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  1. I do hope you all enjoy this~ this is a comm I got recently and its ready to be read and admired by all~ Miles "Tails" Prower had no idea what to think when Nonah, a white and black striped raccoon, walked into his office. The young mechanic listened intently as this young woman sat across from him, lamenting. "Oh dear I just don't know. I haven’t been able to find my baby in so long.. I feel like I’m so close but she’s avoiding me at every turn..” Hearing the woman’s story, Tails couldn’t help but get a bit misty-eyed; the hero in him wanted nothing more than to help this poor distraught mother find her baby. Taking out a small notepad, he went to jot down the information, though he realized he had no pen. Looking around his desk, the young man sheepishly smiled before speaking once more. “Umm, Miss? You wouldn’t happen to have a pen or something I can write with, do you?” Smiling in return, the raccoon reached into her purse and pulled out a peculiar looking pen, bright pink and covered in little white swirls. He eyed it for a bit before taking the pen, starting to write out important information in the bright and sparkly pink ink. Though as he started to write, the boy could swear the ink itself started to move along the page. “C-can you tell me ‘bout this little girl?” Nonah smirked a bit, her black fur covered eyes closed as she took a deep shaky breath. While she spoke, her voice seemed rather soothing to the young fox, his ears twitching a bit lazily as he wrote down what she had to say. “Well, she is a gorgeous little one. Far from potty training age, the little thing, she’s about your height actually.. maybe a head shorter or so, with orange fur and a bit of a white tuft on her chest. She absolutely loves the color pink.” Writing all this down, Tails nodded. The pink writing started to shift on the page, Nonah continuing on as she reached into her bag. She produced a small vial of perfume, spritzing it on herself. The scent of something sweet passed Tails’ nose, his body twitching, his writing slowly growing more and more sloppy. A peculiar sound interrupted the raccoon as she spoke, sounding like a faucet dripping. Tails’ ears perked as he looked around the room, jumping down from the chair he was on, placing the notepad down on the surface of his desk. Though as he did, his paws landed in a small puddle. The scent was undeniable, the acrid smell reached the raccoon's nose as it twitched and wrinkled, giving a knowing look to the smaller boy as she stood up and smirked at him. “My my, did you have an accident sweetie? Well, I can’t say I’m not used to those.. let me help you out with that.” Reaching into her purse, the woman pulled out a soft looking pink rectangle. Tails looked on in horror as she unfolded it, a small mat covered in cupcakes and rainbows being shown to him. She reached out and took his hand, tugging him over to the mat and laying the two-tailed fox down on top. The sweet lavender scent of powder soon followed as he felt the cool snowy talc landed on him, soon being sat up and feeling his tails, one after the other, slipped into the back of the plastic diaper, the tape adjusted around them to hold it tight as the rest of the diaper was pulled between his legs. Looking down as she finished, he noted the pink diaper he was taped in, blushing brightly. It was covered in small frills at the waistband as well as being covered in the same patterns as the changing mat the raccoon was currently rolling up. She nodded to the young man, giving him a gentle giggle. “You are about as squirmy as my little one is~ oh, it’s going to be just amazing having her back.” The young mother clapped a bit as Tails stood up, his double tails twitching as they got used to being snuggled into the diaper. He took a few steps forward, noting the thickness of the pink diaper, as well as the way it noisily seemed to crinkle with each little movement. He wasn’t used to this feeling, that was for sure. He stood a bit dazed after the lightning fast change, a few minutes passing before he spoke up, reaching back for his notepad. “Umm.. th-thank you Miss, though It’s not really necessary.. I’ve been potty trained for quite a while. In any case, is there anything else you can tell me about your daughter?” Nonah stared at Tails for a few minutes, the young man standing now in just a pink diaper waddling about while studying his pink-inked notes. She shook her head a bit, giggling once more before waving a hand. “Well, she is a very playful girl. She’s so cute when she skips everywhere with her tails waving all about~” Tails nodded as he wrote that down, taking another few steps around, the diaper crinkling the whole way. He grabbed a large towel, taking a little time to clean up the puddle he had left on his hands and knees, sighing a bit. Sometimes it was pretty lame being the adult in his life. Picking up his chair, the young fox grumbled a bit while blushing. He really couldn’t believe he had been brought so low, having to clean up his own piddle while wearing a pink diaper. These thoughts distracted him enough, the chair slipping from his hand and, much to his annoyance, dropped right on his thumb! “OWWW! God dammit!” Feeling his thumb throbbing, the fox fell back from the chair, tears welling in his eyes as he reactively plunked the thumb directly into his mouth to bite down so he’d stop himself from screaming out more in front of this woman. He felt arms reach under his armpits, soft white fur snuggled him up, the worried eyes of the raccoon now looking at him. “Oh no, you poor thing. Did you get a little booboo? Did that mean old chair give you an owie? Oh goddess honey, no sucking your thumb, it’s been on that icky towel. Here, use this instead.” Soon finding a soft hand gripping his wrist, a soft pop was heard as the thumb left his mouth, a line of spittle coming away with it before he found something rubbery forced right into his maw. He crossed his eyes a bit trying to see what it was, though he did manage to catch a glimpse in the mirror to see the pink guard of a pacifier plunked right into his mouth. The bright pink guard was a contrast to the orange fur on the fox and his lightly red blushing cheeks growing even brighter. “Oo did’n hafta doo dat.” Hearing the infantile speech thanks to the large bulb in his mouth compressing his tongue, Tails grumbled a bit chewing on the pacifier, though something in him did start to calm down, sucking in rhythm with the throbbing of his thumb. Hearing the gentle suckling, Nonah's smile grew a bit brighter. “Oh sweetheart, of course I did. I can’t possibly sit here and let a sweet little princess like you get hurt, now could I?” Tails’ ears perked up at hearing this; a princess? He wasn’t a little girl though! You wouldn’t know it looking in the mirror however, seeing the boy in his state of dress. Tails looked up at Nonah who returned the gaze in kind, she grinning from ear to ear. “I really do need to thank you, little one.” Tails blinked behind the pacifier as he listened to her speak. He looked back into the mirror, the sight he saw nearly shocking him; looking back at him was a small vixen with orange fur, a little tuft of white on the chest, with a thick pink diaper taped on their hips, twin tails swinging gently in the air. “Let’s finish getting you dressed and head home, my little one.” Tails’ eyes bulged as he saw her grab a mess of pink and frills, soon finding himself slipped into a frilly dress fit for a princess, with the hem just barely covering the top of the diaper while leaving the bottom on display. He wiggled a bit as the dress fit over his body, his body naturally betraying him and lifting his arms up for her, soon finding himself sitting next to the bag, Nonah holding up a finger and stepping outside the room a moment. Returning mere moments later, she was piloting a large pink pram to which Tails found himself laid across the pink cushion, a soft blanket wrapped around his body. She started to push the pram out the door, making sure to flip the open sign to read ‘Closed’ and turning off the lights. “As said, I need to thank you little one. You helped me find my little girl after all! You’re going to be my perfect little Princess forever~” Blushing brightly and sucking away at the pacifier, Tails could only give a small whine as he watched the sunny sky and clouds move above him. He’d surely find a way out of this.. somehow.. hopefully.. Fin
  2. Hello everyone, Love to get to know a few people who are also into nappies. Looking for freinds, anyone else active here?
  3. "Are you going to… like… fuck him still?" Eli asked "Is that a serious question? He is literally sitting in a pile of his own shit right now, and crying because none of us want to change his dirty diapers. I can never see him as a man after this, let alone a viable sexual partner! HaHaHa!" Jessica laughed at the idea. "Well. Your last spell worked so good. Is there any kind of spell that can magically move his dick to my body? It just seems like such a shame to let it go to waste. You aren't gonna use it, it's not like any other girls are gonna want to fuck him anymore either." "Please… No!!! let me… be a big boy again. I will be so much better! I Prommmppff…" Chris desperately pleaded for his manhood back, between miserable sobs. Interrupted, and silenced by a pacifier that was shoved into his mouth. "Oh yeah, that would be super simple. Great idea!!!" Jessica squealed. "You definitely deserve a dick more than he does." "Nice! Finally!" Eli literally jumped off the couch with joy. He had transitioned years ago, but had never been able to afford any kind of major surgery of the like. "Mmmpff… Mmpf…!" Chris could only mumble, from behind the pacifier that Jessica stuck in his mouth, after he wouldn't stop crying about his messy diaper. He didn't really need words though. It was obvious that he greatly disagreed with their plan. "Is it going to be weird that I have your ex boyfriend's dick?" Eli laughed. "Chris pulled the pacifier out of his mouth, "Ex-girlfriend!?!" He shouted. Surprised by the news of his new relationship