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What Was Your First Diaper Experience, After Childhood?


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Hi everyone,

I am really interested in how people got into wearing diapers. specifically your first experience.

Mine was when i was 13 or 14 and i was flying from the UK to Las Vegas US for a holiday, i was with my parents and as the drinks on board were free i kept drinking them. After visiting the restroom for about the 5th time i saw some free disposable baby diapers in the changing toilet, so i put one inside my boxer shorts and returned to my seat. I was watching the film and felt the need to pee so just let it go and wet the diaper after doing this a few times i felt a small leak and rushed to the toilets to change it. the feeling was great and this was the start of my DL lifestyle.

I would love to hear your first few experiences.

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For me, it was around age 12. My parents had been babysitting two of my younger cousins that evening, one of whom was still in diapers. They'd gone home early that night, but when I went into my bathroom, I saw a pair of unused baby diapers sitting in the sink. I closed the door and did my business, then looked at the diapers for a while. Since I was already inside, I decided to open one of them and slip in on. Of course, being twelve and a boy, I couldn't really fit into them, so the tapes didn't exactly reach across my hips, but I liked how they felt against me. Apparently, I lost track of time in there, as my mom knocked to see if I was all right, so I left the diapers right where they were in the sink.

Eventually, Mom put the two diapers in the linen closet, so I eventually took them and put them under my bed without ever drawing attention to myself. After my nightly experiments with the diapers, I knew I was hooked, although it took several years of binging and purging before I finally accepted being a DL and found a way to moderate my tastes. :thumbsup:

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It's tough for me to pinpoint my first ever diaper experience after childhood as I'm becoming convinced that I've been interested in diapers since childhood. I do remember staying at my cousin's house one night and my aunt came into the room to put him in a pull-up and she asked if I wanted/needed one, too (I think I was at least 10). I told her no, but I know I wanted to say yes, but was afraid of my parents finding out.

Other than that, I can remember when I was 12 or 13, I would take a pillow and fold it up between my legs like a diaper. I also remember around the same time cousins being around and wanting to steal a diaper, but being too afraid of being caught.

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My first experience was around 13 or 14, my Mother took care of an Elderly Lady at the time who needed Diapers, & one day when my Mother was Taking Me & My Brothers to Boy Scouts there was an open package of depends underneath the backseat of the van, & I always took a backpack to Boy Scouts, so I took a Diaper out of the Package, & when we got to Scouts, I went into the Restroom, & tried it on, & even though I didn't use it nor did I get to keep it on for long, I fell in love with them & was Hooked!:D

Rockies Fan. Go Rockies in 2011!:D

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My last childhood time in diapers was at 10 for 3 days(24/7) for punishment. I blocked that out for years afterwards. At 14 I read story in Penthouse "Wife babys hubby" & found some safety pins & used 3 t-shirts as a diaper. After walking around the house I was PINNED. The next week I bought a pack of 21x40 birdseye diapers & gerber plastic pants & blue ducky diaper pins.

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I had some experinces after I was trained at threeish with trying to get my old diaper stuff back out and getting in trouble for it. My diaper fascination continued through out my childhood but I never took action on it untill (Like so many others here) 12-13 years old. We had a neighbor that had two kids in diapers and my Mom would watch them from time to time and we had some diapers at the house for them. I bought my own attends at 15, which I later hid in my parents room and got busted (WTF was I thinking)

good times.

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My first time was in 1987, I was around the age of 7. My 3 year old brother was still in diapers, both cloth and pampers. I day I decided to try one of the pampers. It was a little snug, but I peed in it and wore it for a couple of ours. My next experience wasn't until the age of 12 I think.

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I dont really remember my first experience after childhood, that time of my life has all blended together and I dont remember specifics. I do know that I have always been interested in diapers from as far back as I can remember. At about 10-11 years old my older brother had kids and they would stay at our house and there would be diapers around and sometimes my mom would buy diapers to have for when my neices came over. I remember that they were plastic backed and pink. I would steal on or two of them and try to get into them, but they wouldnt fit. I think I was about 16 at the time I bought my first Depends.

