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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

From Teacher to Toddler Chapter 23 01/31/21

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Hey everyone! 

I posted this story a little while ago, but took it down due to needing more revamp and ideas to make this story pop. I am the original writer of this story and there is a person on deviantart writing a very similar version that I allowed her to write. I hope everybody enjoys this story as much as I do.




Chapter 1:

Eva tossed in turn at the sound of her phone's alarm going off she was once again having one of her favorite dreams of her being cared for like the little baby she was dressed as by her neighbor at school Ms.Harper. The large woman was feeding her a baby bottle of warm milk and slowly rubbing her diapered crotch telling her how naughty of a little baby she had been as Eva continued to hear the alarm screaming at her knowing it was time to get up.

If anybody was in the room with her you would be pretty shocked to see her the way she was dressed. Eva was 28 years old and stood at 4 feet tall. She was the teacher at one of the finest schools in the state of Florida that taught children with all types of special needs. When she was first hired she was shocked when she went into the classroom to find a large nursery instead of a children's classroom. There were 4 cribs, 4 High chairs, a changing table that could fit most adults, and the largest playpen in the world that she had ever seen along with what looked like an old broom closet that was suppose to be her office.

As summer break was coming up she had learned from her neighbor Ms.Harper that all of the furniture and both of there rooms was being renovated for brand new items and would be removed when summer break began which excited Eva even more wondering if she could finally have the things she wanted most a nursery. When the day had finally come and her former students had left the classroom she watched as the maintenance crew rolled in with large boxes of what had to be the new items for her classroom. Eva quickly asked one of the men what they were going to do with the items and quickly learned they were being thrown out and asked if she could have one of each for her "niece". The men smiled telling her that it wouldn't be a problem and Eva was even more excited when she learned they were going to deliver  the items as well.

Eva stared at her phone knowing that summer had come to an end entirely way to fast, but now she had to get up and ready to meet her new students. She got out of the crib quickly noticing the sagging that was coming from the wet diaper between legs and placing it in the diaper pail beside her changing table. She walked out of her nursery loving the sound of her calling it that truly turned her on even more. She hopped into the shower turning the water on wondering to herself if maybe this year she could do something different. 

She turned the water off to the shower quickly grabbing a towel drying herself as she made her way towards her old bedroom. She called it old because for most of the summer she truly lived the life of a baby girl. She stared at her old bed seeing it still made up like she left it when summer began and walked towards her closet knowing she didn't have much time to get ready. She looked through all of the suits and adult dresses telling herself maybe she could try something new when she quickly had a cute idea. She walked out of the bedroom and into the nursery which contained a massive walk in closet. 

She quickly found what she was looking for it was a pair of shortalls she had worn for Halloween the year before and had the words "cutie pie" stitched on the bib. She took the outfit back into her adult room setting them on the bed. After sliding on some panties, socks, and one of her more childish shirts she slid the shortalls over her small frame she pulled the straps over snapping them in place. She walked into her bathroom quickly seeing she had 20 minutes before she had to be at her classroom as she stared into the mirror wondering what was missing.

She reached into her drawers finding two red hair bows pulling some of her hair together before putting one bow on one side and then the other giving herself pigtails. She then noticed in the mirror that she truly looked nothing like the 28 year old educator, but a student ready for her first day at pre-school and decide that it was a bad idea. She reached for her phone quickly seeing she only had 10 minutes to be at her classroom. 

Eva ran out of her bathroom grabbing her purse and shoes before running out of her house towards her car. She started the engine and raced to the school as quick as she could. She was very happy that she had chose to live right around the corner or else she might of been in some real trouble. She pulled into the school seeing she had 7 minutes to get into the classroom knowing she always took the back way in knowing the front of the school was going to be packed with parents dropping off there students. 

When she got out of her car she then noticed a problem she realized she was still wearing the shortalls, but then knew she was going to have to worry about it later and hoped it wouldn't be that big of a deal. She pulled the back door of the school open running to her classroom that was around the corner of the hall she was on hoping there wouldn't be a line of parents waiting for her as she turned the corner quickly running straight into a stroller that she hadn't seen.

Eva stared up from the ground wondering what she had just hit as a set of hands made there way under Eva's small frame as words began to form through her ears. She stared up at a woman asking her "are you hurt sweetheart? where is your mommy?" as Eva began to realize what the woman was getting at knowing the way she was dressed. Eva began to giggle at the woman telling her "mam, I am a teacher" as the older woman looked over Eva telling her "sweety it's not nice to lie to people" as Eva reached into her purse grabbing her badge showing it to the large woman. 

The larger woman smiled seeing the badge and reading the name "Eva Peters" and quickly responded saying "your my daughters teacher" as Eva saw the woman turn the stroller to her seeing the teenage baby inside of the stroller. The woman then stuck out her hand introducing her as Ms.Johnson and that the toddler inside was her daughter Danni. 

