quickly as she rushed forwards. She seemed to hit an invisible wall as the smell escaped the confined space.

“Y-Yeah… I’m OK.” Sam said as she gingerly stood up.

Sam was fine physically but that didn’t change the fact that her whole diaper area was now covered in her waste. She gingerly walked out of the small room and back into the properly lit main area, she saw Chrissy step back to give her a wide berth. Nina and Chrissy were looking down at Sam with concern and barely disguised disgust respectively.

“Ah ha!” Amy suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone jumped at the sudden noise. Thankfully Sam stayed on her feet this time and turned around to see Amy pointing at the back wall of the tiny area. With the light of the main room now flooding in they could all see a grid of numbers that had been previously hidden by the darkness.

“The code must be in here somewhere.” Amy said as she brought a finger up to her mouth in thought.

“Well can you find it quickly?” Chrissy asked. Her nose was wrinkled up.

“Chrissy…” Nina hissed, “Can you show a little compassion?”

“I’m sorry.” Chrissy replied, “I really am, but it smells so bad in here.”

“Sorry.” Sam said quietly.

“It’s alright.” Nina put a hand on Sam’s shoulder, “Nobody blames you.”

When Sam looked up she saw Chrissy open her mouth like she was about to disagree with Nina but then turned it into a big yawn at the last moment. She flashed Sam a quick smile before retreating to the furthest wall. Nina crouched down.

“Don’t worry about her.” Nina said quietly, “No one’s angry or upset. It’s just…”

“It stinks.” Sam replied, “Believe me I’m aware of that. Let’s just let Amy finish the puzzle and we can get out of here… Thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me?” Nina asked.

“Because… This would all be a lot worse without you here.” Sam replied honestly, “You’re the only thing keeping me together.”

“Then I’m glad to be here.” Nina smiled widely.

Sam was blushing as Nina stood up and they all looked at Amy who was still looking at the numbers and thinking. There was very little the rest of them could do as Amy had very much taken over. They were standing round for five minutes in near silence before Amy finally let out a squeal. She spun around and practically ran across to the main computer. She pressed four buttons and then a victory fanfare played.

The countdown above the door cleared and was replaced by a large “Congratulations!” before the door clicked and swung open. Chrissy was the first to hurry out followed by Amy and Nina with Sam bringing up the rear.

It turned out that the four girls were the last to complete their room. As they walked out they saw the other groups happily chatting about the fun they had. There were a few Midforest employees talking with people as well, Sam didn’t spend too long looking at them and kept her head tilted down at the floor.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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A small voice in the back of my head is telling me that Nina may have something to do with Sam's potty issues. I think that she is grooming Sam for a mdlg relationship. Even if Sam finds out, I don't think she would mind because of her crush on her.

This is definitely my favorite Sam story so far. I look forward to next week's chapter! 

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Great chapter.  I was a little surprised that Sam didn’t have a meltdown after this latest accident.  But then when you explained her reasoning, it made sense.  I could actually understand how she might be relieved having the pressure to be an adult removed from her.  I still see Nina taking on more of a maternal role with Sam and Sam still seeing it as a romantic relationship. 
I will be waiting for next Thursday again. 

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11 hours ago, Jayme said:

The last chapter was repeated or could it be a double post?

Thanks for letting me know. Yeah, weirdly it seems the last chapter posted twice.

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After the highly embarrassing episode in the escape room Sam is in desperate need for a change. Thankfully there is someone on hand to help her out.


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and everything else are the same across both



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“What’s that smell?” One of the children with one of the other groups asked loudly.

The room fell quiet as people sniffed the air. Sam was going red and she wished they could just leave. It seemed like Nina was about to steer her towards the exit when a woman in a Midforest uniform appeared in front of them.

“I know that smell.” It was Karen. Sam looked up and saw the older woman looking down at her, “Come on, we can get you cleaned up before you go.”

“N-No!” Sam stuttered.

Sam already knew that Karen didn’t particularly think much of Sam’s opinion. Before anyone could react Sam had been hoisted into the air and held against Karen’s chest, she didn’t need to be able to see behind her to know her skirt had lifted up and was showing the sorry state of her diaper to anyone who looked her way.

Sam struggled. She didn’t want to be changed by Karen again. They were finished with the activity and could just go home where she could clean up in peace and, most importantly, alone. She grunted and whined as she tried, without success, to pull herself free of Karen’s hands.

“Wait!” Nina shouted.

Sam was pressed against Karen’s chest and therefore couldn’t see what was happening. She did hear footsteps quickly run around to Karen’s front stopping the woman in her tracks. Sam was still squirming and trying to get put down.

“I’ll take her.” Nina said firmly.

Sam stopped wriggling and her eyes went wide. She never in a million years would have thought she would think this way but she really wanted Nina to change her diaper. If the alternative was Karen doing it then Nina it was clearly the better option. For once the idea of changing herself vanished. Sam seemed to just take it for granted that someone was going to do it for her. She couldn’t say she was wholly against the idea if it was someone she trusted.