status. "Why am I dressed like this, and acting like a fucking baby if your just going to break up with me?" He snapped. "Did I say you can take that fucking paci out of your mouth? And you are doing this firstly because you cheated on me... Secondly you are under my spell, and you couldn't act like a big boy even if you wanted to… and last but not least, if you don't behave I will post all these adorable pictures that I've been taking of you on Facebook." "Uh-oh! HaHaHa!!!" Bailey huffed unapologetically. "Were we not posting pictures?" She geitted her teeth nervously. "To be fair, I have only posted a few. And they are on Instagram. Not Facebook." She noted. Like what platform she posted to made any difference at all, to Chris. "What the FUCK Bailey! You little Bitch!" Chris screamed, spitting his pacifier to the floor. "BINKY NOW, young man!!" Jessica yelled. Sending the pacifier back into Chris's mouth with the wave of her hand. "Babies don't talk like that! You're lucky I don't wash your mouth out with soap." "I think someone just needs to take a nap. Can we do this thing quickly before I lay him down, or is Eli going to have to wait till after naptime to get his dick?" Bailey questioned. "We can totally do it now. And naptime is a great idea. We can just do it in the bedroom." Jessica answered. "I just need some chalk… and some string… can you grab those candles over there Bailey?" Jessica pulled a few herbs, powders, and crystals of the shelf. "Sorry Eli, you are on diaper duty. It needs to come off for the spell, and you want the dick." Chris was cleaned, and his naked body tied to the bed quicker than he was comfortable with. Not that a few more minutes would have quelled his fear or despair. "Say goodbye to the little guy. Say, bye bye dick. Say, Have fun with Eli!" Jessica mockingly cooed. Ignoring Chris's pleading eyes with a smile on her face. "Are you excited, babe! Im excited!" Bailey squeezed Eli's hand. "Yeah… I mean. Yes! Totally. Any dick is better than no dick. And I know you said his wasn't very big, but got damn. Did it shrink into a little baby dick when you diapered him?" "Unfortunately that's all I had to work with." Jessica groaned. "I can make it bigger for you, real easy. Tell me when to stop, Bailey." With a few quick hand motions Chris's dick started to grow. "That's good! Right there!" Bailey squeaked after several inches. "That looks like a good size to me, what to do you think Eli?" "That is a respectable size for sure! I'm happy with that. You are the one that I'm gonna use it on though. If thats what my baby wants, let's run it." Eli shouted agreedly. "What a pitty. He finally has a big ol' cock, like a real man, and he's about to loose it forever. HaHaHa" Bailey laughed. "Yeah, and speaking of loosing his manhood… that beard is not going to match his new little vagina at all. While we're at it, do you want that too?" Jessica asked. "Not that your beard doesn't look great!" Jessica quicky added. Knowing how self conscious Eli was about his facial hair. "No, yeah, for sure. The hormones can only do so much, so fast." After a couple years of the hormone treatments Eli had finally started growing his own patchy, stubbly beard. "Is everybody ready? Jessica lit the various herbs and powders on fire, and chanted in latin. The lights flickered, and a swift breeze blew through the room. "Was that it?" Bailey asked. "Is it done? Can I go take this thing for a test ride?" She squealed. Hopping up and down behind her overwhelming excitement. Chris knew the answer. Even though it was small, Chris could feel something missing. He desperately wanted to look down though, only to discover that Jessica's spell did not in fact work. A lone shred of hope, that died at the sight of Jessica's handy work. "Nooo!!!! This is just a nightmare! Please let this be a nightmare!" Chris roared. Tears rolling down his cheeks. None of them payed attention to his cries, they were too busy laughing at Eli. He was trying his hand at the helicopter. "Whooo!!!" He scratched. "I'm a fucking helicopter! Wanna come for a ride baby? Let's go!" Eli picked bailey up, and started to run to the other bedroom. "I'm gonna take it for the maiden voyage. And then if you want to come join us for round two, you can." Bailey hollard at Jessica before she was carried all the way away. Jessica turned to Chris, and smiled. "Let's get you in a fresh diaper, and down for a nap. When you wake up, we will decide what dress to wear. I want you looking your cutest for company tonight. Sweet dreams baby. I will turn on the white noise machine for you. I reckon we are gonna get pretty rowdy in there tonight. If you do end up hearing us, it might just give you a reason to explore your new little privates."
  4. Max was on a train heading to live with an older woman. Max was 17, black haired, small in size and frame, feminine looking much to the young man's disappointment and ridicule of his peers. He wore a black leather jacket that was a bit to big on him, a white T-shirt and blue jeans. Max despite being young and small had already had a laundry list of crimes, he got into illegal drag races, robbery, destruction of property, breaking and entering, theft and fighting. To be fair to Max he was always ways trying to please his dumbass greaser friends and show them that he was just as manly and as tough as them. He had always followed them, for one reason or another one to not get bullied, two looking popular and tough being with them. And three he always thought they were the epitome of Manliness and desperately wanted to be like them. He had always done what they asked him to whether it was stealing beer or helping them commit various crimes, I guess that's how he ended up on this bus leaving everything behind. It all started when his friends we're going to rough up some other gang who were moving in on their turf, it was just supposed to be simple thing just scary the shit out of them, rough them up a bit and tell them to watch their step, but everything just went out of control and turned into a full-out gang war, when it ended a lot of stuff was destroyed and people dead, some of them gang members at least four were innocent bystanders. When things got out of control Max hid in a bathroom of a soda shop, which was ironic had Max not have pissed himself when Skeeter got his brains blown out, he would have used it. When the fight was over, people were either taken to jail, taken to the hospital or to the morgue. Max was one of the lucky ones to just go to jail, he was still in deep trouble even though he said that he didn't do anything and that he hid the moment shit hit the fan, but he was still there and was going to be charged and punished like everyone else. By all accounts he should have been put in jail with the others but due to his young age, his looks, his size and the fact that he made a deal with the police the judge took pity on him and basically sent him to live with someone in some Podunk town he never heard of far away, to stay with some family friend of the judge till Max had not just graduated from school, but until he could be trusted to not cause trouble. It took him five days on the train to get to an old looking train station, Max did think about just running to another state, but the judge told him if he didn't show up at a Miss Scarlet’s house, the police would hunt him down and throw him in jail with all his old gang members he testified against. When he got off the train he looked around, the station was old it had to be something from the 1800 plus it was surrounded by a Forest. When Max saw that no one was here for him he sat on an old bench and waited to be picked up, he took out his straight razor comb and ran it through his hair wondering if such a little speck in the world even had a drugstore where he could pick up some hair dye, Max didn't want his black hair to fade back to its natural bright blond color.
  5. "So I'll have a venti mocha latte with oat milk, a shot of strawberry flavor, and extra whip cream. Also, a tall black coffee with one cream," the blond haired boy said, smiling at the short, brown haired barista that stood behind the counter. "Oh, and my name's Alex, and she's Kacey." The Starbucks was almost empty that day. It was a grey day, cool for the summer, and few wanted to brave the inevitable rain. However, the weather that kept people out made it perfect for hot drinks, and that drew latte addicts in like flies. This particular one, in the center of a book store, combined two of their rainy day loves. "Ok, who gets the coffee and who gets the strawberry chocolate milk thing?" the barista asked. "Ummm... I..." Kacey came beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. "He gets the strawberry drink. I get the coffee." "Ok!" The barista said, and left to make the drinks. "Did you have to say that?" Alex asked the red haired girl who was clinging to his shoulder. "Yep! If your going to order something like that, the world will know." "Alex! Happy almost-birthday!" "What?" Alex said. It was Bill, a friend of his from work. He was a tall man, broad shouldered, and wore a long rain coat. He had come in while they were waiting. "I said happy almost-birthday!" Alex cocked his head to the left. "How did you know it was almost my brithday?" "Uhhh..." he said. His eyes darted to Kacey, then back at Alex. "Facebook." Alex looked suprised. "Huh. I thought I had removed that from Facebook. How weird. He turned back to the counter, unaware of Kacey glaring at Bill. "So how you doing anyway Alex? Funny to run into you here," Bill said. "Well you know I..." He was interrupted by the appearance of the barisa. "Alright I have a venti strawberry mocha made with oat milk and extra whip cream for Alex." She handed him the drink. Alex blushed. "Uhhh I think you mean a coffee. Dark coffee. NO cream or sugar." "No it was definitely a venti strawberry mocha made with oat milk and extra whip cream." Alex shook his head and looked at Bill. "No it was definitely a coffee. Your strongest kind." The barista leaned onto the counter top. "Alright. I tell you what. I'll go get you that coffee, the strongest