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Hi there I'm in Scotland I love being a lovely little girl in my pink nappy white tights Mary Jane shoes frilly pink satin dress and blonde wig with white lace gloves looking for friends xx
DIAPERED TALES FROM THE WASTELAND EPISODE 1 LEAVING THE LITTLE VAULT War. War never changes. In the year 2077, bombs were dropped across most of North America, wiping it away in less than two hours. But locked underground, protected from the blasts, some managed to escape into the safety of the Vaults. Deep in the heart of Virginia, lies Vault 86. The people of Vault 86 have lived peaceful lives for over ninety years. Most do not know what it’s like in the outside world–that outside the vault, they don’t sleep in cribs, that they aren’t able to play all day long without worry, and that they don’t even wear diapers. Armed with fresh padding, a dino pacifier, and the collected knowledge of his vault, Joe Palmer has been chosen to lead the first expedition outside in nearly one hundred years. But what will he find? *** “You’ve got your paci?” Mom asked, I pulled out my pacifier, tied on a lanyard around my neck. She nodded. “And you’ve packed spare diapers?” She checked my bag again, going through its contents one by one. “You don’t know if there’ll be any on the outside.” “I know mom!” I said, “And yes, I’ve packed spares.” I shrugged her off me–everyone was watching from behind. “Okay. I only ask because I love you, kiddo.” she smiled sweetly. “Already going out… ah. You’ve grown up so fast. Only twenty years ago you were this high!” she said, gesturing just below her knee. “Now look at you!” she leapt on me with a tight hug. “Moooom, you’re embarrassing me!” Even though she was squeezing me so hard I thought I would pass out, I accepted the hug, not knowing if I would see her again. Just before she broke away, I felt her tense up. She grunted a little, then sighed and went limp. The smell of her dirty diaper hit my nose almost immediately. As gross as it was, it didn’t bother me so much. It was the smell of home after all, a home I was about to leave for the first time. “We’re all so proud!” she gave one last, wan smile, then made her way back to the gathered group, waddling around in her freshly-filled padding. Overseer Carmichael nodded. “You’re doing a fine thing, son.” he said, and he gave me a brisk pat on the shoulder. “You get an idea of your surroundings, then come straight back here. Be gone no more than three days, understand?” “I do Overseer.” I gave a determined nod. “Good lad. We’ll have a good ol’ play party waiting for you when you get back.” he winked, and I gave him a smile. “You ready?” I looked around the room one last time. Two dozen or so people had gathered here, out of the three-hundred people who inhabited the vault. All these people had come to see me leave, I nodded to each of them. I was so nervous, my hands were sweaty and I swear I was already beginning to leak a little into my diaper. At least I would have that comfort, that reminder of the vault. “I’m ready.” I nodded to Overseer Carmicheal. The Overseer nodded slowly back, and moved up to the console, ready to open the inner doors. Everyone took a step back, I heard them draw in breath. I touched all of my equipment again, to make sure it was there–my supply bag (with food, spare diapers, and Mister Fancypants the teddy bear, of course), my holstered gun, and my pip-boy. “Joseph Olsen Palmer, we wish you good luck, and safe travels.” The Overseer pressed a button on the console, and an arm swung around to grasp at the inner door. It slid open smoothly, and spun out of the way. I took in a deep breath, refusing to look back at what I was leaving behind, and made for the outer door. The inner door locked behind me with a loud clang, and I was alone. I knew that the people of vault 86, the people I most cared about, were just behind the door, but that didn’t stop my nerves. This was it, the last chance I had to turn back, I almost went for it, went to knock on the door and call it in already. But then I saw everyone’s faces again, and the hope they had for me. So I remained alone in the darkness. Despite it all, I felt the bulk of my diaper keeping me safe under my onesie. Resolutely, I took my green dinosaur pacifier, and stuck it in my mouth. Feeling much better about my chances now that I had Tommy the T-Rex on my side, I stepped up to the outer door. It was angled slightly, tilted towards the floor like a massive hatch. I knew that when it opened, the first thing I would see would be the endless sky, just like the one painted above my crib. But so much more real. The outer door opened with much less grace than the inner one had. The machinery squealed and groaned, as if the vault itself was in pain. How long had it been shut? Nearly a hundred years? Three generations of people had never seen the outside world. My own grandpa had told me stories of when he was little, before the bombs. He’d said that people ‘potty-trained’ back then, and only wore diapers when they were little. He told me how angry he had been when they told him he’d had to start using diapers again, but after everyone began using them, he came around to the idea. Eighty years later, and diapers were the norm. It was terrifying, how quickly things could change. Vault 86 was a place to relax, and let all your worries–potty training included–disappear. Soon I would have to change my own diapers, sleep outside of a crib, and find my own food. My nerves rose suddenly, and I tried not to panic. Why was I leaving it all behind? Why did things have to change? The door inched open, and I recoiled. A golden ray of light shone through the small gap, brighter and warmer than I had ever experienced before. The sun. My panic transformed into excitement. This is why I was going out–to finally see what was outside, after all this time. The door opened completely, leaving a light cloud of dust in its wake. With a broad smile, and a mostly clean diaper, I stepped into the outside world. *** The massive door, with Vault 86 written big on the front, slowly rolled back into place, and I checked my Pip-boy–the slow clicking counter meant radiation levels matched our initial scan. So that was good. I looked around. Ahead of me was a wide, open concrete plain, dotted with the broken ruins of old buildings, and beyond that, the hills. Apparently this place was an airport, once used by soldiers, though I didn’t see any airplanes like the toy ones we had in the vault. My Pip-boy had been loaded with old maps of a town called Blackstone, in what used to be Virginia. My job was simple–match the maps to the world outside. “Oh! This is going to be so fun!” I wiggled about, unable to keep my excitement hidden away. I decided my first job was to update the area right outside the vault, so I waddle-marched all around it, and got some measurements, and made sure that the maps were up-to-date. After about an hour, just as I was coming to the end of my first survey, I realized that without thinking, I was weeing. My diaper had done a good job of soaking the accident (thank goodness) but I stopped as soon as I realized I was going. I didn’t have many diapers out here, and they would need to be rationed, so that meant holding it in as long as possible. I sighed, left with no choice but to endure the uncomfortable feeling of needing to pee pee. At least my diaper was nice and squishy now. I gave the front a poke, and giggled at the way it moved about. “Right then,” I said, taking out my checklist, “Item number twosies! Check for human activity.” The airbase was big, so big that I could barely see Vault 86 in the distance by the time I reached the edge. It was so quiet out here, I was sure that if other humans were around I would have heard some by now. Suddenly feeling very lonely, I decided it would be best if Mister Fancypants joined me out of my bag, and took him to cuddle while I continued doing a lap around the airbase. His legs dangled beneath him, whenever I got nervous I squeezed his fuzzy fur. Mister Fancypants had been with me nearly my entire life, and had insisted on bringing him with me. It wasn’t long before I came across a small group of houses on the edge of the airbase. The need to pee grew with every minute I was walking, but I knew if I could just hold on a little longer, I could save diapers for the rest of the trip. Plus, I wasn’t looking forward to changing myself all the way out here. I’d practiced a lot but I still wasn’t very good. I didn’t manage to hold it very long. Before I had completed another, wider circle around the airbase, I had to stop in a little forested area. I wriggled my legs, and squeezed them together as tightly as I could, but I struggled to push them all the way. My puffy diaper prevented me from pressing them together, and stopped me from holding myself to stop the wee, though I gave it my best shot at pushing into the padding. Before long, I was jumping from foot-to-foot doing a little potty dance. It was very rare that we had to hold our bladders in the vault, normally we just went whenever nature called, and got changed later, after all that’s what diapers were for. Unfortunately, that meant I struggled desperately with the weight of pee in my tummy, and felt a little leak into my diaper without warning. I hugged Mister Fancypants tighter, and tried my best to hold it in, but my best wasn’t enough. “N-nooooo!” Suddenly, the dam burst open, and immediately my diaper grew warm. It spread up the front of my padding, and across my bottom at the back, and made everything soft and squishy. “Aahhhh!” I gave an almighty sigh, and felt myself sag, my legs no longer tense with holding back my accident. The padding around my waist swelled and spread my legs apart even wider, until eventually my stream stopped. “Nnnnn. That felt goooood.” I said with a silly smile across my face. The now pleasantly warm diaper squished when I poked at it, now almost completely saturated. “Wow. I really had to go, didn’t I, Mister Fancypants?” I looked down at my teddy, but he gave me a blank stare back. “No need to be so mean Mister Fancypants, I really couldn’t hold it anymore!” Mister Fancypants didn’t respond. Deciding to continue my survey, I let my soaking diaper sag beneath me as I walked. There was no point in changing yet, after all I still had work to do. Besides the fact that I may as well use my diaper as much as I could before a change, I kind of wanted to find somewhere a little more private, and safe. Despite my earlier confidence being out here in the wild was beginning to give me the willies. My survey ended with a small, surprisingly neat, house on the edge of the forest. I guessed that this was the way into Blackstone, based on my maps. It was beginning to get late, and after wetting my diaper another few times, I decided it might be best to make a little camp in the building. I also quickly realized I should also probably change myself before I got a rash, or worse, leaked. I didn’t want to ruin my onesie. The house looked like a standard pre-war house, the sort I had seen in pictures in the vault. The garden, once cared for, had been left to grow messy and patchy. The wooden fence had nearly rotted away completely, but there were very few weeds, and hardly any rubble, unlike the ones I had seen earlier. I had expected the place to be in worse condition inside, but apart from a small layer of dust and a few webs here and there, it looked almost completely untouched. I stood still for a moment, and sucked thoughtfully on Tommy the T-Rex. “Yes. Dis will do niwcely.” I said from behind my paci. I uncoiled my bed-roll to act as a changing mat. It wasn’t like the ones back home, but it would do. “I can do dis. I can do dis.” I repeated to myself. With a squish that sent the yellowed padding outward, I sat down on my diaper. Getting the old diaper off was the easy bit. I ripped open the tapes, and pulled it open, revealing the very yellow padding beneath. It was all swollen and heavy. I folded it into a weighty little package, and then into a plastic bag–it was important to dispose of the diaper ethically after all, and not just leave it on the ground, even if the world had been nuked to oblivion. Right. I steeled myself. Now that the easy bit was done, things got a little trickier. After wiping myself down with a damp washcloth, I carefully retrieved the clean padding and placed it beneath me. I’d seen the Mister Handy caretakers back in the vault do this a million times, how hard could it be? I powdered over my diapered area, then lifted the front up against my belly, and leant back a little so it would stay there. Then I went to fold the back up. But by the time I turned back around, the front had fallen down again. “Mmmfff! Why is this so hard?” I tried again, but this time, focused on one side at a time. This worked much better, and I was able to stick the left side together with a single, loose tape. However, before I could continue, I heard a loud clang. My heart leaped in my chest, my hairs stood on end. I looked around the empty room, but there was no one there. Just the silence. Quickly, I went to tape up the rest of my fresh diaper. But before I could finish, I heard a familiar voice. “Get out of here, you burglar scum!” The voice called from another room. I shot up, my diaper still half-undone. “Sorry, I didn’t know this place was … well I thought everyone was dead.” “Are you trying to tell me you killed everyone? Good lord!” The voice said, growing closer. It mingled in with a gentle whirring, almost as if… “No I–” I went to protest, but just as the voice rounded the corner, I realized why it was so familiar. “A Mister Handy unit!” It must have been the one keeping the house clean. But something was wrong. The Mister Handy came through the door, from the darkness on the other-side. It’s voice was more crackly than the ones from 86, and one of its eyes was… well it wasn’t there at all. I backed up slowly. “Sowwy! I can leave ifu want?” I said, but the Mister Handy did not reply. It stopped for a moment, and moved its eye up and down, as if it was scanning me. “I-I-I-Intruders will not be t-t-tolerated!” It said, crackling. Suddenly, one of its arms arose with an attachment I’d never seen before–a buzzsaw. It whirred into motion, spinning sharp and deadly, and rushed toward me. “No!” I shouted, my paci fell out of my mouth, and not knowing what else to do I grabbed my gun. But I was too slow, before I could completely draw it, the Mister Handy’s buzzsaw launched at me. I moved out the way just in time, and the saw buried itself in the wall behind me. My gun fell to the floor. I reached for it, but the buzzsaw swooped in and I fell backwards with a crash. The Mister handy rotated, its eye focusing on me like the aperture of a camera. But when the robot tried to rush at me again, it found itself stuck for a moment, before lurching free. That gave me an idea. Quickly, carefully, I aligned myself with a light switch to my back. “Come on!” I shouted, which seemed to enrage the robot. “Intruders will not be tolerated!” Despite the strange nonchalance of its voice, it rushed at me again. I dove out the way, onto the carpet, and the Mister Handy shot straight into the wall. Its metal buzzsaw made contact with the light switch, and the wires inside. Electricity ran through it, arching and sputtering. The lights flickered on for the first time in decades, then sparked off again. I took the distraction to crawl madly for my gun. But I didn’t need it. The Mister Handy recoiled, its head spun wildly. “I-I-I-Intru-d-d-d-W-welcome home s-s-s-sir! I have ma-a-a-ade-t-traditional-carpet cleaner--s-shopping–the b-b-baby is asleep now–” and with a final garbled mess of words, its glowing eyes flickered off, and it went limp. I released a breath I forgot I was holding, and the silence returned again. *** Over the next hour, I dove into the Mister Handy’s wiring. Back in the vault, we hadn’t the resources to spare to send one with me, but if I could bring this one back, or even get it to help me out here… Thankfully, the robots were so important to our way of life in Vault 86, most people learn to take them apart and put them back together again before they turn eighteen. I was never the best at it, but I knew my way around them well enough. I decided to remove the buzzsaw attachment out of caution, and replaced it with a Rob-Co certified posable hand I found in the garage. Whilst I was at it, I renamed the unit Basil, after a pre-war TV-show they showed in the vaults. It was getting dark by the time I found the program settings, the sun was red in the sky, and golden in the treetops. The neon-green light of my pip-boy was all that lit me in the dark room. “Gardener, no. Shopkeeper, no. Driver, not that. Mmmmm, ahha–Babysitter.” I let the program run, and Basil suddenly burst into life again. Immediately, I backed up and held my gun at his eye. The robot rose quickly, and spun about itself. “Re-re-rebooting…” It stuttered, and went quiet. I worried that I had messed up the program for a moment, and quickly put my paci in my mouth for reassurance. Then, “Can I be of service, master?” The robot hovered, clearly waiting for instruction. I frowned. “What mode is cuwwently activated?” I asked through my pacifier. “Babysitter mode is activated, master. Where is said baby in need of sitting?” “Oh, I … right here.” I gestured to all of me. “Oh dear! Well we can’t have you in that state, can we master?” The Mister Handy moved towards me, and I flinched despite myself. “No…? What are you doing?” I asked nervously. “Why, changing your diaper of course, look at the state it’s in! I do say… wheoever put it on you needs a right bloody scolding” At Basil’s words, I looked down. With everything that had happened, I had forgotten to put the diaper on properly, and it still hung lopsided off me. I realized, too, that it had been a while since I last changed it, and I felt a familiar sensation below… “Hang on …” the robot paused, “What do good boys say?” “Pweese? Pweese would you change my diapee? And, could you pweese hurry? I fink I need to pee again.” “Of course!” The robot said, “And what a good little boy you are for remembering your manners!” Basil’s hand patted me on the head and I giggled. It was almost like being back in the vault. With some proper repairs, this unit could be good-as-new. I laid back down and clutched Mister Fancypants in my arms as the robot inspected my bare butt. Basil was much better at changing my diaper than I had been. For the most part, I just lay there and stared at the ceiling, sucking on my T-Rex paci as Basil cleaned me up. It felt good to be properly padded again, with the familiar bulk pushing my legs apart. Basil was a fast changer too, which was good, because I was growing desperate. Almost as soon as he had finished fastening the tapes, I let out a sigh, and felt my diaper expand as I wet it again. “My, my. Wet already! Do you need me to change you again, Master?” “No, I should be fine until the morning. Fankoo!” I slept surprisingly well that night. In fact, I slept almost like a baby. Maybe it was because I was so exhausted from the day, or maybe it was because I knew I had Basil and Mister Fancypants watching over me. Either way, I woke up early the next morning, ready to take on the day’s challenge–going further afield. Basil changed me out of a thoroughly soaked diaper, and together we made our way out. With a fresh diaper, Mister Fancypants, and Basil by my side, things were looking up. Perhaps, finally, I would be able to see what remained of the world, after all this time… END OF CHAPTER 1
Diaperboy Relaxing In His New TinyTails
Little Diaperfag posted a gallery image in Adult Diapers Gallery