“I couldn’t make you do that.” Karen said, “From the smell of it this is going to be a tricky change. Not something a young woman like you should have to do. If you want to wait I’ll have her changed in just a few minutes.”

“It’s not your choice to make.” Nina replied stubbornly.

Sam didn’t know whether Nina was arguing for Sam’s body autonomy of if she was saying that she, Nina, was the one making that choice. Sam bit her lip and found that she liked the idea of her friend taking control of the situation like that. It felt like everyone else in the room had disappeared as a battle of wills developed. In truth, everyone was looking at Sam who was giving off the perfect picture of a little baby having her custody fought over by two women.

“I’m happy to-…” Karen started.

“Hand her over.” Nina said. Her voice brooked no argument.

“If you insist.” Karen’s voice was slightly cold.

Sam had never been so happy to be picked up by someone. Karen held her out and Nina took her with Sam reaching out her hands like a small child asking to be picked up. Instead of Nina’s chest Sam was sat on her hip. She could feel the poopy contents of her diaper shifting again but she could hardly get dirtier than she already was.

Sam could see there were a lot of very confused people. None more so than her friends, Chrissy and Amy, who seemed to hardly believe the bizarre series of events they had witnessed. Despite the embarrassing situation Sam could hardly hide her smile as Nina adjusted her slightly. Sam noticed she was primarily looking at Karen though.

“Come on, Sam.” Nina said as if Sam had any input in where she was carried.

Nina turned away and carried Sam towards the bathrooms. Like each of the other places with toilets there was a dedicated changing room next to them and Nina was making a beeline towards that door. Sam looked back behind them and was faintly amused to see Chrissy haranguing Karen.

“How dare you pick my friend up without asking!?” Chrissy was saying as Amy held her back, “If she wants your help she’ll ask! I’m going to report you to…”

Sam didn’t hear any more as Nina carried her into the baby changing room and closed the door. It locked with a click and both Nina and Sam seemed to let out simultaneous deep breaths which then made them both laugh.

Sam was expecting Nina to put her down as soon as they were in private but she was carried across to the changing table instead. Sam looked up at Nina with questioning eyes but Nina was smiling, she seemed to know what she was doing even if Sam didn’t. She reached down to the bottom of Sam’s rainbow shirt and after a small pause lifted it over her head. Sam raised her arms to make it easier for her.

“You don’t mind me helping you?” Nina asked quietly.

Sam shook her head. Far from minding it Sam was excited.

With her shirt removed Sam slowly lowered herself down on to her back as Nina grabbed the waistband of her skirt and started pulling it down. Soon Sam was laying on the table in nothing but her heavily soiled padding. She was red in the face and found it hard to look at Nina. It seemed that by “helping” Nina meant she was going to do it all. Sam was surprised to feel very alright with that.

Sam heard the tapes of the diaper pull away from the landing zone. The smell instantly intensified to near unbearable levels. The front of the disposable slumped down between Sam’s legs as Nina closed her eyes and looked away, it seemed to be less to do with what the inside of the diaper looked like and more to do with the stink.

“Sorry.” Nina said in a strained voice, “I don’t want to make you feel bad, it’s just… wow.”

“No, I’m sorry.” Sam replied in a rather dejected voice, “I should be able to do these things without embarrassing myself and you guys.”

Sam was feeling rather sorry for herself again. Even if she was a bit more accepting that she was different than she had been at the start of the vacation she still felt that she was a horrible burden. Fortunately it didn’t take long for Nina to recover and start cleaning. Sam felt that mix of embarrassment and excitement that she always seemed to feel around Nina these days. The soft touch of her fingers as she used the wipes to clean her left a trail of tingles.

“You’re allowed to breath you know.” Nina said with a smirk.

It was only after Nina had mentioned it that Sam realised she had been holding her breath. She let out a deep exhale and laughed nervously. She didn’t think she could be blamed for not knowing how to handle such an odd situation.

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this…” Sam said with a shake of the head.

Nina simply smiled as she continued her work. There was a lot to clean up and Sam spent the whole time playing with her fingers and feeling like she should be doing something to help. She wondered what her other friends thought about all of this. She must seem like the biggest baby to them.

“It’s actually not as bad as it seems.” Nina said as she gave Sam a last few swipes with a clean wipe and then pulled the soiled diaper away.

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” Sam replied.

“No, I’m serious.” Nina shrugged as she taped the used diaper into a ball, “Once the initial surprise passed it was pretty easy. Something I could get used to.”

Sam felt herself blushing. Was Nina talking about when she had her own kids or…

“Right, I’ll just tape you into a fresh one and we’ll be ready to go home.” Nina said as she pulled a diaper out from under the table. It turned out the changing rooms at Midforest were all well-stocked for diaper changes.

