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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Milestone Or Just My Imagination

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Well, my wife has allowed me to engage in my fetish without much complaining. She just thinks its nuts. Not a participant at all. Today while shopping, the store had adult briefs on sale. I tossed a package into the cart and expected some declaration decrying my doing so. Nothing was said and we proceeded to the checkout. Perhaps she is just wearing down.....Hmmmm? Just wanted to share.


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I would say neither of the above. You yourself acknowledged that your wife allows you to indulge, but does not participate herself. So perhaps she was just letting you get the necessary items to indulge? Just my two cents,

Rockies Fan.

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Without asking her and getting a direct answer, you'll never really know. I don't know how that question would go over so you have to decide if you want to try it ;) I am careful to not read something into anything unless the intent is plain to see and I suggest that you consider the value of that practice :)


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My deal is much like Packrat. She is aware but will not join in. In the beginning after first tellig her I also tossed a pack of Goodnights into the cart. It was not an issue. A few weeks later while at the market alone she came home with another pack of Goodnights. So I'm thinking great this is all going to go my way……wrong. In time she withdrew more and more. Today she accepts me as I am but hounds me about my purchasing and the amount I have in inventory. This doesn’t slow me down any. If she only knew the real count of diapers she would flip out for sure.

As it has been discussed before on this board, take it slow and let thing happen on their own

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its great when you find someone that excepts your fetish, but when did all of you break it to them that you were into diapers. See i did it by making a joke and went from there. All my girlfriends excepted it and kept it a secret. Some day i would like to find someone that i can settle down with.

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my fiancee accepts me and my diapers, and is interested from a "its something different to think about, but not do" standpoint. she wont leave me because of them, this i know. but she does get upset when i dont tell her im wearing them and she wants to do the do. as it where. but not enough to stop, just long enough to swat my behind and take it off.

you just have to approach the subject. Mine had been thinking about trying it for over a year before i even had the nerve to ask, and she figured i didnt want to share my life, thats why i never asked. it almost broke us up in the early stages. now she has tried it, decided it is my thing, and moved on. no harm done. just my bit.

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