Eva opened the door to her classroom allowing the woman to push her child inside as Eva stopped to see the transition that her classroom had taken. The room had changed alot and seemed even more babyish then ever before. She walked over to the new cribs sitting beside the wall quickly seeing they were much larger then the previous one's and now had a strap inside to keep the child from moving inside. The next thing she noticed was the size of the playpen it was atleast 7 feet wide and 4 feet tall. Eva remembered the one she had at home she was just barely able to crawl out of hers and now if she was in this there would be no way of her getting out with out help.

She quickly broke her trance with the soft knock at the door as she saw more children making there way into the classroom. Both mothers quickly pulled there teenage babies out of the stroller and placing them inside next to Danni. Eva walked over to introduce herself to the first woman, but quickly found herself being picked up and a hand being brought through the front of shortalls as Eva began to struggle as the woman she had met earlier Ms.Johnson quickly yelled "that's the teacher" as the older woman quickly apologized saying that makes since why I didn't feel a diaper as the three women began to laugh. 

Eva smiled sticking her hand out to the three women introducing herself as "Eva Peters". Both women walked over to the playpen as Eva followed listening as the first woman a tall blond with large breast introduced herself as Ms.Parker and her child McKenzie Parker and the next woman a Tall Asian woman named Ms. Martin and her child Cathy Parker. The three women began to giggle to one another as Eva asked what was so funny. 

They all stared at one another as they all asked "Why are you dressed like are children if your the teacher" Eva's mind began to go blank wondering what she could tell them as she quickly told them I did this so your children wouldn't feel intimidated by me and would see me just like them as Eva hoped they would buy the story. All three of them smiled at one another again saying you did a really good job as Ms.Parker spoke saying "its funny if you were wearing a diaper today you and my daughter would be twins" as Eva laughed with the mothers as the bell began to ring."

Eva waved good bye to the mothers "telling them all that she would have them all taken care of" as the door began to close wondering what the day was going to bring. She looked towards the last crib wondering if she was going to have a 4th baby joining them today as Eva turned hearing a soft knock at the door wondering if that was them now.

She opened the door finding the assistant principle Mrs.Ken standing there with a tall teenage girl. Eva spoke saying "good morning" as her boss quickly responded the same before saying "Eva you look so adorable" as Eva smiled thanking the woman saying "I found a new approach for the children" as Mrs.Ken told her "I knew you were going to be a good hire" as Eva smiled at the Teenage girl saying "who is this?" as Mrs. Ken said "this is Chauncey," she is in college to be come a special needs educator like yourself and volunteers with us for her school and will be your new assistant."

Eva nervously smiled at the teenage girl introducing herself to her as Eva watched her crouch down her level saying "its great to meet you as well Ms. Peters and I am sure we will become great friends by the end of the semester" as Mrs.Ken spoke telling them "I am going to leave y'all to it" as Chauncey walked into the classroom past Eva who was hoping that with a new assistant wouldn't cause any problems.





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Chapter 2:

Eva and Chauncey got settled into the classroom as the first period bell began to ring. The two sat down at the make shift office in the corner of the room as Eva listened to Chauncey tell a little bit about herself. Chauncey told her how she was to graduate in a couple of months and hoping to have a classroom like this. 

The two of them continued to talk about ideas for the semester and possible field trips for the children. Chauncey smiled looking around the classroom asking "what is a normal routine for class" as Eva told her I like to have the children take a small nap when they first get here, then playtime, lunchtime, then a nap until there parents come as Chauncey nodded saying I think that's a smart idea.

Eva looked at the clock seeing it had already been 30 minutes telling her new assistant that they could go ahead and move them to the playpen as Chauncey quickly got up and headed for the first crib. She watched as Chauncey let the top of the rail down watching as Chauncey slipped her fingers into the waist band of the child's diaper wishing that could be her being check liked that as she started to think back to a memory from this past summer.

She thought back to over the summer break when she had heard that parents were purchasing diapers for there children at the student resource center and figured why not get them from the same place for free, but when she had gotten to the center she quickly found out that there had to be a student registered for them to hand out the supplies. Eva walked back into the store after giving her plan a one over and signed herself up as a student inside of the school system hoping it wouldn't cause any red flags or for anyone to ask questions why there was both a student and a teacher with the name "Eva peters" in the system.

Eva broke from her day dream as Eva heard her name being called as she woke up saying "what did you say?" as Chauncey repeated herself saying "can you grab Danni for me" as Eva nodded letting the rail down and grabbing the teen baby out of the crib and placing her hand under her diapered bottom knowing when she got home she was going to be patted like this herself. She placed the baby next to the other children as Eva thanked her helper. 

They both stared as the children began to play with one another as Eva asked her helper saying "can you put me inside?" as Chauncey looked confused saying "sure." Eva turned around telling her "I need to learn things about them and what better way then to play with them" as Chauncey began to laugh. Eva stuck her lips out asking "whats so funny?" as Chauncey told her it's just the way you said that and the way your dressed you are pretty much just like them" as Eva giggled and started to play with her students.

Eva played different games with her students slowly beginning to make a connection with them one by one. Chauncey walked over to the side of rail telling her "they all seem to really like you and it seems they think that your just like them" as Eva knew that wasn't the plan from the beginning, but it seemed to make the children happy as they both jumped at the sound of the lunch bell beginning to ring.

