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Diaper Reference In Rap Song

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Thought I should pass this along in a rap song called "Chain Hang Low(Remix)" a rapper named "Lil Wayne" says in his verse

"Im The Shit I Should Walk Around With Pampers On Me"

Just thought I should pass that along found that interesting Diapers are getting more and more popular each day it seems like.

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Thought I should pass this along in a rap song called "Chain Hang Low(Remix)" a rapper named "Lil Wayne" says in his verse

"Im The Shit I Should Walk Around With Pampers On Me"

Just thought I should pass that along found that interesting Diapers are getting more and more popular each day it seems like.

Eminem has one, "food stamps don't buy diapers."

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Red Barchetta you should a seen the car in front of me a few weeks back they had the music so loud i thought my truck window was gonna fall out i don't know how you could listen to it that loud. there is gonna be a lot of def people in the years to come.

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Red Barchetta you should a seen the car in front of me a few weeks back they had the music so loud i thought my truck window was gonna fall out i don't know how you could listen to it that loud. there is gonna be a lot of def people in the years to come.

Yah, seems to happen a lot! - I don't get it?; How knows, maybe with everything going "Hi-Tech", the younger crowd is stating to forget how to use something as low-tech as a volume control?

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How knows, maybe with everything going "Hi-Tech", the younger crowd is stating to forget how to use something as low-tech as a volume control?

By the sound of it, i'd say that they've more than mastered the useage of the volume control. <_<

How to prevent hearing loss, on the other hand, seems to be a mystery to many people of my generation. :rolleyes:

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Thought I should pass this along in a rap song called "Chain Hang Low(Remix)" a rapper named "Lil Wayne" says in his verse

"Im The Shit I Should Walk Around With Pampers On Me"

Just thought I should pass that along found that interesting Diapers are getting more and more popular each day it seems like.

But what kind of message is being give out in lines like the one above? Doesn't sound like any kind of positive reinforcement to me.

On the contrary.

D :wacko: lly

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By the sound of it, i'd say that they've more than mastered the useage of the volume control. <_<

How to prevent hearing loss, on the other hand, seems to be a mystery to many people of my generation. :rolleyes:

Master the use of the volume control half way... It's like they think it's either off, or all the way up! - no conception that there is any setting in between.....

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Red Barchetta you should a seen the car in front of me a few weeks back they had the music so loud i thought my truck window was gonna fall out i don't know how you could listen to it that loud. there is gonna be a lot of def people in the years to come.

You may laugh, but during World War 2 and even to recent times experiments on "Noise" were still continuing with a view to putting soldiers off their duty by giving them something non fatal to think about-WHAT are you on about you might say ? OK here is how it works=

Deep bass notes of a certain frequency will make you poop your pants big time :horse:

The military have tested this phenomenon extensively and found that really deep bass notes make you go !


If you were about to face the enemy with a red hot pair of underpants how would you concentrate on shooting the opposition then?



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You may laugh, but during World War 2 and even to recent times experiments on "Noise" were still continuing with a view to putting soldiers off their duty by giving them something non fatal to think about-WHAT are you on about you might say ? OK here is how it works=

Deep bass notes of a certain frequency will make you poop your pants big time :horse:

The military have tested this phenomenon extensively and found that really deep bass notes make you go !


If you were about to face the enemy with a red hot pair of underpants how would you concentrate on shooting the opposition then?



Well, I'll go with yest sounds can distract you from other things you are trying to do. But actually cause bodily functions sounds like some sort of myth to me.

However, even is this were possible in a war situation, when actively engaging the enemy - I would bet that few if any fighting personnel are going to pay attention to much other than preventing being hit by enemy fire, and where there weapon is pointed.....

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  • 2 months later...

Bah, rap doesn't suck, just crap rap thats all over the charts. Go listern to some deltron 3030... Rap doesn't have to be about violence (well if you don't count nuclear rockets, space weapon platforms and intergalatic rap battles involving laser cannons and heat rays :X) and can be very funny. Oh and really good beats.

Im sure there was an old ludicrus song that talked about making girls so wet they needed diapers, and in the video had some fine honeys (as they say) whereing leaking cloth diapers and in cribs.

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I'm pretty sure that's just an urban legend.


Not a myth. watch the MythBuster's TV show.

And also, by using Binural Beat frequencies at around 5hZ you can achieve better results.

To generate Binural Beats, you can play with a program called Brainwave Syncronizer, or some such. Or use your own method. Do a little googling with some of these keywords, and you will find alot.

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I'm not sure how many Hip-Hop fans we have on the site, but anyone who actively listens to Ludacris will find more than "a few" references to diapers in his music ... it's weird, and has always been an ongoing joke with myself I guess ... kinda wonder since most people don't mention anything of the sort, while he's done it many times.

Anyone remember the video for Missy Elliot's "One Minute Man", Ludacris was rocking women in cribs and they were drinking bottles (and one was wetting herself) ... that's just one instance.

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Reading this topic, I was going to post the Missy Elliot f/ Ludacris song. Also in that video, I believe Ludacris is pouring milk from a U-shaped bottle onto a woman's stomach.

This may have been mention before, but has any seen the video by Bad Ralph titled "Shoot the Shit (Let's Begin)"? It is about 7 yrs old, but it played on MTV a few times. It is full of AB girls doing what ABs do.

If you haven't seen it, go to MTV and search for it. They have the whole video up.

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Reading this topic, I was going to post the Missy Elliot f/ Ludacris song. Also in that video, I believe Ludacris is pouring milk from a U-shaped bottle onto a woman's stomach.

This may have been mention before, but has any seen the video by Bad Ralph titled "Shoot the Shit (Let's Begin)"? It is about 7 yrs old, but it played on MTV a few times. It is full of AB girls doing what ABs do.

If you haven't seen it, go to MTV and search for it. They have the whole video up.

I have that video

S:\Diapers\Video\Shoot The Shit.mpg (or AVI, I don't remember which)

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:whistling: Just thought I'd chime in on this topic.

"The Bloohound Gang have a couple diaper referances in their music as well. On the album "One Fierce Beer Coaster" in the song titled "Lift Your Head Up High (and blow your brains out) they ask "do you have a mongoloid cousin wearing diapers?". They also reference diapers on their CD "HOORAY for BOOBIES" in the song titled "Take The Long Way Home" they say "the world is a diaper so let someone else change it".

Also, (while it is not rap) Gibby Hanes, (the frontman for "The Butthole Surfers") has a solo project out titled "Gibby Hanes And His Problem", On the first song titled "Kiaser" the chorus starts out "I'll be the Kiaser, you'll wear the diapers, we'll go through money like it was nothing". I recomend this CD, as it has a lot of good tunes on it.

Just my two cents worth :whistling:


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Rap is always positive?! That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard! I was with my Cousin and Aunt one day, and he brought up the fact that Linkin Park thought they were rap artists (which they are deffinetly not), but they don't even swear. My Aunt commented that " Rap isn't about swearing, it's about singing what they see in their

environment." I couldn't help bursting out in laughter! :lol: They didn't like that at all, but they damn well knew it was true!

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