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I'm 2 And 3 Quarters!

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i'm inbetween 18 and 21 months, Dada and i haven't pinpointed my age yet. He's told me before he has a feeling i'm over 18 months, but I'm not close to two, i never will be.

i'm always in diapers, and will never be potty trained (due to my incontinence i can't be), and even if i could...potty monster! :ninja: i also use a binky, my Dady bankie, and bottles, which i will also never give up. Maybe i should use sippies, but i don't like them. The closest i have to a sippy is a straw cup, which i only use on rare occassions.

With toys, i'm pretty smart, so Dady lets me have toys that go all the way up to 5 years old, but i'm not allowed to have things with tiny pieces (i put things in my mouth). Dady told me that if i put little things that i could choke on in my mouth, the toy that has the small parts would be taken away from me :( so i try to stay with toys that don't have tiny pieces.

- Moogle

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5 but not potty trained (still afraid of the toilet monster) :blink:

didn't you see Look Who's talking too? That movie proves that the potty monster is a figment of your imagination. There is nothing to fear except for all the stds, germs, and viruses that are on the potty lol

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Me wikes baby food!

My mummy and daddy used to leave me on the pot for hours, it seemed.

The loo was infested with spiders and I dreaded my exposure there. They knew it and used it as tool to try and get me potty trained. I was scared to death of spiders! I wished and prayed that I could just stay in diapers and not have to deal with the terror. I think this may have had more than a little to do with my early yearnings to stay in diapers.


--heidilynn ;)

Being born premature made it so I was in the hospital until I was 2. So I wasn't potty trained till I was about 4.

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My age would be 10 because I have never stopped watching action cartoons from the 90s like Gargoyals or Batman the animated series. I also would love it if there was a jungle gym to play on that was made for adults. I also enjoy going to arcades and wishing I could crawl around in the huge play area. I also watch Are You Afraid of The Dark at Midnight and try and force myself to be afraid. When I was 10 every scary show and movie scared me but now there is no movie or tv show that scares me :badmood:.

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Bethany, I would have to say when I think about myself in diapers, I imagine myself as a 10 year old boy who is still diapered for wetting his bed. I was a bedwetter until I was fourteen or so, but never had to wear diapers in real life.

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Since joining this site, I've been amazed by the amount of you that like being an older kid who still needs diapers. AB's like myself obviously like to be a baby or toddler, and I assumed (they say never assume anything, lol) that most DL like to be an adult in diapers, that it didn't actually involve any form of age play.

You always learn something new, lol.

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My baby age is still 3 - 4 years old. My favorite thing is still waking up early Saturday morning, taking my blanket and teddy, and curling up in front of the TV to Saturday morning cartoons.

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Guest diapered469

My perceived baby age is btwn 12 and 18 months. I don't act babyish much, mostly because I want to be taken care of completely by someone else.

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Since joining this site, I've been amazed by the amount of you that like being an older kid who still needs diapers. AB's like myself obviously like to be a baby or toddler, and I assumed (they say never assume anything, lol) that most DL like to be an adult in diapers, that it didn't actually involve any form of age play.

You always learn something new, lol.

Yes indeed! I'm constantly finding new stuff out, about this business I thought I was alone with for so many years... strike that, decades...

As a DL, I've always thought of myself as an older kid, somewhere 10-12 years old, kept in diapers. NEVER thought of myself any younger than that, in a full-on baby mode. Being an older kid always appealed to me more.

Reasons? I dunno... never really thought about it. But I think it stems from the need for some sense of self-actualization, and control: I'm old enough to know about my world, and my expectations... and yet, I still get to wear diapers. They let me maintain a connection with my carefree days of infancy, with a Mommy-figure caring for me and putting me in diapers... while having the freedom of a self-aware pre-adolescent still unsaddled with the strictures of adulthood.

My 10-year-old self knows that other kids my age don't have to wear diapers anymore... but my Mommy lets me. That's good, because I like to wear them! And my Mommy knows that, too... so she makes sure I'm securely diapered when she sends me off to school, or when we're out shopping... and she puts extra diapers on me when she puts me to bed at night.

