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  1. Lucy held the position of local manager at a highly esteemed multinational corporation specializing in early childhood products, generating millions of dollars in revenue annually. Through years of dedication and hard work, she had earned her place within the company. However, she faced a significant challenge in the form of her less-than-competent personal assistant. Despite Lucy's patience, the assistant's repeated errors, some of which were grave, had caused serious issues within the company. Following a severe reprimand from her superiors due to a mistake that jeopardized a $17 million deal, Lucy decided to address the situation. During lunchtime, she summoned her assistant to her office and calmly instructed her to take a seat.
  2. "Good boy! Drink your buh buh so mommy doesn't have to worry when she's shopping." "Mmph," Jerry mumbled as he squirmed in her lap. He sucked on the tip of the bottle, draining the sweet apple juice inside of it. "Good baby. Good boy," his mommy, Jenny, cooed, stroking his back and his hair. He leaned back into her and finished the bottle. "Good baby," she said. She picked him up, and recentered him on her lap so that he was balanced on one knee and facing her. She bounced him a few times, then pulled him in and began patting his back. "Why's that help when you're shopping, mommy?" He asked. He shuffled, luxuriating in the thick padding of his diaper. Double layered, and with two stuffers, it felt like sitting on a cushion. It, along with his baby blue bonnet, matching short blue t shirt with teddy bears printed on it, soft booties, and pacifier, all added to the look of his new role. Finnally, he knew the thick diaper meant he wouldn't need a change for a long time, which was a dangerous notion when his new "mommy" was going out shopping. He burped, then blushed and put a hand over his face. "I can't beleive that actually worked." "Mhmmm," she said and smiled at him. "Lot's of babies like you are suprise at how much I can still treat them like babies." She began bouncing him up and down on her knee, and he bounced along with her, again loving the feeling and sounds of his diaper crushing against him. "So what about the juice?" "Well, Mommy is going shopping and needs to leave her baby behind for a bit." He raised his eyebrows in fake shock. "Not really "treating me like a baby" to leave me behind, Mommy. Seems dangerous. Abusive. Even trial-worthy." She paused her bouncing and patted his backside. "Sometimes we have to make exceptions. Or would you rather I take you out into public with your quadruple thick pampers? I'll tell you what, I'll give you the choice of any of your baby clothes to wear over them and try to hide them. You'll keep your collar on though." He blushed and shook his head. "No no mommy, that's ok!" She resumed bouncing and smiled. "That's what I thought. Don't worry, you'll be plenty safe. Mommy is going to put you down for a nap in your nice and cozy crib, all safe with the roof locked and your hands tied in mittens so my baby doesn't accidently get out and hurt himself, and a pacifier tied into his mouth so he doesn't lose it or accidently cry so loud the neighbours hear." "Gee, thanks mommy," he said, smirking at the selective description of his bondage. "Mhmm. Thought you'd like that. You've had plenty of juice so you won't be thirsty, and you have your extra thick diapies if you need to go potty. You should be fine for a good nap while mommy is gone. I'll be back in an hour or two" Jerry looked down at his diaper. "So if I have to go now..." "Then you'll be sitting in a soggy diaper for a few hours, or a stinky one. You should have been a good baby gone before I changed you into your nap time nappy. Why? Are you holding it in like a bad baby and need a spanking to help?" He forced a massive smile back at her. "That's ok mommy, I'm good!" "Good baby! Thought so! Now," She reached down to the pacifier on his shirt and puts it in his mouth. "Time to go beddie bies!" She lifted Jerry up and cradled him in her arms. Jerry hung on tight as she carried him through the house. Even as a shorter, thin man, he was always baffled by how easily she carried him. "Such a widdle baby! So easy to carry!" She said in a sweet voice, teasing him at his embaressment. She brought him into what was now his bedroom. A full adult sized nursery, with a double sized crib, changing table, bouncer, and piles of toys pastel blue walls, it always made his heart flutter to see. His new life was odd, and often embaressing, but seeing it all at once reminded him of how long he had dreamed of it. Easy days of little to no work, filled with toys and games while everything else was taken care of, wearing cute, comfortable clothes, and of course... He gulped. A few of the other other kinks his Jenny liked to try out on him often using bondage gear. He at a pile of mittens and booties on the ground. "What's that, mommy?" He asked. She put him down on the ground on his bottom, and huffed at the exertion of having carried him. "That's how mommy is going to make sure you're a good baby while she's gone!" She said. "Uhhh huh... I"m just going to go over this way..." he said, and began to crawl away from her. "You come right here, diaper butt!" she shouted. "AUUGGH!" Jerry screamed, and began to crawl as fast as he could. He heard her jog after him, and was tempted to get up on his feet and run, though he knew breaking his role only lead to more punishments. However, before he got far, he felt her grab his ankle. "No no no!" he shouted as she dragged him backward. He kept trying to crawl away and grabbed at the carpet, but felt a hard smack on his behind. "Now now. Behave or Mommy will spank your diapered bottom, babykins," Jenny said. "Hmph," he said. He stopped crawling and turned to face her, but refused to move back. Instead he sat with his arms folded and let her pull him back, sliding on the plastic against the diaper. "I don't think its fair you get to just threaten to spank me whenever we disagree. I am still a grown adult." She rolled her eyes. "SUUURE you are. The only grown adult I know who sits in a diaper and drinks from bottles all day." He blushed. "Anyway, if you don't like it, you can always go back to being a REAL grown adult working your REAL grown adult job like you used to, rather then living off of a more MATURE adult who works while you play with toys." He glared at her, and she watched back, folding her arms in immitation of him. He sighed. Embaressing as his role was, it was still better then working. He put a hand to his collar and pulled the tab that said "Property of Mommy Jenny" toward her. "No, please not that mommy. I know where I belong. I'll be good, mommy," he said. "Good baby. I thought so. Now be still and let mommy get you dressed." "Hmph," he pouted, but didn't fight back as she began to take his soft booties off. He sighed in annoyance. He knew the new footwear he was getting, she had used them on him when she was "crawl training" him, a period which went much faster then his embaressing "diaper training" sessions. It seemed strange to need to be "trained" for such things, but as his "Mommy" pointed out, this was techically now his "job." All "jobs," required training, even if it was being trained in things most people got past by age three. The botties were the same baby blue as his other booties he was already wearing, with the main visual difference being the strings of lace and ribbon she tied securely around his ankle, then the tiny key hole she used to buckle them on. He looked at his right foot. At first, it felt like more of the soft material, but if they were the ones he remembered, that wouldn't last long. He pressed the sole against the ground, yelped, and confirmed what he thought: a series of metal pieces were sewn into the bottom of his booties, each coming to a point against his foot. They weren't sharp enough to cut or to bother him when he was sitting, but they became more then uncomfortable whenever he put weight on his feet, making walking an annoying chore. They were designed to encourage the wearer to crawl, and they worked fantastically well. Next, she had him hold out each hand. She secured them with padded, fingerless mittens, each which locked on with a strap. This meant that not only were his hands useless, but any attempt to yank off his diaper or bootties would become impossible. She kissed him on his forhead. "Say your goodbyes now Babykins, talking time is about to end." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Goodbye mommy! I love you! I promise to be a good baby and not take my diapies off while you're gone!" He said, repeating the same line he always said when she left. "As if I could with these on!" He held up his mittnes. She giggled. "Good baby, love you too." She pushed a giant pacifier into his mouth and securited it with straps behind his head. She then picked him up and deposited him in his crib, and tucked him in under the sheets. She closed the top of it and locked it, then turned on a mobile of spinning stuffed rabbits and elephants. "Goodnight babykins Jerry! Be a good baby until Mommy is back!" She laughed. "As if you possible COULD misbehave like that. Maybe work on making mommy a present in your diapers while you sleep, it will be good un-potty training." "Mmph," he said from behind his pacifier, and watched as she left. She shut off the main light, leaving him with only the soft night light, and closed the door. Jerry lay back in his crib. The mobile turned over his head, playing "Rock A By Baby" in soft, quiet tones. He looked to his side, and grabbed one of the teddy bears beside him, and turned toward it. If he had to play the role, he figured he may as well play it well and enjoy the "fun" parts of it. In this case, "fun" meant cuddling with soft toys while resting. He closed his eyes. He opened them again. There was a knock at the door. He looked around the room and wondered why Jenny would knock on her own door.
  3. Michael, don't you know I was born to turn you on? You must, you've told me it enough times. You've whispered it in my ear in public, making me blush and squirm as you laughed. You've growled it at me as you held me down at hit me with all your strength. You've teased me with it as I lay tied to your bed, unable to move. And I loved it each time. I love that I am that object for you, that toy, that serves that one singular purpose. I love that I do it so well, and that we both know I'll do it in anyway you want. I love how far you've taken me, you've pushed in that direction. My question is, can you see beyond that? (And do I care if you do?) ... "No... no I can't!," I say, shaking my head. There were tears in my eyes already, just seeing what they intended. Michael loomed over me, as he always does. I always felt smell next to him. "No? Are you arguing? Should I get the paddle, and we can have a nice long discussion about it?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. My heard jumped. Even the threat made me more excited. I looked over at what the clothes they had laid out for me. I had played so many roles for them. I had been their pet, their slave, their baby, their maid. I had come out with them wearing leather vests and diapers under my clothes. However, there were still lines. "I don't know that I want that. Not yet." I whimpered. Michael walked to me. He put a hand on my shoulders, and the other reached down and cupped me below the belt. I gasped. "Are you sure you don't want it, diaper boy? Your cock seems to disagree." "I... I don't, Daddy." It sounded as fake as it felt. The truth was I longed for what they showed me, and had dreamed of it for months. The outfit itself wasn't that far off from dozens I had worn for them before. It was a onesie, bright pink and with a heart on its chest. It came with leggings and platform shows, and bows for my hair, which had grown longer and would undoubtably be put in pigtails. My leash was beside it, the collar was on my neck, and I already wore a diaper to go with it. With it, I knew they would probably tie me, and give me a gag to keep me quiet. I had worn the same before. What was different was what it meant today. I felt a hand smack the back of my diaper. Sarah came around my other side with an arm on my back. "Is that true diaper girl? I think its perfect for you. I think its perfect for you to wear every day from now on." "Uhhh..." I moaned. "Daddy, is she allowed to do that?" I asked as the other submissive teased me. To tell the truth, hearing someone who was herself being dominated talk down to me only made me crave more. If there was to be an pecking order, a huge part of me I was terrified of craved more then anything to be on the bottom of it. "Yes sweetie. Remember our ranking?" I thought back. We were both subs under him, but what we wore went beyond that. Regular clothes beat anyone cross-dressed, which beat anyone dressed as an animal, which beat, lowest of the low... "She's also in a diaper Daddy," I said. "We're the same." He shook his head. "Not anymore. Not when she's in her black diapers and her leather clothes, and you have your cute little printed diapies and onesie. You are the lowest here, and will still be from now on." My mind swirled. By far the most humiliating game they had played with me was this one. It was the one thing that pushed me right to the limit, the only that still made me begin to think of saying no. Now, they wanted to take me into public, in our club with all our friends, dressed like that. More, they wanted me to live like that, to come into their home and stay like that permanently. My heart jumped, and I wasn't sure if it was from disgust, fear, or joy. Michael turned me to face him directly. He put a hand on my diaper and pulled me in right next to him, and put the other on the back of my head. I looked away for a moment, but he turned me back, and for a second I thought he would kiss me. Instead, he just stared at me with his clear eyes. My breath caught, as it always did when I looked into them. "Are you sure sweetie? If you don't want it, you know your safety word. This can all be over now. Just say it, or let us dress you again." I was still, but was sure I was falling deep into his eyes again. Every time they hit me it was like all the will to argue left me. I felt myself melt and fall deeply into them, like a man possessed, and he did possess me. The image of me going into the club, crawling in his humiliating costume, all the nervousness it brought, fell along with my willpower into his eyes. Those eyes. It was always those goddamn eyes. ... Oh Michael don't you know you were born to turn me on? That is the part I'm not sure you understand. Or, if you understand it, you understand it all to well. It is everywhere and always to me. That feeling. That incredible, awful feeling. That arousal that is on my mind. That distracts me from work. That distracts me from relationships. That distracts me from all of life outside your impossible, clear eyes. The deep, painful knowledge that that you could get me to do anything you wanted no matter how bad I DON'T want it and the more I don't want it the more I want it because I know you want it because I don't want it and that makes me WANT it and I don't understand that. But you do, and that scares me. I am not in love with you. I am ADDICTED to you. I am OBSESSED with you, and with your impossible clear eyes. When I see them I feel like I am possessed, and I know I am possessed by you. I can stare at them for hours and not be sure what happened. I am addicted to your body. The tight, lean muscles. The strong arms, able to carry me, to pull me, to hold me down, even as I struggle (ESPECIALLY as I struggle) The size that has you always looking down on my ever so slightly, ever so noticeably, with your clear, impossible eyes. I am addicted to all you do to me. All our little games, all the strange clothes, all the things I never would have done if I never had met you. And I cant stop them. I can't stop wanting them. I don't know why I want them, I SHOULDN'T want them, but by god I do. By YOU I do. You are my god now. And that is what I am worried you understand all to well. There are lines I cannot cross, but I don't know what they are when I see those clear, impossible eyes. Not ever since I first saw them, those months ago.
  4. “Do I have to take them down myself, little girl?” I hate it when my girlfriend calls me that! Yes, I’m six inches shorter. Yes, she’s eight years older. Yes, she’s the one in charge in our relationship, and yes, this whole domestic discipline thing had all been my idea three years ago, but I’m 30 and Not. A. Little! Girl! Dammit! But all I did instead was whine, “Not here. Please? I’m sorry. Can’t we just wait until we get home?” “Daphne,” Mary said, “this is not up for discussion. Besides, Brenna has seen plenty of bare bottoms spanked, including yours.” I glared at Brenna. We knew her through a local Fetlife group. Sometimes we did just plain vanilla stuff with her, like regular friends, like today, when she’d asked us for help planting trees in her yard. Mary has the green thumb. I hate yard work. “Bare? Can’t it just be over my shorts?” You’d think I’d have gotten used to being spanked, what with not a week going by when I wasn’t, but I never had, which I guess is the point. I looked at Brenna, who was smiling approvingly from the couch. Mary had pulled a kitchen chair into the living room and sat down. “Did your shorts make a rude comment to Brenna? Did your undies? So why would I spank those,” Mary asked me in her stern voice, the one she saves for when she’s talking to me like I’m a naughty little kid. “No,” I mumbled. I’d learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a rhetorical question when I’m in trouble. Mary reached out and grabbed me by the waistband of my innocent shorts and pulled me closer. None of this would have happened if Brenna had just been grateful we were over there helping in the first place. So I’m not Ma Nature - did it really matter if the hole wasn’t exactly fifteen inches deep? Of course, I do have a tendency to kill houseplants, even succulents. But anyway, she was harping on it, and I got irritated and said, “Then why don’t you just do it yourself, dammit?” I’m not sure if I’d have been in so much trouble if I hadn’t added the ‘dammit.’ At least I didn’t interfere while Mary popped the button on my shorts and whisked them, along with my panties, down to me ankles. “How did you get so dirty, anyway,” Daphne asked. “Not like you were putting that much effort into it.” I didn’t need to respond because Mary easily tossed me over her knee. My hands were on the floor, but my feet were not, leaving my butt hanging there. “Anything to say, Daphne,” Mary asked as she rubbed my butt. “I’m really sorry?” “Not as sorry as you will be.” That little rub is all I ever get for a warm up. Mary believes spankings are best delivered hard and fast, and within ten second she’d probably spanked me thirty times. This all started as a relationship with spanking involved, a little role play and bedroom fun. I even spanked her a couple times, though neither of us liked it. Eventually, I said I wanted it to be more than roleplay. I wanted it to be our lifestyle. I shortly thereafter found out just how many issues Mary had with my behavior and how much she’d been wanting to fix them for a while by then. But I wasn’t thinking about the time she had needed to spank me three times in one day. I was thinking about the spanking she was giving me right then. Mary is thorough in everything she does, and a creature of habit. She always starts out spanking me seemingly at random, no order to which side she wails on or how many. She likes to make sure I can’t anticipate anything. I lay there doing my best to hold still and be quiet, trying to keep my eyes closed and pretend Brenna wasn’t there, probably smiling. Only when my butt is a dark pink from top to sit spots does Mary really get going. As she says, this is when the real spanking starts. She stopped assaulting my butt and said, “Hand me the paddle, Daphne.” I freakin’ hate the thing. It’s small, heavy, and has four holes in it. She got it specifically to keep in her purse. She could just use her hairbrush when she disciplines me away from home (dressing rooms are the worst - everyone can hear!), but no, she says knowing she has a just-for-spanking implement with her at all times does a better job reminding me to behave. I pick it up with my left hand and reach behind me to give it to her. She takes it, then takes my arm and pins it behind my back. I’m a wiggler when she uses that thing. She’s like a freakin’ ninja with it. Equal parts thuddy and stingy, she paddles as fast as she hand spanks, but in a tight pattern. Up and down, each spank overlapping with the one before it, in a tight row, then shifting over and working a line from top to sit spot again. She never makes it from one side to the other but that I go from grunts to sobs to tears. Every. Damn. Time. The small paddle bounces off my bottom so fast I don’t even feel the individual spanks anymore. It’s all one swollen throb. She’s gentle, by comparison, with my thighs, but before she’s done with those ten spanks to the tender backs of my legs, I frantically promise, “I’m sorry! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” Mary finished the last spank, and I lay over limp over her soft lap, big tears falling, and my nose running. It takes me a few seconds to realize Mary is rubbing my back, like she always does after a hard spanking, shushing me gently. When I’m ready, I start to get up, and Mary helps me so that I’m sitting on her lap, my crimson bottom aching when I do, and crying into her shirt as she calms me. “It’s okay, little girl,” she coos to me, “All is forgiven.” She kisses my temple. “Let it all out. That’s my brave girl.” When I get myself under control, though still struggling with the occasional sob and needing badly to blow my nose, she helps me off her lap. “What do you say to Brenna,” Mary asked. I don’t know when I kicked off my shorts and panties, nor do I care. I shuffled over to Brenna. “I’m sorry for being rude,” I said. “I forgive you,” she says, opening her arms. Brenna is big woman, and I all but collapse into her softness. I do like her, even though she has a way of bringing out the brat in me, but that brat never seems to be that far away. I stand between her big thighs, and she rubs my butt with one hand while she hugs me with the other. I’m grateful she does because I’m not allowed to rub. “Mary, why don’t you go take her to wash her face, and I’ll get lunch ready,” Brenna suggests. “Can I have my shorts back,” I ask meekly. “After lunch,” Mary says, holding out her hand. I take it. I like Mary’s hands. I also know she’s gonna lift me up and seat me on the cold vanity, and that it’s gonna feel good for about five seconds then feel clammy and hard. After lunch, I’m for sure gonna dig those holes right, and without a world of complaint.
  5. Franziska von Karma was in the Prosecutor's Office looking for cases when she saw a forty-five-year-old scientist with black hair, blue eyes, and dressed in a black dress with a white lab coat over it. Franziska squinted at the woman, having the sinking feeling she'd seen her before. "You don't remember me, do you?" The scientist asked. "I'm afraid I don't." Franziska said plainly. "I'm Bridget Nurzey." Bridget said. "You prosecuted me for illegal animal testing." "Oh yes." Franziska replied. It was the last case she took before coming to America to try and defeat Phoenix Wright and Edgeworth. Bridget had been subjecting various animals to a myriad of mechanical devices to "make life easier", but she hadn't bothered getting the approval she needed out of paranoia over being beaten to the punch. For her crimes, Bridget spent six months in prison. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me see the error of my ways." Bridget said. "In fact, if you’re not too busy, how about a drink at my lab?" "Interesting." Franziska said. She was aware that Bridget might try to do her harm, but she doubted that it would be anything she couldn't get out of, and then she could prosecute her for assault. "Lead the way, Bridget." The two women then walked off. After a half hour's walk, Bridget and Franziska arrived at a large building that looked more like a nineteenth century hospital than a laboratory. Bridget walked over to the door and opened it, gesturing for Franziska to go in first. Franziska cautiously did so, keeping an eye on Bridget while scanning the room with her eyes. Once the two were inside, Franziska couldn't help but be amazed. The interior of the lab looked perfectly sterile and organized. With bright florescent lights almost blinding Franziska. Eventually, her eyes adjusted, and she followed Bridget to a table with a tea set on it. Bridget sat down, gesturing towards a seat opposite her, and Franziska sat down and took the cup in front of her. "It's not poisoned, is it?" Franziska asked, half jokingly. "Now that would just be rude." Bridget said, chuckling. "In all earnestness, my breakthrough concerns you." "Me?" Franziska asked in confusion. "Well, your line of work." Bridget said quickly. "You see, during those six months in prison, I realized something. People weren't changing, at least not like they should have. As such, I wondered about what to do when it hit me. As children, we’re more prone to correcting our bad habits. So if prison could cause a similar state of mind, we'd have less repeat offenders." "So what?" Franziska replied. "You want to turn prison into a giant daycare, Dr. Bridget Nurzey?" "Exactly." Bridget replied. "It's why I built my new lab within this old, abandoned hospital. All the space and supplies I needed, and after five years, it's ready." "F-for what?" Franziska asked nervously. "Human testing." Bridget said with a smirk as Franziska stood up to escape, but Bridget pushed a button in the floor with her foot. The ground beneath Franziska's feet opened up, and she fell into the hole, screaming all the while. Eventually, she landed on a blue conveyor belt and groaned. She looked around and found that she was in a brightly colored room with pink walls, an orange ceiling, and a green floor. She also saw that the belt she was on led to a large red cube. "Oh, I will not stand for any of this!!" Franziska said angrily. Franziska then leapt off of the belt when a gray mechanical arm with two ball joints allowing for movement and a hand with a white glove on it grabbed Franziska by the neck and pulled her back to the belt. Franziska tried to get off the belt again, but the arm let go of her neck and held her down by her stomach. Franziska did her best to get out from under the hand, but its hold was too firm. "You made me lose six months of my life!" Bridget said over a loudspeaker. "Now you'll lose the next six months in my new Nursery Prison!" "You kidnapped animals to test out your inventions!" Franziska shouted. "You deserved your prison stint!" "Just like you deserve this stint for denying the world my genius!" Bridget replied. While this argument was going on, Franziska was sent into the cube by the belt. Once inside, more arms, like the one from before, grabbed Franziska and began removing all of her clothes. In a matter of minutes, Franziska's cravat, the sapphire broach that held it in place, her black gloves, her black vest and skirt, her white blouse with the poofy shoulders, her black leggings and high heels were taken off. Next, her bra and panties were removed too, leaving Franziska naked as the day she was born. Following that, Franziska was set back down on her hands and knees before one of the arms held her down by her back, and another arm began spanking Franziska. After several minutes, during which, she was spanked at least one hundred and eighty-two times, the spanking stopped, and Franziska was crying. "This was the baseline of your punishment." A feminine computerized voice said. "All future punishments will be far more severe." "You don't understand!" Franziska wailed. "I'm not supposed to be here!" "Of course you are, Little Franny!" The prison cooed as Franziska was rolled out, so sore from the spanking that she didn't dare to try and rush off. Then she saw a sign that read "BATH TIME", and she gulped nervously. The belt then came to a stop as Franziska fell into an oversized plastic bathtub for infants. She came up groaning again when more arms came down, each holding a scrub brush with soapy water. The arms rubbed the brushes against Franziska's body, causing her to call out in pain. "Stop this at once!" Franziska shouted. "I am not a baby you foolish--" Before Franziska could finish her insult, one of the arms rubbed its brush around Franziska's mouth, causing her to gag from the taste of soapy water. Once the brush was removed, Franziska spat the water out and coughed a little. "You can't do this to me!" Franziska insisted. "I am Franziska von Karma! The--" Once more the arms interrupted Franziska by shoving her head into the water which caused her butt to stick out in the air. More arms then began scrubbing her butt and groin. The arms then released Franziska as she pulled her head out of the water, gasping for air. "Are you crazy, Dr. Bridget Nurzey?!" Franziska shouted. "I could have drowned!" "That's why I haven't released it yet." Bridget's voice said, chuckling. "Who better to test it on than you, Franziska? By the way, the soap the prison uses is laced with a moisturizer I invented that makes the skin as smooth, soft, and tender as a baby's. What do you think?" Franziska begrudgingly looked at her arms and saw them shining with water. She brushed it away and felt how smooth and soft her skin was now, earning Bridget Franziska's begrudging respect. While Franziska was distracted, the arms grabbed her again and dropped her down a new belt that was in the middle of high powered fans. As she slid down the belt, the water was practically blasted off her. Franziska could only scream in panic from the sudden drop until the belt evened out, and the arms came back with brown towels. They roughly dried Franziska's body, causing her to nearly suffocate from when they dried her face and to shriek and groan when her butt crack was dried. Another arm came down with a brush and began brushing her hair while the other arms continued drying her butt and stomach. "There now." The prison said. "Little Franny's all cleaned." Franziska could only groan in response, having become very dizzy from being dried. She was in such a daze that she didn't notice the arms pick her up and bring her to a station marked "BARBER STOP". When Franziska was dropped into a brown, leather barber chair and strapped in, she quickly got her barrings and immediately began struggling, even as a towel was tied around her neck. "Hello, baby!" The chair said in a high, jovial voice. "Such a cute little baby! You'll look so cute when I'm done with you." Mechanical arms like the ones Franziska had dealt with at the tub and on the belt came out with a pair of scissors and began cutting Franziska's hair. Franziska watched in alarm as chunks of her hair fell this way and that in a haphazard sequence. "I beg your pardon!" Franziska shouted. "Release me at once! Help!! SOMEBODY, HELP!!" Once Franziska's hair was cut down to the point of a pixie cut, the arms brought out an electric razor and began shaving off the rest of her hair. "Ouch!" Franziska shrieked. "Stop it! Let me go!! Dr. Bridget Nurzey, tell this dumb chair to stop!!!" There was no response as Franziska's head was shaved bald, and the arms applied shaving cream to her head and used a straight razor to take off the rest of her hair. Feeling the breeze on her bare scalp, Franziska broke down and began crying. "Aw..." The chair cooed. "It's all right, sweetie. Now for the finishing touch." One of the arms came back with a frosting tube and squirted blue goo onto the crown of Franziska's head as it sunk into her scalp and became a lone lock of hair, much to Franziska's shock. "That's instant hair." Bridget said, angering Franziska. "Are you just using this contemptible place to shill out your useless inventions?!" Franziska asked angrily. "I could leave you bald." Bridget retorted, and Franziska quickly closed her mouth. "That's better." Bridget said with a sneer in her voice. When Franziska was released from the chair, she tried to run off when one of the arms grabbed her by the neck again and dropped her onto another belt. As Franziska groaned and rubbed her neck, one of the arms came down with a bottle of baby oil and squirted some onto its hand. More arms then came down and held onto Franziska's legs. "No!" Franziska wailed. "Don’t do what I think you’re about to do!" It was too late. The arm with the oil rubbed its two fingers into her butt hole. It made her moan and groan. Plus what was worse, she felt her butt grow numb, almost like the baby oil was a muscle relaxer, which considering the rest of Bridget's inventions it probably was. Once the arm pulled its fingers out, Franziska sighed with relief. The belt then moved forward, and Franziska hit a rolling pin, causing her to flip onto her back while the arms grabbed her ankles and powder puffs came towards her butt. The powder puff then began patting Franziska's butt, giving off the strong scent of baby powder. "Oh come on!" Franziska called out in agitation, especially considering what she knew would come next. More arms then set down a white cloth as the powder puff continued patting Franziska's bottom, making her sneeze. Eventually, the arms released Franziska's legs and wrapped the cloth diaper around her pelvis. Another arm with a pink safety pin then came down and put it through the middle of the diaper, holding the diaper together. Seeing her diapered bottom and seeing from her reflection in the metal that her lone lock of hair was curled, Franziska began to cry, slamming her arms and legs onto the belt while every inch of her body got patted by the powder puff. She didn't care anymore that she looked like an overgrown infant. She just wanted to go home. "Let me out!!" Franziska wailed. LET ME OUT!!" "Oh, but Mommy still has six months with Little Franny." The prison said. "Won't that be fun?" "NO!!!!" Franziska screamed. "Don’t worry, Little Franny." The prison cooed. "Mommy's here for you." The belt continued forward as Franziska continued crying. At the end of the belt, the arms grabbed Franziska's wrists and put black mittens on her hands before tying them on with pink ribbons. The arms then put black booties onto Franziska's feet, tying them on with the same pink ribbons. At this, Franziska finally stopped crying, remembering that she was the prisoner of a lunatic. "If Miles Edgeworth sees me like this, I'll never hear the end of it." Franziska moaned. The arms then carried Franziska to a high chair as her eyes widened in horror. "Oh, when's this going to end?!" Franziska shouted. "In six months." Bridget reminded her smugly. The arms then dropped Franziska into the high chair as she groaned. The tray then snapped into place, pinning Franziska's arms to her sides. Franziska struggled with all her might, but she just couldn't free herself. "You stupid bucket of bolts!" Franziska shouted. "What do you think you’re doing?!" "Feeding you, Little Franny." The prison said ominously as a clamp came up from the back of the chair and snapped itself around Franziska's neck, holding her head in place. A mechanical arm then came up and shoved a baby bottle of what appeared to be milk into Franziska's mouth. With no recourse, Franziska began drinking it down. To her surprise, she found that the milk was very tasty and surprisingly filling. "Another of my inventions." Bridget said over the speakers. "A special formula that provides anyone with all their daily nutrients. The only downside is that continual consumption of the formula causes bloating and eventually an exponential growth of fat cells." At this, Franziska tried to spit the bottle out, but the hands were holding it to firmly. Eventually, the bottle was emptied, and the arm removed it. Franziska gasped at that, feeling like her stomach was ready to burst. Franziska then caught a look at herself in a mirror as the arms cleaned up her face and saw that her stomach was protruding out a bit, giving her a pot-bellied look. Seeing this, Franziska wailed in anger and horror. Her perfect figure was damaged, and it would only get worse over the coming months. After feeding her, the tray of the high chair popped off, and Franziska fell onto her hands and knees, still exhausted from the formula. "What have you done to me?!" Franziska shouted at the ceiling, only getting a chuckle from Bridget. Just then, the arms moved to grab Franziska again as she tried to run away from them. She hoped that if she could escape, she could just lay low, work off the potbelly and wear a wig until her hair grew back. Unfortunately, the arms grabbed her by the neck again and hit her head with a small hammer, making Franziska go into a stupefied state. After that, Franziska began talking baby talk as a white baby bonnet was put on her head and tied under her chin. She was then put in a white baby dress that covered her arms but barely came down to the waist line of her diaper. Once that was done, Franziska was placed onto one more belt. After a few moments, Franziska shook her head and observed that she was back on yet another conveyor belt. Naturally frustrated by this she looked at the ceiling. She knew Bridget was somewhere up there, and she wasn't about to go down quietly. "When I get out of here, Dr. Bridget Nurzey, I will take great pleasure in making sure you are put back in prison and punished to the fullest extent of the law!!" Franziska declared angrily. "Oh, I'm so scared." Bridget said sarcastically. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be lucky to have bladder control." Before Franziska could retort Bridget's claim, the arms grabbed Franziska and put her into a giant crib. Seeing her predicament, Franziska threw another tantrum, crying and waving her arms and legs in the air. She didn't know what was worse, being treated like a baby or acting like one thanks to all the abuse Bridget had put her through. "Nap time." The prison said softly. "I do not need a nap!" Franziska said definitely as an arm came down with a blue pacifier with string at the ends of the mouth guard. "I am an international prosecutor being held against my will, and I demand to be released!" The arm then shoved the pacifier into her mouth and tied the strings around the back of her head. With no other choice, Franziska sucked on the pacifier, tasting an odd liquid and assuming it was a laxative. Crossing her arms, Franziska sat there grumbling until she eventually fell asleep, still sucking on her pacifier. From a series of monitors in her office, Bridget laughed smugly at Franziska. She thought about how the liquid in her pacifier would slowly cause her speech to deteriorate, and she couldn't help but laugh. She then sat back and observed the sleeping Franziska in her crib. "This is going to be so much fun." Bridget said with a smirk, taking a drink from her cup. To be continued...
  6. This is a story about college roommates who discover the wide world of corporal punishment and diaper discipline. It starts out with lots of spanking (F/F and F/M), and the age play elements unfold much later. Hope you enjoy! — Ted was about to start his senior year at a small urban college. The school had limited housing, so dorms were reserved for freshmen and sophomores. Having spent most of his junior year in a study abroad program, Ted had missed out on the flurry of leases that his friends had secured in the spring, and he was struggling to find a place to live for his final year. It was early August and the fall term was set to start in just a couple of weeks. Ted was very anxious, still at his parents’ house for the summer but knowing he had to get to campus soon. He had put feelers out to find a place, but kept coming up empty. Ted couldn’t afford to live alone, but he also didn’t want to live with a bunch of random guys. One evening, his phone buzzed. It was a text from his friend Lara. “Hey Teddy! Hope you had a great summer. We missed you on campus last semester - some great parties at the end of the spring! Anyway, I heard through the great vine that you might be looking for a place to live in the fall?” Ted’s eyes widened. Finally! A lead! And it was great to hear from Lara. She and Ted were close - they had a great rapport and could really make each other laugh. Many of their other friends wondered why Ted and Lara had never had a fling, but it seemed each valued their friendship too much to risk getting romantic. “Hey! Yeah I had a blast in Europe, but definitely missed partying with the crew. Looking forward to being back in a few weeks. Yes I need a place to live! I am getting desperate. Do you know some guys who need a roommate?” Lara wrote back right away. “Well… not some guys… actually Stacey and I need a third for the house we rented. Ashley bailed on us at the last minute and we can’t afford the rent with just the two of us.” Ted hesitated. Room with girls? The thought had never crossed his mind, but why not? He and Lara were such good friends, and Stacey was super cool too. And a whole house? Think of the parties they could throw! Might make for a spectacular senior year. His hesitation worried Lara. She sent another message quickly while Ted was still in a daydream about a raging kegger. “Sorry if it’s weird. We’ve tried all the girls we know and everyone already has something lined up. It’s a really great house, fully furnished so no need to bring a bed or any other furniture. And it has two bathrooms so you’d have plenty of privacy. Stace and I are kinda desperate, but we talked about it and we think you’d be an awesome roommate. What do you think??” Ted snapped out of his daze and furiously texted back. “Wow thanks for thinking of me! That sounds great, I’d love to live with you ladies.” “Awesome!! You’re a lifesaver. You’re gonna love the place, I know it. We get the keys tomorrow, so you can start moving in anytime.” “Amazing! YOU are the lifesavers! I’ll start packing up and be there in a few days.” “Great. Can’t wait.” Ted collapsed back on his bed and let out a huge sigh. He felt like he could finally breathe. Not only had his housing crisis been solved, he would get to live with two great girls in a party palace. His mind wandered to his two new house mates. Both of them were great friends and had similar personalities to Ted - they worked hard and played hard, got good grades and loved to laugh and party. They were also both very easy on the eyes. Lara’s long black hair was cut with cute bangs in front, giving way to her warm brown eyes. She had exquisite tits and a full figure that would make an hour glass jealous. She wasn’t quite taller than Ted, but her long slender legs were a marvel. Stacey, on the other hand, was in fact taller than Ted. She was curvy with wide hips, ample breasts and an ass to match. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were very inviting, though she did have a somewhat domineering side - not mean or stern, almost maternal. Laying on his bed imagining the faces of his new roommates - faces he hadn’t seen for several months - it dawned on Ted that some sexual tension could arise in this new living arrangement. There had always been a bit of that anyway with Lara, but now sharing close quarters, Ted worried it could get awkward. But nothing he couldn’t handle. Any tension would be well worth it to be able to spend his senior year with these two lovely ladies in a house that was sure to be the envy of the rest of his friends. A smile spread across Ted’s face. It was going to be a great year.
  7. A/N: Story is not finished yet but has some stuff I am very happy with. Will be releasing once a week for at least the next three weeks and hopefully motivated to keep working on this one. TIA for reading! Update (06/15/24): Chapter 2 submitted Continuing Education Chapter I: “Let the Lesson Begin” Life was supposed to be better than this. Michael Mason was twenty seven years old. He had a Bachelor’s Degree in forensic science. His gorgeous wife loved him deeply. And yet all he could think was how relieved he was that his boss was getting ready to write him up. It got him off the sales floor for awhile and away from all those damned boxes of merchandise. The manager’s office was small, little more than a desk and a couple of chairs. The room itself was unusually hot. Surprising since the company was too cheap to pay for heating in the store at night and the building felt more like a freezer. The only job Michael had been able to land was an overnight stocking gig. Every night, five nights a week, from 9 PM to 6 AM he opened boxes and stuck things on the shelves for minimum wage. The job was originally supposed to be something temporary while he found something in his field. Every morning he drug himself home, physically exhausted from the manual labor and from battling his circadian rhythm. What little free time he had he wanted to spend with Alyssa, his wife. The store itself had completely unrealistic times. Lectures about safe stretching and lifting exercises didn’t mean much when the only way to get the work done as quickly as his managers expected was to bend and lift in the most unsafe ways possible. And while he was tearing his body up to get product on the shelves, the people complaining that he wasn’t fast enough were doing what exactly? Hanging out in the back office on TikTok. It had been more than once that he’d wandered to the back in search of equipment or supplies, things his managers never seemed to know where to find, and caught them all crowded around someone’s cell phone, laughing their heads off. So the job was dogshit but at least he was bringing in money. He’d probably be fired eventually but he wasn’t going to quit on them. If they did plan to fire him for being “inefficient” then he was going to get every last penny he could out of them first. Kyle, the overnight assistant, who thought he was a store manager himself, sighed dramatically as he dropped into the chair on the other side of the desk, sitting upon it as if it were the throne from which he lorded over his subjects. “Mike, I’m tired of having performance conversations with you.” “It’s Michael sir.” His nametag said Michael. He indicated on his forms he preferred Michael. He’d told Kyle on numerous occasions he preferred Michael. “Mike,” Kyle continued, ignoring the protest. “To be blunt, your performance is wholly inadequate for this job. We have written disciplinary actions for you twice and this will now be the third time in less than a year. As such, we’ve decided to move forward with separation. I’m going to need your nametag, box cutter, and any other company equipment.” Kyle gestured to the third man in the room. “Jack will have to escort you out after you clean out your locker.” So, that was it. Game over. There was a part of Michael that would be completely relieved that he wasn’t going to have to show up anymore. Of course there was also the part that knew Alyssa was going to be absolutely furious with him. They could barely afford their rent now and they had just managed to open a savings account and drop spare bits of change into it. Going back to a single income was going to set them back by months. There was no point in complaining about it. Michael tossed his boxcutter and nametag on the table and stood up without a word. He was not going to give Kyle the satisfaction of crying or begging for his job. In silence, he strode out of the room, only slightly irritated that Jack was following him every step of the way. “It’s a tough thing,” Jack said. “But you really did it to yourself Mike.” “It’s Michael,” Michael sighed as he pulled a few personal things out of his locker. “Well look on the bright side Mike,” Jack said, “In six months you can re-apply.” “Jack, why would I re-apply for this shithole job?” Michael had tried his best to keep his cool but he’d failed. His only recourse was to blast his hate through his eyes directly at Jack. The expected effect occurred and Jack smirked as he saw the anger in Michael’s face. “You’ll be back,” Jack said. “Your type always comes back.” “You know what Jack?” Michael was already headed for the exit. “Go fuck yourself.” * * * Michael wasn’t sure how manly sitting in his bathrobe at the kitchen table with a container of ice cream and a scoop was but it was making him feel better. It was barely after 2 AM and Alyssa was fast asleep. He’d quietly changed and moved back out to the living room to wallow in his own misery. She was going to be so damned angry when she found out. He had no idea what time it was when the light in the bedroom turned on. He was cold. His robe was barely hanging on him and the ice cream had mostly liquefied. He slopped another bite, getting sticky melted goo all over his face, and sending another jolt of brain freeze to his head. “Michael? Why are you home so early?” It should have been a crime how easily Alyssa made it seem to look beautiful. Despite having slithered out of bed, her hair cascaded down her back as if she’d just had it styled. Her face was perfectly shaped and her eyes popped as if she had a ring of mascara. She could have done a hell of a lot better than an almost thirty year old loser who couldn’t even hold down a job at the grocery store. Here it came. Might as well rip the band-aid off. “I got fired.” He gritted his teeth, prepared for the explosion. Which didn’t….come? He caught a whiff of Alyssa’s perfume, vaguely scented like lilacs, as she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace before gently prying the spoon from his fingers and pulling it away. “Honey, you’re sticky,” she frowned as she disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a washcloth, which she ran over his face. Rather dumbfounded that he wasn’t having his face ripped off, Michael sat there and let his wife clean his face instead. “You’re not…huh?” Michael blinked. Alyssa had a bit of a temper but they didn’t exactly fight. He was expecting her to be mad. Mad in that sort of, “I’m disappointed in you” type of way that would make him feel like a total jackass without her actually raising her voice at him. “Not what?” she smiled as she sat down across from him. “I’m not a mind reader babe, use your words.” “I thought you’d be mad at me,” he confessed. “I’m not thrilled, no,” Alyssa frowned. “You don’t need me to tell you it’s going to hurt us. But you’ve been pretty unhappy at that job and I feel like I barely get to see you. We’ve got to be able to find a way to make things work where we don’t have to be apart so much.” “Yeah,” Michael nodded. His stomach growled in protest at him. Gorging on ice cream had not exactly been his most erudite moment. “What if…” Whenever Alyssa had an idea that she thought exceedingly clever, a grin spread across her face not unlike the Cheshire Cat. “...what if you finally followed through with your plan and went back to school?” “Yikes,” Michael sat up, pushing through his angry stomach. “That’s not gonna help our money situation at all Alyssa.” “That’s the best part,” she replied. “I found a place, let me show you…” her phone appeared in her hands and she played with it for a moment, “Look at this place!” Michael glanced at the phone, reading it off, “The Finch School? What am I? A bird?” “It started as a finishing school,” Alyssa said. “Miss Finch’s Finishing School for Marriageable Young Ladies. That was back in the 20s. It’s evolved into a co-ed liberal arts college. And they offer scholarships for returning adults. Finish your education and all that.” “Yeah but Alyssa, this place is ten hours from here,” Michael frowned. “How is that going to get us more time to be together?” “That part will suck,” Alyssa nodded. “But I barely see you as is. If you go to the school, you can finish your Master’s Degree, land that inspector’s job, and get away from all of these back breaking places you’ve been applying to.” Michael looked down at his wife’s phone again. He’d have to get a place near the campus. Or a dorm room, heh. And of course there was no point in any decision at all if he couldn’t claim that scholarship. There was no way he was taking loans out and they definitely couldn’t pay tuition out of pocket. “Ok then, I’ll apply for the scholarship and we’ll go from there.” “Good boy,” Alyssa beamed at him. * * * He’d done it. He’d gotten in. The application process was very easy and had been done completely online. He’s sent in some writing samples and records from his time at the state university. A few days later he’d received an acceptance email. The terms seemed almost too good to be true. He was required to accept campus housing, agree to a code of conduct that mostly boiled down to not doing stuff he’d hated doing when he was twenty anyway, and had to keep his grades up. That’d be easy enough. Michael had always learned his lessons well. He’d briefly met his roommate Nick when he’d dropped his luggage off at his dorm room. Nick was a few years older too so there was definitely a level of relief there that he wasn’t going to be shacked up with some eighteen year old kid fresh out of High School. It was a little odd that they’d been roomed together but Nick just laughed when Michael voiced his concerns. It would work. “The campus is beautiful babe,” he had his phone glued to his ear and was chatting with Alyssa. She was back at home getting ready for work. “My room’s not too bad. We’ll have to video chat later. My roommate seems cool. There’s a lot of…” Michael glanced around. There were a lot of girls at this school. It had been a women’s college originally. If it was one of those schools that ended up recruiting the kids of former students, maybe that wasn’t too surprising. He was pleased to note that there were plenty of older students but some of the styles of dress…he’d walked by an entire group of girls in Japanese lolita style! A girl, a woman really, who had to be at least thirty but nevertheless was wearing shortalls and had her hair in pigtails, literally skipped by him swinging a Hello Kitty backpack from her left hand as she bounced along the sidewalk towards one of the class buildings. “...girls here.” “That’s not a problem is it?” Alyssa asked. “Not for me, but uh….” Michael trailed off, too embarrassed to finish the thought. His half comment was greeted by a shriek of laughter. “Not to toot my own horn Michael but, you’re not going to cheat on this, are you?” His phone chirped and he pulled it from his ear long enough to glance at the picture that his wife had just sent him. She wasn’t wearing anything at all. And she had her fingers between her spread legs, pulling a pair of lips apart. “Alyssa!” More giggling from the phone. “We’re gonna have to get used to sexting sweetie. And babe, mommy is going to need A LOT of pics while you’re at school.” “Maybe save the NSFW for when I’m not walking around a college campus in the middle of the day,” Michael laughed. “But seriously babe, you are gorgeous. You just made it that much harder for me to concentrate on my classes.” “Well then, I guess you won’t get any more pics until you show me that you’ve learned something,” Alyssa said. Michael was outside his classroom now. “I’ll show you exactly what I’ve learned tonight babe. I’ve got to go now though, I’m at my first class. Love you.” “Love you too. Learn a lot!” Michael hadn’t been in a college classroom in several years but the room he stepped into was certainly not what he expected. The walls were a pastel green with rainbows adorning them. Along the back wall were rows of cubbies, many filled with bags and other things. Many students were already sitting at desks with their hands folded. Every person in the room was a girl, none younger than twenty five, and none dressed older than twelve. Along the front wall was a chalkboard - a chalkboard! And above it a poster showing the alphabet. If it weren’t for the size of the desks, Michael would have sworn he had walked into a kindergarten classroom. This couldn’t be his class. He was here to take an advanced criminology course. The worst part about walking into the wrong room was that all the heads had turned to gawk at him. The teacher was the only person dressed remotely normally - if goth scientist was “normal.” Her long curly hair was died sea green and coiled halfway down her back. She wore a black lab coat over boots, fishnet stockings, a leather skirt, and corset. Goth…bondage…scientist? The mix of styles was almost too much. Her piercing pale blue eyes seemed to be digging into his skull and he caught just the faintest hint of lilac from her. “Oh excuse me, I must be in the wrong class,” he muttered as he turned to leave. “Stop right there!” the woman called. Michael found himself stopping in his tracks. “You come inside right now and put your things in your cubby please.” Michael found himself walking back into the classroom. Did he actually have a cubby? Impossible. That would be the easiest way to prove that he was in the wrong spot. Jennifer, Kelly, Lisa, Daisy, see…no…Michael blinked and rubbed his eyes. Right next to “Daisy” was an empty cubby labeled “MIchael.” “Well?” the instructor called out. “Uhh, yes ma’am,” Michael swallowed as he tossed his bag into the cubby and turned around. “Very good,” the instructor smiled sweetly. “Now if you’ll take your seat please.” “Oh, which one is mine?” Michael was a bit confused. There were several empty seats, so he wasn’t exactly sure where he should sit. “Oh Professor!” the blond in pigtails that had skipped past him earlier had raised her hands and was waving it excitedly. Dress aside, Michael was definitely sure that this girl had to be in her early 30s at least. Meanwhile the professor looked like she couldn’t be more than about twenty two. “Yes Daisy?” the Professor smiled sweetly. “Professor, can she sit at my table?” the girl named Daisy asked. She? Michael had to admit that he was a bit on the thin and small side but still, there could be no way he’d be mistaken for a girl right? Short hair, tee shirt, jeans. He practically screamed “guy going back to college after failing at life.” “Yes, that will be fine. The new girl can sit with you Daisy,” the professor replied. “Oh, but, uh…” Michael cleared his throat. He wasn’t entirely sure where this misconception was coming from but it was definitely something he wanted to clear up. “Yes sweetie?” the Professor beamed at him as if he had just answered a really hard question. “Can you use the words to share your thoughts with the class?” “I’m a boy actually.” Michael said. The classroom erupted, first as every girl gasped and then peels of laughter echoed from all around the room. Every table seemed to burst into chatter as all the students began talking and pointing at him. “Girls, settle down!” The Professor grabbed a yardstick from her desk and wrapped it three times. The knocking sound killed the conversation. “Is that any way to treat a new student? Now sweetie, I want you to come to the front of the room ok? I promise, you’re not in trouble.” Feeling foolish, and knowing he was blushing, Michael walked up to the front of the room and stood next to the teacher. Her lilac perfume wrapped itself around his nose in a way that was intoxicating. He could feel his head going light. “Now sweetie, this is Miss Finch’s Finishing School and it is a school for girls. If you’re a student here, you have to be a girl here. You are a student here, aren’t you?” “Yes, but…” Michael went to protest. The school hadn’t been a girls only school in fifty years! And it wasn’t a finishing school anymore, it was a liberal arts college. Something in the back of his mind told him that whatever was going on was so strange that his best bet would be to run. But that smell… “And if all the students here are girls, that means you’d have to be a girl too, doesn’t it?” “But I’m not a girl!” Michael insisted. “Oh don’t worry sweetie, I’ll help you with that,” the Professor said. She reached for his face, caressing it in her hands, and pulled him forward before delivering a peck on the cheek. “You see, I can make it all better with just a kiss.” Michael felt just slightly off. He couldn’t quite place it but something was different. His shirt seemed to hang from him loosely as if it had grown two sizes too big. Oddly, it felt tighter around his chest than it had before. The reality of the matter, that he had somehow shrunk, set in when his pants slid right off his hips, now hopelessly larger than his waist. “What in the…” Michael’s hand slammed across his mouth. That hadn’t been his voice! Michael had a deep, husky voice, just slightly gravely. The voice that had escaped his lips had been honeyed, soft, and very feminine. When he glanced down, he realized more was wrong. The hair on his hands and legs had disappeared completely, his skin now soft and smooth. He had previously had many blemishes and moles all across his body, they were all gone now. And his chest? The reason his shirt was tight was that he now had cleavage! A strand of hair fell into his face, dirty brown having turned into a silken brown mousse - short length having transformed into mid length curls that coiled around his shoulders. His…more like…”What did you do to me?!” “I told you sweetie,” the Professor replied with a smile. “Only girls attend Miss Finch’s Finishing School. Since you’re a student here, you must be a girl.” “I’m not a…” Michael stopped himself, no…herself, as she felt a new sensation. Her underwear was becoming warm and wet. She was peeing herself! The escaping fluid quickly turned into a flood as her boxers became uselessly saturated and pee dripped down her legs, pooling in her jeans at her feet. “Oh dear, oh dear,” the Professor shook her head. “Daisy, will you go into the supply cabinet and get me the diapers? It looks like our new student had her first accident.”