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Introduction What would happen if, no matter how old you are, your parents found your stash? Well, on an already miserable day, that’s exactly what happened to Tom. How will both he and his dad handle it? Chapter 1 - Rejection ‘Well, thank you for coming in today, myself and the panel will discuss the interview and the recruiter will get back to you in due course’. Tom could see in the eyes of the interviewer it was going to be another rejection. He couldn’t understand it, just over a year ago he’d graduated with a 2:1 in Architecture. He thought he’d walk into a job, but he’d applied to every company he could find, and had 15 interviews never getting further than the second round. He couldn’t understand it, what was he doing wrong? Whatever it was it wasn’t how he presented himself. He looked gorgeous in his grey slim fit suit and smart tan shoes. He is 5’9, short jet black hair, with beautiful bright blue eyes, but I guess it’s what you say in interview which is important, not how you look. He stood up, grabbed his posh leather bag his dad had gotten him for his graduation, shook the panel’s hands and made his way out into the busy London street. No sooner had he stepped out the building a rough looking man bumped into him with a cigarette burning a hole right into the shoulder. ‘Hey!’ said Tom. ‘Fuck off, prick’ cursed the man as he hurried on. It was the final straw, a tear rolled down Tom’s face. He couldn’t take much more of life at this point. Everything was falling apart, or that’s how it felt. 23, no job, no friends who are local, his mum has passed away and he’s still living with his grieving dad Steve. After travelling back by train Tom let himself into the house and rushed straight upstairs to his room. ‘How’d the interview go?’ called his Dad from his study. ‘Crap’ shouted back Tom. Once in the room he started to undress. He hung up his suit jacket and inspected the burn. Maybe it could be repaired? Probably not, now he doesn’t even have a suit if he gets another interview. Nevertheless he took off the trousers and placed the suit in its special bag like always, before putting it in the wardrobe. He grabbed his joggers and a t-shirt and turned to lay on his bed, but as he did, he saw something which made his blood run cold. Could this day get any worse? His worst nightmare was lying in front of him. His heart thumped in his chest as if it was about to exit it. His face flushed red, sweat started to bead on his forehead, panic started to set in. Lying there in front of him was one of his adult nappies, and on it a note. “Hey son, let’s talk, love Dad”. Tom had bought these nappies a few months back from a medical supply company whilst his Dad had been away for work. He’d been interested in them for a while. He’d enjoyed the few he’d tried but he’d not had the courage to wear them once his dad got back. He’d hidden them under his bed in a carrier bag, but clearly his dad had found them. He couldn’t believe it, how could this happen? For an hour he sat there thinking of excuses he could make, plausible stories he could tell. “They’re not mine”. “I’ve been having bedwetting problems”, “I…” none of them seemed convincing. He didn’t feel like he could leave the room. After at least an hour and a half his dad called ‘dinner!’ Heart thumping and head racing he made his way down the stairs. He was physically shaking. When he saw his Dad at the table, he froze. ‘So you don’t think they’ll ask you back?’ asked his Dad. ‘No’ Tom tried to say, but nothing came out. ‘No’ he said eventually in his third attempt. ‘Sit down it’s getting cold’ said his Dad gesturing to Toms dinner. Tom made his way over and sat down in silence. For a short while they both ate, but Tom really wasn’t hungry, if anything he felt sick. He just shuffled his food around. When his dad had finished he reached out and put his had on Tom’s. ‘Talk to me Tom’ he said gently, trying to make eye contact. Tom was physically shaking, he couldn’t speak, he was living his worst nightmare. His Dad lent across to him. ‘I found your nappies mate’ he said. Just hearing that out loud drove through Tom like a train. ‘They’re not mine’ he blurted out. It was like a reflex, he heard himself say it, but he didn’t think he’d actually processed what he was going to say yet. His dad gave him a soft smile. ‘I know they’re yours son’. He said softly. ‘Tell me why’ he asked. Tom put his shaking hands over his eyes, tears now starting to well up. ‘Please talk to me son’. ‘I’m sorry Dad, I’m such a failure. I’ve got no friends, I don’t have any hobbies, I can’t get a job, I’m going nowhere. I’m a disappointment. If mum were alive she’d be heartbroken at what a useless adult I’ve become’. ‘Oh don’t be silly’ said his Dad. ‘You’re going through a tough time, I know, we both are, but you have your whole life ahead of you. You’re only 23’ Tom couldn’t look at his Dad, he still had his hands over his eyes. ‘I just wish things were like years ago, when mum was alive, when I was carefree and….happy’ sobbed Tom. ‘Is that why you bought the nappies?’ His dad asked gently. ‘I dunno, I dunno why I bought them’ said Tom regretfully. ‘Do they take you back, to a happy place? Are they a stress reliever for you or something?’ His dad enquired. ‘I guess so, I’m sorry, I’ll throw them away, please don’t think I’m a weirdo or a sicko dad, please’ said Tom. ‘I don’t, I understand, if they relax you and you want to wear them that’s fine. I wore them myself for a bit when I was your age’. Tom immediately pulled his face out of his hands. That was an unexpected sentence. ‘What?’ Said Tom in shock. ‘I wore nappies as a stress reliever, to regress for a few years, never did me any harm, better than drugs or booze’. Said his dad dismissively. Tom didn’t know what to say, he just stared at his dad in shock, and in a strange sense, relief. His dad got up and gestured to Tom to get up and give him a hug. Tom obliged, got up and put his arms around his Dad. ‘You’re still shaking’ he said. ‘This might be the perfect time for one of those nappies’. Chapter 2 - Relief When Tom went back into his room the nappy was still there laying on the bed. Half of him desperately wanted to put it on the other half wanted to throw it out the window. Eventually the half that wanted to wear it won out and he started to unfurl it. After he’d just had permission to hadn’t he? He slowly pulled down his joggers, pulled down his boxers and sat himself on the nappy. He laid back for a moment and stared at the ceiling. “What am I doing?” He repeated to himself, but his desire to carry on pushed through and he slowly and carefully applied the 4 tapes of his Tena Maxi adult nappy. He slowly closed his legs. The nappy popped and crinkled as it resisted. The feeling was amazing, he could feel the stress of this bizarre day drain away. After a while his dad called up. ‘You can come down you know, I want to watch Traitors’. Tom and his Dad had been watching it on catchup together each evening. Tom stood up, his nappy crinkling, not overly loudly, but noticeably in a quiet room. He pulled the joggers over it and looked in the mirror. It wasn’t noticeable from the front. He made his way down and quickly sat in the chair, so his dad couldn’t notice or tell. Tom was hugely into the Traitors on TV, but his mind was elsewhere tonight. As his dad commented on it, he just managed the occasional “yeah” instead of the usual debate. Eventually it finished and his dad switched off the TV. He looked across at Tom expectantly. ‘So did you put one on?’ He asked. Tom paused for a moment. ‘Yeah’ he said shyly. ‘Feel better now?’ asked his Dad. Tom breathed out slowly. ‘Yeah, I guess I do’. He said eventually. ‘Good’ said his dad. If that’s all it takes to relax you, just wear them son, I won’t judge. ‘Can I ask a practical question though?’ ‘What?’ asked Tom uncertain. ‘Do you, wet yourself?’ His dad asked plainly. ‘No!’ exclaimed Tom, as if it was a ridiculous question. He’d worn three on his own, and it had not remotely occurred to him to wet them. It was just the feeling of the bulk he liked. He wasn’t about to start wetting himself! ‘I mean, it’s not a crazy thing to ask Tom’ his Dad said. ‘You’re wearing a nappy and I ask if you wet yourself’. There was an awkward pause. ‘Well, if you do have an accident, I’ll put some bin bags in your room. Take it off, ball it up, put it in the bag, tie it up and put it outside your door, I’ll get rid of it. Don’t put it in the bins in the house, they can smell after a bit’. ‘Oh for god sake dad, I don’t wet myself!’ Repeated Tom as he got up to leave the room. ‘Hey’ called his dad grabbing his arm. ‘Don’t walk off on me, I’m being understanding and supportive. ‘It was a perfectly reasonable question and I wanted to make sure we have a plan for it’. ‘I know, sorry Dad, it’s just weird that’s all’ said Tom genuinely. ‘I guess I’m just embarrassed, y’know’. ‘Yeah I get that son, wearing a nappy is embarrassing, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, people wear them for all sorts of reasons. As long as they’re helping you, it’s all good, I’m proud of you for talking to me about it at all and doing what makes you happy. I don’t think I could have handled it so well with my dad if he ever found mine’. Tom thought to ask his Dad if he ever wet his nappies, but it just felt too weird. Chapter 3 - The bathroom problem Tom stood in the bathroom cleaning his teeth, then habitually turned to the toilet to do a wee before getting into bed. As he went to grab it his hand slammed into his pad, not his boxers, opps. He reached inside and tried to pull it out the top, but he’s not that well endowed and it wouldn’t reach well enough even with the nappy pulled right down, he’d just pee all over himself. He tucked himself back down, squatted and reached into a leg guard. The guard was tight, but he managed to get the head out and point it to the toilet. He tried to go, but the pressure of the leg guard was stopping the flow. He squatted even more, and eventually wee squirted out, some in the loo, some up the wall and some in the bath. It was very awkward, and it had made a huge mess, but eventually he was done. He hurriedly started to clean up bathroom. Once in his room, he dropped his joggers, took off his t-shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. Like before, half of him thought he looked good with the nappy on, the other half thought he looked like a freak. For a moment he planned to take it off, but ultimately decided against it, he didn’t have many, he didn’t have any money and he didn’t want to waste it. He pulled on his pjs over the top of it. It took a while before he fell asleep, the feel of the nappy seemed somewhat overwhelming. It was keeping him awake, but eventually he did drop of. … He looked over at the clock with one eye, 3:10am. He woke up for a wee at this time every night. For a split second he thought about going in his nappy, but it was just a second. He made his way to the bathroom, where exactly the same thing happened as earlier, except worse, because this time he was half asleep. Like before he hurriedly cleaned up, to what he thought was a good standard, and made his way back to bed. … The following morning, he woke as usual and made his way downstairs. ‘Jam on toast?’ asked his Dad? ‘Yes please’ said Tom still a little sleepy. As his Dad made breakfast, he turned to Tom. ‘Ok, here’s something I gotta say’. He said. ‘If you’re going to wear those nappies in my house, I’d much rather you wee in it and cleanly dispose of it, than wee all over the bathroom’ he said waving the butter knife. ‘Sorry, I thought I cleared up’ said Tom in a bit of a panic. ‘I just need some practice, sorry’. ‘Tom’s’ dad turned around. ‘If you want to wear, but still use the loo. I’ll get you some pull-ups, but if you’re in those it’s just not really practical, unless you remove it, which of course pretty much ruins it. Tom thought again about asking his dad if he’d wet his, but like before it just felt odd and creepy to ask his dad that. ‘I’ll try sitting next time’ said Tom. Chapter 4 - A Subscription! It may surprise you to know that after his shower that day Tom put on regular underpants. He’d had his fill, in fact for the next 2 days, no more nappy and it was only mentioned a couple of times by his dad, gently enquiring whether he was wearing one or not. That doesn’t mean Tom hadn’t thought about what had happened virtually every waking minute. It was just that after the initial rush it just felt too awkward to go about his normal daily routine at home, in front of his dad, with a nappy on. That initial confidence had been lost. Tom was at his computer at about 11am, his Dad was in his study downstairs working. He’s a self employed accountant, he works from home most days, only occasionally going into the city to meet a client. There was a knock at the door. “Sign here please mate” Tom heard the delivery driver say, before several thud sounds. Tom made his way down curiously. In the hall his Dad was positioning 3 large boxes. ‘What you ordered?’ asked Tom. His dad stepped back with a big proud grin. ‘Open one’ he said. Tom stepped forward and pulled the tape off of the box on top and flapped it open. ‘Nappies!?!’ He said in shock. ‘Why have you ordered nappies?’ Tom said with a look of confusion on his face. ‘Because you told me you like to wear them, so I’ve ordered you them for you.’ Tom looked at the huge pile. 21 per pack, 3 in a box, 3 boxes. 189 nappies! ‘Well how many are you expecting me to get through?’ He asked incredulously. ‘I don’t know, but you save on delivery if you spend over £80 and get 10% off if you sign up for a subscription, so I got 3 cases’. ‘A subscription!’ Tom said almost shouting. ‘It’s ok, I can cancel it, there’s no commitment’ said his dad waving it off. ‘Look they’re there if you want one. You feel stressed, or just want one they are there. Take a pack up to your room, I’ll store the rest in the spare room’. Tom walked up to his room carrying his bag of nappies. He couldn’t decide what he thought about it. It had been great that his dad hadn’t freaked out, it had been a huge relief his dad was so supportive, but buying him 3 cases without asking? As Tom looked at the nappies in the pack on his bed next to him, he had an odd feeling. He wanted to put one on of course, but he also now felt this uncomfortable expectation from his that he would, and that if he didn’t his dad be oddly disappointed that he’d wasted his money. He put the pack to one side and made his way downstairs. He tapped on his dad’s study door. ‘I’ve got to ask dad, why have you ordered me three cases of nappies without asking me if I want them?’ His dad turned around on his office chair and took off his reading glasses. ‘Because son, if I’d have asked if you wanted me to order them you’d have said no, and I know you want them deep down. You can’t afford them, and you’d not order when I’m here even if you could, so I just ordered them for you. Save you the anxiety. You’re under no obligation, they’re there if you want them’. Chapter 5 - No obligation Tom’s days were not as full as they could be. He’d get up, have breakfast and then go on the job hunting sites. If there was anything to apply for, he’d apply for it. Generally though he was done by lunchtime and scratching around for something to do. Today was one of those days, he’d applied for one job, he didn’t really like the sound of it, but it was that or apply for nothing. He went over to the pack of nappies that had just arrived and pealed them open. They were the same make as the ones he’d bought, but these were the highest absorbency ‘Ultima’ version. He pulled one out, and held it. Just holding it in his hand gave him a buzz. He un furled it and felt the contrast been the smooth plastic outer shell and soft padded inside. It gave him a magical, warm and excited feeling inside. He slowly pulled down his jeans, then his boxers and laid himself on the bed. Slowly and carefully he pulled the nappy up snuggly between his legs and securely taped it on. Instantly the day went from empty and dull to a whirlwind of emotion. He no longer felt bored, he felt excited. The nappy, that his own dad had bought him no less, sat comfortably and reassuringly between his legs. He reached down and felt it. The bulk was considerable, his man parts locked away beneath the thick padding. He laid on his bed in just his t-shirt and nappy, just enjoying the moment for a while, before lifting himself up from his dreamlike state to stand. The nappy pushed between his legs. As his walked over to his mirror he could feel its presence with every step. He looked at himself in the mirror. He liked what he saw, he thought it looked both cute and smart all at the same time. … “Knock-knock” ‘Hi son I’m done, fancy a walk?’ Called his dad through the door. Tom dived to the floor to grab his jeans and then tried to pull them on in a panic. As he did, his door started to open. Before long he was standing there in front of his dad, trousers half up in a t-shirt and nappy. ‘Ah, you tried one’ said his dad. ‘Like em?’ ‘Err yeah’ said Tom. ‘A bit thicker’ ‘Yeah, I thought well, if you do wet yourself, these will last you a bit longer’. Replied his dad. Tom didn’t know how to reply to that. His instinct was to say ‘I don’t wet myself’ like before, but in truth he was thinking about giving it a go, given how difficult it was to use the loo. ‘I can’t go for a walk in this’ said Tom, pointing to his nappy. ‘Why?’ asked his dad. ‘Err, why do you think?’ Replied Tom. ‘No, genuinely Tom I don’t know why’ his dad replied. ‘Tell me’ ‘People will notice!!’ said Tom. ‘Who’s going to notice?’ said his dad incredulously. ‘You can’t tell it’s there under clothes’ he said confused. ‘It’s a private thing, no one knows what underwear you’ve got on, get over yourself’. Tom finished buttoning up his jeans. They were actually a little tight with his Tena Ultima nappy underneath. ‘I’m going to take it off’ he said as he started unbuttoning again. ‘Right’ said his dad authoritatively. ‘I’m supportive, but to a point. I won’t have piss all over the bathroom and I’m not having you waste nappies by putting them on, then just taking them off again moments later. They’re expensive. Do up your bloody trousers and stop being silly’ Tom didn’t really know what to say. He stopped unbuttoning. ‘Does it really not show?’ ‘No son, it doesn’t’. Now come on it’s a nice day, let’s get some fresh air. … As Tom walked along the bulk of the nappy was present with every step. Both he and his dad were fast walkers, but in his nappy and tight jeans he was struggling to keep up a little. It was a beautiful day. They went to the park, had an ice cream and on the way back walked past the local pub. ‘Fancy a cheeky pint?’ Asked his dad. They often went into the pup together. ‘Yeah, why not’ said Tom. They both had a couple of pints before it was time to leave. They didn’t talk about Toms nappy at all, mostly about the Traitors on TV. ‘Ok, I’m going to pop to the loo and then we’ll head off’ said his Dad. ‘Ah yeah, me too’ said Tom. His dad stopped and looked at him. ‘You do make me laugh, why are you doing it to yourself? You can’t wee all over the floor in a public bathroom, it’s rude and disrespectful’. Tom looked at him, kinda accepting that he had a point. Whilst it felt so crazy to wet himself, as his dad became more accepting and as Tom was waddling around in the nappy anyway, it felt increasingly silly to not use it for what it was designed for. ‘The thing is son’ said his dad. ‘They deteriorate after 4-6 hours anyway, so you gotta change it whether you use it or not, you may as well use it. Tom stood and waited whilst his dad went to the loo. He was breaking his neck, but he couldn’t go. Something in his brain was telling him no. He couldn’t just wet himself right there in the middle of the pub! As they walked back, Tom was getting increasingly desperate and his dad noticed. Tom was walking quicker and quicker and couldn’t stop grabbing his crotch. His bladder felt like it was going to burst. ‘Stop walking a minute’ said his dad, stopping himself. Tom stopped, the urge unbearable. ‘If you don’t let it go you’ll hurt your kidneys. That’s what I did, it was agony for days. That’s why I’m trying to help you. Just go, you don’t have to be embarrassed in front of me’ With that Tom’s bladder burst, right there in the street. Wee poured uncontrollably into his nappy. He stared desperately at his jeans in the full expectation that wee would be pouring down them, but it was not. What he could feel though was his nappy expanding and getting larger and tighter in his jeans. After what felt like forever, he stopped. ‘Come on then’ said his said. As Tom walked on the nappy felt completely different to before. It was much much bulkier, oddly to him though it didn’t feel at all wet. It had clearly absorbed all the wee and left him dry, which was pretty amazing actually, who’d have thought they’d work so well? It felt so strange yet at the same time so comforting to have had an accident and been protected by his nappy. It also made him feel small, having just stood there in front of his dad and wet himself. As they walked along his dad turned to him and chuckled. ‘So I guess that answers my question. You do wet yourself.’ Chapter 6 - Something awkward Over the next few days Tom had worn a nappy on and off, even when wearing all but a couple of very carefully managed wees has been in the toilet, with great difficulty. He was really conflicted about whether to wear one or not. Even though his dad was fine with it, almost encouraging it, he was still embarrassed to talk about it, and felt a little silly with it on. Things had been reasonably normal. His dad had enquired occasionally as to the state of his nappy, but it wasn’t often. Just things like. “If you’re wet son, don’t forget to change regularly”. His dad had also bought him some powders and creams and impressed upon him the importance of good skin care and hygiene. “Wearing nappies isn’t dirty or gross son, but you do need to up your game on hygiene and skin care” he’d said. … As they sat and watched tv that evening, Tom decided he’d do a wee in his nappy. He stood and after a few odd movements he started to wet himself. ‘Good lad, I notice you’re getting better at that’ said his dad. Tom stood a while longer until he’d finished, then sat back down in his now wet nappy and finally said something that was increasingly bothering him. ‘Dad’ he said. ‘Can I ask you something really awkward?’ His dad switched off the tv and looked at him with suspicion. ‘Okaaay’ he said slowly, Tom took a deep breath. ‘Do you like me in nappies?’ He eventually asked. ‘What do you mean?’ asked his dad. ‘Well, like just then, and other times, you seem to be encouraging it. Like you want me to be in nappies and wet myself and stuff’ asked Tom. His dad moved his gaze away for a moment thinking about what he was going to say. Eventually he returned to Tom. ‘It’s not about me, it’s about you son. I just want you to have what I never had, an understanding parent during this part of your life. It’s obviously in our genes to like this. I’ve passed it on to you. I want it to be as easy and enjoyable as possible for you to go through. Not like my experience. I’d have loved my dad to have accepted my nappy wearing, but I never got it, and I never got to find out what he would have done or said.’ ‘I see’ said Tom. ‘Granddad never knew?’ What would you have wanted granddad to do or say?’ Asked Tom. ‘I’d have liked him to say it’s fine, I’d have liked acceptance, I’d have liked….to have…well it doesn’t matter’. ‘No do say’ said Tom. ‘Heck, we’re beyond holding back aren’t we?’ Tom’s Dad paused for a considerable time. ‘I’d have liked him to change me. BUT that doesn’t mean I’m asking to change you!’ He blurted out Tom sat there, looking at his Dad. ‘Do you want to change me then?’ He asked gingerly. ‘No, No!’ said his dad definitely. ‘That’s not what I meant, I wish I’d not said that’ ‘You don’t want to, or you feel like you don’t want to ask?’ ask Tom. His dad looked increasingly uncomfortable. ‘I can’t do this’ he said starting to stand. Tom grabbed his arm like he had his a couple of days before’. His dad sat back down. ‘What do you want from this?’ Asked Tom. ‘Why are you so supportive? Why are you buying them for me?’ Asked Tom ‘Son please’ said his dad desperately trying to end the conversation. ‘No, come on dad, we gotta have this discussion’ insisted Tom. His dad started to claw at the said of the chair. ‘Because I remember how much I wanted to go back into nappies, and if I’m honest a part of me still does want to occasionally. I remember bottling it up for years, the anxiety of trying it, hiding it, feeling wrong and weird. When I discovered you’d inherited this from me I decided I didn’t want you to go through what I did. I wanted you to be yourself, be happy, fulfil your desires, be content in yourself’. Tom didn’t know what to say. His dad went on. ‘And if I’m completely honest, I want to share in your joy of it, in a way I never got to. Sorry I know that’s selfish, I don’t want to put you under any pressure, this mustn’t be about me’. ‘I really do appreciate that dad, thanks so much’ said Tom as he came over for a hug. ‘Have I got it right?’ His dad asked ‘What do you mean?’ Asked Tom ‘Do they make you feel how I think they do?’ ‘They do make me feel happy and relaxed’ said Tom. ‘A kind of contentment I’ve not felt in a long time’. ‘Then tell me son, tell me why you shouldn’t wear them as much as you want?’ After a long pause ‘When I say I’m not asking to change you, please don’t think it’s because I wouldn’t. If you asked I’d be right there for you, but I’d never put you under any pressure to, you know that don’t you?’ ‘Yeah I know that dad’ said Tom. ‘I’m not sure that’s something I could handle, at least not now’.
