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Shots, Shots, Shots

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Oh no, not INDIA...kidding; I hate India lmao. India is the most racist country on the planet; fuck 'em! XD

I actually think the world is better off with less people anyway; sorry I'm not as devastated and miserable as you? LMAO. ?

And yeah, you are being lied to lol. I don't care where you work. XD

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The whole of my experience with the shots was a couple days of feeling fatigued. Not much to pay to avoid a potentially deadly disease. Yes, I know it's rare, but if someone told me there was only a 1% chance the elevator would crash, I'd like to think I'd take the stairs.

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Maybe that is what they should do to scare the hesitant into getting the shots. announced the death toll and severe cases on the hourlynewscasts and scare the bejeezis out of them

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2 hours ago, Little Christine said:

Maybe that is what they should do to scare the hesitant into getting the shots. announced the death toll and severe cases on the hourlynewscasts and scare the bejeezis out of them

Yes, fearmongering is a great way to divide a nation lol.

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The nation is already diviced between those who are doing the right thing and those who are not. The latter are putting others at risk just to be self-indulgent airheads. One does not have the right to put others at risk. Consider the following. a person goes into a shop to do business. He is medically ineligible for vaccination. An employee of the shop, who refused to be vaccinated serves him - and also serves him a viral load that puts him in the hospital with a serious illness. the customer sues the owner of the shop, they employee of which was found by contact tracing.. Besides fearmongering is spreading ungrounded fears. I am suggestion that the actual things that are going on be made public to demonstrate the threat. Besides which, the stobborn could just take the shot. It is not like they are demanding his firstborn and four cattle, two pigs and 5 gold coins. One does not have the right to put others at risk just to be a self absorbed Narcissist douchbag. That constitues and aggression. Learn about Typhoid Mary. These persons may prevent us from reaching population  immunity. How long do you want to have to go around wearing the mask?

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At the some time though, the government doesn't have the right to force everyone to wear masks and shoot themselves up with drugs. In my opinion, the country is divided by people who want to live freely, and those who would rather live in fear than trust the science because spreading drama is way more fun, and politicians just love love looove all the extra power they get because of the "pandemic". They're hoping it NEVER goes away, and they're willing to try to mislead people and deceive the masses into believing that it's still a genuine threat just so that they can hang onto all their extra power and tell people where to go and what to wear. 

And trying to accuse people who don't wear masks or get vaccinated of committing an act of AGGRESSION is just downright horrifying and dangerous if you ask me. That's how Civil Wars get started. An authoritarian regime always ends up painting the insurgency as terrorists in order to justify locking them up in concentration camps; perhaps slaughtering them by the gas-chamber-full in order to prevent them from spreading "propaganda" or infecting the gene pool with their backwards thinking. History has a funny way of repeating itself. Just you watch lmao.

*Starts throwing duffel bags into the truck and loading AR-15 magazines before sharpening my bayonet collection with an evil grin on my face lol.*  


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21 minutes ago, ValentinesStuff said:

It's funny @Ellie Jean because I think most countries are under reporting both the number of cases and number of deaths. 

I think most countries are probably exaggerating and/or being misleading about both of the numbers lol.

The New York Times recently ran an article saying that the infection rate (not death rate) is now less than 10%.

Upon further digging though, people found out the exact number is actually 0.1% lmao. 

That's kinda like saying, "There's now less than 100 murders in the city per year." when there's actually only ONE murder in the city per year.

Now THAT'S funny lol.

Gee, I wonder why certain mainstream news media would possibly want people to think the situation is more dire than it actually is??? XD

...Sarcasm intended. I know exactly what's going on lol. Give 'em an inch and they wanna take a mile. Tale as old as time. =P

Trust, but VERIFY; words to live by. ;) 

On that note...Take what I said about the NYT with a grain of salt lol; I could be remembering it wrong; conducting your own research should lead you to the article in question; democrats and republicans alike both called them on that bullshit faster than a fat chick on a french fry lmao.

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1 hour ago, Ellie Jean said:

At the some time though, the government doesn't have the right to force everyone to wear masks and shoot themselves up with drugs. In my opinion, the country is divided by people who want to live freely, and those who would rather live in fear than trust the science because spreading drama is way more fun, and politicians just love love looove all the extra power they get because of the "pandemic". They're hoping it NEVER goes away, and they're willing to try to mislead people and deceive the masses into believing that it's still a genuine threat just so that they can hang onto all their extra power and tell people where to go and what to wear. 