kind we have, with no sugar or milk, but I get to see you drink it. Right here in front of us, no leaving to throw it out when your gone, no coming back in for your sugary drink." Alex stared at her considering his options. Kacey snickered beside him. "Just give me the #($@-ing strawberry mocha." ... Kacey was laughing out loud as the walked in through their front door. "OOOO LOOK AT ME I"M ALEX! I ONLY DRINK THE STRONGEST COFFEE SINCE I"M BIG AND STRONG!" she said, doing her best to imitate her voice. "Unless no one is watching then I only want my warm choccy milk." Their home was a small suburban townhouse. It was older then most but still strong, and they had repainted the walls of the main floor in deep blues and dark colors, then furnished it with wood and and simple couches. A door in front of them lead to their stair well, and on the top floor the colors began to get brighter and more vibrant, and the furniture shifted from classy to comfy. The ground floor was the 'mature' floor they showed to visitors, the top was more for them. Alex was hanging his head as he sipped his drink. "Yeah yeah yeah," he said. "So, how did he know it was my birthday soon? I don't remember mentioning it to anyone at work." Kacey paused. "Ummmm well you know how these things are. Someone hears something then they tell another then it passes to two more, and suddenly everyone knows. Its common knowledge. Everyone knows each others birthdays." "What is your uncles birthday?" She looked to the side, thinking. "November 31st?" "That's not real. There are only thirty days in November," Alex said, while going over the rhyme in his head and counting on his fingers. "December first then." "Ahh, that makes sense." He stripped off his coat, and began to take off his shoes. He was going along with it, but seemed unconvinced. "Anyway, its a big birhday for you. Afterall it is your thi.." "Twenty-seventh? You are right, that is a big one," he replied. She folded her arms. "Twenty-seventh? I could have sworn we had that a few years ago." "Well you were mistaken. I'm turning 27." He looked up at Kacey, who was standing still."What are you doing?" he asked. "Why aren't you getting undressed?" "I need to go," she said quickly, looking out the door. Alex stood up and looked out. "What for?" "Uhhh... Coffee." "We just got coffee." "I mean, copy. I need to make copies of something for work." "Oh." Alex put his hand on his chin. "Can't you just do that with our printer here?" "No. They need to be better. You know, professionally done. Glossy and all that." "Ok, should I come to help?" "NO! I mean, no, its for work. You stay here and, ummm... video games." She pointed up the stairs, toward their bedroom where they kept their gaming systems. Alex turned to where she was pointing. "You are actually telling me to go upstairs and play video games? Why?" "Why not?" she asked. "Don't you want to play video games?" Alex paused and thought. "Yeah I do." "Good! Then go!" She turned around to leave, then paused and turned back. "Oh wait! Remember to wear headphones! Bye! Love you!" That being said, she turned and ran out the door before Alex could ask anything more. Alex waved. "Love you too." He watched her run to the car, quickly open the door and get in, then drive away. "That was odd, I wonder why she was acting that way? Why specify headphones?" He thought for a second, then shrugged. "Ah well. Video game time!" He walked up the stair well to their bedroom. It was painted blue, and with cabinets and shelves built around a large king sized bed. There was a TV screwed into the wall in front of the bed with their gaming systems underneath it, but Alex ignored it for a moment. Instead, he walked to a single white door that lead to their closet and opened it. He pushed aside their hanging shirts and dresses until he found what he was looking for. A large, brown plastic box with a sealed green lid, which he unlocked and opened. "There we go," he said, staring at the packages of diapers inside. ... "Ok, quick. We only have a few minutes," Kacey said to the gathered crowed. She knew most of them, and most of the ones she didn't she had at least seen in Alex's photos or facebook pages. There was Bill from Alex's work, who they had run into earlier, then Tim from his university days, then Sarah who he knew through her, and more. It was all their friends, gathered for one reason. "So the plan is to enter the house as quietly as possible, holding the packages and balloons. I'll text him to come down, and we will shout "Surprise" as he does. He'll probably be playing video games with his headphones, so it should work." "You don't think he'll notice a crowd of people entering his home?" Bill asked. Kacey scoffed. "Please. Fuck no. When he's playing video games that guy wouldn't noticed a crowed of rhinoceroses entering his home." They all laughed and agreed. "Well we shouldn't have any problems then," Bill said. "Of course not," Kacey replied. "Unless..." A thought came to her head. He was home alone, just relaxing and having fun... her eyes went wide. Would he? She had only been gone a few minutes, but he did just get home, and its not like he was rare. She went through scenarios in her head, trying to think of a way she could avoid it without warning him. She got out her phone and texted him. "I'll be home soon! Want to go to the movies? I figure we can have 'fun' times tonight after, if you are down for that ;)" she sent him. Hopefully he'd see it, decide to stay in normal clothes for the movie, and be willing to put off any 'other' things until later. She told herself it would work, and prayed she was right.
  6. Hello, I'm a bedwetting sissy. I enjoy getting dressed and diapered, and waking up wet in the morning. Looking to make friends here, and be able to share my experiences without being shamed
  7. My second attempt at writing a diaper story after my first story wasn't quite as good and I have writer's block on the first one. I will try to update it as often as I can. English is not my native language so I am sorry for mistakes as I will also use a translator to get a good result. I have made many changes Prologue Sara was just 20 years old when she had her two children Tim and Liz. Her husband had left her during the pregnancy. She was quite happy when she had the twins and was sure that she would make it on her own and her mother was supportive. The first 5 months were pretty normal but then she noticed that Tim was behaving differently and he was actually starting to speak his first words, which was a nice moment for Sara. At the age of 7 months he could already form complete sentences and started to walk, at 8 months he could already use the potty. Liz again had a normal development and needed someone to change her diapers and feed her and when she cried you had to find out what she wanted like any other baby. With 3 years it went then in the kindergarten at least for Liz because Tim stayed at home to learn also when his mother wanted him to go to kindergarten also because she wanted him to make contacts there but he could convince you that it would be better if he learns because meanwhile he could speak perfectly and already read books. But while Liz physically developed over the years, he remained at the size of a 3 year old. What also, led to the fact that he got more attention than Liz. Tim was the attention of his mother but no matter, although she really gave everything for him. Tim preferred to keep to himself and did not make friends because he never went outside. Meanwhile both are 11 years Liz was quite independent cooked her food washed her laundry and so on. While Sara was still doing everything for Tim, Sara didn't really notice how much she neglected her daughter. Tim spent most of his time on the computer programming various things. What also led to the fact that he now momantan an It study makes. The professor also recommended him to a company Nano Inc. which is a leading company in nano technology. They also wanted to bring nanobots on the market with which one should change almost all characteristics however they stood with the programming before a problem of the Nanobots changes coincidentally characteristics at the body no purposeful services when they of Tim heard thought they finally a chance have to get their problem in the grasp. When Sara heard about it, she was not thrilled because Tim was supposed to live there for the duration of the development and rejected the offer at first. She also wanted to build a relationship with him, he had no friends and he did not want to do anything with the family, he had been cold to her. At 17 years Nano Inc came back to him and he managed to convince his mother, they also offered a lot of money which suited Tim well because as soon as he was 18 he wanted to move out. Liz was happy that he would be out of the house because she just wanted to spend time with her mother she did not hate him but knew that he makes your mother's life difficult and it would do her good because even in the household he was pretty useless. Sara did not like it but he had to promise to be back before his 18th birthday. Tim was brought there by car. They showed him around the facility and the projects. The nanobots were his department at the end of the tour and they explained everything to him. He was very excited not only because he had a great job, but also because it gave him the opportunity to finally have a normal body and to be tall. Tim: "If the project is successful, can I use them myself?" The project leader: "Of course you can, that's a promise. So Tim immediately got to work I would be very happy about feedback.
  8. Well, it's the beginning of a new year and since I always want to give me ABDL lovers exactly what they want, I wanted to ask you for video ideas. I have done this type of content for so long and I love it so much, but I feel like I have hit a roadblock of sorts. I always play the mommy domme role, anyone here want to give me any ideas? I love hearing from you and only you can give me the insight and knowledge. Every detail matters and nobody knows those details like you
  9. sidbaby

