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  1. Lila on a family vacation This started as an English writing - training project for me. I have to give credit to the original Story “Lila’s family vacation” from Reatykeuniverse for the idea, the plot, and the beautiful name Lila that I used as a starting point. The first chapters are more like a close-bound rewrite with a lot of added sections in the middle, while the later parts just stick to the basic plot and do not have a lot in common with the original. This is the first part (apx. 6000 words) of the story that is already finished and has apx. 46000 words. While correcting takes a lot of effort for me due to my problem with reading and seeing spelling errors, it will take about two weeks to finish a chapter. So please be patient, I will try my best not to keep you waiting. Even though this is not my first story, I do a lot of writing in German, but it is my first story in English. I put a lot of effort into correcting all the grammar and spelling errors and hope there are not too many left to spoil your reading experience. I welcome any constructive feedback on my writing style, grammar and spelling, but please add as much information as possible, so I can improve. And I would also love to hear if you liked the story. If you want to know more, I just opened an intro thread in the nursery Annie's Intro ### Chapter 1 - Traveling - Discover what seemed to be lost. "Mum really, why do I have to wear diapers again?", complained Lila. "Hey honey, we are never going to force it if you don't want to," replied her mum Maria, "but you always wore them for the last years on our vacations, and it always made our trips a lot less stressful, for all of us?” She struggled with her decision while her mum placed the bag on her bed. This bag was clearly designed to appeal to a nurse in a retirement home and did not charm the little girl into the decision to wear them on the trip. As Lila stared at the colorful sheets of her bed, she felt the conflict in her. She was not eager to wear anything other than her panties. And all of her classmates in school would surely throw such a big tantrum that her parents would not dare to mention these diapers ever again. On the other hand, her mum was right, she wet the bed at least sometimes, and for some seconds she remembered how this unusual habit started for the now teenage girl. Whenever her parents could get some days off work, the family went on a trip together, and her mum used to put her girl in pull-ups just before they were leaving. All this started when Lila had a wetting accident when the family was on a city trip to Berlin when she was seven. It was the first year when she finally managed to stay dry during the day and at the packed museum, the line to the toilet was way too long for the young girl to hold it. Lila was in tears and did not want to leave the bathroom anymore, and her mum needed all her mummy magic to cheer the little girl up and get her ready for the rest of her day. To protect her from embarrassing accidents and to make it easier for her child, Lila, and her parents decided to keep her in the pull-ups she still wore for bed-wetting just in case during the day for the rest of the city trip. This worked so well that from there onwards, it became a secret family tradition for the little girl to be in pull-ups whenever they went on a vacation. In all those years, Lila didn't mind wearing pull-ups on occasions like this. She still wore them to bed at night, and wearing them on vacations during the day gave her back some kind of security. She even peed in them when she did not want to rush to the next restroom or was on the road. But now she is thirteen! Nearly a grownup woman in her eyes. And to her dismay, her mum got her tape diapers designed for a senile granny, instead of the slightly embarrassing but at least funny-looking pull-ups. Furthermore, she could slide down these bed-wetter's pants easily on her own when she headed to the bathroom. Lila had indeed outgrown her pull-ups, they did not fit her properly and on the rare occasions she wet the bed they hardly prevented the wet stains on the sheets. So the last time she'd worn them on a trip, her mom had decided to switch to diapers when she was not sleeping on her well-protected bed at home. While she still stared at the bag, Lila was obviously hesitant to wear ugly full-tape diapers, especially at her age. But after recalling her last wet night which was not even one week ago and that she probably would sleep on the plane, she ultimately decided to go with the diapers, just to be safe. "Fine..." she gave in, still trying to look serious, "But this is the last time I swear, and it will be just for the flights and when I sleep!" "You are such a responsible girl.", Maria praised her daughter, leaving her confused about what could be responsible in using diapers. "Please lie down, honey. So we get your diaper on you." Still, in her thoughts, Lila was obeying Mom's instructions sheepishly, took off her skirt and underwear, and laid herself on the soft bed while she