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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Funny (sorta) Story

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This weekend was spent at a friends house with their two kids, one of whom is 15 months old. This baby absolutely cries immediately after messing his diaper. Which seems to happen a LOT!!!

I said to his mother "wow, he really does not like a messy diaper, does he?" She replied "well I don't think you'd like it all that much either!" At that point I did not know what to do...my wife nearly spat up her coffee. :)

So many funny retorts went through my mind, but in the end all I could muster was--"yeah, probably not."

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Haha... I've had similar experiences a few times. When our son was a newborn, our friend Karen had just had her first baby too, and she and my wife and I spent a lot of time together, just hanging out and watching the babies play. For obvious reasons, diapering and baby care were major topics of conversation. And, at least three or four times, Karen made jokes about me wearing diapers. For instance, she and my wife would be comparing notes on diaper brands or something, and then she'd mock-seriously ask my wife what brand she was using on me.

This happened often enough that my wife asked me, "Does Karen know about you?" I'm almost sure she didn't--I've certainly never told her, and she wasn't giving off any sneaky "I-know-a-secret" vibes. She was just being silly, and probably would've found it utterly hilarious if we told her she'd hit the bull's eye.

My wife would usually respond by playing along with the joke--taking the same mock-serious tone and answering the question. "Well, the Pampers are a little tight on him, unfortunately. Pity they don't go to size 12," that sort of thing. And then tease me about it privately, later on. :blush:

(She's big on the teasing. Come to think of it, that might be where Karen got the idea for the joke.)

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especially funny when your wife is part of the dynamic...must be hard not to laugh so hard you wet your diaper!! I envy you...

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A recent one that comes to mind was when I was shopping for adult pull ups with my wife, this was a few weeks ago. We went into the store (a large pharmacy) and got in line with my wife holding the diapers. In front of us was a girl of about 15 with her mom. All she kept doing the whole time we were waiting was looking at the diapers, looking at my wife, looking at me, so on, so on. This continued for about 10 minutes, she just couldn't take her eyes off of us.......rude!

So my wife turned to me and whispered "she is thinking about her bed wetting". Well, we just cracked up, right there at the checkout.......two crazy people buying adult diapers and having a fit!

On another occasion, we were out shopping and as my wife was looking at the hair stuff I went to have a look at the adult diapers. I was standing there with them in my hand (as you do) and a shop assistant came up and asked if I needed any help (why do shop assistant's always think guys need help with these things?) Anyway, I don't really like talking to shop assistants about them, so I kind of smiled, thanked her, and tried to evade the question. Then she asked what size I'm looking for? So I said, "oh this size will be fine for her" don't ask me why I said that, I was just trying to make out they weren't for me. Just then, my wife walked up and the woman (putting two and two together and making six) said to her, "if they are no good, we have other sizes too" my wife shocked said, "thanks" and the woman walked away.

All the way home all I heard was "how can you tell that woman I wear nappies, I can't believe you!!!!"


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Its amazing how times diapers are brought up in conversation. Twice in the past couple of months, with different groups someone brought up adult diapers and the group starts laughing or talking about it. My wife looked a little shocked but I just smiled/laughed and didn't say a thing.

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Whenever diapers or any baby stuff comes up in converation i can never talk about it. I get really shy typically, but i stay calm. I do the laughing and all necessary, but i can never contribute.


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Here's a good one -- I'm a musician. One day I was with my bandmates while they were out in the hall smoking cigarettes (they have their vices, and I have mine ;)) We were talking about someone who might come down to play drums for us, and the one guy said "Well, he's younger than us. Actually a lot younger than us..." to which my other bandmate joked "Well, he is out of diapers..."

All I could think was "That's more than you can say for me!"

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Similar story here, one of the gals in the office is caring for an aging incontinent parent. She was complaining about the cost of diapers. I so wanted to offer some good information on brands and where to go for the best prices but figured it would be too much information to be sharing openly. Funny thing was a day or two ladder she was yacking again to her office gals that she found the best diaper prices at Walmart. I was glad she figured it all out.

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Similar story here, one of the gals in the office is caring for an aging incontinent parent. She was complaining about the cost of diapers. I so wanted to offer some good information on brands and where to go for the best prices but figured it would be too much information to be sharing openly. Funny thing was a day or two ladder she was yacking again to her office gals that she found the best diaper prices at Walmart. I was glad she figured it all out.

It's a good thing you thought before you spoke. I can imagine you saying "I'll tell you where to get a good deal on adult diapers".....................notice the sudden long silence, tumble weed blowing past etc, lol.


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My wife used to be a special ed teacher. On one older (larger) kid they were thinking about using goodnites with him. The one teacher was commenting that she didn't think they would be big enough. My wife is trying hard to figure out a way to say she knows they'll fit because they fit me. She finally just pulled one from teh bag and started pulling it and said "they seem really stretchy."

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I have one. this took place years back when I was still living with my parents and I'd finally managed to get some diapers and started wearing them. We were hiking out in the woods and we had just gone up this rocky hill to discover that it was a lot steeper on the other side. When I was coming down and trying to keep from faceplanting on the pointy rocks my dad yelled out this piece of advice "If you think you're gonna fall, try to land on your butt, you've got more padding there." It was all I could do to keep from laughing at his unwitting joke.

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I've mentioned this one before, but it sort of applies to this.

