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Has Anyone Told Someone Their Like For Diapers And It Backfire On Them?

Guest refridginator

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Guest refridginator

I remembered just now, how way back when I was just an elementary school kid I told my, at the time, best friend's little brother i loved to wear diapers late at night when we were getting ready to go to sleep. i figured the other two were already asleep as we've been up talking and i haven't heard a peep from either one of the two for a while. we were all in the same room, a garage made into a spacious 3 person bedroom. pretty comfy for a garage with a carpeting and insulation makeover.

well anyway i woke up the next morning and saw through the glass door they, the whole family, all eating breakfast. so i started towards joining them when the little brother came out with a "dude you like to wear diapers?!" the whole family has already been discussing it the morning prior to me walking in, not that it's a big deal to them because they already know me and we're all familiar so it's whatever to them, but they liked to pick at each other, and me, like i was family anyway. but anyway from then on the rest of that morning was a blur with teasing comments and synchronic laughter. i was pretty uncomfortable being around them after that from then on, even though i already told them not to pick on me and they understood so they didn't do it anymore. but i didn't visit them much after that, it pretty much destroyed my relationship with them because they found out. :/

sad story i know, but then again what could you expect out of a topic title that has "told someone" and "backfire" in it lol.

does anyone else have an experience like this to share?

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I remembered just now, how way back when I was just an elementary school kid I told my, at the time, best friend's little brother i loved to wear diapers late at night when we were getting ready to go to sleep. i figured the other two were already asleep as we've been up talking and i haven't heard a peep from either one of the two for a while. we were all in the same room, a garage made into a spacious 3 person bedroom. pretty comfy for a garage with a carpeting and insulation makeover.

well anyway i woke up the next morning and saw through the glass door they, the whole family, all eating breakfast. so i started towards joining them when the little brother came out with a "dude you like to wear diapers?!" the whole family has already been discussing it the morning prior to me walking in, not that it's a big deal to them because they already know me and we're all familiar so it's whatever to them, but they liked to pick at each other, and me, like i was family anyway. but anyway from then on the rest of that morning was a blur with teasing comments and synchronic laughter. i was pretty uncomfortable being around them after that from then on, even though i already told them not to pick on me and they understood so they didn't do it anymore. but i didn't visit them much after that, it pretty much destroyed my relationship with them because they found out. :/

sad story i know, but then again what could you expect out of a topic title that has "told someone" and "backfire" in it lol.

does anyone else have an experience like this to share?

Yes, I told my first wife, and she didn't know how to take it. It didn't cause the breakup though. I also told a friend when I thought she was looking for a solution to her incontinence. That backfired as well. She almost disavowed any knowledge of me. Wouldn't speak to me for months. Has never brought the subject up ever again. I never let her know that it was anything but an aide that could help her. She did not know I liked wearing them as well. I don't ever talk to anyone about it anymore. It seems to be more taboo to the public than being gay, eventhough a good portion of the older public have continent problems and need diapers. And enjoying wearing them, well forget that. I actually think it can be theraputic to chat about wearing them. I use to think I had to be ashamed of wearing them, because they were a baby product. They're not. They're baby tested, but who better to test a product like this. I'm glad they've paved the way. Anyway, I'm beyond the question.

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Anytime my wife and I would have a big fight, she would always threaten to tell family and work about my diapers. When we split, she told some people at work. I felt very betrayed. Be very careful who you tell!

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then it's settled. I'm not getting into a relationship with anyone until I know they know who I am and what I do. Diapers are a part of who I am. If they have a problem with it, then it was never meant to be.

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I must say I've been lucky so far. It's such a hard thing to do. I mean, even if you think you know somebody, there will always be that risk that they will take it the wrong way, or worse, use it against you, as in your case.

Mais, c'est la vie.

The major con is that it could cause you to burn more bridges and build more walls around yourself.

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then it's settled. I'm not getting into a relationship with anyone until I know they know who I am and what I do. Diapers are a part of who I am. If they have a problem with it, then it was never meant to be.

