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One of Many Firsts (Updated 1/01/23)

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This is going to be a little side story, something to write on the side for my Traveler story. A focus of romance, sexuality, growing as a person, and whatever tropes will come to mind with this story. Updates will likely be a bit slower (or perhaps not), but I just wanted to try a different approach to my only other ABDL work.


Chapter One: Moving Out

There comes the point in life when you realize just how much you value privacy or recognize the lack thereof. The older you get, the more apparent it becomes just how much it means to your sanity. It’s those sobering moments that drive people to recognize the need to do something about it. But it also causes one to determine that having it from time to time isn’t good enough now.

For James Smith, that moment came around when he was 24 years old. The catalyst for this decision came after his hand was forced by a particular event and made James finally leave his parent’s home for good. 

To understand both the decision and event, one needed to understand that James was an adult-baby. This wasn’t a recent discovery; he had known for years, since before puberty, that he liked diapers and being treated like a baby. However, his ‘vice’ became increasingly deviant, and upon becoming a young-adult, his urges became more extravagant. 

When James finally had the chance to wear diapers again, at the age of 16 and during a time when he had the house to himself for two weeks, he found himself in a diapered induced, horny haze. There was no going back after having tasted that particular forbidden fruit.

But as he got older and explored his fetish, James found himself growing increasingly curious at certain sub-fetishes of being an ABDL, which lead him down a bizarre rabbit hole. He learned very few peculiar things about himself by the time he was 21.

James wanted a mommy to dominate him, to baby him, to humiliate him. He wanted to be treated from a newborn to a little boy. James found himself increasingly into the idea of roleplaying being forced into diapers, losing his adult privileges, and having an adult-mommy in his life. 

He was a submissive man. However, he tempered his expectations and considered his situation’s reality, namely that fantasy was all well and good. Still, he also wanted to be a man for his woman. Call it male pride or ego, but James understood the value of having a partner first and an adult-mommy second. 

Unfortunately for James, he never did learn how to go out on dates. He was still a virgin by the time he was 24. That left him minimal options to remove the pressure of sexual desire, namely via his diapers and erotic roleplaying. 

At 24, James had the money to pull this off. He graduated college with a degree in computer design and programming. He became a freelance programmer, working his way out of the hell that was the “z” tier ranks of code-monkeys actually to become a “c” ranker, that was someone both trusted and reliable.

Living at home meant he didn’t have to pay for much, and he had been freelancing for years, and with more significant contracts meant he had considerable cash on hand. So it was easy to get what he wanted. No, the hard part was finding a place to hide it and time to wear and enjoy his purchases. His parents hardly ever left the house, and the most recent events resulted in everyone being cooped up in their homes. James ultimately stored his diapers and other infantile paraphernalia away, hidden from the world and his view. He could only fantasize and masturbate about the next chance he would get to wear and act out his desires.

However, as the world got back to normal, James found himself increasingly agitated at how his parents continued to move about his room without his permission. It was a problem and one that finally compounded into what caused him to leave eventually.

James had been out with some friends. They enjoyed a movie, a nice meal and then sat down to smoke a few bowls of weed. James had initially planned on staying the night, but a nagging feeling in the back of his mind caused him to withhold from partaking in the evening’s festivities. He drove back home, expecting nothing much to have happened.

He was confused when he pulled into the family garage to see several boxes of what looked to be old computer parts, toys, clothes, books, and other knickknacks that James didn’t use when he recalled where those came from exactly. 

The realization that the came from his closet, which had a box containing almost a dozen diapers, a vibrating wand, and other adult-sized baby items, caused him to start panicking. His parents had to have seen the contents, and they would, of course, want to know why James had them in his room.

Yet as he internally panicked, his mother came out into the garage all smiles, “Oh, James? I thought you were going to be out all night. Well, welcome back. I hope you don’t mind, but I just got started taking out a few of those old boxes in your closet.”

Her calm tone gave James hope that she hadn’t discovered his embarrassing secret. He barely said hi as he not-so-subtly raced to his room and quickly saw a host of piled boxes. None of them was the one carrying his diaper stash. That was still safely tucked away in the back of the closet.

James felt relief like no other, and as he sat on his bed and finally felt like he could breathe again, he came to terms with just how close that was to become an incredibly awkward conversation. Whatever gods blessed him with the foresight to not smoke with his friends and come back home gave him the biggest of all passes. And that caused him to recognize that it was time to start reevaluating what he could do in this situation.

He wasn’t going to stop, no chance of that. No chance in hell he would tell his parents that he wanted to wear diapers around the house, fuck that. Well, the choice became obvious. 

The following day, James talked to his parents and informed them that he wanted to move out. His parents seemed almost relieved to hear him say that and were a tad too excited when they told him that they would help him. They did, however, ask him what brought this on.

James could only respond by saying, “Well, first time for everything, right?” 

When his parents said that they’d help him, they’d do everything for James to find his first place. And as it were, they had someone, an old family friend, that owned a bunch of homes in San Jose. 

They had a small but charming home that they could sell to his family at what amounted to a steal in Silicon Valley, at some place called Applegrove. It sounded like a retirement community, or something. Still, James laughed at the idea of having a home in Silicon Valley to himself. 

So James was floored when his parents actually bought it for him, making James a homeowner in one fell swoop at 24. If he didn’t know any better, he almost thought his parents wanted him out of their house. They claimed that it was an excellent investment when James wanted to move out someday, and besides, it would pay itself off in the future. 

James knew then that there was no going back. That was when another series of “firsts” started to fall into his lap—the first time moving out—the first time setting up a mortgage payment, automatic payment for multiple bills, learning about homeowners insurance, and homeowner laws. Then he had to buy furniture, electronics, new carpeting, and check on everything else in the house to make sure it wasn’t a total wreck. 

A thousand little things made James recognize the irony of his situation. He wanted to leave so he could enjoy his adult-baby lifestyle in peace, and instead, he had more grown-up responsibilities now. 

It wasn’t until almost eight months had passed that James finally settled into his new home. His parents were so proud of him, granted he hadn’t done anything other than sign some paperwork and paid a few deposits. His mother and father had arranged just about everything. 

His parents stayed for a few days before they finally took off, giving him a hug and kiss, instructions for him to call them every few days and report back any problems, and that they were only an hour away if he needed anything. 

James waved them goodbye and watched them drive off. As he closed the door, James took a moment to look around at his home. 

The house itself wasn’t that old, made in the early 90s, and had only a few tenants that lived in it. It was pretty spacious for a bachelor’s first home, but considering how his family got it for a steal and the going rate was just for a crummy apartment, James was thankful. 

Even so, the enormity of the situation set in, and James felt a bit overwhelmed. This was also the first time he would be away from his parents for longer than a few days. That this might be for the rest of his life now caused James to feel quite anxious. 

For most of his life, he lived close to his family. Even when he was going to college, he had only a thirty-minute drive to and from his school’s campus. Most of his friends were also far away now. It wasn’t like he was an entire world away. His parent’s home was about an hour’s drive at max. 

Still, he felt uneasy. 

James spent the next hour finishing up his unpacking. Just about all the necessary components were ready now. His computer, which was effectively his lifeline and cost a small fortune, was essential to unbox. But as soon as he finished that, James saw one other box that caught his attention.

“Right...the whole reason I’m here.” James had no time to wear his diapers or act out as a baby these last few months. All he had time for was his masturbation fantasies. It was easy to think about how much fun and freedom that he could have with an entire house to himself.

It was easy to imagine that he could walk around freely in just his diapers or baby clothes, that he could stack his dressers and closest with a not-so-small stash of diapers and display them for as long as he wanted to. But why stop there? James could have baby-toys lying out in the open, pacifiers all around the house, baby-bottles sitting in the kitchen cabinets, and he could have the TV playing whatever juvenile cartoon or pornographic video he wanted too. 

Nothing was stopping him now...that started echoing through his head while his other “head” began to harden at the prospect. James’ face felt hot as he blushed, and his hands trembled as he opened up the box, displaying several ABU peekabu’s, a couple of stuffers, his “magic wand,” his changing supplies, and a few other personal items. 

A goofy smile adorned his face as he started to strip his clothes and then grabbed everything before heading towards his bed. However, he stopped as he realized that he didn’t need to diaper himself inside his room. It was his house! He could do it wherever he wanted to!

So instead, he decided to roleplay this out in his mind. The first thing that James did was find a nice spot in the middle of his new living room, placed a soft blanket down, then his diapers and supplies, before heading to the front door of all places.

James felt positively silly as he closed his eyes and pretended that he wasn’t a young man that just entered his new house...but an adult-baby being carried into his first home by a mommy like a newborn. She was cooing at him, saying that this was his home now, and he was safe.

“Is Baby James excited to be in his new home? I bet he is! But we need to get him into a nice and fresh diaper!” A soothing and maternal voice spoke to him in his mind as James started to walk towards the living room, naked as the day he was born, here and in his fantasy.

He gave a few awkward pretend cries, trying to act like a baby for the moment. It felt so lame in his head, but he wanted to enjoy the weirdness of the moment. Besides, who cared if he was acting weird here? It was his home now, his safe space. 

As he slowly and carefully made his way over into the living room, he lowered himself onto the unfolded diaper. James felt the soft, crinkly padding under his bottom and giggled. Opening his eyes, he grabbed the container of powder and started to sprinkle the sweet-smelling substance of his erect cock and slowly rubbed it in his crotch, savoring it. He even went the extra mile and poured a little on his stomach, making sure that the smell of baby powder lingered. 

“Does Jamesy love the smell of baby powder? Now he smells just like a baby! Time for the diaper!” The woman in his fantasy kept encouraging him, and James gladly worked on putting on the garment of his desires. He had to push his penis down to ensure that he got the diaper’s front over it before working on the tapes. 

Out of everything, James wished he had someone in his life to engage in this babyplay. No matter how much fun he had with solo stuff, it just wasn’t the same thing as what he read in stories or seen in videos. A human connection, companionship, that was what he wanted.

But right now, he was stuck with this fantasy. At the very least, he had home to enjoy it in privacy, and with that in mind, James finished fixing the tapes of the diaper and checking the leak guards. He was diapered, safe and secured, and felt babyish. 

The first act inside his new home, getting diapered in the living room. So as James lay there, he closed his eyes again and kept imagining he was just a baby, diapered by his imaginary mommy, laying on his changing mat, and giggling and cooing like the infant he wanted to be. 

Again, it was all so silly, but it made James feel comfortable in his new home. And as he placed his thumb in his mouth, rubbing his legs together to hear the crinkling of his diaper, James got it in his head that maybe he should enjoy himself as he wanted and that it was time to place a few orders.

As he got up, he kept giggling as he waddled back towards his room. First, he’d get on a few websites such as Etsy and order a few unique objects of interest, then he’d look up some decent mommy-dommy porn and rub himself through his diaper, and then he’d see about having some dinner.

“Hmm, maybe I should try some of those hypnosis files as well?” Such thoughts echoed through his mind as he sat on his bed and opened up his Chromebook. The next few days would be full of anxious anticipation. The genie was out of the bottle. There was nothing him now. James was going to start his full-time adult-baby life.


The only unrealistic part in this entire story is going to be that someone like James was able to own a home in San Jose or anywhere near the Valley at his age and job, but thank god for rich parents, right? In any case, this highlights probably something a lot of people here would want to do upon getting their home and with enough disposable income to indulge in things. 

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Just some basic character building and a look into James getting to live how he wants.


Chapter Two: Overindulgence

James didn’t want to admit it, but he might have had a problem. It had been six months now since he had moved into his new home. Things had gotten a little out of control regarding his indulgence in being a “full-time” adult-baby. 

Work had only been a minor inconvenience to this shift in his lifestyle. But if anything, his performance and work ethic improved after going 24/7 with the diapers. He rarely got any phone calls from his clients either, as clients did everything via email or whatever IM/VOIP program was the vogue for that month. Even then, those “meetings” were short or rather impersonal either way. 

So, ultimately, he didn’t suffer for indulging. It was just all-around a benefit for James.

One needed to understand that it was, at first, an excellent coping mechanism. Those first few weeks, James felt homesick and initially struggled with a few problems that came with being a first-time homeowner. But he found solace in getting to wear diapers whenever or wherever.

However, once the initial feeling of leaving the proverbial nest subsided, James ultimately did start to enjoy freedom, peace, and liberation. Perhaps a bit too much. As he told himself that first night, James was going to have a bit of fun. What he didn’t realize was that he perhaps had gone a bit overboard on all his ABDL “luxuries.”

It wasn’t that James overspent money on his purchases (well, he did in some instances), but rather once he got his hands on specific items, it was hard not to indulge and act like a baby for the entire day. He was responsible enough to make sure that he completed any contracts or projects on time, but once James was off the proverbial work clock, it was time to be Baby James.

And Baby James had gotten a lot of stuff.

Although, he made sure to temper his expectations with the reality of the situation. James knew that he couldn’t have a nursery or a high-chair or even a crib. That was just physically impossible to get done without anyone noticing. Besides, trying to hide that when his parents or friends inevitably visit would’ve been a nightmare. 

Even so, James got quite a bit of stuff, perhaps more than he needed, but simply wanted in the end. For starters, James filled his entire closet with at least two hundred diapers now! Every time he set foot inside it, James felt like he was stepping inside a small shrine to his fetish. There was just about every type of infantile-looking diaper available on the market, along with custom ones that had Disney, Sesame Street, or Paw Patrol characters on the front.

A part of him sometimes laughed to realize that he understood why women took so long to pick out specific underwear for the day. When you had so many options to choose from, it was challenging to decide what to wear. 

The changing supplies that shared space with the diapers also gave it a lovely smell. This was the best chance he’d likely ever have to have a nursery smell in his room. Granted, he looked over at a slightly modified diaper pail that held his used diapers. James made sure to use some febreeze on it routinely. It was pretty awkward at first, disposing of all his diapers.

It wasn’t like he was doing it one or two at a time. He was throwing away at least 15 or 16 diapers a week. James decided that once a diaper was on, he’d use it to max capacity. Hell, he’d worn regular underwear like five or six times a week in total whenever he went outside. This was an expensive part of his life as well, as diapers weren’t cheap. 

James was thankful that his parents didn’t check his purchases, but he did most of his stuff on PayPal or Venmo. 

Such concerns aside, his diaper stash was one of his most prized possessions now. No matter what happened, each time he stepped inside the closet, he felt like a toddler or baby. Granted, it was also difficult to reconcile that his cock got hard each time as well. His sexual arousal had only gotten “worse” these last few months. But more on that later.

His diapers weren’t the only thing in the room. His dresser was also full of babyish goods that had to coexist alongside his adult clothes. A few t-shirts had famous diaper logos on them like Pampers, Huggies, and Luvs. Others that had novelty phrases like “Poop Factory” or “Little Fire Hydrant.” Then some just had sexual undertones like “Little Cock” or “Mommy’s Baby” or “Diaper Checks Welcomed!” 

Beyond the simple was than the extravagant. James had custom ordered the infantile clothing; booties, mittens, ruffled panties, onesies, bonnets, and even a romper. This was the expensive stuff. All those items combined were probably five-hundred dollars worth, but they did their job well. Whenever James wore them, he honestly felt quite silly but happy at the same time.

Getting able to walk around his home wearing the type of outrageously babyish clothing you’d see only in movies or something made James feel entirely innocent. Horny as well, though.

There were also a few training pants, just to spice things up. Besides, James found them just as cute as the diapers. And honestly, he liked how they felt. An excellent go-between, if nothing else.

They didn’t share a space with the diapers but rather alongside his regular underwear. They were thick, colorful, and felt incredibly soft. James had recently grown courageous enough even to wear them outside a few times. It helped his roleplaying experience of being a toddler that failed to potty train and ended up back in diapers.

So aside from the type of stuff he usually wore now, his room also had a few special items of interest. Many babyish toys littered the ground, along with things like rattles, stuffed animals, and pacifiers. Ultimately, just minor objects of interest. 

But James was a smart one, and he decided to rig up something special for his room. He had enough technical and computer know-how to set up a monitor just above the foot of his bed, which he then used to display video. He used it to do two things: play the most childish cartoons possible...and ABDL theme porn, constantly and at random intervals. 

It might have sounded odd and even contradictory, but James loved it all the same. One minute he would play with some toys on his bed while Paw Patrol was playing...then the next time James looked up, he would see a beautiful woman telling him that he was a little virgin diaper humper. To which James would promptly start to be just that, grabbing a stuffie and humping away. He likened it to roleplaying out someone trying to brainwash him into being a baby.

That was another thing, the hypnosis files. Unfortunately, James discovered that most of them did nothing to him. No matter how much he tried, his mind wasn’t suitable towards such suggestions, although he did find himself sleeping a lot better at night. Again, he just used it to help with the masturbation fantasies, pretending to be captured and brainwashed to loving his diapers and mommy.  

Granted, the VR headset and all the porn he got for that ate up a lot of his time these days. That was an expensive purchase, but one that gave James the closest he could imagine having someone in his life to indulge his fetish. 

James would just wake up each morning with a wet diaper, grab the headsets, a vibrating wand, and go to town for about fifteen minutes before getting out of bed and all the while pretending that he might have someone waking up next to him. Even if the porn was about him getting dominated and told he was just a little baby-boy that would never be with another woman, it was something. 

Ultimately, James was having trouble coming to terms with it; he hadn’t spoken or talked to anyone else in six months. He had become a recluse, stuck in his adult-baby lifestyle by his lonesome. 

Maybe that was why he was starting to run into problems enjoying all of this now.


Today was starting like normal, with a wet diaper. As James came too, he idly noticed that it was the seventh night within the last three weeks that this happened. He was becoming a bedwetter, it seemed. Well, use diapers constantly; something was bound to get a little screwed up in the works.

Not that he was focusing on that inconvenient truth. No, his attention was on his morning wood that was poking the front of his wet diaper. So, James began his new morning routine by putting on his nearby headset and putting on some mommy-dommy porn on his headset. He grabbed his wand and slowly started to rub it against the front of the diaper as he listened to a busty and naked brunette berate him.

“Another wet diaper?!” The woman was furious as she stared down at James and poked the soaked garment between his legs, “Are you serious?! God, you are just such a fucking baby! I’m glad I didn’t fuck you, especially after seeing that little thing between your legs. When you told me that you wet the bed, I couldn’t believe someone your age would do that, let alone need fucking diapers.”

Not the most exciting POV porn, but it got him going. Sometimes after he finished masturbating, he’d just go back to sleep. James found himself sleeping in a lot more now when there wasn’t much work to do. He was more a night-owl these days.

After spending five minutes being told that he deserved to be in diapers by the naked brunette and was going to become her big-baby forever, James climaxed and then went back to sleep. He woke up at around 10:30 and then got out of bed and tried to enjoy the soaked diaper sagging between his legs.

He’d worn an ABU Space with two boosters to bed the previous night, soaking it and enjoyed that it still felt warm from his last wetting. Feeling that he needed to take a shower, he might as well get the final use out of it. 

James stretched a little, yawned, and then squatted down and wet and mess his diapers, just like that. He was amazed at how easy it was now to start going without being near the toilet. As the front of his sagging diaper got warmer and the feel of the mess in the back, James sighed with contentment and giggled as he grabbed the pacifier on the nearby nightstand.

A long time ago, James didn’t like the idea of pooping his diapers but realized that if he wanted to have the best experience...well, it had to be done. The first few times were an awful learning experience, but James soon figured out how to reduce the mess and improve the clean-up.

The first time he did it while watching cartoons made him feel so embarrassed that he almost stopped for the day but powered through long enough actually to enjoy the moment before he cleaned himself up. After that, James grew to like it somewhat.

As James got on his knees and started to crawl towards the bathroom, he enjoyed the mental. Baby James, crawling to his mommy in a wet and poopy diaper. The voice of the brunette echoed in his mind about how he deserved to be in diapers. 

She was right to say that about James. 


Once inside the bathroom, James bagged the used diaper, wiped a bit of the mess still clinging to his bottom, and got in the shower. These were the moments where he could reflect on his life right now. James honestly considered that he was doing alright but not exactly living up to expectations. 

It was difficult to tell if he felt shame or guilt. James had long since gotten past the feelings of shame from the post-orgasmic bliss of cumming in a diaper. He was weird for doing this, but considering how crazy the world was these days, James knew that he wasn’t worse off than most people. 

No, whatever shame or guilt James felt was because he was living the good life but wasn’t doing anything actually to grow as a person. He was immobile now from a social standpoint, wanting only to roleplay as a baby and jerk-off by his lonesome—no contact with anyone close to him and spending his days in an infantile bliss. 

He recognized that this wasn’t good for him, but another part of him just didn’t care. It was his home, his life, and his money. He took care of all the necessary responsibilities; He paid bills, completed contracts, and used his free time to use as he saw fit. Compared to most people these days, unable to live their lives as they wanted to, what exactly was the problem?

As James left the shower, clean as a whistle, he went over to the sink and grabbed a container of baby powder. He started applying some to his crotch and bottom, all the while still thinking about if this whole situation was something to feel wrong about, and decided that no, he wasn’t going to feel sorry about being Baby James. 

James walked back to his room naked to get dressed for the day. But he walked with a smirk and confidence in his stride. James had an idea. He needed to go on his morning jog after breakfast, but rather than wear one of his training pants or his big-boy undies, he went into the diaper-shrine and grabbed something else instead, a PreSchool.  

PreSchools were a fun diaper for James, and he found the cloth-backed versions to be a rather interesting one. Most people didn’t like them because they didn’t have the crinkling design, and James agreed to a certain extent. However, James enjoyed pretending they were the “in-denial” diapers. The type you’d wear and tell yourself that they were like training pants, but just a lot thicker and with cuter designs and with tapes, and it just so happens that babies wear them too.

One needs to remember that James had a rather overactive imagination when it came to roleplaying his fetish. 

As he unfolded and layout the diaper and started sprinkling baby-powder into the inner-padding, James’s penis was already getting hard as he imagined how naughty it was to go out in diapers, even if hidden under his running shorts. It wasn’t like anyone would notice, but the possibility of discovery was thrilling. And as he placed his naked bottom on the soft padding and started applying even more baby-powder to his crotch, he had an even better idea to spice things up! 

He looked over at his old backpack from high school and figured that it might be fun to see if he could find a secluded spot to have private baby time. As such, he would fill the backpack up with diapers, changing supplies, a bottle of milk, and some snacks. James even had a spare picnic blanket that could fit with all that stuff in the backpack.

James had to push down his now fully erect cock as he pulled the front of the diaper over it and started to work the tapes. He could believe how excited he was at how naughty and mischievous this was going to be. Better yet, James could wear one of his infantile t-shirts out for this and hide it under his sweatshirt. Sure it would get a bit sweaty, but the weather outside ensured he’d be cool.

It had been overcast for the better part of a few days now, granted it hadn’t rained in quite some time. Applegrove was one of the few neighborhoods that had decent tree growth and off-beaten paths. So that and the weather, and the fact that it was a weekday, meant that most people wouldn’t be out on any runs or walks. 

The excited adult-baby opted to put on his Huggies shirt, a colorful baby-pastel blue that barely covered his diaper’s top. James had to resist looking at himself in the mirror. Otherwise, his inner narcissist would pop out, and he’d be trying to stop himself from getting his magic wand out. 

In any case, James looked somewhere between an overgrown toddler in diapers and a little kid excited for his first day of pre-school while still trying to master the potty. Such visual excitement aside, James promptly pulled his runner shorts up and donned a bog-standard Nike sweatshirt before crinkling his way towards his running shoes. He was in his adult camouflage now.  

As James grabbed his backpack, he went back over to his diaper-shrine. He grabbed a PeekABUs, two Cushies, and several boosters pads. Next was a container of baby powder, wipes, and diaper rash lotion. Once he finished stuffing everything inside, there was still plenty of room left. His impromptus diaper-bag was ready. 

Too bad James couldn’t wear something a bit more childish outside. He could almost pretend that he was on his way towards preschool, carrying his precious changing supplies since James wasn’t potty trained yet. Oddly enough, his mother once embarrassingly remarked that he was the first in his “class” actually to be out of diapers. 

Stories like that only highlighted the irony of what he was about to go and do and how he felt. As he walked to get some breakfast, James knew that today was going to be an exciting and would fix the tedium in his life. 


Unfortunately not a lot of dialogue, I know. But a glimpse into the mind of James helps things. Next chapter should be an interesting one. And no, this isn't going to be a bog standard he gets caught or something like that. Anyway, I'm hoping I can do an update every 1-2 weeks. But we'll see. 

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  • 1 month later...

So much for "update every 1-2 weeks." 


Chapter Three: Raincheck

James shouldn't have been nervous as he stepped outside into the world. There wasn't going to be a soul outside right now, and even if he did encounter anyone, they wouldn't be there long enough to even notice the bulge in the front of his running shorts. No one would hear his diapers or know that James' backpack was acting as his diaper bag. There wasn't any chance for people to know that James was an ABDL at all.

Yet, he was still having second thoughts as he walked away from the door to his home. James considered that it was possible that something bad could happen, like him getting pantsed or his shorts falling down, exposing his bulging, infantile, and wet diaper to the entire world. Or the contents of his backpack could spill out in front of someone, leading to an awkward series of questions, or someone would see his Huggies t-shirt. Alternatively, he could get caught while having some fun, and the police could get called on him for being a pervert. 

But just because it could didn't mean it would happen. James was just overthinking it. A thousand little things could happen before the one truly massive moment of embarrassment would even be possible, but Vegas house odds were good that he was completely safe. He was just nervous since this was the first time he was ever leaving the privacy of his home while wearing diapers. 

The novelty of the situation was certainly present, but just as many ABDLs had expressed on the internet, that same novelty quickly wore off unless you were with a partner to engage in further activities. As far as James should've been concerned, he unconsciously made it a bigger deal in his hand because it excited him. Even with all these concerns, his penis was at half-mast behind PreSchool diaper. James could only blame himself for feeling this way.

Because James was just doing what anyone would be thinking in their first time, fearing but secretly wanting to be caught and exposed, one of the oldest tropes in ABDL fiction but one that didn't really work in real life. James knew it wasn't going to happen, nor should it. His horny imaginations were just playing tricks on him again.  

He had to focus, but it was difficult because he could feel the diaper between his legs as he started his run. The bulk wasn't the problem; if anything, it was hardly noticeable. That would likely change once it was wet, then soaked, and then "full," but it wasn't a hindrance until then. So James tried to focus on doing his run first. 

Looking up to the sky, James could see many angry storm clouds, but there was still plenty of blue and the sun shining down intermittently. There was a good chance it could rain, but James wasn't too far from home even if it did. A little shower would be a nice relief anyway. He just hoped that he could find a place to enact his "plan" before it started raining. 