I'm asking this because I've done this before and will do so again. Has anyone else done this and if so what are your experiences.
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CHAPTER ONE: It all started from a phone call from my wife Susie,"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?,.....YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME AN HOUR AGO..YOU NEED TO GET HERE DAMN QUICK..NOW JOHNATHAN ..WE NEED A SERIOUS TO TALK ! ".What the hell is all this about I thought.Susie could be quite assertive if she had to be .Susie was typically reserved ,quite sweet, kind to others,always helpful .Her stunning looks have no doubt helped her promotion working work a large international law firm.She looked amazing for a 41 year old and she has maintained her slim figure .In addition to model like looks her ample 34 B breasts and long straight dark brown hair that reaches just beyond her bra strap caught my eye and that of many .Her friendly dark brown eyes can melt a mans heart, she receives plenty of male attention and I consider my self the envy of all my friends and those of her own male colleagues .I on the other hand am often described as "cute". I'm quite slim not very muscular and the same height as susie, 5ft 7 tall .We had met several years before and eventually got together after a lot of flirting.It was a month or so into our relationship that we finally went to bed together.The main reason was although I was only a year older my sexual experiences were very limited ,only half a dozen sexual conquests that didn't usually last long.Susie has had quite a few relationships, short flings ,long term relationships and even the occasional one night stand.Two things caused me turmoil and anxiety. What would she think the first time I stood naked in front of her and how and when should I explain my sissy adult baby fetish ,I didn't want to scare her off. The truth of the matter was I was so nervous about Susie seeing me naked for the first time knowing that some of her ex's were tall well built men, according to Susie they were mostly "self centered selfish macho dicks and was fed up of that type" she explained to me. I suppose she found my soft gentle side completely different to the men she was usually attracted to .As for my own relationships these typically ended abruptly, girlfriends showing a look of disappointment when we finally got naked .A few made feeble excuses not to take the relationship further "its not working out or I think we are not compatable " .I knew the real reason and it had nothing to do with being compatable outside the bedroom.I knew I was different to most men because I have always been teased about my penis size especially when I was in my mid teens at school. I measure, fully erect about 3 inches and my penis is quite a lot thinner than average ,roughly 3 .5 inches in circumference I would guess ....at most .One or two girlfriends laughed when seeing me naked for the first time and I'm convinced the relationships ended due to my lack of size. I could only satisfy them with my tongue. Vicky, a petite and very attractive ex girlfriend was aware of my sissy baby clothing after she caught me one night ,she had her own key to my apartment and let herself in one evening when she said she was going out with friends I wasn't expecting her .She was taken back when she saw me in my pink frilly satin baby dress with matching frilly satin knickers .She found it funny but she really didn't mind me dressing up.Vicky was very broad-minded " you actually look really cute as a baby girl ...that dress ,the nappy and those plastic pants and frilly baby knickers they really do suit you in more ways than one babe" she giggled. Vicky was so accepting of me.I fell deeply in love with her.On the nights she came over to mine she would sometimes dress me up as a baby girl .I loved making love to her and we pretended I was her baby daughter . After several months I began to notice she was feeling more and more unhappy.We hardly ever had sex anymore, She would put me in my nappy plastic pants and frilly satin baby knickers with one of her short nighties or a baby dress and give me a baby bottle.She would then go to her gym class or meet "friends". She returned later and later each time, a bit subdued not saying much ,I thought it was the stress of working in a busy office. Finally after one night she came home after midnight. .I was all dressed up the the baby clothes she had put me in, but this time in a short nightie instead of a baby dress."don't wait up tonight baby I might be late " .I was awake laying on the bed when she came in. "We need to talk she said to me looking a bit guilty. She laid next to me and gave me a hug ."I have a confession Johnathan and there's no easy way to say this ..but I have been seeing someone from they gym" ."I have only been seeing him a few weeks and its made me think about our relationship". I began to cry and she cuddled me saying how sorry she was."I'm really sorry for hurting you".Finally Vicky simply explained why things were not good our relationship,she was being brutally honest and informed me as sensitively as she could "..you just dont measure up Johnathan..you never have and never will ...I dont want to hurt your feelings but I just want to be honest unlike those other girls who you went out with,.... its our sex life ...its not good.... I .... I. cant feel you .. when you are inside me ,and ....I find this very awkward ...its very frustrating ....I'm so ..so very sorry ...its not going to work out between us".I will never forget her gorgeous features, that lovely kind caring smile as she put her arm around me and kissed me on the cheek but those words struck home .It made me feel so inadequate as a man but strangely at the same time I had a very stiff erection when she told me the facts .I was basically a useless lover because I was just too small for her." I had so many questions to ask "so when I've been waiting for you to come home....you have been with this other guy".Vicky paused and then nodded ...yes ."Have you slept with him" I asked fearing the reply.Vicky nodded her head .." yes ..just a few times... at my friends house when she's been away on business". my breathing got heavier as tears rolled down my cheeks...I had to ask but knew the answer...is he erm is he bigger..than ..Vicky realized what I was about to ask. "Does he have a bigger penis than you ? ..well yes ...of course...sorry but ..its the truth" .By now my cock was hard in my nappy and I think she sensed it. " How much bigger" Vicky began to smile and looked embarrassed "well if you want the facts..the full truth yes he's much bigger... about 4 inches bigger,...he's about 7 inches infact. She had now placed her hand on me ,touching my penis through my nappy and knickers...rubbing me very gently sensing this was turning me on."she whispered into my ear...thats why I'm late home...he's been fucking me ...fucking me with his much bigger cock whilst you've been here...here..in your frilly pink baby girl clothes " "She took my hand and placed it up her dress and into her panties.She was soaking "no no I said but she went on to tell me in detail how good it felt." Yes baby he made me cum... feel how wet I am...feel his cum".She rubbed at my penis until I came into my nappy. We were no longer together she choosing to sleep in my spare room for the next several weeks. Vicky made sure I was dressed in my baby girl clothes when she went out to meet this guy and when she got back she would leave her used knickers on my pillow. Eventually Vicky moved out finding her own place. At first Susie didn't appear to mind that I was so small but as our relationship developed I could tell she was frustrated in the bedroom.I had witnessed the same body on Vicky ,she would lay there looking up at the ceiling ,there was no passionate sounds or moans coming from her unless I gave her oral sex.language on and now Susie was displaying that same lack of pleasure.We tried all kinds of positions,Susie is very adventurous you might say but my issue was always the same as with any girl, I would quite often slip during intercourse.In the end Susie got that annoyed she told me I was "rubbish in bed" ,she began telling me "sex had been much better with her previous much bigger boyfriends" .The only position she got any sort of real penetration was with her legs over my shoulders or doggy style but she eventually admitted she could hardly feel me inside her especially when she became "wet".After a few years of married life she eventually decided enough was enough we couldn't carry on like this so a few weeks ago she went out and bought some sex toys, one was quite a large thick vibrator at least twice my size, then came the penis extension sheaths "these will add an extra 2 inches to your length sweetheart please lets try ...try them for me"....much to my shame I did. I wanted to please her and I would do anything she asked of me.Susie loves me and I love her to bits but the vibrator and penis extensions were "a poor substitute for the real thing" she said after one of our recent nights of sex. I wished to have a bigger penis so I could give her what she needed however I also has a masochist side that derived a certain pleasure knowing I was unable to sexually satisfy my lovely stunning wife. As I entered the marital home we had bought together I was curious why my wife was so angry on the phone ,what have I done that's caused her to be so angry, she's usually so sweet. Susie came right up to me and slapped me across the face " WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS?" she said holding the bag that contained all my frilly baby clothing and magazines subjects of adult babies and sissies. Shit I thought how the hell do I get out of this one how did she managed to find it ?."I...I..er " .I felt myself go bright red, I began to shake.I was stunned into a complete mumbling wreck."YOU ACTUALLY LIKE TO DRESS UP AS A BABY,..?......A LITTLE BABY GIRL." emphasizing the last part of her sentence in a mocking tone.She was holding up a pair of my very frilly pink satin panties with matching lace trim on the front and rear."Yes ..yes .I stuttered...I....I cant help it,its always been a fetish that I cant control". I confessed hoping she would understand.Susie stood there for a moment and then her face turned from one of anger to one of her naughty smiles ."Thought so,....Carol and Cindy were here this morning. I asked them to come over for some advice after I found your hidden bag of baby clothes.Carol said its just an harmless fetish but suggested looking at your computer history to see if you were cheating on me with professional dominatrix's .Susie's tone changed anger to sarcasm . "So, after we finished examining your secret stash of frilly knickers , dresses and books we found some very interesting files on your computer ..oh yes ...Cindy poor girl if I had known what was on your computer I wouldn't asked her but she know a bit about computers, she found all those images you had saved ... whats SPH she asked ?... whats a cuckold" ? "I felt ashamed to be married to you" ."Poor Cindy looked quite embarrassed especially when she found the pictures you have taken of yourself , all those photos of you in your baby clothes, yes the ones of you dressed up in frilly pink baby knickers..,nappies and dresses," " he looks so silly i ..why does he want to wear baby girl clothes" ? "She asked me... ,What could I say to her ,thankfully Carol was wise enough to know a bit about sissy adult babies and cuckolding from her line of work ,very informative she is".Yes we had a very very interesting hour reading about those subjects" I was unable to reply ,I just stood looking at the floor as Susie vented her disappointment at me . I was lost in my thoughts knowing that her friends knew my big secret now and how could I look them in the eye ever again. Cindy and Carol were both related and lived close by They would often go out together with Susie to bars on Friday evenings.Carol was an attractive woman with long blonde hair , a couple of years younger than Susie, perhaps late 30's and recently divorced .Cindy was carols 18 year old niece, a very attractive college student with stunning brown sexy eyes with a sexy figure ,nice firm breasts and a great ass ,she had nice long mousy colored straight hair that reached just beyond her bra strap..Even Cindy's mum Lucy was a stunner, good looks certainly ran through their family.Cindy was never without a boyfriend on her arm and I secretly lusted for her, in my own imagination I wondering how big her boyfriends cock is ,I pictured Cindy on her back being fucked by this young stud .I got on very well with Cindy and and when she spent the night I would often help her with college work .she had no time for her step-father ,they just didn't get on very well . I could have died with shame as Susie continued to explain what they had found on my computer . ."Nearly all the files contain stories of husbands turned into baby girls by their wives.... and one of your magazines.."sissies get cuckolded" relates to men whose wives sleep with other men because they are not manly enough or have tiny baby cocks...,infact you have book marked one of the pages with a certain story ,a story about this husband who is forced by his wife to spend the rest of his life dressed as a baby girl while she sees other men,....does that sort of thing turn you on dear ....or should I now say baby girl ?" Susie was being more sarcastic coupled with that wicked smile I had seen so many times before. Her manner was now more controlled ."Its just a fantasy....nothing more." I said hoping to convince her. "Well Carol thinks this is what you actually secretly desire,.something you want to happen because you have so much of this on that computer she said it all fits your personality.... the way you are and its backed up by the baby clothing and your physical attributes .Carol said she thinks you are a masochist .. submissive to women and have a need to be emasculated and humiliated.. AND I ALSO THINK THAT". "Carol suggested I SHOULD SEE OTHER MEN ...A REAL MAN... A WELL ENDOWED MAN BECAUSE A WOMAN HAS NEEDS AND YOU CAN'T CLEARLY MEET THOSE NEEDS" ."Yes hun. sorry to have to tell you this but.. Carol has been aware of your small problem for a while and Cindy also now ....and why ? BECAUSE .....IDIOT YOU LEFT SOME VERY INTERESTING PHOTOS ON YOUR COMPUTER ...BESIDES THE ONES IN YOUR SWEET BABY CLOTHES THERE'S SOME WITH YOUR TINY LITTLE COCK ON SHOW...YES THAT RIGHT.. LOTS OF PHOTOS OF YOU LIFTING UP YOUR DRESS WITH YOUR STUPID FRILLY KNICKERS PULLED DOWN AND YOUR TINY ERECTION ON FULL DISPLAY SUCKING ON A BABY'S DUMMY ,WITH A PAIR OF MY PANTIES .....YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS IN THOSE PICTURES YOU STUPID FOOL" .Carol and Cindy found these photos highly amusing and a little embarrassing,...especially poor Cindy ,," she could not stop laughing and feels sorry for you because of your little problem.She thinks its a bit weird and kinky I'm sure she will tell all her friends about you.... and show them the pictures. ..well now she certainly has my permission as long as your name and face are kept out of the pics and texts I told her". "Carol has known for some time about YOUR LACK OF SIZE...NOT TO MENTION MY UNSATISFACTORY SEX LIFE "They both think you are no longer a man and I SHOULD TAKE A LOVER ." I could not argue with her point.I could not believe that she's told Carol about my penis size and allowed them to access my computer files on subjects relating cuckolding and small penis humiliation, in addition to my sissy baby fetish and those bloody photos I should have been more careful. I kept saying to myself over and over again I have been an idiot. I was still blushing bright red and began to shake in fear once more .I remained quiet and was unable to look my pretty wife . Eventually I went up to my den ,a converted room where I keep my computer .I lay on the bed to take in what had happened leaving Susie down stairs to think things over,she "needed some space to consider what kind of man she's married " she told me firmly. CHAPTER TWO: That night in bed susie was noticeably calmer .We talked a lot more about what Susie and her friends had discovered about my secret life. She had so many questions to ask, wanting to know if "this sissy adult baby thing and cuckolding actually turned me on or was it the baby clothes that I got pleasure from.. was I still attracted to her" ? I was totally honest telling her I loved the feeling of dressing up in pretty frilly baby girl clothes with nappies and plastic pants and that the cuckold thing and SPH was an added fetish fantasy and nothing more. Susie paused for a moment then she asked if I would dress up for her, she wanted to see me as a baby girl perhaps she could get her "head round all this" she informed me.I was so happy thinking she was willing to accept my sissy baby fetish or at least give it a try so I readily agreed.I excitedly gathered up my baby clothing from from the bag and went into the en suit bathroom to change.Soon I had on my frilly pink see-through baby doll nightie ,fluffy cloth terry nappy,plastic pants and a pair of pale pink satin baby panties which were covered in frills and tiny satin bows.I nervously went back into the bedroom where Susie lay waiting.She burst out laughing .. "Awwwww...you do look very cute.....ridiculous but very cute ...just like a baby girl...ha ha .. now what shall we call you?..have you got a girls name name"? "Yes.... I called my self Jenny" I replied feeling foolish."ooh Jenny .. how sweet..Is that because your name is Johnathon?"."I think so "..I said feeling a bit stupid now, my wife still smiling and using a sarcastic mocking tone again.She began to baby talk me, pouting ," awwww my poor hubby all dwessed up like a ickle sissy baby girl in his nappith and fwilly pink baby panties " She indicated for me to sit by her on the bed.I sat beside her and she placed her hand on my thigh then slowly up my short nightie until she reached my knickers .Susie began to feel the front of my bulging frilly satin baby knickers.She could feel the plastic pants and thick cloth nappy underneath the lace frills,Susie rubbed away at the crotch of my knickers ,my minuscule manhood encased in its fluffy confines became aroused immediately and I almost climaxed with excitement as she whispered - "Oh my darling what a cute baby girl you ,I bet you like how these frilly things make you feel ..yes that soft satin fabric all those frills and your nappy and plastic baby pants ... soo sissyish....you really do look like a baby girl.....a sissy baby .I have always wanted a baby girl and now I have one" . "I will your Mummy....don't worry ". I was so relieved to hear these words. We began to have sex,she lay down and grabbed my arm pulling me on top of her. Susie was still fully clothed,wearing her black mid thigh length satin skirt and cream colored silky blouse.She pulled her white silky panties to the side and then reached up to pull my rigid penis out of the leg opening of my own frilly knickers.Using her thumb and finger she guided me into her loose vagina. I was so turned on at making love to my beautiful sexy wife while I was dressed up like a baby girl .My little penis hammering into her .She urged me to suck her breasts like" babies do" she told me that from now on I had to call her " mummy" and she would now call me by my sissy name.."Jenny".I began to make little whimpering sounds as I tried to drive my penis as deep as I could into her slippery sex.She cradled me to her large breasts, encouraging me to tell her my secret desires and that she would pander to my " little baby needs".I was so happy she called me her little baby,.. "Come on BABY JENNY.. she said getting impatient .TELL ME WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT ... DO YOU REALLY WANT TO BE A BABY GIRL ..DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE FUN OF YOUR TINY LITTLE BABY PENIS EH, ...DO YOU WANT ME TO SLEEP WITH ANOTHER MAN "? ...I moaned with pleasure..."oh mummy...mummy YESSS I WANT TO BE YOUR BABY GIRL BUT ..... NO ...OH PLEASE . NO. PLEASE PLEASE DON'T SLEEP WITH ANOTHER MAN OH ... I DON'T KNOW MUMMY ..I'M SCARED ...I'M SO SCARED YOU MIGHT LEAVE ME IF YOU DO , ...BUT.... I KNOW I CAN'T PLEASURE YOU LIKE ANOTHER MAN CAN.I didn't do a good job of trying to convince Susie and I suspect she knew I wanted to be her cuckold. I paused do I tell her I want to be her cuckold as well as her baby .. what will she think ...will she really sleep with someone else ? My anxiety and emotions along with all this excitement got the better of me and I began crying,tears rolling down my cheeks as I shamefully buried my face in her long dark hair telling her that yes I wanted her to fuck another man. "YES ...YES SUSIE I'M SORRY HUN BUT YES IT TURNS ME ON SO VERY MUCH...I CANT STOP. THINKING ABOUT YOU IN BED WITH SOMEONE ELSE ...A BIGGER MAN, ...COS I'M JUST A PATHETIC SISSY ...AND I JUST WANT TO BE A BABY GIRL, I WANT TO BE YOUR SISSY BABY GIRL , SUSIE .... TO BE TREATED AS BABY GIRL BY YOU AND AND A MAN, TO BE YOUR CUCKOLD " . "Oh darling thank you ....thank you so much for telling mummy the truth ,mummy loves her baby very much. So baby Jenny you just want me to dress you up in lots of frilly baby clothes and treat you like a baby girl. ..we can carry on as normal but except you will be a full time baby ..within our home of course ..and you won't have a problem if I bring home another man to share mummy's bed."