Eva smiled at Chauncey saying "lunch time lets get to work" as the two smiled and started grabbing the children from the playpen and walked them over to the high chairs. After getting the children calm and into there seats Eva walked over to a small mini fridge in the corner handing Chauncey the gallon of milk while Eva grabbed spoons and 2 jars of baby food for each child. Eva got the baby food sat and bibs tied around there heads as the two them began to feed the children.

Eva fed baby Jensen as Chauncey fed baby Parker making sure to get the food down there mouths and have them drink there bottles before there afternoon naps. After Eva finished getting Danni her bottle fed she turned to see Chauncey struggling with Baby Martin. Eva walked over asking her "whats going on?" as Chauncey shook her head saying "she won't budge." Eva looked towards the last high chair seeing the spare bottle of milk getting an idea to see if this would help as Eva spoke saying "Cathy look at me I drink it too" placing the nipple of the bottle into her mouth slowly nursing the bottle. 

Chauncey stared wide eyed as the sight of the teacher sucking down on the bottle as she realized what she was doing picking up a scoop of the baby food as the baby began to eat. Eva continued to suckle on the nipple between her lips not even realizing she was still doing so. She opened her eyes as the last bit of the milk finished leaving the bottle setting it down back on the table as Chauncey picked up Eva quickly placing her on her back as Eva felt air coming up her throat letting out a large belch.

Eva was placed back on the ground quickly asking "why did you do that?" as Chauncey giggled apologizing saying "It was a force of habit" as they both laughed turning to see the baby they had just fed with a glob of baby food in her hands quickly trying to tell her to put it down as the baby threw the glob landing on the front of Eva's badge and shortalls. Chauncey and Eva both looked down at the baby food covered outfit before looking back to see Danni had picked up the baby bottle turning it towards Eva shooting milk over her outfit soaking it even more as the teenage baby giggled aloud. 

Eva backed away from the child walking over to her desk trying to find something to clean herself up with as Chauncey walked over saying "why don't you let me get the children put down for a nap and you go get yourself cleaned up?" as Eva watched Chauncey unclip her badge saying "I will see if I can find something to clean this up with aswell" as Eva headed out the door.

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Chapter 3:

Eva made it into the staff bathroom looking herself over in the mirror seeing her soaked and stained outfit wondering what she could do. She still had 4 hours left of the day and she was standing here in her drenched outfit really looking like the child she was dressed as. She tried her best to wipe the baby food off of her outfit, but the milk stains were a bigger issue. Eva started to remember about the supply closet down the hall wondering if maybe she could find something to wear until the end of the day.

She opened the door to the supply room walking past the rows of baby furniture hoping she would be able to find something. She finally came to the clothing seeing bags upon bags of diapers aligned against the back wall. She then noticed the only clothing available was for the baby and toddler units. She looked through the pile of clothing seeing a pink onesie that could work for the rest of the day and started walking out and towards the bathroom. When she opened the door she ran right into a large woman standing right outside the door and looked up to see her neighbor Ms.Harper staring down at her.

Eva tried to explain her situation, but felt embarrassed being found this way with the onesie still in her hands. Ms.Harper picked up Eva realizing the woman didn't even recognize her dressed this way. Ms. Harper took the onesie from her hands telling her "sweet heart you are such a mess your going to need alot more then just this" as Eva was carried into the bathroom. Ms. Harper pulled the changing table down off the wall as Eva watched herself being placed on top of the table feeling fear running down her spine. 

She looked down trying to help her case quickly remembering Chauncey had taken her badge as Eva watched her neighbor walk out of the room. She thought about hopping off the table and running for her classroom, but before she could make a move Ms.Harper was walking back inside with a bag of supplies consisting of wipes, powder, and of course diapers. 

Ms.Harper looked for the snaps inside of Eva's leggings looking confused not finding any there wondering what parent didn't buy them for easier diaper changes. She pulled the snaps off the very front bib pulling Eva out of her outfit as Ms.Harper quickly saw she was wearing panties wondering if maybe she was saved. Ms. Harper shook her head saying "here is our problem sweet heart your mommy put you back in big girl panties and your just not ready for those yet" as Eva began to blush feeling so humiliated watching as the rest of her clothing removed along with her tshirt,panties,socks, and shoes leaving her naked on top of the changing table. 

She really didn't know what to think this was her favorite dream playing through her head, but at the same time she felt to humiliated and embarrassed being treated this way as tears began to run down her eyes. She began to bawl in tears as Ms.Harper returned with a thing of wipes and slowly began to make shhshhing noises at the crying baby. She looked through her bag grabbing a pacifier out of the changing bag as Eva felt the rubber nipple entering her mouth as she slowly nursed on it. 

Eva slowly sucked on the pacifier feeling even more embarrassed as she watched her neighbor coating her crotch with baby powder and slowly rubbing it into place. Ms. Harper picked up the large diaper unfolding it before lifting Eva's bottom and placing it underneath. Eva felt something different about the diaper that was being brought up through her legs she noticed these were so much thicker and bowed her legs out farther apart making her feel even smaller then the way she had came dressed like they were made for a big baby like herself.

