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Someone told me I like food too much because I often talk about restaurants in e-mail correspondence.

Eating good food makes me happy, but I'm not fat. I'm just a food critic. Excuuuuuuse me.

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I'm really into trying new things as well.

Just mine shows, unlike yours. (lucky)

Eat, be diapered and enjoy all these simple pleasures in life.

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Someone told me I like food too much because I often talk about restaurants in e-mail correspondence.

Eating good food makes me happy, but I'm not fat. I'm just a food critic. Excuuuuuuse me.

Eat all you want and enjoy it, it's one of life's simpler pleasures. And what goes in, has to come out..that's where diapers come into play...if your into that sort of thing. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!

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Eat all you want and enjoy it, it's one of life's simpler pleasures. And what goes in, has to come out..that's where diapers come into play...if your into that sort of thing. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!

If I wasn't into that sort of thing, I wouldn't be here ;)

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There is nothing wrong with eating well, it really comes down to 'quality vs. quantity" I have had the privilege of dining in some nice places and experiencing some great meals, including the cruises I have gone on. Life isn't all Big macs and hot dogs. There is some really amazing stuff out there and the people who create it are incredible. If you have an opportunity to go somewhere different, or try something you normally don't have access to, go for it.

you don't need a lot to have a great experience, dining is an experience all it's own. and learing about different foods and wines or even beer is very interesting and educational,...and tasty!

Good to hear you have the opportunity to enjoy your epicurean adventures :thumbsup:

Its not to much good food that makes us fat, its to much bad food.


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Love to try new restaurants and foods. Not a food snob tho - Have gone out for Gordon Ramsay's Beef Wellington as well as a place said to have a good hot dog.

I do have some 'weird' food issues though:

I only use a salad fork - I find dinner forks too big for my mouth

I don't like food on a stick as the texture of the wood stick on my tongue gives me the willies

I can taste - and dislike - certain food colors. Examples include the neon dyes in most grocery store cake frostings, and the designs on some rolls of cookie dough. I also won't eat Red Velvet Cake since I learned the red dye in them is made from crushed bugs.

I can drink some apple juice and tell you the origin of the apples. Especially Turkish apples - my favorite. I can tell if a juice has even a small amount of Turkish apple in it. China's apples makes the worst juice. The best is a US/Turkish mix.

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my wife/mommy is Caribbean...her food is amazing! We live in Jersey so of course there are no shortages in variety for ethnic foods/styles.

We always try to eat someplace different everytime we go out. I am a firm believer in trying new things.....I guess its the curious kid in me:)

do what you do man and if someone says anything to you about.....tell them to eat you:P hehe

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Love to try new restaurants and foods. Not a food snob tho - Have gone out for Gordon Ramsay's Beef Wellington as well as a place said to have a good hot dog.

I do have some 'weird' food issues though:

I only use a salad fork - I find dinner forks too big for my mouth

I don't like food on a stick as the texture of the wood stick on my tongue gives me the willies

I can taste - and dislike - certain food colors. Examples include the neon dyes in most grocery store cake frostings, and the designs on some rolls of cookie dough. I also won't eat Red Velvet Cake since I learned the red dye in them is made from crushed bugs.

I can drink some apple juice and tell you the origin of the apples. Especially Turkish apples - my favorite. I can tell if a juice has even a small amount of Turkish apple in it. China's apples makes the worst juice. The best is a US/Turkish mix.

I absolutely LOVE Turkish apples. I'm an apple freak except when it comes to Macs.

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I absolutely LOVE Turkish apples. I'm an apple freak except when it comes to Macs.

haha. Most people say I'm crazy. Can't even explain the difference, just know they taste better!

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Fun fact: When I was a tiny tot, I always requested my mom to pack apple juice in my lunch box. Lunch just wasn't the same without apple juice... and no, not that Juicy Juice stuff. That was full of artificial flavoring.

If I can't get my hands on Turkish apples or Turkish-based apple juice, this is what I settle for.


Give me Martinelli's in a sippy cup and I will be your best friend.

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I've never tried Turkish Apples. I wonder if I can find them in my neck of the woods....

Just read the labels of all the apple juices in the market. They have to tell you the origin of the apples.

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Fun fact: When I was a tiny tot, I always requested my mom to pack apple juice in my lunch box. Lunch just wasn't the same without apple juice... and no, not that Juicy Juice stuff. That was full of artificial flavoring.

If I can't get my hands on Turkish apples or Turkish-based apple juice, this is what I settle for.


Give me Martinelli's in a sippy cup and I will be your best friend.

Image isn't showing, but I agree! Martinelli's makes some great juice! Like their juice, cider and sparking apple

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Picture of greatness has been restored.

It's too bad that Martinelli's juice now cost three times as much as Tree Top.

One day, I will renew my membership to Costco so I can buy Martinelli's in bulk.

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It was a good year/bad year for apples here in SW Michigan this past fall. Bumper crop and no market. I drove past lots of orchards where the farmers just let the fruit drop and rot. Big part of the problem (IMO) was a law change a few years back when someone got bad sick from unwashed apples that were made into cider. So the knee jerk legislators made it a law that apple squeezings (juice) had to be pasturized. Hundreds of mom n pops cider mills went out of business and one cannot buy "raw" apple cider in this state legally. Pasturaziation kills the yeasts etc which make cider so good and of course it won't ferment either. At first I could get cider across the border in Indiana, but that stopped too. Cider was likely to get you so drunk sometimes you would pee your pants.


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It was a good year/bad year for apples here in SW Michigan this past fall. Bumper crop and no market. I drove past lots of orchards where the farmers just let the fruit drop and rot. Big part of the problem (IMO) was a law change a few years back when someone got bad sick from unwashed apples that were made into cider. So the knee jerk legislators made it a law that apple squeezings (juice) had to be pasturized. Hundreds of mom n pops cider mills went out of business and one cannot buy "raw" apple cider in this state legally. Pasturaziation kills the yeasts etc which make cider so good and of course it won't ferment either. At first I could get cider across the border in Indiana, but that stopped too. Cider was likely to get you so drunk sometimes you would pee your pants.

Isn't that the point of diapers?? :P

~ moogle

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