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Cold In California


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It's not supposed to be 45 degrees on a California coast during the afternoon. Yeah, it's still winter but... forget the fireplace. I need crinkly pals! They make terrific pillows.

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yup it's been a tad nippy round these parts for a while. I usually don't need to wear 3 layers of clothes for work, but the last couple of months I've had to :blush: or wait for the car to heat up to stay warm.

Freezing while driving doing deliveries isn't any fun and customers don;t want to see a 'blue' delivery driver with their order at the door :P

I have 5 blankets on my bed and I need all of them. No heat here....:glare: but it's not my house so I can't 'really' complain

But yes...it's pretty damn cold these days {{{{{{{{{{Brrrrrrrrrrrr}}}}}}

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