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I signed up last week but have finally have the courage to post. My wife passed away 3 years ago but before she did she became incontinent so I became her care giver and even though she didn't like them I enjoyed changing her. After she died I developed urgency issues and also ED so had to wear pads. Things have progressed and so on long trips I have to wear pullups. I've decided to take it a little further and wear diapers most nights and use them with extra padding and plastic pants to keep from leaking. I wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them. I also like to be spanked but my wife wasn't into that but am now looking to explore that avenue also.

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Good morning, welcome! You've been here a week...that's long enough to have some idea of what a good group we are. No two of us are quite alike, I suspect, but aw a whole we're more concerned with our similarities than our differences.

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Hi and welcome to DD Tigercub. No need to worry here! There’s lots of people here, with similar experiences, and very likeminded. You can make yourself at home, and get comfy. There’s lots of good stuff to explore here, so just take some time and look around. If you have questions, just ask, don’t be shy. Relax, have fun, and enjoy! 

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Greetings @tigercub59 Welcome to Dailydiapers.  My Condolences to you.  

Do not be afraid here we are a friendly group of people who enjoy wearing diapers and also enjoy good company.  Feel free to come to the chatroom as there are many people in the chat who love to talk.

Explore the forum as there is a lot of content on the forum.


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Sorry to hear about the loss of your wife, buddy! It's never easy losing loved ones. I'm glad you love changing diapers and that you became an ABDL. We're so glad to have ya! I'm sure you'll make lots of friends here! We're all very welcoming.????☺️❤️?❤️?

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Welcome home TC59. I don’t see anything odd about your choices here. Anyway to each their own, besides it’s just how you’re wired. Enjoy the ride and by the way there are more people here into diapers and spanking than you realize.w


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Hi TC59! I just joined myself, but I haven't posted my introduction yet.

   I wanted to tell you that I'm so very sorry for your loss. I lost my wife to cancer a few years ago. It's been hard, but I'm finally starting to feel like a person again. I hope you are doing ok now too.

  We have more than that in common! I am also incontinent from a motorcycle crash many years ago. That's another reason that I miss my wife/mommie so much. She was everything to me and then covid came and I just felt so isolated!! Coming here to DD is my first real attempt at getting back in the world and making new friends. I hope you do real well in here. Everyone seems so warm and friendly!! Good luck to you my friend ?

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Welcome! An interesting journey into the diapered realm, I hope you are happy here! Many of us, myself included, are interested in both babying and being babied, and lots of people here love giving and/or receiving a good spanking! Many strokes and many folks here, I hope you find what and whom you seek! Soggy bottoms are our specialty!

Heartfelt condolences on the loss of your lady, and yours @Jiff. A terrible loss, I hope you can find some comfort in our cuddles!

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On 9/16/2021 at 12:07 AM, tigercub59 said:

I signed up last week but have finally have the courage to post. My wife passed away 3 years ago but before she did she became incontinent so I became her care giver and even though she didn't like them I enjoyed changing her. After she died I developed urgency issues and also ED so had to wear pads. Things have progressed and so on long trips I have to wear pullups. I've decided to take it a little further and wear diapers most nights and use them with extra padding and plastic pants to keep from leaking. I wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them. I also like to be spanked but my wife wasn't into that but am now looking to explore that avenue also.

Sorry to hear about your wife! Its tough losing people to care for deeply!

Welcome to daily diapers as well! The chat section is nice and everyone here is nice as well! 

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On 9/16/2021 at 12:07 AM, tigercub59 said:

I signed up last week but have finally have the courage to post. My wife passed away 3 years ago but before she did she became incontinent so I became her care giver and even though she didn't like them I enjoyed changing her. After she died I developed urgency issues and also ED so had to wear pads. Things have progressed and so on long trips I have to wear pullups. I've decided to take it a little further and wear diapers most nights and use them with extra padding and plastic pants to keep from leaking. I wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them. I also like to be spanked but my wife wasn't into that but am now looking to explore that avenue also.

My wife also died three years ago from uterine cancer. As time progressed, she also needed diapers and was tickled to wear pullups. She found that she liked them and actually brought us closer as she related them to my fill-on need for diapers. The sphincter muscle in my bladder went bad over 25 years ago along with my eyesight. I've been trying not to wet the bed for a long time but have given up on that. It helps to sleep on a birdseye cotton prefold diaper. Keeps from having to wash the bedsheets daily. I wear a Dry 24/7 or a Crinklz Aquanaut and plastic pants at all times. So, yes, I can certainly relate.

You will get more comfortable here as time progresses. Don't sweat the small stuff.


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