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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Hello there! Well... once again, I got an idea for a new story, and now have yet another one to work on, with already a long list. Sighs Anyways, this is a fun idea that I hope you enjoy! Please consider leaving a comment or review, as that really does just make my day!




Youth Center (Chapter One)






Panther Cub




    "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! Please don't make me do this!" Jessica complained from the passenger seat. The light grey bunny girl looked up at her white and brown spotted father in desperation.



    "Jessie, this is happening," he said, resolute. "You're 15, you need a job, and you need to get away from those friends of yours for awhile." Thomas doesn't like putting his foot down like this, but he knew that he had to stay strong.



    "But, a daycare? I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of screaming kids and changing diapers! Can't I get the job at the shop Erika's mom owns?" Jessica pleaded, giving her father the sad eyes, which he ignored and focused on the road.



    "I just said that you need to be away from those trouble-makers you call friends, like Erika. Besides, all of their parents agree that some time apart from one another and attitude adjustments all around are in order." Thomas said, signaling before turning down a road. They were a few miles outside of the city, passing by rolling green hills with a forest coming into view in the distance.



    "Can't I at least have my phone?" Jessica asked, desperate.



    "No," Thomas said with a roll of his eyes, "you'll be on that thing non-stop until they take it away from you. So I decided that it was best to cut out the middleman."



    "You mean mom decided," Jessica huffed, crossing her arms and pouting.



    "I decided, Jessie," Thomas said with a sigh as they started to approach a large building. The outside was painted a calming robin's egg blue, with a manicured lawn and hedges in the front yard, and a very large fenced off area in the back, a bright multi-colored jungle gym already in sight.



    "Whatever," Jessica said, looking away, staring out the window.



    "Now, Jessie," Thomas said as they pulled into the long U-shaped driveway, turning to look at his oldest daughter, "this place is going to be a wonderful experience for you. Your mother and I researched it thoroughly and even met with the owner herself. And she assured us that proper disciplinary actions will be taken to help curb your negative behavior. So do not expect for us to come and get you if you start acting up."



    "So my first job is going to be more like I'm a prisoner, surrounded by a bunch of brats, oh joy," Jessica said, full-on snark.



    "Sweetheart, we don't like doing this, but you didn't leave us much of a choice. All that's going to happen is that here, while you work, you'll also work on correcting your bad behaviors, and making some extra money on the side... for college," Thomas added with emphasis when he saw the gleam flash in Jessica's eyes, before she resumed pouting. "Think of it like a fresh start."



    "Yeah, a fresh start to spend my entire summer vacation being brainwashed, whoopee," Jessica said, unbuckling her seatbelt and opening her door. Thomas sighed and killed the engine as he got out, looking over to see Jessica straightening her simple light green t-shirt and jeans. He then went around to the trunk and grabbed her two suitcases, before the two headed towards the big oak double doors. They passed by a large bronze sign set in a stone wall next to the walkway. Happy Cubs Youth Center, the polished bronze glinting in the afternoon sunlight. The front doors opened with ease, and the two were greeted by the feeling of the cool AC and the happy chatter and occasional screams of children. The long halls had various pastel murals painted on them of cartoon characters and cute scenes. The tiled floor beneath their feet, which was polished, was colorful with differing zig-zag patterns. The lights overhead were bright, yet soft, not harsh in the least. Seeing the reception desk, Thomas nudged Jessica, who trudged with him over to it. Sitting at the desk was a chipper-looking bear female, wearing a lavender skirt-suit.



    "Welcome to Happy Cubs," she said in a melodious voice, "are you checking in as one of our new cubs?" she asked, looking at Jessica, who blushed and shook her head.



    "I'm here for work," she said, sounding gruff about it.



    "I'm Thomas Thumperton and this is my daughter Jessica, and we have an appointment with Mrs. Clawto." Thomas said, politely, as he set Jessica's suitcases down and adjusted his tie. He was wearing his navy blue suit, still nervous that Jessica could somehow disqualify herself from the program.



    "Right on time, Mr. Thumperton," a voice purred to their left. Jessica and Thomas both turned to see, casually strolling down the hall, a very large and muscular, yet clearly feminine, white tigress. She was dressed in a simple, yet somehow elegant, white sundress. "And this must be little Jessica," she said, reaching over and rubbing the bunny girl's head. Jessica's ears had been drooping at her displeasure, but the sudden surprising headrub made them perk back up in surprise, just before she stepped away, batting away the larger paw.



    "Hey, I'm not one of the little kids you're used to dealing with here every day!" She said, indignantly. Mrs. Clawto simply laughed, a surprisingly musical sound.



    "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she said, looking down at the girl, "it's a force of habit." She then turned to Thomas, who was nervous that they were about to be turned away. "Please relax, Tom, your little Jessie seems just as spirited as you described. I think she's going to fit right in. Now, how about we go see her new room?"



    "Or, how about me and my dad get back in the car, and go home?" Jessica snarked in, not appreciating people discussing her as though she wasn't there in her presence.



    "That's enough, Jessie. Mrs. Clawto was kind enough to take you on, and you're staying, end of discussion!" Tom said, Jessica's ears perked back up in shock, before drooping as she looked at her feet.



    "Fine," she mumbled. The white tigress chuckled, her tail swishing.



    "It's quite alright, Tom," she said, resting a calming paw on his shoulder. "Children like Jessie just need a little extra help, and working with her here at Happy Cubs Youth Center will be sure to help her see things from a different perspective. Now, follow me you two." With that, she turned and started to walk down the hall. Jessica reached down and grabbed her suitcases, grumbling and trudging along behind her father, who was smiling, clearly in good spirits.



    "Don't worry, baby carrot," Tom said, making Jessica wince with the use of the old childish nickname he had never stopped calling her, "once we get you all settled in, you'll be having fun in no time!"



    "Not likely," was Jessica's surly reply.



    "Please try not to fret, sweetheart," Mrs. Clawto said with a purr, "I promise you that your stay here is going to be very fulfilling." The tigress stopped at an elevator and pressed the up button. It let out a ding, and the polished stainless steel doors slid open. Getting on, Jessica became aware of the elevator music, it being the childish song The Wheels On the Bus, without any vocals. She simply rolled her eyes and tried to ignore the almost obnoxious pastel yellow of the side doors. She didn't bother to see what floor her new boss had selected, but after a few moments there was a ding, and she looked up to find that they were now on the sixth floor. The walls of this floor were a light green, and the tiled floors had a more swirled pattern to it.