noticed the crinkling of her mattress protector as she squirmed and twisted. "Can you put your bottoms up, please." her Mom patiently asked, not wanting to embarrass her girl more than necessary by just lifting her legs with her arms. And she unfolded a plain white fabric and laid it under her daughter's bum. Lila was weirdly feeling comfortable as she put some cream and powder on her before she taped the diaper in place and adjusted the leak guards. "We're all done, and you are ready for your vacation!" Her mum smiled at her. "Do you want to check that you have everything, we have to leave in fifteen minutes." ### Lila was in her thoughts for most of their trip to the airport. And when they arrived, Mum even needed to hold her hand because she was still daydreaming. However she looked at it, the diaper that she wore did not feel uncomfortable. She even liked the soft material that hugged her and that was wiping away all her worries. With the ease of her mind, she dreamed about all her past vacations where she was young and free. In retrospect, she had a really great childhood. Her parents were always there for Lila, and one of the reasons why she did not mind wearing her Pull-Ups in the past was that her parents did not make a big thing out of it when she had a small uppsie accident in them. After the family got their baggage checked in, they still had time to spare before heading for the gate, so they sat on one of the benches to wait and relax. Lila was exhausted from walking through the endless corridors and for a brief moment wanted to sit on her mom's lap as she did countless times in the past, but instead, she sat next to her, suddenly feeling her need to pee. "Mom," she secretly whispered, mindful that they were in a crowded airport, "I need to pee really urgently." “Oh, right now, can't you hold in any longer?” she replied searching for a bathroom while only seeing a corridor packed with endless shops offering their expensive and often useless duty-free stuff. As a young preteen child, Lila didn't mind using her pull-ups, especially when there was no clean bathroom nearby. She leaned on Mum's side, trying to get comfortable with all the people around. “This was much easier on our last trip”, she commented with a sigh. At the same time, she was getting ready to accept her daughter's wish to head to the bathroom whenever possible. “No mummy, I don't want to, my feet are hurting!”, Lila confessed. Wishing she had not protested against her parent's request for her to be diapered and unaware that her mum now could easily read the trouble of her little girl's mind like an open book "You know, I don't mind if you use your diaper, honey. I am sure it will hold up fine.", her mom carefully suggested, while at the same time easing her girl with her hand. For some seconds, Lila thought about that option out of her dilemma. Her parents put her in actual diapers, and that is what they are for, aren't they? Vaguely, she remembered the moon and the stars that promised a dry night on the package. It would soak up everything, she assured herself, while on the other hand remembering the good old days when she just peed in the pull-ups whenever she had to go. Once, she nearly let her mum talk her into going poopy, because they were in a subway with no bathrooms available. On that occasion, she finally made it to a stinky metro bathroom, and she also remembered that she wished she had any other option as it was so gross and dirty. However, this was completely different in her eyes. She just wet the bed in her sleep and the toilet was surely just a short distance away and perhaps most importantly, even when she was small for her age she was a teeny now. Her mum noticed the still ongoing fight in her girl's mind. “Don't worry, little one. Just go pee if you need to, that is what you wear them for. And it will be our secret, I promise”, she heard her mother, laying her arm on her daughter's shoulder. Was it really so strange for her to wet her diaper, she questioned her belief. Her mum just had given Lila permission to use it when she needed to pee. And the diaper felt so soft and comfy, it could not be that bad, could it? First slightly squirming, Lila tried to release the pressure on her bladder, but it was quite difficult to do so deliberately, especially sitting on a bench in a crowded airport. This time she obviously pushed, pressing her eyes together as she slowly was able to squeeze out a few drops. “It is quite hard if you are not used to it, do you want to sit with me, it makes it easier.”, her mum promised. Lila switched over to the welcoming lap, suddenly noticing the difference. Without the hard surface she was sitting on, the next push gradually grew into a steady flow, making her crotch warm and squishy for a second. She hardly could stop peeing until her need was gone, and she felt dry and comfy again. Mom had taken notice of the growing warmth on her lap and had figured out what was happening. "Are you done wetting?" she asked with a motherly smile. Still a little embarrassed but glad she had the urgent need off her mind, Lila