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Letter To My Mom...what Do You Think?

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So I'm thinking of just letting my mom know so I don't have to hide it and I have a letter I wanted you all to read so you could tell me anything additional I needed, etc.

Dear Mom,

I just wnat you to first know that there is nothing wrong with me, I just simply have these desires. I'm not asking for your permission or anything, I just want to let you know so I don't have to hide them no more. I have chose to wear fitted briefs, also known as diapers. Again, there is nothing wrong with me and I am not a pervert or child molestor. It is just something I like and want to wear. Just look at it as another type of underwear for example. I have done research online for many years and I have come to find I am known as a DL, or Diaper Lover. Again, this has nothing whatsoever to do with children or wanting to moleste them in any way. It's just a desire I have. I'm again not asking you to buy them for me or asking you if I can wear them, I'm just telling you so I don't have to try and hide them from you and if you do find them, I won't have to explain it to you. I am 19, almost 20 and this is my life and I have chose this for myself. You have done nothing wrong in raising me and I still love you and hope you can love me for who I am. Again, I just want to make sure you know this has nothing to do what so ever with children. In fact, I'm not the only person with this desire, there are thousands of others out there just like me and they're the best people who can meet. I hope you can still love me like you always have and not think of me any different. I also want to let you know that I will let others know when or if it's time and for you not to tell anyone, I will tell them when or if they're ready to accept me for who I am.

Your Son,


So, what do you think? Do I need to add anything else about DLs or what? Also, how should I place this so she reads it? I'm going out of town Tues. and it'll be just me and her which would be a perfect time. How should I give this to her? Just come up and give it or place it somewhere she'll see it?

Thanks for your help.

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i think thats a good letter really :) maybe you could also say if there was any questions about it to just ask you or something? i never used a letter to tell anyone so am not sure about this i just up and told them lol. but you should just give it to her when you feel the time is right. hope i helped :)

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i think thats a good letter really :) maybe you could also say if there was any questions about it to just ask you or something? i never used a letter to tell anyone so am not sure about this i just up and told them lol. but you should just give it to her when you feel the time is right. hope i helped :)

I second this, Please let her know it's ok to ask you questions.

It's a very scary new road your traveling down, so take it slow and keep looking to the group for support

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I honestly didn't read the whole letter because I don't understand why you have to tell your mom anything. I don't even understand why anyone would want to tell their parents that they like to wear. I mean is it really any of their business? Especially when you are over the age of 18. I understand you don't want to hide them any longer, but do you really think telling her is going to solve the problem of not having to hide them any longer? Have you thought about her kicking you out of her house instead? or how about seeking medical attention for this, like seeing a shrink? I think you need to think this totally through before you go telling someone, especially a parent, about wanting to wear. I personally would rather hide my stash the rest of my life than having my mom know that I wear. I personally think, regardless of how a good letter it is, its not a wise choice in telling her that you wear. It is possible that something good can come out of it, but then there is that possibility that something bad can come out of it, why risk it. Why risk a good relationship with your mother, a warm place to sleep, good food to eat, because you dont want to hide it anymore.

Its definitely something you should think about some more before giving your mom the letter.

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I'm with Tigger on this one, sorry.

Why do so many of you feel the need to tell your mom about what is technically a sexual fetish? I still haven't told my parents and never will. Maybe your parents are more open minded than mine, but I just don't thinks it necessary for them to know about this.

If you liked wearing rubber and being tied up or using sex toys on your girlfriend or sex with blow up dolls, would you tell your mom about that? I know this is being extreme, but it's essentially the same.

If you really must tell her then it would be better having a quiet heart to heart.


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Well, I don't want to tell her, but I'd rather it be done with if I were to start wearing 24/7, which I really do want soon. Even if I move out and wear 24/7, she'll find out eventually. I just think it would be better so I could actually wear when I wanted to instead of wasting gas to go to somewhere and wear them while I'm out. I just don't know what to do :(.

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So, while i agree with tigger and beth, i cannot fathom any instance in which you would need to tell your mother. there are some things in your letter you may want to rethink.

1. studies have found that when you preceed something with 'i dont want to worry you' or 'dont think bad of me' people are more likely to be worried and to think bad of you, you repeat this phrase a few times throughout your letter. (See the recent issue of psychology today for more information on this)

2. You mention not liking children or being a pedophile more than once in your letter... this is like telling someone not to think of an elephant, they are automatically going to think of it. Also, as you sound more like a DL in your letter, is it even necessary to bring this worry to your mothers attention, it will just be one more thing on her mind.