Unlike a baby, I'm aware of this-- and it's a subjective choice. I'm not helpless or powerless as an infant. I've reached a point where I've become very much self-aware, I know what I like/don't like... and I know I like diapers. I get to be a self-functioning 10-year-old, doing all the stuff a 10-year-old kid does-- except my Mommy indulges my love for diapers by putting me in them every single day, and changing me without judgement or complaint.

Again, my 10-year-old self knows it's not the norm. But screw the norm-- I'm getting what I want. In a way, it's an early level of rebellion and self-definition against the larger world. And as long as the Mommy/authority-figure is playing along (and validating my chosen individuality) by diapering me... heck, isn't that the ideal?

Well anyway... this post is the most I've ever self-analyzed it in 40+ years. Your mileage may vary :D


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i feel about 8

i can go out side and play i do not have to have a person watching me 100%

and many times it is just easyer to potty in a can in the tree house or potty my pant

need some one to remind me to use potty and to make sure i am dressed for bed and iwill return the favor

oh yes diapers or training pants on long car rides or going shopping you ever know who may be in the rest room

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I consider myself to be 3 and a half. Cos i like to be able to walk, talk, answer back, and ultimately be spanked for it with The Wooden Spatula.

I feel if i was younger it would be unrealistic to do this, but if i was older i wouldn't get to have my dummy and bottle.

I love a milky bottle at bedtime!! :P

I am sucking my dum-dum as i write. :D

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Hi Bethany,

Neat thread idea!

i've never been able to see myself as an infant...infact i still am not sure i have a fully see myself as an "ab"....i do wear diapers however and enjoy roleplaying a 4 year old. The diapers are only occasionally for me....either for fetish reasons or as a prop for being a naughty 4 year old. i am in 4 year old mode often and live my life as a 24/7 bdsm slave. My Daddy is a Daddy Dom and endulges my little side that occasionally needs to be comforted and reassured...but He also has very big girl expectations of me and as slave it is my responsibility to meet these expectations.

i think i began seeing myself as a very dominant little 4 year old for many reasons.......being any younger would make me feel too vulnerable to others...i'm a pretty tightly wrapped person in real life so feeling open and vulnerable with anyone brings about huge trust issues....i have a career that allows me to spend time with a lot of 4 year olds...they have such great personalities at this age...so open and fresh...and full of fun and sometimes mischief...i get a lot of my roleplay "material" from the kids i come in contact with....being 4 allows me to be Daddy's "big girl" as well as still cuddle up with my thumb in my mouth and my blankie ...... i occasionally have a wetting accident .......but end up in a diaper every time i do... ;)

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being any younger would make me feel too vulnerable to others...i'm a pretty tightly wrapped person in real life so feeling open and vulnerable with anyone brings about huge trust issues....

It's interesting that you say that jenniebear! I'm pretty much the same in my adult mode and understand the feeling of vulnerability and trust issues that you mention as an adult, yet my little mode is only 12 months and entirely vulnerable. For me I think that helplessness is what helps me to balance out my overly controlled adult persona. It really is fascinating how different and yet alike we all are. ABDL is a very simple phrase for something so multi-faceted.

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Well, for me, the more helpless and infantlike I can be, the better! So, I don`t know, my ideal AB-age would probably be from newborn to 6 months old. But hey, it`s not like its an anathema to be treated like a 1 or 2 year old either( not beyond that age though, then it`s full stop as far as I`m concerned ), so my age is definitely negotiable. :beer:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well. If you ask me I fluctuate. My AB age various depending on what's going on in my adult life. The range is 2-5 years old. Never completely infantile but young enough to still need that special parent-baby bonding time. Other times I like to be independent and play on my own. I go through phases where I'm AB/LG for months and then not for months more at a time. I guess that still has to do with me accepting who I am. I've always been a diaper lover, but never really indulging in it until the past year or two.

Of course it won't ever matter if I'm in the mood or not... I will never give up cartoons, blankies, my doggie, and sucking on fingers. Its just always been who I am. It's the diapers that I go through phases with.

I'm still new at this.. so it will take a while before I find out what works for me. Good thread though ;)

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My baby age changes every few years I guess. Last fall I would have said my baby age was 2 or so but now as of lately my baby age is way younger at like 10-12 months. When my baby age changed I knew it was coming, and the change wasnt a conscious decision, and I did not feel very AB for about a week. Then after that week, I was way younger.

AB age is weird.

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