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My World Is Falling Apart???

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    Yesterday, around 12:30 p.m. my father passed away in his sleep. A week ago he had a heart attack and he had a stint put in. Last September he went into a heart specialist to have a scan done only to find out he had had a couple heart attacks but didn’t feel them. He had type two diabetes and had a condition (I can’t remember the medical term) where he couldn’t feel pain as much as someone else would. The scan showed that a lot of scare tissue had formed around his heart. He had four stints put in at that time along with the most recent one for the total of five. He also had a diabetic sore on his toe on top of all this.

    Fast forward to a couple days ago, we thought he was doing a lot better, his toe was getting better but life throws you curve balls when you least expect it. Yesterday morning he was sitting at his computer and my mom had gone to the store. I was the only one here with him. I thought he was sleeping because he was snoring so I didn’t think anything of it. A few minutes later he stopped snoring and I had this strange feeling that I should go check on him. He didn’t appear to be breathing and from that moment I had the feeling he was gone but I didn’t want to believe it. I called 911 and the dispatcher stayed on the phone with and instructed me to get him out of his chair and start to give him CPR. She stayed on the phone with me until the ambulance arrived. The EMT’s worked on him for about 40 minutes but after that they said there wasn’t anything more that they could do.

   I keep having to remind myself that this is real, that I am not dreaming! I will be doing something and need help so I’ll think to go to him, then reality will strike and I realize what just happened. I don’t know how my mom and I will get along without him but we have a lot of family that have promised to be here for us at a moments notice. I think I am still in the shock stage of it all but sooner or later I will be able to let my emotions come through. Make sure you let your loved ones know how much they mean to you because you never know when tragedy will strike! Take care my friends!


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Very sorry, your dad past away on you Baby-Dan Dan :59_EmoticonsHDcom: It is a most difficult situation to face. The hole, that is now there for you, and your mom, I’m sure seems overwhelming. Oh course, you will never forget him, and in that, and your hearts, he will live on. His legacy will continue. Over time, the hurt you feel will fade, and you will only remember good things, and smile. Take the knowledge, your dad has past on to you, and do what you think would make him proud. That goes a long way, to honor him.

Now, may be the time to cry, and that’s part of a process, and not a bad thing. You will get through it! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

  Thank you my friends! It has been a struggle this past week but I am extremely glad I am here for my mom! Trying to figure out all the finances and closing some accounts and paying off loans isn’t really my strong suit but thankfully my brothers have come forward to help with all of that. I know over time things will get better but the hurt will still be there deep down! I just think of all the fond memories (and there are many) we had with him and smile! I like to express myself through music quite often and I don’t know if anyone has heard the song “My Hero” by the Dropkick Murphy’s. He truly was my hero!

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/17/2019 at 1:00 PM, baby-dandan said:

    Yesterday, around 12:30 p.m. my father passed away in his sleep. A week ago he had a heart attack and he had a stint put in. Last September he went into a heart specialist to have a scan done only to find out he had had a couple heart attacks but didn’t feel them. He had type two diabetes and had a condition (I can’t remember the medical term) where he couldn’t feel pain as much as someone else would. The scan showed that a lot of scare tissue had formed around his heart. He had four stints put in at that time along with the most recent one for the total of five. He also had a diabetic sore on his toe on top of all this.

    Fast forward to a couple days ago, we thought he was doing a lot better, his toe was getting better but life throws you curve balls when you least expect it. Yesterday morning he was sitting at his computer and my mom had gone to the store. I was the only one here with him. I thought he was sleeping because he was snoring so I didn’t think anything of it. A few minutes later he stopped snoring and I had this strange feeling that I should go check on him. He didn’t appear to be breathing and from that moment I had the feeling he was gone but I didn’t want to believe it. I called 911 and the dispatcher stayed on the phone with and instructed me to get him out of his chair and start to give him CPR. She stayed on the phone with me until the ambulance arrived. The EMT’s worked on him for about 40 minutes but after that they said there wasn’t anything more that they could do.

   I keep having to remind myself that this is real, that I am not dreaming! I will be doing something and need help so I’ll think to go to him, then reality will strike and I realize what just happened. I don’t know how my mom and I will get along without him but we have a lot of family that have promised to be here for us at a moments notice. I think I am still in the shock stage of it all but sooner or later I will be able to let my emotions come through. Make sure you let your loved ones know how much they mean to you because you never know when tragedy will strike! Take care my friends!


My Condolences.

My Dad died on my birthday and what is messed up about it is he told me a year before that he was going to die on my birthday.  My Birthday is Jan 18th and I do miss my dad to this day.  Though I can never forget his death as he left me on my birthday.  I was extremely sad and upset and pissed at him all at once.  The day my dad died I was living with my brother a friend and my dad.  We did not have cell phones back then in the 1995 era and we did not have a phone in the house.  I was asleep up in my room and something woke me up I heard my dad call my older brother and as soon as he walked into the bathroom my dad fell over on the toilet. more like off the toilet.  I heard what happened and after that No thoughts came to mind I ran down the steps out the front door and across the street in my bare feet.  I called 911.  They took forever to get to us but  our friend started CPR on hims but it didn't do anything for him.  After they brought him to the ER they said there was nothing that anyone could have done.  His heart exploded.  So he was gone.  There is not a day I do not think of him.  I miss him.


I am really sorry for your loss.


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Thank You diaperboyEddie12!,

  I am sorry to hear about your Father passing away on your Birthday! Yeah, I miss my Father everyday but one thing that I have a really hard time with is how my mom is dealing with it. There are days where she says that she misses him so much she can hardly function. There are also days that I can’t function and she and I will just sit on our couch and cry together. I try to remember all the good times we had together and as a family. He will forever be in my heart!

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  • 4 months later...

I’m sorry to hear that when I was younger my dad had a heart attack as well he was driving luckily no one got hurt but he didn’t make it the heart attack got him, then a year later my mom passed away so I know what your going through.

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