So he pushed aside his worries, real and imaginative, and focused on completing his run. Music started playing from his phone and into his wireless earbuds, allowing him to only idly notice the diaper was between his legs as he started his run on the trail. 


A few hours had passed now. To no one's surprise, there wasn't anybody else on the trail. James hadn't seen a single soul, and it was already close to ten o'clock now. He figured to at least see someone walking their dog or something. Still, it was clear for him to do what he set out to do. Unfortunately, James was getting a bit too hesitant to actually go through with his roleplaying. 

James had multiple opportunities to get started, but each time lead to one excuse or another. Whatever excitement he felt was being overpowered by his fears and paranoia, but now he was running into a problem, namely in the form of the wet diaper between his legs. The very soaked and sagging wet diaper, to be exact. 

Because while James wasn't ready to commit to his impromptu fantasy, he was more than happy to start wetting himself as he felt the urge to pee. And he did just that, peeing exactly four times. The first time he chickened out and hid behind a bush, relieving himself away from prying eyes. He did this again the second time, but he emptied his bladder out in the open the third time. The fourth wetting was when he realized that he actually needed to change his diaper.

His cloth-backed diaper was rated for more daytime/playtime use, meaning in an idle ABDL situation, his mommy would've changed him into a clean and dry diaper. 

Unfortunately for James, he didn't have a mommy and wet himself so much that the diaper was now causing him to waddle ever so slightly. This was a problem for multiple reasons. For one, the bulge was now quite noticeable, especially if he sat down, resulting in it ballooning outward. The second was that it was now hard to run with this thing sagging between his legs. Third, it was also getting cold and uncomfortable now. He didn't want to risk getting a diaper rash.

There was no other way to put it; James needed to change his diaper. His house was still twenty minutes away, though. If anyone did come by him now, they'd notice something, especially if James was trying to keep the diaper from falling down between his legs. At this point, there were more problems with not finding a place to try out his fantasy than doing otherwise.  

So, James continues onward for a few more minutes, looking for at least a place to change his diaper. He was surprised, though, when he found the perfect place to change and have his baby time. 

It was near an old playground, probably built in the 90s or something, and it had seen better days. This part of the path certainly looked a lot less traveled. But more importantly, there was a rather large set of hedgerows on the other side of the playground. As James quickly waddled over to check them out, he found what looked to be a small grassy field; although there were plenty of weeds, it certainly didn't look all that bad. There were no other openings nor any homes or parts of the path that would allow anyone to see him, at least not reliably.  

James paused as he considered his options. He looked around to see if there was, somehow, anyone around him, but instead, he saw nothing. He heard nothing either; there was only wind and the sounds of nature.

"Screw it," James spoke aloud before pulled off his backpack and opened it. The first thing he got out was a picnic blanket, small but also warm and fuzzy. He laid it out first before he started pulling out changing supplies, something to munch on, and a few infantile items. Anyone that came by now would see the spread of diapers and other ABDL paraphernalia.

Taking one last look around and finding it was safe, James quickly pulled off his sweatshirt, exposing his Huggies t-shirt, and then took off his running shoes and socks. He hesitated for just the briefest of seconds before finally grabbing his shorts and pulling them down. 

His diaper seemed to almost grow in size once it was free of the confines of the sole remaining article of adult clothing. It was stained a bright yellow in the front and a bit of the back. James took vitamin supplements, which inevitably turned his urine into a bright yellow color. The infantile garment sagged pitifully between his legs, and when he gripped the front of it, it felt heavy under his hands. 

James' heart was racing, and his face felt on fire while a smile adorned his lips like he couldn't believe what was happening right now. If anyone saw him, they'd see a young man wearing a diaper fit for a toddler absolutely soaked and with a Huggies t-shirt. Realizing that he made it this far now, James quickly reached down into his backpack and pulled out a blue pacifier, and put it in his mouth.  

The seal was broken as it were, and James felt happy. Even if someone did come by and see him, there would be nothing he could do now to stop them from seeing him as just a big baby. What he'd give for a big tittied mommy or some giggle twenty-year-old to find him now and put him in his place, turning him into a baby.

"Oh..." James moaned behind his pacifier and realized just how hard he was now. He enjoyed himself, exposed to the outside world as a big baby, a little boy who needed his mommy to change his diapers and punish him. As he sat down on the blanket, James figured that since he was about to change out of this wet diaper, he might as well make it a sticky one as well.

His left hand reached forward and gripped the front of his wet Preschool as hard as he could and started to grind it against his erection. James laid back onto the blanket as he began to slowly pleasure himself. He looked around at the objects next to him; a bottle of milk, several diapers, baby powder, and some toys. Beyond the diaper around his waist, or the pacifier in his mouth, James imagines himself a giggling baby waiting for mommy to change him in the late morning sun.

Just as he thought about that, the sun did start shining in the sky, bathing him and the fielding with a gentle but warm glow. James gave an adorable giggle as he played with himself. "Mama!" He moaned behind his pacifier as he kept thinking about someone taking care of him.

"Look at this soaked diaper." James mommy was cooing at him as she ripped off the tapes, "Let's get you into a new one and...oh, someone's got a stiffy." Her hand reached down with a wipe and grabbed his erect penis. "Does my baby like it when I change you outside? Well, maybe next time we can go where some other mommies can you see. Do you want everyone to see that you are a big, giggling, soft, wet baby? I bet you do. So, how about you imagine that while mommy counts to ten. When I reach ten, make a big thing of cummies for mommy. One...two...three..." Each number brought a moment of pleasure to James as he felt ready to cum.

"Ahh!" James suddenly pitched his hips up as he felt a powerful orgasm take him, "Mommy!" He almost yelled as he came harder than he thought possible, biting down on his pacifier the entire time. James lay there for a few moments, catching his breath. When the post-orgasm feeling subsided, there was no feeling of regret or shame. If anything, James felt quite excited now.

Pushing himself up, James looked around and confirmed there was still no one around. He was safe here, safe to be a baby that he wanted to be, and knew that after today, he would be coming back to this spot. But for now, he was going to enjoy himself. James grabbed the bottle of milk, lay back down, and plopped the nipple in his mouth, and started to suckle. Closing his eyes again and imagining himself nursing from mommy's nipple, James felt himself becoming erect once more. 

He was a happy baby now, and that was all he wanted at this moment. 


James stayed in that little secret spot of his for what was probably another hour. During that time, he acted like a baby; drinking and finishing his baba, playing with some toys, and putting on another diaper. He also masturbated four more times. James felt incredibly horny, spurred on by the excitement and fun and naughtiness of the situation like he intended. But it was amazing just how much enjoyment he found doing all of this. 

When he wasn't a naughty baby, he was a giggling, playing one. While it wasn't so exciting to be playing with a rattle and some toy blocks, the novelty at least made it all the more enjoyable for that first time. 

Once he was finished with all of that, James decided that it was time to change his diaper. He had put on one of the Cushies, but he messed that diaper instead of just wetting it. And yes, messing himself out in the open was another rush for James. His deviancy had certainly "leveled up" after today. 

So, finding a bit of courage and confidence, James opted to wear the PeekABU with the two power-ups he brought for the occasion. Besides, after how he just acted, he deserved to be in thicker diapers. This event was another one of those watermark events, a reminder of what James truly was in the world. And while he embraced it, James had to remind himself that babies like him deserved to be in diapers. Considering the mess he'd have made otherwise without them, James needed the thickest diapers.

He giggled as the embarrassing mantra played in his mind, and he started packing up. It was probably for the best that he left anyway. The sun was gone now, and James could see the rather angry-looking storm clouds. As he briefly checked his phone, he frowned as he saw there was an immediate chance of rain at the moment. He figured that maybe he had a little bit of time as he finished packing up until he felt the first few raindrops coming down.

They were just little sprinkles of water, but it wouldn't be long that would turn into a shower and possibly a downpour on top of his head.

As James started walking, he most definitely noticed how thick the diaper was now compared to the PreSchool. He chuckled to himself, knowing that it was awkward, but it was going to be fine. No one was going to be on the path for sure now; only a dumb baby like him would've been stupid enough to go out in play with this weather.

"I really do need a mommy in my life." James muttered to himself with a smile, "Otherwise, I'm just going to keep getting into trouble!" 


James had been walking for about seven minutes when it started to actually rain. He figured that it would pass through just as fast as it arrived, but no such luck. In fact, it actually got worse within the next five minutes. James was still probably ten minutes away from his home, but at this point, he wasn't interested in getting soaked to the bone across his body. The only thing he wanted to be soaked in was his diapers anyway.

As luck would have it, James got lucky and found what looked to be a small amphitheater, the sort used for small-time plays, only a little ways off the path. It was big enough for maybe five people on the stage, but it had a large cover overhead that would easily protect anyone from the rain. So naturally, James sought refuge there. 

He was going to just wait for this whole thing to pass, or at least warm himself up a little before he decided to try his luck again. James sat down on the theater floor, not caring about the concrete because of the diaper's padding, another one of the few perks to being an adult baby in this day and age. He took a look around and imagined himself getting changed here, for all to see him in his babyish glory. It would certainly make for a show.

But as James imagined himself in such a humiliating position, he saw something that he almost didn't think was real. 

Off a short distance away was a person who was quickly closing the distance towards the amphitheater. At first, James thought that maybe they were also trying to make their way home and power through the rain, but they evidently got the same idea as James. He watched as the person approached, looking to have covered themselves in a large jacket.

As soon as they were within range of a few meters, James could easily tell that this was a woman based on their small stature. They quickly got under the safety of the roof above James, "Fucking hell!" Those were the first words that James heard, and it was indeed a woman's voice, "Coming down like cats and dogs!" The woman turned to look at the amphitheater's other sole occupant. 

He had been expecting perhaps a rather ordinary-looking woman, but instead, James found himself looking at what he could only describe as a beauty. The first real thing James noticed was that her tan skin was natural, hinting that she was Hispanic, or at least had some Hispanic blood in her. What did get his attention was the rather lovely, smirking albeit embarrassed smile. She looked a little older than James but in excellent shape. 

"Jesus," The stranger remarked as she removed her jacket, "Good thing I brought this with me." She muttered to herself, unaware that James was staring at her body. He didn't mean to do so, but he saw that this woman had evidently also gone out on a run this morning considering the right tight-fitting shorts, running shoes, and the workout muscle-shirt that was clinging tightly to her body. 

James couldn't help but pay attention to the rather tight-looking ass or the lovely pair of breasts this woman had to go along with what James would call a "killer-bode." She was also muscular, although not in any sort of off-putting fashion. But he also noticed two other interesting things about the woman. Her shirt said U.S. Army, and he could see a pair of dog tags. She was a beautiful soldier as well then. 

"You've been waiting here long?" She looked back over at James with a much more confident smile, and James also realized that he hadn't greeted her or said anything at all.

He quickly shook his head, "N-no, not too long. I just got here like a minute or two ago."

"Well," The Latina Beauty spoke, and James now noticed without any sort of accent before turning her attention back to the pouring rain, "I guess we are stuck here."

"Guess so." James nodded and tried not to focus on her smooth bottom. He didn't know what possessed him to speak up, but he decided to introduce himself, "Names James, by the way." 

He expected a dismissal or perhaps a nod of the head, but he was surprised when she briefly turned back around and smiled at him, "Mines Isabella. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." James felt proud at how confident, and smoothly he said that to this Isabella. As she went back to assess their situation, James briefly moved, and then everything came slamming back to reality as he heard it.

crinkle, crinkle, crinkle

"Fuck." He muttered out loud, and Isabella looked back at him.


Thinking quickly, James responded, "I'm not getting any signal on my phone!" That response got a raised eyebrow from Isabella, "I err, need to keep an eye out for work emails."

"Oh," She slowly nodded, "Right."

Once her attention was focused on something else, James internally began to panic. How had he forgotten everything?! This cute woman was standing only a few feet away from perhaps the biggest baby within the next ten miles, and James was trying to not give away that he was wearing a diaper that not even a toddler would be caught wearing! 

'It's okay,' James told himself as he tried to calm down, 'She can't know; Isabella can't hear or notice you are in diapers. She doesn't know that you are just a big diaper-wearing baby pervert!' James was trying to not let his thoughts or body react to anything right now. If anything, James wanted to remain as still as possible and wait for the rain to pass by now. And that was all he needed to do because there was no way Isabella would notice as long as he didn't do anything to indicate otherwise. 

Besides, she didn't look too interested in James, so that was a plus. God willing, she'd just pull out her phone, start browsing Facebook or Instagram and just ignore him.

"Mind if I take a seat?" She asked, and before he could respond, Isabella took a seat next to James. She was giving him a good bit of distance, a holdover from most recent events, but she was at arm's length from him. "Been running all day. Feet are killing me, and being all wet doesn't help me either."

"Uh," James slowly nodded and tried to act nonchalantly, "Last I heard, California was part of a free country."

"Pfft," Isabella almost laughed, "Not in Silicon Valley. I'm pretty sure the corporations run this place."

James couldn't help but joke back, "Are you telling me you don't feel free here in the Kingdom of Elon Musk?" 

That comment did cause her to laugh, and James felt his face heat up at how nice it sounded and because he was talking with a pretty woman without making a fool of himself, "Oh yes, I'm sure Musk likes to imagine he runs this place. But he and the other CEOs are just putzing around in the Valley like its Game of Thrones or something. It's obnoxious as hell."

"You could always go to Seattle?"

"And be in the Empire of Bezos? Miss me with that shit." Now it was James' turn to laugh, which caused her to continue laughing as well. James had to admit, even though he was at a much greater risk of his diapers being exposed, he was enjoying himself too much talking to this strange woman. He had such limited experience with women, real non-mommy women, anyway, that his parents were concerned that he could never talk to one given the opportunity. 

Well, here he was, proving them wrong. Although, James did wonder if that was because the woman across from him seemed so friendly. Most people in Applegrove tended to be rather distant from one another, which honestly suited James fine. However, Isabella so far was nothing but approachable and reciprocated James' friendliness with her own. 

It allowed him to not focus on the current problems he was facing; his diapers, his diaper bag, and her finding out about the other two. There was also another problem brewing.

James had to pee, real bad. That bottle he had was coming back to haunt him. 


God was playing a cruel joke on James. The rain had been going for almost twenty minutes now, and now James needed to seriously relieve himself. Meanwhile, he and Isabella had kept talking and shooting the shit. So far, James had only learned that she was a resident here in Applegrove and that her house was about thirty minutes away, so she was most certainly going to wait out the rain. 

This was a huge problem for James because that meant that Isabella would not be leaving until the rain let up. So, that left him with only one option; using his diapers. The ironic thing was that if he was wearing regular underwear and asked to excuse himself to take a leak, he'd almost expect Isabella to not be grossed out since she was a soldier. 

'The one woman that I can talk about all sorts of gross shit, and I'm stuck trying to not cause a scene.' But the fact remained, he needed to relieve himself. Because if Isabella noticed anything because of how he was acting, then she'd start to ask questions or tell him to just get up and go piss. However, if he wet himself now, his diaper would become a lot more noticeable then! 

As James listened to Isabella talk about something, he decided that he would need to do it. James needed to pee his diapers. The good thing was that the sounds of the rainfall outside would easily mask the sound of him pissing his diapers, and the smell of rain and concrete would mask any scent. So, all he had to do was relax and wet his diapers like he had done hundreds of times before, like the good baby that he was and always would be. 

But this was different. This was the first time he was doing this in the presence of someone and without their knowing consent. Granted, it wasn't like James had intended for any of this to happen, but he knew that what he was doing was somewhat wrong. That, however, was also making it rather tantalizing to him. This was truly one of the naughtiest things he would ever do in his life. James was going to have an accident next to a stranger; he would pee his diapers while having this adult conversation.

Everything about him would be a lie at that moment. A baby pretending to be an adult in the actual moment. Isabella might never know that the person she talked to that day was just a big baby that willingly pissed himself in front of her, pissed his diapers, to be exact.  

And with those thoughts in mind, James relaxed his muscles and waited for the flow to arrive. He kept his focus on this beautiful woman, thinking about how much she'd probably hate him for doing this, but he was just a big baby in the end. Somehow though, her smile made James feel as if Isabella would say, "It's alright, go in your diapers already!" and she'd laugh it off like it was nothing. 

Somehow, he knew that about this woman, which was more than enough to finally relax his bladder to do what was needed. James felt his crotch getting warm and wet after that; he was peeing his diapers in secret next to someone else. 

"You alright?" Isabella asked, and James felt a pang of worry, "You spaced off there, don't tell me my story was that boring?"

He didn't know what allowed him to recover so fast, but he was able to get out, "Sorry, I was having trouble trying to fathom that level of bullshit you had to deal with."

"I know, right?!" She looked quite annoyed now, "HOA's are such a pain in the ass."

James nodded only once and then realized that he was done peeing his diapers. Isabella didn't notice at all. She just kept talking about her experiences with getting a home in Applegrove, which he was all too familiar with. James idly wondered about what he just did and the morality of it all. It wasn't like he had done anything truly wrong; he made no obscene or gross gestures or acts towards Isabella. Nothing that warranted any such punishment in the usual sense.

Did James feel guilty? A little, but not an overwhelming amount. It was almost like he felt guilty for not telling Isabella, but that was absurd, and likely his horny mind telling him how hot and humiliating it would be for him to say, "Isabella, I'm sorry I was distracted because I was wetting my diapers. You see, I'm an adult baby, and I only did it because I'm just a helpless big baby!" 

That stupid "go to horny jail" meme kept appearing in his mind as he tried to stop having such stupid thoughts. Yet, James couldn't help it and especially when he was having such a good time with a beautiful woman like Isabella. James must have used all his luck up in this life now, to not get caught while talking to this person. He had no other explanation as to how this all came together. 

So he didn't press his luck. James just sat there, listened, and talked with Isabella. The entire time he ignored the warmth at his crotch and instead focused on the warmth of the woman across from him.


The rain lasted for another forty minutes before it finally stopped. It took James and Isabella another five to even realize it. 

"Hey!" She smiled and stood up now upon noticing the shining sun poking through the clouds, "Finally." Isabella turned around to look at James, "Guess Mother Nature says we are free to go now."

James nodded from his seat, "Seems that way." He was about to ask her something when she glanced down at a watch. Whatever the time was, she swore as there must have been a problem.

"Shit, I gotta get going!" Isabella quickly put her jacket back on, "Nice meeting you, James!" And then, with the speed that only someone with her athletic figure could pull off, Isabella took off running! 

He was so shocked and surprised that he didn't even care that as he stood up, his diaper crinkled loudly and looked noticeable from where he was standing, "Wait!" He yelled out to her, "Can I talk to you again?!"

Isabella thankfully didn't turn around, "Find me on LinkedIn!" That was all she said before taking off down the path and out of hearing range within a few seconds. James considered going after her, maybe catching up, but the weight and sag of his diapers prevented him. Plus, he wasn't about to try his luck any further. Whatever fates had brought him to this moment in time would be a mystery. 

In the end, James was back to where he started, alone and with only his infantilism to keep him company. There was a joke there, a rather dark one if he was honest with himself. 

"Smooth, James," He muttered to himself as he grabbed his backpack, "Real smooth." In his defense, that could've gone a lot worse but for very different reasons. Still, James began his journey home. He was going to make sure that he'd stay out of sight, especially as he was waddling due to the diaper now. James briefly considered just pulling it off and going commando, but this diaper could still take a bit more, and he didn't want to waste it. 

For some reason, the journey home reminded James of a walk of shame. It was certainly shameful of him to not get Isabella's number or anything like that, but she at least didn't seem to be against him finding her online. In any case, he wasn't sure if he'd called this a missed opportunity or not. Guess he could call it a raincheck for their next meeting. 

Well, if there was a next meeting.


Alright, I'll stop here. I was able to get this all written out tonight, so it's certainly easier to write this out than Traveler (go check that out if you haven't already)

I'll see if I can get another update out before the end of the month, but I won't hold any promises. Unlike my other story, the real plot line is pretty basic, but at least we are getting things established. 

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  • Posterchina changed the title to One of Many Firsts (Updated 5/7/21)
  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Four: Research and Decisions 

It would've been generous to say that James ran all the way home, mainly because he learned that trying to do that in a sagging diaper was a bad idea. He failed to grasp just how much he wet while talking with Isabella but not like it mattered now. The rain let up long enough for him to make his way home before it started pouring again, and in his rush to get home, James' mind was overburdened by very peculiar thoughts. 

His brain couldn't get the images of Isabella and thoughts of what he had done while near such a beautiful woman. But what confused James was just how much his heart was racing and how hot his face felt. This wasn't the feeling of almost getting caught or realizing that he got away with a rather perverted action, but James wanted to find out more about her. 

James couldn't believe that he asked to contact her again, or at least he was sure that was what he asked. Everything happened so fast, and with all these strange and chaotic emotions and thoughts along with the physical reaction, James almost fell out of breath as he practically ran back inside to his house. He didn't even hesitate as he started to strip down to his wet diaper, waddled back upstairs, and then laid on his bed. 

Because if there was one physical response he needed to take care of first, it was the raging erection that strained against the warm confines of his diaper. So without any preamble or his usual build-up, James grabbed his wand and flicked it on, and pressed it to the front of his diapers. There wasn't any part of him that felt shame or guilt or wanted to question if this was the most important thing to do right now because James didn't care.

The last hour was one of the scariest, exciting, and arousing moments that James had ever felt in his entire life. He had gotten away with wearing and wetting his diapers near a gorgeous woman after spending time outside pretending to be a baby. At any point, he could've been caught or put into an awkward position or even exposed entirely. All it would've taken was one slip up, and James would've humiliated himself before a strong, sexy, and fun woman by having her see his diapers.

"AHH!" James moaned loudly as he had one of the most intense and fastest orgasms' in his entire life. He felt his toes curl and hips buckle as what felt like an endless wave of cum shot out into his diaper. James didn't even have to imagine a fantasy or something to build off what happened because, at this moment, his reality had almost been an ABDL story come to life. Only his wildest fantasies would eclipse this moment. 

What surprised him, though, was rather than think of any erotic or dirty images of Isabella, all James saw in his mind was her smiling at him. It made him feel warm, even happy. 

However, once the afterglow faded from his mind, James realized what he had just done was one of the lamest things he could've done as a man. He technically had just beaten off for having committed a truly deviant act that he did to a woman who didn't even know him or what was happening. James might as well have been acting like he just stole one of her panties to sniff or took a hidden video of her in the shower.   

But James couldn't help himself! It hadn't been his intention to have someone like her nearby when this all happened, and it wasn't like he had done anything to her. For fucks sake, how many sick bastards were there in the world that would've jerked off to seeing Isabella in her workout clothes? However, no amount of justification could get James to not feel like a total creep. 

As he got off the bed, James grimaced at the sticky feeling in his diapers and saw that while his diapers could take a little more, James felt like he needed to take a very long and icy shower to center himself.

There was something he needed to consider, but first, that shower.


As soon as James stepped out of the shower, he considered what he wanted to do next. His mind was no longer stuck trying to reconcile or unpackage what had happened but rather what he wanted to do now. Well, James knew what he wanted to do; he wanted to contact Isabella again. The time spent in the shower, having calmed and considering everything, made James recognize that whatever he was feeling right now wasn't going to be resolved right away. No doubt he was going to be spending the next few nights and days jerking off to what happened at the Amphitheater, but James didn't want this to end as someone off, "lucky" event.

He wanted to talk to Isabella. So, James decided that he was going to do just that. The last thing he asked of Isabella was how to contact her again. To which she said to look for her on LinkedIn. The answer seemed obvious; he had to try and find her via that source and go from there. 

James quickly padded up, this time in a Super Dry Kids with only two stuffers, promptly started his search for this woman. The amount of information available to him was pretty limited, considering he didn't have the last name or Isabella's work. However, James knew that she was manager of some kind, worked in Silicon Valley, and was once part of the Army. 

So as James sat at his computer, he grabbed a nearby pacifier and started to suck on it as he began his search.


It took him a half-hour, but James had gotten lucky and finally found her. There she was, a lovely picture of her in a dress and with a small resume of information available for any future employers or talent head-hunters.

Her name was Isabella Holt, a Project Lead for Black Lily Dynamics, a start-up that was barely six months ago involved in digital transactions and online market processing. The type of company that was trying to be either the next Etsy or Steam. That didn't matter; what did matter was that he had enough information to look for her on Facebook and a way to contact her via email and work phone. Granted, James didn't have the balls to do either of those things right now. 

Besides, James wanted to know more about her as an individual, and Facebook was the best chance for that. He found her quickly enough, and James, much like any internet stalker, devoured as much information as he could get about her. 

Her timeline was oddly small but still detailed. 

The first thing that leaped at him was that she was 32 years old! She looked almost as old as James did, but now that he knew she was an older and refined woman made his face heat up again. Isabella was, strangely enough, born in Cleveland. James felt a little guilty at assuming that she lived most of her life in California or the American Southwest because her father was a Mexican-American while her mother was white. 

James needed to remind himself to not assume anyone had a specific heritage because of their skin color. 

Regardless, Isabella must have realized that living in Cleveland, Ohio sucked and enlisted in the army at 18. To then learn that Isabella was formerly "Lance Corporeal Holt," a veteran of the US Army's 173rd Brigade Support Battalion and a combat veteran who served in the closing days of Afghanistan all but confirmed to James that she was also someone to not trifle with. She even had a pair of commendations in her name. She was in the army for six years before getting out on a medical discharge.   

After that, she attended and graduated from Mills Woman's College with a Cum Laude degree in programming and worked for a few companies before landing at Black Lily Dynamics and working there for a few years. 

He could see plenty of pictures of her having traveled the US and the world: Ohio, Texas, Virginia, New York, Canada, Spain, Germany, Italy, Afghanistan, and then finally in California. James thought Isabella looked pretty cool wearing her army dress uniform. Meanwhile, he glanced down to see he already wet his pampers and was still suckling on his pacifier. The stark contrast made James blush, and he started to compare himself to her.

Isabella was cool, mature, and a badass who has been worldwide, while James was a big baby who needed his parents to help him get home. It was an unfair comparison, but it was one that he wanted to make because it made him so small and powerless. James wanted Isabella to take care of him because he didn't deserve to be a big boy.

"Damn it..." James swore as he felt himself getting hard again and used his right hand to grip his cock through the swollen padding. His cold shower hadn't stopped him from developing these feelings and desires again, and it was only getting worse the more he recognized that Isabella was the dominant one in any relationship when comparing them both.

