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Love the extra details from Headmistress. I am almost surprised she wasn’t breastfeeding given her specific interest in Judy. However it does leave the door open for whom Judy is intended for. Nice chapter!

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There are a couple of thoughts I can’t seem to shake. First, this situation (ultra-wealthy mystery clients operating beyond the law for designer human toys) is eerily reminiscent of a certain island-of-evil from LiL. You’ve provided only a few details of this world…enough to make it seem like our earth, but not enough to entirely rule out another one. Second, I don’t recall you saying this was to be a totally non-crossover story. You said it would be “different,” and it certainly is. So in my mind it’s still possible for Freya or another character to suddenly pop up in a way that would only make sense in hindsight (I mean, there is precedent). If nothing else, you should smile that you’ve got me scratching my head and wondering about veiled storylines.

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13 hours ago, Kahlez said:

So the only two questions left are for herself or someone else and what special treatment she will get.


If the effects of just one week are so substantial I am curious how much worse or maybe better it will be for them, maybe they will like it in time and learn to accept that kind of life. Looking forward for more.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see 😊😈

6 hours ago, FloridaKid said:

You are so very good (😈) at building mysterious threats and hidden forces into your stories. They lurk just below the surface so we never get comfortable with a situation, even a warm fuzzy one. It’s yet another layer that makes your writing so interesting. ❤️💕

Mysterious threats? Me? Nooooooo!


But seriously, I'm happy you like them 😊

5 hours ago, SGTbaby said:

Love the extra details from Headmistress. I am almost surprised she wasn’t breastfeeding given her specific interest in Judy. However it does leave the door open for whom Judy is intended for. Nice chapter!

We don't know what happened last week... she could have fed her in that newborn week.

And thanks! 😊 

4 hours ago, FloridaKid said:

There are a couple of thoughts I can’t seem to shake. First, this situation (ultra-wealthy mystery clients operating beyond the law for designer human toys) is eerily reminiscent of a certain island-of-evil from LiL. You’ve provided only a few details of this world…enough to make it seem like our earth, but not enough to entirely rule out another one. Second, I don’t recall you saying this was to be a totally non-crossover story. You said it would be “different,” and it certainly is. So in my mind it’s still possible for Freya or another character to suddenly pop up in a way that would only make sense in hindsight (I mean, there is precedent). If nothing else, you should smile that you’ve got me scratching my head and wondering about veiled storylines.

Ooooooh I love your thinking! And believe me... whilst writing this I did have plans to link it to a certain dimension of tall people...

But here's my confirmation: this story has nothing to do with the diaper dimension, sorry. Normally I'd let theories run wild and be really vague, but I'm trying different universes and don't just wanna limit myself to DD stories.

This is purely a normal, average world, albeit one with a super secret organisation that has advanced tech to be able to pull all this off. No link to my multiverse series, no DD link. Just a separate story by itself.

1 minute ago, Kahlez said:

I have to agree, I would not be surprised if that is the case. 

Yeah sorry, no multiversal shenanigans 😋 (though like I've said before, it's different from others in this genre).

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1 hour ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Yeah sorry, no multiversal shenanigans 😋 (though like I've said before, it's different from others in this genre).

Yeah that is fine and I was just not ruling out the possibility with you writing the story. So far it is a great Story on its own, so no complains here but I still keep my eyes open for some plot twist (or hints) knowing your stories. Those Characters had it to easy so far given your evil nature as a demon :P 

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Chapter 9: Day One

The LETO Syndicate – LittleFallenPrincess



As we were wheeled down the hallways once again, heading somewhere I didn’t recall ever going, despite apparently having spent a lot of the past week there, I found my thoughts constantly drifting to my dummy. It felt so good, like… better than ever! I was actually pretty happy right now, I was in a dry nappy, I had my dummy, and Sarah was doing okay. She too looked like she was enjoying her dummy just as much as I was, which felt… good.

We turned a corner to see a door I didn’t remember, but that felt familiar.

“Here we are. First day of class for the little babies!” Alice said, pressing a button on the wall. The door before us opened automatically and as we were pushed inside, I suddenly felt a familiar feeling, as if we had been here.

“Dis… dis is from the video!” Sarah said.

Thinking back… I did remember it! Sarah was right, it was in the video during play yesterday. We must have been in here last week whilst we were regressed. So whilst it felt familiar, I still didn’t know much about it other than it looked like a typical preschool classroom, with lots of small plastic desks and colourful plastic chairs, ones that wouldn’t look out of place in a nursery or daycare, all facing the front of the room, where a blackboard was prominently displayed.

“Ah, Alice. You’re the last one to arrive I think, so just place the little ones in their seats at the front of the class and you can go finish your other tasks.” A voice from the front of the classroom called out.

“Mr Smith, good to see you again. I’ll just be a moment then.” Alice replied, pushing us to the front and carefully unstrapping the two of us from the stroller and lifting us up, sitting us on chairs next to each other. “You two be good girls, otherwise you’ll end up with a smacked bottom…” Alice warned before standing up and pushing the stroller away, out of the room, closing the door behind her.


Sitting on the uncomfortable plastic seat, I squirmed as ‘Mr Smith’ wandered forwards and backwards at the front of the classroom, not saying a word. At least my butt had all this padding underneath it, otherwise this seat would be really uncomfortable.

“Good morning class! I’m Mr Smith.” He said as he stopped and turned to face us all.

We all sat patiently, not risking disobeying at this point, waiting for someone to make the first move.

“I said Good morning class!” He repeated.

“...Good Morning, Mr Smith…” We all called out in sync, albeit in a babyish tone. Most of us still had dummies in our mouths after all.

“That’s better. Now. As you don’t remember last week when I first introduced myself, I’ll explain it again now that you are mostly yourself.”

I looked up at this ‘teacher’. He wore perfectly shined shoes with even more perfect laces. Making my way up, I noticed his pants were perfectly ironed. These matched his perfectly positioned waistcoat. And his perfectly ironed white shirt. And his perfect tie. Even his stubble was perfectly symmetrical and his medium length brown hair looked flawless, tucked behind his ears. Like either this guy was incredibly vain and took way too much pride with his appearance, or this guy was a Greek god.

“So… you know that you are here to be trained to be perfect babies. Whether you end up as a newborn, a baby or a toddler, you will get some taste of all three before being auctioned off to our specific clientele, and then they will decide which age you are to be for them. At which point you may have some final modifications made, before going home with them. It is my job to train and teach you little tykes to be the best babies you can be. Sure, the Nurse and the other eggheads who designed a lot of the hypnosis tech you’ve been subjected to would argue that they could program anyone to be the perfect baby. I mean… I must admit you were perfect little newborns last week. But I, and the Headmistress, believe that there’s a human touch needed to really regress you. Hypnosis opens a lot of doors, and makes my job a lot easier, but I believe I am what's needed to perfectly mould you into the infants your future Mummies and Daddies want. Whilst the eggheads created the technology, I created the programs themselves.”

The way this guy talked… he sounded so… confident. Smug. But also like he was fully in control.

“Now, let me explain what this week will entail for you in my class. Babyish behaviour is all about letting your inhibitions out, letting yourself go. So to do that, we shall be having lots of creative tasks. Finger painting, colouring, playing pretend… if you did it as a child, we will do it this week. The more you let out your inner baby, the more privileges you will earn. The more you try to prevent it, the more punishments you earn. It’s as simple as that. But to make things interesting… we’re going to have teams.”

We all looked around at each other in confusion.

“Seven teams of four. I will assign you all a colour, and think of it like your nursery partner, if one of you misbehaves or fails… you all get punished. But whichever team does the best over the week, will earn a special privilege at the end of it. The team who does the worst… will earn a special punishment.”

I was scared to ask what it was, thankfully another of us who didn’t have a dummy in their mouth spoke up for the rest of us.

“Umm… what are they?” A girl in the back asked.

