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Adult Bedwetter


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On 2/15/2024 at 6:24 AM, stevewet said:

11 years now since my bedwetting came  back.

For me it started again about 15 years ago but its off and on. Nothing for days sometimes and then back again.

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  • 1 month later...

I am fairly new to bedwetting, it started about 3 months ago.  I would wake up with cold soaked underwear and sheets.  My doctor found nothing really wrong and traced it back to the meds I am taking and a surgery several years ago.  He offered more tests (some were a little invasive).  When I asked what other options, he basically said diapers.  It was a little strange at first but now I'm used to them and like some others have posted, if I do wake up I just use the diaper and go back to sleep.  I'm comfortable enough now on weekends to keep a wet diaper on for a few hours after getting up and enjoy breakfast and coffee.  

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On 4/7/2024 at 2:55 PM, DiaperGuyJ said:

I am fairly new to bedwetting, it started about 3 months ago.  I would wake up with cold soaked underwear and sheets.  My doctor found nothing really wrong and traced it back to the meds I am taking and a surgery several years ago.  He offered more tests (some were a little invasive).  When I asked what other options, he basically said diapers.  It was a little strange at first but now I'm used to them and like some others have posted, if I do wake up I just use the diaper and go back to sleep.  I'm comfortable enough now on weekends to keep a wet diaper on for a few hours after getting up and enjoy breakfast and coffee.  

I never rush to change when I get up if I am not going out. Funny how the body and brain adapts. 

On 1/9/2018 at 9:30 AM, Wet Knight said:

I'm a lifelong bedwetter.

It has never stopped me doing anything that I really wanted to do.

There were times when it could have been embarrassing, but it seldom turned out to be as bad as I expected.

Bedwetting has never stopped me living a full life.

On 1/23/2018 at 10:13 AM, dribbler said:

Like Eugene I am an older guy and have been both a child and now adult bed wetter.  Came out of diapers as a kid with a time when there were lapses for a few years, then pretty dry until about 45 when lapses started again. Have now been diapered nightly for over 15 years and don't think much about "enjoying" or "hating" it - just live with it and manage htings sa well as possible which is pretty easy except the nights I poop.

As a kid if I woke up wet and needed to go I would just lie there and let it happen.  As a adult I have to say old habits die hard!

I used to lay there and just wet the bed if I woke in the night. I was so used to sleeping in a wet bed I just couldn't be bothered to get up. I never knew for certain but I suspect my mother knew sometime I did it deliberately.

On 4/8/2018 at 9:12 PM, oldwetter66 said:

     I sleep right thought it I wet my diaper don't wake up at all diaper is all ways wet in the morning some time my bed is too

Same here.

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I stay in my soaked 4 layer nite diapers as long as I can, till my cloths are getting wet, and my wife starts to say you may want to change......... I Love a really soaked warm diaper, I do wear disposable , with a clothe lining, it depends on what I can find in the baby section of the second hand Store as to what cloth liner I have, so I get the cloth feel, and toss out the others.....

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Also fairly new to bedwetting, about three months in to the journey. Not reliable every night, but I’m now at a place where if I drink(adult beverage ) before bed I simply know I will wake with a wet diaper. 

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On 4/10/2024 at 11:12 AM, longislandguy said:

Also fairly new to bedwetting, about three months in to the journey. Not reliable every night, but I’m now at a place where if I drink(adult beverage ) before bed I simply know I will wake with a wet diaper. 

Good whiskey ensures I wet the bed

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  • 3 months later...
On 4/8/2018 at 9:12 PM, oldwetter66 said:

     I sleep right thought it I wet my diaper don't wake up at all diaper is all ways wet in the morning some time my bed is too

Same here my wetting never wakes me. In fact I think so sleep better once wet.

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