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Calling All Ab's

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Hey guys. This has been on my mind a lot lately and it isn't gonna quit bugging me until I post and see what the responses are. I would really like to gather some information from fellow AB's. I am extremely interested in the reasons why people think they've become AB's. I realize that the reasons vary from person to person but I would like to conduct my research regardless. I have found 5 general categories in which people fit. I would be extremely pleased if you could list the category in which you feel you belong and then post some more information about why you put yourself in that category. Under some of the categories, there are subcategories and I'd be happy if you'd put what subcategory you'd fall under as well. And if there's anything not listed that you fall under, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks, I really appreciate it.


1. Traumatic Event: Something traumatic happened to trigger an infantile regression

-Young Child



2. Forced Maturity: Forced (as a child) to grow up/become responsible too fast or before they were ready.

3. Less Attention: Less/no attention after infanthood.

-New Sibling

-Family Problem (divorce, death, etc)

-No Reason


4. Happy Childhood: Happy and (relatively) problem-free childhood.

5. Other: Please Explain

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Happy Childhood: Happy and (relatively) problem-free childhood.

As per above I had no problems. Just love from the family. I do not know why I like this fetish.

I love it. lol


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1. Traumatic Event: Something traumatic happened to trigger an infantile regression

-Young Child



2. Forced Maturity: Forced (as a child) to grow up/become responsible too fast or before they were ready.

3. Less Attention: Less/no attention after infanthood.

-New Sibling

-Family Problem (divorce, death, etc)

-No Reason


4. Happy Childhood: Happy and (relatively) problem-free childhood.

5. Other: Please Explain

I had a good childhood but i had a younger brother and was out of nappies before 2 but I dont think it had anything to do with anything listed on here as I got into bondage at the same time as the baby thing.

Don't kow what category I fall into :angel_not:

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I would fit under 'other'.

I find my desire to be a baby is strongest when I am stressed. I link this to a memory I have from when I 2-3 years old and still in nappies.

I remember that I was sitting on my bed. I was wearing a t-shirt and a nappy. For some reason I fell from the bed onto the floor. I was hurt and upset by the impact with the floor and began to cry.

While I was sitting on the floor crying I did a poo in my nappy. Although I knew from the physical sensation that I was doing a poo, I couldn't control it. I can remember exactly the feeling of poo pushing out into my nappy and spreading around. This felt really good and I stopped crying.

So here was a time when I really was a baby, and the normal baby act of doing a poo in my nappy - even though I didn't have any control over doing it - provided relief and comfort at a time when I was stressed. Hence why I think I enjoy wearing nappies and pretending to be a baby as a stress reliever.

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I had a perfectly normal, happy, childhood. I've never been able to isolate any events from my childhood that would've touched off this fetish. I was a bedwetter, but so are millions of other children, and my parents never made a big deal of it. So that by itself shouldn't have been enough. Plus, being a bedwetter wouldn't explain my other kinks...

Like Frink, I suppose I just fell out of the loony bin. :P

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First; f**king hell Babyjoey, sorry to hear about your miserable childhood! Let us hope that she suffers a truly miserable death!! :badmood: Second; I would think that I also would fit into the category of "Other." Why that is, I honestly don`t know. Maybe it is a balance issue; being submissive sexually to complement the more dominant mindset I have outside the fetish. Or maybe I just got stuck in the anal/oral fase for some reason, don`t know Baby D....sorry :)

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Well this is an interesting study!

I also fit into the "other" category. You see, I've had a keen interest in diapers since I was 4, which is about as far back as clear memories go for me. I suppose this means that my DL bent has something to do with something which occured in my infancy, although I can't imagine what. Also, for some reason I was only interested in disposables, never cloth.

I didn't become at all interested in AB things until after I had first learnt of them as a teen (online, incidentally). At first "infantilism" didn't interest me at all, but gradually became more appealing over time. I can't attribute my AB interests to my childhood, good as it was, and must assume that they naturally developed from my love of diapers. That's as good as I can do, and I hope our answers will quench your thirst...FOR KNOWLEDGE!!!

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Baby D-

As a part of your research, are you familiar with the research that Bittergrey has done (and continues to do)? See, http://understanding.infantilism.org/why.php

I am an "OTHER" and an anomaly. I didn't start wearing until about 54 (not because of incontinence). About a year later I began buying and wearing toddler type clothes. It is an escape. It is sexual. It is does have connections to my childhood, but not as obviously as so many others. It is, in summary, a comfy, pleasurable, escape from the many aspects of life I find to be disappointing.