3. you ask her not to tell anyone. You drop this bombshell on your mother, what i can assume is just out of the blue, and then expect her to not talk with anyone about it? it would be the same if you told her you were having a sex change opperation, or joining the army, people need to talk about things, to ask your mother not to talk about it with anyone other than you is going to put her in an awkward position and it may actually encourage her to tell more people.

but again, i dont see why you need to tell your mother, whether this is sexual or not, it is a form of a fetish, and by telling your mother, you are now engaging her in your fetish behavior. Do you really want your mother involved in your fetish? honestly? tell a therapist, tell a stranger on the subway, tell an online friend you've never told, but telling someone who has the ability to kick you out, tell everyone you know, in a senes, really hurt you... doesn't make sense.. especially when what is telling her going to accomplish? if you want to wear in front of her, again, involving your mother in your fetish. At 19, almost 20, she really has no business knowing everything about you.

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Have to agree with sarah on the point of mentioning "not liking children or being a pedophile" as your mum will more than likely not be thinking of this untill you bring it up and that will worry her more.

IF you really need to tell her I would just keep it very simple and short. But if I was you I would only give the letter to her if you ever get cought.

I am fairly sure my mum knows. She found all my plastic pants and baby clothes once but told her they where fancy dress and nothing more was said about it. Been other things as well but nothing has been said. Got my own place now so not have to worry about it.

Anyway in short I would not tell her unless I had to.

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I agree with others that you should not tell her. That is you call to make for yourself. I also would not be suprised if she did not already know. Moms always find out about everything.

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Im the same age as you. 19 turning 20. I also started wearing 24/7 when I moved out. I wasn't planning on moving out but when I was away on a vacation, my whole family (Mom, dad, sister) were cleaning my room out for the first time ever and found a case of adult diapers. I moved out a week after I got home because it was too awkward. I told them I had some wetting problems but that they were gone now. My advice to you is to not tell your mom. Hide it until she finds out. If you do however decide to tell her, don't mention the child molester thing so many times. I wouldnt mention it at all and you mentioned it a few times. Anyway, best of luck bro

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I'm pretty much with everyone else, I can think of no good reason why your mom needs to know about your DL lifestyle. My mother doesn't know about mine, and I'm certain she has done things that I never want to know. Should she ever find out by accident, you can just simply say you are experiencing some "bladder issues" and leave it at that. I fear she would more than likely be very uncomfortable knowing about your secret desires. Every one of us have them, have you ever found out something about someone where you thought "eww...I wish I didn't know that about them!"? This would fall into that same category. I vote you keep it to yourself, you still have many friends here you can share your interests with. Trying to persuade someone who has no idea what this is all about almost always ends in disaster.

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Check your grammar before you give it to her. I don't understand why you feel you should tell your mother. I understand not wanting to hide it; however, you are going to create some undue stress in your mothers life. She is going to blame her self for not doing something right when raising you. Personally, I think its best to keep if from the parents. If they do find out then level with them, otherwise don't worry about it until that day comes. I was successful at hiding my diapers and my baby stuff from my family from the time I was 6 till now. I was even able to keep it from my wife for 4 years of dating and 1 year of marriage until I couldn't live with that half truth anymore. If it is a burning desire for you to tell your mother, tell her in person. Letters have a tendency to burn into people because they can read it over and over. This often leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. I wish you the best of luck! :)


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Dear Son,

I want you to know this has nothing to do with you. I love it in the ass. Really, it just makes me very happy. I'm not asking you for permission or anything. I just want you to know it make me squeal like a pig when I get it shoved up my poop chute. Again, there is nothing wrong with me. Don't worry, your father and I did it missionary still when you were conceived ... or was it that time he took me in the kitchen? Regardless, I've done a lot of research over the years and I've come to find I am known as an anal slut or ass whore. Again, this has nothing whatsoever to do with gay men or such, it's simply a desire I have and it's easier than going on the pill and cheaper than condoms. I'm old enough to have tried all sorts of positions and holes, but I like it in the ass the best. As a matter of fact, plenty of other people I talk to and have read about on the internet feel the same way. I don't want you to think of me as being any different than you do already.

You're Mother,



Do you really think she wants to know? All you are seeking is permission or such so you don't feel guilty. Deal with it on your own and don't drag your parents into.

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She has caught me twice, one time she found a bag of diapers and a garbage of used diapers and the other time she found out I was on a DL site. Would it be more, should I say better, since she's caught me twice before or no? She just shrugged it off those two times. With mentioning over and over it had nothing to do with child molestion, etc, she actually called me one the second time she found my diapers, on the DL site, thats why I kept mentioning I wasn't one.

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so let me get this straight, she has found out twice now you like diapers, saw you on a DL site (a site which she could then go back and visit on her own if she wanted more information) and has neither made a big deal about it, nor mentioned it to you.

So tell me again why you need to bring it up to her again? She obviously isn't worried about u being a pedophile etc... it seems she rather doesn't care, because ur an adult and what you do on your own time, its your choice... so you really need to think at this point, why bring up what will undoubtedly be an uncomfortable situation for you but more importantly for HER when she already knows?