“Thank you for asking, sweetie. Sadly, that’s a surprise until the end of the week. Trust me, it’s worth being good this week.” He grinned at all of us, before turning and walking behind his desk. “Now… let’s start with colouring. I want to see how good you all are!”


Day 2

Okay… so I know I skipped a bit there, but I don’t know what it was, maybe it was the hypnosis or something, but yesterday passed so quickly, it all feels like a bit of a blur. I remember… colouring lots? We had a baby bottle… we got fed in highchairs… I… It was hard to remember exactly. Like… it wasn’t like it was last week where I don’t remember anything, it was… more that I was so engrossed in the act I didn’t realise how quickly the day passed by. 

I know I ended up having a one on one with Alice instead of the Headmistress. Something about her having to deal with something important. I was told I’d see the Headmistress in a few days. The one on one was mostly asking how much I’m enjoying everything, testing my basic skills like maths and spelling, that kind of thing. I think it’s just a way to make sure I’m making progress. I assume that’s what we had the previous week, but we were too out of it to know or remember anything, of course.

But yes, Day 2… we played outside… but… not? It looked like a big outdoor playground… but the sky… the grass… the light… Everything was artificial, we were still very much indoors.

Sarah and I had been paired with a girl called Susie and her nursery-mate Claire, and we were the Red team. And currently… we were in first place. I’m not sure how the scoring system worked, but we all just played along regardless. We weren’t trying to win, we just didn’t want to end up last, as we really didn’t want to know what last place would earn us.

We played tig (or tag, or whatever you want to call it these days), we went down the slides, swung on the swings, and… just generally acted like babies. Problem is… we were still very much babies at this point, not toddlers. This would have been a lot easier, and more fun, if we were toddlers. Instead, we had Nannies come in and help us down the slides, we had to crawl around to play tig, and every couple of hours one of us would be taken off for a bit whilst they had their nappy changed. It was really weird not being able to tell when I have pissed myself or not… but if I said it didn’t feel good… I’d be lying.

Again, most of this felt like a blur, we kinda just… lost ourselves in the moment, so the whole day just… disappeared. I remember nursing again in the evening, and getting another one on one with Alice. She said I was making excellent progress… which made my tummy flutter for some reason.

I will admit, I loved snuggling with Sarah in our crib in the evening. When everything was silent, and we were alone… if you ignored the enormous nappies between our legs, it felt… normal. As if we weren’t kidnapped prisoners in some freaky underground complex who were going to be sold to rich clients.

Sarah seemed… I don’t know. It felt like maybe she had feelings for me. The way she got close in the evenings, the way she snuggles up to me, the way… she smiles at me. She’d always blush whenever she looked into my eyes… It was adorable, and also heartbreaking. Because unless we found a way out… we’d just be turned into big babies and sold off… never to see each other again.


Day 3

Nursing was getting easier to accept for Sarah and I now. Which made it less awkward when we were told breakfast today was… milk, again. So after Sarah and I nursed Alice's breasts, we were dressed in the usual babyish onesies that we had been wearing the past couple of days and placed in the stroller for another day of play in the playroom.

This was very much like the previous two days, with more emphasis on playing in the playroom, though more of the group from the middle joined us in playing this time. I’d say about half of our whole class were playing along, acting babyish and… having fun. Like… this wasn’t that bad if you ignored the whole ‘kidnapped and sold’ part. We got to play and have fun, we didn’t have to worry about anything… even the bathroom.

Around lunchtime we were taken away one at time to be changed, as we all had messy nappies apparently, though none of us could tell. I mean we couldn’t even smell it! It must be something to do with the treatment they’re giving us. Once everyone was changed into clean, really thick, babyish nappies, we were sat in highchairs two at a time so the others could watch, and fed pureed baby food.

It wasn’t bad… the texture was a bit… bleh… but the taste was okay at least.

And yeah, today was just the same as yesterday… it just seemed to pass really quickly. Had the same one on one with Alice in that same room that we had to go out of the playroom for, which was boring and I gave pretty much the same answers, before returning to the playpen. I asked Sarah what hers was like and she pretty much had the same thing I did apparently.


Day 4

This week seemed to fly by.

We were well ahead in points, and honestly… I don’t know what could make us lose at this point. I felt bad for the group of three girls and one guy who was dressed in girly stuff, as they were dead last, and so they’d most likely receive whatever this punishment or forfeit or whatever it was.

Nursing, messy nappies being changed, fed mush in highchairs… it was all the same. Today’s lesson though… that was something different.

We all sat in a circle on the floor, in the classroom, facing inwards towards each other. All the desks and chairs had been moved away and stacked up in the corner, and Mr Smith walked around the circle, sinisterly.

“Today class… is all about humiliation.” He said, loud enough so everyone could hear him.

“WHA?” was the overall reaction from most of the class, who already sat there in thick nappies (some of which were wet and/or messy) and babyish outfits.

“How can we get more humiliated than this?” Brian asked the question that must be on most of our minds.

“Oh Brian… let me show you. Sit in the centre, please.” Mr Smith asked, though it sounded more like an order than a request.

Brian slowly climbed to his hands and knees and crawled into the centre of the room, before sitting down with a bit of a plop onto his thickly padded backside.

“Wha now?” He said with a slight babyish lisp.

“As babies, especially adult babies, you will be subjected to all sorts by your new Mummies and Daddies. A lot of it will be humiliating. I’m not going to sugar coat it, some of you would shut down without help from hypnosis. So… I’ll be using that, along with some techniques I’ve developed, to help you accept even the most humiliating acts. I mean after all… you’re only babies. Babies don’t get embarrassed. So… let’s start with Brian, shall we?”

Brian looked around, nervously. Stopping and looking me in the eyes, it was like he was begging me to help him, but there was nothing I could do for him.

“Brian… Baby Brian… happy time.” Mr Smith said with a clear voice.

Brian’s expression quickly changed.

His face turned… dumber?

Lifting himself up slightly, just an inch off the floor… he proceeded to grunt and clench his whole body.

And a few seconds later, a disgusting sound filled the room as he filled his nappy.

“Doesn’t that feel better, baby Brian?”

Brian sat down with the same plop as before, though this time the mess in his nappy must have made that even more disgusting.

“Do you like that? Playing in your messy nappy?” Mr Smith continued the teasing.

Brian started clapping in response and drooling, bouncing up and down on the spot.

“Why don’t you show us how happy that makes you feel?” Mr Smith said, before throwing a large stuffed bear into the circle next to Brian. “Now class… the important thing here is… Brian is fully conscious right now. He’s fully aware of his actions… he’s just not in control. Thanks to the hypnotic training you’ve all been through, I can make you do whatever I want, whilst making you watch helplessly from the back of your mind.”

“That… that’s horrible!” Sarah said, a bit too loudly.

“Sarah… Baby Sarah… happy time.”

Sarah’s face dropped suddenly, becoming more like Brian’s. And just like Brian… she lifted her butt up and proceeded to mess herself audibly for the whole room to hear.

“No more interruptions. Got that class?” Mr Smith announced. Everyone instantly looked terrified and shut their mouths in fear. “Now… Baby Brian? Ignore that stuffed bear. You and Baby Sarah can show each other how much you enjoy being messy little babies.”

Both regressed adults nodded as Sarah crawled over to Brian and sat down, before Brian pushed her back and clambered onto her. And to everyone’s disgust, they started grinding their messy nappies against each other, moaning as they pleasured themselves in front of everyone.

“I know Baby Brian hasn’t been playing along with the class much, so that’s why I picked him out first. Sarah was just a naughty little girl who interrupted. Now… I think you all need to follow their example. Class…”

Everyone’s eyes widened in fear as Mr Smith’s grin grew.


Before he could finish his command, a knock on the door rang through the classroom.

We all turned to see who had saved us at the last second. Well… everyone but Sarah and Brian, who were still rubbing their nappies together and moaning.