Yet James also felt intimidated when he saw there were few pictures of her ex-boyfriends. He felt a bit of relief to see her couple status as "single," but James could tell the type of men she had dated were real "men'' unlike James. One was a Firefighter she met in New York, another was an active Airmen in the Air Force, and her last one was an engineer working at Tesla. It didn't say why she broke up with them, but for all James knew, Isabella could've been one of those "bad-bitches'' that knew she could get any man she wanted and aimed high. Whether it was in money, looks, or masculinity, it probably didn't really matter. Although it was just entirely possible that Isabella was just that magnetic towards others. Success attracts success, after all. 

James thought that maybe he was a million miles out of her league, but it looked like he might as well have been light-years out of it. Based on the few pics he saw, he probably wasn't as "masculine" as these men in the cock department. It was so stupid, pointless even, to think of that comparison. But what man didn't think of comparing sizes when they saw what they were up against? 

Especially when James had a small penis humiliation fetish? Well, that wasn't entirely true. James told himself that he had an above-average cock size. However, his need to fulfill his infantile fantasies had resulted in him enjoying the idea of having a baby dick. Babies like him weren't meant to have big peepees, just little ones that were to be covered up and safe behind their diapers. 

"Ohh..." James whimpered as he felt his cock hardening at the thought of Isabella teasing him. He didn't want her to call him small, but it made him feel cute and small and babyish if she did. Trying to take his mind off the possible humiliation, James got back to reading what he could on her, including her hobbies and pet peeves.

It was all basic stuff, almost unbelievably mundane. She liked movies (but didn't specify), liked a few TV shows (again, not specified), and exercising. There was a mention of liking French, Italian, and surprisingly Egyptian dishes and drinking craft IPAs. Her pet peeves and dislikes were actually quite strange, citing her disdain towards current politics involving the military, global affairs, and a focus on certain finance activities within Silicon Valley. 

Isabella was most certainly not some unaware woman talking about one bullshit event or another. She clearly had an inquisitive and observant mind. James found himself smiling at some of the comments she was making, indicating that she was passionate about these things. Yet it was odd to see the things that she did like were so barren or lame. 

James must have been reading up on her for so long that an hour or two must have passed. He got sidetracked by reading up on a few articles she posted about the military, even though James had such limited knowledge on such things that when James shifted in his seat, he felt a bit of wetness on the sides of his legs.

"Oh, damn it all!" James swore as he stood up and saw that he actually leaked! He couldn't believe it; he got so entranced with learning about this stranger that he wet himself to the point of his diaper leaking. That was another indicator that James was becoming far too comfortable with his diaper usage. If James kept this up, he might actually lose his potty training for real. 

After swiftly assessing the damages, he was lucky to see that only a tiny amount of droplets landed on his computer chair. He couldn't believe just how much he peed his diaper, soaking it to the point of leaking, even though he had a booster in it. He whimpered again and loudly suckled on his pacifier as he looked over the swollen diaper.

"Oh, my pampers leaked!" He muttered to himself, enjoying how much such a simple line could make him feel like a baby, "This is why I need to be in thicker diapers."

Figuring that was a good idea, James waddled over to his diaper closet and pulled out his changing supplies. He grabbed another PeekABU and three stuffers this time before sitting down on his changing mat. The audible squishing sound caused him to giggle before he pulled off the tapes of his diaper, exposing his wet and cool crotch. The smell of pee was in the air as well, which reminded James to get something for the smell later. 

Grabbing a few wet wipes, James glanced down at his softening erection. His cock seemed so much smaller as it dangled between his legs and rested upon the piss-stained padding of his adult pampers. His crotch was hairless, allowing for easier cleaning and also because it looked adorable this way. James especially loved how cute his cock looked when it was covered in baby powder.

Cute. Adorable. Babyish. That was all James wanted to feel like when he got to be a big baby. Some part of James was more than happy to be considered a "man" or at least a capable adult. He didn't think it was binary to be either, but he loved being babied all the same. He didn't mind if someone like Isabella was more mature or stronger than him, all the better if he was honest. A woman like her would've made for a great mommy figure to James.

It was at those thoughts that his cock hardened again as James was wiping himself with some wipes. "Oh," James moaned as he started to slowly jerk himself with the wipe, "Mommy..." He could easily picture Isabella wearing her army uniform, looking all cool and mature and heroic, as she cleaned James and got him ready for his next diaper.

"Hehe, boot camp didn't train me on how to change the diapers of big babies like you, but I guess it's fine either way." She had a teasing tone in her voice as her soft hands worked around James' crotch, "Mama likes seeing her little man all submissive and cute. Speaking of cute, just look at how tiny your little penis is now. Can you make it bigger for mommy?" Her right hand softly gripped the shaft of his penis as she started stroking it, "Come on, make a big sticky mess for mommy. Because you won't be able to touch until after you pee and poop in your diapers like a good baby." James could moan behind his pacifier as his hips buckled in tandem with her hands as she continued pumping his cock. "That's right, make a big cummies for me. Show me how much you love being a big baby for me. Hurry up, mommy needs to go back to being a strong woman who protects big babies like you." Her gentle words made James feel safe, knowing that she would love and protect him. He looked up and saw a beaming, loving smile.

"UGH, MOMMY!" James yelled as he felt his crotch explode in pleasure and as a few thick strands of cum shot into the waiting baby wipe, preventing another mess from forming. He gasped and started breathing hard, his ears ringing from how powerful that orgasm felt, and his mind lingered on the smiling face of Isabella. James would've given anything at that moment for her to be here and call James her big baby.   

As James laid on his changing mat, trying to get his breathing under control, he didn't know how to feel at this moment. It took him a few moments before he soon realized that he had a crush on this woman. James desired Isabella Holt, a woman he barely knew but knew that he wanted more intimate relations with now. 

James lay still as he considered that, "Oh shit." 


Once the padded up again, and his mind temporarily cleared these confusing thoughts and desires, James took stock of his situation. He had a crush on Isabella. Most certainly, he was physically attracted to her, he was still a red-blooded, straight male, but he had gained enough insight into her to realize this wasn't just some random feelings of attraction. 

James never had a crush on someone before, not in any meaningful sense of the word. He'd always liked girls, but no one ever really caught his attention outside of a fap fantasy. James understood that from an early age, he wasn't precisely prime boyfriend material. He was a geek at best, a loser at worst back in High School, but not enough to be a target of bullying. His time at college had been a much better experience but mainly was the same. 

Naturally, James could pinpoint where this all stemmed from, namely his fetish and feelings of inadequacy. The two ultimately fed into each other and subsequently influenced him; he wanted to be a big diaper baby, wanted a woman to take care of him as such, and have lots of carnal desires with them. He didn't think himself a good boyfriend or a reliable one, even if any possible woman could accept his infantilism. As James entered into his 20s and saw that most people his age weren't exactly trying to replicate the success of the Boomer Generation, he felt somewhat vindicated. He wasn't a loser but another victim of unobtainable dreams and exorbitant inflation rates, and student debt in society's eyes. There was no reason or rush for him to get a girlfriend or wife outside of wanting to have one.   

The irony now that he wanted to desperately try and contact Isabella was overshadowed by a feeling of dread or anxiety. What if she wasn't interested in wanting to speak to him? Perhaps he'd get a simple "I'm not looking for a partner" or a scathing "Sorry, you aren't really the type of guy I date..." But at least then he'd have some closure. It surprised him to realize that he was far more terrified of her saying that she did want to go on a date and him making a complete fool of himself. He had no dating experience, no idea of what a woman actually wanted outside his perverse fantasies of putting guys like him in diapers and making them into big babies, one way or another.

But that wasn't reality. James had to try and keep up with a woman like Isabella when he had nothing to contribute to any discussion. James saw himself as a lame loner who wasted the best years of his life learning to code and wanting to be a diapered baby boy. She was a cool and educated woman and a soldier whose list of ex-boyfriends outshined James by miles. 

Who was he kidding? James was never meant to be with someone like Isabella. What happened today was a fluke of the universe, either a small blessing or a cruel joke played on James to remind him of what was unobtainable and that his place in life, the one he chose himself, would never see him end up with a 10/10 beauty like Isabella and still somehow wearing diapers. Why go through heartache or disappointment?

One only had to look at him, dressed as an exaggerated infant, to realize that he wasn't meant to be with someone like her. Even so, James didn't know what to do now. Did he just not respond? Did he pretend what happened today never happened, or was it a fluke? Perhaps it was best if he tried to not think about her, but that was easier said than done. 

However, James knew that in time he'd forget about her eventually. He didn't need to act like this was a bad breakup or anything like that. Perhaps he was also overthinking or assuming that what happened wasn't anything beyond two strangers meeting each other in passing. Nothing about it was fated or anything like that. If anything, James could chalk it up to first-time "puppy love" and leave it at that. The excuses were certainly logical in his mind, but James still felt an emptiness in his heart.

So, James decided to take his mind off things in one of the extravagant ways possible. 

He moved over to his diaper shrine and pulled out a host of babyish items and clothes for him to wear, about $300.00 worth of goods from Esty. He put on a blue onesie, a white bonnet, mittens, and socks and put on three diapers and several stuffers. Once sufficiently padded, James then got a large bottle of milk out and poured in a special CBD oil that he was quite effective on him, causing him to endlessly giggle and laugh at anything. 

James rarely used this stuff, mainly because it was expensive, and he didn't want to grow a tolerance to its effects. James grabbed a few more baby bottles that had water and some melatonin. He then went back to his room and crinkled upon his bed. This is where James would cause his mind to unwind and forget everything as he activated a playlist that held ABDL-related hypnosis tracks and put on some headphones. He popped the bottle into his mouth, and started to suckle while the tracks started to play.

And within an hour, James had no real idea what he was doing, only that he was quite happy and didn't know what was going on. All that the nice voices in his head were telling him to be a good baby and enjoy his diapers. He enough frame of mind to drink all his bottles of water and swallow the melatonin pills after a few hours.

By the time night approached, James had already passed away out on his bed. He didn't remember what he did that night, but he can only assume that for a few hours, he was nothing more than a dumb, blind, and deaf infant lost to the entire world. 

He got what he wanted in the end, he did forget about Isabella Holt, at least for that night. 

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  • Posterchina changed the title to One of Many Firsts (Updated 5/16/21)
  • 1 month later...

Jesus, I really am bad with keeping up with schedules. Whatever, I guess this will be one of those "I'll post whenever" stories. I've been busy with IRL stuff, other writing projects, and getting into the mood to actually write. Erotic ABDL fiction is difficult to write when you are, uhem, getting a bit heated. For those that are wondering about my other story, I am indeed still working on Traveler.

Chapter Five: Chance Meeting in the Baby Aisle

Some people deal with regret in rather destructive ways. They can turn to alcohol or drugs or gambling, anything to help them not focus on whatever pain or uncertainty they feel now. For James, he lost himself in a self-induced infantile haze. James must have spent the next week and a half pretending to be a six-month-old when he wasn't working, and it got so bad at some points that he didn't even bother getting out of bed. He just laid there, watching porn, wetting and pooping his diapers, and drinking from his bottles of milk.

The lowest point was when James tried his luck at calling a few phone-sex lines, one of those ABDL-related ones, trying to get a "fix" by having a mommy partner. When it was all said and done, it wasn't worth the money to hear a woman reading from a script. James knew then that he wasn't looking for someone to dominate him; he needed some human interaction. 

James tried a few ABDL-focused chat rooms or Discords, but that was also a series of bad decisions and just terrible ideas. Everyone was just looking for masturbation fantasies or was just too much a weirdo, even for James. Then again, he was also incredibly picky. Every time he looked at a woman, James only saw Isabella in his mind. It was pathetic and even worrisome. He didn't want to turn into some sicko stalker.

He did some more research about why he was feeling this way. A few subreddits pointed to the obvious answer, he was in "love" with Isabella or at least "thirsty af" for her, which presented a few issues and questions. Why did he feel this way even after all this time? A chance meeting didn't mean it was a storybook or fated meeting between soulmates. A few other posts mentioned that sometimes humans feel such a strange and unique connection on their first interactions that they misinterpreted it as love.

Logically speaking, James could easily tell himself that this was just a lingering physical response. He wanted to fuck Isabella, wanted her to dominate him, baby him, and make him her little toy. His perverted lizard brain was telling him all of this, and James was falling for it. But then there were other times, at least with post-orgasmic clarity, that James could still recall that day and her smile and how beautiful she looked and realized that more than anything, he wanted her in the room with him just so he could keep talking to her. 

At the very least, James admitted that he liked her as a person. So why then was he being such a coward and not messaging her back then? He had the means to do it, but he kept making excuses or realizing that he wanted to talk to a woman while wearing a wet diaper and after pretending to be a baby. No amount of logic could undo the illogical side of him. Even at his most horny, James didn't dare to contact her.

His truly lowest point was when he thought that maybe if he purged all the ABDL-related stuff, James would have the courage to finally email if he pretended to be a normal adult. 

But James knew that was a lie, and the more sad truth was that James rather keeps being an adult baby than try and grow as a person. He could remember the night of that realization and crying to sleep that night, now finally aware that his greatest hurdle towards forming a deeper connection with someone was because he didn't want to give up this lifestyle. 

It was a rather stunning blow to his confidence. So, he did the only thing he thought was right. Just like a drunk or addict, he buried the pain by continuing what he was doing for the last week. Because sooner or later, these feelings would have to go away.


A few days passed after James had his minor breakdown. He didn't want to say that things got better, but they certainly didn't hurt as much now. Around this point, James took stock of his current situation and realized that he needed to buy some more food, cleaning supplies, and baby wipes. He tended to go through wipes like crazy, which he considered another fun but expensive achievement of his infantilism; a messy baby like him needed lots of cleaning done.

He waited until it was a night to go do his shopping. It was honestly for the best since James honestly needed to get out of the house. If he wasn't coding or doing some other odd job for a client, then he was sitting in front of the TV in a dirty diaper watching PawPatrol or Sesame Street or some diaper porn. His life turned into a weird haze of work and play, yet James felt like a dull boy all the same.

So heading to his local Safeway would be a good idea. It wasn't as popular as Whole Foods or Nugget, but that was fine with James. Few people to deal with, and they had to self-checkout. James didn't feel brave or horny enough to go over there wearing a diaper or even training pants, so he opted to wear his boxers instead. James felt a little odd wearing the adult undergarments. He was starting to worry that he was becoming incontinent as he had only a few seconds of warning before he felt the need to pee these days. 

However, he did a quick test run, and it felt like he still had bladder control. Perhaps the cautious approach would've been some training pants, but James was a bit too upset with himself after the last week and a half baby-binge. Besides, he had jerked off a few times before heading out, hence the lack of perverted decision-making.

It was about 9:45 at night when he arrived at the store. There were practically no cars in the parking lot, and just about the nearby restaurants and small businesses were all closed anyway. He could spot a bar that was opened but considering it was Tuesday, no one was really out drinking. He was not surprised to see hardly anyone there, save for the actual store workers who wouldn't give two shits about James. 

So his shopping commenced, and he went about getting his fruits and vegetables. It might have surprised many, but James actually ate relatively healthy for someone in his profession. He stayed away from greasy foods, energy drinks, most hard liquor and tended to make his own meals. All things considered, James could've made for a relatively fit individual if he actually weight lifted. But James liked how he looked, mainly because people thought he looked a lot younger than he actually was, which was okay with him.

It just made him look all the cuter when he was diapered up and wearing baby clothes. 

After about thirty minutes, James had gotten everything he needed and headed to the last section, the baby section. James, like many adult babies, enjoyed the baby aisle for numerous reasons. Some brought back good memories of a simpler time. Others became flustered and embarrassed when passing through it as if expecting something humiliating to happen. James was the type of AB that wanted exactly that. In a perfect world, he and his mommy would be browsing the aisle, looking for diapers for James to wear, all the while she would make loud observations about which diapers would fit his bottom best or look cute on him.

There were, of course, dozens of variations on this fantasy. Some in which James would wet himself in the middle of the aisle, causing a cute female store clerk to randomly start diapering him or a nearby mother asking him for recommendations for which diapers to put on her baby, "Because you clearly aren't out of them yet yourself," would be the logic in that fantasy. 

Although those with true "patrician taste" like James would pretend that they were the ones in control of the situation and directly ask their mommy to be put back in diapers at that very moment. 

"You want to wear diapers again?!" His mommy asked with a shocked expression, "Sweetie...you are too big for diapers and...wait, why are you straining your face?! Wait, James, no!" Her shock was palpable as she watched James wet and mess himself before her and in the middle of the baby section, "I can't believe you! You wet and pooped yourself?! Just so you can wear diapers again! Unbelievable! Fine! I seriously hope you are happy, James, because you are going to be walking out of this store wearing fucking Pampers and wearing diapers for the rest of your life then! All everyone is going to call you is Big Baby-"

"James, is that you?" A familiar voice interrupted his fantasy, "It is you, hi!" The voice caused James' heart to start beating and his face growing hot because standing just a few feet away was Isabella! He couldn't believe it, why was she here?! He could see her holding a hand-cart with a few items in it, but he also noticed the dazzling smile on her face as she approached. 

James felt like the world was about to fall out under him, yet at the same time, James felt like he was in seventh heaven. Isabella not only remembered his name, but she was happy to see him! He noticed that she was wearing a rather lovely red business dress. Isabella was wearing makeup, and her hair was done up, which only made her look gorgeous. 

He must have looked atrocious in comparison, wearing only a blue polo shirt and some ratty jeans. Isabella must have just come from her work or perhaps some important meeting. Either way, James looked pretty grunge compared to her professionalism, but at least he wasn't wearing his diapers. 

"You remember me, right?" Isabella asked as she stood only a foot apart from James, "We met in the rain?"

'I remember vividly.' James thought to himself before he nodded and tried not to focus on the fact that they were holding this conversation right to a row of pampers. What even was this situation?! "Yeah, Isabella, right?"

"Oh, so you do remember me." That bemused smile looked so perfect on her, "I was calling out to you, but you sort of spaced out." She then pointed to an item in particular in his cart, "Trying to decide on what wipes to get, right?"

James blinked before he felt a not-so-small amount of panic. He glanced down to see a container of Pampers Wet-Wipes for Sensitive Skin. It took every bit of his will to not cringe at this situation, "Uh, well, umm." He could lie and say that they were for a child he was babysitting or something stupid, but then Isabella started speaking again.

"Let me guess, you found out that they are better than toilet paper, right?" What? She sounded almost like James was doing something clever, "It's pretty odd the first time around, right?"

He nodded slowly, "Yes...?" What was happening here? 

Isabella rolled her eyes before smirking, "Back in Afghanistan, these things were a lifesaver. As you can imagine, there weren't really a lot of great places to drop a deuce or clean yourself up unless you were at a nice base or FOB." She shrugged, "I'll spare you the gory details, but I can promise you that I knew a few guys that would kill for a pack of those wipes after a few weeks in Kandahar."

"I'll take your word for it." James didn't know how to respond, but at the very least, he was being spared from embarrassment, "So, getting your own shopping done?" That sounded so fucking bad in his head. But Isabella nodded all the same.

"Got off work like an hour ago, figured I'd get something to make dinner." She looked down at his cart again and noticed all the healthy food, "Well, now, I didn't take you for a vegan."

"I'm not." James gave a slight smirk, "I just like eating healthy."

Her smile was a teasing one, "Girlfriend must be pleased." What did she mean by that? 

"I don't have one." James had to follow up to fix how pathetic that sounded, "Besides, I don't see any veggies in your cart." He did see a bit of chicken and scallops. It seemed Isabella was a meat-eater. "Is this some new diet that women are on?"

"Hmm...nope." Isabella looked leaned forward a little, "I'm just a girl that likes her meat."

James didn't know what possessed him to say the following line, "So fish and cock, are your favorite meats?" James felt quite relieved when Isabella started laughing hard at the remark, and he, too, felt quite excited over getting another laugh out of her, even for such a crass joke.

"Haha," She pulled away from James, "You are lucky that I heard way worse while I was in the Army." Isabella rolled her eyes, "The number of dick jokes and comments, I was so sure there was like a secret cock worshipping cult."

Now it was James' turn to laugh at hearing such an outrageous remark, "What the fuck?"

"The amount of things you don't hear coming out of the military indicates there is a lot of weird shit that they don't want you knowing about," James was starting to figure that out now. "In any case," She paused and then gave an expected look at James, "It was uh, good seeing you again."

At that moment, realizing that this conversation was now over, James felt something stirring in his mind. He felt like he needed to do more, to seize this moment. But instead, there was only an awkward bit of silence before James nodded, "Yeah...you too." 

If Isabella was disappointed, she didn't show it. Instead, she nodded with a small smile before turning to walk away. As it happened, James felt a brief something very peculiar happen. He felt the familiar feeling of his bladder releasing, just ever so softly, causing a small spurt of hot pee to trickle into his underwear. 

"Fuck!" James swore what he thought was silent.

"Hmm?" Isabella turned back to him, and James felt like everything was going wrong when she spoke again, "Did you say something?"

James, reacting purely on instinct, spoke quickly and awkwardly, "I was just uh...I was um...fuck, I'm awful at this point." He paused and stopped himself as he gathered up whatever courage he had while carefully positioning his crotch so she couldn't see, "Did you want to maybe get coffee or...dinner." James spoke the last part awkwardly before Isabella.

"Dinner sounds good." James must have thought he heard the sound of horns and trumpets signaling his victory in the back of his mind as he heard and saw that Isabella wasn't playing a joke or being sarcastic. If anything, she looked almost relieved, "I mean, you know, maybe next week if that is good for you? Friday...or something?" 

"Friday works!" James was so happy that he ignored that he might have just wet his pants. "I'll give you my number!" He pulled out his phone and got ready to transfer his contact information over.

"Okay." Isabella smiled as she pulled out her phone and went through similar motions. When it was all said and done, Isabella gave James a rather mischievous smirk, "I was a little worried that you weren't picking up the hints." 

"Err," James thought about how he wasn't even trying, "I didn't want to come off strong?"

"Says the man that made a cock innuendo to a woman. Shame on you." Her smirk was now a dazzling smile, "What would your mother think?" James thought more of a few mommies that would have choice words with him. 

"Fine, I'll refrain from making cock jokes at your expense to not disappoint mommy dearest." Were they flirting? It felt like they were flirting. James came to the conclusion that flirting with a beautiful woman who was doing the same was awesome. He couldn't believe that this was happening, right here in the baby aisle of all things! 

But while the high of accomplishing such a feat was overwhelming, so was the feeling of wetness at his crotch. James needed to get out of here before Isabella noticed something. "Any requests for the restaurant?" He couldn't just bail right now, especially since James was enjoying himself. 

"Nothing fancy," Isabella answered with a smirk, "I'm not too picky either. Believe me when I say that after eating some MREs, a boiled shoe can taste good to me." It amazed James how easygoing Isabella was; it gave him hope that she was open-minded about certain things. 

James then remembered a certain restaurant and couldn't help but remark, "Well, I do know of this Afghani restaurant..." He paused, waiting for her response.

"Well," Isabella looked a tad embarrassed, "I didn't really ever try the food when I was stationed there. Then again, you hear some of the horror stories of people getting food poisoning and don't want to try your luck..." She nodded her head, "Sure, why not." 

"Alright." He used that cue to finish this conversation, "I'll text you the deets later then."

"Okay," Isabella smiled, and then James smiled as well before she slowly backed away, "See ya."

"Yeah," James muttered as Isabella walked away, "See ya..."


James all but rushed out of the grocery once he finished purchasing all his items. The young man was practically running back to his home with an excited grin on his face. He couldn't help but feel like he was on cloud nine. Not only had James gotten a date, the first-ever, but it was also with a woman like Isabella! By all rights, James didn't deserve such a gift from God, yet not only she accepted the date, but Isabella was also interested as well. 

Somehow, either by luck or some untapped charisma of his, he scored a night out. James had long since considered himself a bit of a loser when it came to girls and women as an adult, but regardless of what happened next, James can safely say that he at least tried and might even succeed at this effort. As he was running back home, the amusing part was James did not once imagine some infantile fantasy about their date. He was happy with the prospect of the two of them having a fun time together, just as adults. 

He was so giddy that once he stepped inside his home, safely away from prying eyes, did he remember the small problem in his pants. "Shit," His happiness started to evaporate as he pulled down his pants to examine the damages. Thankfully, James saw that there was only a small piss stain on the front of his boxers, but he also noticed that the front of his pants was also a little moist. 

It was still quite clear what James had done. He peed his pants, tinkled into them like a toddler who was expected to go potty like a big boy. James had accomplished a rather infantile achievement, wetting himself when he should've been wearing his diapers. The thought started to ring in his head, overcoming the euphoric feeling of getting a date. 

What else was there to say, though? Months of constant diaper usage, including watching hypnotic tracks and wanting to engage in infantile fantasies, would've resulted in some form of incontinence. At the very least, James caught himself at the last moment, which hinted that he was still quite capable of going to the bathroom. However, it proved that his excursions into the 24/7 ABDL lifestyle were now starting to catch up to him, and perhaps at the most inopportune time.

However, James didn't panic. "This is fine; I can handle this." He told himself as he put away groceries and swiftly went upstairs to his computer. He had to do some research, along with some planning.

The good news was that if this was minor urinary incontinence, James could easily work around it. There were plenty of ABDL's with experience with this, and James had a rather interesting realization as he was doing research.

"If Isabella asks me why I am wearing diapers, at least plain ones, I can tell her that I am mildly incontinent. That is how I gauge her initial reaction, plus it gives us both an out if she doesn't want to make this a serious thing!" It was the perfect plan. By lying and saying he was "medically" incontinent, Isabella would, hopefully, understand and then decide if she wanted to make this thing serious or not. James could then potentially ease her into his ABDL fetish and then this little lifestyle of his!  

Maybe not everything was lost then; at the very least, James turned some lemons into lemonade. In the meanwhile, he had to research something else now...how to have your first date. James was quite lost in what to do here, but he knew plenty of websites for stuff like this, especially a subreddit or two. James also needed some new clothes, maybe some nice cologne, and maybe getting a haircut. 

There was also the question of what would happen if Isabella decided to go back to his place. James looked around at just his room to see the vast assortment of infantile gear. His diaper stash alone would take probably an hour to clear out. James, however, scoffed at the idea that Isabella was a "fuck on the first date" type of woman. All things considered, James' expectations were literally either getting a second date and maybe a kiss for his troubles. That was even one of the most recurring themes of advice for adults on their first date, "Curb your expectations but enjoy when they are exceeded." 