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Happy trouble free childhood. My sister was not dry at night till she was nearly 8 & subsequently had to wear a nappy at night, I guess I was a bit jealous of the extra fuss she received. I was about 12 years old when this went on, I remember my mum putting anne`s nappy on each evening & he pulling the rubber/ plastic pants over the top it was quite a turn on even if it was my sister . But all good things come to an end and my sister became dry at night, She does not like to be reminded of it but I have a sneaky suspicion that she enjoyed it in a way.

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At a guess:

2, Forced Maturity (as a gifted kid), and 3) Less Attention, as in had younger siblings.

I am a D/L only.

Having had an ex GF from hell leave me with a bit of post-traumatic stress syndrome, where certain experiences, like the GF walking in the room and waking me up, trigger emotional responses with everything to do with events past and nothing to do with events present, such as being extremely upset when I should have been pleased, I theorize that, once we get past the shame and guilt, diaper or baby experiences trigger similar emotional memories except in the positive direction.

My GF, who doesn't like this aspect of my sexuality, can point to more recent, negative experiences on her part about the same subject areas, such as getting no support from her bedwetting, alchoholic ex with changing her then-young daughters diapers.

Dill Pickle

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I will let you categorize this...

I was a betwetter as a child. The doctor's could find no physical problems. It could have been emotional, I don't know... My mom was divorced when I was 2 or 3 and remarried when I was 4. My parents accused the betwetting of laziness but I know that is not so, I just didn't wake up at night.

A relative put me in diapers when I was 5 for the bedwetting. Ever since then I have been a DL. My only AB tendecies are the desire to be diapered and changed and nurse on my wife's breasts, these aremostly sexual in nature though and probably not AB related. I don't care about any other age regression or age play activities.


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I will let you categorize this...

I was a betwetter as a child. The doctor's could find no physical problems. It could have been emotional, I don't know... My mom was divorced when I was 2 or 3 and remarried when I was 4. My parents accused the betwetting of laziness but I know that is not so, I just didn't wake up at night.

A relative put me in diapers when I was 5 for the bedwetting. Ever since then I have been a DL. My only AB tendecies are the desire to be diapered and changed and nurse on my wife's breasts, these aremostly sexual in nature though and probably not AB related. I don't care about any other age regression or age play activities.


Happy childhood, and I wasn't forced to potty train to early. But, as far back as I can remember, I still wanted to be a baby and wear diapers instead of using a potty. I think maybe the whole potty traing thing just wore off, or maybe I failed it.

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I would guess:

Less Attention
Although I will not claim that I had a poor childhood. It was in my opinion a good one. But my parents were negative in there interactions. Causing what we now know as mental abuse. They also divorced but that was not tramatic as we had long heart to heart dicussions and I felt secure in the break up.

I don't have a definitive reason (besides the sexual one) as to why I like diapers or why I like Adult Baby thoughts.

I do know it is difficult to classify myself as most of my interests don't fall compleatly into one or more catagory. I sort of take a little bit of interest from them all.
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I guess mine would have to be

3. Less Attention: Less/no attention after infanthood.

-New Sibling

4. Happy Childhood: Happy and (relatively) problem-free childhood.

I have a brother 20 months older - very responsible and mature from a young age - and a younger sister 22 months behind. I was the baby until she arrived, and i wanted to be pretty and cute and reclaim the attention I had lost - I think. This is speculation, of course. I have few real memories from age 18 months to 5 years, but from that age I knew I wanted to dress like a pretty little girl and wear nappies, and be treated like a little baby girl. Who knows? But for the most part, I'm lovin' it! Hugs from Baby Jennie

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Wow this has really sparked off a lot of really sad stories.

Joey your story was really unbearable to read. How on earth people can do that to children is beyond me, but for one reason or another we are all here and we all need that special care and attention from our mommies, daddies and friends.

I am happy being who I am I have no wishes to be any different.

I just wish that other people could be as happy and that their pain was not so poigniant in their lives.

hugs to you all specially Baby Joey!


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1. I was in an explosion at age 10 where I was almost killed. I suffered extreme burns and I'm now a quad amputee. For 5 yrs whenever I was in the hospital I was usually diapered.

2. As a result of the burns my normal childhood was changed drastically and i never got to experience dating or a lot of other things adolescents get to experience.

3. Then at 2 yrs old my mom gave birth to my younger bro. I even remember my crib being taken away.

In total I have 4 younger siblings and i'm 2nd oldest of 6. And I started liking em at age 5 when first sister was born.

5. My dad died before I was born, and stepdad who mom never married was a mean abusive a-hole. And we were very low-income.

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