    Panty 2

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    Fresh diaper, smelling baby girl, and a slap on the bottom so I can go back to playing with dolls.
  10. sidbaby


    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    Time to put the panties back on
  11. sidbaby

    Clean Butt

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    Having your butt wiped by Mommy while she tells you what a stinky girl you are is one of the most embarrassing moments.
  12. sidbaby

    It's Diaper Change Time!

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    Mommy was taking a picture, proud of the gifts I got in my trousseau, when suddenly she smells the air and wrinkles her nose. Yep, I had just stuffed my diapers like a baby. My breakfast of oatmeal with prunes did the trick. Luckily I was already on my changing table. It's time to change that Sissy's diaper.
  13. sidbaby

    Sissy Baby Romper

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    This Baby Romper was also made with the sewing table. It's a set like a Jumpsuit, but with ruffled panties
  14. sidbaby

    Frilly Butt

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    Oh yeah, my ass got groped by the ladies on New Years too...
  15. From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    When I least expected it, I also got a dress to wear to the New Year's party. Made by the same seamstress and worn in front of the same lady friends as my Mommy.
  16. From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    That was the main event of the night. I've lost count of how many times my Mommy has lifted my dress just to show the ruffles on my bum to her lady friends. I was really like a baby girl.
  17. sidbaby

    Christmas Dress Back

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    An adorable bow that my Mommy insists on making with great care and affection.
  18. sidbaby