As Sam’s butt was lifted into the air she realised she could probably have told Nina this wasn’t necessary and that since they were going back to the lodge she probably didn’t need a fresh diaper. She also realised that she wasn’t saying anything and as she was lowered on to the fresh padding she felt content. A feeling that only grew as the diaper was pulled up between her legs and taped closed. It was a feeling of safety, a feeling that she didn’t have to worry about making it to the bathroom.

With the new diaper in place Nina picked up Sm’s shirt and pulled it over her head. It seemed that Nina had taken everything into her own hands. She even helped Sam back into her skirt once she was off the table.

“All set?” Nina asked once Sam was dressed.

“I think so.” Sam replied. She looked at the door and grimaced, “What will the others think about… everything?”

“I think they’ll just be happy that you’re OK.” Nina replied, “And you shouldn’t worry about anything. If they were going to be asses about any of this they would’ve done it by now.”

“I guess so.” Sam shrugged, “It’s just not… normal.”

“Normal is overrated.” Nina replied, “I’ll show you.”

Sam was about to ask what Nina meant but she was already walking over and lifting her up. Sam yelped as she left the ground and clutched on to Nina’s wrists with her small hands. She gasped as Nina spun around and then held Sam on her hip like a child. Sam’s cheeks went pink as she tried to work out how she should react to any of this.

“Most people would say it isn’t “normal” to pick up another woman and carry her around like this.” Nina said, “But you just watch me.”

Sam was given every opportunity to tell Nina to stop but the increasingly confident woman’s control was intoxicating to Sam. She bit her lip as Nina unlocked the door then she stepped out into the lobby area. Sam saw that Karen and the other employees were still there, in fact, they were welcoming the next few groups who were going into the rooms. On the far side Amy and Chrissy were leaning against the wall. They definitely looked confused about what they were seeing as Sam was carried across the large room.

“Ready to go?” Nina asked cheerily.

It seemed that Amy and Chrissy were not as prepared to act like everything was normal as Sam and Nina were. To be fair to them, they had just seen their two friends, one of whom had massively pooped herself, disappear into the baby changing room and then come back out with one of them sitting on the other’s hip. It was even more unusual when compared with Sam’s usual disdain for anything even vaguely childlike.

“Sure.” Chrissy said. She almost sounded defeated, like she had been trying to work out what had been going on and utterly failed to do so.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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Wonderful chapter.  I think Nina is coming around and is developing some stronger material feelings. Nina saying that she could get used to this didn’t come as a total surprise. I think she has been wanting to take care of Sam for some time.  It’s only now that Sam is allowing herself to be taken care of that. Nina is more willing to step in and take charge. Before she didn’t want to embarrass her. 
I am looking forward to seeing more. 

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With the traumatic escape room finished Sam and her friends go back to the lodge. But what has the day's events done to their relationships?


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They walked back to the lodge. To be more precise Amy, Chrissy and Nina walked back to the lodge. Sam spent the whole trip in Nina’s arms and despite the embarrassment she still occasionally felt there was no place in the world she would rather be. By the time they were at the front door Sam was leaning forward with her head resting against Nina.

There were no plans for the rest of the day other than hanging out and having fun. The girls all retired to their rooms to chill out for a while. Sam was placed on Nina’s bed, the taller woman then laid flopped down and laid on her back. After a second of hesitation Sam crawled next to her and curled up between her body and her arm.

“I think I’m going to have a nap.” Sam said with a yawn.

“Sure, I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.” Nina said. She went to stand up but Sam reached an arm across her, the message was received and Nina laid back down again.

In silence the two women cuddled for a few more minutes before Nina sat up. Sam was already half asleep and with the free space Sam slid up the bed. She felt the warmth of where Nina had been laying, she could smell her intoxicating smell.

“Have a good rest.” Nina said.

Sam slipped under the covers which Nina pulled up and over her. Sam smiled as Nina stayed another couple of seconds to look down at her. Finally she turned away and Sam was left alone in the bedroom, she very quickly fell asleep.

When Sam woke up ninety minutes later her first thoughts were of pure panic. For several long moments she replayed the morning in her head and felt embarrassed by everything that had happened. She cringed under the covers and wondered how she kept letting this happen, how she kept thinking it was OK to act like a child. But then she remembered Nina’s reactions to it all, how she had helped and made Sam feel so much better about everything that had happened. She slowly emerged from her cover feeling happier. Nina was right. Normal was overrated and if she could accept Sam for who she was perhaps Sam should be more honest with herself.

Sam pulled the covers down. Having napped in her clothes she was feeling rather warm so she lowered herself down off the bed and undressed down to her diaper. It crinkled comfortingly around her waist as she walked around to her clothes, she was about to pull out some new things to wear when she paused and looked into the mirror.

With her diaper on display Sam didn’t feel the expected embarrassment. Instead it felt… normal. It felt like that was how she was supposed to be dressed. She felt safe and secure, a lot of the anxieties she often had seemed to fade away. She went back to the clothes she had just taken off and put her shirt back on. Leaving her skirt on the floor she walked to the door and after a last minute wobble pulled the handle and opened it.