And trying to accuse people who don't wear masks or get vaccinated of committing an act of AGGRESSION is just downright horrifying and dangerous if you ask me. That's how Civil Wars get started. An authoritarian regime always ends up painting the insurgency as terrorists in order to justify locking them up in concentration camps; perhaps slaughtering them by the gas-chamber-full in order to prevent them from spreading "propaganda" or infecting the gene pool with their backwards thinking. History has a funny way of repeating itself. Just you watch lmao.

*Starts throwing duffel bags into the truck and loading AR-15 magazines before sharpening my bayonet collection with an evil grin on my face lol.*  


If you know this person, you know she was a leading defender of individual rights during the twentieth century and was lothe to grant government the slightest power to violate those rights My contention is based on this principle. The standard of judgement is the best science available. It is the same principle by which a member of some crazy religion may refuse a blood transfusion, but not do the same with respect to his or her children. Now, if you want to challenge the science,, what is your experience in the matter. If you wnet to court, the judge would say "and you got your medical degree where?"


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There are some people in this world who won't admit they are wrong no matter how many experts and how many facts contradicting them are placed before them.  They themselves know in their hearts they are wrong based upon the evidence others present to them but by that time they are just too stubborn to admit it, and it just makes them look all the more the fool.  They would cut their nose off just to spite their face.  The earth is flat, the Holocaust was fake and we never landed on the moon either!

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1 hour ago, rusty pins said:

There are some people in this world who won't admit they are wrong no matter how many experts and how many facts contradicting them are placed before them.  They themselves know in their hearts they are wrong based upon the evidence others present to them but by that time they are just too stubborn to admit it, and it just makes them look all the more the fool.  They would cut their nose off just to spite their face.  The earth is flat, the Holocaust was fake and we never landed on the moon either!

I know exactly what you mean; people are nuts lmao. ?
Like seriously. Paying criminals NOT to commit crime??? Masks work but walls DON'T? Bwahahaha! ?
Can they hear themselves??? XD

It's literally as crazy sounding to my ears as saying the Earth is flat, the Holocaust was fake, and we never landed on the moon. It is THAT HEIGHT of sheer lunacy from my point of view lol. It's ALMOST as crazy as giving weapons and money to terrorists in the middle east...oh wait, they did that too. Does the radical left simply HATE America? All their actions would lead me to believe that lol.

8 hours ago, Little Christine said:

If you know this person, you know she was a leading defender of individual rights during the twentieth century and was lothe to grant government the slightest power to violate those rights My contention is based on this principle. The standard of judgement is the best science available. It is the same principle by which a member of some crazy religion may refuse a blood transfusion, but not do the same with respect to his or her children. Now, if you want to challenge the science,, what is your experience in the matter. If you wnet to court, the judge would say "and you got your medical degree where?"


When the medical experts are contradicting themselves over and over again, it's time to stop listening. Fauci isn't a doctor anymore; he's a politician lmao. No less a mindless sock puppet than Biden is for Harris lol.

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Well, you are expanding it. as to the current state of affiars on that. Listen to Todd Schnitt if you can get him

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7 hours ago, rusty pins said:

There are some people in this world who won't admit they are wrong no matter how many experts and how many facts contradicting them are placed before them.  They themselves know in their hearts they are wrong based upon the evidence others present to them but by that time they are just too stubborn to admit it, and it just makes them look all the more the fool.  They would cut their nose off just to spite their face.  The earth is flat, the Holocaust was fake and we never landed on the moon either!

There is also the fact that government science is suspect. Fauci did say he "adjusted" what he said when Trump was in office and that after he left, he was glad that he could be more open. That called him into question. How did he "adjust" the truth. I was sorely disappointed, How do I know he is not "adjusting" what he said now

The CDC can't help but be political, it is a government entity. Politics is a branch of philosophy that deals in government  so anything that is a child of goverhment, of necessity, reflects its attitudes. Here are some examples. This one is inexcusable


This one jibes with what I have heard from legitimate sources fotr 40 years

This relects back on what my Ottolarygologist once told me "If it does not do good, then it does harm". For one thing, it calls the credibioity of the institution inot question. And when you claim to be the final arbiter. THAT is deadly. Witness the Tuskieegee Experiment. How long can they say "but not THIS time" and have ankyone believe them?

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17 hours ago, Little Christine said:

Well, you are expanding it. as to the current state of affiars on that. Listen to Todd Schnitt if you can get him

...What am I expanding? ?

Ah, and this: schnittshow.com. I'll give him a try at some point, frankly though I'm sick of all the "pandemic" shit. I'm just playing video games until shit gets back to normal...if our supreme leader ever allows that to happen. ?