Even a simple "I had a lot of fun!" would've been a highlight, as it would prove that James wasn't a complete loser incapable of making someone have fun around him. In any case, it was late now, and James had the rest of the week to get this all planned out. Yet as James prepared to get diapered for the night, he couldn't help but think that maybe it would be best not to push his luck? 

Then again, waking up with a wet bed wasn't exactly something he wanted to do. James ultimately compromised, knowing that he needed to wear some protection to bed but wouldn't indulge himself tonight. That meant wearing completely white diapers (no stuffers either), no pacifier, no bedtime bottle, and no masturbation. It felt quite odd after all this time, but James felt like he needed some control over his life. 

James did idly look down at his powdered crotch as he finished getting diapered and couldn't help but frown at thinking that he did have sex with Isabella; could he actually please her? He shook his head and decided that he was thinking really far ahead. "Let's just not fuck up the first date, okay?" He muttered to himself as he secured himself in his diaper for the night. 

As James got into bed, he felt the urge to have a pacifier in his mouth or rub the front of his diaper, but he resisted the urge. James idly wondered if this was what some addicts went through? James tried to focus on the more important things, such as how his life was starting to go in a direction he hadn't expected but wouldn't depreciate. Isabella looked at him with desire. What surprised him was that he wasn't sure if his ABDL desires were telling him that she looked at him like a mommy would look at an adult-baby boy or if she actually find something else attractive about him?

He started making a mental list of his positive qualities, which oddly enough helped him get to sleep, but the entire time James didn't really think he had anything that a woman would desire. He wasn't suave or outrageously handsome (his mother said otherwise, yet she was a bias source), nor did he exude masculinity, power, or "big dick energy," as some people liked to joke. James was at least intelligent, maybe a bit perceptive, and witty enough to hold a conversation with a beautiful and strong woman. 

But aside from that? James didn't know. Well, he was aware of the other qualities that were part of him. His ABDL side was dominating in his personality now, even after months of scratching that particular itch. Yet it didn't seem to matter how many times he wet his diapers, came in them, or pretended to be a big baby; such thoughts were always on his mind, 24/7.

However...something had changed now. His thoughts were focused entirely on the date for next week, with a beautiful woman that was clearly interested in him. He was so smitten with the idea that even when he wanted to imagine the humiliation, he'd have been in if he wet himself in front of Isabella, showing her that he was incapable of holding his pee and needed to be put into diapers by her...all James could think was how much fun he had in that brief moment of flirting and know that someone thought him a big enough adult to ask out on a date with desire in her eyes and tone. 

It was a good feeling and one that he held as he drifted to sleep. James didn't even notice that he began to wet his diaper as he did so. 


Next chapter will be up at some point. 

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  • Posterchina changed the title to One of Many Firsts (Updated 7/16/21)

Very well written.   The description of his internal processing, his desires, conflicts, resolutions, are well presented.  Could only be written by someone who has experienced the same longings.  Thank you for this wonderful story, I hope it continues.

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  • 4 months later...

Yeesh, five months later for an update? Well, I've been a bit busy with IRL stuff and general distractions. Writing ABDL smut requires a lot of concentration from me and willpower to boot. 

Anyway, happy holidays everyone. 

Chapter 6: The First Date

James wasn’t sure if the week went by in a flash or if the days were agonizingly slow. His nerves were all over the place as well. A date. He was going on a date! With a beautiful woman! He was confident that he used up all the good luck in his life now because something was clearly helping him. No way that James did himself, which made him wonder if this would be the point where everything fell apart. 

And yet James wasn’t letting that ‘what-if’ stop these giddy feelings of excitement and joy. Of course, that didn’t stop his nervousness, remembering that he had zero experience on dates, taking women out on dates, or what to do after the date concluded. Thankfully, the internet helped solve most of these problems. Like the night after he secured the date with Isabella, James spent time trying to prepare himself. There was a lot of browsing of dating websites and subreddits and watching a few YouTube videos. By the third day of learning, James had a good idea of what to wear, say, do (or not do), and felt more confident. After that, he knew what to get next and placed a few orders for better clothing and cologne on Amazon, got a haircut, and waited for Friday.  

He was “ready” in the sense that he likely couldn’t completely flub up this date. There were, however, some pressing concerns that, while not related to the date per se, still posed a problem to James.

The first was that he was developing an honest to god bedwetting problem. He would try and see a doctor about this situation, but James either had developed minor urinary incontinence, or his mind was trying to remind him who he really was. If James was incontinent, even just slightly, he had expected to have more stained underwear during the day. But to his surprise, James still knew when to go potty. This made him consider that perhaps all of this was just in his head.

Especially after he decided to take a “break” from being an adult baby. That was the start of his second problem. The reasoning for this was easy enough to explain. James needed to be an adult first and have a clear mind. The only time he had worn diapers was to bed now. James had also stopped using his baby stuff for the most part. 

It was ridiculous to say he was “purging” because none of his stuff had been thrown out in disgust or shame. James considered it going “cold turkey,” but that felt almost obscene in his mind. His fetish wasn’t a drug, nor was he going through “withdrawals,” at least not in the usual sense. He felt a need to act like a baby, yet James wanted a clear head for this date. 

Vulgar as it was to think, James had even taken a break from masturbation. He read a few tips that masturbation before a date was a good idea, but to do it way before it or constantly evidently caused someone to be “out of it” by the time the date comes around. A few people had half-jokingly said that the “post-nut clarity” before a date also helped you focus. Someone referenced a Bob Ross quote of “beating the devil out” this way. 

Would it help? Probably not, but James was in unfamiliar waters with all of this. So why not just take a chance? Besides, he didn’t want to meet with Isabella after spending a week jerking off to her in his mind. James was already a big, pathetic adult baby; he didn’t need this crap to go along with the date. So, James resisted the urge to act babyish or touch himself.

However, his mind and desires constantly reminded him of how much fun he had when in diapers or drinking from his bottle or touching himself when a warm, wet, thick padding was taped around his waist. The real test was when he thought about Isabella, and that was where his real troubles started. It was...difficult not to imagine how this date could’ve ended for him.

James kept asking himself what he wanted to happen after this first date? He was okay with it ending with neither of them wanting to have a second date. At least, that was what he wanted to believe. But the chance of it progressing further or ending in a disaster was real. James wanted to keep things going with Isabella, but the question of explaining what he loved doing in his spare time was hard to explain. A good date didn’t mean a good ending to things.

And a bad date? Well, James felt like he’d have to really try here. There was, potentially, the chance that the two of them weren’t compatible with each other. James was looking at this situation with bright and hopeful eyes, that being a man that just scored his first date and with an absolute hottie for someone like him. But what happened once that wonder went away, and he was left with trying to understand the woman before him? What if he couldn’t? 

It was a scary thought. Hence, James’s mind was trying to distract him from the more absurd situations. Like if James suddenly started to piss his pants during their date or if she suddenly declared that she wanted to take him home for a real good time. James didn’t know what he wanted more to happen; a chance for sex or Isabella deciding to make James into her baby. 

All these stupid feelings were driving James a bit stir crazy, and the problem was that his horny mind was trying to tell him that either result would be fantastic to think about while wearing a diaper and having his wand over the front. Going to sleep was difficult, but waking up to a wet diaper and thinking about her caused James to sometimes just slowly grind against a pillow until he stopped. 

What amazed him more than anything was just how “vanilla” his fantasies were getting now. The more he thought about Isabella in these moments, the more he just wanted to be with her than anything dommy-mommy/little boy related. It was a problem for one reason; James was getting too attached. Especially before anything had been decided upon. He was putting the cart before the horse, yet he still imagined being all lovey-dovey with her. 

James was starting to worry that he was actually in love with Isabella. It wasn’t that the idea was a terrible one, far from it, but to “fall in love” with someone after a few chance meetings? That reeked of desperation more than anything. James feared that he was in love with the idea of Isabella rather than the person. That was the crux of the matter now. He needed this first date to go well just to see that they were compatible with one another. 


Friday soon arrived. James cleared his schedule to do some last-minute research and prep. He was jealous that a bunch of guys could probably get a girl the same day for a date and could easily take them out that same night with little to no prep-work. Meanwhile, James was planning several contingencies just in case something didn’t work. He even checked the weather report two days in advance. 

Such things aside, James found himself needing to make the last-minute decisions. He wasn’t going to risk wetting his pants during this date, so he decided to wear a slim and concealable diaper. Thankfully, James knew which diapers best fit that usage. James would make sure to wear something over that diaper as well. Depending on how soaked or dry it was, he’d try training pants for next time. 

As date night approached, James started getting a few text messages from Isabella, asking if they were still on for tonight and the restaurant’s location. Simple stuff at that. This did downplay the fact that this was the first time they were texting one another. However, Isabella shocked him when she sent him a picture of her dress for their date tonight. It was a splendid red and gold summer dress, classy but casual enough for a first date. 

Her message read: “I wanted to surprise you, but I couldn’t wait. Do I look good? I think I look good.” James saved the image and responded back that she looked beautiful. He got a blushing, smiling emoji in return. 

He texted back: “Are you really that surprised by my compliment?”

James laughed at her response: “Not really, I know I look good. I like seeing handsome young men telling me that I’m beautiful.” The wink at the end told him that she was taking the piss out of their conversation. Although he enjoyed the comment about him being handsome. James now understood why couples spent so much time on their phones and texting each other. It was fun. 

They chatted for a few more minutes before Isabella needed to get back to work. James ended with a “have a lovely day,” and she sent a kissing emote with the words “You too, baby.”

Something about that last part caused James to become incredibly excited and aroused. He wanted to hear Isabella call him a baby the way he wanted and for her to hold him. He desired to kiss her, feel his skin against hers, let his mouth latch onto her nipples, and suckle like a good diaper baby. His thoughts became focused entirely on this fantasy.

“It’s still a few hours before the date,” James muttered to himself as he went towards his diaper shrine, “But I’ve earned this.” He opened up the closet and grabbed an assortment of items. He stripped all his clothes off and then put on a few more “age-appropriate” garb; a white and pink bib, a sky-blue bonnet, and similarly colored booties and mittens. James ignored his growing erection as he grabbed a single SDK diaper and laid it out on his bed.

James had also grabbed some baby oil and gently applied it to his crotch before sitting on the open diaper and going for the container of baby powder. Once he finished using the powder, he had to push down his erection before pulling the front of his diaper up and over his crotch. A quick clean-up later, James donned his mittens and put a pacifier in his mouth.    

The adult baby stood before his mirror and admired himself in it. James looked almost like a composition of what people figured a baby would wear, but he honestly imagined most parents just dressed their toddlers in shorts and T-shirts these days. Then again, James thought himself an infant , not just a toddler that needed diapers. 

As James giggled and idly rubbed the front of his crotch, he looked over at his phone, and then once more, his thoughts turned to Isabella. Her text message still rang out in his head, and he idly fantasized about taking a picture of him dressed like this, sending it to her, and saying that he was ready for their date. 

It was easy to imagine the host of responses that Isabella would’ve sent back to him, although in his horny mind, most of them were positive. Each fantasy made it easier for James to start rubbing himself through his diapers. But as he sat down on his bed and looked over the last text message, he smiled and thought about hearing those words uttered to him just as he was now. 

“Baby, baby, baby.” Isabella practically chanted and cooed at James as she pressed her hand against the front of his diapers, “You like it when I call you that? I guess plenty of couples call each other pet names, but they normally aren’t so...literal.” Her hand soon gripped the front of his diaper, feeling his hardening cock through the padding, “So, what else does my baby want me to call him?”

“Diaper boy?” She gently squeezed, and James felt himself giving an enthusiastic nod. “Yeah? Okay then, baby and diaper boy.” Isabella paused cutely as she considered another name, “How about... Lil’ Stinker!” 

James groaned at such a disgusting on-the-point name. Isabella, meanwhile, giggled at his expression, “I’m going to say that is a sound of approval? Does my baby like admitting he goes poopies in his huggies? I bet he does, I bet he does!” She kept up this assault by jerking him through his diapers. 

It was getting to be a bit too much for James. He needed to cum, now. He tried to ask through his pacifier, but all that came out was a whine. Isabella seemed to pick up what was happening, though. “Need to make big boy cummies? I don’t know...does a diaper-wearing baby boy who likes to go poopies in his diapers deserve to make big boy cummies?” Isabella didn’t wait for a response as she crawled on top of James and looked him in the eyes, “Because if you want to make big boy cummies, you gotta do it only when your peepee is inside mommy, baby boy.”

The lust in her voice, the tone of wanting James, and the feelings of love caused James to reach the point of no return and-

“AHHH!” James practically yelled on his bed as the orgasm nearly shook his body into a minor compulsion, “Mommy!” He spoke as he came inside diapers. It felt amazing this time around, and James suspected it was because there was someone to focus all his lust and affection towards now. He didn’t know what else to think, aside from asking himself if he was that infatuated with Isabella. Maybe James was just excited at the prospect of losing his virginity more than anything or for someone to finally roleplay with him for his fantasies. And yet, there was still some part of him that felt like there was more to all of this. 

That desire for more made James realize now that he didn’t want their relationship to just fail on the first date. Whatever happened tonight, he had to make sure everything went smoothly. At the very least, James wanted to make sure that Isabella had enough fun to consider a second date. 

As James stared up at his ceiling and contemplated this, he remembered that he still had a few hours before the date. ‘No point in wasting a diaper, especially after cumming in it.’ Diapers weren’t cheap, even if they were his only actual expense. James had saved a lot of money on his water utility bill after doing diapers 24/7.

James decided that he would catch up on any ABDL-related content he missed in the past week and see if there was something cute to watch. Maybe some Paw-Patrol. As he waddled over to his computer, he was surprised to feel his diaper was a bit wet. 

“Shit.” He muttered to himself as he remembered the one hang-up to his date. He needed to lock down even the slight possibility of wetting his pants in front of Isabella. Still, James could handle this. He had to. Otherwise, he would never forgive himself. 


The next few hours passed slowly, but soon it would be time to go out on his date. James had certainly “relaxed” enough into his diapers, and he felt relatively calm about everything. Once it was time to get out of his diapers, he took a long shower and then prepared himself as much as possible.

He put on some reasonably expensive cologne (enough to only be noticeable if his date decided to hug him or anything more physical) and deodorant before putting on some clothing described as “casually suave” by most reviewers. James had no idea if he looked the part or not, but as he finished fixing up his hair and looking himself over in the mirror, he liked to think that he was at least “cute” in the adult sense. 

The cutest thing under his pants was the Depends pull-up he had on, but these things were discrete. James hated these diapers, mainly because they were the type of thing you gave to seniors or disabled people. They were semi-comfortable and noiseless, but he didn’t like the lack of thickness or cute patterns that reminded him that he was a baby.

James pushed those thoughts aside, though. All it had to do was prevent him from ending up in wet pants. If Isabella decided that she wanted the two of them to get physical, James would need to find some way to hide or dispose of the diaper. However, if it was discovered, James would just have to use the made-up excuse that he was mildly incontinent and go from there.  

There wasn’t much else to do now. The plan was to go and pick up Isabella from her home and actually walk to the restaurant. Both of them had a car, but the place was about twenty to thirty minutes, and besides, this was a safe neighborhood, the weather was good, and James wanted to spend more time with her. 

Additionally, if they had too much to drink, they could either walk home or just call a quick Uber. 

While James stepped out of his home and locked up, all infantile thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind, and he got ready to focus. James was surprised to find himself not panicking or wondering if things might go wrong. It was time to take a chance now.

His dates home was only about ten minutes away from his, so James used that time to think about their destination for the night. James heard good things about Aria Afghan Restaurant, it was one of those places that he had wanted to try out, and it just happened that it came to mind when he asked Isabella out on their date. It was a fairly casual place, but it was still described as remarkable for dine-in and generally considered a pretty relaxed atmosphere. There were also a few comments about a great “first and second date” restaurant. 

James was banking on that last part to hold true for him. 

His phone buzzed quite a bit as he and Isabella started texting again. She was just finishing up her preparations for the date, and James was amused to see Isabella mentioning that she was trying to find the right shoes to go along with her dress. It didn’t matter to James because she’d look beautiful wearing a burlap sack to him. It was strange how euphoric he felt right now, walking on air or cloud-nine or whatever the hell someone called it when they felt positively joyous about meeting someone. 

A small part of him told him to focus and temper his expectations. This was still just the first date, and Isabella could easily decide not to follow up on it. There were a hundred different ways this could’ve all ended, but the most likely was two ways: she either asked for or denied a second date. 

Keeping those thoughts in mind, James was almost surprised when he realized that he was at the right location and was standing outside Isabella’s home. It was like his, although he could spot a few shelves of flowers, some little knick-knacks, and other female touches to the front of a home. He approached the door, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell. 

He waited only half a minute before he heard the sounds of someone approaching on the other side, and the door opened. Standing before James was Isabella, obviously. She was wearing that beautiful red and gold sundress, along with a pair of what looked to be expensive-looking shoes (although they weren’t heels) and some earrings that had jade stones in them. James also noticed that her hair was done up and must have gotten it worked on before their date. The makeup on her face was tasteful but still brought out the lovely color of her eyes and healthy skin tone. 

He couldn’t help but notice how wonderful she filled out that dress. The hem of it went up a little past her knees, giving a brief glimpse at her thighs while allowing him to drink in the sight of those lovely legs. James couldn’t help but focus on her breasts, but thankfully for his sanity, they weren’t popping out of the top. Still, he got another good idea of just how shapely they were in his mind. 

The mischievous smile on her face made Isabella look absolutely stunning, and James questioned how he got someone like her. He was way out of her league, yet she wanted to go out on a date with him?! More importantly, Isabella was clearly excited about the prospect.

“Hiiiii…” Isabella’s smile seemed to indicate that James must have been quite shocked at how he was looking at her. “You’re staring.”

James smiled and couldn’t help but respond, “And you’re beautiful.” That remark caused her to laugh, but James could tell that even with his lack of experience, she greatly appreciated the compliment. “You ready?”

“Of course,” She grabbed a purse from out of view and stepped outside. “You look handsome, by the way.” 

He almost didn’t believe her, “You think so?” James gave himself once over, “I feel like I’m somehow overdressed and underdressed at the same time.”

“Heh,” Isabella chuckled as she locked her door, “I know that feeling all too well. Army or civilian life, you never feel like you are wearing the right suit for a specific occasion.” Before approaching James, she smiled and suddenly took his hand, “But you still look handsome either way.”

James desperately tried not to think about if his hand was sweaty or how soft hers was as he held it, “And you still look beautiful.” He was trying to keep up his confidence in Isabella’s face of this power move.   

That smile on her face got a bit brighter, “Then I think we are both dressed for the occasion.” Yet even as she said that, James heard a small, babyish voice in the back of his mind giggle that he really wasn’t, but he ignored that disruption.  

However, he didn’t have time to respond before she brushed up closer and told him they should get going. James nodded, and the two started to walk away hand-in-hand.

“Hmm.” Isabella seemed happy about something, “Your cologne smells nice...” It took James all his power to not respond to that compliment with an awkward response. By all rights, he was simply amazed that he hadn’t made a complete fool of himself. 

Their date had only just started, and James wondered if he really could handle a woman like Isabella. He was going to find out, one way or another. 


James learned that he had a superpower that evening. It was a power that allowed him to keep cool and calm for an entire night, stop him from making a fool of himself, and successfully entertain a beautiful woman. 

To explain, the pair’s journey to Aria’s wasn’t an issue. They idly talked about a few things related to their neighborhood or what to expect at the restaurant. James even got her to giggle at some stupid joke he heard recently, and she briefly talked about some problem she had to deal with at work. All in all, it was a very low-key and relaxing walk. 

When they got to the restaurant, James was relieved to see that it wasn’t too active right now, but it wasn’t a ghost town either. Aria’s really was a couples place because James could see a few mingling around. James didn’t know what made an Afghan restaurant so popular with couples, but at least it meant that he hadn’t taken his date somewhere dull or lifeless. 

Getting seated was easy enough, and after that, things progressed normally. They started talking about mundane stuff before leading into more complicated matters such as life and work, and then once they got their drinks, Isabella began opening up a bit more.

“You don’t think I’m weird, right?” She suddenly asked as she sipped on a corona lite with lime while James drank a Blue Moon. He was shocked at the question and almost didn’t know how to respond or ask what she meant before she clarified, “I mean, I’m almost 33 years old, and you are like...24 or 25.” Isabella gave him an appraising look as she put her beer down, “Most men prefer a younger type of woman.”

James understood why people thought that, but he certainly wasn’t about to call anyone weird just for that. No way he’d throw that stone in that particular glasshouse. “Most men don’t know what they want.” James countered before he gave a confused look towards Isabella, “Age only matters anyway when you are under 21. Past that, no one cares if you are 25 dating a 50-year-old or vice versa. What difference does it make?” 

She gave a slight shrug, “Lots of people, evidently. It probably says something about the type of man or woman we go after based on their age. If I was ten years older than I was now and still trying to date you, I’d be called a cradle robber.” James almost choked on his drink at hearing that comment being directed towards him.

Thankfully, he kept his cool, “Times change, people change. Besides, who’s going to argue with you about it?”

“My parents, for one.” Isabella commented, “They don’t like that I’ve dated younger men. They don’t think they are stable enough for me, and I hate to say it, but they were right.” She then remembered who was sitting across from her, “Shit. I’m sorry, James, I’m not trying to lump you in with my exes….”

He quickly waved it off, “It’s fine. I can’t imagine having to have a relationship while trying to not piss off your parents.” Privately he wasn’t too happy about that comparison. Her parents would most certainly be up in arms at knowing that before anything else, James was only a self-employed coder who got by because of his parents. After that, it became an issue that James was an adult baby and secretly wanted Isabella to be his mommy. 

She looked grateful, “I’m trying not to let this bother me, but I figured I’d ask if I was sending any mixed messages or signals.” Isabella again tried to explain, “Some guys get a little intimidated or weirded out by dating an older woman.”

James couldn’t help but laugh now, “Yeah…” He shook his head, “I can promise you that won’t be a problem for me.” He took another sip and then realized something, “So...are we dating, for real?”

She smirked a little at his question, “You mean like boyfriend and girlfriend for real ?” 

“Your words, not mine.” Holy shit, was this actually happening on their first date? James was practically screaming in his mind over how fast this was going. This age question couldn’t have been the only requirement for them to be dating, right?

“Hmm.” She paused for a second before taking another sip of his drink and then thought about it a little more. “Let’s see how the rest of the night goes, and we can revisit that question, alright?” James wasn’t sure if he felt relief or pure agony over such a response, but that was the end of that particular conversation. 

Once they got their meal, James started asking a few more questions about Isabella and her time in the army. She almost seemed embarrassed and bashful whenever he asked about all the crazy stuff that happened over there. What surprised him was when he brought up that she had two commendations and got very embarrassed, actually blushing bright red in front of him. 

“Everyone thinks I got those in combat, but I got them both for helping at a few FOBs, which are forward-operating bases, to make sure they had proper comms and sat-uplinks.” She was tapping her empty beer bottle and not looking at James, “But yeah... I’ve never been in combat before. Well, not actively. There was an attack on one of the FOBs, well I say ‘attack,’ but it was just some random sniper taking pot-shots. Of course, I didn’t know it at the time, and it scared the, well, that is to say, it...umm.” Isabella stopped and suddenly paused before laughing nervously.

Jame’s mind finished that sentence for him. It either scared the piss or shit out of her, and he couldn’t blame her for responding to getting shot at that way. “Let’s just say that was not a great example of the strong and graceful female warrior story.”  

He decided to give her a small pass, “I’d probably have reacted the same way, given the circumstances.” That much was true. Speaking of pissing himself, his left hand went down and gently grabbed the front of his crotch. James didn’t feel any wetness so far. James would remember how her face was still red even as she ordered another beer and quickly changed the conversation.

“Anyway,” She started again, “I just wanted to try and clear the air since I didn’t know if this would be awkward for one of us.” As she took a sip of her drink, Isabella couldn’t help but grin, “I mean, I was placing my hopes that you just had a kink for older women or something!”

She had no idea just how kinky he was, “God, does the world still think that if you are a young guy who likes older women, you have some kind of kink?” James rolled his eyes, “There are weirder things to look for in a partner.”

Isabella practically snorted at hearing that remark, “Everyone is a closeted pervert these days. It just depends on the environment. All the guys I meant while overseas? I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet the biggest group of degenerates, yet there are still so many women that are into some real kinky shit…”

“Fifty Shades of Grey?” He couldn’t smirk at remembering that trend. James couldn’t help but love hearing her talk so bluntly. Isabella could be beautiful and charming, but it felt like they were just two old friends chatting about one thing or another when she was like this. It made him feel at ease, and Isabella felt the same way based on how Isabella was responding. What made the whole situation feel so odd to James was that it bucked the idea that she was some “oh so perfect” mommy-dommy that he created in his head. 

It reminded him that he wasn’t in some fantasy and that Isabella was a woman that had opinions and experiences on all manner of topics. 

“I wish,” Rolling her eyes once more, Isabella took another sip of her beer, “When did S&M become the everyday kink?”

James started laughing, “Fifty Shades of Grey!” He repeated once more and couldn’t believe this conversation. “Either that or all those cartoons with the authors inserted fetish episode.” That much was true for a lot of ABDL’s who could trace their “awakening” to a particular episode. A part of him wasn’t sure if it was a cartoon that made him want to be a baby again, but it certainly helped reinforce his desires.

His date considered his words, “Hmm...so did any of those cartoons give you a particular fetish then?” That question caused James to almost stop laughing in an instant. He could hear the teasing tone, yet Isabella also sounded genuinely curious at this response. 

“Uh…” James felt unable to form a response, “I mean…”

Isabella gave him a small smile, “It’s fine, you don’t have to tell me anything. Just because we are really dating after this doesn’t mean we have to go all-in on the first date. I’m just curious, and besides…” She gently grasped his hand, “Maybe I want you to think about what you can get away with…” James felt frozen as he saw a sultry smile on her face and a bit of interest over what he’d say next. Was this his opportunity to come clean? Tell her everything? 

No, this wasn’t the right time and place for it. Isabella was teasing James, getting him riled up because they both knew where tonight could go, yet Isabella had not expressly desired anything. However, James could only stare at her at that moment, and he briefly felt his cock hardening at such a bawdy insinuation. 

Around that point, James and Isabella were interrupted by the return of their server and asked if they were ready to order some food. Seeing the break, the two decided that the conversation would be tabled for now. Still, as James watched Isabella ask about a particular food order, he reached down and felt the front of his pants.

James felt a warm, wet diaper brushing against his semi-hard cock. He wet himself just during that brief interaction, and somehow at that moment, he felt more uncomfortable than ever while wearing a diaper. James wanted to chalk it up to it being a wrong brand, but he recognized that it was more than that.