    Christmas Dress

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    Dress I got from Mommy to wear to her Christmas party. It was taken from a baby dress pattern, made by a seamstress who makes baby girl clothes. She was very happy to know that she was making a dress for a special little girl, and even asked my Mommy to make a video of me trying on the dress when it was ready.
  19. Hello reader, It has been a long time since I have written a story like this. I really enjoyed my first work, Flooded, but had not had the inspiration (i.e. a Mommy making me wear a plug until I finished my next chapter) in quite some time. So you will have to pardon my rust. This story was not driven but such persuasive influences but rather by a fantasy I had once that got stuck in my head and after several years I finally felt the need to put it down on paper. The following story is set in the Diaper dimension. For those of you not familiar with this setting you might want to read some of the other works out there by various authors to help you better understand the world. Special thanks to WBDaddy who’s story “Little Legal issues” helped inspire this story. I have always been a fan of the Diaper Dimension as it can take mundane things like holding down a job, or going out to eat, or any other aspect of life that might seem commonplace and allow a world of Amazons, Littles and unlimited technology to twist them into an adventure. So that being said, I give you: Divorce Proceedings Chapter 1: Opening Arguments Nicholas sat on the couch waiting. He could have turned on the TV, or surfed the internet, or done anything else to pass the time. But he didn't. He just sat there and waited, stewing in his own anger. He muttered quietly to himself. Going over exactly what he would say. Playing out the conversation in his head over and over and it just made him madder and madder. And then he finally heard what he'd been waiting for. The car pulled up into the driveway and he listened as his wife Angela exited the vehicle and made her way to the front door. This was it Nick thought to himself. He took a deep breath and waited for the door to open. "How was your day honey?" he managed to speak the words in a civil almost sincere tone. "Did you have fun shopping at the mall?" he asked almost unable to contain his delighted smile. "Oh it was terrible sugar," she responded. "I found this super cute dress and shoes but when I went to pay for them the card was declined. We tried calling the bank but they said I'd need to talk to you so I need you to call the bank and get this all cleared up." "Oh there's no need to call the bank," Nick replied his grin now uncontainable. "You see the card was declined because I canceled your credit card." Nick’s wife wheeled around to face him. "You did WHAT?" she demanded her face flush with anger. "I canceled your credit card." Nick said as calmly as he could muster, "oh and I changed the registration on the bank account too." Angela looked shocked, "But why sugar? Why would you do such a thing” she pleaded. "Because that is what you do when you find out your wife has been cheating on you!" Nick roared as he stood up and threw the garments that had been sitting beside him to the floor in front of her. Angela's face went pale as she instantly realized what they were. They were a pair of her panties and a pair of men's boxer shorts. She might have tried to suggest that those belonged to her husband, but in this case the offending underwear clearly belonged to a Betweener and would be much too large for Nick's Little frame. They both stood there in silence. Nick waiting for Angela to come up with some kind of explanation. Some kind of excuse. But the evidence was damning. He had found the boxers under the bed the previous day and after a moment of denial and anger he finally decided that he needed to protect what was his before he confronted his wife. "Is it Scott?" Nick demanded already knowing the answer. Scott was one of only a handful of Betweeners that lived on the small island nation of Freewind. As one of the few places in the world where the Littles got to govern themselves free of Amazon influence it was considered a paradise to Little’s across the globe. Here everyone was treated equally under the law. There were a few Betweener families that dotted about from place to place but an Amazon had not set foot on the island in over 50 years. Nick and Scott had always been close friends. Growing up together, Scott had been Nick's protector. Nothing like having a Tweener in your corner backing you up to get you out of a jam. Scott had been the best man at his and Angela's wedding. The betrayal burned him to his core. Nick would eventually confront him, but right now there were more immediate issues to deal with. Angela looked at Nick with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry honey," she pleaded. "You have to forgive me!" "Angela, I know our marriage has not been perfect, but I've been willing to work with you on it," Nick said his anger subsiding. "But this? THIS? How am I supposed to get past this?" The anger gone the hurt could now be felt in his words. “I'm sorry Angela, but this is just something I can't forgive. I mean it's Scott! How could you?" "But sweetie, you just have to understand, he's just so.... so..." and with that her demeanor shifted " SO much BIGGER than you." Angela now stood proud and confident while Nick was taken aback by her statement. Angela could see her opening and pounced on the open wound. "And I don’t mean taller Nick. I’m talking about his cock. His big fat manly glorious cock. Sure he's a Tweener, but sweetie, did you really think that you were satisfying me with your little thing?" she continued "because even for a Little honey, you are LITTLE. And his cock, oh it just feels so good. And stamina! He doesn't pop his load off in 30 seconds and then roll off to sleep. I mean even when it's bad with him it is still better than anything I've ever felt with you." Nick tried to hold his ground but the words crushed him. He knew he wasn’t the greatest lover and had always been embarrassed by his hair trigger. Her words were intended to hurt and they did. Deep down he had still hoped that this was just a one time thing, just a slip and that she really still loved him. But now it became clear that was never the case. The fight had left Nick. "Just go. Take the car and go." he said in a small voice. "What about the credit card and the bank account? Half of everything that's yours is mine." she said proud to once again have the upper hand in the conversation. Nick managed a little smile. "No Ang. See, I’ve hired a lawyer and he says my case against you is very strong and that the court system of Freewind does not take kindly to cheating spouses. Especially when that cheating involves a Betweener. You’ll be lucky if they let you keep the car.” A fire reformed in Nicks eyes. "So this is my house and my investments and my money. Your days of spending MY money are over! Done. Finished" Angela stood there a look of realization coming across her face. "Well... we’ll just see what my lawyer has to say." she spat back. "You do that Ang" Nick retorted confident that she did not have a leg to stand on. "Now just go." Angela grabbed her purse and turned to leave in a huff. Opening the door she turned back to face him "Oh and honey, Everyone in the neighborhood has known about Scott and I and that teeny weeny hair trigger of yours for years. They all know what a weak little cuckold you are. So don't think this is over. Not by a long shot." And with that she left. Nick stood frozen still in his spot. He was so angry and hurt and humiliated. He listened as Angela got in the car and pulled out of the driveway. Only then could he relax. In one short day his life had been completely turned upside down. He had lost his wife, his best friend and what looked to be his reputation. How many people already knew he thought. He started replaying scenes in his mind. Did they know? Were they just stifling a giggle, or sharing a knowing glance between themselves when he wasn't looking. How could he look these people in the eyes again? He'd have to move. Where to was another story. Freewind was just not that big a place. It seemed like everyone knew everyone else. He certainly wasn't going to move to the mainland. The last thing he needed was the stress of having to live among Amazons. The house was eerily quiet. Nick tried to have dinner but he wasn't really hungry. He turned to the TV, but there was nothing on the few “safe for littles” channels he got that could hold his attention. Eventually he decided to go to bed. As he drew up the covers he thought about the day to come. There would be lawyers and paperwork. But the thing that really worried him was talking to Scott. I mean he had to do it, but he was not looking forward to the confrontation. Still it was something he had to do if he was to have any amount of self respect left. Nick had always been challenged with insomnia and as he tossed and turned he knew that he would not find sleep anytime soon. Reaching over to the bedside table he took one of his sleeping pills. The swirling thoughts about what tomorrow would bring slowly began to sink into the back of his mind as he feel into a deep sleep blissfully unaware of the sound of the lock to the front door clicking open. Chapter 2: Motion to Dismiss Darkness. "Aren't you done with him yet?" a male voice said as if from far away. "Almost, Keep your pants on." a female responded. "I want this to be perfect." there was a light touch on his cheek. "It don't need to be perfect." the male answered. "They’re going to love him." "They are going to love him because he's going to be perfect." the female spat back. Only this time, the voice seemed familiar. Nick stirred gently. A heavy fog covered his mind. He could hear the voices. Feel hands touching him, manipulating him. He struggled to open his eyes but they were just not ready to obey his orders just yet. "Crap I think he's waking up." the male voice stated. But, Nick knew this voice now too. "OK, just give me a few more seconds and then we can unhook the bag." the familiar female voice said. Nick liked that voice. He had heard it so many times before. As his muddled mind tried to focus a feeling of relief came over him. He knew that voice. It was his wife he thought with a smile. Half a moment later the relief was replaced with panic. His Wife! He stirred again trying desperately to break through the fog. "I still say we should have used a wrangler." the male voice said, sounding even more familiar. "And create a paper trail? I don't think so." Angela responded, "Besides how do we know the wrangler wouldn't try to take me as well. They can't be trusted." "Aw doll you are adorable but I would never let anyone take you.” the male responded only to be followed by a prolonged silence that could have only been there to contain the gaze of death that Angela had to have been giving her companion. Nick knew that gaze well. “Yeah, you're right." said the man. His voice was completely familiar now but what was his name? "And don't you forget it Scott." Angela replied filling in the missing piece. Nick struggled to move but it wasn't just that his limbs were not responding they were also being held. Immobilized. He clenched and unclenched his fists only to find them surrounded by some kind of soft padding that restricted their movement. He moaned a little more loudly and demanded that his eyes open. He was met with a blurry view. It was dim, as tight shafts of bright light shone