  8. Written with a little assistance from ai tech. Chapter 1: What do you mean choose?? Jesse My sister and I walk side by side through the too-quiet streets. I can feel Tessa’s unease. It’s always so close to the surface with her. My twin’s shoulders slump forward. She pulls her arms tight around her torso, bracing against the gust of wind that chills our bones. “Jesse, Mom’s been acting really strange lately, don’t you think?” she asks, chewing on her bottom lip the way she does when she’s nervous. I nod, my own worry gnawing at me. Ever since that mysterious envelope arrived from the school, Mom has been increasingly brooding. She’s usually chipper, despite the way things have been in this country lately. It’s so unsettling to see her like this. She hasn’t been this way since Dad died. Another gust of wind carries the distant sound of machinery through the air. Down the street, construction workers remove play structures from the old elementary school’s recess yard. The building has been abandoned for ten years, since the last of us were young enough to attend primary school. The last child in the country turns eighteen next week. Tessa and I are nearly twenty. We pass the elementary school quickly and quietly, turning our heads away as the construction workers rip the last vestiges of our happy childhoods from the Earth. Once we’re clear, Tessa releases a shaky breath. I can hear the tremble in her voice as she speaks. “You know, Jess, sometimes I wish we could just marry and start families and…” Her voice trails off, and her bottom lip quivers. Marriage is forbidden. Families are impossible. The last world war ravaged our planet and our bodies. Humans have lost their ability to reproduce. Tessa will cry if I don’t say something. She always cries. “I know, Tess,” I murmur. “But, hey. At least we have each other.” We hear hurried footsteps behind us. “Jess! Tess!” We turn to see our childhood friend Nick running to catch up with us. His usually cheerful face is ashen, and his eyes hold a glint of fear. My pulse quickens. “Nick, what is it?” I ask, keeping my voice monotone for Tessa’s sake. “What? Your mom didn’t tell you?” Nick huffs, out of breath. “Tell us what?” Tessa asks. The worry in her voice tells me she’s already imagining the most catastrophic news. I put a leash on my own imagination. “About the letter the school sent home to all the parents,” Nick says. He hesitates, then looks around to ensure that we’re alone. “By national decree, all families have to choose one of their two children under the age of twenty-five to surrender to the government by the end of the week.” My heart pounds. I wouldn’t believe it, wouldn’t even consider it, if I weren’t hearing it directly from Nick himself. His father is the mayor of this desolate town, so I know Nick wouldn’t waste my time with useless rumors. “What do you mean choose?” Tessa shrieks, and then takes off, bolting for our house, while the harsh truth of our mother’s strange behavior hits me like a train. I thank Nick for the news and take my time getting home. I’ve known for some time that the world has been changing in unimaginable ways, but this seems bleak. What does the government want with us? My mind races as I try to come up with an explanation…and a solution. Somehow, I have to keep our family together. It’s what my dad would want. When I reach home, I find my mother and sister sitting at the kitchen table. Tessa is draped over my mother’s lap, sobbing inconsolably, while my mother just stares blankly into space, pain and horror etched on her face. Her eyes drift toward me as I stand in the doorway. “I didn’t want you to find out like this,” she says. “I didn’t know how to tell you.” A stronger wave of sobs rack Tessa’s slim frame. A lump forms in my throat, but I push past it. “There has to be a way out of this,” I say. “There must be something we can do.” But even as I say it, the words feel hollow and futile. I think of Dad again and wish he was here. He’d know what to do. My mother just looks away. Tessa Jesse and I head back to school the next morning. School halted during the war, so everyone’s a few grades behind, not that it even matters. There are no jobs for our generation, so there’s no pressure to hurry through high school. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t even go to school, but the law requires it. The streets are as eerie and silent as ever, and my sister hardly says a word. I can tell she’s busy trying to think of a plan to save our family. That’s Jess. She always thinks she can fix everything. She should know better by now. This world sucks, and it’s going to keep sucking. We pass the old elementary school again, and I shudder with the creeps. The swing sets, slides, see-saw, jungle gym…it’s all gone. Everything I loved when I was little. Where all this playground equipment once stood, now there are large wooden crates. The construction workers have been replaced by painters who prime the school’s outer walls. I glance nervously at Jess. She just offers me a firm, reassuring smile. Like everything’s going to be okay. I offer a weaker smile in return. The high school yard is abuzz with chatter when we arrive. It seems like everyone knows about the decree. “Did you hear?” one girl whispers to another. “The Buchanan’s tried to run. They didn’t want to give up either of their sons. The police arrested Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and took both boys.” I gasp in horror. When I turn to Jesse, I can tell she heard too, but she refuses to let the determination fade out of her eyes. It’s impossible to focus on my classes, and it’s not only me. As I glance around my first hour, I see students fidgeting and whispering when the Mr. Barris isn’t looking. As he writes on the whiteboard, Mr. Barris sighs mid-sentence. He sets his marker down and turns around. “I’m sure you all know by now that this afternoon, some of you will be taken away,” he says. “I suppose I should also tell you that, after today, this school will close. Those of you who remain will be sent to a new school—a new college of sorts.” My eyes widen. College? Those closed down years ago. I wonder if Jesse’s teacher is telling her the same news. She’s always been a stronger student than me. A guilty feeling nibbles as my conscience as I wonder which one of us our mother will choose to give away. At lunch, we sit with our friends, Nick and Lucas. Nick’s face is greener than usual, like he’s going to be sick. “What’s wrong?” I ask him. Jesse shoots me one of her pitying looks, as if I’ve asked a silly question. Nick’s hand trembles. “My dad told my brother and I his choice this morning,” he says. “He’s keeping Ethan.” Something catches in my throat. Tears blur my eyes. “Nick, I’m so sorry,” my sister says. “This is all so terrible.” Lucas, one of the most handsome guys in school, slides a hand over my sisters. “Jesse, I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promises. A twinge of envy passes through me. Lucas has had a crush on Jesse for as long as I can remember, and she’s not even the one who wants a boyfriend. Jesse says nothing, and I resent her silence. Why is she so distant toward him? I’d be all over him, if only he’d look at me. A terrible thought creeps into my mind, a thought from the darkest corners of my heart, but I can’t help it. I can’t help hoping that mom chooses to give up Jesse and not me.
  9. Ms Jaimie: *the 5’4 brown haired petite math teacher sighed as she handed the tests back to her four worst students” here are your tests girls I must I’m very disappointed looks like it’s summer school again and of course no cheerleading next year but of course this wouldn’t be happening if you four actually bunker down
  10. Chapter One: The Incident The summer sun blazed high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the schoolyard. The air was warm and thick, filled with the sounds of children’s laughter and the distant hum of grasshoppers. The smell of freshly cut grass mingled with the faint aroma of hot asphalt, creating a distinctive scent of summer. The school, a large red-brick building with ivy creeping up its walls, stood as a sentinel overseeing the lively playground below. The distant sound of a teacher’s whistle occasionally pierced through the ambient noise, signalling the end of a game or a call to order. Liam, a tall and lanky 14-year-old, strode confidently across the schoolyard. His unruly hair caught in the warm breeze, giving him a wild, untamed appearance that matched his reputation. He was flanked by his friends, a group of boys who looked up to him as their leader. "Let's show everyone who runs this place," Liam said, his voice loud enough to carry over the noise of the playground. His friends nodded eagerly, their eyes darting around in search of their next target. Liam's gaze settled on Emily, a quiet, bookish girl who was walking passed the old, oak tree in the school grounds making her way towards the school building, her arms laden with books. "Hey, nerd! Where do you think you're going?" Liam jeered, his voice dripping with malice. Emily, a petite girl with straight, chestnut brown hair tied back in a neat ponytail, froze. She wore a simple white blouse and a pair of blue jeans. Her round glasses perched precariously on her nose as she tried to avoid eye contact. She had always been an easy target. Her quiet demeanor, combined with her academic excellence and impeccable behavior, set her apart from the others. "Come on, Emily," Liam called out, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. "Don't you want to hang out with us?" Liam's friends circled around Emily, blocking her path. As they did, the other kids in the playground began to move away, casting wary glances but not daring to intervene. Nobody wanted to risk becoming the next target of Liam and his gang. Emily lacked close friends who might stand up for her, making her even more vulnerable. Some kids looked sympathetic but quickly turned away, while a small group whispered quietly, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and pity. She clutched her books tighter, her knuckles turning white. "P-please, let me go," she stammered, her eyes darting from one face to another, searching for an escape. One of Liam's friends, a stocky boy named Jason, nudged Liam with his elbow. "Go on, show her who's boss." Liam stepped closer, his smirk widening. He began pacing around her, occasionally shoving her books to add to her distress. "What's the rush, huh? Afraid you'll miss a class or something?" he taunted. The other boys laughed, their voices a chorus of mockery. "Yeah, Emily, why are you always such a loner? Think you're better than us or something?" one of them sneered. Emily's heart pounded in her chest. She blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. The warmth of the sun was oppressive, and she felt herself starting to sweat, more from fear than the heat. Why does it always have to be me? she thought desperately. "Look at her, she's gonna cry!" another boy shouted, and the laughter grew louder, more mocking. Emily's vision blurred as the tears began to fall. She tried to speak, to plead with them to stop, but her voice was choked with sobs. Her body trembled, and a deep sense of humiliation and helplessness washed over her. Maybe if I just stay quiet, they'll get bored and leave, she hoped, but her hopes were in vain. "Aw, poor little Emily," Liam crooned, leaning in close and shoving her books harder. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" His words were like poison, each one a dagger aimed at her already fragile self-esteem. Suddenly, Emily felt a warmth spreading down her legs. She looked down in horror to see a dark stain forming on her jeans. The evidence of her complete and utter breakdown. The world seemed to close in around her, the laughter echoing in her ears, growing louder and more malicious. "Oh my God, she peed herself!" Liam howled, pointing at Emily with glee. "What a baby!" Emily's sobs turned into wails as she stood there, paralyzed with shame. Her face burned with humiliation, her tears mingling with the sweat on her cheeks. The boys' laughter reached a fever pitch, their taunts a relentless assault on her dignity. It was at this moment that a stern voice cut through the cacophony. "What on earth is going on here?" Mrs. Thompson, the school's principal, marched towards the group, her expression a mix of shock and fury. Her authoritative stride commanded immediate attention. The boys immediately stopped laughing, their faces draining of color. Liam's confident stance turned rigid with fear. His smirk vanished, replaced by a look of dread. They all turned to face Mrs. Thompson, who had seen enough to understand the gravity of the situation. "Liam, and all of you," Mrs. Thompson said, her voice icy. "My office. Now." Emily was left standing alone, tears streaming down her face as she tried to cover the stain on her jeans with her hands. Mrs. Thompson's eyes softened momentarily as she placed a gentle hand on Emily's shoulder. "It's okay, Emily. Come with me, let's get you cleaned up." As Emily and Mrs. Thompson walked away, the boys trudged towards the school building, knowing that their actions would have serious consequences. Liam's heart pounded in his chest, the reality of his behavior sinking in. The warm summer breeze continued to rustle the leaves of the old oak tree, as if whispering the lessons of the day to anyone who cared to listen.
  11. Tammy was getting ready for work. It didn't take her long, there wasn't a dress code for coming into work. She worked at Ms B's Etiquette Center for Littles. They had their own uniform to put on when the staff gets to work. It paid really good money and was difficult to get hired on there, even after getting the Little and Child care training and the degree that was required. After breakfast Tammy drove to work, it was about a 15 minute drive. She parks and as she walks through the security gate she greets her coworkers she'll be working with and even saying bye to a few already heading home from working the night shift. After walking down the hallway she walks into a large room. There was several stalls with a computer monitor for each one along the walls. Another area had showers, toilets and sinks. Tammy walked up to one of the stalls and scanned her badge and waited for the computer to register her as here and deliver her uniform using a conveyer belt behind the stall. The computers around the room was chirping, signaling the accepted badge scans of her coworkers and the green lights accompanying the chirp. Tammy's computer chirped, but it sounded odd. As she looked at the monitor it showed her work file as usual. It had her name, date started, department she worked, name of immediate supervisor. The part that caught her eye was the red box at the bottom. Inside the red box was a weekly calendar. It had several green check marks on that week, but it had three red Xs on three of the days. The last one was from the day before. It was to keep track of their personal cleanliness, specifically their panties cleanliness when they returned their uniforms each day. Instead of a green light flashing as the other computers did, her's was flashing red. Then a computer voice spoke through speakers in the room. "Tammy Tarrence, age 30. You have failed your third panty check this week. Remove your clothing and stand in the naughty corner till the staff disciplinarian can come deal with you. You have 3 minutes to comply or security will be called." After the voice ended a 3 minute timer began on the screen on the wall. Tammy could here goggling and whispering from my coworkers, but she ignored it as she rushed to get undressed and went to the only corner that didn't have something in it. On the wall in colorful letters it read Staff's Naughty Corner. On the floor was an absorbent pad to protect the floor in case the person in the corner wets themselves. Tammy was pretty sure it was mostly there to add to the humiliation. Which she was now feeling wash over her as her heartbeat slowed down and as she realized how bad things could get.
  12. I have been putting together a guide based on the Diaper Dimension for a while now. Some of it is a little rough and it is by no means complete. As I have been reading the DD stories for far longer than I have been writing this guide, there are many stories that I have missed in putting in here. This will be an on-going process to add these stories and further authors who have contributed to this wonderful setting. When I started writing stories, I realized I wanted to inhabit the worlds others had already created, as they felt real and complex. While I will acknowledge that many of the stories could live in similar but still different dimensions, I noticed several similarities between many of the stories. As such, I have created this guide for anyone to use freely to create their own stories if they ever want to use part of the pre-existing lore. Due to the on-going creation of the DD, I have labeled this story as 'complete,' but as my vanilla job would like to say, it is a 'living' document. For those who don't know, this just means that the document will be submitted as a final form, but may often be updated as new information comes to light. Additionally, while it behooves me to post a link here rather than the actual information, the nature of this guide and the fact that I will still be updating it going forward, means posting it here in its entirety would be a bit of a pain. I may change my mind later, but I hope the link will work for now. https://www.wattpad.com/story/339576633-diaper-dimension-reference-guide *NOTE: Wattpad has since removed my account on there unforunately. I will leave this section up here for now though as a testament to it's original placement though. As before, however, further updates will be done on this page below regardless.
  13. I am reuploading a story I originally found on Wattpad but is no longer available. I am not sure who the author is sorry. Chapter 1 Meeting Lauren Derrick parked his car and walked down the cobblestone path. He was nervous. He had met Lauren on a dating website and had talked to her through video chats for the last couple of months. They shared common interests and would chat online most nights sharing secrets, eventually, they became very close. After feeling comfortable enough, they agreed to meet in person at Lauren's house. As he walked he wondered if his biggest fantasy would come true. He thought about the secret he told her, remembering how difficult it was to say... "I'm a pretty submissive guy, and my next girlfriend would have to spank me,". Derrick had never told anyone about his submissive side and his special need for discipline. He remembered how she giggled through the computer screen and called him a bad boy. After that, it was never spoken of again. The thought of that conversation made the blood go straight to his dick. Did she think it was a joke? Or was she actually into it? He felt butterflies in his stomach as he knocked on the door. It was a yellow house with a big wooden door. He heard footsteps. Lauren answered with a bright welcoming smile. "Hello, Derrick! It's so nice to meet you in person. Come on in!" Derrick smiled nervously and said hello. Lauren was beautiful and fit, with long brown hair. Derrick followed Lauren into the house. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. Derrick couldn't keep his eyes off of her long toned legs. They went into the kitchen and Lauren made some tea. She offered a cup to Derrick, which he immediately thanked her for. They each wanted to know more about each other. Lauren talked about being a successful business owner, and how lucky she had been to succeed at such a young age. Derrick looked up to her as a role model. He was taking part-time classes at the community college, and often struggled with the work. Lauren often encouraged him and helped him with his homework through the video chats. Derrick considered her a caring and supportive friend. After talking in person for awhile, Derrick could feel a special connection growing between them. Derrick was curious to know if this friendship had any chance to progress into something more. After spending so much time with Lauren online, he figured the least he could do was ask. Lauren laughed at him. "You have a chance with me Derrick, but we need to talk about what you're looking for in a relationship. I need you to be completely honest with me because I know you're holding something back, and I think we both know what that is" Derrick froze, and spanking came to mind. He hesitated to respond. After a long silence, Lauren stood up and put her hand on her hip. She had a serious look on her face but talked calmly "Here's the deal, you can talk to me now or this conversation is over. It can't be that hard, you've already told me about it. If you want a relationship with me than you'll have to be honest." Derrick looked at his feet and replied in a soft voice "Are you talking about my secret?" She nodded. "Just tell me what you want Derrick, it's not that difficult." Derricks cock was hard, and his heart was pounding. "If we have a relationship, I would need to be spanked regularly " Lauren giggled at him "Good boy Derrick. Luckily for you, I'm a very open-minded girl. I think we need to agree on how to go about doing this. I think we should write it out so we're both on the same page." Derrick agreed. Chapter 2 The Agreement Lauren returned to the table and sat down. "Okay Derrick, if you need to be spanked like a child than we need to know how and why wouldn't you agree?" Derrick gulped and realized that she wasn't wasting time. He nodded yes to her question. "Good, and while you're being punished you'll call me Miss Lauren, or just Miss. Do you understand? "Yes, Miss." "Good. Now, let's start with some bad behavior that might earn you a spanking. Keep in mind that this list can always be added to over time. I want you to write a list of some of the bad habits that you have. I'll add one now. You told me earlier that you smoke occasionally. From now on, if you smoke, you get spanked. Got it?" Derricks hard on was about to explode. He replied with another "Yes Miss." The sheet of paper was titled: Derrick's Punishment Agreement Under the title, Lauren had written: Behavior that Derrick will be punished for. Derrick began to write. 1. Smoking 2. Drinking too much 3. Being late 4. Being disorganized 5. Putting off homework 6. Bad grades 8. Talking back Derrick handed the list over to Lauren. "I like it so far. I think its a good starting point, although I think I'll add lying to the list. That's something I have absolutely no patience with, and the consequences will be very severe." Derrick agreed, and they continued. "Let's move on to how you'll be punished. I personally think that being over my lap will be the most humiliating for you. It's childish and exposing, and I think it will work perfectly. Does that sound fair?" Derrick was in total shock, Sitting in front of him was his new beautiful girlfriend that was going to spank him and it seemed like she was educated on the matter. He nodded his head and agreed. She was writing the details and talking at the same time. "I'm glad you agree Derrick, and I'm really glad we found each other. I think this relationship is going to flourish." Lauren finished writing and looked up at Derrick. "Now that positioning is out of the way, let's add in the fun stuff. Anytime you get spanked over my lap i'll start with my hand and then use an implement. In some extreme cases, I'll use the implement for the entire spanking. It might be a hairbrush or a paddle. Is that okay with you?" "Yes Miss" "Good, now on to public spankings..." "Public?" Derrick asked in sudden fear. "Hopefully it will never occur, but if we're in public and you misbehave then you can expect to be punished immediately." Derrick grew tense "I think that's a little extreme. People are going to see us!" "Spankings are supposed to be embarrassing Derrick. But I'll make a deal with you. If you're really bad in public, then yes, you will be spanked on the spot. But if its something minor, then I'll spank you in a private bathroom or in the car. Keep in mind that a spanking at home will always follow. Just make sure you're good in public and we shouldn't have a problem. Okay?" Derrick thought about being spanked by his girlfriend in public and it made him cringe, but after a lot of convincing, he agreed to her rule. Lauren reached out and held Derricks' hand. "I'm really happy to have you as my boyfriend. I will be fair and respect you, but if you test me and break these rules, then you can expect a sore ass." Derrick was overcome with excitement and felt so lucky to have Lauren in his life. He smiled at her and she smiled back. "Derrick, is there any other punishment or kink that you need to tell me about? Because now is the time to come clean to me about it. It would be easy to add it into our agreement right now." Derrick said no, but in the back of his mind, there was something else that excited him. He was just too embarrassed to mention it. By the time they had finished the list, it was 11:30. They soon ended up calling it a night. Lauren Walked Derrick to the door, and they made out on the stoop for a while. Lauren told him to call her tomorrow to make plans. Derrick was eager to see her again and happily agreed. As Derrick began to walk away Lauren planted two smacks on his butt and grinned. "Be a good boy Derrick!" Chapter 3 Derrick Breaks a Rule Derrick called Lauren around 1:00 in the afternoon. It was a dark and rainy summer day and she suggested they watch a movie at her place. Derrick agreed and left his apartment with an umbrella in one hand and his keys in the other. On the way he was stopped at a traffic light, his dick was hard. He was thinking of which rule he should break and wanted to know how it felt to be butt naked over Lauren's toned thighs. He wondered what she was wearing today, and what she would use to spank him with. He heard the horn of a driver behind him and realized the light was green. He arrived and knocked on the door. Lauren was happy to see him. They kissed at the door and walked inside. She was wearing tight black sweatpants and a tank top. As they walked through the kitchen Derrick noticed the Punishment Agreement they had worked out last night laying on the counter. Derrick had dreamed of that list and the agreements he made with Lauren. His cock was getting stiff. Lauren had picked out a romantic comedy and told Derrick to put it in the player while she made popcorn. Derrick saw a perfect opportunity to earn his first spanking. When Lauren came back with the popcorn she noticed that he hadn't put the movie in. Derrick stood in the center of the living room with an erection and a smile on his face. "Fuck romantic comedies. I hate them and I'm NOT going to do what you tell me!" Lauren giggled at him. She put the popcorn down on the table and crossed her arms with a very feminine no-nonsense stance. "Somebody wants a spanking huh?" "Yes, Miss." He replied. Lauren studied Derrick for a moment, then walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in close to her. "If a spanking is what you want, then a spanking is what you'll receive. Go into the kitchen and get my wooden spoon out of the drawer by the fridge." Derrick started for the kitchen and felt the sting of three hard smacks to the center of his butt. He looked back to see Lauren grinning at him. When he came back to the living room he found Lauren sitting patiently on the center of the couch. She reached up and grabbed Derrick by his waistband and pulled him in front of her. "Get down on your knees Derrick, we're going to have a little chat first." Derrick did as he was told. As he was kneeling Lauren scooted forward and split her legs, pulling Derrick into her crotch. Derrick felt small compared to Lauren. She put her hands on his hips and began to speak. "You broke one of the rules that we agreed on. Do you remember what happens to little boys that break rules?" Derrick looked up into Lauren's blue eyes and answered. "They get spanked." "That's right Derrick. You've been a very bad boy, and I'm afraid I have no other option but to spank you like a naughty child. Now get up, put the spoon on the table, and lay over my lap." After he put the spoon down he felt Lauren's hand grab his wrist firmly and pull him down over her thighs. "What a childish position for a boy your age to be in. Do you have anything to say to me before we begin?" So many thoughts and emotions were going through Derricks' head at that moment. His dick was pressed up against her thighs, and his butt was in the air. The only thing he could say was that he was sorry. Lauren laughed. "You can give me a proper apology when you're sitting on a freshly spanked butt." She then raised her palm and began smacking his bottom. Derricks pants and undies were still on which absorbed most of the impact, but after about 200 smacks his butt was really starting to warm up. Lauren was taking her time, and making sure Derrick was feeling as naughty and childish as possible. SMACK SMACK SMACK "how does it feel." SMACK SMACK SMACK "To be draped over your girlfriend's lap." SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "For a well-deserved spanking?" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK YOU'VE BEEN A NAUGHTY - SMACK - NAUGHTY - SMACK - LITTLE BOY! - SMACK SMACK SMACK Lauren noticed that while she was spanking and scolding, Derrick was rubbing his hard dick against her thighs. She liked the reaction she was getting from him and continued to spank over his pants. After 3 or 4 more minutes, she stopped and rubbed his bottom. She could feel some heat on his plump cheeks. "Alright naughty pants. Get up and stand in front of me." Derrick complied. Soon he was standing in front of his girlfriend with his erection pointing towards her. Lauren grabbed his waistband and slid his pants down to his ankles and told him to step out. She looked at his tighty whities with a grin. "I like your little boy undies. They really suite you Derrick." She quickly spun him around. She could see some redness beginning to creep in on the sit spots, and without warning, she hiked up Derricks undies into his butt crack. "AHHHH!" Derrick jumped a bit which made Lauren laugh. "Oh yeah, those cheeks are getting pretty red. How do they feel right now Derrick?" Derrick, redder in the face than he was on his butt, responded. "It feels kind of hot, in more ways than one." Lauren smacked him on his bare wedgied butt 5 times in the same spot. "Obviously you still need a lot more. Get your bottom over my lap, Derrick. You're going to be one sorry boy when I'm finished with you." With that, she pulled him down to her strong thighs. Derrick could better feel the curves of her lap without his pants, and he was eager to be placed on her lap without any kind of protection. He felt childish and ridiculous being over her lap wearing tighty whities. Lauren had strong thick legs, which aided in propping his butt higher up and making him feel more exposed. Lauren began to spank after situating him on her thighs. Her rhythm began to pick up. She concentrated on his bare sit spots and gave him breaks by spanking over his childish underwear. Every now and then she would hike up his undies into his butt crack and smack his bare butt a few times. She really liked the effect of the wedgies. After about 6 minutes of undie spanking, his butt was fairly red. Lauren made sure to rub the fact in. "I think we're making progress, but your cock is still hard. You must really like being spanked. You've been taking this very well so far." Derrick began to rub his dick on her lap while she held him in position. It felt like dozens of fire ants were biting at his bottom. He especially felt the burn on his sit spots. He came close to exploding on her lap but she made him stop thrusting just in time. "Alright Derrick, break time's over. It's time to get serious." Lauren grabbed at Derricks waistband. He was expecting another wedgie but instead, she gently pulled them down over his tender butt. The underwear snagged on the tip of his dick and she asked him to lift up for a second so she could correct that. Pretty soon his tighty whities were down to his ankles and he was told to kick them off. Now Derricks dick was in direct contact with Lauren's sweat pant covered thighs. This is a moment Derrick wishes he could stay in for eternity. The feeling of his spanked bare butt propped up by a beautiful women's lap is a feeling that can't be accurately put into words. Derrick felt the cool air of the room on his bottom and listened to Lauren's soft voice. He wanted to cum so badly. He started to gently hump her thighs while she spoke to him. "This is what you get every time you break the rules, Derrick. Now spread your legs." Derrick felt her hand cup the inside of his thigh, pulling his butt cheeks apart. He felt complete exposure. Lauren could see the back of his scrotum and his little butt hole. She stroked his bum for a few seconds while enjoying the view, then started to spank. SWAT SMACK SPANK SLAP SMACK SMACK SMACK Lauren's rhythm was really picking up, and Derrick began to squirm on her lap. The spanking was starting to sink in for Derrick as he realized that she hadn't even touched the wooden spoon yet. His butt was starting to burn, and he jumped a bit every time Lauren's hand landed in the tender areas of his butt crack and thighs. "OUCHHHH! THAT'S STARTING TO STING!" SMACK SMACK SLAP "Oh I know it's starting to sting Derrick. You're squirming around a bit more than before." SMACK SMACK WHACK SLAP "You'll just have to try to take your punishment like a big boy." "LAUREN AWWWW WAIT IM SORRY!" Lauren laughed at his apology. "I guess spankings aren't all about humping my thighs after all, huh Derrick?" Derrick groaned and tried his best to keep himself from crying. Lauren stopped to give him a little break. Derrick felt her reach for the spoon. "Lauren, wait. I've learned my lesson. Do you think this can just be a hand spanking?" Lauren laughed at him. "This is why I like to spank Derrick. I decide when it stops, and I can't think of a good enough reason to let you off my lap. Plus, if you remember our little agreement, I mentioned that every time you're over my lap you get spanked with an implement. In this case, it's a wooden spoon. You should be thankful it's not a hairbrush." "Lauren, please. I'm sorry." Derrick replied in a low pitched and pitiful tone. Derrick felt humiliated and defeated. There was no way out of it. "You should be sorry Derrick. After all, you did ask for this." Derrick buried his face in his arms and waited for the spoon to strike. THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK Lauren brought the spoon down hard, and Derricks' legs began to kick against the couch. She held him firmly. "You're not getting out of this Derrick. This is a part of your life now and you need to accept that." By now Derricks dick was getting soft, which increased his embarrassment. He knew that Lauren had noticed. She had him right where she wanted. THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK THWACK "AWWWW STOP IT! PLEEEAAASSSEEE!" Derrick kicked and squirmed violently. Lauren ignored him. And after about 5 minutes of non-stop and fast-paced spanking with the wooden spoon, she could hear him break down into a sobbing mess. She continued a couple minutes longer, making sure that he knew who was boss. When she stopped he lay motionless with his face buried in his arms. He was sobbing and breathing heavily. Lauren stroked his back and rubbed his tender bottom. "I think we're done now, Derrick. I'm not going to lie and tell you I didn't enjoy spanking you, I actually can't wait for you to break another rule." Lauren helped him off of her lap and told him to sit on her knee. He winced and sobbed as his sore butt made contact with her left thigh. She held him close in her arms like a mother would to a little child. "I care about you so much Derrick, but I DO NOT mess around when it comes to punishment. I hope you keep that in mind the next time you decide to misbehave." Derrick held onto his girlfriend and told her how sorry he was about the DVD. She meant so much to him. "I know you didn't mean to insult me earlier Derrick, you were just curious. As a matter of fact, I was expecting that to happen today. I had to be hard on you in order to get my point across. I spank hard Derrick, but it all pays off in the end. You'll see. After their heart to heart, Derrick was told to stand up and put the movie in. This time he didn't dare give her attitude. He asked if he could put his pants back on, Lauren said no. "I want to see that red butt of yours for the rest of the day, mister!" Chapter 4 Secrets Worth Telling Derrick had ended up sleeping over at Lauren's house. He awoke on the same couch he was punished on the day before. Lauren was sitting next to him watching tv. Derrick noticed that he was still butt naked from the waist down. She giggled and told him how cute he was as he slept. Derrick was still in a sleepy morning daze, but Lauren pinched his sore butt which immediately woke him up. The sting brought back the memory of sobbing over her lap. "How's that bottom of yours feeling Derrick?" "It still hurts the same as it did last night" Lauren kissed him on the forehead "Let's try to put that behind us. We should go out and have some fun today. Plus I need to run some errands." "Where do you want to go?" he replied while rubbing his tired eyes. "Well, I need to stop at the grocery store, and afterward you can pick a place to eat." Derrick agreed. Lauren insisted on driving. It was a humid day, so Lauren decided to change into some tight jean shorts and a red tank top. On the way out of the house, Derrick noticed Lauren putting a plastic hairbrush into her purse. "Just in case!" she said with a wink. Derrick blushed. As Derrick climbed into the car and sat down on the hot leather, he let out a moan. Lauren smiled at him and turned the key. "You can probably expect that to burn for a few more days!" Derrick thought about his punishment. He was starting to like the fact that his butt was bruised and red while Lauren's curvy butt was pain-free. The psychology of being spanked by her was really starting to kick in. He knew that whenever Lauren glanced at his butt, she would think of the spanking she delivered the day before. Lauren noticed the discomfort on his face as they walked through the parking lot and into the grocery store. She smiled at him and held his hand. Lauren got a cart from the cart bay and told Derrick to push while she got the groceries. She walked ahead of Derrick. His eyes were fixed on her round and curvy butt the whole time. The way it swayed and bounced painlessly from side to side teased him. He thought of her butt sitting on the couch while she held him over her lap. Then he felt the sharp pain of his own butt as he walked with her. He was starting to get horny. Lauren took her time shopping. She was in no rush and was having a great time with Derrick. Lauren was about to head to the register when she remembered the wooden hairbrush she wanted to buy for Derrick. While in the hairbrush isle Lauren asked which one he liked best. Derrick gulped and looked down at the ground. "Derrick, when I ask you something I expect you to respond to me. Don't make me have to ask you again. You'll be in big trouble young man." Derrick looked up and responded, fearing a spanking in the middle of the store." Maybe that one." He said, pointing at a medium-sized wooden brush. Lauren picked it up and smacked it against her palm a couple times. "Good choice Derrick now let's go ea. I'm starving." While walking to the registers they passed through the baby section. Lauren took the chance to embarrass Derrick and have a little fun with him. Lauren said with a laugh "You might still be getting spanked like a little boy Derrick, but at least you're not back in diapers like a little baby!" Derrick was stunned. He knew that she was joking, but the fact that she just said that aloud in the middle of the grocery store made his face turn a deep red. He felt his penis stiffen in his pants. Thankfully nobody was in the aisle with them. "Lauren! somebody could have heard that!" "That's the point, Derrick. Lighten up, it was a joke!" The couple had a perfect day. After stopping at home to unload the groceries, they ended up going to a local sandwich place. Later they stopped to get ice cream. Derrick kept thinking about what Lauren had said in the baby section of the store. He had pictured Lauren changing him into a diaper, and for some reason, the thought of it really excited him. Maybe it was the way Lauren had said it. The thought of her doing something that childish to him made his cock hard. He knew that he couldn't let the opportunity to ask her about it pass by. Plus, not being honest with Lauren about his feelings would certainly earn him another spanking. The two of them were sitting on a hill in the park eating ice cream when Derrick finally built up the courage to say something about it. "Hey Lauren, I wanted to ask you something." Lauren looked into his eyes "Sure Derrick, go ahead." "It has to do with what you said in the store today. I- " Lauren interrupted "I'm sorry for embarrassing you, Derrick. I know I crossed a boundary, I just wanted to have some fun. I'll respect your privacy next time. You were so good for me today." "It's okay, I'm not mad about it. I've just been thinking about when you mentioned the diapers and-" "What about the diapers Derrick?" Derrick hesitated "I guess I want to see how they feel. Ever since you brought them up I've been curious about it." Lauren stared into his eyes, and then looked down at his crotch. She pictured what it would look like to see her adult boyfriends dick wrapped up in a thick diaper. The thought made her smile. "Derrick, I was joking about that at first, but now that you bring it up it actually sounds kind of fun. Just keep in mind that diapers would be used as punishment, and we'll have to add it to the agreement. It's too bad you didn't tell me at the store, we could have picked up some supplies." "I know." he said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I wanted to be honest but it was such a hard and embarrassing thing to tell you. Are you going to spank me again?" Lauren wrapped her arms around him "I won't spank you for this Derrick. It's okay to be curious about something. It would be a different story if you had kept this from me from the beginning, while we were writing our agreement. Plus, it's not every day that you ask your girlfriend to put you back into diapers. I just want you to be sure about this." Derrick was excited and knew he wanted to try it. "Thanks for understanding Lauren, I really want to try them." his face was red. "I'm always here for you Derrick. We should hit the store on the way home and pick up some supplies." Chapter 5 A New Kind Of Punishment The next day Lauren and Derrick sat across from each other in the kitchen. On the table lay the Punishment Agreement, a big package of adult disposable diapers, wipes, baby powder and Lauren's brand 'spankin' new hairbrush. "Alright Derrick, I did some research after you left last night and I came up with how diapering can be incorporated into our agreement, so hear me out. You'll only be diapered when you break my strictest rules. For example, smoking and bad grades are very naughty rules to break in my book. The consequences for those will be a spanking per day, and you'll be diapered 24/7. Lying is also a diapering offense, understood?" "Yes, Miss." Derrick was looking her up and down. Lauren looked hot today. She wore a little black skirt and a tight fitting white collared shirt that was buttoned down half way and rolled up at the sleeves. "As for the duration of the diaper punishment, I was thinking of starting out at 3 days for each rule you break." This will give you plenty of time to use your diapers. If you break two of my stricter rules then you'll be in diapers for 6 days, and you'll be spanked on each of those days. However, if you break all three of my strictest rules within a week, then you'll be on diaper punishment for a full 30 days. Do you understand?" Derrick agreed. He couldn't stop staring at the super thick disposables on the table. His curiosity was getting the best of him. "While being diaper punished, you will be expected to wear them in public. If I have to spank you in public, then your pants are coming down for it." Derrick snapped out of his daze, "But Lauren, I don't want anybody to see me in a diaper. Can't this be between you and me?" Lauren laughed "No Derrick, just because you're wearing a diaper doesn't mean you're exempt from public bare butt spankings. If anything, you deserve it more. Don't worry. Like I said before, make sure you behave in public and we shouldn't have a problem." "Yes, Miss." "Good boy. I can't think of much else to add... Oh wait, there is one more thing. While you're in the house you're not allowed to wear pants. Only diapers and a t-shirt." That wasn't a huge problem for Derrick, so he agreed. Lauren took his hand in hers. "This is a humiliating punishment Derrick, it makes spanking look like child's play when it comes to humiliation. Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this?" Derrick was sure of it. He just had to remind himself to stay on his very best behavior in public. "It sounds fair." he replied in a low pitched tone. Lauren noticed that something was wrong. Derrick looked guilty, so she asked what the problem was. Derrick looked down at the table and answered. "Do you remember the day when we started this agreement, and you asked me if there was anything else that I wanted to add?" Lauren looked at him with troubled eyes. "Yes, and if I remember correctly you said no. Is there something you want to tell me, Derrick?" "I may have wanted to add something after all. It's not another bad habit. It's another punishment that I've been curious about. I don't know why I didn't tell you. Maybe I was embarrassed." Derrick knew he had put himself on the spot. In fact, he did it on purpose so he could try the diapers. Lauren's eyes grew angry. "So you lied about not wanting to add something to the list, and now you're suddenly telling me out of nowhere? I respect that you're coming clean with me, but a lie is a lie, Derrick. Now, what is it you wanted to add?" Derrick hesitated and choked up a bit. He didn't mean to make Lauren this angry. "I.. I guess I want you to start washing my mouth out with soap. It's just so childish and oddly appealing to me. I didn't mean to- " "Say no more Derrick," Lauren said as she added the new punishment to the agreement. "I am so pissed at you for keeping something like that from me. You lied to me while we were writing the agreement, and now you're asking for a favor. All I want is for you to trust me, Derrick. You really hurt my feelings." Derrick was silent as Lauren's angry eyes pierced through him. After taking a moment to think, Lauren took a deep breath and stood up from the table. She suddenly grabbed Derricks wrist and pulled him off of his chair. She began marching him to the kitchen sink. "Well Derrick, since lying is a strict rule of mine, I think I'm going to go ahead and punish you with diapers. Your diaper punishment starts effective immediately. You'll be diapered 24/7 for the next three days, and spanked every night. I've also decided to soap your mouth right now since you're so curious about it. You're going to be one very sorry little boy." Chapter 6 Triple Dose Lauren hiked up her skirt and grabbed Derrick by the wrist. She pulled him towards her right side. Derrick was caught off guard as he felt a strong tug, causing him to trip over her right thigh, thus landing him face down over her bare lap. He tried to wiggle and adjust. He could feel her bare legs split to stabilize and balance him. Lauren made sure that his dick rested on her right thigh, while her left thigh supported his upper body. She then reached between his legs to expose his scrotum. Throughout the spanking Lauren would make sure that his feet were always dangling, never touching the ground. Lauren took notice to how red and sore his bottom was from his last spanking. "Your butt holds a nice tone Derrick, I can't believe that after two full days it's still bright red." The hairbrush came down hitting each cheek and then the center of his butt crack. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Lauren covered his butt with hairbrush welts and repeatedly reminded him to scoot further up on her knees, stick his butt out, and spread his cheeks more. She knew that reminding him of these things was humiliating, which boosted the effectiveness of the punishment. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Derrick screamed through the bar of soap. He had never felt pain like this before. He knew that Lauren would not let up. He was helpless. "Get those feet off the floor Derrick! you can kick all you want but those legs should be dangling." Derrick kicked and bucked as she spanked each sit spot 200 times with a fast-paced rhythm. His butt started out bright red, but now it was bruised and purple. "Alright Derrick, spread your legs real wide so I can spank the tender spots, and then its diaper time." He did as he was told and spread his legs far and wide. He jumped and yelped as she spanked his anus and inner thighs. This continued for three minutes before she stopped. Derrick was stretched out across Lauren's lap screaming and kicking like a four-year-old even after she stopped spanking. His bottom was a deep shade of purple and red. Lauren held him tightly until he calmed down, and then asked if he was ready for diaper time. Derrick said "yes Miss." with tears in his eyes. Lauren let him up and told him to rinse his mouth out. While Derrick was at the sink tending to his soapy mouth, she sat in her chair and admired her work. "That is one sore butt you've got there Derrick. Just remember that I'll be spanking you for the next three nights before bedtime as part of your diaper punishment." Derrick sniffled and splashed handfuls of water into his mouth. Lauren laughed and told him he had 3 minutes to collect himself while she got his diaper ready. "If you're late, then you're going right back over my lap mister!" Lauren stood up from her chair and strutted over to the kitchen table. She stacked the powder and the wipes on top of the big package of diapers and then went into the bathroom to get some lotion. She carried everything into the living room and placed it on the floor. "You've got about two minutes Derrick." Lauren was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a big diaper in one hand, and the hairbrush in the other. "Alright, times up. If you're not over here in 5 seconds then I'm spanking your thighs." Derrick ran across the kitchen, barely making it in time. He stood in front of her with an erection and a very sore bottom. Lauren patted the towel that she had laid out in front of her and told him to lay down. When Derrick sat Lauren could see the pain in his eyes the moment his butt made contact with the towel. "Shouldn't have been so naughty Derrick." Derrick blushed and laid down on his back, his knees were slightly parted, but Lauren grabbed his legs and spread them out, revealing everything. She scooted in closer between his spread out legs and looked into his eyes. "During your diaper changes, you will put your hands on your head. If you try to interrupt anything then I'll smack your butt with the hairbrush, and I have a feeling you don't want me to do that anymore." Derrick agreed. Lauren put the diaper aside and squeezed a big glob of lotion into her hand. "This is going to be cold, but it'll feel good. Especially on your backside." Lauren began to rub the lotion onto Derricks legs and moved in closer to his crotch. She massaged his balls and began running her lotion covered hand up and down his shaft. She could tell Derrick was enjoying this, and she was enjoying it too. But she had to remind herself that this was for punishment and not for pleasure. Lauren looked him in the eyes. "Being diapered like this really says a lot about the state of your maturity Derrick. When you're in diapers for the next three days I want you to think long and hard about the consequences that come with your actions. Apparently, you need a little more motivation than going over my lap for a spanking." Lauren covered Derricks entire crotch with lotion and ordered him to flip over to his stomach. He obeyed and laid there quietly while she spoke. "Spread those cheeks, Derrick." She squirted the lotion directly on his bruised bottom. Derrick jumped a bit from the cold but was corrected with a firm smack to his thigh. "No squirming Derrick or I swear I'll put you back over my lap." Lauren rubbed the lotion all over his purple cheeks and into his ass crack. When she finished, he was ordered to flip over again. "Alright Derrick, its the moment you've been waiting for... diaper time! Now lift your bottom up high." Lauren slid the diaper under him. Then she lifted his legs and coated his crotch and butt with clouds of baby powder. "You are going to look adorable in your new underwear sweetie." Lauren let his legs down and grabbed the front of the diaper, pulling it over his dick. "Here we go!" Lauren cheered as she brought it up to his waist. She held it there and taped one side of the diaper after the other. After the tapes fastened, she made sure everything was tucked in around the legs and crotch. Lauren Patted the front of the diaper "All done baby, how does it feel?" Derrick was helped up to his feet. He walked with an awkward waddle, and his spanked butt was still showing a bit where the diaper ended near the sit spots. "It's so thick, I'm going to burn up with this on." Lauren laughed "That spanked bottom of yours probably doesn't help too much when it comes to the heat, but I guess you shouldn't have disobeyed me in the first place" Derricks erection pressed against the diaper, he looked ridiculous, and he felt like a well-punished toddler. Lauren hugged him. "I hope you learned your lesson. Now, let's go to bed, boys in diapers shouldn't be up this late." Derrick climbed the stairs while Lauren followed, playfully smacking his diapered bottom all the way up to the bedroom. Chapter 7 Humiliation At The Mall Derrick woke to a loud smack on his diapered butt. "Time to wake up Derrick, it's day one of your diaper punishment! " Lauren was brushing her teeth and sat down next to him on the bed. "We're going shopping today, so get ready" "Yes, Miss" Derrick rubbed his eyes and felt the aftermath of his punishment from last night. Derrick was having a hard time as he tried to rub his sore butt through the diaper. He knew he would be fussing with it all day. The soap taste was also present, and it was drying out his mouth and throat. Lauren watched him as he tried to rub his sore diapered butt. She could see the bruising on his sit spots and thighs. "Don't forget about our agreement Derrick. You can expect a spanking every night before bed for the next three nights." Derrick sat up in bed "Lauren, can I take the diaper off for a while? It feels like thousands of pins are stabbing me on the butt, and I'm sweating like crazy down there." Lauren laughed at his request "No Derrick if you hadn't lied to my face than you wouldn't be strapped into that diaper with a spanked bum in the first place. Being uncomfortable in your diapers is a huge part of this punishment. The only time that I'll remove that diaper is when you're in desperate need of a spanking or a changing. If you try to take it off yourself, then you'll be spanked." Derrick groaned, he realized that he may have underestimated the effect of the diaper punishment. He knew now that he would have to go out in public today with the hot bulk between his legs and the soreness of his butt. He was not looking forward to it. Lauren stood up. "Put your pants on Derrick, we're going to the mall." Derrick got out of bed and slid his pants on. He walked downstairs and found Lauren in the kitchen putting a few diapers and the hairbrush in her purse. Lauren looked up at him "The mall is pretty far away Derrick, if you have an accident then I'll need to change you there. As for the hairbrush, well, that's pretty self-explanatory at this point." She slung the purse over her shoulder and grabbed her keys. "Come on Derrick, hop in the car." Derrick followed Lauren out to her car. The diaper made his butt stick out, and he walked with a slight waddle. Lauren was about to close the door when she suddenly remembered something. "Oops Derrick, I almost forgot your baby powder." She grabbed it off of the living room floor and placed it in her purse. "Alright, I think we're all ready to go." On the way to the mall, Lauren and Derrick talked and listened to the radio. Derrick brought up his living situation and mentioned that his lease would be up soon and he would have to find a new place to live. Lauren asked if he had found a place that he could afford. "Not yet, most of the places are taken, so I'll have to keep looking. Lauren thought for a while, and then told Derrick that he could stay at her place if he doesn't find something in time. "If you end up moving in, you would be paying me with chores and tasks that I assign around the house." Derrick thanked her for the offer and kissed her on the cheek. The mall parking lot looked empty as they approached. Derrick was nervous and Lauren could tell. She secretly wanted Derrick to misbehave so she could spank him in public. They walked through the sliding doors and into the food court. Lauren held derricks hand "Okay little one, I need you to hold my hand at all times so you don't get lost. Okay?" Derrick looked up at her and nodded, he felt like a child, but the diapers made him feel like a toddler. The two made their way through the mall holding hands. Lauren made the occasional joke about stopping in a toddler store and playing on the jungle gym. Derrick was red in the face. He knew the diaper wasn't very noticeable under his sweats, but the bulk between his legs and the occasional crinkle made him paranoid. Lauren and Derrick found themselves in a large department store about an hour into their shopping spree. Lauren hadn't let go of Derricks' hand all day and his patience was running thin. Lauren was looking at a long red dress when Derrick asked her how long they were going to shop. Lauren started looking at another dress and pulled Derrick along by the hand "Why baby? did you use your diapers like a good boy? Or are you just bored?" She could tell that he was finicky, and she was prepared to make this day as long as possible to bring out his naughty side in public. Her plan was working. Derrick rolled his eyes "We've been here for an hour and you haven't even bought anything!" Lauren glared into Derricks eyes and suddenly yanked at his wrist. He fell forward a bit and felt 3 hard smacks hit the center of his diapered bum. Derrick was shocked. He looked around the store to see if anybody heard the ordeal, luckily nobody was around. Lauren grabbed him by the chin and looked him in the eyes. "Derrick, if I hear you raise your voice to me one more time, I'll spank that diaper all the way back to the car. Do you understand me?" Derrick saw the seriousness in her eyes, and replied with a simple "yes Miss." Her eyes were still on his, and his dick was hard from the unexpected smacks to his rear. He couldn't believe it, but he wanted Lauren to spank him right there and now. Lauren still held his chin in her hand "Is that all Derrick? Just yes Miss? No apology?" Derrick looked away from her, he knew this was his chance. "I'm sorry Miss, can you please spank me in the store?" Lauren's eyes lit up, she was taken aback and surprised at Derricks request. Derrick noticed the smile on her face, he knew that this was what she wanted all along. "Wow Derrick, you must REALLY love to be spanked. Of course, I'll smack your bottom in the store!" She grabbed Derrick by the wrist and took a look around the huge store. She didn't want to draw a huge crowd, but one or two people wouldn't hurt. The shoe section was empty so she led Derrick through the store while smacking his bum. They arrived and Lauren quickly found a long bench that customers use to try on shoes. The bench was in the corner of the shoe department and was positioned in a way that allowed her to see every angle of the store. She sat down in the center of the padded bench. "Derrick, you have been such a bad boy today." Lauren released his wrist and quickly pulled his pants down to his ankles. Derricks white disposable diaper was exposed to the store, he immediately crouched behind the low shoe aisle. Lauren laughed and looked around the store "Come on Derrick, I don't see anybody yet, now get that diapered bottom over my lap!" She reached out and grabbed his hand and pulled him next to her, then slung him over her thighs. Derrick glanced back to see his white diapered bottom perched up on her knees. Lauren leaned in so he could see her face. "I'm surprised Derrick, it takes some balls to ask to be spanked in public. Especially during your diaper punishment!" Lauren grabbed a hold of Derricks diapered hip and swung with her strong arm, making sure the smacking of his diaper could be heard from across the store. "NAUGHTY NAUGHTY BOY!!" SWAT SWAT PLAT SMACK SMACK SMACK SLAP SMACK The diaper provided a lot of protection to Derricks buns, but the loudness of the smacks made him worry. Somebody must have heard the loud smacks. Lauren stopped after delivering 15 loud smacks to his diaper. She saw a young employee poke her head around the corner with a confused look on her face. She couldn't see Derrick yet because the shoe aisle was blocking her view, and she was still pretty far from where they were. Lauren looked down at Derricks diapered butt and felt pity "Alright Derrick, I'll make it quick for you." The employee started walking towards them as Lauren quickly pulled the diaper down just below his bottom. "There's an employee walking towards us so I'll only give you 20 with the brush." Lauren quickly reached into her purse and pulled out the wooden brush, she held Derrick tight. Lauren quickly paddled his bare butt one cheek after the other. As she spanked she continuously looked up at the approaching employee. She was getting closer. Derrick tried his best to stay quiet as the brushing was nearing an end. He kicked and squirmed as Lauren gave the 20th smack. Lauren quickly pulled up the diaper and yanked his sweatpants up but she wasn't quick enough. "IS HE IN DIAPERS? ARE YOU SPANKING HIM? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Derrick tried to leap off of Lauren's lap but she held him down on her knees. Lauren stroked is bottom while she spoke to the employee. "Hi, I'm Lauren and this is my boyfriend Derrick. You might be wondering why a grown man is being spanked in your department store." The employee's name is Jill, she has blonde hair and a strong feminine build similar to Lauren's. "I just heard the sound but I wasn't expecting this!" Derrick buried his face in the cushion of the bench, he couldn't believe Lauren was speaking to an employee while he lay sprawled out across her thighs with his diapered butt in the air. Lauren placed her arm on the back of Derricks thighs, she could tell Jill was amused. "I'm sorry for the surprise, my boyfriend was in desperate need of a spanking. I hope this won't cause any problems." Jills eyes were fixated on Derricks' bottom. "Does he wear diapers?" Lauren Laughed and patted Derricks Diapered bum. "Yep, Derrick is on diaper punishment for the next three days. Believe it or not, he asked for all of this!" Jill giggled and tried to keep a straight face. She looked around the store and then focused on Derricks upturned bottom. "Can I see them?" Derrick squirmed and resisted a bit after hearing the request but Lauren was quick to spank in order to calm him down. SMACK SMACK SMACK "stop squirming Derrick" SMACK SMACK "there's nothing you can do about it!" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "now to answer your question Jill...of course you can see them!" Lauren pulled down the sweatpants to reveal the thick diaper. Jill noticed that it had been indented from Lauren's firm hand. Lauren continued to pull at the pants revealing his bright red thighs. Jill started cracking up. "OHHH NOO somebody's been up to no good! Did the wittle baby get a pankin?" The girls laughed as Derrick wiggled and tried to free himself. Lauren pressed him firmly down against her lap. "Stop your fussing Derrick." Jill laughed, she couldn't believe her eyes. "Well... I'm opening the store today and I'll be the only one in this department for the next hour. You can finish spanking him if you'd like, but I'll need to close this wing down while you do it." Lauren smiled and thanked Jill for not making a big deal out of Derricks situation. "You can stay and watch if you want. I think the punishment would be more effective if you stayed. We'll wait for you while you close up the wing." "Sounds like a plan!" Jill smiled and ran to close off the entrance to the store. Chapter 8 Lauren Makes A Friend Jill came back and sat down on a neighboring bench. She had a great view of Derricks propped up tushy. His bottom felt warm and tingly from the 20 smacks with the brush, and the diaper was snug against his cock from when Lauren hiked it up. He soon developed an erection against Lauren's lap. Derrick was bright red in the face. He felt Lauren begin to lightly spank over his diaper while engaging in small talk with Jill. The two were becoming great friends. Lauren chose to spank lightly in order to humiliate Derrick even further. The idea was to put extra emphasis on the diaper that he wore and the sound that it made from the mild pats of her palm. PAT PAT PAT PAT "Yep, Derrick and I have a written agreement." TAP TAP TAP When we first started dating he mentioned his need to be spanked" PAT PAT PAT "I think he's starting to learn a thing or two from me." TAP TAP..... SMACK! OOOUCH! Derrick yelps. Lauren surprised him with a hard swat to his bare sit spot. "Sorry to break the conversation like that Jill, but Derrick was starting to grind his dick against my lap." Jill watched with fascination as she noticed Derrick hump Lauren's legs. "Does he ever cum on your knees?" "No, but he's gotten close. He hasn't been a good enough boy for me to let him cum on my lap. Maybe if he's a good enough boy during this spanking I'll let him cum on me at the end." Derrick was excited and tried his best to be good. He felt Lauren's weight shift as she reached for the brush. "Okay, Derrick, no more light pats to your diaper." Derrick felt her gently push him off of her knees. "Let's bare that butt!" Derrick slid off and landed on all fours, his pants were at his knees. "Say hi to our new friend Derrick. Look her in the eyes and shake her hand." Derrick turned and shook Jill's hand. His boner grew when he realized how pretty she was. Her long blonde hair ran down her shoulders and she had big blues eyes and a friendly face. "Nice to meet you diaper boy," she says to him with a grin. "I would love to chat but it looks like Lauren wants to bare that butt of yours!" Lauren pulls Derrick between her thighs and brings him in close. "Let's get this diaper off shall we?" Derricks face is bright red as he kneels in front of his girlfriend. "Put your hands on your head, just like during a diaper change" Lauren begins to untape the front tabs when Derrick suddenly reaches down. "No! She'll see me! Cant you take them off while I'm on your lap? PLEASE!" Jill giggled at the sight. Lauren grabbed his hand and put it back on top of his head. "Absolutely not Derrick. Frontal nudity is part of your punishment and you'll learn to accept that. If you act out again then you can forget about cumming on my lap later. Do you understand me?" Derrick looked down helplessly at his thick and nearly unfastened diaper. "I'm sorry Miss, I won't act up again." Lauren rubbed his hips "Good boy." Jill smirked and stared. "I can't believe he's embarrassed at the thought of me seeing him naked. I've already seen you get spanked in a DIAPER Derrick!" The girls laughed as Lauren untaped the last tab. She pulled the diaper out from between his legs. "There you go baby, fresh air at last. How does it feel?" "Good Miss." Jill looked up and down at the dark red blotches that covered his bottom and thighs. She then noticed his very erect penis pointing straight up at Lauren. She squeezed her thighs together, resisting the urge to touch herself. "Alright Derrick, you know the drill. Get over my lap, don't make me pull you across." Derrick climbed up onto the bench and planted his naked body on her lap. Lauren reached between his legs and pulled his cheeks apart. Jills eyes widened as she had a full view of the back Derricks balls resting on Lauren's right thigh. Lauren grabbed at Derricks' waist and started to spank. His cheeks bounced and waddled as the sound of the smacking filled the store. Lauren wound up with the brush and brought it down hard on his tender bottom. "Derrick you have been such a naughty little brat today" SMACK SMACK SMACK "that bottom will be a deep crimson by the time I'm done with it!" SMACK SMACK Her intensity picked up as she spanked his naked bottom. Derrick moaned and whimpered and tried to keep his composure in front of Jill. Jill was consumed by Derricks bouncing and upturned bottom. She had never witnessed a spanking before and was amazed at how red Lauren was making his cheeks. She suddenly pictured Derrick laying over her own lap as he squirmed and rubbed his dick against her legs. Lauren noticed her curiosity. "So Jill, I was thinking you could come over to my house sometime" SMACK SMACK SMACK "Derrick and I would love to have you over for dinner." SMACK SMACK "I would love to, hopefully, Derrick can behave himself while I'm visiting. I'm sure he doesn't like people watching as he gets punished!" SMACK SMACK SMACK Lauren slowed down the pace a bit as she spoke "If you come over within the next two days he'll be spanked no matter how well he behaves. That's the glory of his diaper punishment, I get to spank him every night before bed." SMACK SMACK Derricks legs kicked and wiggled, Lauren could tell he was in a lot of pain. "Alright, Derrick, just a few more smacks and then we're all done." Lauren ended with four hard spanks to Derricks sit spots. Derrick yelped and twisted on her knees. Jill sat and looked approvingly at Lauren's work "Wow, that looks like one sorry bottom you've got there Derrick. It's amazing how Lauren manages to smack the inside of your butt crack so well, she really knows what she's doing!" Lauren dropped the hairbrush into the bag and held her naughty boy in position. "The areas around the anus and inner thighs really make him jump." Lauren rubbed his soreness and ran her finger over his anus. "Okay Derrick, since you were so good during your spanking I'll let you cum on my lap, but no cumming on my jeans, I don't want you ruining them." Lauren let Derrick off her knees. Derrick got up and sat next to Lauren while she undid her belt and slid her tight jeans down to her knees. Derrick looked down at Lauren's bare lap, she was wearing bright pink panties. Derrick was about to explode. "The only reason I'm taking these off for you right now is because Jill closed the wing to the store. If customers were walking around then you wouldn't be so lucky. Why don't you thank her." Derrick looked over at Jill. Her zipper was undone and her hand was rubbing her clit. His jaw dropped as he stared at her crotch. Lauren smacked the top of his thigh with her belt to gain his attention. "What's wrong Derrick? You've never seen a lady touch herself?" Derrick straightened up and thanked Jill for closing the store. Jill gazed at Lauren as she pressed her bare thighs together and made a nice sturdy platform for Derrick. "Lay across." Lauren took his hand and gently guided Derrick over her bare lap. He thought of her panty covered vagina just centimeters away from his hard cock. He began rubbing up and down against her thighs as she held him in place. He felt Lauren smear some lotion on his burning red butt. "I may as well lotion your bottom while I have you on my knees, and we still need to change you into a fresh diaper." Lauren messaged his naked fanny and could feel his hardness rubbing against her legs. Lauren looked over and saw Jill gaze at Derrick as he humped her lap. She was still playing with herself. Lauren held him as he made his final thrusts. She felt Derricks cum spurt out and drip between her thighs. Derrick was breathing heavily, he lay limp and motionless. Just seconds after Derrick climaxed, Jill let out a high pitched moan. "Good boy Derrick. Did that feel good against my legs?" Derrick nodded and tried to catch his breath. "I think our new friend Jill is feeling pretty good too!" Jill smiled and turned red. "Sorry, I couldn't resist" Lauren laughed and told her it was okay. Lauren helped him up and cleaned off her messy lap. "Okay Derrick, we need to get you changed" Jill zipped up her pants and stood up. "There's a table he can lay on in the dressing room, follow me." Lauren stood and slowly pulled her jeans up over her curvy round ass. Derrick watched as the center seam of her skin-tight jeans hiked up into her butt crack as she pulled at the belt loops. Lauren looked back at him with a disapproving look. She slung the bag of supplies over her shoulder. "It's time to get changed Derrick, I don't want any problems from you." Derrick stood up and was dragged butt naked around the corner to the dressing rooms. They passed a set of mirrors and Derrick caught a glimpse of his bruised and welted backside. Jill led them to a large table with clothes piled on top. "There should be plenty of space to change him in here. The table is meant for folding clothes but I think it would be perfect for him to lay down on." Lauren led Derrick to the corner and helped Jill clear off the clothes. "Thanks again for your help, this table will work nicely." The girls cleared away the clothes as Derrick waited with his nose in the corner. "Okay Derrick, we're ready for you" Derrick turned around. The table was cleared off and a large beach towel lay spread out on top. Lauren stood on one side and Jill stood on the other. Lauren had stacked two diapers on the table and placed the powder and the wipes next to them. "Hop up on the table Derrick." Derrick sat on the table and slid his sore butt onto the towel. Lauren placed her hand on his chest while her other hand supported the back of his neck. She gently guided his head down to the table and gave him a kiss. "Are you ready for your diapers Derrick?" His face was red and looked over at Jill. She was standing over him looking over his naked body. "Does she have to be here for this?" Lauren looked him in the eyes. "Yes Derrick, and I might let her help if you don't start behaving yourself." Derrick whined. "Fine, I'm sorry Miss" Lauren opened the lotion and began rubbing derricks crotch. "Spread your legs a bit more baby, I need to get all of those creases." Jill watched as Lauren coated Derricks privates with gobs of lotion. His legs were spread out wide and his hands were on his head. She noticed that his dick was getting hard again. After the lotion, Lauren lifted Derricks' legs and coated his spanked bottom with baby powder. Jill sat on the table next to Derricks' head and watched as the powder covered his bottom and penis. After the powder was rubbed in, Lauren unfolded the diaper and placed it under Derricks' bum. "I'm going to double diaper you today because you've been such a brat!" Lauren lifted the diaper over Derricks erect penis and taped the sides snug. After the second diaper was fastened Derrick was told to stand up. Lauren helped him put his sweats back on and smacked his butt one last time for good measure. Lauren and Jill exchanged phone numbers as they were leaving the store. Derrick couldn't help but to feel excited for Jills visit to the house. Although his spankings hurt and the diapers are humiliating and hot, he knew that he was in love with his new girlfriend. Chapter 9 Dinner At Lauren's Jill pulled up to Lauren's yellow house and walked down the cobblestone road just as Derrick had done not long ago. The sun was just going down as she knocked on the door. It was just yesterday that she had witnessed Derricks humiliating diaper punishment at the mall. She felt that Lauren had opened up a new door full of exciting opportunities. She was surprised at how horny she had become while watching Lauren smack Derricks bottom. There was something about seeing a grown man propped up across a female lap that made her want to touch herself. Ever since the day at the mall she has been wanting to spank a naughty boy of her own. And who could forget the diapers? Having the power to keep a grown boy wrapped up in a thick baby-like disposable diaper made Jill curious and all the more horny. She couldn't help but feel jealous of Lauren and Derricks relationship. Lauren opened the door and immediately threw her arms around Jill and gave her a big hug. "Jill! I'm so glad you could make it. Come on in!" Jill followed Lauren into the kitchen. She suddenly noticed how tall and beautiful Lauren looked. The smell of fresh tomato sauce and garlic made her mouth water. "It smells great in here! You have a beautiful home." Lauren stirred the boiling water on the stove and checked the oven. "Thanks! I hope you like spaghetti, it's one of Derricks favorites!" "I love spaghetti! And where is that naughty boy anyway?" Jill said with a laugh. "That's a great question" Lauren called for Derrick to come downstairs. Jill's heart beat faster as she heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. She couldn't wait to see his thick diapers again. Derrick turned the corner to the kitchen. He had gym shorts on but it was very obvious that he was diapered underneath. She could also see the white color of the diaper sticking out from his waistband. Lauren glanced at him and put a hand on her hip. "What did I tell you about wearing shorts in the house Derrick?!" She let out a frustrated sigh and stormed over to Derrick and quickly pulled his pants down. Derrick frantically apologized as she made him step out of his shorts. "I...I'm sorry! I was just embarrassed!" Jills eyes were glued to the thick diaper. She noticed it was yellow and drooping at the crotch. She giggled at the sight which made Derrick cover the front of his padded crotch. His face was bright red as Lauren scolded him. Lauren tossed the shorts away and smacked his diapered bottom. THUMP THUMP THUMP Lauren's hand left a big dent in the center of Derricks puffy and plump diaper. "I think that little stunt just earned you 50 extra swats with the hairbrush tonight!" After the smacks, Lauren ran her hand over his yellowed crotch and then spun him around and pulled at the back of his waistband. Jill giggled as Lauren peered into the back of his diaper. "Did he mess them!?" Lauren let go of the waistband and hiked up Derricks Diaper. "Not yet... although I'm expecting a messy diaper tonight. He hasn't pooped all day! I think these wet diapers will be staying on until that happens!" Jill leaned against the counter and took it all in. The scene was so domestic. Lauren was wearing a polka-dot apron on over skin tight yoga pants and a low cut t-shirt. Lauren grabbed the wooden spoon and went to stir the sauce on the stove, leaving Derrick in the middle of the kitchen dressed in nothing but a soggy diaper and a t-shirt. At this point Derricks face was bright red. He looked down at the hardwood floor and sulked. Lauren looked over her shoulder at Derrick. "Derrick... Say hello to our guest and then set the table. Dinner is almost ready." Derrick looked up at Jill. She was wearing tight faded blue jeans with holes at the knees and a blue shirt that showed off her breasts. Her long, blonde hair hung down past her shoulders as she looked into his eyes. Derrick said hello and then got busy with the table. The girls talked in the kitchen as he poured three glasses of water and set out the silverware. Every now and then he would glance up at the kitchen and see Jill staring at him with a grin on her face. After the table was set they all sat at the table. Lauren and Jill casually talked as they ate. Lauren told the story of how Derrick had asked to be put into diapers after passing the baby section at the grocery store. Jill laughed for the entire meal. Derrick finished his plate and listened to the girls talk. He had developed a rock hard erection as they spoke about him. He loved the attention, and Jill was clearly fascinated with their relationship. Derrick cleared the table as the girls remained at the table. Lauren grabbed at Derricks diaper and smiled. "You should try to poop soon Derrick, I know you have to. I'd like to clean you up before I spank you." Derrick blushed, but he could feel the pressure in his bowels as she spoke. "Yes Miss, I'll try." Lauren and Jill smiled. Lauren lightly pinched his thigh which made him jump a bit. "Good boy, now finish up in the kitchen and meet us in the family room so we can get those diapers off of you. Then you'll be spanked." Derrick gulped and complied. As he washed the dishes he squatted next to the sink and tried to poop. As he pushed, he let out a loud fart that was slightly muffled by the padding of the diaper. The girls in the next room went silent for a moment and then burst out laughing. Lauren and Jill bolted into the kitchen to watch as Derrick did his business. He squatted as he leaned against the counter. He was soon filling his diaper. The girls watched as the back of his diaper expanded and moved as it filled up. Derrick was crying with embarrassment. Lauren cupped her hand and grabbed the back of his diaper, bouncing the mess up and down and moving it around against his bottom. Jill was hunched over laughing but she soon held her nose as the smell escaped the diaper. Lauren gave him a smack. "Good boy Derrick, now wipe down the counters and meet us in the family room for diaper time!" Chapter 10 Wiped And Spanked "Derrick! Hurry up!" Called Lauren from the family room. "Yes Miss, I'm going as fast as I can!" Derrick scrubbed at the dishes in the sink. As he bent down to put the silverware and plates into the dishwasher, he could feel the big bulging lump pressing up and shifting against his bottom. He could hear the girls laughing in the other room. His dick was rock hard. He was both nervous and excited to be changed in front of Jill. She'd already witnessed a changing (and a spanking) at the mall, but that changing didn't involve pee and poop. A messy diaper change is at a whole new level of embarrassment and shame. Derrick scrubbed the last dish and took a deep breath. He had butterflies in his tummy. He knew his fate. Lauren would soon un-tape his dirty diaper and clean him up, and then he would be spanked across her lap like a naughty little child. His hard dick pressed firmly against the soiled diaper as he entered the family room. What he saw next surprised him. While he was doing the dishes, the girls had been transforming the rectangular shaped family room table into a changing station. Multiple layers of towels lay on the table and a pillow was placed at the end for his head. Lauren and Jill sat next to each other on the couch. Lauren was in the process of unwrapping a big package of disposable diapers as Jill gazed at Derrick with excitement in her eyes. Lauren looked up at Derrick and smiled. "Do you like our makeshift table, Derrick? If these diaper punishments become a frequent thing, then I think we'll have to invest in a big changing table for you. How does that sound baby?" Derrick blushed and fiddled with his t-shirt. Jill laughed at the site "Awww he's so nervous. I guess I would be too if I had a spanking and a poopy diaper change coming my way." The girls laughed hysterically as Derrick stood in his diapers. Lauren set a stack of three diapers on her lap and patted the surface of the table. "Lay down on the table like a good boy Derrick, it's time to clean you up and get you spanked!" "Yes, Miss," Said Derrick as he slowly sat on the table. He could feel the lumpy mess pressing further into his butt crack. Lauren quickly took the chance to pull his shirt off and toss it away. He was soon laying on his back looking up at the girls on the couch. He could feel the breeze on his nearly naked body from the ceiling fan above. His crotch and bum remained warm and squishy from the thick, soiled diaper. Lauren began un-tapping the diaper as Jill stood up to get a better look. Lauren unfastened the diaper and exposed Derrick. He felt the cool breeze of the fan against his erect penis. Jill stepped back from the table as she looked at the used diaper. "Ugggh that's fucking disgusting! What a dirty little boy!" Lauren giggled as she folded the poopy diaper and began wiping Derricks bottom with some baby wipes. "That's how I reacted last night after we got home from the mall. I checked his diaper and found poop, so I bit the bullet and changed him. At this point, it's just part of the punishment, and I know that it's the most embarrassing part for him." Jill held in a giggle and brushed her blonde hair from her face. "It must feel good to finally be out of those diapers for awhile Derrick. I can't imagine having to feel that bulk between my legs all day long." Jill had a point, Derrick thought. It felt great to feel the air on his privates, but in the back of his mind, he knew that he would be changed right back into another diaper with a hot bottom to go along with it. Jill stared at Derrick as Lauren lifted his legs up like a baby to wipe the entirety of his bottom. Jill noticed that his bottom was a light pink from when Lauren spanked him the day before. His freshly wiped anus was on full display to her and she noticed that his cock was still hard. "He doesn't seem too embarrassed judging by the state of his cock." Lauren smiled at Derrick as she let his legs down and spread them apart. "A certain part of Derrick enjoys being punished, but another part of him hates it. I can tell he's embarrassed by the color of his face, and how silent he's been." Jill looked at Derricks red face and giggled. "I just can't believe he asked for this. I really respect him for wanting a woman to take charge. Asking to be diapered and spanked must have been hard for him to do. You two are so cute together." Lauren pulled another wipe from the box and began cleaning his balls and penis. "It has been pretty amazing. The agreement we made really works out for us, and I know that he likes the attention." Derrick moaned as Lauren cleaned and stroked his cock. He spread his legs wide as he looked up at the two girls. Jill had the same look in her eyes from when they met at the mall. He could tell that she was turned on from all of this. Lauren seemed focused on cleaning his privates, which felt awfully good. "Okay, Derrick I think we're all done cleaning you up" Said Lauren as she scooted to the middle of the couch. "But you know the rules about diaper punishments. Now stand up and lay across my knees for your nightly spanking." "Yes, Miss" Derrick sat up and noticed Jill strategically sitting on the lounge chair to the right of the couch. He knew that she would have a perfect view of his perched up bottom. His penis was rock hard and pointed upward as he got to his feet. Derrick blushed as he approached his waiting girlfriend. He looked down at Lauren's toned thighs. He loved it when she wore yoga pants during his spankings. Lauren put her thighs together and lightly tapped the center of her lap. "Over you go little one." Lauren took his hand and pulled him down over her lap. She situated herself to make sure Derricks' bum was pointed straight up in the air and made sure that his legs were spread and resting on the couch. She could feel his hard dick begin to rub on her legs as she looked down on his backside. She realized that these spankings were starting to be routine, but she didn't mind. She was a spanko at heart. Jill looked excitingly at Derricks upturned bottom. His anus was exposed and his balls rested on Lauren's lap just like before. She couldn't help but to reach down and touch herself again. She watched as Lauren held onto Derrick and raised her right hand high over his bare bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK The once quiet family room was suddenly filled with the sound of Lauren's hand swatting at the meaty flesh of Derricks bottom. Jill watched as Derricks cheeks continuously jiggled from the impact of Lauren's palm. Derrick rubbed up against Lauren as he always did. His bottom now starting to sting. He looked over his shoulder as he grabbed at Lauren's ankle. He could see Jill sitting with a grin on her face as she stared at his exposed reddening bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Lauren smacked repeatedly with her hand at a fast pace until his bottom was bright red. She made sure to get the sit spots and the tender parts. She felt that she was getting pretty good at dishing out spankings. SMACK SMACK SMACK "Are you ready to feel the brush, Derrick?" SMACK SMACK SMACK "Just remember that you earned fifty extra swats from that little stunt you pulled!" SMACK SMACK SMACK Derrick kicked lightly. His cock was still hard and he was busy humping her thighs. "No Miss. Not the brush. Please!" Lauren ignored him and quickly reached for the brush on the table to her left. She soon brought it up to full swing. CRACK WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! CRACK OWWWWW!!! CRACK "What's the matter, Derrick?" CRACK "Did your erection go away?" CRACK WHACK "PLEASE STOP!" THWHACK Lauren began hitting with full force. "I don't think so, mister!" THWACK "I decided to go easy on you last night because I spanked you in front of Jill at the mall." THWACK "But this is the way you should expect to be spanked on a nightly basis during diaper punishments from now on." THWACK THWACK THWACK "Now stop kicking your legs and be a good boy for me." THWACK THWACK THWACK Derrick squirmed and kicked and was soon crying like a baby. Lauren showed no mercy and made him count the 50 extra swats that he had earned earlier. Then she stopped and rubbed his hot and bruised bottom. She had covered every square inch of his bare butt with hairbrush welts. She ordered him off of her lap to stand in the corner. She and Jill were soon chatting and admiring the glow of Derricks apple red bottom as he tried to collect himself in the corner. Chapter 11 Bedtime For Derrick The girls chatted on the couch for quite some time. Discussions ranged from the latest chick flick to having lunch within the next few days. They were becoming great friends and found that they had a lot of similarities. Derrick continued to stand with his nose in the corner and his butt on display. He listened to the girls' conversation and could sense their eyes fixated on his spanked bottom. Soon he began to hear the distinct sound of a disposable diaper being unfolded behind him. He knew that a diaper change was in his near future but he didn't mind. He felt like he had been in time-out for over an hour but in reality, it had only been about 15 minutes. Lauren unfolded the diaper and decided to put two thick inserts into it. She loved using the inserts from time to time because of how thick and bulky they made the diaper. She felt that one insert was enough to make a significant difference, but two seemed to make it hard for Derrick to close his legs together. She loved seeing Derrick waddle around the house with a dramatically thick diaper on, and she figured Jill would get a kick out of seeing him like that too. Jill watched as Lauren placed the heavily padded diaper onto the table and set some baby powder down next to it. As they chatted she couldn't help but stare at Derricks plump little bottom in the corner. She knew that his red cheeks would soon be powdered and wrapped up with the cushy diaper that lay before her. When everything was ready, Lauren stood up from the couch and went over to Derrick. She gave his sore bottom a pinch as she gave him instructions. "Okay Derrick, time-out is over. I want you to come out of the corner and lay down on the changing table." Derrick turned and was soon face to face with Lauren. He looked into her eyes. She was an inch taller than him and she looked down on him with love and affection. He took a step towards her and suddenly felt her arms wrap around him in a loving embrace. Lauren spoke with a soft tone into his ear. "I'm sorry I had to give you extra swats tonight Derrick, but I had to correct you for wearing pants over your diaper earlier. Just remember that you only have one more day of this and then it's back to big boy undies. Okay?" "Yes Miss, I'm sorry for breaking the rules." Derrick felt warm and comfortable in her arms. His nose nestled into her neck and he could feel her hand start to rub his tender cheeks. Over Lauren's shoulder, he could see Jill sitting on the couch waiting patiently for Lauren to diaper him. Lauren soothed his burning butt for a few more seconds and then took his hand and led him to the table. "Up you go Derrick. It's diapers and bedtime for you. Jill and I are going to stay up and watch a movie while you're in bed." Derrick climb up onto the table. He felt left out for not being able to watch the movie with the girls. "Why do I have to go to bed so early? Can I please watch the movie with you guys?" "Absolutely not Derrick. The movie we're watching isn't appropriate for boys in diapers." Lauren said as she laid Derricks head down onto the pillow. "I don't want any fussing from you tonight. It's diapers and lights out. Do you understand?" Derrick let out a sigh. "Yes, Miss." He looked up at the girls once again from his embarrassing position. Lauren and Jill both knelt at the foot of the table as he lay butt naked with his legs spread out wide. The diaper felt soft and thick under his sore bottom. Jill had a smile on her face as she gazed at his erect penis. Lauren popped the cap off of a bottle of lotion and emptied a liberal amount into her palm. Jill watched as Lauren spread it onto her hands and then began messaging it into Derricks privates. Lauren ran the cool lotion over his hard cock and then down to his scrotum. Lauren soon lifted his legs and put lotion and powder on his burning hot bottom. Jill couldn't help but notice how proficient Lauren had become at changing diapers. She watched in fascination as Lauren quickly powdered his penis and balls and then brought the thick diaper up between his legs and taped it into place. She noticed that Derricks' hands were above his head and he looked away in embarrassment. "Good boy Derrick! Now, let's tuck you in for bed. Say goodnight to Jill! Lauren grabbed both of his hands and helped him off of the table. Derrick stood with a slight bow in his legs. The diapers were thicker than he had anticipated. "Goodnight Jill," Derrick said looking down in shame. Jill smiled at him. "I had so much fun tonight Derrick. Sweet dreams!" Lauren held onto his hand and started for the stairs. "I'll be right back Jill, I'm going to get him all settled in." Jill watched as Lauren led Derrick up the stairs. She giggled at the site of Derrick waddling up the stairs while holding onto Lauren's hand. "Take your time. I'll get the movie ready!" Lauren opened the door into her bedroom and pulled the sheets back from the bed. "Hop in baby, it's time for bed." Derrick moaned in protest as he climbed into bed. "Can I please watch the movie with you?" Lauren tucked him into bed and then climbed in behind him. She spooned him as she talked into his ear. "No baby, it's bedtime for you. I don't want to hear anything while we're watching. If I find you out of this bed, then I'll spank, is that clear?" "Yes Miss, I don't want another spanking." She kissed him on the neck and got out of bed. "I know you don't. Sweet dreams my love." Chapter 12 Confessions The third and final day of diaper punishment wasn't all that bad. Derrick watched cartoons and did homework while Lauren took some business calls in her office. She had a busy day of balancing work and phone calls with diaper changes. After dinner, she cleaned and spanked Derrick just as she had done routinely for the past two days. She was getting used to Derrick being diapered. She knew that she would miss the intimacy of the changes and the power she felt while spanking him on a nightly basis. The next morning Lauren changed him out of his diaper and graduated him to big boy undies. "I hope you learned your lesson from being diapered like a baby for the past three days," Lauren said as she helped him into his normal white underwear. "It must be weird not feeling the bulk of the diapers between your legs." Derrick agreed. For a moment he missed the bulk of the diapers, but it did feel good to be back in underwear. He was also looking forward to not being spanked tonight (if he could help it). The nightly spankings were really starting to take a toll. His bottom remained a deep shade of crimson throughout his entire diaper punishment. He was looking forward to recovering and being a good boy for a little while. After getting changed, Lauren walked into the kitchen and embraced Derrick. They kissed for a while until Lauren's phone buzzed on the counter. "That must be Jill," Lauren said as she picked up the phone and started texting back. Derrick admired Lauren's beauty. Her dark brown hair fell onto her tan shoulders elegantly. She wore a patterned tank top and black khaki shorts that revealed most of her thighs and hugged her round butt. She stopped texting and looked up at Derrick. "Isn't Jill great sweetie?" Derrick nodded. Part of him was still embarrassed with what Jill had seen. But he did like her and trusted her to an extent. She was also gorgeous. The thought of her watching him get spanked and diapered by Lauren admittedly turned him on. "We're thinking of grabbing lunch in a few hours at that taco place down the road. I figured we could walk around town for a while until then. What do you say?" Derrick happily agreed. "Sounds good to me!" Lauren and Derrick walked down the cobblestone road and turned onto the main street. It was hot outside which made Derrick thankful that he wasn't still in diapers. He did have to admit that a part of him did miss the comfort and the attention. These thoughts kept coming to the surface and he wasn't sure what to do with them. They walked past some stores and talked about work and school. Derrick had been excelling in his class work ever since he had started dating Lauren. She thought back to his first spanking. She had a pretty good idea of what caused the spike in his grades. Lauren's business was growing rapidly. She had recently boosted her online presence which naturally brought in more income. Lauren asked about Derricks living situation. Unfortunately, he hadn't been having a lot of luck finding a suitable place live. "Well you're basically already living with me, so why don't you just move in?" Asked Lauren. "I know I offered before, but I was serious. Just remember that you'll be in charge of the chores." Derrick paced along with her. He watched her long, bare legs strut down the sidewalk. "You're so good to me Lauren. I would love to live with you!" The couple stopped for coffee at a small shop and then continued their adventure. Lauren led the way into a large park with a giant pond in the middle. Trees and flowers grew everywhere along the path and the grass was bright green. After walking along the pond and looking at the fish, Lauren took Derricks hand and led him to a soft patch of grass. They both laid down next to each other. Lauren put her arm under Derricks' head and he cuddled close to her breasts. They gazed up at the clouds in silence. After a while, Lauren let out a sad and troubling sigh. "I have something that I need to get off my chest." Derrick propped himself up and looked into her eyes. "What is it? You can tell me anything." Lauren sat up and crossed her legs. "I already miss the diapers, Derrick. I know it's only been an hour or so since you've been out of them, but the thought of not changing you and taking care of you like that has been really getting me down." Derrick felt loved at that very moment. Lauren had missed taking care of him. A sudden warmth overcame his entire body. "So what do you want to do?" He asked in a thoughtful tone. Lauren put her hand on Derricks' knee. "I want to diaper you full-time Derrick. It wouldn't be a punishment, it would just be a new part of your life. These last three days have really made me notice how much I love being with you and caring for you." Derrick thought for a while as Lauren held her hand on his knee. "Wouldn't I lose control of my bladder and bowels after a while? I would be completely dependent on diapers..." Lauren stroked his face. "No Derrick, you would be completely dependent on me." Derrick looked into her eyes. The sun shone down through the trees and the wind blew her hair. "What about school? What happens when you're not there to change me?" Lauren brushed the hair off of her face. "I would let you wear pull-ups to school for low visibly, and I would let you change them in the stalls by yourself. Outside of school, you'll be placed in regular disposables and either Jill or I will be changing you." "Jill?!" Derrick asked in a panicked tone. "Why Jill?! I know she's seen you change me before, but I don't want her to change me! I only want you to change me!" Lauren was flattered but held strong. "She's become a close friend of mine, and I'll need some help with diaper changes while I work from home," Lauren said. "Just think of her as a babysitter Derrick. She and I discussed this during the movie when you were sleeping. She's very excited about it." Derrick thought about Jill changing him and looking after him. "Would you let her punish me too?" "I would Derrick. She has a good head on her shoulders and she'll follow all of the guidelines in our agreement. If it gets out of hand, then I'll be sure to put a stop to things. She really cares about you, Derrick." Derrick thought for a while and then let out an uncertain sigh. "Fine... I'll wear diapers. And I guess I'm fine with Jill watching me. But I'm only doing this because of you Lauren. You mean so much to me." He replied in a low voice. Lauren suddenly dove on top of him and embraced him in her arms. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" Lauren straddled him and looked down at his face. "I love you, Derrick." Derrick looked up at her. His heart was beating fast. "I love you too." Chapter 13 Lunch With Jill Lauren and Derrick walked through the door to the restaurant and saw Jill waiting at a booth in the corner. She waved at them in excitement as they walked towards her. Jill gave Lauren a hug and then hugged Derrick afterward. They all sat down to look at the menu and soon ordered some drinks. Jill looked at the two of them anxiously. "So, how did it go?" Derrick could only imagine what she was asking about. He could tell that she really wanted in on their lifestyle and he knew she would be very happy to learn what the final verdict was. Lauren took a sip from her glass. "Derrick said yes to everything. He and I talked about it at the park earlier. All we need to do now is fill you in on our agreement." Jill bounced in the booth with excitement. "Good for you Derrick! You're such a good guy for being so understanding about Lauren's needs. I can't wait to start babysitting you while she is busy." Lauren smiled at him and put her arm around his shoulders. "Thanks again, Derrick. I know that it's going to be a big adjustment in your life, but Jill and I are going to be here for you at all times." Derrick felt comforted. He knew that Lauren and Jill cared about him. After going over the punishment agreement with Jill at the table, they all took a toast to their new commitment. After lunch, they parted ways and Lauren held Derricks' hand and walked down the main road again. "I think we should pick up some things from the store today Derrick. We have a busy day ahead of us." Derrick glanced over at her curiously. "Like what?" Lauren giggled at him. "Well, for starters we're going to need a lot of diapers. Then I was thinking we could look at some adult-sized changing tables. Since this is a permanent thing now, I think it would be nice to have an area in the house that specifically caters to your diapering needs." Derrick looked down in embarrassment. His new lifestyle would definitely take some getting used to. He thought about the daily routine of being changed on an actual changing table multiple times per day. "Is a table really necessary?" Lauren looked over at him. "It is very necessary Derrick. This is a big part of your life now and you'll be spending a lot of time having your diapers changed. Having a specific place for doing that is better than having to change you on my bed or on the floor. You should be excited Derrick, this is the first big step to your new life." "But that'll just make me feel like a big baby." Derrick mumbles. Lauren giggled at him. "This whole arrangement somewhat makes you a big baby, doesn't it? I was thinking, instead of you calling me Miss, you could call me Mommy. Would you do that for me, Derrick?" "And what would I call Jill?" "Her and I were talking about her role in all of this, and she wants you to call her Nanny. Are you comfortable with all of this Derrick?" Derrick held her hand tight. "Of course I am. It'll just take some getting used to. Are we starting all of this today?" Lauren smiled at him and then gave him a hug. "You can start calling me Mommy today, but you can enjoy your last day in big boy undies since you've been so good. Tomorrow we can throw out all of your underwear and replace them with diapers. Okay?" "Yes, Mommy," Derrick said obediently. Chapter 14 Back In Diapers For Good Derrick woke up the next morning to see Lauren stepping out of the shower. The steam rolled out of the doorway as she walked into the bedroom. "Morning sweetie!" Lauren said as she started to towel off. Her large breasts dripped with hot water as she smiled at him. "Are you excited for your diapers?" Derrick groaned and sat up in bed. "Yes, Mommy." Lauren finished toweling off and opened the drawers to the large dresser that they had been sharing. "Good boy, I guess we won't be needing any of these then!" Lauren began gathering his underwear and putting them into a large trash bag. Derrick watched her as she threw out his underwear. He admired her naked round ass and her toned thighs. Her long brown hair was wet and fell to the center of her back. Next to the dresser stood the new changing table that she had bought yesterday. The shelves below the large table were packed with disposable diapers. Many were out of the packaging and stacked on top of one another. Lauren finished with the dresser and turned to face Derrick. "Okay baby, I just need the ones that you're wearing now and that should be the last of them." Derrick fumbled under the covers as he pulled his underwear off. He handed them to Lauren and she tossed them in with the others. "Okay baby, hop into the shower and then call me when you finish. I'll make us some breakfast." "Yes, Mommy!" Derrick said as he climbed out of bed. As he walked to the bathroom Lauren playfully pinched his naked butt. "Your bruises are going away fast Derrick. I'll put some soothing cream on those cheeks during your diaper change. Have fun in the shower!" Derrick blushed "Thanks, Mommy! I will!" Lauren set the table and made a plate of pancakes. The morning sun cast into the kitchen as she sat at the table and sipped her coffee. Upstairs she could hear the shower shut off. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and waited for Derrick to call down to her. She was excited to start changing diapers again. A few minutes later Derrick yelled down to Lauren. "I'm finished!" Lauren stood up from the table and put her paper away. She then climbed the stairs and went through the doorway to the bedroom. She was pleased to see Derrick laying on the changing table with his legs in the air. "You're such a good boy for being ready for Mommy!" Lauren said as she approached the table. Lauren put the side railing up on the table and noticed that Derricks dick was rock hard. She spread his legs out far and wide and stroked his cock for a while. "I think it's only fair that I let you make cummies during your first diaper change. What do you say?" "Yes, Mommy!" Derrick said in excitement. Lauren laughed and rubbed his cock a little faster. Derrick started to moan as he stared up at her. He was moments from cumming when she suddenly let go of his dick. She giggled at the disappointment she saw in his face. "Aww Derrick, don't worry. That was just a warm-up. I'll have you cumming in no time!" "But Mommy!" Derrick said in a pouty voice. Lauren lifted his right leg and playfully smacked his rear. "No pouting little boy or there will be no cumming at all. Understand?" Derrick moaned in frustration but he acknowledged her respectfully. "Good boy." Said, Lauren, as she grabbed a fresh diaper from the shelf beneath and began to unfold it. She then grabbed a diaper insert and put it into place. Derrick watched the process, knowing that this would be the first of thousands of diapers that she would change him into. The thought was surreal. Pretty soon this would all become very routine, like putting clothes on in the morning. Lauren grabbed his ankles and hoisted them into the air. "Bottoms up little boy!" She soon slipped the thick diaper under his bottom. She let his butt down but still held his legs in the air. "Now it's time for your soothing cream. This spanked butt needs some moister ASAP!" Lauren let go of his ankles and told Derrick to keep his legs high in the air. She then squeezed a glob of lotion into her palm and began rubbing his pink bottom. "Spread your cheeks and stick your butt out for Mommy, you know how I like to spank your tender areas." Derrick complied. This was one of the most embarrassing positions he had ever been in. His anus was in full view as he held his parted legs against his chest. He could feel her soft fingers spreading the cool lotion right up to the edge of his anus. He then heard her pull a baby wipe from the box and he suddenly felt the coolness of the wipe pass over his butt hole. Lauren noticed his embarrassment and giggled at him. "There we go! All clean. Now it's time for some powder. Keep your legs spread just like that for me while I powder your bottom. I know it's an embarrassing position, but Mommy is going to be seeing your exposed little anus every single day. It will be good to get into a routine like this early on, that way you'll know what's expected of you" "Yes Mommy," Derrick said with a red face. Lauren laughed a bit as she powdered his lotion covered bottom. "Just think that this will soon become a morning routine for the both of us. I think you'll get used to being butt naked and exposed on the changing table in no time. In a few weeks this won't be as embarrassing, I promise." Derrick looked away. He could smell the baby powder as Lauren coated his bottom and penis with it. He has been through plenty of changes during his diaper punishment, but none of those had taken place on a large changing table. Lauren let his legs down flat on the soft table and began to stoke his powdered cock. His legs tensed as he felt close to orgasm. He knew it wouldn't take long to cum. Lauren continued stroking as she began to lift the diaper between his legs. He could feel the bulk tightening under his scrotum while she pumped his cock. Finally, he let out a moan and his cum spurted out onto his belly. Lauren quickly folded the diaper up between his legs and held it there, smiling down at him. "Diapers feel good, don't they Derrick?" Derrick breathed heavily out of his nose. He was in pure ecstasy. He could only nod to Lauren in agreement. He heard another baby wipe being pulled from the box and soon felt Lauren cleaning up the cum on his tummy. "I'll have you wrapped up tight in no time baby boy. And then we can go eat some pancakes." Derrick looked up at Lauren with joy. The bulky, soft diaper spread his legs out wide as Lauren taped the sides shut. He knew that he would be walking with a waddle for the rest of the day. After checking the creases of the diaper, she helped him off of the table. Lauren stood him up and patted his diapered butt. "Good boy Derrick. Now let me know when you need to be changed next. Let's go eat." Derrick waddled down the stairs as Lauren followed him, patting his bottom and giggling all the way to the kitchen table. Chapter 15: Not Clever Enough! Derrick scrubbed at the dishes in the sink as the morning sun pierced through the windows. Lauren had taken a business call just as they had finished eating, which left Derrick to his morning chore routine. He felt cozy and snug in his thick diaper. He waddled throughout the kitchen and took comfort in the crinkle sound that his diaper made with each step he took. The new diapers that Lauren had bought seemed ten times bulkier than the ones he wore for his punishment. It seemed that it was nearly impossible to put his legs together. As he finished cleaning the last dish, he felt the sudden urge to pee. He thought about the bathroom for a moment, and how his new life restricted him from using the toilet. He knew that it would take time to adjust to his new life. The whole situation seemed so surreal to him just then. He was still able to hold his bladder, but he knew that he would soon lose control of everything. He knew that it was only a matter of time. Derrick stood there for a moment and looked down at his extra padded crotch. His Dick was hard and it pointed up towards his belly. He knew that if he wet himself, the majority of his pee would end up shooting upward rather than absorb into the thick material. Lauren had told him over breakfast that he was prohibited from reaching inside or fiddling with his diaper, but he decided to take actions into his own hands to avoid a potential mess. Derrick could hear Lauren in the other room as he grabbed at the waistband of his diaper. He ducked into the hallway to avoid getting caught doing what she had specifically told him not to do. He knew he had to act quickly, as the pressure in his bladder was building fast. He began pulling on the waistband to gain access to his dick. He opened it enough to reach his hand down. By that time, his dick was semi erect which made pointing it downward much easier. As soon as his penis was pointing downward, he began to piss himself. He felt the warm stream of pee soak into the thickness, and could hear the fluid running through the cushioned material. The warm wetness seeped between his thighs and made his diaper sag and thicken considerably at the crotch. His dick was hardening again, and soon realized that his hand was still tucked inside; holding his penis down as if he were using a urinal. Derrick had wet his diaper plenty of times during his punishment, and he had always gotten erections from doing it. He had mastered the art of tucking his dick into the diaper to avoid the mess, or so he thought. Just as he was taking his hand out, he heard a subtle snap and felt the waistband loosen around his waist. Derrick panicked as he looked down at the broken tape. He noticed that the adhesive had taken a lot of the plastic off of the surface of the diaper, which left a very noticeable blemish. He stood in the kitchen, helplessly weighing his options. He thought about coming clean to Lauren about reaching into his diaper and fiddling with it. He knew that he had the best of intentions while doing it, but it would be hard to convince her, especially after she had just given him strict boundaries as to where his hands were and weren't supposed to be. He then thought about refastening the soiled diaper. He knew that the tapes on the diapers he wore allowed him to peel away the used tape which left another sticky surface. He knew that Lauren would discover that upon his next diaper change and soon dismissed the idea completely. The last option he thought of was to run upstairs and change into a fresh diaper. He then thought about hiding the soiled diaper at the bottom of the trashcan in the garage. He knew it was risky, but it was the only way he could think of that wouldn't land him across Lauren's lap. He knew that what he had done was a spankable offense no matter how good his excuse was. He had really been looking forward to a break from spankings, especially after receiving so many during his diaper punishment. He thought about sitting on a freshly spanked bottom again with the added fact that he was currently being changed into diapers much thicker than the ones before. He knew the extra bulk would undoubtedly make things more uncomfortable for him down there. That thought alone was enough to make him act. Derrick waddled/ran up the stairs and into the bedroom. He could no longer hear Lauren talking on the phone which made him want to speed things up even more. He quickly unfastened all of the tapes and rolled up the soggy diaper. He placed the heavy, warm diaper on the changing table and reached underneath to grab a fresh one. He crouched down and searched for the one Lauren had changed him into earlier. Lauren had picked up so many different kinds of diapers, and he knew that she would be able to tell the difference if he were to pick the wrong brand. There were stacks and stacks of diapers that were out of their packages and they all looked very similar in thickness and color. He finally found one with matching tapes and quickly unfolded it. He then fit the diaper with and insert and stepped over the it. He brought it up between his legs, and soon found it hard to tape it in place properly while standing up. He then looked over at the changing table and thought it would be easier to change himself laying down. He moved the soiled diaper to the floor and climbed up onto the table. He couldn't believe that he had an erection as he slid the thick diaper under his bottom. He moved at a rapid pace, pulling the thickness up in-between his legs, spreading them out just like before. He began taping one side after the other. His heart sank when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "Derrick, honey where are you? Did you use your diapers yet?" Lauren said as she turned the corner into the bedroom. Derrick froze as Lauren walked through the door. "Ma.. Ma.. Mommy... I can explain!" He was still laying on the table and his hands were caught midway through fastening the last tape on the diaper. Lauren's jaw dropped as she saw what was happening before her. She noticed the wet diaper on her carpet and the shocked and fearful expression on Derricks face. Without saying a word, Lauren paced angrily toward the table and picked up the soiled diaper from the floor and threw it in the diaper pale at the foot of the table. She then forcefully pulled Derricks hand away and began un-taping his diaper. Derrick watched his girlfriend in fear as she pulled the diaper away from his crotch. He had never seen her like this before. Every movement she made was with confidence and purpose. Without hesitation, Lauren hoisted Derricks legs up in the air, exposing his bare bottom just as she would do if she were powdering him during a diaper change. This "legs up" position wasn't just used for powdering naked bottoms in Lauren's house, it was also used to spank. Lauren pressed Derricks legs down closer to his chest, forcing most of his weight onto his shoulder blades. The sudden shift in weight forced his bottom to lift off of the table. Lauren placed her left arm over the backs of Derricks thighs, and began raining down smacks to his naked bottom with the palm of her hand. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK
  14. (Image by Rosie BRS, commissioned by PrincessofThemyscria) "MMM MMMPH!!" Ed, muffled by the giant pacifier tied to his mouth, tried to shout as his former wife kissed her new boyfriend directly in front of him. He struggled against his binds. Cuffed, held tight in a kneeling position with his hands behind his back in the giant crib he was told was now his bed, gagged with a pacifier, and locked into a tight dress lifted to keep his diaper on display, he could do nothing but watch in humiliation as Sarah and Dwayne made it clear how little they respected him. Lost in their emotional and sexual attraction for each other, he was a non-entity, just their to witness how a "real" man acted, and to add his embaressment and whining to their joy. If he didn't want to look at them, there were few other places he could look without the same embaressment. The room, formerly his office, had been turned into a full on adult sized nursery, and decorated for his new role as the 'baby girle'. Stacks of adult diapers, dresses, and onsies piled on shelves, all intended for him. Toys stood in each corner, piles of teddy bears, a rocking horse with buckles to keep him in place, and a baby bouncer with more of the same locks. Even the walls reminded him of his positon, painted bright pink, with a line of disney princess around it. Of course, it wasn't entirely true that they didn't think of him at all. Sarah stole a glance into his eyes, giving him a malicious grin between kissing her new boyfriend. She turned around so that Ed could see his hand running up and down her back and gripping her bottom hard. Dwayne then opened his own eyes and watched Ed's raction as he spanked her hard, showing his own control over what used to be Ed's, then lifted a hand under her skirt. Sarah put a hand on Dwayne's chest and backed a way. "Alright honey, I need to get going." He smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I could do this allll day." She laughed. "I know, I've seen it before." They kissed again, and she backed away. "But I do need to go to get something for this little stinker here." She pointed at Ed. "Ah," he nodded. "Of course. Go ahead, I'll take care of your baby girl." "Are you sure? You won't mind babysitting? She's about due for a diaper change." Ed looked down at his diaper. At the moment, it was still clean. Hearing her predict his future 'accidents' was always embaressing, especially since she had so far always been right. He couldn't help but think she was deliberatly feeding something to cause it, but the truth was with other option then his diapers, the result was inevitable. "Not a problem. I've changed diapers before, these ones will just be a bit bigger." He turned to Ed and leaned into him. "Won't they, baby girl?" He said in a cooing, teasing voice and pinched Ed's cheek. "Just a bit bigger baby in a bit bigger diapies for a bit bigger diapie changes?" Ed blushed and groaned, but saw Sarah's look from over Dwayne's shoulder. He nodded, agreeing to the humiliating question. Dwayne smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. And if the baby girl doesn't want to get along... well, you already showed me how to spank her padded bottom. I bet a good trip over my knee will remove any problems." Ed shuddered. He had strong, horrible memories of all the times Sarah had spanked him, including the time Dwayne had watched. It shamed him to admit how easily she could bring him to tears with the childish punishment, and looking at Dwayne's powerful, muscual arms, he didn't want to know how much worse it would be. "I'm sure they will," Sarah said. "I know she won't cause many problems anyway. You're a full grown man, someone like this little baby girl won't stand a chance." She looked at Ed and winked. "Won't you baby girl? Widdle baby girl can't stand up to a man? Widdle baby girl Olivia need her baby sitter for her widdle diapies?" She turned back to Dwayne. "And either way, you know how to work her straps." Ed cringed at the teasing, and especially at the new name they had slected for him, which deorated the tag on the collar around his neck under the words "Baby Girl." It had seemed like so little time, and yet they had been so throrough so much of anything that had defined him as a man. Ed pulled at the straps again, but they held tight. He was sure this discussion was planned. They LOVED discussing his new life in front of him as his gag kept him from responding. Going over his changes, his spankings, and his straps one after another was just to get a reaction, and unfortunatly it worked. Already, Ed was squirming in shame, and only a bit more might send him over the edge into another tear filled "tantrum" at his new lifestyle, followed by their choice of punishing him for brattiness or an equally humiliating "soothing" session on their laps to calm down the "whiny baby girl." So, he held his emotions in. Dwayne laughed and hugged Sarah, then gave her another firm pat on the behind. Ed was unsure whether it was for her benefit, Dwayne's, or his own. "So the diapers are still in the same place? And her bottles and baby food in the fridge?" "Yep! Have fun you too! I'll be a bit, widdly baby girl Olivia's credit card has a MUCH better rate then mine. Goodbye Dwayne, byebye widdle baby girl Olivia!" "Say byebye to your mommy princess," Dwayne said. "MMMM MMM!" Ed said from behind his pacifier as she left. She turned to give a tiny wave and blow a kiss, and headed out. Ed's heart was racing. Panic, confusion, shame and humiliation all filled him. He swallowed, and turned to look at Dwayne, who was watching Sarah leave. He turned to Ed and smiled. His punishment had been a lot when it was just Sarah. When Dwayne came in to see him, it was worse, but at least it was still his wife controlling everything. Now, solely in the control of the strange man who slept who replaced him with his wife and as man of his house, had had no idea what to expect. Dwayne watched him, seeming to take pleasure in his obvious fear. He leaned in close to Ed, grabbed his nose, and started playfully tweaking it from side to side. "Well well well, look at this little baby girl. What a pathetic, helpless sight you make, Olivia. You were once a big man? Once married and owned a house? Now look at you, sitting in your diaper and in your crib while another man fucks your wife in front of you. You had everything and you threw it all away so you could cheat and play at being a big man. Hows that feel?" Ed whined, but couldn't do anything to stop him. Dwayne was right, he knew how pathetic he looked. He had initialy hoped this would be a short, private agreement between Sarah and himself, a way to avoid losing everyhting in the divorce. Instead, it seemed he now risked losing far, far more. Dwayne ran his hand down his dress and flicked the skirt. "Such a pretty girl in her pretty dress. Bet you never thought you'd wear something like that, eh?" He rested a hand on Ed's diaper. "Much less this. Still dry it seems." "You know, when she told me how she planned to sissify you, I thought it was hilarious on its own. But when she mentioend diapering you and making you her little baby," he pressed harder, and Ed groaned. "I think I laughed for an hour straight. What a fitting punishment for a low, immature cheater like you." Ed glared and pulled at the ropes, but nothing moved. Sarah teasing him had been embaressing, but hearing this man mock him filled him with rage. Every part of him wanted to reach out and swing at him, to re-assert some level of masculinity and strength, but the straps held in place. Dwayne just laughed, then waved a finger in front of Ed's nose. "Ah ah ah, even without the straps, you know how that would go. Either way, you'll just be pinned down, then over my lap for a spanking." He reached to Ed's bicep and pulled at the soft putty of his arm, then flexed his own. Ed watched him and blushed. His rage was quickly replaced with embaressment and despair. He knew it was true. It had been years since he excercised, and the difference between his own arm and Dwayne's powerful, muscular body was clear. If the straps broke, he'd just end up being beaten back down anyway. Dwayne patted his diaper. "Now, your mommy mentioned that you will be filling your diaper soon. My guess is she knows your body better then you, and she is bound to be right. However, I want to emphasize something to you. You see, you still think this is just an agreement with your wife where she gets to humliate you and I just happen to be here. I you to realize the truth is that even though this is your house, you are such a pathetic little loser that anyone who comes in can control you. So, you are going to mess your diaper for me, and you are going to do it soon. Then I'll change you like your mommy does while you lay helpless in your binds, and you'll know how much you've fallen." "MMM MMM! MMM MMM!" Ed shouted from behind the pacifier. He felt his eyes go wide, and he pulled again at the ropes. Dwayne just laughed. "Now now, you know this is going to happen. There is no way around it, little potty pants. So, here's whats going to happen." He took his cell phone out, placed it on record, and faced it toward Ed. He could see himself in it, backward with the focus directly on the seat of his diaper. Dwayne then took out a second cellphone and showed it to Ed. "This video is streaming directly to my phone so I can monitor the state of your diapers. I'm going to go back down through your house, make myself at home, eat your food, watch your tv, and take my rightful place as man of the house which you used to think was yours. You are going to lay there in your pretty widdle pampers and in your crib, helpless while another man takes advantage of you, and struggle not to mess your pampers. When you fail at that too, I'll see it and come to change you like a baby. How's that sound, little cucky?" Ed, filled with rage but unable to respond, could only watch as Dwayne walked out the door. He glared at the phone, and on it, his own image glaring back. He HATED seeing his own reflection dressed in his new 'style.' He always knew how he looked, but at times he could almost pretend it was normal. Seeing himself with the pacifier in his mouth, frilly purple dress with bows, and thick, exposed diaper, only drove home how humiliating his newfound positon was. If that wasn't enough, he could hear Dwayne living out his promise. He heard the cuboard and fridge open, and Dwayne grabbing at drinks and food he had bought. Dwayne then walked through the house, and Ed heard the TV playing. The image of the strange man sitting on his couch, watching his tv, and eating chips and drinking beer where he used to drove him mad. He pulled at his binds, imagining himself running down the stairs, grabbing Dwayne, punching him, kicking him, and... What? Getting beat up, then still having to play out his agreement with Sarah. He opened his eyes and saw his image again, in the outfit locked onto his body. The same plot played out in his head, except this time he waddled down, barely able to walk in his over thick diaper, charged at Dwayne with his skirt flaring behind him, and struggled, barely able to move in the tight clothing. Even he wanted to laugh at the image of a man dressed as he was trying to seem tough, and it ended only one way: himself pulled over Dwayne's lap, skirt pulled up and diaper pulled down as Dwayne spanked him into submission. Fighting back was nice to imagine, but impossible. Worse, he knew Dwayne was right about another thing. He had no idea what Sarah had been feeding him, but she seemed intent to ensure he had multiple diaper changes a day, and his stomach was telling him it was almost time. The presure came suddenly, his stomach grumbled, and he moaned out loud in dread. The phone chimed up. "Seems like SOMEONE is realizing I'm right! Is the widdle baby girl going to soil her pampers soon?" Dwayne said through the phone. Ed groaned out loud and pulled at the straps, but his stomach kept turning and grumbling. ...