? "A man that can make make mummy feel good? " . "Yeth mummy I want another man to fuck you and make you cum on his big cock ".I was betraying my innermost feelings and cried out to her that I wanted to be her baby girl ...".I will do anything you ask if I can be your baby". I knew what I was saying,telling loyal loving wife my secret yearning that had remained in my psyche all my life, baring my soul and confessing to "mummy" my sissy girly desires. " But mummy where will I sleep if you have a man in our bed " .Susie stroked my head then her hands wandered down my back , sliding down the chiffon fabric of my pale pink nightie util they rested on my frilly behind.Susie began to pat the back of my frilly panties,we could both hear the plastic pants rustling,she began to laugh softly at the noise it was making,Susie whispered into my ear " Oh baby you are silly ,mummy's bed will be for my boyfriends ,for real men ..you will you are such a good girl oh mummy can hear baby Jenny's plastic baby pants .awwww ..these will protect your nappy from any wee wee's won't they darling" .She did this for several minutes all the time whispering to me that she now understands and every thing will be alright,"her little girl would always be safe and loved".Oh what joy I thought as I pumped my puny tiny penis into her."The thing is Jonathan...sorry I mean Jenny..now that you are my baby.. mummy WILL need a boyfriend..,...because wives like to feel sexy and obviously I will require some attention from a real man, ...yes a real man with a nice big cock from time .Do you understand what I'm saying,... I know you would not object to me taking a lover because you have just said so , you admit you want to be a baby girl... a sissy baby cuckold just like those stories we found on your computer".Susie was talking in such a caring soft loving way which really made me feel so loved but was so matter of fact taking a lover. I was confused ,did she really want to have sex with another man or was she playing at my fantasy ? Yes I now wanted her to sleep with someone but she was actually going to go through with it ? .I continued my feeble attempts to penetrate Susie deep enough, to try and satisfy her she urged me on more and more ,pulling hard at the back my frilly knickers ...pulling me as deep as I could into her vagina. I was so excited by what she had whispered in my ears ,the thought of Susie being thoroughly pounded by another man made my girly moans more louder, re enforcing I would have no objection, on the contrary I wanted to be her baby cuckold.My desire to be a sissy baby girl created a need for humiliation. .".Oh mummy,....pleases dont take a lover..please.I didn't mean it I dont want you to..mummy ...I dont want to see another man fuck you with his huge penis...no...no" . I whimpered into her ear as I neared my climax Her long dark silky hair mixed with her perfume smelled so good . I told her again and again how much I wanted to be her baby girl forever .She obviously knew this was all part of my fantasy and began telling me how she would bring home a lover and fuck him in front of me whilst I'm dressed as a baby girl and that they would laugh at me for being such a wimp. "No please no I sobbed. "Shhhhh baby it will all work out for the best and if you give me any trouble I will ask my big strong lover to put you across his knee and spank your frilly bottom" .Susie giggled then burst out laughing as I told her I was about to cum,she knew what buttons to press,what turned me on now that I had been so open about things Susie now laughing much more louder began calling me a wimp. she took great pleasure telling me it would excite her to see me being spanked. "I will take photos of him boyfriend spanking you across his knee baby ...yes lots of humiliating photos shall I show them to Carol and Cindy so they can have a laugh"? ."I will even help him pull your nappy and panties down so he can spank your bare botty.....yess I know you would really enjoy that wouldn't you baby girl" No please NO PLEASE I sobbed getting into my fantasy "ssshhhh...baby Jenny ...sshhhhh,I know you want this to happen and its going to !" I have arranged a date with Jake tomorrow,...you know Jake.. the guy I sometimes have to work late with" ."We have been flirting quite a lot recently we have become a bit closer since he split up with his girlfriend" ."Yes baby over the last couple of months we have had the occasional after work meals and business functions with other with colleagues but we always are the last two to leave. He's quite a man, any way my pretty baby I had to call in at work today to sign some urgent papers for him even though it was my day off.He thanked me and invited me out for a drink and boy did I need one after seeing your baby clothes and computer stuff" ."I perhaps had more wine than I should have and well er.Susie paused for a moment to see my reaction ,she looked at me intensely ,those dark brown eyes looking deep into my own and detecting my sudden angst she softened her tone to lessen the impact of what she was going to say . Susie continued with what sounded like a confession."oh baby I'm so sorry darling but I found my self telling him what I had found out about your secret it was such a shock to me this secret you have kept from me all this time.. your computer searches and files..., baby gear and your fetish.I ended up telling him everything because I was still quite upset about it. ... he's such a good listener and we talked about it". "He put his arm around me when he saw how upset and confused I was and I just felt the urge to kiss him on the lips and he responded the way I wanted him to ... it felt so good to be held by a big strong man like Jake " ."I have fancied him for ages and I will end up in bed with him there;s little doubt about that". "We later sat in his car and we kissed again and well we got carried away he pushed his hand up my skirt and touched me down there it felt so good so I kept his hand their until he made me cum in my panties whilst I felt his huge penis over his trousers...oh baby he's so big.She reached over the side of the bed whilst I was still on top of her and picked up the freshly worn knickers she had worn earlier .He told me if you want him to fuck me you have to wear my wet cummy knickers over your head ..so baby do you want him to do you want to wear my stained silky panties so you can sniff them"? I nodded my head wow this is so humiliating, she took the soft white satin panties and showed me the damp stains in the crotch before slipping them over my head.I could still smell her cum "So baby he's now fully aware of your fetish and I must confess I let him see the photos of you in your dresses and baby knickers and those photos of you with your penis ...your tiny little penis poking out of you're nappy and panties" ."He found them highly amusing baby ..very funny,..hilarious in fact but strange... he even asked if you were gay". Oh my god I thought who is this guy Jake. is this going to actually happen ,what Susie was saying sounded very sincere ...she really was going to sleep with this Jake .I carried on making love to her my lovely Susie as she recounted the details of her meeting with this man Jake.This revelation made me feel more excited than I have ever been. "He said I deserve to be with a man not a little boy" .I told him I need to be with a man... a man that can meet my sexual needs ...a sex buddy and I trusted him to be discreet " ." He's happy to help out in the bedroom department Johnathan and he said if you want to watch us make love you have to be in your sweet baby clothes...okay baby"? He said a beautiful woman like me needs a man and I Simply agreed,telling him how useless you were in bed" ."We did have a right laugh at those photos hun and he made me feel so much better".He could have fucked me in the car if he wanted to but he had another meeting to go to and so i went shopping before coming home. This was all too much to take in and my tempo increased until I finally exploded into mummy..."YES MUMMY YES MUMMY YES ...YES I WANT TO WATCH HIM FUCK YOU COS. I'M A BIG SISSY BABY GIRL WITH A TINY BABY COCK"." Awwwww dats.. wite ... sweety,.. mummy needs a real man,.....a real man with a big thick cock..... like Jake is supposed to have,..I have heard the rumors about him from some of the ladies at work and noticed the large bulge in those trousers he wears to the office..yes I want to feel him inside me..poor baby you're just too small for mummy" . Her words though humiliating were softly spoken in a maternal voice.I erupted into my sexy wife ,a powerful orgasm my best ever and she knew it.Susie kissed me on my forehead like mothers do to their children and patted my frilly padded bottom ..."good girl I knew you wouldn't mind " We lay there for a while,I hadn't given Susie an orgasm but I felt she was going to get one very soon .We fell asleep in each others arms. CHAPTER THREE: The next day,Saturday, Susie was busy getting things ready for her date .Carol and Cindy were there up stairs in our room choosing an outfit for her occasion,her big night.Finally they selected a short black satin dress with a split up one side. which she wore some very expensive lingerie bought that morning specially.It consisted of a white silky bra with lace panels and similar matching satin full bum panties that were high cut ,she didn't like thongs .The matching suspender belt was also made from a satin and lace fabrics.A pair of tan colored stockings with lace tops completed her lingerie ." He's going to ravish you when he see's you in these sexy undies " Carol said excitedly ."Who my hubby" Susie said laughing, of course not, Jake is going to get the benefit of your sexy undies" Cindy chimed in laughing.They all looked at me as I laid there on the bed watching her get dressed for her date with Jake.She looked so sexy as she began fastening the stockings to the suspender belt ,"WOW YOU LOOK GREAT" Carol said and began to help her zip up the rear of her dress It was a strange sensation watching my wife get ready to meet another man..Her friends helped with her makeup and hair adding some sexy perfume to the finishing touches.She looked fantastic,..stunning,..sexy as hell and I was so jealous she would be meeting another man."You look lovely "Cindy gushed "This Jake is gonna be so lucky she said excitedly". "Come on Jenny time to get you ready baby girl" my wife said mockingly.She grabbed me by the hand and led me to the spare room "this will be your nursery from now on".I turned to see Carol and Cindy sniggering self-consciously I was slowly undressed out of my man clothes and then directed to I lay on the single bed , completely naked before the three women .I placed my hands in front of my crotch to hide my manhood but Susie slapped my legs "don't be silly they have seen a penis before". Laughter and the occasional giggle had me in complete embarrassment. "Gosh Susie.. he's so tiny I have never seen such a small penis on a grown man before ...not in the flesh ..and ..well only in medical research photo "Carol stated, almost as if in a state of shock.Cindy was a bit embarrassed initially by my nakedness then she spoke directly at me " It looks so much smaller than it does on those photos Johnathan ..how sad ..poor you ..I babysit a 4 year old boy with a much bigger penis that " .They all laughed at that comment.My hairless body including my genitals was sponged down,my tight little testicles and small penis given maximum attention by Susie as Carol and Cindy observed " All little babies need to be kept clean" Carol mocked. "Yes especially baby girls " laughed Cindy . Then the ladies set about my transformation.Pulling out all my baby clothes from the wardrobe and placing them on the bed beside me .Baby girl dresses in soft pale pink satin and white lace ,a few in white satin ,also baby doll nighties in pink chiffon and pale pink satin, matching frilly pink satin panties or white and cream ones in sissy baby style,.dozens of them,cloth nappies and .lots and lots of plastic panties in pink and clear, frilly ankle socks.Cindy and selected some frilly pink ruffled satin panties ,with lots of lace on the front and rear "these are so girly and babyish don't you think baby" she said looking at me with a smile on her face.She held them up for Susie and Carol to look at them,they nodded that these would be prefect for me to wear tonight . Susie produced a blonde wig with pony tails complete with pink satin ribbons she had bought earlier in the day, she was gone quite a while I thought and I wondered what else she may purchased ?. "Hes got more knickers than me" Carol said astonished as she and Cindy looked in my new bedroom drawers now labeled BABY KNICKERS .Cindy began pulling the frilly satin baby knickers out one by one bemused at just how sissy and frilly they looked. "Oh look at all these baby panties ...so cute aren't they I bet your hubby looks so babyish and girly wearing these ..oh what does it say on the front of this pair, SISSY 3 INCHES" she said now holding up a pink satin pair "oh my god that's so funny" .They had pink matching lace on the front and rear almost from the crotch stopping just short a few inches from the small frilled elasticated waist band where a small pink satin bow was stitched.I had them and all my clothes made by a seamstress .They took it in turns at putting an item of clothing on me. My wife put a fresh cloth nappy on me after applying some baby powder to my crotch she pinned it on nice and tight with those pink nappy pins .Carol selected a pair of clear soft plastic pants which were crinkly and very noisy. Slowly she drew them up my legs tucking them over the top of my nappy and then gently caressed the plastic between my legs feeling the nappy as she did so, "He's certainly well padded now ladies so shouldn't have any leaks if he wets again" .Carol was so sexy and I wondered what she actually thought of me now.Cindy still holding the knickers in her small dainty hands placed my feet into the leg openings ,quite confident for someone of her age but was a babysitter to earn extra cash didn't appear to be phased about the whole situation so far. "Lift up your botty baby girl!" she said her in her soft sweet teenage voice as she leaned right forward and pulled up frilly pink satin panties up my legs and settled them over my nappy and plastic pants.I got a great view of her cleavage and white lacy bra . I felt her long blond silky hair touch my thighs which ticked . She giggled at my reaction and fussed with my knickers making sure she tucked in the nappy and plastic pants into the leg openings.Her hands and red painted finger nails felt amazing on my skin. Now standing back a little she surveyed my frilly attire. "There you go precious" she said with a knowing smile." Those panties look amazing on you sissy I'm certainly going to tell all my friends about you and perhaps I will ask them to come over and help me baby sit or would you prefer I bring my boyfriend over instead " ? ,I shook my head ,"no ...oh why is that is .. she teased. Next came Cindy's pink chiffon and lace baby-doll nightie which came almost to fell just below the crotch of my the panties.The nightie coincidentally had lots of very similar matching pink lace on the chest and hem as the the panties . Cindy told Susie she had found it in a local charity shop last year and had bought it for one of her passionate nights with her boyfriend. "I thought he would like to have this having seen those photos of him in pink frills ,I knew it would fit your husband and just had to bring it over" she said looking quite pleased with her self .Indeed she was right It was a good fit but then I dont have much of a physique ,I only have a 36 inch chest. " Say thank you to your lovely baby sitter for bringing her nightie for you to wear" " Thank you Cindy" I did as my wife asked ."aww thats fine baby Jenny anytime" she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. My wife then rolled on the white ankle socks with pink lace before finally placing the new wig on me.I was now siting me now at her dressing table so she could properly to fix it in place .I felt such a fool . "Okay stand up baby Jenny I was facing the full length mirror on the wall,my reflection was one of a grown man dressed as a baby girl ,a sissy baby girl.My wife and her two friends clapped and cheered I just went bright red but my little penis was now rock hard in its fluffy nappy. At 7 pm her date arrived to collect her .I was already in one of the spare bedrooms laying in a single bed .I was already dressed for bed,still in my nappy ,plastic pants, frilly pink satin baby knickers and Cindy's pale pink see-through baby-doll nightie,I could still smell her perfume from when she last wore it.The bedding was of course pink which matched the pale pink decor. Susie came upstairs .She looked more gorgeous than ever with her long dark shiny brown hair ,long dark dark eye lashes that matched beautiful lovely dark brown eyes.With her bright red lipstick and perfect make-up she looked stunning.The sexy dress clung to her curves as walked into the room.I could smell her expensive perfume and I immediately became aroused. She bent over and kissed me on my forehead then handed me a pale ivory colored nylon panties " these are you hun...See you soon darling.....be a good girl for Cindy while mummy is out with her new boyfriend,and.. DON'T go playing with your ickle pee pee now, well not until were back Okay" she said laughing. "yeth mummy" I replied in my best impression of a little girl lisp.Her perfume lingered in the bedroom as she turned on her black expensive high heels and walked out to meet her lover. I thought about getting out of bed but decided against it fearing Jake would see me if he were to come into our home.I heard the door bell ring and Cindy went to open it.I could hear a bit of talk as my wife introduced Cindy to Jake. " Jake want you to meet my husbands baby sitter" .I'm sure she said this loud enough so I could hear.All three of them were laughing at this comment before Susie closed the front door to leave with her boyfriend.Her parting words to Cindy "if my baby girl gives you any trouble just phone me" ."I'm sure I can manage him don't worry Susie you both have a good time" Cindy replied.I clutched Susie's freshly worn panties holding then to my nose and began to cry. No sooner had the car left our drive I could hear Cindy on the phone to carol excitedly telling her that she had met Jake .I listened as she described him " Oh yes very fit ..very good looking. real tall and muscular ...a great body not like her wimpy baby husband".She was chatting away to her Aunt Carol for several minutes ," yeah I think they will get on well together ...yes I think they might end up in bed together later tonight " Cindy laughed. "I couldn't help notice a rather large bulge in those tight trousers he was wearing so Susie is in for a good time.".Pangs of jealously hit me hard.Cindy's remarks were cutting and the comparisons were probably fair as I came to realize attractive women like Susie ,Carol or Cindy dont want to share a bed with a sissy ,no of course not, all women would prefer an alpha male in the bedroom I concluded. Like a typical teenager she then phoned some of her close friends telling them she was baby sitting a guy who is 42 years old and likes to wear dresses baby girl clothes while his wife is on a date with another man.I could hear her laughing,"Yep don't worry I will take some pictures of him if you don't believe me,its a bit strange but he's a really nice guy , No I don't mind at all ,I'm getting paid to baby sit him to be honest its a bit of a laugh... he enjoys being humiliated ". "I'm just sipping on a double vodka...yep okay see ya soon" Cindy phoned her boyfriend to tell him what she was up to.I strained to hear what she was telling him but it sounded like some kind of telephone sex they were having because I could hear moaning softly.I crept out of bed to