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Large Bambino Teddy Update

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Guest peepeeweeweeboy

I think I just died because I am in heaven! Teddy's with old tapes? Sign me up.

While not pampers, I still love Bambinos. I have a feeling next week will be a VERY wet week indeed (moderately messy).

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Just spoke to my rep with Bambino. The Large Teddy diapers will be in next week AND will have the original Bambino tape tabs that you know and love :)


No news though about the status of the next shipment of Mediums???

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I need to reorder Bambino's this week so I will order a small order of the Classio, then order the Teddy's because I have been waiting to try them. A little disappointed that I didn't get to try the new style tapes.

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Guest peepeeweeweeboy

To those sad they didn't get to test the Teddy prototype....don't be sad. It was a dismal affair.

Imagine the world's best diaper (besides baby pampers). Now remove the tapes. Replace the tapes with those self licking glue envelope seals. And there you go. Best comparison of Teddy's tapes. Crappy tapes for beautiful and seductive diapers.

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Just spoke to my rep with Bambino. The Large Teddy diapers will be in next week AND will have the original Bambino tape tabs that you know and love :)

I'm getting ready to order some Teddy's I think but on the website it does not mention they will have the old tapes. So am I to assume the old tapes have not into effect yet? I just would hate to buy with such bad tapes on them.

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Their new design tape is so bad I don't think I will order from them for a while. They didn't handle it well and need a swift kick in the butt because of it.

Totally disagree!!

Their new tape design was a good idea, but executed poorly. Bambino not only gave the new tapes a trial run, but also retracted them after a good amount of customer complaints. Firstly, most companies, be it diaper or otherwise, rarely take into account their customer complaints. Secondly, if Bambino never tried anything new, nothing would ever change... you can't expect things to get better if they never change. And sure, the new tapes are much worse... but at least Bambino now knows that.

I suspect only another month or two before they completely get rid of the new tape system. Changing the Larges was obviously a way of saying they are listening.


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I couldn't disagree more. I don't recall volunteering at my expense to Beta Test their "concept" for a stretchy tape. What I and many others want is our money refunded. That is the ethical thing to do. As someone who OWNS a manufacturing company that is what I would do. We have had a few things that didn't work in the field and we took care of our customer, we DO LISTEN to our customers which is why during the Great Recession we grew 20%. What reputable companies do is not blame the customer but either take the product back for full refunds or provide free replacements, including shipping. In other words back up your product and your reputation. But then again this is just a fetish so I suppose we just get to suck it up.

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I couldn't disagree more. I don't recall volunteering at my expense to Beta Test their "concept" for a stretchy tape. What I and many others want is our money refunded. That is the ethical thing to do. As someone who OWNS a manufacturing company that is what I would do. We have had a few things that didn't work in the field and we took care of our customer, we DO LISTEN to our customers which is why during the Great Recession we grew 20%. What reputable companies do is not blame the customer but either take the product back for full refunds or provide free replacements, including shipping. In other words back up your product and your reputation. But then again this is just a fetish so I suppose we just get to suck it up.

You volunteered when purchasing their product. It was specified on the site that they were trying new tapes, and that if the customers didn't like them they'd go back to the old ones. I'm sure if you really throw a big enough bitch fit, Bambino will end up refunding your money, but you bought them knowing there were alterations. That's not the company's fault.


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No, actually, a really big bitch fit is unlikely to get Bambino to budge. They don't respond well to reason and reasonableness, so getting nasty surely won't work. Anybody remember the problem with the Canadian distributor a couple of years back? Lots of orders taken, including mine, with no delivery. So you complain to the 'parent' company, providing proof of purchase and a very likely truthful claim that you didn't get what you paid for since so many others didn't as well. Finally, I asked just to be sent a sample pack as a show of goodwill. Nothing doing.

So either Bambino is not particularly profitable and to send two 'free' diapers would cut too far into the bottom line (yeah, I'm funny, I know it), or, as has been speculated by a previous poster, people who buy Bambino diapers are seen by the company as perverts, basically drug addicts who need Bambino like they need their fix. We're not real customers to Bambino. They're doing us a favor. Well I say piss on them. My momma always said to me, It's not what they call you, it's what you answer to. Got that, Bambino?!

