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Hi all, I'm starting a thread here for a change, and hoping I don't bore everyone with it.

It's just that I see a lot of diversity here, AB's, DL's, Mommy's, Daddy's, and those curious about this lifestyle.

None of us is really like others of us here, you can't really say "united we stand" because for many of us it's a personal and private thing. As a community we're really very loose knit, if you get my drift.

I may be more DL than AB, having some baby clothes but rarely wearing them, others may be leaning more AB than DL, while another is strictly a DL.

He (or she) may only wet their diapers, while others may mess as well. Some may be "full out there AB" wearing nothing but baby clothes and diapers 24/7, while others find the mere thought of that revolting because for them it is a very personal thing best left in the closet.

Yes, there is quite a bit of diversity in this community, but I'm wanting to know why it is that there has to be such hostility on the board?

Is there some way we can agree to disagree and leave it at that? Instead of making it so personal, can't we just say "this is how I feel", and leave it at that? Is there a median where we can state our views without a "flame war"?

I'm NOT saying that we should all have a group hug and accept everyones point of view as our own, all I'm saying is that we could choose our words better (I think), stating our point of view without coming accross as being judgemental.

This is America, I think it's the greatest nation in the world, and I think it got to be that way because we are the great melting pot of the worlds cultures.

As a nation we are ALL immigrants, coming from very, very different lands that have very different ways of doing things, yet we've all somehow learned to live next to each other in peace and harmony.

We've even come to the place where we look out for each other and help each other out in our communities, now can't we learn from that?

This is a good forum for us, can we help make it better for us all?

Just my two cents,


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Hi all, I'm starting a thread here for a change, and hoping I don't bore everyone with it.

It's just that I see a lot of diversity here, AB's, DL's, Mommy's, Daddy's, and those curious about this lifestyle.

None of us is really like others of us here, you can't really say "united we stand" because for many of us it's a personal and private thing. As a community we're really very loose knit, if you get my drift.

I may be more DL than AB, having some baby clothes but rarely wearing them, others may be leaning more AB than DL, while another is strictly a DL.

He (or she) may only wet their diapers, while others may mess as well. Some may be "full out there AB" wearing nothing but baby clothes and diapers 24/7, while others find the mere thought of that revolting because for them it is a very personal thing best left in the closet.

Yes, there is quite a bit of diversity in this community, but I'm wanting to know why it is that there has to be such hostility on the board?

Is there some way we can agree to disagree and leave it at that? Instead of making it so personal, can't we just say "this is how I feel", and leave it at that? Is there a median where we can state our views without a "flame war"?

I'm NOT saying that we should all have a group hug and accept everyones point of view as our own, all I'm saying is that we could choose our words better (I think), stating our point of view without coming accross as being judgemental.

This is America, I think it's the greatest nation in the world, and I think it got to be that way because we are the great melting pot of the worlds cultures.

As a nation we are ALL immigrants, coming from very, very different lands that have very different ways of doing things, yet we've all somehow learned to live next to each other in peace and harmony.

We've even come to the place where we look out for each other and help each other out in our communities, now can't we learn from that?

This is a good forum for us, can we help make it better for us all?

Just my two cents,


You're doin' you're fair share, Vic. Two cents? Nahhhh. I'd say a good double eagle's worth. We need your voice here. Don't be such a stranger to the boards. Good to have you back. (And I've got your back. Coverin' yo' six, brudda.) You have a voice here where you can express your thoughts. The funny thing is, I get the feeling, though friends we are, you'd give me hell if you thought I stepped out of ranks. Not that I'd pay heed, mind you. :whistling: But, that's what makes you Vic. Shoot from the hip, pahdnah. As Voltaire once said, "I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!" It adds strength and body to this growing community of ours.


--heidilynn ;)

PS: I believe it was you who brought me back to these fora, a couple years ago, wasn't it?

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I agree with the original statement on this message thread. We all seem to have one major thing in common, and that is the diaper. One way or another we have an interest in them, the way this interest manifests itself varies from person to person. In my experience with this fetish (I only use that term because thats what it is to me) it has been a long hard road to finally accept and enjoy it. While I now find that this brings me a good deal of comfort and enjoyment in my life and even has brought my wife and I closer together, I simply cannot understand it. While I can accept this aspect of my being (because god knows I can't change it) it is beyond my comprehention about why I have it. This website and others like it draw each of us together to share our likes, dislikes and experiences. This allows us to feel a little better about our strange hobbies and obsessions because all of a sudden we find other people with similar motives. Being human, we like to lump things together, to give everything a neat little category. This online diaper community is an amalgamation of very different people with different ways of enjoying and expressing their diapered activities. This to me is a little frustrating because it causes me to believe that maybe I am still different and a little isolated because I enjoy my diapers differently then the next. It is next to impossible to lump everyone here into a neat category, try as we might, with nice little labels such as diaper lover and adult baby.

