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Hello everyone. I am new to this site and the adult baby lifestyle. My boyfriend of 8 months is an AB and i am trying to get used to it. It is not something i have ever had an interest in and i feel like i need help. I want to give him what he needs but i can't see it the way someone into this lifestyle can. So i am rather lost but i love him and i really want to try and make him happy. i am looking forward to gaining more information--anything helps. Thanks.

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Well for starters, welcome to the site :)

Secondly, the fact that you came to this site and want to make your boyfriend happy is heartwarming to say the least!

You said you've never really had an interest in the AB lifestyle before, but what do you need help with? Getting used to it? Getting into the "mommy" role? Or understanding an AB?

I think an important thing to ask is, what does your boyfriend need/want out of this lifestyle? Each of us is different, so I can't say I know exactly what your boyfriend's needs and wants are, but I imagine he wants you to care for him in the same manner you would an infant or toddler. Diapering, feeding, cuddling, etc.

However, I think it's important for both of you to set some ground rules. Compromise, if you will. Perhaps there are things you're not comfortable doing just yet, since you're new to this and all. I'd say your best bet is to try things a little at a time. So maybe sometime you could start off with simply feeding your boyfriend or something like that. If you're comfortable with it, then maybe try adding something else?

If you can give some more information about what more you'd like help on, there are plenty of people, including myself, who will do our best to help you ^_^


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Well, i might not have described our situation in enough detail. I am a very open minded individual and nothing about AB lifestyle makes me uncomfortable. I have fed, bathed, clothed, diapered and changed him. i am a nurse, changing a diaper doesn't bother me and i have experience with bathing and feeding adults. But i don't know how to make him feel like a baby. I don't know how to talk to him. I know know how to change a diaper in an AB fashion. I have some fetishes of my own and i know how frustrating it is to be with someone who isn't into what your into and it doesn't matter how hard they try, they can't do it right. I don't want to be that for him... and when i ask him questions he usually says something like, "no,no you're doing fine." But it doesn't feel like it.

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Hmm, to make him feel like a baby. What has worked for me is being talked to as if I were a baby. You know, cooing and using baby talk.

Does he have baby things like bottles and pacifiers? Those may also help.

I also wonder if perhaps "burping" him after feeding him would help? Again I'm not too sure, but it might be worth a try.

But that's good that you're both open-minded and experienced. And if he keeps saying you're doing fine, perhaps you are, even if it doesn't feel like it.

Again, I'm glad to hear you're trying to get into the role :) I had an ex who had little interest in this lifestyle, and she definitely made it seem forced whenever she'd take care of me.

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If he says you're doing fine, then believe him. You might be worried, he's probably on cloud nine :P. Just try to treat him as if he was little, I don't know what age he likes to be, but do the apporiote things for that age. Let him do colouring in, or just play with him like a mummy would with a baby, and talk down to him :P well he is little :D.

Just make sure he does what you like as well :P.

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Its usually the baby talk and light teasing that really gets me into the babyish mood, but as everyone has said already, it's a personal preference sort of thing. *shrugs*

If you're a nurse and all, you have a very good head start. You being comfortable with everything makes the transition process a lot easier.

But the fact of the matter is that you will feel like you're doing it wrong for the first month or so. And you'll be nervous you're not doing it the way he wants and he'll be nervous that you aren't enjoying yourself. But just be persistant, show interest, show you care, and in time you'll be doing everything perfectly and what you aren't doing perfectly he wont be afraid to correct you about.

In short: Be proactive, be patient.


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Hiya and welcome to the site

Everyone here seems to have covered most of it.

The only thing that you might want to try, and be as natural as possible doing it, is the heaping of affection. such as tickling him while your changing him, and when you are done sitting him up and giving him a loving tight embrace of love, a big bear hug with a few heart felt warm words of love.

Almost like your love for him is an energy you could project through him like a warm wave. If it comes from you genuinely he will know.

But to do honest just by willingly taking part you are already doing wonderfully, I hope he is treating you with equally admissions of love and affection.

its a two way street. :thumbsup:

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It seems that everyone is different and has different wants and expectations. I personally don't like to tell Mommy what to do. To me it is something I just want her to know. So perhaps you can use this list I got from the old DPF site for a babysitter. That way he might feel more comfortable filling out a form as it were so you will know what he likes or doesn't like and take it from there. Good luck on your new little one.

Babysitter Preference (circle one)



Big Sister/Big Brother

School-Age Boy

School-Age Girl

Baby Information

Baby name:

Gender: Age:

Sexual Orientation:

Toileting (check off one or more):

Needs diapers always

Occasional bed/pants wetter

Wets constantly

Messes constantly

Frequent accidents

Occasional accidents


Behavior (check off all applicable):










Sucks thumb

Needs pacifier

Needs to be fed

Feeds self

fussy baby

cuddly baby

needs toddler nap

Plays by self

Sissy baby, sissified


Feeding (check off all applicable)


Strained baby food

Junior foods

Training Cup

"Finger food"

Eats most "big person" food


Playtime (check off all applicable)

Playpen - baby toys

Toddler toys

Older child toys


Public Outings (check all applicable)


A little

A lot



Anything goes

Dressed as baby

In Stroller

Hold Baby's Hand

Goes out alone


Discipline (check all applicable)

Taught to use diapers like a real baby

Trained to be helpless, dependent baby

Punished for disobedience

Make mommy/daddy "happy" as instructed


Other Training (check all applicable)

Potty training


Cute, baby behavior


Baby talk

Feeding self


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First of all, I want to thank you for being such a generous person. Most people aren't so giving; I'm sure your decision to take up nursing was partly because of your nature.

If he's unsure about your reaction, he might be picking up some nervousness or uncomfortableness on your part. Sometimes, little boys like us want a mommy who is assertive and in charge (not necessarily mean-dominant, just the boss), a mommy who knows her boy belongs in diapers and makes sure that it happens. It also might help if you visualize what you like about him in diapers (and find something to like). Is he funny, lovable, cute, attentive? If you find something you truly enjoy about your diaper baby, he'll sense that and it will really make a difference.

Good luck... hope it works out well, you are so sweet for caring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please allow me to add my gratitude for knowing that you are open minded to this lifestyle. Both my wife and I enjoy this so I wanted to give the perspective of a husband in a loving relationship that enjoys this and whose wife enjoys it as well.

While we are both into the lifestyle, we still had to work out the details of what the other really wanted over about 2 years. She is very much AB - adult baby with a bit of LG - little girl. I'm DL - diaper lover with a bit of AB. What all that really means is that even if this was one of your things, you would still need him to tell you what does it for him and explain to him what does it for you. Thank goodness we're all different, right?

There are so many major things to know and then all the little things. First, is he DL like most of the males here, AB or a bit of both. Next, does he just want to wear, but not use diapers and only occassionally? Does he want to wet them only or does he want to do everything in them? My wife and I wet them only as there are too many issues otherwise including diaper rash. Does he want regression play times or to be kept in diapers all the time? We both wear diapers very discretely at all times. We are both adults when it is time for adult things and keep plenty of baby wipes around for that.

I hope you have found enough information to get a good heart-to-heart conversation started. I know that you have found a source for friends that understand and accept what you and your boyfriend are into.

E Como Mai,

Honu and BabyMaggie

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