through small curtain covered windows. A figure hovered before him that was slowly coming into focus. "Well good morning baby," Angela chirped in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Did you have good naps?" "Angela? Was going on?" Nick slurred out. He attempted to move forward only to be pushed back into his seat. "Well, Nicky, after our little talk on Friday, Scott and I had a discussion about our little problem. See, I really want to be with Scott and Scott really wants to be with me, But you see on the other hand we both really want to be with your money too." Nick got a sinking feeling in his stomach. He started to take in his surroundings. First were his hands. They were indeed bound into some kind of padded satin mitten. The pink fabric shimmered a little in the light. He then moved his attention to his legs which were spread far apart on the seat. His attempt to close them met with a thick bulk between his thighs. Nick was fortunate to have never been diapered in his adult life. A fact not many Littles outside of Freewind could claim. But it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that his streak was over and he must be in some of the thickest diapers he could even imagine. The feeling in his stomach worsened as he once again unsuccessfully tried to close his legs. "So we decided," Angela continued, "that there had to be some acceptable alternative to a divorce where I'd only get half of everything at best.” She paused for dramatic effect. “And then it came to me.” Another pregnant pause. “Adoption!" she said with a kind of glee he had not heard from her in years. "What?” Nick struggled to understand what she had just said. “ You can't be serious! Adoption isn’t allowed in Freewind!” “And who said we’re still in Freewind? Hmm?” Angela taunted. The feeling in the pit of Nick’s stomach rose again. It was clear now that he was sitting inside an Amazon sized vehicle. But you can’t adopt even if we are on the mainland. You're just a Little too!" Nick fired back. The fog was clearing but as he tried to move forward in his chair he once again felt large strong hands pushing him back into the seat." "Oh we're not adopting you, you little sissy." Scott chimed in happy to offer up a contribution. "but there are plenty of baby crazed Amazons out there just dying to adopt." "And all we need to find one," said Angela moving to the side, "is the perfect bait." Nick now found himself staring at the image of a sweet toddler girl. She wore a baby pink dress that was covered with images of little girl ballerinas. The dress came well short of her knees and was puffed up by a fluffy white petticoat. A large pacifier dangled at the end of a ribbon that clipped to her Peter pan collar. On her other breast there appeared to be some kind of note pinned there with a large safety pin. Nick did not have time to try to read it as he looked over the rest of the figure. Her blonde hair was done up in ringlets that bounced playfully at the sides of her head. Her face had an innocent glow to it from a soft layer of blush that complimented her pink painted lips and large doe eyes. She was sitting in a chair far too big for her and her feet dangled in the air. Her shiny white patent leather Mary Janes caught the occasional stray beam of light. From her left arm there was a tube that led up to a large IV bag of clear liquid that was almost empty. And of course covering her hands a pair of baby pink satin mittens. Nick felt the blood drain from his face as he stared at the image of himself squirming in the chair as he struggled again to break free.. "And what Mommy could resist a sweet little sissy baby like you?" Angela said. She beamed with pride at how perfectly she had transformed her soon to be former husband into a package that would ignite the maternal instincts in almost any Amazon woman. "Or Daddy!" she said with glee. "Would you like that Baby Nicky? To be adopted by some big strong Amazon daddy?" her mocking continued. Nick felt his strength returning. He thrashed about in the seat but Scott's heavy hands held him fast. He looked around for a weapon or something he could use to his advantage. But he could not find anything inside what he assumed to be an Amazon sized conversion van.. Behind the enormous chair he was seated in Scott maintained a firm gasp on Nicks shoulders. Scott was certainly not an Amazon but his Betweener frame was more than enough to control the Little before him. He chuckled as he watched Nick kick at at nothing with his feet sending his dress and petticoats fluttering in the air about him. Nicks left arm got caught up in the IV tubing ripping the needle form his arm. Scott pushed Nick down again with renewed urgency and squeezed Nick a little harder which brought at least a temporary end to Nicks struggles. "Sweetie there is no point. You're only going to hurt yourself." Angela calmly stated as she moved to place a small band aid on the fresh puncture. "And what chance does little sissy wimp like you have against a real man like Scott?" Scott lowered his head so they could share a brief, but still far to lengthy kiss. Satisfied with her work she walked to the large van door and pressed the button to release it. With a soft whine the door slowly opened and Nick stared out in the bright sunlight. Nick shivered as a cool breeze blew up the bottom of his dress and he felt very exposed as the air chilled the tops of his legs just below his bulging diaper. "Come along now baby. It's time for you to go find your new Mommy." "Or Daddy" Scott mocked. "A little sissy and her Daddy. Could there be anything more precious?" Scott lifted Nick to his feet and began maneuvering him toward the open door. The thick diaper around Nick's waist severely reduced his leg movements and the hard soles of his shoes found no purchase on the floor as he desperately tried to halt his movement forward. Nick realized the peril of his situation. "Angela! Please!" Nick begged, "Don't do this." His feet found the edge of the door and dangled in the air. He reached out to grab the door frame but his slippery mittens lost their grip as Scott lifted him out of the Amazon vehicle. "But Nicky." Angela said. "It's already done." With a smooth movement Scott spun Nick around and then pushed him knocking him squarely down onto his padded bottom. Angela tossed a large white stuffed rabbit at where Nick was sitting on the ground. "Now you take good care of Flopsy bunny for me OK?" Nick tried to scramble to his feet but between the thick diaper and the smooth soles of his shoes it was slow going. Scott had already made his way back into the van and hit the start button. The engine softly purred to life. Scott may barely be able see above the huge steering wheel, but his feet still reached the pedals enough for him to drive. Angela pressed the button and the van door began to close. Nick regaining his balance started to run toward the door but almost fell over again as he slipped on the cobblestone path. He reached he van just in time to feel the door latch shut. He banged on the door with his padded fists as Angela smiled at him through the window. "You can't do this!" he shouted as Scott slipped the van into gear. Nick took a step back as the van lurched awkwardly and began to pull away. He toddled after the van calling out "Angela!!! Please!!! Don't Leave Me!!!" End Chapter2 I've got more parts written but they need some more editing. I'll try to get a new part out every week or so. Thanks for reading.
  20. Chapter 1 I lay on the ground, wet padding beneath my butt. A tap from my mother-in-law and I raise up, the soggy diaper replaced by a fresh new one. Having been changed, it’s straight into a white/pink lacey onesie with the words “Daddy’s Princess” stenciled across the front before being laid in my crib and given a bottle of warm milk. No doubt my wife, who was on a date with one of my co-workers was having the time of her life. If all went well for her, she’d bring him back here to sleep with him in our marital bed where my crib sat at the foot of later this evening. And just two weeks ago, my life was normal. We’d been fooling around like most newlywed couples do. Her mouth teasing me to the point I wasn’t sure what was happening anymore, all I wanted was sweet release. Apparently, that’s when she brought it up, her desire to dominate, though I don’t remember it I do recall saying that I’d do anything for my rapture. One thing we had agreed upon in this relationship is that when you promise something, you live up to it; and I had agreed to do whatever she said, hence my current predicament. It had started small, the first morning she had reminded me of our pact, and she suggested that I wear her silky panties to work. No big deal really, I mean who checks what underwear you have on when you get to the office? That night, she forbid me to use the bathroom from 6pm to 6am. How could I not have had an accident after that? And that’s when she introduced the diapers. A bit hesitant at first I went along with it on the promise of phenomenal sex later that day, and to her credit it surpassed my wildest dreams. From then on I was required to wear a diaper if I even wanted the chance to have sex that day. A week later and many great orgasms later I decided it wasn’t so bad, really. They crinkled a bit, but I was getting used to the feeling of warmth around my crotch midday. That’s when she forbid me to change myself. She, or someone she trusted, would have to tend to my needs and for the first couple of days she was more than eager to provide a happy return each time she untaped my sodden underwear. Since I didn’t have to mess myself, I decided I could live with it. And that’s how I got to be in my current predicament. Two days ago she invited her mother over for dinner, after which she instructed me to remove my pants and watched as her mom wiped the urine from my body before taping another diaper to my waist. Laughing, my wife went out leaving me at the mercy of my mother-in-law who sent me to bed long before the sun went down. By the next morning I couldn’t hold it anymore and deposited the first load into my pants. When my wife changed me that morning, she decided that if I had the control of a baby perhaps I should sleep in the bed of one too. My co-worker, who happens to be a recreational woodworker came over that afternoon to build my new bed spending more time flirting with my wife then assembling my crib. After laughing as he watched my soggy pants get changed he was more than happy to satisfy my wife’s needs as I lay locked in the wooden fortress he constructed for me. I tried desperately to bring myself to bliss at the sounds of my wife cumming but the thick padding around my waist foiled my efforts. The next day my co-worker was the one to provide a new diaper at lunch with the added benefit of a hollow plug in my bottom so I wouldn’t be able to control my poop. Humiliated but aroused, he drove us both to my house where he picked up my wife and I was left in the care of her mother which brings us back to the beginning of this story. Laying in my crib, nipple of my bottle between my lips I couldn’t help but wonder what my life had come to. I had tried resisting once, my ass still stung from the paddling I’d gotten, just the thought of it made me slink back down to my blankie. No matter what happened from here on out, without question, my wife was my superior and I her diaper slave.
