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You Know You Need A New Job When...


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when you work in a factory where if you do not wear your safety shoes (I.e. steel toed boots) safety glasses and ear plugs at all times its grounds for immediate dismissal, and while working mandatory overtime, you see your boss come in wearing her pj's and SLIPPERS!

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when you work in a factory where if you do not wear your safety shoes (I.e. steel toed boots) safety glasses and ear plugs at all times its grounds for immediate dismissal, and while working mandatory overtime, you see your boss come in wearing her pj's and SLIPPERS!

Getting suspended for not wearing hot gloves for cleaning hot equipment and have never worn hot gloves for 6 years without injury

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Your boss wants to be called "M" and he's only the head clerk in the mail room at the local Walmart

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when you work in a factory where if you do not wear your safety shoes (I.e. steel toed boots) safety glasses and ear plugs at all times its grounds for immediate dismissal, and while working mandatory overtime, you see your boss come in wearing her pj's and SLIPPERS!

Having to wear safety equipment and getting punished for not doing so is an unreasonable gripe. However, the boss showing up without such safety equipment is a fully legitimate gripe.

Getting suspended for not wearing hot gloves for cleaning hot equipment and have never worn hot gloves for 6 years without injury

This is also not a legitimate gripe. They punish you because they can get in trouble if you DO happen to burn yourself some day.

Which leads to another gripe of mine:

Having coworkers who complain about having to do the job the right way. If you can't do it right, don't even apply for the fucking job! We're not perfectionists out here, but when you're cleaning off parts of a pump with gasoline, don't smoke at the same time. And don't let go of the pipe wrench that's being used to screw the pipe into the other pipe at the bottom of the well when the wrench handle is aimed at my knee. You don't need to know the sciencey part of torsion to understand that when you let go of the wrench, the pipe spins the other way, and will slam the wrench into my knee faster than I can move out of the way. And if you do that to me, I'll fling the wrench at your face... And if you do it more than once, I'll break your fucking legs with a sledgehammer. *psychotic eye twitch*

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Guest Baby Rina

Having to wear safety equipment and getting punished for not doing so is an unreasonable gripe. However, the boss showing up without such safety equipment is a fully legitimate gripe.

It didn't sound to me like Sara was griping about having to wear the stuff, simply that if it's required with a very painful punishment for failure than it is extremely... unfair, cant think of anything better at the moment that doesn't involve cursing, when the boss does just that knowing that there will be no punishment as who would turn themselves in?

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You can't be suspended for mentioning OSHA.

My company brought in OSHA for their compliance checks when they know certain machines aren't running so they won't have problems. Some machines we have generate so much noise and smoke that there may be no way to pass an inspection.

But other than making the workplace safe, OSHA is overbearing. Some of the things they made my company do are just to waste our maintenance person's time.

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You can't be suspended for mentioning OSHA.
Technically...but in a small shop they can always find another excuse if you DO mention OSHA. I almost cut off my finger due to equipment that had the safety devices disabled to make unsafe maneuvers easier for the boss. >.< The machine was OFF and the blade was coming down. I should have called both OSHA and the EPA when I left, they were dumping solvents down the drain too, but that was two years ago, I don't care that much anymore.

But on topic: You know you need a new job when the boss is shouting at you for leaving the door unlocked (when it was his ditzy girlfriend who came in early or something) and won't accept his key back so "you" can't leave the door unlocked anymore.

I accepted responsibility for it the first time it happened, as I assumed I goofed up. But when I checked it twice, in front of a customer who had kept me late, and there's no way it was left unlocked... you have no right to call me an idiot, you can stuff your key up your cornhole.

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WOW! You guys actually make me appreciate my job. The worst part of my job is the long commute on rural highways with bad drivers. Oh, and the long commute during the winter when you never know what the weather will do. I've worked for the state for 31 years. My biggest worry is budget cuts because I want to retire in about 2-1/2 years. Oh yeah, one last gripe: I don't dare go to dailydiapers.com on the company computer 'cuz ya never know if someone is watching.

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When the company is run by a MBA.

You know when you hear of a MBA running a company that the bottom line is company priority.

MBA = Monkeys, Baboons, Apes.

i still have no understanding of what the collages that teach MBA are thinking when the graduate these idiots

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Yeah, companies that hoard cash are not good, especially when some of that cash could be used for improving the place you're trying to bring in enough work to totally drown. My company is doing that - trying to bring in more work when we can't find people and have a lot of guys working regular 60, 70 hour weeks due to mandatory overtime. And they want to bring in more work. No new machines, can't find people, what do they think will happen?

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Guest Baby Rina

When your the lowest employee on the pole, and have the District Manager on speed dial.

When your the lowest employee on the pole, and there's only 2 above you.

On the bright side i recently learned that my District Manager can be bribed with home baked cookies... and i do love baking ever so much.

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Hmm.. never really had a bad boss of my own, but I know a few people who have. I'd say when your manager who was stupid enough to accept $300 dollars in counterfeit bills attempts to get you fired from the local Wal-Mart because a customer in your lane attempted to steal merchandise, it's time to get a new job. This happened to a close friend of mine--he had a customer whose card was declined, asked if she had another card since she was a regular customer, set her merchandise on closed register, and she grabbed it and ran. There's a bit of a racial divide in the store, (Black cashiers and White management--Wal-Mart does this intentionally,) and my friend and his manager were on the wrong side of the racial divide. He nearly quit his job on the spot, but waited to speak to the store manager who fixed the situation.

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Hmm.. never really had a bad boss of my own, but I know a few people who have. I'd say when your manager who was stupid enough to accept $300 dollars in counterfeit bills attempts to get you fired from the local Wal-Mart because a customer in your lane attempted to steal merchandise, it's time to get a new job. This happened to a close friend of mine--he had a customer whose card was declined, asked if she had another card since she was a regular customer, set her merchandise on closed register, and she grabbed it and ran. There's a bit of a racial divide in the store, (Black cashiers and White management--Wal-Mart does this intentionally,) and my friend and his manager were on the wrong side of the racial divide. He nearly quit his job on the spot, but waited to speak to the store manager who fixed the situation.

Had a manager steal over $1000 from the safe and only got demoted.

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  • 3 months later...

Its time to look for a new job, when you are th sole individual, responsible for operating and maintaining three pieces of equipment, when there are at least five other people that are capable of operating said equipment and won't.

I work at a local grainary/feed mill, and am expected to drive and maintain all of the delivery trucks on the premices. Some times, I am expected to take as many as 6 deliveries to farms in three or four different counties, in one day. When I ask if one of the other qualified people can possibly take up the slack, I get told"If you can't handle it, maybe we should find somebody who can". On many an ocasion, I wanted to say"Go for it." One of these days, I will.

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