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Momma Rosie

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@restlessfox: The same thing happened to me Wednesday night! I did exactly what you've done, except I had my dog come with me. I'm too afraid of the dark to go downstairs alone at night. X.X

^ When I'm up early enough I do, as for the sunset, it always seems to elude me. :ninja:

> Laying down, thinking about what to do Monday. (Dad's out of town, mom's working late, I get the day to myself! :))

v Do you have a weapon collection? If so, what kind?

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^scared.gifscary question but I am from Uk and not america so a gun is not like my car keys are to me.... No have a few knives of the swiss arm type and a leather man wave knife. I do have an air rifle from when I use to go down the woods but the only thing I ever shot was tarrgets and the odd bottle / can I found on walk down to woods but never been in years. ....

icon_peepsofa.gifhides from willbaby

> Taking a break from looking at houses on line and waiting for estate agent to phone me back

v How long have you waited on the phone listening to a message telling you "your call is important to us and will be answard as soon as possible" before you give up or want to go kill someone.

>>25min herenew_burnup_smilie.gif

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^ 45 minutes, then i proceeded by hanging up and going to the F*CKING station where i was calling and giving them one hell of a talk down. :D It worked though. The next day the guy was here to fix my connection :3

> Relaxing, maybe drawing, maybe studying and listening to music.

v Whats your fav book you read this year?

@RestlessFox: Hehe, i have a knife collection, and i have a 410, shotgun, handgun, bow but i only have bullets for the 410 and shotgun. Where i live not having a big gun is considered stupid and not "manly". Personally i think its stupid but my dad insisted to get them for hunting (which i am against) and protection? xD (i pity the fool who comes stealing here). But seriously, my town is so hillbilly xD.


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^ a book with all of robert burns' poetry, i'm related to him so his words have some added weight for me

< kicking myself for staying up until the sun comes up again, my hours were almost on a set schedule where i would actually sleep at night but it seems i'm slipping back to my old habit of sleeping when i run out of things to do.

v do you have any famous ancestors?

@necros, i know what you're saying, not having something to protect yourself is a fool's mistake, if someone breaks into my house it's up to me to deal with it. i don't like guns so i have throwing knives stashed around my house which i have some skill with, a battle-ready katana by my bed, and a high voltage extending baton/tazer which i'm trying to modify to shoot those shocking barbs that the police use. i would rather have them and not need them then need them but not have them, fate favors the prepared. i also pity anyone dumb enough to break into my place.

i also agree with you that hunting is messed up. humans are getting too cocky, apparently we think we can go into an animals territory and snipe it without a second thought, and if a fox goes into your territory and eats a chicken you shoot that too. by the way why is the @ sign before these messages? i've seen it done so i do it but i don't know why.

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^ I think i have a famous japanese person, i'm not too sure, my mom once told me about him. But unfortunately the bloodline got mixed up and we ended up cutting off the famous family name T_T

> Relaxing, doing random stuff.

v How many years have you been working at your current job?

@Restlessfox: The "@" sign means "at", meaning if i say "@Restlessfox" I'm really meaning "At Restlessfox" thus making the following comment relevant to you only. I agree with everything you said restlessfox! Katanas though are my weapon of choice if anything happens :3 ... and also the throwing knives!

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Guest Diaper4Boys

^ Zero. I'm still a student who takes full time classes.

< Is currently doing 3 things at the same time. Surfing the web, peeing in my thick diapers, and doing schoolwork.

V What is your gender?

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^ yes as would make life easyer if they where not freaked out and disown me that is. lol. not taking that chance though

>Just been on chat, and posting this then off out with dog down woods

v when was the last time you ever done somthing that scared you

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Guest Diaper4Boys

^ I cannot say I was scared. but I really panicked one time when my diaper leaked when I was lying in bed and hurried to replace the sheets and get changed

< Listening to music

V What is the stupidest thing you have every done in your life so far? (in your opinion)

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^ Dated. Relationships suck!!!

> Cleaning up a bunch of e-mails that piled up while I was out yesterday.

V Which gender do you think has it better, and why? (Is that 2 questions???)

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^ To my knowledge its women, in bed anyways. I mean they can have multiple orgasm from multiple areas at ONCE!! :0 Us guys we can only manage to squirt white stuff ... ohh big deal. Plus its super hard to have multiple orgasms.

> Relaxing, just arrived from work.

v Have you ever cosplayed as an anime character?

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^ Not seriously, myself and a few friends tried to make ourselves look like DBZ characters when we were 9 or 10. I've always wanted to, but my town is awfully white-washed. x.X When I move to San Francisco I'll probably do it.

> Watching MTV, in a great mood 'cause dad just left and he won't be back 'til Tuesday!

v Are you off tomorrow? If so, what are your plans?

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^ About an hour ago, The curtains are always closed in the nursery room as at the front of the house so the lights in there are left on 24 / 7. I am frightened of the dark :(

> Trying not to let reality to get me down, after a stress free few days at a nursery. reality sucks !!

V Whats your fav spaghetti shapes ?? Just having some tweenies ones now :)

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/\ i dont realy go for spageti shapes since i prefer brown pasta and i have never seen brown pasta shapes...

> siting at my computer in nothing but a nappy and a towel just about to go downstairs to cook some pasta with cheese and tomato sauce but ill put on a shirt as well before i go downstairs as the rest of the house isnt as warm as my room!

\/ which flavour fizzy drink is your favorite?

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^ i enjoy playing sports on occasion but i can't bring myself to watch them, i just think it's a major waste of time unless you have money riding on it or you know someone that's playing.

< mourning the loss of the speaker jack in my computer, i could fix it myself because it's just some bent metal and broken plastic but if i try i know that the store will try to tell me i voided the warranty somehow.

v do you have any warranty related horror stories? (i know i do.)

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^ None that come to mind, but my T.V. seems to be failing me, so mabye later on. x.x Only advice on getting a good warranty I have would be to shop at Costco. So far they've let us return half-empty bags of coffee beans, mom's laptop for a price reduction (twice,) and a FoodSaver, which I broke due to carelessness. :rolleyes:

> Well, I just got back from a 1/2 mile jog, in pouring rain, wearing pants and a f-shirt, to find out there's no package for me today. I miscalculated shipping times, so now I have to race to my door tomorrow and hide a big-ass package. Needless to say, I'm a little pissed off.

v Have you ever chased your mail truck in bad weather for something?

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^ Nope. The post people here and at uni walk, so it wouldn't really be much of a chase. At uni, I do sometimes have to rush downstairs to answer the door because the letterbox is really small. But I've never had the postman have already gone when I opened the door. The last time it happened, he was in the middle of filling out the little slip to post to say that a package was delivered.

< Listening to music and posting on here. Thinking about moving from lying down to sitting.

v When was the last time your bedroom was decorated/ redecorated?

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^ About 6 months ago, so it still looks decent. But on Friday it's all change here computer-wise - Yay BT BB and my new lapdog! I shall then be able to decorate this bedroom (the one this PC and I are monopolising currently) on Saturday, finally!

> I'm tired, so contemplating going to bed but I'm worried my mind is whirling too fast to let me sleep right now.

V How old is your PC/Lapdog/wii? (whichever you're using right now)

D :) lly

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