    They turned down a few halls, before coming to a door. "Now this floor is reserved mainly for live-in staff. Of course, sometimes some of our more adventurous kids tend to come exploring. But don't worry, during your training here, you'll learn what to do in such an event." Mrs. Clawto was far too chipper for Jessica's liking. They then came to a door. There was no number on it, and Jessica had no idea how she was going to keep track of where her room was, but shrugged it off for now.



    "We use keycards for the staff living quarters, staff break rooms, and most areas that are generally off-limits to the little ones," the tigress said, pulling out a keycard on a pink lanyard from her white purse, and waved it in front of the knob. There was a light beep and a loud click, and she turned the knob, swinging the door open. She then turned and handed Jessica that card. "This will be your temporary keycard, until we make one that will serve as your staff i.d., which we will do tomorrow. Now try not to lose it, sweetie."



    Jessica rolled her eyes and slipped the lanyard over her head. They then headed into the room. Looking around, Jessica internally grudgingly acknowledged that the room was decent. It was like a hotel room, with a large queen-sized bed in the main room. There was a small walk-in closet, next to the door to the bathroom, which had a giant wall-sized mirror behind the sink. The carpet was soft beneath her feet, and was a very light blue. She frowned at the sight of a picture of a baby bunny in a yellow dress, thumb in her mouth, lying down in a crib hanging on the wall. It didn't help that the bunny in the picture had the same light grey fur with the same white cream colored fur on her chin, neck, and presumably stomach.



    "Can I remove the picture?" Jessica asked, setting her suitcases down on top of the bed's comforter.



    "I'm afraid not, sweetheart," Mrs. Clawto said. "It's bolted to the wall. It also happens to be a picture that one of our more gifted little ones painted."



    Jessica sighed and let it drop, while her father continued to look around. "Oh wow! This is like a fancy hotel room! Now see? Don't you feel silly for all the fuss you were putting up?"



    "Oh yes, it's every fifteen-year-old's dream to sleep in a daycare," Jessica said, zipping open her suitcases and taking out her clothes, already neatly folded, and started to put them away in the drawers across from the bed. On top of the drawers was a large flatscreen tv, which made the bunny girl feel a little better.



    "Well, baby carrot, this is goodbye," Tom said, feeling a flood of emotion. He was always known to be the emotional one back at home. He walked up and practically smothered his daughter in a tight hug. "Now remember to call us every day. You can use the staff phone. And your mother and I will come and visit you once a week on parents' day, just in case you're worried about feeling lonely."



    "What's parents' day?" Jessica asked, confused.



    "It's when parents of our guests and those little ones that are staying here for a while longer than just a day come to visit and participate with their little ones," Mrs. Clawto chimed in with a bright smile.



    Jessica simply rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she mumbled.



    "Oh! Before you finish putting away your clothes and other items, I almost forgot to ask," Mrs. Clawto said, "do you have a recent history of bedwetting?"



    That made Jessica freeze, her ears going rigid. "Oh yes, actually, for the past week, she's had three... uh... nighttime accidents."



    "DAD!" Jessica said, blushing underneath her fur. All three accidents had bewildered the teenaged bunny.



    "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart," Mrs. Clawto said, stepping forward, sounding conciliatory. "We just need to take some precautions, that's all."



    "Precautions?" Jessica asked, confused.



    "Yes. Since these mattresses are so expensive to clean, we require those of our live-in employees with problems with nighttime accidents to wear some protection." She was so sweet and motherly as she said it, that Jessica almost didn't understand what she meant. And then it clicked, and Jessica's cheeks burned bright red beneath her fur.



    "I am NOT wearing a diaper! No way! I don't need it!" she said, stamping her foot indignantly.



    "Jessica!" her father bellowed, which cut off her spur-of-the-moment-would-be-tirade, making her shrink in on herself a little. Her father had always been slow to anger, but when he did, he could be very imposing. Now was one of those moments as he looked at her with hard eyes. "You will NOT throw a tantrum just because there's a rule here that you do not like! Whether you like it or not, young lady, you will follow all of their rules, and you will be on your best behavior. Have I made myself clear?"



    Jessica trembled a little, before quietly nodding her head. "Y-yes, daddy," she said, her voice quiet and meek. Almost instantly, the stern face of her father evaporated into his usual sunny smiling one.



    "That's my good girl," he said, hugging her and rubbing her head, splaying her ears as he did so. He planted a kiss on her forehead as he let go.



    "And the nighttime protection isn't permanent for your duration here," Mrs. Clawto added, putting a massive arm around the girl's shoulders. "If you can go a full week without any accidents, you can sleep without them. Can you be a big girl for me and go one week with your protection?"



    "Uh... w-well... I guess..." Jessica said, now feeling small.



    "Good girl, I'm so proud of you." Mrs. Clawto said, giving Jessica a hug. With another tearful goodbye from her dad, Tom took his leave. Jessica's boss helped her to put away the last of her clothes, tucking the suitcases away in the closet, where a number of Jessica's blouses and shirts and a few dresses were now hanging. "Do you need to take a quick potty break before we continue on with the tour?"



    Jessica did a double-take, but quickly brushed it off as a result of the tigress spending so much time around small children.



    "Uhm, I'm good, thank you," Jessica said.



    "Alright, but speak up if you need to potty," Mrs. Clawto said, leading Jessica out of her room, waiting to check that the door locked after it had shut, which it did. They started to walk down the hall, which was still without any identifying landmarks.



    "Uh, how do I find my room?" Jessica thought to ask as they made their way down the winding hall finally making it to the elevators.



    "We actually got some remodeling done so sometime this week number plaques will be set up along the walls and on the doors. Until then, we're going to have adult chaperones show the employees to their rooms." Mrs. Clawto said.



    Jessica nodded, not liking the idea of a chaperone, even for a few days.