Despite the fact that we are different we still all seem to agree that we are a community, as chaotic and disarrayed as we are, we still seem to find a little corner in the online word and group together in it. If we did not do this then we would have an even harder time trying to satisfy ourselves that we are not in fact, strange or sick (as many of us felt before we found we weren't alone). We are just regular normal people we enjoy something a little different, and there is something hard wired in our brains to act out these interests.

With all that being said I think I can understand why many people get very critical about an adult baby or diaper lover making a headline on t.v or in a newspaper article. We feel as though we are being represented as a community to the general public when one of our like minded neighbors is in the spot light. The general public also is very interested in lumping things into categories. Often we feel misrepresented because each and every one of us celebrates our diapered desires differently.

Those are my thoughts and opinions anyway, I hope you find them relevant or at least entertaining.

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Thank you, Brudda Voodoo,

it is unfortunate when people do get mentioned in the news showing diapers in a negative way. It seems that that is our lot in life (at least for the moment) though, and that is one of the reasons so many of us remain in the closet.

There are those who attack some of the members here on this forum, and that, to me is a sad state of affairs. The recent attacks I saw on Upsey Daisy were, for me, heart breaking.

Attacks of this sort are very rare here on the DD, but this stuff really happened. I know what it is like to be stabbed in the back, and these type of attacks are just plain wrong.

Fortunately that is NOT the normal way things go on this forum, but there are a lot of bruhaha's that I felt could have been managed better had people just thought a little harder about how they phrased their replies.

In just taking a little more time in writing a response to someones post here on the DD I feel that we just might be able to avoid unnecessary conflict, imho.

Glad to see that you wanted to post here Brudda, and I thank you for your input. Thank you to the dailydi, as without this forum a lot of us would feel left out in the cold.



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Vic, I salute you Sir!

Indeed we are all different, and we need to find some level of ability to agree to disagree while remaining part of a community. Yes, we all have differences of opinion and likes where it comes to this fetish/lifestyle/clothing choice however you want to term it. As I said in the Unity forum, and has been said here, we have people all over the spectrum of diaper interests. There's no one controlling aspect. We are all members of a large community who engage in similar desires and interests. I would never dream of wearing babyish clothes out and about in public (actually....ok I take that back. I've thought a diapered vacation to Disney World, and taking some more kiddish style clothes with me). But I would respect the right for other to do so if they desire.

Plato in his "Politics" stated that we are all political animals. This doesnt mean that we all go out and stump for stupid policies and federalized health care....rather it means we are creatures of a social nature. We seek community and likeness in others of our species. We seek to find others who can understand us, at least in part and communicate with them and bond with them. At its most fundamental level, that is part of what makes us human.

Also, we need to keep in mind that not everything that is said (especially in the heat of the moment) is not intended as a direct attack on a person or persons. A statement of opinion is that.....a statement of opinion. If it isnt directly harmful, libelous, or slanderous toward another person directly, why try to turn it into that. We have plenty of lawyers and politicians out there who try to twist what everyone says around......we dont have to do it in house. Please everyone, remember, most of what goes on here is not intended to attack or slander (with the notable exception of the shameful episode earlier this week).

I enjoy coming here because the community is so active for one, and for the most part (aside from some major individual buttwipes) is very cordial and accepting of each others positions. Hopefully that will continue.

We dont need group hugs, or ask for them, cause we are all different, and we should respect that difference while we seek some degree of togetherness as a community.

But I like group hugs too.........

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I 'spose I should jump on board with this one, here, too, since I'm usually the guy that gets the folks all riled up. *giggles*

But then again, I'd also prefer to be respected for my opinions and viewpoints, as I believe that, as outlandish as they may be, they're just words. There's nothing on here, (or anywhere else on the internet) that should get one so twisted that they try to match wits with me. :)

The state of our union is strong here, guys and gals. One day in the near future, we'll see the positive limelight we so dearly need and desire.

