CCApril Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 BB’S Nursery and Day Care Chapter 1 It was 11pm on a Saturday night and Tommy had been a high school graduate for little over 9 hours having walked across the Townsfield High stage around earlier in the day. He was happy high school was over. He was happy to be off to college in a couple of months. He was also a bit drunk. His best and really only friend was leaving in the morning for Air Force basic training. His Friend Brad had always wanted to be a pilot and fly anything that the Air Force would let him. They shared that dream until it was obvious that Tommy would not be meeting any minimum physical requirements. Brad was 6’2”, athletic and super smart while Tommy stopped growing at 5’ unlike his father who was over 6 ft. tall. Not that Tommy wasn’t smart, he was, and he was also in good shape. He just didn’t fit the pilot mold. No amount of exercising was going to add those extra inches and he let that dream die last summer and buckled down on college. He did not begrudge his friend his dreams. He was very happy for Brad. Tommy learned to accept a different dream. If he couldn’t fly planes then he could go to school and learn to design them. Once the summer was over he was going to Stanford on a full ride scholarship that he worked his butt off to earn. There was a lot a school in front of him but it was exciting. Neither Brad nor Tommy had really ever drank before. Heavy drinking parties were not on the agenda for their future and they turned down most of the invitations or left early from the last semester’s parties. So Tommy was not aware of how several shots of stolen Tequila from the liquor cabinet in Brad's dad’s home office would slow down his reflexes and give him a slight fuzziness. He felt good, real good and did not notice any real impairment. Brad had to be up and on the way to the airport by 5am so they hugged it out, promised to e-mail when they could and Tommy headed home. Tommy drove well. Only a seasoned officer would have noticed anything and probably let it go. He lived in a small subdivision of nice homes on large lots and was close to home when the large grey tabby cat darted in front of him. Caught by surprise he swerved to the right and tapped the brakes. No problem. At least that was what he planned to do. He swerved to the right and instead of tapping the breaks he nicked the accelerator. The car, his Mom’s car, shot forward and into the adjacent yard. The impact with the curb yanked the wheel from his hands and the car slewed sideways. The car ripped through a long length of pristine white fencing, crushed all of Mrs. Nelson’s award winning roses, clipped the backend of the sky blue Mercedes parked in the driveway and came to an airbag deploying stop against a moderately sized oak tree. The cat watched the whole event with the detachment that only a cat can really display then sauntered off into the night not aware of, or caring about the life altering events it had just precipitated. Tommy was stunned first by the impact with the tree. Then the airbag went off. Both hit as one as far as Tommy ever remembered. He was stunned, not quite unconscious but only vaguely aware that the engine had shut off and the only real noise was the ticking of the engine and some hissing noise as the engine coolant leaked out on to hot engine parts. He was jerked into more awareness as his door was opened and the scared angry face of Mrs. Nelson appeared. Mrs. Nelson was just shutting off the living room lights in preparation for bed when she heard what sounded like a major collision happening in her front yard. She grabbed her phone and hurried to the front door. She stared in shock at how much damage could be done to her yard so quickly. Her rose bushes were flattened, the fence she and James Wilder built twelve years ago was in splinters and her car’s rear lights were smashed. She did not recognize the car in the dark poorly lighted yard. Steam billowed up from the engine as she approached the car. She was angry and scared as she looked through the window. The driver was still and it looked like blood was dripping from the driver’s forehead. She opened the door ready to yell at the driver. "What do you....." she started yelling. She never finished her sentence as the driver looked up at her and she knew that face well. Her anger was instantly replaced with concern. "Tommy" she gasped. "Tommy are you ok?" Tommy knew Mrs. Nelson well. She was a family friend. He spent many a summer hour mowing her lawn and doing odd jobs for her over the years. "I think so" he stuttered his head slowly clearing. Then he panicked. "Mrs. Nelson are you ok? I didn't hurt anybody did I?" he almost yelled. "No, my boy you only hurt some stuff. Nobody was around to be hurt." She replied with a slight smile. Just like Tommy to worry about others first. "Just stay still, don't try to get out of the car. You could be more hurt then you know". She reached for the phone but stopped short of dialing 911. Still far in the distance she could hear the sirens. Knowing her neighbors someone had called 911 before she could even leave the house. She pulled out a handkerchief and pressed it to his cut forehead and had him hold it tight. As the sirens grew louder she heard Tommy begin to sniffle a bit. "I'm so sorry about you flowers Mrs. Nelson, I know how much you love them". "It ok Tommy, they are only flowers. You are more important right now" she said giving him a peck on the cheek. The ambulance arrived first, followed by the fire truck and a police car. The paramedic gently but firmly pushed Mrs. Nelson out of the way as she tended to Tommy and started asking questions. Mrs. Nelson let herself fade to the back of the crowd. She had smelled the alcohol on Tommy’s breathe. She knew where this going to go. She headed into the house. Mrs. Nelson had a call to make and some preparations to take care of. She already knew what was needed to be done and got started right away. As the door shut behind her she thought about how tired she was of roses anyway. Might be time for some daisies and lilies. +++++++++++++++ James and his wife April were coming back from date night dinner, movie and some serious parking lot kissing and heavy petting. Both were looking forward to continuing the evening in the privacy and comfort of the bedroom. As the neared the house they could see the lights of a police car and an ambulance in front of Mrs. Nelsons house. You could see the shattered fence and flattened rose bushes. James thought to himself that the poor sorry bastard that did that was in for a world of hurt as Mrs.’s Nelson loved those flowers and the awards given out each year for the Counties best roses. James heard a gasp next him and April shouted “Stop the car, its Tommy!” Even before the car stopped moving April was out of the car and running to the ambulance. Tommy was visible sitting at the rear of the ambulance while a paramedic was holding something up to his forehead. April slipped by the police officer and the paramedic (like only a determined mother can) and was soon hugging her son to her chest and peppering the paramedic with questions about Tommy’s obviously cut forehead. James quickly parked the car and headed for the ambulance. Before he got there he heard Officer Benton call out “Mr. Wilder can I speak with you for a moment, Please?” James turned and waited as the police officer walked up to him. He knew Officer Rick Benton from bowling leagues James and April participated in over the years. He barely opened his mouth before Rick said “Relax, Tommy is ok, just a little cut from the airbag. Nobody else was involved, nobody else got hurt.” James shoulders slumped a little as the tension left him with a relived sigh. Continuing Rick said “You can take him home now but I need you to come back right away, we need to talk charges.” “What…why?” James stuttered shocked and scared all over again for his son. “When I got here there was strong smell of alcohol from Tommy, I had no option but to give him a breathalyzer test. He failed, just barely but he failed. Normally he would be ticketed for DUI, reckless driving and destruction of private property and maybe hauled in for the night, but Tommy has been very cooperative so that won’t be necessary” Rick said softly. “Drinking, Tommy? Are you sure? It does not sound like him.” James replied hoping that it was some big mistake. “This will sink his scholarship, everything he’s worked for” his voice rising in pitch as his stress and anxiety shot through the roof. “Calm down James” he said reaching out and grabbing James’s shoulder. “Everything is going to be ok. Take him home and come back and we can talk more.” James nodded, squared his shoulders and went and gathered up his wife and son in a big hug before leading them to the car and home. The ride home was silent and very short. April took Tommy to his room to get into some pajamas. Then after a quick trip to the bathroom he was tucked into his bed and due to the pain pills the paramedic gave him he was asleep almost before his Mom closed the bedroom door. ++++++++++++++++++++++ James quickly returned to Mrs. Nelson’s house. The ambulance was gone along with all the concerned neighbors. It was quiet as James entered the yard and saw both Rick and Mrs. Nelson talking on the house porch. Mrs. Nelson looked at James as he crossed the yard. She knew this next bit was going to be hard on James and she had already made arrangements in the house for after the police officer had left. “Good news James, Mrs. Nelson, and Judge Sanderson have already worked out a community service agreement” Rick said smiling. He loved it when something could worked out so that young people get a second chance without screwing their lives up first. “Tommy will need to work off the car repairs at some daycare Mrs. Nelson used to work for before she retired. After that any additional money will be toward fence repair. On the weekends Tommy will work as Mrs. Nelson’s gardener until the rose garden is either repaired or replaced. As long as the Judge hears a positive response from Mrs. Nelson by August 14 confirming that Tommy has met his obligations he will have all charges dropped. My understanding is that this will give Tommy 2 weeks to get Stanford and start his college life” Rick said slapping James on the back. “I have got to go but someone will around with the paperwork from the Judge sometime tomorrow. I will need everyone to sign it. Like I said everything will be ok James” He said cheerfully. As he walked away he stated “You must know the Judge well to call so late at night Mrs. Nelson. Must be a real friend.” “We worked together a long time ago when we graduated college together” she answered never taking her eyes from James’s face. As the cop car rolled away the tears started to fall from James’s eyes and their apparent age dipped with every tear. James’s voice rose in pitch as he cried “My Tommy, my baby, how could you do this to him?” Mrs. Nelson reached out and took him by the hand and gently led her into the house. “Let’s talk inside Janice, we do not need to be having this talk on the front porch” she said softly and gently like you would to an emotional child. Janice slipped a comforting thumb into her mouth and mumbled a sob filled “Ok, Nanny” and let herself be pulled into the house. When the front door was closed she gently guided Janice into the kitchen where she plucked a towel of the counter and large pink plastic baby bottle filled with milk from a bottle warmer. The milk was nicely warmed up from its frozen state. Once she knew it was Tommy that crashed into her yard she knew that Janice would need comforting and had removed a pouch of frozen breast milk she kept for these type occasions. The last such occasion being 2 years ago when James’s wife April had the breast cancer scare. Turned out to be benign but still caused several sleepless night before the diagnosis. She walked down a hallway and began unbuttoning her blouse as she went. “Janice, please follow me to the nursery” she called lightly over shoulder. Still sniffling and trying unsuccessfully to hold back her tears she said “I’m coming Nanny” the voice sounding all world like a 5 year old girl. Mrs. Nelson entered the nursery and sat on the upper cushion of a two tiered couch. She had the couch made many years ago for Janice and herself. While she long ago stopped lactating the simple act of suckling was an important bond between them, Nanny and child. She laid her bra and blouse over the arm of the couch as Janice settled her large form onto the larger lower portion. Now fully in Nanny mode she guided Janice’s head to her chest and sighed as Janice’s mouth closed on her nipple. The soft gentle sucking motion calmed the child inside and soon the tears and the sniffling began to slow. Nanny stroked her hair and told her over and over “Everything was going to be alright baby, calm down sweetie, Nanny loves you” and other loving soothing words. The tears and the trembling finally stopped. “Are you thinking about Tina again?” a slight nod. Not ready to give up her comforting nipple to answer with words. “Tommy is not Tina, Tina came from a broken family, a horrible family. She decided that staying a baby was safer. She was so loved by her Nannies and taken care. She found people who loved her for the first time in her entire life. You know the program is very different now. After you and Tina we changed everything. Tommy will have a wonderful summer being Tammi Lee and I promise she will spend most of it as my little granddaughter. She will fine. I promise.” Nanny said as she gently stroked Janice’s cheek. “He will leave to Stanford and be Tommy through and through. A bit wiser and with a new prospective on women. But will be Tommy not Tammi.” A short pause and then “Are you ready for your Baba?” Janice let the nipple slip from her mouth. With a little smile she cooed “Yes Nanna, Baba..Baba”. Nanny smiled and held the bottle for Janice. Janice closed her eyes and started to drink the warm breast milk. It was comfort and peace. There were several wet nurse Nannies working for BB’s so getting fresh breast milk was never really an issue. Watching the child drinking her milk filled Nanny with the ever present worry of whether or not Janice would be able to pick up the outer layers of James again. This was not like two people living in the same body. At the heart of James was Janice, a five year girl (with some baby tendencies when feeling a lot of stress and anxieties) that can’t grow up. But Janice was smart, with a lot of practice and training and tears she was able to pull James around her like a coat and allow herself to be the grown up man she would have been if she never would have been sent to BB’s so long ago. She wanted more than being a five year old girl but couldn’t grow up. What was done to her so long ago locked her in place. But by wearing her James coat and pretending to grow up she was able to go to college and use her big brain to become an engineer. She even fell in love with April and had a family. It was a complicated balance of who she was before the regression, who she became at BB’s and who she wanted to be. All under the watchful eye of her Nanny. Janice was her responsibility and she would always be there for her. Always. When her bottle was finished Nanny used her towel to wipe a little slobber and milk from Janice’s lips and urged the child to sit up. “Mommy April will be mad when she finds out what you want to do to Tommy Nanny” she said quietly and with trepidation. “Don’t worry child, your mommy will be fine with it eventually. It will be my problem. You just be the supportive husband and father you always are.” “Yes, Nanny.” They got up and Mrs. Nelson slipped her blouse back on and buttoned it up. “Go ahead and kiss your friends good night, you need to get back home soon”. Janice clapped her hands together and skipped across her nursery. While she rarely needed to spend time in it anymore. It was undoubtedly hers. The last time she slept in the crib and was diapered for the evening was when Mommy April was diagnosed with cancer and Janice couldn’t face the thought of losing her Mommy/Wife. She regressed and needed an evening of being the baby without cares or worries. She reached into the overly large crib and pulled up a fairly beat up stuffed bear. It was her bear from before she became Janice. Her real mommy bought that for her when she was actually five years old and she loved it. It was a Smokey the bear stuffy. His hat and shovel were long gone to the years that have passed but the often repaired bear was very huggable. She hugged the bear and gave it a kiss and said “I luv you smokie.” She then tucked it back under the blanket and then picked up her Raggedy Ann doll. This doll was the doll she was forced to carry around long ago when she arrived at BB’s. She fell in love with it eventually. Annie became a friend and confidant over the years. She listened to problems and issues that Janice was not comfortable sharing with Smokie, some things just can’t be shared with boys. She hugged the doll close and whispered “Please take care of Tommy, I love him so much and want him to be the boy I could never be” louder she said “Goodnight Annie, luv you too.” Janice walked out of the nursery, slowly pulling on her James layers. She needed to get home. She had a wife that would need comforting and support for tomorrow. Back in the living room James leaned over and kissed Mrs. Nelson’s cheek. “Goodnight Edna, please take care of my Tommy” James whispered his voice already deepening. Using her first name was a bit of a ritual between them. Only James would be comfortable enough to use it. It was one of the harder things for Janice to do and it was one of the last layers of her James coat. “I will James. Give this card to your wife and tell her to be there tomorrow at 9am.” She said handing James a business card that read BB’s Nursery and Daycare and had the address and the name of the current Nursery Director Ms. Valentine. “The day care van will be there to pick up Tommy at 11:00 am. Take the time to reassure Tommy that everything will be ok. If you wish to tell him you went through something like this when you got in trouble with the law go ahead. Above all stress that it is important for him to do as he is told and things will go much easier for him. “Don’t give him any hints on what is coming. He won’t understand.” She reached up and stroked James‘s cheek and said “Don’t worry everything will be ok.” With that last statement she gently pushed him out the door. +++++++++++++++++++++ James walked home with a heavy heart. He was scared but he also knew that Nanny (always Nanny in his mind anyway) would take care of Tommy. He refused to let memories of those days at BB’s overwhelm him. He had to be strong for April. He opened the door and was immediately slammed into by a slightly hysterical April. “I have been waiting for you, what took so long?” she cried as she wrapped him up tight. He led her to the couch were they sat in almost a complete reverse of his time at Mrs. Nelson’s house. He held her tight and ran his fingers through her long blond hair. His turn give comfort and love. He kissed a few tears away. “Tommy failed his sobriety test. I guess he must have been drinking at some graduation event or something. Combine that with the accident and he is lucky he’s not spending the night in Jail” James states with a sigh. “I don’t believe it. Tommy is not some wild boy out drinking it up. They probably don’t know how use the damn breathalyzer. Just trying to make an example out a new high school graduate.” She spat venomously. “The test was administered by Rick. He is the only reason that Tommy is not downtown spending the night” James interjected before April could get deep into one of her patented diatribes. “He was going to be charged with a DUI, reckless driving and destruction of private property. Rick told me that they usually haul you in for the night.” “This will end his scholarship! Tommy will be devastated when he wakes up tomorrow.” She cried and started sobbing in James’s arms. Janice pulled her James coat tighter and held her as she wept. “Edna made a call and worked out a deal with Judge Sanderson. Tommy will need to do a summers worth of community service to pay off the property damages. He will have to work at some nursery and daycare Edna is part owner of. He will get paid wages which will be applied to what he owes. As long as he participates as directed the charges will be dropped and he will be off to Stanford. No record of any kind.” He said squeezing her tightly. “It won’t be a carefree easy summer but it beats the alternative.” April’s sobs slowly stopped and she said “Edna took care of it? She reached out on her own and took care of Tommy for us? God I love that women!” She paused and continued “You know I used to be jealous of Edna. You were always helping her out and spending time with her. I resented all the time she got with you that I didn’t. Over time I realized that you were good for each other and that she needed someone too.” She kissed James and smiled. “Let’s get some sleep. I will talk to Tommy in the morning and you need to meet Edna tomorrow at 9am. I left the business card on the table” He said pulling her to her feet. They moved through the house in a familiar routine. Checking doors, feeding the cat and shutting down the lights. Later they laid in bed in a familiar spoon position. Sleep came slowly for James as Janice’s fears needed to be tamped down again. She knew Tommy would be ok, Nanny promised. But she also knew it would be hard and weird for the boy. She also wanted to go see Tina but knew her grown up size and maleness confused her and she did want to upset her. He sighed and slipped into a dreamless sleep. +++++++++++++++++++ After James left Edna closed the door and sank to her knees. She felt a little badly for Tommy but he did break the law and damage her car. But those were minor issues. She had a growing problem and Tommy was going to be the answer. Leaning against the closed door she spilled more than a few tears of her own for the two boys whose lives they permanently changed so long ago. Janice and Tina was their responsibility even if it wasn’t truly their fault. If she ever found that bastard doctor that ran the experiment she would kill him. Damn the consequences! (This is Chapter 1. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy’s summer of fun and find out what happened to James/Janice and who Tina is. And see how April is going to react to Tommy becoming Tammi Lee. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback ( I would also like to call out three of my favorite authors from Fictionmania/Daily Diaper. They have written great stories and inspired me to give it a shot. Thank you Mary Beth Sanford, Baby Sofia and Princess Phoebe. I hope you enjoy my stories a fraction as much as I have theirs. Also I have never played a psychologist on TV and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night. I’m just trying to write a fun story. If Janice/James personality is upsetting and/or its inaccuracy offends you please feel free to move on.) 7 1
BabySofia Posted March 14, 2023 Posted March 14, 2023 Found the right place here. Good luck with this here! Looking forward to seeing where you go to from here. For everyone else, this is definitely more of a forced story. There are a lot of you on here I think that will enjoy this.
CCApril Posted March 14, 2023 Author Posted March 14, 2023 Thanks for your help Sofia and for inspiring me to put my story out there!
