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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Momma Rosie

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^I think I always wanted to wear diapers but i felt wird by it and hide it from every one, I did not know there was others like me out in the world and so i try to stop the feelings I did not wear my first diaper untell i was 31 years old and found D&D here.

<Geting ready for bed.

vDo you have any AB items like a big crib or high chair?

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^not reay i buy what cheap and still looks good or what works the best i care little for names.

<reading the boards.

vwho would you like diaper you if you could pick anyone?

^ Hayden Christensen He is really handsome

<about to go shopping

vHave you ever lost is your favorite toy or it get broken beyond repair?

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^When i was little I had a spaceshutle toy I played with it for hours and hours so much they sounds stop working but i still played with it then on day when it snowed and it was the first time i seen snow and i lost it in the snow laster i found out that it got ran over by the farm tools i cryed and cryed no other toy gave me so much joy i think i was 5 at the time.

<Reading the boards

vDo you think there realy love at first sight?

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^When i was little I had a spaceshutle toy I played with it for hours and hours so much they sounds stop working but i still played with it then on day when it snowed and it was the first time i seen snow and i lost it in the snow laster i found out that it got ran over by the farm tools i cryed and cryed no other toy gave me so much joy i think i was 5 at the time.

<Reading the boards

vDo you think there realy love at first sight?

^ not in my case. The first time I saw my furture daddy. I ran into the house crying. I thought he was going to laugh and make fun of me.

<watching TV

vDo you think that if it was acceptable to go out dressed in your diapers or your baby clothes without being laughed at. Would you do it?

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^ Not sure that I would do that, even if it was acceptable. Is a nice dream though :) Being TG had the same thoughts about that, but the fear is more being beaten up than being laughed at.

> Trying to catch upon things after spending the last two weeks in bed ill.

V Are you allergic to any foods / or just wont eat ??

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^ Wow. So many places to choose one favorite. If I have to choose one, I have to say that would be home. But....San Francisco and Chicago are not far behind!

<Recovering from a quick 10 mile run with my favorite after-run beverage: Limeade on ice.

V Certain boxes of assorted chocolates contain a unique piece, (often times aesthetically pleasing), that once removed from the selection, leaves an indelible void among the remaining pieces. Examples of this are the solid chocolate "Messenger Boys" found in layers of Whitman's Samplers; the caramel/pecan/chocolate patties, known as "Pixies", in some boxes of (Chicago-based) Fannie May chocolates (some Fannie May selections contain 2 Pixies per box or layer); and the common gold foil-wrapped cherry cordial. If you are given the opportunity to choose the very first piece of chocolate from a box that contains a one-of-a-kind unique piece, do you choose or refrain from this piece because:

#1: You can, you're first, and you're going to leave your mark on the box and deny another from the unique piece, even though you might like another, (yet not unique piece), even better, just to spite the next selector.

#2: Choose it anyway because you really like that piece.

#3: Choose another piece because you don't like the unique piece.

#4: Choose another piece, even though you really like the unique piece, so as to consider the next selector.

What's your answer??

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^ Is that a rhetorical question? :P If not, I have a penchant for 'silly' anything but it's amazing how interesting & revealing silliness can be ;)

> It's an unusually warm & sunny day here so I've been gardening. It's not worth going anywhere in the car on a day like today, because you spend half the day stuck in a traffic jam. Practically the whole country and their dogs go out when the sun shines here!

v Do you play a musical instrument?

D :) lly

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^ Piano

> Killing time during a pouring rainstorm (the lawns need it; it's been a very dry summer)

V What was the last book you read? Did you like it? Why did you choose to read it? (Does that count as three questions? four?)

Baby June 9/9/2007

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^ Repeats of old episodes of "Hawaii 5-O". I really don't have any current favorite that is being broadcast now.

< Relaxing after a long day of work. No running for me today, as I still have a terrible cold I presume I acquired on a recent flight from Chicago to RI.

V Do you have a middle name? If so, what letter of the alphabet does it begin with?

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^ It could be Molly

> Not telling :P;)

V I have found two films that even though I have watched over 10 times each by the end off them I am always crying my eyes out. Have you found a film that always makes you cry ??

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