The door to the classroom opened to reveal the Headmistress, standing there, looking as gorgeous as ever.

“Headmistress… I’m honoured to have you observe this class, whatever can I help you with?” Mr Smith asked her.

“Oh wow… Those two are having a lot of fun!” The Headmistress said, pointing at my friend and Brian rubbing nappies. “Looks like I arrived at the worst time.”

“I was just about to set the whole class off to have fun like that.”

“Well as enjoyable as that would be, I need to take little Judy here for her one on one session with me.”

“Now?” Mr Smith sounded disappointed.

But the Headmistress put on her most stern face in response.

“You know why.” She growled.

“Yes, Headmistress.” Smith replied, defeated.

Walking over to me, her high heels muffled by the carpeted floor, she bent down and lifted me up with no effort and stood up straight, holding me in her arms. My legs naturally wrapped themselves around her waist.

“Judy… cover your ears.” She ordered.

And so I did exactly that. Shoving my fingers in my ears, I wasn’t going to waste this opportunity to get out of this weird stuff.

Now I couldn’t hear a thing, but the Headmistress’ lips moved as said something and suddenly all the class stared off into space before following our two horny classmate’s example, filling their nappies and drooling onto the carpet.

The Headmistress pulled my hands away from my ears before smiling at me.

“Let’s go talk whilst they have their fun, shall we, precious?”






Oops! I forgot to update the title on Sunday, so if you missed that, sorry!



I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

Thank you to all my patrons for their support!

Don't forget, the next four chapters are available on my Patreon which can be found here if you go for the second tier.

New chapters of LETO Syndicate every Wednesday/Sunday!

Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!

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Chapter 10: One on One

The LETO Syndicate – LittleFallenPrincess



‘Poor Sarah…’ I thought to myself, as the Headmistress carried me down the hallways and into her office. She didn’t even put me in a stroller like our Nanny does, she just carried me the whole way in her arms, my legs still wrapped around her hips. It still shocked me how strong she was.

I pushed the jealousy I felt towards Brian getting to do… that with Sarah to the back of my mind, as the Headmistress closed the door behind her and walked over to a lone seat in the middle of the room. I waited for her to place me in it… but she walked right past it, over to her modern white desk and office chair, sitting down and placing me on her lap facing her.

I had a quick look around whilst she adjusted herself and got comfortable in her seat. This office was… very bare. It was white and modern, very minimalistic, very… clinical. I guess it’s to keep up with the rest of the appearance of this being an ‘institute’. Her white desk and large office chair sat at one end of the room, with a couple of personal effects in the corner of the desk next to her mobile phone. In the other corner of the desk stood a touch-screen monitor that was currently on standby. Behind us was an enormous portrait of the complex from the outside. In the corner was a bookshelf full of books and textbooks. A large red rug spanned most of the centre of the room, adding the only bit of colour to this monochromatic office. And aside from the chair in the centre of the room facing us… that was it.

I was expecting… more.

“Aww sweetie…” She said to me, putting her hand to my cheek and cupping it slightly. Instinctively I pressed against her hand and felt a warm, comforting sensation fill my heart. “I’m sorry I missed out on our other one-on-ones this week, darling. I had a lot of business to attend to. Has Nanny been good to you?”

“I… uh huh…” I replied nervously. Her posture, her face… even her smell made me feel weird around her.

“Good. Can’t have my prize baby getting treated badly. I’m glad I assigned her to you, she seems to have a good head on her.”

“She… she’s nice.” I replied. I don’t know why I was sticking up for our Nanny, but I guess she was kinda nice…

“Oh good. And what’s your little roommate like?” The Headmistress asked, sounding genuinely interested.

“Sarah? She’s… nice too.”

“You have to tell me a bit more than that, sweetpea...”

“I like her. She’s friendly and nice.”

“And is she as good as you are?”

“She… I think so, yeah.”

“So, obviously you won’t remember the previous week and our previous one-on-ones, so let’s catch me up on how your lessons are going. Is Mr Smith doing a good job?”

“Doing a good job at turning us into babies? Yeah.”

“Are you enjoying your lessons?” She asked.

“I… umm…”

“Be honest.”

“Uh huh…” I replied, feeling like I had to tell the truth. Or at least the truth she wanted to hear.

“You don’t sound so sure.”

“I… don’t like that he puts hypnosis in our heads that can make us… you know…”

“Oh, the thing I just saved you from?”

“...Yeah.” I mumbled.

“I think it’s cute. I would have liked to have seen you hump your roommates nappy…” She grinned down at me.

I blushed and looked away from her face, but ended up catching myself staring at her rather large breasts that her open blouse was making very obvious.


“Don’t worry, I’ll feed you in a bit. Just need to finish these questions and then I can feed you. Then I’ll get you back to class. I wish I could keep you here for longer, but you need to be in your classes.”

I snapped back to my senses and looked up at her.

“Why… Why hypnosis?” I asked. “Why not just force us to be babies? The injections make us helpless as it is… Or why not just hypnotise us the whole way?”

“Because I don’t want mind-controlled babies, sweetheart. And I don’t want little brats who will make our client’s lives difficult. I want babies that slowly accept their place and actually enjoy it.”

“I… guess that makes sense.” I replied.

“So are the other babies following your excellent example?”

“I… some of them are playing, yeah.”

“Such a good girl! And you did that all by yourself too, I didn’t have a single part in you doing that!” She said, making the butterflies in my tummy happy again.

“Is that it? No more questions?” I asked, nervously.

“Does Nanny Alice ask you anything else? She’s had you the past few days whilst I’ve been busy, I want to make sure she’s doing her job.”

“Umm… I don’t think so.”

“How about you? Do you have any questions for me?”

“Umm… do you know what this ‘special punishment’ is?” I asked, hoping she’d answer.

Her face turned serious all of a sudden. 

“And who is punishing you?” She asked, sternly… as if she was ready to murder someone.

“Oh… no one… yet.”

“Oh good. Wait, yet?”

“Mr Smith… he put us in teams. I’m on the Red Team with Sarah and another couple of girls. Over the week we earn points at the end of each day, basically for acting like the best babies. We… are winning.”

“Good girl!” She smiled.

“If we win, we get special privileges next week. The losing team gets a special punishment.”

“Is that so…?” She trailed off. “If I know Mr Smith… and I really do… that is going to be a punishment you definitely don’t want.” She said, winking at me.

“I mean if he forcefully made Sarah and Brian… you know… yeah, I think you’re right.” I replied.

I felt like I could talk with her like this forever. The way she talks, her smile… I was smitten.

“Oh, before I forget, you need to do a couple of tests for me, sweetpea. Just basic English and Maths to make sure you’re progressing well. Why don’t you turn and do them on my desk whilst I brush your hair?” The Headmistress suggested.

“I… guess…”

“Good girl.” She said, slowly turning me around on her lap, placing a familiar test and a pencil in front of me. “And then we’ll get you some lunch and back in your class.”

I blushed at the thought of nursing from her. Not going to lie… it definitely made the test harder to complete when I couldn’t concentrate.


“Good job, babygirl!” She said, turning me back around once I had finished. 

The hairbrushing whilst I was completing the test… was nice. I always loved having my hair brushed. 

But now it was time. Time for… lunch. Positioning me gently in her arms, my legs hanging over the edge of the chair arm, she held my head close to her breast as she undid the few remaining buttons on her blouse and began to nurse me.

I was used to the milk by now, but it still… OKAY FINE, IT FELT GOOD! I’ll admit it! I loved it!

Happily nursing on her breasts, I lost myself again and drifted off into my own little happy headspace as time passed and my nappy grew thicker… and warmer… and wetter.

“D’aww, I’ll definitely have to change you before getting you to class… actually, no! I think it’ll be cuter if you go back with your soaked nappy.” The Headmistress laughed.

