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Prescriptions to help with bedwetting ?


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Anyone ever been given a script or multiple scripts to help control bedwetting ? Curious to know what if any worked. I’ve been researching this a little bit, but all I have found thus far is almost a zero percent success rate, and terrible side effects. What you tried and the side effects would be helpful.

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Prescription Pampers no noticeable side effects and almost 100% guaranteed at keeping the bedding dry :D but seriously if you are low income on state Medicaid or NHC medical they could potentially pay for diapers might not be the best but its something.

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I was prescribed Vesicare but it affected my eyes so I now just rely on nappies and plastic pants at night and have a washable pad and waterproof mattress cover to protect the bad if my nappy leaks.

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14 hours ago, steveg said:

Prescription Pampers no noticeable side effects and almost 100% guaranteed at keeping the bedding dry :D but seriously if you are low income on state Medicaid or NHC medical they could potentially pay for diapers might not be the best but its something.

I Concur with Dr.Steveg :)

Prescription Pampers are your best medication.

I also highly recommend NorthShore Champion ReUsable Underpads.

Better Drys are great night-time diapers if you really need lots of absorbancy.

Shop around though, and buy by the CASE to save money and get the best deal.

Acceptance is half the battle.

With a Diaper you'll get better sleep from not interrupting your sleep cycle during the night like average Joe's.

I don't mind being a bedwetter one bit.

The only difficult parts are disposal when away from home, and packing diapers in luggage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My urine production heavily depends on how deep my sleep is. You might want to take a look from this angle. It could be the quality of sleep vs. some other issues. Deep sleep = no urine production. Shallow sleep = a lot of urine. 


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On 11/3/2020 at 7:51 AM, CodHero24 said:

I Concur with Dr.Steveg :)

Prescription Pampers are your best medication.

I also highly recommend NorthShore Champion ReUsable Underpads.

Better Drys are great night-time diapers if you really need lots of absorbancy.

Shop around though, and buy by the CASE to save money and get the best deal.

Acceptance is half the battle.

With a Diaper you'll get better sleep from not interrupting your sleep cycle during the night like average Joe's.

I don't mind being a bedwetter one bit.

The only difficult parts are disposal when away from home, and packing diapers in luggage.


I agree with @stevegas well.  most prescriptions that are given to STOP one things effects can CAUSE other effects that are NOT wanted. 


The best way to deal with incontinence is to use diapers/briefs/nappies and get the BEST you can get.  State medicaid programs will pay for diapers, but they will NOT BE the type that will be top-of-the-line, and they will be CHEAP - If you need to get them, make sure that you get the best you can get, because most of the cheap ones are NOT absorbent, and you will simply wet the brief, all the the way through, and wet your pants, shirt, shorts, skirt, or whatever you are wearing at the time.  I KNOW this because I had to FIGHT for what I needed.  I wanted plastic backed briefs, but the state said that the reason that they go so cheap is because nursing facilities are instructed to change diapers every 2 hours at MINIMUM, so that they can get away with the cheap stuff.

Me, being incontinent and having CP, I told them that I can't use the cheap stuff, because all I do is pee through anything I have on.  I was told that ALL medical supply places that sell diapers do ONLY the cloth backed, and NOT the plastic backed ones, due to cost, BUT there was a way to get Medicaid to cover the plastic backed ones.  I was told to choose FIVE brands of plastic backed diapers, and they would consider my request, and I chose Northshore's Megamax diapers - BEST around, and I can get them through a supplier that will ship them to me from amazon when I run out.  I no longer have to search for them, worry about my IC, or deal with the hell of having to having them DENIED:  I've shown medical necessity, so that's half the battle.  They WILL NOT deny plastic backed ones again, but I had to fight HARD - and I WON -

Good Luck!


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My doctor prescribed something called Enablex.  I think is generic name is Darcifinan (probably spelled wrong) or something like that. I don't take it every night because I don't want to build up a tolerance to it, but I take it when I travel or stay over somewhere and it works MOST of the time.

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