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No Pants Subway Ride Day

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Not sure if its the same but in North America we have a No Pants Day in early May. But its just wear something other than pants like a skirt, kilt, shorts, ect.

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Duh? Last night (Sunday 11 January) several of the Los Angeles TV stations had video of people dropping their trousers on the Red Line at the Hollywood & Highland as well as the Hollywood & Vine stations. The "No Pants" folks were also shown riding the Red Line. I hope everyone paid their fare!

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I can't believe this is real! :o wonder how many people participated :P

be interesting to see a lady in a business top and bikini bottom LOL

Just glad we don't have subways out here, I hate to think what would have happened!


Square Duck where you been liveing,in a cabin in the woods.Heck there been subways in L.A.for 15 years

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Duh? Last night (Sunday 11 January) several of the Los Angeles TV stations had video of people dropping their trousers on the Red Line at the Hollywood & Highland as well as the Hollywood & Vine stations. The "No Pants" folks were also shown riding the Red Line. I hope everyone paid their fare!

heck thay been doing that for years on the red line

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Square Duck where you been liveing,in a cabin in the woods.Heck there been subways in L.A.for 15 years

Are you implying that there's something wrong with living rurally? Personally, I'd rather spend the rest of my life out here alone in the sticks than live in a city... Cities are crowded, hectic, noisy, stinky, oxygen-starved, and full of nutjobs. At least out here, you can literally see the nutjobs coming from a mile away... And get a good bead on them with the rifle before they get too close...

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Are you implying that there's something wrong with living rurally? Personally, I'd rather spend the rest of my life out here alone in the sticks than live in a city... Cities are crowded, hectic, noisy, stinky, oxygen-starved, and full of nutjobs. At least out here, you can literally see the nutjobs coming from a mile away... And get a good bead on them with the rifle before they get too close...

Heck if ya had read what the duck said about there being no subways there in l.a.you would have known what i ment

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