CCApril Posted March 16, 2023 Author Posted March 16, 2023 BB’s Nursery and Day Care Chapter 2 Sunday morning came with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Edna was already up. She had a lot to do to this morning. She was fully dressed in a typical navy blue business jacket, matching skirt, white silk blouse and low heeled shoes. She always felt high heels were for the young and the vain, and she was no longer either having celebrated a 55th birthday a few months ago. This was what she usually wore back when she was working every day at BB’s. Now a days she was not needed as much anymore and spent more time doing charity work and puttering around the house. She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a light breakfast and writing a task list. As she sipped her coffee she started writing. 1. Contact auto shop (Ed’s Auto body shop?) need repair quote. 2. Find old fence plan and buy new materials, in garage? 3. Visit plant nursery. Look at plants to replace roses. Take Tammi? Garden dress, rubber boots? 4. Remind April to have car towed from yard. 5. Interview Tammi’s new Nanny. 6. Arrange Tammi’s in-processing. 7. Sign Judges Agreement in lieu of charges. 8. Get all signatures. April, Tammi, mine – important! 9. Prepare for April, tour, history, sedatives? She spent some time looking at the last item. She had dealt with many an angry parent over the years but never one she was intimately involved with. She liked April very much and loved how she and James made such a great couple. But she did not know her well enough to predict how she would react today. That was always the issue, not knowing how April would react. She finished her coffee and headed out the door. It wasn’t even 6 am yet. She opened the garage and got into her older car. Good thing she kept it for visitors otherwise she would have had to arrange for security to pick her up. Can’t Uber to a secure facility. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It took almost 30 minutes to reach BB’s. BB’s was located in the industrial side of town. They owned two large converted warehouses, one for the nursery and daycare and one converted into a dozen two bedroom apartments for the Nannies. Both buildings were within a tall security fence with barbed wire and evenly spaced security cameras. To enter the property you had to scan a badge or push the button to talk to security. Edna scanned her badge and waited for the gate to open. Near the front door were two parking spots with signs that said “Reserved – Owner” and one that said “Reserved – Head Mistress”. Edna pulled into the one that read “Owner”. Since she stepped back from the day to day operation Rose has become “Head Mistress”. She stepped out of the car grabbed her purse and hurried to the door. The same badge that opened the gate also worked on the front door (actually her badge opened every door). By the door was a small white sign with BB’s Nursery and Daycare in bright pink block letters. The lobby was nicely decorated with a couple of marble benches and overhead skylights. There was no receptionist or station for one. There were three doors from which to choose from. The door to the left read “Security” and the double glass doors to the front read “Nurseries and Daycare”. Edna turned the right and opened the door marked “Head Mistress and Administration”. She walked to the end of the hall and entered her office. There were more than enough offices. Once she stepped away all they did was move the name plates around. When her computer came up she set to work. She notified security that there was an 11am pickup and gave Tommy’s name and address. She notified support staff that around noon there was an incoming baby, Tammi Lee, and that she needed body hair removal, hair styling, eye brow cleanup, pedicure, manicure, body measurements and the rest of the typical in processing preparation. Her bath would wait as it was her new Nanny’s job to handle that. Next was to choose a Nanny. She opened up the duty roster and checked to see which Nannies were available. She scanned the list and saw that there were 5 unassigned to a client. Once assigned to Tammi Lee she would be her full time Nanny for the next three weeks as well as part time throughout the rest of the summer. She wanted someone special for Tammi. She wanted this summer to be something he would look back on with fondness and not anger and regret. She looked at their ages and backgrounds but began to smile once she started to read Veronica’s file. Veronica Collins was 6’5” and was well proportioned with large breasts and wide hips. She had long black hair and beautiful green eyes. She was 19 years old and was working on her second year with BB’s. Tall beautiful women were always the goal here at BB’s when hiring a Nanny. This would be her fourth time as a Nanny for a 3 week program baby. But what sealed the deal was that they both graduated from the same high school. This was almost like fate she said to herself with a loud laugh. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Veronica was still sleeping when the alarm in her apartment off. When not signed out all Nannies were technically on call. While being called on the weekend was rare it was not unheard of. The alarm was a simple loud bell that rang three times. With a grumble she got out bed, settled her disheveled night gown back into place and looked at the alarm screen. What she saw woke her the rest of the way up. “Report to Owners Office Immediately. Uniform not required”. This was not what she expected. Normally she would have time to get dressed or wash her face or even brush her teeth. She did not hesitate or question. She grabbed her robe, put on her slippers and only remembered to grab her key card at the last second. This is what they paid her for. She made excellent money and had a free place to live. Most importantly they gave her a job with no experience or formal education. If Mrs. Nelson wanted her show immediately then by God she would. In less than 5 minutes Mrs. Nelson heard a knock on her office door. She smiled. Veronica made excellent time. “Please come in Miss Collins” she said with a slightly raised voice. The office doors were thick and she made sure she was heard. Veronica opened the door and stepped into the office. She curtsied and said “You wanted to see me Mrs. Nelson?” It was only after speaking that she realized what she did. Her face flushed a pretty pink with embarrassment as Mrs. Nelson laughed. “You do not need to curtsy to me Veronica” her laugh becoming a giggle. With her own giggle Veronica said “I spent all day yesterday teaching a bunch of Princesses how to curtsy, parade wave and swoon. I guess it stuck.” Taking in Veronica’s state of undress Mrs. Nelson said “Sorry child, I should have realized that you would still be asleep. Please sit down and let me ask you a few questions and then you can go back to bed if you wish.” Veronica took the offered seat and sat down with a delicacy that you would not think possible from such a tall women. “Thank You” she said as she placed her hands in her lap and waited. “I would like to assign you a new baby for the next three weeks but she is a special case and I want to know if you want to do it.” Mrs. Nelson said. This was an odd way to phrase it thought Veronica. The three week program was usually for young men in trouble with the law. She does not usually get any say in the babies and littles she is assigned to take care of. Before she could say anything Mrs. Nelson raised a finger and said “Do you know a Tommy Wilder? He would have been a year or so behind you in high school.” Veronica’s heart nearly stopped. “Tommy got in trouble with the law? He was always such a straight arrow. He was such a nice guy” she spouted but then her mind started racing ahead. Her face flushed red. She needed to get control of her emotions. Right Now! If she continued to imagine putting his cute naked little butt into a diaper she was going to have a very embarrassing moment in front of Mrs. Nelson. Oh my god!, this is even better than I hoped. This is one turned on young women thought Mrs. Nelson. She was not surprised though, there was something about young men in baby girl clothes that also got her motor running as well. “So I take it you do know Tommy?” asked an amused Mrs. Nelson. “Yes Ma’am. He tutored me in math in both Trigonometry and Intro to Calculus. I got to know him very well.” She said with her voice now taking on a more somber note. “You spent a lot of time together, did you ever go out on any dates?” asked Mrs. Nelson sensing that there was some underlining issue. “He never asked me out and I was too shy to ask him out. When you’re as tall as me in high school you get picked on a lot and made fun of. You get very leery of putting yourself out there. I spent my last semester hoping he would ask me to the big dance but he never did, I ended up going with Brad Stevens who asked me about a week before the dance. We had fun be did not click. Brad was Tommy’s best friend but when I asked Brad if Tommy was coming to the dance he said that Tommy was an idiot and was not coming” Veronica answered with her eyes downcast. “After the dance I was mad at Tommy for not asking me out. I got a different tutor and ignored Tommy when he tried to talk to me in school. The school ended and everything seemed to move on.” Mrs. Nelson frowned a little. Maybe this was not going to go the way she hoped. “Does that mean you don’t want to be Tommy’s Nanny?” she asked carefully. Veronica took a few minutes to gather her thoughts. “I would love to be his Nanny. But if he hates me it would make our time together unbearable. I don’t want to hurt him.” Mrs. Nelson sat back a little thinking. Like most things this would need a little work. “Ok, here’s what I will do. During the intake interview I will arrange to have some questions asked about past relationships. Boys are gullible, once we say we have an extensive file on them you can ask them anything and they will not question how you know. If needed we can bring up your tutoring sessions.” Veronica laughed at this and then had a quick thought. “You can ask him what happened to Barry Stills. He was always coming by my locker and saying cruel things to me. Then he stopped coming by. I always suspected Tommy had something to do with it but then Tommy never said anything and two week later his friend asked me to the dance. Something went one but I was too hurt to look too deeply.” Mrs. Nelson said “I will add it to the interview questions. I will get with you later this afternoon. For now I’m going to put you down as his new Nanny and we can make a final decision after I meet with you later.” Mrs. Nelson sat back a bit and considered some more. “Normally we would not talk about any of the incidents leading to a subject being sent here by the court system but I want to reassure you that there was no big change in Tommy. Tommy had some alcohol last night and ended up crashing his Mom’s car into my rose bushes and car. I suspect it has something to do with his friend going off to the air force today but he was not very clear last night. Before you ask he is fine. Just a small cut on his forehead. You may not know it but Tommy got a full ride scholarship with Stanford. The Judge sent him to us so she could eventually drop the charges and not mess it up. He was naive and stupid last night but not bad.” explained Mrs. Nelson. Veronica burst with excitement “He got the full ride? That is so awesome! He was working his butt off last year to get the grades and the extracurricular activities he needed.” Her enthusiasm damped a bit as she added “It was probably his first time drinking the little idiot. Still way better then I feared”. Mrs. Nelson nodded “A bad decision but not a bad boy. I will get back to you this afternoon.” Recognizing a dismissal when she heard one Veronica stood up and said “Thank you for your patience Mrs. Nelson” and scooted out of the office. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Veronica headed back to her room thinking about Tommy. She really had a crush on him in high school. The thought of him being her baby girl made her quicken her step. By the time she reached her room the thought of powdering his little butt had her breathing very hard. She flung herself into her bed and slipped her fingers into her panties. Her very wet panties. She imagined pinning the diaper closed and giving a gentle rub on what she was sure was a very hard…..the orgasm that swept through arched her back and she did not even try to quite her moans or the loud “Oh my gods” that burst from her lips. She was slowly coming down from the peaks of her orgasm, her breasts still heaving. Her heavy milk filled breasts. She had signed up to be a wet nurse because the extra money would go a long way to her future car. The drugs that they had given her had started her lactating about two weeks ago and she was pumping her breasts four times a day. No actual breast feeding was required. Clients that paid the premium were given the milk in bottles or frozen pouches to take home. She slipped her hand out of her panties and cupped her breasts. In her mind’s eye she saw Tommy taking her nipple into his mouth, his hand lightly laid across her breast, when he began to suckle she came, and came. This orgasm was even better than the last and her hands never left her breasts. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mrs. Nelson went back to her computer and made a few notes for the interviewer. Next she printed out the standard non-disclosure forms required from all guests and clients. She added the appropriate dates and descriptions of Tammi Lee’s expected time at BB’s for the summer. Two week infant program, one week toddler program, 8 week big girl helper (age appropriate to required tasks). During the toddler time and the big girl helper time week nights (Sunday - Thursday) are to be spent in the nursery and weekends (Friday night through Sunday evening) to be spent with Mrs. Nelson. When she finished she printed out the forms and marked all the places signatures were required. When the legal work from the judge arrived she would have a large packet of papers to go over with April. Tommy would only have to sign the non-disclosure forms. The Judge had placed Tommy into his mother’s custody and only her signature was required for the judicial forms. She gathered up the papers and stepped out of the office and saw that Becky Thomas was making coffee in the breakroom. Becky was one of the secretarial staff who was tasked with being here on the weekend. “Good Morning Mrs. Nelson, I did not know you would be in today. The coffee will be done soon. Is there anything I can do for you?” Becky said with the youthful cheeriness of a true morning person. “Good Morning dear. We have a new baby arriving for in processing today at Noon. Scared mommy will be at 9:00am. Go ahead and set up the small conference room. You know the drill coffee, muffins, tissues, the usual. Let me know when the court order arrives. When the Headmistress arrives let me know. I would like to say hi to Tina.” Mrs. Nelson said with a shoulder pat. “Here you can place these forms in the conference room. We will need you to notarize and copy them later after they are signed.” She added handing Becky the pile of paperwork. “Yes, Mrs. Nelson I will take of it.” Becky said and took the papers from her. Mrs. Nelson went to her office and arranged for the auto repair shop to collect her car for repair and finished some other pending BB’s business. Glancing at the clock she noted that she still had another 30 minutes before Rose arrived with Tina. Normally Rose did not work the weekends but a new baby was something she needed (and wanted!) to be there for. With a bit of free time she went a special website that sold little girls clothes for big boys. BB’s bought a lot of clothes from them over the years. She searched for gardening clothes. This was not something they normally bought. Her little daycare girls were princesses, dancers, play professionals and wore many other type of girly gurls dresses. She was not sure if they had anything. “Oh, perfect” she whispered as she found several dresses that looked straight out of “Little House on the Prairie”. The gingham dresses came with white frilly aprons and matching bonnets. Tammi Lee would be adorable. Her heart fluttered a bit at the picture of Tammi Lee in her dress kneeling in the garden and planting daisies. Her pretty face surrounded by flowers. She picked out three dresses for her granddaughter. Pink, lilac and butter yellow. She also added a pair of pink rubber boots. So cute she thought. I may invite the gardening club for tea. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rose arrived at the BB’s just before 8am. She parked in the “Head Mistress” spot and noted Edna’s old car was parked next to her. Taking her keys and purse with her she got out of the front seat and opened the rear door. Reaching in she unbuckled the oversized car seats built in restraints. At 5’5” Tina was not required by law to have the seat but she was much more comfortable in it and felt safe and secure when riding in mommies car. When Rose agreed to take on the responsibility for Tina many years ago she decided she needed more than a Nanny and baby relationship. She would be mommy and Tina her daughter. Tina was her adopted daughter both legally and in her heart. Rose helped Tina out of the car. Tina was wearing her pink t-shirt with the sparkly “I heart Mommy” on the front. She had a black pleated skirt with several pink butterflies on it. The skirt barely covered her diapered butt. If she bent over you were treated the sight of a rows of white and pink ruffles from the rumba baby panty diaper cover. She had white knee high stockings and pink Nike tennis shoes. She smiled at her mommy. Her smile was beautiful. Her pigtails were tied off with her favorite pink bows with the black butterflies that match her skirt. Unlike Janice, Tina was never able to build a Chris coat. Tina refused to try. While at BB’s daycare Tina would be content to be a three year old with a limited vocabulary and the ability to use the pottie chair for poopies. Once she got home she was content to be an infant and spend her time playing with her toys on a blanket in the living room until it was time to sleep in her oversized crib. They held hands and were soon in the lobby. “Auntie, Auntie” Tina yelled and flung herself into Edna’s open arms. Edna smiled and hugged the girl tightly. “How is my beautiful, wonderful, super special niece today?” she said with a happy voice. Planting several kisses on the girl’s forehead and cheeks. “Auntie, play!” she said jumping up and down and clapping her hands. Edna turned to Rose. “Let me take Tina in and get her all set up and I will see you in the conference room.” Rose smiled. “Auntie” would take some time to play with her niece. If she had to guess they would soon be playing with the large collection of dolls and doll clothes that was in the daycare. She kissed her daughter on the cheek and said “Be good dear, I will see you at lunch time”. “K mommie” Tina said happily as Auntie took her hand and led her through the double doors. Rose waited a few minutes and then followed them. She stopped outside the daycare and watched as Auntie and niece sat together at a low table and started to diaper a pair of dolls. Tina was giggling at whatever Edna was whispering to her. She looked up as Marge approached. Nanny Marge was on daycare duty this morning. “Good morning Head Mistress” Marge said respectfully. Marge was dressed in the standard BB’s nanny uniform. A simple grey maids dress with pearl buttons and lace accents on the cuffs and collar. She also wore a full apron in white. At her shoulder was an embroidered pink “BB’s” and below that her name also embroidered in pink. She wore her hair in a tight bun and could project a stern face when needed. They stood together and watched the play for a few minutes. “In 15 minutes give Mrs. Nelson a reminder that she has an upcoming meeting” Rose said with a laugh. “Yes Ma’am” Marge said with a giggle as she watched Mrs. Nelson pretend the dolly had a stinky diaper. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Across town the Wilder household was waking up. As usual on Sunday James was up first. He showered and dressed quickly and headed to the kitchen. Saturday’s were unscheduled. Get up when you feel like it, eat what you want. But Sunday was family breakfast. James did not remember much from before he became Janice. He had read the file of course so he knew his past but it was distant and did not seem worth remembering anyway. This was his family and he instituted Sunday family breakfast and family dinner after Tommy started having weekend ball practices and swim lessons. James started cooking but his anxiety was starting to rise a little knowing that Tommy was going to be picked up later today. It was reflected in the food. Chocolate chip pancakes. Janice loved them. Especially with whipped cream smiley faces. James cooked a dozen pancakes and had them ready to be served when Tommy slunk into the kitchen. Tommy knew he was in trouble for last night. He could feel the weight of it pressing down on him. He did not know how much trouble it was but he knew it was big. Before he could sit down his father pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead. This was a part of his dad that Tommy loved. When other dads started pulling away from their sons and stopped the casual affection his dad didn’t. To Tommy this was a sign of a real man, a true father. He does not feel the need to hide from his emotions or with hold affection. His dad was the first to cry during a sad movie and the first to laugh. Dad was not the family’s disciplinarian. There was no wait to your father gets home. Mom had no problem handing out on the spot spankings when he was little, corner timeouts and groundings. Dad’s discipline was worse. He would show that disappointed look. The failure to live up his dad’s expectations was more hurtful then any spanking or grounding. His dad stepped back from the hug and pointed at the kitchen chair and said “Sit”. Tommy sat down. He did not need to see the look. He could hear the disappointment in his dad’s voice. A single word. Tommy felt a tear work done his cheek. A moment later and his mom swept into the kitchen. She bent down and used her thumb to brush the tear away. She kissed his cheek and said “It will be ok, baby”. Only James knew how very accurate that description would turn out to be. She sat down as James began to prepare plates and pour orange juice. She watched as James used the can of whipped cream and made a happy face for her pancakes and set them in front of her. Then Tommy’s and then his. Once James sat down she said “Eat first and talk after”. The pancakes were silly and seemed to help everyone relax as James pretended his pancake did not appreciate being eaten. After the pancakes were demolished and juice drank James got up and cleared the dishes from the table. Normally April and Tommy would wash them as the house rule was if you cooked you got out of dish duty. When James sat back down April took charge of the questioning. “What happened last night? Where were you and why were you drinking?” She said in a business like tone. She wanted to yell, she wanted to be angry but she held it in check. For now anyway. Tommy looked at the table, he could not meet his mom’s eyes let alone his dad’s. “After graduation I got together with Brad and we hopped around from party to party. Brad leaves today for the Air Force and wanted to say goodbye to as many friends as possible. We ended up at Brad’s house. I helped him pack a few things.” Tommy stopped for bit. This was embarrassing. Very embarrassing. His mom was not going to let him stop. Indeed she said “When did you start drinking?” Tommy figured he might as well say it all. Brad was never ashamed of it and neither was Tommy but Brad’s father was not understanding and would never would be. But Brad was on a plane by now and his dad’s small minded attitudes were not an issue anymore. Tommy looked up into his Mom’s face and