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Yourself In A Retirement {Nursing} Home

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Okay so I'm 48, I hope those much younger than me don't think it's so old. Boy, life sure does fly by, especially after 30!

Anyway I'm wondering if you find yourself moving in to some kind of assistant living, will you take advantage of it, will you be diapered at nights or 24/7?

As you get older and start having medical issues, you realize one benefit is the excuse to need to be diapered and not questioned as much. So in these homes most residents are diapered, so why not go all the way? I need diapers every night after successful night time diaper training so I'll go 24/7.

When I pack my bags to leave for the senior home I'm finally throw away underwear{yuk!} and the need for Depend Guards.

Even though as a straight guy I dream of being diapered by some cute 21 year old lady, the reality that I'll have some guy diapering me doesn't discourage the use of diapers 24/7.

Being around others though, I wouldn't want to have bowel movements in my diaper. I wonder what would be said if I take off my diaper for #2, will they tell me that since I have bowel continence that I just need to use an external catheter? If so I be steadfast and say no, almost like a child that doesn't want to be taking out of diapers, I'll simple demand them. If need be I'll have an occasional 'accident'!

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Well you never know what you will be like when your much older. That thought of freaking out over losing your independence if justified but doubt it will matter when your 80. Life has a way of changing your mind to fit the situation. Assisted Living sounds fine by me and I would be totally diapered 24/7 and my wife knows it! She laughs and says I can't wait to live in a retirement home because of that. But remember the negatives, like no brand name diapers. Unless you have tons of money you can buy them yourself. Either way I just hope the staff is nice and I don't get stuck in a horrible facility.

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I work in an assisted living home and you'll be surprised to know the vast majority of the residents do not use diapers. Those who do use, you cannot even tell. Where I work we strive to get our residents on a schedule to use the restroom and not rely on diapers. The residents are changed every 2hrs or more frequently if needed, so they don't sit there and smell. I don't wear diapers but given what I know of assisted living you can sign me up when I'm old!

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The will to live is strong, no matter the circumstances. After living through a quite traumatic experience, it was the anger and desire to get past the pain that kept me going. Motivation, no matter the source, is a strong force to be reckoned with. Everybody wants that next breath of air.

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assisted living is NOT a nursing home..

assisted living means you live in a community of seniors, in your own apartment.. yes afull apartment, yet there is staff on call to help you with things such as getting up on a ladder to changea light bulb, carrying heavy bags of groceries or packages up to your apartment, that sort of thing.

Most assisted living communities have different types of apartments and different levels of care, depending on the needsof the resident.

but its not a nursing home, its not having just a bedroom with another roomate. Its your own apartmet in an apartment complex where all the other residents arearound your age as well, andwhere there is staff who, if you need help with something are there.

i do know however, that manyassited living communities do have parts that are more like a nursing home, for those residents who may not beable to live as independently anymore, especially those with alzheimers or dimentia

for me wearing diapers is part of engaging in a sexual fetish, so no. If i were in a full fledged nursing home, most likely my condition had progressed to the point where i'm not sure sex would even be on my mind except as a distant memory.

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The assisted living home's here are where you get a room and nothing else.

There are few 'communities' here.

Where I work you can opt for small studio all the way up to a 2 room suite, every room has its own kitchenette, with fridge and microwave. Residents may come and go as they please, have access to the entire community, from the billard room to the gym and the casino room. We do have a few communities in the UK. http://www.sunrise-care.co.uk/ Unfortunately I dont know much about other companys that have communities in the UK but see theyre not all that bad!

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I'm a nurse in a LTC/Rehab center. Trust me, YOU DO NOT WANT TO END UP IN ONE OF THESE PLACES!!!