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my mom always said i was really tough to potty train and i didnt want to give up my diapers. however, after some punishments and such, i finally became PT-ed.

my absolute first experience was when i was about 5-ish (im surprised i can remember this too! lol) and my little bro was still in diapers/pull-ups/goodnights/whatever. anyway, one night i sneaked into his room one night and put one on. i remember it felt great and i wound up falling asleep and mom found me the next day wearing it. i dont remember what happened next, but i didnt wear anything again for about another 8 or 10 years.

at about age 14-15 i started playing around with towels, toilet paper and such and having fun with them. one day i found an open pack of diapers in the hall closet one day (my baby sisters's from a few years prior, i think) and started using them when i could. after running out, it was back to TP and towels for a few more years until i was able to muster up enough cash and courage to buy diapers of my own.

on a side note and just an observation, seems rather interesting to me that so far the majority of people here started wearing again around their pre-teen years.

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I don't have a definitive line between wearing as a child and an adult. I grew up sort obsessed with them though I didn't get a chance to wear any between 3 & about 13

At 13 I would stay still a child somewhere along the line it went from baby diapers to adult diapers.

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When I was about 5 years old, my sister and I had to spend the night at the next door neighbours place. They had 3 girls, the youngest of which was my age. Anyway, she was a bed wetter and wore pampers to bed every night. She was upset that my sis and I saw her in her diapers so I offered to wear one as well to make her feel more comfortable. I was a bedwetter too so it really didn't hurt my feelings to be wearing a diaper anyway.

Afterwards I can recall asking my folks to buy me diapers so I could use them for bedwetting. That didn't go over very well so, like many, I suffered through wet sheets and sleepless nights for years. I managed to get a hold of a diaper here and there but it wasn't until I was 10 or 11 that I could afford to buy my own diapers with my allowance.....

I didn't discover adult diapers until I was 15...and the rest is history!

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a brand that i could only find back home (kuwait) ... here's a link if you are a member of diaperbook, they have a review on it .. felt like i found kryptonite, i had dreamt of having a maxi pad that covers that entire area when i was young. i used to steal my mom's pads but always wished they were bigger, little did i know about diapers since i was rarely around babies and i was out of the too early to remember

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i was 5 years old and living in okinawa japan with my mom dad and sister, initially base housing was full so we were put into a house off base, some close neighbors were there too but they were british, and i remember hanging out with a little girl my age named marine and she would diaper me with her little brothers diapers, it was so much fun but we were deathly afraid of getting caught so we would do it on rare occasion.

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Thanks for the great Comments guys nice to hear similar stories of how you all started in Diapers like me, keep the stories comming.

Also i agree with "diaperguy85"

on a side note and just an observation, seems rather interesting to me that so far the majority of people here started wearing again around their pre-teen years.

It is interesting to see so many of you started at a pre-teen age like me, its nice to know as i thought it was just me for a long time.

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I had my first experience around age 6. I was at a family party at my grandparents when I had to pee really bad. After discovering both bathrooms were occupied I went down the hall and grabbed a baby diaper from my grandparents stash for all if my cousins. I put it on and piled my pants up to cover it and laid in one of the upstairs beds trying to force myself to use it.

After finally dribbling some pee into it there was a knock at the door. My uncle opened the door and told me my parents were looking for me so they could leave. When he left I quickly took it off and stuffed it at the bottom if the trash before joining my parents downstairs.

That really got my interested in diapers and I would sneak them from my grandparents house whenever I could until I got my drivers license. I wrote about that entire experience among others on my blog, http://aclosetlife.blogspot.com

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I find this an interesting topic as I too had my first diaper experience when I was 13, I was visiting my grandpa and he lives in a small town, I then biked down so the grocery store and I nervously brought a pair of goodnights to the counter and paid for them, then I biked home as fast as I could and put a diaper on, then for some reason I went to my friends house wearing the goodnight i was so excited, so i went to his house and we were playing nintendo and I had to pee so i just let it go and went in the goodnight, i got nervous that it would leak or he would smell it so I went back to my house and wrapped it up in a bag and through it out in the trash, then the next year i went there i bought a pack of depends, well its an interesting story my friend that hung around with before (the one i played nintendo with) and i were watching TV and a depends commerical came on and we joked about wearing diapers then we had an idea that it would be funny to go to the store and buy a pack of depends, for some reason i was more nervous this time than last time and I gave him the money and he bought the depends that we later put on a joked about how stupid we looked but really i thought it felt awesome. So i took the rest of that pack back to my house and those were my first diaper experiences.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started messing in my pants on purpose when I was around 10. I loved how it felt. But I had no way to clean my underwear. So I would steal briefs and panties off the neighborhood wash lines. If that didn't work I would fashion a make shift diaper from a towel or rag. I baby sat for younger cousins who had disposables but they didn't fit me. Many years later I discovered other diaper lovers on the internet and they told me about adult disposables. What a great discovery that was.