listen from the landing,the phone was situated on a table by the bottom of the stairs.Yes she was having telephone sex,I moved into a position so I could see .I think he was telling her to touch her self from what I could see. After all her phone calls Cindy came into the spare bedroom which was now to be called my "nursery" my wife triumphantly informed me. " Hi baby are you feeling alright ..awww look at you, so cute, pink is definitely your colour..aww you have your mummy's panties too " she said with a bit of a pout then her eyes wandered down to my frilly attire. Cindy handed me a baby bottle containing juice . "Drink up baby I want that nappy wet before your mommy comes home she teased"."I'm really looking forward to seeing her change you later .. I suppose I best check you before you finish that bottle in case you have already pissed your self"".Cindy leaned over and pushed her hand inside my knickers and plastic pants to get at my nappy,her hand touched my penis over the nappy it felt so good to be touched there by Cindy.. "oh thats good its dry at the moment.. so pleased I don't have to change you".I immediately became erect by her touch ."Ohhh ickle has poor sissy baby got a tiny ickle stiffy in her nappy" ?. "Such a shame that its too small for the ladies but at least your mummy will have the pleasure of another man tonight" she teased smiling down at me. I could not get the thought of Susie being fucked by another man ...a much larger man from what I had heard and in our bed.My penis ached for release."Do you think Susie will bring him home tonight Cindy ? I mumbled whilst sucking on my baby bottle and finishing the contents "of course she's going to, I know I would if it were me"."I have no doubt he will spend the night and you will just have to listen to him fuck Susie, your beautiful wife all night long, unless of course they make you watch" ...would you like that ? Your wife has already ordered a baby bouncer to put in her bedroom...want to know why? It's so can put you in it while your wife is in bed with Jake" NO PLEASE CINDY SHE WON'T DO THAT WILL SHE ?".I began to sob ..it was confusing me did I still want this?. " Awww why are you crying baby girl...is dat because your bouncy bounce will hang above her bed ...and you will have to watch da big rough man fucking your sexy wife all night". I put my hands to my face to hide my shame. "I bet you would like that eh baby Jenny, yes I'm sure you would love see him on top of your mummy" . "I'm going to buy you a baby monitor so you can hear them in the next room when they don't want you around...because baby..yes.. they will be doing those grown up things that people like to do , they will be making noises and doing things that babies shouldn't really hear or see....well not all the time ". "Monitors are designed so mummy's and Daddy's can check on baby's, but in your case it will be to check you aren't playing with your tiny baby tinkle" she laughed." Yes I'm definitely going to get a baby monitor before the next time he comes over so don't worry baby". "I know this kind of thing cuckold thing really turns you on Johnathan ,...Carol said its because you are submissive man and you will like to be humiliated ....I quite like you Johnathan you are a really nice man so if you enjoy this sort thing I will be humiliating you " .She took out her mobile phone from the pocket on her skirt "now baby keep still while I take some nice photos of you in your sweet frilly pink baby knickers and my old nightie so I can show all my friends ...they cant wait to see what you look like good girl right lets have some with you covering your face with Susie's worn panties .The camera flashed around a two dozen times as she took loads of revealing photos of me.Cindy even lifting up my nightie to get better shots of my baby knickers.More pictures of my pink bedroom , drawers and wardrobe now containing my frilly baby gear." good girl " I dared to ask Cindy another question now I felt more composed. "where you on the phone to your boyfriend... it sounded like you were having a good time? "Of course I was sweety,my boyfriend is only 17 but more of a man than you will ever be, and he has a nice big fat cock too" she teased."He gets me very excited when we have our chats. She deliberately dropped her phone onto the thick soft rug then bent right over so I got a view of up her short black leather skirt to reveal some very sexy white silky panties.Cindy made sure I had seen enough before she quickly stood up and re adjusted her skirt. Cindy then went down stairs and returned after a just a few moments ". "I nearly forgot this baby Jenny ,your mummy said I should give this for you to suck on whilst she's out.She produced a pink penis shaped dummy, "isn't that so kind ...it looks about the same size as your baby dick , about 3 inches long perhaps...certainly looks the same size as yours but this is definitely thicker than yours, your lovely wife bought from that sex shop... you know the one where you buy those sissy adult baby magazines from". Susie had a good chat with said two sales assistants.When she described you to them they knew straight away it was you " oh that sissy adult baby" .I think Susie wanted to find out how long you've been buying from there and what sort of things .I was at school with one of them ...you know the tall brunette, Debbie ? .She's only a year older than me ." Cindy was smirking ,she was really enjoying the humiliating effect she had on me. "Yes Susie had a good chat with her and now knows where you order your baby clothes from.Susie made Debbie and the other lady aware she will be buying more baby things from the store,Debbie said they can order lots of frilly adult baby clothes for you and can try them on inside the shop if you want to baby . Susie even told girls she has a date with a real man...which they found a quite funny "." You are very lucky to have such a lovely wife like Susie ,she's purchased the smallest condoms they sold telling Debbie they were for you to wear so you don't end up with a sticky nappy when shes with her new man. Debbie found this quite funny according to what your wife told me so suggested the rubber penis dummy to Susie .... its so you can be gagged ..to keep you quiet if she brings her date home for the night." Cindy laughed then tied the imitation rubber penis around head with the pink ribbon it came with until it was firmly secured in place then she shoved the phallic shaped rubber object into my mouth. "There you go baby girl you suck on this for now and NO MORE QUESTIONS OR I WILL TELL YOUR MUMMY YOU HAVE BEEN A NAUGHTY LITTLE PERVERT.....AND THAT MIGHT MEAN A SMACKED BOTTOM " Cindy took some more pics with her phone ,photos of me sucking this rubber penis shaped dummy. " Ahh thats a great photo I will send that to Debbie ,now be a good girl you suck that rubber cock now"! She left the room smiling flicking through her phone pictures selecting ones to send to her friends .She was a very sexy girl for someone so young and she knew how to tease a man.I lay there quiet and felt the sudden urge to pee. They came back sooner than I imagined and guessed they could have only had a glass or two of alcohol each . I heard the deep voice of Jake every so often and my wife talking and laughing with Cindy .Carol then arrived about ten minutes later, perhaps wanting to meet my wife's new lover I thought to myself. I dont know what they were all laughing at , where they having a laugh at my expense?.Then I heard my wife say "he's upstairs .....bet he's playing with my panties ..do you want to meet my baby daughter" ?."I have him all dressed up for you darling". They all began to laugh and giggle.My heart began to beat faster. I was quite nervous but I was in a situation that I could not escape from . I could hear their foot steps , more than one person climbing the stairs, giggling and laughing getting louder as they got closer. "Ssshh.. she might be asleep ... " I heard Susie say.I was feeling anxious at what the night would bring for me in this predicament. Too late now there's no going back from this, I must have been stupid to allow it. My wife entered the spare room first, she was holding hands with Jake who was right behind her followed by Cindy and Carol. Nothing was said for the first few seconds until Susie finally broke the silence, they all gathered around my bed "Oh good baby Jenny is all awake to meet mummy's new friend ...awww look everyone she sucking on her new PENIS dummy". "Jake this my husband ...who has now agreed to be my pretty baby girl". Susie then snatched the pink nylon duvet away from me. She wanted her lover to see me in my frilly baby clothes..."OH MY GOD NOW I'VE SEEN EVERY THING.....A MAN SUCKING ON A COCK SHAPED DUMMY WHILST HE'S DRESSED UP LIKE A LITTLE GIRL " he said sniggering loudly."A BABY GIRL" my wife corrected "she hasn't progressed to wearing little girls knickers yet..... he still needs a nappy and plastic pants" They all fell about laughing. " See darling I told you you had nothing to worry about,he's a complete wimp...a sissy who gets off on this kind of thing"."He will do as he's told and you have my permission to spank him if he steps out line". "Now thats something I must see" Cindy stated between fits of laughter .I blushed and tried to cover up my frilly baby panties with my hands as I sucked on my penis pacifier but Susie pushed them away and lifted my nightie up over my belly exposing more pink frills and pink satin. "I dont think he wants you to see his frilly knickers" Cindy laughed . "SISSY 3 INCHES "Jake said laughing. He had seen the embroidery inscription on my knickers when Susie had lifted my nightie up. " Yes aren't they cute ...just right for a baby girl he gets them specially made from this the sex shop on the high street .I have ordered quite a few frilly baby things for him,those sales assistants are so helpful " my wife giggled. "I had better check her nappy just in case she's wet..dont want a rash do we baby" my wife said grinning with her hands on her hips I was fearful she may change me in front of everyone, the bottled juice had an effect on my bladder. I did not want Jake would see naked .Susie placed one of her fingers into the leg openings of my baby knickers and plastic pants "oh yes I thought so..she's soaking wet again for Christ sake".She grabbed hold of the plastic pants and baby knickers by the waistband and yanked them down my slender legs to the ankles .I looked up at Cindy and Carol to see them both smiling down at me, I couldn't look at Jake.Cindy was just stood watching with her arms folded and her lovely brown eyes fixed on my knickers that were bunched up around my feet .Cindy moved closer for a better look to see if infact my nappy was wet so close infact she was stood right over me .Carol stood a few feet away perhaps feeling unsure about all of this. Susie unclipped the large pink nappy pins and carefully removed the fluffy wet soggy diaper, "c'mon lift up your bottom baby girl so mummy can change you darling "! Susie took the wet nappy and placed it in the plastic pink nappy bin near my bed. I was bared naked before her new boyfriend ,my shaved pubic hair, small testicles and tiny penis an inch long when soft was now fully on show for him and the others to see .The room burst out loud in a chorus all laughter, Cindy was in hysterics holding a hand over her mouth, was it because she was laughing loudly or the fact she was blushing and was embarrassed at seeing me naked and having wet my nappy? "OH DEAR ITS ...SO TINY " .She squealed out loud then quickly took out her mobile phone again to take some snaps of me."My friends will love to see this I just have to let them see this... tiny tiny baby dick" she said between fits of giggles.Carol advised Cindy not to be cruel but when I looked across at her Carol was finding it very amusing until she eventually spoke to me "Oh dear poor you Johnathan... having your nappy changed in front of Jake... this must be very humiliating for you ...doesn't it bother you?." " Its of no consequence Carol he's chosen this lifestyle so he can live with it" Susie replied. Cindy continued to laugh. Susie had now stopped what she was doing and began to pay more attention to Jake.She wanted to leave me fully exposed for longer than necessary .I heard Jake say something like "Poor bastard....that really is small" with a huge grin."Doesn't get much bigger" Susie giggled.The two of them, for my benefit began to kiss,Susie looked at me ,smiling then turned back to carry on kissing Jake, his large hands wrapped around her tiny waist, then began to move down to her bottom. "Hey you two get a room will you" Carol joked . My wife let out a faint gasp as his hands rested on her rear and she leaned forward to kiss him passionately on the lips.She pressed her body tightly to his, her hands exploring his neck then down to his chest before finally placing them on his crotch.I'm ashamed to say that I was turned-on seeing her respond to his touch, their kiss made my penis rigid and I was so ashamed it now sticking up in the air for them to see. Cindy was the first to notice. " OH MY GOD ..HE'S GOT AN HARD- ON" she announced loudly. I tried in vain to hide what little dignity I had left by pulling up my plastic pants and frilly panties that were still around my ankles but secretly I now wanted all of them to see my tiny erect penis, to show them how pathetic its gets when fully aroused. The two lovers broke free to look down at me ,smiling. "Aww does it turn you on baby... seeing mummy and Jake kissing,..does baby Jenny want to watch us make love on top of our bed" ? she said in a mocking baby tone of voice, they laughed louder. Even Carol got in on the humiliation as she clearly understood my psyche . "OH DEAR ..OH DEAR ....such a TINY LITTLE sissy... how could a husband ever let another man sleep with his wife .. I guess you are NOT A MAN ARE YOU ITS TOO SMALL NO ...POOR BABY ..... I guess you have no choice but to willingly accepted your cuckold sissy baby status.... JUDGING by your OBVIOUS EXCITEMENT ". she chuckled."How small is he exactly Susie ,..I ..mean..have you ever measured him I'd quite like to know ... " I have only done a bit of research on penis size so it would interesting where he fits in if you er pardon the pun ..I mean he may have a medical condition called a micro penis but an exact measurement may help determine this ,I'm sure you've heard of it. .Susie looked a bit unsure"I think he's about 3 inches fully erect as it says on those knickers but exact measurement mm..er.. not sure,..Cindy be a darling and get me the tape measure from my dressing table please" ."Why don't you do the measuring I'm sure my baby will like that won't she darling ..,if you want to that is " No it doesn't bother me Susie ,Cindy replied" . The humiliation of this stunning teenager measuring my penis kept me very hard. Cindy took the tape measure and placed it alongside my now painfully erect manhood ,her soft delicate touch gave me such a thrill when she accidentally made contact with my genitals ,she placed the tape measure from the base of my little cock to the tip of my glands.She carefully studied the measurement, It's exactly " 2.9 inches she said in total disbelief" ."I have never seen anything so small,. Its so babyish in size....why is is so tiny Aunty Carol" she asked in her inquisitive innocence. Carol who worked as a sex therapist was able to explain .""Okay although not quite a micro penis by definition which to qualify as I my understand has to be shaft length of approximately 2.5 inches erect ...Johnathan is very close to a diagnosed micro penis but no its not one.... its just very tiny one". "I have come across this before in my couple therapy sessions in one or two cases" ."There's no real treatment for having such an undersized penis .I would never recommend surgery ..it isn't worth the bother and only increases girth , length wise perhaps virtually no size increase". "Some men are just born unlucky with small infantile penis whilst others are considered fortunate or blessed with a much larger penis". "So when you say infantile you mean its a BABY DICK ? Cindy giggled then asked "so what treatment do you offer these couples then"? . " Well in the first instance its best not to describe it as a baby dick Cindy but yes infantile as in Johnathan's penis resembles that of a very little boys. I will always recommend talking about it to find a solution , perhaps using sex toys such as a dildo or vibrator or you can buy penis sheath extenders that slip over the penis to giver extra length, typically 2 inches can be added to the length..they look a bit like a condom". Cindy was bemused by the idea of the latter suggestion and thought it funny to take more photos because I was still fully erect. whilst holding the tape measure along side my penis again she snapped away several more times .I now knew who gave Susie the idea of buying the extension sheaths.Susie left the room and returned with a white plastic case that contained my own sheath extensions." See Cindy this is what they look like " Susie handed the box to Cindy who now put her phone away so she could inspect the contents. "Oh my, wow she giggled so these will make your husbands penis almost 5 inches in length when he wears them? " Yes hun but to be honest you can't beat the real thing" she said winking at Cindy . "They look so weird and well ..even just under 5 inches is a bit on the small side ... under average size isn't it ? I'm so glad my boyfriend doesn't need these... his penis is nearly 7 inches and its thick too ..sometimes it hurts its that big" . "Really,Cindy .. well aren't you the lucky girl .. you have been getting more than twice the size I ve been getting " .All three women found that comment amusing . "Its just not very manly to have such a tiny one" Cindy said, "anything that small is ....er..not exactly a mans penis", she looked at my still fully erect penis. Carol continued with her wealth of knowledge on all sexual matters "Sheath extensions are not for every couple.And yes Johnathan's penis is very infantile when soft as I've explained but also in its fully aroused state ,yes the same size you may find on a boy of around 6 years old ? Going back to the penis extenders , sex without them is unfortunately not pleasurable for the woman if you are less than 4 inches and have no real girth, even the very best positions designed for deeper penetration won't be stimulating enough if the man fits into this particular undersized size category. In fact latest research now suggests 4 inches or less is considered unsatisfactory to most women".Cindy now finding this subject more interesting asked her aunt more questions- "So what happens if you are stuck with a man with a tiny Dick do you dump him for some one else...I could never be with a man that small?" ."I would never recommend divorce or dumping a man because of his size Cindy however I know it happens.Some wives I have counselled have cheated on their husbands to get satisfaction from another man but thats not right for a successful loving relationship. Now cuckolding well thats different because its consensual and the cuckold finds it a turn-on when their wife has taken a lover ,often the other man is much better endowed and a better lover because they are more confident.The wife gets sexually satisfied and the husbands often enjoy themselves ...by masturbating .Some men like to hear what their wife has been up to with their lover and many more men love to watch their wife or girlfriend with another man....they can find it erotic or even humiliated by it and this is how they get their kicks". Cindy nodded her head having some basic understanding because she had read my files, "just like Johnathan here" she said pointed at me." "Exactly and thats why I talked it through with Susie after we read all his files on this fetish and the other stuff ". "Oh you mean that SPH er..small penis humiliation thing?" Cindy reminded . " Yes quite right some men quite like the idea of not being able to please a woman because they are so small and derive humiliation from it. ...even to the point of dressing up in female underwear to reinforce their no longer a man but a so called sissy " ."Eww "" Cindy pulled a face " I dont mind him wearing my old nightie but I better not catch him wearing my knickers" she looked at me again with a bit of a stem face then turned back to her aunt "So thats why he dresses up as a girl baby ..a baby girl then"? Cindy said ever content on finding out more about my fetish. "Thats correct dear.. he very clearly gets off on it" .Cindy was nodding her head as it all came very clear now "So this is why Jake is here.... to fulfill the role Johnathan is incapable of" ."Precisely Carol