Sam heard the other three talking but as the door swung open they stopped. Sam’s heart was hammering as she waddled out of the bedroom with her baby diaper on full display. The shirt covered the top of the waistband but most of the rest was completely open. Sam could see the girls looking shocked as she walked around the couch.

“Hey, Sam…” Chrissy said with a frown.

“Hello.” Sam replied. She acted as if nothing was unusual about this.

Unlike the other two Nina was smiling and leaned down to help Sam up on to the couch. It seemed like the more Sam accepted her limitations and the diapers she was now wearing constantly the more confident Nina was becoming. Sam sat on the couch with her legs crossed leaving her diaper a little more hidden. After staring for a few seconds Amy and Chrissy looked at each other and then back to the television they were watching.

After the initial awkwardness things started to settle down. Before long the four of them were talking and laughing as usual. After watching a film they played a board game and by the end of that it was like Sam had always openly been in diapers, no one paid it any attention.

“What are we doing for dinner?” Nina asked as the afternoon turned to evening.

“I’ll order in some burgers.” Chrissy said as she picked up her phone.

No one was going to complain and about half an hour later the doorbell rang as the food arrived. Chrissy went to pick it up whilst the others started for the table. Sam dropped off the edge of the seat and felt like she needed to pee, she didn’t even hesitate. Standing suddenly still Sam relaxed and instantly felt warmth spreading throughout the padding. She closed her eyes as a small smile crossed her face.

It was a feeling Sam had quickly learnt to enjoy. When she pushed aside all of her emotions she could concentrate on the pure physical sensations. The relief of emptying her bladder, the feeling of the padding expanding, the warmth spreading from front to back, it all felt really nice. Sam slowly opened her eyes and saw Nina was watching her with her eyebrows raised.

Sam ducked her head like a puppy being caught doing something naughty. When she looked back up she saw Nina give her a quick smile and head to the table. The smile made Sam’s heart melt. Unlike any of the other times she had used her diaper there was no doubting that this wasn’t an accident. The bathroom was right there and completely unoccupied but Sam had chosen not to use it. She could pretend she wet herself to avoid wasting the diaper but that would’ve been a lie and she didn’t think anyone would buy it.

As Chrissy walked back in with the food Sam hurried across to the table. The expanded disposable rubbed against her thighs with every step, she didn’t know how obvious it was that she had wet herself but she definitely felt like she was waddling more than before. She had some difficulty climbing on to the chairs at the table until Nina helped by lifting her up, something that was becoming a very common occurrence.

For the rest of the evening Sam remained openly diapered. If the others hadn’t noticed that she was wet right away they certainly did when they went back to the living room to play some more board games and watch television. Yet again, any shock Chrissy and Amy had about the wet diaper seemed to gradually disappear. Sam was struck by just how weird it was that everyone was so quick to accept all this. She wondered if her friends secretly thought she was a baby despite her protestations in the past. There was a brief flare of annoyance before she remembered how she was dressed and everything that had happened. She was in a difficult place. As much as she still wasn’t overly keen on being automatically thought of as a helpless baby just because of her size when Nina put her arm around her shoulders Sam couldn’t resist snuggling up into her as the diaper blossomed with fresh warmth.

“We should probably head to bed.” Nina said a little while later.

Sam had been leaning against Nina’s side and only realised she was half-asleep when she was moved slightly. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. It was fully dark outside now and Sam stretched as people started tidying up the empty chip packets and candy wrappers left on the table. Nina stood up and after leaning side to side to stretch her back she turned to Sam.

Without hesitation Sam smiled sleepily and lifted her hands towards her crush. Nina didn’t need much encouragement to lean forwards and lift her from the couch. Sam sighed happily as she was carried by Nina into the bedroom as if it was something they had done a thousand times before.

“You’re going to need a change.” Nina said as she put Sam down on the bed.

Sam quickly lowered herself off the side of the mattress as Nina started taking off her shirt and pants. She dropped to the floor and crouched on to her hands and knees with her big padded rear in the air. Sam reached under the bed and pulled out a new disposable. She noticed that the packet was nearly empty, she was shocked to consider how many diapers she must’ve gone through.

Sam stood back up and turned around with her new diaper in both hands. She was clutching it so it covered the top of her chest and the bottom of her blushing face. She swallowed nervously when she saw that Nina had stripped down to just her bra and panties, she felt herself stirring within her currently soaked underwear. She was beyond beautiful.

“Yes, you’re going to need that tonight.” Nina said with a wry smile.

The previous Sam would’ve thrown the diaper to the ground in anger at the assertion. She would’ve refused the padding regardless of how convenient it made everything and she wouldn’t have spoken to Nina for days, maybe weeks, afterwards. But this Sam was different. Instead of descending into a furious anger Sam she instead felt herself turning to jelly. For someone reason when Nina said these things it made her feel embarrassed in a way that made her tingle. With trembling hands she extended her arms and held the diaper out towards Nina

“You want me to change you?” Nina asked. She didn’t look surprised.

