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Getting frustrated


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Ive been wearing 25-7 for almost 2 yrs now and i can not seem to consistantly be able to wet while sitting down..... some days its easier than others but i would like to not have to stand up everytime i want to wet..... im sure its just because sitting actually restricts the flow but i KnOW alot of you have no issues that are not incontinent....

Advice? Expierences? 

Thanks yall for reading 

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I have a difficult time if I'm sitting on something hard like a wood chair, or if I'm needing to focus on something else like driving. If I can take my mind off what I'm doing and lean to the side that will usually get the job done for me

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My advice would be to lay or sit on something very soft. It could be that your body is just afraid to cut loose and go in the diapie after years of potty training. You could always tell your body to relax and that it's okay to go in the diapie over and over again. I know it sounds weird, but it works I've tried it. I don't know if you're trying to become incontinent or not, but that would be something I would definitely think about before doing this because habits are hard to break. Good luck though!???❤️???

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Just wait another 25 years And you would be surprised how that time will fly

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Is it ANY chair or just some?  Some seating positions seem to put pressure on my urethra and make it harder to go.  A reclined seating position seems to pose no problems at all.  It's more of a physical/postural thing for me.   Psychologically, I can go wherever/whenever these days and don't think about it much.

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On 6/13/2021 at 5:27 AM, Young1 said:

Pointing down usually 

The only time you need to point down is when your lying down. If your walking around or seated you will get better absorbsion if its pointed up.


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