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Changing to cloth diapers.


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Hi everyone I need your opinions. I want to switch to all cloth diapers and covers and want to know which ones are best. they need to hold a lot because I only change twice during a 24 hour period. I like being in wet squishy diapers but don't want them to leak. Help!

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I prefer cloth diapers over disposable although I do wear disposable when I go out to work. As soon as I get home I’ll change back to cloth for I think they do a better job and are more authentic. Anyway, I bought myself a nice stack of terry cloth diapers 48”x 48” and they get me through the night with ease. Every diaper will leak at one point or another that is something you will have to figure out yourself but terry cloth diapers hold a descent amount of fluids. These are the ones I bought: https://www.cuddlz.com/48-x-48-terry-adult-nappy/



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A DL friend of mine (who has since passed away) wore cloth all the time.  His tip was to not get really thick cloth diapers but thinner ones and then use actual cloth baby diapers as stuffers.  Why?  Because then he could wear 2 of the thinner adult cloth diapers instead of a really thick one and stuff them with the baby diapers in the areas where he needed the most protection.  When washing his diapers, they dried so much quicker than one thick diaper which he said took forever to dry, and he always found cloth baby diapers at yard sales or thrift stores.

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I've only worn cloth diapers exclusively due to privacy issues with storing and discarding disposable diapers. Love cloth and althouch I've considered trying disposableds, I haven't taken the plunge just yet.

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I only rarely ever wear cloth, but I do have quite a few.  To get higher mileage, you basically need to double or triple up.  If you buy something that's so thick and heavy to last 12 hours, it's going to be near impossible to wash and dry properly.   As far as which is best.... well, that's difficult to answer.  What one thinks is best another says doesn't work.  Just like with the disposable products.  There's plenty of places to buy from but I've bought products from the following vendors:




I would suggest a small test purchase from at least 2 of them to get started and figure out what you like or works best.

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I've just recently tried some cloth from Super Undies. I don't really know much about cloth, but I can say I really like the super undies design with their inserts. They seem to have solved my leak issue with me being a side sleeper

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have only tried cloth a few times, I really like the overall wet feeling.  I had two pull on diapers from Adult Cloth Diapers, but I always end up with a good puddle in the bottom of my plastic pants and then leak all over. So not a positive experience. 

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I switch back and forth but my primary interest has always been cotton prefolds and plastic pants.

Getting the same mileage out of cloth diapersvs. Some high end disposables is tough, but a couple things I have found should help.

1) try using some of the newer materilas as soakers or bosters. Something like zorb, or microfiber towels or other "new age" materials. I use microfiber towels wrapped in 1-2 gerber flat diapers ( you do not want these fabrics touching your skin, as they absorbe EVERYTHING) as a soaker, and they work great!! 1 towel holds almost as much as a day weight adult prefold! I hav'nt tried and zorb ones yet, but I suspect they should perform as well. These fabrics would work well in a pocket diaper as well as a stuffer.

2) try a disposable booster or doubler in your cloth diaper as well. They work great in disposables, so why not in cloth?? ABU, Tykables and Northshore all make "high capacity" doublers or boosters, to help extend the useful capacity of whatever diaper you are using, especially at night.

Cloth diapers are generally bulky, and layering or doubling up just makes them more so. Trying to be descreet while padded in cloth is tricky, but using a booster or 2, inside, placed in the right area for max absorbancy, can help cut down on bulk, while extending usefulness.

Hope this helps! 


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