nodded in response. "The shop assistant assured me, it will keep you dry even if you have to go pee another time. But are you still feeling comfy and dry?" asked her worried Mom as discreetly as possible. For a second she forgot she was in public, squeezing her thighs together and checking the now not-too-obvious bulge between her legs. Not bad she had to admit, it was warm and still soft but not wet as her old pull-up would have been. "I'm good.", said Lila as she decided to not switch back to her own seat and was slightly thankful that her mum talked her into wearing a diaper again. Actually, Lila thought the warm feeling of her wet diaper was quite pleasant. She could tell that she had peed quite a bit into her babyish underwear, but these diapers were more absorbent than her old bed-wetters pants, and they could definitely hold a lot more. Maybe she was hesitant when arguing that she did not need the diapers on the trip. And she had to admit that wetting herself was still a big stress relief for her on this busy transit through the airports. As the minutes passed, their flight was announced over the speakers and Lila's family made their way to the crowded boarding gate. “You should finish your bottle”, her dad reminded her about the half a liter of sparkling water in her hands. Lila took a sip, as she noticed she had to pee again. I am already wet, she thought and as she only pushed a little, she was surprised how easily she started wetting. “Lila, we better change your diaper before we board the plane, don't we honey?”, suggested her Mom, as she spotted a toilet with a baby changing symbol added to the women’s bathroom. “You know, having to change your diaper on the plane would be a nightmare and very obvious.” Without trusting her diaper too much, she agreed with Mom that a change in the plane would be better avoided. After placing their bags with Dad, Mom took Lila to the toilet. There was a changing table, but it was just made to change a baby, and it was way too small to accommodate Lila. But upmost importantly, it would have been incredibly embarrassing for the small but still teenage girl, so instead they headed to one of the empty stalls together. Her Mom shut the door, “Can you lift your skirt for me, please.” Lila shyly raised her skirt, revealing the yellow-tainted diaper. “It was a good decision we switched you to diapers”, explained Mom, as she removed the tapes, letting the sodden diaper suddenly fall on the floor with a ‘plop’. “Your pull-ups would have been leaking long ago”, she concluded. “Now, do you still need to go potty?” Yes, Lila did feel a very light need to go, but using her diaper was not as bad as she thought, and she slowly began to regret that she was so determined to not use them on the trip. At least she could be using them on the flight and avoid the smelly dirty places they surely used as toilets here as well, she was making her decision. “No, I’m fine, Mom.”, Lila replied as she remembered how disgusting the toilets in public always were. “Sure honey.”, her mum smiled again. She cleaned her darling with a couple of quick wipes, unfolded the fresh diaper, and taped it on her daughter as if she never stopped doing it. Lila let go of her skirt and enjoyed the dryness of her underwear for a second. A wet diaper did not feel uncomfortable at all, but the feeling of a fresh and clean one felt pretty nice as well. “Let's go on a vacation” her Mom cheered, as she rolled up her sodden diaper, throwing it in the bin. While Lila was in a daydream about what just happened, she stepped out of the stall and followed her Mom. ### “Honey, good morning, we have just landed.” whispered her Mom as she gently kissed Lila awake. Opening her eyes, the girl slowly began to sit upright, rubbing all the sleepiness out of her face while stretching her legs. Yes, it was a good flight, she loved the thrill of takeoff and enjoyed the view over the clouds while she was taking advantage of the drinks and snacks they delivered. Eventually, all her adventures of the day caught up with the young girl, and she had fallen asleep with a smile for the rest of her flight. Now, as she stretched and wanted to get up, she noticed the slightly damp and warm feeling in her crotch. She indeed used her diapers two times on the transit when she had to go, and she was glad that Mum had not said a word about the not-too-small amount of soda that she downed. Feeling awake and ready to explore now, Lila glanced around the plane, noticing that most of the passengers had already disembarked and were on their way to the luggage claim. She did not want to wait any longer, as her dad was busy getting their bags from the overhead compartment. And in a moment her daughter was up on her feed waiting for her day bag and ready to start their vacation. As she was on her feet, she noticed her soaked diaper sag a little and the bulge between her legs was quite visible now if you knew it was there. She checked the back of her skirt for leaks and surely was relieved that everything still was dry For a second she wondered, whenever she had used her