    "Now, the finer points of your responsibilities will be covered in orientation tomorrow, where you will also meet all of your other fellow employees," the tigress said after the elevator doors closed and they started to go down. "But in large part, for the first couple of weeks, you'll all be more or less the special helpers of the adults and older kids leading their classes. That includes things like setting up chairs, clearing away toys, keeping an eye on the little ones as they play, that sort of thing. And you'll be interchanging frequently from the various age groups, until we find the one that best suits you. I'm going to be upfront with you, and let you know that the teachers of the older age groups usually do well on their own, so only a few of you will be joining their classes on a regular basis. The majority of you will be joining the younger classes, like the kindergarten and younger age groups." Mrs. Clawto explained, making Jessica's head swim a little.



    "Ugh... please don't tell me that I'm going to have to change any diapers," Jessica said with a shudder, making the tigress giggle.



    "Oh sweetheart, I'm sure you'll become much more comfortable with diapers after a little while," she said, just so upbeat that it made Jessica roll her eyes. The elevator came to a stop at the bottom floor and dinged. There was some more idle children chatter and squeals of joy to be faintly heard.



    "Now, since we only finished with the renovations recently, our current number of little ones is a bit on the small side, however, since we're expanding into a more scholastic area, we're going to be enrolling a lot more children. So summertime will be more of a preview for when we open our services for the school year. We're going to have classes and teachers extending from pre-school all the way to high school!" she said as she started to lead Jessica down the halls.



    "Wait, high school? Really?" Jessica asked, confused. The tigress simply nodded.



    "Absolutely. Due to the constraints of the current education system, facilities like Happy Cubs are taking a much more extended and involved approach to education and development. Whether it's starting with a little one and helping them to grow and learn, to the program you're currently enrolled under, to help correct certain behavioral patterns, and maybe sneak in a college prep class or two," Mrs. Clawto said with a happy wink, "we plan to help all of our children develop and mature, with personalized plans based on individual needs. Thankfully with generous amounts of private funding."



    "Wow..." was all that Jessica could think to say. Yeah, because teens are gunna be so thrilled to attend a high school called Happy Cubs Youth Center. Gods, this is so embarrassing! After rounding a few more corners, passing by various doors labeled Wiggly Worms and Busy Bees and such, Mrs. Clawto waved her own keycard, which had her picture and i.d. on it, in front of a doorknob and opened it, holding it open for Jessica. She entered an office-looking room, with several tables, a microwave, a fridge, a large flatscreen against one wall, with the new GF5 and the new GameTrapezoid Series Y in a cabinet underneath. There was also a bookshelf and some bean bag chairs, a sink, some cabinets, and other amenities.



    "This is the student-staff breakroom, just for those enrolled in our adjustment program. This is where you'll take your breaks, socialize with others, and generally decompress," said Mrs. Clawto.



    "Woah, you've got the latest consoles?! But they're not even out yet!" Jessica said, impressed.



    "Mmhmm, just some of the perks," the tigress said with a giggle at the bunny's excitement. "Now, we shall continue with our tour!"



    Jessica was then led back out to the hall and down a few doors, to be let into another room. This one looked like a school room with desks and what appeared to be a teacher's desk at the front, complete with markerboard. "This is the student-staff meeting room. Unless having been assigned otherwise the previous day, this is where you all will come for early morning updates, schedules, and assignments."



    "Assignments? What, like homework?" Jessica said, a note of displeasure in her voice.



    "No, silly," Mrs. Clawto said, giving her charge another head rub, "while we are teaching responsibility for those like you, we take a different approach to it. Assignments are more like games and projects intended to be fun and stimulating. Like scavenger hunts, games of whodunnit mysteries, and so on. It's to help you further socialize and bond not only with your fellow student-employees, but also with those teaching you, as well as help you learn and think in ways you're not used to. Why, we even run a few escape rooms! And of course, we don't exclude the little ones out of the fun there. Although, before they arrive en masse, you'll all be given the chance to experience them first-paw, if you'd like."



    "Woah... that all sounds pretty cool... I guess," Jessica said, now even more excited.



    "I knew that you'd like it! Now, we're not done yet!" The tigress then led Jessica out of the room and down a few more halls, pointing out different rooms with different teachers assigned to them, before leading her out the back and into the playground. Jessica had to stop, her eyes wide with wonder. The fenced off area was much larger than she had initially thought based on the glimpse she had seen. The area was so massive that she spotted two baseball fields, a soccer field, what had to easily be the world's largest jungle gym, what looked to be a garden, several large sandboxes and, gated off, an olympic-sized swimming pool, complete with water-slides and lifeguard towers. There was even a section of the woods fenced in with a trail on it. What's more, Jessica noted that the afternoon had shifted to late-afternoon and was quickly approaching dusk.



    "Exercise and getting in touch with nature are very important here as well. So we try to incorporate as much as we can. Of course, safety comes first, especially so out here, so we have to remain vigilant of the pool and forest areas especially, as well as the jungle gym, despite all of the safety rails and such. In fact, part of your job will include forming teams to go in and help clear out any stragglers, as well as find any messes like spilled juice... or accidents that may have happened inside, and mark the section off so that it may be cleaned. And don't worry, our top-notch custodial staff will handle the cleaning aspect." The more Mrs. Clawto spoke, the more Jessica started to feel that this was not going to be as terrible as she had thought.



    "Why, we even allow for our student-employees to spend some time out here each day without the little ones. Of course, it's all divided into shifts, same for the classes and their different recess times."



    "Holy crap! The tuition here must be friggin' astronomical!" Jessica said, suddenly finding a white-furred finger wagging in her face.



    "Now, I would like to impress upon you, Jessie, that naughty language like that will not be tolerated. Not only are you here to help out and make this a fun and rewarding experience for the little ones, but you are also to act as a role model for them. So no more potty-mouth, alright sweetheart?"



    Jessica nodded, finding herself being hugged all of a sudden. "I'm sorry to be so stern with you," Mrs. Clawto said, gently rubbing Jessica's back, "I know that you're really a good girl. You just need a little extra help staying one. But don't worry, that'll be something we here will help you work on." She released the admonished and slightly abashed-looking bunny and smiled down at her. "Now, how about we meet up with some of your new friends in the cafeteria? I'll bet you could go for an early dinner."