Ms.Harper secured the tapes into place giving the diaper a pat telling the baby girl "all better" as Eva continued to cry still sucking the pacifier. Ms. Harper grabbed the pink onesie pulling it over Eva's head and snapped it over the diaper sealing it into place. Eva looked down to see she now resembled one of her students more then ever before as Ms. Harper reached into the bag pulling out a pink pair of baby booties to match her outfit pulling them over her small feet and tying them in place. Eva was picked up and placed on her neighbors hip as Ms.Harper smiled saying "lets get you back to class shall we."

Chauncey was staring at the clock wondering what could be taking Ms.Peters so long wondering if she should go give her a hand as Chauncey turned hearing a knock come from the door. She quickly opened the door to find something she hadn't expected to see her teacher from last year Ms. Harper with a child in her arms. Ms. Harper smiled saying "hey Chauncey" as Chauncey smiled saying "hi Ms.Harper is there something I could help you with?" as Ms.Harper smiled telling her "I found this child wondering around the halls in a dirty pair of shortalls and I was hoping that maybe you or Eva would know what class room she belongs in" as Chauncey quickly realized who the child was. 

Chauncey tried her best not to laugh as she spoke saying "Eva was suppose to be taking the child to the bathroom to be changed was she not with her?" as Ms.Harper shook her head telling her former aid "she wasn't" in a very angry voice. Ms Harper handed the baby off to Chauncey telling her "when you see Eva please let her know she needs to stay with the children at all times" as Chauncey nodded telling her "I will make sure she gets the message" as Chauncey watched her former teacher walk towards her class room as she closed the door behind her.

Chauncey placed Eva down on the ground barely keeping herself together, but it seemed too much as she began to laugh asking "What happened?" Eva tried to tell her about how she was caught in the hall way with out her badge, but all that came out of her mouth was the sound of babble as Eva forgot to take out her pacifier. Chauncey continued to laugh saying "what was that?" as Eva pulled out her pacifier telling her "Ms.Harper thought I was a student without my badge and when she found me in the messy clothes she changed me into this.

Chauncey continued to laugh telling Eva "you look know more then a 3 year old" as Eva began to fume wanting to just get her badge and get the day over as she tried to walk towards her desk, but fell on her diapered backside. She started to get upset slamming her fist to the ground getting upset with everything that was happening as Chauncey walked over and picked up the freshly changed baby. Eva turned her head saying "put me down" as Chauncey told her "you need to calm down, why don't you take a nap you've had a rough morning" as Eva responded saying "I am not a baby" as Chauncey shook her head saying "I know, but don't you think a nap would help you relax a little" as Eva looked down knowing she was right as she slowly nodded her head.

Chauncey walked over to the last crib letting the sliding rail down setting Eva down inside watching as she crawled her way inside. Eva stared back at Chauncey telling her "I am sorry" as Chauncey told her "it's alright, I will wake you up if your not up when school lets out" as Chauncey pulled the covers over her new friend as Eva fell right to sleep.

Eva began to wake up slowly stretching her muscles wondering what time it was as her eyes looked around the room seeing the children were already gone. Chauncey was sitting at Eva's desk when she turned to see she was awake and stretching and quickly walked over and pulled the rail down. Eva stared at her helper asking "where are the children?" as Chauncey told her "the parents picked them up about 20 minutes ago and I was going to let you sleep until you got up" as Eva smiled telling her "thank you and can you get me down?" 

Chauncey sat Eva down on the ground as Eva tried to keep her balance with the thick diaper between her legs as she waddled over to her desk grabbing her purse and badge before telling Chauncey "I guess I will see you tomorrow?" as Chauncey smiled nodded saying "absolutely". After getting all of her things together she walked towards the door to see Chauncey standing there with a stroller as Eva looked at her confused wondering what it was for. Chauncey spoke telling her "this is only so nobody see's you dressed like that" as Eva smiled being picked up and placed inside. 

As Eva was being pushed out the back door towards her car she was having the growing urge to pee grow stronger as the past experience of today and her already wearing a diaper allowed her to relieve herself as the warm sensation of her diaper slowly turned her on. Chauncey parked the stroller unstrapping Eva out as Eva turned around thanking her for everything today as the two of them hugged saying good bye as Chauncey picked her up and set her inside of her car telling her "don't think about today I am sure tomorrow will be much better" as Eva nodded and waved good bye.

Eva began to drive home trying her best not to think about what had happened today, but she knew that having Chauncey as a helper and a friend was something she really enjoyed. She had finally made it home when she noticed the post office putting boxes upon boxes onto her front porch. She pulled into her garage watching the post man getting into his vehicle driving off without saying a word as Eva began to wonder what she could of received. 

She had finally made it into her nursery after multiple attempts of waddling with the new diaper and changed out of thick garment and into her usual ones. She walked into her living room and opened her front door to see 5 set of boxes waiting for her on the front porch. After 20 minutes of fighting with the boxes she had finally pulled them inside and looked at who they were to and found they were all labeled the same "name:Eva Peters", "student level:Infant".

