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Finally Told My Therapist

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Being DX with bi-polar some time ago, I did something I thought I'd NEVER do...

I kicked into a somewhat of a hypo-manic mood one day.

I went to my scheduled mental health therapy appointment and went ahead and told my therapist EVERYTHING.

I proudly sat there (looked away from him) and admitted I always slept in a wet bed and occasionally wore wet pants as a child.

And how wearing diapers came later, but I loved baby disposable diapers even before I was potty trained.

He had heard of AB/DL and infantalism, but said it's still a paraphillia. (meaning it's not healthy behaviour)

I said I am more of a regressed pre-schooler than a Toddler or Baby. Occasionally I suck on a paci, but no baby stuff.

Without showing, I described I love wearing diapers with prints like Pampers. And that was my most favorite word.

I tried to answer his questions, but only near the end, I asked if I could be emotionally and/or phycologically incontent.

He actually seemed angry rather than open to my question.

I go see him today. I won't even bring it up unless he does. (and I'm sure he will)

Although it's unusual behaviour, That I chose to do since a child.

How does wearing a diaper descreetly under baggy jeans make any sort of problem in my life.

I change and clean up after myself. (and I only pee)

I don't really seek out a relationship and have always given "fair warning" to a potential partner.

Some think it's wierd, and some what to hear all about it.

I had a couple girls even try it and like it, though not as a part of their lifestyle.

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A therapist should accept all aspects of a patient. If he does not, better look for a new more understanding psychologist. A therapist should be open and not influenced by stereotypes.

I myself changed from a therapist who thought that I was a sick fetishist.


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Ah yes, good old musical chairs changing shrinks till you find one you like.

I changed Physics lecturers until i found one who agreed gravity was in fact measured as five onions and not 9.8 metres per second squared.

Just goes to show you may as well talk to the mad cat woman at the end of the street as a shrink, theres just as much science involved.

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Not all therapists are skilled at dealing with infantilism. If a therapist treats it as something that needs to be "cured," then maybe that isn't the person to discuss it with. You said paraphilia is "not healthy behavior." That's not entirely true. Paraphilia is simply attaining sexual pleasure through an object--usually one not generally assiciated with being erotic. AB/DL becomes a problem only when it affects your life (or others' lives) in a negative manner. Many people find a healthy balance (that's right-healthy) between everyday responsibilities and enjoying AB/DL time. Some people even find a way to share it with others.

From what you wrote, it sounds as though you have some other concerns surrounding your AB/DL interests. Get answers to those questions and then work out a way to benefit from AB/DL. Any therapist that makes you feel as though you want to turn inside yourself and hide will not help you bring your AB/DL curiosities out in the open where you can work with them. I am not a therapist by any means (although I did major in psychology and worked as a social worker for a while) but I am an AB/DL infantilist. We each deal with those feelings in our own way, however, and we each have our own issues to overcome and/or to live with.

Good luck finding the answers you need so you can grow (and grow strong) with your interests.

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I told my therapist right up front that this is not something I want to have "cured". She was very understanding and gently suggested that if I ever did want to do something about it she would help, but I am certain this is not something that can be cured. Okay, so first of all, it is my coping mechanism and I like it, and it is something I want to do and I really don't care too much if people think I am a little weird. But second of all, I have tried many times in my life to drop my baby side ( I am VERY AB!) and I just don't believe it can be done. A walk down the diaper aisle at the supermarket, a whiff of baby powder, a glance at a cute little baby dress, oh heck, even just seeing another baby reminds me of who and what I am, and I figuratively fold at the knees. Shame on your therapist for being so judgmental. Oh, btw I think a good therapist can really help - I am doing much better I think because she lets me talk talk talk and I have sort of figured my own way through what has been a nasty depression. I haven't quite got her to agree about the five onions, she still does seem stuck on 9.8 metres per second per second

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Ok heres the thing. you say you are bipolar and were in a manic episode and THAT is when you suddenly told your therapist everything...

so lets sit in the therapists shoes... he has a client who is bipolar, and for all intents and purposes has been coming to deal with your typical therapy stuff... bad childhood, unhappy with their job etc...

then suddenly they have a manic episode usually because the medication is not working, or the person has thought "ohh i'm feeling much better, maybe I don't need the medicine" and it is in this period of uncontrolable energy, when people are known to be extremely compulsive, hypersexual etc... that the client goes on and on and wearing and wetting diapers.. a behavior which many will see as socially unacceptable.

THen this bipolar patient - of which you can have psychosis and delusions - asks if they emotionally/psychologically incontinent i.e. perhaps this patient is having a complete psychotic break....

and of course the fact that you are excited, happy, proud to be telling someone all this, to the therapist who's job it is to see signs and symptoms of mental illness and take proper action, this behavior from the client is rather alarming.

Now if you had decided to speak to the therapist when not in a manic or bipolar stage, but when if an even mood, and calmly state there was something you wanted to tell him, because you felt it would help you.. then the therapist probably would not react so strongly.. but this is not how you presented this information.... and also given that you are in a manic mood, which can have traits of borderline personality at the time, my guess is the therapist was not angry at all.

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Doctors can just be assholes. I get these really nasty cists in my ears. I have never pierced my ears. My doctor, can't recall the name asked me 5 times a few different ways if I had pierced my ears. He did not believe me, and wrote on paper that I had actually pierced my ears. He took care of the cyst, but he was a jerk. I fired that doctor, went elsewhere!

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Ah yes, good old musical chairs changing shrinks till you find one you like.

I changed Physics lecturers until i found one who agreed gravity was in fact measured as five onions and not 9.8 metres per second squared.

Just goes to show you may as well talk to the mad cat woman at the end of the street as a shrink, theres just as much science involved.

And many people seek a second opinion from another doctor as well, when the first one says their blood pressure and cholestoral are high. If a therapist has a patient who is leaving to find someone they are more comfortable with, then the therapist is not doing their job. It is possible to for a therapist to have good bedside manners while addressing what they percieve to be a problem with the client's behavior.

With that said, there is not a lot to go on from the OP to say for certain if the therapist was really out of line or if the OP is making more of it than it was. But I will let the OP decide that one for himself.

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Kinda hard to fake high blood pressure or cholesterol.. a simply blood test discovers cholesterol and you can take your own bloodpressure at rite aid if you want a second opinoin lol

but yes i agree... too much going on with the OP for hte OP to provide even a semblance of objectivity regarding the therapists real reaction... point of matter is, when in a manic stage people say and do all sorts of things and then when another doesn't agree with how they are saying something or why, they assume the other person is angry, rude, etc...etc...

Best bet is for the OP to work with his therapist and prescribing dr to get this manic phase undercontrol and address the issue again when less out of control.

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I told mine quite a while ago, and we don't discuss it much. Just this last time he brought it up, saying "you doing anything with that 'special' group you mentioned"? I said I check this web site everyday and chat with people here and there and have lunch or what not with XYZ from the group etc. Nothing major really. He was interested that I am still active and getting around and socializing etc. I consider this a kind of 'hobby' so I hang out with fellow "hobbyists' when I can and have fun that way :D

At least he doesn't think I'm qwazy :screwy:

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ohyeah. i told my ex-theraphist and psychologist too, but they didnt really care about the thing, but when i was in an asylum, i got myself into an examine, whats wrong down there...but nothing really happened after. perhaps my new therapist will be more speakable about the issue.

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