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Sunshine, you are 21, and as I see it it is not your mothers goddamn business whether you are meeting up with someone or not! Just because she has once given birth to you, does not imply that all your plans must be mother-approved. The next time, I suggest you stand up to her, tell her you are going to meet whomever you like, whenever you like, and that her domination of your movements in this manner really should have ended as soon as you went from child to adult. Other than that, sorry, no similar experiences, take care, hope it works out for you, and cheers! :)

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Oh, yes, could not agree more with you Voltz! Of course telling your parents that you are gay, cannot be easy at all, for both parts involved. A period of adjusting is natural, yes. But I was not referring to her telling her mother she is gay though, I was talking about the fact that her movements were restricted indirectly by her mother, not being able to meet someone because of exaggerated inquisiveness on her mothers part. Sunshine, you could have told her a white lie, or does she see right through you if you do? Or have I been a moron, misread the whole thing, and the planned meeting was really tied up to you telling her you were gay? Sorry, a bit tired here....

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There is no reason to be rude with your mother or tell her it's none of her business. The fact is you don't have to tell her anything or ask her permission period. You are an adult and if you want tp meet up with a friend just do it.

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If you're mother is that upset by the idea of you staying overnight with this fellow try meeting him for the day a few times if at all possible (if he doesn't live in Inverness or somewhere daft and in the back of beyond like that) and let her know where you're going, get her to phone you every hour or so. Then maybe you could go away for the night once she's a bit more comfortable.

Or you could just rearrange it and say you're going off with some mates from uni on the lash in another town where one of them lives.

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Sunshine, my mom is in the same boat. But she is a little different. You see I wasn't raised with a Dad and mom, I was just raised with a Mom, and that can be deteralmental to my health, I didn't have a strong father figure in my life, so I grow up mostly with females. Since my dad was a jerk and left at 12. I was basically rasied by my grandparents, and my granddad died about a year ago. I am still going through with draws from it. I couldn't handle it, and almost had a breakdown.

But anyways, know how your feeling. Parents just want to control your life. They always have and will always do it. It's a nuturing thing, you see your mother is torn between living her life, and taking care of her "so called baby". It's really none of here business what you do in your private life, unless it effects her in some way, She is just worried with the world moving so fast that you will get pregnant and have all that stuff to deal with, and your mother probably thinks your not ready. That's why she thinks, you spending the night with a guy is a bad thing, because she thinks it will lead to sex

My mom hated the fact that I had female friends, and she couldn't have male friends, because I didn't make the same mistakes that she did, and I listened to my female friends, I always thought I could try and help them, but I realized that, they didn't always want that, they just wanted someone to just be there and listen to them. If they wanted help they woudl ask for it.

The other thing is, you are in here home, so she thinks you must follow her rules, and do what she says. I have no idea how to handle this, but maybe you could go on a double date with mom, or mayeb you could introduce him to her, or maybe, or maybe you could double date with a friend. I dunno, try to find a safe way to do what you need with out your mom getting stressed, and you at the same time.

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Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding Sunshine! If she worried about your safety, about you staying overnight with a guy you have just met on the net, then that is perfectly logical behaviour. Almost all mothers worry, fact of life! But still, I think it`s a bit extreme threatening to take away your laptop and net....

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Hiya Sunshine, Just had to chime in for a moment...Let's get the the BIG question.....WHO..WHO...WHO? Meeeting somebody from this site....ohhhhh lordy. Just teasing ya. I honestly don't want to give ya any Parental advice, but will toss this your way.

Mind you this is a parents point of view (but not of a 21 year old). It was already said Parents house, Parents rules! Trust me it sucks, but in the long run, it will teach you a wealth of discipline for things later in life, as well as giving your mum the confidence of her trust issues.

The basics are as stands if she say's No than so be it, if she already knows your gay (Duh). Then see if she will go for the fact that he is gay as well, could be a turner for the outcome. Are you sure she not using this as a excuse to have you around for your brother, so she can go "play" at her boyfriends?

I'm kinda at a loss for you going to college and she can trust you there, unless of course you live at home whilst attending, which I think you hinted to.

Basically I would think it's best, to deal with the issues at hand, and not ruffle her feathers. Meet up with this guy (Who did ya say again ;) ) during the day for this time. Don't lose your computer, I imagine it comes in quite handy for college, let alone meeting with us, and this young chap! Please think about the outcome vs. the penalties. I wish more people over here in the states did that!

If you do "go for it", better make it a good time!!! Good luck, best wishes.. Timmy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um…basically I am at university and at the minute I am at home for the summer. I live with my mum and brother. My parents are divorced and I don’t get on with my dad, so I don’t see him.

Anyway the point of this topic is my mum. Obviously I spend a lot of time on the internet, and on this site in particular. Most of the time she is at work so it doesn’t really matter.

Well, I was supposed to be meeting up with a guy from this site, and my mum wasn’t happy about it at all. She said to me that she wanted to know why I was meeting up with him. Obviously I couldn’t tell her, so now I can’t go.