stated," cuckolding is a lot more common than you may imagine Cindy"." Well I would certainly cheat if I was with a man that was this small" she said pointing at my erection. Susie and Jake were smiling at each other kissing every now and then whilst occasionally listening to the conversation between Aunt and niece about cuckolding and SPH. "How about your size" my wife said turning to Jake." Come on darling show us girls what a man you are" she said cheekily perhaps feeling brave after the wine she had consumed .Susie unbuckled his trousers and pushed them down until they fell to the floor, his white Lycra underpants were not doing a good job of hiding at what lay beneath, the bulge was outrageously large .Her hands slightly trembled as she carefully touched this bursting thick piece of meat trying to escape his pants ,I could see the excitement in her eyes ,slowly she peeled his shorts down to his muscular thighs.His erection immediately sprang out ,It was magnificent , very long and very thick ,it began oozing pre cum on the tip of a very swollen purple head."OOH WOW.. OH..MY.. GOD..YOUR ENORMOUS ..ITS HUGE JAKE ",she was shocked by the sheer size.Carol and Cindy stood there staring open mouthed also in a state of shock at this massive penis. "That is very very big " Cindy muttered in disbelief ,Carol also nodded in approval.Susie excitedly took the tape measure and placed it along side the massive shaft "Oh fuck... woww just over 8 inches" she stated, her eyes firmly fixed on the erect manhood, she grasped hold of it ,her long fingers could barely meet around the girth it was so thick. "Now that's a mans penis" she proudly stated. I was unable to take my eyes off it and suddenly involuntary began to protest to Susie. . NO...NO....SUSIE .. HES TOO BIG...HE WILL HURT YOU.....PLEASE DONT SLEEP WITH HIM....PLEASE.. HES TOO BIG ."My pathetic attempts to change her mind were futile." Don't be silly baby ,this is what you secretly desire ,you want me to fuck Jake and I'm going to and that is that understand" She turned to her lover "Do me a favour please..I want you to put my husband across your lap and give him a good hard spanking if I do it I will break a finger nail ....you will spank much harder Jake ,and besides I will be quite turned on seeing my hubby getting his bottom spanked by you .I think he wont put up a fight and I bet he will like having a good spanking from a real man" Susie turned to look at me, said "its time he learnt there's gonna be some changes around here...he needs to understand you are the man around here from now on darling".She then began kissing him him passionately while still holding that throbbing monster in both hands, what man could resist her requests .This was getting serious now and I was confused if this was what I really wanted, fantasy is one thing but reality is a whole new ball game. !NO....NO...PLEASE DONT".I was taken out of bed and placed onto the floor . " I will put him in a fresh nappy and some clean plastic pants and frilly baby knickers first Jake . "We don't want you cumming on Jake's's trousers" she laughed.When she had dressed me Susie helped me to my feet and took me towards Jake who now now seated mouthed at me. "Get across his lap.. NOW SISSY "! My wife's lover hauled me over his lap, and lifted my frilly pink baby-doll nightie forcefully pulled my nappy and panties to the side exposing one of my bottom cheeks and gave me a very hard spanking with those huge hands.I could feel his large cock sticking into my stomach through my nightie My wife and her friends looked on laughing and encouraging Jake to spank me harder .WHACK......WHACK....WHACK,.."tell every one what you are" my wife said, WHACK...."I'm ...I'm ..sissy baby girl..mummy",.WHACK...."please tell him to stop he's hurting me" WHACK....WHACK,..."SHUT IT YOU LITTLE SISSY" he hissed .Cindy moved closer to take more damn photos to show all her friends no doubt. "Oh my god what an absolute wimp.. fancy getting his bum spanked by another man.. I bet he's got another hard on " she said in disbelief. My wife smiled back at Cindy "yes dear I bet he has ... just as well he's got his nappy and frilly panties on" she giggled .My back side was now burning...stinging red.. After my spanking I was sent to the nursery "Jake and I will be up soon baby" .Carol followed me ," I will tuck you in Johnathan " She said she wanted a quick talk with me before she went home "I hope this evening meets all your expectations Jonathan or should I now say baby Jenny" ."I feel sorry for you in a way ... but I do think this is the best solution for you and Susie,... as long as she doesn't get emotionally involved with Jake" . Susie loves you very much don't ever forget that but after all those photos on your computer and then seeing you stood in front of dressed as a baby girl she told me she can no longer see you as a man..She has looked at ways to help your sex life and yes we have had lots of chats about it.She's come to the conclusion you have this fetish and your urges can't be changed .. ,the baby clothing and how you like to be humiliated." "I have strongly advised her to no longer neglect her own sexual needs or she will end up resenting you" ."She's told me many times she can't reach sexual satisfaction when you penetrate her so I have made her aware she has other options , I discussed her taking a lover may be the best way forward "." Susie has mentioned Jake before to me so I suggested he might be the perfect answer to the problem...if he can be discreet"."I know Susie will find sexual satisfaction with him.. thats a certainty he's ...er.. mm., lets just say he's well-built for the job...and who knows Jake might end up being a Daddy to you if this is what I suspect you want.Cindy said she's more than willing to be your babysitter,despite her teasing she really likes spending time with you and Susie ".Cindy said she will humiliate you if it turns you on.. I think shes beginning to understand you can't help your fetish,.....its a part of who you are so why ignore it...embrace it if you desire " Thats the advice I would give in my sexy therapy ... as long as it hurts no one." You crave humiliation and what could be more humiliating than being dressed as a baby girl listening or even watching while your wife is being pleasured by another man or having your nappy changed by someone like Cindy" "Don't be ashamed is the message I gave to Susie... see this as a wake-up call to her own sex life" . "You very brave letting Susie's boyfriend she you naked,letting him spank you and seeing you dressed like a little baby girl ". " Life will change for you now...and for your wife but at least you shall both be so happy" . Carol spoke in such a soft gentle nurturing way that made feel like I was actually a real baby girl.Still smiling at me she gently stroked my chin then leaned over kissed me on the cheek . "I think this is for the best...I know it will work out now be a good girl for your mummy .. you dont want another spanking like that from her new boyfriend ..I bet your bottom still hurts doesn't it sweetheart" . Carol really understood my desires I think her degree in psychology and being a qualified sex therapist put her in a good position to educate Susie on such matters. Surprisingly Carol then placed her hand on the front of my bulky frilly pink satin knickers and gently rubbed them for a few seconds, the crinkle rustling sound reminding me I was wearing noisy plastic pants ,plastic pants that babies wear over their nappies. Carol was such a sweet lady ." " Oh and I hope Cindy hasn't been too awful with you,she really likes you and wants to help because you have both been so good to her." She told her mum about it so I had to tell Lucy all the facts in case she had any misunderstandings I don't normally breach confidentiality not even to my sister but given the circumstances had no option..I don't think Lucy will say anything to her partner, Cindy's step father... but if she does I will sort it out". Susie came up to put her to put her heels in the wardrobe and I heard Carol whispered in her ear "you lucky devil...I want all the juicy details tomorrow enjoy yourself!".Susie was very excited and promised to tell all tomorrow. Cindy was happy to spend the night at our home and have a few drinks with my wife and Jake She had already spoken to her mum to let her know not expect her home.Cindy had stayed over several times in the past, mainly at the weekends if they had all been out.She really liked spending time with us ,and looked up to Susie. Carol of course had already updated her younger sister Lucy and told that her daughter Cindy will be babysitting me.I heard Cindy tell my wife she had sent some photos she had taken of me to her mum for a laugh." My mum phoned me , she found them hilarious ,she said she always thought Johnathon was too cute to be much of a real man ,she said she would have had several affairs had she been married to a sissy adult baby with such a tiny penis". I wanted to know which photos had she sent to her mum, had Lucy seen the ones of my tiny penis?. Susie and her lover finally came to bed an a hour or so later.Cindy used one of our spare rooms to sleep in one opposite my nursery.She came in to give a "good night kiss " "I have my teddy bear here but you can hold onto it for tonight baby whilst you watch Susie being fucked by Jake's massive cock ,she giggled and walked out .Cindy deliberately left her bedroom door open and I could see her undress.My tiny cock throbbed at the sight of her youthful body, standing close to her bedroom door looking into a mirror wearing a short pale pink cotton shirt and white hi-cut silky nylon knickers that looked so shiny in the dim light.I wanted those panties for myself and wondered what they smelled like. CHAPTER FOUR: As soon as my wife came upstairs she came into my nursery."Hi honey are we okay." "I'm fine Susie but Lucy is now aware of my secret and will tell her husband and all the other people we know ". "Aww don't worry baby she won't let-on she can keep a secret any way you know what Cindy is like,she loves to tease ...she understands the situation and wants to help you and she's happy for me .Dont worry about the pics, girls send texts and pictures all the time,she won't show your face. In fact I have just had a text from Lucy let me read it to you- "Hi Susie heard about your new" baby girl" ,didn't know you had been pregnant!! - I hope I get to meet her soon ha ha . Cindy told me all what happened, told me she also has some photos of Johnathan on her phone so I asked her to send them to me ,she sent me some very naughty pics of baby Johnathan, she said he has a baby dick , she right, OMG HE'S TINY, I feel for you hun. Those frilly baby clothes? sorry but that's very funny .Had no idea. You are dealing with it really well -I would have an affair also ! Suppose thats why you found some one else to share you bed, heard he's a BIG boy and every bit of a man-good for you girl. Hope you have good time with lover boy but make sure Cindy has your " TINY " 'little baby girl is all tucked up in his bed LOL Am I being cruel ? Love you both XXX "See, Lucy is cool about it she wont divulge your secret and has no issue with Cindy being your babysitter , stop worrying! Lucy's text message to my wife really excited me ,I didn't really mind Lucy knowing my secret but wondered what her thought were about me in bed in my frilly baby clothes seen photos and Susie will be sleeping with another man a very well endowed man. It so emasculating for me such a massive turn-on. Jake went to the bathroom. Susie leaned over and kissed me on the cheek ,she took my hand without saying a word and led me into the master bedroom. Susie instructed me to kneel by the bed .As soon as Jake came in Susie began to frantically unbuckle his trousers then quickly unbuttoned his shirt.Finally just standing there in his underwear.My wife quickly undressed to the newly purchased white silky satin underwear ,those sexy panties and her stockings she had bought especially for him.She knew I loved her in white silky undies so kept them on for me and for him I guess.She looked so good just like a model. I was kneeling on the floor in very close proximity.His hands caressed her satin clad bottom and pussy through the silky fabric of her sexy panties .Susie was already wet, the gusset clearly showing a damp patch at her satin covered crotch,her nipples erect through her bra,his own penis tenting out in his shorts showing a tell tale spot of pre-cum.They were locked in a passionate open mouthed kiss ." Ohhh Jake please make love to me ...I want you inside me so much darling ".Susie was in a high state of sexual arousal and impatiently pulled his shorts down then quickly removed her flimsy knickers.Jake majestically scooped her off her feet in his powerful arms and laid her on the bed. He went down on her ,licking her sopping vagina making her moan loudly ,he flicked his tongue at her swollen clitoris until she was about to climax....but she held off she did not want to cum just yet. .After around 10 minutes she could take no more returned the favour taking the long thick shaft into her mouth but barely getting more than a few inches because of his girth which was as thick as her wrists . She greedily sucked him,both hands gripping his large manhood. I picked up her discarded silky satin nylon panties,they soaking wet with her juices,I held them to my face breathing in her feminine moistness .Susie across at me as she carried on sucking that giant shaft.She suddenly stopped and burst out laughing, "Aww you are such sissy pervert sniffing mummy's knickers" she snatched them from my hands ,"if you really want to smell or taste mummy I shall put my panties over your head baby ...you only have to ask me" . Then like the last time she stretched them over my head so that they were positioned with the gusset over my mouth and nostrils .They both laughing hysterically. Susie moved the panties to the side and inserted the rubber penis shaped pacifier into my mouth and tightened the ribbon behind my head so it wouldn't fall out the moved the gusset back over my nose.The aroma of cummy panties was intoxicating and I became increasingly turned-on at this latest bout humiliation . "C'mon baby girl kneel closer to the bed now so you can watch your new Daddy fuck mummy with his big thick cock" Jake still laughing laid my beautiful on her back,taking her her long lightly tanned legs he put them over his broad shoulders .I saw my wife guiding his over sized penis to the entrance of her lubricated pussy . " Please be careful.Jake... you're very very big..I'm not used to any thing this size" .He kissed her on the lips to reassure her he would be careful .He slowly slid his long thick shaft into my darling wife,feeding each inch into her. "Susie you feel very tight..hun you okay ... just..relax". She winced with the initial discomfort, this strange sensation she never having experienced such dimensions before .Her face contorted in a mixture of pain then pleasure ,letting out soft moans and gasps as each inch invaded her vaginal cavity ,stretching her labia wife open.Very slowly he humped her, long deep penetrating strokes until he was finally grinding his pubic bone against hers.She had managed to take all of him inside her .Susie began to sob, with sheer joy she was looking across at me and wanted me to see the pleasure she was feeling of another man.She wanted me to know how happy it was making her as she felt years of sexual frustration disappear ,the joy and lust in her face betrayed the pleasure building up within her . "Oh Jake that feels so good ,you feel so big inside me" She made more soft whimpering noises as her clitoris was forced open from its hood as the thick monster cock stretched her .... stretching her labia open as wide as it had never been before .I was less than a foot away seeing this sexual display by the two lovers.Looking at me again Susie managed to give me direction. "Take out your tiny baby dick Jenny so mummy can see this turns you on" Almost out of breath she mouthed " wank it for mummy and Daddy Jake baby " .Pulling my erection free from the leg opening of my baby knickers I did as was told and slowly masturbated my infantile cock with finger and thumb. I was in total awe at the sexual display before me...I was so aroused ,my penis so hard but just a baby dick in comparison to Jake's 8 inches .He now began to piston his huge cock into her squelching vagina ,quickening his pace,his heavy balls slapping against Susie's bottom. She gripped him tightly then moved her red painted finger nails down to his bottom she began clutching his buttocks her wedding ring shining in subdued light of the bed side table lamp.His vigorous fucking made head board thump loudly against the wall .Suddenly he stopped. "is everything okay darling....why have you stopped" she asked with him to carry on..He was teasing her and she knew it "please please Jake don't stop ….PLEASE FUCK ME " she pleaded with him to continue ."Oh like that is it ....you big tease" whilst still underneath him she began buck her self upwards whilst his penis remained motionless.Susie was able push her bottom off the bed still holding onto him ,her vagina thrusting upwards now to get every inch of his cock until she was out of breath. Jake then really gave it to her good and hard meeting her thrusts, as the squelching noises got louder and louder from her heavily lubricated and devastated pussy..."OOOOOHHH AAAAGGRRRHHH.........GOD .....THATS SO DEEP she shouted loudly. I wondered if Cindy was asleep in the next room or had all this sex woken her, I hope she doesn't hear . ..."AAAGGGRRHHH...AAGGRRHHH...MMMMMM..OH...OHHH ..AHHHH....FUCK ME!..DONT......EVER STOP..FUCKING ME JAKE..,....IVE NEVER FELT ANY THING LIKE THIS BEFORE...DONT STOP.....FASTER.....FASTER....OOOHHHH.....AAAGGGHHHH...MMMMM....YOU ARE AMAZING ,THE BEST EVER....UGH ...YOU REACH THE PARTS MY BABY HUBBY SIMPLY CANT REACH.... FUCK Susie went on and on telling him how good he was as his powerful thrusting was making her cum, long quick strokes revealing her wetness and excitement on that glistening magnificent penis .His heavy balls smacking her bottom .She was saying these things knowing it was turning me on but she was also being honest about Jake's sexual performance.This was all too much for me as I wanked my minuscule erect penis with finger and thumb and i very quickly jizzed onto the front my pink satin lacy frilled baby knickers.His penis was now just a blur as he slammed it into her poor pussy .His long thick penis covered with her juices.My wife's legs tightly clamped around his shoulders her toes curled.Her finger nails digging into his his buttocks ,her eyes tightly closed and her mouth open,tears began to roll down her cheeks . My darling wife was uncontrollably sobbing and moaning more vocally I had never seen her this way.,She clamped her mouth on his shoulder to muffle her cries. She had never made those sounds when I made love to her.She looked so passionate, a sexy woman lost in total ecstasy.Jake with his face buried into the pillow began to grunt as my wife or now establish mummy was taking the full length of his cock deep into her womb, her pussy gripping the thick slimy shaft as it stretched her pussy wider than it had ever been before in her sexually active years.I had always found my penis to be a loose fit in her vagina but after Jake was done it was likely to be spoiled forever. I began imagining that large organ hitting her cervix, slamming into it causing a mixture of pain and pleasure, he was so much deeper than I could ever reach something she continued to utter as he fucked her hard.Yes Jake was indeed exploring new territory I was unable to and my lovely Susie was reaping great benefit from his much larger and thicker penis.He fucked her nice and hard taking full control like an alpha male should ,my wife's legs remaining over his muscular shoulders .Susie was moaning loudly and I knew her orgasm was fast approaching by her very vocal screams.Her body quivered and shook ,her vagina spasmed , his cock pounding her drenched cunt and then she cried out loudly in a state of total ecstasy. Her her very engorged swollen clit was juicy red .His merciless battering of "mummy's pussy" continued like some kind of pile- driver,such stamina.He drove his monster sized cock harder and harder into the depths of her devastated slit, Susie swore and panted with every thrust of his over-sized ravaging pole.Suddenly Jake began to groan and grunt louder and louder and my lovely stunning bride of several years took this as the cue that he was about to shoot his load of seed deep into her womb.She held on tightly to her lover. Her own body began to shake uncontrollable as wave after