pull-ups it never felt this heavy. But this diaper had kept her dry and could handle a lot more than her old bed-wetters pants. As they followed all the signs to the baggage claim, Lila's belly started to feel uncomfortable, and she eventually had to go to the bathroom soon. Seeing that her parents were in a bit of a rush, she paid no mind to the ache and focused on keeping up with their pace. After arriving at the baggage claim, Lila went to grab a trolley while Mom and Dad waited at the conveyor belt for their bags. She pushed the trolley forward and joyfully jumped while rolling with it for some meters when she noticed the need to go suddenly coming back. But her parents looked so busy in the hustle and bustle of the airport, and she did not dare to raise her voice. Obviously, her only option was to tell Mom to take her diaper off for her to go to the restroom. But as she thought about that stinky room, she got a slight feeling of nausea in her throat. Actually peeing in the diapers saved her from this unpleasant experience on the transit through the airports. And now that she realized that this need would not be solved in such a quick but also childish and embarrassing manner, the worries that were so distant returned. Her mum sometimes offered her to just go when she was at the edge of having an accident and even if that was some years ago, she had to admit that her current underwear was made with that kind of accident in mind. And she even wore full tape-on diapers and was not in pull-ups now. Little kids and Babies do that all the time, don't they? She even remembered the adults talking about kids on the edge of potty training, just putting a diaper on when they needed to poop. It cannot be that uncomfortable. She was wondering what it would be like to go poopy in her diaper. And while the idea settled into her mind, she even got a little curious about how it would feel. Suddenly the need to go returned. Lila was sure she would not be able to hold back much longer as she squirmed and wiggled, hoping her need just would go away. “Lila, you look so worried. What's up?” she suddenly approached her little girl who was obviously feeling uncomfortable. “I... I am fine. It is just I may need to go to the bathroom a little longer really soon.”, she admitted sheepishly. “I can go to the toilet with you after we get our bags, in about five minutes, can you still wait for so long?” she explained, not realizing that her girl was on the edge of losing the battle against her belly. Lila put her hand on her tummy and felt the growing need to go now. Slowly shaking her head, she looked at her as she always did when she desperately wanted her help. “Can’t you come with me, so we can go now.”, she asked shyly, not willing to let her mum go and signaling that she might not be able to go on her own. “No baby, Bernhard needs my help, we cannot leave right now. ... So if you really need to go so urgently, I wouldn’t mind you using your diaper for poop as well. It's just a short trip to our hotel and I can change you when we get there easily.”, she told her and stroked her back as she always did when she was uncomfortable or stressed. Her mum just suggested that she should poop in her ‘just in case’ diaper. This was so embarrassing was her first thought, but after some moments she realized it would finally take the ache from her. And while everyone else would have ditched the proposal, for Lila it calmed her dilemma and even made her a little curious. Peeing in the diaper was such a relief, so pooping herself could not be so bad after all? She assumed in her mind. She smiled in Lila's face. “I really don't mind if you need to. You don't have to fight that hard.”, she tried to ease away the little girl's resistance. Maybe using it was the best option for her. As embarrassing as it was to admit, the thought of doing that with her mum’s consent made her feel loved and protected as if nothing could harm her. So Lila started wondering what it would feel like to actually do the other thing as well. With a sigh, Lila decided she wanted to try it, at least once. And this time she had a good excuse. Her parents had no time to accompany her, and she would not dare to go into the toilet alone, which could potentially be gross, dirty, and scary with all the unfamiliar people around. Even the idea of facing all the looks of strangers, the smells and flushing sounds without someone she knew close made her confident about her decision. “I think I'll use my ... you know, Mommy.”, Lila whispered, embarrassed and felt like a loved little girl while her mommy protected her. “It's ok you will feel much better”, she heard her say as Mom smiled and nodded, and joined Dad at the conveyor belt, leaving Lila some meters away waiting with their trolley. Lila tried to let it go, like she did when she needed to pee on the plane. But the ache in her belly just intensified further, and she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. After all, pooping herself was a lot more … involving than peeing. As she looked up again, she noticed all the adults were just