Sam quietly nodded her head. Her cheeks blazed but she wasn’t going to deny her feelings. She did want Nina to change her, she wanted Nina to look after her completely and forever. It wasn’t anything she could vocalise though, she hadn’t grown that comfortable with herself yet.

Nina reached down and took the diaper. Sam played with her fingers nervously before turning around and scrambling to climb back up on to the mattress. She struggled until she felt Nina’s hand on her soggy padding, it gave her just the added impetus she needed to get up on top of the bed. She laid down with her feet pointed at her crush and smiled nervously. This still felt so naughty.

“Hard to believe tomorrow is our last full day here.” Nina said as she bent over to pull off the tapes of the wet diaper.

Sam thought about Nina’s words. There was a certain fear that came with the idea of leaving Midforest. Would everything go back to how they had been before she came here? Did she WANT it to go back to how things were?

Everything that had happened at Midforest felt like it was in a bubble of some kind. It didn’t feel like it was part of her real life and that as soon as the bubble burst everything would be undone. She’d go back to being ultra-defensive of her size and suggestions of being little, maybe even Nina would lose interest once they were back around other people again. Sam fretted nervously as she was placed in a fresh diaper and taken to her crib.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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A really sweet chapter.  I feel pretty confident that Sam is regressing further only because she wants Nina to love her and the only way she sees that happening is if Nina cares for her like a mommy does for her baby. At this point I hope that when they do return, things remain as they are right now for them. 
This is an awesome story Elfy and I feel the ending is coming soon. I have really enjoyed it so far and look forward to seeing how it ends. 

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With the vacation drawing to a close the girls have one last thing they want to do: Swimming!

Before they leave their accommodation though, Sam has an important decision to make on what she'll wear.


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Sam stretched out her arms and legs and felt them connect with the wooden bars. It was still early but Sam could already hear the birds outside the window singing their songs. Swaddled in her blanket she felt very comfortable and really didn’t want to move. She closed her eyes and relaxed, a second later she was wetting her diaper. She shivered as the stream exited her body and trickled down between her legs.

With a sigh a smile spread across Sam’s face and she shifted her butt back and forth a few times feeling the warmth spreading across her skin. She felt like a tiny baby. Laying in her crib, surrounded by her blanket and now in a wet diaper as she waited for Nina to come and get her. It was everything that would’ve once been her nightmare but now that she was experiencing it she only felt a feeling of contentedness and peace. She was embarrassed to feel that way but it was the truth. It felt good not to be fighting.

Sam laid in her crib for quite a while. She was in no rush to get up, she felt supremely peaceful listening to the sounds of nature and feeling the warmth surrounding her. Eventually though she heard Nina stirring in her bed. Sam rolled on to her side and smiled dreamily as she saw Nina slowly sit up and adjust back to the waking world.

Nina sat in bed for a minute or so before she finally swung her legs over the side and stood up. She picked up her dressing gown and put it around her shoulders before walking around the foot of the bed, past Sam and into the bathroom. She heard the sound of the shower and relaxed a little bit knowing it would at least be a few minutes before she came back.

Today they were going swimming which pretty much meant that Sam wouldn’t be wearing a diaper. Whilst she had grown used to wearing under her clothes and even openly whilst with her friends she was not at all ready to be so open to the world. It was hard to imagine but Sam was already so used to the diapers that she felt like she was going to miss them. The security that wrapped around her waist like a warm blanket was going to be absent and she felt unexpectedly sad.

“Good morning.” Nina’s voice made Sam jump.

It turned out that despite the shower running Nina hadn’t actually stepped into it yet. She walked into the room and could see that Sam was awake. Sam looked around and saw that Nina was wearing only her robe. She leaned against the side of the bars and the robe nearly fell open. Sam had to remind herself not to just stare at her friend’s chest.

“Hey.” Sam said as she sat up.

Nina didn’t ask before reaching down and lifting Sam out of the crib. In fact, she didn’t ask as she laid Sam down on her bed and bent down to pull out a fresh diaper. Sam propped herself up on her elbows.

“I don’t think I’ll need another diaper.” Sam said.

“No?” Nina looked up from the edge of the mattress where she was crouched down and reaching under the bed. She almost looked disappointed for a minute before a smile spread across her face, “But do you WANT one?”

Sam immediately felt herself blushing as Nina smiled at her. She should’ve denied it right away but the longer she remained silent the more obvious the truth was. Sam looked to the side and tried to force the embarrassment away.

“W-We’re going swimming.” Sam decided to ignore Nina’s loaded question. The obvious implication was that she couldn’t wear the disposables in the pool… But that she would’ve worn a diaper if she could.

“Fair enough.” Nina said as she stood up, “I can still change you out of this one though.”