She decided to see what was inside grabbing a knife and cut open the first box finding it contained an assortment of school designed baby outfits including: onesies, rompers, short alls, and baby dresses. The next box contained cases of diapers as Eva quickly noticed the packaging were the same ones she wore today that made her an infant pretty much. The last box was the smallest and contained a standard school girl outfit with mary janes that would do nothing to hide her diapers.

Eva began to wonder why she would of been sent all of this looking through the boxes trying to find a clue when she noticed a piece of paper stapled to the side of the box. It was a letter to herself for herself with a list of local babysitters,tutors,nannies, and a designated pick up for the children with her pick up person it was Chauncey.

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15 minutes ago, AnnualExtension9 said:

Love this story please keep going with it!

ill have a new chapter out tomorrow!


Chauncey is totally setting up Eva to be seen as a student so she can get her job, but the ironic part is that Eva will be still getting paid while living our her fantasy. 

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20 minutes ago, Cya said:

Chauncey is totally setting up Eva to be seen as a student so she can get her job, but the ironic part is that Eva will be still getting paid while living our her fantasy. 

Will have to wait and see


Chapter 4:

Eva smiled down at the packages knowing she needed to get them into her nursery. After getting the boxes into her large spacious bedroom she opened her large walk in closet and began to sort each box into a section of the closet. She looked around seeing the only things that were in the closet were a couple of her ABDL items that she had ordered off the internet and a couple packages of diapers she had gotten from the resource center this past summer. She opened the first box grabbing the new outfits one by one realizing something that she didn't earlier, each outfit either include her school level or her name reading the word "baby Eva" across the front of the onesies and dresses. 

After getting all of the outfits hung, she opened the box of diapers and started stacking them against the back wall. After getting them all unloaded Eva started to realize how much this room started to really become the nursery she had always wanted seeing the 10 packs of diapers she had just stacked. She looked back into the boxes making sure she hadn't forgotten anything and quickly noticed a receipt at the very bottom. The receipt explained to her that each month the school would deliver new supplies including diapers, outfits, and anything they thought would allow the student to thrive better in the class room. 

Eva did a once over around her new nursery loving the sound of that as she slowly began to yawn feeling so tired from the long day she had endured. She walked into her master bedroom turning the water on to her hot bath wanting to just relax when a thought came to her mind. She nervously thought about the paper that came with the boxes wondering if Chauncey was going to her house to drive her to school. The thought of her assistant finding out about all of this really made her nervous. She knew when she signed up in the system using her name as both a student and a teacher it might of caused red flags and this might be it.

Eva pulled the stopper out of the tub, as she reached for a towel and began to dry off. After getting her body dried she walked towards her nursery wanting to just have a relaxing night. She walked into her closet once again grabbing a package of her new diapers and dragging them over to the changing table. After ripping the bag open Eva stacked her changing table with the newly aquired diapers. After getting everything stacked she grabbed one of the new diapers instantly understanding what she had felt earlier seeing how huge the diaper looked in her hands. She hopped on top of the changing table and reach under grabbing 2 of her soaker pads sticking them inside her soon to be diaper.

After a good powdering Eva placed the new diaper under her bottom pulling it tightly between her legs watching them bo out even farther then earlier taping it shut on both sides. Eva stared at her crotch nervously wondering how she was going to walk as her feet hit the ground. She grabbed onto the changing table trying to balance herself to her closet, but as soon as she let go she fell right onto her bottom. Eva began to giggle knowing her only choice was to crawl and that she did into her closet. She looked over all of the outfits hanging up and chose one of her new baby dresses. It was white and had her student level:infant written across the chest. After getting the dress pulled over her head, she reached into one of the other boxes that contained accessories.

She pulled out a funny looking pacifier seeing the words "press here on the front" as Eva placed the pacifier inside of her mouth and clicking the button. She instantly noticed the pacifier had inflated making it impossible for her to even speak. The next thing she pulled out was a matching baby bonnet to go with her dress. She pulled the bonnet over her head and quickly made a knot under her chin securing the hat feeling her jaw beginning to get tighter knowing she couldn't remove the pacifier now without removing the bonnet. The last item she found was a pair of {ink baby booties which included something Eva found incredibly adorable. Her name was stitched into the bottom of each bootie. After getting the booties tied to each foot she crawled her way out of the closet wanting to get a look at her new attire.

Eva stared into the large mirror shocked to see her reflection. She stared over each item she had applied to herself trying to wonder if this was really her. The woman in the mirror was no longer the 28 year school teacher, but now looked like an infant ready for her first day at daycare. She noticed the bonnet covered her entire head making her look even younger then she did earlier as her eyes made there way to her diaper. Eva pulled up the dress seeing her thickly padded crotch seeing something she hadn't noticed before the words "infant in training" written across the front. After sulking in her new look Eva crawled her way into her kitchen grabbing a bottle out of her fridge before making her way back into her nursery. She set her alarm for the next morning sliding the rail up before falling fast asleep.