I blushed at her decision, but I continued nursing and pushed everything that the past week and a half had thrown at us to the back of my mind.


After ‘lunch’, I was swiftly returned to class, with a quick kiss on the cheek by the Headmistress, followed up with a quick pat on my padded bum as I waddled into the classroom and fell over, my fall softened by the plush carpet.

Once the Headmistress left, I looked around at a class full of embarrassed adults, all in soggy nappies… looking exhausted.

“Oh hello little Judy. You just missed out.” Mr Smith said, looking directly at me.

‘Damn…’ I thought to myself. I hadn’t had any action since before we arrived, so part of me wanted to be included.

“Though I guess little Sarah could go again…” He grinned.

Sarah, exhausted already, looked up at Mr Smith, then at me, with her eyes wide open in shock.

Shaking her head, she was just about to plead as Mr Smith opened his mouth.

“Sarah, Judy… happy time…”


Day 5

Okay so yesterday really changed things between me and Sarah.

After Mr Smith… made us rub our nappies together… I’m not gonna lie, it was awkward. We kept our distance a bit for the rest of the day, until that evening, when we were alone in our crib together… and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

We edged our bodies closer together, feeling the warmth of one another as our faces lay next to each other, our noses touching.

It was then… that she took the initiative and kissed me.

Like… actually kissed me.

In this bleak situation, being kidnapped and regressed and humiliated… having something slightly normal felt even better than it used to.

She quickly retracted and blushed, but before she could backtrack on this and start doubting everything, I quickly pressed my lips against hers and kissed her back.

And for the remainder of the night, we snuggled happily together, trying desperately to push everything that was going on around us to the back of our minds so we could enjoy it.


I woke up to yet another wet nappy, and a sleeping Sarah with her head lay on my shoulder, sucking her dummy and drooling slightly.

“D’aww, she’s adorable!” Alice said, bending down over the crib. “I’ll leave you two for a bit longer, there's no rush today, it’s still early.”

I thanked Alice and rested my head on Sarah’s, stroking her hair, enjoying this time we had together.


So yes… Day 5. Painting! They brought out a bunch of paper and laid it all out on the floor, and gave us access to lots of paint. Problem was… we weren’t given brushes. At first everyone was looking around, trying to find the brushes. But it wasn’t until I slapped my hand in the yellow paint and then on the paper on the floor that people realised what we were expected to do. Sarah quickly followed suit and dipped her hand in the red paint, before slapping it down on the paper next to where my handprint was.

Slowly but surely, more people joined in and started enjoying themselves. Even Brian, the grumpy gus, joined in and looked like he was actually enjoying himself.

At one point I tapped the tip of Sarah’s nose, putting a red dot of paint on it. She smiled and retaliated by rubbing her nose against the side of my face… and before you knew it… a paint fight erupted.

The nannies didn’t stop us, neither did Mr Smith. They just watched and smiled, though Brian flicked some paint towards Mr Smith, which earned him a spanking. We made sure to keep our paint fight contained to ourselves, as we now knew what would happen if we tried getting any on the grown ups.

It was a lot of fun… until I freaked out a bit when I knocked over a paint pot onto part of the carpet that wasn’t covered up. I tried rubbing it out but it got worse and worse, seeping into the fibres and spreading around more. When a Nanny, whose name I had no knowledge of, came over to see what had happened, I… may have blamed it on someone else. I didn’t name names or anything, I just said it must have been someone else. Thankfully that seemed to work, I got out of a spanking and no one else got punished for it. 

And then once we were all tuckered out, we were taken out of the room by our Nannies. Sarah and I were taken by Alice to a small room we had never entered before. Turns out… It was a bathroom. With a bath big enough for two grown adults. So you can see where this is going… sitting there, naked, alongside Sarah, who was also naked… It was awkward.

At least it was with Alice still kneeling there by the side of the bath. If only she’d bugger off for a bit… maybe I’d get some action. But no, Alice washed us carefully, making sure to get all the paint out of our hair and off our faces. Draining the tub, she wrapped us up in a big towel and lifted us up one at a time, placing us on the changing table inside the bathroom, before proceeding to put us in a really thick nappy.

The rest of the day? We spent it playing in the playpen, followed by another one-on-one with the Headmistress, which went exactly how it did yesterday, before being put in the crib with Sarah, the two of us snuggling even closer than previously.


Day 6

One more day of this and then we get reverted back to our normal speech and we get more control of our bodies. And maaaybe this need to suckle everything put in my mouth will go. It was getting annoying now.

But yes. Day six was another day of playing in the classroom. Followed by yet another one-on-one. Whilst I was off with the Headmistress, Alice went off somewhere with Sarah. I wondered if Sarah was having the same questions and the same treatment as I was.


Day 7

Freedom! Finally!

After the past 6 days, we all knew that we had to appreciate this ‘adult’ time we were given. Even if we were still treated like babies and wore babyish clothes and thick nappies… we were at least given some freedom and all the hypnosis and whatever they pumped into us was erased. Well, everything but the incontinence. That apparently wasn’t going away.

So after we had the shots and the flash of hypnosis by the nurse, Sarah and I were pushed towards the play room. I wondered what they were going to humiliate us with this time, as we had been fully conscious all week, unlike the newborn week. I guess there was that day Mr Smith made us hump each other in wet nappies. That would be pretty bad.

But no, instead we passed the playroom and carried on further into the complex, towards the classroom.

Sarah and I looked at each other in confusion as Alice continued walking, not explaining what was going on or anything, as she reached the classroom door and pushed it open.

“Ah, our final two. Right, Alice, if you would be so kind, just place them on the floor for the announcement.” Mr Smith said, standing in front of his desk, leaning back against it with his bum resting on the edge, his arms crossed and his sleeves rolled up showing his very hairy arms.

“Yes Mr Smith.” Alice replied, unbuckling us from the stroller and lifting us out, Sarah first then me, and placing us on the floor with the others.

We sat patiently as Alice walked out with the stroller, leaving us all alone with Mr Smith.

I held out my hand to Sarah, who clutched it and began squeezing it.

“So… I bet you’re all wondering which team won…” He grinned.





I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

Thank you to all my patrons for their support!

Don't forget, the next four chapters are available on my Patreon which can be found here if you go for the second tier.

New chapters of LETO Syndicate every Wednesday/Sunday!

Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!

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On 5/24/2023 at 11:06 AM, LittleFallenPrincess said:

ypical preschool classroom, with lots of small plastic desks and colourful plastic chairs, ones that wouldn’t look out of place in a nursery or daycare

Here is a question: in setting up a place like this with upsized strollers, cribs, high chairs, etc., why would anyone put tiny furniture in the playroom?

Fun story!


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3 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

“So… I bet you’re all wondering which team won…”

I am more curious about the reward and punishment looking forward to the next chapter.

Another thing popping up in my head that chapter could it be that Judy and Sarah are set up to be adopted together? That question probably has to wait to the end.

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Chapter 11: Winners

The LETO Syndicate – LittleFallenPrincess



“Now class…” Mr Smith said, not moving an inch as he sat back against his desk. “We have a winner, and we have a loser.”

Sarah squeezed my hand excitedly, knowing we probably won, which means we get a reward… whatever that may be.

“I feel sorry for whoever lost, I bet it's a horrible punishment!” She whispered to me.

“And for the first half of the week, it was clear who was going to win.” Mr Smith continued, looking directly at me and Sarah. “But then…”

He pulled out a remote control and pressed a button, causing something behind him to stir. Slowly, a white screen descended in front of the blackboard, until it reached the bottom and stopped.

Pressing another button, the screen lit up to show us all… painting.

“Yellow team was really far behind up to this point, you see. But then Baby Brian decided to stop being a little fussypants and actually join in. That turnaround really earned you some points, putting you close to the top place at the time, which was the red team.”

Sarah squeezed in anticipation.

