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Goodnites Targeting Gamers?

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quests and bosses typically wont help much with leveling as for the new monsters im sure they arent all that great even if the maps are suitable.

edit: ive just checked the monsters and there is nothing suitable for an I/L Archmage.

Gee, there are how many different servers, and you can have 3 characters per server, so start fresh. Sell off stuff your lvl 120 has and put those "mesos" into the storage, and start a new character on the same server who can then use that money after reaching Victoria Island. That's what I did when I got stuck with one of my characters for a while. Unless of course you're the type who thinks "I already put all that time into this character, I'm not gonna waste my time starting a new one." You might be surprised by many of the changes (like how all new chars start with stats of 12/5/4/4 - no more random rolling, since as a beginner you only really need strength - then when you take your first "job" the stats you've accumulated are reset to the minimums for that job letting you redistribute any extra points, then there's also the NEW Pirate job category which can use either guns or brass knuckles).

Don't just whine about "nothing suitable for a (insert specific character lvl/type here)", TRY A NEW CHARACTER! You yourself even said "most of the new stuff is for low-level players". Would it really kill you to branch out?

I have 2 comps side-by-side, and 2 user accounts, so I can dual-screen. I plan to handle all the "party quests" on my own this way. (I do the same in both Dungeon Runners and Guild Wars too, 2 separate accounts for each game.)

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i think the thread was officially hijacked a while ago.

Naww, REALLY??? :P

I was trying to apologize for that fact. :D Besides, it was your response to me (when you complained about Maplestory) which actually started the hijack. B) Before that moment, it was a simple reference I made that WoW isn't the only game out there.

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I've only tried WoW on emulated servers, never tried the real thing. I might like it, but i've got too little time for MMOs right now. That said...I am going to be trying out Jumpgate Evolution and SW:TOR when it comes out, soft spots for both those genres.

But as to the original topic, that would be interesting take on advertising. I've had a few day long gaming marathons before, and the main interruptions are food, drink, and bathroom breaks.

Of course, there is the other side of it. They may just be targetting what they assume to be socially maladjusted teens with all the stereotypes that apply. Lumping in bedwetting with too much gaming may seem ridiculous, but then we already have things like gamer-targetted razors, so who knows whats next.

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I kinda feel sorry for WoW players that pick Goodnites. I mean, they'd almost be better off with Depends or something store-brand... it's not like they're using them to go "oh, I'm wet in the middle of the night."

No, they're going to flood them like we do and then change. Hence, they should be going with Bambinos or AbriForms.

Online marketing can go by cookies... so yes, pulling up a bunch of diaper-related sites will keep diaper ads flowing to other sites you go to. So, yeah, it's not likely that Goodnites is targeting WoW.

I did 1-6 in 12 hours played time using recruit a friend. 60-70 in about 24 hours and 70-80 in about 2 days time.

So 3.5 days to 80 if you really want to invest a lot of in game time over a short period of time

I was all padde dup for most of that leveling time....to save time obviously.... ;)

I still love being diapered while in a 4-5 hour raid. Especially when we are working on a new hard mode encounter. Mimiron is one tough mother....and being nicely diapered should does help with frustration =D.

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The leveling process is fairly easy, but in WoW leveling is sort of the training round of the game. The real challenges are in raiding and pvp arenas.

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pvp is not fair, at all

u barely need skill, aslong as u got the right class, as in all other games i guess

PvE has become easier and easier every expansion

vanilla wow was a challenge, no free epics

then tbc came, raids was still hard, but with arena seasons u got free epics

then they fucked tbc further, made the instances pugable, even BT got pugged in the end, only sunwell is still hard, even for 80s

then we got lich king, heroics piss easy in greens, no need for CC, just aoe everything

the 1st instance (forgot name) cleared in 1 day by top guilds, other good guilds within 1-2 weeks

ulduar gets released, cleared by top guilds within a week (except the hard bosses), other guilds within 2-3 weeks

wow is no challenge anymore, i got 5 chars epicd out, 9 80s total, + a few below 70

now ive gone back to Lineage 2, where i got a 76 and 72 char, max lvl is 84 or so

a friend of mine who has played since open beta, like me, is at 81 atm (game is over 5 years old)

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My oldest son (he is an adult now) was in to TV and games. Not wanting to miss anything, he would have potty accidents. He did not lack control and I never had him in diapers past three years of age. I use to get really pissed off because he would have an accident and keep playing. The stench was really bad. I had him evaluated for ADHD and he tested positive. Medication really helped with the issue. He eventually outgrew the problem.

Working on a long quest line in World of Warcraft, so I have been using wowwiki a bunch, and it seems GoodNites are being HEAVILY advertised on there. Not a lot of parents on wowwiki I am guessing, so why advertise there if not to target teen bedwetters and convience wearers themselves?

Coming soon from Huggiess, Wowpers: The Diaper for Gamers ?

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Anyway, somewhere waaay back in OnTopicVille :lol:

I refreshed that site a couple of dozen times (with ABP turned off :D) and didn't see a single ad for Goodnites. I didn't dig too much but it appears that one of their ad providers (Atlas Solutions) is one of the companies that do 'behavioural profiling' of users and target specific products at them based on pages they've visited in the past. Spend too much time buying diapers on line and bingo, Goodnites on WowWiki :P:o

[edit] Whilst I didn't see any ads for Goodnights, I got a lot for other additional services offered by my ISP. Go figure :rolleyes:

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I hope they're working on a new line of Goodnites for Final Fantasy XIV. With all of the questioning about what Bambino's should do for a new diaper - maybe they should make one for gamers - with swords and dragon prints instead of block letters.

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