Many year ago I was on holiday with my gf in the Med. We had been together about a year, it was our first trip together and she didn't know about my liking for diapers. To cut a long story short, I had really bad food poisoning (so bad I later needed a doctor at great expense) and I ended up messing the hotel bed. My gf was really angry, and said "if you got it that bad, we'll get you some nappies"

What did I say? Nothing, I just stood there feeling ill and very embarrassed. Believe me, coming out was the last thing on my mind at the time.


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It's been about 10 years ago. But there was a time when I had a "babysitter" that was out with me for a Karaoke night, for a kinda reward night and something different. Well she was the "big" singer. So I just sat and "enjoyed" everyone singing and was pounding them back to get through it. Well she was keeping up with the drinks too. Not that I minded, but she blurted out about half way through the night. "How wet is your diaper babe". If you don't already know the volume get's louder the more you have to drink. I didn't really think anybody could hear her, nor did I really care. Well she went to the bathroom and was questioned by another lady in there. She was quick to say it was just a joke, so as not to expose me.

So later that night. As the drinks progressed. Out of no where (I didn't know anything up to that point) This lady comes up to me and asks "so how wet is that diaper now?" I just reached down not thinking, and gave my crotch a squeeze. And said "it's about time". I then came to my senses a bit and realized that it wasn't my "sitter" that had asked. I turned a bit to face her, and she said with a smile, better go change it then. My "sitter" had a Winnie the pooh diaper bag on the floor, and just stood up with it and grabbed my arm a bit. I went with her to the restroom door and she handed me a diaper I went to the stall and changed. When I came out, the lady was standing there with the "sitter". She smiled and said "all betters". I just grinned and said "yes I am".

Later that night when my date had went to the bathroom again. She sent me a drink with her phone number. I looked towards her direction and she gave me the wink and a little wave. Yeah you can believe we went out the next weekend. So NAAAAAY :P

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Later that night when my date had went to the bathroom again. She sent me a drink with her phone number. I looked towards her direction and she gave me the wink and a little wave. Yeah you can believe we went out the next weekend. So NAAAAAY

Wow, what a great story! I'd love to hear how the date went. Had she been into diapered men before this, or was it just overhearing your sitter that piqued her interest?

I love those times when my mommy teases me by "accidentally-on-purpose" letting something slip when other people are around. It's usually something ambiguous enough that other people will miss it or assume it's a private joke, but close enough to the truth to make me blush. For instance, once we were out with friends at a Japanese restaurant; I said, "Pass the edamame," and she said, "Honey, don't call me that in public."

The most blatant one of these (and the one I most enjoy remembering) was several years ago. We were spending the evening with some friends, Bill and Cindy, and they had the TV on, watching The Simpsons. In the episode that was on that night, there was a parody of Japanese TV. I was fetching something from the kitchen with Cindy, and as I came back in I saw what I thought were three mostly-naked fat women on the screen, and asked what that was about. My wife said, "Those aren't women, hon, they're sumo wrestlers." By this time they were no longer on the screen, and I said, "Are you sure? They didn't look like sumo wrestlers." She said, "Honey, I ought to know how to recognize a big fat guy in a diaper!"

Cindy heard that, froze in her steps, spun around and looked straight at me (note: I'm a big fat guy) for about three seconds, and then she burst into a huge roar of laughter. When it finally subsided she just went back to watching TV with a pleased little smirk, ignoring Bill's quizzical "what's so funny?" look, and leaving no question in my mind that she knew exactly what my wife was getting at. I couldn't say for sure if she guessed the real truth or just thought my wife was joking--I was too busy trying to compose myself and get my facial expression back to neutral to ask--but I'm pretty sure she did guess. :blush:

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Those are some funny stories. Amazing how the truth can be stranger than fiction.

The power of innuendo can be amazing when you are "off guard" as well.


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This weekend was spent at a friends house with their two kids, one of whom is 15 months old. This baby absolutely cries immediately after messing his diaper. Which seems to happen a LOT!!!

I said to his mother "wow, he really does not like a messy diaper, does he?" She replied "well I don't think you'd like it all that much either!" At that point I did not know what to do...my wife nearly spat up her coffee. :)

So many funny retorts went through my mind, but in the end all I could muster was--"yeah, probably not."

haha, thats amazing. i think my gf would probaly have a similar response. lol !

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You know, I was just thinking back to the original post in this thread and remembered one of the strangest examples of this sort of thing that's ever happened to me. About six months ago, I was preparing to attend a convention with my co-workers; we were all going to fly to Vancouver the next day. We were having one final staff meeting before departure, and I commented that I hoped I wasn't forgetting anything I'd be needing. One of my co-workers said, "You've packed your diapers for the trip, right?"

I was totally stunned. "My what?"

"Diapers, for Vancouver. You've packed them?"

I didn't know what to say. I thought it was possible he was teasing me because he'd found out my secret, but it was also possible he was making a different sort of joke (perhaps about the convention having really long meetings), and I didn't know how to ask without giving away too much, so I just acted really confused. I said something lame like, "Um... I'm not bringing my kid with me... and he's not in diapers anymore anyway, so... no." He just shrugged.

Later I thought of a way to ask. I reminded him of the odd joke he'd made, and inquired as to whether he and I had ever known each other online before working together? Because, I said, if he'd hung out on the same BBSes as I had back in the 80s, that joke would've been funnier than otherwise. (I'd made up an innocuous backstory to explain why it would've been funny.) He smiled and said, "No, not a reference, I was just being weird."

So I guess it was just a coincidence. It was a weird moment though.

I still wonder if maybe there was a little more to it. Who knows, maybe he's an AB too. Maybe he even reads this board, and will read this message, and recognize the story, in which case I've just outed myself to him. Hi! :)

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