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The Doctor

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

so wow steven moffet is an asshole! course I still have 10 min. left of the season finale... but still.. what an ass!!! making me all cry and shit.


its official he is a complete and utter asshole! sooo not fair what he just did in this last episode and I hate him! I.E. Amy and Rory's last episode...

this is not a spoiler as its all over the previews and in the description of the episode on the guide and in all the papers and everyone knew amy was leaving since like last december...

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  • 1 year later...

They are talking about reruns. The new season of Doctor Who starts August 23rd. Not sure who is airing it in the USA (maybe Star). In Canada it will be hosted by the Space Network.

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I saw it a few days early...one of the pirate tv websites I frequent had an unfinished version of the premiere - black and white, some unfinished special effects, and letters and time code in the picture, but I really enjoyed the story...still haven't seen the actual finished version that aired on the 23rd...lol.

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I like this new doctor, I hope he brings a cynical attitude the very first doctor had. I also hope he is darker, I loved the Dark and boyish way matt smith played the doctor at one point, He was so freaking awesome when his dark side came out.

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