He felt shame because Isabella was already giving him this much trust, and he wasn’t giving the same amount back to her. He was still partaking in his fetish this very moment, and hiding it, made him feel awful.


The night was young, and then it wasn’t. James and Isabella must have spent three hours inside that restaurant, yet they finished dinner within twenty minutes of their food arriving. After that, the two of them started talking, getting to know each other better, and feeling their respective lives by swapping stories and experiences. There wasn’t even any flirting. Just two people talking and enjoying themselves. 

A small part of James wondered if, regardless of whatever outcome came tonight or the day after, he would remember this night for the rest of his life. It was sappy to think because it felt like one of those Hallmark moments in a bad romance flick. Yet tonight felt like a moment he’d never forget. Perhaps he was also getting ahead of himself. Isabella might have hinted at agreeing to them actually becoming a couple, but there was still nothing set in stone.

But how could he not think that? The entire time he kept her attention and made her comfortable. Her smiles were genuine, as was the laughter and the keen interest whenever James spoke about his boring life and upbringing. James felt a little odd explaining his “white, middle-class, single child, upbringing” to anyone. It felt lame . Like he didn’t have an interesting story to tell. What shocked him was when he heard all the crazy things Isabella had done growing up, but how she was envious of him .

Isabella described her upbringing as a “mess,” and most of her life before joining the Army to be a series of bad decisions and a lack of motivation. When she admitted that she hardly had any friends, James couldn’t understand why, nor did Isabella explain all that much. Her family, while supportive, was also quite distant. Isabella even revealed that sometimes it felt like she was a ghost to them, except whenever she did something they disapproved of or wanted her doing. He didn’t know how to respond to such remarks, and Isabella didn’t seem keen on further explaining it. She sort of drifted back to talking about her current life and leaving it at that. 

Perhaps James should’ve pressed a little more, but he ultimately felt uneasy and didn’t want to come off as prying. Mayhaps this was the only moment that night where James should’ve done better. Sadly, James had no idea what he could’ve said or done after hearing such things from her. James was lucky that he hadn’t screwed up so far, and he didn’t want to bring the mood down. 

Soon, however, they decided to take off for the night. James and Isabella split the cost of the relatively small bill, although James left a rather generous tip. But as they prepared to leave, the next challenge of the night came up. When he stood up from their table, James felt the all-too-familiar sensation of a wet, droopy diaper. 

“Shit.” He swore under his breath and felt his face heating up. James should’ve seen this coming, it wasn’t like he and Isabella hadn’t been casually drinking and eating, but he had thought that maybe his bladder wasn’t this far gone.  

Isabella noticed his distress as she got ready to leave, “What’s wrong?” 

“Err,” James suddenly had a brilliant idea, “I think I just remembered that I had a work email to respond to.” He slowly moved away from the table and tried to ignore the feeling of a warm, soaked diaper brushing up against the head of his penis. 

She gave her head an adorable tilt, “Can’t you check it on your phone?”

He was about to make another excuse when James got an idea in his head, “...Yes, I should go and do that. Do you mind, though, if I go and use the bathroom real fast?”

“Sure.” Isabella nodded with a smile, “I’ll wait right outside.” She turned around to leave, which James was thankful for because he didn’t want her to notice if he had a possible diaper-related waddle to his steps. He promptly made his way towards the men’s room and was happy to see that it was empty. Quickly racing to the stalls, James pulled down his pants to access the damage.

To say that the diaper was soaked was an understatement, and James was convinced that if he wet it more time, it would’ve leaked. His luck was holding out like crazy, but seeing just how close he was to total embarrassment and possibly ruining his date convinced him that he needed to reexamine this problem.

“Fucking hell…” He swore under his breath as he ripped off the tapes. James couldn’t keep wearing this diaper, but he didn’t exactly have a spare or anything else to wear, so it looked like it was time to go “commando” for the rest of the night and pray to whatever god he wasn’t going to have an accident. 

James quickly wiped himself down with toilet paper before pulling his pants up. Making a mental note to thoroughly wash these pants when he got home, James stepped out of the stall into the still empty restroom with a rolled-up diaper in his hands. There was a garbage bin in the far corner...but sadly, it wasn’t exactly a large one either. It was a step above one of those personal bins in an office or something. 

As he stuffed the wet diaper into it, he realized that if anyone took the time to look down into it, they’d see that there weren’t just used paper towels. James realized that the owners would be in for a bizarre surprise when they cleaned out of the trash tonight. “Thank god there were plenty of people here tonight,” James muttered as he covered up the diaper with a dozen paper towels. The last thing he wanted to be remembered as the guy who left a used adult diaper in their bathroom. Still, better here than possibly at Isabella’s place.

James deftly washed his hands and then sighed as he tried to think of what to do next. He wasn’t wearing any underwear or protection. So if Isabella happened to notice, she’d likely have a few questions. On the other hand, if he wet himself in front of her...James was trying to not let lewd thoughts influence his decision-making, but he had to admit that being a pants wetter when he should’ve been in diapers was pretty babyish of him.

Try as he might, James couldn’t stop the thoughts from percolating, especially when he noticed in the reflection of the mirror what was hanging off one of the walls in the room; a changing table. The “famous” Koala Kare brand at that. Good old California had mandated that male bathrooms have diaper-changing tables for infants and toddlers.

What James would’ve given right now to be laid out on one of them, with Isabella cooing at him and getting a thick, crinkly diaper out.

“Such a soggy little bottom!” Isabella smirked as she lifted up onto the changing table. His pants were gone now due to the wet stain on the front of them. This ensured that his wet diaper was on display for anyone that entered the bathroom. “Someone tried to be a big boy and keep up with mommy while she was drinking and couldn’t hold his weewee!” 

He had no honest response to that remark, not that James could come up with a counter-argument. It was hard to think right now. His buzzed mind was mixing with the embarrassment and arousal at this situation as his date started to tear off the tapes of his diaper.

“By the way, going on your first date in a diaper? If I had known that my date was a big baby, I’d have taken you to something more toddler-friendly, like a petting zoo.” Isabella paused when she saw his erection before laughing, “Aww, how cute! I bet you wanted to stick your little pecker into me? Hmm...I don’t think that is happening tonight.”

James felt his face burning as she started to wipe him down. He began to squirm and whimper on the table, frustrated that Isabella wouldn’t let him fuck her. She only shushed James before wiping his erect cock. However, she still had a teasing smile on her face.

“Don’t cry, James. Because since you were such a good boy the entire time, mommy will make you a deal. If you stop being fussy over this diaper change and don’t make a scene while we are leaving the restaurant, I’ll take you home, and you can spend the night with mommy, okay?” Isabella smiled coyly as she started stroking him, “I’ll let you crawl into bed with me...let you suckle on the tits you’ve been casually staring at this entire night and, if you are very good, mommy will let you get on top of her, and you can pretend to fuck me like a big boy! You’ll still be in diapers, but I think it’s best if that little teenie weenie peepee just goes cummies into wet pampers.”

What a deal! Isabella was right, it was better for him to just be kept in diapers, but she’d at least pretend to be a big boy! James could still be on top, thrusting his hips and imagining that someday he could fuck Isabella properly. But until then, a diaper was fine. James started to moan and buck his hips as his mommy stroked him, laughing and quietly praising him for being such a good boy…

The doors to the bathroom opened, and James went still as a statue. He didn’t bother to turn around, especially for fear of someone seeing the clear erection in the front of his pants, but all he heard in the next few seconds was someone entering one of the stalls and closing the door.

He let out a small sigh of relief before turning on the sink and swiftly splashing some cold water on his face. James took a few deep breaths before looking back at himself in the mirror. That shame returned once more as he waited for his erection to die down. 

What had just happened was a bit too confusing and scary for James. He felt like he briefly lost control of himself or got a bit too involved in his fantasy. This wasn’t anything new for him, but James wondered if he had another problem that was just possible incontinence. 

“Do I have a problem?” He whispered the question to himself. James knew that he had been overindulging on everything ABDL-related before this date. Perhaps those Hypno files had a much more adverse effect on his psyche. That was scary to imagine. However, he had more pressing matters to attend to. Isabella was waiting for him outside. It would be best to not keep her waiting much longer.    

That left only one question now; what happens next? James had no idea what Isabella wanted to do before they concluded their date. She might have wanted to go on a walk for a little longer. Of course, there was the possibility of her asking him to come inside her home. And even the chance of her wanting James to stay the night…

“Just play it cool.” He whispered to himself in the mirror, “Just be a man about it.” The irony of that statement wasn’t lost to James as he quickly exited the bathroom and planned to leave the restaurant. 

Time to see if he could make it through the rest of the night.

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  • Posterchina changed the title to One of Many Firsts (Updated 12/19/21)

I almost forgot about this story, but how nice to be able to read a new chapter again. I'm curious about what's next.
I can't imagine him staying dry for the rest of the evening, and what will happen then we will hopefully be able to read in a sequel.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for the wait for anyone that has paid attention to this. 

Chapter 7: Girlfriend 

Once outside, James put what happened in the bathroom to the back of his mind. Unfortunately, he was left recognizing the awkward feeling in his pants. It was weird to be walking around without any underwear. More than that, walking around without a diaper taped between his legs made things incredibly awkward. It felt like an itch that he couldn’t reach; that feeling of regression and a desire for diapers now put him in such an awkward position. 

He hadn’t been gone long, and Isabella was looking down at her phone and frowning before she noticed her date had returned. She was all smiles then. 

“All good with work?” She inquired, and James briefly remembered that was part of the excuse he had used. He quickly nodded but then rolled his eyes, acting as if the supposed email was no big deal. 

“The client had an issue with a process. I could resolve it in less than a minute. But you know how it goes. They are making a mountain out of a mole-hill.” 

Isabella laughed and nodded, “It’s always fun to get those messages. Though, I tend to be the one sending those types of emails.” She approached James and grabbed his hand. Their fingers were once more interlocked. He couldn’t get over how soft and warm her hand felt.

He kept trying to play it cool, though. “Don’t tell me you are the office taskmaster?”

She smiled, “I’ve been known to whip people into shape. Granted, I’m not the type to get on their case, though. However, gossip spreads, and suddenly you get a label attached to you. It could be worse, I suppose. A few people dare to call me the office mother-hen.”  

This time James laughed, “A mother-hen?!” Such an odd title to give someone. Then again, he was ready to call Isabella “mommy” if he could. Even so, quite the title to bestow upon a woman in this day and age. “Kind of sexist, if you ask me.”

“Just a bit, but I’m not about to start something until it becomes a problem. Besides, it just references the order of things in my department.” James heard that last part and couldn’t help himself as he spoke next.

“So…like a pecking order?” He smiled when he saw the glare from Isabella, “Sorry, but you walked right into that one.” 

Isabella gave him a look of only mild amusement, “Haha.” There was a brief pause, then they both started to chuckle. “That was a bad pun.” She remarked, but James still felt satisfied with his cleverness. Besides, he enjoyed making Isabella smile and laugh. There was no way to tell if she was just friendly to James’s attempts at being humorous or witty. For all he knew, this was incredibly awkward. 

Yet James felt confident that this wasn’t the case. She was enjoying herself, especially around him. He learned a few warning signs, but none of them had appeared. In fact, all signs pointed to Isabella enjoying herself. That Isabella initiated the handholding indicated a desire to get closer to him, which was telling. 

At this point, James felt confident enough to say that his first-ever date hadn’t ended in complete disaster. What was the next step, though? He had to remember that he was one accident away from embarrassing himself. On the other hand, the only thing keeping him from wanting to go further with Isabella was now in a trash can.   

Stuck in a strange paradox of relief and worry, James recognized that he had only so much luck left in this matter, especially after what almost happened in the bathroom. However, even knowing the possible risk, James didn’t want to end the date immediately, even when considering that possibility. Beyond the apprehension and uncertainty, James wanted to savor his time spent with Isabella tonight. 

“Did you want to walk around a little more and work the food and beer off?” James looked around a little, “It’s not that late, and it’s not like this place is dangerous or anything to walk around at night.”

Isabella nodded, “I doubt anyone will try anything, especially since the police patrol around these parts. Besides, I’ll protect you.” James only heard “Mommy” would protect him, but he also remembered that she had actual combat training and experience.

“I hope so; you are the one here who knows how to disarm someone.” 

She smirked at him, “Well, I’m a little rusty.” There was a pause before Isabella quietly remarked, “Thanks for not getting annoyed at me saying I’d protect you. My past boyfriends didn’t like it whenever I brought up I was in the army, for one reason or another.” 

James already has this conversation in mind, “Fact remains that you’ve been in an active warzone…so you have a rather large leg up over me in terms of diffusing a situation.” James didn’t need to do much to remind himself that Isabella had more spine than him. If he ever dared to tell her that he was a big baby, it would be like that one line that gets passed around in some thread.

She wears the pants; he wears the Pampers. 

“I’m not trying to spout some feminist bullshit about not needing protection. Like, I know plenty of guys that could strong-arm me…hell, you could probably give me a run for my money if you bulked up a little.” The only “bulking” James did was filling his diapers, “But thanks…I appreciate the trust.” Isabella sounded almost relieved.

James couldn’t help but ask, “Were you worried I would feel emasculated?” It was strange that Isabella felt apprehensive about these sorts of things. Then again, how could James understand such concerns? James was surprised to see Isabella’s face turning red as he waited for her response. 

“No! I mean…like I said, most of my exes thought I was lording over them because I had some experience in combat.” It was so odd to see her cringe for a moment, “Maybe they were a bit right. I went through that phase where I felt like I had every right to chime into a conversation because I was a ‘combat veteran.’ That was…”

“Not your proudest moments?” James had Isabella beat regarding any ‘not your proudest moments’ competitions. “Well, it’s all the past?” He tried to comfort her, “Seriously, I do not feel like I have to keep up with you because you are a certified badass. I like that part of you.” 

He was rewarded with a small, grateful smile, “That’s kind of you to say, James. Still, maybe we should switch topics now.” She slowly leaned into him and gave him an unfamiliar look, “Like what will happen after we finish our little walk…” That question alone caused James’s heart to start racing. He hadn’t expected this conversation so soon. This was the moment of truth. 

James nodded once and then chuckled, “Well…what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.” Isabella answered honestly, “I’m still thinking about it.” The look of scrutiny was starting to unnerve James. “How do you think this night is going to end?” Now that was a difficult question and one that left him backed into a corner.

He sighed, a bit frustrated, “Isabella, come on…” They both knew what he was trying to do if he asked to go inside her home. Except that was a bit too forward. This wasn’t some tinder date that ends in them fucking and never meeting again. 

However, if he decided to be cautious and end the date “peacefully,” James could spare himself from possible humiliation. The only problem there was it spoke of his “disinterest” in Isabella, which was the farthest thing from his mind. 

“I’m not going to get mad.” Isabella reiterated, “And I know I’ve come off a bit strong with all the flirting. Hopefully, not mixed ones.” He felt her squeeze his hand, and James remembered how close they were now. “There are no wrong answers here, but I want to gauge what you think will happen.”

What terrified James more than anything was that he could sense that Isabella was sincere here. Even so, this was her putting a lot of trust in him, to be honest.

“You want an actual honest answer?”

Isabella stopped walking and looked at him, “James, if we are going to make this relationship a real, honest to god one, I just want some bloody honesty in it, at least from the start. Do that, and I will give you the same trust and honesty.” James had never seen someone look at him with such intensity in their eyes before, and this scared him. 

This was when he realized that if their relationship was going to be pretty serious, James had to understand and accept the severity of such requests by his partner. Daunting didn’t begin to describe this feeling welling in his chest.  

What the hell was he supposed to say, though? The actual truth? James wasn’t going to spill his guts out about being an adult baby right now, but he had to give her an honest answer. 

James was silent for a few moments before speaking up, “I…I’m a virgin, Isabella.” He felt his face red at admitting such a thing, “I’ve never been on a date before tonight, never even held hands with a girl, let alone a woman. And I really like the flirting and the fact that you seem to find me somewhat attractive.” James closed his eyes, “Because bottom line, you are beautiful and sexy and interesting, and…the chance to have sex with you is so fucking enticing right now.”

He held up his free hand to stop a retort and opened his eyes, “That said…I’m not going to ask for it. Not on the first date and because I don’t want to ruin the night. Because real talk, I don’t want to be that guy, and I’m not pathetic enough to tank whatever we have just to lose my virginity.” That last part was a half-truth because James was pathetic enough but only about anything related to being a big baby.  

James trailed off and waited for her response. Her face was contemplative, but she didn’t seem surprised or shocked at his response. Isabella, however, seemed almost reluctant as she started speaking. 

She cleared her throat, “I wasn’t going to say ‘no’ if you wanted to sleep with me.” James' eyes widened, and then Isabella realized how that sounded because her face went red again, “Hold on, let me finish!” In James' fantasies, seeing someone who was the perfect Dommy-Mommy getting so flustered was remarkable.  

Isabella tried again, “We’ve both adults, and we both know that physical attraction is important in any relationship. Besides, there is nothing wrong with either of us expressing a…shall we say, a reciprocal act of enjoyment so early.” 

He barely heard that part, his mind still trying to comprehend that Isabella was that interested in him, “Yeah…sure, that sounds about right to me. No reason we can’t move things along.”

“Exactly!” Isabella beamed back at him, “We don’t have to do anything tonight, but why spend the next four or five dates dancing around the topic? I like you, you like me, so no reason to just pretend we aren’t interested in sex otherwise.”

He eagerly nodded, “I completely agree. There is no reason to make it happen tonight, but no reason to put it off or act like there isn’t any interest.” Because James was most was quite interested in precisely that. 

“Right!” Isabella seemed relieved at how the discussion was going now, “We are just clearing the air.”

“Putting all our cards on the table as it were.” James chimed in once more, “Totally fine with me.”


There was a feeling of awkwardness and excitement in James' mind. Knowing all of this boosted his confidence quite a bit. There was also a worrying feeling, but James pushed such thoughts away. This was a moment to enjoy. He wondered if Isabella felt the same way. She was hiding it better than him. A minute of silence stretched between them before James spoke up.

“So…do we want to try going on that walk again?”

Isabella smiled and nodded, “Yeah. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our night.”

The rest of their time spent on the date was pretty dull, not that James didn’t like spending a bit more time with Isabella, but a lot of things felt like they had gone unsaid. He had admitted to being a virgin, but she didn’t care. If anything, she was looking to take away his V-Card soon enough. 

Perhaps his concern was just all in his head now. James needed to stop thinking that everything would go up in flames. If anything, he had gotten more than he could’ve dreamed and had a wonderful time. What startled him was that not once did any annoying or distracting thoughts about diapers or him being a baby spring to mind the rest of the walk. 

Finally, it was time to end their date. The pair walk to where the date started; Isabella’s home.

“Well, this is me.” Isabella remarked with a smile, still holding his hand, “So…I had fun. Did you enjoy yourself, James?”

He smiled back but pretended to deeply contemplate it, “Yeah, I guess it was fun. Food was tasty.”

“Oh, was that the only thing you enjoyed, really?” She smiled teasingly and pressed her body against him, “Tasty food?”

For a moment, James wasn’t sure what else to say. Deciding to be a bit bawdier with his comments, he spoke up again, “Your dress looked…tasty?”

“Just the dress?” The look in those beautiful eyes made James feel hot all over, “Because I can think of a few things that are ‘tasty’ for you.” He could see her pushing her breasts together, and James felt his cock starting to rise to the occasion. There was no other way to take that comment; Isabella suggested that her tits were “tasty.” Even if James was a purely vanilla man, that comment would’ve driven him crazy.

But as an adult baby? James would’ve done anything at that moment to latch on and nurse from her tits like an infant. God, he wondered what her breastmilk would taste like. In any case, he didn’t have a proper comeback to such a lewd comment. 

So caught off-guard by it, he didn’t see the mischievous grin on Isabella’s face before she leaned forward and kissed James. Her lips felt smooth and warm, and he barely had time to savor them before she pulled away. 

Isabella gave him a smug look, “A little look and taste of what is to come, alright?” It took James a second to stop gaping in surprise. He had gotten his first kiss. It happened so fast, almost without preamble. There was certainly no romantic, dramatic build-up. He certainly wasn’t expecting to be thinking about breastmilk when it happened!

“Uh,” James slowly nodded, “Okay.”

The look of satisfaction sent a shiver down his spine, “Was my kiss…tasty?”

He nodded swiftly, “Very tasty.” James licked his lips and tasted lip-gloss…it didn’t taste that bad. “Umm, do you want me to call or text you in a bit…? I didn’t know if I was going to get this far. Not sure what the post-date etiquette is exactly.”

“Hmm…” Isabella contemplated that question, “How about I text you later after I check some work emails and see when I’m free for our next date.”

That sounded reasonable, “Right…” James coughed and looked around, “I guess I’ll leave now.”

“Sounds about right.”

He stood awkwardly before turning to leave, but then he paused. Somehow he found the courage to make one last attempt at being witty, “Sorry, I don’t think I remember how to get home now, so maybe I can crash at your place and-” 

Isabella laughed and gently pushed him, “Go home, lover-boy; I’ll text you in a little bit!” 

“Will you at least tell me what direction to go?” He joked once more, “Cause I feel like it’s in the direction of your home…”

She nodded towards where he came, “Try that way, and don’t get lost. I don’t want to find out my boyfriend is navigationally disinclined.” Isabella turned around to walk inside her home, “Good night, James.” 

He gently waved at her retreating form, admiring her backside, “Good night…”

When Isabella closed the door, James stared at it for a few seconds before muttering, “Mommy…” Now his goodbye was finished, and he turned to go back home. James still couldn’t believe how this ended. He had a girlfriend. One that was attracted to him as well. Isabella was a perfect 10/10, and James still wondered what he had done to get such a woman to like him. 

James looked up at the night sky and smirked, “Okay, I owe you one, God.” He laughed at his little joke and continued on his way home. Yet as he made his way back, he made a point to check the state of his pants…and was terrified to see wet spots on the front. A trio of damp, quarter-sized splotches. Thankfully easy to miss, especially at night.

However, the evidence lay before him. James tinkled into his pants at some point. Ah yes, that particular problem hadn’t gone away. By all rights, James had gotten quite lucky. Unfortunately, that didn’t make him feel any better about his situation. 

Because he could’ve very well pissed his pants in front of Isabella. He’d have looked quite the fool, trying to flirt with her and having an accident right before her. Pissing his pants like a baby while he thought about nursing from her breasts and getting breastfed like one…

“Oh…fuck!” James moaned as the pent-up anxiety and excitement drove him to make another strange decision. James's incontinent issues didn’t mean he lost control over his bladder. As such, he could still control when he needed to pee.

Hence, he wasn’t shocked when a dark spot appeared on the front of his pants as James intentionally started to wet himself. He felt hot piss running down his legs, and since he had no underwear on to deflect the flow, it just rushed into his socks and shoes. It seemed those beers had finally run their course through him. 

Whatever euphoric feeling left James once he felt the wetness on his feet. He felt a bit angry at himself as these shoes were expensive, and now he’d need to find some way to clean them. This was why he enjoyed wearing diapers. James wasn’t into just pissing himself for the hell of it. It did, however, make him feel like a complete fool.

“I need to get home.” He muttered once again and recognized standing in the middle of an empty neighborhood with soaked pants, “I need to get home, right now.” James repeated once more before he started quickly walking home. No one was walking around, but a car could soon come by, and it wouldn’t be difficult for a driver to see his wet pants, even at a distance.  

Thankfully that didn’t seem to be the case. After about three minutes of speed-walking, James figured he was clear. There were enough spots for him to hide if push came to shove, so all that mattered now was not setting off some alarm or a neighbor reporting a suspicious individual prowling around the houses.

With that assurance in mind, James took a moment to ponder how fucking stupid and pointless it was to pee his pants. This was brand new clothing, after all. It wasn’t like he pissed himself on accident either. No, doing it intentionally was beyond immature…it was the sort of thing a toddler did to get attention. 

“Only way I could top this is if I pooped my pants now,” James remarked aloud and then blushed brightly. Even though no one was around, saying such a thing to anyone within ear-shot was humiliating. Unfortunately, his mind was enjoying the prospect of going full baby and messing his pants.

James, however, wasn’t about to do something that gross. Pooping in a diaper was one thing, but shitting his pants was something else entirely. He wasn’t about to completely ruin his pants, shoes, and socks by doing that. 

Nevertheless, James fantasized about the prospect and played the idea in his head…

“Excuse me, sir?!” A busty cop had corned him in the middle of the street, “Are you intoxicated?!”

“What?! No!” James tried to defend himself, even though he had been caught with wet and poopy pants, “I’m just trying to get home!”

The cop didn’t seem to believe him as she approached and looked down at him, “You pissed your pants? Some drank a bit too much, but they can’t handle their alcohol either.” She then noticed something in the air and started sniffing, “Oh my god, did you poop yourself as well?!”

“I swear it’s not like what it looks like!” Even as his face got redder, he tried to lie, “I have…I have incontinence issues!”

That made her even angrier, “Then why aren’t you wearing some protection?!” James had no answer before grabbing him by his wrist; she scoffed, “Honestly, this is a nice neighborhood, and we don’t need some drunk kids defecating on people's front lawns because they can’t remember their potty training!”

He didn’t have a retort to such a claim, so instead, James resorted to begging, “Please don’t arrest me!” 

The police officer rolled her eyes, “It’s your lucky day because I’m not going to. I’m not about to have my squad car stink up, and I just got the backseat cleaned. Additionally, there is no way you would survive among gen-pop for the night.” Dragging him towards her squad car and ordering him to stay put, the cop popped open the back of the vehicle's trunk and pulled out what appeared to be a baby-blue bag.

“Lucky for you, we live in a progressive state and county.” She brought James to the hood of her squad car, “And one of the newest programs is to use a bit of humiliation rather than a night in jail to set young men like you straight.” Setting the bag down, his eyes widened as he saw the bag's contents.

It was full of diapers and changing supplies! A police officer was going to diaper him?! Not only that but in public?! There was no way this was legal. He tried to make an argument, but instead, he could utter a pathetic, “No, you can’t put me in a diaper; I’m not a baby!” James said while wearing wet and messy pants.  

“Could’ve fooled me!” The police officer joked as she unfolded a diaper, “But right now, you have the option of getting diapered or going to jail if you press me any further. So, get those pants off before you make an even bigger scene, little boy!” James winced at hearing the angry tone of the woman, and he couldn’t help but feel the need to obey beyond her being a police officer. She was speaking to him like how a mother would talk to a toddler.