But as soon as I saw the camera pan around to me, where I was sat painting on my own… I knew what was about to happen next would break Sarah’s heart. I just hoped she wouldn’t hate me after what I could tell was going to happen next with the scores.

“And here we see little Judy…”

In the video on the screen, I got up, accidentally knocking the pot over, the one I freaked out over.

“Oh dear…” Mr Smith smiled at me, not even looking at the screen.

Everyone else watched in shock as past-me panicked and started trying to rub the paint out of the unprotected carpet, only managing to make it worse.

“Tsk tsk tsk… silly baby did something naughty. But hey, you’re only a baby, it happens. A warning and everything would be forgiven…”

Then past-me hid her hands behind her back as a Nanny came over and you could hear me lying my ass off to the Nanny, blaming the others for the accident.

I turned to Sarah, who looked at me with a mixture of shock and disappointment.

“Oh dear… blaming others and not owning up to your accident… that’s not good behaviour, is it class?” Mr Smith called out.

The whole class just watched the video and ignored our teacher.

“I said… IS IT CLASS?” Mr Smith raised his voice for the first time, and everyone quickly nodded their head and gave him a ‘No, Mr Smith’ in response. “That’s better. Shame… you were winning too. But that naughty act has taken away all the points your team had, putting you in last place. Meaning the winners are Brian and the rest of the Yellow team! Well done little ones!”

Brian and his team mates all clapped happily and cheered, whilst the rest of my team all looked at me, clearly pissed.

Sarah took her hand back quickly, breaking our connection.

“I… I’m sorry…” I said to her.

“You better hope this punishment isn’t that bad. Otherwise…” She growled at me in response.

“I understand.” I replied, hanging my head in shame.

Mr Smith then cleared his voice and stopped the movie behind him.

“Now class… settle down. Would you like to know what the winners and losers get? Well… first place, the Yellow team, get… UNDERWEAR!” He announced.

Everyone, including the yellow team, looked around in confusion, whilst Mr Smith just continued smiling.

“Well as of tomorrow, you’ll be toddlers. So you’ll earn more privileges, more control, less babyish tasks. It’ll be a lot more similar to today or this time last week, but you’ll still have classes and conditioning. And toddlers can be at various stages of potty training!”

“Fuck.” I said under my breath, knowing exactly where this was heading.

“So the yellow team gets their control back with their injections tomorrow!”

“Wait… they can do that?” Brian asked out loud.

“Somewhat… don’t get your hopes up kiddo, you’ll still be prone to accidents, the formula is still in testing, and you’ll have to ask to use a potty, but you can wear regular underwear under your toddler-like clothing. Warning though… any accidents will put you straight back into pull ups.”

“Pullups?” A girl in the back asked.

“I’m spoiling tomorrow a little, but I think it’s only fair to tell you. All toddlers will start out with a little bit of control back. You’ll all be in the middle of potty training, development-wise, so you’ll all be wearing pull ups in case there are any accidents. Too many accidents and you end up straight back in nappies. You may ask to use a potty, but you may still not be able to tell when to go.”

“What about the losers?” A boy in the front asked, as everyone looked at me and Sarah.

“Like I said, toddlers can be at any stage of the potty training process. The red team… well they won’t have had any luck with potty training. So they’ll be starting the week in nappies, and they won’t be able to graduate out of them.”

‘There it is…’ I thought to myself.

I looked at Sarah, hoping that she wouldn’t hate me too much, it was just another week of nappies… but she snubbed her nose at me and looked away in a huff. I turned to the other two in our team and they very much did the same, making me feel really guilty.

“S… sorry…” I whispered to Sarah, as Mr Smith talked more about our fate. Something about ‘nappies so that the others will see us as babies still and laugh at us’. I didn’t care at this point, I just didn’t want Sarah to hate me. I made a mistake, but it wasn’t that bad, was it?

“But, just like last week, you’ve got the rest of the day free to be… mostly adults. You’re still stuck in those cute onesies and dresses of yours, but otherwise you can play, you can nap, read… whatever.” He said, before pressing a button next to his ear. “Nannies? You can come collect your babies.”

And before we could react, as if they were all just standing outside the classroom, waiting for him to call them, the door opened. And one by one, a Nanny would come in, collect their charges into a stroller and walk off with them.


Everyone was gone, and only Sarah and I remained. It was at that point that Alice walked in.

“Oh dear. Looks like the next week is going to be full of nappy changes still. What a shame…” Alice grinned as she picked Sarah up and strapped her into the stroller, who turned her body away from me, as much as she could, in a huff.

Picking me up, Alice then placed me down next to Sarah and buckled me in, before walking behind and walking towards the classroom door.

“See you tomorrow, Mr Smith.” Nanny Alice said before leaving. Mr Smith must have nodded to her or something, because he didn’t say anything in return… unless he’s just a rude ass.


Walking into the playroom once again, we were unstrapped and placed into the playpen.

Reaching out to try to talk to Sarah, I was too late as she snubbed me and crawled over to our other teammates. And looking at their faces… I clearly wasn’t welcome to join them. So I crawled over to the other side of the playpen, where no one was currently, and started colouring in some princess pictures by myself, feeling heartbroken.

Like… I know I messed up. But to blame me for us losing? I mean it’s not even that bad as far as punishments go. They could have done something much meaner. It's just another week of nappies! 

I felt almost… betrayed…

“Hey kiddo…” I heard a familiar voice as someone sat next to me on the little plastic chairs.

“Huh?” I asked, turning around to see Brian sitting there.

“Where’s Sarah?” he asked.

“She… she’s upset with me for making us lose.” I replied.

“I bet. But hey, it wasn’t that bad. It’s not like you intentionally wanted to lose. You knocked some paint over and didn’t own up to it, that’s all. Don’t worry, she’ll forgive you soon enough.”

“I hope so.” I said, sadness filling my voice.

“So whatcha colouring?”


“I can see that. You’re doing a good job!” He said enthusiastically.

“What made you change your tune? You were vehemently against the baby stuff when we arrived. The hypnosis couldn’t have changed you that much that quickly…” I commented.

“Oh believe me, my tune hasn’t changed.” He whispered all of a sudden. “But I figured out the secret of this place. I’ve figured out their little trick.”

He winked at me.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“I believe they’ve put…”

“Are you stupid? They can probably hear you!” I stopped him quickly.

He looked confused himself, before a large Nanny walked over and looked over the playpen wall.

“Everything okay cuties?” The unknown Nanny asked us both.

“Everything is great. Hunky-dory.” I replied, nervously.

“What she said, Nanny Emma.” Brian replied. I realised this must be his Nanny if he knows her name.

“Oh good. Let me just check your nappies, little ones…” The Nanny said, before climbing over the playpen and reaching down, quickly shoving a finger into the leg hole of my nappy and feeling around.

“Bit wet, but you can hold more. Now… Little Brian’s turn.” She said as she did the same to him. “Uh oh… you’re soaked, little one! Come on then, let’s go get that nappy changed.”

Brian was about to protest, but was quickly silenced by a dummy being placed into his mouth as he was lifted up into the air by the unbelievably strong Nanny and carried out of the playpen, and then out of the room.

I sat there for a few moments before deciding to carry on my colouring whilst I waited for Brian to return.


I waited a long time for Brian to return… but nothing. Maybe he decided he wanted a nap? Maybe he was bratty and earned himself a spanking or naptime? I didn’t know, and I tried pushing it to the back of my mind as I continued colouring all afternoon, trying to also avoid looking at Sarah having fun with the others. I could hear them giggling in the distance and having fun, and I just felt lonely and betrayed.


“Right, time to go, sweetpea.”

“Huh?” I said, turning around, coming out of my own little world to see Nanny Alice kneeling next to me.

“It’s time to go get dinner and get ready for bed, sweetpea. You’ve been busy drawing all afternoon.”