Before Sam could properly react Nina was starting to pull on the tapes of the diaper. Sam didn’t exactly want Nina to stop so she laid back down on the covers. Sam sighed in relaxation as Nina pulled out some baby wipes and started the task of cleaning. She wasn’t in any particular rush, Sam noticed, and seemed to be very carefully going over every inch of Sam. Much to the small woman’s embarrassment she found herself responding to these caresses.

So when Nina pulled the diaper out from under her Sam was left on the bed feeling somewhat disappointed. She felt sure that Nina was into her as much as the opposite was true but she still wasn’t ready to take that leap, to ask Nina to keep going or to tell her how she felt. These feelings were all so new to Sam, she didn’t know if she was just confused or mistaken.

“I’ll leave you to get dressed.” Nina said as she took the used diaper away.

Sam waited until the bathroom door had closed before sitting up. She went over to her clothes and picked out a shirt and shorts that she could wear over her swimming costume. Much like the rest of her clothes the swimsuit was childish. It was practically impossible to find any two-piece suit that would fit her so she was forced into wearing a one-piece suit which, to her, seemed a lot more juvenile. It was a bright pink with little pictures of inflatable toy unicorns all over.

After she had got dressed she had to admit that she felt weird. After several days with padding between her legs it was strange to have nothing there now, it felt like there was a lot more space than she was used to. She noticed that when she walked she still did so as if she had a diaper on with her legs wider apart than they had to be.

Sam put some regular clothes on over the swimsuit and walked out to the living room. She had to consciously remind herself to walk normally and focusing so much on it was making sure she wasn’t.

“Hey, Sam, what do you think?” Chrissy asked as she opened the robe she was wearing to show her swimsuit.

“It’s… really nice!” Sam replied a little bashfully.

In truth Sam thought it was more than nice. It made her friend downright sexy and although she didn’t feel the same things for Chrissy as she did for Nina she couldn’t deny what she was seeing. The skimpy swimming costume really accentuated Chrissy’s body, her curves really stood out and she was sure to be turning heads at the pool. Her most private areas seemed to only just be covered up, it seemed designed to tease boys who would be looking in her direction.

It really highlighted the difference between Sam and her friend. Whilst Chrissy had an undeniably sexy outfit Sam would be wearing a children’s costume that covered her up as much as possible.

“All ready?” Nina asked when she came out of the bedroom a little bit later.

“I think so.” Sam replied with a smile, “Feeling a little bit nervous.”

“Why’s that?” Nina asked.

Sam went over to Nina. She wasn’t too keen on being overheard by any of the others. It seemed Nina understood Sam’s reluctance and leaned forwards so she and Sam were close to each other.

“I’m just a bit worried about not having a diaper.” Sam whispered. She looked around conspiratorially, “I mean, after the last few days…”

“You’ll be fine.” Nina smiled, “I won’t let anything happen.”

Sam smiled herself and blushed as she looked away. She wondered if Nina had always been this perfect and she just hadn’t noticed or if it was a recent development. It certainly seemed like Nina had grown a lot in confidence, she seemed as awkward as Sam was at the start of the holiday but now she seemed a lot more comfortable about everything. Maybe Sam’s increasing acceptance of the diapers had awakened some kind of maternal instinct in her friend and she was very confident in it.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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That was a good chapter.  Pretty short but enjoyable.  Sam continues to be more and more comfortable in her diapers and Nina is growing more comfortable in her care of Sam.  I personally would prefer to see Sam and Nina remain in more of a mother daughter relationship. Where Nina continues to care for Sam rather than as two lovers. 
I am looking forward to seeing more. 

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10 hours ago, Elfy said:

“Feeling a little bit nervous.”

“Why’s that?” Nina asked.

Sam went over to Nina. She wasn’t too keen on being overheard by any of the others. It seemed Nina understood Sam’s reluctance and leaned forwards so she and Sam were close to each other.

“I’m just a bit worried about not having a diaper.” Sam whispered. She looked around conspiratorially, “I mean, after the last few days…”

That’s how I feel now when I go out without a diaper 🫣🙈🙈

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I expect little Sam will find that the pool will require her to wear a swim diaper and only play in the kiddie pool.


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On 5/3/2024 at 10:43 AM, garyg said:

I expect little Sam will find that the pool will require her to wear a swim diaper and only play in the kiddie pool.


I meannnn… to be fair, if Karen is working at the pool in some capacity she’s seen Sam have two accidents so it wouldn’t even be inreasonable for her to enforce that at this point 

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Someone on my SubscribeStar described Karen as the "mid-level boss" in a video game who keeps coming back and I think that describes her perfectly :D

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It's time for Sam to go swimming and absolutely nothing will go wrong... Oh, who is she kidding? It goes wrong quickly. The question only question is: How bad will it be? 