That's how my relationships went after my exgirlfriend and I broke up before Mommy came along.


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Yes, I told my first wife, and she didn't know how to take it. It didn't cause the breakup though. I also told a friend when I thought she was looking for a solution to her incontinence. That backfired as well. She almost disavowed any knowledge of me. Wouldn't speak to me for months. Has never brought the subject up ever again. I never let her know that it was anything but an aide that could help her. She did not know I liked wearing them as well. I don't ever talk to anyone about it anymore. It seems to be more taboo to the public than being gay, eventhough a good portion of the older public have continent problems and need diapers. And enjoying wearing them, well forget that. I actually think it can be theraputic to chat about wearing them. I use to think I had to be ashamed of wearing them, because they were a baby product. They're not. They're baby tested, but who better to test a product like this. I'm glad they've paved the way. Anyway, I'm beyond the question.

Hello Sticks, it just occured to me after reading about your friends response to her wearing diapers that she might have felt that you were belittling or degrading her. Thats maybe why she disowned you for it. I think that if you had mentioned that you yourself had the same problem and wore diapers as a source of protection, her response to you might have been completely differant. Maybe, maybe not, who knows. My wife used to be a bed wetter but never ever wore diapers, plastic pants, or used any rubber sheeting etc, probably because such items would make her feel like a baby. Its purely phycological for some people. I've been an ABDL and have had light to moderate incont. since I was a child. My wife totally hates me in diapers so I wear them in private and keep her from ever seeing me in them. I do agree with you 100% on being theraputic to chat about wearing them. Don't ever again feel ashamed. We're a growing community and theres strength in numbers heehee. Take care, Quabbaby

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My wife used to be a bed wetter but never ever wore diapers, plastic pants, or used any rubber sheeting etc, probably because such items would make her feel like a baby. Its purely phycological for some people. I've been an ABDL and have had light to moderate incont. since I was a child. My wife totally hates me in diapers so I wear them in private and keep her from ever seeing me in them. I do agree with you 100% on being theraputic to chat about wearing them. Don't ever again feel ashamed. We're a growing community and theres strength in numbers heehee. Take care, Quabbaby

Hey Quabbaby, sounds like my life. My wife has been a life-long random wetter, and when we first lived together and the first years we were married, she did use adult diapers & pull-ups. I told her about my diaper and panty wearing interests when we first met, and she laughed about it and treated it as if it was just a "phase" i was going through.

But after a few years, she decided I liked the diapers more than I liked her, and now refuses to wear any protection, no matter how many times she wets the bed (then has the audacity to tell me to change the sheets later). And to top it off, she totally refuses to let me wear any, and freaks if she catches me looking at the diaper aisle in stores or any websites like this (and she refuses to read the sites herself).

(Warning, the next sentences may offend people.) She says that people who wear diapers for fun without a "medical need" for them are "sick, perverted freaks" and she tries to link diaper wearing with both being gay and being a pedo. She refuses to read any of the diaper sites to see the posts, and even says any medical/mental professional who supports the AB/DL lifestyles "should have their licenses terminated and be branded as quacks".

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heheh well i'm a sick perverted freak but for totally unrelated reasons hehehe.. but i wonder are all women who wear diapers lesbians, or is it just the male diaper wearers who are homosexual?

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Guest refridginator

heheh well i'm a sick perverted freak but for totally unrelated reasons hehehe.. but i wonder are all women who wear diapers lesbians, or is it just the male diaper wearers who are homosexual?

is that a joke in context with artemis's post? if not, for lack of other words, i would have no idea what to say to that.

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Hey Quabbaby, sounds like my life. My wife has been a life-long random wetter, and when we first lived together and the first years we were married, she did use adult diapers & pull-ups. I told her about my diaper and panty wearing interests when we first met, and she laughed about it and treated it as if it was just a "phase" i was going through.

