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The Cost Of Running A Community (not A Whiny Money Request)

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Had to make a bandwidth payment today, and noticed my account keeps a running total. Since 07/2007 we have paid $7,299.45 just for hosting and bandwidth fees. Yikes! :)

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So that's ahhhh...ruffly $332 a month. That's half my house payment ...good gawd man!!! So counting all the other stuff you gotta pay for..it's safe to assume, you ain't making any profit? So what gives? Why are you donating your time and effort, I know I'd like to know. I mean with the economy the way it is now....I just gotta ask. I mean this is to me a #1 site, while Tommy made a profit and a life from others you seem content on going with the flow. Your a hell of a guy there Mike..Just thought I would tell you that. And no gang..I ain't sucking up...I mean how much higher can ya go than moderator..Grand PooBah???

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As of today it's $364 a month now, and that will go up soon as we have used up 81% of our disk space so we'll need a bigger hard drive soon.

Why do I do it? I love you guys and gals :)

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It was so sweet of DailyDi to make it clear he was not whining for donations.

The fact is this site costs real money to keep up and running. Sure, there are many loyal sponsors and they are appreciated.

Personally I think it only fair that I use PayPal to donate as often as I can, because I do not buy vast amounts of goods or services from the sponsors.

If we all donated some frequently this marvelous site will never have the problems we complain about in other sites.

All day at my office I was thinking about those firms who have paid to sponsor a certain site that has been out of action over a week. If that happened to a TV Network the sponsors would all get "make-goods" which are repeats of commercials that had technical difficulties. Is it fair to accept sponsorship and then allow your site to be off-line for over a week?

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Thanks for all the kind words. As usual, i can't take all the credit. Our Hosts (way3.com) do a fantastic job of keeping the server up; and Repaid, Jenna and others are a great help as mods. Morv and others help with scripts; Angela and others give great advice and support... it really is a community project.

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I visit Daily Diapers at least one a day. This has been my favorite website for years now. I have my own business website and I know how much time, bandwidth, and constant effort it might take to make Daily Diapers what it is and has always been (Terrific!) Daily Di (Mike) and his team should be lauded for this tremendous effort to afford all of us a forum for open communication, idea exchange, and education. It really IS a mini-social revolution for the ABDL community and this is ground zero as far as I am concerned. So, if there was a 'Golden Diaper Pins' Award, you'd certainly all have earned it!

Thank You for making our lives better!

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Thanks for all the kind words. As usual, i can't take all the credit. Our Hosts (way3.com) do a fantastic job of keeping the server up; and Repaid, Jenna and others are a great help as mods. Morv and others help with scripts; Angela and others give great advice and support... it really is a community project.

morv needs to bring his goofy ass around here more.

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wow.. i'm not technical at all and while i knew it cost money to run this place i didn't realize how much..

another question i've made a few purchases from amazon, by clicking on the link at the top of this page... do you actually get the money from those purchases?

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Had to make a bandwidth payment today, and noticed my account keeps a running total. Since 07/2007 we have paid $7,299.45 just for hosting and bandwidth fees. Yikes! :)

Sounds like you need a dedicated server. My company has a microsoft one for $286 a month and it has over 500 gig of storage and dual processors. With a dedicated server you shouldn't have to pay any extra for bandwidth a month unless you exceed like 5TB. It's one flat fee and because it is dedicated it is all yours. Plus they do all of the maintenance and backups on it for me. Some do charge extra for bandwidth though. Just a quick search yielded http://www.singlehop.com/servers/


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As of today it's $364 a month now, and that will go up soon as we have used up 81% of our disk space so we'll need a bigger hard drive soon.

Why do I do it? I love you guys and gals :)

:huh: That's more money than I make in a month...

Mvto-Rakko! (heartfelt thanks muchly)

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wow.. i'm not technical at all and while i knew it cost money to run this place i didn't realize how much..

another question i've made a few purchases from amazon, by clicking on the link at the top of this page... do you actually get the money from those purchases?

Yep, I get 4-6% of all purchases made through that link (depending on total number of items.) AND I get to see all the kinky stuff you buy so I can pick up a few for myself :)

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Sounds like you need a dedicated server. My company has a microsoft one for $286 a month and it has over 500 gig of storage and dual processors. With a dedicated server you shouldn't have to pay any extra for bandwidth a month unless you exceed like 5TB. It's one flat fee and because it is dedicated it is all yours. Plus they do all of the maintenance and backups on it for me. Some do charge extra for bandwidth though. Just a quick search yielded http://www.singlehop.com/servers/


We are on a dedicated server. We used 6,500 gigs of bandwidth last month and averaged 19Mbps usage

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Yep, I get 4-6% of all purchases made through that link (depending on total number of items.) AND I get to see all the kinky stuff you buy so I can pick up a few for myself :)

sweet i'm gonna have to start buying really weird combinations of things now

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LOL! They don't show me WHO bought stuff, just what was bought, so the combo's are always weird. This month we have an Allgeba book, a vintage game console, an enema/bondage novel, and of course, diapers!

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DD, where is the Amazon link now? I feel like doing some browsing and may as well do it there so you'll get some profit from my purchases!

Edit: Never mind, I found it... The "Diaper Cuties" ad overpowers the Amazon one though...

~ moogle

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You do an awfully important service to all in the community. I have bought from your advertisers through the links here on the site, and I've donated a measely $10.00 when I've been able (which is far less a burden than people might think).

That's why I was surprised when I went to donate the last time and the link wasn't there, thank you for putting it back up.


This site has been here for us for a long time, and has given us a means to open up about who we are, what we are going through, and get support for the trials we have gone through in life for being the (hidden) AB's and DL's we are, hell it's far better, and cheaper than therapy!!

If there is any way you can donate, whether it be by buying from the links on this site, or by direct donation, DO IT!!! I guarantee that it is the best bang you'll EVER get for your buck. Really, no other site compares to this one, this site is all about being able to open up and really, really let your hair down without (too much) flack from the peanut gallery.

Give what you can, when you can, how you can (if it's direct donation, or buying from the links offered by the sponsers).

You'll feel good knowing that this site will still be here tomorrow, for you, for me, for all of us. Remember what it was like growing up feeling like you were the only person with these desires, and think of what it means to those who have just discovered this site, and just now found out that they are not alone.

Do what you can, so that this site will continue as it is, free for all who cannot afford it, supported by those who can, and loved by all, because it simply is the BEST AB/DL SITE THERE IS!!

Rock on,

Vic B)

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We are on a dedicated server. We used 6,500 gigs of bandwidth last month and averaged 19Mbps usage

The link superdiaperbaby provided does have some excellent prices on dedicated, managed hosting. For significantly less than you're paying now, DailyDi, you could get:

Intel Core2Quad Yorkfield 2.83GHZ w/ 12Mb L2 Cache 500 GB 8192 MB (DDR2) 10,000 GB/mo PARAMOUNT

Fully Managed


Just sayin'.

Anyway, while you said this thread wasn't a "Whiny Money Request", it is nontheless a call to action for those of us who truly appreciate these boards and all you do to keep 'em online. I just PayPal'ed you a modest donation. I wish I could give more, but my capital is caught up in some new ventures right now. I'll donate again soon.

Thank you again!

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I'll talk to my guy about working the price down, would take a lot to get me to leave. Way3 does far more for us than what most call "Managed" servers. He installs and even fixes scripts, actively monitors usage for abuse and all kinds of personal service you just don't get from most. Plus, singlehop has some REALLY bad reviews out there that are all recent.

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