Whatever! lol. They are not all bad and assisted living is almost normal living. I've worked in a few and seen really nice retirement homes. It really depends on the place and the people who work there. It could change from one month to the next depending on the employees. But since we are almost all doomed to go there I'm not gonna freak out about it. Instead I will try to make the best of it. Wearing 24/7 and pinching young nurses asses, LOL!! Its all what you make of it. IF and I say IF you are of sound mind and not hit with a mental illness then you have the right to bitch up a storm and get things changed. If you have dimentia or alhzheimers then you will hate life pretty much anywhere you are. But who really wants to grow super old anyway?

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Can you share the main reasoning why and any thoughts of what you see with diapering?


Dude, LTC (long term cae) centers are the worst places to end up when your old, and to work. I don't even know wear to begin to tell you how horrible it is to be a resident or to work at one of these places. I am one nurse to 40 patients. I get 5 minutes to shove my dinner down my throat and get right back to work (nope, I don't get paid for my lunch break, but theres so much work to do I have to work through my break) They don't want to pay you OT, and god forbid if you make a mistake they want to report you to the state. If anybody is thinking about going into nursing on this forum go to www.aboutmyjob.com and type in Nursing sucks and really read these stories, believe what these fellow nurses say is true, NURSING SUCKS!!!

As far as diapering, there is nothing Adult baby about it. You won't be able to get a CNA to role play your fanatasy.

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Whatever! lol. They are not all bad and assisted living is almost normal living. I've worked in a few and seen really nice retirement homes. It really depends on the place and the people who work there. It could change from one month to the next depending on the employees. But since we are almost all doomed to go there I'm not gonna freak out about it. Instead I will try to make the best of it. Wearing 24/7 and pinching young nurses asses, LOL!! Its all what you make of it. IF and I say IF you are of sound mind and not hit with a mental illness then you have the right to bitch up a storm and get things changed. If you have dimentia or alhzheimers then you will hate life pretty much anywhere you are. But who really wants to grow super old anyway?

Um, only 5% of elderly actually end up in one of these places. As far as pinching young nurses asses, yeah, um okay. Old or not, the CNA/LPN/RN's I work with would not tolerate that shit! If a resident touches a staff memember in a innappriate manner, be assured that the social worker will pay them a visit and there will be a consquences for there behavior. I think some people on this forum are stuck in fantasy land.

Oh, I take care of myself, so I don't plan on ended up it one of these places. I'd rather take a bullet in the head then end up in a nursing home.

Actually, one story comes to mind with a resident that I have who is a young women. she was involved in a car accident and as a result of her injuries ended up in LTC. Well, she developed a crush on me. One day she was calling me from her room in a seductive voice begging me to come change her diaper. Did I do it? HELL NO!!! Next thing you know she would say I sexually abused her. I had the CNA do it. In nursing school the most important thing you learn is CYA "Cover Your Ass".

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Spone I'm sorry you work in a place you don't like. I've grown up in the senior care industry. I've been in nursing homes, assisted living and dementia care communities and I have yet to see a place that is as horrible as you are saying. While I do understand there are some bad places out there, what you need to understand is they're not all bad. The senior care industry is something I'm very passionate about and I have to say it rather irks me that someone like you would rather continue to spew negativity about an industry that is constantly trying to make the public understand that long term care is a great thing.

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Truth is, you can't control where you'll end up, who knows what type of situation you (or the economy) will be in by the time you need help. I hate the thought of ended up ANYWHERE except my own home, but so did my grandma, but seems like over night she went from driving her own car and living alone in her home, to shitting herself, and needing to be reminded to put cloths on.

She was not cognitive of her impending future, otherwise I'm convinced that she would have found the nearest bridge and jumped.

Her last 4-5 years were a joke, and a poor excuse for "living". She had expensive private care, then expensive "assisted living", then finally, expensive nursing home care, where whe was pretty much confined to the building and the limited outside areas they brought them too. You needed a key code to leave, and she was surrounded by other patients some who whom couldn't form a sentence any longer.

It was a nice place, but a horrid concept. There was seriously no reason for those last 4 years at all, and I hope to be mentally aware of my own condition to be able to do myself in.