    Jessica didn't get the chance to respond, as her stomach let out a hungry growl that was almost a full-on bark. Mrs. Clawto giggled and booped Jessica on her pink nose.



    "Sounds like your tummy emphatically agrees, come along now," she said, taking Jessica by the hand and leading her back inside. They came out to a large space with tables and a buffet-style line up of food. All of the smells made Jessica's mouth water, and forget that she was being led by the paw. She saw some other teenagers standing in line and sitting at tables, chatting and eating. She spotted a lizard girl with pink scales dressed in a black t-shirt with a red miniskirt on, talking to an excited black cat who was wearing a purple band shirt and jeans, animatedly discussing something. A wolf boy with a surly-looking face was sitting by himself, eating what appeared to be macaroni and cheese on his tray. An opossum girl in a red dress was laughing uncontrollably at the antics of another wolf boy, this one with russet-fur. A pair of foxes were in line, both snow white and appearing to be brother and sister, and as far as Jessica could see, there was no one else her age in the cafeteria. She saw several adults standing around, keeping an eye on things, and eating their own lunches. There were a couple of female kangaroos, a friendly-looking male lion, a male jackrabbit, a female coyote, and a panda lady.



    "This is just a few of your new friends. But don't worry, they're all good kids, and more will be joining us soon. In fact, the rest are all confirmed as being on their way. Not everyone's parents could personally bring them, so others are being bussed in. I'm sure that you're all going to have lots of fun together," Mrs. Clawto said as she brought Jessica to the buffet line and handed her a tray. Looking around at all the choices that made the bunny girl's mouth water, she elected to settle for a fruit salad, a yogurt, and some grape juice. Mrs. Clawto, who got a few slices of ribs, a salad, and a small smoothie, saw Jessica to her table. "Now, if you need me, I'll be right over there with the other grownups, okay sweetie? Also, remember to bus your own tray like a good girl." She gave Jessica a couple of affectionate headpats, ignoring her scowl, and went off to be greeted by the other adults.



    "This place is nice, but she's seriously gotta stop talking to me like I'm a little kid," Jessica grumbled to herself just before she popped a grape into her mouth.



    "It seems to be a pretty common thing amongst the teachers here," came a voice to Jessica's side that made her jump and almost choke on her grape, She swallowed and looked to her left to see the energetic cat sitting right next to her.



    "Hi! I'm Alyssa!" she said, extending her paw. Jessica looked her over and concluded that this girl was the same age as her.



    "Jessica. So I take it that you're here for punishment too?" she asked.



    "Pretty much, although, going through this place, it doesn't feel much like a punishment," Alyssa said with a smile.



    "True... but still, we're probably going to think differently once the work starts."



    "Maybe, but it still seems like a fun place to work!" Jessica quickly decided that this cat was just bursting with energy on a regular basis. They chatted for a little bit as Jessica ate, before she finished and took her tray and set it in the appropriate alcove next to the buffet line. Then she turned to see the teachers all herding the other teens to do the same and out the different doors. Mrs. Clawto approached her and gave her another headpat.



    "Good girl, bussing your own tray like that! And already, it looks like you made a new friend. I'm so proud of you!" She said. Jessica searched her voice for any trace of condescension, and found none, and so shrugged the treatment off, figuring that there's a way to submit anonymous complaints if the treatment didn't let up. She too was herded out to the halls and towards the elevator.



    "Now, don't worry about not being able to remember all of the areas and directions. You'll pick it up soon enough. Besides, there'll be teachers and hall monitors to help you if you still get lost from time to time." Mrs. Clawto said on the ride back up the elevator. Once more she led Jessica through the halls of the sixth floor, now able to see other adult staff and teens, some with their doors open, before they came to her room. Mrs. Clawto had Jessica unlock her room herself with her temporary keycard.



    "Good girl! See, you're getting the hang of this place already!" she praised, making Jessica blush and confused on how to respond from such praise for doing a simple task.



    "Now, feel free to watch a little tv and relax until bedtime, which is 10 PM. The tv will actually not be able to be turned back on until morning after 10 anyways, and will shut itself off. Also, I'll be back around then to help you get ready for bed, so how about washing up first?" Mrs. Clawto said, making Jessica blush.



    "F-fine... but seriously, a bedtime?" Jessica said, with a whine in her voice. Mrs. Clawto simply smiled warmly.



    "The little ones will be on a sleep schedule that we all have to meet, sweetheart. Can't have you staying up super late and then sleeping in, or worse, being groggy all day. But don't worry, the routine will become something you'll get used to after a while," She said, patting Jessica on the head once more. She showed herself out, and Jessica sighed, trying not to think about the humiliation that was to come later. She hopped in the shower, after stripping off her clothes, and relaxed as she bathed, She spent some time at the furdryer, before brushing out her fur, with the tv on. Of course, it was only kid-friendly shows and movies, but she was at least able to put on The Revengers, and get dressed in her pj's. The pajamas themselves were just a simple white t-shirt and some green shorts. Just as 10 o'clock rolled around, her tv shut itself off, just as promised, and there was a knock at her door. Jessica briefly considered the idea of simply not answering, but knew that Mrs. Clawto could open it anyway. The knocking was just a courtesy. She sighed and got up and went to the door, opening it, her eyes suddenly going wide. Mrs. Clawto was standing there, smiling down at her, holding a package of Snuggies brand Sleeptights.



    "What if someone saw!" Jessica whined as she stepped back to let the tigress in. Mrs. Clawto giggled as she set the package down on the dresser and tore it open.



    "It's perfectly okay, Jessica, there is nothing to be afraid of. Now, be a big girl for me and lie back on your bed." She said, pulling ove of the offending garments out, and fluffed it. Jessica saw that this was the version of Sleeptights, pink with flowers for girls, that had tabs like a diaper.



    "C-can't I put it on myself..." she asked, blushing.



    "Sorry, sweetheart, but this way we know it's going on nice and properly. Now, please lie down. The sooner we can start, the sooner we can end, and you can go to sleepy land," Mrs. Clawto said with yet another giggle. Jessica blushed yet obeyed, hoping that no one would find out about this.



    "This is ridiculous, anyway, since I'm not going to wet the bed."