But after a few years, she decided I liked the diapers more than I liked her, and now refuses to wear any protection, no matter how many times she wets the bed (then has the audacity to tell me to change the sheets later). And to top it off, she totally refuses to let me wear any, and freaks if she catches me looking at the diaper aisle in stores or any websites like this (and she refuses to read the sites herself).

(Warning, the next sentences may offend people.) She says that people who wear diapers for fun without a "medical need" for them are "sick, perverted freaks" and she tries to link diaper wearing with both being gay and being a pedo. She refuses to read any of the diaper sites to see the posts, and even says any medical/mental professional who supports the AB/DL lifestyles "should have their licenses terminated and be branded as quacks".

I really feel horrible for you in your situation Artemis. It really sucks when we us ABDLs have the misfortune of being married to spouses that wind up treating us like that. They seem to be ok with it in the begining, and then after we tie the knot, they become our arch enemies. Oh well, prayers be with you. Quabbaby

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I really feel horrible for you in your situation Artemis. It really sucks when we us ABDLs have the misfortune of being married to spouses that wind up treating us like that. They seem to be ok with it in the begining, and then after we tie the knot, they become our arch enemies. Oh well, prayers be with you. Quabbaby

Thanks Quabbaby.

I have a lot of diaper friends on my Yahoo messenger list (anyone reading this can add me if they use yahoo - artemis_enterri) and the major concensus from them seems to be that I'd be better off if I left her, but I'm not sure if I could handle that. (Even people I talk to on my alternate non-fetish yahoo name say the same thing...)

The way I see it, my choices are to continue with my life as it is (having to restrict my diaper time and act "normal") or leave my wife and lose my entire family (cuz the wife would tell my whole family who doesn't know, plus her whole family who would want to hunt me down cuz over the years I've done a lot of diaper changes for the 15 nieces and nephews in the family). Plus there's the fact that I don't have any place to go to, no transportation to get me there, and no money to make the trip with. My big question: is freedom really worth the price of loneliness?

(And to anyone who might complain that I have a bad case of the "poor me" complex, my response would be "you come and deal with my wife for a day and see how you feel at the end of it".)

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is that a joke in context with artemis's post? if not, for lack of other words, i would have no idea what to say to that.

well the first part was joke, hence the hehehe, but the second part about does his wife consider just men into diapers homosexual, or are the women who are into diapers homosexual in her point of view as well, was actually a serious question. it seems often there is a double standard surrounding men/women into diapers.

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Guest refridginator

well the first part was joke, hence the hehehe, but the second part about does his wife consider just men into diapers homosexual, or are the women who are into diapers homosexual in her point of view as well, was actually a serious question. it seems often there is a double standard surrounding men/women into diapers.

oooh well that clears it up lol. i thought that was your question at first :P

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I'm pretty sure my wife knows that I am not Homosexual. :P

I did have a girlfriend 10 years ago, that was totally into the Mommy thing. So much so that she was insanely jealous of me. I finally had enough of the Adult side of our relationship. When I broke it off, she went total psycho. She told everyone we knew, everywhere that we had went. She brought pictures of me and Plastic Pants and clothes to prove her point. The funny thing was that "most" of my friends felt sorry for me and never said anything. I believe she is in Jail now...good thing. I still get comments every now and then when I go out and about and run into old acquaintances from those days. People never forget. ;)

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I can't handle that sort of stuff... having people remind me in public every day. I am glad that no one really found it absurd that you have a lifestyle as such, but i dont really trust people in my world to be so considerate. I think you handled things rather well, Repaid.


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I dread having to tell anyone I know about this. some of my friends are just really sheltered and incredibly stupid about things. I see nothing wrong with fetishes as long as they don't infringe upon the well being of another living organism(without consent) My relatives would never understand, except maybe my brother in law, he;s dutch and they're into all sorts of weird stuff. over there. It's my own little guilty pleasure in life until I find someone to share this with.

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heheh well i'm a sick perverted freak but for totally unrelated reasons hehehe.. but i wonder are all women who wear diapers lesbians, or is it just the male diaper wearers who are homosexual?


Maybe it is a compensation for missing children they don´t get.


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