said “We never told anyone but Brad is gay. His father is very homophobic and Brad decided long ago to keep that part of himself secret until he was on his own.” He watched his Mom’s eyes widen a bit. James did not say anything but he already knew. Janice was very good at picking up emotions. She knew Brad had had a crush on Tommy. She also knew that Tommy was not interested in boys. Tommy was a good friend and never let that crush interfere with their friendship. “We have been friends forever. We talked about sex and our orientation many times. I know Brad wished for more out of our friendship but I never saw him as a romantic partner.” Tommy explained. His mom jumped in quickly “Tommy you don’t have to tell us these things. We don’t need to know about Brad and your relationship. We have total trust in you and just want you to be happy.” Tommy sighed this was so so awkward. Not as bad as his talk with his dad about sex but right up there. “This is about the drinking mom. Neither of us have been daters. We have both been holding back for various reasons.” He blushed a dark red as he continued. “We decided that we couldn’t go on to our separate paths without kissing someone in high school. He never got to kiss me and I never got to kiss the girl I wanted. At least he would get his kiss. We agreed to a kiss, a real kiss. Like the movies. It was scary and exciting.” Tommy covered his eyes with his hands. “I was so nervous that when Brad suggested a shot of tequila I jumped at it. A toast we said. To our futures. I had more than one.” Tommy took the chance and looked up at this father. Fearing the look of disgust and scorn. He just admitted to agreeing to kiss a boy. Tommy shed another tear at his father’s look. It was not angry or disgusted. It was love and compassion. Those eyes urged him to continue. Tommy continued eyes never leaving his father “When I felt the nerves leave I told him I was ready and he kissed me. It..It…was wonderful but Brad was not the one I wish I was kissing.” The kiss was long and sweet. Brad put in all the passion he had bottled up inside. His tongue explored my mouth and caressed mine. He even bent me backwards as he held me tight. Tommy thought in his mind. These thoughts were not for sharing with parents. Tommy looked over to see his mother carefully neutral expression. “After the kiss we talked and Brad was able to fully let go of his feelings for me. He told me he finally kissed his first crush and for me to go find mine.” “We chatted about the Airforce and Stanford until it was time to go. I did not even realize I was drunk. I’ve never drank any alcohol before. I should have known better.” Tommy said finally” His dad spoke up next “What caused you to crash your mother’s car?” Tommy thought back a moment it was hard to remember. “A cat..there was a cat in the road. I swerved around it and then Mrs. Nelson was asking me if I was ok.” Janice had enough she needed to hold him and opened her arms in invitation. Tommy jumped up from the chair flung himself at his father. His father stroked his hair and held him. His mom also joined the group hug. It was comforting but short lived as they parted and it was moms turn to say “Sit” and point at a chair. Once they were sitting again April took her sons hands into her own and asked “Do you remember failing the breath test?” “I was sitting in the back of the ambulance. The police officer asking me if I had been drinking. I told him a little. He had me blow into something. He told me I was just over the legal limit. Next thing I knew your hugging me to death.” Tommy replied his body shaking a little. “What does it mean to be over the legal limit?” April hated to tell him. He was going to freak out at first. ”It means that they could have charged you with a DUI. That plus your accident could have added a charge for reckless driving and destruction of private property”. She was right Tommy freaked out. “My scholarship, my scholarship has a clause in it making it void if there is any criminal charges. What am I going to do?” He stuttered working himself up to a full blown panic. April grabbed her sons chin and said “Look at me, look at me! Calm down, you did not listen to me. I said they could have charged you. They are going to drop the charges against you.” That got Tommy‘s attention “Why, why would they drop them. I don’t understand.” “Mrs. Nelson arranged an alternative arrangement. She called a judge she knows and set it up that you do some sort of community service at her day care that she is part owner of. You will get paid while working and you will pay off the damages you caused. It will take all summer but you will still keep your scholarship and will head off to school on time.” April explained as best she could. She gave him another hug and got up. “I have to go down town and arrange the paperwork this morning. Your dad can explain more. After you wash the dishes.” She got up hugged and kissed her husband and grabbed her keys and the business card. “I will see you both later this afternoon.” She said heading to the door. Still not realizing how Tommy’s time will spent at the daycare. Tommy’s head was spinning. He did not care about working all summer. He thought he would be willing to do anything to keep his scholarship. His dad’s voice was soft as it said “Wash up the dishes and meet me in the living room. We need to talk” Twenty minutes later the two of them were sitting in the living room. Tommy was pensive not sure what this talk was about. The drinking, the kiss with brad, the car crash or all of them. James was not sure how much to tell his son. His experience was far different than what Tommy faced. He knew that because Nanny told him so. He never went back there, he missed Tina but knew his presence was confusing for her. So while he knew it was different he had hidden fears that it was not. They stared at each other for another moment before James said “I’m going to tell you something. I never told this to your mother either and I would appreciate that you kept it to yourself.” Tommy was spellbound and only nodded. Wow secrets with his dad. Cool! “I was not a very nice guy in high school. I was always fighting and getting to trouble. My best friend Chris and I hated the world. I was an unloved foster kid and Chris’s dad used to beat him. We got arrested a few times for shop lifting but we were still underage and never really got punished for it.” Tommy’s jaw dropped open this was shocking. His Dad was kind and loving not some kind of thug. James continued “We both somehow graduated high school but obviously learned nothing. Two weeks after graduating we stole a car. Just to drive around for fun. But Chris panicked when he saw the police behind us and ended up crashing the car into a parked and thankfully empty school bus.” Janice knew these things from the file but had no memory of the events. “Only now we were both 18 and considered adults. We were both looking at jail time.” He paused and looked at Tommy “Shocked?” Tommy was shocked and said so “Dad, I can’t believe you were like that. It does not make sense.” James shrugged “We were dumb broken kids. I’m not the person I was back then. Not even close” to herself she added “what an understatement”. “We were sitting in county lockup, scared and alone. Nobody to call or care we were there. Before we could go to a trial we were offered an alternative. Community service at what would eventually be called BB’s. If we completed the service we would be free to go with no charges. Sound familiar?” “Wow dad! That’s crazy. It is still hard to believe you were a hardened criminal” He said with a laugh. “I guess the community service option set you back on the right path.” “Never even thought about my old ways again” James said with a long sigh. “The point is I was where you are now. We both did wrong. We both have an opportunity to pay for it without going to jail or losing out scholastic futures.” “I am happy to do what it takes to keep my scholarship Dad. I mean it. I screwed up and I’m willing to pay for my mistake.” “Good. That attitude will help you. You will be earning money and paying Mrs. Nelson back but they put you through an intense introductory program to start. I can’t tell you about it. The program has government backers and those that go through it or know about are required to sign non-disclosure agreements. But that’s not why I won’t tell you. It will be easier if you don’t know before you get there.” Tommy looked confused for a bit “You can’t tell me anything?” “Nope. But I can give you some words of advice. First remember why you are there and what is waiting for you when it is over. Second others have gone before and others will eventually follow you. And finally the most important thing to remember.” James paused for bit and finished with “You can’t die from embarrassment. You may want to but like all things it will pass.” “What do you mean by embarrassment? Why would you say that?” Tommy pressed but only got silence in return. “The van will be here to pick you up at 11am. You can’t take anything with you so don’t worry about packing. They will provide everything you need.” James said getting up and leaving Tommy to his thoughts and sudden fears. At precisely 11am there was a knock at the door. A quick hug from his dad and soon enough Tommy found himself alone in the back of a van heading somewhere. He was sacred and alone but he realized he did have people who cared and loved him unlike when his dad did this. (This is Chapter 2. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy’s summer of fun. Next chapter April learns some history, Janice’s control of her James coat is slipping, and Tommy finds out if you really can die of embarrassment. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback ( 9
BabySofia Posted March 16, 2023 Posted March 16, 2023 Good advice from his father, this is an interesting tale!
Eagle0769 Posted March 16, 2023 Posted March 16, 2023 I had a hard time reading chapter 1 but read it again and started to read chapter 2. Your writing was better and I started to understand what was going on. I don't really liked forced stories but this has me curious. Great job I'm still here and interested :-)
chlorobaby Posted March 16, 2023 Posted March 16, 2023 Great story - loving the mentions of handkerchief from Nanny and especially Tissues to be put out - big things for me! Cant wait for the next parts ! 1 minute ago, chlorobaby said: Great story
keith60 Posted March 17, 2023 Posted March 17, 2023 this is a good story i hope there is more of it soon
CCApril Posted March 17, 2023 Author Posted March 17, 2023 Hi everyone! Thanks for reading and commenting. I have six chapters completed and am working on number seven. I plan on posting a chapter every couple of days until they are all caught up. Once I get caught up you can expect a chapter once a week or so after. If real world stuff cause a delay I will let you know. Thank You! April
CCApril Posted March 18, 2023 Author Posted March 18, 2023 BB’s Nursery and Day Care Chapter 3 Mrs. Nelson, Head Mistress Rose Valentine, Judge Marion Sanderson and Mr. Gray were on a group call in the BB’s conference room. Edna and Rose were in person, Marion’s screen showed her home office and as always Mr. Grays screen was blank. Mrs. Nelson was wrapping up the discussion “So we are agreed with how we handle Janice’s wife?” There were nods and a sigh from Judge Marion. Mr. Gray was, as always, just an observer. He almost never spoke up during the regular monthly meetings either. “This just seems so complicated” Marion added. “Promises were made, made by me. We must do it this way. Neither method is sure fire but if it goes wrong and we did it my way then I will have lived up to my promise” stated Mrs. Nelson firmly. “April will be here soon so unless there are any other thoughts or concerns lets adjourn. Please be available Marion, we may need your confirmation from the legal side.” “I will be here if needed” Marion said and ended the call. “Mr. Gray anything to add?” asked Mrs. Nelson. “No Edna, just my continued thanks for what you three do” he said as he too ended the call. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mr. Gray sat at his desk and thought about BB’s and his agencies involvement long ago. He was not involved back then, he took over BB’s oversite from his mentor when he retired. The agency was not like the movies or books. They were not a cold machine. They took care of mistakes and took their responsibilities seriously. The story of the two remaining young men was moving and the dedication the three women for taking care of Tina and Janice was inspirational. Almost all the agency did these days was provide financial support and occasionally lean on the judicial system. As long as young men and the odd woman get sent there for rehabilitation, the agency could justify the continued financial support. He suddenly grinned maybe they were a little like the movies. The two “doctors” found out the hard way about that. He never told Edna or Rose about the one attempted abduction of Tina and the three separate attempts on Janice. They only let Marion know because her position as a judge could be useful if things went sideways. It seems that Janice being able to wear her James persona was something they desperately wanted to duplicate. The third attempt was over 15 years ago and they were able to back track the attempt all the way to the source. Once the two doctors were in custody the attempts stopped. Not that they stopped watching of course. It warmed his heart to think of those two assholes being held in a special cell in the bowels of the agency. No bathroom he was told, they had to diaper and sponge bathe each other. Sweet justice in his opinion. Maybe he should tell Edna. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ April punched the address into her phones app and was soon driving across town. The last couple of days were an emotional rollercoaster for. She was still dealing with her baby being old enough graduate high school let alone leave home, leave her. She knew the school was just up the coast but it felt like it was across the country. The drinking didn’t seem to be a big issue. Most teenagers experiment with that and she was no exception herself. The kiss with Brad though. That was unexpected. Although James seemed to be unsurprised. She would have to dig into that when she got home. She never really talked to Tommy about girls or boys for that matter. James handled that part. The talk about sex, and dating and being a responsible teen was a Father/Son thing in her mind. Not that she was totally clueless or uninvolved. Something happened last year. She suspected it was with that girl he tutored in Math. He would not talk about it, but did cry in her arms after she stopped coming for tutoring. After that he just buried his head into his classes and after school activities his high school counselor recommend for his college applications. Now this community service thing. She was grateful that Mrs. Nelson was quick to intervene and keep her Tommy out of jail and able to keep his college dream. But something was off about the whole thing though. James was happy about Tommy not being charged but could not hide his anxiety from her. Her James was a very sensitive man. She loved that part of him. But he was horrible at keeping things from her. Surprise gifts, good news from work or when things go wrong. All of those were readable on his face. It seemed like an odd part of town for a daycare she thought as she entered the industrial area. Maybe they got a good deal on the rent or something. It got much stranger as she pulled up to fenced in area with a gated entry. She would have worried it was the wrong place except the speaker box had a small placard that read BB’s. She stopped next to it but never actually touched the button before the gate opened. A pleasant female voice said “Welcome to BB’s Mrs. Wilder please feel free to park in any open area. Mrs. Nelson will meet you in the lobby.” Surprised April gave a quick “Thank you” and drove through the gate. There were a few cars in the lot but there was plenty of parking. She chose a spot and exited her car. As she walked to the entrance she paused at the sign that read “Reserved for Head Mistress”. Head Mistress she mused. Like a girls prep school or something. She paused outside the main doors. There was only a small sign. Other daycares she seen in the past seem to have big signs over the doors letting everyone know what they were. But not here. It was very subdued. She was starting to get very concerned. This was not an ordinary daycare. Edna met April in the lobby. She could see the worry on her face. Edna was not surprised. The gates and fencing were enough to worry anyone who came here unprepared. They did not take walk-ins. You came here by appointment only. Edna gave April a quick hug and said “Welcome to BB’s April. Let’s go to a conference room so I can answer your questions and your obvious concerns. We also have a pile of paperwork to fill out as well.” Returning the hug and following behind Edna. April said “This is a bit weird Edna, what kind of daycare is this? Do you take care of celebrity babies and kids? It seems like a lot of security for a daycare.” Edna snickered a little “Well, we do take care of some rather well known babies and toddlers. Privacy and anonymity is part of our service here.” They entered the conference room and Edna made the introduction. “April Wilder this is Rose Valentine, Head Mistress here at BB’s.” Rose stood up and shook hands with April. ”It’s nice to meet you April, welcome to BB’s. Please have a seat.” “Thank you” April said sitting down at the small conference table. Before anymore was said Becky swept into the room offering and pouring coffee for everyone. Before she swept back out everyone had coffee, a muffin, and a lunch order. Becky was a force of nature. That helped cut the tension as the ladies laughed and made comments on who really ran the place. “Before we can talk much more I will need you to sign these forms April” Rose said sliding some papers in front of April. When April made no move to look at them she added “These are non-disclosure forms. Our work with the judicial system and clients require these forms to be signed before I can give you any information on BB’s. This is not Tommy’s legal paperwork. Only a non-disclosure.” April looked at the two women and only when Edna nodded did she begin to review the paperwork. They seemed to be fairly standard to her. The punishments for speaking of BB’s to anyone outside of the knowledge circle were extensive and obviously backed by the U.S. Government. She read every page and in the end she signed the non-disclosure. She really had no choice. It was that or walk out the door. Once they were signed Becky notarized them and took them to make copies and scan them for the file. Edna breathed a silent sigh of relief. Step one was accomplished. “Let me start with a history of BB’s and why they place has so much security.” ”In 1990 we were approached by a small group of Psychologist’s who wished to examine how nurturing and age regression could be used to rehabilitate troubled youths. Teenagers who were raised in broken homes and never experienced a loving nurturing environment. And by we, I mean Rose, Marion and I.” Edna paused for a moment and added “please let me know if we need to add Marion to this talk. She is at home but agreed to be available by conference call if needed.” At April’s nod she continued. “We three were about to finish our B.A.s in Psychology and had what they were looking for. A little knowledge, a lot of naivety and we were all tall dominate women. After graduation we moved into the dorms next door to this building. The group had purchased both warehouses and retrofitted one into offices and regression rooms or what we call nurseries. The other building held dorms for staff and security.” At this point April broke in “Wait nurseries? You planned to regress teens to the point that needed a nursery? How can that even work?” “April please let me finish. I will explain how it was planned to work. We are still talking over 30 years ago.” begged Edna. There was no easy way to pacify a mom in angry bear mode. With April’s silence and quick nod she continued. “When we were newly hired we met with a Doctor Martin. He explained to us that they were going to conduct a series of behavioral experiments. The plans was to have eight young men between the ages of 18 and 21. All the test subjects came from broken homes of some sort or another. All the men were on their last strike with the law. It was participate in this program of go to jail. Most of them for several years.” Edna paused and waved her hand around “That is the reason for all the security. It was originally intended to ensure the boys could not cut their time short by running.” “There were a total of six young tall women hired to play Nanny and perform a mothering role” Edna was interrupted by Rose with a hair flip “Don’t forget beautiful as well”. “Yes, Rose, all of us were beautiful young women back then, and still are.” Edna said with a smile. Edna continued “The young men were divided into two groups. Four with an infant regression and four with a toddler regression. The three of us were assigned the infant group. We were to be their nannies. They were to have everything done for them like real babies. Stripped of control, given a new chance to symbolically grow up. They were diapered and dressed as babies. Actually as baby girls. Babies give up all control, they have no say in what they wear, when their fed, when their changed, or what they can play with. It worked wonders. After a few days of fighting it they accepted the program, letting go of their aggression and enjoying the feeling of safety and security they never had in their lives before.” April interrupted frowning a bit “Assuming the regression thing makes model citizens, I don’t understand why the girl clothes.” Rose smirked a little “Give a bunch of young women the chance to dress boys in any style of baby and toddler clothes? I’m sorry but all the cute clothes are for girls.” Edna added ”The Doctors running the experiment said it helped build a stronger sense of helplessness by not being able to retreat into the normalcy of boy clothes. They had their reason and we had ours.” “Now move the summer along four weeks. The plan was for our baby’s grow up a bit and join the toddler group. They would spend another three weeks as a toddler and the entire group would be allowed to be young men again and returned home again a week later. They would be monitored and their behavior recorded. The two groups would be compared for behavioral differences. Not really our role we were just care givers.” Edna explained. Edna stood up and walked around the table and reached out and held Roses hand. “One of the things we learned is that you cannot be a pretend nanny or give pretend affection. We spent an immense amount of time with our little charges. We had high hopes for them. Unfortunately we were lied to. The Doctor running the experiment was just looking for some expendable guinea pigs.” Wiping a tear Rose took over for the distraught Edna “We can’t get into too many details about what happened. There were serious issues with the infants. Including one suicide. The toddlers had issues as well. It was a nightmare. The doctor and his assistant were administrating drugs and hypnosis to the subjects at night time while the nannies were asleep in the dorms. The doctors fled moments before federal agents flooded the building. Apparently they were some sort of splinter group within the organization.” Rose continued “We were left with a group of young men with no memories of their past. Who’s only bonds left to them were their nannies. We took care of all the children, and that’s what they were now, while they tried to find out what those bastards did.” Edna took back over and said ”We took care of them and worked with other Doctors and specialist to try and figure out how to reverse the process. Not all the nannies stuck around either. I think there was only 4 of us left within a month of the collapse. We also needed a cover for what we were doing. After meetings with the agency, and that’s all they would call them self, we decided to make the place a business and keep the children here until something was worked out. We were calling it BB’s amongst ourselves all along. You know Big Babies. When we became a business it became BB’s Nursery and Daycare.” Edna continued “This went on for a year. We had three babies that did not respond to anything we did and stayed babies. The toddlers fared better, they were able age again. By the end of the year, three of the four were back to being teenagers again, still with no memories from before but able have normal lives. The fourth toddler stayed a girl and refused anything to do with being a boy. She eventually was given SRS and is now a happily grown women.” Edna paused a bit and drank some coffee. April was stunned by the story. It was hard to believe that these things could happen. “What about the babies?” she asked pensively. Rose sighed and said “It was not good. We lost the first one to suicide, which was part of the collapse and eventual intervention by the agency. His name was Robert but we called him Bobbi during the regression. The other three stayed baby girls for that first year. Of the three one went on to have a grownup life. One is still a baby girl to this day. The last one was taken away by distant family and we do not know what happened after that.” Rose continued “The agency came to us with a proposition midway through the first year. They would completely fund BB’s as long as we continued to care for the children and continued the regression therapy program. They had contracts with various local governments for the program and wanted them to continue. We told them to go to hell. We would not put any more kids through this process.” Edna laughed and said “Rose was hell on wheels”. “I certainly was. Still am! They left but then the next day an Agent Black showed up. He told us we would have complete control. We could set the program to any length and hire as we needed. They were required to have monthly meeting with us for basic financial accountability but would have little to no input on operations. He told me that they were responsible for what happened and were committed to taking care of the boys. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I know he meant it.” “Edna, Marion, Cindy and I met that evening and after much soul searching we agreed to continue. Cindy was the last remaining Nanny besides us three. Unfortunately she passed away several years ago. We required that the regression program be evaluated every five years. We needed proof that the program worked, we required that there be tangible results in the positive behavior of the boys. At no time would there be anything more used then standard behavioral controls used by nannies all over the world. You know, stuff like corner time, taking away toys or favorite foods, and spankings. No drugs or hypnosis! Ever!” Edna took over again and said “We have had the program evaluated every five years. It was shown that there was over a 35% reduction of repeat crimes when compared to a similar sample pool. In addition the program has shown a significant amount of the subjects have more stable relationships and a drastically reduced divorce rate. There has been enough evidence that the program is successful and we have continued it in various form since then. Even to this day BB’s is still used to protect those last two children from the original group so long ago. Also we have expanded our services beyond the legal program.” Rose stood up and said “Let’s take a break. I know April has a ton of question about the current program but I have a guest coming who I think can ease her concerns. Let me see if he is ready to come in. With that Rose left the conference room. April just sat back and nibbled on the muffin. It was uncomfortable to think this kind of stuff could happen outside of movies and stories. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rose followed the hallway and entered the daycare area. There were several activities going on but she saw that the little girl she was looking for was sitting in a circle with several others holding various stuffed animals and listening to Nanny Marge read a story to them. The girls all moved to stand as she approached and Rose said “Stay seated girls, no need to get up for me. Nanny Marge keep reading your story. I need to take Cindy now. Her mommy will be here to pick her soon.” Cindy stood up quickly and gave the headmistress a curtsy even though they were about the same height. When dressed as Cindy she was unfailingly polite and submissive. Her dress was a beautiful pink satin. With white lace at the collar and sleeve cuffs. Her dress was puffed out a bit by the number of stiff petticoats. She had on ankle high white socks with a pink little bow on each. On her feet were very shiny black leather mary janes. On her head was a blonde wig with two long pigtails woven with matching pink ribbons that flowed down past her shoulders. She was very cute. Rose smiled at the curtsy. They were not required but the girls loved doing them. She took Cindy’s hand and led her to her cubby so she could put her stuffed penguin “Percy” to bed. As they walked out of the play room and headed to the locker rooms Rose asked “Did you have a good weekend Cindy? You seemed pretty sad when you got here yesterday.” Cindy smiled and subconsciously ran her hands over the fabric of her skirts. “Oh yes Headmistress” she gushed. “I had such a wonderful time. Yesterday, I got to be a princess all day!” she clapped her hands and spun around in a circle. The entered the locker room and almost at once Cindy seemed to lose the extra happiness she just had. Rose followed her over to her locker and helped unbutton the dress. Soon enough all the little girl clothes including a pair of pink nylon panties with a pictures of dancing penguins wearing lovely white tutus were placed into the locker where they would all be taken and cleaned and ready for the next play date. Rose stood patiently as the tall man got dressed. There was no discomfort from either of them over his nakedness. That went away years ago. Having wiped his little tushy and changed his diaper so many times there were no sense of fear or shame. Naked was just naked. Gerald sat down and pulled on his socks and tennis shoes. He said “Head Mistress…..Sorry takes a bit to switch back. I mean Rose, as always I love my time here. Last week was a tough week. I was not sure how the jury was going to react. There was so much stuff being tossed around by the defense that I was not sure the jury would find the bastard guilty. But they did. My lovely and extremely understanding wife knew that an overnight stay here would be just the thing for me to cope with the stress.” She patted his hand and kissed his cheek “I know dear, we are always happy to have you with us. Your wife will be here in about 30 minutes. Are you still up to talking to a Tammi Lee’s mother? She has signed all the non-disclosure forms.” He smiled and said “You bet. While I have never met Janice before you can’t spend any time around Tina without hearing her talk about her best friend. I would love to meet Janice’s wife.” Rose sighed and said “Thank you Gerald. Tina still thinks that Janice is a baby like her and can’t understand it when Janice isn’t. It upsets her too much so Janice doesn’t visit anymore.” Gerald hugged Rose tightly and whispered in her ear “You are such a good mommy.” Rose pushed him away with a shoulder pat and a slight blush thinking back on some of their late night feeding sessions “You should know” she said with small grin. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ April was not sure if any of this story she was told was true, and even if it was true. How could she leave her child to go through this? But what were the alternatives? Her pondering was interrupted when Rose returned with a tall man in a blue polo shirt and casual slacks. She knew him from the news over the last few weeks. The trial was heavily covered. He came into the room and his eyes lit up with unconcealed joy. “Mrs. Nelson!” he said with exuberance. He hurried around the table and swept her up in hug. “I have not seen you in forever.” Edna smiled and returned the hug, such a good girl he was when he was here. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said “I missed you to Gerald”. Rose smiled indulgently. Gerald was a true success story for BB’s. “Gerald, I would like to introduce you to April Wilder. April this is District Attorney Gerald Jenner”. April was surprised to see him here but not too surprised to stand up and shake his hand “Pleased to meet you” she said. “My pleasure Mrs. Wilder.” he said and then took a seat at the table. Rose patted Gerald hand and said “About fifteen years ago Gerald came to us to go through the program. He has agreed to come speak to you today to calm your fears about the program and show how much it made a difference in his life.” Gerald smiled at Rose and then turned to April and began his story. “Let’s see here. When I was almost 18, I was arrested for stealing cars. I would find one, steal it, and drop it off at a warehouse. I got paid $50 a car. I used the money to take care of myself and my younger sister. Our father was long gone and my mother spent all her time drinking. If I did not make the money then my sister would have nothing, no food, no shoes. When I got arrested social services took my sister and put her into foster care. Best thing that could have happened. Her foster parents were wonderful. I was offered a choice jail time for auto theft or participate in the program.” “They don’t tell you much. But they don’t really need to. The math was simple. Two years for theft or a four week immersive behavior adjustment program. If you’re smart you choose the four weeks no matter what it was. Right? Simple Math. Although I think it is only three weeks now.” He looked at April “You know what the program is right?” At her nod he continued “It was weird at first. And while I did not try to run away. I was not very accepting. I took a day or two days to accept..” Edna interrupted “It took three days, many spankings and a final threat to fail you and send you back to jail.” He had a sheepish look on his face “Nannies never forget.” He said with a laugh. “I spent four weeks here. By the end of it I almost didn’t want to leave. It was the most loved I ever felt, until I got married that is. I came here angry and hurt and sure there was no good in the world. I left BB’s but they never left me. They followed up on me. Helped me find a place to stay. Encouraged me to go to college.” April seemed to be more open to the idea and asked “You came here just to help me and Tommy? Thank you so much!” April watched as he flushed a deep red. He cleared his throat a little and said “Not exactly. I was here decompressing from the trial. I have found that there are times that putting myself into the hands of the Nannies that work have been some of the best work therapy I could find.” “You spend time here on your own? I don’t understand.” April said with confusion evident on her face. With a grin Gerald said “Keep in mind I’m the one who will get to prosecute if you break the non-disclosure clause. I come here and spend the day or overnight as my alter ego Cindy. I dress the part and act the part. When I leave today I will have left a ton of stress behind.” April nodded with some understanding. One of her college roommates was into age play and would tell her stories about we she and her boyfriends would do. Before April could ask any more questions Becky poked her head into the conference room and said “Mrs. Jenner has just pulled into the parking lot.” Gerald popped up out of his chair and said “Good days ladies, April it was nice to meet you let Rose know if you have any more questions I can help you with. I don’t like to keep her waiting.” And with that he was gone. April looked at the ladies and smiled “He has a very understanding wife”. Rose and Edna looked at each other and started laughing. “She should be. Barbara used to work here. She worked here as a Nanny when he was going to law school. It was a total coincidence that they started dating before they found out about their ties to BB’s.” Rose continued “That leads us to the other part of BB’s. We also offer services like Gerald takes advantage of. We have clients that come in for the daycare, the nursery or both. We offer up to two weeks of continuous care. All of our clients are over 18 and must sign the non-disclosure forms. All of them are voluntary regardless of what kind of games they may be playing were their spouses or significant others. There is no sex involved. There is only age appropriate care. We have government funding so we must be careful about that. The agency pays the bills, salaries, utilities. All the other additional clients we see are charged for our services. We are not cheap. Nobody can offer the services and privacy we do.” Edna jumps in and says “The best part is we use the considerable money we collect to pay for staff and some of the program kids to go to college. We support a number of charitable causes as well.” She looks at April and says “I promise you Tommy will be ok. He will get through the program easily. He is a sweet kid and should have no problems just going with it. After the 3 weeks, he will spend 8 weeks working here at BB’s to earn the repair money. I am planning on getting him some dorm space next door. We work some odd on call hours and it would be good to have him close. During the weekends he can stay with me and help me rebuild the flower beds and put in a new fence. You can visit any time you wish after the 3 weeks. If he gets too homesick I will arrange for him to spend a night at home after the 3 weeks.” April looks at Edna, then Rose and finally back to Edna. “I will sign the paperwork from the judge but ultimately the decision is Tommy’s. He is 18 and legally responsible for his decisions. If he backs away I won’t try to force him. I will back him 100%.” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tommy sat in the van. Not sure where they were going and not sure when they would get there. To his nervous mind it seemed forever before they were stopping at some kind of gate. He could hear the chain rattling and a motor humming. Soon the van moved but quickly stopped. The door was opened and the large female security people were helping him out of the van. They guided him through a door and into a plain room. They told him to sit and that someone would be along soon. The room looked like a police interrogation room. It even had a large mirror that he was willing to bet was two way glass. The door opened and a woman entered. She was very tall, blonde and beautiful and looked all business as she sat down across from him and laid several folders on the table. She usually got this job. Getting young men to sign papers was her specialty. She always seemed to know which buttons to press. “Hello, Tommy my name is Katherine Petrov. You may call me Miss Petrov.” Tommy gulped a little and said “Nice to meet you Miss Petrov.” She smiled and said “Good. I like polite little boys.” She opened the file “You are Thomas Wilder, correct?” “Yes ma’am” he answered. “Excellent” she responded “We need to cover some paperwork before we can continue.” She slid some forms in front of him. “You need to sign these. These are non-disclosure forms. The process you will be put through requires some level of discretion and secrecy. If it helps, your mother has already signed her copies.” Tommy looked through the forms and quickly signed them with a shrug. He didn’t have anybody outside the family to discuss it with anyway with Brad gone now. She took the papers and slid them back into the folder. She took out another set of papers. “These outline the settlement that was arranged by Judge Sanderson, the police department and again your mother. Your mother’s signature was required because you were given into her custody last night. However, you are 18 and legally responsible for yourself. You may reject this offer and face whatever may come from the regular legal process. I will outline the program and settlement for you and then you can either sign the papers or be returned home. Do you understand?” Tommy nodded. Miss Petrov said “I need verbal confirmation for the record Tommy.” “Yes Miss Petrov, I understand.” Tommy quickly answered. Katherine ground her thighs together. The idea of being his Nanny was exciting. He would make a sweet baby. Unfortunately she was on probation, having spanked her last baby a little more vigorously then was allowed. She did like to see a bright red butt after all. “You will be placed under an aggressive behavior modification regime for three weeks. The three week program is part of the settlement for dropping your charges. At the end of three weeks you will work for Mrs. Nelson to pay for damages. She has set up a work program for the following eight weeks. In addition you will be required to stay with her on weekends to repair the flower gardens and perimeter fencing. All meals, clothing and hygiene items will be provided. You must wear the clothing provided. All clothing and items in your possession right now will be inventoried and returned at the end of your eight weeks. Do you understand?” “Yes, Miss Petrov I understand.” Tommy answered. He did the math in his head and there would still be plenty of summer left to get setup for college. She slid the papers in front of him. She showed him where to sign and did not encourage him to read into the details. He signed them and she quickly slid them back into the file. She stood up and said wait here and strode from the room. She smiled to herself and thought one more cutie for the nursery. A few minutes later another women entered into the room. She sat down across from him and handed him an open bottle of water. “Hello Tommy, I’m Nurse Sammie. I need to ask you a series of health related questions. Ok?” “Yes Ma’am” Tommy said wondering if he was going to get a shot or something and drank the water he was given. The nurse asked a lot of typical health questions. Do you have any allergies, are you on any medications, any health issues. But then the questions started getting a bit odder. “What is your sexual orientation?” That one was unexpected and Tommy stopped from rote answering. “Excuse me Miss but why do you need to know?” The nurse looked up from the paper work and said “We are very diligent in protecting everyone’s physical health and mental health. We have found that over the years that the more knowledge about our program inductees we can collect the better we can be prepared for any issues that may crop up. All answers are strictly confidential.” Tommy thought for a minute about not answering but felt a bit compelled to answer her. He finally shrugged and replied “Heterosexual”. The next question was even more personal “Sexual history?” That brought a pink glow to his face. He stared at the floor and said “No sexual history”. “You are stating that you are a virgin Tommy?” Tommy cringed and said “Yes ma’am”. “Good for you. No need to run around and getting into trouble before you’re ready. What about dating? How would you describe your dating history?” “Nothing much to say. Not many dates. Too busy this whole last year to even think about it.” Sammie had been given some direction to ask some specific questions. A bit odd but she was good at wrangling information from her patients. Once they drank the water they were always more forthcoming. She only added a little bit of something they made at the agency. The water was only given after everything was signed first as well. There was a well placed small paragraph authorizing its use in the contract documents. It lowered a person’s inhibitions a bit and let them answer questions more openly then they might normally. It would also wear off quickly. It was the only drug they used at BB’s and its only purpose was to gather accurate information. Some of the kids that have come in over the years were excellent liars. She pointed to a thick folder full of old medical journal articles she collected over the years and said “We have prepared an extensive file on you Tommy and we would like you to clarify a few things.” Tommy looked at the thick file shocked at how they could have collected so much information on him so quickly. What could they possibly find out that would fill that many pages? “It’s about a girl you tutored last semester. Do you know to whom I’m referring to?” Wow thought Tommy. They have found out a lot about me. “That would be Veronica Collins.” The nurse said “That’s correct. What can you tell me about her?” Tommy could not help but smile a little. “She is very tall and beautiful. She is also very smart. I don’t think she really needed math help as much as she needed a confidence boost that she understood it.” “It sounds like you really liked her. How come you never dated her? Did she turn you down or something?” Normally this kind of talk would have been hard for him but he felt the words just tumble out. “Do you know how much teasing a really tall girl gets in high school? It turns out to be even more than a short boy. I wanted to ask her out. I even worked up the nerve to ask her to the spring dance. I was almost to her locker when I could hear the boys calling her names. One boy in particular would not let up with the tall jokes and mean statements. I got there in time to see her burst into tears and run off to the locker room.” The nurse pretended to go through her file. “Are you referring to a Barry Stills?” “I’m amazed that you have found that out. I did not think Barry would ever tell anyone. Yeah it was Barry. I caught up with him after school. He was walking home and I followed him behind the old train depot. It was pretty deserted. I just walked up to him and punched him in the face. He tried to fight back but I have had lots of self-defense classes over the years. Once I had his undivided attention I told him that if I ever saw him within speaking distance of Veronica, I would find him and put him in the hospital for the summer. Jail or no jail. I was so angry. I guess he believed me because as far as I could tell he never spoke to her again.” The nurse was beginning to see why she was supposed to ask these questions. She knew a Veronica worked here at BB’s as a nanny. If it was the same Veronica she was going to get some popcorn and watch the security monitors later when he’s put into the nursery. “So you saved the day and then what happened after you asked her to the dance?” “I didn’t ask her. I changed my mind.” “Why? It seems that was what you wanted.” “It was but..” He struggled a bit more and said “look at me I’m 5’ nothing. Veronica is well over six feet and that’s without high heels. How could I take her to a dance in front of all those jerks? Do you know what kind of cruel things they would say if we showed up together?” She was disappointed in him and said “I see, you did not want to be teased and made fun of so you decided not to ask her.” Tommy looked at her funny and said “That’s not it at all. They made her cry in the hallway. How much more mean to her could they be because of me? To have her height be so blatantly obvious when we stood together. I couldn’t do that to her. She was a senior and it was her last chance to have a wonderful cherished memory. Not a series of cruel jokes.” What a sweet but stupid boy she thought. “Don’t you think that was a decision that Veronica could have made?” “That’s what my best friend Brad said. I told him that it didn’t matter. I refused to be the source of any more painful jokes and taunts. I then talked him into asking her to the dance. Brad is almost as tall as Veronica. I’m sure they made a good looking couple. I hope she got some good pictures for her scrap book.” “Ok, so you let your best friend take a girl you liked to the dance. But that doesn’t mean that you could not ask her out later. Or did your friend start dating her?” the nurse asked starting to get into the soap opera drama of the tale. Tommy sighed now a bit depressed to be going over old wounds. “First off my friend Brad is gay. I would never send in anyone if I thought they might make a play for her. I just never talked to her again after the dance. She quit coming to tutoring and hung up on me whenever I tried to call her. Then she graduated and was gone and I had more school and activities to do.” Sammie pretended to look through the file. That seemed to cover the extra questions and she had already asked all the medical one. She stood up and then announced that she had no more questions. She told Tommy to follow her to the examination room so she could do a quick health check up. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ James was lonely and anxious while everyone was away. He did his chores, mowed the grass, and took care of the trash and recyclables. By the time he was finished she was more Janice than James. She could feel her grip on her outer James coat loosen. She let it go. It was easier to put it back on then maintain it when it was going. She headed to the garage. They kept several boxes of Tommy’s things from when he was little. She knew which box to open. It had a little K on it for kindergarten. She popped the lid and moved things around until she found her coloring books and crayon’s. It seemed the best place to keep her Princess Sofia coloring books. She had a Disney princess one too but it was all colored in. There was a muppet babies sippy cup in the box as well. She looked at and decided she needed it as well. Ten minutes later she was sitting at the kitchen table coloring Princess Sofia’s beautiful ball gown and sipping ice cold chocolate milk from her sippy cup. Janice felt much better. She loved to color. Now if only Nanny or better yet Mommy April could give her a cookie and tell her what a great job she did. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ April drove home. She was given copies of the paper work that Tommy signed and that was that. She didn’t even get to see him. She was depressed, confused and feeling lonely when she pulled up to the house. She wanted to hug her husband. Wanted James tell her things would be ok. She parked in the garage and entered into the kitchen. It was empty. She called out for him “James are you home?” The house was very quiet. She thought the kitchen smelled like crayons but the oddity was pushed back as she searched the house for James. She finally found him. He was laying on their bed sleeping. He was curled up in a fetal position on top of the blankets. He looked so vulnerable when he slept like that. She smiled and got a spare blanket from the closet. She crawled onto the bed and pulled his back tight against her breasts. She pulled the blanket up over them. The perfect place to rest and think. She did not get much thinking done before she too was fast asleep. The drama of the last 24 hours dragging her down to unconsciousness. She was not awake to see a fast asleep James slip his thumb into his mouth. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tommy was standing in the exam room naked. His clothes and things were whisked away. The nurse handed him a pink hospital gown. It had bunnies and baby ducks on it. Tommy stared at for a bit then hurried to put it on not wanting to be standing around naked anymore. Plus it was a little cold in the room. Nurse Sammie made a note on the chart about Tommy’s reaction. She performed the rest of the examination quickly and professionally. She found no medical issues and pronounced him healthy and eligible to continue. Her last task before handing him off was a full set of body measurements. They needed to be able to select the right size clothes. From the bonnet on his head to the correct size disposal diaper. All of his age appropriate clothes would be selected for him and there would always be a perfect fit. She pushed a button on the desk that would summon security. She turned to Tommy and said “From here on out you are officially in the program. Do as you’re told. Don’t ask questions. Try not to speak at all. Do you understand?” When Tammi nodded she continued “Lots of weird and highly uncomfortable things are going to happen. The biggest of which is that you will now be referred to as Tammi Lee.” Tommy wanted to speak, to shout, but the nurse turned to the opening door and spoke to the guards and said “Tammi Lee is ready for the next step.” Tammi Lee was in shock. This was so weird. The first guard said “Tammi Lee please follow me.” Soon Tammi found herself between the guards as they lead her to a large communal shower. There was another tall woman, do they only hire giants here? Tommy wondered to himself. She was dressed in grey dress with a large white apron. She wore pink latex gloves and was holding a large squirt bottle of some blue liquid. “Tammi Lee please come here under the shower” She bade as she turned on the shower head so it was spraying hot water. Tammi didn’t move until she felt a slight nudge from the security officer behind her. She took a step forward and said “Yes, ma’am” Her innate politeness required a response. The lady smiled at her as she removed Tammi’s hospital gown and stood her under the water. “Tammi Lee did Nurse Sammie mention to you to not speak?” She asked. Tammi just nodded. “Good. Just keep that in mind. You just do what you’re told and I will assume you’re yes and oh so sweet ma’am. Ok?” Tammi nodded again. For the next twenty minutes Tammi was rinsed, covered with blue burning goo from her nose to her toes and every crevice between and then scrubbed clean. When the lady was done washing her she padded her dry with a large fluffy towel. “That’s my girl. Nice and smooth and clean.” She wrapped a pink fluffy robe around her and ushered her out of the shower and into another room. Tammi just kept calm and told herself to just go with the flow. She chose to be here. This was better than the alternative. When the next room turned out to be a beauty parlor with a bevy of young ladies waiting for her she was not so sure anymore and her knees began to shake. Nanny Marge was pleasantly surprised so far. Tammi Lee was following along quite submissively. Not that she expected violence or anything. She was not the typical program baby. She could feel the poor baby shake though as she guided her into the waiting chair. She placed a stuffed panda bear in her lap and said “Here Tammi hold Mr. Popper and squeeze him if you’re feeling anxious.” Tammi gladly squeezed the bear it was warm and fluffy and felt normal in this scary world she had placed herself in. Marge looked on at the cute girl clutching her bear. She was already cute and they hadn’t even started the make over yet. ”Tammi Lee you can close your eyes and try to relax. Nobody is going to hurt you.” The place filled with soft soothing music and soon the girl with a bear was as sound asleep as her parents. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mrs. Nelson and Nanny Veronica were reviewing the footage of Tammi Lee’s interview. Veronica was crying. Edna held the weeping child and felt her years. She was tired, too tired. She felt the push of time. “I was so mean to him. I never gave him a chance to explain.” She said as she slowly got her tears under control. “You were and are two young kids who were too shy to say what you felt. There is nothing that can’t be fixed eventually.” Veronica sat up and dried her eyes. Mrs. Nelson was right of course. “We need to discuss being her Nanny. Do you still want to go forward?” “More than anything Mrs. Nelson. I don’t think I could sit around knowing someone else was taking care of her.” Veronica said quite calmly but what she wanted say touching her, holding her, or feeding her. Edna smiled to herself and said “Well I was thinking that Katherine is coming off probation soon.” “What, What that that butt beater and my Tammi Lee!” Veronica nearly shouted as she jumped to her feet. Edna couldn’t help herself anymore and started laughing, every time she saw the indignation on Veronica’s face she laughed harder. She was afraid she was going to pee herself she was laughing so hard. When Edna finally stopped laughing, she couldn’t wait to tell Rose, she said “I’m just kidding Tammi Lee will be assigned to you.” Edna put on her serious face. “Let me explain this very carefully. If things go the way I think they will, you must insure that during the three week period there will be no sex! After that time and in your own room you can act like little bunnies but during the program you must follow the protocol. If you break the rules I will replace you in a heartbeat. I know you don’t want Katherine taking over your Tammi.” Veronica blushed and said “Yes, Mrs. Nelson I understand completely. That was not my intent.” Although now that she mentioned it she would be hard pressed to not think about it. “What about diaper rubs, I can still do that can’t I.” Mrs. Nelson laughed “If we stopped doing diaper rubs half my Nannies would quit and the babies would revolt. That is ok. Just keep it in the diaper.” The smile lit up Veronica’s face she liked to give those. Her babies just melted when they happened. Edna waited for it patiently. She knew that Veronica would ask the next question. It was a given ever since she read her file. “Mr.’s Nelson, what about my breast milk? Can I give it to Tammi Lee? Please.” The please slipped out she did not want to sound like was dying to feed him her milk or anything. Deciding not to tease her anymore she said “The Head Mistress and I talked about this. We are fine with you pumping and using bottles. You can breastfeed her once she is comfortable being a baby. But in no case can you force her. Breast milk is not a requirement of the program. We will allow it as long as it promotes bonding and not punishment.” “Thank you Mrs. Nelson. I will allow it to happen naturally” Veronica said and smiled happily “Of course dear. Now you better run along and get dressed and set up nursery number 4. All her sizes have been put on her chart.” “Thank you Mrs. Nelson” she said and almost skipped off down the hallway. Let it happen naturally, hah. That kid will be sucking boob before the next bedtime thought Edna. She would have to make sure she got into the pool early on this one. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Tammi Lee woke several times to some tugging on her face or hair but never really woke all the way up. When she did wake up they were finished with her. The first thing she noticed was that her fingernails were now pink as well as her toenails. She was taking that in when she was spun to face the mirror. There was a child staring out at her. Complete with a pink sparkly pacifier in her mouth and a cuddly panda bear in her arms. Her eyebrows were very fine and her hair was a cute mass of curls. And all of it was black. They dyed her hair black. It looked like the same color veronica’s used to be. She liked it on her but not sure of it on herself. Tammi did the only thing that seemed sensible. She panicked. The pacifier tumbled from her mouth as she opened it to say or yell or scream something. Her brain didn’t quite know what is was going to be expect loud, oh yeah plenty loud. Marge was there before she could utter a sound. She had seen this reaction before, hell she seen just about any kind of reaction you could think off. For the last time, for at least the next 3 weeks someone called him Tommy. “Tommy, look at me!” Snapped Marge. The use of his name cut through his panic like a knife. “Look at me Tommy. You are ok, you are going to be alright.” Then what she hoped would happen happened, Tammi began to cry. So much emotions pent up over the last 24 hours needed an outlet. It could have gone either way. Lots of anger or tears. Marge was pretty sure this was going to happen. She scooped her up from the chair. She couldn’t have weighed more than 110 lbs. She could carry much heavier babies when needed. She sat on a nearby couch. She sat Tammi on her lap and pulled her in for a hug and laid her head against her chest. She knew she could only hold her for a short time before her embarrassment forced her to stand up. After all grown boys don’t cry on the laps of strangers. When the tears stopped she said “I know it is a lot to take in. Remember it is only for a short time. This is all part of the program. Now don’t speak. You can stay here as long as you need to pull yourself together. We are almost done. We just need to get you to your room.” Tammi stayed in her lap for another fifteen minutes collecting herself. The last lap she could remember sitting on was Santa’s down at the mall. That made her laugh a little, figuring that if she could laugh she could stand up. She stood up and mouthed “Thank You” and impulsively kissed Marge on the cheek. Marge was head Nanny and has been working at BB’s for over 15 years. She was moved. She desperately wanted Tammi as her baby but knew why she was going to be assigned to Veronica. She would have taken up lactating for this one. Even though she hated it the first and only time she tried it. She would work something out with Veronica. She would have to share a little bit. Marge hugged Tammi Lee and took her hand and led her down a hallway to a door with a large pink 4 on it. She gently grabbed Tammi Lee’s chin and tilted her head up so they could like eye to eye. “On the other side of this door is you room for the next two weeks. When you enter the room you will see a red square on the floor. You need to stand there and wait for your care taker. Do you understand?” Tammi nodded her head. But she started to shake a little. “Nothing will harm you. Quite the opposite in fact. Do you believe me my little Tammi?” Tammi nodded her head again. It was true she did believe her. Marion gently removed Tammi’s robe. “New clothes await you sweetheart.” She kissed Tammi’s forehead and gently nudged her toward the door. Thinking to herself that it better not be a stage with a thousand people pointing and laughing she opened the door and stepped through. The room was dark with some dim lighting showing the square on the floor. There was enough light for her to look at herself though. She stood in the square and looked at her naked body. She was truly naked. There was not a hair left. Her penis was strangely small looking without the familiar patch of hair. The door opened and a figure was silhouetted in a dress and a high hair bun. Yet another giant woman he thought. The woman moved into the room and swept her hand along a light switch on the wall. The light revealed the beautiful face of a young woman dressed in the same gray dress and white apron as the other lady. Her breath caught in her throat. She knew this lady. It was Veronica. Tammi stared at her and said “V” and then looked down at her pale naked hairless body. As he fell to the carpeting she thought, Huh dad was wrong. You can die from embarrassment. Tammi Lee fainted and collapsed to the soft nursery carpeting. ++++++++++++++++++++++ (This is Chapter 3. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy’s summer of fun. Next chapter Tommy spends the day at the Nursery, James struggles at work, and April starts wondering about James and Edna’s relationship. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback ( 3 3
BabySofia Posted March 18, 2023 Posted March 18, 2023 This reminds me a lot of the old TG story by Tigger based on 'Seasons of Change.' The idea of this program to help 'offenders' out. Tommy's character reminds me of an innocent one (even though Tommy is NOT innocent). A lot of wheels and pieces moving in this story. Looking forward to more! 2
CCApril Posted March 18, 2023 Author Posted March 18, 2023 You are right, Tommy is not innocent. He did screw up. His punishment is a little off from what he deserves for a first offense though. At least Edna is giving him to the best Nanny ever! At least for Tommy.
wetdiaper55 Posted March 19, 2023 Posted March 19, 2023 Great , I really like the story I will be reading and thinking about it . ?? 1
CCApril Posted March 19, 2023 Author Posted March 19, 2023 BB’s Nursery and Day Care Chapter 4 Normally the security office was a quiet place. The security here at BB’s was a mix of retired senior agents from the agency and some current agents that were between assignments. BB’s was considered a prime place for retired agents to pad the government’s less than stellar retirement plan. You did not even know BB’s existed or were allowed to work at BB’s without Mr. Gray’s approval. Today however, the place was filled with giggling nannies and only slightly more serious senior staff. Suzy was the most senior of the security officers present and happily kicked out the younger guards to make extra viewing space. Rank has privileges, especially when it comes to seeing the new babies. Suzy especially got a thrill when they got their first diaper. On the largest monitor, 72” of glorious color, which was pretty big for a security room, were four different camera angles for nursery number 4. Along one wall of the security room was a large dry erase board. It was used to maintain duty rosters and schedules. As of three hours ago it had been setup for a series of pools. This did not happen often but BB’s was buzzing with gossip and lustful praise of the new baby Tammi Lee. Suzy laughed to herself and thought that Veronica better watch out that someone doesn’t take a tire iron to her knee. Nannies can get very possessive of new babies. The pools were fun and simple. You put in$20 for each pool. You put your name by the answer you want or in the case of the last pool you put a date and time. If you’re right you split that pools money with anybody else who was right. POOL #1 – Tammi Lee’s First Reaction When Her Nanny Enters The Room. All reactions listed had occurred at least once over the years. All reactions to be called by the senior security card (not allowed to bet). Scream Cry Hide Try to leave (Baby entry door) Try to leave (Nanny entry door) Cover her clitty Faint Attack the nanny Swear Say a joke Vomit POOL #2 First Diapering Clitty hard Clitty soft Clitty hard with orgasm POOL #3 First Night Diaper Use PeePee Poopies Cummies Two out three All three No use POOL #4 First Breast Feeding. This was a new one. Normally new program babies were not given breast milk. Either from the bottle or the nanny. There were already several lactating nannies ready to bribe Veronica to get onto Tammi Lee’s feeding schedule. Write in Date and Time. Closest to the exact minute will win. Time called when mouth takes nipple. There was a lot of action not just from the lucky ones who got to view but walk in traffic as well. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Marge sent Tammi Lee into the nursery and then sprinted to the security office. Edna and Rose had just finished selecting their categories when Marge burst into the room. She knew she had to hurry to get into the first pool. She could take her time with the others. She quickly wrote her name in with Edna on the Faint line. That girl was either going to toss her cookies or faint. The nannies were glued to the big screen. There were lots of comments about Tammi’s cute little butt and her tiny little clitty, not that Tammi Lee’s clitty was overly small but with the stress and slight chill it was trying to climb back inside. There was also some ooh’s over Tammi Lee’s new short black curly hair. They always matched hair color with the assigned nanny. Kind of a mommy daughter thing. The security room went totally silent when the door opened and Nanny Veronica stepped into nursery 4. They watched Tammi Lee closely as the lights came up in the room. You could hear her distinctly say “V” before looking down at herself. You could also see her pretty eyes roll up as she collapsed to the floor. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nurse Sammie was on standby just outside the room behind Veronica. She was watching one of the camera views on her Z-pad. She was moving before Tammi Lee hit the floor. She checked her vitals and lifted an eye-lid. She looked up at one of the cameras and said “She just fainted. Pulse is rapid and already slowing down. She should come too in a couple of minute” Since none of the babies were allowed to walk around the nursery, the carpet and under padding were thick and soft to protect tender knees. And of course sensitive fainting baby girls. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To their credit nobody turned to the Pool Board until after the nurse proclaimed Tammi Lee ok. There were a lot of “oh wells” and “Mrs. Nelson seems to always win”. There were thirty entries for Pool #1 and the $600 was to split amongst Mrs. Nelson, head Nanny Marge and one of the beauticians that had worked on Tammi Lee’s pretty toe nails. As usual Mrs. Nelson declined her share of the pool and it was happily split only two ways. There was some last minute additions to the board but soon the security room was quiet once more with only Edna, Rose, Marge and Suzy remaining to keep an eye on the young nanny and baby girl. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Veronica gasped when Tammi Lee collapsed onto the nursery floor. She felt Nurse Sammie brush by as she rushed to the collapsed Tammi. She let out a breath she did not know she was holding when the Nurse said that Tammi would be ok in a couple minutes. She never had a baby faint before. The worst that had happened was she was cursed out. The curses were colorful and inventive. She got to break out “Mr. Spanky” her favorite wooden hair brush. A date with “Mr. Spanky” always resulted in tears and better behavior. Nurse Sammie helped Veronica straighten out Tammi Lee’s tangled limbs. She stroked the cheek of her cute face and climbed to her feet. She gave Veronica a wicked smile and said “Have fun V” and left the nursery. Veronica returned the smile and knelt down onto the floor by her charge. God she wanted to kiss her so badly. She thought she would probably break her vibrator having to wait so long for more grown up contact. She moved Tammi Lee’s head into her lap and gently stroked her hair and began to sing a soft lullaby. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the security room the ladies watched Veronica stroke Tammi Lee’s hair. Marge said “If Tammi Lee was a regular program baby, I would be strongly against this pairing. This feels more like a mixed up dating game show.” Edna and Rose both laughed and Edna said “It does have that kind of vibe.” Rose looked at the security guard and said “Suzy can you give us the room for bit?” Suzy said “Sure, but please make it quick Head Mistress. This is against protocol.” Soon enough there was just the three of them left. “Marge, I need you to be clear about this. Tammi Lee is a special case. As you have seen she really doesn’t belong in the program. She is a well adjusted young man who had the terrible bad luck of crashing into my yard. Bad luck for Tommy but a god send to me. Back when Janice married April I swore an oath to Janice that I would never tell April about her. She was terrified of what would happen if April found out that deep down that James was a little five year old girl named Janice. Her James coat showed a strong man ready and able to take care of a wife, raise a family and support her forever. She could not believe anyone would trust in her or love her otherwise.” Edna said with a tear falling. Edna trembled a bit and Rose gripped her hand “I have kept this from the staff but I have been diagnosed with a small brain tumor. They say they can remove it but it is in a tricky spot. They gave me a 50% success rate and a 100% death rate by the end of the year if I don’t attempt the surgery.” Marge burst into tears and threw herself at Edna. “It’s going to be ok, Marge. I’m resigned to the outcome either way.” At least that was what she kept telling herself. She continued to hold the sobbing women who always felt Mrs. Nelson was more of a surrogate mother than a boss. “All this with Tammi Lee is about April. I can’t tell her about Janice. Even if I could, I don’t think telling her just out of nowhere is a good idea either. When I go into surgery let alone, god forbid, pass away on the operating table, Janice is going to go into full melt down. Long ago when we built her back up and taught her to create her James coat we needed a strong base for herself to anchor to. She is anchored to me. Without me there is no James, there is only Janice.” She motioned to the chairs and they all sat down. “Ever since the car accident I have been scrambling to get things lined up. Nothing is going to prevent Janice from regressing back to the daycare or possibly even the nursery. I have set it up so Tommy will have been exposed to the whole baby thing and even spend time in the future with Tina. By the time Janice is here it is my hope that Tommy will be ready to be one of the new James anchors. Nothing will work without April though, she must be my replacement anchor. April needs to slowly discover James’s past and come out and confront me about it. I never promised not to answer April’s questions. I’m throwing enough clues around that I’m sure she will be digging deep into BB’s past. My hope is by the time she puts it all together she will ready to love Janice as much as James. If she just leaves her I’m worried Janice might end up like Bobbi.” Edna finished up with a sigh. Rose continued “For you Marge you just need to make sure our Tammi Lee is taken care of. She is a bit of a pawn in all this. Finding out that Tammi Lee and Veronica have past history is icing on the cake. Hopefully, your biggest problem is keeping Veronica’s panties on. But keep a sharp eye on them. If it goes sideways I want you to take over.” Looking up at the monitor where Veronica was planting small kisses all over the face of the still comatose Tammi Lee, Marge said “Somehow I don’t think it will be an issue.” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tammi Lee found herself slowly waking up. She had been dreaming a strange and wonderful dream. V was here and was kissing her and softly saying that she was her sweet little baby. But V was gone. She left him long ago. She had shed her tears for V over a year ago. In her mother’s arms. In Brad’s arm’s one late Saturday night. Although considering their goodbye kiss Brad’s motivation for consoling the grieving Tammi might not have been the purest. She was laying down. Her eyes fluttered opened and she was looking up into the most beautiful green eyes. It was V. Memories came flooding back. He was naked. V was here. He wanted to faint again. How could this be? “Don’t speak Tammi Lee. Nod if you remember where you are and why you here.” Veronica’s soft voice came to her. She nodded. “Good, I need you to stand up in the red square. It is the only place you are allowed to speak while in the nursery. Be calm and I will answer your questions and explain what happens next.” Tammi Lee slowly got to her feet. This day was so strange and filled with emotional whip lash. She saw the square on the floor and shuffled over a few feet and stood in the middle. This next part was standard introduction to the nursery. “Tammi Lee, in exchange for dropping the legal charges against you, you agreed to participate in an aggressive behavioral modification. Is that correct?” Tammi considered back a bit at his conversation with Miss Petrov and then nodded. Veronica shook her head and said “You can speak for now Tammi Lee.” Tammi Lee smiled and recognizing the formal question said “Sorry I forgot. Yes, I agreed to the modification.” So far so good thought Veronica as she continued. “For the next two weeks this room is your home. You will act and be treated like a baby. More precisely as a baby girl. I will be your Nanny and will tend to your every need. This is not punishment. This is love and nurturing.” Tammi Lee was concerned about the whole baby thing but two weeks of V taking care of him, what does she mean by my every need? Veronica looked her new baby in the eye and said “Any questions before I explain you nursery rules?” Any questions? Yeah about a million of them. But first things first, she had to know. “V why did you..” Tammi Lee started but was interrupted by her nanny. “While we are in the nursery or the day care you must address me as Nanny or Nanny V.” she said with an encouraging smile. She knew what Tammi was going to ask so she stepped really close, her body brushing against hers and whispered into her ear. “I was an idiot Tammi, I should have given you a chance to explain why you had Brad take me to that dance. But we can’t talk about it here.” God was she horny, she never felt this with any of her other charges. “We can have all summer to really talk but for the next two weeks let my actions do the talking.” She finished whispering and stepping away happy to note that at least Tammi’s not so little clitty was happy to be here. Tammi needed to pull it together, her breathing had quickened. Nanny’s whisper and nearness was intoxicating. Tammi’s head whirled a bit and she stammered a bit and said “Nanny V, what do you mean by take care of me?” Nanny V laughed a bit and said “You will be my baby girl. I will diaper you, dress you, feed you and bathe you. When you break the rules I will put you in my lap and spank you.” Each word from Nanny V was like a caress down her spine. A direct shot to a part of her brain that does very little actual thinking. Tammi Lee’s clitty was hard, it never had felt this hard before. It was dripping pre-cream like mad. She had some pretty good masturbatory sessions last year where Nanny V was quite prominent but never in her wildest imagination did she picture herself laying over Nanny’s lap and getting a spanking or laying down and spreading her legs for a diaper. Nanny V looked at Tammi’s clitty, it was throbbing visibly, dripping a river of pre-cream. It seemed her baby was as excited as she was. Normally, there is an order to things as new babies enter into the nursery. Introductions, questions, rules, more often than not a spanking, then a bath, almost always a spanking, then the diaper. While Nanny V did not have much more of a sexual history then Tammi she has given a lot of diaper rubs. Diaper rubs and the withholding of them are the key to good behavior. She knew that Tammi Lee was about make creamies. If not here than in the bath. Nannie V snatched up a disposable diaper. She had stocked the room herself earlier so she knew they would be a perfect fit. She flipped it open and quickly brought it up between Tammi Lee’s legs. One hand cupping her from underneath and holding the diaper in place. The other hand pushing the diaper front up against her hard clitty. Nanny V wondered idly what it was that pushed her over the edge. Was it the bath, the diaper or hopefully it was the spanking? She would find out. She had two glorious weeks to find out. She stroked Tammi Lee’s marvelous clitty through the diaper, her own body sending out signals that Tammi Lee would not be alone in her approaching rapture. Tammi Lee was shocked, oh so wonderfully shocked as Nanny V grabbed the diaper and held it against her. It was intense. The soft inner liner was held firmly against her butt and her clitty. The front of the diaper was soft and warm. Nanny’s hand was firm and loving as it slid along her clitty. She did not squirt, she did not shoot, she exploded. Her back arced and her body convulsed with each explosion. Her eyes were closed but she saw brilliant flashes of color as her orgasm tore through her. Only Nanny V’s firm grip on her clitty prevented her from collapsing to her knees. Nanny V felt the explosion. As Tammi Lee gushed hot creamies into her first diaper, Nanny V clamped her thighs tightly together. Her orgasm was not quite the level of Tammi’s but remarkable for it’s being hands free. She had another smaller one at the thought of Tammi’s curled head between her legs. Nanny V moved first. She used the diaper to clean the rapidly shrinking clitty. She then rolled it up and tossed it into the diaper pail. She walked back to Tammi Lee and gently pushed her to her hands and knees “Follow me to the tub my sweet baby girl. I will go over the rules during you bath.” Tammi Lee followed her nanny into the bathing room. Not sure if she crawled like a baby or followed like a puppy. Not that she cared either way. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The security office was quiet during the meeting between baby and nanny. Marge was slightly jealous of young Veronica. She knew the scene was so damn hot only because of the pent up frustrations the two teenagers had for each other. She wanted someone, anyone to explode into passion at the thought of her. It was time to try dating again. She heard Edna and then Rose start laughing. Rose said “That was the first time we had a Pool #2 winner before bath time!” The three women left the security office and headed back to their various duties. Once the door closed Suzy got up and locked the door. She rewound the security footage and slipped a hand down into her pants. She was already wet, very wet. That was one of the hottest things she ever saw and she was going to see it again. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tammi Lee sat on her bootie and waited for the tub to fill and noted absently that the large room contained a tub, sink and lots of cabinet space but no toilet. Nanny filled the tub with bubbles and bath oils specifically designed to give your special baby soft skin and a lingering scent of baby powder. When the tub was half full she shut off the water and helped Tammi Lee into the tub. She handed Tammi a little pink rubber duck to play with while she used the soft wash cloth and baby soap to clean her. As she washed her baby’s toes and feet Nanny V went over the nursery rules. “Tammi Lee you already know that there is no talking for Nanny’s baby. However, on the wall there is a chalk board with certain words that are acceptable for you to use. When you’re thirsty you say BABA. When you’re hungry you say NUMMIES. If I ask you a question you can say YES NANNY or NO NANNY. There are some other words and more will be added during the week as long as you follow the rules. Do you understand so far baby girl?” Tammi was a bit lost in the feel of the wash cloth gliding along her belly. But not so lost that she didn’t answer. “Yes, Nanny” Nanny V leaned in and kissed Tammi’s forehead and said “Good girl. Babies can’t stand or walk either. The square on the floor is by my invitation only. Do not try to use it otherwise. I will feed you a bottle in the morning and one before bed. I will give you snacks throughout the day and we will eat a more grownup meal for lunch. You will catch on to the routine soon enough.” So far so good she thought. Now for the hard one. “As you saw their will be diapers, you will diapered 24/7 with the exception of the bath tub. Don’t ask, yes you will be expected to use them. No excuses, no discussion. I am going to add POOPIES to the board. I will do my best change you as soon as possible but it will be my decision. PEEPEE is not on the board. I will check you regularly and will change you when I feel it is time. Also not open to discussion.” The diaper talk was accompanied by the soft washing of Tammi’s thighs and Tammi did not really care about diapers at that moment. Nanny V took a small bucket and began to wet the thick short black curls. Then she began massaging in the baby shampoo. No tears of course. “The last thing I need to cover is discipline. Most of the discipline in the nursery consists of spankings. Babies do not really care about corner time or other softer methods. Breaking the small rules will get a bare bottom spanking over my lap.” She couldn’t wait for that first spanking. “Breaking the large rules, standing, walking, swearing or deliberately breaking things will get a bare bottom spanking with “Mr.Spanky” an old fashioned wooden hair brush. “Mr.Spanky” hurts and you will end up in tears. I will kiss them away for you but you will still shed them.” With the last of the shampoo rinsed out Nanny V pulled the plug and let the tub empty down the drain. She took a large fluffy towel a patted Tammi Lee dry. When she was dry Tammi Lee was led once more to the red square and was told to stand up. “We had to cut your time in the square short earlier. Do you have any questions for me baby girl?” Nanny V said with a smirk. It was the first time Tammi Lee got a good luck at the nursery. It was all baby girl. The walls were a light blue and each wall had a different scene. Where the crib was against the wall there were full size Disney Princesses. The looked like they were peering into the crib and either whispering good morning or good night to the occupant. Another wall had huge pink balloons with Pooh Bear and his friends hanging from the balloons and waving. A third wall was fluffy white clouds with diapered cherubs peeking out and over them to watch over the large play pen. The final wall, with the bathroom door, held the chalk board and hook with a large wooden hairbrush dangling from it on one side of the door. The other side of the door was a banner in that read “Nannie’s Little Girls Forever” in a bold bright pink. Under the banner were names of little baby girls in a slightly less bold pink. The first name on the list was Janice followed by Tina and Bobbi and Clara. The names continued down the wall until the last name on the list, Tammi Lee. The nursery room held a large white crib, a low changing table, play pen with a three foot high rail fence around it, a straight back armless wooden chair, an oversized rocking chair, a highchair and various toys. It was in all respects a beautiful nursery. Tammi Lee eyed the crib and said “I have to sleep in the crib Nanny?” She thought she would rather sleep on the floor. “Of course. It’s not safe for a baby to sleep anywhere else. If you leave your crib or playpen without permission it is a visit from “Mr. Spanky”. So stay put.” Tammi Lee thought about upcoming embarrassments. Really, pooping in a diaper what is the point? What everything came down to wasn’t the scholarship, it wasn’t legal troubles, or paying for the damages. All she had to ask herself it is what would she have done yesterday to have another chance with V? That was an easy question. Anything. With that thought Tammi Lee slipped down to her knees and waited for Nanny V to take care of her. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After their nap, James and April were fairly quiet. Both were afraid to ask the other any leading questions. James did not want to give any hint of extra knowledge about BB’s. He knew his wife would seize on any slip. James dared not accidentally lead her down the road to Janice. April was not sure how much she could reveal to her husband. The non-disclosure agreement was bound with some harsh penalties and she did want to put herself or her family at risk if James inadvertently revealed something he should not know. They went shopping and got the usual weekly groceries and talked of small things and avoided the hole that was caused by Tommy’s absence. On the way home they decided on Chinese take-out as neither was in the mood to cook. The sat at the kitchen table James with his usual orange chicken and April with mongolian beef. April decided she had to try and feel James out on what he knew of BB’s. “James do you know what business Edna owns?” James answered with Janice’s guileless eyes “Sure, it is a child care business or something like that. I don’t really talk about her business with her. I know that for some reason she needed Tommy to stay there and help out as part of the community service portion of the legal agreement to drop the charges. Maybe they do some sort of overnight care?” April did not for sure how much to tell James. James was a sensitive caring husband but he was still a man. It was one thing for Tommy to kiss a boy but a whole other thing if a bunch a strangers were diapering your son and putting him in dresses. “I met with Edna and some of the daycare staff. It’s called BB’s Daycare and Nursery. And you’re right they do offer overnight care. Tommy will be working some odd hours and will be taking advantage of some dorm space.” She will have to tell Tommy not to talk about his time there with his father. James began to wonder how much they told her. April usually dug into anything that Tommy was involved in. She did extensive research before even sending Tommy to a summer camp. Maybe the whole scholarship scare has thrown her. If she doesn’t know then she can’t go all crazy. If she knew her son was going to be treated like a baby girl for the next two weeks she might go down there and stomp around and cause problems. He will have to tell Tommy not to talk about his time there with his mother. Time to change the subject thought April. She had never really thought to ask about James’s relationship with Edna. How they met or even when they met. Edna was not a dark figure in their lives, quite the opposite in fact. She seemed to always be there for James and the family when things were not going well. Like her recent cancer scare. It was all the BB’s talk with Agency and creepy doctors that was spiking her paranoia meter. Cracking open her fortune cookie she absently noted that her lucky numbers were 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 before asking James “When did you first meet Edna?” Janice shuddered a little inside her coat. She didn’t like April asking these type of questions. “We met after I graduated high school. She was the administrator of some charity organization that helped financially poor kids go to community college. After two years of community college her organization help pay for my University degree. Between the charity funds and the money I made stripping I was able to graduate with my engineering degree with no real debt.” The stripping thing was their private little joke. When they first met she asked him what he did for a living and he told her “I’m a headlining stripper who lives off his tips.” She was shocked and then interested. He knew there was a date in his future when she asked where he was a dancer. He told her it was Pizza Hut. April laughed at the memory “That’s right you were my little stripper. I made you show me your dance move two weeks later.” She stood up. Her memory sparking the forgotten arousal from last night. She took her husband by the hand and led him to their bedroom. Her voice filling with desire she purred “Let’s see if you can impress me again.” Janice let her self be pulled along. She smiled to herself. No more Edna questions. And almost nothing helped tighten her James coat like making love to April. If only James could dance worth a damn. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The changing table was about three feet high and Tammi Lee was able to crawl on top of it and lay down on her back. As soon as she did Nanny V took the table strap and belted it around Tammi Lee’s bare waist. She felt both vulnerable and scared as her Nanny stood there and started unfolding a thick white disposable diaper with a row of pretty daisies along the edges. “Lift up you little baby butt for me sweetie.” Nanny V said in a little sing song voice. Tammi Lee lifted her butt and felt the diaper slide underneath her. “That’s my girl “Nanny said giving Tammi Lee’s tummy a push down once the diaper was in place. Tammi Lee was trying to feel ten different emotions at once. Top most was humiliation at being spread wide open and bare under her Nanny’s gaze. Not just bare but pale and hairless. She was in heaven and hell. It was heaven to see her again, her touch, her smell and to hear her beautiful voice. It was hell to be so weak looking, so unmanly, so pathetic. To be dressed like a baby, to be treated like a baby. How could HE ever look her in the eye again? How could she ever see TOMMY as more than some weirdo that acts like a baby girl. She closed her eyes tight and just tried to ride the emotional storm. A single tear slipping down her cheek. Nanny V could feel her baby shake. She knew it was not arousal as Tammi Lee’s little clitty was soft and cute looking. Normally she would make diaper time, fun time. Baby oil rub, baby powder rub, Tummy tickles and a raspberry or three. She had been trained on how to react to different scenarios with the first diapering. She could tell that comforting was called for. Tammi Lee’s tear not falling unnoticed. She finished the diapering briskly and efficiently. She pulled out a white plastic lined diaper cover. The cover was plain except for rows of white lace along the back. The lace decorated with cute little pink bows. She slipped these up Tammi Lee’s legs and pulled them up into place over the thick night time diaper. Tammi Lee needed to be held and rocked. Nanny V reached under the changing table for some pajamas. There were many options for sleep wear. Some very girly and some a bit more neutral. She choose the white fuzzy ones with the feet and zipper that went from the foot and traveled up the leg and straight up the tummy to the neck line. It had a sleeping cherub on the front its wings folded tight and its thumb in its mouth. On the back were embroidered wings. Tammi Lee would be her sleeping little angel tonight. Tammi Lee could feel the diapering. The thick absorbent padding pulled tight against her clitty and butt cheeks. It was thick and forced her legs to spread wide. The sound of the tape backing being pulled made her open her eyes. Nanny was smiling and happy looking as she pulled the tapes tight guarding against any gaps or leaks. Tammi Lee was confused at first not realizing that the next object was a diaper cover. The rows of lace and pink bows reminding her once more, not just a baby but a baby girl. Nanny was whispering “Its ok baby, your safe Nanny will take good care of you.” The next piece of clothing was a one piece sleeper outfit she seen kids wear on tv. Nanny V was an expert with it. She slid it under his raised tushie, as she called it, unstrapping Tammi lee from the table as she maneuvered the pj’s around her. When Nanny V finished zipping up the pj’s she helped Tammi Lee to sit upright. She kissed her baby on her forehead and picked her up of the table. Nanny V was tall and strong. As part of her employment she was expected to work out with weights in the onsite gym. Plus Tammi Lee was pretty light. Nanny V was surprised and happy as Tammi Lee buried her face into her Nannies neck. Their cheeks meeting as she carried her to the rocking chair. Once there Nanny maneuvered her baby around until she was sitting across her lap with upper body supported in crook of her arm. She pulled her tight against her and started rocking slowly. Tammi was held in the strong arms of the woman she fell for long ago. The gazed into each other’s eyes. Tammi Lee did see anything but love shining out. Total love and acceptance. If she thought less of him as a person for being here it did not show. Tammi felt the swirling emotion settle and a calming peace settled over her. When she felt the tension leave and Tammi relax into her she looked up and nodded at the camera. God she wanted pull her to her breast and feel her mouth tug at her nipple. Feel her warm milk leave her body and feed her new baby. Soon but not tonight. “Is my little girl hungry? Does my little girl want a baba? Can you ask for your baba sweetie?” Tammi Lee was half asleep and sleepily responded “Baba Nanny, Babba.” “Good girl. Your baba will be here soon my precious little angel.” Nanny V cooed back keeping the rocker on a steady pace. A minute later the door opened and the Head Mistress came in. Nanny V looked up worried for moment but then saw that she carried a large pink plastic baby bottle. The Head Mistress gazed down on the sleepy looking child. She looked a lot like her father dressed as she was. Although her father was much taller the facial resemblance to a young Janice was unmistakable. As she handed the warm bottle of Nanny’s breast milk to her she whispered into her ear “Good job dear.” She bent over and kissed Tammi Lee’s cheek and whispered “Good night little one” and the turned and slipped out the door. Bottle service was not one of her regular duties but it seemed the best way to prevent a couple of the nannies from arguing about who got to take the bottle in. No doubt hoping to feed Tammi Lee instead of giving the bottle to her nanny like they were supposed to. She even shooed out Katherine who was on probation and was not even supposed to be in the nursery. Hopefully the ladies will settle down tomorrow. But for now she needed to get Tina home. She was probably pretty hungry for a baba herself. Nanny V took the bottle and hesitated for a minute. What if Tammi Lee hated it? She never gave her milk to anyone before. She just pumped and it was stored for sale. She wanted so much to share this with Tammi. Something special between them. She mentally crossed her fingers and held the bottle up and slipped the nipple between the lips of the lightly dozing baby girl. Tammi Lee felt something slide across her lips. She turned her head a little but the thing followed insistent and probing. Her hand came up to push it away but a warm drop of liquid hit her tongue. Nursing instincts never truly leave you and the taste was connected to love, warmth and safety from a time long past. April had nursed her baby boy until just before kindergarten and Tammi Lee’s body remembered. She slowly awoke sucking on the bottle, the warm milk spilling down her throat. It was beyond good it was ambrosia. She picked up the pace suddenly feeling the hunger of missed meals. She suckled and her Nanny sang to her. A sweet song about how much a nanny loves her baby. Nanny V was over the moon as she sang to Tammi Lee. Soon Tammi would be at her breast. She watched as the bottle was slowly emptied. Her baby had been hungry. At the half way point Tammi Lee’s eye had slowly fluttered close, her nipple sucking slowing but never stopping. When the bottle was almost empty she took it from her lips and swapped it for a pacifier that she kept in her apron pocket. She continued rocking and watching her suck the pacifier. She pondered how fate had brought Tammi Lee back to her. She never felt anything romantic for her babies before. Sure it was an incredible turn on to diaper, dress and spank the incoming boys into baby girls but she never dated one afterword. Not because of what of what they went through here of course. There was never any spark. With Tammi she skipped spark and went straight to inferno. Uncovering her feeling that she had denied and refused to acknowledge her senior year. It made the nanny business 100 times better. She couldn’t wait until tomorrow. Tammi Lee was sound asleep. The bottle and the rocking putting her into a deep dreamless sleep. She never stirred as Nanny V pick her up and carried over to the large ornate crib. The side was already down so it was easy to place the sleeping baby inside. She stroked her hair and kissed her lightly on lips saying “Goodnight my love”. She tidied up the room and left leaving the Disney princesses to watch over the sleeping Tammi Lee and went back to her room and her baby monitor. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Veronica was on cloud nine as she made the short trip back to her room. She was going to stream the crib camera to her rooms tv screen and watch Tammi Lee sleep. As soon as she opened the door to her room there was a rush of footsteps and then multiple arms pushed her into the dark room. Before she could scream the lights came on and she could see she was surrounded by three nannies. Questions were flung at her in high pitch excited voices. All basically demanding the scoop around her and the new baby. Once her heart rate slowed she said excitedly “Hold on a minute and I will tell you all about it”. She kicked off her shoes and arranged for the camera feed to come on. Tammi lee lay curled up in a fetal position facing the camera. They all “awed” together as Tammi was still slowly sucking on her pacifier. After Veronica changed out of her dress and apron she slipped into her rose colored silk shorts and matching top. Soon enough all the nannies were sitting on Veronica’s bed as she outlined her senior year and everything that happened between her and Tammi Lee. “What a story! Star crossed lovers who finally find each other. How romantic” sighed Becky Jones. “It’s so freaking hot! I wonder if I can get my boyfriend sent here. Although I would need to blister has butt to get him in to a diaper but I’m willing to swing the paddle” added Carrie Andrew giggling and collapsing on the bed. Katherine Petrov sighed it was a butt blistering that got her suspended from the nursery. In her opinion the little baby needed it, after all she called Katherine a bitch. She thanked Veronica for sharing her story and excused herself from the group. The other Nannies were both lactating like Veronica and wanted to have a chance to have a baby as cute as Tammi Lee be their first as well, besides she had a phone call to make and an update to deliver. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ April woke a bit earlier then her norm. A quick glance showed that she had another ten minutes or so before her alarm went off. She was usually up about a half hour before James. She liked to watch the morning news and make the both of them breakfast. It was a comforting routine. She decided to wait for the alarm. She was held tightly by James. His arm was across her chest. How he could still be asleep and still able cup her breast was a beyond her. She could also feel his morning arousal press against her, hot and hard. Normally they both slept in some sort of sleepwear but with Tommy out of the house they felt comfortable snuggling naked in the bed. She started moving his hand over her breast, her nipple suddenly hard. Who needs breakfast anyway? An hour and half later they were both scrambling to get their stuff together. April left first and headed to the local University where she was a librarian with the College of Education. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ James gathered up his stuff and then paused. He went to the kitchen cabinet and opened the door and reaching up to the top shelf he felt behind the stack of cookie cutters and baking cookbooks until he found the Muppet babies sippy cup he stashed there yesterday afternoon. Janice stared at it and finally shrugging she filled it up with apple juice from the fridge and took it with her to the car. James drove to work causally drinking his juice when no one was next to him. He went to put the cup into the glove box but then Janice decided to take it with her. He slipped it into the pocket of his sports coat and then laid it across his arm. His office was on the third floor. He led a team of civil engineers. The current job was a new highway interchange. He stepped into the elevator and then held it as Mrs. Hammerstein stepped in. Mrs. Hammerstein was the head of the companies HR department and they have known each other for years. She was one of the recruiters that hired him. They shared pleasant good mornings and then it happened. Somewhere between the second and third floor the sippy cup slipped out of the coat pocket and clattered to floor of the elevator. Janice froze as Mrs. Hammerstein picked up the cup and lifted an eyebrow at Janice as she examined it. (This is Chapter 4. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy’s summer of fun. Couple of things. No more chapter previews. I want to get this out weekly and I find my chapter previews have been overly ambitious. I like a slow story. However, Tammi Lee does get her first spanking. Sharp eyed viewers may recognize the lucky numbers. They just popped into my head when thinking about the fortune cookies. No deep hidden meaning just fun. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback ( 3
kerry Posted March 19, 2023 Posted March 19, 2023 3 hours ago, CCApril said: Sharp eyed viewers may recognize the lucky numbers. I have not even thought of "Lost" in years! This story is outstanding. I'm so looking forward to the next installment! 1
CCApril Posted March 21, 2023 Author Posted March 21, 2023 BB’s Nursery and Day Care Chapter 5 She handed the cup to James and said with a laugh “Cute! Did you run out of coffee cups?” James took the cup for Mrs. Hammerstein. He was not embarrassed by the cup. It was his after all. He was a bit embarrassed about having others see it. It only lead to questions he was not prepared to answer. He made up a quick story and said “Plenty of coffee cups left, Sofia. But I told our intern Robert that if he spilled another cup of coffee I was going to give him a sippy cup. Just setting up some fun. I will flash it around at tomorrow’s team meeting and threaten everyone, not just Robert. It should get a good laugh. Everybody gets a little tense before a client submittal.” Mrs. Hammerstein laughed and showing that she was HR to the bones said “As long as you’re not hazing the intern James it sounds good to me.” “I would never single out a poor college kid for hazing. I save that for the HR ladies” James said cheekily and scooted out of the elevator. Mrs. Hammerstein smiled at the joke and waited for the elevator to close. Administration was on the fourth floor. As she walked to her office she held an internal debate. Was this sippy cup thing reportable or not. Years ago she was “encouraged” to hire an up and coming engineer. She had no problem with it. He was a good engineer and had a good resume. She figured he may be in some kind of witness protection program or something. The company got a good engineer and an annual cash payment equal to fifty percent of James’s salary. She also knew that without James they probably would have folded during the last recession. Private contracts dried up and there were only a limited number of public jobs. The same person that spoke to her about James appeared one Saturday afternoon while she was grocery shopping of all things. He handed her an envelope and said “Excuse me Ma’am, looks like you dropped this. Looks important” and then left so quickly she didn’t have time to react let alone say anything. She opened it in the car and there were two newspaper clippings. Both for Requests For Proposals for two separate federal highway projects. Nobody expected anything when she and her team prepared the proposals for the work. They were just one a many desperate firms looking for work. They got both of them. Between them they were large enough to keep the doors open and most of the people employed. She was given a card long ago. It was a white card and all it had on it was a telephone number embossed on it. She was asked to call and leave a message if anything strange or out of place were to occur with James or around him. No detail too small or too trivial. She had made a few calls over the years. A flat tire in the parking lot. The invite to an international engineering convention that nobody ever heard before. And the worst, the absolute worst day when James got the news from his wife about possible breast cancer. The sobs from his office were heart breaking. Thank god for that family friend that came and got him. She reached for her rolodex. Mind made up she called and left a message. It was silly but she felt better about it. James entered his office and quickly placed the sippy cup into a desk drawer. He had a lot of work to do. He needed to review the bridge design plans one more time before they left the office. He didn’t do the design work anymore but it was his responsibility to review the work. As he turned on the computer he was wondering what the toy was in the McDonalds happy meal that Janice was wanting for lunch. April was sitting at her desk. This was a quiet time at the college. The spring semester just ended and summer classes have not started yet. The library was never totally empty. There was always someone doing research. Her library was mostly concerned with education, all of its many forms and history. She knew it well and was popular with the students. April was always ready to find some obscure research paper or help narrow down a student’s focus to what they really needed. Her computer was tied into all the colleges’ libraries and too many national data bases as well. She was still putting things back in order from the flurry of finals and last minute research projects but soon she would have a little time of her own and she planned to research just how much about BB’s past she could find. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Veronica was pumping her breasts. Again. The extra cash seemed like a good idea but this pumping sucks she thought. But not for long. She had hopes for a bed time nursing session tonight. Her Tammi had yet to stir. She had lost her pacifier sometime in the night. If only she would stick her thumb in mouth. That would be perfect she thought with a sigh. When her last breast ran dry she cleaned and put her stuff away. The bottle she had prepared was still warm from her own body temperature. She would love to give it to Tammi Lee right now but that was unlikely. It was diaper check time. Most of the time the babies diapers were dry on their first morning, but not always. She could still remember how smelly that one baby had been. She was proud of her stinky. Gross. Two days of good behavior and babies could use a pottie chair for poopies. Thank god. Nursery babies were required to have wet diapers in the morning. This was usually spanking time. New babies still could not believe they had to use them. Once she was fully dressed she slid a pad into her panties. Just the idea of laying hands on sweet little Tammi Lee’s butt was making her moist. Once she was laying across her lap? It might get messy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nanny Katherine was on morning diaper duty. It was her job to put diapers on the guests that wished to be young enough for diapers in their age play. There were eight children arriving today. Three of those were playing the role of one year olds and wished to spend the day in a daycare crib drinking from a baba and sucking a pacifier. She wanted to see Tammi Lee’s spanking this morning. With only three to diaper and dress she was done before baby wake up time. She gave the newly diapered infant a giant belly raspberry and picked her up from the changing table. Some of her babies she could carry, others had to crawl. This one was a rarity at BB’s. Not that she was small enough to carry but that she was a true female. She carried the giggling child to her assigned crib and gently laid her down. She slipped a glittery purple pacifier into the girl’s mouth and then kissed her on the forehead. “Be good for Nanny” she said before scurrying off to her room. She had just enough time to watch the fun before her first story time. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tammi Lee woke up slowly. She was on her back and as things began to come into focus she realized that she was being watched. Someone was staring down at her. Smiling but not moving. It was Snow White. Remembering where she was she smiled a little, Snow White was a bit comforting. She was always Tammi Lee’s favorite princess. She was so dainty and pretty. Tammi Lee slowly sat up and with her back to the surrounding princesses she began to scan the room. There was no way to tell time. There were no clocks in the nursery. Babies have no need to know what time it was. Her day was ordered and planned by her nanny. The ambient lighting in the room was like a night lite, carefully designed to give a comforting glow to the room without large patches of scary darkness. She stroked her fuzzy pajamas fingering the cherub embroidered on the front. They were very comfortable and warm. The PJ’s even had built in feet. Why have feet on them when you were not allowed to walk? She laid down on her back and pulled her feet up to her eyes. The feet were white and looked a little pebbly. She guessed that was to allow for better traction. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Around the building there were collective “Aws” and ”Oh’s” from the various staff who had tuned in for diaper check and possible spanking. Tammi Lee had no idea how much she looked like a regular baby playing with her toes. If she were to one of her feet in her mouth at least two would have fainted. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nanny V stood in the doorway and watched her special girl child. She was playing with her toes. It was one the most special sights she had ever witnessed in the nursery. It was so natural looking. When Tammi Lee let her feet go and sat back up Nanny V turned the lights up. She set the bottle down near the rocking chair and approached the crib. “Good morning my little angel. You looked so sweet playing with your toesies. Are you ready to get out of that messy diaper and have some breakfast with Nanny?” she lowered the side and helped Tammi Lee to the floor. “Come over to your table baby and I will get you changed.” As Tammi Lee crawled along the floor she took stock of her diaper condition. She was dry of course. She did feel a need to pee but in her diaper, in front V, like some kind of baby? She was not sure she could do it. She crawled up on the table and laid down on her back. Nanny V already knew the diaper was not full of peepee or poopies. Even the best diapers sag under the weight of an adult babies output. She hummed and cooed to Tammi Lee as she unzipped the pajamas the long zipper slowly revealing her cut little diaper clad body. She placed the pajamas in the nearby hamper. She attached the chest strap and moved to remove her plastic lined diaper cover. She slid them done her pale hairless and cute legs. She added them to the hamper as well. Then she struck. “Who’s Nannies little girl? Who’s nannies little girl?” She called out as her tickling fingers went to work. Racing them up and down Tammi Lee’s sides. Tammi Lee’s feelings of trepidation and vulnerability disappeared under the onslaught of feathery touches. Tammi Lee was insanely ticklish and Nanny V knew it. Curtesy of a late night study session and too much caffeine. The giggles poured out of Tammi Lee as she wiggled all over the table. She couldn’t stop herself. Her hairless skin was extra sensitive. The exquisite torture went on and on. Just as Nanny was going to add a raspberry to the tickle attack she noticed something. She stopped and watched the front of Tammi Lee’s diaper begin to change. Balloons suddenly appeared across the front of the crotch panel. A sure sign that someone was using her diaper. Tammi Lee’s laughter suddenly stopped. The tickle attack combined with a full bladder caused her to lose control. A few drops became an unstoppable stream. Soon her bottom was inundated with a hot wet feeling. It was far from unpleasant but it was shocking that she could lose control like that. She looked up Nanny V, shock and unbearable embarrassment flaming her face. How could she just pee herself in front of HER? The thought roaring through her mind. She covered her face with her hands and said in a very audible whisper “What? What? Shit. Oh no”. Nanny V was very happy watching her baby peepee for her. Such a little girl to pee from a good tickling. But she was also unhappy with Tammi Lee. Speaking unacceptable words in the nursery was a spanking, swearing was a visit from “Mr. Spanky”. First the carrot. She rubbed Tammi Lee’s belly and spoke soothing words of praise “That’s Nanny’s good little girl.” “Good little babies use their diapers.” She reached up and slowly pulled Tammi Lee’s hands from her face. As she made eye contact with her she said “It’s ok Tammi, you are supposed to use your diaper. You make your Nanny very happy when she changes you.” Then she reached down and tugged the tape strips free. She peeled back a very wet diaper. She looked at it carefully as she slid it out from under Tammi Lee’s butt. She looked up at the camera and said “Just Peepee for Nanny.” As pulled a wipe from the box and began cleaning Tammi Lee’s little clitty and surrounding area she laughed to herself. I wonder how the pool is going to score that! Once Tammi Lee was cleaned up Nanny V helped her to the floor. “Wait here sweetie” she said pointing at the floor. She strode across the room and retrieved the wooden hairbrush from the wall. Returning she sat down in the straight back wooden chair. She slapped her thigh twice and said “When Nanny does this, it means it’s time for baby’s spanking. Nanny’s baby girl needs to crawl over here quickly and climb onto Nanny’s lap.” Tammi Lee swallowed hard. Nanny V looked so intimidating sitting like that. She seemed so tall and powerful. But why would she spank me she thought. She wanted me to pee, why is she mad at me? Then it hit her. She spoke words that weren’t allowed. She gasped and thought, I swore too, that is why the hair brush. She slowly started to crawl to her nanny. Fear and anticipation battling it out for top emotion. The thought of laying in her lap, Nanny V caressing her, touching her, spanking her, up against the unknown pain of a spanking and an encounter with the hair brush. The winner was obvious. She watched Tammi Lee crawl to her. Nanny V thought it could be a scene for a hot porno movie. Crawling, naked, sexy. Even as she watched, Tammi’s clitty went from little and cute to long and hard. She longed for the day when it could be inside her. She idly wondered who was about cum first the spanker or the spankee. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The security room was filled with good natured arguing about what to call for Pool #3. The majority of the pool picked nothing in the diaper (which was the case most of the time). They argued that Nanny V’s actions violated the spirt of the pool. What was in there when baby woke up and not what the nanny tickled into it. The ones in the pee corner argued that it was a night time diaper until it was taken off. The one that would make to call wasn’t listening. Suzy’s eyes were glued to the monitor. One by one the other voices went silent as the nannies watched the new drama unfold in nursery #4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Katherine had made it back to her room with plenty of time. She was reclined in her bed naked. Softly rubbing herself. She was ready see a dry diaper and a spanking. Even if it was not quite up to her spanking standards. What she got was even better. When Nanny V went for “Mr. Spanky” Katherine went for her vibrator. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rose and Marge were watching from the Head Mistress’s office. After watching that girl start to crawl Marge said “Veronica’s panties are not going to be the only ones we will have to keep on”. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tammi Lee crawled to her nanny. Her heart beating rapidly in trepidation and raw desire. She was focused on her nanny’s eyes. They seemed hypnotic and she felt them pulling her, drawing her near. She neither knew nor cared (at the moment) how many eyes were watching them. This room, that chair, was her entire universe. She watched as Tammi Lee flowed like liquid into her lap. She resisted the urge to gather up her long dress and pinafore style apron to her hips. She wanted to take that oncoming clitty between her stockinged thighs. To squeeze it and feel the heat and throb. To have the hot warmth of cummies spray out onto her. The chair was tall and had been adjusted for Nanny V to have her lap flat and her feet on the floor. This meant that neither Tammi Lee’s hands nor feet touched the floor as she lay there. She trembled in need as Nanny V started to run her hands, oh so softly across her back. Running her fingers down her spine. The touch stopping just short of the cleft between her cheeks and returning back up her spine. Her clitty throbbed and dribbled pressed against her belly and the silky apron beneath her. On the next trip down her spine she gasped as the fingers continued down and followed past the spine and all along the valley were here cheeks met. Still soft and gentle the finger pressure not enough to spread the cheeks but to glide across them. The fingers stopped where the valley ended and started a return trip back up. Nanny V pushed a little harder letting her fingers part those oh so delectable cheeks. The tips of her fingers slipping between them as she stroked her hand back up. Tammi Lee’s little butt was firm and slightly rounded. Not quite the classic heart shape of a woman but still very sexy. Never letting her fingers leave she reached the top and began another down stroke. Exerting even more pressure she let the tips of her finger touch the bottom, spreading the cheeks slightly to allow for her passage. When she reached the bottom she let each finger slowly rub across Tammi Lee’s tender rose bud. Each finger bringing a corresponding tremor and throb from the hot bar that lay between them. Tammi lee could feel the slight pressure against her hole as each finger passed over. She never dreamed that a touch there could feel so good. She hoped the fingers would push a little harder on the next pass. However, the fingers did not return. Instead the hand started stroking her cheeks and the hand lightly gripped and squeezed. The voice broke the silence and the sounds a heavy breathing saying “Baby girl, it is time for your punishment. You are going to get two spankings. A hand spanking for speaking words not on the list and a harder spanking from “Mr. Spanky” for swearing. Nanny does this because she wants her baby girl to be good baby. You can cry and wiggle but do not try to get up.” “Smack!” The hand slapped down on her bottom. It stung but before she could analyze it there was another “Smack!” and another “Smack” followed by a fourth “Smack”. The spanking paused for bit. A hand rubbing gently across her bottom. They stung a bit but all they did raise the temperature of her desire. The sweet helplessness of being put over Nanny’s lap. “A little harder now baby” a voice said thick with lust. “SMACK!, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!” Four blows slapped down. Each blow cracking out in the nursery. Each blow slightly pushing Tammi Lee across Nanny’s lap. Each blow rubbing her clitty across the silken softness of the apron. A mix of pain and pleasure causing Tammi Lee to moan and writher. Each slap hot and fiery. Tammi Lee floated in a cloud of pain and pleasure. Nanny V is close to her own orgasm. Her special girl naked before her, submitting to her, giving her most delightful ass to her. For her to use and spank as she saw fit. No other discipline session had ever brought this passion out before. It was Tammi Lee, her Tammi Lee. She brought down four more spankings “SMACK!, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!”. “Good girl! Nanny’s special girl! She picked up “Mr. Spanky” with barely a pause and the next four hits were “Crack!, Crack! Crack! Crack!. Neither were aware of Tammi Lee’s hot tears. As the pain increased the tears began to fall. Oh my god! Oh my god! The brush hurt so much but the pleasure felt so good. Her clitty rubbing against the silk was bringing her to a peak. The final set of four brush strokes began to fall. “CRACK!,” and Tammi Lee could hear her V, her Nanny quietly, intensely whisper “Cum for me baby, cum for Mommy, cum for Mommy”. When she said Mommy it tipped her. The last strokes hard and painful but all but unfelt as her clitty pressed between her belly and the now slick with precream apron. Each brush stroke causing her to slide across Mommy’s lap. “Cum for Mommy rang in her ears”. And she did. Over and over. Even as the brush strokes fell Mommy could feel Tammi Lee shoot her creamies. Tammi Lee’s sweet moans and passion filled the air. And the little body wriggling all over lap was enough for Mommy. She even managed to keep a hold of “Mr. Spanky” as her body shook with her orgasm. Her pad could barely keep up with flow as she peaked and clamped her thighs tightly together. Biting her lip to keep from screaming. It was everything and more that she fantasied about all morning. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If it wasn’t a bit embarrassing to talk about. It would have become the “The Day of the Great Panty Change”. Everyone who was free was watching. Veronica and Tammi Lee were the hottest couple ever in the history of BB’s. When you’re dealing with young women and young men romances have started before. Most of those were stopped or the nannies moved. Their charges were there for rehabilitation not the baby dating game. When the fireworks stopped there were mad dashes to bedrooms, some quick finger work for several nannie’s and staff as well. A change of panties for everyone who watched. Well almost everyone. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Katherine had already removed hers. She came as the brush strokes fell and Tammi Lee’s beautiful eyes filled with tears. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Suzy had also prepared. She was well protected having had her girlfriend put her into a pullup before coming into the security office. She was the source of the video that got passed around later. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Edna had not watched. She felt a certain family pull around Tammi Lee. She felt more like a grandma to her and was not interested in watching anymore of the sexual shenanigans that she had helped set up. She spent the morning watching the cars being towed out of her yard and driveway. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Headmistress and Nanny Marge watched from behind the locked doors of the Headmistress’s office. They watched as Headmistress was sitting on a sofa with Nanny Marge laying on her lap. Marge’s dress pulled up and her panties pulled just down past her tight butt cheeks. She matched Veronica blow for blow. She didn’t need to switch to a brush because she started and finished with a wooden paddle that was kept in here office for “problem solving”. They were not as young and quick triggered as the two in nursery #4. They needed another twenty minutes and some other encouragements before they were done. They have been off and on lovers for years and yesterday’s show had hit them both with a need. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nanny V pulled out a tube of cream from her apron pocket. She slowly spread the soothing cream across the red glowing butt cheeks laid before her. The spreading of the cream allowing both of them to catch their breath and slow their heartbeats. “What a good girl. I expect my baby to have a wet diaper every morning when I get her from her crib. No more swearing either. I can almost guarantee that next spanking will not be as much fun.” She said wondering what any potential fallout from this there may be. They did not actually have sex. Although that last bit was not exactly keeping it in the diaper either. Gently she slipped Tammi Lee to the floor and stood up and said “Let’s get baby dressed and she can have some breakfast.” She guided Tammi Lee over to the changing table and soon had a new daytime diaper underneath her. First she used a wipe to clean the creamies from her groin and tummy. Next she liberally rubbed baby oil across her thighs and groin. Rubbing her clitty and down to her butt. Then she sprinkled baby powder all over the same area. The unmistakable smell of baby now filled the room. She closed up the thinner daytime diaper pulling it snug around Tammi lee’s waist and legs. The diaper had pooh bear and piglet sitting on a picnic blanket on the front. A wet diaper would show fireworks appearing over their heads. Next she guided Tammi Lee’s feet and legs into a bubblegum pink diaper cover. The back covered with five rows of white lace with little pink bows. Matching booties were slipped onto her feet and tied on with bows made of white ribbon. The final piece of clothing was a baby dress of the same pink color. It had short puffy sleeves. It was tight at the breast line and fell away from there. The waist was fluffed out with multiple layers of fabric underneath. The hem falling about midway down the diaper. Leaving it fully exposed. It was gorgeous, pretty, and girly. Tammi Lee sat up and her eyes got big as she saw the dress Nanny held up. “Baby girl’s first dress. She is going to look so beautiful for her Nanny.” Nanny V said to her. When told too, she raised her arms and the dress was slipped on over her head and tugged into place. Nanny reached behind her and she felt some buttons being done up. She felt ridiculous, she felt goofy, but most of all she felt pretty. It was a very new feeling. To finish Nanny V added two clip on bows to her hair. Nanny V guided Tammi lee to the floor and said “Meet me by the rocking chair sweetheart.” She waited so she could watch the ruffle clad butt crawl by. It was so cute. She could watch that little wiggling butt all day. Even as she watched she removed her apron and tossed it into the hamper. It was sticky and wet. The only that kept her from sneaking a taste of Tammi Lee’s creamies were the cameras. She had already set herself up for a year of teasing. She did not need to make it a lifetime by licking her apron. She opened a cabinet and pulled out a fresh apron and was soon tying a bow behind her back. Tammi Lee waited by the rocking chair as directed. Crawling around still felt weird and her butt felt like it was on fire but she did as she was told. Then without warning she felt strong hands suddenly scoop her up and soon she was back in Nanny’s lap. She was nestled against her Nanny’s bosom, and laying back a bit in her arms. She looked up and Nanny looked down. Tammi Lee smiled a shy happy smile and Nanny V’s face lit with a huge smile. She knew what was coming and she welcomed it. Her mouth was already open when the bottle was brought to her lips. The delicious milk flowing with every suck. The rocking chair starting to move and Nanny began to sing a sweet song. Her voice was soft and beautiful. “When I find myself in times of trouble, Nanny V comes to me speaking words of wisdom, Let it be…” She was as big a Beetles fan as Tammi Lee. They used to discuss their favorite songs. She smiled around the nipple at the adlibbed change but it was perfect as far as she was concerned. When the bottle was empty and the songs song. Nanny V picked her up kissed her cheeks and placed her into the playpen. “Find something to play with Tammi Lee while Nanny gets you a little snack to go with your baba.” She said and slipped out of the nursery. Suddenly Tammi Lee was alone sitting on her butt in an adult sized playpen. She was reminded of the four penguins from the movie “Madagascar”. When they finally reached the South Pole they just stared at each other and said “Now what?” The short three foot high wooden rails were more of a principle then a true barrier. No doubt the punishment would be swift and terrible if it was violated. Her butt cheeks were not feeling near as good as they had during the spanking. As matter of fact the pain still radiating from the “Mr. Spanky” strokes were a good reminder of what truly bad behavior would bring. She crawled to the center of the playpen and looked around. Dolls and stuffed animals over that way, blocks over that way, some kind of padded musical keyboard in another direction. She crawled over to the stuffed animals and dolls. There were a lot of them. It seemed odd even for this place that there would be so many. She would never be able to play with them all. She looked over them all. There were zoo animals, imaginary animals, rag dolls, plastic dolls, Barbie dolls, and other things. It was like a trip to the toy store. She was drawn to one of them. It was a Pegasus. It was soft and fuzzy about eighteen inches long and about a foot high. Its fur was midnight black and it had large expressive green eyes. Just like her Nanny. Its hoofs, mane, tail and feathery wings were a soft pastel pink. Around its neck was a pink collar and a little tiny bell the jingled whenever it was moved. She picked it up and stroked its wings. They were soft and silky. The looked like feathers but were softer and more durable. Nanny V returned to the nursery carrying a special bowl. It was a gyro bowl. It could be toddler handled without spilling the inner contents. She had filled it with cheerios, and blue berries. All easy to eat with your fingers. She stood in the doorway and watched as her girl chose her new friend. Tammi Lee did not know it yet but that stuffed horse was about to be her constant companion. Nanny V stepped over the fence and set the bowl down next to Tammi Lee. “Here sweetie, Nanny brought you some numnums for you to eat while you play. I need you to think up a name for your new friend. Tonight when I put you to bed, I will let you whisper to me the name you came up with” Then she left the playpen and gathered up the laundry and took it off to the laundry room. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mr. Gray was not happy. He was actually so far beyond not happy he was wanting to break something or someone. It was not the fault of the young agent in front of him. He was just the bearer of the news. He calmed himself down. He remembered all too well what it was like to be on the other side of his desk. His unhappy face having caused the agent to start to stammer. “Slow down, start again from the beginning and give your report.” He said with as much reassurance as he could muster. The alarm had been raised over two hours ago. This report was just the start of the findings. “Doctor Field and Doctor Ren are missing. A security sweep and prisoner inspection found that the two people in the cell where not the prisoners. They were two of the janitorial staff. So far they have refused to talk to the investigators. We have reviewed the video footage and the sign in logs. The video shows them entering the cell at 11:00pm and departing the cell at 11:20pm. Even a switch of clothes shouldn’t have worked. You can’t leave the detention facility or cell without a facial recognition scan. The files were hacked to switch their identification around. Computer techs tell me they were switched at 11:15pm.” the agent replied nervously. He did not say nor need to say that someone on the inside had helped them. “Thanks Tim that will be all.” He said as he noticed Senior Agent Marie Brigger enter his office. The agent said “Yes, Sir” and left the office at not quite a run. Things were about hit the fan and he did not want to be caught up in it. Standing aside to let the young man past, Senior Agent Brigger held in her chuckle. It would not do for the kid to think he was being laughed at. They all have been there in their careers. She approached the desk, came to a standstill and said “You sent for me sir?” Mr. Gray looked at Special Agent Brigger. He had spent a lot of time grooming her to be his replacement in the next few years. She was one of the few he had complete trust in. They had seen some bad things together and came out with a knowledge of each other that only married couples ever seem to have. There was no sexual tension between them. If being locked in a room together with no clothes for two months by some now dead (very dead) bad guys couldn’t fan the flames between them nothing ever would. “Sorry to pull you in from the field Marie. I need you on this prisoner escape. They are extremely dangerous and still well connected it seems. Find them and find their inside help. I have cleared you for access to BB’s. Read up on it in the copious free time I’ve just given you. I want an update on the two janitorial staff members at 3pm this afternoon. I will answer any questions you have then. Dismissed.” Marie was not startled or offended by the quick manner in which she was dismissed. She could see the poorly controlled anger that was running rampant through him. She was actually feeling quite happy that he trusted her with finding the mole. It was vindication of her trust in him. She said “Yes, Sir” and spun on her heels and departed. “Now what the hell was BB’s? And where did that agent go?” she thought to herself. She was going to need someone to coordinate with and he was just elected. Mr. Gray did not even see her leave the office. He was lost in thought. Should he call Edna or not? She had so much on her plate already. He had already seen her medical records. Not that she needed to know that. She had informed him and the rest of the small group of her medical condition since it was a direct impact to her plans with Janice and April. He took it upon himself to get copies of her records. The doctors with the agency had agreed with the assessment that she had been given. At least she was being given good medical advice. What did telling her really do? Add to her stress level? He had already sent out an alert raising the level of security awareness to his agents. This also included the head of security at BB’s. There was nothing really that could be done until he knew more. He decided to keep both the escape and the message about the sippy cup to himself. The cup was really minor and there was nothing she could do about the escape anyway. He would do the worrying for both of them. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ John Evans stared at the e-mail that came across his desk. It was junk mail, a standard crappy phishing attempt that he reported to IT almost immediately after reading. What it really meant was he needed to change his lunch plans. As the e-mail had secretly requested he went to a small hamburger place about three miles from his office. He ordered his lunch and then sat down to eat it. The burger was well made and the fries were extra crisp. The only thing odd about the whole lunch was that instead of throwing out the tray liner with his lunch trash he folded it up and stuck it in his pocket. Nobody saw the odd action. Nobody was watching. His cover was very good. Without taking the time to decipher the series of numbers filling the back of the placemat he returned to work. He knew that he was going to be spending more time at BB’s. He hated the palace. All that baby and toddler girl stuff just was so stupid. All the fucking weirdos that spent their time there. He smiled a bit wolfishly, if he was lucky he would get to kill a bunch of them. That would rid the world of a few fucked up individuals. But no matter what happened or what his orders said that bitch Katherine was going to die. That bitch always seemed to find a reason to spank him. “You’re not playing nice” Smack!. “You need to act more Girly” Smack! When the ball goes up (if it goes up) he was going to drag her to quiet spot and inflict a little manliness on her ass, that way he could show her what a real spanking felt like. Then he was going to cut her fucking throat. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (This is Chapter 5. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy’s summer of fun. I hope you all had to change your panties too. I know I did. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback ( 4
Babypants Posted March 22, 2023 Posted March 22, 2023 On 3/17/2023 at 11:12 PM, CCApril said: You are right, Tommy is not innocent. He did screw up. His punishment is a little off from what he deserves for a first offense though. At least Edna is giving him to the best Nanny ever! At least for Tommy. I have been out on the road, so am just seeing this for the first time. You have put your finger on one of the two structural flaws in this story. This is so over the top that it suggests an ulterior motive, especially given the police, DA and judge being in on it. Is it money alone, or sadism ... or a combination of the two? The story is just dark enough at this point to leave open the possibility that there is more here than meets the eye. However, it's hard for me to get around the absence of legal counsel. I simply cannot see the mother doing this. You set up a consult (often free) with an attorney experienced in DUI cases at large, and juvenile cases in particular. Said attorney would get this knocked down to 30 hours of community service of the usual type-- kitchen work in a communal program, assistant in a nursing home ... it's all pretty cut and dried. At $300/hour (we bill, by the way, in 6 minute increments), a competent attorney could rack and stack this case for $900-$1,200. The other flaw actually interests me more. This is Veronica as a Senior wanting Tommy (a Junior) to take her to the prom. Late adolescence is a study in herd mentality, and it is inconceivable to me that a girl would do this. A boy? Yes, if he's the quarterback and she's the cheerleader du jour. But my prom was in 1963. Has the herd mentality gone by the wayside in the interim? I would love to read what others who have graduated HS much more recently have to say about HS dating habits. In sum, it's a well written story, and the author has done the best job of detailing the setting of any story that I can recall reading here. Still, it does have what I long ago dubbed a "forced entry"
CCApril Posted March 22, 2023 Author Posted March 22, 2023 Hi Babypants! In the real world April would certainly have gotten legal consul. And given time to consider it she would have in this world as well. I tried not to give her any real chance to think about it. Edna was able to pull strings and get it in motion so fast by the time April was free to think about it she had already agreed. Her husband James was in no position to offer any support for any other decision. The herd mentality is alive and well (judging by my daughters schooling). However, neither Tommy or Veronica was a part of the herd. Veronica especially felt she was disliked and made fun of for her height. It might have been different if she was a sports star. "Forced Entry" ? Do you mean a questionable plot device? Thanks for your comments! I like to hear anything that will make my writing better. April
Babypants Posted March 22, 2023 Posted March 22, 2023 35 minutes ago, CCApril said: Hi Babypants! In the real world April would certainly have gotten legal consul. And given time to consider it she would have in this world as well. I tried not to give her any real chance to think about it. Edna was able to pull strings and get it in motion so fast by the time April was free to think about it she had already agreed. Her husband James was in no position to offer any support for any other decision. The herd mentality is alive and well (judging by my daughters schooling). However, neither Tommy or Veronica was a part of the herd. Veronica especially felt she was disliked and made fun of for her height. It might have been different if she was a sports star. "Forced Entry" ? Do you mean a questionable plot device? Thanks for your comments! I like to hear anything that will make my writing better. April "Forced entry" is slang for using a story element to move things along that risks being widely seen as improbable by much of the readership. Prom is the only HS event I can remember that was wholly ritualized. Back in the day, a Senior girl would have found an excuse to stay away rather than show up with an underclassman. But I thought about this one at length, and for the life of me could not come up with an alternative plot line that wasn't equally strained. As for the lack of legal counsel, I would have raised and dismissed this-- too costly, too uncertain an outcome, etc. The story appears to be set in southern California, and I don't know the rules for advertisement of legal services out there. But believe me, if this story was playing out below the Mason-Dixon line, I flat out guarantee you that April would have consulted an attorney. Billboard advertisements for lawyers are an interstate infestation down here (I'm in TN at the moment); it's hard to avoid them, and they actually do work. This scores yet again my cautionary note to other authors, namely to be mindful of where, when, and in what socio-cultural milieu the tale is unfolding. The real problem, of course, is that the punishment simply does not fit the crime. There are so many dark corners in this story that it will be fun to see how the twists and turns play out. And yes, I did catch that throwaway line about Tommy being well versed in the arts of self-defense. I will be shocked if it turns out not to be a prequel to a later scene.
Eagle0769 Posted March 22, 2023 Posted March 22, 2023 Lol I don't wear panties but I did need to change my pull up. Nanny-V told Tammy to cum for Mommy? That was a slip of the tongue or she wants to be Tommy/Tammy Mommy and not her girlfriend. I would be happy to go to BB's nursery and daycare. :-) 1
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