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Miracles Do Happen!

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The real question is, what kind of room-messer are you? Are you a "Daytime: stuff on bed, nighttime: stuff on desk" room-messer, a "Where did all these binbags come from?" messer, a "don't unpack suitcase for a fortnight" messer, or "floorspace? What floorspace?" messer :P

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Great picture, but I especially liked the video. "Annie" is my favorite stage musical. I played the piano for an elementary school production of it back in 1990. I was called in as an emergency pianist only six weeks before the show opened. A lot of work to learn the entire score, but it was one of the most memorable, fun times I've ever had!

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Mine depends on my moods and my depression. Every now and then I get temporary OCD and clean up, but considering the size of my place, it doesn't take very long.

Same here ;) When it's clean, my house is spotless- the rest of the time my house is lived-in and shows it :blush: And when spring or fall cleaning is planned, there's no point in cleaning today what will be done tomorrow (or next week or whenever I can get to it) and then the EPA would condemn my house and declare it a superfind site :o

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Great picture, but I especially liked the video. "Annie" is my favorite stage musical. I played the piano for an elementary school production of it back in 1990. I was called in as an emergency pianist only six weeks before the show opened. A lot of work to learn the entire score, but it was one of the most memorable, fun times I've ever had!

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