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Who Would Do This!?!?

Guest Baby-Toa

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.... runs away crying - just thinking of loosing something like that.

To males, that is their first 'toy' and thinking of having it cut off brings tears to the eyes, and causes one to wince in pain. It also reminds us of all the times that they got hit - either by accident or otherwise - and the sickening pain associated with it. Most males would rather loose their head or any other limb. I know that a few people here wish to go for sexual reasignment surgery - and even that is not as drastic as self mutilation. Ouch, ouch and even more ouch.

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Actually, attempted self castration in not uncommon in transgendered males. Just type self castration in google, there's too much for me to bother with links. I hope they at least finish the job properly for him rather than trying to "save" it.



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This is something that good pedophiles do. They don't want to hurt children so they try and find a way to stop themselves from doing it. If hospitals won't castrate, then they are forced to do it themselves.

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spokeane , you cant really get how "attached" a guy can get to that , most of us here dont feel like punishing ourselves in that way. Some of us are into cutting , but thats beond extreme. If he was that bad , he needed to be in counceling , or even in the mental hosipital. OMG thats crazy. I need to stop thinking about this. It hurts to even think about it >..<

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Guest Katharsys

All I have to say on it is nope...only because of the pain.

I want a good spinal block or general anesthesia when mine go away. If it wasn't for that, I would get rid of my own in a heartbeat!

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This is something that good pedophiles do. They don't want to hurt children so they try and find a way to stop themselves from doing it. If hospitals won't castrate, then they are forced to do it themselves.

I'll volunteer to castrate the pedophiles for them.

Back to story, I can't imagine seperating the admiral from his two captains.

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in my freshman year in highschool, in history, i remember the male teacher talking about someone. he then got out a pair of scissors and passed them to someone. he told them to open and close them as he talked and to pass them around the room. he eventually got to the part where the male he was talking about did the above. needless to say, there were some grones in the room, especially since there were scissors out... he was an evil person at times (the tacher that is). don't remember who he was talking about.

Edit: not sure if he passed them around or not but i remember holding the scissors at some point as he was talking... :(

Edit: just found this emoticon. thought it fit this topic. :giljotiini:

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I'll volunteer to castrate the pedophiles for them.

Back to story, I can't imagine seperating the admiral from his two captains.

Ditto on both counts...

Though, I'd use a chainsaw on the pedophiles. And have Spaceballs on hand so I could play "Say goodbye to you 2 best friends! And I don't mean your pals in the Winnebago!". Though a more appropriate clip would be Buzzsaw's death in The Running Man...

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you know , I tried comming back to this with a clear head to think about this. but no , JUST NO.

I don't think that guy was in his right mind. Even with that amount of guilt on the guys mind. there has to be a screw loose somewhere. It would be nice to see a followup on this , to see if he regrets it or not now.

*runs and hides again*

ouch....this just hurts to even think about it.

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