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Does this my I have the mentality of a child?

No, it means you have an IQ of 69.

IQ is a meaningless statistic on it's own. A person's intelligence or otherwise can only be measured by a much broader examination and it has no bearing on maturity.

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nope it means you are borderline intellectual functioning .... there are different iq tests for children and adults .... iq is a measure of what you are capable of not of what you know .... there are many people with iq in the 60s and 70 s who marry have children drive have fulltime jobs and fulfill all the 'adult' responsibilities .... you are still very much an adult

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IQ measures your capacity for learning, how well your brain acquires and processes new knowledge.

The medical community defines someone with an IQ in the 60-70 range as having borderline mental deficiency. They can function but will be perceived as being slow.

I believe the colloquial expression is "not the brightest crayon in the box".

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Actually, some of the most intelligent people in the world have a striking lack of common sense... Personally, I like how it was said in Smokey & The Bandit: "When you tell someone something, it depends on what part of the United States you're standing in, as to just how dumb you are". In other words, the perception of intelligence is subjective. Usually, people equate aptitude to "book learn" with intelligence. Out here, it usually has more to do with how quickly you can master a skill and how much you can keep from screwing up on the job.

I'm not good at book learning. But my IQ tends to hover around 113, give or take for the bias of the test. I just have more aptitude to learn by experience and observation than by trying to absorb text. Give me a paper explaining the latest scientific theories on the nature of the multiverse and I'll just kinda look at it like a dog being talked to in a foreign language for the fist time. It won't make any sense to me that way. But, stick it on the TV with some visual representation and all the clutter cut out, and I've got it immediately. Show me how to do something, and I'll have a new skill mastered and perfected soon after. When I do a job, it may not get done fast, but it'll be done to near perfection. It's one of the things that makes me an effective worker. But, put me in a school setting and I'll probly just barely get by.

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My IQ is 129 yet I barely passed calculus in University no matter how hard I tried.

IQ doesn't mean anything...

or rather the fact that there is a significant gap in what you are capable of (your IQ) and what you actually acheived (your grade) is indicative of a learning disability... this is how LD's are diagnosed... they take a person's IQ - what they are capable of doing and compare it to their actual performance.... if there is a significant difference often the person has a learning disability in that area....

for one who is interested in another alternative than just the IQ model... check out Gardner's 7 Intelligences... its a pretty interesting model for truely understanding this thing we call 'intelligence'

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My IQ was once rated nearly a genius B) Now all that test shows me is how many brain cells I burned out with all the drinking and drugs in my past :( I'm not at all stupid, but I'm no genius either :angel_not: Whatever your IQ may be, be yourself and be happy- life's too short to focus on the sadness of it all ;)


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Having a high IQ doesn't neccessarily mean you are better at aquiring knowledge. You can have proficency in a certain area. Einstein was briliant but was a terrible musician, he tried, he practiced but wasn't good at all.

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IQ is also a function of age and will naturally decline over the years. I can;t remember the exact formula, but that is the reason IQ tests (at least those that I have taken) ask my age.

For the record, my IQ is around 135, and I am almost exactly like Yvhuce in my learning style. I actually dropped out of my 4-year school because I couldn't adapt to lecturers talking to the whiteboard.

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The last time I took an IQ test it was after a 14 hour workday and a half gallon of beer. I scored a 145. In college I was tested at 155 to 164. My question is: Why am I not rich? As several others have said, IQ is only one part of the equation. I am smart enough to know that this true.

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also just so people know an iq test takes 3-4 hours on average to be administered........... so if it didn't take that long... and it idnd't involve writng, reading, mathematics, spelling, repeating digits forward and backward, answering questions orally, manipulating blocks, then it wasn't an IQ test....... just saying.

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There are a number of scales of IQ. Without knowing what scale was used in the test(s) you took, there is no real way to classify your IQ. Some tests will give a % scale rather than evaluate it for a set range. Mathematically, if you state that your IQ is 69, to me, it seems as a percentile figure. That is considering your ability to both read and write, use a computer as well as other things.

These translate as:-

Terman's Stanford-Binet classification (52 <= n <= 164)

IQ rating 69% = 129

116~132 : Above Average Intelligence

68~84 : Dullness

52~68 : Borderline Deficiency

Wechsler's classification (20 <= n <= 130)

IQ 69% = 96

90~110: Normal Intelligence Level

55~70: Mild Mental Retardation

Another point is that some people get there result as being in a group of n percentile of people. 69 percentile would put your IQ at 108.

FYI, My IQ, under Terman's Stanford... is classed at 157.

The only correct way to compare peoples I.Q. is for the group of people to sit the same IQ test at the same time in the same location. The resultant number is only valid as a comparison figure rather than a state of intelligence. Not surprising, the companies that require the 'smartest' most intelligent people rarely, if ever, rely on IQ figures. IQ numbers are nothing to be ashamed of / proud of.

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