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Important! Death Notice

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Dear fellow AB/DL's

I am here to report some terrible news, some news that has devestated me and has left me in a seriously dark place. I it with such huge regret, saddnes and a immence lot of grief that i have to inform that Thera has very suddenly died. She was pronoucned dead at the barn of her home at 8.11am West Coast Canada time. Little is known at this stage, but its believed she had a brain heamorrage. She was feeding the animals that she loved so much when she collapsed, the ambulance paramedics arrived and did the best that they could, but she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Thera was a exceptional girl and was winning her battle against Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was a pillar of her community and was active in the ab scene. She will be sorely missed and her spirit will remain in me always. She was a vibrant girl with plenty of outlook and always had a smile.

Thera, your Daddy loves you sooooo much its beyond words, I am totaly devestated and inconsolable. I am going to miss you soooo much, and my life will never be the same again. My heart belongs to you and always will. I love you sooo much.

Im sorry to bring this news to you all, but i have to.

Adam :crybaby:

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I will always remember Thera as being warm and friendly. When I was more active in chat - Thera was there, we had a good few laughs together.

Adam - I am so sorry for your loss and may the memory of Thera stay with you forever - I can't say anything that will comfort you mate, but remember the happy times you both had being daddy and baby.

Sometimes, with all the bad in the world, it pains me to see the good people go early :(

Mick x

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My most heartfelt condolances. I only chatted with her once or twice, but she seemed cool. Even without having known her, I feel that our community has been diminished by her passing. She will be missed.

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My deepest sympathy and thoughts are with you right now.

I know times will be tough, and it will be different without her.

Remember her always in your heart, and know she'll never forget

what an amazing Daddy she had.

I wish , and hope nothing but the best for you at this time.

And know that we all care about you lots and if you ever need anything

we're here for you

Hugs for Adam..

Keepin you in my prayers

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ADAM I do NOT know what to say Sweetie! I want to hug u and hold u and make u feel better but I cant. I am here for u thru all of this and I KNOW that u know that! U and I have been friends for years thru thick and thin and this is about as thick as it gets but Im sure youll be ok. Itll take some time but keep ur chin up and be strong and ull be ok! When u feel weak, lean on me. Ill hold u up til u get ur strength back. Thera was a good girl who'll be sadly missed. But her suffering is over now Adam. She was so young but she suffered so much and was still happy and joyful to be around even thru all of her suffering and pain. Just try to see it like that now Adam. Shes healthy now, and not in pain. Shes watchin over u and with u every minute of every day. Stop and concentrate and try and u will feel her. Shes with u always and forever. She loved u and I know u loved her so hold on to that! But Adam u know u have to take care of urself. You have to eat and sleep and care for yourself now. Like I said, Im here for u. We can talk or u can talk while I listen. Whatever u need, Im there! I love u Adam!

huggles and kissies and tight holds,

Curious :)

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Dear fellow AB/DL's

I am here to report some terrible news, some news that has devestated me and has left me in a seriously dark place. I it with such huge regret, saddnes and a immence lot of grief that i have to inform that Thera has very suddenly died. She was pronoucned dead at the barn of her home at 8.11am West Coast Canada time. Little is known at this stage, but its believed she had a brain heamorrage. She was feeding the animals that she loved so much when she collapsed, the ambulance paramedics arrived and did the best that they could, but she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Thera was a exceptional girl and was winning her battle against Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was a pillar of her community and was active in the ab scene. She will be sorely missed and her spirit will remain in me always. She was a vibrant girl with plenty of outlook and always had a smile.

Thera, your Daddy loves you sooooo much its beyond words, I am totaly devestated and inconsolable. I am going to miss you soooo much, and my life will never be the same again. My heart belongs to you and always will. I love you sooo much.

Im sorry to bring this news to you all, but i have to.

Adam :crybaby:

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My Sincerest Condolences To You. I Chatted With Thera on a Few Occasions, And She Was Very Nice. I Will Miss Her as am I am Sure you will also.

Rockies Fan

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Thanks so much for sharing this with us Adam. Thera was a super girl and I'm feeling your pain.

I know she went through some dark days with the worst of the cancer therapy and she was looking at light from the end of the tunnel, so it's a shock.

I felt privileged to know her. Yes, she was a feisty fighter and an inspiration.

Thera RIP, you poor poor girl :crybaby:

smarti xxxx

Dear fellow AB/DL's

I am here to report some terrible news, some news that has devestated me and has left me in a seriously dark place. I it with such huge regret, saddnes and a immence lot of grief that i have to inform that Thera has very suddenly died. She was pronoucned dead at the barn of her home at 8.11am West Coast Canada time. Little is known at this stage, but its believed she had a brain heamorrage. She was feeding the animals that she loved so much when she collapsed, the ambulance paramedics arrived and did the best that they could, but she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Thera was a exceptional girl and was winning her battle against Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was a pillar of her community and was active in the ab scene. She will be sorely missed and her spirit will remain in me always. She was a vibrant girl with plenty of outlook and always had a smile.

Thera, your Daddy loves you sooooo much its beyond words, I am totaly devestated and inconsolable. I am going to miss you soooo much, and my life will never be the same again. My heart belongs to you and always will. I love you sooo much.

Im sorry to bring this news to you all, but i have to.

Adam :crybaby:

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I wish I could've gotten to know you better, Thera, but God bless you forever and ever. Same goes to you, Adam, and everyone else who is grieving right now.

Blessed are they who mourn,

for they shall be comforted.

How lovely is your dwelling place,

O Lord Almighty!

My soul yearns, even faints,

for the courts of the Lord;

my heart and my flesh cry out

for the living God.

Even the sparrow has found a home,

and the swallow a nest for herself,

where she may have her young—

a place near your altar,

O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.

Blessed are those who dwell in your house;

they are ever praising you.

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I'm so terribly sorry to hear of you loss Adam. Snugglekitty and I both have you in our prayers.


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