5 hours ago, rusty pins said:

Great, so either they tested positive BECAUSE they had the vaccine, or the vaccine is useless lmao. I'm sure the NYT is hoping for the latter; having a constant crisis really boosts the ratings. Probably why they decided to run with that shit in the first place lmao.

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I think Trump behaved more like a supreme leader than Biden. When I was in High School, we were reccomended to read MEIN KEMPF, not for the docial drivel that was in it, but as a guide to how political and social manipulation is done. Trump's behavior was p right out of that metnality. He had flip-flopped so much during the primaries and main campaign that I found it necessary to do whiat I could to keep him out of office, even voting Hillary, which I thought I could never do, In late Feb of '16 I said to a Trumper on Facebook "What happened the last time a self-absorbed Narcissist said he would make his country great again? And how did that work out for you?" and in April, I couned the term "Trumplegruber". Have you observed his behavior over the last 6 monts? I cannot tell if it is a supremem form of manipulation or the final collapse into psychosis. Its effec?. weill observe the Liz Chaney fiasco and how McCarthy is flip-flopping around on the legitimacy of the election like a fish in the bottom of a fishing boat before it perishes and what that is doing to the GOP and attach that to the stat I heard a bit more than a month ago that 49% of Republican men do not want to take the vaccine

As to who is running the Biden admin, you are on the money. But this was engineered by the GOP, by taking to it's leadership someone who was known as a Narcissisticdouchebag since the mid 1980's which I also predictied as part of the reason the GOP forrfeited my vote to; eww: Hillary Clinton and later, Joe Biden, not that I liked them the more, or even at all, but that I weighed the metnal hygiene and health issues. The real pandemic is in the Republican Party. Soon they weill have a golden opportunity as they did in 1980, but I do not see a Reagan on the horizon. They have about a year and a half to 2022 to get some credibility

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7 hours ago, Little Christine said:

I think Trump behaved more like a supreme leader than Biden. When I was in High School, we were reccomended to read MEIN KEMPF, not for the docial drivel that was in it, but as a guide to how political and social manipulation is done. Trump's behavior was p right out of that metnality.

Lmao, you could apply this to pretty much ALL politicians lmao. ...And surely you must be joking about Trump being more of a supreme leader than Biden lmao. Biden has signed FORTY-THREE executive orders between January 20th and April 27th....forty-three lmao. How many executive orders did Trump sign in the same amount of time? ...Holy shit; twenty-five...I thought it woulda been lower lmao. But I digress! Biden has clearly preferred ruling with the PEN instead of letting the PEOPLE decide for themselves as independent States what they want the government to do for them; Trump seemed to see the PEOPLE as the boss. Biden does not; Hillary DEFINITELY didn't lmao.

But despite voting for Trump twice, I HATE his personality lol. He's an obnoxious asshole in my opinion, but I knew I wasn't voting for a NANNY lol. I was voting for a commander in chief. I voted for not who I felt was the nicest person, but who I felt would get the jobs done that I wanted done, CHIEF among them being the destruction of ISIS. Mission accomplished lmao. The world has pretty much forgotten all about ISIS because we whooped their asses so swiftly upon electing Trump, something Obama never had the balls to do. Instead he mailed our enemies weapons and money and asked them really nicely to stop terrorizing people lmao. Soooo...Yeah; I voted for the orange asshole because I wanted our borders secure and ISIS destroyed and our economy back on track. Unfortunately Biden has totally destroyed the progress on our borders, and now the economy is nosediving as well (although to be fair that probably has more to do with covid than anything Biden did....well; maybe not, after all it was up to him whether to open the country back up or not, and personally I think they waited way too long.

If the media hadn't blown everything out of proportion, I'd be willing to bet no one would have noticed anything different during the "pandemic". They'd all just have assumed it was a bad case of the flu going around like it does every year around that time lol. Yeah, it does make me wonder and question things lmao. I wished it didn't...but...I have thoughts lmao. XD

7 hours ago, Little Christine said:

He had flip-flopped so much during the primaries and main campaign that I found it necessary to do whiat I could to keep him out of office

...What did Trump flip flop on during the primaries?
...And if you want to see some real good examples of flip-flopping, look no further than Biden lmao. XD
I'll never be convinced 70+ million people voted for that idiot. The evidence of fraud was astounding. 