It seems you are really not taking her emotions and feelings into consideration at all. She already knows, if she wants to discuss it, she knows where you live. Why bring it up?

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She has caught me twice, one time she found a bag of diapers and a garbage of used diapers and the other time she found out I was on a DL site. Would it be more, should I say better, since she's caught me twice before or no? She just shrugged it off those two times. With mentioning over and over it had nothing to do with child molestion, etc, she actually called me one the second time she found my diapers, on the DL site, thats why I kept mentioning I wasn't one.


Look I grew up in a house where if my dad wanted your opinion he'd beat it into you, but when I was 16 I felt so much like a totall freak (there was no internet then, and nobody I knew of had EVER mentioned a diaper fetish) so I went to the ONLY authority I knew of, my dad.

He totally freaked and sent me to a shrink, who's great advice for a 16 year old kid was to turn to drugs, because he had no idea of what he was doing.

Needless to say my family all found out, but I lived through this bullshit, and even got over that shrinks bullshit answer for my "problem" (drugs solve nothing, you can't run from your problems). I moved out when I was 17, it was more like escaping to tell you the truth.

In the end I did what I did because I had no idea of who else to turn to, and in the end I turned to the one person in the world who was most likely to see me as a flawed and defective piece of shit rather than to accept this about me.

Do what you feel you must, just remember it can go EITHER way, things MAY work out, they MAY NOT. You can't tell what a person is really going to think, although my dad being the person he was I should have seen that one coming.



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don't have anything to add except if you are still thinking about telling your mom by the time you read this post...........i'd suggest you start at enfant's post and move on down the line again .......and again if you have to................

your mom doesn't want to know this.........if she wanted to.........you've already given her plenty of opportunity to ask............

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I have to agree with everything thats been said on this thread so far.

I was in much the same situation that you were in shortly after leaving college. I would wear at home on occaision, and I'm relatively sure that my mom had found either my supply or garbage and my web-site logs at some point. She never mentioned them to me, and I never said anything to her. I would wear, but usually only when she was not at home, or when I was going out. I moved out about a year after I graduated college, and I have been wearing more frequently since then, including a period when I wore 24/7. Now that I've left the house, I dont wear when I'm at home out of respect for my mother.

This is what I can tell you....as much as you want to wear 24/7, its not worth alienating your family over. Yes, it is your life, and it is something you enjoy, etc etc etc. But if you have been fortunate in having a good relationship with your mother and family during your life, its not something to risk throwing away over diapers. My advice to you, as it has been in all of your other columns on the subject, is to wear occaisionally for now, then move out as soon as you are capable of doing so. When you do that, then look at your finanaces and decide if you want to go 24/7 or just wear more and more.

That said, I have a few notes for you to think about regarding the letter if you are still thinking about going through with this.

1. Tell her in person not via a letter. I'm sorry, but my Dad told my mother he was leaving in a letter, and as a result, I've always viewed that method of telling someone something potentially devasting as extremely cowardly. In my mind, it shows you dont have enough respect for the person or enough conviction in your belief to face them in person.

2. Dont mention the pedophile stuff. If you do, thats going to feed her fear about it. We shouldnt have to defend ourselves on this issue. It should be plain to anyone that looks at our site that we are NOT pedophiles. By repeating it as many times as you have, you reinforce the idea in your mother that wearing diapers CAN make you a pedophile.

3. Same thing with the "there is nothing wrong with me" part. This is a setup for your mother to demand that if you stay in the house you go to a pshrink. And trust me, a session or two or three with a pshrink that already thinks there IS something wrong with you is not enjoyable.

As a last note, dont give you mother this letter unless you are prepared to move out. The possible result is that she will demand that you leave the house immediately, even if it is said in the heat of the moment and emotion. But sometimes those decisions are the ones that are the hardest to come back on. If you are not capable of living out on your own at this moment, dont run that risk.

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Thanks for the responses. The last two times she's caught/found out about it was about 3-4 years ago and she just shrugged it off and thought I was over it and would never come back to it. She actually truly believed I had some obsession with children, etc, which I don't. I think I'll just hold off for now and if she notices anything or finds em again then I'll talk to her if she wants. But I think I'll just hold off on it now from all the responses I got.

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Gotta agree. Dude, don't tell your Mom. Like InD's letter implies, she doesn't want to know this any more than you'd want to know about her proclivities. When I was 18 or 19 I had drafted a similar letter to my parents, but never sent it and I'm soooo glad I didn't! She knows, as mine did, but I'm sure she'd rather you be discreet about it. At least make the effort to hide it for now. If she finds out and wants to ask about it, she will.

You'll get your chance to wear 24/7 soon enough if that's what you really want. I will tell you from experience that it's not really as much fun as you'd think.

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10,000 points for the word proclivities.........love new words.........thanks!

Yeah, I was an English major...look where it's gotten me! Using big words on a fetish website!!

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