“Oh okay…” I said, putting my pencil down and allowing the strong Nanny of mine to lift me up and carry me over to the stroller on the other side of the playpen.

I couldn’t believe it was so late already! Although it doesn't help that we now have stupidly early bedtimes and we sleep most of the day.

“What’s up, sweetpea?” Alice asked.

“Nuffin.” I replied, trying to avoid eye contact.

“Is this about Sarah?”

“Uh huh… how’d you know?”

“I’ve been in and out all day. I’ve seen the way you both look at each other when the other isn’t.”

“She… she’s been looking at me?” I asked her.

“Oh yes. I can tell she misses you. Just give her time, she’ll forgive you.”

“It’s gonna be awkward tonight in the crib…”

“Do you want your own crib tonight?”

“That would make it more awkward I bet. Wait… we could have had another crib this whole time?”

“Of course. You think this place isn’t able to afford extra cribs? Have you seen their tech?”

“I guess. I just… didn’t know that was an option.”

“You never asked.” Alice smiled at me as she placed me into the stroller and strapped me in. “Now, be a good girl whilst I go get Sarah.”


It wasn’t long before we returned to our nursery. I was placed in the crib, then Alice proceeded to pick Sarah up and immediately took her over to the chair to nurse. I watched awkwardly as Sarah avoided looking at me, focusing entirely on nursing. I hated this chasm between us, I just wanted her to like me again. Looking around at the nursery, I realised we had never changed the colour or design from the first week. I remembered Alice saying we could… but honestly, I kinda liked it how it was. And unless Sarah says something, I’d prefer to keep it how it is.

It wasn’t long before Sarah had finished having ‘dinner’ and was being placed in the crib beside me. She quickly turned away from me, facing the wall and lay down. Before I could say anything, I was promptly lifted up as it was now my time to feed.

And as I lay there on Alice’s lap, I asked one thing that had been bugging me all day.

“No one-on-one today?”

“No sweetie. Not today. It’s your day off. You’ll see the Headmistress tomorrow, don’t worry.” Alice replied.

I shrugged my shoulders and let our Nanny position me as I began nursing on her breast. And at some point during ‘dinner’… I fell asleep.






I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

Thank you to all my patrons for their support!

Don't forget, the next four chapters are available on my Patreon which can be found here if you go for the second tier.

New chapters of LETO Syndicate every Wednesday/Sunday!

Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!

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Something like this had to happen sooner or later. Wouldn’t be an LFP story without anxious protagonist moments. The guilt is worse than the punishment, but that’s sort of the point, I guess. I hope Sarah forgives Judy before too long. It’s going to be an interesting toddler week!

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Chapter 12: Toddler Week

The LETO Syndicate – LittleFallenPrincess



I slowly awoke after the most wonderful sleep with the most wonderful dreams. That was until Dream-Sarah turned around and told me she hated me. The sudden betrayal shook me awake as I jolted forward in the crib, looking around, panicking.

‘Just a dream… just a dream…’ I thought to myself.

But as I turned to my side to check Sarah was okay… she was gone.

Like… she wasn’t there. No one was. Looking around… not even Alice was here.

I started worrying that maybe there had been an emergency evacuation and they just… forgot about me. Or maybe they had moved Sarah out because she hates me now.

Thankfully, after only two minutes of worrying and a little bit of mild panicking, the door opened and in walked Alice, holding Sarah’s hand. Sarah waddled in beside Alice, the thick nappy she was wearing made her bow-legged as she entered the room. She wore a pink footed sleeper that I swear she didn’t go to sleep in, and her hair was up in pigtails.

“Wha… what happened?” I asked, concerned.

“I took Sarah for a little stroll, sweetie. Just a quick checkup with the Nurse, Sarah wasn’t feeling too good.” Alice answered.

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

Sarah looked away at me, turning her head so she was just staring into Alice’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, poppet. She’s okay, just an upset tummy is all. We got her treatment for the week whilst we were there, so I’m going to change her outfit and drop her off in the classroom nice and early. Then I’ll be back to take you to the Nurse’s for your procedure, okay?” Alice said with such a calm, authoritative voice.

“Oh… alright then…” I said, disappointed and confused. Why didn’t she wake me up and take me with her? What’s up with Sarah’s tummy? Is she going to be okay? So do I have to sit in this soggy nappy in the crib, waiting until she’s done with Sarah?

As my mind swirled with questions, I tried to focus on Sarah as she was being dressed in something that looked much more appropriate for a toddler, though she still had her thick nappy on underneath… thanks to me…

I sighed.

Looking for behavioural signs, I was interested in what the ‘toddler’ stage entailed. Would she still talk babyish like last week? Would she have more mobility and flexibility? Clearly we lost so she hasn’t regained any potty training, but I was intrigued to see how she behaves as a ‘toddler’. Alice allowing her to waddle beside her means that we have more freedom of movement, though the thick nappy made it difficult for her to walk normally. Still, it’d be nice to actually move around a bit more this week, two weeks of barely moving except for crawling means I kinda miss getting up and about.


“Such a good girl!” Alice exclaimed as she finished dressing Sarah up in yellow shortalls and a white onesie that had little yellow butterflies on it. Finishing up with some yellow hi-tops and some frilly socks, she quickly put Sarah’s hair into a ponytail and kissed her on the forehead. “You look absolutely adorable. I swear if I had as much money as some of our clients, I’d snatch you right up at the auction myself!” She said, squeezing the girl’s arm.

Sarah blushed and turned her head to me, before quickly realising her mistake and looking away from me in a huff.

“Now… I’ll go drop you off in the classroom, okay sweetie? Mr Smith said he’d keep an eye on you as he’s running early today. That way I can get little Judy sorted at the Nurse’s room.”

Sarah nodded and smiled up at our Nanny. I wondered if that was maybe part of the hypnosis she was subjected to earlier this morning whilst I slept. She was acting much more like we had been the past week, albeit less giggly and bouncy.

“Come on then, sweetie. Judy… be a good baby whilst I’m gone, okay?” Alice said to me, staring at me as she clearly waited for an answer.

As soon as I nodded, Alice took Sarah’s hand and led her out of the nursery. Despite her looking more like a toddler, the telltale crinkle of her infantile underwear and the waddle in her walk made it clear we would be facing a much less fun week than the other ‘toddlers’ thanks to my fuckup.


I waited and waited, for what seemed like an eternity, before the door to the nursery opened and in walked Alice, alone.

“Right, sweetpea. Are you ready?” She asked, standing over my crib as I looked up at her.

“You were gone forever!” I blurted out.

“I was only gone for five minutes, hun.” Alice laughed.

“That… that’s forever!”

I squeaked at how infantile I sounded. I wasn’t even under any of the treatment at this point! Clutching my mouth in shock, I looked up at Alice in a panic.

“Oh sweetie, you sound adorable. That means you’re making good progress! Good girl!” Alice praised me.

I should have felt worried. Worried that my brain was being programmed to act more babyish, even when I’m supposed to be a big girl! But all I felt was… a fluttery tummy feeling as she called me a good girl.

Lifting me up into the air and placing me on her hip, Alice kissed my cheek and patted my soggy bottom before turning around and carrying me out.

“No… stroller?” I asked.

“No sweetie. No need. It’s just you, Sarah is in the classroom already and you’ll be able to waddle the way there after your treatment. No stroller this morning. Maybe later though, don’t worry.” She replied, walking out of the nursery, holding me close to her body.

I could feel the warmth and the love coming off her and it just felt… good?

“O… okay…” I replied nervously as she walked off down the empty halls towards the nurses station.


“Oh here she is!” The Nurse said, clapping her hands excitedly at the sight of me.

‘I’m not that important… am I?’ I asked myself in my head as Alice walked me over to the Nurse, who quickly took me in her arms as my Nanny passed me over like I was an actual baby.

Bouncing me up and down in her arms, the Nurse smiled at me.