When James took too long to respond, he felt her hands reach for his pants and started fiddling with his belt. A few seconds later, they were pulled down. The smell of poop was a lot more noticeable now. Worse yet, James had a full erection. 

The cop laughed, “Seriously?” Shaking her head before helping him out of his pants and ignoring his penis before she barked out new orders. “Turn around; I’ll need to clean you up.” James obeyed, and a few seconds later, he felt a baby wipe going up and down his crack. The cleaning thankfully lasted only half a minute before he was pulled around and gestured toward the hood of the car, where an open diaper awaited him.

As the officer spoke, he felt a crack on his butt, “Come on now, no more stalling. Let’s get you all padded up!” James nervously approached. He saw that the diaper looked big, thick, and designed to keep big babies like him from making any more messes. He sat down on it, almost with some enthusiasm. If nothing else, James had to accept that this was his lot in life now. It was better than jail, at least.

Then he heard a voice that almost caused his heart to stop beating, “James?!” It was Isabella! What the hell was she doing here? He looked over to see his girlfriend of one night staring at him. “What’s going on here?!”

The cop turned, looked over at Isabella, and gave her a once over, “Do you know this young man?”

“Yes!” She nodded, “What are you doing to him?!”

"Ma'am, I’m sorry to say your son was caught shitting himself on someone's lawn while intoxicated, and I need to get him into a diaper per new county law.” James felt like he wanted to die at that moment: "As soon as I’m finished, you can take him, but you will be getting a report on this matter.”

Isabella could only stare as James' penis was covered in baby powder before the diaper came up and covered it, “I…see. Yes, he’s my little boy, alright. Evidently, I need to start all over again in rising him.” She crossed her arms while staring at her boyfriend turned adult baby.

A police siren could be heard in the distance. James nearly jumped out of his skin and into a bush. After a few seconds of no follow-up, he realized that the sound came probably a few blocks away, and he sighed in relief. That was until noticing how aroused he was now. 

His thoughts returned to the idea of pooping himself, but he ultimately decided against it. No matter how horny he was at the moment, maybe it was better to just go home and be a complete deviant there. With that in mind, James started his journey back home, awkwardly walking with a boner pressing against wet pants. Another gentle reminder of why diapers were so much better than boring underwear and that he needed to be in them for his own sake and comfort. 

To no one surprise, nothing else happened on the way back to his home. James unlocked the door, stepped inside, and said, “I’m home” to himself. His date was completed. It was time to enjoy himself in the best way possible. 

James paused for a moment, then quietly spoke, “Mommy…I had an accident!” He faked a sniffle as he stood near his front door in wet pants of his own making. It wasn’t an accident, just someone like him wanting to go back into diapers. 

Heading towards his small laundry room, James started to carefully strip his clothes and grimaced once he took off his socks and shoes. The pee had reached them after all. As he stripped down his pants, he felt overwhelming alleviation, both for getting out of them and because he didn’t need to wear big boy pants anymore. His cock was still hard and erect, though. Which would need to be taken care of as well. 

Stripping off everything else, James stood utterly naked now. He started a load of laundry, grabbed his phone, and then swiftly headed up to his room before halfway deciding to get on his knees and crawling the rest of the way. Acting like a baby that somehow took off its diaper.

“Hehehe!” James giggled playfully before entering his room and heading towards his diaper shrine. He had wanted to control his desire to indulge, but he was too giddy after how well tonight had gone, in more ways than one. His first kiss! His first girlfriend! Hell, he might have even lost his virginity tonight.

But that Isabella had been so happy and forthright in their discussion. It made James feel extraordinarily happy. Yet even with that in mind, he still felt aroused. So, perhaps he had earned this reward. 

James grabbed a PeekAbu, a pair of boosters, and all the other things needed to get a baby cleaned and readied for his diaper. Once fluffed and unfolded on his bed, James eagerly sat on the fluffy undergarment and prepared to start wiping himself when his phone buzzed.

He planned on ignoring it until he saw that it was a text message from Isabella! It spoke of how important she was now as James had forgotten his diaper to look over the message eagerly. The odds were good; it was just here texting back that she had fun and maybe planning out what to do for next time. He almost realized how funny it was to text back a woman like her just as he was about to put a diaper on.

Her message started off normal enough; “I had a lot of fun! Hope you did as well. Sorry if I’m bugging you. I’m just thinking about tonight, still. Maybe had a bit of wine as well :P.”

James laughed and was about to text something back until he saw the next part coming in…

“I hope I didn’t blue ball you…” He was taken aback by the comment, though he barely had to ponder there was more coming, “OMG! I meant to say I hope I didn’t piss you off!”

This was probably one of the best nights of his life, even if it didn’t end in sex. James should’ve responded, but he wanted to see where this was going…

“So maybe I can end the night with something tasty >:). Just for you, James…because I know I can trust you not to spread these around…”

He barely had time to register that remark before a video file was sent over to him and automatically started playing...on the screen was Isabella, although her head was cropped off the video. He certainly knew it was here because of the dress. There was no sound, unfortunately, but James could imagine there was a fair amount of giggling and whispered comments as she pulled down her clothes.

Isabella was wearing a bedazzling display of underwear, a matching red velvet bra set that hugged tightly to her fit body. James couldn’t get over how sexy and beautiful she looked, but his eyes couldn’t turn away from just how provocative her panties made her or that her gorgeous tits looked even bigger. He was almost disappointed that he didn’t get to look at her face in all of this. Was she smiling, giggling, or was there a knowing smirk, confident that she just took his breath away. 

“Holy shit…holy shit…” James repeated quietly, his right hand going down to grip his hardening cock. He was pretty sure this was sexting, and thankfully, this was with both their consent. But James couldn’t imagine getting a woman this amazing in his life.

The contrast of the clothing situation was also enticing him. James hadn’t forgotten that he was sitting on a thick diaper, ready to trade his manhood for babyhood for the night, especially after wetting his pants. Yet his girlfriend unknowingly reminded him of what a future power dynamic would look like the further their relationship.

James quickly reached forward for some baby oil. He had finished wiping himself, but that was about to change. Setting his phone down and putting the video on loop, James covered his hands in the oil, grabbed his cock with both hands, and started vigorously jerking himself off. 

“Oh god, mommy! Mommymommymommy!” He chanted while watching a literal goddess showing off her body, just for him. Just because she wanted to. Isabella wanted to have sex with him, but James kept thinking there was no way he could hope to please her! 

He saw how strong and mature Isabella was, even seeing a part of army dog-tags hanging between her breasts. The only thing that would ever hang like that around James was his pacifier. God, he wanted to suckle from her tits! 

Seeing those panties made James wild with lust. He wanted to pull them down and fuck Isabella properly, but he knew his baby dick needed to be in a diaper. At best, she would grind up against him. In any case, his diapers would catch all his messes, so Isabella didn’t have to worry about a clean-up. 

As James felt him close to an orgasm, he felt himself lingering on the video. And then, he thought about how lovely Isabella looked and how happy James felt at hearing her wanting to be with him. All those flirting and enjoyment, making this one of the best nights of his life, made him briefly forget about all his adult-baby-fueled sexual thoughts, long enough to think about Isabella as the person rather than some fantasy.

Remembering her lips' taste was what finally brought him over the edge.

“Isabella…” James muttered once before he felt a tightening around his crotch, and a stream of spunk shot out. He had enough muscle memory and consideration to pull up the front of his diaper. A good idea in hindsight, as the intensity of the orgasm hinted that it was a significant amount. An entire night of self-induced build-up, released in an incredible moment to end the whole night.

Cumming into a diaper was nothing new for James. But this felt different. There was a sense of shame, but he felt relieved and happy in that same vein. To be fair, Isabella had wanted him to not blue-ball himself and provided the fapping material. She didn’t know that a big baby like him jerked off into a diaper for her troubles.  

It took a moment for James to compose himself. His breathing was still heavy, and his ears were still ringing. James reached for more wipes and cleaned his hands and crotch to remove the sticky feeling around his fingers. Once that was finished, he was shocked to see a few more messages from Isabella and that ten minutes had passed.

A small timeline of texts hinted at hear enjoying his silence. 

“Did you like the video…?”


“I guess you did. :P”

James needed to respond now. But what the hell was he supposed to say? Perhaps in his post-nut-clarity, he’d have fantasied about sending Isabella a picture of what his underwear looked like, but he knew better. Instead, he finished putting his diaper on for the night and then started his response.

“Bold of you to send me that.”

“You can always delete the video.”

“I’m just saying.”

“You aren’t going to delete it, are you? :3” 

Even after everything, James started blushing at getting caught. There was no way in hell he would get rid of this. To hell with this; he needed to go on the offensive.

“You are beautiful.” 

“Nice deflection! But thank you…”

"I mean it.”

“I know. I imagine there are a few other words you’d use to describe me after seeing that video. 3:)”

James needed to realize that he wasn’t dealing with some shy girl. 

“Fuck it…” James spoke aloud as he lay in bed, his diaper crinkling loudly. He ignored it and focused on the text.

“So…what do I have to do to see you without the bra and panties on?”

A minute or so passed. James wondered if that was a bit much, but Isabella responded with a laughing emoji and text. “Keep taking me on dates, and we’ll see…:P.”

This was an excellent opening to change subjects. “Speaking of dates, when do we want to try for the next one, and where?”

“I don’t know, but I think I’ll plan our second date, and you can do the next one. Rotate around, you know. Anyway, I’m going to call it a night. You sleep well, babe!” He wanted to ask a little more details, but the conversation seemed to end now. 

He was about to send a generic, “Alright. Good night, Isabella.” But something stopped him. James quickly reworded the message but hesitated for a moment. He somehow found the confidence to send. 

“Keep calling me babe, and I might have to start calling you mom or something, lol.” It was such a weak move to tack on a ‘lol’ at the end, but it at least prevented any awkwardness. 

Her response was crazy: "Wouldn’t be the weirdest thing a boyfriend has called me. Mommy at least sounds nicer than Toots or Shug.” Hearing that made James' heart flutter for a few seconds. 

Still, he tried to play it off, “Right, I’ll keep that in mind. Well, good night, Isabella.”

“Night, James. Don’t stay up too late looking at my video…:3.” James knew better than to respond to that. The conversation soon concluded. Everything said and done was beyond crazy for someone like James. Yet looking back on it, the date was overall an ordinary affair. The only complications were all in his mind. 

Staring up at his ceiling, James must have been trying to figure out what to do next. A bit of anxiety welled in his heart over the realization that his life had changed. He had a girlfriend now, who was flirty, sexy, and mature. Although James wondered about the mature part. As he looked down at his diapers, he realized that was somewhat hypocritical. 

There was so much to think about now and going forward. James needed to reevaluate so much of what he did, what he could do, and what he couldn’t do anymore. Other problems required addressing, such as his weird incontinence issue or what would happen if Isabella suddenly showed up at his home and all his babyish things were out in the open? And if their relationship got increasingly involved, when was he supposed to reveal all of this to her? How would he even do it? His horny fantasies were the worst thing that could happen regarding this. 

Thankfully, Isabella seemed a relatively open-minded woman. Then again, he had only gone on one date with her. There was still much to unravel about her. All of that was for later, though. After everything that happened, James felt tired. He thought about looking over the video a few more times but decided against it. 

He got up from his bed, waddling downstairs, and filled a baby bottle full of water in his kitchen. Something told James he’d have a slight headache in the morning. Once he got back in bed and turned off the lights, he started suckling from his baba.

As he slowly drifted off to sleep, James imagined what it would’ve been like if he had stayed the night with Isabella. What would have happened? He’d lose his virginity, that much was sure, but would they have just spent the night fucking one another? Most likely.

But a small part of him wondered what it would’ve been like for the two to just share a bed and hold each other. A sappy thought, but out of all the erotic and bizarre ones, that was the one he fell asleep to. Tomorrow would bring about the first of many new challenges, albeit not in one instance. 

Until then, James dreamt about Isabella holding him, gently patting the front of his diapers, and the two giggling and whispering sweet things to one another. 

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  • Posterchina changed the title to One of Many Firsts (Updated 07/08/22)
  • 5 months later...

Jesus, this too longer than it should've. I'd like to think that it was because of work and real life, but the reality is that my muse is a capricious thing. To put that into context, I wrote about 4,000 words of this about four months ago...but the remaining 10,000? I did that in like the last three nights. 

In any case, next chapter. Lots of vanilla sexual stuff. More than I'd have liked since this is an ABDL story, but the setup is necessary.

Chapter 8: Your Secret, My Secret

It had been about a month since the first date with Isabella. There had been six more dates since then, and James couldn’t be happier. He’d known that the first few months and dates tended to be the deciding factor for a long-term relationship. And so far, so good. If James had one complaint, he still hadn’t been invited into her home yet for sex. A real “guy problem,” if nothing else. 

While the desire for sex was there, so was the desire to spend more time with Isabella. It felt good to be around her. Maybe this wasn’t just a physical attraction spurred by his desire for a mommy-dommy. James didn’t want to believe that he was in love in the romantic sense but considering how much he thought about her. He tried to research the subject matter but ran into the same problem that people had been involved with since the dawn of human civilization.

When is it love, and when is it just infatuation? A difficult question, especially for James. His fetish and inexperience certainly made the distinction harder between identifying. He certainly lusted for Isabella, and his thoughts of her were generally dominated by erotic-fueled infantile desires. His masturbation fantasies of her reached a point where James felt it was wrong to do.

No one said it was immoral to jerk off to your girlfriend. If anything, that was a sign of admiration and loyalty from a man. An entire world of girls to choose from, yet you pick your girlfriend? A few guys had joked that was “love” in the most genuine way for a man. James didn’t necessarily buy into that thinking, though. 

Maybe there was some moral conundrum. Masturbation for the sake of masturbation was just that. While pleasuring himself to thoughts of Isabella was different. In his mind, it was pathetic for him to do. Yet James readily admitted, at least in his own head, that he was a pathetic man. James would tell himself that this was another reason he needed to be in diapers; otherwise, he’d be constantly jerking off and staining his underwear. Which was something only a toddler would do. 

James had started to see the appeal of people that incorporated chastity into their fetish. However, he’d argue his diapers were his chastity, even if the diapers didn’t stop him from jerking off. In any case, it was all a moot point. Isabella was too attractive to not have lewd thoughts, and they were in a relationship, so what was the harm? 

He had more important things to worry about, such as the minor incontinence he had been facing. He opted to go see a doctor, get a physical, and then seek out a urologist. The process took about a week to accomplish and a somewhat expensive medical bill (James didn’t have fancy business healthcare coverage), but in the end, he got a clean bill of health. 

Aside from answering a few embarrassing and uncomfortable health questions, the entire thing appeared like a waste of time. James had nothing physically wrong with him, at least from an initial lookover and review. His urologist, Doctor Victor Thompson, wasn’t concerned about this development.   

“Most urinary incontinence tends to have a more obvious cause and would be a symptom of something far more serious taking place in your body. Your pipes aren’t blocked, and you don’t have a family history of prostate or testicular cancer. No STDs or infections, either. It could be stress or just excitement that is causing the issue. The best thing to do is take things easy, take stock of your diet, and try and monitor your fluid intake.” 

That was all well and good, but James had one concern, “What am I supposed to do about the…you know, the wetting.” 

“Any preventive measures you wish to take are entirely up to you.” Doctor Thompson advised, “More often than not, the best course is to limit overall fluid intake or keep track of bathroom visits, which helps give an idea of how the body reacts.”

Sounded reasonable, but James couldn’t help but ask, “What about wearing, err, protection?”

“If you want to go that route, sure.” Victor shrugged, “Plenty of products on the market now, more so than just ten years ago, let alone two or three decades. Very discrete even. Guess you can thank the Baby Boomers for that.” 

James felt his cheeks slightly, “Hehe…yeah.” He figured that calling incontinence garments a straight diaper was a bit too insulting or inflammatory than just embarrassing now. James opted to just drop the topic then. 

At the very least, the hospital visit had been a worthwhile attempt. 

If this was an erotic fantasy of his, perhaps James had been talking to some busty, beautiful female doctor in his daydreams. Who would just write up a prescription for James to use thick diapers before directing him toward the maternity ward. Before he knows it, he’s either getting his bottom powdered as part of the “baby” in a caretaker class or ending up in a comically large newborn bassinet.

Utter nonsense, but it was fun for James. Thankfully not all his thoughts were so horny-driven. If anything, they had become relatively tame when thinking about Isabella. Those few dates the two had gone on had been relaxing and fun. One could even say they were romantic. 

Isabella liked to be outside, a trait gained from a childhood as a “latch-key kid” in her family, and it was easy to imagine that after joining the military and seeing the wider world, Isabella found a greater appreciation for it. James wasn’t outdoorsy, but he could handle going to parks and a casual hike from time to time. 

The last four dates were them getting lunch or meeting sometime after work in a park or bar, but it never progressed much further. Try as he might, James still didn’t have the guts to try and escalate things, even knowing that Isabella wanted to explore it further. It was hard to describe the feeling of frustration, but the exhilaration and anticipation. James heard that some women liked playing “hard to get,” yet James suspected this was more a game of patience than anything. 

Needless to say, it wasn’t always fun and games. Isabella mentioned how her job kept her busy, and James had a few clients he needed to stay happy. So it turned into a balancing act of work and play rather than all or nothing. Isabella felt terrible every time, even though she didn’t need to. As such, she felt the “need” to make it up. 

This resulted in more and more dirty texts and pictures being sent James' way, and each time it happened, he wondered if this was a red flag? Not that he cared, but there had to be some cardinal rule about a new girlfriend sending pictures of her in lingerie. James didn’t want to broach the topic, especially during one of their dates.

So he kept to himself.

Because James wasn’t going to question it. Not now, anyway. He had since learned that Isabella had a vast array of sexy undergarments with an equally lovely rainbow of colors. And no matter how often James told himself that he wouldn’t wear his diapers or act babyish, he couldn’t stop himself whenever he got those pictures.

It was like a game only James played, though, in which he’d dress up in a different diaper in response to the various pics. As if pretending that the two of them were comparing their own version of “sexy” underwear. It was starting to take considerable willpower not to snap a picture of his diapered crotch and send it to her. 

Yet all of this made it clear, perhaps to him and Isabella, that their relationship was becoming increasingly lusty. Which meant that sooner or later, sex was going to be a thing. Hence James wanted to figure out the incontinence issue, among other things. He had already bought a few condoms and read up on a few pointers for first-timers. 

Much of it was going over things glossed over in movies or porn, like making sure not to strain muscles or be uncomfortable. Regarding the act of “doing it,” most just said that “instinct” would kick in, especially for guys, and considering Isabella had boyfriends already, she likely knew enough to guide James to not feel like an inexperienced boy with a mature woman.

Even though James certainly wanted that feeling. While he would love to be a “man” for her in bed, he was tempering his expectations quite a bit. The idea of underperforming to the point of ridicule or mockery was one of those “weird” feelings of his SPH fetish. Something that had recently become increasingly prominent in his fantasies.

Suffice it to say James found that trying to be the “man” in a relationship was complicated. At least he was proving to be a good boyfriend. Aside from the sexy pics and texts, Isabella was also quite forthcoming about wanting to kiss and hug him. James enjoyed the physical affection immensely as it appealed to his infantile need for being nurtured.

All these thoughts made James take the time to examine his infantilism and how it affected his relationship priorities. That increasing worry about his hidden “lifestyle” influencing his decisions was problematic. He couldn’t ignore them, though. 

The suggestions online weren’t helpful. People saying that one needed to be “honest” about their desires and infatuations sounded good on paper, but James knew that most people weren’t ever going to be so forthright with their sexual peculiarities. At least not with something like infantilism. James was envious of people who had “recognizable” fetishes in the mainstream culture.

This could be a different story if James was just into diapers. An underwear fetish was easier to “pass off” than a full-blown “adult-baby” kink. At least to vanillas. Then again, he didn’t know what Isabella was possibly into. 

But really, someone as cool and mature as Isabella probably wasn’t into anything weird. James was sure of that. 

A week after the visit to Doctor Thompson, James was still dealing with sudden incontinence. To his credit, James followed the instructions and monitored his fluid intake, which saw a little improvement. 

The real trick was to wear his diapers less. Once James got into his “little headspace,” he tended to forget if he started going in his diapers. He also tried masturbating less, but that fell through whenever he looked over pics and texts from Isabella. What sort of man could resist looking at them?

Speaking of Isabella, she was still quite busy at work. James met with her a few times for lunch, but while they had fun, the topics tended to be a bit more “subdued” due to how frustrated and exhausted Isabella was because of one thing or another. 

However, his girlfriend promised to go on another date with him later. Aside from that, their texting was relatively tame compared to the last few instances. No new underwear pics, much to James’s disappointment. 

Things changed, though, when James got a text message from Isabella one night. It asked him if he was free to come and visit her place. Visit her place! James almost couldn’t believe it. His response came only a minute after reading, saying he would love to come over. 

But the following response was strange from Isabella was odd, “Okay, that’s good. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I am trying to relax my usual way. So try not to judge me too hard.”

Judge her? What the hell was she talking about? When he asked what she meant, Isabella responded with a winking emote and said, “Gotta come over and find out.”

A challenge was set, not that James was going to back out. James had already agreed to come over and was curious about why Isabella was being intentionally vague and weird. James, however, needed to deal with the issue of his wetting. 

No chance he was going over there in a diaper, medical, or ABDL. So he grabbed one of his training pants and hoisted them up between his legs. James had been smart and bought one of the “thinner” versions and one in navy blue. Thank god that the ABDL market has so much variety now. 

So long as Isabella didn’t stick her hands down his pants, she shouldn’t notice how thicker his underwear was than regular cotton or silk undies. They should also be good enough for a few stray drops of urine. If he had a full-blown accident, James was screwed. So all he had to do was go to the bathroom a few times every other hour.

That was the ideal situation. James wasn’t sure if he could pull that off. Additionally, what if tonight was the night for him to lose his virginity? He had no idea what to expect. So James decided the best course of action was to drive to his girlfriend's place and leave a spare set of clothes (and clean underwear) in the car. 

If nothing else, James had a backup plan now.

The next twenty minutes flew by as James showered, shaved, and dressed for success. He had no idea what would happen tonight, but he needed to be ready. James tried not to focus on how, when he grabbed a package of condoms, he put them on top of his training pants. 

Seeing such a juxtaposition made him blush. Although, it could’ve been worse. A package of condoms on top of a diaper would’ve sent him over the edge. Right now, though, James needed to keep his undies clean for as long as he could. 

He sincerely hoped he was enough of a big boy to accomplish that.

Arriving at Isabella’s place by car was quick enough. James was thankful for it because it meant he didn’t have time to think or worry. His confidence felt shaky, but at the same time, James knew that as long as he played his cards right and kept his head straight, he could pull this off.

Standing outside the door, James took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. He didn’t have to wait long as Isabella appeared a few seconds later, all smiles and looking lovely as usual. Thank the gods that she wasn’t wearing anything too sexy. Just some black cargo shorts and her green US Army sweater. 

The teasing smile on her face was tantalizing, though. “Well, now, someone got here fast.” 

James readied himself, “I didn’t think showing up late to my girlfriend's summons would’ve been considered fashionable late or anything.” 

She smirked before gesturing for James to enter. He took a step inside her home. It smelled nice, like vanilla and clean carpets. James wondered if a woman’s home always smelled better than any man's and then thought if when the time came, Isabella would smell the baby powder in his?

His girlfriend wasn’t done, though. “To be fair, if I was pining for you, one could argue that taking your sweet time would make me all the happier when you finally did arrive.”

There was an enticing thought, “Were you pining for me?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She smiled before grabbing his hand and pulling James towards what he assumed to be the living room. Isabella’s home was pretty spartan from the looks of things, although James saw what looked to be a few photos of people, places, and whatever else. 

Entering the living room, James saw that it was pretty nondescript. The real highlights were the expensive-looking leather couches and the wide 4k TV with various attachments. So far, everything looked normal. 

“You know,” James remarked as he sat on the couch. He ignored the feeling of his padded undies. “When you mentioned that you were relaxing and to not let me judge you for it, I was expecting to find maybe a few bongs or some coke out on a table.”

“Oh baby,” Isabella giggled, “We aren’t nearly fair enough along to do coke together!” James snorted and laughed at the apparent joke. He had long since gotten used to her style of humor. Still, he was expecting something a little bit more. 

“And really,” She crossed her arms and smirked at James, “Weed and coke? I’m not against drugs like some DARE narc, but I rather not run the risk of having a felony on my hands with the latter. But I'm down with getting blitzed.”

Christ, what a woman. “I’ll keep that in mind.” James needed to be careful about getting high. He tended to get very babyish now than he ever used to with his friends. Trying to quickly change the subject, James made another joking attempt.

“Do you watch porn on this, then?” James would’ve watched some HD porn on this TV.

James expected another dismissal, but Isabella shrugged, “Sometimes. It depends on what I’m in the mood for. I have a particular pallet when it comes to my smut. However, that isn’t the viewing material for tonight or how I usually unwind.” Jesus Christ. James was feeling a bit intimidated. 

“So what then do you do then to unwind?” 

Now James got to see Isabella start to blush and look embarrassed. She had an adorable look on her face, almost like how James would imagine he’d look if he had to explain his infantile passions. He felt his heartbeat quicken, wondering if Isabella was about to share with him an actual deep, dark secret.

She cleared her throat, “You promise not to laugh?” Isabella sounded like hearing James' response meant the world to her. It was incredible how cute and vulnerable she was acting at this moment. James was starting to imagine if he would act the same way if he had to tell her about being an adult baby. 

“Bell, come on…I won’t laugh if this means something to you.” James wasn’t going to throw any stones in any glass houses. If nothing else, this could’ve been a turning point in their entire relationship. He was about to see and hear something that she probably didn’t tell many others about. 

Isabella looked at him for a moment and smiled, “Remember what I said about trust? Well, I trust you for this.”

James smiled at her back, “Thank you for trusting me.” He was eager to find out what Isabella was about to tell him. His answer came moments later as Isabella took a seat close to James on the couch and grabbed a remote.

The TV came to life a moment later, and James got the surprising answer.

“In the name of the Moon, I punish you!”

James watched as Sailor Moon defeated some on-screen Villain of the Episode for what was the third time this night. To say that he was sorely disappointed about Isabella's big reveal could be an understatement. 

To put it bluntly, his girlfriend was, to use an internet term, a massive weeaboo. A big anime fan. But that was an understatement. James had to only look at the Sailor Moon t-shirt that had been hiding under his sweater just a few hours before. 