Eva slowly woke up the next morning tossing over as her legs hit on the wooden bars. She looked up opening her eyes quickly remembering she was inside of her crib. She grabbed her phone clicking it on to see she had woken up 2 hours before the alarm was suppose to go off knowing she probably should get up and get ready for her second day of school. After fighting with rail of the crib, she finally got it pulled down allowing herself to lower herself down quickly falling on her bottom remembering she had put on one of the infant diapers the night before. She crawled her way into her bathroom knowing she was going to need a shower and tried to pull off the tapes on the diaper. After a couple of tried Eva nervously began to wonder why they were so tight.

She crawled back into her nursery grabbing the bag and reading "to keep babies out extra strength tapes." Eva crawled into her closet knowing she always kept a spare set of scissors inside just for emergencies and cut the tapes loose as the diaper fell off between her legs. After getting the diaper removed, she pulled off her bonnet,dress, and booties putting them inside of her clothes hamper. She walked down the hallway and into the bathroom going about her business once again.

After getting a hot shower Eva smiled at herself in the mirror ready for another fun day at school. She thought about the incident yesterday hoping that if she tried it again. She wouldn't have another run in like the day before as Eva walked into the nursery closet. She looked over all of her new outfits trying to find something that she could wear without throwing any red flags finding a soft white romper with the motif "mommy's lil helper" on the front. She pulled the romper over her head noticing that it had snaps in the legs made for easy diaper changes hoping nobody would notice. 

Eva grabbed her purse and keys off of her kitchen table and walked out of her house for another day of school. After pulling into the parking lot she noticed she had arrived an hour early which gave her plenty of time of getting inside without being seen. She went into the back door again wondering if Chauncey would be here already or if she would be alone. After walking around the corner Eva noticed something knew hanging on her door. It was a note labeled "Eva Peters" Eva unlocked her door and pulled the note off the door and walked inside. Inside the package was a student's badge and a letter that was very lengthy, but shocked Eva when she read that she had a new student named Eva Peters joining her class as an infant. The rest was telling her about Chauncey and the services the school offered for getting the babies to school and the list of days she would be helping the teacher also named Ms. Peters. Eva noticed that Chauncey wouldn't be back until next week leaving her with the students hoping nothing embarrassing happened until then. 

After reading the letter Eva flicked on the light switch to her room to see that it had changed once again. She quickly noticed that her actions from the past summer had caused yet another problem. The cribs and high chairs now had each students first and last named etched into there assigned seat. The part that scared her the most was the last crib that she thought she had another infant joining the class now read "Eva Peters" knowing she was that student hoping she could figure out a way to explain this to Chauncey.

Eva walked over to her desk placing her purse and keys down along with her new badge. She looked up to the clock seeing she still had 30 minutes before the students arrived when a sharp pain quickly hit her bladder. She desperately needed to pee as Eva grabbed a badge not paying attention to the one she grabbed running out of the classroom towards the teachers bathroom. 

Eva once again couldn't believe it happened again, but as she left her classroom she ran slam into her neighbor Ms.Harper. Ms. Harper stared down at Eva looking over seeing urine beginning to from between the child's leg as Eva felt her bladder had released. She stared nervously embarrassed at her neighbor not knowing what to say as Ms. Harper reached down scooping what she thought was a infant student into her arms. She grabbed the badge out of Eva's hand reading the name "Eva Peters" Student level:Infant" as Eva began to realize she had grabbed the wrong badge as Ms. Harper walked her way into the bathroom. 

Eva tried to fight even trying to explain to Ms.Harper who she was and quickly found a pacifier stuck between her lips as Eva watched her neighbor clicking the front of it feeling the nipple expanding inside of her mouth. Ms. Harper pulled the changing table down again like the day before as Eva sat back feeling powerless as Ms.Harper stripped her out of her outfit again leaving her sitting naked on top of the table. Eva noticed her sticking her outfit inside of a bag before walking out of the room. She waited not even 30 seconds as Ms.Harper walked back inside. 

Eva Stared at the outfit in her hands noticing it was a dress she had never seen before. Ms. Harper pulled the dress over the students head and then pushed her back down on the table before pulling out a diaper and placing it underneath her bottom. She grabbed some powder making quick work of getting her powdered and diapered ready right before school was to begin. Eva stared at her neighbor as Ms. Harper picked her up off of the changing table grabbing the badge once again seeing that she hadn't had her school photo taken. 

Eva nervously wondered what was about to happen as Ms.Harper carried her down the hall. Eva watched as the door began to open to see a complete camera setup with a baby back drop. She was sat down on a sheep skin rug with her feet spread out as Ms.Harper stepped around the camera motioning for Eva to look at her saying "Can you say cheese?" as Eva continued to suck on the pacifier as the flash went off in her eyes. Ms. Harper pulled the badge off of the printer seeing the students baby picture now on the front clipping it onto her dress and carried her back to the classroom. 