    "Of course you won't," the tigress said, her tone suggesting that she didn't really believe the bunny, "but just in case, we'll keep your beddy-bye all nice and dry." The tigress then pulled off Jessica's shorts and underwear, and lifted up her legs with just one paw. This caused Jessica to let out a surprised squeak and her bottom was raised, and the open Sleeptight was slid underneath. And, instead of setting her right back down, Mrs. Clawto picked up an opened canister of baby powder, that Jessica had somehow missed, and started to liberally powder the bunny's bottom. She then set her legs down and dust her front. It was then that she pulled the front of the Sleeptights up front and tped it in place. After running a quick finger through the leg cuffs, she rolled Jessica over and did the tape over the tailhole. She finished it by giving Jessica's padded posterior a pat.



    "There, now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Mrs. Clawto asked. Jessica was surprised by the thickness between her legs, and how it crinkled, as well as pushed her legs apart. Instead of answering, she grabbed her shorts and attempted to pull them on and hid what basically was a diaper... yet they wouldn't fit.



    "Sweetheart, I'm afraid that these shorts are just too small. But don't worry, if you can go the whole week without wetting in your sleep, you can sleep with them instead of your Sleeptights," mrs. Clawto said, gently patting the front of Jessica's padded underwear and taking the shorts from her, folding them up, and putting them in the top drawer... which she then proceeded to fill with the rest of the Sleeptights. Jessica held her tongue, just wanting this over as soon as possible, which it was, just after the tigress surprised the teen bunny once more... by tucking her in.



    "There you go, all snug as a bug," she said, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss on Jessica's forehead. "now get some sleep, angel, you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow!" The tigress then turned out the lights, and exited the room. Jessica reached down under the blanket and sheet to rip the Sleeptight off... before stopping. She realized that, more than likely, in the morning, she was going to be checked if she wet or not, and if they found her without her Sleeptight on... she was probably going to get in trouble. At the very least have to go to bed wearing them for longer. Another, smaller, part of Jessica was also worried... that she might wet the bed again. 



    Sighing, the teen bunny simply laid there, before quickly falling asleep. What she was unaware of, was the lullaby that was coming through the tv speakers, at a pitch and frequency that didn't register to her as being heard. If she could have known she was hearing it, it would have sounded soft and gentle. And indeed, it was the reason why she had been so quick to fall asleep at her allotted bedtime. It was also the reason why, as she slept, her bladder emptied itself into her Sleeptight, flooding it and making the flower design on the front fade. The teenage bunny was in for a surprise in the morning.




I truly hope that you enjoyed the chapter!

  • Like 7

Love the concept! Would like to see more of Tracy's story, but this is an interesting take on the reformatory school archetype.

7 hours ago, Pierry Louys said:

Great chapter !!! Really interesting the way you show the youth center and I think we’re this is going rsrs 

Thank you! I wanted to show a place that was actually a wonderful facility, and not some generic "restraints + brainwashing = baby brain"

49 minutes ago, littleTomás said:

Love the concept! Would like to see more of Tracy's story, but this is an interesting take on the reformatory school archetype.

There will be more of Tracey's Story coming too. Just had to get this idea out of my head and written down.

31 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

I don't usually like babyfur stories but this is super cute, hope you keep going with it. 

Yay! I'm glad that my story caught your eye! :) And I have every intention of keeping it going!


Oh dear, a bratty bunny.  At least she's being corrected rather than spoiled.  Those sassy bunnies don't realise that being an angel bunny like me is very hard work but it's worth it for all of the cuddles and love.

On 8/26/2020 at 6:38 AM, Panther Cub said:

 Jessica was then led back out to the hall and down a few doors, to be let into another room. This one looked like a school room with desks and what appeared to be a teacher's desk at the front, complete with markerboard. "This is the student-staff meeting room. Unless having been assigned otherwise the previous day, this is where you all will come for early morning updates, schedules, and assignments."



    "Assignments? What, like homework?" Jessica said, a note of displeasure in her voice.



    "No, silly," Mrs. Clawto said, giving her charge another head rub, "while we are teaching responsibility for those like you, we take a different approach to it. Assignments are more like games and projects intended to be fun and stimulating. Like scavenger hunts, games of whodunnit mysteries, and so on. It's to help you further socialize and bond not only with your fellow student-employees, but also with those teaching you, as well as help you learn and think in ways you're not used to. Why, we even run a few escape rooms! And of course, we don't exclude the little ones out of the fun there. Although, before they arrive en masse, you'll all be given the chance to experience them first-paw, if you'd like."

This place wouldn't happen to have  tertiary academic or vocational track options for spectrum adults would it? ??

On 8/26/2020 at 6:38 AM, Panther Cub said:

   "Holy crap! The tuition here must be friggin' astronomical!" Jessica said, suddenly finding a white-furred finger wagging in her face
    "Now, I would like to impress upon you, Jessie, that naughty language like that will not be tolerated. Not only are you here to help out and make this a fun and rewarding experience for the little ones, but you are also to act as a role model for them. So no more potty-mouth, alright sweetheart?"


Ooop Never mind I'd be expelled in a week if this is what they consider a swear ??

5 hours ago, TinyBunny said:

Oh dear, a bratty bunny.  At least she's being corrected rather than spoiled.  Those sassy bunnies don't realise that being an angel bunny like me is very hard work but it's worth it for all of the cuddles and love.

Awww, so cute! Hehehehe, yup, Jessica is indeed a bit of a brat. But fret not! This facility will help her to fix that.

3 hours ago, YourFNF said:

This place wouldn't happen to have  tertiary academic or vocational track options for spectrum adults would it? ??

Ooop Never mind I'd be expelled in a week if this is what they consider a swear ??

No spoilers! But, they would help to correct that swearing. ;)


This is cute, and your writing is good enough I can ignore the furry aspects of it. I put a tutorial on formatting help in the Writing Discussion area last week - take a look at it and it will help with the huge gaps between your paragraphs.

I like this concept and figure that she's going to soon figure out that they're not there to work! Playtime in a toddler setting with her nice thick diapees should be good for her! Now don't go neglecting your other story too.:)

  • Like 1
41 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

This is cute, and your writing is good enough I can ignore the furry aspects of it. I put a tutorial on formatting help in the Writing Discussion area last week - take a look at it and it will help with the huge gaps between your paragraphs.