“Gosh, you really are just a little cutie, just like your nursery-mate. I wish I could just adopt you myself, but I know that’s not possible.” She said as she kissed my forehead, making my tummy feel funny again, before laying me down on the examination table.

“So… toddlers this week?” Alice asked the Nurse.

“Yup! Aren’t you excited? Although… as I found out with Sarah, you got last place in Mr Smith’s class, didn’t you?” The Nurse turned to ask me.

“...Yeah…” I replied in disappointment.

“So toddler brains but baby nappies. Interesting choice. I’m sure the other kids won’t make fun of you… that much. Maybe.” The Nurse said, winking at me.

I sighed as she pulled out a syringe and followed the same steps she did the past two times. Quick jab in the leg followed by that weird curved screen over my eyes, though this time the light was green.

“And done!” She announced.

“Already?” Alice asked. “That seemed quicker than last time.”

“It was the same for Sarah.” The Nurse replied.

“Oh. So they’ve not improved control-wise, but they’re much more like toddlers in behaviour, right?”

“Yup, same as little Sarah. Sorry Alice, you’ve still got a lot of nappies to change this week. But don’t worry, I’m sure Mr Smith has some plans for the other little ones.”

“So I won’t be the only one on changing duties?”

“If what I’ve heard is true… not by a long shot.” She grinned at Alice, who just started laughing in response.

I felt kinda bad that the others would probably be tricked into nappies at some point. Maybe being in them from the start will mean we aren’t as humiliated? Maybe Sarah will appreciate that and think I saved us from all that… hopefully. But at the same time, the sympathy I had for the others… was not by any large amount. I only cared about Sarah and I. The others… if they make it through this in one piece… that’s up to them.

I clenched my fists and kicked my legs a bit as I lay on the examination table. Already I could tell my movements were a little… off. Nowhere near as bad as the first or second week, but it still meant we weren’t at 100% mobility. I could probably walk with the strength left in my legs just like Sarah did earlier, but I doubt I could do it for very long, and it wouldn’t be very coordinated. Even less so with these thick nappies between our legs.

“Now… you better go get her dressed and off to class!” The Nurse smiled up at us.

“Wha… wha is class dis week?” I asked, surprised at the babyish lisp that had returned.

“D’awww! You sound so adorable!” Alice squealed. “But yes, class this week is more like preschool. There will be a lot of fun and games, but you’ll also have Maths, English, Art, and Obedience Training.”

“Obee… obeedance twaining?” I asked, nervously.

The Nurse stepped up and helped me into a sitting position with my legs hanging over the edge of the table as she answered my question. “Yes sweetie. Need to make sure you are obedient and well-trained for your new Mummies and Daddies.”


“I know, sweetie, but you need to.” She replied.

I sighed and knew there was no way out of this.

Alice walked over and held her hands out. I instinctively grabbed on as she lifted me off the table, placing me on my feet on the floor.

After two weeks of not standing… This was weird.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got your hand the whole way. You’ll be okay.” She said, gripping tightly onto my hands before turning me around to face the door. “Just one step at a time at first.”

She sounded so… genuine. Like she genuinely cared. Like I really was a little toddler learning how to walk for the first time. She was so maternal… it was a shame she didn’t have the money to get her own little one… she would have made a kind Mummy, unlike probably most of the clients who will buy our ‘class’.

I took one very shaky step, putting one foot in front of the other. Having Alice holding my hands made this a lot easier, I swear if she wasn’t… it would have taken me a while to get used to walking again. Next came the other foot.

“Good job! See, you’re already doing really well!” Alice cheered me on as I took another step, feeling so damn proud of this thing that only a few weeks ago I’d have taken for granted. “Now wave bye bye to the Nurse, sweetie.”

I turned and waved quickly, before grabbing Alice’s hand again for stability.


Around half way back to the nursery I got the hang of walking again and like Sarah before, only held onto Alice using one hand. Which made getting there a lot quicker after the near-crawl up to that point.

Reaching the nursery, Alice stripped me down to just my nappy, lifted me up onto the changing table and changed my very messy nappy. I still couldn’t believe I couldn’t smell or feel the accident I must have had at some point during the night or this morning. Whatever they were doing to us… was effective, I’ll give them that.

And after a quick nappy change into one that was just as thick as before, Alice pulled out a onesie and pair of shortalls that looked very similar to those that she put Sarah in, though mine were pink and had princesses and crowns on them.

“Perfect little Princess!” She announced upon completion of her task of getting me dressed for the day. “Time to get you to class, you don’t want to be late on your first day!”

I nodded and smiled at her as she stuck a dummy in my mouth that matched my pink shortalls and helped me onto the floor.

With nervous steps, I put one foot in front of the other and held tightly onto Alice’s hand as she led me out of the nursery and to my second ‘first day’ of preschool in my life.





I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

Thank you to all my patrons for their support!

Don't forget, the next four chapters are available on my Patreon which can be found here if you go for the second tier.

New chapters of LETO Syndicate every Wednesday/Sunday!

Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!


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Darn it, you’ve done it again. Here I am caring about your characters. 🤪 I hope Sarah doesn’t stay angry with Judy too long. They had a cute thing going and I’m sure you’ll get them back together eventually.

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13 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

“So I won’t be the only one on changing duties?”

“If what I’ve heard is true… not by a long shot.” She grinned at Alice, who just started laughing in response.

I wonder how long the "winners" can stay out of nappies and if loosing was actually not the better thing. It kind of sounds like there will be potty training problems and then back to nappies for some. But I am Team Judy and Sarah so it would make feel the rest better loosing, if the rest will go back into nappies too after having probably humiliating accidents. 

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Chapter 13: Preschool

The LETO Syndicate – LittleFallenPrincess



As the door to the classroom opened up, Alice gently pushed me in and closed the door behind me.

“Ah, Judy. You’re the last one, so just take a seat next to your partner. Then I can tell you all what this week is all about.” Mr Smith said to me from the front of the classroom.

As I looked out, everyone was sitting at old wooden school desks, on little plastic chairs, in rows just like at school. The desks were next to each other, in pairs, and it looked like everyone was with their roommate. And as I found where I was supposed to be sitting, two rows from the back, I locked eyes with Sarah. But she just responded by rolling hers and looking away quickly.

‘Guess I’ll… guess I’ll just go sit down then…’ I thought to myself, as I waddled over and plopped my padded backside down next to Sarah. Looking around, everyone was wearing clothing appropriate for toddlers, though I knew only four of us were wearing nappies right now. But hey, at least most are still wearing pull ups of some kind… which made it less embarrassing.

“H… hi…” I whispered to Sarah, who just ignored me and stared at the front of the class as Mr Smith walked around his desk to the blackboard.

“Right little ones… this week is a lot more structured. The first week was all about getting you regressed as far as possible. There were no expectations, no actual lessons, nothing. It was a gentle introduction to getting you all used to your new lives. Because you never know… your new Mummies or Daddies may want a newborn. That could be your life.” He stopped for a second and pulled out something from his pocket.

Taking something out of whatever he had pulled out, he quickly deposited it in his mouth before putting the original object back in his pocket. And from the chewing… he must have gotten some gum or something.

“Right, where was I… yes! First week was an intro. Second week was all about you accepting and embracing your babyishness. This third week, the toddler week, is all about refining you into the perfect little one for your new parent or guardian.”

I saw Sarah clench her fists at the mention of our ‘parents’ and I just wanted to hug her. But right now… she’d probably end up punching me in the face if I attempted it.

“So this third week is much more akin to a preschool. As you can see, you are all at desks, and we’ll have a much more organised timetable. Nine until eleven is your first class. Then a fifteen minute playtime. Then you’ve got a second lesson until lunchtime at half twelve. Lunchtime is when your Nannies will come in, take you away for your one-on-one sessions, and feed you whilst you’re there. Don’t worry, you’ll still have about thirty minutes of play after this, so you can still play with your friends. After lunch, you’ve got a third lesson until three, after which your Nannies will come and take you to the playroom for a couple of hours, before being taken to your nurseries for dinner and bedtime. Is that all clear?”