  15. Lucy held the position of local manager at a highly esteemed multinational corporation specializing in early childhood products, generating millions of dollars in revenue annually. Through years of dedication and hard work, she had earned her place within the company. However, she faced a significant challenge in the form of her less-than-competent personal assistant. Despite Lucy's patience, the assistant's repeated errors, some of which were grave, had caused serious issues within the company. Following a severe reprimand from her superiors due to a mistake that jeopardized a $17 million deal, Lucy decided to address the situation. During lunchtime, she summoned her assistant to her office and calmly instructed her to take a seat.
  16. Michael P.V Hi, my name is Michael and I'm 8 years old. I live in a small city called Nul, which has only 2000 people. It's in the Goran princedom. I'm like the boss at my school, you know? Even the girls are scared of me. That just shows how tough I am because here in Goran, the women are in charge. Nobody can boss me around, not even my mom or my older sister. I do whatever I want. I have complete control over my life. Today, the teacher got mad at me because I was late for class. But when I talked back to her, she kicked me out of the classroom. So, I got really mad and started throwing stones at the school windows. The principal saw me and she was super angry. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to her office. Then, she called my mom. "Mrs. Tyuli? Hi! I'm miss Asiyor the principal of your son's school. I'm really sorry to bother you for the third time this week," I overheard her saying. "Of course, I'll wait for you here!" she said before hanging up the phone. (if you are interested you can contact me privately)
  17. Prologue (part 1) Hi, my name is Antony! I'm nine years old and I live in Oxer, a little town in Goran princedom near the sea. You know what I don't like about this place? The women are in charge and they make all the decisions. They call it "Matriarchy" but I don't really understand what that means. All I know is that I don't like it. I hate being treated like a baby by my classmates. I don't like it when my teacher checks my underwear to make sure I didn't have any accidents. I mean, come on, I can control myself! And I definitely don't like having a teacher assistant accompany me to the bathroom and watch me like I'm a little boy learning to use the potty. It's embarrassing! My mommies say I'm just going through a rebellious phase and that it will pass, but I don't agree with them. I will never like something that I don't like! This morning, I had a brilliant plan to skip school with my friends. We wouldn't learnt anything useful anyway, so we decided to go to the skatepark instead. We were using our skates on the sidewalk to go faster when suddenly, I saw a lady in my path. I tried to avoid her, but I ended up falling onto a greengrocer stand. Oops! Hey there, kiddo! I only remember that I hurt my hand so bad, it made me cry like a waterfall. But guess what? A super nice lady police officer came to the rescue! She took me to her cool police car and let me sit in the back seat. While her friend talked to the angry lady, Officer Koll, that's what she called herself, checked out my hand. She thought my finger might be broken and said we should go to the hospital. But then I got worried that my mommy would find out I skipped school, so I shook my head. Officer Koll understood my fear and said, “Listen, little one, I get that you're scared of your mommy's punishment, but going home like this will make her even more scared. Don't you think that would be worse?” And that's how she convinced me to go with them to the first aid. The doctors took a look at my hand and then went somewhere I couldn't see to talk quietly. While the nurses were treating my scrapes and cuts, I really wanted to suck my thumb, but I stopped myself when the doctors came into my room and told me they needed to take some pictures of my hand. When we were done, I left the room and saw my mommies walking towards me. Mommy Lydia gave me my stuffed koala, Puf, to hug and help me calm down. Normally, I wouldn't take Puf outside, but this time I really needed him, so I hugged him tightly. "Listen, Antony," Mommy Stephanie called me. "A doctor will come here and give you a little shot to make you fall asleep." She told me this just before a nurse and a doctor entered the room where I was. The nurse made me wear a diaper and explained that it was necessary for the surgery. Then I went into a strange room where the doctor gave me a shot and I slowly fell asleep.
  18. Happy Homestuck Day! This is the beginning of a new series I want to continue with an older story I did. This series will be called "Jade babysits the Homestuck universe". (Working title) ------------------------------------------ Jade's Adventures in Babysitting It was that time again, the time that Rose Lalonde dreaded each month. Her mother was going away for the weekend, leaving her alone. But she was not alone, Rose would always get a sitter to look after her. But Rose didn’t care, she just cried and cried her head off all while her mother was putting her makeup on, begging for her mother not to leave. She would ignore her daughters temper tantrum, like usual. And she would pick her up, place her over her knee and spank her like usual. It would always be followed with a comment like “You are getting too old to behave like this.” Her mother placed her down on the floor as she once again heard the doorbell ring. “That would be your babysitter. Let’s go meet her!”. She said. Rose of course was not enthusiastic to be left alone with some random woman for the weekend. She grumbled underneath the pacifier in her mouth as Roxanne opened the door to reveal a tall dark haired woman in a flowery dress and glasses with buck teeth. “Ah, good! You are right on time!”. She said, smiling down at the young woman. Jade returned the smile. “I’m always happy to help out a friend of my grandfathers!”. She said, looking over to Rose. She blushed, seeing that the girl was practically not much taller than herself. “Oh, I didn’t think she would be- uh well. This big!”. Jade exclaimed, giving a nervous laugh to Roxanne. The woman laughed back at Jade, giving a wave of assurance at the girl. “Oh, don’t you worry. She is no more trouble than she is worth!”. She says, giving Rose a pat on the top of her head. Rose simply hugged her mother’s waist tighter. “Now Rose, you be good for Jade, okay?”. She said, kneeing down to kiss her on the cheek. Once her mother had left, Rose looked up at Jade, giving a frown at her. Jade tried to be polite. “Hello Rose, I’m Jade!”. She said in a friendly voice. Rose pouted, glaring at her with what could be described as hate in her eyes. As far as Rose was concerned, this woman had just taken away her mother. Jade blinked, waiting awkwardly for a response. “Ahem, well. If you need anything, then please ask!”. Jade told her. Rose opened her mouth to say something and then quickly waddled her way past Jade to the couch. “Oh, you want to watch cartoons?”. Jade asked as Rose sat down on the floor in front of the television. Jade sat behind her, turning on the television. After about any hour, Jade looked up at the clock, and then she turned off the television. “Hey! I wasn’t finished!”. Rose exclaimed, spinning around on her knees to face Jade. She not only looked annoyed by upset at having to lose her only form of entertainment for the moment. Jade sighed as she stood up, approaching Rose with crossed arms. “Now Rose. We cannot watch Television all day!”. She said. Rose didn’t like this response, sitting back down away from her sitter with her arms crossed. “I don’t care. Turn it back on!”. She said, raising her voice again. Jade’s eyebrows raised up, shaking her head at the overgrown toddler in front of her. She didn’t want to resort to rasing her voice to do something, but she knew that she needed to be firm. Jade placed her hand gently on Rose’s head, rubbing her hands through her hair. “You miss your mommy, don’t you?”. She asked her, feeling rose shiver underneath her hand. Rose didn’t say anything but stuck her thumb into her mouth, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of Jade’s fingers on her head. Rose gave a nod, removing her thumb from her mouth as she rolled away from Jade to another part of the floor. “I want my mom!”. She said, giving a whine as she slammed her hands down on the rug. Jade just gave a sigh, not sure how to respond to the woman in front of her. “I know you do, sweetie. I know you do!”. Jade replied to her, trying to calm down the clearly upset girl. She was just about to take Rose to the kitchen when she noticed that the seat of her diaper was swelling up as she sat there on the floor. “Oh no. Did you have a little accident?”. Jade said, pointing to her diaper. Rose stuck out her tongue at her, shaking her head as her face went bright red. Jade gave a smile, then her face dropped. “Uhh, your mother didn’t tell me how to change you!”. She said nervously, wringing her heads together in thought. Rose didn’t appear to like this information one bit, giving another slam of her hands on the floor below her. “Rose, please stop acting out!”. Jade asked her, more annoyed this time then before as she continued to slam her hands on the rug. “Okay, that is enough!”. Jade said, grabbed Rose by the arm. “Used diaper or not, you are getting a time-out until you decide to behave!” She explained, dragging Rose over to a corner of the living, bringing a stole with her. Rose gave a fuss as she was dragged towards the chair. “No! NO TIMEOUT!”. She cried out, struggling against Jade’s grasp as she was forced to sit on the stool before her. She gave a groan, crossing her arms as she was now forced to face the wall. Jade crossed her arms, looking at the shaking figure of Rose in front of her. Jade gave a sigh in disappointment. “You are not getting that diaper changed until you calm down!”. She told Rose, still unsure of her promise because she had no idea how to change her. The only sound that could be heard from the room was the sound of Rose’s sniffing, and then she nodded, looking back at Jade, who noticed how distressed Rose was about the whole thing. “Rose, you cannot see your mother until she comes back, don’t be a b- I mean, you know this!”. Jade explained. She gave a sigh. “Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you. But you need to act a little more mature about the whole thing”. She said in the most caring, motherly voice herself that even surprised herself compared to what she usually sounded like. This seem to calm Rose down some more for Jade to take her hand. “Now, how about we get you a new diaper, and we can get you some milk and cookies?”. She asked Rose. The girl thought about what she said for a moment, then nodded her head in agreement. Giving a internal sigh of relief, Jade picked her up- or at least trying to pick up Rose and carry her up the stairs. She was just about to put her back down when Rose went ridged in her arms. “Uh Rose are you-“ Jade didn’t get to finish her sentence before Rose start to mess her diapers. Jade quickly rushed up the stairs, but she was not fast enough as the back of Rose’s diaper expanded with a audible squishing sound. All Jade could think was “Fuckfuckfuck”. Over and over again in her head as she get her second wind, opening the door to the bathroom and placing Rose on the changing table. She took out her cellphone, and dialled a number as she stood there in front of Rose now out of breath slightly. ‘H-hello? Miss Lalonde?” She asked the person on the other end. “Yes, no everything is fine! It’s just, Rose had to use her diapers and well… I don’t really know how to change them!”. Jade explained. After a moment on the phone, and Jade fumbling with the tapes of Rose’s diaper, she would start to change her, listening to the instructions Rose’s Mom gave her on the other end. “Right, so I lift her legs first and then, take off the tapes?”. She would ask. It only took a few minutes, but Jade had done it, she felt very good about her job as well, seeing the brand new diaper on Rose’s crotch after she had removed the old one, cleaned her up and sprayed baby powder on her. Rose sat up, and the tapes gave a rip, the diaper failing off her waist. Jade groaned, placing her head in her hands. It appeared that was going to be a long weekend.
  19. Antony, 9 years old, had decided to spend the day with his friends a group of rowdies widely disliked by the residents of the area. While they weren't a violent group, the most serious offense committed by them was drawing graffiti, none of them appreciated being looked down upon, especially by the Gorian women, and officers often annoyed them for simply walking on the sidewalk. What else can you expect in such a harshly matriarchal society? They weren't really violent or dangerous kids, in fact no one in the neighborhood feared them or considered them dangerous for some reason, but the women who had have to deal with them considered them very rude, but they weren't bad boys. He and his small group of friends simply lived the entire Gorian context with a lot of intolerance, because It left them no prospects for the future. Antony had had tried to talk about this topic with his mommies but he didn't succeeded to explain his frustration and he had argued with them, feeling bad for two weeks because it. He was a sensitive child after all. However, a day he and his friends decided to skip the school to go to play skateboard, but to avoid to invest a woman fell on the goods on display in a greengrocer's shop, ruining all the goods. The shop owner denounced him and his friends the judge summoned their legal guardians, along with Antony's mom and her girlfriend, deciding to enroll him and his friends in a re-education program for unruly boys. Some days later, Nanny Alexandra, the designated nanny for Antony's re-education, rang the doorbell of Antony's house and was welcomed in a very cordial way by Antony's mom and her girlfriend. (if you are interested you can contact me privately) (this is Antony) this is nanny Alexandra
  20. Does anyone wanna rp this beautiful story with me (looks like some little darling threw a tantrum when she saw her husband was cheating on her)
  21. Another old commission that I decided that I wanted to reupload here. And yes, it's Homestuck again. Sorry. ---------------------------------------------------- Padded Playdate It was playdate day in the Lalonde household, that meant Rose had company and her mother couldn’t have been more overjoyed. Rose however wasn’t that pleased. She stomped her feet, throwing a tantrum. After a short session over her mothers knee in which she promised to be a good girl, mom got her ready for her guests, replacing her diaper with a fresh one, and putting Rose in the appropriate clothing. Rose was currently wearing nothing more than a pink teeshirt and diaper when the doorbell rang. She ignored it as she continued to play with her new kitten. But Mom picked her up, making her walk to the door with her as she sucked grumpily on her pacifier. The big baby insisted that she did not need a playdate, but it was already too late as her Mom was greeting their guests. “Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by!” Her mother said, giving the man across from her in the doorway a friendly kiss on the cheek. “I see you brought John as well! Please come in!”. She said, leading Rose back to the living room now in the company of a boy with short spiky hair and glasses. John was wearing pretty much the same thing that Rose had on, a shirt and a diaper. “Now you two play nice while mommy and her friend make some snacks!” She said, disappearing into the kitchen with John’s dad, and leaving the pair of big babies alone in the living room. John gave Rose a big hug before sitting down on the floor to play with some building blocks, she reluctantly sat down and joined him, waiting for her mommy to come back from the kitchen. After a few minutes of playing with John, she looked up at hearing the sound of her mom’s voice. She laughing at something’s John’s dad has said. Ignoring the plate of cookies that she was carrying in her hands, Rose rushed over to her mother, wrapping her hands around her body. “Rose dear, if you want a cookie please be patient!”. All Rose really wanted was her mother’s attention, and she felt like she wasn’t giving it to her while she was in the company of another adult. Rose let go of her mother’s waist, taking a cookie as she sat back down on the floor next to John, who was happily eating his own cookie. “Sorry about Rose, she is particularly clingy!” Her mother would say, causing her blush. “Hehe, your face is red!” John commented, causing Rose to stare daggers at the boy. She quietly ate her cookie, looking back at her Mom from time to time. She was currently sat next John’s dad, taking with him quite intently. Rose watched as the man took her mother’s hand, which caused her to stand straight up and shout aloud. “Mommy, Mommy!” She jumped up and down in place, trying to get the woman’s attention. Her mother quickly turned to look at her daughter, her expression one of concern and curiosity. “What is it dear?” She asked, a little annoyed to see that there was nothing of immediate danger or wrong with the young adult. “Mommy I uhh… think I need a new diapee!” She exclaimed, hoping up at down. Her mother stood up and walked over to Rose. She reached her hand down between Rose’s legs as she felt the crotch and back up of her diaper. Her mother shook her head at Rose. “No, you a good dear, no accidents!”. She said, giving her a kiss on the forehead before turning around and sitting back down next to John’s father. Rose felt a little bit better after that kiss, and sat back down to playing with her toys again. Rose continued to play with John for a few more minutes, but found herself once again staring at the pair of parents sitting on the other side of the room. Rose couldn’t help but feel jealous of her mother. She was so protective of Rose that she felt like she was the only one she loved sometimes. Any other time Rose wouldn’t have been bothered to try and keep her mothers attention, but something about now was different. Rose watched as the man leaned into her mothers ear and whispered something into it. Her mother’s response was to laugh. Rose’s response was to cry, ad cry loud. “Rose, dear. What is the matter?”. Her mother said standing up from her seat on the couch. Rose had tears rolling down her eyes as she pounded the floor in front of her. John didn’t seem to pay any attention to the scene that was unfolding right next to him. Her mother picked her up, holding her face again her bosom as she attempted to calm down the infantile woman. “I’m sorry, she has just been very difficult today!” Rose said to John’s dad. He nodded as he understood himself, watching his own offspring on the floor keeping to himself. Roxanne bounced Rose up and down in her arms, giving her hair a stroke as she would shush her gently. “What is wrong dear, come on, you can tell your mommy!”. She said. Rose shook her head, a little calmer than before now that she was being held by her mother. Her hands grabbed needly at her mother’s shirt. “Mommy do you luv m-mee!?” She said, stiflingly her tears back as she buried her head into Roxanne’s shirt. Her mother stroked her head some more, confused about what her daughter meant. Her mother turned her chin up, looking down at Rose with a concerned look on her face. “Of course I do sweetie! What made you think I don’t?” She asked Rose. Rose lip quivered as she talked. “B-but you kissed him!” She said, pointing at John’s father. It suddenly clicked in her mothers mind what was the problem. She gave a smile down at her daughter, looking back at John’s dad with a smirk. “I see, little miss Rosie is a little jealous, huh?” Rose blushed at hearing the man’s words. Her mother nodded her head in agreement. “I think she is indeed!” She replied, giving Rose another kiss on the forehead. “If Mommy gets you another cookie will you promise to behave?” She asked Rose, giving her nose a touch with the tip of her index finger. Rose thought about it, in fact you could say that she thought a little too hard because before she could say anything the sound of something hissing filled the air. Looking down at her daughter’s diaper, she felt it become soggy and damp. “Well, let’s get you a new diaper first dear…” She said with a giggle. “You don’t mind, I’ll be right back” She said to John’s father. He waved her off with a thumbs up, letting the pair move upstairs to the bathroom so that Rose could get a new diaper and hopefully her mom could have a talk with her about behaving while there was guests around. After a few minutes had past, John’s father took up the newspaper, knowing that his son wouldn’t get into any trouble while he was sitting in the same room. He was just turning to the comics page when he heard Roxanne shout out from up the stairs, followed by the pattering of feet coming towards them. Rose rounded the corner, only wearing her teeshirt as her diaper was missing from her lower half. She came up to John’s dad, looking at him with a grumpy expression. “Is there something I can help you with, young lady?” He asked Rose. The young adult was just about to respond but was cut off by Mom quickly coming down the stairs to stand behind her. “Right, that is it!” She said, scooping up her daughter. “You have been very bad today!” Her mother said in a stern voice. Rose gave a struggle, crying out as she picked up and placed over her mothers knee. “Mommy no!” She exclaimed. But there was nothing that she could do to stop Roxanne delivering a hard smack to her bottom, to which she gave a loud yelp. “I’m going to have to cut this playdate short, I’m sorry.” She said to John’s father. He was already helping John up as she was speaking. He gave a tip of his hat, walking John towards to the door. “Goodbye Rose!” John said, waving his hand at her as they left. Rose gave a humph, sticking out her tongue at him behind his back. She received another smack to her bottom, to which she out another cry.“I hope you are happy Rose!”. Her mother said, not realizing that in fact, yes Rose was happy. She had gotten what she wanted after all and that was her mother’s attention.
  22. I wrote this with the help of AI. What would normally have taken me weeks to write took me hours. It was a fun experiment and feel this story has a lot of ways to go. The interesting thing was fixing it be in the right tense and person. Either way, love to hear feedback. Here is the first bit. Let me know peoples thoughts and if I should continue it. Chapter 1. [Boyfriend] I woke up with such a headache. My head was pounding and I was struggling to even remember why. I sat up and all the blood rushed to my head making the headache amplify by a thousand. With the onslaught of blood to my brain brought all the memories of last night. We decided it would be a good idea to do shots of tequila at the bar. Like the old saying goes, one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor. I vaguely remember throwing up in the parking lot and Laura driving my car back to my apartment. The rest is pretty fuzzy. I stretched extending my arms and legs out as far out as I could and in doing so heard a crinkling sound. I looked down and saw that I was wearing nothing but a diaper. Upon closer inspection, a very wet, very pink, and very puffy diaper. The diaper itself wasn't a big deal. I had been wearing diapers off and on for a few years enjoying the feeling of wearing then and sleeping in them on occassion when I was by myself. The difference here was I had never wet the diaper without intentionally doing so. I also didn't remember putting it on last night. Lastly, this was one of those things I kept to myself and never talked about to anyone. I went to push the covers off and that is when I started to panic. I went to push the covers off and realized I was wearing a pair of mittens that forced my hands in to a fist making my hands almost useless. They were designed to keep prying hands immobile in case someone couldn't keep their hands off their diaper. I knew this beacuse I bought them off Etsy after stumbling upon them one day. I was instrigued with the idea and bought them immediately. The problem is its almost impossible to put them on without help. It is however, absolutely impossible to engage the locking mechanism without help since your hand are effectively useless once they are on and you don't lock them until they are actually on. Needless to say, I had never gotten to really use them before. "Oh fuck!! Oh fuck!! Oh fuck!!" I said very loudly as I hopped out of bed. I put one of my hands in between my legs, closed my legs and tried to pull the mitten off. They wouldn't budge. It was on VERY securely. I tried again with the other hand and recevied the same results. I then tried to take the diaper off at least but since I didn't have use of my fingers or hands I ended up just punching myself in the groin. I started to panic even more. The total time from waking up to my ephiphany felt like it had been a few minutes but in reality it was probaly no more than 30 or 45 seconds. As I am processing all of this, Laura walks in the bedroom holding a cup of coffee and wearing a big ass grin Laura is my girlfriend. We have been together for a little less than two years. We met at a bar and for me it was love at first site. Laura is an avid athlete. She ran track in college, runs 3 or 4 Olympic triathlons every year, and goes hiking all the time. She is also a joy to be around. She is my ride or die partner. Always down for an adventure and the type of girl who will hold your hair while you puke your guts out from drinking too much tequila. She is also incredibily smart and perceptive. She has this ability to gain trust and influence with anyone she meets. If you take that and combine her ability to read people, work a room, and her patience it is obvious to see why she I am head over heels in love with her. However, when you are standing in front of her in nothing but a diaper and she isn't saying a fucking word it isn't awesome. Laura took a sip of her coffee and just stood there saying nothing. The silence was killing me and so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. "I would kill for a cup of coffee!" I said. Laura looked at me, still wearing her big ass grin, and extended her cup of coffee signaling for me to take it. I didn't think in my current predicament I could hold a cup of coffee let alone drink any of it without spilling it and possibly burning myself. "If I take it I will spill it all over me!" I said. "We definitely don't want that" Laura said again grinning. Laura was clearly not going to help me here. I knew there was a lot to talk about but I seriously needed out of this very wet diaper and I also had to pee. Just thinking about it was causing me to shift my weight from one foot to the other constantly. "I have to pee!" I told Laura. Laura took another sip of her coffee and look at my diaper and then back me. "It looks like you have already done a lot of that" she said while stifling a laugh. "This isn't funny" I told her. "I think that depends on perspective" Laura said. "Just help me out here before I have an accident." I said as calmly as I could. "How much do you remember from last night?" Laura asked me. "Not much after the bar" I told her. "Interesting" Laura said coyly. "Come on just tell me" I said in desparation as I was moments away wetting the diaper again. "I think we should go sit down and talk about it." Laura said gently. "I first need to pee and get out of this diaper." I told her exasperated. Laura chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Alright, alright," she said. "But before we discuss escape routes, there's something we need to talk about." Her voice softened a touch. "Remember on the way home from the bar how you were talking about you wanting to be a little more… submissive sometimes?" Recognition dawned on your face. There had been a conversation, fueled by tequila and whispered secrets, about exploring power dynamics in the bedroom. I vaguely remembered confessing a secret enjoyment of diapers, a childhood comfort I never quite outgrew. "Yeah," I mumbled, cheeks burning with a mixture of shame and a strange anticipation. "I, uh, I might have mentioned that." Laura's smile widened. "Well, as your ever-supportive girlfriend," she said, her voice dripping with amusement, "I made you a promise." She tapped the wet diaper with a finger. "You wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't made me promise not to leave this little guy friend on you until you confessed everything about your… fascination." I groaned, the weight of your predicament hitting you all at once. The dampness against my skin was no longer just uncomfortable, it was a constant reminder of my vulnerability. The mittens, a playful purchase now felt like shackles. "But Laura," I pleaded, voice strained, "I can't even hold a coffee cup! And besides, I swear I have to pee like right now!" Laura's smile softened a touch. "Alright," she conceded, "accidents happen, even to big boys in diapers. But," she wagged a finger playfully, "we'll have to change you out of this one before we can have a proper chat about last night, wouldn't we?" A flicker of hope sparked in your eyes. Maybe there was a way out of this, a chance to explain yourself before facing further humiliation. "Really?" you asked, voice barely a whisper. "Of course," Laura said, her voice gentle now. "Come on," she gestured towards the bed, "let's get you cleaned up. Then, we can talk." Your gaze darted down to the offending article of clothing – the pink diaper, now straining uncomfortably against your skin. Shame burned your cheeks hotter than the wetness seeping through. Beside it sat the matching pink mittens, a constant reminder of your drunken confession and bizarre request. You needed to explain yourself, to confess the secret desires that fueled your love for diapers. But the words stuck in your throat, choked by a paralyzing fear of rejection. "Laura," you croaked, your voice thick with a mix of desperation and embarrassment. "This is ridiculous. Please, just take these mittens off. I need to use the bathroom, and I can't explain anything like this." Laura knelt beside you, her gaze holding a mixture of concern and a strange intensity. "I know this is uncomfortable," she said, her voice gentle but firm, "but you promised, remember? You wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't begged me to keep you diapered until you confessed everything about your… fascination." Her voice softened on the last word, devoid of judgment. A surge of panic constricted your chest. "But Laura," you pleaded, "I can barely hold it anymore! Don't you see I'm serious? Can't we just talk after I use the bathroom?" "We can talk now," she countered, her gaze unwavering. "You promised, and besides," she added, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes, "I wouldn't want you ruining another perfectly good diaper before we even get started, would we?" Frustration bubbled over, fueled by the growing pressure in my bladder and the weight of your unspoken secret. "This isn't funny!" I snapped, my voice strained. "I'm not a child! Take them off, or I swear I'm going to…" The threat died on my lips as a warm sensation spread across my backside. Shame flooded me as I realized I'd lost the battle against my own bladder. Laura sighed, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "See," she said, her voice calm but firm, "accidents happen. Even to big boys in pink diapers. But," she added, a playful glint returning, "that doesn't change the deal. We still need to talk." Chapter 2 The weight of the wet diaper felt like a physical manifestation of defeat. Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of frustration, fear, and a strange sense of vulnerability I couldn't explain. Looking at Laura's determined face, I knew there was no escape. The conversation I dreaded, the one that could change everything, was finally about to begin. The tears blurring my vision made it hard to meet Laura's gaze. Shame gnawed at me, a raw confession clawing its way out of my throat. "It started in high school," I mumbled, voice thick with humiliation. "I… I liked the feeling of diapers, the comfort, the… vulnerability." I choked on the word, the truth hanging heavy in the air. Laura listened patiently, her expression a mix of curiosity and something more. "Vulnerability?" she echoed softly. "Yes," I continued, voice barely a whisper. "It was like a… secret world. Something nobody else knew about." I described the on-and-off relationship with diapers throughout high school and college, the periods of indulgence followed by guilt-fueled purges. "But this wasn't just about the feeling," I confessed, voice barely audible. "There was… there was a part of me that liked being forced to wear them. Like having someone else make the decision." I blurted out the truth about the pink mittens, the dark fantasy they represented. "I bought them online, imagining being… made to wet myself. I never thought it would actually happen." A tense silence filled the room. I stole a glance at Laura, bracing yourself for rejection. But her expression surprised me. There was no disgust, no anger, just a deep curiosity. "Anything else?" she asked gently, her voice laced with concern. I met her gaze for a fleeting moment, then looked away. The truth burned on my tongue, a secret too dark to share, even with her. "No," I lied, the word hollow in the quiet room. Laura's gaze held mine, a knowing glint in her eyes. I could practically feel her seeing through the flimsy lie, but she didn't press it. "Alright," she said finally, a sigh escaping her lips. "This is a lot to take in. But for now," she continued, her voice softening, "let's get you cleaned up, okay?" Relief washed over me, a temporary reprieve from the emotional onslaught. But as Laura began to remove the wet diaper, a sliver of fear wormed its way back into your heart. This confession might be just the beginning. I knew, deep down, that the secret you still held close was the real key to understanding your desires. And I wasn't sure if I was ready to unlock that door, not even for Laura. The conversation might have started, but the real journey into my hidden world had only just begun. A flicker of hope sparked in my eyes as Laura rose from the bed. Maybe, just maybe, this ordeal was over. Maybe I could explain everything later, after I'd showered and regained a semblance of normalcy. But my hope died a quick death as I saw Laura head towards the closet, not the bathroom. Panic clawed at my throat. "Wait!" I blurted, the word laced with desperation. "Where are you going?" Laura turned, a fresh diaper in hand. "To get you cleaned up, of course," she said gently, her voice laced with amusement. "No!" I protested, my voice rising in a squeak. "I mean, not like that! I thought… I thought you were going to take these things off!" I gestured frantically at the pink mittens, the symbol of my forced confinement. Laura's lips curved into a knowing smile. "Honey," she said, her voice soft but firm, "I know you're scared. And I know there's more you're not telling me." Her gaze held mine, unwavering. "No, there isn't!" I lied, the word tasting like ash in your mouth. Laura sighed. "Look," she said, kneeling beside you again. "I'm not going to pressure you to tell me everything right now. But we can't just pretend this didn't happen. So, how about a compromise? You stay in diapers for the day, the pink ones," she added, a playful glint in her eyes, "until you're ready to be completely honest with me. Then, and only then, will we talk about taking these things off." The idea of being stuck in diapers all day, the pink ones a constant reminder of my helplessness, filled me with a surge of frustration. This wasn't supposed to happen! I threw my arms around, knocking over a glass of water on the nightstand. "No! This is ridiculous!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes again. "I can't stay like this!" Laura reached out, her touch surprisingly firm as she grasped your shoulders. "Actually," she countered, her voice surprisingly calm, "you can. And deep down, isn't this part of what you secretly wanted?" I flinched at her words, the truth stinging like a slap. A tiny voice inside you whispered a shameful confirmation. But I refused to acknowledge it. "No! It's not!" I denied vehemently, pushing her hands away. Laura didn't argue. Instead, she quickly removed the wet diaper. However, this time, she left the pink mittens firmly secured on my hands. Shame burned my cheeks as she cleaned you up, the vulnerability raw and exposed, amplified by the restriction of the mittens. "Alright," she said, fastening a fresh pink diaper around me. "Why don't you go wait in the living room while I get some more coffee?" The thought of leaving the safety of the bed, venturing out into the open while diapered and defenseless, filled me with terror. I shook my head stubbornly. "No. I don't want to go anywhere." Laura stood up, a hint of exasperation flickering across her face. "Look," she said, her voice firm, "we both know you can walk. So, either you go to the living room, or you can stay here and face the consequences." The implication hung heavy in the air. This wasn't a request, it was an order. Heat flooded my cheeks as I realized the truth of her words. This, the forced compliance, the helpless dependence, might be the very core of my secret desire. But I couldn't admit it, not even to myself. Defeated, I pushed yourself off the bed, the plastic crinkling beneath a constant reminder of my predicament. As I started to shuffle towards the living room, Laura's hand landed on my backside with a sharp smack. A yelp escaped my lips, more from surprise than pain. "That," Laura said, her voice devoid of anger but laced with a hint of amusement, "was for the water glass and the tantrum. Now, go." The spanking, a I only fantasized about with the impossible addition of the mittens, sent a jolt through me. Shame and a strange flicker of… something else, warred within me. I bit my lip, the unspoken desire a heavy weight in my gut. There was so much I wanted to tell her, so much I craved to experience. But the words wouldn't come Defeated and still buzzing from the spanking, I shuffled into the living room, the plastic crinkle of the diaper a constant reminder of my predicament. Laura followed close behind, a determined glint in her eyes. Just as I settled onto the couch, the shrill ring of her phone pierced the tense silence. Laura glanced at the screen, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face. "It's Sarah," she sighed. "Says she needs a ride home." My stomach lurched. Sarah, your friend who was with you both at the bar last night. The friend who probably knew nothing about your drunken confession and newfound diaper predicament. "She went home with some guy," Laura continued, her voice laced with concern. "Apparently, it didn't work out, and now she's stranded." A wave of relief washed over me, tinged with a pang of guilt. Maybe this was my chance to escape further interrogation. But Laura's next words dashed that hope. "Look," she said, her voice firm but gentle, "I know this isn't the best timing, but I can't leave her hanging. This conversation isn't over, but I need to go get her. I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" Before you could protest, she knelt beside you, reaching for the pink mittens. Relief flooded you as she unbuckled the straps, the symbol of forced helplessness finally removed. "I love you," she whispered, her lips brushing your cheek. "And when I get back, we're going to talk about everything. Everything." With a final squeeze of your hand, Laura stood up and headed towards the door. But then, something unexpected happened. Laura paused at the closet, her gaze flickering to you for a fleeting moment before disappearing inside. A muffled rustle reached your ears, followed by the sound of the door closing again. Confused, I watched as she hurried out the door, leaving you alone in the living room. The weight of my secret desires, momentarily forgotten, was replaced by a new mystery. Why did Laura go back into the closet? And why did she take an extra diaper with her? As the minutes ticked by, my mind raced. Was Laura planning on continuing this… experiment even while she was gone? The thought sent a jolt through me, a mixture of fear and something strangely exhilarating, bubbling in my gut. The conversation might have been put on hold, but with that extra diaper in her purse, you knew one thing for sure: this was far from over. Chapter 3 [Laura] I pulled up to Sarah's building, the frustration from the interrupted conversation simmering beneath the surface. Sarah practically tumbled out of the apartment building, a sheepish grin plastered on her face. "Laura, you are a lifesaver!" Sarah exclaimed, throwing her arms around Laura in a hug. "I am so, so sorry for dragging you out like this." "It's alright," I mumbled, returning the hug halfheartedly. "Just glad you're safe." "Seriously, though," Sarah continued, pulling back and grasping Laura's hands. "I owe you big time. How about brunch to make it up to you?" I hesitated for a moment, then a small smile tugged at my lips. Maybe some pancakes would be good right about now. "Alright," I agreed, "brunch it is. But you're paying." As we settled into a cozy booth at a nearby diner, Sarah's curiosity got the better of her. "So," she began, swirling the coffee in her mug, "what happened after we left the bar? I saw your other half was pretty hammered." I took a sip of my coffee, my mind flashing back to the scene in the apartment, the pink diapers, the helpless vulnerability in his eyes. "Yeah, he was a mess," O admitted, choosing the words carefully. "Actually, he had a bit of a… revelation last night." Sarah's eyes widened. "A revelation? Spill the tea, girl!" I chuckled, a hint of nervousness in my voice. "It's… it's a little complicated. We haven't really talked about it fully yet." Just then, Sarah's gaze flicked down to Laura's purse, which was resting on the table beside her. "Hey," Sarah said, a curious glint in her eyes, "what's that sticking out of your purse?" My's heart lurched. I glanced down and saw the unmistakable corner of the extra diaper peeking out from the open compartment. A wave of heat flooded my cheeks. There was no way I could explain that to Sarah, not now, not ever. "Oh, that's… uh…" I stammered, desperately searching for an excuse. Inspiration struck in the form of her ever-present purse clutter. "Just some… feminine hygiene stuff," I blurted out, quickly reaching down and shoving the diaper further into the depths of my purse. Sarah's eyebrows shot up, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Oh, alright," she said, her voice dripping with skepticism. "Just girl code, I guess." I forced a smile, relief washing over me as Sarah turned her attention back to her pancakes. The secret of the extra diaper was safe, for now. But as I glanced at Sarah, a mischievous thought flickered across my mind. Maybe, just maybe, there would be a chance to share this little secret with Sarah someday. After all, what were friends for? But for now, I had a much more pressing issue to deal with – unraveling the mystery behind the revelation of these hidden desires and navigating the uncharted territory of my boyfriend's newfound kink. The conversation might have been interrupted, but I knew, with a newfound sense of determination, that it was far from over. I just hoped I was prepared for wherever this diaper-clad journey might lead. The low hum of the engine filled the car as I pulled away from Sarah's apartment building. Glancing down at the diaper peeking out from my purse once more, a wry smile touched my lips. This whole situation with mt boyfriend was turning out to be far more complicated – and intriguing – than I ever could have imagined. Reaching for my phone, I dialed his number. The phone rang a few times before he picked up, his voice thick with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. "Hey," he mumbled, the simple greeting laced with unspoken questions. "Hey yourself," I replied, my voice warm. "Just finished up with Sarah. Brunch was good." "Uh-huh," he replied, a barely audible question hanging in the air. "So, what are you going to do now?" "Well," I said, drawing out the word, "I think I'm going to head home, shower, and maybe… take care of a few things." My voice trailed off, leaving the unspoken implication heavy in the silence. He chuckled nervously, a blush creeping up his neck. "Right," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "Sounds like a plan." There was a comfortable pause on the line, both of us dancing around the topic of our earlier encounter. Finally, I spoke again. "Why don't you come over to my place a little later tonight?" I suggested. "We can… continue our conversation." "Yeah," he agreed eagerly, relief flooding his voice. "That sounds good. See you then." "See you then," I echoed, a playful glint in my voice. "And babe" "Yeah?" "Try not to get into any more trouble before I get there, okay?" He let out a nervous laugh. "No promises," he admitted, the unspoken truth hanging heavy between us. I chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. "We'll see about that," I said before hanging up. A smile, tinged with a nervous excitement, played on my lips as I ended the call. The conversation about his secret desires might have been interrupted, but judging by his tone, it was far from over. Tonight, I knew, he would finally have the chance to fully explain his… fascination, and explore the strange new world of diapers we both seemed to be hurtling towards. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a mixture of fear and exhilarating anticipation. This evening, I was determined to create a safe space for him to be honest, to shed the layers of secrecy and explore the desires that burned beneath the surface. The journey into his hidden world was about to begin, and I couldn't wait to see where it would lead. Chapter 4 [Laura] As I pulled away from Sarah's place, a new mission bloomed in my mind. The extra diaper in my purse felt more like a challenge now, a dare to delve deeper into this unexpected kink unfolding between us. I grabbed my phone and I Googled "adult diaper stores near me." A place called "The Diaper Depot" popped up, conveniently located on my way home. Perfect. With a slight flutter of nerves, I pulled into the parking lot of the store. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and entered a world of plastic crinkling and baby prints. A friendly woman with a nametag reading "Lisa" approached me with a warm smile. "Can I help you find anything today?" she chirped. "Uh, yeah," I stammered, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "I, uh, need some diapers." Lisa's smile widened. "Absolutely! We have a great selection for all needs. Are you looking for daytime or overnight protection?" "Actually," I blurted out, surprising myself with honesty, "they're not for me. They're for my boyfriend." Lisa's smile faltered slightly, then recovered with a knowing nod. "Ah, I see," she said gently. "What kind of diapers is he looking for? We carry a wide variety, from briefs to pull-ups to…" I felt a wave of panic. What kind of diapers were we looking for? This whole thing was moving way too fast. Sensing my distress, Lisa offered a reassuring smile. "Is your boyfriend an adult baby, or more of a diaper lover?" she asked delicately. Completely lost, I furrowed my brow. "Adult baby? Diaper lover? What's the difference?" Lisa chuckled softly. "Well, some people enjoy the feeling of wearing diapers and the feeling of being babied. Others are more focused on the physical restriction and, well, the… cuteness factor of adult diapers with baby prints and characters." Suddenly, the lightbulb clicked on in my head. I reached into my purse and sheepishly pulled out the rogue diaper. Lisa's eyes widened in understanding. A playful smile spread across her face as she ushered me towards a display case overflowing with brightly colored adult diapers adorned with a menagerie of animals – playful elephants, cuddly pandas, and curious koalas. "These are our most popular designs for those who enjoy the babyish look," she explained, holding up a package with a parade of zoo animals across the plastic. As we delved deeper into the world of adult diapers, a wave of nervous excitement washed over me. This was all so new, so unexpected. But seeing the variety of options, the openness with which Lisa discussed it all, calmed my apprehension. "Honestly," Lisa said, her voice dropping to a gentle whisper, "it's all perfectly normal. Some people like the security and comfort of diapers. Others enjoy the feeling of being looked after. There's also a subset who enjoy the power dynamic, the feeling of being dominated or helpless." Her words struck a chord. The way his eyes had lit up when I mentioned the consequences, the way his defiance crumbled when I spanked him… maybe there was more to it than just the diapers themselves. Taking a deep breath, I confessed my newfound realization. "I think… I think there might be some of that too," I admitted, feeling my cheeks burn. "He mentioned mittens earlier…" Lisa's smile widened knowingly. She pointed to a section of the display case I hadn't noticed before. There, nestled amongst the colorful animal-printed diapers, were a pair of soft, pink mittens. And right next to them, a curious contraption: a plastic diaper cover in a matching shade of pink, complete with a magnetic lock on the front. "This is a locking diaper cover," Lisa explained, sensing my curiosity. "It uses magnets to keep the diaper securely fastened. Hospitals use them sometimes to prevent patients from removing their diapers." The idea sparked a fire in my mind. This could be the perfect solution! I could still allow him to use his hands, but he wouldn't be able to tamper with the diaper itself. A delicious blend of control and vulnerability simmered in my gut. Thanking Lisa profusely for her expertise, I walked out of the Diaper Depot with a newfound confidence and a shopping bag full of supplies: a case of the most adorable animal-printed diapers I could find, and the intriguing pink locking diaper cover. "Thanks, Lisa," I said, handing her my card as we reached the door. Pulling into my driveway, a nervous thrill danced in my stomach. This little shopping spree had been impulsive, exhilarating, and a bit terrifying all at once. Grabbing the bag from the passenger seat, I practically skipped to my front door, eager to examine my newfound treasures. Inside my apartment, I tossed the bag onto the couch and ripped it open with a flourish. The first item I retrieved was the package of diapers. It wasn't the babyish kittens I'd initially considered, but a design that caught my eye – a parade of colorful zoo animals: a playful elephant with a mischievous grin, a cuddly panda munching on bamboo, and a wide-eyed koala clinging to a branch. Perfect, I thought, a touch of whimsy without being overly childish. Tearing open the plastic packaging, I unfolded a diaper. It was thicker than I expected, a soft, absorbent material encased in a crinkly plastic shell. Across the back, a menagerie of the same zoo animals frolicked in a repeating pattern. A small tab on the front held the diaper securely closed. Curiosity piqued, I peeked inside. More absorbent material, designed to be ultra-leakproof. A slight blush crept up my cheeks as I imagined my boyfriend swaddled in these, a vulnerable dependence washing over me. Carefully placing the entire package – ten diapers in all – beneath the sink in the bathroom, I reached back into the bag. The second item was the intriguing locking diaper cover. This wasn't the sterile white contraption I'd envisioned. This one was a soft, bubblegum pink, the plastic surprisingly pliable yet secure. Running along the front was a series of magnets, strategically placed to line up with a corresponding metal clasp. A sense of delicious power surged through me as I imagined my boyfriend securely diapered, unable to tamper with his situation without my help. The key to the magnetic lock was a small, silver rectangle attached to a thin plastic cord. A perfect size to dangle from my keychain, I thought, a mischievous glint in my eyes. Fishing a key ring out of my purse, I looped the magnetic key next to my house key. The weight felt oddly comforting, a symbol of the control and care I was about to take on. With a satisfied smile, I tucked the pink locking diaper cover next to the package of zoo animal adorned diapers, both hidden beneath the bathroom sink, waiting for their moment to be unveiled. The anticipation simmered as I stashed the diaper supplies away. A quick shower washed away the day's remnants, and I emerged feeling refreshed and a touch daring. Slipping into a pair of comfortable jeans and a worn-in t-shirt with a band logo that he always teased me about, I tackled the apartment with renewed energy. First up was the living room. Armed with a feather duster, I waged war on the dust bunnies that had taken refuge under the couch and behind the bookshelves. Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the swirling motes of dust as they danced in the air before succumbing to my cleaning wrath. With a satisfied grunt, I surveyed the battlefield – the vanquished dust bunnies lay defeated in the vacuum cleaner's belly, and the once-hazy air shimmered with newfound clarity. Next came the kitchen. A quick glance at the fridge revealed the usual hodgepodge of leftovers and questionable science experiments in Tupperware containers. Tonight called for something special, something that hinted at the unexpected turn our relationship had taken. Grabbing my phone, I pulled up a grocery delivery app. With a few taps and swipes, I curated a menu that felt both playful and indulgent – cheesy garlic bread, a simple pasta salad bursting with colorful vegetables, and a decadent chocolate lava cake for dessert. Hitting "confirm order," I leaned back against the counter, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. The doorbell chimed, jolting me out of my thoughts. The groceries had arrived with impressive efficiency. Unpacking the bags, I reveled in the cheerful burst of color from the fresh vegetables and the intoxicating aroma of the garlic bread. Tonight's dinner was going to be a feast for the senses, a prelude to the even more decadent exploration that awaited us later. With the groceries safely tucked away, I turned my attention to the rest of the apartment. The bathroom received a quick scrub-down, the towels replaced with fresh ones. Back in the living room, I straightened the throw pillows on the couch and dimmed the lights, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Just as I finished fluffing the throw pillows, my phone buzzed on the coffee table. A text from filled the screen. Hey beautiful, what are you up to tonight? Dinner and a movie? Or something more adventurous? A sly smile played on my lips. He knew exactly what kind of adventure we were both hinting at. The stolen glance at his earlier "accident" had ignited a spark, and this unexpected turn of events was fanning it into a full-blown fire. He might have mentioned movies, but our conversation this afternoon had left a lot of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. We both knew a movie night wasn't what was on either of our minds. Taking a moment to craft my response, I tapped out a message that was both playful and suggestive. Cooking up a little surprise for dinner. Come around 6, grab some drinks on your way, and we can finish our conversation... in more ways than one. Leaving the ending open-ended, I knew he'd catch my drift. The image of his face lighting up with understanding, the unspoken excitement hanging heavy in the air – that was a thrill all on its own. The evening stretched before me, full of possibilities, and I couldn't wait to see where this unexpected journey would take us. As I hit send, a nervous flutter danced in my stomach, a delicious blend of anticipation and apprehension. Tonight, we were going to explore a new facet of our relationship, and a part of me wondered if I was truly prepared for what lay ahead Chapter 5 [Boyfriend] Hunger gnawed at my stomach as I pulled into Laura's driveway. The afternoon's conversation had left me a tangled mess of emotions – excitement, nervousness, and a hefty dose of shame for springing the diaper incident on her. Opting for comfort over anything fancy, I threw on a pair of jeans and a well-worn t-shirt. Grabbing a case of drinks I snagged on the way, I headed for her door, a knot of anticipation tightening in my gut. The scent of garlic and herbs hit me the moment I stepped inside. Laura, her back to me, hummed along to some upbeat music as she stirred something colorful in a pan. The sight of her in her element, bathed in the warm glow of the kitchen light, calmed my racing heart a touch. Placing the drinks in the fridge, I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped slightly, then melted into my embrace, a relieved sigh escaping her lips. The air crackled with unspoken words. A playful tension hung between us, both of us unsure how to breach the subject on everyone's mind. Stepping back, I grabbed a can of sparkling water from the fridge and popped the top. Awkward silence filled the space as I took a seat at the kitchen table. Laura continued her culinary endeavors, occasionally glancing my way with a mix of curiosity and something I couldn't quite decipher. Conversation flowed, albeit a bit stilted. We talked about work, the upcoming weekend plans, anything to avoid the elephant in the room. All the while, I kept stealing glances at her, hoping, yearning for her to bring up the diapers. But she remained frustratingly silent. Finally, unable to bear the suspense any longer, I cleared my throat. "Laura," I began, my voice thick with apprehension, "can we talk about… earlier?" She nodded, a flicker of emotion crossing her face before it schooled itself back into neutrality. My heart thumped in my chest, a drumbeat against my ribs. "Look," I blurted out, hating how shaky my voice sounded, "I, uh, I've been thinking a lot about everything. And I just… I'm so sorry. I should have talked to you about it first, not just sprung it on you like that." Shame burned in my throat, acrid and bitter. "I know it was weird, and confusing, and frankly, pretty messed up of me." The apology tumbled out, raw and unfiltered. Tears pricked at my eyes, blurring the image of Laura across the table. Taking a shaky breath, I buried my face in my hands, the weight of my stupidity pressing down on me. The words tumbled out of my mouth, a torrent of regret and shame. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the image of Laura across the table. Taking a shaky breath, I buried my face in my hands, the weight of my stupidity pressing down on me. Silence stretched between us, thick and suffocating. Then, a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I flinched, bracing myself for rejection, but Laura's voice, soft and reassuring, washed over me. "Hey," she murmured, her touch light and comforting. "It's okay. Really." I peeked through my fingers, searching her face for any sign of anger or disgust. Instead, she wore a soft smile, her eyes filled with a warmth that sent a calming tremor through me. "But it's not," I mumbled, voice choked with emotion. "It was weird. I freaked you out." "Maybe a little," she admitted, a playful glint entering her eyes. "But mostly, I was surprised." I frowned, unsure what to make of her answer. Was she just trying to be nice? "Surprised?" I echoed, my voice barely above a whisper. "You weren't… horrified?" Laura sighed, a hint of exasperation creeping into her tone. "Look," she said, her voice firm but gentle, "seeing you like that… it was unexpected, yes. But honestly? It kind of turned me on." My head snapped up, confusion warring with a flicker of hope in my chest. "Turned you on?" I stammered. "But… the diapers…" "The diapers," she interrupted, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "are an interesting proposition." She paused, letting the weight of her words hang in the air. "But right now, I'm more interested in seeing you like this – vulnerable, honest." My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drum solo in response to her words. Part of me, the part that still clung to shame, couldn't quite believe it. Was she really okay with all this? The other part, the part that had dreamt of exploring this secret desire with her, pulsed with a mix of excitement and terror. Laura's smile faded, replaced by a playful sternness. "So," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument, "you either believe me, or I put you in a diaper right this instant." Panic surged through me. The idea of being diapered, of surrendering control to Laura, sent a jolt of electricity through my core. But the thought of her being repulsed by my desires, of shutting down this unexpected exploration before it even began, was even more terrifying. In that moment, caught between fear and a strange, exhilarating mix of desire and vulnerability, I knew exactly what I had to do. Laura's words hung in the air, a challenge both thrilling and terrifying. Part of me, the cautious, logical part, still shrieked in protest. This was crazy, impulsive, a complete departure from everything I knew. But the other part, the part that had dreamt of exploring these hidden desires, whispered possibilities, a world of secret pleasures waiting to be unraveled. Stealing a glance at Laura, I saw not disgust or judgment, but a spark of curiosity and, dare I say, excitement, dancing in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, I decided to take a leap of faith. "Okay," I mumbled, my voice barely above a whisper. "Okay, you win. But…" I hesitated, the words catching in my throat. "I… I need to understand. What do you want to know?" A satisfied smile spread across Laura's face. "Start at the beginning," she instructed gently. "Tell me how all this… diaper stuff… started." My cheeks burned, a blush creeping up my neck. How did I even begin to explain this? "Well, it was a long time ago," I stammered, desperately searching for the right words. "High school, actually. I remember seeing a diaper commercial on TV, and something about it just… clicked." The memory was hazy, a distant echo of a time when these desires were a secret shame, hidden away in the deepest recesses of my mind. Back then, it was just a spark – a fascination with the image of someone swaddled in soft, absorbent material. I'd spend hours reading articles online, anything I could find about diapers. The feeling was strange, a mix of comfort and a strange sense of vulnerability that I couldn't quite explain. "At first, it was just curiosity," I continued, my voice barely a whisper. "But then, I started noticing things. Like, whenever I saw a baby in a diaper, it would… I don't know, do something to me." My cheeks burned even hotter, the confession tumbling out in a rush. "And then there were the commercials, the way they emphasized the feeling of security, of being taken care of." The words felt raw, exposed, but a strange sense of relief washed over me as I spoke them aloud. Laura listened intently, her expression unreadable. Taking a shaky breath, I pushed on, my voice barely above a whisper. "Finally, in college, I decided to… to experiment. I ordered a pack of adult diapers online, and…" Shame threatened to engulf me again, but I forced myself to continue. "The feeling of being wrapped up in them… it was… overwhelming. A sense of comfort, of being little again, but also…" I hesitated, searching for the right words. "It opened up a whole new world of feelings, desires I never knew I had." My confession hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. Had I gone too far? Would Laura understand, or would this be the end of everything? Stealing a glance at her, my heart hammered against my ribs in a frantic tattoo. Her expression remained unreadable, a mix of curiosity and something I couldn't quite decipher. But to my surprise, a single word escaped her lips, a word that sent a jolt of electricity through me. "Continue," she murmured, her voice soft yet firm. "Tell me everything." My voice dropped to a barely audible mumble as I continued. "It's hard to explain," I confessed, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks again. "The diapers... they made me feel... submissive. Like a little kid again, needing to be taken care of. There was this strange comfort in that, a release of control." My eyes darted around the room, unable to hold Laura's gaze. "But it was more than that too. The vulnerability... the feeling of being completely dependent... it was... arousing." The last word hung in the air, a shameful admission. But as I spoke, a weight seemed to lift from my chest. These were things I'd never dared articulate, not even to myself. For years, they'd existed as a secret fantasy, a hidden desire that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. "And then there was the punishment aspect," I continued, my voice barely above a whisper. "The idea of being scolded, maybe even spanked... it... it added another layer of excitement. The humiliation, the loss of control... it became part of the whole thing." Shame warred with a newfound sense of liberation. I felt exposed, raw, yet strangely exhilarated by finally admitting these desires. Hesitantly, I glanced at Laura, bracing myself for judgment. "Until this morning," I stammered, a touch desperate for reassurance, "I'd never... never actually wet a diaper. Or had someone else change it." My voice dropped to a near inaudible level. "And when you swatted me... it was... almost too much. I..." A blush crept up my neck, burning my cheeks. "I almost..." The words wouldn't come out. But the truth hung heavy in the air, a silent confession. Laura's reaction to the swat had sent a jolt through me, a rush of unexpected pleasure that had left me teetering on the edge. Silence filled the room, thick and expectant. Would she understand? Would she be disgusted by this dark side of my desire? My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drum solo in my chest. And then, Laura spoke, her voice a gentle whisper that sent shivers down my spine. "Tell me more," she murmured, her eyes holding a spark of unexpected interest. "Tell me everything you fantasize about." Laura's cheeks flushed a rosy pink, but her eyes remained steady. "I changed your diaper, didn't I?" she countered, a hint of amusement in her voice. Think you can handle a little more honesty?" There was a playful edge to her words, but also a subtle warning. This wasn't a one-way street; she was in on this too. Shame washed over me again, hot and prickly. "You're right, of course," I mumbled, my voice thick with apology. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hesitated." Taking a deep breath, I plunged back into the deep end. "Fantasies," I began, my voice still shaky. "There have been... a few. Like, you putting me over your knee. Pulling my pants down, spanking me..." My cheeks burned, but I continued, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Maybe even with your... that wooden hairbrush you keep in your purse." A shiver ran down my spine at the image. The next confession felt like a leap of faith. "And... being forced to wear a diaper in public. Maybe to the store, or even on a walk. I don't know if I could actually go through with it," I admitted, "but the idea..." My voice trailed off, the thrill and humiliation of the fantasy warring within me. Laura listened intently, her expression unreadable. A million questions swirled in my head. Was this too much? Would this be the end of everything? Finally, she spoke, her voice a low rumble. "Is that all?" she asked, a hint of amusement creeping into her tone. "Just spankings and diapers?" Relief washed over me, mingled with a flicker of disappointment. "Well, there's more," I admitted, hesitantly. "But I don't know..." "Tell me," she urged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What if I put you in timeout? Grounded you like you were a little kid? Would that be… interesting?" The idea hung in the air, a new twist on the already swirling vortex of desires. Grounded? Timeout? The image that popped into my head was childish, yet undeniably arousing. "Maybe," I stammered, my voice laced with uncertainty. "I… I'm not sure." A hint of frustration flickered across Laura's face, quickly replaced by a playful sternness. Her hand, which had been resting on the countertop, drifted down to her hip, brushing against the familiar weight of her purse. "Well," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument, "we can explore that uncertainty. But if you keep holding back like this, maybe you'll need a little reminder of who's in charge here. Perhaps a swat on that cute little soon-to-be-diapered butt will help jog your memory?" The playful threat hung in the air, laced with a hint of something more. A delicious shiver ran down my spine. This wasn't just about exploring my desires anymore. This was about exploring Laura's too, about the power dynamic that had shifted between us. And as I looked into her eyes, the amusement sparkling there mixed with a newfound dominance, I knew I was in for a night that would be far more exciting, and a touch more daring, than I ever could have imagined. Chapter 6 [Laura] The air crackled with a raw vulnerability I hadn't anticipated. Here I was, the normally composed Laura, completely captivated by his whispered confessions. This submissive side of him, the way his voice hitched when he spoke of dependence and control, it ignited a spark within me I hadn't known existed. Dominance. It wasn't a word I readily used, but the truth was, I'd always harbored a bit of a secret desire for it. The thought of him over my knee, struggling against my hand as I delivered a firm swat, sent a delicious thrill through me. "Is that everything?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Part of me wanted him to keep going, to delve deeper into these hidden fantasies. Another part, a more cautious side, worried about overwhelming him. He shook his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "I can't think of anything else, right now at least." Taking a deep breath, I decided to accept that for now. There would be time to explore further, to unravel more layers of his desires. But for now, there was a different emotion gnawing at me. Disappointment. "Two years," I said, my voice flat. "It took you two years to tell me any of this?" The sheepish grin vanished, replaced by a look of pure panic. "Laura, I'm so sorry! I… I was ashamed, embarrassed. I didn't think you'd understand." His apology was a little too eager, a little too practiced. It rubbed me the wrong way. "Don't you think that's a bit insulting?" I snapped, a touch of frustration creeping into my voice. "Do you really think I wouldn't accept you, quirks and all?" He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "Look," I said, my voice firm but gentle, "I love you. And what you just told me… it might be a little strange, a little unexpected, but I accept it. Hell, I'm kind of excited about it." A relieved smile spread across his face, melting some of the tension in the room. But I still needed a moment. This whole conversation had been a whirlwind – a rollercoaster of emotions that left me needing to catch my breath. "I need to finish dinner," I announced, forcing a smile. "And honestly, I need a few minutes to process all of this." His smile faltered slightly, a flicker of concern flickering in his eyes. "Okay," he mumbled, standing up a little too quickly. A mischievous glint entered my eyes. This exploration of desires went both ways, didn't it? "Actually," I said, my voice taking on a playful edge, "you're going to be spending those few minutes in timeout." Confusion clouded his face. "Timeout?" "Exactly," I confirmed, a grin spreading across my face. Walking over to him, I grabbed his arms, surprising him with my sudden assertiveness. "On your feet, mister." He stood awkwardly, his eyes wide with surprise. I guided him towards the corner of the kitchen, a playful smile on my lips. "Stand right there," I commanded, positioning him facing the wall. Crossing his arms behind his back, I gave his butt a few gentle pats. "Now, you are not to move an inch for the next twenty minutes. Consider it a little taste of what's to come." Setting the timer on my phone, I winked at him. "Twenty minutes," I announced, turning back towards the stove. As I stirred the sauce, a delicious thrill danced through me. This wasn't just about diapers and confessions anymore. This was about control, about exploring the dynamic that had just shifted between us. And with a smile playing on my lips, I knew this was just the beginning. I stirred the simmering sauce, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. The revelations of the evening had been a heady mix – surprising, exhilarating, and a touch unsettling. Yet, beneath the initial shock, a thrill of anticipation simmered. This newfound knowledge about my boyfriend, this vulnerability he'd finally exposed, had ignited a spark within me I hadn't known existed. My mind drifted back to his confession, picturing him in a diaper, standing meekly in the corner. A pang of regret, unexpected and sharp, pierced through me. He was in timeout, yes, but wouldn't the humiliation be tenfold if he were swaddled in plastic, his vulnerability amplified? The image sent a jolt of heat through me, a delicious mix of dominance and possessiveness. I could practically feel the soft plastic beneath my hand, hear the satisfying smack of a well-placed swat. Shaking my head slightly, I forced myself to focus. The food wouldn't cook itself, and besides, a little delayed gratification never hurt anyone. With renewed focus, I checked the simmering dish, my smile returning. Almost done. Time to set the table. As I pulled out plates, a flicker of movement in the corner caught my eye. My boyfriend, ever so slightly, was shifting his weight, his crossed arms no longer fully behind him. A playful frown creased my forehead. Rules were rules, after all. Picking up a wooden spoon from the counter, I strolled over to him, a playful glint in my eye. Before he could react, I delivered a sharp swat to his backside. A gasp escaped his lips, his body jolting slightly. "Hands back up, mister," I commanded, my voice firm yet playful. "Stay still. Nose in the corner. Twenty minutes haven't passed yet, you know." He mumbled an apology, scrambling to straighten himself back up, a sheepish grin battling with the sting on his backside. I watched him for a moment, the playful glint in my eyes turning into a hint of something more – a promise, perhaps, of what was to come. With a satisfied nod, I returned to the table, setting the plates and cutlery. The food was ready, the timer buzzing insistently. Tonight, I thought, dinner wouldn't be the only thing served. A delicious anticipation bubbled in my stomach as I called out, "Alright, timeout's over. But dinner comes with a side of discipline, wouldn't you say?" Chapter 7 [Boyfriend] The sting from the spoon lingered on my backside, a sharp reminder of my transgression. It wasn't painful, but it was a jolt, a current that sent a surprising thrill through me. Maybe it was the unexpectedness, or maybe it was the dawning realization that even a minor punishment turned me on. Ugh, this whole situation was a confusing mess of emotions. "Side of discipline?" I echoed, turning from the corner. The playful edge to Laura's voice sent shivers down my spine, a mix of apprehension and anticipation. "But you just put me in timeout." Laura raised an eyebrow, her expression playful yet firm. "Twenty minutes in the corner hardly makes up for two years of holding back, does it?" she countered. Shame washed over me again, hot and prickly. My lips parted to form another apology, a desperate plea for forgiveness. But before the words could escape, Laura cut me off. "Look," she said, her voice softening slightly, "I love you. And I accept you, diapers and all. But honestly, I'm tired of apologies. Tonight, we're exploring this new side of things, together." Her words were a mix of reassurance and challenge, and a delicious thrill shot through me. Together. This wasn't just about her controlling me; it was about us exploring a hidden part of our relationship. "So," she continued, a playful smirk gracing her lips, "after dinner, you'll be on dish duty. Consider it a first taste of what's to come." The image of me, in whatever fate awaited me, scrubbing dishes while Laura watched, sent a blush creeping up my neck. This wasn't quite how I imagined the evening unfolding, but a strange sense of excitement bubbled within me. Dinner first, discipline later. It seemed like a fair compromise, at least for now. With a resigned nod, I pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. Laura dished up our dinner, placing a steaming plate in front of me. As we began to eat, an unspoken tension hung in the air, a delicious current of anticipation that promised a very different kind of dessert later that night. [Laura] I watched with quiet satisfaction as my boyfriend tucked into his dinner. The conversation flowed easily, a comfortable mix of mundane details – Sarah's brunch obsession with bottomless mimosas, the never-ending battle against dust bunnies in their tiny apartment. It felt almost normal, a stark contrast to the raw vulnerability they'd shared earlier. But beneath the surface, a delicious tension simmered. He knew what was coming. The playful swat with the spoon had been a mere taste, a prelude to the real discipline waiting for him. As we finished the meal, I cleared away the empty plates, stacking them neatly in the sink. He offered to help, a hint of eagerness in his voice. "Actually," I said, a sly smile playing on her lips, "there is one thing I forgot to mention about those dishes." He paused, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. This was it. The moment the playful dominance shifted into something more. "You'll be doing them," I continued, my voice a low murmur, "with no pants on. And in a diaper." The words hung in the air, a challenge and a promise rolled into one. His eyes widened, a blush creeping up his neck. There was a flicker of apprehension, yes, but also a spark of something else – an undeniable turn-on, a delicious thrill of surrendering control. I watched him, captivated by the way his emotions played across his face. This wasn't about punishment, not entirely. It was about claiming a new kind of intimacy, a vulnerability that went beyond whispered confessions. It was about exploring a secret part of him, and a secret part of myself. "So," I said, voice soft yet firm, "ready to get started, little one?" His mouth worked silently, a strangled protest forming on his lips. However, I left no room for argument. "This is happening," I said, a playful yet firm edge to my tone. A defeated sigh escaped his lips, but I could see the flicker of something else in his eyes – a reluctant acceptance, a tremor of excitement warring with nervousness. It was a look that both frustrated and titillated me. Leaving him for a moment, I marched purposefully to the bathroom cabinet, retrieving a diaper and some baby powder. I wasn't sure why I'd bought the powder – a strange, domestic impulse – but it felt oddly fitting in the moment. Returning to the kitchen, I grabbed his hand, a playful tug that sent a jolt through him. "Living room," I announced, leading him through the apartment. He stumbled slightly, his body already anticipating the vulnerability to come. In the living room, I guided him down to the plush carpet, the coolness a stark contrast to the heat radiating from my touch. With practiced ease, I unbuckled his belt and waistband, a slow, deliberate movement that had him squirming beneath my gaze. The zipper hissed down, and I slid his pants down his legs, the fabric pooling around his ankles. A surge of heat flooded his face as he felt the cool air kiss his exposed skin. "Seems like someone's excited," I purred, her voice a husky whisper right next to his ear. He mumbled something incoherent, his gaze darting nervously between me and the discarded pants. Then, his eyes landed on the diaper I held. It wasn't the same pink one he'd seen me take earlier. This one was a surprise. It was a crisp white, but decorated with a playful pattern of colorful jungle animals – elephants, zebras, and lions with friendly smiles. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly replaced by a surge of heat. This wasn't what he'd expected, but a strange sense of anticipation bubbled within him. The familiar mix of fear and excitement intensified, a cocktail of emotions that left him breathless. I saw the surprise in his eyes and smirked knowingly. I let her fingers trace a slow path from his exposed chest down to his stomach, causing him to squirm underneath her. Then, with movements as smooth as silk, I slid the new diaper underneath him. [Boyfriend] The diaper felt oddly comforting against my bare skin, its soft, plastic surface providing a layer of unexpected warmth. The baby powder Laura generously applied clung to him like a second skin, its scent – a sweet combination of lavender and vanilla – enveloping them in an intoxicating cloud. My senses were amplified, every touch and scent magnifying the intimacy of the moment. My eyes met Laura's again as she proceeded with the next step. Her fingers brushed against me as she gently pushed my hardness down and folded over the diaper. The contact sent sparks of pleasure shooting through me and I couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. It was held firmly in place by the diaper, encapsulated in this new world that we were exploring together. Suddenly, the tape was ripped off the plastic, making a sharp noise that echoed in the silent room. My heart pounded in anticipation as Laura carefully sealed me inside the diaper. She smoothed out any creases expertly, her fingers gliding across the playful jungle pattern that adorned it. I was acutely aware of every touch, every movement – all building up an intensity I had never experienced before. Finally sealed in, I looked down and saw myself encased in white plastic decorated with friendly animals he had seen only on children's shows before. The sight sent another surge of heat coursing through my body a strange cocktail of innocent charm and adult desire that left me breathless. Laura looked at him then, her eyes twinkling with mischief and satisfaction. This was a new adventure for them. One filled with unexplored sensations and experiences—and I knew we wouldn't trade it for anything else. As I rose from the floor, the thick, crinkly diaper Laura had just fastened around my waist felt almost suffocatingly bulky. Each movement was accompanied by a distinct waddle, the padding between my legs forcing me to take slow, deliberate steps. With every waddle towards the kitchen, the feeling of the thick diaper pressing against me became more pronounced, the plastic shell rustling loudly with each shuffle. It was a constant reminder of my newfound vulnerability, a physical manifestation of the punishment I had earned for keeping my secret from Laura for so long. As I entered the kitchen, Laura's warning hung heavy in the air. Her hand came down with a sharp pat on my diapered bottom, sending a jolt through me. "You better do a good job in here," she cautioned, her voice laced with a hint of sternness. The combination of the thick diaper and Laura's warning filled me with a mix of embarrassment and determination. I rolled up my sleeves, feeling the padding between my legs shift uncomfortably as I began to tackle the mess in front of me. With each dish washed and each surface wiped clean, the crinkle of the diaper seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the rhythm of my own thoughts. Laura's warning echoed in my mind, driving me to work harder, to prove myself worthy of her trust. By the time I finished cleaning the kitchen, the feeling of the thick diaper had become almost second nature, the constant rustle of plastic a familiar companion. And as I shuffled back to Laura, ready to face whatever consequences awaited me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my accomplishment. Despite the discomfort and the embarrassment, I knew that this was a step towards redemption, towards earning back Laura's trust and rebuilding our relationship on a foundation of honesty and openness. And as Laura's hand came down with another pat on my diapered bottom, I knew that I was one step closer to becoming the partner she deserved. Chapter 8 [Laura] As I stood in the kitchen doorway, a mixture of pride and uncertainty swirled within me. My boyfriend had done an amazing job cleaning the kitchen, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for his efforts. The countertops sparkled, the dishes gleamed, and the floor was spotless – a testament to his diligence and commitment. Suppressing the urge to let out a sigh of relief, I reminded myself to stay composed. This was uncharted territory for both of us, and I needed to tread carefully. Grabbing two beers from the fridge, I returned to the living room, where my boyfriend awaited my inspection. Handing him a beer with a smile, I praised him for his hard work. "You did an incredible job cleaning the kitchen," I said, sincerity lacing my words. "I'm impressed." As he accepted the beer with a grateful nod, I couldn't help but notice the mix of emotions flickering across his face. Uncertainty, perhaps, mingled with a hint of anticipation. And beneath it all, I sensed a vulnerability that mirrored my own. Taking a seat beside him on the couch, I struggled to keep my emotions in check. The idea of exploring my dominance and his submissiveness was undeniably enticing, but it also brought with it a wave of apprehension. This wasn't how I had envisioned our relationship unfolding, and the thought of delving deeper into this uncharted territory left me feeling both exhilarated and hesitant. But as I glanced at my boyfriend, his eyes brimming with trust and affection, I knew that I couldn't let my fears hold me back. We had both taken a leap of faith by confronting our desires head-on, and now it was time to see where that journey would lead us. Squeezing his hand gently, I offered him a reassuring smile. "Thank you," I said softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "For everything." As we sat together in comfortable silence, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air. But beneath it all, there was a sense of possibility, of newfound connection. And as I sipped my beer, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement for the journey that lay ahead. As the evening stretched before us, I turned to my boyfriend with a smile, ready to suggest a plan for the rest of the night. "How about we take it easy?" I proposed, warmth infusing my words. "We can stay in, watch a movie, and just enjoy each other's company." But to my surprise, my boyfriend's response wasn't quite what I expected. With a hint of hesitation, he voiced his concern about staying in his diaper for the rest of the night. "I'm not sure if I can stay dry," he admitted, a note of worry in his voice. I couldn't help but smirk at his sudden resistance. "Well, that sounds like a personal problem," I teased, my tone playful yet firm. "You wanted to explore this side of our relationship, remember? Now you have to deal with the consequences." His frustration was palpable as he protested, insisting that he didn't want to wet his diaper again. But deep down, I sensed a hint of reluctance mingled with his resistance, as if a part of him was secretly intrigued by the idea. With a soft chuckle, I reached out to squeeze his hand reassuringly. "Relax," I said gently, my voice tinged with amusement. "It's just a diaper, and accidents happen. Besides, we can always change you if need be." As his expression softened, a flicker of understanding passed between us. This wasn't just about diapers or wetting them – it was about exploring new boundaries, pushing past our comfort zones, and discovering new facets of our relationship. And as we settled in to watch our chosen movie, the glow of the TV casting soft shadows across the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Whatever the night held in store for us, I knew that we were in it together – navigating this uncharted territory as partners, lovers, and confidants. As the movie played on the screen, casting flickering shadows across the room, we settled into a comfortable rhythm, sipping our beers and losing ourselves in the storyline. But about halfway through the movie, I noticed my boyfriend becoming increasingly fidgety beside me. At first, I thought nothing of it, assuming he was simply adjusting his position or getting restless from sitting too long. However, as his movements grew more pronounced, a nagging suspicion crept into my mind. Could it be that he needed to use the bathroom? As he started to rise from the couch, I couldn't help but interject, my curiosity piqued. "Where are you going?" I inquired, my voice laced with a mixture of amusement and concern. His sudden restlessness had caught me off guard, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Turning to face me, he hesitated for a moment, his expression a mixture of discomfort and embarrassment. "Uh, just... need to use the bathroom," he muttered sheepishly, avoiding my gaze. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I watched him squirm. It seemed my suspicions had been correct all along. But rather than letting him off the hook, I decided to remind him of his current predicament. "Oh, no you don't," I said firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument. "Remember, you're wearing a diaper tonight. Sit back down and enjoy the movie." As he sank back onto the couch, the unmistakable sound of the diaper crinkling filled the air, a constant reminder of his current state of vulnerability. The noise seemed to hang in the air for a moment, a tangible reminder of our unconventional evening. Despite his efforts to maintain his composure, I couldn't help but notice the slight flush of embarrassment that tinted his cheeks a deeper shade of red. Suppressing a smirk, I shifted my gaze back to the screen, determined to enjoy the remainder of the movie. But beneath the facade of nonchalance, a thrill pulsed through me, fueled by the realization of the power dynamics at play. With each crinkle of the diaper, I felt a renewed sense of control, a heady rush that left me eager to explore this newfound territory even further. As the movie continued to play, I couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in my boyfriend's demeanor. His fidgeting had grown more pronounced, his discomfort palpable even in the dim light of the living room. With each passing moment, it became increasingly evident that he was struggling to hold it in. I stole a sideways glance at him, catching the telltale signs of his internal struggle. His brows furrowed in concentration, his jaw clenched tight. It was clear that he was fighting a losing battle against the inevitable. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of tension, the moment arrived. A subtle shift in his posture, a barely perceptible release of tension, and then it happened – the unmistakable sound of liquid meeting plastic. I turned my head to look at him, expecting some kind of acknowledgment, perhaps a sheepish admission of what had just occurred. But to my surprise, he remained silent, his gaze fixed firmly on the screen as if nothing had happened. Curiosity piqued, I shifted my focus to the diaper, expecting to see clear evidence of its use. But to my astonishment, it appeared barely even damp, a testament to its impressive absorbency. A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of my lips as an idea began to form in my mind. If he wasn't going to acknowledge what had just transpired, then perhaps I would play along and see how long he could keep up the charade. Rising from the couch, I made my way to the kitchen, the crinkle of his diaper echoing in the quiet room. Retrieving two more beers from the fridge, I returned to the living room and handed one to him, making sure to meet his gaze with a knowing look. "Thirsty?" I asked, my voice laced with subtle amusement. He accepted the drink with a grateful nod, taking a long sip before settling back into the couch. But beneath the facade of nonchalance, I could sense a hint of uncertainty, a flicker of unease at the realization that I knew his secret. As we continued to watch the movie, I couldn't help but wonder how long he would be able to keep up the facade. But for now, I was content to play along, enjoying the thrill of our shared secret and the newfound dynamics it had brought to our relationship. [Boyfriend] As the movie rolled on, I found myself increasingly distracted by the uncomfortable sensation between my legs. The thick padding of the diaper pressed against me, reminding me of what I had just done – wetting myself like a child. Shame burned hot in my cheeks as I tried to focus on the screen, desperate to ignore the evidence of my humiliation. But with each passing minute, the discomfort only grew. The diaper, once soft and pliable, now felt heavy and swollen, the added weight a constant reminder of my lack of control. I could feel it clinging to me, the plastic shell crinkling with every movement, amplifying the sound of my shame. A part of me wanted to confess, to tell Laura what had happened and beg her to change me, to rid me of this humiliating reminder. But another part of me hesitated, held back by the fear of her reaction. Would she be angry? Disgusted? Disappointed? And then, to my astonishment, she returned with another beer, her smile warm and inviting. I accepted the drink with a grateful nod, my heart pounding in my chest. Did she know? Could she tell what I had done? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a mix of embarrassment and excitement swirling in my stomach. As the movie played on, I struggled to focus, my mind consumed by conflicting emotions. I wanted to tell her, to confess my humiliation and seek her forgiveness. But the words caught in my throat, trapped by the weight of my shame. In the end, I remained silent, the secret of my wet diaper weighing heavily on my conscience. And as the night wore on, I couldn't shake the feeling that this newfound dynamic between us had opened a door to a world of uncertainty, where the lines between pleasure and shame blurred and the only certainty was the unpredictable nature of our desires. As the movie drew to a close, I couldn't ignore the relentless pressure building in my bladder. With Laura excusing herself to the bathroom, I seized the opportunity to discreetly relieve myself into the already damp diaper. The warmth spreading against my skin offered a momentary reprieve from the discomfort, but it was short-lived. When Laura returned and inquired if everything was alright, I attempted to brush off any concerns, assuring her that everything was fine. However, her keen eyes didn't miss the telltale signs of my soaked diaper. With a mixture of frustration and disappointment, she confronted me, demanding to know why I had lied to her. My heart sank as her words cut through the air like a knife. I struggled to find the right response, guilt gnawing at me for deceiving her. "I... I didn't want to admit it," I admitted sheepishly, unable to meet her gaze. Laura's expression softened, but there was an underlying tension in her features as she sighed heavily. "What am I going to do with you?" she asked, her voice tinged with exasperation. "How could you lie to me when it's so obvious that you've wet your diaper?" I hung my head in shame, knowing that I had let her down. "I'm sorry," I murmured, feeling utterly defeated. Her frustration was palpable as she paced back and forth, clearly struggling to process her emotions. "I just don't understand why you felt the need to hide it from me," she confessed, her voice tinged with hurt. "I guess I was embarrassed," I admitted, my cheeks burning with shame. "I didn't want you to see me like this." Laura's expression softened, and she took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm herself. "I get that it's not easy," she said gently, her tone more forgiving. "But we can't build a relationship on lies. We have to be honest with each other, especially about something like this." I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me at her understanding. "I know," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do better, I promise." With a nod of acceptance, Laura reached out to take my hand, offering me a reassuring smile. "That's all I ask," she said softly, squeezing my fingers gently. "We're in this together, remember? We'll figure it out, one step at a time." [Laura] I decided to discipline her boyfriend for lying, I wouldn't waver in this decision. Ignoring his protests about his full diaper, I firmly instructed him to go to timeout in the corner. Despite his discomfort, I remained resolute, adamant that consequences were necessary for his dishonesty. Leaving him to contemplate his actions, I headed into the bathroom to retrieve a new diaper and some baby powder. I returned to the living room and placed the diaper and powder on the table, the cool surface contrasting with the warmth of my resolve. Standing before him, I maintained a firm yet compassionate demeanor, ready to address the situation head-on. "Since you lied to me," I began, my voice firm but not unkind, "there are going to be consequences. I'm going to give you a spanking for your dishonesty, and then I'll put you in a fresh diaper." My boyfriend's expression softened as he realized the gravity of his mistake. With a nod of understanding, he accepted the consequences of his actions, silently acknowledging the importance of honesty in their relationship. I took my boyfriend out of timeout and led him to the center of the room. With a firm yet gentle grip, I positioned him across my knee, his wet diaper pressing against my thigh. I could see a wave of humiliation wash over him as he realized the vulnerable position he was in, with me poised to administer his punishment. As my hand made contact with his diaper-clad bottom, he winced, feeling the impact more as a sting to his pride than to his skin. With each subsequent spank, the humiliation intensified, tears welling up in his eyes as he realized the gravity of his actions. The sound of each smack echoed in the room, a stark reminder of his wrongdoing. By the eighth spank, he was openly crying, his apologies pouring out between sobs as he begged for forgiveness. My hand paused, my touch softening as I looked down at him with compassion. "I forgive you," I said gently, my voice carrying a warmth that enveloped him like a comforting embrace. "But you need to understand the consequences of lying. Next time, there won't be a diaper to soften the blow." I looked into my boyfriend's eyes, searching for sincerity. "Do you understand?" I asked, my voice soft yet firm. He nodded vigorously, tears still glistening in his eyes. "Yes, Laura, I understand. I'm sorry, and I promise I'll never do it again." With a final nod of approval, I delivered one more gentle spank to his diaper-clad bottom, a symbolic punctuation to the conversation. Then, I helped him up and laid him on the floor to change his wet diaper, the crinkling sound a reminder of the events that had transpired. Once his fresh diaper was securely fastened, I sighed wearily. "It's been quite a night," I remarked, exhaustion creeping into my voice. "I think it's time to call it a night." He nodded in agreement, hopefully understanding the need for rest after the emotional rollercoaster we just went on. I handed him his pants which he quickly put on, kissed him good night and then collapsed in to my bed.