  21. Curse of the Crinkle Crate Composed by Horatio Husky Featuring and Commissioned by Kazard the Fox! Chapter 1 The Box I… Want… Couch Time… Now… were the thoughts of a certain blonde-haired fox, as he absentmindedly fumbled with the keys to his small, cozy home. His shoulders were slumped, and his eyelids half open in a vacant stare as he maneuvered his key into the lock of his front door. The day had been absolutely miserable, all of his clients had been in a bad temper when he spoke with them about their problems, and one of them even seemed to believe that the fox didn’t really know what he was doing. Of course, he knew what he was doing! He’d graduated top of his class by no small miracle, the fox was very talented at his work, but the lack of appreciation and frustration that was thrust upon him by his clients was not something studying could have prepared him for. At last, the key turned, and the door swung wide open, shouldering his bag he strode inside and carelessly dropped it in the front hallway, kicking off his shoes and closing the door behind him with a click, locking it once more. Give… Me… That… Couch… thought the fox once more, as he strode into his living room. However, his couch did not seem to be on the agenda just yet, for the fox almost tripped over a wooden box in the center of the room. Kaz was taken aback, how had this gotten in his home? He didn’t remember lugging a rather plain, heavy looking wooden box into his home. Its dimensions were around two feet by two feet, and a foot and a half tall. Kneeling down, his tail now twitching with apparent interest and curiosity he inspected it closer to find that its lid was hinged, with the front opening to the container facing towards him. What on earth… Did somebody break in and leave this here? He thought to himself, as he reached forward with a paw and tentatively opened the strange box. The lid thumped onto his carpet as he gazed into what was held within the strange item, and was even more confused to see that the box only contained two items in it. A thick square of plastic upon closer inspection Kaz found to be a white, adult diaper, and a note next to it, written in fancy cursive. He picked it up, his eyebrows furrowing as he perused through a short poem, a strange feeling of warmth he didn’t recognize bubbling up in his insides as he did so. For a year and a day obedient shall you be, To the rules and whims of the box at your knee, Letters and rules shall be provided from these wooden confines, Giving you instructions, tasks, items, and lines, And lest you not listen to my behest, Shall you not have your day-to-day be the best! For control and independence are no longer yours From now you’ll always be clad in diapers! Diapers? Control? Is this all some sort of prank that got delivered into my house that one of my friends managed to sneak in? He turned the note over and found that more was written on the back of it, this time not in the mysterious cursive font as on the front. The rules are simple, Kazard. For a year and a day you will be completely unable to control your bladder nor your bowel, making it that at any time whatsoever, you will completely and utterly mess and wet yourself anywhere you are. Within this box, you will find your solution to this new conundrum in your life, which you have agreed to participate in by opening this box. Whenever you open this box you will be supplied with plain white diapers perfectly matched to handle whatever punishment you give them. It is recommended that you also invest in other supplies related to padding, such as powder and anti-rash cream, but those are up to your discretion. You may try and not wear your diapers, but you will find that it is wiser to comply with the rules and keep yourself nice and secure; your continence will not return either if you do not obey the rules set before you. If you wish to communicate with the box, you must do so through a bargain written on a note to express your wishes. However, be warned: the box is liable to interpret and balance any request or boon as it wishes if whatever you offer is not of equal value, so it may be wisest to obey as instructed and keep yourself diapered at all times of the day, otherwise, the consequences will be severe. With that, we hope you enjoy your next trip around the sun padded up! This has to be a joke… Boxes that interpret poetry and supply diapers whenever opened? This isn’t even a funny prank, this is pathetic. The fox dropped the diaper and note back into the box with contempt, what a stupid thing to waste his time with. He got up, the couch now forgotten as his stomach rumbled its hunger aloud to the room. He padded over to the kitchen, turning the kettle on and rummaging through his dry food cabinet, retrieving a large bag of chips. He held the bag in his maw as he stretched, reaching up to the higher shelf to grab himself a chocolate bar. It was just out of his reach, and he strained, leaning against the counter to support his weight as he grasped after his sweet. The counter must have been wet, however, for he looked down as he felt something damp against him. The bag of chips dropped out of his mouth and onto the counter below him. The counter hadn’t been wet, no. It was he who had gotten wet.
  22. (Before anyone reads this, I think its only fair to warn you that there are 'dirtier' themes then you would normally find in an abdl story. I don't believe it breaks any site rules, but as I usually don't write like this, I may be mistaken and I apologize if so . )SMACK SMACK SMACK!The sissy squirmed as his bottom was spanked by his daddy. Tears were streaming down his face as he grasped tightly onto his teddy bear for comfort, and only his pacifier keeping him from calling out. His diaper was pulled down to his knees and his skirt lay on the ground, leaving his bare skin open to the harsh smacks. His daddy took his time, spanking him again and again until he was satisfied the sissy had learned his lesson.He stopped and rested his hand on the sissy's bright red bottom, feeling the new found warmth comming off of it."Now little Nathaniel, did you learn your lesson?"The sissy squrimed and looked at him through tear soaked eye lids. He didn't answer and kept suckling his pacifier, knowing the trick.His daddy patted his upturned bottom. "Good baby," he said. He removed the pacifier and asked again, "did you learn your lesson?""Yes daddy," he sniffed."What did you learn?""I learned not to deny to mommy or daddy that I'm a sissy baby.""Exactly right." He began absent mindedly stroking and patting the sissy boy's bottom, making him moan. "Now, remember when you came here. You played with your mommy, being her little baby, pretending to be a boy..."The sissy groaned and the word "pretending."The sissy's 'daddy' began speaking in an overly sweat, mocking tone. "But then she tried putting her baby in a skirt. She's told me how you whined and complained that you were a boy, and how you didn't want to do that... and how hard you became the second you were in pink. Remember?"He nodded."It wasn't long after until you were always in your pretty pink skirts, always a little sissy, and always loving it. But you still complained, didn't you? Were you a naughty little liar to your mommy?" He spanked him hard.Nathaniel yelped. "YES DADDY!""And whats more... I bet you never expected to be subby to a daddy, did you?""No daddy...""But the little sissy saw all the big strong men, and mommy saw how he stared... and it wasn't long until you were in the lap of your first male babysitter, crying in humiliation, and beging for more, wasn't it?" He spanked him again, and Nathaniel shouted."Yes Daddy!""And then you asked for something you never thought you would, to please a daddy, didn't you?"He blushed deeply. "Yes daddy.""Good baby. And yet it still seems you deny it sometimes, don't you? Like you did to mommy and me earlier?""Yes daddy.""Was that a lie? Was that a naughty little lie?" Another spank, another yelp.He nodded. "Yes daddy!""Then beg me for it. Beg to be a little sissy in pink dresses, bending over and kneeling down to please me. Tell me how much you love it.""Oh god daddy please no..."He spanked him, harder then before. "NOW!""OW! PLease daddy! I want to be a little sissy in pink dresses, bending and kneeling to please you! I love it I love it!""Good. Then I have a reward for my sissy. Stand up." He helped Nathaniel to his feet. He then reached over and pulled up the sissy's diaper, straigtening it out."Now. Pick up your skirt and put it on."He looked at the skirt and back at his daddy. "But... Daddy?" Normally he was forced into his fetish clothes, not asked to put them on himself."Do it yourself. If you want it, that is. I don't want any way for my little sissy to pretend we made him do it."Nathaniel glared, but reached down and pulled up the skirt.Nathaniel was now dressed head to toe in fetish wear. Almost everything he wore was pink and was designed to drive home his feminine and infantile state. Around his waist was a flouncing skirt that was short enough to leave his patterned diapers visible. Underneath it were long, pale stockings that went to his knees and were tied in bows, then Mary Jane shoes. Above it was a pink shirt he tucked into his skirt, a bonnet, and his pacifier. Though he was still clearly male, his hair had grown long, and the clothes were cut to fit his thin stature.Jordan, his 'daddy,' on the other hand, was far broader, and wearing only shorts and a t shirt. The contrast between the muscular sitting man and the thinner one in the skirt was clear.Jordan patted his lap. "Sit down sweetheart."Nathanil sat down gingerly, then whined and squirmed as he rested on his aching bottom."Oh hush up, your diapers are more then thick enough for cushioning," Jordan said. "Now, for your reward. And remember, you can stop this anytime you want"He picked up a bottle of white frothy liquid and brought it to Nathaniel's lips. Nathaniel looked at him suspiciously, then began to drink what he assumed was milk.A moment later Nathaniel gagged. "Keep drinking sweetheart," Jordan said sternly. "And yes, that is exactly what you think it is."Nathaniel whined but kept drinking. The bottle tip was thin, and the liquid came out slowly, forcing him to taste each drop."Like that? This was ordered online. I bet you didn't know they sold stuff like it, eh?" Jordan said. Nathaniel cringed and kept drinking. "It comes other doms and real men, intended for little sissies like you. I of course added my own, plus a little something to help you fill your diapers." Nathaniel groaned loadly at the last part, but kept drinking."I want you to know that this is your place. Look at you, a grown man dressed like a little girl in diapers, suckling a bottle in your daddy's lap. Longing to be in pretty pink skirts and getting taken care of and spanked. Pathetic. But you love it, don't you?"Nathaniel nodded between gulps. He squeezed his eyes shut and had to fight back gags from the salty taste."And now you're drinking this just because I told you to. We both know you hate the taste. We both know you could leave if you really wanted to. But we also both know that you won't, don't we? You love this more then anything?"Nathaniel didn't respond, and Jordan slowly reached down to his waste, lifted up his skirt and put a hand on the front of his diaper. Nathaniel gasped."Oh no? Sure seems like youre enjoying it." Nathaniel whimpered and pushed himself into his daddy's hand.Jordan laughed. "Oh ho look at you. Really loving it. Love the feeling of your pretty pink diapers, nice and soft against you?" He began rubbing it back in forth. Nathaniel didn't move. "Admit it, sissy. Admit you love it or I'll stop."Nathaniel nodded vigerously."Good baby."Nathaniel felt something poking the back of his diaper. He began rubbing it with his diaper almost instinctively, moving his bottom back and forth in his daddy's lap as he'd been taught to do.Jordan smiled. 