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How many of you are firearms owners?



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  1. 1. Do you own a firearm?

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    • No, I don't
    • Had some, they're gone
    • I've been thinking about getting one.

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I disagree discipline is the problem, because bullying still occurs even when strict discipline is in place. Teaching your kid right from wrong will make a big difference, but I think the biggest problem is the school. The issue was you can never say you were getting bullied if you were getting bullied, due to the threat of more bullying. Even if you did, the school would not protect you from the bully. The schools need to be better at detecting bullying, and preventing it from happening. Also, they need to listen and take it seriously when someone reports bullying.

At this point, a further understanding of child psychology would do wonders in the school system, since bullies all have a reason for what they do and it is psychological.

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I disagree discipline is the problem, because bullying still occurs even when strict discipline is in place. Teaching your kid right from wrong will make a big difference, but I think the biggest problem is the school. The issue was you can never say you were getting bullied if you were getting bullied, due to the threat of more bullying. Even if you did, the school would not protect you from the bully. The schools need to be better at detecting bullying, and preventing it from happening. Also, they need to listen and take it seriously when someone reports bullying.

At this point, a further understanding of child psychology would do wonders in the school system, since bullies all have a reason for what they do and it is psychological.

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Kinda feels like were going in circles..

But, if you don't need a license to own a gun, why would I need a license to drive a car?

They are both killing machines, but in the right hands they can also be safe fun and have a purpose

Driving a car is a privilege, owning a gun is a RIGHT (here in the US).

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If that is the case then I'd like to see what video games and movies the christians were watching during the crusades. Or the romans when they legally tried and killed jesus. Or even today's taliban for that matter.....

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I gotta say, I live in Canada, the gun laws here are pretty strict, no full autos at all, 5 rounds max capacity for rifles, 10 shot mags for pistols, we must obtain a possession licence to purchase non restricted firearms, we must obtain restricted licence to purchase pistols, if we wish to take a restricted firearm to the range, we must inform the police of our intentions, then we may drive to the range and back home, no other stops are allowed. Last week the police re classified the swiss arms classic green and the cz858 from non restricted to prohibited, meanin they expect us to turn in around 15 million dollars worth of legally purchased firearms or risk minimum 3 years in jail, Canada only has around 15,000 prisoners, these 2 rifles have the potential to double our prison population! I think Canada and the USA could share some rules and both would be better off! I think a possession licence is great! Registering firearms is bullshit! That's a Hitler thing... 5 rounds max for a bolt action rifle? Bullshit... A few days ago there was a 2 people were caught with under 1/4lb of marijuana, and there was a "50 cal sniper rifle" found at the scene, the rifle was a savage arms muzzle loader, meaning 1 shot and reload like the old flint lock black powder rifles, these are the fucktards making our rules...Anyways that's my rant, we could all learn from one another is all lol

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You're right about that problem. In today's society driving is NOT a privilege, it's a necessity. If I can't drive to work then I have to pay someone else to drive me or can't afford to live. Either way for me I'm getting to work via an automobile, because I simply can't walk that far and flying isn't an option either.

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Driving a car is a privilege, owning a gun is a RIGHT (here in the US).

I've been lurking this tread for a while but I have to say I agree completely with this statement!
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I've been lurking this tread for a while but I have to say I agree completely with this statement!

You're lucky you don't need to go anywhere by using the roads then. Or are you maybe one of the few that has a bus that actually goes near where you live, AND that goes past where you work? Like most, probably not. Maybe then you're secretly rich and can afford a chauffeur that allows you this privilege of not needing to drive?

I always envy the privelegded. For the rest of us, there's just necessity.

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