wave of intense pleasure erupted into a full blown multiple orgasms, her first ever . "YESSS YESS OH YESS" She cried, her eyes full of tears ,Susie began to sob so much I though he had hurt her ...her face now flushed ,glowing red..She dug her nails into his buttocks harder and harder encouraging him to keep fucking her until she had every last drop of his warm seed. I could not believe my wife talking like this.Her vagina muscles began to contract with her orgasm,gripping his cock tightly , squeezing it until he finally erupted,...his guttural snorts and grunts of satisfaction has his giant cock spasmed in unison with her own contractions.He continued to empty his heavy balls, my wife/mummy using her vaginal muscles to drain him completely dry.Eventually the frenzied fucking subsided and Susie lay there still crying and sobbing into his manly hairy chest telling him that it was the best fuck she had ever had,not caring that I was right next to them .I felt completely broken at what I had just witnessed but strangely excited and totally humiliated knowing I could never compete with Jake in the bed room It was less than an hour later Jake was fully charged up and raring to go. Susie was insatiable she played with his giant cock until it sprang back to life. She got on all fours and he positioned himself behind her. She reached under herself and took hold of his cock.Slowly he pushed it into her ...she found it sliding in a little easier than before. He began to fuck her nice and hard and when he paused for breath she would push her self backwards onto him ,taking all his length and grinding her vagina right into his pubic bone .He pulled her hair like the alpha man he was, the alpha male she likes, someone who can take charge in the bedroom. She let out gasps and moans as he gave her every inch, slapping her bottom and making her squeal in lust. The slapping sound of their bodies as they fucked like animals was the best sound in the world.They changed positions again and again the sort of positions I was unable to manage simply because I was too small. They finished up in the missionary, her favourite .She had her legs wrapped over his back just above his waist ,ankles crossed to keep him close, kissing him passionately with her hands holding his face while he was between her legs pumping his huge thick veiny cock in and out of her , the sensations of pleasure increased with each rapid thrust , waves and waves of throbbing sensations were felt through Susie's entire body until she finally erupted her climatic juices onto his giant penis.It was like watching a live porn performance .I remained in a kneeling position right by the bed furiously masturbating. Now that they had finished they both sat up in bed watching me ,laughing at me ,Susie encouraging me to "to make creamies into my panties like a girl".I had a fantastic orgasm ,my humiliation getting more intense telling them I wanted to be there I was now their "cuckold baby girl" .Susie pulled me over towards her and kissed me on the lips .She put a finger into her sloppy pussy then pulling it out placed into into the back of my knickers and right inside my bottom.I was then sent back to my nursery. Several minutes passed when Susie came to tuck me into bed.To hide her modesty Susie was wearing a white satin short dressing gown and a fresh pair of bikini style white satin panties embellished with lace, expensive designer ones , the elasticized lace on the legs and waist was to ensure Jake's and her own cum didn't leak out and dribble down her legs. I had worn those very panties with out her knowledge before,wanking my tiny cock into them only a few days before. "Every things gonna be fine baby Jenny thank you for not being angry or jealous ..this has been the best night of my life and I love you so much for being understanding and accepting" she reassuringly informed me. She looked so sexy, her long dark brown straight hair now disheveled ,Susie had a radiant flush, a bright glow about her pretty face. I looked at her breasts through the opening of her dressing gown then between her legs at the sodden satin patch of her pantie gusset where their juices were mixed,she saw me looking so she slipped them off down her long tanned legs ,removed the other pair of kickers still around my head and replaced then with the warm cummy ones, stretching them into place over my head so that the crotch touched my nose. "you want to wear mummy's soaking knickers...dont you"?".Here you are baby".The pungent smell hit my nostrils as Jake's seed and my wife's orgasm made contact.The silky satin fabric was soaking wet with their juice..but yes I did want them.She took my pacifier from round my neck and pushed it into her hot slippery vagina .When she took it out it was slimy and glistening with their cum.She kissed me on the head ,parted the panties that covered my mouth shoved the offending rubber penis pacifier into my mouth "you suck on this baby girl whilst mummy sucks on Daddy's big cock...night night baby sweety pie ". she said with a wink and a smile , she walked out but as she got to the bedroom door I found my self replying in a very soft girly lisp "nigth mummy".She laughed at me.Susie was really happy with how the evening was panning out .The girly lisp appear to be coming something quite natural to me I thought. I awoke the next morning very early to the sound of my wife being fucked,her soft moans , the bed squeaking and banging against the wall,it kept me awake. I was erect again and rather than play with myself just sucked on my rubber penis dummy inhaling the satin scented panties that were still stretched over my head and face.I listened to their love making for maybe 20 minutes until I heard he climax loudly. About 8.30 am I heard Jake leaving,Susie seeing him off at the door she then came back up stairs to check on me , to reassure herself I was fine with what happened last night. . After seeing my nappy was sticky she began to tease me "oh dear have you been listening to me and Daddy doing grown up things baby?" ,did you make a sticky mess in your nappy and fwilly panties baby girl....did it turn you on... yes it did ...didn't it darling" ? .Come on baby ickle sissy you can have some baby time with mummy now". Susie invited me into her bed."Jake wants you to clean me up before I take a shower,...if you dont he will give you another spanking Okay darling" I readily accepted I did not want that again. The room smelled of sex and the evidence was plain to see, the white cotton sheet displaying their bodily fluids.I was ordered between her legs and "drink Daddy's and mummy's cum cum" I cleaned the salty mixture of their goo from her loose swollen ,puffy vagina, the taste on my tongue wasn't unbearable .Then she said because I had been a "good little baby girl" I could "make love to mummy".She laid on her back and took out my thin puny erect penis from the side of my frilly baby girl knickers with two fingers and positioned my thin short shaft at the entrance to her vagina.She placed one of her hands under my nappied and satin covered crotch and pushed me into her.I just slipped straight into her pussy so very easily ..much more easier than I ever have before.Her vagina was still very slimy and wet . I began to make love my darling wife pumping my slippery wet rigid organ into her equally slippery Vagina,.She held onto the crotch of my knickers but even this didn't always prevent me slipping out.She pushed me back into her several times, Her face was expressionless as my baby manhood went in and out of her, when I quickened my pace I slipped out more times than I have ever done obviously because of their sticky cum. My baby penis failed to touch the walls of her vagina and I could feel nothing much other than an overstretched cavernous cavity .Susie then grabbed hold of the back of my frilly baby panties to see if this would keep me inside her somehow.Susie pulled my knickers so hard she would have given me a wedgy if it weren't for my nappy " fuck me baby c'mon darling .. c'mon darling ..I love you baby.. really love you but please make love to me....please .Susie looked quite upset I could see tears in those dark brown eyes ,she sobbed and cried as I carried on fucking my sweet gorgeous wife. I thought I was making her cum but no Susie began to apologize to me ,she was loud and vocal. "I'M SORRY BABY BUT I CAN'T FEEL YOU I CANT FEEL A THING ...NOTHING ...NOTHING AT ALL NOT A THING..I..I CANT TELL IF YOU ARE INSIDE ME...AT LEAST BEFORE I COULD FEEL A LITTLE BIT OF YOU" .She carried on sobbing ,Susie was very emotional,she kissed me passionately. POOR BABY ...JENNY'S TINY ICKLE BABY DICK IS NO GOOD FOR MUMMY ...IT WILL NEVER BE SUFFICIENT NOT NOW SHE HAS A NEW BOYFRIEND ...DON'T WORRY DARLING I STILL LOVE YOU VERY MUCH ..I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU.JAKE AND ME HAVE COME TO AN ARRANGEMENT.HE WILL BE YOUR NEW DADDY, HE WILL COME TO THE HOUSE A COUPLE OF TIMES A WEEK.....JUST TO MAKE ME HAPPY...FOR SEX,THATS ALL ...OKAY SWEETY". "Yeth mummy YETH" I said getting into the role "I want to be your baby girl forever,.... I want to watch you and Daddy fuck in our bed cos I'm just a big sissy baby girl with a tiny ickle peepee". I carried on with my fantasy ."I want to be totally dominated and humiliated by you and your lover and if I'm a naughty baby girl I know my new Daddy will spank me like the sissy wimp that I am".. Susie's emotional state appeared to return to normal,feeling more calmer and relaxed "oh yes yes Good girl I knew you would accept my proposal . .... Cindy will babysit for me from now on , she has my permission to bring a few of her lovely friends over should me and Jake decide to go out again or for a weekend away in an hotel.You will be a permanent baby girl at all times when you get home from work..,all your frilly baby clothes will be washed and then dried on the washing line so our neignbours will know your pathetic needs to be a little adult baby girl secret....understood?"... "Yeth...yeth mummy" my little penis now almost ready to release its load into her sloppy very wide over-stretched pussy. "Oh yes darling don't forget... all those sweet little baby photos have been put some where safe in case you get any ideas...Cindy printed several copies off just in case you go snooping for them or delete them from her phone"". "Yeth mummy..me be a good ickle girl ."My 3 inches now banging into her well used slit thinking at what Cindy will do with those pictures of me in my baby girl attire I thought about Lucy seeing those pictures of me and her reaction to them,knowing I'm an adult baby cuckold. I bet and all her friends will laugh.Will Cindy's friends really come over and babysit with her ..the thought terrified me but wow the idea was a massive turn-on. Susie continued pulling hard at the rear waistband of my plastic pants and frilly satin panties trying to get some extra penetration and prevent me slipping out. She pulled up my pink sheer baby doll nightie out of the way and held onto my panties ,She cried out saying- "I CANT FEEL YOU ....I JUST CANT EVER REALLY FEEL YOU... BUT ITS MUCH WORSE THAN BEEN BEFORE ...POOR BABY...SO...SO.SMALL ..SO TINY BABY. She knew these words would turn me on and I quickened my pace,the plastic and satin rubbing together making that familiar a rustling noise which ,I lasted about 2 minutes until I exploded my baby juice into sexy beautiful wife /mummy. We lay there panting ,me still on top of her sexy slim body.Susie caressed me,stroking me and patted my frilly pink satin padded bottom causing my plastic pants to rustle under the knickers. She talked to me like a baby again in her mock baby tone "Did my ickle sissy girl like dat eh... precious...such a baby girl aren't we eh most of the time mummy's pussy will only be for your Daddy but if you are good baby girl I may treat you once a month ". I turned slightly to look at my wife and saw her looking towards the bedroom door.I felt a presence and quickly realized that the bedroom door was now fully wide open it wasn't open earlier .I turned to see Cindy was standing there with a huge grin on her pretty young face,she had seen and heard everything,I felt so ashamed and embarrassed. "Morning you two2 she said with a cheeky smile.Susie must have know Cindy was there but never said anything. She came into the room as my wife got out of bed and handed her the satin robe. " I guess you and Jake had a great time " "I hope we didn't keep you awake all night long Cindy". " No its fine Susie honestly but by god he certainly went at it didn't he .. I don't want to be crude but .. well you were very noisy Susie...I heard you crying at one point but just guessed Jake was making you happy...did it hurt though .. with him being so large" ."Oh Cindy it was wonderful being with a real man" ."Yeah it hurt to begin with,not overly painful certainly bearable until I got used to him ..you know...being very large,I felt him so deep inside it gave me very nice sensations like would not believe Cindy...he made me cum so hard on that enormous cock and yes it hurt initial but once I was fully aroused it felt really good". " Susie that's great news I'm so pleased for you. Carol told me you are more likely to finally reached an orgasm with another man... after such a long wait". They hugged each other. . "So I guess size does matter then" Cindy said with a blush. Susie laughed at this. "Well of course it does dear.. well certainly in this situation". Cindy giggling almost non stop, "I suppose you are right ...you had an extra extra 5 inches last night.....a lot more than you've been used to this last few years,not to mention he's such a hunk". They both laughed more and looked at me laying on the bed. Do you want me to babysit next Saturday? I will bring my friends round so they can meet your kinky husband ,I'm sure they will want to see your pretty baby girl all dressed up". "Emma one of my friends ...the one who's studying fashion is great at dress making .I text her the photos I took last night and she's more than happy to make him a new pink baby dress and frilly knickers...she needs to measure him first though". "Oh Cindy that would be lovely ..wouldn't that be nice Jenny eh...another pretty young girl coming to the house to fuss with you and make you lots of frilly baby girl dresses and frilly panties". "Yes please Cindy tell her to come over so she can measure him and I will give her the money to buy what she needs and of course you can come over next Saturday with your friends while me and Jake go out and enjoy ourselves. "What about a cot too Cindy suggested ..he's far too young to be in a grown up bed babies should sleep in a cot". "Not thought about that dear but good idea". "My boyfriend will make him one..he's studying carpentry and now has a part time apprenticeship... we can paint it pale pink and I can decorate it with teddy bears" .Cindy continued thinking of more ways to humiliate me .ALL babies should sleep in the nursery .. so you and Jake dont disturb him... I mean her ... but if you er you want to keep him awake I will buy a baby monitor so you can hear each other...I'm sure baby Jenny would like that wouldn't she... so she can hear her mummy and her boyfriend in bed together" Cindy said looking at me directly. Susie and Cindy thought these were wonderful ideas that when they were finally done laughing Cindy phoned her boyfriend.I could hear him laughing on the phone " you want me to make a adult size cot for your friends husband...because he wears baby girl clothes ?" He was more than happy to make an adult size cot especially when Susie spoke to him. " Hi Brad ,its Susie ..yes it sounds strange but I need a baby cot for my sissy husband.Yes he will sleep in it from now on because I have a boyfriend .Is £ 600 enough money...great see you tomorrow." Susie handed the phone back to Cindy to say her goodbye."Right then its all agreed"....Emma is coming over to measure my baby so she can make him lots more baby girl clothes,you will bring all friends over to babysit him,your boyfriend will come over tomorrow and make a start with the cot and you will supply a baby monitor....this is perfect." My life has changed so much over the last few months.I'm a permanent sissy baby girl when not at work.I'm often humiliated in front of women of all ages.They will all know I'm a cuckold because Jake visits regularly . I must wear my baby clothes at all times when he comes over. Susie has bought me lots more baby clothes which Cindy's friend made, lots of pink satin dresses and ruffled petticoats so short my matching frilly knickers are almost always on show.When my wife or Cindy have their friends visit to our house they will come into my nursery, see me in my cot and make fun of me, especially during my nappy changes.They will always come up with new ideas to humiliate me and tease me and they love to watch me being spanked by Jake over his lap, sometimes the hold up my baby dresses out of the way so he has good access to my frilly bottom .Cindy loves to pull my knickers and nappy down so Jake can spank my bare bum.She still finds this very funny.I have a baby mobile hanging just above my head as I lay in my cot ..hanging off the mobile are my wife's silky white panties ,ones she has worn when Jake has called round..the crotch evidenced with their sex stains.I spend most of my time in the nursery except on the rare occasions when I get to sleep with my mummy when Jake is away. CHAPTER FIVE: Susie and Jake have had the occasional dinner party at our home and the first time Lucy and her husband over Susie made sure I was already in my baby girl clothes and in my cot before they arrived .Susie deliberately left my nursery door wide open so the guests cold see me in plain view if they needed the bathroom...she made sure they used the upstairs bathroom and you had to walk past the nursery to access it .A pink ballerina figure lamp and white shade decorated with butterflies illuminated my nursery . I could hear all the comments on the baby monitor whilst they talked about me from the dining room.I could hear them all laugh when they heard me masturbating ,that tell tale rustling sound as the plastic rubbed against the pink fabric of my frilly baby knickers " oh I think she's playing with her tiny pee pee " Lucy announced.Susie then talked into the monitor..."stop playing with your clit or Daddy will drag you down here and spank you in-front of our guests!".I could hear howls of laughter.I stopped playing with my self. Susie came up to the nursery a moment later and strapped me into the cot to prevent me getting out and more importantly so could not play with my "baby dick" unless instructed to by an adult .I could hear Susie explaining to our guests what she had done.James ,Lucy's husband could not believe I put up with so much ."Well James Susie explained "a real man wouldn't would he and Johnathan is a baby ...Not a man...besides he loves it really" . Lucy announced she she needed to pee ,I could hear her footsteps coming upstairs and I knew she would see me in my pink baby cot dressed up like a baby girl.I got quite excited ,I wanted this very attractive woman to see me.She was a sexy lady ,lovely blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. She looked into my room quickly giving me a wave then entered the bathroom at the end of the landing.I felt a bit disappointed and hoped she would have at least said hello. When she came out Lucy came into my nursery to get a closer look at me.She had only seen photos of me as a baby until now ,she walked up to my cot and rested her hands on the railings smiling down at me. She surveying the sissy adult baby looking up at her, laying there in a pink oversize baby cot. limbs secured by 4 pink leather straps and cuffs attached to the corners of my pink wooden prison decorated by Cindy with dolls and Teddies .I had no duvet to hide under and was fully on show. She stared for a moment , from heard to toe ,looking at the pink ribbons in my hair , the penis pacifier tied round my neck ,the short pale pink frilly nightie with matching pink ruffled baby knickers - the ones embroidered with "sissy 3 inches" yes she looked at me ,right down to my frilly topped ankle socks.She shook her head laughing at me. "Just look at you Johnathan you look so silly wearing my daughters nightie and those frilly baby panties,...tell me do you still wet your nappy? .I looked at her and although I was blushing loved this teasing ,she was so sexy. ...yes she knows I wet my nappy.Lucy was all dressed sexily wearing a tight short black dress, stockings and suspenders of which I could make out the faint outline.She looked quite a bit taller in the black patent leather high heels .She turned around to look around my nursery taking in the soft