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I 'spose I should jump on board with this one, here, too, since I'm usually the guy that gets the folks all riled up. *giggles*

But then again, I'd also prefer to be respected for my opinions and viewpoints, as I believe that, as outlandish as they may be, they're just words. There's nothing on here, (or anywhere else on the internet) that should get one so twisted that they try to match wits with me. :)

The state of our union is strong here, guys and gals. One day in the near future, we'll see the positive limelight we so dearly need and desire.

Hey Tris,

go ahead and rile things up, throw out any opinion you may want, this is America and we are all of us free to speak our minds and share our viewpoint, even IF it puts someone's diaper in a twist, all I'm sayin is let's not ATTACK people here.

I can have a VERY different take on a thing, and might sound off about it in a way that gets someones dander up, but I feel that I should be able to do that without actually attacking someone. When we pass judgements or attack, then I feel that that is stepping over the line. I think that then is the time we need to calm down a bit and think over what we say.

The attack earlier this week on a couple of members who are no longer with us, well those things were just sad and wrong. I wish I hadn't seen that drama played out on this board, as this is far too good a forum for scenes like that.

I hope that we are strong enough to move beyond that, and that we never see that type of character assasination go on again on this board. So in that regard I agree that the state of our union is strong, however I seriously doubt that ANY time in the near future will the limelight EVER shine on us diaper folk in a positive manner.

Nice dream though,


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Last time I checked the internet, and those who access this site through it, is not limited to just America.

Nah...We're worldwide. The visits at my website prove it to me. And, the hits at this website, as well. From Katmandu to Colorado. Mongolia to Maylaysia. It's growing. And, if we keep up the positive 'tude, people will know. We've got a movement going, here. (No BM jokes, please :lol: ) Let's keep it up. It's making a connection with our brothers and sisters all over. Aside from the usual players (UK, US, Canada, Netherlands, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, etc.) this community is expanding beyond even my wildest expectations. Had a visit from Somalia just today. And Nepal, last week. Amazing...From all corners of the globe. :D Might have been some misdirected "surfers", but I don't think so. Any more than 6 hits from any one IP to my site, definitely qualifies it as more than just an curious party. Should we all get all negative and paranoid? I think not. That just breeds more and more of the same. Let's stay positive here. We've got a good thing going. It's happening. And, we're all a part of it.


--heidilynn ;)

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...but I like group hugs.


Ah ha ha ha!

Anyway, diversity and respect is great and all. But I like when we ruffle our feathers now and then. Gets the blood going (hopefully to the brain). We play nice so much, sometimes it's pretty fun to knock one another around. No one really means it, I hope.

But then again this is a sadist speaking.

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Ah ha ha ha!

Anyway, diversity and respect is great and all. But I like when we ruffle our feathers now and then. Gets the blood going (hopefully to the brain). We play nice so much, sometimes it's pretty fun to knock one another around. No one really means it, I hope.

But then again this is a sadist speaking.

Ah, coulda figured you'd chime in Mean Momma,

I don't care if you fuffle feathers, not meaning that you shouldn't rile things up. All I was talking about was the flagrant and wrong attacks I saw here (like the ones on upsey daisy). I think attacking someone is wrong in that manner.

I also have a problem when somebody calls someone "evil" or a "sinner", as this really sticks in my craw, it sounds as if you're passing moral judgement on me.

I might not share your "moral" views, I think televangelists that bilk poor people out of billions of dollars every year are "immoral".

So am I going to hell? If heaven is full of televangelists and faith healers then I hope so!


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Ah, coulda figured you'd chime in Mean Momma,

I don't care if you fuffle feathers, not meaning that you shouldn't rile things up. All I was talking about was the flagrant and wrong attacks I saw here (like the ones on upsey daisy). I think attacking someone is wrong in that manner.

I also have a problem when somebody calls someone "evil" or a "sinner", as this really sticks in my craw, it sounds as if you're passing moral judgement on me.

I might not share your "moral" views, I think televangelists that bilk poor people out of billions of dollars every year are "immoral".

So am I going to hell? If heaven is full of televangelists and faith healers then I hope so!


Well said Vic,

I hate it when people bang on about "sin" and "sinners". Who are they to judge us? I don't follow the Bible, but isn't the general idea that God decides whether you have sinned or not? Isn't there also a part about "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"?

Typical double standards.


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