Ms. Harper looked around the class room saying "Where is Ms. Peters? she has got to keep you children on a tight leash if she wants to keep her job" as Eva watched Ms. Harper shake her head carrying Eva over to the playpen giving her freshly diapered bottom a pat telling her "be a good girl and Ms.Peters will be here in a second" as Eva watched her walk out the front door. Eva grabbed her new student badge off of her dress looking over it telling herself "I should of just came as a baby" as she looked up at the clock knowing her students would be showing up soon.

Eva pulled herself over the playpen wall knowing she only had a couple of minutes to try to fix the situation. She walked over to her desk switching her current badge with her teacher one wondering what she could do to help the situation. She walked over to the large mirror in the corner of the room seeing the white baby dress she was wearing did nothing to cover the thick diaper between her legs. She tried to brain storm knowing in 5 minutes her students were to show up as her mind instantly thought about an idea that would either help or worsen her cause, but she knew she didn't have a choice.

As the the students began to roll inside Ms. Martin, Jensen, and Parker rolled there children inside each of them asking "where the teacher was?" Eva walked out of the changing room watching the mothers picking there children up setting them inside there assigned cribs. All three mothers turned around as Eva watched them all begin to stare trying hard not to laugh at the sight they were staring at. Eva had changed into one of the schools uniform that looked like something you would see at a catholic school with a very thick diaper showing off underneath as they all circled around her. 

Eva walked over to the cribs as each mother continued to stare at there child's teacher handing each child a bottle during there nap. Eva got to the last child and without warning felt a hand being placed inside of her backside turning to see Ms.Jensen taking it out saying "Sorry force of habit" as the three women began to laugh. Eva turned to the mothers explaining to them why she was dressed this way today telling them that she wanted the children to see her as a baby like there selves as Eva pulled out a pacifier stick it between her lips as the women continued to laugh. Each mother contained there laughter telling Eva that there child seemed much happier coming to school then the day before and that they talked to Chauncey and she explained your teaching method and it seems to work as Eva for once felt good about coming to work this way. 

Eva walked over and opened her class room door as each mother gave her bottom a pat as Eva waved good bye telling herself that she felt her job was going to become a lot more fun or was it.

  • Like 8

Most of this seems the same as the first time you posted these.


i love it , i love all your stories....they are always fantastique ..all my dream are in your story ..thanks


Very well done! I have to wounder if the teacher Eva is going to get fired or if we are going to get an Eva clone.


you'd have thought she would have learned her lesson the previous day.


NO new chapters today finishing fooling around and Carnival Fun to have them posted for tomorrow.


That's a bummer. Look forward to seeing more carnival fun!


Really Enjoying it so far. looking forward to when the forced regression comes into place, right now it seems mostly consensual.


Chapter 5:

The rest of the week came by in a flash, Eva hadn't had any more problems or run ins with Ms.Harper which was good thing for her sake. Eva woke up hearing her alarm going off on her phone as she rolled over clicking it off knowing it was finally Friday. The great thing about Friday was the children were released at noon which meant Eva was about to go home and get started on her weekends as baby Eva. 

She let the rails down on the crib quickly noticing she had wet the diaper between her legs, but ever since the picture day she had been wearing them to school knowing the mothers didn't bat an eye at her dressing this way. She pulled on the diaper noticing it could take more before being changed and decided to just keep it on and change out of it later. She walked into the closet trying to find something to wear today and decided to go with the schools uniform which made her seem some what more adult like then wearing one of the baby dresses or onesies. 

After getting the dress pulled over Eva pulled on a frilly pair of socks and the mary jane shoes to match the outfit and walked over to her mirror to see herself. She looked at herself in the mirror noticing she continued to look more infantile as each day passed and it probably didn't help the fact her diapers read the words "Infant in training" on the front either. 

After giving herself a once over Eva grabbed her new diaper bag off the top of the changing table ready for another day at school. When she arrived at the school she noticed she still had time before the parents would start arriving and headed straight for the classroom. As Eva entered her classroom she walked over to a cubby that had her assigned name written on it and placed her diaper bag inside. After placing the diaper bag down Eva turned around to see once again her classroom had changed and a new item had arrived.

Eva walked over to where her desk wants was, but now in it's place was a large bassinet. Eva grabbed a chair and placed it next to the new piece of equipment wanting to get a better look at it wondering how it worked. After getting the chair setup she stood on top looking inside to see it could very easily fit a large adult. Eva wasn't paying any form of attention not even hearing anybody come inside as she froze feeling a hand pulling up the back of her dress making it way inside the back of her diaper. 

Eva quickly turned to see Ms.Martin standing there with a confused look saying "I thought I didn't have a baby watching over my child, but it looks like I was wrong, your nothing but a little baby yourself" as Eva blushed from the comments as Ms.Martin picked her up and carried her to the changing table. Eva tried to explain the situation, but before she had a word out of her mouth the mother had placed one of the inflating pacifiers inside. Ms.Martin made quick work of stripping Eva out of her outfit leaving her completely naked on top of the changing table deciding what to put the teacher in. She walked into the changing closet pulling out a school designed onesie,bonnet,booties, and mittens. Eva watched Ms.Martin walking over to her showing what she was about to be put in as the woman spoke saying "how about we get the little baby all dressed."