girly furnishings,.Lucy opened my wardrobe looking at my different baby girl dresses ,my drawers where my plastic pants and frilly ruffled baby knickers .I watched her as she smiled to herself lifting out some of my plastic pants and ruffled satin knickers.Lucy was quite interested in my sissy adult baby life she like her daughter Cindy asked my wife lots of questions. I looked at her tight peachy bottom in that tight black dress, clearly at visible pantie line,she wasn't wearing a thong which was good in my own opinion and I tried to envisage what her panties looked like ..yes bet they were the sort Susie and Cindy wears ..expensive tanga high cut satin ones with a hint of lace .She turned to catch me staring . " were you looking at my bottom ?... thats very naughty I wonder what my husband would say if I were to tell him...do you think he may come and give you a spanking if I were to ask him to" ? she giggled."Yes baby I know Jake's spanks you ...such a wimp ...a sissy baby girl aren't we" . Should I tell her what I was really thinking I asked my self " actually Lucy I was just...just trying to guess what kind of panties you were wearing " I sheepishly explained .She smiled at me "oh .. oh you were were you mmm you want to see what sort of underwear I like to wear eh..what women wear for real men" She thought for a moment then cautiously looked around then looking back at me lifted her dress up so high I could see the top of the pale pink bikini style satin panties ,designer ones with a lacy panel at the front. I stared at them and she laughed and turned around so I could see that satin covered bottom so stunning she then pulled her dress back down.Lucy then placed my penis pacifier into my mouth. . "Okay baby the show is over ..now me see your knickers" She lifted up my nightie and laughed so loud at my panties . " ohhh same colour as mine but yours are so girly ..... very frilly... ooh and whats this I see" ? Lucy looked at the - inscription sissy 3 inches . "3 inches ? not what I have heard ... I have heard its less than 3 inches... Susie said it was only 2.9 inches- thats a baby size isn't it and thats why you are baby girl. a baby girl in frilly pink baby knickers not like a woman would wear. yes ...thats why Susie has Jake. I have never seen her so happy.We speak on the phone and she's told me he has a big 8 inch penis .They make you watch sometimes if you've been good....don't they baby" .Susie says she lets you play with her panties while you masturbate your little dink dick when Jake is giving her a lovely orgasm" ."You like ladies panties don't you" ...she said looking at the mobile that hung above my head. Four pairs of Susie's white silky panties all cum stained in the crotch ..hung so low I could almost touch them with my nose." Cindy tells me you enjoy being humiliated too, am I making you all hard in that nappy and those frillies... she tentatively prodded the front of my knickers feeling a small hard lump that lay inside my terry nappy .Lucy placed a her hand to her mouth to stifle her uncontrollable giggles "awww poor baby ...poor poor TINY baby girl" .She undid the leather straps to release my hands and commanded me to wank for her.Lucy clearly enjoyed the control she was having.I quickly took out my fully erect penis .She laughed hysterically as I proceeded to play with my cock in the only way I can do " finger and thumb ..".awww god " she laughed."...its so very small .... its like an infants.Lucy staring down at me with those gorgeous blues eyes which were glued to my sissy sized penis "oohh good girl you gonna make cummies all over your frilly knickers for me baby ...yes do then but you might be spanked for spoiling them.....I should have brought my phone upstairs ..would love to video this and share it...next time eh ... baby Johnathan ...sorry ..I meant baby Jenny." In no time at all my sperm jetted out landing on my nightie and on my knickers.Lucy went went to the bathroom to get some tissue and cleaned up the mess laughing from my baby clothes.She kissed me on the lips thanking me for "entertaining her so well". She went back downstairs still laughing. Cindy loves babysitting me and I actually look forward when Susie and Jake go out for the night or have the odd weekend away.When it comes to nappy changes Cindy does it in such a loving way, she's quite mature for an 18 year old .There's no embarrassment on her or my side..not anymore.Cindy loves to tease me ,knowing full well I enjoy it because any sort of sexual stimulation is limited with my wife .When Cindy visits she nearly always wear short plaid skirts or something similar in style. I'm laid on the floor she kneels down in front of me and lifts up my frilly white paper nylon petticoats and frilly pink satin baby girl dress and clips it to the dummy around my neck.Then she tells me to lift up my botty so she can pull down my frilly baby knickers and plastic pants.Once she's unpinned my nappy and removed it I lay there with my tiny 1 inch flaccid penis on show.Not content with this she wants to see me hard so she accidentally on purpose opens her thighs enough so I can see her own pretty feminine panties-she knows I like white silky knickers and wears them regularly for me.Cindy is well aware this effect has upon me and with in seconds I'm fully hard. "Oooohhh your ickle soldier is standing all to attention baby girl... I wonder what caused that...naughty baby" she says with a cheeky smile and a mocking baby talk tone She loves it and so do I. When Susie and Jake are on a date night Cindy will come into nursery and give me a cuddle.There's been more than one occasion when she's laid with me in my giant cot put her hand up my short nightie and into my panties.Cindy pulls out my "baby dick" as she usually refers to it by taking it from the leg opening of my panties and wanks me while we listen to the sounds of my wife being fucked so very hard next door,so clear over the baby monitor. Cindy will make humiliating comments like " your mummy is getting fucked by Daddy's massive cock again ...awww poor baby Jenny has to listen ..she doesn't get to go near mummy's pussy these days...poor ickle baby but dont worry I will make baby Jenny feel all nice ..I will play with her tiny tiny ickle willy until she spurts her creamy onto her fwilly pink baby girly pantith" .She would hold my tiny member with a finger and thumb and rub it like a girl would rub her clitoris .The unmistakable sounds of my satin knickers rubbing against my crinkly noisy plastic baby panties making them rustle encouraged her to increased her tempo, those naughty teasing comments coupled with the sounds of my wife's loud moans would have me ejaculate all over the front of my pink frilly satin baby knickers with a few minutes.Cindy would cuddle me for quite sometime afterwards and kiss me on the forehead or cheek.The only downside to my "baby treats" with Cindy I was not allowed to touch her, "thats for boys with big dicks baby" she would remind me.Cindy has hinted she may let me suckle on her breasts and I hope this happens very soon.Susie is aware of Cindy's "baby treats" but had no problem with it because it saved her the job of wanking me off -usually into her cummy panties. I love my sexy wife/mummy so much and would never go back to how things used to be .I'm so happy at being a baby girl to my wife and new Daddy .When Susie knows Lucy or Cindy is coming over she likes me to be wearing my very short frilly pink satin dress and ruffled petticoats ,my hair is growing longer so she often its styled as a toddler girl, the outfit is finished off by short frilly ankle socks and Mary Jane be shoes, there's no nappy or frilly panties because Susie likes to make sure my tiny soft 1 inch penis is on show.Cindy thinks its quite funny having me like this,I'm so lucky having such an attractive understanding babysitter like Cindy, life has only got better for me.
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From the album: Wash and Dry
© Marta
From the album: Wash and Dry
© Marta
From the album: Wash and Dry
© Marta
From the album: Wash and Dry
© Marta
Introduction: Chris is a mature and responsible 22 year old university student, recently thrown out by his parents for being gay and looking for somewhere to live and for some people to support him. He responds to an Ad from Frank and Brenda, who are looking for an adult son. Their treatment of him is loving and caring, but the rules and regime are a real challenge for Chris. Throughout Chris has various opportunities to leave, he always chooses to stay. This is my take on a theme I know has been done before, I’ve written over 40 chapters documenting Chris’s experiences with Frank and Brenda Morden, from the warm and loving to the outright humiliating and sometimes what seem like cruel and brutal. If people like where it’s going I’ll serialise and post them as things get gradually deeper and deeper. Contains nappies / diapers (obviously), wee and poo, physical restraint, BDSM, as well as love warmth and affection. I hope you enjoy! Chapter 1 - Responding to the Ad It was 1pm on a beautiful English summer’s day as Chris walked up to the front door of number 40, the large house at the end of the lane. His heart was pounding in his chest. Chris is 22, 5’ 8”, slim build and with beautiful thick blond hair that he wears about 2 inches long. He’s a shy guy and had a rough time. He’s recently come out to his parents and it’s not gone well. They’ve cut off his money for uni and told him to make his own way. He’s hoping that Frank and Brenda who he is about to meet can help him. Chris is here because he’s responding to an Ad he saw online. “Mutually beneficial relationship wanted. Brenda and Frank are looking for a male, between 20 and 25, to be their adoptive son for 2 - 5 years, in return for lodging, food and any educational bills paid to help their adoptive son grow into a fine young man”. It seems like a good deal. As the door opened a man and a woman in their mid 50’s stood there with warm smiles. Both were quite tall and heavily built. The man, who must be Frank was at least 6’ 2” and looked as strong as an ox. ‘Hello my love’, said the woman. ‘I’m Brenda and this is Frank. You must be Chris, would you like to come in?’ They walked into a large hall, and then into a beautiful sitting room. It’s ever so hot said Brenda, would you like a drink? ‘Frank and I are having tea, for you I’ve got Apple or Orange Squash. What would you like?’ Chris quite fancied tea, but he said ‘oh err Orange please’. Chris sat down and Brenda came in with two teas and a sippy cup containing squash. Chris looked at it oddly and took it politely. They all introduced one another and exchanged pleasantries. Then Frank slapped his leg authoritatively and said ‘right, let’s get down to it…’ ‘Brenda and I have never been able to have kids of our own, so we adopt young men and bring them up instead. Over the last 10 years we’ve had 3 sons all live here as if they were ours. We’ll pay for everything you need, a room in our lovely house, food, activities and for you to finish your education, all you have to do is be our son.’ ‘That sounds great’ said Chris, 'I can do that'. ‘There are terms though Chris' said Frank' to make sure we all get out of this what we want. We’ve never had kids, so we like to live some aspects of that with our sons. As this will cost us a lot of money, you’d need to sign a contract with us for 2 years, with the option of extending to 5. If you broke the contract you’d have to pay us back all the money we’ve given you, plus £120 a night board and lodging. Additionally for the heartbreak it would cause us, £1000 compensation. I’m being up front and completely open about it, that’s the deal.’ Chris thought about that, and to be honest, it all sounded pretty reasonable, except that £1000 compensation. That’s weird. ‘Okaaaay’ said Chris a little unsure at this point. ‘We don’t ask much of our sons’ said Frank, ‘But there are a few simple, non negotiable house rules for those in our care. 1. We’re the parents, you’re the son, you do as you’re asked to. Ok, thought Chris, it’s their house, fair enough. 2. Bedtime is at 7:30pm, get up is at 7:30am. You can have a light on until 9pm, then it’s lights out. What??? 12 hours a day in bed, that’s a bit crazy. It’s to give Brenda and I some me time, said Frank. 3. You’ll wear protection at all times inside and outside the house, no exceptions.’ ‘Sorry’ said Chris, ‘what do you mean with that last one, what is protection?’ He was imagining having to wear like a hard hat and high vis or something. ‘It’s to stop accidents love’ smiled Brenda. ‘Sorry if I’m being a bit dumb’ said Chris uneasily ‘What type of accidents?’ Frank waved his hand to his crotch area and said ‘You know, accidents, accidents in your pants’. Chris looked at them confused. ‘I don’t have accidents in my pants’ he said slowly. Frank was very clear. ‘Well they’re the main terms, accept them or we’ll bid you a good afternoon and safe trip back’. ‘What is the protection?’ asked Chris gently. ‘It’s a pad, it goes around your waist, you won’t know it’s there after a day or two’ said Frank. ‘Oh don’t beat around the bush’ said Brenda. ‘It’s a nappy my love’. Chapter 2 - Walk away? After the list of 3 requirements Chris was ready to leave. Brenda could sense it too. ‘Would you like a tour love, it might convince you, we have so much to offer. We’re really not asking for much, it’s just something we like, it keeps us all close, like a family’. Being ever polite Chris agreed. They went through into the kitchen, which was enormous with a large island in the middle. Though Chris couldn’t help but notice all the cupboards had locks on. Weird. The tour continued through their expansive and beautiful home, until Brenda opened the door to a small room on the upper floor and said, ‘This is the changing room’. The corner of the room was stacked with large packs of what must be adult disposable nappies. There was a large changing table in the middle and a hoist hanging from the ceiling. Next to the changing table was a book shelf full of nappies all neatly stacked and organised. Chris didn’t know what to think, he felt like laughing to be honest. ‘It’s a beautiful way to care for someone’ said Brenda, in a gentle and loving tone. Next they opened the door to a large bedroom. ‘This would be yours’ said Brenda. Chris looked into what was the most amazing room. It was painted mid blue, with Lego and toys all around the outside. There was a large treasure chest in the middle against the wall filled with toys and games. Over by the door was an iMac, iPad and iPhone new and in the box on a desk. In the middle of the room a comfy looking single bed, with a Cars duvet on. It was a cross between a rich child and rich teens room. Chris loved it, he’d seen rooms like this in movies, but he’d never had one himself. ‘Come down and sit in the garden for a bit’ said Brenda. ‘Have a think about it, no pressure. We’ll leave you alone for a bit’. Chris paced up and down the garden. He’d travelled a long way for this. If he left, he had nothing, no where to go, little money and some hardship ahead on his own. If he stayed, he would live in this amazing house, in that incredible room, with these two nice people promising to pay. But, and it was a big BUT, the nappy thing was weird. Did they really mean it? Was it really that big of a deal for all this? He thought about the nappy thing some more, in fact it was the only real potential deal breaker. Just because I wear it, doesn’t mean I have to use it does it? I know they’ve got the changing table and all that, but after a few weeks of realising I’ve never had an accident and obviously don’t need it they’re gonna bore of it. And, if they want me to wear it for their pleasure or something sometimes, so they can get their kicks, why not. It’s harmless, it’s free. Chapter 3 - The Contract Chris came in from the garden to Brenda and Frank looking at him hopefully and expectantly. ‘Well?’ said Brenda. ‘Do we have enough to offer you?’ ‘Yes’ said Chris ‘I’m not sure about the nappy thing, but otherwise yes’. ‘You’ll get over that in no time, said Frank. It means a lot to us and it’s a very minor thing for you’. Frank placed an official looking sheet of paper in front of Chris: This contact is between the “parents” and “son” named below. For a period of 2 years starting from the date signed by all parties. The parents shall provide board, lodging, food, educational fees, transportation and all other expenses required by the son during his stay. The son shall: 1. Do as instructed by the parents at all times and is subject to punishments if not. 2. Be in bed between the hours of 7:30pm and 7:30am unless deviated from by the parents. Having a light on is permitted between 7:30pm and 9:00pm for reading or using electronic devices, subject to safety equipment being set by the parents to make that physically possible. 3. Wear and use protection at all times for toileting needs. When at home and in the presence of the parents, they will change it. If our alone the son may change it himself, but must bring home all used ones for inspection. 4. Wear a GPS enabled device. There was then a whole section detailing the financial implications Frank went over before. This contract shall be deemed broken if the son, engages in behaviours such as, but not limited to: 1. Refusing to wear any safety equipment applied to him by the parents. 2. Refusing to wear or removing his nappy without the knowledge of his parents. 3. Removing his GPS device. 4. Abandonment, ie running away and leaving. Chris didn’t really understand it all. Especially the bits around safety equipment. What did that mean? The gps thing was also new, but didn’t sound like a big deal. The rest of it though looked as expected, so he went ahead and signed it and passed it back to Frank. Frank and Brenda signed it too and then Brenda gave Chris a huge smile and said. You can call us mum and dad now. Let’s get you changed. Chapter 4 - Nappy No.1 Brenda grabbed Chris’s hand and walked him upstairs to the changing room with Frank closely behind. ‘Ok strip to your pants’ said Brenda ‘And jump up on the table’. For Chris it felt a bit like being at the doctors. It was also very embarrassing, he had not expected to get naked in front of these people. He stood there just wearing his blue Calvin Kline jockey underpants, slightly shaking. ‘Come on’ said Frank ‘Jump up’. He lay looking at the ceiling, when Frank gabbed his legs and threw them in the air. Attaching them to a hoist in the ceiling. He then pulled a cord and his legs were pulled up into the air lifting his bum off the table. Brenda then grabbed a large pair of scissors and cut straight through the side of Chris’ best underpants. ‘Hey!’ said Chris. ‘Shhh’ said Brenda gently. ‘You’re not going to need them. When you’re back in pants we’ll buy you new ones’. With that she gently removed the cut pants and started to apply cream to Chris’ bottom and around his groin. It felt so weird to Chris to have someone touch him like that. He’d had a brief fling with a girl a year ago, but nothing very intimate. Brenda went over to the shelf and pulled out a nappy. ‘You’ll wear something a bit more special sometimes’ she said. ‘But day to day you’ll most likely be in these. It’s a Euro Tena Slip Ultima Active fit. They’re plastic backed so nice and secure. Your daily driver as Frank and I say, they then both looked at each other and chuckled’. Brenda opened it out then slid it under Chris’s bum. Frank then lowered the hoist such that Chris’s bum rested into the nappy and his knees were bent. Brenda then opened his legs a surprisingly long way and pulled it up tight, and pushed his penis firmly down into it, before securing it with four tapes, one at a time. She then ran her hand around Chris’ bum making sure his leg guards were raised. Which tickled all the way around making Chris giggle. Frank unhooked Chris’ legs and rolled him on his side, before giving him a kind pat on the bum. ‘There you go son, that’s it, all done. Up you get’. Chris sat up. As he did the nappy crinkled and popped. He dropped his legs to the floor and stood up. The bulk of this thing between his skinny legs felt enormous. How on earth was he going to get used to wearing this? ‘Ok son said Frank, that’s it, from now on you need to go, you just go, ok? You don’t need to worry about it, Brenda or I will sort it out’. Chris looked at him and then looked at Brenda, yeah yeah he thought. She nodded affirmatively. He looked down at the disposable nappy he had on in total bewilderment. ‘Do you want to go to your room now and get settled in?’ said Brenda.
From the album: Cycling Shorts
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta
From the album: Dressed Up 3
© Marta