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ever had laughing gas or sedation at the dentist

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Yes, I have had the novacane and Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide) before.  This makes you calmer, and easier to deal with.  They usually use N2 03 to help you relax if you are nervous or scared about dental procedures.  Nowadays, I can go right in an have my teeth cleaned, and checked and filled without it.  You just have to OPEN WIDE and hold REALLY STILL while being numbed up - If it makes you feel better, and safer, by all means, ask for the gas :)

Take Care,


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9 minutes ago, baker7 said:


Yes, I have had the novacane and Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide) before.  This makes you calmer, and easier to deal with.  They usually use N2 03 to help you relax if you are nervous or scared about dental procedures.  Nowadays, I can go right in an have my teeth cleaned, and checked and filled without it.  You just have to OPEN WIDE and hold REALLY STILL while being numbed up - If it makes you feel better, and safer, by all means, ask for the gas :)

Take Care,


would gas and the papoose board be safe     

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4 hours ago, goodnites10 said:

would gas and the papoose board be safe     


That would be something you would have to discuss with the dentist.  I would think it would be safe, because you are not being put UNDER for the cleaning, you would use the gas to help you relax.  You are receiving Oxygen during the use of Laughing Gas, so it should be safe - Check with your dentist if you are concerned.

Good Luck!


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8 minutes ago, spoonchicken said:

What's a papoose board ?



"A papoose board is a cushioned board with fabric Velcro straps that can be used to help limit a patient's movement and hold them steady during the medical procedure. Sometimes oral, IV or gas sedation such as nitrous oxide will be used to calm the patient prior to or during use. Using a papoose board to temporarily and safely limit movement is often preferable to medical sedation, which presents serious potential risks, including death. As a result, restraint is preferred by some parents as an alternative to sedation, behavior management/anxiety reduction techniques, better pain management or a low risk anxyiolytic such as nitrous oxide. Informed consent from a parent or guardian is usually required before a papoose board can be used. If assent from the child is required, then in most cases, the papoose board would be prohibited as it is unlikely that a child would agree to restraint and not struggle. In some countries, the papoose board is banned and considered a serious breach of ethics. (U.K., for example).[3]"

(Via Wikipedia)  I've never heard of it used for this:  Its basically like what they would strap you to to immobilize you (a Back Board)


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8 hours ago, goodnites10 said:

ever had laughing gas or sedation at the dentist 

I've had nitris oxide at a Grateful Dead show and I've had 'laughing gas' at the dentist. 

I enjoyed both times. Preferred the Dead show.

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there have been times that gas made me crazy(er), and i would have the whole waiting room(they could hear me) laughing, other times i think it made me pass out but im not complaining.only problem is sometimes it makes me sick and i toss my cookies, hate it when that happens.

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I wish I had laughing gas, I had a horrible experience with a dentist when I was a kid. They were supposed to do a basic teeth cleaning. They strapped me into a bed so I couldn't move/get up or otherwise protest and just started picking at my gums/teeth which were very sensitive at the time due to me not being very good at taking care of my teeth back than, but I bet it'd hurt anyone cause they weren't being gentle or careful at all. I had a mask on that they claimed was giving me laughing gas, but I think it was just giving me oxygen because I didn't notice any effects and could feel EVERYTHING.


After a few minutes of me screaming and crying in protest they asked my mom to leave because "maybe he'll be more cooperative if you're not in the room" which was just bullshit, obviously I was even LESS cooperative when my mom wasn't in the room and I kept begging them to bring my mom back in the room and they kept saying that if I calmed down than they would, but ofcourse that didn't work. They eventually did let my mom back in the room and I think I said with tears running down my face and blood practically flowing out my mouth something like "Make them stop, don't you love me anymore?"

My mom noticed how much suffering I was in and told them to stop. Before they even unstrapped me from the bed one of the dentist straight SMACKED ME RIGHT IN THE CHEST (which has a Cental Line I.V there that they knew full well about before hand) and shook me around saying "We're trying to help you!" Remember this is AFTER my mom told them to stop.

After getting up the guy literally gave me a sickening grin like he knew I was upset and there was nothing we could do about it (doctors/dentists will lie for each other and also have good lawyers)

We tried getting the cops involved, but ofcourse the dentists lied through their teeth about the whole situation.and the hospital didn't want to do anything about it either.

That's just one of many horror stories I could tell you about my experiences with those working in the medical field and it's one of my tamer ones.


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