My writing is my passion and my income. I'm only able to write as much as I do because of the wonderful support from my subscribers. With the ABDL purge on Patreon hurting my income dramatically I have set up a couple of alternatives. If you enjoy my work and want to support me there has never been a time where I need it more. For $5 you can see every update to my stories one week before anyone else and for $10 you get early access PLUS access to 50+ stories EXCLUSIVE to subscribers. There are other rewards and tiers available including discounted commissions. To find out more please consider visiting one of my subscription sites. Prices, rewards and everything else are the same across both



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The swimming complex was massive. It was the jewel of the Midforest resort and featured prominently in all their advertisements. As they went through the sliding doors the smell and noise of the swimming pool overwhelmed the senses. The air was hotter and childish voices echoed down corridors towards the reception area.

There were a lot of people around and Sam had to dodge several people who weren’t looking down to see her. After nearly getting knocked over by a couple of teenagers running and laughing through the crowded area Sam felt her hand get taken, she looked up to see Nina looking at the older kids with an icy stare.

“Come on.” Nina said to Sam, “Stay with me.”

Due to the height difference Sam’s hand was held higher in the air and she had to walk quickly to keep up with her friends. They went through to the changing rooms which was somehow even more chaotic. The sounds of splashing water joined the shouting from around the corner at the other end of the room.

The changing rooms were gender neutral and set up in a rather clever way. As you walked in from the reception area there were large rows of cubicle doors, people arriving could walk in and find a free one, then as they left in their swimming costume they went through a door on the other side which had the lockers and the entrance to the pool areas. Both doors were locked by the same mechanism to make sure no one was walked in on.

“I’ll see you girls on the other side.” Chrissy said as she went straight into the nearest cubicle.

The changing rooms were as busy as the reception and finding a free cubicle wasn’t particularly easy. Amy saw one and quickly darted in before anyone else could take it leaving Nina and Sam waiting. Sam’s hand was still being held but she didn’t mind, it made her feel safe.

“Ooh there’s one!” Nina said as she quickly pulled Sam to a recently open door.

Sam nearly ended up on the ground as she rushed to keep up with Chrissy who pulled her into one of the quite cramped cubicles and closed the door. Sam hadn’t expected to share a cubicle but it wouldn’t matter much, they were both wearing their costumes under their clothes, Sam found herself feeling a little disappointed about that.

They tried not to bang into each other as they undressed and stuffed their clothes in their bags. When Sam turned around to see Nina again she felt herself freeze. She had thought Chrissy’s swimsuit looked good on her but it was nothing next to Nina’s which seemed to perfectly compliment her slim body. Sam was almost mesmerised by the skimpy light blue costume. Since space was at such a premium she was getting a very close up view.

When Nina turned around she couldn’t help but giggle. She reached a finger down to Sam’s chin and pressed up. Same hadn’t realised her mouth was hanging open and felt even more embarrassed. Nina seemed to find her staring more flattering than anything and she teased Sam by striking a few poses.

“You can’t blame me!” Sam finally said. She was pouting but soon smiling as well.

“Come on, we don’t want to keep everyone waiting for us.” Nina replied.

Sam wanted to be picked up by Nina. She wanted to be held close to the object of her affections but she was much too bashful to ask. The thought of being pressed against her skin, feeling her heartbeat and brushing against her…

The door unlocked and the moment passed. Sam was quite glad she wasn’t a man, had she been one her excitement at sharing such a tight space with Nina would’ve been much more obvious. Chrissy and Amy were already changed and waiting at poolside, they were waving and Nina started walking that way with Sam behind her.

As Sam went to follow Chrissy she accidentally bumped into someone and stumbled backwards. It was only a couple of seconds before Nina was out of sight and all Sam could see as she looked up were strangers. Many of them almost walking in to Sam as they weren’t looking down.

“E-Excuse me!” Sam called as she wound her way through the forest of legs that surrounded her as best she could.

The crowds were particularly dense here and in all the noise and people Sam somehow got separated from Chrissy. She looked around without being able to see where her friends had gone but couldn’t see anyone. For a woman who previously felt pride in how independent she was there was a rising sense of panic of being alone.

Sam pushed through into the main pool area and was in awe of what she saw. It was easy to see why this was considered the main attraction at Midforest. There were tubes and slides curling through the air, a lazy river, a wave pool and lots of smaller areas with different things going on. The whole area was themed like the Caribbean islands with palm trees, coconuts, huts and all manner of other things. It was impressive but Sam was still distracted by the lack of her friends. She wasn’t even sure how they had go so separated, she didn’t think they’d have jumped in the pool without her.

“Ah, Sam, how do we keep running into each other?” A voice from behind her made Sam freeze.

Sam slowly turned around to see Karen in her Midforest uniform smiling down at her. Standing in front of the entrance to the changing rooms there were people streaming in and out but Sam only saw the wolfish smile of the woman who seemed to be haunting her.

Sam took a couple of backwards steps. Her instinct was to back up away from Karen, nothing good ever seemed to come from being near her. She felt the wet tiles under her feet as she shook her head as if she was looking at a ghost or demon.

