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Got An Im From An Ab Hater.

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A couple of days ago an AB hater IMed me and pretended to be a DL/daddy and asked to meet up with me. After about twenty minutes of conversation, he said "I was lying. I'm as straight as an arrow and I hate diapers and ABs."

Now don't get me wrong. I believe people are entitled to their own opinions. My sister collects band-aids and she basically got an award for biggest waste of time, and that didn't bother me.

But seriously, whoever that guy is, he REALLY needs to find something better to do with his time. And since he obviously has a lot of it, he should get a time-consuming hobby, like writing games or movies. Well, I'm expressing my opinion anyway. ^_^

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I don't get what there is to 'hate' about the AB/DL community in general. How are we a threat??? This really sounds like some adolescent kid with his hormones in a bunch shooting his mouth off about something he doesn't understand.

Most people 'hate' someone or something because it's 'different' and they feel threatened by that difference, because then they are 'different' or 'abnormal'. People find comfort in conformity and similarity.

Remember back in school when you or someone made fun of the geek or oddball kid who dressed differently or looked 'strange' Why was that....because they were 'different'

I guess we are 'different' enough that some immature people feel threatened enough to 'hate' us...or make fun what ever *shrug*

One thing I learned a while ago, is when you come across things like this...it's usually the 'haters' problem and issue to deal with, not ours or yours. If you are secure enough in who you are (which is also a threat to some people who are insecure) stuff like this just rolls off your back. You aren't hurting anyone, or causing a disruption (specially if your in a diaper no one can see :P ) etc... let them climb the walls with their issues and hate, it's not my problem :P

This guy probably needs to go see a shrink to deal with his issues. Hate leads to crime and other social issues, and since he feels it's 'OK' to pose as an impostor in an IM to you just so he can illustrate his hate and ignorance....what other things is he willing to do publicly and socially to 'vent' his hate...

Anyways, I don't get what there is to 'HATE' about our community *Shrug* we are who and what we are, we are generally peaceful and don't bother anyone....so I feel that anyone who allows themselves to 'hate' us....really has a problem and issues that they need to address themselves.......and leave us alone :P

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Probably the same guy following me around on Youtube. I made a few diaper video's months back. I been getting postive comments, friends requestes, and subscribe from's. Then suddenly this guy ( wazziGltd ) attacks me with negative comments. I'm harming nobody. I don't understand why he would look up diapers and look for people that are wearing them. AB/DL's. There's always someone out there that's going to hate us AB/DL.s.

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It seems no different from people who 'gay bash' in many ways. While some are simply bigots, some may feel a tendency toward something they find distasteful so they take out their issues on the people who choose to accept themselves for their desires.

Did that make any sense? :P He probably didn't get enough titty as a baby. XD

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It seems no different from people who 'gay bash' in many ways. While some are simply bigots, some may feel a tendency toward something they find distasteful so they take out their issues on the people who choose to accept themselves for their desires.

I never got the whole anti-gay thing anyway. I always saw it as more girls for me :)

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Was this an IM from a member here? if so i would suggest reporting his name to DD, if at the very least DD could begin a history of this person's behavior and take appropriate action if necessary.

Also, go on, out him... tell his screen name here so anyone else who comes across it can be forewarned..

But remember, don't be upset, just know this person has such a pitiful life, they spend their time on the internet trying to hurt other people... Its not something to get upset about, these people are to be pitied for their lack of life. Know that because you have recognized your like to diapers, realized it is a pleasurable exprience between two consenting adults (or more at times) that YOU are such a better, well adjusted person than this pitiful creature will every be, and gloat in that fact.

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What's his screen name? What IM service?

I am strongly for starting an ABDL "Black List" of known trolls, haters and other miscreants.

and what stops someone from signing up with another screen name or using another IM service :huh:

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I've actually already blocked him and lost the screen name. I might have it in my history, but somehow I don't think putting him on a list is going to do any of us any good.

Let's face it, he hates ABs and he's going to keep being a big baby about it. :P

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If such a thing happens here report it immediately ;) I don't take kindly to such as that and my banhammer is always near :ninja: And Admins here can see more than members- including IP's- so even though there are ways around the system, in the end we will win B)


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I dont like a lot of things ... like most people im sure. But knowing i do not like them i simply avoid them. For this guy to spend the time to find a site and chat room or how ever your initial contact began and then spend all that time talking to you. Wow ... what a looser. He must have spend a couple hours just finding where to go to find someone like you and set up the im etc. Do not be offended by this ars... laugh at what a total looser he is. And people say we have issues? This guy makes me feel way more normal and better about myself.

Next time your having a bad day... car wont start. Stuck in the rain. Break a nail...or just a bad hair day. We all can say "well at least im not that guy".

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I dont like a lot of things ... like most people im sure. But knowing i do not like them i simply avoid them. For this guy to spend the time to find a site and chat room or how ever your initial contact began and then spend all that time talking to you. Wow ... what a looser. He must have spend a couple hours just finding where to go to find someone like you and set up the im etc. Do not be offended by this ars... laugh at what a total looser he is. And people say we have issues? This guy makes me feel way more normal and better about myself.

Next time your having a bad day... car wont start. Stuck in the rain. Break a nail...or just a bad hair day. We all can say "well at least im not that guy".

Lol not that this is the same thing really but about 2 months ago I had one of those bad days... my car died in the garden center parking lot and would not start, I broke a nail and chipped another trying to fix it, I had to walk home in a downpour, which resulted in a really bad hair day, so here I am without an umbrella walking down the sidewalk sopping wet looking like a drowned cat, cradling this little thyme plant and people are passing the other way with their umbrellas or in their cars just staring. I thought well at least I'm not one of those jerks who doesn't have the decency to help a woman in distress. Then I said to myself while carrying my plant home... "Well... at least I've got thyme" , at which point I began laughing hysterically. I damn near peed my pants, although it did cross my mind that if I did nobody could tell anyway lol. I retrieved my car the next day (they were closing and it was a secured lot) and had the old battery cable fixed. I actually felt better about myself because I would not have acted like others did toward me.

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