I like this concept and figure that she's going to soon figure out that they're not there to work! Playtime in a toddler setting with her nice thick diapees should be good for her! Now don't go neglecting your other story too.:)

YAY! Also Blush Thank you so much! I LOVED your Diaper Dimension stories!

O.O Oooh! I'll take a look!

I have no intention of neglecting my other stories. This one just came to me so suddenly, I had to write it out, for fear of losing the idea or the direction I wanted the idea to go in. (And that will involve a bit of a slow burn, so to speak). Hehehehe, working in a very hands on program, with toddlers, babies, children, and etc. in the appropriate setting to help with behavioral problems? Couldn't possibly be anything too radical, right? ?

17 hours ago, Panther Cub said:

Awww, so cute! Hehehehe, yup, Jessica is indeed a bit of a brat. But fret not! This facility will help her to fix that.

No spoilers! But, they would help to correct that swearing. ;)

Ahhh helll naaaa ?

*slams an auto-injector loader with MK transcriptase blocker into my thigh as a booster*

I'm onto you


6 hours ago, YourFNF said:

Ahhh helll naaaa ?

*slams an auto-injector loader with MK transcriptase blocker into my thigh as a booster*

I'm onto you


  • 1 month later...
9 minutes ago, Pierry Louys said:

I really hope you continue this story !! Is good premise ! And I very curious to see what gonna happen next 

Absolutely I will! It's next on the docket! ;) 


Hi there folks! A writing wind is upon me, and I am taking full advantage of it! I am so happy to be able to bring you the newest chapter of Youth Center!



Youth Center (Chapter 2)




Panther Cub



    Jessica yawned and stretched as she slowly came to. There was a big smile on the grey bunny's face, as she had been having such a nice dream. She couldn't recall the details of it, but she didn't care too much. She felt so well-rested, she only vaguely was aware of the light knocking coming from the door to her room. Kicking off the covers, a still semi-sleepy Jessica walked with a waddle to the door. She had forgotten the night before and what she was wearing and had yet to notice it... or the fact that it was VERY wet...


    Rubbing her eyes still, Jessica opened the door, to see the smiling face of Mrs. Clawto standing there, now wearing a light green t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Jessica was just standing there in her white shirt and well used Sleeptights.


    "Good Morning, sweetie," Mrs. Clawto cheerfully chirped as she entered, Jessica closing the door behind herself. Jessica, now remembering where she was picked right back up her grumpy attitude from yesterday. "Did you sleep well?"


    "Yeah," Jessica mumbled, looking away, "what time is it?"


    "Almost nine in the morning! We have got ourselves quite the busy day today, so much to learn and experience." Jessica rolled her eyes at the large tigress' general sunny disposition. "And we need to get you all cleaned up and ready to go!"


    "Cleaned up? I mean, yeah, I gotta run a brush through my fur but..." Jessica trailed off as she followed Mrs. Clawto's gaze to her own soaked padding, which was drooping a little off her hips.


    "Wh-what?" Jessica's voice was a whisper.


    "Oh dear. Well, at least we took the proper precaution and protected the mattress. Don't worry, honey-bunny, I promise that you're not in trouble. We handled your little nighttime problem just fine." Mrs. Clawto said, slipping a comforting arm around Jessica's back and start rubbing with her massive paw. Jessica felt humiliated, standing there in what was essentially a wet diaper, her cheeks burning beneath her fur. She could feel a slight prickle of tears, but stifled it all and blinked them away.


    "I don't normally wet the bed... I don't know why I started recently..." she offered, albeit lamely.


    "Well, children often have bedwetting problems due to stress and anxiety. And being in a new place like this surely mustn't have been easy. But don't worry, I'm here, and you're safe." The words she was saying did little to console the embarrassed and confused teenaged bunny. Jessica then elected to take a quick shower, and excused herself to her bathroom. While Jessica was presumably stripping off her diaper and stuffing it into the wastebasket in the bathroom, Mrs. Clawto  went about picking out an outfit for Jessica to wear today. She looked at the painting near the bed and smiled.


    Out of the closet she spotted a cute yellow sundress similar to the one in the picture. She also went to the underwear drawers, spotting the other Sleeptights she had loaded in there the night before, and selected a pair of plain white panties and a matching bra. During all of this, she had been humming, and listening to Jessica getting into the shower, having heard a shocked squeak from the bunny girl who had gotten in without waiting for the water to warm up first. Jessica, for her part, and scrubbed down the parts of herself that had been encased in the diaper, before doing a quick once-over with herself with her shampoo. Rinsing off and stepping out, she wrapped one of the big fluffy white towels around herself and started to dry off. Knowing that they were on a schedule, she didn't bother with the furdryer.


    Mrs. Clawto chuckled at the sight of the slightly damp, but now floofy bunny girl who stalked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. Jessica frowned and grumbled, but otherwise bit her tongue.


    "Here you are!" Mrs. Clawto said melodiously while presenting Jessica with the folded up dress and underwear.


    "Th-thanks," Jessica said with a blush, snatching the items in question and rushing back into the bathroom. She exited shortly afterwards wearing the yellow sundress, still blushing.


    "I'm so proud of you!" the tigress said, pulling the still-flustered bunny into a hug.


    "F-for what?" Jessica asked after extricating herself from the embrace.


    "For getting yourself ready so quickly!"


    Jessica grumbled some more as she followed the cheerful tigress out into the hall. They stopped to make sure the door to the room locked, and then continued towards the elevators. They passed by various doors, with other adults apparently helping and encouraging the teens that they're overseeing to get ready. Jessica spied through a mostly open door a fox man in a tie-dye shirt and jeans pulling a shirt down over an annoyed-looking grey wolf boy's head.


    "Uh," Jessica started, "do all of the workers here... assist in helping the teens put on clothes?"


    "Many little ones need lots of help in that department, so for many it's more or less become second nature to help any of the children under our watch," Mrs. Clawto said.


    "Uh-huh... because, I could have picked out my own outfit today..."


    "And I'm sure that it would have been just as adorable," the tigress spoke as she smiled down at the girl, rubbing her head.