7 hours ago, Little Christine said:

Have you observed his behavior over the last 6 monts? I cannot tell if it is a supremem form of manipulation or the final collapse into psychosis. Its effec?. weill observe the Liz Chaney fiasco and how McCarthy is flip-flopping around on the legitimacy of the election like a fish in the bottom of a fishing boat before it perishes and what that is doing to the GOP and attach that to the stat I heard a bit more than a month ago that 49% of Republican men do not want to take the vaccine

...His behavior seems to be no different; he's still an obnoxious blowhard, and what the the press refusing to stop talking about him, (because let's face it, Biden is boring as hell and Trump is way more exciting lol,) and trash talking him all the time, I can't say as I blame him one bit for hitting back. In regards to the outcome of the election, I'm not surprised he can't make up his mind about it, it is VERY hard to believe that Biden actually won ANYBODY over lmao. It is literally UNBELIEVABLE that the election wasn't rigged. But with so many people trying to say everything was on the up and up, can you really blame anyone for not being sure one way or another? XD

...I'M sure though. In fact, I'd venture a guess that Biden never even really WANTED to be President and he was just forced into it by the radical left because the radical left was terrified of Bernie Sanders, because they couldn't control him lol.

I'd also venture a guess that the reason so many people (Democrats AND Republicans) are reluctant to take the vaccine(s) is because they're all just plum sick of the pandemic propaganda and don't believe a word any of the so called "experts" have to say anymore because they flip-flopped so much on whether masks were effective or not when the thing first started; they have no more faith in the System because they're seeing through all the bullshit now. They just aren't convinced anything will change by getting vaccinated, and covid isn't all that deadly anyway, so why would they bother?

...Aside from the ability to brag about it and virtue signal to the world while looking down their nose at anyone not vaccinated as if they're sub-human parasites lmao. "Neanderthals" as Biden would so eloquently put it lol. Just a basket of deplorables lmao. ?

#Trump2024 lol....even though it might not be the best choice for me as a transgirl, but I don't vote for who might be best for me personally; I vote for who might be best for the country; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. ?

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ABout "supreme leader" characteristics being in every president, that is true, but in Trump's case. They DEFINE him and are so up in your grille that anyone with a good education can trace them right back to the source and "how to" manual written by those who made an art form of it

As you say he is "an obnoxious blowhard" and "the press won't stop talking about him". I knew the "press" including TV news for what it is 53 years ago. So why give them the fodder by acting like a self-absorbed dweeb? They are only following Rush Limbaughs adivice "If you adversary is acting like a fool [self-destructively], it is your moral duty to help him along" But what of the moral or psychological nature of the sycophants? The latest being Kevin McCarthy who is a two-faced louse; leading ths sack of Liz Chaney and her replacement by, and this is from the American Conservative Union, a center-leftist who is endorsed by Trump? while saying the same things about the election that Chaney said, even this last week? And this is not new



And in '16, on YouTube, Ted Cruz called Trump a "most corrupt man" until Trum put him in a diaper, pink rubber panties and a little babygirl dress and paraded him around as "Little Miss Two-Face" destroyin his previously high level of credibility

As to Biden being boring as hell. If you were flying would you rather go through a boringly uneventful safe landing or a thrill-a-second crash and burn?

It is a shame that the vaccine issue has become political, but whose fault is that. Prior to this 75% of the anti-vaxxers were on the left under the aegis of the Environmentalism of the '70's and 80's the rest being a few non-ideological religious frootloops

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Trump as a "supreme" leader should be put in Northshore "Supreme's", the big baby!


Anyway, to get back on track, even though the restrictions are slowly being lifted, I appreciate everyone who has got their vaccines and I hope people continue to get them.  That is a main reason why the pandemic is starting to get under control here whether some people believe it or not.  We all want to get back to normal and open businesses up again.  Getting the vaccine will help and certainly not hurt, and there is no cost to anyone to get it.. 

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I know what I am going to do. Save all the masks and things, then in about 7 years, put them up on eBay at $100 a pop as "souvenirs of the Great Pandemic that stopped the world for over a year"

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13 minutes ago, Little Christine said:

I know what I am going to do. Save all the masks and things, then in about 7 years, put them up on eBay at $100 a pop as "souvenirs of the Great Pandemic that stopped the world for over a year"

Hope you get something for them.  As it is, the market is flooded with them!  Besides, in another 7 years or less we may need them again!

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35 minutes ago, rusty pins said:

Hope you get something for them.  As it is, the market is flooded with them!  Besides, in another 7 years or less we may need them again!

How come? will they not have banned political rallies by then?