Ms.Martin continued to laugh at the blushing baby putting her in a double diaper and the clothing she had pulled from the closet. After getting Eva dressed she placed her inside the playpen telling her "these diapers should last you all day baby" as Eva blushed watching the mother walk out the door. Eva tried to pull the inflated pacifier out of her mouth, but found the mittens restricted her from doing so knowing she was stuck. 

She felt like it had been forever before the mothers walked inside and looked around for Eva. Ms.Jensen couldn't help herself laughing when they found Eva in the playpen dressed more like she should be in the daycare helping her hand's free from the mittens as Eva tried to get herself out of the problem telling them "I think I tried to be too much of a baby" as the mothers gave her a pat on the diaper telling her "take care of our babies" as Eva watched them walk out the door. 

As Eva closed the door she turned around hearing the sound of one of her charges crying she waddled her way over to the crib seeing baby Danni bawling her eye's after giving her diaper a check she began to realize she was probably hungry and decided it was probably best to get the babies a bottle. Eva walked to the small fridge in the corner grabbing 4 baby bottles out one for each child and herself. She waddled her way back to the cribs now hearing all 3 charges crying knowing she needed to get them fed quickly. 

After giving all 3 of them there bottles Eva waddled over to the playpen and hopped inside. She grabbed a pillow and placed her head and then slid the nipple inside of her mouth and began to suck the milk down. Eva noticed another change, she looked up to see her room now had a giant spinning mobile attached to the ceiling as she asked herself if that had been there all year. Eva continued to drink the milk down when she felt a sudden problem, her stomach felt like it was going to explode. She placed one hand on her stomach and the other on her diapered backside knowing she didn't need this to happen. 

She hopped back over the playpen wall practically running to her cubby wondering if she should ask Ms.Harper to watch the children, but began thinking how was she going to explain the way she was dressed, but it didn't matter before she could grab her badge from her purse it was too late. Eva was now crouching her legs feeling her bowels beginning to betray her as a mess exited her backside. She felt the back of her diaper beginning to get heavier and heavier as she pushed it all out. She was so embarrassed and just wanted to get changed and began pulling at the snaps on the onesie revealing the brown messie diaper. She felt hand's beginning to pick her up trying to figure out who had found her this way as she noticed she was being carried over to the changing table. She was quickly strapped on top of it and looked up as her eye's locked with Chauncey's.

Eva quickly tried to explain saying "let me explain!", but before she could get another word out she had one of the inflatable pacifiers placed inside of her mouth. She watched as Chauncey untaped the soiled diaper from around her waist and picked up a clean diaper from under the changing table and made quick work of getting her nice and dry. Eva was so embarrassed by the situation trying to figure out what she was going to tell her friend as she watched Chauncey pulling the tapes to the middle of the diaper and grabbing the pacifier out of her mouth telling her "you have 5 seconds to explain to me why I found you in a messy diaper!" 

Eva nervously began to speak telling her "I decided to dress more babyish for the students and when I suddenly had to go I found I couldn't remove the diaper on my own I had no choice but to use it." Chauncey began to giggle telling her "I noticed you were wearing one of the infant diapers and I know about the extra strength tapes" as Eva watched her friend giggle at her. Eva nodded her head asking "what are you doing here today?" as Chauncey spoke telling her "I am starting a ride and pick up program for the children and I got out of class early and decide to come in a little earlier to check on the class to see if you needed help" as Eva watched her assistant still giggling the way she found her saying "thanks for that" as Chauncey patted her bottom telling her "what are friends for".

Eva stared up watching as Chauncey walked back into the classroom with a four seat stroller. She continued to smile thinking it was probably a good idea she had found her and nobody else. She really liked Chauncey, but she didn't want anybody to ever find out that she liked being a baby especially Chauncey. She watched as her assistant began loading the children inside of the 4 seat stroller strapping them inside knowing it was finally the end of the day. 

After getting the children strapped inside Chauncey smiled over at Eva asking "do you want a ride?" as Eva shook her head saying "thanks anyway" and began to get an idea. Eva began to ponder the idea watching as Chauncey walked out the classroom as Eva screamed "Chauncey". Chauncey stopped the stroller seeing Eva asking "is there something wrong?" as Eva smiled shaking her head asking "would you like to come over tonight and hang out?" as Chauncey smiled saying "I would love that!" as Eva smiled saying "great let me write my address down and I will see you later" as Eva reached for a sticky note, but was cut off by Chauncey saying "I know this probably sounds odd, but I already have your address for some reason, when the children pick ups came out your address was with them" as Eva nervously spoke saying "that's odd, well I guess I will see you tonight" as Chauncey smiled saying "of course."

Eva began to giggle like a school girl thinking to herself for once she had finally made a friend that she really liked and instantly remembered one problem. She had a house full of nursery furniture in her house and needed to hide it. She quickly grabbed her bag, shutting off the lights, and closing  the door before running towards her car.

  • Like 8

I don't notice any changes!!Why not just continue this in the other thread?

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