    Jessica wasn't sure of why, but she was certain that there was a tone of finality there. Normally, she would've confronted Mrs. Clawto about making it a point to dress herself unsupervised... but she held back from doing just that. Letting out a yawn, she was still a little groggy from waking up recently, and subsequently decided not to say anything. They and several other pairs arrived at the elevators, with the adults greeting each other. As Jessica and Mrs. Clawto got on an elevator and the doors started to slide closed, Jessica thought she saw the fox from earlier leading the wolf boy by the paw... but she shook her head. Instead she decided that she had probably seen an optical illusion.


    "Now the rest of your new friends have arrived today, and you'll all be going to orientation," Mrs. Clawto said as they rode the elevator down to the first floor.




    "Just an introduction of what will be expected of you during your time here with us, a rough outline of what your duties will be, how you'll need to conduct yourselves, that sort of thing."


    Jessica rolled her eyes at that. "Sounds thrilling," she snarked. Mrs. Clawto laughed at that.


    "I know that it sounds boring, but I promise that you are going to be having so much fun here, that you'll want to stay," Mrs. Clawto said, ignoring Jessica's snort of derision, "in fact, if by the end of your time you'd like to enroll here, that could be arranged as well."


    "Enroll here? At a daycare? No thanks."


    "Silly, don't you remember how yesterday Happy Cubs was expanding into other scholastic areas?"


    Jessica wracked her brain for a moment and then remembered how the tigress had said something about high schoolers.


    "Uh, thanks but no thanks," the bunny said as the doors dinged and slid open, "I think I'll stick with my current high school."


    Mrs. Clawto simply giggled and started to guide Jessica down the halls. Once more, Jessica could hear the happy chatter of children, and even saw a couple of squirrel boys laughing as they ran out of a door. If Jessica had to guess, they looked to be twins, around the age of 8. Their fur was both brown, and they were wearing matching blue t-shirts and khaki shorts.


    "Tom, Tim," the tigress sweetly said, still smiling, "remember, no running in the halls." Both boys stopped and looked chastened.


    "We're sorry, Missus Clawto," said the one on the left.


    "We forgot," said the one on the right. The tigress sighed and shook her head, not once seeming upset.


    "It's alright you two. Now, better get back to Mr. Teller, before he comes looking for you two and gets himself lost again."


    They two boys giggled at that and, while walking, scurried off around the corner.


    "Those two can be rather rambunctious," Mrs. Clawto said to Jessica as they resumed walking, a pair of double doors coming up at the end of the hall, "but they really are sweet boys. I'm sure that you and them will get along just fine."


    Jessica held her tongue again and simply internally shivered. The idea of dealing with kids was bad enough, but a pair as hyper as those two seemed to her? She briefly envisioned herself pulling her ears out and sighed. Better than having to be involved in diaper changes, she thought to herself as Mrs. Clawto held one of the doors open for her. Jessica thanked her and entered, blushing again at being praised for being so polite, and then stopped. They were in an auditorium with a very large stage set up, with red velvety curtains. Foldable cushioned chairs like those at a movie theater were assembled around facing the stage, and most of them seemed to be filled with teens.


    "There's gotta be at least a hundred of us!" she quietly exclaimed, her ears perked right up in surprise. They swiveled in the direction of the larger female who was quietly chuckling.


    "This is a big facility and we have a LOT of little ones," she said, rubbing Jessica's head in between her ears. "But please don't worry, that won't mean that I will be too busy to make you my special girl. Now, go find a seat, and the orientation will begin as soon as the rest have arrived." As she said this, more teens and their chaperones were entering from the doors behind them as well as several other doors. It wasn't going to be much longer before everyone had arrived.


    Jessica did as she was instructed, having been waved down by Alyssa... who had been using both arms to get Jessica's attention. She was certain that the black catgirl would have used sparklers and an airhorn if she had had them available.


    "Hi Jessica!" she said, bouncing in her seat a little.


    "Hey, Alyssa," Jessica said, smiling a little at the energetic feline.


    "So did you wet the bed too?" Alyssa asked, startling Jessica and making her reflexively hush the girl.


    "Who told you that?!" she quietly demanded, her eyes searching for Mrs. Clawto, spotting her walking up some steps onto the stage, chatting up with a large bear man.


    "No one. It's just that I was talking to some of the other kids here, and I mentioned waking up wet, and they admitted to doing so as well."


    "Wait... what?" Jessica asked, briefly wondering if Alyssa was one of those people who have a tendency to overshare, before wondering how many of the other teens here have been having bedwetting problems.


    "Yeah, at least five boys and two other girls admitted to it, and I think those that didn't weren't being truthful, at least based on how defensive they seemed," Alyssa continued to explain. Jessica then noticed that she was wearing a pair of blue overalls with a red shirt on underneath.


    "W-well... I didn't, so... yeah, I j-just thought that there was a rumor going around because of how you phrased that." Jessica tried to play it off cool, but Alyssa was looking at her with a cheeky grin.


    "Suuuuuuure. I will say, it was pretty embarrassing having to wear a diaper, but at least I didn't wake up in some wet sheets." Jessica blushed so much that the cat-girl could see and giggled. Jessica then stopped and thought about it.


    "Wait, you mean to tell me that we... I mean, you and all the other kids you talked to, wet the bed last night?" she asked, to which Alyssa giggled and nodded along.


    "Doesn't that seem a little od--" Jessica started to ask before she was cut off by Mrs. Clawto's voice over the speakers as she took center stage, holding a mic.


    "Hello everyone!" she said, her voice full of energy and pep. "Let me be the first to say welcome to Happy Cubs Youth Center! I'm Mrs. Diane Clawto," and as she spoke, Jessica could swear that she was making eye contact with her, "and I am just so thrilled to have you here! Now, as most of you know, you're here to work on certain negative behavioral traits in a constructive and nurturing environment. But I promise you, we will help guide your true selves, and try to make sure that you have a lot of fun and make so many new friends along the way. Now, I will hand things off to Mr. Growlster, who will give you a more in-depth description of what you can expect here at Happy Cubs, and what we will expect from you all." Mrs. Clawto then handed the microphone to a very large and muscular reindeer, much to a lot of students' surprise, what with a name like Growlster.