staring where their luggage would appear. Surely no one would pay any attention to her, except for mum and dad of course. With that in mind, Lila leaned a little bit forward, resting some of her weight on the trolley. She relaxed her hold on her bowels and gave another slight push. A small trickle of pee released first before a tiny bit of her mess began making its way out. It cannot be that hard, Lila wondered, as she saw a little baby boy standing with his legs slightly apart, clearly doing his business in his pants. He does not care at all that he was messing his diaper. She felt the pressure in her belly coming back and also slightly spread her legs apart as she started to push. This time there wasn’t resistance in her tummy. Lila could feel the warmth quickly spreading as sticky poop squished against her bum. In relief, she exhaled and felt the load settle itself at the back of her diaper. Lila felt her belly relaxing a little. She now just wanted to feel comfortable again and all this nasty stuff out of her tummy. Once again she pushed a little harder, this time, and a few seconds later she was confident she had gotten everything out, while she realized that the feeling of pooping herself was much different from just wetting. While the diaper would quickly absorb all her pee, the poop had instead formed a slightly warm mess at the back of her diaper. However, she felt that it was actually quite pleasant and didn't feel bad at all. And it’s at least much better than having to use an icky, stinky restroom. Lila assured herself. She shook herself and pretended to smooth out the back of her skirt, carefully placing her hand on the diaper to make sure it was not too obvious as she was still in public. And she noticed the diaper was heavier now, and the sag kept most of her firm mess away from the childlike-looking girl's skin. For a second she smelled a faint lingering odor of poop. But she looked old enough that no one would expect it to be her who is poopy. Lila raised her head and saw her Mum looking over at her while she was still standing here doing her business as the little baby boy did just some moments ago. She noticed the kind smile on mummy's face as she turned back, helping dad take a heavy bag off. Mum knows, flashed to her mind as she wanted to be back with her parents. Lila slowly walked towards the conveyor belt to join them again. Somehow she wanted to tell them that she was messy, but it was much too embarrassing and babyish for her to admit. What will my daddy think of me just going in my diaper for that as well? The slight scent, however, told her parents anyway as she was approaching them. As Bernhard had picked up all their bags he sniffed and, with a knowing gaze, took Lila by her hand as he had not done for some years. “Let's get our car and finally head to the hotel.”, he said, willingly ignoring what his child just did and as if he was telling her everything was ok Lila was glad she was not alone anymore. She followed Dad and also stayed close to him while they were standing in the car rental pickup line. Standing in line, her mom decided that it was a good time to do a quick diaper check. She tried to pull on Lila's back of her pants, when her daughter quickly turned away and leaned closer to dad “Mom!” she exclaimed, “people are going to see!” “Don’t worry, no one’s going to think badly of you. And I just have to make sure that your diaper was holding up after your accident. You don't want to have a messy leak in the rental car after all. So do you let me check your diaper?” replied Mom with a loving smile while she did not even bother to lower her voice. “Mum ... !“, Lila tried to make a futile argument, while her dad just looked her in the eyes. “Really baby. No one knows you here, so it’s okay you don't need to feel ashamed about accidents while using diapers for traveling.” he underlined Mum's argument. The girl was really embarrassed now and hid her face in her dad's shirt. Lila felt loved, and she trusted her parents, but at the same time, she felt like a small toddler being checked for a messy accident. “I will have a short look.", her mum announced once more. Lila just moved her head in approval, while she felt her mum touch her bum and felt a tiny pull at her waistband and the back of her diaper. “You will be fine for now.”, she announced after a second. Getting her diaper checked by Mom was embarrassing, not only because they were in public, but also because it was their parent’s proof that she had indeed messed herself. Oh well, thought Lila. Her parents had surely smelled it already, and they would see it when she was in the hotel room. Dad hurried away with the clerk from the rental company and got over to the pick-up point. The mother and daughter couple patiently waited outside, where the company put some benches for all the waiting customers. With all the arriving passengers, nearly all seats were taken, and her mum just got the last free spot. “Do you like to sit on my lap again?”, she offered her girl, as she knew her feet were hurting after the long day of traveling. “But I have