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I have gotten nothing but great customer service from Bambino. When I have found problems in the past I have emailed them with the date code from the bag for them to test and verify the batch and have always gotten replacements, even when I wasn't seeking them.

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No, actually, a really big bitch fit is unlikely to get Bambino to budge. They don't respond well to reason and reasonableness, so getting nasty surely won't work. Anybody remember the problem with the Canadian distributor a couple of years back? Lots of orders taken, including mine, with no delivery. So you complain to the 'parent' company, providing proof of purchase and a very likely truthful claim that you didn't get what you paid for since so many others didn't as well. Finally, I asked just to be sent a sample pack as a show of goodwill. Nothing doing.

So either Bambino is not particularly profitable and to send two 'free' diapers would cut too far into the bottom line (yeah, I'm funny, I know it), or, as has been speculated by a previous poster, people who buy Bambino diapers are seen by the company as perverts, basically drug addicts who need Bambino like they need their fix. We're not real customers to Bambino. They're doing us a favor. Well I say piss on them. My momma always said to me, It's not what they call you, it's what you answer to. Got that, Bambino?!

I don't see how you can blame Bottom Half for the actions of another unrelated company. Calling them the 'parent' company is disingenuous AFAIK they had no stake or ownership in that company that was doing the importing - I'd be surprised if that company was doing anything other than placing regular orders from BHG and reselling of their own accord. That's like your neighbor selling Sony TVs out their garage so you don't have to drive to best buy - well your neighbor rips you off and you call Sony and bitch because someone who sold you a Sony product ripped you off. You wouldn't blame Sony cause your neighbor did something wrong - step it up and say Best Buy ripped you off - you wouldn't expect Sony to make good on something they had nothing to do with would you? To me at least your problem was between you and that import company and had zero to do with BHG. I'm sure Angela could better speak to the legalities involved - but from my laymens perspective I don't see how BHG owed you anything. I could have misunderstood what went on back then as it's been a while so tell me if I'm wrong here.

Or let me put it this way - lets say you went to Walmart and bought a bunch of Tide laundry detergent and you went and sold a bunch on ebay. Well you sold more than you bought, so you just kept the money and never shipped some people the detergent. Why would P&G be responsible for that? Your customer shouldn't be able to expect that P&G makes right on that, P&G had no relationship with you other than you bought their product and resold it.

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Yes, I think you've got it quite wrong. If you wanted to buy Bambino diapers in Canada, BH Group's website told you who to contact. I did not contact that person out of the ether as you suggest I did with your examples. BH effectively vouched for the reliability of their Canadian REPRESENTATIVE. I use that word because it implies that BH chose them and sanctioned them.

Let's imagine I call P&G and say I want to buy some Pampers for my muse to wear around the house like lingerie during extended foreplay. They say, 'Oh, cool, she must be all skinny and hot to still fit into baby diapers. Sadly, we don't sell to the public, only retailers, like Walmart. Or if you prefer to order online, you could try diapers.com, which is the only Internet company that is AB/DL aware; our other distributors won't sell to perverts. If you forget the name, there's a link to them on a page in OUR website. Well, have fun! Bye."

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I just don't think the news is all that good because I don't think BH Group is a very customer friendly company. That is my experience, I'm going to state my fact-supported opinion and, I'm not only sticking to it, I intend to be vocal about it at appropriate times.

I'm glad your experiences have all been positive. I can't figure out, however, why anybody would want to suppress the disclosure of somebody's whose wasn't. What's in it for you?

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From what I understand Bambino got screwed by them as well as the last shipment wasn't paid for. Not saying that should soothe you, just saying it's not like they made a profit off of the non delivered sales. They lost too.

I understand your frustration, but the earlier points are still correct. Depend links to places to buy Depends, but that doesn't make them responsible if CVS rips you off somehow. It stinks, but the problem you had is not with Bambino.

If you PM me with your contact details I will talk to my friends at Bambino and see if they can offer any help.

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