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Adult photo printing?

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Ok, this is something I've been curious about for quite some time now. I shoot some pretty eclectic photographs, and it's usually easy to get them printed because they're mostly family friendly. The exceptions to that rule are the kinky photos that I've taken for myself, because I obviously can't just take them to a typical place that prints "regular" photos. Recently, I've wanted to put together an "adult photo book" as a sort of highlight reel of the best of my kinky photos though.

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Home photo printers are relatively cheap these days and do a darn good job too. There is some reason to be concerned with having pics of anything illegal developed commercially in the US. Since the "patriot act" was implemented, they have been hasty to inform the government of anything illegal or suspicious. This is usually not an issue because just like any other job, developing is usually done by some bored individual paying little attention to anything except their production numbers <_< and thesedays a lot of it is done by machine with little human oversight. I've never been asked to provide ID to get pics back that I put in for developing so any that had illegal content were submitted and picked up under an alias with a fake addy. It was an inside joke when years ago I did pics of a friend's pot field and used the local sherrif's office address on the envelope :P I was tempted to use Tim Leary for the name but figured that was pushing it just a bit too far :roflmao:

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why not just get some photo paper for your printer? then you can print all you want and not go through a 3rd party who might think "what the fuck is this?!"

For starters my printers are all inkjets, and while inkjets do a fine job of printing reports and business materials, they do a pretty lousy job of printing photos. (One of them is a six-color photo printer, and while it definitely does a better job than the others, it's still not up to par with a laser printer.) The other major reason is that I want to have these pictures printed professionally as a photo book, and that's something that can't be done on home equipment. There are other smaller reasons why I don't want to print on an inkjet as well, but those are the two big ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your choices are:

1) the reputable developer

2) Spring for the color laser printer

3) Re-visit those photo kiosks, with an eye towards confidentiality and security.

4) Acknowledge that your printed pictures are temporary, and when the album falls apart in five years, if you still care about it, just reprint it...you will likely have that color laser with photo paper by then.

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I picked up a Canon jpg to print, at a thrift store small printer. Now all I need to do is learn to use it and get the ink and things. I have done a dry run

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