Isabella, however, was incredibly relieved when James told her that he was completely fine with this development. Again, James wasn’t about to call someone out for liking something as innocuous as fucking anime. Still, this hinted more to him that Isabella hadn’t had as many good experiences telling people about this. Which baffled James to no end.

He wasn’t a big anime fan at all. But he couldn’t fathom anyone giving another person shit for liking this, especially in this day and age of Marvel Movies. He even mentioned as much to Isabella and got a punch to the arm for saying, “Marvel movies are like the anime of the west.” 

She, however, had been a fan of this stuff since she was five or six. Again, James could understand as much with having been fascinated with diapers since such an age. The difference was that James kept his passion for diapers a secret, while Isabella wanted to openly enjoy her love of anime.

Unfortunately, she had been burned for that more than once. Her parents thought it was trash, her friends didn’t get it and trying to find anything worthwhile on the internet back then as a kid might as well have been a pipe dream. 

Then she joined the Army and found plenty of kindred spirits. “The military is full of fucking nerds, and weebs like you have no idea!” And once she had a disposable income and a place to herself, Isabella caught up on missed time. It didn’t help that her boyfriends didn’t “care for it” either. 

So when James told her for the seventh time that he had no problem with it, that caused Isabella became considerably excited, which led to her showing off an impressive display of anime DVDs, “Mangas,” and memorabilia; James recognized that his girlfriend was sort of a weirdo in her own right. 

And somehow, that made him feel a lot better. He was a bit disappointed that the image of Isabella as a “mature and sexy army mommy-dommy” had taken a big hit. However, he also found that he enjoyed seeing this part of her. 

It was real. Isabella took a risk by telling James one of her secrets. And it was a secret. People wouldn’t associate a woman like her as being so into “children's cartoons.” Which made James briefly think about how people wouldn’t associate him with being a big baby. 

But the real revelation that came up made James empathize with Isabella? She told him about her liking to cosplay as characters. The look of giddy embarrassment on her face was priceless. 

“The first time I went as Sailor Moon because she’s my favorite character! I was just out of the Army and had the time and money to spare, so I was like, ‘why not?’ And Comic-Con was just around the corner in San Deigo while I was visiting a marine friend at Camp Pendleton. How could I not do it?!” 

Again, James could understand that. He had gotten a bib, bonnet, and booties to look like a complete baby because he had the money and privacy to do it. There reached a point where you had to do something crazy just to experience it.

When Isabella showed him a few pictures of her dressed like Sailor Moon…James would be lying if he didn’t feel another sexual awakening at seeing his girlfriend in such a revealing outfit. Evidently, the concept of a sexy Latina magical girl was very enticing to his cock.

At some point, Isabella realized she was probably going overboard telling James and asked if he wanted to watch some anime with her. James agreed. This would only be an improvement over her asking him to watch some insipid Rom-Com or some nauseating reality-TV show. 

In any case, Isabella was happy. He knew this because she was cuddling with him on the couch. 

That, however, resulted in a new problem for James. 

He didn’t know how many people had ever been put into a position of being so comfortable but then felt the need to take a piss, but James suspected it would have been most of humanity at some point. Because while things had progressed further along than James had hoped, he was put in an awkward position.

The first was that James hadn’t felt much of a need to piss. Oh, he felt a couple pangs like normal, but James had been distracted most of the time. Which made him worried. So he casually grabbed a small blanket, covered his lap, and then patiently waited for an opportunity to stick a hand down his pants to check on the state of his training pants.

It wasn’t good. 

While James hadn’t soaked his undies, he felt considerable wetness in the front. So yes, he wet himself on his girlfriend's couch. Another first for him. James was close to panicking but wasn’t at the point of no return. He also had a backup pair of training pants in the car.

The problem was getting to them. Not only would James leave this comfortable position at his girlfriends' side, but he also had to explain to her why he needed to go into his car, come back inside, and then head into the bathroom. A lie would’ve been easy, but James wasn’t sure what to say. 

James was also concerned that if Isabella started to get frisky, she would inevitably move her hands toward his crotch. If his undies had been dry, James might have been fine. However, James would be in a bad position if she felt anything weird.

‘Shit, shit, shit!’ James was panicking inside his head, barely paying attention to whatever was happening on the screen. What the hell was he supposed to do here? ‘Okay, the first thing I need to do is see how bad the damage is…’

Before deciding on anything else, James needed to assess the situation. So while he didn’t want to leave his girlfriend's side, there weren’t many other choices. 

Turning to his girlfriend, James gave a placating smile, “Can you pause for a second and direct me towards your guest bathroom?” 

Isabella nodded, “Sure, down the hall and to the left. Did you want me to make some popcorn or grab some beers?” She was definitely okay with him staying longer. James didn’t doubt for a second that any woman that offered a man a beer in her home had any intention of wanting him to just up and leave.

“Uh, well.” James tried to come up with a convincing lie, “I don’t see the harm in it, but don’t you have to work tomorrow?”

The look she gave him was unexpectedly predatory, “I just have a few facetime meetings that I can do here. So…you and I have the whole night.” Holy shit. James thought that was an invitation to stay the night. It had to be! 

“Oh!” James stumbled over how to respond, “That’s uhh…well that’s umm…”

What the hell was he supposed to do here? Hell, what was the correct move in any of this? If he stayed the night without any protection against his nightly wetting…

But James couldn’t just tell Isabella “no” or ask to reschedule. Isabella would think that she scared him off with all this anime stuff. Yet he didn’t want to make a fool of himself and-

“James,” Isabella sounded worried, “Are you okay? You looked troubled for a moment.” The look of concern on her face made James almost wince. He had been thinking a bit too hard on this.

Isabella tried to play it off a little, “I’m sorry, I must be coming off too fast in all of this! We talked about not doing that, and here I am insinuating the opposite all because you didn’t care that I watch some anime…” 

Oh god, did she feel like this was her fault? She did. Because every other time she brought this up with someone, they rejected her in the end. James needed to fix this. 

“No-no! It’s not that!” James looked worried and tried to think up something, “I’m just…I don’t want to ruin this.” 

“You? Ruin?” Isabella stood up from the couch, “James, is something the matter?”

James wasn’t sure what to do or say. Things got worse when he felt his training pants starting to get warmer. All James could feel was a gross shame, and he wanted to leave or do anything. He wanted to curse his infantile side for lettings things get this bad, but James was ultimately to blame for all of this. 

His fucking over-indulgence in his fetish had finally sought to ruin his life.

Before James could say anything else, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, and he was face to face with Isabella, who looked quite worried.

“You’re trembling.” She spoke quietly, “James, take a deep breath and sit down with me, okay?” 

The words spoken had a maternal tone to them. James readily obeyed, even as his mind felt a growing need for a pacifier in his mouth and a fresh diaper around his crotch. James, however, crushed those blasted desires as he calmed himself and sat down. 

Isabella was rubbing his back as she spoke, “Are you okay? I think you had a small panic attack. Is that normal for you?” 
“No…” James remarked, “I just…froze there for a moment.”

She looked guilty all of a sudden, “I’m sorry. This is my fault. I was just having so much fun, and I just made things so awkward-”

James was tired of this, “I have urinary incontinence.” He remarked bluntly, “Or I think I have. It’s been happening for these last few weeks since we started dating, to be exact. I didn’t want to tell you because I was embarrassed and didn’t want you to think I was less of a man.” 

This wasn’t one of his fantasies. Nothing crazy or erotic was going to happen. This was reality. 

“Oh,” Isabella remarked before leaning forward to embrace him, “Oh, James. I wouldn’t…you aren’t less of a man for something you can’t control.” She sounded so soothing. He hated that she forced him to act this way.

“I’m pissing my pants like a baby.” How many times had he said those words to bring a shiver of guilty pleasure? Now they sounded like a dagger through his pride and dignity. “That’s not really manly.” 

“James, do you remember when I told you that story about me at that FOB in Afghanistan and that sniper started shooting towards it? Scared the hell out of me? I pissed myself, then. It didn’t make me any less a woman.” 

“Bell, you were getting shot at. Maybe not directly, but I can imagine that is pretty scary.” He didn’t want to look her in the eyes, “I’m younger than you, I’m a virgin, and you are so much more mature and experienced than me. My ego might not matter as much as I’d like to believe, but I’d like to at least accomplish the bare minimum of not pissing myself in front of my girlfriend like I did just a moment ago.”

Isabella sighed, “James, what did you think was going to happen when I found out about this? Did you think I was going to dump you?”

James wanted her to turn him into a big baby, “I figured you wouldn’t want to be around someone that could run the risk of pissing themselves during a date.”

“Oh, for god's sake, James.” She sounded a bit annoyed, “Did you even give me the benefit of the doubt that I might have been accommodating to this? Or did you think I’m the type of bitch to dump someone just because they had a medical condition?”

“No, I never thought that. I just didn’t want to embarrass you.” He felt incredibly awkward, “Or make you think less of me.”

Another brief moment passed before Isabella sighed again, “Let me set the record straight then…you won’t embarrass me if something happens, and I wouldn’t think any less of you if something did.” Isabella leaned forward and gently kissed James.

She meant every word. James knew that much. He couldn’t believe how strong and compassionate Isabella was during all of this. A part of James wondered if this was love? He felt safe, loved, and infantile with her hug and kiss. 

Like a toddler just told by his mother that everything would be alright, he believed her. 

As they slowly pulled away, Isabella coughed before getting his attention, “Now, I want you to explain this more. What exactly are you doing to prevent any sudden leaks? And have you gone to a doctor about this?”

James figured their little impromptu date was over, as was the opportunity to stay the night.

Somehow, James didn’t feel as disappointed as he would’ve been. 

Explaining everything to Isabella took the better part of thirty minutes. Thankfully, she was understanding and had no problems asking more embarrassing questions. Just like with Doctor Thompson, James quietly answered his girlfriend. 

Oddly enough, James took this as an example of how Isabella acted in a work environment. Straight to the point, bluntly asking what had happened and what needed to be done. Once James explained as much as he could, Isabella quietly processed everything.

“Well, it sounds like you don’t have full-blown incontinence. It sounds like you just need to monitor the situation and see if there are any improvements or if things get worse. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t recall prescribing alternative solutions.” She gave a curious glance to James, “You mentioned you had a leak while talking, but I didn’t see anything? Are you wearing some protection?”

His face felt on fire, but James nodded, “I’m wearing some special underwear that helps with the leaks.”

“Good.” Isabella nodded, “I figure it's some sort of diaper?” James almost felt like his heart would explode while his cock returned from its pity party. His girlfriend just asked him if he was wearing diapers! 

James felt the need to defend himself, “Jesus, Isabella. No. I bought something that is like an easier-to-clean set of cloth underwear.” 

Isabella had a catty grin on her face, “Easy! I’m not mocking or teasing you. I’ll have you know that plenty of people in the military had considered wearing adult diapers while wearing those fucking god-awful MOPP suits.” James didn’t know what that was, but she didn’t seem to be bullshitting him.

Why James didn’t just say, “yes, I’m wearing a diaper,” to basically have an excuse to wear them around her boggled his mind. But James had to have some dignity left after explaining all of this embarrassing stuff to his girlfriend. 

That said…

“I’ll consider wearing diapers if my condition worsens,” James remarked with a bright red face. To be fair, he easily could just do that regardless. Isabella nodded but kept that smirk before she got a little more serious.

“Well, since you mentioned using it, do you want to change…err, switch to something cleaner?”

James nodded, “Yes. I have a spare in my car. Best to go and grab that.” A moment away from all of this would be nice right now. 

Isabella considered the situation for a moment, “I think I have spare wipes if you didn’t bring any.” 

He felt like groaning, “Bell!” 

She gave James a sour look, “Hey, still not teasing! It’s not good for your skin to be rubbing against wet cloth.” 

“Damn it, I know that!” That was why baby powder was essential, and ABDL diapers were so comfortable in their interior design. As he turned to leave the living room, James stopped and looked at her, “Does this mean, though, you want to keep watching more episodes?”

The question surprised Isabella, “Of course I do. Why do you think we should stop?”

“I’m just wondering how this night will end now.” 

Isabella seemed to remember what she had initially implied, “Oh, yes, that.” She looked uncertain, and now James felt bad for putting her in an awkward position. Whatever erotic or romantic tone Isabella had in mind had been undone by James’s own reveal. 

James decided to be the fall guy here, “Can we maybe just put this off for another day?” 

She gave him a look, “Are you sure…?”

“Yes. I rather we end this night on a much more positive note than just an awkward one, even if that meant sex in the end.” Seeing Isabella blush made James realize that he had been right about what she might have been trying to go for here. 

Whelp, another missed opportunity. James continued to feel less like a man by the second…

Stepping outside into the night, James waited until he was at his car before he let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes. The events of the past hour replayed. Tonight had taken a turn for either the worse or, the better; James couldn’t tell anymore. 

He knew this was going to be a conversation at some point. James told himself as such. Yet he was too much of a baby to recognize that he couldn’t have it unless it was forced on him. James was also an actual dumbass in that regard. 

But again, Isabella proved to be the more responsible person in this relationship. She willingly opened herself up to James, but he, on the other hand, didn’t until he was literally pissing himself into a panic attack in front of her.

Grabbing his spare training pants, James wondered what he would do now. Spend the rest of the night watching some anime in awkward silence with Isabella before scampering back home with wet undies under his pants? 

James might have been the most pathetic man within 100 miles. The worst part was that as soon as he got home, all he was going to do was put on a diaper, replay everything in his head, and jerk his pathetic baby cock until he came in his diapers. 

All James felt now was shame, regret, and anger at how everything had gone wrong, and it was only by Isabella’s kindness and understanding that everything hadn’t crashed and burned for James. He was ready to go inside and tell Isabella that he would call it a night and go home.

Stepping back inside her home, James heard Isabella call out, “James, can you come back into the living room?”

“Let me just go change.” He called back and moved towards the bathroom, but Isabella called out.

“Living room, first.” Why did he hear something like nervousness in her voice? 

Making his way back to the living room, James expected to find his girlfriend looking the same as five minutes before. Instead, his eyes widened, and his face got red when he walked in to see that Isabella had made a few wardrobe changes.

For starters, she had taken off her shorts, leaving Isabella’s lower half in full view and letting James' eyes linger on her in a pair of white cotton panties. Her top half was still covered by the Sailor Moon shirt, but James could see on the ground a white bra at Isabella’s feet. 

The two of them stood for a moment in awkward silence. 

Whenever James thought about Isabella, he imagined her as a bold, dominating woman, easily worthy of the title of a confident mommy for a big baby like himself. Considering she had no qualms sending James scantily clad pictures of herself to him, he thought that was a safe assumption. 

Yet right now, she looked embarrassed and shy. Her face was red, and she was casting a few glances toward James. He noticed the room was a bit darker than before. 

“Bell, what are you doing…?” God, she looked so sexy and cute. James felt blood rushing to his cock. 

“I uh,” She cleared her throat, “I was figuring that since you might be a bit embarrassed and disappointed over me finding out about your condition, maybe I can level the playing field?”

James gave her a queer look, “By stripping down?”

“I’m trying to do something here, okay?” Isabella looked at James with a sympathetic look, “It wasn’t easy or manly for you to tell me that you aren’t making it to the bathroom on time. And this happened when I was making certain activity insinuations.” 

James once again felt terrible. She was trying to make up for something that wasn’t her fault, “Bell, you don’t have to feel obligated to do anything.” 

She rolled her eyes and smiled, “Oh, shut up, James.” Isabella crossed her arms under her breasts, “Did it occur to you that I was also hoping for something a little more tonight? I was trying to unwind after work, and we both know that a little sexy time wouldn’t be so bad…” 

With that in mind, Isabella seemed to gain more confidence, “Now…go sit down on the couch.”

James felt increasingly warm around his shirt collar, “I should go…go, uh, change my undies.” He winced at how he used his mental term aloud.

Isabella giggled at hearing that, “You can do that in a little bit…but I think you’ll want to do this first instead of after getting in a clean pair of undies.” He felt a shiver go down his spine.

God, if she used that same tone for diapers, James might have started cumming right into his toddler pants right there and then.

Upon sitting down on the couch, Isabella approached him. “Here is what I need you to do…under no circumstances can you move your arms and hands. Keep them at your side the entire time, okay?” 

James swiftly nodded. His cock was becoming increasingly erect. It took James a moment to realize the situation he was in. A half-naked woman was right in front of him! Slender legs, amazing hips, and a pair of panties stopped him from seeing an actual pussy. 

Isabella kneeled before him…and her hands went to his pants. “Wait, Bell, hold on.”

“Hands at your side, please.” She gave him a look of challenge, “Unless you want me to stop?”

His mouth felt dry as James shook his head. He watched as she undid his belt and slowly pulled down his pants. How many times did he imagine this happened to him? Pants at his ankles while a woman prepared to either diaper him or check his current one to see if it was wet or messy.

This was different, though. Isabella was in charge here, but it felt more like a game between them. Although James couldn’t ignore how embarrassed it was for her to see his wet undies. It was only by the grace of god that since James was wearing navy blue, Isabella wasn’t looking at a big yellow stain in the front.

After a moment of looking, Isabella gently laughed, “Pfft!” James felt his cheeks flush at seeing the response. It was short-lived, as she soon straddled his waist and sat directly on top of his cock. 

James was now looking at Sailor Moon and two pert nipples poking from the other side. A pair of tits were in his face! Pussy was grinding up against his cock! He felt almost lightheaded. 

Isabella wrapped her arms around his neck, “We can’t have sex. Not that I don’t want to, but I think we’re both a little too emotionally exhausted after tonight. But I don’t think it’s right of me to leave you hanging…so why don’t we end tonight doing something fun, and we can both go to bed together feeling a bit better about everything, okay?” 

Once again, James just nodded, “You are alright with…this?”

“I want this, James.” She leaned forward and aggressively kissed him, “So let’s just enjoy ourselves, yeah?” 

James tasted mint on her lips and smelled lilacs. “Yeah…” Isabella could’ve told him to do anything, and he’d have obeyed without question. He didn’t know what else to say or do. He was utterly at her mercy. And James loved it. 

She slowly started grinding her bottom up and down on his training pants. For once, he was happy that he wore the thin ones because James could feel the sensations. The embarrassment was gone, replaced by an aroused, teasing look.

“Any requests before we begin?”  

He blinked, “Requests?”

“One of my old boyfriends liked to make sure I did or said certain things when we fucked.” She shook her head and sneered, “Tch, he was such a fucking control freak…but I will admit that it helped me cum more often if we knew what buttons to press that night.” 

James could see the appeal, but he also wondered what to say. He shouldn’t give too much away…but his horny mind was willing to make a few concessions here. ‘To hell with it.’ 

He licked his dry lips, “Well, can I call you ‘mommy’ then?”

“Pftahahaha!” Isabella laughed for a moment before nodding, “Of course…but then can I call you baby still, or is that a little too much, given your condition? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

He would not miss the opportunity, “Do you want to call me baby?”

“Mhmm…” She looked amused. He doubted Isabella wanted to do this for ageplay-related reasons but rather because it was just a fun pet name. That worked for James. 

“Okay.” James remarked with a smile, “Mommy and baby it is.”

She giggled before leaning down to kiss him again, “Thank you for not freaking out about me being a huge weeb.”

“Thank you for not freaking out about…this.” He briefly lifted his right hand towards his crotch.

James moaned as he felt her hips grinding against him, “Let’s focus on the good, then, and get started.”

“Yes…mommy,” James uttered after a moment, and he felt like he was on cloud nine or whatever the fuck you’d call this moment of euphoria. Isabella smirked at hearing that. 

“God, you sound so cute calling me that.” The mischievous smile on her face made James want to kiss every inch of her body, “I was going to save my tits for later…but I think my baby deserves a little reward.” She pulled her arms away from James and slowly pulled up her shirt.

A pair of protruding nipples greeted James. They looked divine. A veritable font of nectar waiting to be released into his eager mouth. Isabella’s skin looked lovely in the darkened room, and just like in previous pictures, the bountiful mounds of flesh looked even more incredible in person.

For the first time since James was a baby, a pair of tits were in front of him. Eager to “feed” any baby, adult or otherwise, before them. ‘Holy shit. Holy shit.’ James wanted to worship them, wanted to see them every day. More than all of that, he wanted milkies from them.  

He didn’t even wait for Isabella to give him the go-ahead to start suckling; James acted on instinct. Besides, he had drunk from enough baby bottles, seen enough ABDL porn, and read similar stories to know precisely what to do here. 

James’s mouth latched onto Isabella’s protruding nipple while his lips sucked on her areola. He heard a gasp of surprise followed by some giggling from his girlfriend at his sudden enthusiasm to getting “fed.” 

“Someone is eager,” She remarked with a small moan, “Jesus, it’s been a while for me…”

The taste and texture of an actual nipple felt different than what James expected. It was a strange mix of smells and sensations on his tongue. A hint of saltiness mixed with whatever perfume or body wash Isabella used. Her skin was unbelievably soft, and as his tongue gently “poked” her nipple, he was surprised at how much fun it was to play with it. 

Rather than feeling some sort of infantile bliss, James felt giddy with his arousal. Judging by Isabella’s quickening breath and tiny moans, she was having as much fun as James. Suckling from her tits on top of the grinding on his cock made James acutely aware of the growing need to cum.

He ignored it and tried to focus on having more fun. His hands started to move towards grabbing Isabella’s waist, but she then spoke up, “Hands down, baby.” Again, James obeyed his mommy even though he desperately wanted to start running them up and down her body.  

After about another minute and a half of suckling from one tit, James’s mouth switched to the other and the process repeated. He knew no milk was coming, but that didn’t stop his babyish side from whining at not getting fed. 

Isabella gently pulled him away from nursing, which almost annoyed James before she covered his lips with her own. He felt her tongue playing against his own. A few seconds of this before Isabella pulled back and smirked.

“Now then, baby…I want you to take your hands and grab my ass. This is where the fun really begins.”

James didn’t need to be told twice. His hands eagerly grabbed the pillowy soft butt of his girlfriend before he went back to suckling on her right breast. Isabella responded by increasing the grinding speed. It seemed that Isabella wanted to see if he could hold her in place.

If James was being sincere, the whole position was awkward. Isabella was a bit taller than him, and while he was trying to suck on her tits, her body was moving back and forth, making it a little challenging to keep his mouth latched onto them. 

There was also the heat and sweat.

James knew that people got “hot and bothered,” but they weren’t kidding about how hot it got. The leather couch wasn’t helping things. Isabella’s panties felt a bit soaked. And while James hoped that was just her getting excited, it was likely just her body trying to cool off. 

“Fuck…” She breathed, “Move your body up a little…right there!” Isabella was guiding him through this alright. “Yeah, that’s the ticket!” James couldn’t look down to see what was happening but based on the sensation of her pussy going up and down on his padded cock, it must have been a good development.

Hearing the little moans and gasps of pleasure was delightful. James liked to imagine he looked pathetic by comparison. His girlfriend, his mommy, rode his pissed-soaked undies while he suckled away on her tits like a good baby. 

Yet it was surprisingly difficult to keep this mindset going. 

All James' thoughts were just towards enjoying this moment and pleasuring Isabella. Was she feeling the same thing? Was he thinking too hard on this? It was strange to imagine that diapers and being babied seemed more like a tertiary desire than his primary one. 

Regardless, James just kept at what he was doing. Idle thoughts shot across the front of his mind as pleasure took hold and the growing desire to cum was approaching. Judging by the heavy breathing from Isabella, that desire was mutual. 

James decided to take the initiative and started moving his hips in tandem with her grinding, which made him keenly aware of how difficult it was when someone was sitting on him. Even so, he put his stomach muscles into it. Cumming, at this point, felt like finishing a few reps than anything. 

Isabella giggled, “Oh man, maybe we should’ve just gone for the sex…I didn’t realize how raw I was.” She gave him a teasing look, “Oh well. There is always next time.” She said all of this while still grinding against him.

He was in awe at how Isabella was ahead of James in this. She didn’t look winded or tired but only sexier and more beautiful. At least in his eyes. 

Yet James could only mutter, “I’m about ready to cum, mommy.” He breathed out while still bucking his hips.

Isabella gave him a sidelong glance, “You do like calling me mommy, eh?” Isabella giggled for a moment, “Well, alright then, I guess I like calling you baby. If you need to cum, just go ahead in your undies.” 

The look in her eyes made James shiver, “But I’m almost ready to cum. And I’d love it if we both did it together.”

Given a choice, cumming now would be preferred. However, James wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to give her the desired pleasure. Such things had to be reciprocated, after all. It was only fair. 

“I want…” James gasped when he felt her hand moving up and down his chest, “To cum together!”

Isabella smirked, “Ready to keep up then? Let’s put this into overdrive then!” She was practically cheering as she got more enthusiastic. Oddly enough, it was rubbing off onto James as he felt a second wind take hold of him.

James returned to sucking on her tits, bucking his hips, and holding soft ass while Isabella just worked her body against his. Any sort of infantile desire was gone, replaced by James just wanting to make Isabella cum first before he did.

The game now changed into a small competition. 

Although much as James liked to believe he was going to win, he was ultimately inexperienced compared to Isabella. He was getting tired now, and his stomach felt sore. On the other hand, he certainly wasn’t tired of nursing Isabella’s breasts! 

If James could’ve seen a clock or recounted how long it had been since they started, he would have been dismayed to see that barely ten minutes had gone by. Much as James would like to think this meant he could have ten minutes in the sack with Isabella, he realized that whatever foreplay was happening here wasn’t the same as sex.

“Fucking hell, James!” Isabella loudly moaned, “Just bite my nipple already. Your tongue is nice, but a little pain never hurt anyone!” It was extraordinary how she could be so crass sometimes. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but James didn’t really associate biting with nursing or breastfeeding. 

Still, he obeyed mommy. A gentle bite on her right nipple caused Isabella to yelp in pleasure and made James realize that she might have had a thing for love bites. ‘My girlfriend likes to dress as anime characters and likes to be bitten. So she’s not a complete vanilla.’

By this point, though, James was spent. His cock was ready to burst, and his body felt hot. He didn’t even realize how sweaty he had gotten from all of this. ‘Need to take a shower after this.’

Deciding he might as well go all in, James took his lips off Isabella’s tit before burying his face between her breasts, “Ugh, mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” He kept repeating, which only made James want to cum even more. 

His ABDL side was finally starting to return, if just for a moment.  Again, Isabella didn’t seem to find it strange or really notice. She only laughed and held James close as she kept going. 

“Oh god, baby, fuuuuuuck!” Isabella moaned out, “I’m cumming!” She made the strangest sounds for a moment before James felt her crotch shake so much that he also noticed it. The whole thing was so wild to him.