The class was silent.

“I said… IS THAT CLEAR?” He said, raising his voice.

“Yes… Mr Smith…” The whole class said in sync, all of us with a slightly babyish lisp.

“Any questions?” He asked the class.

“What… Wha are deh classes?” One guy said near the front of the class.

“Good question! Well we have six days before you get your day off, and then it’s the auction. So we’ve got eighteen lessons to teach you everything you need to know.”

Turning around to the blackboard, he quickly wrote something in chalk. The sound of chalk scraping across the blackboard took me right back to highschool as shivers ran through my body. I always hated that sound.

A minute later, after furious scribbling, he moved out of the way and turned to look at us.

I looked to see what he had written… and had the same reaction everyone else did.


“WHA THE FUDGE?” One guy shouted.

“AHHHH!” Screamed another girl.

Lots of near-swears and screaming rang around the classroom as everyone started panicking.

“CALM!” He shouted. Now… shouting the word ‘calm’ is normally bound to have the complete opposite effect… but the whole class suddenly went quiet and everyone sat still.

‘Oh fuck… that hypnosis is strong…’ I thought to myself as I struggled to move my body even an inch.

“Now, I know it must be a big surprise to find you can’t read this. That’s why one of today’s lessons is basic English.” Mr Smith explained, in a much calmer manner this time.

Everyone must be under the same hypnosis, as right now… I couldn’t read any of his writing. And it wasn’t like it was similar to a Doctor’s scrawling, it was that we literally couldn’t read. Like that ability had been removed from our memories. Like we were… toddlers.

I looked to the side to see Sarah frantically looking around at everyone, her eyes darting between classmates. She was panicking, I could tell by the speed of her eyes and her hands shaking on the table.

Taking the risk, I put my hand on the table too and slid it over to hers, before gently putting it over them. Within a few moments her shaking stopped and she started breathing properly, before looking down at my hands and quickly withdrawing her own, looking away from me completely as she did so.

‘Well… worth a shot.’

“Right kiddos… I’m going to write something on the board. I want someone to tell me what it is, okay? Don’t forget to put your hands up to answer.”

He wrote a large glyph on the blackboard, and a few hands shot up.

“Yes David?” Mr Smith turned to a boy on the side of the class with his hand up.

“Umm… F?” He said, but he didn’t pronounce it as ‘eff’, he pronounced it how we used to as kids, more like ‘fuh’.

“Not quite. This is the letter ‘a’.” Mr Smith corrected the boy.

“That doesn’t look like an ‘Ah’…” I heard from behind me.

To be completely honest… It looked like a weird bunch of squiggles to me. I didn’t quite understand it. And when I tried thinking what the letter ‘A’ looked like… it was like my mind was blank. I couldn’t imagine it at all.

“We’ll try another one…” Mr Smith continued, writing another symbol on the board.

“B-uh?” Someone called out.

“Hands up to answer. Strike one. Jonas, release.”

I looked over to see the person who had answered quickly look down at their crotch.

‘Was… was that a hypnotic trigger to make him wet himself?’ I thought to myself as the guy’s face turned visibly red and he quickly closed his legs. ‘I guess three strikes and they’re back in nappies… as I bet those pull ups can’t hold more than two or three wettings…’

“Someone else?” Mr Smith asked. Someone put their hands up and Mr Smith nodded at them.

“Buh?” They answered.

“Not quite. This is the letter K. I see we’ll have to really start at the basics…” Mr Smith said… with a smile.


Two hours passed and it felt like we had learned nothing. Mr Smith kept trying to teach us what each symbol looked like… but there was just no way to understand them. It was like everytime I tried to memorise what each letter was… the information just disappeared minutes later.

“Now… you’ve got playtime before your next lesson, then you’ve got lunch. So go have fun for a bit. You’ve got maths next!”

And just as he finished his sentence, the door to the classroom opened and in walked Alice. However she was the only Nanny who came in, which was weird.

“Right little ones. I’ll be your guide back to the play room. Now, Judy… come here.” Alice ordered.

I slid off my seat awkwardly, thanks to this enormous fucking nappy, and waddled over to Alice like she ordered. Hearing a few sniggers in the background, I tried ignoring them as I held out my hand to grab Alice’s.

“Now… Sa… now someone come grab Judy’s other hand. Then someone grabs your other hand. And I want you all to form a line, holding hands, okay?” Alice ordered the rest of the class, who all got up one by one and formed a line, all holding on to each other’s hands. I noticed she was about to tell Sarah to hold my hand, but one glance backwards told me Sarah didn’t want to hold mine right now, so Alice saved her. “Hold on tight…”


Reaching the playroom, I knew we didn’t have long to play, so there wasn’t any point getting super into anything. Maybe I could play with some of the blocks, or maybe I could start colouring something that I could finish later. I’d figure that out in a minute, for now, I was being led by Nanny Alice into the giant playpen, along with the train of adult babies following behind me.

Once we were all in, the gate closed and we kinda just… dispersed. Sarah waddled off to play with some dolls in the corner by herself, the other two from our team last week, who were also clearly padded, seemingly didn’t want anything to do with her, probably as she’s my roommate, and Sarah didn’t want anything to do with me… as I was the cause of our padded state.

Deciding not to stay too far away from Sarah, in the hope she’d forgive me and come play… I opted to play with the blocks, which were a few metres away from the dolls she was playing with. Maybe… just maybe she’ll crawl over and we can stop being so… eh.

But as I plopped my padded backside down and began putting one wooden block on top of the other, Sarah must have noticed me and quickly turned so her back was facing me.

‘Fine. Be that way. I didn’t even do anything that bad. You’re the asshole for treating me like this.’ I thought to myself as I got engrossed in playing, ignoring the whole world around me.


Playtime was… awkward. Like I actually enjoyed just playing with blocks, but the awkward tension in the air between Sarah and I… it kinda ruined it all.

And just as playtime was over, Nanny Alice walked over to the side of the playpen and cleared her throat, obviously trying to get our attention. And it worked. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at her.

“Right, as before, everyone forms a line, holding hands. Time for your next lesson!” She called out, holding her hand out for someone to grab.

I was too far away to be able to be first, so that David guy from behind me walked over and grabbed Alice’s hand. Then someone joined on after him, and another, and so on.

I stayed still, waiting for Sarah to move… but she didn’t.

That was until Brian walked over.

“Hey baby butt. You coming or wha?” He said in a really off-tone to Sarah.

“Shuh up Bwian.” She replied, clearly not having any of his bullshit.

“Come on, pee pants. Time to wine up like the good widdle baby you are… or do you need a change?” He mocked her, making my blood boil.

Sarah didn’t reply, she just climbed to her knees, but as she was just about to stand up, Brian kicked her back down onto her arse.

“What the fudge, Bwian?” She replied, her voice quivering. She was upset, but she was trying her best to hide that fact.

What I didn’t understand… was Brian’s sudden change in behaviour. Like he… he was a different person.

He laughed at her before walking off and joining the line.

I quickly climbed to my feet and waddled over to Sarah, offering my hand to help her up. But all I got was…

“Go away.”

I felt… hurt. But I knew she must be hurting more, especially after Brian’s behaviour towards her. So I dropped it and let her get up herself, where she quickly joined the end of the line. And not wanting to upset her more, I waited for the second to last person to join after Sarah, before joining on the line myself.

“Come on then, kiddos… let’s go to your next class!” Alice called out as she got the train of adult babies moving towards our next lesson… Maths.





I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them!

Thank you to all my patrons for their support!

Don't forget, the next four chapters are available on my Patreon which can be found here if you go for the second tier.

New chapters of LETO Syndicate every Wednesday/Sunday!

Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!

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