Tonight she came home from work and asked me if the reason that I have been so secretive lately is because she is spending a lot of time at her boyfriend’s house. Since my parents divorced, she hadn’t really dated anyone, but then started seeing this guy in December. The thing is he has two kids at home, and they aren’t really old enough to be left at home overnight on their own. So as a result my mum goes over to spend the night at his place rather than him coming and staying here. She is there about three nights a week, plus all of Saturday. She asked me if I would prefer it if she was around a bit more. To be honest, I actually prefer it when she isn’t around.

The thing is me and my mum don’t really have one of those relationships where I can talk to her about stuff. There is no way I would ever tell her about any of this stuff. But I want to be able to reassure her in some way that this is something I can’t change, and has absolutely nothing to do with her and how much time she spends at home.

Oh and I can’t move out. I am at university. I have a house which I am renting with two friends who both know about all of this and are fine with it. I will be moving down there towards the end of September. I can’t move down there now because I have a job here which is paying the rent. If I moved down there, I wouldn’t have any money until my loan went into my bank at the end of September.

Has anyone else been through something similar? How did you reassure your parents without telling them?

Gy=uess my answer is you can talk with any one on the interent but you have no idea who or what that person is.

so for the first few time meet in a public place and get to ko=now each other better, many are not what they seem

became friends with a person on a board a few years back that was suppose to be a she but was a male pose as a girl

do not get me wrong would have no problem meeting a tg have know a few in the past and we were good friends but to be lied to was a babd way to start off a friend ship

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last time I talked to the guy we talked about meeting when we are both at university. The next day that I am not going to be at work is the 15th of September and by that time the guy would have gone to university.

I think we will probably leave it a few weeks so that we can both get settled at our different universities, then try an arrange something.

Heather, had you arranged to meet up with Dee then, and had it not happen?


I share your mother's concerns about your meeting this person. The problem is, all of the evidence you have about who he is comes through the internet, which is an excellent medium for concealing someone's true nature. For a particularly egregious example of this, think of the guy who said he killed JonBenet Ramsey. Not that he isn't some kind of monster, but he managed to inflate his monstrosity considerably until he was physically in the cops hands...then they proved he was a wannabe....

Similarly, this person seems very nice...might even BE very nice...in which case good for you....

but take some measures so if the alternative turns out to be the case, you have some protection. Take a friend along....meet in a very public place that you know...make sure someone knows exactly where you are going....and a camera phone, so you can send a true picture to your mom or someone as soon as you get together. These form powerful disincentives for the sort of hanky-panky you want to avoid....and shouldn't bother a nice person at all....

I get some negative signals from the unwillingness to meet your mom...because that is how an ill-intentioned person would act...

Dill Pickle

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  • 2 weeks later...

ditto sunshine...uni or not there is still a lot to be said for strangers. I know the odds are astonomical that you'd meet someone else into this by accident at uni...but then again...many people on the site are looking only to meet girls...you know what i mean.

Hopefully he's a nice guy...but please be careful......and don't be a candle in the wind...

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Dill, it wasn't that the guy was unwilling to meet my mum. Before I was supposed to go to his house, he said he would give me his home address and phone number and even speak to my mum on the phone.

And also, I had seen quite a few different pictures of him, and have even seen his myspace which is the same one that all his real life friends are on.

Originally we were going to meet at his house, which would have made the whole taking a friend along thing impossible. We have now put it off until we are both at university. But even then me taking a friend along would be difficult since we planned to do ABDL stuff together, which I wouldn't really want my real life friends knowing about.

Umm, but he *HASN'T* met your mum....and certainly not in person...and I'll re-iterate...it's not too hard to copy someone's myspace site....just find someone vain...

Also, while I realize you two want to get together for some AB play, I would still want a friend along...and keep it clean the first time...

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No he hasn't met my mum. But about the myspace thing. He told me he had one for real life. After that I happened to make one for myself and mentioned it to him. I gave him the link and he added me. Then just after I had accepted him, he posted a comment on mine. And the pictures that are on the myspace are the same ones on his MSN and that he has sent to me.

Well, there needs to be more than just sex to hold a relationship together....

But as for myspace: Shall I copy your page so you think I look like you to make my point?


If I do, don't report me for plagiarism....

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'Dill Pickle'

Well, there needs to be more than just sex to hold a relationship together....

But as for myspace: Shall I copy your page so you think I look like you to make my point?

If I do, don't report me for plagiarism....

I don't presume to speak for Sunshine but as she's not around right now - if you read from the beginning, you'll see she has already spoken for herself in this topic to say that for her, sex doesn't enter into this relationship, now or in the future.

D <_< lly

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us guys think about it very often. hell i lost count today on how much that topic hit my mind ;)


not sure if yourissue has resolved, but i know that parents will shelter the daughters more than sons, its just the thing they do, im sure if you had a child you'll do the same.

but im in the same boat as you, i go to uni, but my parents are together and dont plan to change that. though im not the online dating kind of person since many arent true on their profiles(im a truth-only person)

but back to the point, my mom has only caught me on this site once and thank god her glasses were off so she couldnt see anything, but she knew i was mortified that she caught me and told me that she would back off and knock first and she has done that.

basically i guess im saying that you try to tell your mom you want some privacy and dont be so noisy, also dont make her feel like your hiding or she'll figure out something(they get that way if your too forthful on the issue)

hope any of that made sense.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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