Yet it still wasn’t enough to send James over the edge. The final trigger came from the brief moment of looking up at her face and seeing an exhausted but incredibly pleased look on it as if James just did Isabella a favor rather than the other way around.

When she opened those beautiful eyes and looked at him, James swore by god that he saw a promise of more things like tonight, pardon the pun, would come later in their relationship. 

“Ah!” James eeped out as he felt his cock shoot out his cum into the soaked training pants. It wasn’t the most mind-blow orgasm he had had in his life, but it was probably the most “vanilla” one had. His best tended to be when he was in his diapers.

Isabella noticed him slowing down, “Did you cum just now?”

James was breathing hard as he nodded, “Yeah…” Isabella didn’t look winded even though she did most of the work. His hands were still gripping her ass, and James felt moved them just enough to touch the front of her panties.


Isabella noticed where his fingers were, “Guess we got another thing in common.” She was referencing his wet undies versus her “wet” panties. Funny, and it did make James feel a little better.

Sliding off James, Isabella winced as she sat down on the seat cushion to the left of James, “Shit. I hope I don’t stand the leather.” Taking a moment to close her eyes and lean back, her right reached over and grabbed his left.

Even after what they just did, James felt like his face was on fire, “H-how did I do?”

“Hmm?” Isabella opened her eyes, “It was fun. You and I both came. What else is there to say?”

James nodded, “Right…it’s just my first time doing something like that.”

“Mhmm.” Isabella closed her eyes again, “We’ll see if it’s any better the next time we do this.”

“Right,” James leaned back into his seat, “Next time.” He glanced down at his soaked training pants and realized he needed to change them. “I should go and change.”

As he went to stand up, Isabella's hand tugged on his, “No, stay. Just a little longer.”

“But I might err, leak on your couch.” 

Even with her eyes closed, Isabella smirked, “It’s just a couch. Let’s just bask in the afterglow, baby.” 

James felt himself stiffen at hearing those words. “Okay…” He sat back down, and there was silence in the living room save for their breathing. It wasn’t awkward, though. More like an afford moment of quiet reflection. 

That was to say that James was quietly reflecting on how beautiful Isabella looked. Sexy as well, especially as the only article of clothing was now a soaked pair of panties that glistened around her pussy. James saw the thin outline of a cameltoe. 

Of course, the real treasure was her breasts which were still displayed in front of him. Even after cumming just moments ago, James felt every infantile urge to simply get back to suckling on them. 

Hopefully, someday soon, he’d be able to suckle on them while wearing more appropriate clothing in the line of a thick diaper, bib, and bonnet. 

But why stop now? James smirked as he lowered himself and prepared to suckle again when Isabella opened her eyes.

She noticed the smirk on his face and smiled back, “What? Don’t tell you to want another go already?” 

“Oh, uh.” James glanced down at her tits, “Nothing like that.”

Isabella noticed where his eyes were, “You really like these puppies don’t you?” Her hands started pushing her breasts together while she bit her lower lip, “Well, I’m glad you do. It’s nice to know what part of my body gets your rocks off.”

“Bell, your entire body gets me off. Your breasts just happen to be the most exciting point of interest.”

She laughed, “Hmm, I think you’ll change your tune when you try some pussy out. And speaking of…” Isabella slowly stood up before her hands reached the top of her panties and slowly pulled them down. 

James watched with rapt attention at seeing it. It was the first real pussy he’d seen in his entire life. And he learned at that moment that Isabella didn’t believe in having pubic hair. 

“Someone waxes.” He joked. Granted, James also was “hairless” at his crotch. It made the diaper changes easier that way and less of a lingering smell. 

“You’d be surprised what you learn while in the army. Week-old unwashed muff isn’t as hot as guys like to think it is.” Isabella seemed to shudder as if recalling something. Holding her wet panties, the veteran gave James a mischievous look. 

James was looking intently at the underwear, “And what are you planning on doing with those?”

“Debating if I want to give you to them as a little gift. I probably shouldn’t. The chance of them ending up on some dark web for perverts is a bit of a risk. Besides, these are part of my costume, and I’d hate to give up such good panties.”

When James first met Isabella, he never imagined that she would be so bold with such things, but then again, he should’ve known better after getting those pics. 

“I mean,” James started as he stared at the underwear, “I would never do that. But you shouldn’t feel obligated to give me something for nothing.”

The smirk on her face was telling, “Mhmm.” She dropped the panties to the ground, “So why don’t we do a favor for such a gift? Tell me, do you know anything about eating pussy?” 

Far too much. Many mommy-dommy fantasies ended with guys like James needing to eat a woman out to pleasure her, as his cock was trapped behind the confines of a thick diaper.

“I’ve read and seen a few things,” James started with some embarrassment, “Not that I have got the chance to try it out.” He knew where this was going, though.

Isabella laughed at hearing that, “Well, how about you give it a shot right now? I bet that tongue is good for more than kisses and sucking some titties.” She was being serious.

James was shaking his head in amazement, “And yet we weren’t having sex tonight. Feels like we  might as well go all the way.”

“Nonsense, oral is just as fulfilling as fucking.” James had no previous experience in arguing such a point. “Besides, something tells me you’ll like this.” She took a seat on the couch and looked expectantly at him.

He wasn’t going to say no. There was no instance where he wasn’t going. But James felt the need to ask one more question, “Does this establish the possibility of me getting head in return?”

“For tonight? No.” Isabella shook her head, “You get my used panties, though. Maybe next time, I’ll consider a blow job. But you’ll need to earn that as well.” James felt a shudder of pleasure at needing to “earn” such a thing. 

Isabella was the type that liked to make James work for his rewards. First, it was blowjobs, and before long, it would be diaper changes or being allowed to make cummies in them. 

“I’m beginning to think you have a darker side to you, Bell.”

His girlfriend shrugged, “I’ve been told by my exes that I can be as ferocious as a tiger but as gentle as a house cat. It all depends on the mood I’m in. Besides, I think you like this shit, baby.” 

James had to act like that pet name didn’t have power over him. “So…eating you out for used panties. That is some degenerate stuff.” Considering the amount of shit he was into, this was barely any sort of degeneracy.  

“You can always say no…” Isabella remarked as she slowly spread her legs out, giving James a fantastic eyeful. “Consent is important in a healthy sexual relationship.” She wasn’t wrong.

He pretended to consider his options before slowly kneeling and getting his head closer to her pussy, “For the record, I’d have done this if you asked. Without the offering of your panties.”

“I know,” She was smirking, “But I like tit-for-tat play.” Looking quite smug now, she gestured to her pussy with her hand, “Now then, bon appétit.”

Was there a trick to eating pussy? Yes and no. It didn’t take a practiced sex guru to figure out that ‘tongue on clitoris meant woman happy,’ Instead, it was just trying to make it a bit more involved for the woman.

James heard plenty of stories about guys doing all sorts of stupid shit while getting their dick sucked. Sometimes just for the memes. But even then, there was a bit more nuance in oral sex. 

All James knew was that it wasn’t as daunting as people made it out to be. Even so, he was enthralled by such close proximity to a woman’s vagina. For one, it was indeed quite pink on the inside. His first whiff of pussy was enjoyable.

It smelled tangy. There was no other way to describe it. James wisely kept that observation to himself. His hands grabbed the sides of Isabella’s thighs, eliciting a giggle from his partner before James’s tongue took the plunge.

‘Best get experienced with this.’ James thought as his tongue moved around, which caused Isabella to start to gasp and squirm in place. 

“Whew!” Isabella commented, “Off to the races already? Someone wants his reward.” 

Ignoring the commentary, James found the taste of pussy to be enjoyable enough. It was almost like licking a peach, except not. The lack of hair was helping things. James found that keeping your face in between someone's soft thighs could be somewhat ticklish. 

His tongue didn’t have to work hard to find the clit. Just as the internet described it, it was a little “bean” like protrusion. James also heard another gasp and comment of affirmation from Isabella before her hands reached down and grabbed James' head. 

To his surprise, James was starting to get hard again. What’d he have given to be wearing a diaper during all of this. His infantile side was also coming back out, no longer constrained by the shared moment of passion and instead free to run amok in his mind as he ate at mommy’s pussy.

‘This is where I belong. Except someday it will be pleasuring mommy in exchange for diaper changes, breastfeeding, and cummies.’ In his mind's eye, James was doing this while wearing a wet and poopy diaper. His baby dick straining to get out but knowing that Isabella would never let him fuck her.

Each affirmation made James licking all the more vigorous, which drove Isabell wild. 

She gasped, “Woah, hey there!” Isabella exclaimed before giggling in delight, “Wow. Oh wow. James…don’t fucking stop.” Her hands were now tightly holding onto his head. “Sheesh! Are you just setting the bar high for when I have to blow you?”

Would Isabella want to blow him if she saw him in diapers? At best, James figured he’d get a handjob during a diaper change. But knowing how soft her lips were, made him wish to know what they’d feel like sucking on his cock. 

‘I’ll do anything for cummies!’ James thought as his dick was close to cumming again, ‘I want mommy to make me cum for her!’ Even at the prospect of getting a blow job, James wanted to please Isabella. To let her strip him down to he was naked and begging to be diapered.

It was all too much for James. He started cumming, which made him nearly buckle his legs from how powerful it was compared to what Isabella had done to him before. It told him that, more than anything, being her submissive baby boy was more enticing than any sort of vanilla sexual act. 

He was lucky because he suddenly felt a squirt of liquid hit his tongue as Isabella twitched and gave the cutest gasp. “Oh!” She sounded embarrassed, “I just came? Oh…wow.” 

James pulled back, slightly gasping for air and trying to calm his beating heart. He looked up at Isabella from between her legs, and the look of surprise was telling. Had he done something wrong?

“That’s embarrassing,” Isabella remarked with a smile, “Cumming like that and without warning! I told a few of my exes how inappropriate it was for them to not warn me when they did that, but here I am doing the same to you, baby.” 

A strange awkwardness passed before James spoke, “Err, that’s alright?” He slowly pulled away from the soft thighs. He was kneeling while looking up at his “mommy” like a servant before mistress or goddess. 

Isabella grimaced when she felt the cushion underneath her, “Shit. This is going to stain for sure.” Moving to stand up, Isabella generously offered a hand to James to help him. He took her hand, and the two felt awkward again.

“Well,” Isabella tried, “I guess you earned my panties.” She reached down and picked up the stained garments, “Don’t have too much fun with them…” Her smile was infectious as James stared down at the offered garment.

How many men were offered panties by their girlfriends? And not in the cross-dressing sense. It made James pause for a moment. He was a complete and utter degenerate. The thought of wearing wet and messy diapers got him hard…however, he felt like this wasn’t the right thing to do. 

“Oh, you were being serious?” James acted surprised, “Shit, I thought that was just you trying to get me aroused. You don’t need to give me anything, Bell. I was more than fucking happy to eat you out.”

Isabella huffed, “James, you don’t have to pretend to have liked it.”

“Bell, I came near the end.” 

She looked taken aback at that, “Are you…are you serious? You came, as in you cummed, while eating pussy?”

“Is it that odd to hear?”

Now she looked confused and a little concerned, “It shouldn’t be…but I wasn’t exactly dripping wet whenever I blew one of my exes. Damn it, James.” Isabella looked frustrated, “You are really setting the bar high for me.”

Hearing that made James laugh, “Is it really that big a deal? It’s entirely possible that I just like eating you out…” He expected perhaps a dismissal or laugh. Instead, Isabella was giving him a scrutinizing look. As if trying to determine if James was being serious. 

“You are…very interesting, James.” Isabella cryptically remarked, “Maybe you just have an oral fixation. Because you certainly went to town on my tits as well.” James felt his cheeks redden again. 

“Let me be clear, I am thrilled to hear that, but I did offer up something in return.” Isabella tried again, “And I don’t feel like leaving you empty-handed.”

Why was she acting like this? “Isabella, stop.” James decided to end this, “You don’t need to feel obligated to pay me in used panties for something we both enjoyed. We didn’t meet each other on fucking Tinder or some shit.” 

Thinking about his wet and stick underwear, James spoke softly, “Besides, you didn’t freak out or tell me to leave when you saw me in my…well, in this state. Especially when I thought you would.” 

“Oh, Jesus.” Isabella sighed, “You can’t control when something like a medical condition creeps up suddenly. And I can say that from experience. You have no idea how many people I know have had to deal with sudden problems from their time in the military.” 

Her hand reached out and touched James' right hand, “I’m just trying to make you feel like this problem doesn’t make you any less a man in my eyes, yeah?” 

That was the issue; James didn’t mind that. So why was he having so much trouble expressing that sentiment? Probably because Isabella thought herself responsible in this relationship, especially as she was the most experienced. 

James tried a different approach to resolve this tension, looking down at the panties in her hand, “How about we change the deal a little? You keep the panties, but on our next date…on our next date, you gotta wear them with the same clothes you were wearing before?”

“What?!” Isabella looked embarrassed, “You mean me walking around wearing a Sailor Moon t-shirt and some cargo pants?”

“I was thinking more of a skirt.” James wiggled his eyebrows at her, “That’s super hot to me.” 

She looked appalled more at the thought of just wearing in public something she liked than giving him a pair of underwear, “UGH!” Isabella pouted and looked away, “Someone my age wearing that in public? And you think it’s hot.”

Considering James imagined himself being allowed to walk around dressed like a toddler or baby, yes. He especially didn’t think that she’d get much flak anyway. It wasn’t like she wearing anything vulgar. 

Ultimately, Isabella relented. “Okay, fine. I’ll keep that in my mind for the next date.” She tossed the panties on the couch and glared at James, “You are so lucky that you made me come twice tonight.”

“Speaking of cumming twice,” James blushed again, “I need to change my undies…”

Isabella giggled at hearing him say that but nodded, “I think if you are staying the night, a shower is in order.”

James perked up, “You still want me to stay the night?”

“Just because we aren’t having sex tonight doesn’t mean we can’t share a bed,” Isabella coughed and looked away, “Besides, not like we haven’t already become a bit more intimate with one another.”

She wasn’t wrong. At this point, sharing a bed didn’t seem as bodacious to James. Even so, he wasn’t about to miss the opportunity. 

Taking a shower in someone else place was always a strange experience for James. He felt like a weird intruder. He imagined serial killers did this after killing their victims in their homes to make it “their own.”

It felt odd, though, since it was his girlfriend's shower. Well, the guest shower. In any case, James did need to clean up. So Isabella gave him a few towels and a bar of soap and let him do his thing. 

James found it difficult to focus on the events that just took place, even though there were fresh in his mind. The two of them had essentially fucked one another, but without any penetration yet, he proceeded to eat out Isabella out soon after that.  

She knew that he had been wetting himself but didn’t know the full context and assumed that this was a medical problem for him. That Isabella was so caring and understanding…it made her all the more “maternal” in his eyes.

And yet Isabella could act silly and immature. A woman in her thirties that watched and collected anime and cosplayed might not seem all that bizarre in this day and age, but James also recognized that “older” women always had an uphill battle when it came to being part of any sort of niche culture. 

James liked to think that if he told her the truth about his ABDL lifestyle after everything he had seen, Isabella would accept him. However, tonight wasn’t the place to do such a thing, especially as he prepared to “sleep” with her. 

As James stepped out of the shower and started to towel himself off, he wondered what would happen next? Not just tonight but tomorrow and the day after. They had both seen sides of each other, even being a bit vulnerable in the process. 

Yet where did you go next? This relationship was going in a direction James hadn’t expected and perhaps a bit too fast. A month ago, they had started dating, and while Isabella hinted at wanting to have sex, James realized that maybe waiting was for the best. 

Pulling up his toddler pants, James also considered that waiting would help him try and determine what to do about this “incontinence” situation. He had no idea if it was going to get worse or better. Isabella didn’t seem to mind. A miracle, if nothing else. 

“James?” A voice called out for the other side of the bathroom door, “Are you dressed in there?”

He thought about that question for a second, “Does it really matter?”

Another moment paused before Isabella spoke, “I guess not.” She promptly opened the door and walked in. James was disappointed to see that her “PJs” were effectively another sweater and some sweatpants. No sexy nighties or shorts and shirts.  

She giggled at seeing him in his toddler pants. However, Isabella suddenly stopped before looking ashamed, “I’m so sorry; I shouldn’t have laughed.” 

He smiled back, trying to reassure her, “It’s fine! I can imagine this is pretty funny to see.”

“It is,” She admitted, “But that doesn’t make it any less serious.”

James rolled his eyes, “I don’t have cancer, Bell. And I’m saying that with a doctor's prognosis in mind.”

She still didn’t look happy, but Isabella kept her peace, “Are you all good here?”

He nodded, “I didn’t exactly bring a toothbrush, but I did find some mouthwash.”

“Good!” Isabella looked relieved, “I didn’t want to taste myself if I kissed you.” Her right hand reached out and grabbed his left before dragging him away.

James looked back at his clothes, “Bell, I need my clothes.” He couldn’t deny that her pulling him was pretty hot, especially as Isabella was fully clothed while he was in his toddler pants. 

Again, if only he was in his diapers. 

Entering her bedroom, James found that it was nondescript. A dresser, mirror, a closet, and a few other knickknacks here and there. Prim and proper. Denoting a woman in control of her life and also from military training. 

“Oh please, you can go a night without them.” She smiled, “And before you ask, I’m not taking my clothes off. We are still operating under the ‘no sex’ rule.”

Much as he wanted to argue, James obeyed. He did have one more concern, “Err, I just wanted to warn you, but this pants-wetting issue extends beyond just day-time.”

Isabella only shrugged and looked apologetic, “Not much I can do about that, baby. How have you been handling it at night?”

By wearing thick, crinkling diapers lined with stuffers that made him unable to close his legs at night. “Err, I just try to pee before I sleep.” 

“And does that help?”

James didn’t really know, “A little?” How else was he supposed to admit that he wasn’t doing much to stop any possible nocturnal wetting?

Isabella didn’t look too convinced, though. “James, you need to be honest with me about this, okay? Are those pants going to stop any leakage?”

Not a chance. He knew the limits. “...No. I don’t think they will.”

“So what do you wear then at night?”

This was a turning point in this entire night. James had his opening to admit it. All he had to say was that he wore diapers. ‘I’ve been wearing diapers at night.’ Just tear the band-aid off now, and he would be in the clear.

And yet the words refused to come out, “It’s uh, well…” Why was this so fucking hard? 

“James,” Isabella interjected, “It’s okay to tell me. In fact, you don’t have to say anything, alright? Just nod or shake your head.” She gave him a reassuring smile, “Have you worn diapers to help with this problem?”

His heart started racing. James didn’t think his cock would have enough blood to get erect and ruin the moment, “Bell, it’s…”

“Ah, ah!” She stopped him, “Shake or nod your head.” 

James nodded his head. There, he had done it. While this wasn’t ideal, realizing it was out in the open felt good, especially with how Isabella handled this. 

“Okay,” Isabella seemed almost relieved, “Well, I still don’t have anything like that here. But it goes to show that certain precautions will be needed.”

He tried a different approach, “I could just drive back home to get my…solution to the problem.”

“That’d be the smart thing to do,” Isabella smiled back at him, “But I’d hate to pause or derail things. I could make something like an outer layer of towels to place around what you are wearing.” 

James felt his mind blank for a second, “Like a…cloth diaper?”

“Sure?” Isabella sounded confused, “Something like you sees in those old cartoons? I have some pins that can keep them in place.” She shrugged, “I was thinking maybe just putting a towel lining for the inside, but if you are comfortable with the other idea.” 

She wanted to diaper him. She wanted to. Tonight was going in directions James had only fantasized about these last few weeks. Even so, Isabella was still treating this like it was a medical problem for him.

“I guess that works…” James felt his face getting hot at what was happening here, “If it’s not weird for you.”

He got another look of disapproval from Isabella, “It’s fine. Honestly, you are making this a bigger deal than it needs to be. So can you please relax?” 

“Bell, it’s incredibly embarrassing to talk about this.” It was also quite hot. James was surprised he wasn’t getting aroused, but he had already orgasmed twice within the last ten minutes. Then again, perhaps James just didn’t feel like it was appropriate at this moment.

Isabella sighed, “Would you feel better if I just completely ignored that my boyfriend had a problem? Because I’m not going to do that. I did all the time with my exes, and I will not repeat that mistake with you. So please, just work with me here, alright, baby?”

The affection was presented alongside her annoyance. James wondered about her previous boyfriends that made her want to be so “hands-on” with his problem. Not that it mattered right now, she wasn’t going to take any more excuses from him.

“Fine…” James finally muttered after a moment, “Let’s just get this over with.” In any other situation, he’d have loved to extend this out. This wasn’t that time, though.

His girlfriend nodded, “Just give me a second. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable on the bed.” Isabella smirked before she left the room to get some towels and pins for his DIY cloth diaper.

James sat down at the foot of her bed and briefly wondered how he got here and how it would end tonight.

“Careful what you wish for, I guess,” James muttered while waiting for Isabella to return so she could diaper him.    

In all his fantasies, James expected his first time getting diapered by Isabella to be a host of possible scenarios. Her cooing at him while she powdered his bottom or her berating him for being such a big baby. In any instance, it would be the point where their relationship changed forever.

Yet here, in her room, the two of them were still talking as Isabella laid out a pair of towels and a few safety pins next to James. “I wouldn’t worry so much. If nothing else, this should be a decent set of protection for tonight.”

James looked at the towels and saw that they were terry cloth at least, “I’ll try and disappoint you then. Because I rather not piss on your bed.”

“I wouldn’t either,” Isabella remarked nonchalantly, “But I am due to clean the sheets.” She gestured for James to sit on the towels, “Okay, ready here.”

It astonished James at how calm he felt. His heart wasn’t beating, nor did he feel arousal at the prospect of this event. If nothing else, James felt disappointed that this was his first instance of getting diapered since he was an actual baby. 

A crappy DIY cloth diaper. No powder or wipes. No dommy-mommy. No humiliation or excitement. 

“Let me help you here,” Isabella remarked as she pulled up the front of the cloth over James’s toddler pants. “I’m not trying to make this emasculating or anything. This might as well be me applying a tourniquet.”

James snorted, “To my wounded pride?” 

“Funny.” Isabella was so clinical and fast that James didn’t even have the chance to enjoy this crappy diapering. At least until he felt Isabella’s fingers checking the leak guards and gently patting the front of his crotch.

Now that felt suitably maternal to James.

“See? All done.” She helped him up to his feet, “Let me just see if this is on tight enough.” James ignored her as he saw himself in the mirror now. The diaper looked like a crappy version of the one that Cupid would’ve worn.  

Isabella was finished, “Looks good to me.” She looked satisfied at her handiwork, “Not bad if I say so myself. And you don’t look that bad either, James.”

James rolled his eyes, “Good to know.”

“I’m serious,” The smile on her face made him feel better, especially when she leaned in and kissed him, “You don’t look silly or anything.” Too bad, he wouldn’t have minded that if used in the right context.

The two shared a few more kisses. James had to admit that it was easy to forget what was going on whenever he shared these moments with Isabella. Her eyes and kisses, the touch of her fingers…they felt so good.

And now he had the opportunity to sleep with her. “Are you ready for bed?”

“Mhmm.” Isabella nodded and smiled before approaching the bed's right side and pulling back the covers. Quickly slipping under them, she gave an inviting look to him. It didn’t take much to spur James to come and join her.

The giggling from Isabella made James ignore how strange his DIY diaper must have been in this instance. But once the covers were over him, it was out of sight and out of mind for the most part. The thickness wasn’t going to be an issue, either. 

After all, James had worn far thicker diapers than this. 

“I know we should be getting to sleep, but let’s just take our time, yeah?”

James nodded, “Sure.”

Leaning forward, Isabella started kissing him once again. James returned the favor before bravely wrapping his arms around her body and embracing her. Her kisses tasted minty and sweet. 

She was so warm. Even wearing a full sleeper with a wet diaper never made him feel this way.

His hands started wandering, but Isabella pulled them away, “No sex or touching my important bits right now.” Such a fucking tease! James loved it. Even though it was getting him so fucking aroused.

“Stingy,” James remarked with a smirk, which caused Isabella to giggle.

“You are just greedy.” The playful look in her eyes was telling, “Mr. ‘I enjoy eating pussy and sucking on tits.’ And here I thought I would have to entice you to do one or the other. Instead, I might have to tell you to stop.”

James snorted, “Would you, though?”

“Hell no,” Isabella laughed, “Especially with how enthusiastic you are.” She sighed, “Oh, the power of a young man’s libido and stamina. How will I ever keep up?”

Flirting with her was so much fun. “Cocaine?”

“I might risk the felony if it meant more of your tongue on my body.” She giggled before resting her head on his shoulder. The moment of vulgar levity seems to have passed, replaced by a gentle calm shared between the two. 

“I had fun tonight,” Isabella quietly remarked, “Did you have fun?”

He did, “Yeah. Even with the…sudden reveal of my condition.” 

“Hmm…” As she snuggled with James, Isabella muttered, “Not a big deal to me.”

She took things in stride; James had to give her that. “It really doesn’t bother you?”

“No.” Her response was blunt, “Compared to Brad’s smoking, Stephen's drinking, and Arnold's arguments…I can live with you having wet pants.”

When she put it that way, “I guess that makes sense.” James couldn’t help but ask, “Those were your exes, yeah?”

Isabella said nothing for a moment before she sighed into his neck, “Yup…my attempts at serious relationships. All crashed and burned in the end.” 

This felt like a minefield now, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not when I’m this comfortable and happy.” Isabella was quiet for a moment, “I’m glad you aren’t like them, James.” He didn’t hear a playful or joking tone in that statement. 

“Thanks,” James smiled at the compliment, “That means a lot.”

Rather than respond, Isabella pulled away for a moment to look at him, “Don’t worry about this thing of yours or my exes, alright? Just…let’s just take this one thing at a time, okay?”

“Sure, Bell.” James saw this mattered to her, “I just don’t want to disappoint you, though.”

She looked confused, “You haven’t at all, James.” Shaking her head, she turned to turn off the lights, “So stop acting like you are going to.” The lights went out, and James had no chance to argue otherwise. 

James and Isabella kissed in the dark silence for probably another ten minutes before he felt exhaustion finally set in. Isabella yawned a few times as well. And soon, the couple quietly began to rest. 

“Night, Bell.”

“Night, baby.” James thought that was it before he heard a quiet “Love you.”

After everything that happened tonight, he wasn’t sure if that was the most surprising thing now. “Love you too, mommy.” James felt stupid for saying that, but when he heard the sleepy giggle from Isabella, he knew that was the right thing to say. 

Happy new year! 

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  • Posterchina changed the title to One of Many Firsts (Updated 1/01/23)

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