“Wait!” Karen exclaimed as she reached out a hand.

It was too late. Sam had taken one too many steps and found nothing but air. As she leaned back to put weight on her foot she found nothing there and with her arms flailing she fell backwards into the cold water of the main pool.

Sam could swim. She wasn’t the strongest swimmer in the world but she could keep herself afloat and she knew all the techniques, none of that mattered as she was hit by the sudden shock of the water.

In a panic Sam started flailing desperately. Her mental processes were overridden by the desperate need to get back to the surface and so instead of swimming as she had been taught she continued to move her arms and legs haphazardly without any coordination. Just as she was sure this was how she was going to meet her end a hand came down and grabbed one of her arms. With ease Sam was pulled upwards and she gasped as she broke the surface.

Pulled into the air and then held against a chest she coughed a couple of times and wiped her eyes. Adrenaline was still coursing through her veins and was only slowly dissipating. When she finally stopped rubbing her eyes and looked at who rescued her she saw Karen watching her with concern.

“Poor baby!” Karen said, “Are you alright?”

If Sam’s throat wasn’t burning as she coughed a bunch more she would’ve told the woman that she wasn’t a baby but as it was that wasn’t possible. Besides, she wasn’t even sure she could keep deflecting the baby comments with everything that had happened in the last week…

“You’re much too little for this pool.” Karen continued, “Here, let me take you somewhere more appropriate.”

“No… It’s fine.” Sam said with a croaky voice.

“I insist.” Karen continued, “We have a minimum height restriction for unaccompanied children anyway.”

“But I’m not-…” Sam started in exasperation but it was a waste of time. She was taken away from the main pool and to one of the corner of the building.

Sam twisted this way and that to try and see what was coming. When she did get a view of where she was being taken she wished she hadn’t looked at all. Like the rest of the swimming complex this corner area was themed like tropical islands but there was a much more distinctive and colourful motif.

There was an inflatable pirate ship with small children crawling all over it in the centre of the area. The pirate ship was surrounded by various activities and other interesting things to keep kids occupied. For instance, there were several jets of water firing up out of the floor at regular intervals, and stationary water guns people could fire at each other. Aside from the couple dozen children there were four Midforest employees trying to keep up with them as they ran around and played. The water never seemed to be deeper than a small child’s knee making actual swimming impossible.

“I’m here with my friends!” Sam quickly said to Karen.

“Well until I see them I can’t allow you to go into the big people pools without supervision.” Karen replied, “Especially after what just happened.”

“That… That was an accident!” Sam replied indignantly.

“You seem to have a lot of those.” Karen replied.

Sam opened her mouth but no words came out. She saw the way Karen was grinning, the employee knew exactly what she was saying. Sam was embarrassed that she couldn’t argue the point. She was carried to the side of the child’s pool where there was a door with a baby changing symbol on it. Karen pushed the door open and then locked it behind her.

“W-Why are we here?” Sam asked though she feared the answer was obvious.

“We don’t let any babies into the pool without swim diapers.” Karen replied as she carried Sam across and placed her on the changing table.

“I’m not a baby!” Sam shouted. Her voice echoed in the empty room, “You KNOW I’m not!”

“I know that I’ve seen you wet and poop your pants as many times as any baby in that pool right now.” Karen said simply.

Sam went red and she pouted her lips in anger. There were exceptional circumstances for her accidents! Well, most of them at least. It seemed pointless arguing though. At this point Sam had spent so much time in diapers that being put in another one wasn’t as terrifying as it might once have been. It was obvious she wasn’t getting out of the changing room without one anyway.

Karen helped Sam out of her swimming costume leaving the small woman naked. She tried to cover up as much as possible but it wasn’t like Karen hadn’t seen all of her by this point already. Sam saw a diaper slightly different to the ones she had seen before getting pulled out from under the changing table. It had patterns of fish and cartoon characters in scuba gear.

“It’s a swim diaper.” Karen said when she saw Sam’s frown, “Made to be used in pools.”

Sam was laid back down and had the new diaper placed underneath her. The process was familiar by now. Her legs were lifted and the disposable slid underneath her butt, when she came back down it was with an extra layer of padding between her and the table. The front was pulled up and taped closed. The only difference between this diaper and the ones she was more used to was that this one seemed to have quite a bit less padding. She found herself a little disappointed at that fact.

Sam’s swimming costume was soon put back on and when she looked in the mirror she could see that it did very little at all to hide her padded state. Much of the diaper was peeking out from the leg bands whilst the parts that were covered caused the thin swimsuit to bulge quite dramatically. She sighed. Whilst the thought of being in public like this would’ve once terrified her now she was quite resigned to it. She had come to the conclusion that everyone who didn’t know her just assumed she was a baby anyway. A fact that wasn’t quite as annoying as it had been a week previously.


If you want to find out what happens next you can do so RIGHT NOW at either of the following links:



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