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When I was probably 8 or something I would sometimes wet myself because I enjoyed it, never was quite sure why. Eventually started trying on my younger sis's diapers when I did it. After a while I got ashamed and stopped but recently tired wearing diapers again for fun and loving it

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I started messing in my pants on purpose when I was around 10. I loved how it felt. But I had no way to clean my underwear. So I would steal briefs and panties off the neighborhood wash lines. If that didn't work I would fashion a make shift diaper from a towel or rag. I baby sat for younger cousins who had disposables but they didn't fit me. Many years later I discovered other diaper lovers on the internet and they told me about adult disposables. What a great discovery that was.

I bet your parents absolutely hated you doing that. Kind of unfair to your parents, intentionally messing your pants and then stealing neighbor's underwear. Wtf is wrong with you stealing people's clothes?

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I bet your parents absolutely hated you doing that. Kind of unfair to your parents, intentionally messing your pants and then stealing neighbor's underwear. Wtf is wrong with you stealing people's clothes?

Every single person here did stupid shit when they were young. What someone does when they are 10 gets erased when they turn 18. We live and learn we grow from our youthful indiscretions. It would be unacceptable behavior for an adult to do that. I personally don't judge people based on what they did when they were ten. :bash:

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Good reading on this topic, my first experience in diapers i can not remember.... as for the second time i was in diapers i remember like it was yesterday. Grew up in a friendly neighborhood, everybody new everybody. Had plenty of friends and we were always outside doing what boys do.... One of my friends mom made us lunch so we came inside for a bit.... playing in his room he opened up his closet and at the top of the closet i noticed the diapers. Joking around with him got old pretty quick, he was called away by his mom, i remember grabbing a diaper and going into the bathroom. The smell reminds me of the bambino stuffers these days, just the excitement of getting a diaper was overcoming.

I put on the diaper and fastened the tapes, pulled up my underwear over the Johnson and Johnson disposable diaper and went and ate lunch. I could hear the crinkle of the diaper, and decided that i needed to get it off quick after lunch. However i just let go and peed in the diaper, continued to carry on that afternoon diapered, my friends never knew I was diapered.... At least i do not think they knew. I ended up over time taking a bag of the diapers home.... hiding them in my room, so that was my start to diapers at age 11.

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My first older diaper experiance was when I was around 12/13 years old, I "Borrowed " a terry cloth square and a pair of plastic pants from my younger bedwetting brother.

I had been wondering for a long time what they felt like and when I eventually worked out how to get it pinned on was the diaper felt very nice and soft

and then slipping the plastic pants over the diaper just made it feel complete.

I often wonder being that I'm now 47 what would have happened if I never tried it?

Saying that if I had not tried it then, I'm almost sure I would have gotten around to it at sometime.

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From about 5yrs old I had a "thing" for pilchers [plastic baby pants] and also panties. I would borrow these whenever we visited relos with young children and later, around 10, would buy my own pilchers, wearing them either under my briefs or by themselves. I'm pretty sure at this time there was no interest in nappys. Well, by age 16 I grew too big to wear pilchers, even in the biggest baby size on the market. It was'nt untill I was about 44 that I discovered that there was such people as AB/Dls and you could get adult size plastic panties. It didn't take me long before I had my first pairs of plastic panties in almost 30yrs. It was then I decided to try nappys and I am so glad I did. I now have quite a collection of plastic panties, disspossables, pullups, cloth, and training panties. I do this both for the feeling of comfort and also there is a sexual side to it. : :wub:

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