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On 5/14/2021 at 6:53 AM, rusty pins said:

That club have not been worth a parameceum's tiara since they dumped Joe Geradi for no good reason  just to please some airheaded rookies and put a yes man in the managers's spot, after he took the team from a crap outfit with too many non-performing veterans to the playoffs, losing to the team that won the world series in his last your by playing those same rookies -- the "Baby Bombers". Then they took Aaron Boone, not from the Baseball end, but from the media. Tell me that was not so that the Steinbranners would have an ignorant robot they could direct from the front office. They are the Donald Trump of soprts George made such a spectacle of himself that he was banned from baseball for awhile some 30 years ago. I am the president of "Yankee Fans in Exile -- We love the Yankee ideal; it's the Steinbrenners we despise". That club can't suck enough as far as I am concerned

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10 hours ago, Little Christine said:

ABout "supreme leader" characteristics being in every president, that is true, but in Trump's case. They DEFINE him and are so up in your grille that anyone with a good education can trace them right back to the source and "how to" manual written by those who made an art form of it

As you say he is "an obnoxious blowhard" and "the press won't stop talking about him". I knew the "press" including TV news for what it is 53 years ago. So why give them the fodder by acting like a self-absorbed dweeb? They are only following Rush Limbaughs adivice "If you adversary is acting like a fool [self-destructively], it is your moral duty to help him along" But what of the moral or psychological nature of the sycophants? The latest being Kevin McCarthy who is a two-faced louse; leading ths sack of Liz Chaney and her replacement by, and this is from the American Conservative Union, a center-leftist who is endorsed by Trump? while saying the same things about the election that Chaney said, even this last week? And this is not new



And in '16, on YouTube, Ted Cruz called Trump a "most corrupt man" until Trum put him in a diaper, pink rubber panties and a little babygirl dress and paraded him around as "Little Miss Two-Face" destroyin his previously high level of credibility

As to Biden being boring as hell. If you were flying would you rather go through a boringly uneventful safe landing or a thrill-a-second crash and burn?

It is a shame that the vaccine issue has become political, but whose fault is that. Prior to this 75% of the anti-vaxxers were on the left under the aegis of the Environmentalism of the '70's and 80's the rest being a few non-ideological religious frootloops

Sigh, I tried lol. Once things resort to mind-reading, name-calling and what-aboutism, it's time for me to just let it go; everyone always thinks they're right lol.

Time will tell I suppose; a lot of dems themselves are already starting to miss the hell out of Trump lmao.

Turns out people actually LIKED the blatant transparency of Trump lol; they don't know WHAT the hell to think about Biden and his intentions; Biden rarely ever talks to reporters about anything because he'll get in trouble with his handlers if he does lmao.

10 hours ago, Little Christine said:

And in '16, on YouTube, Ted Cruz called Trump a "most corrupt man" until Trum put him in a diaper, pink rubber panties and a little babygirl dress and paraded him around as "Little Miss Two-Face" destroyin his previously high level of credibility

Whaaat?! When the hell did THIS happen?! ??

Annnnd...I don't think Cruz ever had a high level of credibility lol. ...I never trusted him, at least lol.

...Didn't really trust Trump a ton either, buuuut...Hillary was a friggin' Lizard person / blood-soaked monster, soooo, YEAH lmao.

....And the second time I voted for him was only because Biden didn't know where the hell he was half the time and was at times completely unintelligible lmao. I couldn't in good conscience vote for such a piping hot mess; Biden needs to go home and take a friggin' NAP lol.

...What the left is doing to him is tantamount to elder abuse lmao. ?

50 bucks says he doesn't even finish one term lol. ?

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Who was a bigger name-caller than Trump: "lying Ted", "sleepy Joe" come rolling up without any effort. He shattered "Reagan's 11th Commandment at light speed and galactic level. Many of the ideas that Reagan firs preached andt preached and tried to practice are now being attributed to the Donoald, which will make them despised by otherwise good persons despite their true value And if what I see is true, we will be in need of them as the economy falls apart under the destabilizing effect of the scope and breadth of sharp increases in taxation to fund make-work. Hopefully, the GOP can find a spokesperson for these ideas that is not a dumpster fire. when you can suborn an active duty Marine major into criminal action, you  GOTTA be one humongous flaiming pile of shit

The Dems will not need to worry about missing Trump. All they need do is not put him away fro some things they could, like tax evasion and who knows what else, maybe inciditn a riot and they can get all the mileage they can use. He'll come back up like a rancid hot dog eaten at the Greasy Spoon. If McCarthy runs in 2022 all they need do is show scenes from Jan 6 with the audio of Trump saying ho these people "love their country" and it is just a matter of asking what kind of jam to put on old Kev and if you like your toast with coffee. Trump, as I said in '16, is the gift that keeps on giving. The GOP has a LOT of cleaning out to do. Did you ever try and get dog crap off you shoe? You have to be VERY thorough. If you miss one miligram of it, you can stink out a room

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