  23. Thank you, CDfm, for pointing out the issues. I hope I fixed them all. If anyone sees any more errors, please don't hesitate to point them out. Update: I think I got them all this time. *** Do I have to? by nautybaby "Do I really have to?" "I really think you should." "But I don't want to." "We've been over this." "But I don't need them." "Last night and the laundry I've been doing lately says otherwise." "It won't happen again. I promise." "I've heard that before." "It's not fair!" "Fair or not, I won't have you ruining my friend's bed." "No!" I shouted. "You can't make me." "David!" she said sharply without raising her voice. "That's enough. I think we both know I can make you. Now, get your butt on that bed, and keep your voice down. That is unless you want Sharon to hear you getting a spanking on top of the tantrum you've been throwing." "You wouldn't," I blanched. "Try me." I looked into her steely eyes and slowly made my way to the bed. I lay down and gave her a pleading look. She simply grabbed the waist of my pajamas and began to tug. I gave in and lifted my bottom, allowing her to pull them down. She reached into my suitcase and pulled out the object of my dread. She had shown me the diapers before we left, but no matter how many times I saw them, I never got over just how big and thick they actually were. "Lift." I did and fought the urge to cry. She made short work of securing the diaper around my waist. She put the pajama bottoms back in my suitcase and locked it. "If you behave yourself, you can have those back in the morning." "You don't mean…" "We'll see. Now, get in bed." That was the end of a conversation that had been going on all day. Conversation, humph. Argument more like. It started when we were packing for the trip. I thought we were about ready when she brought out the package of diapers. "Are those what I think they are?" "Isn't that obvious?" "What do you have those for?" "Seriously?" "You don't expect me to wear those?" "I certainly do." "No way." "Yes way." "I won't." "You will. Now, hurry up. We're already late," she said, loading a number of the diapers into the case. "I don't need them. I've only had a couple of problems." "It started out as a couple of problems. It's gotten to be almost every night." "Yeah, almost. See, it's getting better. I'm not going to wear them." "You are going to wear them, and that's final. Now, get dressed." She said all this so matter-of-factly that it made my blood boil. I stomped over to the suitcase and started taking the diapers out. I felt a sharp sting in my right bottom cheek. I shot up straight and turned around. "You will put those back, unless you want some more." Her eyes were hard. "No," I said with more confidence than I felt. "David, put those back right now, or so help me…" I stood my ground, hoping my trembling didn't show. "Is that really the way you want to play it? Have it your way." I thought I had won the battle. That feeling lasted only a second before pain erupted from my ear. She spun me around by it and threw me face down on the bed. There was a knee in my back and slaps were raining down on my underpants. "Stop. Stop!" "Are you going to pack your diapers and stop fussing?" "No!" "Fine. If that's the way you want it." "No!" I screamed, as my underwear was yanked down. After that, my words got less and less comprehensible until I was simply blubbering. Still not dressed, my belt was in handy reach to her. She put it to good use—good from her perspective anyway. "Are you ready to do as you are told?" "Yes," I sobbed. "Good. Finish packing and get dressed. We're leaving in five minutes. Don't make me have to 'encourage' you. And you can start with the diapers. I'll be back for the case in just a minute. It had better be ready." I hastily repacked the diapers and the rest of my clothes. True to her word, she was soon back, and after checking to see that I had indeed packed the diapers, she locked the case and took it downstairs. That left me a few minutes alone to nurse my bruised pride and bottom while I finished dressing. I found her behind the wheel of the car, waiting to get on the road. I climbed in the other side and sulked. We couldn't have been on the road for more than five minutes before I started restating my position about why I shouldn't have to wear diapers. She didn't argue with me. She listened in silence. I felt encouraged that I was making my point, my reasoning becoming more shrill the longer I went on. I found I was repeating myself, and she had yet to utter a word. My tirade petered out. After a minute of silence, she quietly asked, "Are you finished?" "Um, yeah, I guess." "Good. You've had your say. Now, I'm going to have mine. Like it or not, you have a problem. I've been extremely patient about it. I've even been the one to clean up after you. It's not going away. It's getting worse. We are going to be staying with my friend. I do not want you embarrassing me or yourself by wetting her bed. You are going to wear those diapers, and you are going to stop fussing about it. If you insist on being a big baby about it, I can treat you like one. That includes pulling this car over, spanking you again, and putting you in one of those diapers for the rest of the trip. I'm already not happy with you. Would you like to try your luck?" "No." "Good." The trip was mostly silent aside from some tunes softly playing on the radio. I stared out the window, opting to table the discussion for the time being. Occasionally, she nudged me and told me to stay awake, unless I wanted to put a diaper on and take a nap. Eventually, I faced forward, so she could see I was awake, and pouted. If I had been eight or ten or even twelve, I suppose these events would be understandable. But I was not twelve, and the woman driving was not my mommy. I was thirty-two, and she was my wife. When we arrived, Kathy, my wife, and Sharon hugged and air kissed like long-lost sisters. Sure, we lived far enough apart that they didn't see each other often, but they were on the phone at least once a week. I shook my head and got the bags. "Sorry we're late," Kathy said. "Packing took a bit longer than I expected." I had the impression that comment was aimed at me, but I ignored it. "Don't worry about it. It's just so good to see you. I know how it can be. You should try it with a baby sometime. I still can't believe the amount of stuff I had to get ready for Phil to take Abby for the week." I tried to picture Sharon's ex taking care of a baby on his own. I don't know if I found the images more funny or frightening. Oh well, maybe one of his girlfriends will help him out. "Yes," Kathy mused. "Packing for a baby can be a lot of work." I was sure that was directed at me. Again, I chose to ignore it. "Come on inside. Dinner's almost ready. Dave, you can take those right upstairs, first door on the right. You know the spot." When I came downstairs, Kathy asked, "Did you wash your hands?" I didn't like the way they both giggled. "Yes, I washed my hands," I replied irritably. "Don't be grumpy. I was just asking." Dinner was a long drawn out affair. Kathy and Sharon went on and on about this one and that one. I was mostly ignored, which suited me fine. I didn't have the slightest interest in whoever and whatever they were talking about. Mainly, I just picked at my food and drank more than my share of wine. During a lull, Sharon turned to me, "So, Dave, what's new and exciting with you these days?" "Nothing much," I mumbled. "Don't mind him," Kathy interjected. "I think he's just overtired from the trip. I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude." Her accusing tone was not lost on me. "Sorry. I guess I am a little tired." "I think we better get you into bed then." "Why, Kathy!" Sharon exclaimed. "I meant to sleep, you sex fiend," she laughed. "Come on, Davey, upstairs." Whether it was the trip or the wine, I was tired. I bade Sharon goodnight and climbed the stairs ahead of Kathy. "You go potty, then meet me in the bedroom," she said. Not thinking, I did as instructed. When I got to the bedroom, I saw her laying out the diaper on the bed. That's where you came in. Kathy had me tucked in and started to leave to room. "Where are you going? Aren't you coming to bed?" "Not just yet. Sharon and I have more to talk about, and there's most of a bottle of wine it would be a shame to waste. You go to sleep, and I'll be up in a while. I lay there for a time, replaying the day in my head. If I hadn't been tired and buzzed, I might have been more upset. Every now and again, I would hear their raucous laughter. I did my best not to believe they were talking about my sleeping attire. My thoughts turned to how I got into this mess in the first place. It started about month before. I had gotten a new boss, and it wasn't going well. Nothing seemed to please him. There was always something wrong, and no matter how small the problem was, he acted like it was the end of civilization as we know it. The harder I tried to anticipate what was wanted, the farther my attempts were from what he had in mind. I tried to get clearer instructions, but that only seemed to make him madder. It was really taking a toll on me and, no doubt, on Kathy. I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't set work aside at the end of the day. All I could think of was what the next confrontation was going to be about. I was distracted and short tempered. Even my dreams were filled with anxieties about everything that had happened and visions of what might be ahead. When I was able to sleep at all, it wasn't good. After a week of mostly sleepless nights, I found myself shaken awake by Kathy. I was completely disoriented and not hearing what she was saying. I don't know how many times she repeated it before it finally sank in. "David, wake up. You wet the bed." "What?" "You wet the bed." I rolled toward her, and it dawned on me. I wet the bed. That's right. She said that. Still only half awake, all I could say was, "I'm sorry." Kathy told me to go to the bathroom and clean up, and she would take care of the bed. Still to fuzzy to think, I did as she told me. My wet pajamas cooled quickly as I went. I stripped off and sat on the toilet, trying to clear my head. By the time I was awake enough to push out the little pee I had left and get washed up. I was deeply embarrassed by what I had done. I almost wanted to stay in the bathroom just to avoid having to look at Kathy. When I did come out, she was smoothing out towels over the wet spot. I almost went back in. "Good, you're finally back. Help me get the clean sheets on. Maybe we can still get some sleep before we have to get up." I picked up the bottom sheet and shook it out. She signaled she was ready, and I fluffed it over the bed. The two of us made short work of remaking the bed, and I thought Kathy was being really good about the situation. "Did you make sure to go peepee while you were in there?" So much for that. "Yes," I said, a bit more harshly than I intended. "Don't get snippy with me. I'm not the reason we're changing sheets in the middle of the night." "Sorry," I said, and I meant it. "Me too. Let's go back to bed, and we'll forget all about it. Okay?" "Okay," I said and hugged her tight. "I love you, and I am sorry." "I love you too. Now, go to sleep. Morning's going to come awfully early." That was easier said than done. I don't know how Kathy managed it. I lay there listening to her breathing, wondering how I could have wet myself and worrying that I might do it again. I think I drifted off just before the alarm went off. Work the next day was miserable. Besides the usual grief from my boss, my eyes were burning, and my head was pounding all day. By the time I got home, I was an exhausted wreck. After pushing my dinner around the plate for a while, I told Kathy I was going to bed. "I think that's a good idea. You had a rough night, and you look awful." "Thanks a lot." "You know what I mean. Go on. I'll clean up here. Don't forget to use the potty before you go night-night." "Not funny!" "Oh, come on. You know I'm joking. You may as well laugh as cry. It was just a one-time thing. Go get some rest, and I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning." I nodded and followed her advice, even stopping to "use the potty" on the way. Totally wiped out, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Not that it brought much rest. My dreams were the now usual of instant replays and anxious fantasies I had suffered for days. "Wake up, David," I heard, before I felt the shaking. "David, wake up." Once I realized it was Kathy, and not my mother trying to get me up for school, I sat bolt upright, panicking that I had done it again. "I'm sorry," I blurted out. "I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it." "It's alright, Dave," she said soothingly. "You didn't do anything. You didn't, did you? You were just having a bad dream. But as long as you're up, you may as well use the potty, just to be safe." I apologized and kissed her, and then decided a pee might be a good idea at that. There was a small wet spot on my pajama pants, but the bed was dry. I didn't mention it, and if Kathy noticed, she was kind enough to let it pass. Having limited my fluids all day, I don't know where it all came from. I did know I feel a lot better when I climbed back into bed. I slept better that night and felt more like my old self in the morning. That lasted for about an hour after I got to work. Then it was what had come to be business as usual. It was a particularly bad day. I was pushed and pulled in so many directions, I was beginning to doubt the sky was blue. If I had been thinking clearly, I probably would have guessed it was going to happen again. Kathy was again supportive and more patient than I felt I deserved. Again, she got us cleaned up and back to sleep in short order. I had a few good days, with no nighttime problems, even though things were just as bad, if not worse at work. I was starting to feel confident when it happened a third time. I was so frustrated I wanted to scream, and I think Kathy knew it. Once back in bed, she held me and whispered reassuring things until I went to sleep. The pattern continued, and I ended up having five wet nights in two weeks. After the last of those, Kathy sat me down in the morning. "Dave, this… um… problem you've been having is not getting better. I think you should see somebody about it." The thought of telling my doctor and friend, George Simmons, that I was wetting the bed filled me with dread. "That's not really necessary. I'm sure it will stop on its own. It's not that big a deal." "Says the man who's not washing the sheets. You're right. It may be nothing serious, but then again it might be. And, frankly, I'm getting tired of being woken up in the middle of the night and having to clean up after you. Get on that phone and make an appointment, or I'll do it for you." "Alright, alright, I'll call." I was greatly relieved when George's office told me they couldn't fit me in for at least two weeks. I begged off making an appointment, telling them that I was just feeling a little under the weather, and it would probably pass before they could see me. Kathy was not happy but understood it was not my fault, and she let the matter drop. Or so I thought. That afternoon, I got a call from her telling me to meet her at Dr. MacPherson's office at 4:30. Having to tell my boss I needed to leave early while avoiding the reason was not a pleasant conversation to say the least. I was happy just to get out of there when the time came. At least, I was until I was on the way and started thinking about what was going to happen at the appointment. Margaret MacPherson had been my doctor growing up. Her general practice had served all my family, and Kathy became her patient shortly after we were married. After college, when I had some voice in the matter, I insisted that seeing a female doctor was uncomfortable, and that's when I came under George's care. I was not looking forward to going back to her. Dr. MacPherson—I never could bring myself to call her anything else—literally knew me inside and out. She had seen me through all my childhood illnesses, broken bones, acne, and everything else. To me, she would always be Dr. MacPherson. Kathy, on the other hand, having come to her later in life, always call her Margaret. They had become fast friends, and Dr. MacPherson was almost a surrogate mother to Kathy. Kathy and I were called back shortly after I arrived. We were shown into a room where Dr. MacPherson was waiting for us. "Kathy, how wonderful to see you! And Davey, just look at you, so grown up!" With her rosy cheeks, halo of white hair, and the soft Glasgow burr that never left her, it was impossible to be upset by her comment. She was everybody's favorite grandmother. "Hello, Dr. MacPherson. It's nice to see you again." "And you too, dear. How is your mother? I miss seeing her since she moved away." "She's well, thank you. I'll tell her you were asking after her." "Oh, yes, do. So, what brings you in today?" I sat there trying to think of some way to tell her why I was there. I could feel my face getting redder and redder. Still, no words would come out. Finally, Kathy just took over. "Davey," she said, using the same boyhood nickname, "has been having some problems keeping the bed dry at night." There it was, right out on the table. "Oh! Is your wee problem back, dear?" the doctor asked gently. She placed her hand on top of mine reassuringly but couldn't avoid a small titter at her unintended pun. I'm sure Kathy had thought she was trying to be discrete about the issue, but it felt more like a mother trying to be gentle about a child's potty-training setbacks. My mother had used almost those same words many years before. "Back?" Kathy asked. "Oh my, yes, dear," she said without regard for my embarrassment. "Davey was quite the little waterworks when he was a boy, weren't you, Davey. I wondered for a long time if we would ever get him out of nappies." It finally dawned on her that this was extremely uncomfortable for me. I am sure that my face was bright red. I could feel heat radiating from the blush. "But that was a long time ago, wasn't it dear? What seems to be the problem?" Without hesitation, Kathy began describing my symptoms as if I weren't in the room or too small to speak for myself. "He doesn't seem to be sleeping well. He's constantly tossing and turning, and he's always still tired when he wakes up. He's been distant and irritable, and every few days, he wets the bed." "Oh, I'm so sorry. What seems to be the problem, Davey? Is something bothering you?" With some prompting and a great deal of prodding, I told the whole story about what was going on at work. Kathy knew or guessed some of it, but I did not want to let on just how bad it really was. Once they got me to open up, it all came pouring out. The exhaustion and that day's fight with the boss caught up with me, and I was sobbing by the time I finished the tale. I was calming down before I realized Kathy had pulled my head to her shoulder, and she was stroking my hair and shushing me gently. Dr. MacPherson's face was a mix of sympathy and anger. "It's just like that teacher you had all over again. Och, that woman! I'd still like to get my hands on her." She told the story of Mrs. Hannity, my fourth-grade teacher. She was nearing retirement and had a grandson who was a spoiled rotten little hellion. I had the misfortune of bearing him a striking resemblance, and she took out all complaints about him on me. I resented her accusations but came to half-believe that I was as bad as she made out. I fell into depressed and listless state, and my grades suffered. My mother asked me what was wrong, and I tried to tell her about my issues with the teacher and how unfair she was. My mother, of course, took the teacher's side and told me I had to stop being lazy and work harder, which is one of the things Mrs. Hannity accused me of. It all came to a head one day when I turned in a half-completed homework assignment. I had fallen asleep over the paper and didn't have time to finish it before school. Mrs. Hannity went on a tirade the likes of which I had never seen, not only about the homework but about the messy state of my desk and anything else she could think of. When she dumped my desk over onto the floor, I was so shocked and scared, I wet my pants. That stopped her ranting but infuriated her all the more. She went silent and the color rose in her face. She grabbed my ear and dragged me to the office. She told them she would not suffer a baby like me in her class. I sobbed and sobbed while the secretary called my mother. I was still in tears, shivering in my wet pants when she arrived. The ride home was no better, as she went on and on about how ashamed she was to have a boy my age wetting his pants in school, how I was going to have to apologize to everyone involved, and how was she ever going to be able to show her face again. I ran into the house, crying my eyes out. I stripped out of my wet clothes and threw myself on my bed and bawled my eyes out. It was all so unfair. I must have cried myself to sleep, because my mother was gently trying to rouse me. She appeared considerably calmer and asked me what had happened. I told her the whole story in lurid detail. The more I told her, the angrier she got but not at me. She took me in her arms and told me how sorry she was. When we had both settled down, she told me to wash up and get dressed. We were going back to the school. I begged her not to make me go. She told me not to worry about it, I would not have to be in Mrs. Hannity's class ever again, if she had anything to say about it. I followed with great reluctance as she strode into the office. "I want to see the principal. Now!" I had never seen my mother so forceful, not with adults anyway. I don't think the secretary had either, because we were shown into Mr. Mellon's office almost immediately. My mother really gave him an earful about all that had gone on. I was mostly ignored except to fill in some blanks and details. Mr. Mellon promised an investigation and said I'd be put into Miss Sanderson's class for the duration. For the year, my mother insisted and got her way. I don't know the full extent of what happened. I did have to tell the story one more time to some people I didn't know. Shortly after that, Mrs. Hannity "got sick," and we heard she was taking an early retirement. I felt and did better in Miss Sanderson's class. I think I even developed a little crush on her. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. From the day of the incident until a long time after, I had nightmares about it and started wetting the bed. Today, we would call it post-traumatic stress disorder, but not back then, especially not with children. My mother was patient for a time, but it was short-lived. She took me to Dr. MacPherson, who recognized the problem and was sympathetic to both of us and assured us it would pass in time. There was little she could do, however, and her only recommendation was "night nappies," as she put it, until I got over it. Despite my protests and promises not to let it happen again, my mother agreed there was no other option. She insisted that she was as embarrassed about it as I was, but I didn't think that was possible. That was the first of many nights my mother put me in a diaper. It did not come without an argument and a couple of slaps on my behind. The nightmares eventually stopped but the wetting didn't. I was in middle school before I was reliably dry, and the diapers were a thing of the past. Nevertheless, my mother kept a waterproof cover on my bed through high school, "just in case." Now, here I was again, facing the same problem for much the same reasons. Dr. MacPherson was again sympathetic and reassuring, but her solution was the same. She prescribed some antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication, but until I could deal with the stressors, I could expect more wet nights. The best thing was to start wearing nappies to keep the bed dry and allow us both a decent night's sleep. She recommended we get them from a medical supply store, as the ones to be found in supermarkets and pharmacies were virtually useless. She recommended a shop that could also fill my prescriptions. "Don't worry, dear," she comforted me. "I'm sure you'll get over it, and you'll be all dry in no time, just like before." Knowing how long that "before" lasted, I was not reassured. Kathy thanked Dr. MacPherson for both of us and promised to call her to have lunch soon. Dr. MacPherson bade us goodbye and made me promise to send her regards to my mother. Kathy drove us to the medical store. I begged her not to make me wear diapers. It was like reliving the argument with my mother all those years ago. Kathy would have none of it and insisted I go inside with her. There, she handed over the prescription and proceeded to ask the lady about "nighttime protection." She lady asked a lot of, to my mind, unnecessary and intrusive questions. Kathy went into lurid detail about the problems I was having and how heavily I wet. She insisted we should buy a whole case of their most absorbent product, saying she would take back any unopened packages if things cleared up in a short time, but the case lot was far more economical if the problem persisted. Kathy agreed, and I had to carry a huge box of all too conspicuously labeled "adult briefs" to the car. I took up the argument again at bedtime. It was just like been ten years old all over again, me begging and promising not to wet anymore, Kathy reasoning that I couldn't make that promise, and she wanted a good night's sleep. It all got rather heated until Kathy gave me a couple of swats on the behind and told me that was enough. I was again the little boy at the mercy of his mother. I lay down and let her put the dreaded thing on. Memories flooded back as she raised the thick padding between my legs. I was weeping when she fastened the last tape and gave the front a pat. I lay awake for a time, feeling sorry for myself, but the drugs kicked in, and I soon drifted off. I'm pretty sure I had nightmares again, mixed up visions of my boss and Mrs. Hannity. I panicked when Kathy shook me awake. I quickly felt for the felt for the wet spot and blurted out that I didn't wet the bed. Kathy told it was just time to get up, and I realized there was sunlight coming in the window. I was relieved until Kathy gave my crotch a squeeze. We both knew in an instant that I had not had a dry night. Not dry at all, I realized when I stood, and the diaper sagged between my legs. It was with a good deal of depression that I took it off and had my shower, and I still had work to look forward to. It was hard to think of anything else that day, and my boss was no better than usual. The only thing that got me through was the thought that I would be leaving for vacation that afternoon. I had used some accumulated sick time to take the extra half-day off for the drive to Sharon's house. I was happy to leave the office and my boss behind. Those were my thoughts as I drifted off. Soon enough, I felt Kathy climb in next to me. She curled up against my back, and I felt her hand work around to the front. She squeezed my crotch, and I thought she was up to something good. Then I heard her whisper. "You'll last till morning." Whereupon, she rolled over. I was too much asleep to fully comprehend what she meant. There must have been a part of me that did understand, as I slept fitfully after that. I have vague recollections of dreams wherein I was being scolded by my mother for wetting my pants… again. When I felt Kathy shaking me awake, I didn't feel much more rested than when I went to sleep. To top it off, my head was pounding. "Good thing we put that on you. I hope that satisfies you that I know what I'm doing, and we won't have a problem again tonight." I felt the squish when I rolled over, as well as a pounding in my skull. I couldn't bear to look at her, but I managed to mumble a dejected, "No." She reached down and undid the tapes. I tried to help, but she just swatted my hands away. "Why don't you go take a shower? I'm sure it will make you feel better. There's coffee waiting when you're done." She handed me my pajama pants, and I took her up on her advice. The shower did help. I felt almost human when I got out. If only that guy would lay off the drums. Not ready for the rigors of getting dressed, I returned to my pajamas and a robe and went downstairs. Coffee, lots of it, finished the job. By the time I had had something to eat, I was moderately ready to face the day. "Okay," Kathy said. "Get dressed. We're going shopping." I groaned, showing none of the enthusiasm she had. "Shopping? Really? Do I have to go? I'm still tired, and my head hurts." I admit it. I was whining. "Yes, you have to go. You're not going to just waste the day or get into who knows what kind of trouble. Besides, it's your own fault your head hurts. Now, upstairs; scoot." "You know," Sharon intervened. "He does still look a little green behind the gills." That made me like Sharon a little more. Kathy looked me over. "Hmm, maybe. We'll discuss it while he gets dressed. Let's go." Kathy shut the bedroom door, and I turned to her. "Don't make me go. You know I'll be useless and bored, and I really don't feel all that well." "You do look a little under the weather," she conceded. "Though I don't know why you should be rewarded for tying one on last night." "It's not a reward. Trust me, I'm being punished for last night. Please let me stay here. You two will have a lot more fun without me." "You're probably right at that. But I'm not so sure about leaving you here alone. If you're as tired as you say you are, you'll probably take a nap, and that risks Sharon's furniture. No, you'll just have to come along." "Please, honey, I'll stay awake, I promise. Besides, I never have problems during the day." "That's because you don't sleep in the day. I think it's best you come along." "Aww! Please don't make me. Nothing will happen; I promise." I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. "Well," she considered, "I suppose there might be one way." "Yes! Yes! Whatever you say. Just don't make me go with you." "You're sure now? It really means that much for you to stay here?" "Yes! Absolutely. I'll do it." "Alright, but you insisted. There's no turning back now. Go potty, and we'll get your diaper on." "What!" "That's the deal. You said you are too tired to go, and I can't trust you to stay awake or not wet in your sleep. If you stay home, I want you in a diaper. That way I can feel safe if you do take a nap." "But I said I'd stay awake. I have work I can do. That'll keep me awake." "We're on vacation. You shouldn't be working. Besides, we both know how well you stay on task without someone to watch you. No, diapers or shopping; it's your choice." I was torn. It was bad enough having to wear them at night, but at least I could ignore them then. On the other hand, department stores, fitting rooms, girl talk. "Fine. You win." And I went across to the bathroom. The diaper was already laid out when I got back. Condemned to my fate, I took off my clothes and lay down. Kathy efficiently diapered me. "Wait a second. What if I have to pee?" "That should be obvious." "But I'll be awake." "This was your idea." "It was not my idea! It was yours." "Alright, maybe the idea was, but it was your choice, and it's been made. We're not wasting that diaper, just because you didn't think it through." She appeared to be thinking of something. She reached in her purse and pulled out a marker. Before I knew what she was up to, she was marking her initials over the intersections of the tapes and the plastic. "That'll make sure you don't try taking it off as soon as I'm out the door. If you do, I'll know, and you'll get that spanking, Sharon or no Sharon." She got thoughtful again, and then she threw me for a loop. She pulled out another diaper. "What are you going to do with that?" I asked, shocked. "I'm going to double diaper you. I don't know how long we'll be out, and I can't take a chance of your leaking. The two should hold all your peepees. Up." It was obvious I was not going to win here. I let her put it on me. She used her long fingernails to poke a few holes in the inner one before taping up the outer. She repeated the trick with the marker. She gave the whole package as couple of satisfied pats. "There, all snug and safe and ready for your day. Now, since you claim you are not feeling well, I expect you to take it easy. Nap if you can. I want you feeling better, so we can do things together the rest of our stay." "Okay," I sighed. "Don't take that tone. You got what you wanted." I hadn't but didn't argue the point. "Get dressed and come say goodbye to Sharon and me." Kathy left the room, and I stood up to dress. The bulk between my legs was incredible. A bowlegged waddle was all I could manage. I tried to put on some khakis, but it wasn't happening. I resigned myself to putting my pajamas back on and threw on my robe. Stairs aren't easy when you can't put your knees together. I had to take them one at a time, and each one was accompanied by a distinct rustling I really hoped only I could hear. I stood as still as I could by the door and let the ladies come to me for a quick kiss and hug goodbye. Kathy surreptitiously patted my bottom and told me to be a good boy. I'm sure I jumped. I only hoped Sharon didn't notice, but her smile didn't make me optimistic. I watched them drive away and wondered what I was going to do with myself. It was difficult to walk normally, and the crinkling, exceptionally loud to my ears, was distracting. I did have some work I could do, but I wasn't enthused by the prospect. I got out my laptop anyway and set up at the kitchen table. After getting a cup of coffee and checking my email, all junk, I opened my work project. I stared at it for fifteen minutes or so before closing it down again. I was on vacation and in no mood to work. Actually, I wasn't in the mood for much of anything. The double thick diaper kept me focused on my problems and my plight. I figured, or hoped anyway, that I was not alone. Surely there were other men this happened to. Maybe there was some advice on how to handle the situation, preferably advice that did not rely on diapers. If I could show Kathy some alternative, maybe she would relent. The internet was not coming to my rescue. Oh, there was some consolation in finding out that I was not the only adult who experienced bedwetting problems. Most of the information indicated that they were stress related and would eventually pass along with the stressors. There were other causes that were, quite frankly, kind of scary. I would have to consider seeing a doctor. Not my regular doctor. I thought I would die if I had to tell George about this problem. The shock for me, though, was not the number of people who had the problem but the number who seemed to revel in it and the number who didn't have it but wanted to. The number of stories, true, fictional, or mixed, was staggering. Most seemed to be fantasy, or mostly so. That of itself was cause for thought. The number of those where the problem was dealt with by the sufferer's wife, girlfriend or mother enforcing the use of diapers was frightening. Apparently, I was not alone, either in diapers or in being spanked. At least some of the stories had to contain some truth. While I was reading, my morning coffee was catching up with me. I made a vow that I would wait it out and show Kathy my wearing diapers was ridiculous, at least during the day. I was not quite so confident about nighttime. Unfortunately, the amount of coffee I drink, and the effects it has on my bladder, made me doubt my resolve pretty quickly. I held on for as long as I could, but after a couple of painful spasms and a look at how little time had gone by, I knew I couldn't take it. The flood that followed was mind-blowing. As hard as it is to admit, the relief, after fighting the urge for so long, was almost orgasmic. That is until the reality of the situation began to sink in. I was sitting there in a soaking wet diaper, a grown man wallowing in his own pee. I could feel the wetness all around me, and I was sure that I had to have leaked. I stood up and checked the chair, bone dry. I checked out the diaper as best I could. Except for a few small spots between my legs, where I remembered Kathy poking holes, it showed no sign of what I did. I felt disgusted with myself but relieved I hadn't flooded the kitchen. Under Kathy's implicit threat and my explicit promise, I knew I was stuck in this situation until they got back. I could only hope it wouldn't be too long and that Kathy would give me some warning of their return. It was going to be bad enough facing her, having wet myself. The idea that Sharon might notice was unthinkable. Having no way out of my predicament without making Kathy more mad at me, I went back to my research. I decided to concentrate on how people like me felt about the situation. "People like me," there was a strange thought. Only hours before, I would have considered identifying a community of adults in diapers crazy. As expected, I found embarrassment, depression, and a fair amount of self-loathing. I did not expect to find so many people who gave every impression that they enjoyed being in diapers. I certainly never expected to find that group that referred to themselves as Adult Babies, people who actively sought out the opportunity to relive the experience of being toddlers or even younger. I found the pictures rather disconcerting. Was that where I was headed? It was inevitable that I would have to pee again while I surfed away. The need was less pronounced, and the hour was getting later. Again, I tried to hold off. I hadn't lasted very long when the other effect coffee has started to hit me. I was not going to give into that one, but holding that back made the pressure on my bladder worse. Eventually, it came down to a choice of the lesser of two evils. I was already wet, so the decision to wet some more was not difficult. The feeling was not as intense as before, but I did feel a lot better, and the other urge seemed to abate. I was hungry now, and made myself some lunch, just a quick sandwich and some juice. More coffee seemed like a bad idea. Eating took my mind off my troubles for the moment. It also made me sleepy. I felt that a nap might not be such a bad idea after all and went upstairs to lie down. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was, as I was rather disoriented when I heard Sharon's bright announcement that they were home. I rolled over with a squish. I knew without looking that I had wet in my sleep, and the diaper was considerably fuller than when I came upstairs. I also realized my other problem was coming back with a vengeance. There was a deep rumble in my gut that would need attention and soon. I was trying to shake off the cobwebs and figure out what to do when I heard footsteps on the staircase. That made me panic, which didn't help my situation any. The door swung open, and there was Kathy, thankfully alone. "What's the matter," she asked, concerned. "I… uh… hi," I said. "You must have needed that nap," she said, walking over to the bed. "Any problems while we were gone?" "Um… no… not really. Now that your home can I take this… thing off?" "Yes, I think so. Just let me make sure you were a good boy and didn't mess with it." Before I could stop her, she had the covers pulled back. I made a grab for my pajama bottoms, but she sharply slapped my hands. She wrestled the pants down while I begged her not to. "Oh my god! It's a good thing I put you in two. You're soaked." "Uh… yeah… you were gone a long time. Now please let me take this off. I have to go." "I can't imagine you have anything left in you." "Not that, the other." "Oh! Does my little boy have to go poopy?" she asked with a little too much relish. "Please, Kathy. This is hard enough." "Aww. Is it hard to hold it? Do you want to make a boom-boom in your diaper?" "Kathy, enough. Just let me up." I was getting desperate. "Don't get snippy with me, Mr. Soggybottom. Go on, if you have to go so bad." She got out of the way, and I leapt from the bed. I made for the bathroom and fell flat on my face. My pants were still around mid-thigh. The fall distracted me, and I pooped a little. Please don't let it smell, I hoped. Kathy was at my side in a second, helping me to my feet. She pulled up my pants and gave my bottom a pat. I started for the door. "Not so fast. Come back here." "Kathy, I really need to…" "Here. Now," she said, pointing at the floor in front of her. I clenched my cheeks and went to the spot. "Turn around." I knew arguing about it was not going to get me anywhere. I did as I was told and hoped against hope that what I knew was coming wouldn't. It did. She pulled back the waistbands of my pajamas and diapers and looked down the back. "I don't believe it. You did. You filthy little boy." She grabbed my ear and started dragging me toward the bathroom. That painful shock and sudden unbalance caused me to drop more into the seat of my pants. I felt sick. Kathy slammed the bathroom door behind us. "Really? Really? You actually pooped your pants. Unbelievable. What have you got to say for yourself?" I tried to come up with an explanation. My mouth moved, but nothing came out. Kathy gave an exasperated sigh. "Get those pajamas off." I did and turned to put them on a hook. "Did you go more?" She felt the back of my pants. "You did, didn't you? I can't believe you. Lie down." I squatted down slowly, trying to minimize the additional mess this was going to make. "Is everything alright in there?" Sharon was at the door! In that position, it was all too much for me. Whatever was left in my bladder and bowels found its way into my pants. It was all I could do to hold back the tears. "Yes, I guess so," Kathy sighed. "Just a little emergency we need to take care of." "Nothing serious, I hope." "Nothing a bath won't fix." "A bath?" Silence. "Oh. Well, never mind. Come down when you're ready. I'll start dinner." "Alright, stinker. Let's get you cleaned up." She started the bath running. That's when tears started. Thoroughly ashamed, I lay down and let Kathy untape the diapers. "Oh, God!" she choked. "Why did you do that in your pants? Why didn't you just take it off?" "You told me I couldn't!" "I know did, but I didn't mean you should…" She rubbed her temples and took a deep breath. "Okay. I guess this is partly my fault. I could have thought it through better and been clearer with you, but only partly. You're having some difficulties with your bladder, and I understand the reasons for that. It's okay. I just put you in a diaper to protect you and Sharon's furniture. But you are certainly old enough to know you shouldn't poop your pants, no matter what I said. I can't believe you did that." She sighed and dumped the poop in the toilet. "Just get in the shower. I'm getting a headache and can't talk about this now." I got in and let the stink and humiliation wash off of me. Clean and smelling better, I was feeling somewhat better when I got out. Then I noticed the diapers were gone. What had Kathy done with them? I didn't know what I would have done with them, but they had to go somewhere. What if Sharon saw them? My head was spinning, and my heart was pounding when I got dressed and went downstairs. Sharon didn't say anything when I entered the kitchen, but her sympathetic smile was all I needed to know the cat was out of the bag. Avoiding eye contact, I mumbled hello and took a seat at the table. I spent the remainder of the evening trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Despite knowing a diaper was in my future, I was almost looking forward to going to bed. When Kathy suggested I take my meds and make an early night of it, I had no objections. "Meds? Are you sick, Dave?" "No," Kathy explained for me. "Dave's been really stressed out at work, and the doctor just gave him something to get over the hump." "Oh, is that why he's…" She stopped short. "Well, I just hope you start feeling better real soon." "Thanks. Goodnight." I went upstairs with Kathy close behind. She closed the door behind us, and I turned on her. "How could you tell her?" I said sharply, keeping my voice low. "How could I not? I had to get rid of that diaper, and she was right there. There was no avoiding it." "But she… How can I face… I can't…" My frustration mounted as I tried to speak. Grasping for words, my emotions got the best of me, and my eyes filled with tears. "I want to go home." I sank down on the bed and cried. With my face in my hands, I sobbed, "Why? Why? Why? I can't do this anymore. I can't take it. I just want to die." Kathy grabbed my head and forced me to look at her. "Don't you ever say that! I love you. I don't want to live without you. You are not to even think like that, do you understand me? If you ever say anything like that again, I swear, I'll spank you so hard…" She sat down and took me in her arms. She was crying too. "We'll get through this, together. Just don't ever think about leaving me like that. I love you so much." We sat like that for a long time, holding each other and letting it all out. I was drained and hardly noticed when Kathy began to undress me. Filled with love for her, I started to caress her. "No, honey. I think we are both too tired for that tonight. Let's get your diaper on. It's been a rough day all around." Disappointed but with no strength to object, I let her dress me. She got me a glass of water to take my meds, and she tucked me into bed. She held me until I went to sleep. I don't remember her leaving, but I sort of noticed her getting back in. I rolled over and snuggled close to her. I was wet again the next morning but felt more rested. I was alone. There was a stack of clothes on the bed with a plastic bag and a note on top. "Get dressed and come downstairs. You can put your diaper in the bag and bring that with you." I put the wet diaper in the bag, had a quick wash and got dressed. I wasn't looking forward to carrying the object of my shame downstairs, but I and it couldn't stay there forever. Sharon and Kathy were having coffee in the kitchen. I tried to dispose of the package as discretely as possible, but I think I only managed to draw more attention to myself. "Honey, sit down. We need to talk about something." Here we go, I thought. This wasn't going to be good. Sharon brought me a cup of coffee. That helped some. "Sweetheart, I know you are really uncomfortable about all this, but I think we have to acknowledge the elephant in the room. We are all aware that you are going to have to wear diapers to bed for a while. There, I said it. Diapers, diapers, diapers. Pretending that you don't is making us all uncomfortable. Sharon understands, and so do I. It's not your fault; it's just the way things are right now. Your trying to hide from the fact is just creating more stress you don't need. So, as of now, we are going to stop walking on eggshells and simply accept your diapers as a fact of life. Among ourselves, we'll speak openly about them if needed, and we won't make a big deal about disposing of them. That will save us all a lot of worry and trouble." I just stared into my coffee cup. I did not want to look at anyone, especially Sharon. I was fine pretending. Having to acknowledge the problem to someone else was not something I wanted to do. "It's okay, Dave," Sharon said. "I know the pressure you are under, and I understand how you feel." "How could you?" "I see this all the time in my work. People come in all the time feeling overwhelmed by it all. They feel the whole world wants something of them they can't give. They feel powerless to change the situation or fight back. They react in all kinds of ways. All too many of them turn to drugs or alcohol, and that only makes things worse. All things considered, a little thing like bedwetting is not so bad." "That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to wear…" "Diapers. You can say it. You're not weak or lazy or whatever else you are telling yourself to bring you down. It's a stress reaction, nothing more. From what Kathy tells me about your boss, I'm proud of you for not turning to something self-destructive. You just need to find a way to deal with the stress, to let it go, to feel empowered. You feel helpless, and I'm sure you think the diapers prove it. On the contrary, by wearing them, you are taking control of the situation by the best means possible. By wearing them, you're getting rest; Kathy's getting rest; the bed is staying clean and dry. The way I figure it, you've taken a big first step in getting better." "Thanks, I guess." I didn't really feel any better. "Dave," Kathy said, "I think there's something else you should consider. There's no rush, especially as we are on vacation; so, take as much time as you need. I think you should really think about quitting your job." "I can't just quit." "Not so fast, hear me out. Your boss is a bully. I'm sure he'll be found out eventually, but in the meantime, your life there is going to be miserable. I don't think you can really get better, if you stay there. You might learn to live with it, but at what cost? We've been doing alright. We don't actually need both our salaries. With a little bit of trimming, we can live on what I make. If it takes you a while to find something else, we'll make do. And I bet you could always get some work on a consulting basis. I'm not saying you have to quit, but it's an option, and you'll have my support. Just think it over." "I can't just let you support me," I protested. "You'd support me, if I had to quit, wouldn't you?" "That's different." "Why? Because you're a man? Look at the calendar. It's not the 1950s anymore. We're partners. We support each other, no matter what. If you never took another job and just stayed home and took care of the house, you'd still be supporting me. That's what we do. We have each other's back." "But I'd feel so…" "For a while, maybe," Sharon interjected, "but you'll get over that. I had a patient who went through much the same thing. He felt bad about it for a while, but once he got used to it, he loved being a househusband. He felt like he was making a real contribution. He was able to do things he never had time for. He makes a little money on the side from his hobbies. He's very happy. He says some of his friends tell him in private that they envy him." "I don't know…" "Just think about it. Take all the time you need," Kathy said. "A day, a week, a month, whatever you need, but think about it seriously. I think it would be good for you, but it's your decision. Whatever you decide, I'm behind you, but please, please, do consider it." "Alright," I said, as much to end the conversation as anything. "Good, it's settled." I didn't think it was settled at all but let it go. "Now, Sharon tells me there's an exhibition downtown that's right up your alley. Finish your coffee, and let's go." The exhibition was as good as advertised. I don't know about the girls, but I had a good time. Model trains aren't everybody's cup of tea. Kathy knew my fascination, even though I hadn't had a set since I was a kid. I think she was bored after the first ten minutes, but she let me have the run of the place to gawk over them. She and Sharon feigned interest when I explained all about the different scales and old rail lines. They smiled and nodded, and then let me run off to the next display while they hung about to talk. The rest of week was taken up with various activities. Some I enjoyed more than others, none as much as the trains. It was all a good distraction from my troubles and had me worn out by evening. Between the activity and the meds, I was getting some much-needed rest. When I woke up dry on Friday morning, I thought I was turning a corner. Kathy praised me, which actually made me feel a little worse, but I took it in the spirit it was intended and didn't say anything. That night, it was decided, we would stay in for movies and margaritas. I took it easy, because I didn't know how the alcohol would react with my meds. Kathy made up for it, drinking the rest of my share as well as her own. She was pretty toasted by the end of the evening. She knocked over her glass and cut here finger picking up broken pieces. I thought we might have to take her to the emergency room, but we got the bleeding stopped pretty quickly. "Geez, that hurts," she slurred. "Um, Sharon? I'm not sure I can take care of Davey like this. Would you mind?" "What!" Sharon and I said in unison. "This really hurts, and I'm not sure I can work the tapes." "I can do it myself." "I don't know that you can, and neither do you. You've never done it before, and it has to be harder to put one on yourself than someone else. I don't want you leaking all over the place by putting it on wrong, and I'm sure Sharon doesn't either." I looked to Sharon for support, but she had an amused grin on her face. She was actually warming to the idea. "You're right, Kathy. A diaper isn't much good if it leaks all over. Sure, I'll help out. I'm sure Davey won't mind." "But…" "It's not like she hasn't seen one before," Kathy said, anticipating my protest. "And it's just this one time. I'll be better tomorrow. You two go on upstairs. I'll clean up down here." "Just put everything in the sink. You shouldn't get that finger wet. Come on, Davey. Auntie Sharon will get you ready for night-night." "That's right," Kathy laughed. "You be a good boy for Auntie Sharon." I didn't like being treated like a little boy, but I wrote it off to their inebriation. I took Sharon's outstretched hand and followed her upstairs. She went right to work getting a diaper laid out for me. I stood there unsure I could go through with it. "Take off your pants, silly. We can't do anything with those on. Here, let Auntie help." Before I could react, she was undoing my pants and pushing them down. "Why, Davey! I'm flattered, but what would your mommy say?" I was deeply embarrassed by my tumescent state, but her reaction to it only made it worse. I started to apologize, but Sharon cut me off. "Don't worry about it. Little boys are always doing that when they get their diapers changed. Now, let's get those clothes off, so we can get you all wrapped up. We wouldn't want any accidents, would we?" Sharon was obviously more drunk than I thought. I hoped she, at least, wouldn't remember this in the morning. I told myself to just get through it, and finished undressing. I lay down on the open diaper and looked away, waiting for this to be over. "Oh, it looks like baby is getting a bit of a rash, I'd better get some powder for that." She started to leave but turned right around folded the front of the diaper up over me. "Just in case. You never know with boys." She was gone for a few minutes, which was enough for me to subside a little. She had just walked in the door when we heard a thud on the stairs. "Whoopsies," we heard between giggles. "You alright out there?" Sharon asked. "Yeah, fine. Be right up." There was another, smaller thump followed by more giggles. "Right up." Sharon shook her head, smiling, and got back to work. She drew back the diaper and sprinkled the powder, quite a lot in my opinion. That brought me back to my previous state. She started to smooth it, and I whimpered. Kathy chose that moment to walk in the door. "Davey, you naughty boy! I should spank you for that." "Don't spank him. He just a little sweet on his Auntie Sharon, aren't you, baby? Besides, you know how boys are. Remember when we used to babysit my cousins?" "Yes," Kathy laughed. "Roger especially. Did he get that from his father? Your aunt is a lucky woman." "So she says." All this talk was not helping my situation, neither was the fact that Sharon was still rubbing in the powder. Kathy sat down next to me. "Is that true, baby? Do you have a little crush on Auntie Sharon? Do you like it when she rubs you down there? Oops! I guess you do!" "Oh, dear. I guess we'll have to start over. I'll go get a washcloth." Sharon went to the bathroom, while I wished I could have died right there. "I guess wearing diapers has an upside after all," Kathy giggled. I just hoped she would feel the same way when she was sober. Sharon returned with a wet washcloth and with much greater efficiency, had me cleaned up, powdered and diapered in no time. I got up to put on my pajamas and take my meds. Kathy was lying back and moaning a little. "What about you, girlfriend? Are you going to be alright, or does Auntie Sharon need to put a diaper on you too? You don't look so good." "No. I'm a big girl," Kathy slurred. "Okay, but if you're wet in the morning, you'll be the one getting the spanking." That image had me stirring again. I helped Sharon undress Kathy and get her into the bed. Sharon kissed my cheek and told me not to worry. We were all friends and more than a little drunk. I knew that wasn't true of me but recognized it was her way of saying the episode was nothing more than a little harmless fun. We said goodnight, and I climbed in next to Kathy. I don't know if my dreams were more disturbing or exciting. I do know I wasn't anxious for them to end. I had visions of Kathy squirming across Sharon's lap when I realized those sounds weren't in my head. I turned to see Kathy gone and a good size wet spot in her place. I stumbled across the hall to find my dream a reality. Kathy was sprawled face down across Sharon's lap, pleading with Sharon to stop. Her obviously wet panties lay at her feet. "I told you, you should have worn a diaper last night," Sharon said as she landed a slap to Kathy's already glowing behind. "Remember those parties in college. You should know better than to drink that much." I shook my head, not believing what I was seeing. Sharon took notice of my presence. "Good morning, Davey. You see what happens to little girls who don't listen to Auntie?" "Oh no! Dave! Go away. Please." "Quiet," Sharon said with another slap. "And don't think it can't happen to little boys either. Well, young lady, have you learned your lesson yet?" "Yes. Yes!" "Alright, go get cleaned up, and bring those sheets down to be washed." Kathy scrambled off Sharon's lap and fairly ran from the room, avoiding eye contact with me. I could hear her sniffling in the bathroom. "You clean up too," Sharon instructed. "I'll start breakfast." That brought my attention to the diaper hanging low on my hips. I wasn't making as much progress as I had thought. I passed Kathy in the bathroom door. She still wouldn't look at me. She must have worked fast, because by the time I was clean and fresh, the bed was stripped, and she was nowhere in sight. I got dressed and found her in the kitchen helping with breakfast. She gave me a sheepish "good morning." I hugged her and gave her a kiss that was far more than perfunctory. That seemed to brighten her spirits. We all sat down to breakfast as if nothing had happened. I really wanted to know more about what I saw this morning but figured that wasn't the time to ask. It would keep and was probably none of my business anyway. We tidied up the dishes slowly, none of us wishing the visit to end. It was with no small amount of sadness that Kathy and I packed our things and said our goodbyes. We all promised to not wait so long till the next time, and for a change, I meant it. Despite the diapers and the embarrassment that went with them, I had a really good time. We drove in silence for quite some time. I was lost in my thoughts. There was a lot that happened that week and a lot to think about. Mostly though, I thought about what I had witnessed that morning. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Kathy? Remember what you said about elephants in the room?" "Yes," she sighed. "What happened this morning?" It took her a long time to answer. She tried to get me to drop it, but I kept bringing it back up. "You're not going to let this go, are you? Alright, fine." You know Sharon was my sorority sister, right? Well, she was actually my big sister, a sophomore assigned to show a pledge the ropes and generally look after her. One of the things she did for me was to introduce me around. She was really popular and got invited to a lot of parties, and because she did, I did. It was at one of those parties that I got introduced to alcohol. I never drank in high school, and I avoided it the first couple of parties I went to. But it had been a rough week, and I gave in when somebody stuck a cup in my hand. At first, I didn't realize there was alcohol in it. It just seemed like a really sweet punch with a funny aftertaste. I was well into my second one before I knew I was getting buzzed. It felt good. I wanted more. I kept drinking. About the time I felt like I might have had too much, Sharon found me. She told me it was time to go back to the house. I don't think I would have made it without her. I'm sure I threw up at least once on the way. I don't really remember getting back to the house and her dumping me on the bed. I do remember waking up the next morning. Sharon was shaking my leg, telling me to get up. I never knew sunlight could be so painful. It tasted like something died in my mouth, and somebody was beating my head with a hammer. I begged Sharon to let me die in peace. Instead, she pulled off my blankets. I was suddenly very cold. "Oh, geez. Get up. We need to get this stuff in the wash." "Huh?" "Get up. You peed the bed." "What?" "You peed the bed. Get up." "Oh my god. No!" I started bawling. "Oh, come on. It's not that big a deal. Half the girls here did the same thing the first time they got drunk." "You?" "Me? No." "Great," I said dejectedly. "Listen, get yourself cleaned up, take some aspirin, have some coffee and toast, and then we can talk about it. Okay?" "Okay." The shower made me feel a little better. I hadn't really learned to drink coffee yet, but the toast helped some. I found Sharon back in my room. She had stripped the bed for me and turned my fan toward the mattress. I had found the rubberized fabric of the mattress strange when I first moved in. Now, I understood why the sorority used them. It was somewhat comforting to know I wasn't the only one, but I still felt ashamed. Sharon hugged me and told me not to worry about it. I was the first, and I wouldn't be the last. It happens to everyone. "It didn't happen to you." "Okay, maybe not everyone, but I've had my share of nights worshipping the porcelain god." The image of Sharon with her head in the toilet did make me chuckle and a little less embarrassed. "I swear, I'm never going to drink again." "Don't make promises you can't keep. You just have to learn to pace yourself. You have to watch those fruity drinks. They go down really easy, and before you know it, you've already had too many. You don't have to stop drinking if you don't want to. Just be careful." "Alright." I took my wet things down to the laundry room. I couldn't avoid passing some of the other girls. Most gave me sympathetic smiles, a kind of been there done that look. I was careful at the next few parties I went to. I did drink some, but I went slow and never let it get beyond a mild buzz. That ended after midterms. I felt so relieved to have made it over that hurdle, I let myself go. Sharon took me aside and told me I should ease up. I told her I was fine and bumped into a wall. She told me to remember what happened the last time. I waved her off. It was a good thing the party was at the sorority house, or I never would have made it home. As it was, Sharon found me the next morning on the floor of the bathroom. There was vomit in my hair and around the toilet bowl, and I was lying in a puddle of pee. Sharon got me on my feet and into the shower. She didn't bother with my clothes. That first burst of water was a real shock, and I thought my head would explode, and really hope that it would. As the water warmed, I started to feel human again. I got undressed and washed the assorted fluids of me. Sharon was waiting for with a towel. "Thank you," I said, drying off. "I feel awful. Never again." "You said that before. You should feel awful. You were really pounding them last night. You deserve that hangover. But listen, drinking like that isn't good for you; in fact, it's dangerous. Even if the alcohol doesn't kill you, you can do all kinds of crazy things to get hurt or let someone hurt you. And it sure isn't any fun for me, having to clean up after you." "I know. I'm sorry." "Yeah, yeah, save it. You're sorry, because you head hurts. But if you did anything to hurt the house while you were like that, it would be my ass on the line too. I'm responsible for you." "I didn't know. I'm sorry." "Well, just think about it. And think about what would happen if you got in real trouble. What if you got called in front of the dean?" I paled. "Oh my god. My mom would have my butt. I would be able to sit down for a month." "Your mom still spanks you." "Well, she did last year, when I came home an hour after curfew. She might." "Maybe that's what you deserve." Her face was passive. I couldn't tell if she meant it. "You're kidding right?" "Get drunk like that again, and we'll see." I was really good for the rest of the semester. I didn't let myself get more than a little tipsy. I did my work. My grades were good. I felt really good about myself. I had long forgotten that conversation in the shower. The end of term was my undoing. The night after finals, everyone was celebrating, including me. We had a grand old time. I again woke up with a horrible hangout and a wet bed. I was balling up the sheets when Sharon came to check on me. "You did it again, didn't you? I told you to slow down, didn't I? But do you listen? No. 'I'm fine, Sharon.' 'Go away, Sharon.' 'Mind your own business, Sharon.' And look at you now, wet sheets and pissy pants. Remember what I said after midterms?" "What? What are you talking about?" "I told you what would happen if you got this drunk again." I tried to remember, but the pounding in my head made it hard. "I told you deserved spanking then, and you'd get one the next time. This is the next time." "You can't be serious." "Oh, I'm very serious." Sharon grabbed my wrist, sat down on the bed and hauled me across her lap. A softball player, she was really strong, far stronger than me. I didn't stand a chance. "Sharon, no!" I screamed, as she whisked my panties down. She didn't say a word as she lit up my ass. I screamed and squirmed and begged, but she didn't let up until I was limp and bawling. She stood me up and held me while I cried myself out. I told her I was sorry, and I really meant it. "It's okay. It's all over now. Just don't let it happen again, or you'll get more of the same." She tilted my head up and looked into my eyes. "I love you, Kathy. I want you to be safe." She kissed me, not a kiss, kiss, but more than a peck. Then she left me to take care of my laundry and pack for the holidays. It was a long, thoughtful, and uncomfortable bus ride home. "Wow," was all I could think of. After digesting it for a bit, I couldn't help asking, "Did it ever happen again?" "The idea turns you on, doesn't it? Pervert," she chuckled. "If you must know, it did, but I'm not going into gory details." "What about that kiss? Was there more than that?" Kathy blushed and remained silent. I waited. "Okay, yes, we… experimented, nothing serious. I decided I preferred men… mostly." I filed that away. "What about Sharon?" "She's more of an omnivore," Kathy said smiling. "But that's all you're getting. Have you thought about what we talked about? Your job?" "Some. I haven't made any decisions." "Okay." The rest of the trip was idle chitchat and discussion of things we should do before the weekend was out. Although I had two more wet nights, I returned to work on Monday feeling better… for about ten minutes. That's how long it took for my boss to start in on me. He actually had the gall to berate me for taking the week off, time I had earned. That was the last straw. I spent my lunch hour writing up a formal complaint and delivering it to Human Resources. I told them, if they didn't do something about him, they could have my notice, and if they didn't want that, I'd take the sick and vacation pay I had coming, and they could have their job. The rest of the afternoon was a flurry of meetings and discussions about me and my boss. Some of them got pretty heated. A review of my work showed that I was doing my job and doing it well. In the end, though, I was low man on the totem pole, and it was decided we would all be better off, if I applied my skills elsewhere. I was given a letter of recommendation and promised my back pay would be mailed at the next payroll date. For someone who, for all practical purposes, just got canned, I felt great when I cleaned out my desk. Kathy got concerned when she came home and saw the box with my possessions by the door. "What happened?" "I got fired," I said brightly. "Well, 'mutual separation' is what they wrote down in the file." I gave her a blow by blow description of what happened that day with full color commentary. I may have embellished my part a little. "Dave, I'm so proud of you. You did the right thing. I just wish that son of a bitch got what was coming to him." "Not my problem anymore. His file is flagged. He'll get his someday. In the meantime, and for the foreseeable future, you have yourself a little housemaid." "Don't give me ideas. You might look good in a French maid's uniform. I'm just glad you are out of there. Let's go. I'm taking you out to dinner." "Shouldn't we be watching our pennies? I am out of a job now." "We will, but tonight, we celebrate. This is a new beginning." And we did, a great meal, some nice wine, and it didn't end there. We practically ran up to the bedroom, clothes flying as we went. It was the most passionate we had been in quite a while. Afterward, Kathy got me diapered and curled up next to me. "So, what are you going to do with yourself, now that you have all this time on your hands?" "I don't know. I haven't really had a chance to think about it." "You should, you know. Idle hands and all that." "I'm sure I'll think of something." "I hope so. Little boys left on their own can get into all sorts of mischief." She was rubbing the front of my diaper. "I'll be fine." "I hope so. We wouldn't want Mommy to have to spank, would we?" I chuckled. "Would we?" The question wasn't rhetorical. "No." "No, what?" "No… Mommy?" "That's right," she said, rubbing me harder. "You need to be a good boy for Mommy, or Mommy will spank." I moaned, getting my second wind. "Maybe I should get a babysitter to keep you out of trouble. Maybe Auntie Sharon would be available. She could make sure you're a good boy and change you when you are wet. I know you like that. But Auntie Sharon spanks hard; so, you'd better be good." That was it. The diaper came off for round two. I was barely awake when Kathy re-diapered me and kissed me goodnight. The first week as a stay at home husband was great. I cooked, which I enjoyed but never had time for. I did some minor repairs that I had been putting off for a while. I cleaned the house and did the grocery shopping. I didn't enjoy those so much, but they had to be done and weren't as bad as I imagined. Most of all, Kathy was really happy with me and lavished me with praise. The second week was not as good. It was harder to find things to do. Kathy noticed and brought my attention to some things that needed taking care of. By the third week, I was really starting to get bored. Kathy and I were doing some gardening that weekend, when Mrs. Travers, our neighbor across the street, a sweet older lady, came over. I never talked to her much, but she and Kathy were friends. She took Kathy aside, but I couldn't help overhearing their conversation. "I noticed David's been home a lot lately. Is everything alright." "Oh, yes. He's taking some time off, maybe thinking of a second career." "I was just concerned, the economy being the way it is and everything." "No need to worry. We're fine." "Well, if there is anything you need…" "Same here. I'm sure Dave would be happy to help you out, if you need anything." "Well, there are a few odd jobs I need done. I'd pay him, of course." "Nonsense. What are neighbors for? Dave, come here a minute." "Oh, that's all right." "Dave, Travers needs your help. You'll do that, won't you?" "Sure." "What is it you need, Mavis?" "Well, I have a leaky faucet, and the gutters need tending." "No trouble at all Mrs. Travers," I said. "Is tomorrow okay?" "That would be fine, dear, if it's not too much trouble." "No trouble at all. Ten o'clock?" "That sounds fine. Thank you so much." "It's settled then," Kathy said sealing the deal. "He'll be over at ten sharp. You remember to be a good boy for Mrs. Travers, Dave." Mrs. Travers thanked us again but gave us awkward look as she went back to her house. "You didn't need to say that." "I was just having some fun. Can't you take a joke?" I kissed Kathy goodbye the next morning, and she reminded me to be a good boy and be at Mrs. Travers' house at ten. I was there right on time, toolbox and ladder in hand. I decided to start with the gutters, before the day got too hot. They were worse than I imagined, and it took till past noon to get them cleared out. Mrs. Travers insisted on feeding my lunch. The leaky faucet turned out to be a nightmare. It was an old fixture in the guest bath. I don't think anyone had worked on it since before I was born. There was a slow but steady drip that, judging by the calcium deposits on the fixture, had been going on for a long time. It was a chore just turning the shutoff valve and getting the handle off the valve, but when I tried to take out the stem to change the washer, the whole thing snapped. I informed Mrs. Travers and told her I would buy her new hardware. After a bit of an argument, I accepted that she would pay, I insisted on doing the installation. We went to the hardware store together, so she could pick out what she wanted. On the ride she told me all about her children and grandchildren, including the fact that the middle one was still wetting the bed. I set to work on updating the sink. I soon wished that I hadn't offered my assistance. Every nut was frozen. Nothing was easy to reach. The room was so tiny, I couldn't even lie down comfortably to work. As is so often the case with plumbing, I was swearing at it under my breath. Then the wrench slipped. I hit my hand hard against a pipe. I sat up to grab it and bashed my head on the sink. I was loudly cursing a blue streak when Mrs. Travers came to check on me. I was seeing stars and didn't resist when she helped me up. She led me to the kitchen and fixed an icepack for my head. She tended to my wounded hand, applying a Scooby-Doo Band-Aid. "Sorry, dear, that's all I have. I keep them for the grandkids." The room was still spinning when Kathy came over to check on me. I had no idea it had gotten so late. She gasped when she saw me. "It's just a bump on the head, dear, but I think you'd better take him home. He's had a rough day. I'll just call a plumber to finish." "No. I can do it myself." "David, be quiet. Mavis, I'm sorry he was so much trouble for you." "Oh, no trouble. I've tended to more than one skinned knee and bruised ego. But such language!" "David, apologize to Mrs. Travers, right now." "Sorry." "I'm sorry, Mavis. It won't happen again. But please, don't waste your money on a plumber. David will come back tomorrow and finish the job." She turned to me. "And he will watch his language, won't you?" "Yes, ma'am." I meant that for Mrs. Travers, but I don't think either of them took it that way. "Good. I'm sorry. He is usually much better behaved. Please let him come back." "Alright," she said reluctantly. "If it means that much to him. But it's no trouble to get a plumber." "I won't hear of it. David will be back first thing in the morning to finish what he started, and he'll be on his best behavior. If he's not, please tell me. Now, I'd better get him home and put him to bed." I handed back the icepack and stood to leave. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Travers, and thank you for lunch." "It's alright, dear. Get some rest, and you'll feel better in the morning." Kathy took care of the goodbyes, and Mrs. Travers walked us to the door. I hoped she wasn't watching as Kathy gave me an earful crossing the street and landed a couple of hard swats on the seat of my pants. She took me straight upstairs. She got a diaper out and set it on the bed. She got her hairbrush and put it on top. She started undressing me and gave me a real dressing down. "I'm ashamed of you, talking that way in front of a sweet old lady. What were you thinking?" "I'm sorry. I hit my head, and it really hurt." "That's no excuse. You should know better. I have a good mind to wash your mouth out with soap." "You can't do that!" "Try me. If I ever hear something like that again, that's just what I'll do. As for right now, you're getting a good spanking to help you remember." "What? You can't." "You know very well I can. And unless you want me to use your belt on you, you'll get across my lap right now." I remembered the bite of the belt and chose to follow her instructions. She didn't start easy, and she accompanied her task with nonstop scolding. But that was nothing compared to when she started in with the brush. I wouldn't have been surprised if Mrs. Travers heard my cries from across the street. When I was bawling, Kathy told me to get up and marched me to the corner. "You stay there and think about what you did." I kept my face wedged in the corner, not wanting to incur any more of her wrath. I could hear her milling about the room, muttering. Then there was silence. "David, why is your underwear wet?" "What!" "You heard me. Why is your underwear wet?" "What? I didn't." She turned me around and held them where I could see. They were clearly damp. "Did you or did you not wet your pants?" "I don't know." "Of course, you know! Look at these!" "I guess, maybe a little. I don't remember. Maybe when I hit my head?" "That's no excuse. You can't go around wetting your pants during the day. It's bad enough you do that at night." "You said you didn't mind." "You know what I mean. But daytime accidents are a different story. Do you need to be in diapers all the time? Do I need to hire a babysitter? Maybe Mrs. Travers would like the job." "I'm sorry," I cried. "It won't happen again." "It had better not, or I'll have to rethink leaving you home alone. Lie down. You're going to bed right now." "I have to go to the bathroom." "Then go. At least, you remember some of your potty training." I lay in bed thinking about what Kathy said. She wouldn't make me wear diapers in the daytime. It was just that I hit my head. But she did it before. That didn't work out well. Seriously, she couldn't really get a babysitter. I didn't know what to think. Between conking myself and what followed, I was exhausted and didn't last long. I had strange and fitful dreams. I was soaked the next morning. Kathy was laying out clothes when I came back from the shower. "Put these on." She handed me something I didn't recognize. "What are these?" "Training pants." I turned the puffy object over in my hands. "I'm not wearing those." "Yes, you are, unless you'd prefer to wear a diaper. Of course, you'll have to bring a spare, incase Mrs. Travers needs to change you." "You wouldn't." "Would you like to discuss it with Mr. Hairbrush?" "No." "Then get dressed. You have work to do." The disposable underwear wasn't as thick or noisy as a diaper, but I still felt very conspicuous. I was feeling very contrite when Kathy rang Mrs. Travers' doorbell. "Good morning, Mavis. I brought David over to finish his work. He's going to be on his best behavior today and not give you any more trouble. If he does, I'd appreciate it if you told me. And if he needs it, you have my permission to spank him." "I'm sure that won't be necessary, dear," she said with a nervous laugh, no doubt hoping that was a joke. I knew it wasn't and blushed hotly. "Be a good boy, David. I'll see you tonight. And no swearing." It took me all day and another trip to the hardware store for new shutoff valves, but I finally got the sink done. I even managed to keep from swearing out loud. I did end up quietly crying at one point from holding it in. When it was all done, I was quite proud of myself, and Mrs. Travers was pleased. I was finishing the snack she made me, when Kathy came to take me home. "How was he today, Mavis?" "Good as gold, dear. Good as gold. I don't know what you said to him, but it did the trick. And such a good job he did. The new faucets are just beautiful." "I'm so glad to hear that. David, say thank you to Mrs. Travers." "Thank you," I mumbled, my mouth filled with cookie. "David, don't talk with your mouth full." "It's alright, dear. He deserves his reward. If I could borrow him again, I might have some other jobs for him to do?" "Anytime, Mavis. Anytime. I'm happy to have him here where somebody can keep an eye on him. But now I think it's time I get him home and fed, unless he's spoiled his appetite with your cookies." "I only had two," I complained. I saw Mrs. Travers hold up three fingers. "Well, we'll see if we can get some real food in him anyway. David, finish your milk; it's time to go." I downed the half full glass and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. I thanked Mrs. Travers for the cookies, and we headed home. Kathy told me she was proud of me for being a good boy. That made me feel good. But, she warned me, she expected no more bad behavior reports. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. Then she stuck her hands down the front of my pants. "Just checking. Seems a little damp down there. Drop 'em." "I didn't. I swear." "You'd better not swear. Now, let's see those training pants." She unbuckled my belt and dropped my pants to my feet. She pulled the disposable underwear—I preferred the euphemism—inside out and down where she could get a good look. "Hmm. Definitely a little damp, but maybe it's just sweat. You could do a better job wiping though." She pulled them back up and went to make dinner. I was left standing with my pants at my ankles, wondering what just happened. The evening was business as usual. At bedtime, she said her little boy deserved a reward for being so good all day. I got it too, and how. Kathy had another pair of training pants out the next day. "Why do I have to wear these? I stayed dry yesterday." "I think you know why." "No, why?" "Because Mommy says so." She wrapped her arms around me and gave my bottom a squeeze. "And little boys who do what Mommy says get rewarded." She gave me a smack. "And you know what happens to little boys who don't." I quickly put on the paper pants. "Good boy. Get dressed. Mommy has to go to work." I tidied up around the house and puttered in the garden a little. I couldn't help but think about the night before and what Kathy implied that morning. I went to the store and bought a roast, hoping a nice dinner would earn me another of her rewards. With dinner in the oven, I was at a loss for what to do. I sat down to watch some TV and was soon asleep, dreaming of "Mommy." "Oh, David!" I sat straight up. "Get up, quick." I stood up, and that's when I felt it. The training pants were leaking. "Go change. I'll take care of this." I could hear the disappointment and frustration in her voice. I came back to find her laying towel over the cushion. I told her I was sorry. "It wasn't too bad. I think I got it in time. Let's just eat. It smells wonderful." It was good, if I do say so myself. Kathy's praise for it was effusive. Then she turned serious. "David, what we going to do? I know you can't help your bedwetting, and that's alright. It really is, and we're dealing with it. But what are we going to do about this wetting in the daytime? It's obvious the training pants aren't up to the job." "I'm sorry. I wasn't even planning on going to sleep." "That's my point. If you're going to drop off like that, you could end up ruining the furniture." "I'll just stay awake. That's all." "You didn't today." "But now, I know I have to." "David, I don't want to deprive you of your sleep. If you need a nap, you should be able to take one." "I could put a diaper on myself," I suggested. "Yes, I do think we need to teach you to do that. But that's only going to help if you know you are going to sleep. What about days like today, when you just drop off?" "I don't know." "I think there's only solution that's really practical." I didn't like the sound of that. "You're just going to have to have a nap every day. That way, you won't just be nodding off unprotected." "But I don't need a nap every day." "I'm sorry, but I don't see any way around it. Unless you prefer I get a sitter who can make sure you stay awake or gets you diapered?" "No, I don't want that." "Then you'll just have to start taking naps. Do the dishes, and we'll see if we can teach you how to put on a diaper by yourself. And use the potty. We don't need any accidents in the middle of the lesson." That was it; the discussion was closed. I met her upstairs when the dishes were done. She had several diapers stacked up on the bed. "Why so many?" "It might take you a few tries to get it on right, and the tapes on these don't take repositioning well. If you mess up, we'll have to start from scratch. Here, let me help you get undressed." She kissed me while she unbuttoned my shirt. I thought we'd get to the instructions part later, and it showed. No such luck. "Okay. The first thing is to unfold the diaper and lay it out like this." "I could have guessed that." "Don't get smart; just listen. Now you lie down on top. You know how to do that already. Well, go on; I can't very well teach you this while you're standing up. Good. Now, lift your bottom and take the bottom two tapes. That's it. Now, move the diaper so the tapes are at the bend in your hips. No, a little higher. Let me feel. That's it. Good boy. Put your bottom down. Now, pull the front up and put the tapes on, snug as you can without stretching anything. Don't let the diaper move, or you'll have to start again. No, no, don't pull the front over so far; keep it centered. That's it. Good job. Now, tuck in all of the side flaps. That's right; we don't want those sticking out. Now, we do the top tapes, nice and snug. Very good! Stand up and let me check you. My goodness, you did so good, and on your first try! We'll just tuck these parts under to make sure nothing gets out. There, all ready for bed." I don't know what the all the fuss was about. It's not like it was brain surgery. Still, she managed to make me feel proud of myself. I reached to undo the tapes. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm taking it off." "Why? It's on there so nice." "It's early, and I'm not sleepy." "Well, there's no sense in wasting it. If you take it off, we'll just have to throw it away. Just leave it on. Mommy will make it worthwhile," she teased. "Really?" I said hopefully. "Uh huh," she said, unbuttoning her blouse. "Okay." She knew what I liked. She didn't often let me spend much time with her titties, but that night, she let me suck and play with them to my heart's content. Meanwhile, she pleasured herself. "Oh, baby!" she cried out after her third orgasm. "You make Mommy feel so good." She brought my face to hers and kissed me deeply. I was looking forward to the main event. "We'll have to let you nurse more often. That was fantastic. Are you ready to go night-night, or do you want to watch some television?" "Aren't we going to… you know?" "Baby, what did I say about wasting diapers? That's not coming off until morning, unless you need a change before. So, what's if going to be, bed or TV?" I would have wet myself if I could have, but the state she had me in prevented it. "TV, I guess," I said with a pout. "Aw, don't be that way. If you're a good boy, maybe Mommy will let you nurse some more before bed." That cheered me a little. We put on our nightclothes and went downstairs. Even though Kathy picked out a movie that would appeal more to me than to her, I was still a bit sullen. Kathy noticed. "What's the matter, sweetie? Do you still want Mommy's titty? Come here, baby." She had me lie down with my shoulders in her lap. She supported my head with her arm, braced by the arm of the sofa. She pushed her nightgown out of the way. "Be gentle. Mommy's still tender from before." It wasn't what I really wanted, but it was still nice. I had seen the movie several times before. I could see it in my head just from the dialogue. Kathy was idly rubbing my chest and belly. It was very relaxing. I felt a twinge in my bladder and figured, what the heck? It wasn't like she was going to let me go to the bathroom anyway. It took some effort, but I did manage to overcome my resistance and let the liquid flow. Kathy must have noticed a change in me. She stuck her had inside my pajama pants and squeezed my diaper. "Good boy," she murmured, and she continued to rub down there. I was actually getting turned on. I was starting to squirm, trying to get a little more pressure on the front to the diaper. My suckling became more passionate, and I reached up to play with the other breast. I felt a slap on my padded behind. "Mommy said 'gentle.' If you can't be nice, I'm going to put you to bed." That brought about a definite pout from me. "Don't be like that; you were told. Let's get you turned around and you can have the other side for a while, but be nice." "Okay," I sighed. "What was that?" Yes… Mommy." "That's better. You just nurse nicely while we finish the movie. Then Mommy will get you tucked in." I was more on my side this time, and Kathy rubbed my back and bottom. I think I must have drifted off, because Kathy was telling me it was time for bed. I got my bearings and sat up. I didn't think I had been that wet when we switched breasts. Kathy took my hand and led me upstairs. She took off my pajama pants and said she was right; I would need a change before bed. She laid me down and untaped the used but not soggy garment. I asked to use the bathroom. "Really? I wouldn't think you had any more in you right now." "For… the other." "Oh, yes, of course. Go make poopies, and then we'll get you set for night-night." She patted my naked bottom as I went. She didn't really have to put it that way, I thought. I wasn't gone long, but she had a new diaper laid out, as well as some powder. "What's that for?" I asked, pointing at the powder. "It will make you more comfortable, and it will make you smell nice." "It'll make me smell like a baby." "Exactly, is there anything that smells better than a freshly changed baby? Besides, at the moment, you are acting like one. You may as well smell the part." "You know I can't help it. It's the stress. And those pills make me so sleepy, I don't know…" "That's not what I meant. You've been cranky and moody all night. Lie down, so Mommy can get your dipee on." I lay down, but not without telling her I didn't appreciate the baby talk. "You liked it well enough when we were playing here a while ago." She took a wet wipe and ran it up my butt crack. "And if this is the kind of job you do wiping yourself, maybe you are one. Does Mommy have to help you when you make a stinky in the potty?" "Kathy!" I complained. "Okay, okay, I'm kidding… for now, but make sure you do a better job in the future. If I'm going to have to clean your poopy bottom anyway, I may as well keep you in diapers full time." I gasped. "Relax. I didn't say I was going to do it…. I just haven't ruled out the possibility," she said with a grin that was either playful or threatening. I couldn't tell which. She powdered me nicely, but I was disappointed that she stopped when I started to stir. She finished the rest of the process efficiently and soon had me tucked in. She got in beside me and had me face her. "Unless we run into some problems, here are the rules from now on. I want you to lie down every afternoon around one o'clock. A little bit earlier, a little bit later, doesn't matter, as long as it's not past two. Whatever you might be planning that would take longer than that can wait until after you rest. I want you in a diaper when you lie down. You showed me you can do it yourself, and I feel better knowing you are protected. If you wet while you are napping, go ahead and put your pull-ups back on. If you don't, I want you to keep the diaper on until you use it; that way it's not wasted, and I know you aren't cheating. If you don't sleep at naptime, I want you in a diaper until I get home. I can't have you falling asleep without one on. If you have to change once or twice before I get back, that's okay, but no wasting. If I find you aren't taking your naps or you are running around without a diaper when you should have one on, Mommy will spank, understand?" I nodded, wide eyed. For some reason, I was getting aroused. "Say, 'yes, Mommy.'" "Yes, Mommy." "Good boy. And remember, good boys who do what Mommy says get rewards." She kissed me. "Night-night, baby." "Night-night, Mommy," I yawned. I started to plan out my day for tomorrow, but I was off to dreamland. I had finished mowing the lawn, and working on pulling some weeds, when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I wasn't pulling weeds anymore. I was pushing trucks around a sandbox. "Mommy!" I yelled. "There's my little man," Kathy beamed. But her face turned cold. "Davey, just look at you." I looked down. My hands were filthy, and there was sand stuck to the wet front of my little shorts. I looked up surprised. "David, did you take your nap today?" "I wasn't sleepy." "Where's your diaper?" "I forgot," I said sheepishly. "You forgot? What was the last thing I said to you before I left?" "Um…" "I said I wanted you to go down for a nap at one o'clock and to make sure you put your diaper on." "I didn't know it was so late." "Is that so? Did you not know you need to go potty either? "I…" "Davey, I'm very disappointed in you. Get in the house this instant." I ran in the house and was almost through the kitchen. "Stop right there, mister. Take off those filthy clothes. You're not going track sand all through the house." I didn't want to. Getting undressed in the kitchen meant I would have to walk right past the picture window to get upstairs. "But…" "No buts," she said, striding over and pulling my shirt right over my head. She made quick work of my sandals and shorts and left me standing in a drooping pull-up. She shook her head and started pulling it down. She gasped when she saw a small, firm poop inside. She got it off me and balled it up "David, you naughty, naughty boy. Get upstairs right now. You need a bath." She turned me around and planted a stinging slap on my damp bottom. I ran up the stairs, no longer caring if I was seen. Kathy was not far behind. "Sit on the potty and try to go poopy." She started the bath and added some sweet-smelling bubbles. "Honestly, I thought you were a big boy. I thought I could trust you. Did you go?" I shook my head. I was getting teary, because she was mad at me. "Get in the tub. This discussion isn't over, but you're just too filthy to deal with at the moment." I jumped in the tub, hoping compliance would earn me a few points. She scrubbed me from head to toe. "I have no idea how one little boy can get so dirty? How did you get sand in there?" I didn't know either, and I felt bad I was making work for her. She was hardly gentle, and I was glad when she finished. She dried me just as roughly, then ordered me into the bedroom. "What have you got to say for yourself?" she demanded. "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry is not an excuse. Did you deliberately disobey me, or are you too much of a baby to leave on your own? I think I'm going to have to have Mrs. Travers come over and watch you during the day." "I don't need a babysitter," I whined. "I'm a big boy." "Then you are a naughty, disobedient boy, and I know just how to deal with that," she said, snatching up her hairbrush and hauling down across her lap. "I told you what would happen, if you didn't listen to Mommy. You have no one to blame but yourself." "Mommy, no!" My bottom was quickly ablaze. I was screaming out apologies and promising to be good. I was bawling my eyes out and shaking. No, I wasn't shaking. I was being shaken. "David, David, Wake up." I shouted something incoherent. I looked around. It was dark. I saw Kathy. I threw my arms around her. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry! I won't wet my pants again. I'll take my nap. I'll wear my diapers. Don't spank me. I'm sorry!" I sobbed and sobbed. Mommy… Kathy held and shushed me. "There, there, baby, it's all over now. It was just a bad dream. Mommy loves you. You're Mommy's good boy; yes, you are. Let's get you changed, so we can go back to sleep." I was soaked, but Kathy took care of it like it was nothing. She made such short work of it; I didn't even become fully conscious. I just followed her instructions, lifting up when she asked, and I was soon dry and nuzzling her. "No, baby. Mommy's sore. Try to go back to sleep. Mommy will see about buying you a baba and a binky tomorrow." That thought didn't register enough to consciously think about it, but it did sink in enough that I dreamt of nursing from a giant bottle. My thumb was wrinkled when I woke up. The night must have been harder on me than I realized. I had no trouble putting on a diaper and taking a nap the next day or the day after. Kathy made me show her the used diapers when she saw I was wearing pull-ups. She praised me for being a good boy. The day after that, try as I might, I just couldn't fall asleep. I went ahead and wet the diaper, so I could show Kathy I hadn't wasted it, but then I put on a pull-up and went about the rest of my afternoon. We sat down to watch TV after dinner. I was nodding off before the first commercial. "David?" "Hmm?" I asked groggily. "David, did you have a nap today?" "Mm-mm," I acknowledged. "Is that a no?" I nodded. "Then where's your diaper?" "Used it." "I know that, but why don't you have one on now?" "Don' need one." "That's not the rule, and you know it. Get up. You're going to bed right now." "Wanna stay up with you." "Nothing doing. You get upstairs right now, unless you want to go to bed with a sore bottom." That woke me up. "But it's early," I whined. "David, I'm warning you for the last time." "Okay, I'm going," I huffed and all but stomped out of the room. "And use the potty. I'll be up in a minute to put your diaper on." I did as I was told; I did have to go. Kathy came in and laid out a diaper while I was getting undressed. Before I knew it, she had me squared away and tucked in. Seemingly out of nowhere, she stuck bottle in my mouth. "Leave that there. I bought it as a joke, but maybe it's appropriate after all. You know the rules, David. It was very naughty of you to break them. I feel like you lied to me. I'm very disappointed in you." That stirred up memories of my nightmare. "We will talk about this in the morning. In the meantime, drink your baba and go to sleep. I expect it to be empty when I come to bed. I'm very upset with you right now." I was upset too, as much with myself as being made to drink from a baby's bottle. Still, I was tired and didn't last long. I woke up briefly to find the bottle being replaced in my mouth and held there. The next thing I remember was Kathy's waking me to get changed and "have a talk." I came back from the bathroom to time a diaper waiting on the bed. Kathy was sitting next to it, hairbrush in hand. I immediately protested. "I get it. I'm sorry. If I don't take a nap, I'll wear a diaper till you say so. You don't have to do this." "You'll get it alright. And I do have to do this, because it seems the only time you listen to me is when you're face down over my lap. Get over here now." I reluctantly went and climbed into position. She didn't waste any time in starting to warm my seat. "You deliberately disobeyed me, and then you pretended like you took a nap. You thought you were real smart, didn't you? Thought you could fool me into thinking you took a nap, didn't you? What do you think would have happened if you fell asleep before I got home? I'll tell you what would have happened; you would have wet your pants and made a royal mess, that's what. You are a naughty, naughty, little boy. Lying to Mommy, Mommy is so angry with you. Are you going to make me have to hire a sitter for you? Is that what I have to do, because Mommy's little boy can't be trusted?" "No! Please, don't! I'll be good. I promise!" She stopped spanking. "Alright, fine, I'll give you one more chance. Get up, and let's get your diaper on. You are in diapers all day, and I do mean all day. I'm going to call you from time to time, and you had better be wearing your diaper, because you are going to send me a picture to prove it, and if you aren't wearing one, or it takes longer than I think it should for you to send it, you won't sit down for a week, and I will find you that sitter. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes." "Excuse me?" "Yes, Mommy. Yes." "Good. Now, get your nose in that corner." She left for a few minutes. "I set up your computer with the webcam on, and I set an alarm. Don't you dare move until the alarm goes off. I may not be able to watch you all the time, but you won't know when I do. So, you'd better be on your best behavior and do exactly as Mommy says, understood?" "Yes, Mommy," I said dejectedly. "I do love you, baby, but you have to be a good boy and do what Mommy says, okay?" "Okay." "That's my good boy." She kissed and hugged me. "Okay, nose back in the corner, and don't move till the alarm goes off. Remember; Mommy's watching." She turned me around and patted my behind. I was left with my thoughts. I hoped not for too long. That hope didn't last. With no frame of reference but my own world, which was defined by the two walls I got to stare at, the seconds ticked slowly. I got to dwell on why I was standing there. Because Mommy, I mean Kathy, was mean. No, she wasn't; I did this to myself. Why couldn't I have handled things better? I could have stood up to my boss. I could have gone to HR sooner. I could have quit. Why didn't I? Because I was afraid. What good would that have done? I'd have just been out of a job sooner. Why did I have to start that again? And why wasn't it stopping. I got rid of the stress. I quit. But I still couldn't keep dry. It's no wonder Kathy treated me like a baby. Why did she do that? Why wouldn't she, when I was in diapers every night. Some Man. But it was kind of nice. It felt good to be snuggled. It felt really good to be suckled. She was actually being really nice… when she wasn't spanking me. Why did she have to do that? And why didn't I stop her? What was I supposed to do, hit her back? I couldn't do that. And it's not like I didn't bring them on myself. I didn't listen. Why should I have to listen? I'm a grown man. But I was acting like a little boy. A little boy who can't keep his pants dry. And so, it went on until the alarm chimed. Less than a minute later, Kathy called. "You stayed in the corner the whole time. Good boy. I knew you could listen when you wanted to. The webcam is still on. Show me your diaper." I positioned myself and the camera so she could look. "Still dry. Good. I have to get back to work now. I'll call and check on you a little later. Be a good boy for Mommy, and get your chores done. I'll talk to you before naptime. I love you, sweetie. Bye-bye." She hung up before could get a word in. There was nothing for it but to get on with my day. I wasn't very hungry, but coffee was welcome. I puttered around, taking care of what I had to, making the bed, doing the laundry and dishes. I wet myself a little; there didn't seem any point in holding it. Kathy called around eleven. "Hi, baby. How's your day going? Are you being a good boy?" "Yes, Mommy. I'm almost done with my chores." "That's my good baby. Speaking of which. Send me a picture of your diaper." I snapped a pic and sent it to her. "Just a little wet. You'll be fine till nap time. Mommy needs to get back to work. I want you to find some more things to do around the house. You're still on punishment; so, no TV or computer till Mommy says so. But make sure the webcam is facing the bed. I may want to check in on you during your nap. Be a good boy. I love you, baby. I'll talk to you later." Now facing a day of boredom, I looked for things to do. I vacuumed the carpets and washed the floors. That kept me busy until lunchtime. I had a sandwich and a soda. By that time, I was looking forward to a change. When the phone rang, I thought it was Kathy. "Hi, Mom…" "David, it's Mrs. Travers across the street. Could you come help me, please?" "I'd be happy to Mrs. Travers, but right now isn't a very good time. May later this afternoon?" It was getting close to one o'clock, and Kathy was going to want me in bed. "I'm sorry, David. It really can't wait. The toilet is backing up, and I can't stop it. Please help." She sounded desperate. I was torn over what to do. "David, are you there?" "Yes," I said stupidly, coming out of my head. "Yes, Mrs. Travers. Let me just grab some tools, and I'll be right over." "Thank you, David. You're a lifesaver." The first order of business was to call Kathy. I needed to tell her what was going on. Her cell went straight to voicemail. I didn't want to just leave a message; so, I called her office. "Ms. Henderson's office. May I help you?" "Hi, Mandy. It's David." "Oh, hi, David. I hear you're taking some time off. That must be so great. I wish I could do that." "Mandy," I broke in. "I need to speak to Kathy. Could you put me through please?" "I'm sorry I can't. She's in a meeting, and she said no interruptions, unless it's life and death. It's not, is it?" "No… um… just have her call me, will you?" "Sure thing. Is everything alright?" "Um… fine. You have her call. Thanks." I put on my baggiest sweats and hoped they'd hide what was under them. I threw my snake, a plunger, some wrenches, and a couple of kinds of pliers in a duffle and headed across the street to Mrs. Travers. "David, hurry, hurry. It's getting worse!" I followed the sound of running water until I saw it. How did she let it get this far? The bathroom was flooded, and it was flowing out into the hallway. I stuck my phone in a pocket of the duffel and set the bag down in a spot near the door that was still dry. "Get me all the towels you can. Clean, dirty, doesn't matter. Quick!" She brought me a couple of kitchen towels. "No, bath towels. The bigger the better. And as many as you can carry." This time, she understood. I tossed them around the room, and they were saturated as soon as they hit the floor. "Have you got more?" She nodded. "Get them. All of them." I squatted beside the toilet and tried to turn the shutoff valve. Nothing. I grabbed a pair of channel locks from my bag and tried to muscle the knob again. Before the valve finally budged, I was afraid the strain would make me poop my pants. I did pee them a little. Thank heaven that didn't happen. I was making some headway, when my phone rang. I had to get the water off; so, I ignored it. Was it really necessary to put so many threads on these stupid valves? The phone rang again. Again, I ignored it. I could hear the flow slowing. I was getting close. Like the sink, this valve was long unused and heavily corroded. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to turn that last little bit without breaking it off. The phone was ringing again. "Mrs. Travers! Could you answer my phone for me? I kind of have my hands full." I could see her looking at it like it was a snake in her hand. "Just slide your finger up the screen. That's it. And hit the button that says 'Answer.'" "David, where the hell are you," I could hear Kathy's voice all the way across the room. "You're not in your bed, and I've been calling and calling. What is going…" "Kathy, dear." Mrs. Travers found her voice and near shouted. "It's Mavis. David can't talk right now…. No, he's fine. It's my toilet. It was flooding the house. David was a godsend, coming over to fix it…. Is he what? Well, yes, he is. There was quite a lot of water on the floor…. Oh…. Oh my…" I didn't hear any more. Mrs. Travers had wandered down the hall. I still needed to get the water shut down. The valve finally did close, and I shouted for Mrs. Travers to let her know. Nothing. I threw the soggy towels into the bathtub and used the last couple of dry ones to make a relatively dry spot to work. I took the lid off the tank to see why it was running like that. The arm on the old ball float had corroded right off. Always when there's a clog, I thought to myself. I got my snake to start working on the clog. It didn't go very far. It hit an obstruction almost immediately. Whatever it was, it was hard. I pulled the snake out, and a fair amount of toilet paper came with it. I went back it and hit the object again. I tried to dislodge it with the snake, but it wouldn't move forward, and I couldn't get the spring to snag it. There was nothing for it but to do it manually. I pushed up my sleeve, knelt down, and plunged my hand into the cold water. I tried really hard not to think about where my hand was or what it might find. I pulled out more toilet paper and gagged a little. In again, I felt the object. There was more paper around it, but I able to get my fingers around it. It was wedge in pretty tight, but it broke free, and the water in the bowl quickly went down. I swished off the paper and found a toy car. "I found the problem," I shouted. No reply. Where did she go? "Mrs. Travers?" I yelled. "I'm going to have to go to the hardware store. You need a new float valve." "You got it fixed. Thank heaven." I must have jumped a foot. I wasn't expecting her to be right there. "Almost," I said, trying to get my heart back where it belonged. "I'm going to need some parts." "Dear, oh dear, look at you. You're soaked to the skin. Come with me. I have some dry things you can change into." "That's okay. I can just run home." "Nonsense. You'll catch your death. Come." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom. I stopped short, when I got to the door. There, on the bed were some my clothes, and sitting right on top was a diaper. I almost didn't hear Mrs. Travers speaking. "Kathy told me about your little problem, dear. I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry about taking you away from your nap. How about we get you into something dry? Then you can have a snack and a little lie down before you go to the store." Before I knew it, Mrs. Travers pulled my sweats to my feet. "Mrs. Travers!" I shouted. "My, you are soaked to the skin, aren't you? Don't worry. We'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." She was guiding me toward the bed and pushing me down. "What's that you have in your hand? Oh, Matthew, that boy! You can keep that, if you want, Davey. Matthew won't be getting it back. But let's give it a wash first. We know where it's been." She gingerly took the car and set it aside. Then she reached for the tapes on my diaper. "Mrs. Travers, no! I mean, I can do this myself." "No need to fret, dear. Mr. Travers had the same problem toward the end. I'm an old hand at this." "But…" "It's the least I can do, dear. And I told Kathy I'd take good care of you this afternoon. Just lie still, and we'll have you nice and dry in no time." I tried to squirm and push her hands away. She slapped mine. "We'll have none of that nonsense. Kathy gave me permission to spank you the last time you were here. Don't make me have to do it." I looked at her wide-eyed. She gave me a look that said not to tempt her. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was someplace, anyplace else. That didn't work very well, since I had to lift while she got everything adjusted. She did make short work of it after that, and she was pulling my shoes, socks and sweats off my feet. I sat there dumbfounded, as she changed my shirt, put socks on my feet and had me step into my pants. "There," she said, satisfied, "all dry. Come on down to the kitchen. You can have some cookies and a nice glass of milk." She thanked me profusely while I ate. She made very good cookies. I reached for another. "Uh-uh," he said, as she took away the plates. "What would Kathy say, if I spoiled your appetite? Finish your milk, and we'll put you down for a nice little nap." "But I need to go to the hardware…" She cut me off, wiping my face with a damp cloth. "Plenty of time for that after your nap. I promised Kathy, and there won't be any more discussion about it. Come along." She took my hand and led me to a different bedroom, one she obviously kept for the grandkids. There was a wide assortment of toys and cartoon bedding. Whether very young, a bit older, girl or boy, whoever stayed in this room would feel comfortable and loved. Mrs. Travers pulled back the covers on the twin bed and told me to get in. I reluctantly did as she asked and immediately noticed the crackle of a waterproof cover. She tucked me in and, out of habit, pulled up a side rail. She tittered realizing what she had done. "Oh, well, better safe than sorry." She kissed my forehead. "You have a nice sleep, and when you get up, maybe Nana Mavis will let you have that cookie. Sleep tight, Davey." With that she was gone. What had I gotten myself into? I wanted to talk to Kathy, but I didn't know where my phone was, and she probably arranged this anyway. How was I going to look Mrs. Travers in the face after today? And what might she tell the other neighbors? I needed to get out of this predicament. I needed to get over this stupid wetting problem and find a new job. At least I'd be away from home more. I yawned. The morning was catching up with me. A little nap wouldn't hurt, and I was kind of stuck for now anyway. "Wakey, wakey," Mrs. Travers sang cheerily. "Time to get up." "Huh?" I tried to get my bearings. Why was I in a child's room? Oh yeah. "Did you have a nice nap?" she asked, letting down the rail. She shocked me by sticking her fingers in the waistband of my diaper. "Not too wet. You should be fine till your Mommy gets home." "I need to get to the store." I needed to get out of there. "That will have to wait. I talked to Kathy, and she should be here soon. You can finish up tomorrow. How about that cookie? It will be our little secret." It turned out not to be a secret. I was biting into a second one, when Kathy came in. For some reason, I felt guilty. "How was he for you today, Mavis? I know how he can be when there's plumbing involved." "A perfect angel, Kathy. Weren't you, Davey? He's just having a little snack as a reward for coming to my rescue." "I'm glad to hear that. I just hope he hasn't spoiled his dinner. A growing boy can't live on milk and cookies." "I expect he'll be fine. I'm sure he worked up quite an appetite." "Well, we'd best be off. I'll send him over in the morning to finish up. You don't mind watching him, do you?" "Not at all dear. He's my good little helper." "Thank you, Mavis. Come on, Dave. Let's go make some supper." "Oh, Davey, don't forget your car. It's all clean now. He can have it, can't he, Kathy?" "Of course. What do you say, David?" "Thank you, Mrs. Travers." I didn't need to be reminded, for gosh sake. "You're welcome, Davey. Maybe tomorrow, we can make some cookies together?" She winked. "Yes, thank you, Mavis. We'll talk to you tomorrow." Kathy took me by the hand and led me home. "That was very nice of you, helping Mrs. Travers like that. I was so worried, when I couldn't find you." "I did call." "I know. I should have checked my messages first. That's my fault. Do you like your toy?" "What? Oh, yeah, I guess," I said, setting it down. "It was very nice of Mrs. Travers to give it to you." "I know. But can you stop talking to me like I'm a child?" "I'm just saying it was nice." "But you told me to say thank you, and you're talking about my working over there like your dropping me off at daycare." "Still a bit cranky after your nap." "I'm not cranky! And I don't need naps. I'm not a baby, damn it." "Don't take that tone with me. And no more potty mouth, unless you want it washed out. How's your diaper holding out, by the way?" "It's fine. Why did you make me wear it all day anyway? Now Mrs. Travers knows, and she'll probably tell everybody. It's not like I don't have enough problems. I don't have a job anymore, and I can't stop wetting the bed, and now everybody's gonna think I'm a big baby, just like you and Mrs. Travers do. It's not fair!" Tears were running down my face. "Why does it have to be like this?" Kathy took me in her arms, and I sobbed. It was all too much. I felt a warm wetness gather around my bottom, and I cried all the harder. "Shh. Shh. I know, baby. I know. It's all overwhelming, isn't it? It's going to be okay. I promise. I had a long talk with Mrs. Travers this afternoon. I explained the whole thing, and she understands. She just wants to help, and she won't tell a soul; I promise. I don't want you to worry about a thing. I know you're not a baby. But you've been through a lot lately, and I want to take care of you. I want you to let all the hurt go. I think that bully of a boss did more damage than you realize. And trying to put up a brave front and hide what it was doing only made it worse. I think you need to let go of everything and let me handle things for a while. Can you be a big, brave boy and trust Mommy to look after you until you're better?" I nodded. "That's my little man. You just let Mommy be in charge for a while, and she'll make it all better. You just be Mommy's little helper, and don't worry about the mean people anymore. You can help Mrs. Travers too. She needs lots of help now that her husband is gone. She doesn't mind that you are having potty problems any more than Mommy does. We know that even big boys have trouble with the potty sometimes. You just do what we ask, and we'll take care of the rest. Can you do that for me, baby? Will you do that for Mommy?" "I guess." I was emotionally drained. I couldn't fight it anymore. "Promise me, baby. Promise me you'll listen to Mommy and Mrs. Travers and let us take care of you." "I promise." "I promise, what?" "I'll listen." "Listen to who, baby?" "Mommy and Nana Mavis." I sat up at hearing that name come out of my mouth. Kathy looked shocked, but her surprise quickly turned into a smile. "That's right, baby. Mommy and Nana will take good care of you. Are you hungry?" I was caught off guard by the question, but I was, in fact. I nodded. Kathy squeezed the front of my diaper. "Then let's get you fed, but first somebody needs a change." Kathy took me upstairs, then made a detour into the bathroom. When she was down to the diaper, she asked if I had made poopies that day. I hadn't. "Sit on the potty, and try to make a boom-boom for Mommy. I'll be right back." I was getting ready to wipe when she came back… naked. She turned on the shower. She took the paper from my hand and told me to stand up. "Good job! Turn around." She bent me over and wiped me. "Okay, get in the shower. You've been playing with toilet water all day and not the good kind. Mommy needs to clean you up." It was nice showering together. It had been a long time since we did that. All that soaping and scrubbing led to other things, and we had to start over. We basked in the afterglow under the water. "I'm confused. One minute, you're wiping me like I'm three years old, the next you're…" I grinned and pulled her closer. "You may need a mommy right now, but you are still my husband, and don't you forget it. I haven't. But now it's time to get the baby dressed and fed. Get out, and Mommy will dry you." I had the best night's sleep in many weeks, wet but restful. Kathy woke me lovingly, and she was laying out my clothes when I came back from the shower. "No diaper?" "Of course not, sweetie. Your punishment is over. It's back to the regular rules. You'll wear your training pants until naptime, unless you'd rather a diaper. It's okay if you do." "No, training pants are good. But what about Mrs. Travers? What if she notices a difference? How am I going to explain why I was wearing a diaper yesterday but not today?" "Don't worry, baby? Mommy already talked to Nana, and she knows all about it. That's the other reason you can go back to wearing training pants. Nana will be there to make sure you don't fall asleep without your diaper on." "Does that mean I have to go back to wearing diapers when I get finished with her bathroom?" "I expect you'll be busy with her all day. We'll just see how it goes. Okay, sweetie?" "Okay," I agreed reluctantly. "Don't pout, honey. You're going to have lots of fun with Nana. I promise." I went to my workshop and got a tubing cutter. I was going to replace that old shutoff valve as well as the float. Kathy was waiting by the door with an overnight bag. "What's that?" I asked. "Just some extra supplies, you never know." We went out, and I started to turn toward the car. "No, baby, this way. Nana will take you to the store." Mrs. Travers was waiting for us. The door opened as we approached. "Why, hello, Davey," she said, a little too brightly. "All ready to get to work?" "Yes, ma'am." "Oh, don't be so glum. You did the hard part yesterday, didn't you? You're such a good helper. You'll have it all fixed in no time, won't you?" "Yes, ma'am." "Now, now. No need to be so formal. We're good friends now, aren't we? What did we agree my name was?" I hadn't agreed to anything, but I knew what was expected. "Nana Mavis." "That's right!" she beamed. "And Nana's going to take very good care of you. And if you're a very good boy, Nana has a big surprise for you later. Won't that be fun?" I looked at Kathy, hoping she would intervene on my behalf. Instead she gave me a small nod and a look that said go along with it. "Yes, Nana." "That's my good boy. Come in. come in. Have you had breakfast yet? Nana can't have you working on an empty stomach." "I'm sorry, Mavis. I didn't have time to feed him this morning. I really am running late." "That's alright, dear. He can eat with Nana. I'm just sorry you can't join us." "Me too, but I do have to run. Here's his bag. It should have anything you might need. David, you be a good boy for Nana today, and I'll see you after work. Thank you again, Mavis." Kathy kissed both me and Nana… Mrs. Travers on the cheek and took her leave. "Well, Davey, we've got a big day ahead of us. I think that calls for pancakes. How about you?" I nodded enthusiastically. "Then have a seat. They'll be coming right up. But first, maybe you should go potty." I blushed and mumbled, "I don't have to right now." "I think you should try anyway. For Nana?" "Alright." I headed off to the sill working guest bath. "That's a good boy. Don't forget to flush and wash your hands." I don't know what Kathy told her, but Mrs. Travers was taking to her role as Nana more enthusiastically than I was comfortable with. I suppose it wasn't hurting anyone, maybe my pride a little bit. On the other hand, she was being really nice. It's not every day I get someone to make pancakes for me, and bacon from the smell of it. I made an honest effort of it, but I didn't have to go. I flushed and washed anyway. "Just in time. I have your plate all ready for you." I half expected it to be already cut up. Instead, she had poured one large and two small circles of batter, making the shape of a famous mouse. I had to smile at that. She set the plate down in front of me, tucked a napkin into my shirt, and kissed me on the forehead. "Be careful with the syrup. Use both hands." That annoyed me a little, but I bit my tongue and used both hands. I don't know if using only one would have made any difference, but the syrup did pour faster than expected, and my pancake was fairly swimming in it. "Oh, somebody has a sweet tooth," she said, setting a large glass of milk in front of me. "Eat up, there's plenty more where that came from." "May I have some coffee, Nana?" "Coffee? Are you sure? Oh, heavens, of course. But drink your milk too. It's good for you." She made excellent pancakes, light, crispy around the edges. I had seconds and bacon and thirds. I had to soak up all that syrup after all. I was stuffed. "Such a good eater," she said, astonished. "Aren't you going to have some?" "Oh, no, dear," I had something earlier. Is your tummy full? Would you like something else?" "No, thank you. I couldn't eat another bite. It was delicious." "You're welcome, sweetheart. It's nice to cook for someone again. I suppose you'll be wanting to go to the hardware store?" "After that meal, not so much. But I do need to get some things to finish fixing the toilet." "I'll go freshen up and then we can go. Do you need to use the potty?" "No, Nana," I sighed. "I'm fine." "Okay," she said uncertainly and went about her business. I poured myself another half cup of coffee. I was wondering what was taking so long, when she came back with her hair a little spruced up and a touch of light make up. "You're sure you don't want to use the potty before we go?" "Yes, Nana," I said, rolling my eyes. "Watch your tone, young man. Alright let's go." Before long, we were back, and I set right to work. I had the old shutoff replaced and the main water turned back on. The corroded float mostly out, when I wished I had used the toilet before starting. I was close to finished; so, I forged on. All parts attached and feeling tight, I opened the shutoff and promptly got sprayed in the face. I turned off the water and had another go at the loose fitting. That did it, tight as a drum. I closed the door and christened the job. I noticed that the training pants were more than a little damp. I flushed and watched all the parts work as they should. I put away my tools and wiped everything down. Proud of myself, I opened the door and shouted, "Nana! I'm done!" "Nice job, Davey! I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much. It's beautiful! Come along. I have a nice lunch and a big piece of cake with your name on it." Lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup. Again, she stuck the napkin in my shirt. She wasn't kidding about the cake. It was a two-layer yellow cake with gobs of homemade chocolate buttercream and enormous. It was all I could do to finish it. I didn't object the big glass of milk she gave me, even though I would have preferred coffee, and I didn't really need to use two hands, as she insisted. I thanked her with all my heart and said I would be on my way. "Oh, no, David. I have something I want you to do after your nap. Come up stairs and lie down. Nana has a big surprise for you when you get up." "I really should be…" "Now, David, you've been so good all day. Don't start giving Nana trouble now. I told your Mommy I would put you down after lunch, and that's what we're going to do." She took my hand and led me back to the grandkids' room. I think she would have dragged me, if I had put up any resistance. She put the bag Kathy had brought on the bed and pulled out pajamas and a diaper. She did a double take and took something else out of the bag. She turned around and wagged Kathy's hairbrush at me. "Don't make me use this," she warned and put it back. "Let's get you changed, and you'll have a nice nap and be all rested for your surprise." She came over and started unbuttoning my shirt. I backed away. She asked if she needed to get the hairbrush. I let her undress me. If I wasn't nervous before, I certainly was when she had me down to the pull-up. She started to take it down and stopped halfway. "Oh, David, when did that happen? I told you, you should have used the potty before we went to the store. You have to tell Nana when you have to go. Oh, well, I guess that's why we have you in trainers. At least your pants stayed dry. But let's get your diaper and jammies on, so you can go beddy-bye." I was soon tucked in and sulking. "Don't be that way, sweetheart. Nana's not mad. Accidents happen. But I want you to promise me, you'll tell Nana the next time, okay?" "Okay," I sighed. "That's Nana's good boy." She pulled the blankets up under my chin and kissed me on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Honeybunch. You have a good rest, and then Nana has something really special for you. Ni-night." She shut the door and left me to wonder what it might be. Tucked in and toasty, with a full tummy, I didn't last long. Nana jostled me awake. I knew from the shadows; I had been out for a while. "Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to get up. If you sleep any longer, your Mommy will never get you down at bedtime. Do you want to see what Nana has for you?" I nodded, curious. "Good. Let's just have a check then. Oo, I think Nana shouldn't give you so much milk before naptime. No worries, that's what it's there for." She got the bag and pulled out a diaper and a pair of training pants. She seemed to weigh her options for a moment ad put the diaper back. "We'll try these again, but you have to tell Nana when you need to use the potty, understand?" "Yes, Nana," I said, blushing. "Good boy." She got me changed and was pulling me the hand again. She had the biggest grin on her face. She took me down to the basement. I wondered what she wanted to show me. I had been down there earlier to turn off the main water line and hadn't noticed anything unusual. She turned me off to the left and opened a door. Before me lay the most elaborate train set I had ever seen outside and exhibition like the one we went to at Sharon's house. It wasn't nearly as big, of course, but still. It had everything, tracks winding all over the place, tunnels, trestles, crossing gates, people and animals. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. "Do you like it?" "Do I like it? It's beautiful!" "It was Harold's. He made it for our boys, but he could never get them interested in it. They just wanted to crash the trains. When they discovered girls, even Harold didn't play with it anymore. He never had the heart to get rid of it. I guess he always kept hope. It's been sitting down here all these years." "That's terrible. Something like this should be loved." "It was. It was, but not for a long time. Would you like to play with it?" "Would I? Do you mean it? That would be awesome! Are you sure it's okay? I mean…" "Yes, sweetheart, I mean it. It would do my heart good to know it wasn't down here just gathering dust. I think it would make Harold very happy too." There was a tear in her eye. "Oh, Nana, thank you!" I hugged her so tight. I think I might have lifted her off the floor. I gave her a great big kiss on the cheek and looked back over the display. I approached the layout with reverence, lightly touching it, following the track with my eyes. I found the controls and studied them carefully. I wanted to be sure of what each one did before I went any further. I never laid my hands on anything like this. I was lost in its intricacies when I made the first tentative turn of the transformer knob. An engine came to life and slowly started to move. I felt something placed on my head, then a hug from behind and a kiss on my cheek. I could take my eyes off the train, but I'm sure I felt a little wetness there. I was lost in wonder. I carefully tried each control, only for a second at first, just to make sure it did what I thought it would. After a while, I had two trains going and track switches working. I was thrilled, and I had barely scratched the surface of what it all could do. "Davey, you're Mommy's here." I almost whined for five more minutes. I really wanted to keep playing. Instead, I called back, dejectedly, "Okay." I carefully shut everything down, reversing the order in which I started them. When I stood up, a shiver ran through me. There was wetness on the backs of my thighs. I froze. How was I going to get out of there without them seeing? "David, come on," Kathy called. "It's time to go home and leave Nana in peace." "Coming," I lied. Now she was waiting at the top of the stairs. Was there a back door to this place? "Now, David. Don't make me come down there." There was nothing else for it. I slowly climbed the steps. There may as well have been a gallows at the top. "David! What have you done? I'm ashamed of you. Apologize this instant!" "I'm sorry, Nana." I meant it too. "You and I are going to have a talk about this when I get you home. I'm so sorry, Mavis." "It's alright, dear. I shouldn't have left him alone for so long. I should have known better after this morning." "This morning? You wet your pants twice in the same day? What am I going to do with you?" "Don't be too hard on him, Kathy. It wasn't that bad. I'm sure he couldn't help it. I really should have made him sit on the potty more." "It's not your fault, Mavis. There's no excuse for his wetting himself in the daytime. He should know when he needs to go potty, shouldn't you? If he doesn't, well we'll deal with it. But I think he was just being lazy and not wanting to stop playing. Get your bag and thank Nana. We're going home." "Thank you, Nana, for everything, especially for letting me play with the trains. That was so awesome." "You're welcome, sweetheart. You can play with them anytime you want, as long as your Mommy says it's alright." Kathy took the hat off my head and handed it to Nana. "Thank you, Mavis, but I think he's lost his engineer's license for a while. We'll see if he earns it back. I'll call you later." She pushed me out the door and scolded me all the way across the street and into the house. "Go upstairs, take off your clothes, and sit on the potty. Don't move until I tell you. I'll come up when I'm calm enough to deal with you." I don't know how long I was left to sit there, long enough for my legs to fall asleep. Kathy was calmer when she came in but still visibly upset. She picked up the saturated training pants. "For heaven's sake, David, what is wrong with you? I thought by now, you'd be getting better, but your just getting worse. I so want to spank you right now, but I don't trust myself to do it. Do you have any idea how much you embarrassed me? I've tried to be patient with you, but it's wearing pretty thin. I know you need a mommy right now, and I'm trying really hard to be that for you. I even told you, you could wear diapers all the time, if that's what you wanted. You said you didn't need them. You said you wanted training pants. You wanted to be a big boy. Then you go pissing your pants, not once but twice, the second time, so much you leaked. Well, mister, you listen to me, and you listen good. You want to piss your pants like a baby? Fine. You've got the whole weekend. You're going back into diapers right now, and you can piss and shit yourself to your heart's content. On Monday, if, and I mean if, I think you've learned your lesson, and you still want them, I'll consider letting you have your training pants back. But that's only going to happen if Nana will help with your toilet training. You'll sit on the potty on a schedule, you'll be supervised, your pants will be checked, and if you wet yourself, your going to be spanked, put back in diapers, and we'll start all over again the next time one of us is available to try and teach you to be a big boy. And don't think I'm going to be grounded just because you are being a baby. I have shopping to do this weekend, and you'll be coming with me, diaper bag and all. Do I make myself clear?" I had long since started crying. I sobbed, "I'm sorry." "I didn't ask if you were sorry. I said, do I make myself clear." "Yes, Mommy. Crystal." "Good. Get up and go in the bedroom. I need to get a diaper on you. You can clean up this mess afterward." "I can't," I wailed. "Are you defying me? After what you've done? Why the hell not?" "My legs are asleep." "Then I guess you'll just have to crawl like the baby you are acting like." I slid off the toilet and onto my knees. At first, I could hardly move my legs. Then the blood started to flow back into them, and that was much worse. Pins and needles only begins to describe the electric burning that flared with every movement. Kathy slapped my behind, and I screamed. Halfway to the bedroom, enough feeling had returned that I tried to stand. Kathy told me to stay where I was; she would let me know when I was allowed to walk again. I crawled up on the bed and lay back to be diapered. Kathy told me to roll over. I was sure she was going to take the belt to me, and I started bawling. Instead of fire on my bottom, I felt cold stickiness. She was slathering me with Desitin. It felt like she was using enough for three of me. I heard the rustling of diapers and saw two of them laid open next to me. She told me to roll over, and she applied a layer just as thick to the front. She covered me in a cloud of baby powder. It took her several wet wipes to get her hands reasonably clean. She taped up the double diaper and looked dissatisfied. She went away and came back with a roll of clear packing tape. She told me to stand, and she wrapped the tape around me three times. "That ought to hold you. Get in bed. From what I heard, you had more than enough to eat today. If you're quiet, and I feel like it, I might bring you a bottle later. I do not want to hear a peep out of you. Understand?" "Yes, Mommy," I squeaked. She looked down at me for a long time. Finally, she sat down on the bed. She brushed the tears from my cheeks and the hair away from my forehead. "Sweetheart, I love you. I really do. I know that this has all been hard on you. The thing is, this is all hard on me too. Shh. It's okay. I can deal with it, but you have to deal with it too. You have to decide what is going on and how you are going to handle it. What's happening isn't working. If anything, the situation is getting worse. I need you to think really hard about this. Do you think there is something wrong with you that you are losing control of your bodily functions, something physically wrong? If you do, I'll call Margaret on Monday. We'll get all the tests and specialists we need to make you better." I started to speak, but she put a finger over my lips and shushed me gently. "Don't answer now. I want you to think hard about that over the weekend. I don't know how your body feels inside. Margaret didn't find anything wrong with you before, and I don't think there is now. But you can tell me in a couple of days, after you think about it. As for me, I feel like you are trying to live in two worlds at the same time. A part of you wants to be a little boy and be taken care of. A part of you wants to be a big strong man. Both of those things are fine. But I think trying to both is hurting you. I think it's causing problems for me. I think you have to choose. If you can't handle the responsibility of keeping your pants dry, or just don't want it, you have to tell me. There are things we… I can do to prevent it from being a problem. It would mean some big changes for both of us, but we can deal with it, I promise. But you can't go around just wetting your pants, like you did today. That hurts us both, and it hurt Nana. It's all forgiven now, but you need to make some decisions. "You need to decide if there's something physically wrong with you and if not, which world you want to live in. Do you want to be a grown up, or do you need to be a little boy for now? I want you to take your time and really think about this. It's very important, and you should not make your decision quickly. I want you to take your time, and I won't ask for or listen to your answer until Monday. I'm not going to push you in any direction, and I'll respect any decision you make. But I think, and I hope you agree, that what you did today was not the right way to handle what's happening, and that it deserves some consequences." I was sniffling, but I nodded. "Good. So, until Monday morning, you are going to be in diapers. You will use them when you need to, and you will do what I say. You can learn just what it's like to be Mommy's baby and whether that's right for you. Do not ask to be let out before we discuss your decision. I am not going to change my mind. And if you think this is easy for me, think about what changing one of your dirty diapers is like for me. Now, I want you to get some sleep. It's been a trying day for both of us." She stood up, tucked me in, and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you, my baby-husband, no matter what." She turned out the light and left the room. I tried to think about what she said, but it was just too much, and I drifted off into a less than peaceful sleep. I felt Kathy curl up against me, and I slept better after that. I was suddenly cold and flailing for the blankets. "Wake up, sleepyhead," Kathy sang merrily. I was still in a fog. "Let's check that dipee. Oh, yes, all wet. Let's get you changed." She was cutting through the tape she had wrapped around me before I could fully comprehend where I was, let alone what she was doing. I was more or less awake by the time she taped up the fresh diaper. She told me to put on some pants and come downstairs for breakfast. I was greeted by a spread of pancakes and sausage. This was not unheard of on a Saturday morning, but it was usually me cooking it. I sat down, and Kathy placed a mug of steaming coffee in front of me. I looked at her curiously. "Yes, I know what I said last night about your being Mommy's baby this weekend, but I don't think we have to go overboard. You do need to wear and use your diapers, and you have to do as I tell you, but I'm not going to make you drink from bottles or talk baby talk… unless you want to, that is. Oh, and unless we go out in public, you will call me Mommy, okay? I don't have any plans to go anywhere, but you never know. And public does not include Nana's house." I figured I could live with that, and I was already tucking into my pancakes anyway; so, I nodded. "Oh fay." "Don't talk with your mouth full. Then it's agreed." I'm not ashamed to admit I was stuffed when I finally put down my fork after my third helping. Okay, maybe a little ashamed, but it was really good. Kathy had long since finished and was tidying up. She brought a wet cloth when she came for my plate. "I know I said you wouldn't have to use a bottle, but maybe a bib might have been in order." I looked down and saw a number of places where syrup had dripped on my shirt. I blushed. Kathy chuckled and wiped them off. Then she wiped my face and my hands. She said I could do the dishes. I thanked her, sarcastically, for the privilege, and she gave me a warning look. I laughed. She checked my diaper, which deflated me a little, even though it was dry, and I took up the task. I don't mind washing dishes, especially when it's not many and somebody else did the cooking. The rest of the day was mostly uneventful, other than the diaper checks and changes, our normal Saturday routine. The first was a little traumatic. I felt the urge to pee coming on while I was washing up from breakfast. All the coffee I drank wanted out, but I didn't want to just stand there and wet myself. Kathy noticed my little dance at the sink. She told me I may as well get it over with, because the diaper wasn't coming off until I needed a change. I did manage to hold off until I finished and got out of her sight, but by that time, I was desperate, and it all came out in a rush, and I ended up with a very noticeable leak. Kathy just shook her head with an "I told you so" expression when I went to her but said nothing more about it when she changed me. After that, I didn't resist so much. Sunday was shaping up to be more of the same. Kathy reminded me over breakfast, just cereal and coffee, that I had a big decision to make the next day and asked whether I had thought about it. I told her I had—I'd thought of little else—but hadn't made any decisions. I puttered around the house and spent some time on the computer. Kathy spent a lot of time on the phone. Then we realized we hadn't anything in the fridge to make for dinner. Somebody was going to have to go to the store. Kathy told me to put on something decent; sweats and a t-shirt were not her idea of appropriate shopping attire. "Do I have to go?" "Of course, you have to go. I can't leave a baby home alone." "Can't I stay with Nana?" "No, we've been imposing on her enough. Just get dressed, and stop whining." "But I don't want to go out like this." "You are going out. No one is going to notice. The only question is whether you are going to go with a sore bottom, because I'm this far from spanking you." "Okay. Okay. I'll go." Kathy was right. Despite the fact that grabbing something for dinner turned into a major shopping trip, nobody seemed to notice my condition. All in all, there were no problems, at least until we were on the way home. That's when not pooping for the last couple of days decided to catch up with me. I was really trying to hold out until Monday, when I was sure I could get Kathy to let me use the toilet. No such luck. We were barely out of the grocery store parking lot when the first cramp hit me, hard. I passed some gas and felt better. Kathy cracked her window, and I apologized. A few blocks later, it happened again. It wasn't long before the cramps started coming in waves. I was holding my own, but now I had to pee. I was very uncomfortable and starting to sweat. The last wave passed about the time we pulled in the driveway, and I felt I was home free, if you'll pardon the expression. I got out of the car, and another cramp hit me so hard I nearly doubled over. I clamped down hard on my back door but forgot about my bladder. I started to pee. Shaken, I tried to stop that and lost control of my bowels. I was standing in the driveway, filling my pants front and back. I was mortified and scanning the neighborhood to see who might be watching. Kathy rushed me into the house. She took me straight to the bathroom and got my shoes and pants off. No damage was done. She asked me if I was finished, and I admitted I wasn't sure. She told me to stay there; she would unload the car. In the eternity that followed, it turned out to be the right thing to do; I wasn't finished. My diaper was a saggy mess by the time Kathy returned. She held me for a long time and shushed away my attempts to apologize. She had me lie on the floor, and she started a bath. She toughed her way through removing the diaper and a cursory cleaning. She told me to soak while she put the groceries away. I think I was starting to doze when she came back and began washing me. The bath was a tender time, and she acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I felt better, and Kathy showed me that dirty diapers or not, she was still interested in me as a husband. I was very content, and probably could have used another bath, by the time she was putting a new diaper on me. The evening passed quietly. Kathy asked me if I might want a bottle before bedtime. I told her that depended on what was in it. She smiled and told me to stay put. She came back a few minutes later with a bottle filled with wine. A baby bottle is not the best way to drink wine. It's really too much at one time, especially when one is being encouraged to drink it all up. The nipple doesn't do anything to improve the flavor. But lying with your head in the lap of your lover while getting quickly inebriated certainly makes up for it. I slept very well that night. Morning came way too early for me. The sun was barely up, and I was having a nice dream. "Get up, honey." I moaned and pulled the covers over my head. Kathy pulled them back down. "It's decision day, and I have to be at work in a couple of hours. Let's get you changed." Kathy had me sorted quickly and let me have enough coffee to bring the world into focus before starting our discussion. "Sweetheart, it's time," she started. She seemed as hesitant as I felt. "I guess the first question, and the one that kept me up a lot over the last few days, is: do you feel like something is wrong with your body? I mean with your accident yesterday; I have been really worried." "No," I assured her. "I was just hoping I could make it till today. I didn't want to do that in the diaper. If I had been able to use the bathroom, it wouldn't have been a problem." "So, you held your poopies in until you had a big accident in your diaper anyway." "I guess." "Not very mature, was it?" "I suppose not." "So, you feel like you are healthy? Nothing wrong?" "I don't think so." "Well, that's a relief. The bedwetting is one thing. There are lots of reasons that can happen, and we'll get to the bottom of it eventually. But it doesn't explain your daytime accidents. Are you sure there's nothing going on inside?" "Yes, I'm fine." "Then why have you been peeing your pants? Can you feel when you need to go?" "Yes." "Does it hurt to go? Are you having a hard time going? Can't you hold it?" "No, no, and no. I'm fine, really." "Then why are you wetting your pants?" She didn't seem concerned anymore, more irritated. "I don't know." "Are you just trying to get my attention? Do you feel like I'm neglecting you?" "No, of course not." "Then what is it? Are you just being lazy?" "I… I don't know." "David, we both know that you can't go around wetting your pants all the time." "It's not all the time." "Don't interrupt. The way I see it, you are just being irresponsible. Like I told you before, if you don't want the responsibility, there are ways I can handle it. But if you want to be a big boy, you have to get a grip on this and stop wetting and pooping your pants right now. You've had all weekend to think about this. There are two choices left. You can be a responsible grown up, or you can be a little boy. So, what's it going to be?" "What happens if I choose to be a grown up?" "I'll expect you to act like a grown up. You look for a new job. Until you find one, you'll be expected to take care of the house. And I will not tolerate wet or poopy pants. There will be consequences, if that happens. That might be spanking you the first few times, but I will not put up with it indefinitely." "You'd leave me?" I asked, visibly scared that she might. "I'm not saying that. I don't plan to; I don't want to. I just can't say it's out of the question. I guess it depends on how hard you push me." "Please, please don't. I don't want to lose you. What about the other choice? What if I was a little boy?" "Sweetheart, I don't want to lose you either. I love you, no matter what you decide. But to answer your question, little boys are different. They can't be expected to be responsible all the time. Little boys have accidents in their pants. That's why they can't wear big boy undies. Mommies understand this. But little boys who wet themselves can't really be trusted to change themselves when they need to, can they? That means that they can't be left alone. They need to be watched to make sure they get changed regularly and don't get diaper rash, which means you'll have to stay with Nana while I'm at work. We have already discussed this, and it's all decided. On the other hand, because you can't expect too much from little boys, they get to play a lot more. Sure, they'll have some chores, but not like a grown up." "You mean I'd have to wear diapers all the time? Could I maybe be a little boy and still wear regular underpants?" "Sweetie, we discussed this. I think it's this half in, half out attitude that is causing your problems. I think that, for right now, you need to be a little boy, that it would be good for you, and that it's what you really want too. But I also think you are fighting it, trying to act like a grownup sometimes and not others. I think you are being pulled between what you want and need, on the one hand, and what you think you should be doing, on the other. I think it's that tension that's causing a lot of your problems. For your own sake, if not for mine, you need to pick one or the other, because not choosing is hurting both of us." "But I don't want to wear diapers all the time." "Don't whine, honey. I've thought about this a lot. I think it would be a lot easier if you did, but if you really don't want to, we can try you in training pants during the day. Nighttime is non-negotiable for now; so is naptime. But understand, your wearing training pants comes with a lot more responsibility for everyone. For you, that would mean telling me or Nana when you have to go potty. No, you cannot just go by yourself. Nana and I will each decide whether you need to be supervised, but I want you to tell us when you have to go, so we can keep track. Nana and I would also be telling you, from time to time, that we want you to sit on the potty and try. You said you are not sick; so, there should be no excuses for having accidents in your training pants. If you do, Nana and I will each decide whether it deserves a spanking. I've already given her permission to spank you for this or any other disobedience. You do not want to find out what will happen if you give her any trouble about it. If you have two accidents in one day, you'll go back to diapers until I decide you are ready to try again. If you can live with those rules and promise to try really hard, we'll try you in training pants for the time being. Nana and I will also decide whether you should be in diapers if we have to take you somewhere, and there won't be any arguments, understand?" "Yes." She looked at me expectantly. "Mommy." "Alright. That's one way to go. Your other choice would be to just wear diapers all the time. You wouldn't have to worry about when you had to go potty. We'll check you and change you when you need it. If you want to make poopies in the potty, you can tell us. Let's face it; changing your dirty diapers is not fun. You don't have to, but you can. But we'll decide whether it's convenient to put you on the potty; so, no whining. We may still tell you to try making peepee in the potty, but you are not to ask. If this is the way you want to go, I want you to relax and not be concerned about keeping your pants dry. Let us worry about them. No one will make a fuss over a wet or dirty diaper; that's what they are there for. You can play or do your chores and not worry about wetting your pants. "So, you have a couple of choices to make, and I need you to make them now. There are no wrong answers here. I love you and will support you whatever you decide. I want you to do what you think is best for you. First, do you want to try being a grownup, or do you want to be a little boy?" I tumbled the alternatives in my brain. I had been contemplating it all weekend but didn't have this new information to work with. Kathy waited patiently, but I caught her checking her watch. "Little boy," I finally gave in. "I really think that's for the best. So, diapers or training pants?" "Can we do training pants, please?" I whined. "Are you sure? You know the consequences, if you start having accidents." I hesitated, asking myself whether I was making the right decision. "Uh huh." "Alright then. You had fair warning; so, you had better not abuse the privilege. Now, I need to get to work. Let's check your diaper." She came around and put her hand on the front. "Still dry. That's fine. Just tell Nana when you need the potty, and she'll put you in your training pants. Now, go get dressed, or I'm going to be late." "I don't get them now?" "I told you before, I'm not wasting perfectly good diapers. Now, go get dressed; or would you prefer to discuss it over my lap?" "I'm going," I sighed. By the time I was back downstairs, Kathy was waiting by the door with, what I could only assume, was my diaper bag. She took me by the hand and led me across the street. Nana opened the door as we approached. "There he is," she sang. "That was a very grown up decision you made. But the last one for a while, hmm? We're going to have lots of fun together while you get all better, okay?" I found myself shyly nodding my head and trying to slip behind Kathy. Kathy defended me, saying, "I guess he's feeling a little shy this morning. Here's his diaper bag. He can help you bring more supplies over after he gets settled in, but that should hold you for now. He still has his diaper on from this morning, but we're going to try him in training pants for a while. We've discussed the rules. He can have his pull-ups after he goes potty. I guess that's it for now. I think we discussed everything over the weekend, but if you run into any difficulties, you have my cell." She kissed my cheek. "Be good for Nana. I don't want any bad reports. I love you, sweetie. Have fun today." She took my hand from hers and gave it to Nana. Then she was off. Nana raised my hand and waved it for me. When Kathy's car was headed down the road, Nana took me inside. She asked me if I wanted something to eat. I told her I ate already. She filled a sippy cup with apple juice anyway. "Why don't you just take that and go play with your trains. We can talk when you're a little more awake, okay?" I was relieved to be off the hook for a while and welcomed the chance to be alone with my thoughts. I nodded and headed for the basement. Nana called after me. "Don't forget to come find me when you have to go potty." That caused me to stop and cringe for a second. I guess that was enough acknowledgment for Nana, because she said no more. I blushed and continued on my way. I had planned on brooding over my new life, but once I got started with the trains, all other thoughts left my head. Sometime later, a voice invaded my play. "Davey," it sang. "Davey?" "David! Stop that train." Nana was standing at my shoulder. I cut the power and the train slowed to stop. "You answer when Nana calls you, young man. You've been down here quite a while. I think you had better take a break and sit on the potty, don't you?" Now that she mentioned it, I did, more than I realized. "Uh huh." "Come on then. I'll get you some more juice too." I practically ran up the stairs to the bathroom. She shouted after me to slow down. I was in the bathroom trying to get my pants down when she caught up with me. It was difficult to do while dancing. "Let's get that diaper off." She pushed my hands away and undid the tapes herself. She pulled it from between my legs and pushed me back to sit. A stream hit the water almost immediately. "Just in time, I see. Well, almost in time." There was a small, but not inconsequential wet spot on the diaper. I was mortified. "That's alright. I shouldn't have let you stay down there so long. We won't mention this, okay." I nodded gratefully. "Stay there, and I'll be right back with some dry pants." She wasn't gone long but long enough for me to berate myself for not paying more attention to my bladder. I told her I could dress myself, but she insisted on helping. She suggested we take care of a few chores before lunch. These included going to my house to bring over more supplies. I said I didn't think we needed so many pairs of training pants, and I begged her not to bring the diapers. "Better safe than sorry. Besides, you'll need them for your naps." I didn't plan on taking any naps, but it seemed pointless to argue with her. So, I trudged back across the street with a big cardboard box of what would be my underwear for the foreseeable future. It was lunchtime, and Nana fixed us sandwiches. I was pleased she didn't try to make me wear a bib, but she did insist I use the sippy cup. Afterward, she had more chores for us. True to her word, she frequently asked me if I needed to use the potty, several times insisting that I try. I couldn't tell whether she was smiling or smirking when I produced. Late in the afternoon she suggested I watch TV until my mommy got home. I was happy to oblige. I must have nodded off, because Nana was pulling down my pants. "Shh. Calm down, sweetheart. You're very tired, and I think we should get a diaper on you, just in case." "I'll stay awake, I promise." "Don't worry, honey. It's okay if you don't want to take a nap. Nana will feel much better though, if we put your diaper on. Do you want to use the potty first?" I shook my head. There was no arguing with her. "Alright; if you're sure. We'll just put this on, and you can rest." Safely wrapped up, she let me return to my movie. I didn't see the end. The sun was much lower when I heard Kathy's voice. "I hope he wasn't any trouble today." "Nothing serious dear. I left him to play too long this morning. He mostly made it in the potty. That was my fault, and you shouldn't say anything about it. Otherwise, he was a very good boy, hardly any fuss. He might be a little wet now. He didn't want to use the potty before I put him down for his nap." I stretched, making it known that I was awake and giving me an opportunity to check my pants. I was disappointed to find Nana was right. I was a little wet. "Hi, baby," Kathy beamed, sitting down next to me. "Did you have fun with Nana today?" Other than the trains, I wouldn't have called it fun, but it wasn't bad. "Uh huh." "And were you a good boy for Nana?" I looked up at Mrs. Travers; she was smiling back at me. "Yes, Mommy. I was good." "He sure was. He helped me a lot," Nana praised. I nodded in agreement. "That's my good boy." Kathy hugged me. "But now it's time to get you home and fed. Thank Nana." "Thank you, Nana," I said automatically. I pushed back the blanket she must have covered me with and stood up. Kathy felt my crotch and appeared to come to some decision. She picked up the diaper bag and kissed Nana on the cheek. "Yes, thank you, Mavis. I don't know what I'd do without you. Say bye-bye, Davey." "Bye-bye, Nana. See you tomorrow." "Think nothing of it, Kathy. It's my pleasure. Bye-bye, sweetheart. Maybe we'll make cookies tomorrow. How does that sound?" My face lit up. "Don't get him thinking about cookies. I need to get dinner in him. Thanks again. I'll see you in the morning." Kathy took me home and immediately started to take things out for dinner. I tried to help, but she insisted I sit down and tell her about my day. I did and watched her cook while feeling bad that she had worked all day and was now working again. I told her I was going to wash up and use the potty. I couldn't stop calling it that. "It's alright, honey. Just use your diaper. It's already damp, and I'm going to have to change you for bedtime anyway." I sulked back to the bathroom. I wet myself while washing my hands. Dinner was up to Kathy's usual standards. I would have made a pig of myself, if she'd have let me. She left the washing up to me, which alleviated my guilt. Kathy came back as I was drying the last dish. "Okay, baby, bath time." "Already? I don't want to go to bed yet." "I didn't say you had to go to bed, but if you're getting cranky, maybe you should." "No. Sorry." "That's better. Come on then." Bath time was fun. Kathy had picked up some bath toys. It took some encouragement on her part for me to try them out. After pushing a boat around tentatively, she left me alone. Without an audience, it was easier for me to try playing. I was really getting into it when she came back. I didn't want to stop, but she said I was already pruning up, and she needed to get me clean. Her ministrations were fun too. Dried and back in the bedroom, I saw a large cloth diaper on the bed. "Where did that come from?" "I picked those up today," she said, as if she were talking about a new pair of socks. "The lady at the store said they were much more effective for nighttime, especially for side sleepers. She told me they are very comfortable too." I wasn't at all sure about this. Arguing with Kathy is rarely productive, but maybe I could distract her. "But it's still early. I'm not ready to go to bed yet." "It's not that early. You'll be going to bed soon. You may as well get ready now." "But what if I need to pee?" "Well, we'll just have to take it off. Anyway, you just went, and it's not like it would be the first wet diaper you slept in, would it?" "I guess." "Then lay your butt down, so I can get your diaper on, and we can watch TV for a while. Or would you prefer I give you a spanking and put you to bed right now?" I made the only sensible decision. Instead of closing the diaper up right away, Kathy started smearing sticky, white paste on my bottom. "The clerk said it's important to protect against diaper rash when using cloth." Lots of powder followed. Kathy's rubbing everything in overcame any displeasure I had with the experience. All too soon, Kathy brought the front of the diaper up and pinned it in place. She threaded plastic pants over my feet and had me stand up. The cloth diaper—or diapers I should say; there were obviously several—felt entirely different, the plastic pants even more so. The diaper was pleasantly soft, although it inhibited my movements, much like the double disposables had. The plastic pants were scratchy around the openings. They came up well onto my abdomen and ballooned out. They were somewhat stiff and made a soft, almost crackly sound when I moved. I caught sight of myself in Kathy's chevalier mirror. Let's be clear; there is nothing mature looking about a man in an adult diaper, except perhaps the knowledge that old people wear them. However, there is something vaguely clinical about them, and under the right clothes, they are relative discrete. On the other hand, a thick cloth diaper covered by billowing plastic pants is nothing short of infantile. It would take a lot to overcome the impression that the wearer is a big baby who can't control himself. I stared at my reflection for a long time, pondering what I was becoming. "I think you look adorable," Kathy said, hugging me from behind. "Here, let's put your jammies on, and then we can go watch some TV, okay?" I tore my eyes away from the mirror and let Kathy dress me. I was still stunned and had no will to resist. As I walked down the stairs, I felt I was moving as I looked, like a baby. The swaying of my hips and the rustling of the plastic pants confirmed with each step the road I was on. "What's the matter, baby?" Kathy asked when she saw my tears. "That," I said, pointing at the mirror. "That's what's the matter. I'm turning into a baby. What's wrong with me?" "Oh, honey, there's nothing wrong with you. You're still my big strong man. It's just that you're my adorable little baby too. And I love you so much!" "How can you love me like… this?" "Sweetie, sweetie, I love you like this, or any other way. This is what you need right now. There's nothing wrong with it. You're having a bit of rough patch right now, and we are dealing with it the best way we know how. You're just feeling vulnerable, and that's okay. In fact, it's more than okay; it's attractive." "You find this attractive?" "Yes, I do. You may not realize it, but you have been far more open than you have been in a really long time. I feel I am able to get closer to you than I can remember. You are letting me in on your feelings, where you have been hiding them for years. It feels good to be needed. If what you are wearing helps with all that, I'm more than okay with it. Truth be told, I find the fact that I'm 'in charge' of some things very sexy." As if to prove the point, she snuggled closer and rubbed the front of my pants. She placed my hand on her own crotch, which was noticeably hot and damp. "I love you, baby, and I always will. Now, how about a smile for Mommy? Can you do that? Would you like Mommy's titty? Would that make you feel better?" Let's just say I was feeling much better by the time we went to sleep. Over the next several weeks, after some trial and error, we settled into a routine. Kathy would drop me off at Nana's house. I would have breakfast and some time to wake up with the paper or internet. There'd be some chores to do before lunch. Afterward, I would be put down for a nap. At first, I fought this, but after getting spankings from both Nana and Kathy, I stopped resisting. After my nap, I'd help Nana with whatever she wanted to do. Sometimes, it was chores; other times, it was baking or shopping. Then, I had playtime; that usually meant the trains. The reason I disliked the naps, and why I fought them the way I did, was that Nana and Kathy insisted that I be diapered, just in case. That wouldn't have been so bad, but they also insisted that throwing away a dry diaper was just wasteful. I did not get my training pants back until I was wet. I think that contributed to my increasingly frequent naptime wettings. I mostly enjoyed my time with Nana. She was sweet, always made me feel special, and often gave me treats. I was starting to put on weight. The downside was her approach to "toilet training" me. She made me try to use the potty far more frequently than necessary. I wouldn't have minded so much, but it always seemed to be at an inopportune moment, and she insisted on taking me and helping me with my pants. I told her I could just go myself, but she would have none of it. She said she had to make sure I hadn't had an accident and that I did something in the toilet. If I didn't produce, the look of disappointment on her face was deeply disheartening. If several attempts did not result in anything, she would make be sit there until something happened. She would get very cross and tell me she was not going to let me wet my pants just because I was too lazy or obstinate to use the potty like a big boy. My protests that she was just making me try too often, and that I always made when I asked to use the potty, fell on deaf ears. This poor timing came to a head one day when I was playing with the trains. I had been very wet after my nap, and Nana made me use the potty a couple of times while doing my chores. I didn't need to go when she took me up a while into my playtime. About fifteen minutes after she let me go downstairs, I started to feel the urge. I was sure she would be back to get me soon, as that had become the pattern. She didn't, and I continued play as my bladder became more insistent. I was getting toward the point of desperation when I went to find Nana and tell I needed the potty. I found her on the phone. I stood and watched her until she took notice of me. She excused herself and covered the mouthpiece. She asked me what I wanted, and I told her of my need. "I just took you a few minutes ago." "I didn't need to go then." "If that's true, you shouldn't need to go that badly now. I'll be with you when I'm off the phone. Go play." "Sorry, about that," she said into the receiver. "I'm watching the neighbor's boy, and he wanted my attention. ... He says he needs to go potty, but I just took him five minutes ago.… No, no, I'm sure he can hold it for a couple of minutes. He needs to learn that he can't just go the moment he feels like it.… Yes, boys are always more difficult to train.… Ha, ha, ha, yes, men too. Davey, go play. I'll be with you as soon as I'm off the phone." I ducked back downstairs, muttering to myself that it had been a lot more than five minutes, and she should have just let me go by myself. I tried to play some more, but my need was growing stronger. A few minutes later, I was back upstairs and making gestures to indicate that time was of the essence. She wasn't paying attention. "Nana," I whispered. Nothing. "Nana," I said a little louder. "Nana," I whined, louder still and fearful I would be heard over the phone. "Davey, don't interrupt. I told you I would be right with you. If you can't behave yourself, you can go stand in the corner. Go on, march." Her look left no doubt that she was serious. I stomped my foot and went to the corner the indicated. "I'm sorry. You were saying?" Her conversation went on and on. It wasn't long before I was clutching myself and shifting from foot to foot. "What? Yours too? I guess you had better be going. Goodbye, Debbie. Give my love to Tony." She must have been talking to her daughter-in-law. She hung up the phone and walked up behind me. She gave a hard swat to my behind. That was more than I could take, and a large squirt erupted into my training pants. "David, I'm very disappointed in you. Don't you know it's rude to interrupt when someone is on the phone? I bet you don't interrupt your Mommy when she's on the phone, do you?" "No," I conceded. "But…" "But nothing. Whatever it was could have waited. I told you I wasn't going to be long." "But I had to go potty," I whined. "You're a big boy, you can hold it for a couple of minutes, can't you?" "Yeah," I said tentatively. "Let's get you to the potty then," she sighed. Once in the bathroom, I started to undo my pants. I was really hoping she would go away. Instead, she brushed my hands away and took over. "David! How could you? You said you could hold it. I thought you were a big boy." "I am. I can. But… you spanked me." "That little slap on the tushy? That's your excuse? Well, we'll just see about that. I'll show you what a real spanking is, after you finish on the potty. If there's anything left, that is." She pushed me down firmly onto the seat and, much to my embarrassment, pushed my pee pee down between my legs for me. She would usually leave me alone to do my business, but not this time. She hovered, glaring at me and tapping her foot. I forced myself to overcome my bladder shyness and peed a still considerable amount. I felt the rumblings of a bowel movement coming on, but with Nana standing there, it wasn't going to happen. When she decided it was done, grabbed my wrist, pulled me up, flushed the toilet, and dragged me to her room with my pants still around my ankles. She grabbed a hairbrush off her dresser and sat down on her bed. I was over her knees in a trice. She put the hairbrush to work right away and had me blubbering out excuses, apologies, and promises before I could think. She kept up a steady barrage of scolding. "I just can't believe it, a big boy like you, interrupting me on the phone, peeing his pants, blaming it on one little slap, can't wait a couple of minutes to use the potty. I've known toddlers better behaved. Just wait till your Mommy hears about this. I'm sure she won't be happy. I can tell you this. You' won't be wetting your pants again in my house, not today. You're going right back into diapers where you belong." I'm not sure those were her exact words, but they were the gist of it. I'm not even sure she heard my protests that I tried, and she was a lot longer than a couple of minutes on the phone. I hadn't realized she stopped when she made me stand up and dragged me to the room I napped in. She pushed me down on the bed and got a diaper out. My blazing behind was wrapped up before I knew, and she was telling me I would be staying in bed the rest of the afternoon. "And if I hear one peep out of you, you'll think that spanking was playing pat-a-cake." She left me sobbing, while she muttered about the earful my mommy was going to get later. I willed myself to sleep, anything to avoid thoughts of what Mommy was going to say when she got there. I felt a gentle shaking of my shoulder, drawing me back to the land of the living. I was grateful to escape my troubled dreams, but when I saw Mommy sitting beside me, my eyes began to fill with tears again. I opened my mouth to beg her forgiveness, but she placed a finger over my lips. "Not now, sweetie. We'll talk about it when we get home." She helped me to sit up and put on some pants. "Let's get you home and fed, and we'll have a nice long talk, okay?" She didn't seem mad. That worried me. It wasn't like Kathy to restrain her feelings, and when she did, it usually resulted in a real blowout. She took my hand and led me downstairs. I followed with trepidation. Nana was waiting. She appeared considerably calmer too. I didn't understand, but I was not unhappy when she gave me a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek, with promises to see me tomorrow. Kathy was crossing the street leisurely, but my stress level went up with every step closer to our house. I was sure she would lower the boom as soon as we were behind closed doors. Instead, she pulled me into an embrace and rocked me. Without letting go, she made a quick diaper check and announced I would be fine until after supper. She took me into the kitchen and had me sit, while she prepared our meal. I asked if I could help, but she wouldn't hear of it. It was a simple supper, which I would have enjoyed more if I hadn't been waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Sweetie, about what happened at Nana's today," she began. Here it comes, I thought. "Nana wanted me to apologize for her getting so upset with you. After she put you down and had time to think, she realized that she really was talking for a long time, and she should have listened to you and taken you to the potty sooner." "If she'd just let me go by myself…" "Shh. It's okay. We know you are having trouble making it to the potty in time, and we shouldn't keep you waiting." "But I can," I protested. "Honey, are your pants wet now?" Without thinking, I put my hands to my crotch, and blushed when I felt the squish. "Come here, baby." I stood and walked around to her. She unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down. She squeezed the front of my diaper and looked at me. "Sweetie, you are more wet than when I got you up from your nap. Did you know that?" I didn't, and I felt another cry coming on. "There, there, sweetheart. Don't worry. Mommy's not mad. I know you can't help it. I think your worrying about keeping your pants dry is getting to be too much for you. You're just not ready yet." "I am," I whined. "No, honey, I don't think so. That's why Mommy got you some new diapers today. They're cloth and have Velcro. You'll be able to feel if you wet them, and Nana will be able to get them off in a hurry if she has to. I don't want you to worry about making it to the potty in time. Nana will take you when she thinks you should try, but if you wet your diaper, nobody is going to be mad. No more spankings for wet pants, doesn't that sound good?" Something in her logic felt wrong, but I found myself nodding in agreement. "We can try potty training again after a while, but for right now, I want you to relax and not think about it, okay? You just play and help Nana and Mommy when we ask. Will you do that for Mommy?" Kathy was being so nice about the whole thing, I just sniffled and nodded my ascent. She stood up and drew me into a hug that I could have stayed in forever. "Let's get you a nice tubby and then you can go night-night, okay?" Do I have to? by nautybaby ©2019-2024
  24. Kaden waited outside the door, staring at his watch. "Come at 7:46. That is 7:46, not 7:45, or 7:47. You will wear exactly what I send you in your messages. If anything is off, you will be punished. Understood? " he had said. 7:44 Kaden bit his lip. Of course, he had agreed. Why wouldn't he? He was being paid to, and had to admit to himself he loved the orders. 7:45 and 30 seconds. He was wearing exactly what he had been told. Most of it was normal. A dark blue suit, with a lighter blue tie, the kind of thing anyone else would wear to the same job. Someone looking closely might notice it was far more expensive then he should have been able to afford on his salary, but it wasn't that strange for high level lawyers like Edward Greyan to buy clothes for their secretaries for looks. Traditionally those secretaries were women, but especially in the modern era, no one would question a separate choice. If someone looked even more closely, or, say, took some of the clothes off as Edward was wont to do, they may have noticed a few other things. They may have noticed the small, thin collar hidden under his tie. They may have noticed the tiny lock on his belt, which Kaden had attached at home knowing Edward had the only key. They may have noticed something else, which was what made Kenyan blush the deepest when he thought of it. 7:46. Kaden opened the door and walked in. He walked down the long hallway bordered on both sides by mirrors. Seeing himself, an his own shy, awkward stride, only made him more nervous as he approached the main office. "Good morning sir," he said as he entered. "Good morning Kaden" Edward replied. Kaden sighed in relief. No anger yet, so that meant no punishment. "Kaden, can you come into my office for a minute?" Edward said. Kaden closed his eyes and swore in his mind. Something was off. He entered the office to see Edward facing away from him, going over a pile of files on his own desk. Edward was everything Kenyan wanted and wished he could be. Successful, smart, and with the confidence and air to show it. While Kaden walked in short, shy steps, Edward strode with long, broad movements. He stood straight, suit and hair maintained perfectly, and spoke with an authoritative voice his clients had come to trust. Kaden stopped at the door. The instruction was "into my office," no further, and he was careful to follow it exactly. Edward shuffled through a few more papers. He picked a few out of the pile and laid them straight on his desk. Finally, he let out a quick sigh and began. "Kedan, what time is it?" Kaden swallowed. "7:46 sir," he said. He looked at the clock on Edward's wall to confirm. "Is it now?" he smiled. "And what is wrong with that?" "Ummm..." "Well?" "You said come in at 7:46." Edward turned to look at Kaden, who flinched at his gaze. "I did. And did you arrive then?" "Yes sir," he said. He paused. If he had, Edward probably wouldn't be asking. "I think so sir?" Edward sighed. "How long have you been standing there?" "Maybe a minute sir." "So if you've been standing there for a minute, and it is now 7:46, what time did you come in?" Kaden panicked. "But I checked my wa... Edward cut him off. "What time did you come in?" "7:45." "And what time did I say to come in?" "7:46 sir." "So you didn't follow my instructions. That is ten." Kaden flinched. "Yes sir."
  25. (Author's note: Please bear with me a bit on this one. This was initially a commission, with a story that was VERY dark, and VERY dirty. I've been trying to edit it from the initial version to follow the rules of different groups I post in while still maintaining some semblance of the original plot. Hopefully it will work out) "I don't know man, it seems suspicious." Ryan looked at his outfit up and down in the mirror. His best jeans, a black button up shirt, and hair combed neatly back. He turned to Jerald, his roommate, and looked at him with an eyebrow raised and moved his hands down his body as if displaying himself. "Why is that? You don't think she'd want someone like me? Am I not hot enough?" Jerald shrugged. "Well, you're alright, but she's a definite 10, and you're a..." "A what?" Jerald rolled his eyes. "What I mean is, you've been after this girl, Sawyer?" Ryan nodded at the name. "Yeah. Sawyer, who you've creeped on for months, and honestly it was kind of creepy to see. You creeped her facebook, talked to all her friends, and kept going into the coffee shop she owns. All that time, she didn't pay you any mind. Now, she suddenly invited you out of the blue to a new years eve party. Isn't that weird?" "Maybe she noticed how dedicated I was and decided it was attractive." "Maybe she noticed how creepy you were being and decided it was creepy." Ryan shook his head dismissively. "Then why would she invite me to a fancy party with all her hot, female friends? Obviously they want me." "You mean all the other girls you've creeped? Maybe they want revenge." Ryan laughed. "What? Revenge for being interested? And what would they do? Give me a spanking?" He laughed. His phone buzzed, and he looked down at it. A message from Sawyer read "almost ready? Remember to come by my apartment early, I have a surprise for you ;)' "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." "They want you to show up at noon for a new years eve party?" "Yeah so?" Jerald shook his head. "Alright man, have fun. Be careful!" "I will!" Ryan put his jacket on and left the apartment, feeling his best. He entered the elevator and pointed finger guns at his own reflection in the mirror. "Ummm..." the elevator's other passenger, a tall blond woman, said. Ryan blushed. "Oh, ah, hi, just, making sure my clothes are alright." "Ok," she said, and covered her face to laugh. Ryan tried to run out of the elevator as soon as the bell went off, slammed into the door, then made himself wait patiently and walked out. He tried to ignore the women's laughter behind him. The walk to Sawyer's apartment was short but cold. He hurried along, eager to get to the apartment and promised party. Her texts called him forward, promising something he had longed after for months. Already, his stomach was turning over in excitement. Her apartment complex was far larger, and, he couldn't help but notice, nicer then his. Black steal and glass rose in dual towers in front of him, hinting at a garden, or possibly a pool, between them. He imagined coming back there to meet her in the summer, going into the pool at night, getting into all sorts of... He cleared his throat. He could daydream about that later. Right now, he had the real thing only minutes away. He found her bell number and rang it. "Hello?" Sawyer's voice came through. "Hi! It's Ryan! You told me to come early, right?' "Yes! We're just upstairs waiting! Can't wait to show you what we have planned!" "Wait, we?" Ryan asked. He heard a giggling from the other side, then Sawyer shushing the source. "Don't worry about it! Just get your butt upstairs!" The speaker clicked, and the door opened. Ryan walked it, and headed for the elevator. So there was more then one woman in her apartment. Ryan didn't know if that should disappoint him or excite him. On the one hand, Sawyer hadn't intended them to be alone together, which shut down his initial hope. On the other, she may still have expected to do something "fun," and it just meant more women would be involved. Her final comment did sound flirty, so he told himself he still had a chance. Her apartment was on the 20th floor. The elevator told him it was top, and he couldn't help but wonder what that said about the cost of where she lived. He had seen her working at a coffee shop, but he never knew what her role was there. From the looks of things, she was making a lot of money. He got out of the elevator. The top floor had a hallway with only two doors- one at the far left, one at the far right. Alright, so she made a TON of money, enough to own half a floor. He walked to the left and knocked. The door opened a crack, and Sawyer's long brown hair and hazelnut eyes popped out. She smiled at him. "Oh hey Ryan," she said in a voice he took as flirtatious. "Come on in! We are waiting!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him in. "Hey thanks for... what?!" Ryan gasped. The first thing he noticed was Sawyer's outfit. She was wearing a short, black dress, low cut and dotted with shining crystals. Beneath that, she wore lace tights and healed boots that rose almost to her knees. Ryan's mouth hung open for a second at the sight of her, and she giggled when she noticed. The second thing he noticed was that she wasn't the only one in the room. Three other women, all dressed similar, and all familiar. He swallowed. It was Alyssa, Jordan, and Liz, three other women he had been, in his roommate's words, "creeping." Each wore clothes that made Ryan's hear beat faster and his face slush. They lounged on couches, sipping champaign and waving at him. "I... I..." he stuttered. The women all giggled at him. "What's going on?" he blurted out.
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