Don't worry, when the time comes, I'll write my family a nice long letter (or even a book perhaps) explaining my decision. But I will tell you 100% for sure, I will NOT step foot in one of those places.

Maybe I won't even have to worry about that, and I'll die in my sleep like both grandpa's did.

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My mother has been in a full blown nursing home for 5 years as she needs 24 hour care due to a severe stroke in 1998. It is a top notch facility, private room, etc etc, costs $7000/month ( my father set up a trust fund to pay for it) and it is painful to visit. But, it was the best, really the only option after 5 years of full time care in their home. If you have never been involved in making this kind of decision about someone you love you don't know what the f*ck you are talking about. It took us 6 months and several family meetings, including my mother's sister before we could bring ourselves to do it. And we all; me, my sister, my father and my aunt, live with the guilt every day. Oh and she is diapered 24 hours a day and it sucks. Even as a diaper lover I wouldn't wish that on anyone in those circumstances. You can tell she hates it and is embarasssed by the whole thing even though she can't talk.

I usually enjoy the banter and stuff on this site but there are times when you just have to shake you head in amazement at what people will post.

Oh and my grandmother lived 5 years in assisted living and said it was the best thing she did. It was wonderful and a great place to visit knowing that she wasn't going to fall and injure herself while alone. She died in her sleep at age 87 about 5 years ago. If I live as long as she did it wouldn't bother me to do the same thing. Why not, it was like living in a hotel suite but with your own furniture and stuff. Cooking, cleaning, transportation and activities all provided. Expensive yes, but better than being stuck at home alone all the time.

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one of the assisted living/retirement communities here has mini golf on the rooftop of the like 6 story building.

its both a retirement community but also offers many of the accomodations and assistance assisted living communities do. the only thing it does not have is alzheimers/dimentia care, or physical rehabilitation units. but if you get to the stage where yo cannot live alone, they will gladly match you with a 'younger' more able roomate along with 24 hour rn's who live on the property

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Um, only 5% of elderly actually end up in one of these places. As far as pinching young nurses asses, yeah, um okay. Old or not, the CNA/LPN/RN's I work with would not tolerate that shit! If a resident touches a staff memember in a innappriate manner, be assured that the social worker will pay them a visit and there will be a consquences for there behavior. I think some people on this forum are stuck in fantasy land.

Oh, I take care of myself, so I don't plan on ended up it one of these places. I'd rather take a bullet in the head then end up in a nursing home.

Actually, one story comes to mind with a resident that I have who is a young women. she was involved in a car accident and as a result of her injuries ended up in LTC. Well, she developed a crush on me. One day she was calling me from her room in a seductive voice begging me to come change her diaper. Did I do it? HELL NO!!! Next thing you know she would say I sexually abused her. I had the CNA do it. In nursing school the most important thing you learn is CYA "Cover Your Ass".

Spone....... GET A DIFFERENT JOB!!!! You obviously hate it!! Oh btw I was joking about pinching nurse's asses...lol.

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one of the assisted living/retirement communities here has mini golf on the rooftop of the like 6 story building.

That is very cool.

As far as facilities go, they range from very good ones to very bad ones. As a paramedic who covers a very large area I've visited a lot of places where we congregate our geriatric population, from senior housing, to assisted living, to rehab facilities, to long term care facilities, to some facilities that are basically warehouses for the elderly and/or mentally ill. Some of them are really great, and I've met residents who have lived there for ten years or more and love where they are. Others suck beyond imagining, and I wouldn't wish them upon anyone. There are a lot of factors that can influence a facility's stature.

As far as the AB/DL side of things, it can be a fun fantasy, but like many things it's unlikely to ever turn into reality, for many reasons, including the ones stated by previous posters.

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For ever 'good' nursing home there is a 'bad' nursing home. It is just human nature - if someone can get away with mistreating another for their own self justification, they will. Does this frighten me about nursing care etc - hell no... but I am going to live, fully fit, until I am about 200+, and die doing something I love - to quote a line in one of Queens song.... 'it is better to burn out, than fade away'

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