'Very good baby."The bottle was almost done. Nathaniel still struggled to drink each drop, chocing and gagging at the taste."Keep going little one, almost there. Baby isn't going to be able to finish in his diaper unless he finishes his bottle!" He spoke in a high, teasing voice. "And remember, that is filled with a nice laxative, so finishing means your going to be in a VERY full and VERY stinky diaper soon, and we're going to keep you in it ALLLLLLL night. Sound fun?"Nathaniel whimpered and shook his head."Oh no?" Jordan pressed down on his diaper, and Nathaniel began nodding again. "Mmm hmm! Mmmm hmm!" he groaned, wordlessly begging for the punishment his daddy had promised."Now, you want to add something else to your pwetty widdle diapies?" Jordan asked."Mhmm!" "Finish the bottle and I might let you." He rubbed slower, keeping Nathaniel on the edge.Nathaniel sucked as hard as he could and tried to drink faster, resisting the urge to gag as he swallowed it all. Jordan kept rubbing him slowly, stopping when he felt him get to close.Finally the bottle was finished, and he moved it away."Oh god daddy!" Nathaniel shouted. "Please! Please let me!"Let you what? Let you be my little sissy forever? Let you please your daddy? Let you fill your little diapies?""Yes daddy please I want it all! To be your sissy, to please you, to fill my diapers!""Good. And you'll never play pretend at being a man again?""No daddy! Never! I'm not! I can't be!""Good. And you know that even though you're going to finsih in your diapers now, you'll still have to please your daddy, you'll still have to be a little diapered sissy, and you'll still spend the night in a messy diaper since when the fun is all gone?"Nathaniel was sobbing in desperation. "Yes daddy.""And you know this will prove how much you love being a little sissy in diapers, how much it turns you on, and how you only need to finish in your diapers from now on?"Tears streamed down his face. "Yes daddy!""Good baby. Then finish." He rubbed harder. Nathaniel gasped, convulsed, and lay shuddering on his lap.Jordan let him rest for a moment, smiling down at him. He then gently picked him up and cradled him in his lap. He began rocking him."Good baby. Good baby. Good sissy. You did well little one, you really did," he said in a soft voice.Nathaniel's eyes opened. "Daddy?" he said questioningly."Shhh..." Jordan said. "You were a good little sissy." He bent down and kissed Nathaniel on the forehead. He stroked his hair and back as Nathaniel became more and more awake. When Jordan was satisfied he was rested enough, he sat up straighter and hugged him. "Now, go rinse your mouth out," he said louder. "Then you'll come back and finish pleasing your daddy. When you're done, we'll give you a nice hot bath, and maybe some cookies if you're good, ok? How's that sound?"Nathaniel smiled. "Good, daddy.""Good, then go." He stood Nathaniel up, patted his bottom, and sent him on his way.
  23. Hi, I've never written many stories in my life (and never about abdl before). So this is my first abdl story, hope you like it. Chapter 2 is ready, I'm just checking the text. It will be posted soon. Ps.: My main language is not English and I don't speak it very well, so I had to use an online translator and a grammar checker. The story in the original language is correctly written, but I had to make some changes to the translation, it shouldn't be perfect, I hope you understand. Ps2.: If this story is similar to one you've read before, it's purely coincidental. I've read many stories, but none quite like this, even if I've read a similar scene. Chapter 1 - Current Situation Sometimes I wonder how I got to this point in my life, the only thing I know is that at this moment I find myself lying here in the dark, inside a pink crib with a locked lid, while my ass is sore from the punishment I received for breaking yet another one of ''mommy's rules’’. To make matters worse, in addition to the pain in my "bumbum" (as Mom prefers to call it), I feel my dick throbbing inside the small, pink chastity cage I'm being forced to wear, and to complete the situation, a big, thick, pink and soaked diaper, covers it all while protecting ''my crib'' from accidents. The only light on is a small, dim pink lamp on top of a piece of furniture next to the changing table. From inside the crib, I can see few things in the room, but what I can see are all things from the “mommy’s sissy baby” (would that be me?). While I don't feel sleepy (because it's too early, since Mom put me to bed early as a form of punishment - it's 07 p.m.), I keep looking at the nursery I'm in, and I can see a changing table with a huge stock of diapers in the spaces below, all diapers are big and thick, some colored and some completely white, but all are quite large and look like night diapers for their size. Near the changing table, I see a closet where mommy keeps all of my new clothes she bought for me, most of them frilly pink dresses, onesies and other humiliating clothes. Also, I can see the armchair where mommy just spanked me as punishment for breaking the rule that “babies can’t ask for their diapers to be changed, only mommy decides when to change.” I'm wearing a pink onesie as a sleepwear and on the front of the onesie it says ''mommy’s stinky sissy baby'', I'm also wearing thick cotton gloves that don't allow me to use my fingers, so I can't take my diaper off during the night, just like I have a big pink pacifier stuck in my mouth with tape. Mommy said she doesn't want to come in the morning and find me without my pacifier and have to punish me again. Time passes and I hear mommy walking around the house and talking to someone on the phone, but I can't hear what she says. While I'm here I've wetted my diaper twice more and I'm starting to doubt I'll wake up with dry sheets tomorrow, plus, mommy said I better have a fully used diaper when she comes to check on me tomorrow morning or else I'll be punished again. I was very bored from just lying in my crib for so long and ended up falling asleep. I wake up the next morning not knowing the time, but with a few rays of sunlight already coming in through the window and through the curtains, leaving the room a little bright. As soon as I remember my situation I feel my diaper more flaccid and cold with the large amount of pee in it and I remember what mommy said the night before about using the diaper completely. I was too scared that mommy would suddenly open the bedroom door and I still haven't used my diaper completely, so I close my eyes and try to focus on getting my diaper a mess. I start pushing and all I feel are farts coming out and making noise inside my diaper. Suddenly, I start to hear footsteps in the hallway and my fear grows. Mommy was already awake. I keep pushing but nothing but pee fills my diaper even more, so as I continue my effort mommy opens the bedroom door at the same time a loud muffled sound comes out of my already swollen diaper and when I open my eyes, mommy has a smile on her face watching me from the door and says: - ‘’Own, is my sissy baby pooping in her little diaper for mommy? How cute! Let mommy check your diaper. That was it, there was no more time, mommy would check my diaper and realize I didn't do #2 and punish me again. Mom walked over to the crib, opened the top cover and lowered the side rail, then took off the sheet that covered me and I saw her look towards my crotch. - ‘’Looks like my baby girl had an accident and her diaper leaked in her crib, but what a naughty little girl.’’ I felt my face flush instantly, she noticed and gave a smile, after that she opened my onesie and put her fingers in the crotch of my diaper and pulled back a little to check. - ‘’Looks like my baby didn't completely use her diaper during the night, too bad, I'll have to punish you again baby, but not now.'' Mom helped me out of the crib and held my hand as she led me to the bathroom. Getting there, she took off my wet onesie and my gloves, but she still kept the pacifier in my mouth. When she opened my diaper it fell to the floor with a loud thud and she giggled, then she rolled my diaper up and placed it on top of the lid of the dirty diaper bucket. She put me in the shower and gave me a bath, scrubbing my now hairless body and giving a special attention to my bumbum and penis (which she called "little clitty"). After the shower we went back to my room and she helped me onto the changing table and told me to lie down and not move while she went to get something. A few minutes later, she came back with a big bottle of milk in her hands and gave it to me, telling me to drink it all while she changed me. My face burned with embarrassment as she rubbed baby lotion on my bottom, still red from the spanking from the night before, and on my clitty, then she opened a fresh diaper and put it under my bottom and started sprinkling baby powder on me. As she ran her hands over me, she noticed my little cock trying to get hard inside the pink chastity cage and said how cute it was and how it felt like I was enjoying being her baby. The milk in the bottle was sweet and tasted great and before mommy even finished changing the diaper I was done. After the change she took the empty bottle and put it on the shelf below the changing table and helped me to a seat and told me to wait while she picked out an outfit for me to wear for the day, heading to the closet and bringing back a little pink dress with white lace all over and words embroidered on the front that said ''Messy Princess'', when I saw this, my face burned with embarrassment. So mommy dressed me and brought white socks with lace ankles and dressed me in them and also put on my feet a pair of pink Mary Jane shoes to match. Then mommy brought out a pink bonnet and put it on my freshly shaved head (mommy had all the hair off my body except my eyebrows and eyelashes). After I finished getting dressed, she took me to the room that had a playpen where she left me and told me that I should play with my new toys (wooden blocks, dolls and stuffed animals) while she got dressed for work. When she finished saying that, she noticed my surprised expression, because she had been working from home since I arrived, so I thought she would always be home with me. - ''Awn baby, don't be worried, mommy called a nanny to take care of you, she has a lot of experience with girls just like you, but we'll need to call her every day mommy goes to work until we find a special daycare for babies like you''. After saying that, mommy left me in the playpen still in shock and went to get ready for work. I wondered which would be worse: having a babysitter seeing me like this or being sent to daycare with other people like me. I've never seen mommy in underwear before, only in a bra a few times, but I've never seen her in panties or naked and it provoked my imagination many times, but soon I felt a pressure inside my chastity cage which made me push those thoughts away. As I lay in my playpen trying to distract myself from all the thoughts running through my mind, I felt my bladder fill quickly and release a large amount of pee in the front of my diaper, warming it up. I wondered how I could pee so much when I had wet my diaper from the night before until it leaked into my crib. But I didn't have time to think about it too much, as the doorbell rang next.
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