    Jessica had completely lost her train of thought, and instead boredly sat in her seat and half-listened as the reindeer explained mostly what Mrs. Clawto had covered with her yesterday. There were some groans from the assembled students about having to help out with the children, but most kept it to a minimum. Most seemed appeased by the perks that were laid out, including the description of the break room and the mentioning of the pool. Next to come up was a hyena woman who introduced herself as Ms. Dartigan, and she started to go over the rules. No swearing, no fighting, how bullying would not be tolerated and so on. Soon enough, the different adults started to herd the teens up out of their seats and off to different parts of the facility, all in different groups. Since Jessica was part of the few that had arrived the day before, she was grouped with Alyssa, the pink lizard girl, and a few others she vaguely remembered seeing yesterday.


    "I was thinking that we could get you all some breakfast in your tummies and then see about visiting the breakroom for a little bit?" Mrs. Clawto said, suddenly right next to Jessica. The bunny jumped and looked around, noticing something odd.


    "Uhm... Mrs. Clawto?" she asked, confused.


    "Yes, honey-bunny?" the tigress said, making Jessica wince, especially when a nearby cheetah boy started to chuckle at the pet name.


    "There seem to be a... lot of adult chaperones... like, one for each teenager..." she let the question just hang there in the air.


    "Ah, that's because we like to give each of our children in your program one on one attention," the tigress said just before wrapping her arms around the bunny, who let out another surprised squeak, and hugged her. "This way, you won't have to worry about feeling ignored or left out."


    "D-does that mean that you're going to be constantly looking over my shoulder here?" she asked, blushing some more.


    "Nope! Once you get all settled in, you'll be trusted to find your own way. Think of me as more of a helpful auntie, whom you can come to for any reason. And of course, I'll be checking up on you regularly, especially first thing in the morning, and when it's time to help you get ready for beddie-bye."


    Jessica felt that her face must be scarlet as she blushed.


    "W-will I really have to keep wearing those things," she leaned back to whisper.


    "Yes, but don't worry, you're not alone. Besides, if you can go seven days in a row without an accident, you can try sleeping without them." Another head pat and Jessica was essentially shut up for the time being. They soon entered the cafeteria, and the smells of breakfast set so many sets of mouths watering. They were herded into a single-file line, and allowed to have at the buffet-style layout. Jessica loaded her plate up with another fruit salad, but couldn't avoid the call of the still-sizzling turkey bacon, nor the scrambled eggs. She sat down, with Alyssa on her left, and started in on her breakfast, taking note of the adults once more at their own table, conferring and laughing.


    "With a spread like this, I'm gunna get so fat!" Alyssa said, digging into an omelette she had selected.


    "For someone as hyper as you, I'd imagine that that'd be very hard to do," Jessica said, only half-sarcastically as she observed the black cat bouncing in her seat.


    "Hehe, true enough," she said, "still though, this place is already so awesome! And we get to work with a bunch of cute little kids!" she said, ecstatic.


    "You actually want to work with a bunch of snot-nosed brats?" Jessica asked in disbelief.


    "Uh-huh," Alyssa said, nodding vigorously, some omelette on her chin that she seemed unaware of, "I love kids! They're just so cute and sweet!"


    She's practically a child herself, Jessica thought. "Well, that's cool for you I guess. I'm not particularly looking forward to that part of the job myself. All the screaming and crying and the diapers."


    "Awww, the really little ones are the cutest of all. Besides, diapers aren't such a big deal. I've babysat a few times. Once you get over the first couple, it's easy sailing." Aylssa mentioning working before coming here sparked another thought in Jessica's mind.


    "Hey, Alyssa?" she asked, looking over to see that the cat-girl still hadn't noticed the egg on her chin, and stifled a giggle.




    "What'd you do that made your parents send you here?"


    Alyssa got quiet for a moment and looked down at her paws. "I g-got caught... taking some things... that didn't belong to me..." the girl explained, her voice filled with guilt.


    "So, shoplifting?" Jessica asked, now intrigued.


    "Well... yeah. Mostly food and stuff like that... my family doesn't have a lot of money so... sometimes food's a little scarce. After I got caught, we were all surprised when I was offered a deal to come here instead of juvie. My mom and dad were a little worried about how much a place like this would cost us, but we were told that it would be free. Well, and then the representative talked to my parents some more privately, but when all was said and done, I ended up on my way here. And this is practically my dream job!" she at first had been forlorn, but was now sitting and purring. Jessica was shocked that a girl like Alyssa would steal anything, but then shrugged it off.


    "What about you, Jessie?" Alyssa then asked, making the bunny look over at her curious yellow eyes before she looked back away.


    "There was a girl in a certain clique. I had my own, and we used to be friends. But then, she would always start up some drama or other with me. One day, she went too far, so I decided to get even with her. I got caught spray-painting that she... uhm... got around alot, on her house. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but now here I am."


    "Hmmm," Alyssa took that in. "YAY!" she said, starling Jessica by leaning over and glomping her in a hug. "I say that that was fate deciding that we would meet each other here so we could become besties!" She was purring as she said this, and Jessica squirmed and tried to escape the hug, except that her arms were pinned.


    This is gunna be a looooooong summer, Jessica thought as she gave up trying to escape Alyssa's purring, vice-like clutches.



I certainly hope that you enjoyed the newest chapter as much as I did writing it! Please consider leaving a comment or review! ;)

  • Like 4

Great chapter ! Now we now somethings,and I think Jessie is finally beginning understanding her purpose in the youth center heheheh I hope to see the next part soon because I really want to see the little bunny having fun padded and carefree 

11 minutes ago, Pierry Louys said:

Great chapter ! Now we now somethings,and I think Jessie is finally beginning understanding her purpose in the youth center heheheh I hope to see the next part soon because I really want to see the little bunny having fun padded and carefree 

YAY! Thank you!


9 minutes ago, Pierry Louys said:

I hope we can see other baby Cubs like this grey wolf being cared and how he ended there 

Oh, you'll se more of the others around.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice chapter! I love the way it’s clear the “helpers” are tuning into kids.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, littleTomás said:

Nice chapter! I love the way it’s clear the “helpers” are tuning into kids.

Thank you! Oh? Is that what's happening now? :3

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