just...”, Lila stumbled as discreetly as she could, while at the same time she could not confess that she had a messy load in her diaper. “I am your mum, I don't mind your little skunky bum, and I have seen and changed you a lot in the past years”, she calmed her down, while not even confirming that this accident was a one-time ever event for her childlike small but already teenage daughter. Lila slowly sat on her mom's lap, while the strange feeling of the soft mess now spread all over her boom, confused her senses and created the strong childish need to cuddle with her mum. As her mum wrapped her loving arms around her, she no longer could stand being the independent teeny anymore but hid her face on mum's shoulder, ignoring what she might look like. Feeling her body so close and being loved by her mum was all she needed to leave her grumpy teenage thoughts behind. “Hi, you sleepy head, you have a really comfortable seat don't you”, her dad greeted her daughter as he arrived with their rental car and took their heavy luggage into the trunk. “Yes Daddy”, she cheered, not yet ready to let Mum go. “Lila is so sweet and affectionate today.”, her mother responded. “Do you want to cuddle your daddy too?”, the man offered his darling a chance to leave her mom's lap. She hugged him, still experiencing the irresistible childlike love for her parents. As if her dad had been on a week-long business trip, she now was clamping on him, even not letting him go as he lifted her up as a little girl. “We had a small issue with the car arrangement.”, the strong man on her shoulder, told his wife. “They did not have a booster for our Lila. The only possibility was the safer but more expensive child seat option for younger ones, but at least they did not charge us extra.” Feeling so much love from him, the girl could not protest, but she still didn't want it to be too childish. “What kind of child seat?”, she found the courage to ask, interrupting her parent's discussion. “Oh, it is a nice one in a purplish red color”, he advertised. Without dropping his girl to the ground, he took her over to the backseats of the car, opening the door and revealing a full-sized seat that even had shoulder straps as a seat for a rally driver. First, she wanted to protest that she was not a baby, but then the love from her parents and the comfortable hug lulled her into thinking twice about it. Wasn't her diaper the same thing, something childish, that could actually feel nice and comfortable? “Oh I am sure you are in for trouble”, his wife commented on the seat that her husband had chosen, remembering all the discussions she had with her daughter in the past weeks. Lila did not want to be a grumpy vacation Grinch, and maybe she also wanted to show her mum that she was wrong. “It is ok, at least we will have one, and we can enjoy our time here.” Her teenage side enjoyed the surprised feeling on her mum's face. “I think our big girl is not as grumpy and cranky as you think. Can I let you down to try it? It may be a little difficult with the buckles.” “But Daddy, I still want to cuddle with you.”, she confessed that the child in her was back in command. Slightly caught off guard, he whispered, “Do you mind if I tuck you in?”, he suggested, remembering the countless times that he placed his sleepy or sad daughter in the back of their car. “Yes Daddy” she mumbled while the only important thing was that he did not let her down on the hot and hard street. With some well-trained moves, he opened the door and let her slip on the seat. Without thinking, she put her hands in the shoulder straps and let him close the buckle with a click. Lila wiggled a little And while she noticed the lack of space to move, she somehow also felt comfortable. She liked the soft fabric and the small pillow that was there for her head. “I like it”, she confirmed again. And as the adults smiled a little, she added, “Just don't make me use it at home when my classmates see me. Ok?” The two adults, who were still astonished by the change in her teenage girl’s temper, got in at the front. With the push of a button, they opened the window a bit to let in the fresh summer vibes and to keep Lila's poopy smell at bay that still kind of lingered around her. As the drive was getting boring, she had time to think about all the things that changed while they left their city apartment. Most of all was that she, despite all her doubts, actually liked her diapers and the freedom she had to pee or even poop whenever she needed. But there was also the trust and love for her parents that was crowing again, as if her puberty had never sent the first confusing ideas in her mind. Making her more cranky than she actually wanted to be. ### Excited about the new place, Lila jumped on the queen-size bed in their hotel room. Her parents had just checked themselves in at the reception, and the young girl could not wait to explore everything the place had to offer. There were so many nice things she could think about that she nearly forgot about her messy diaper, that she still wore under her slightly childlike shorts. Mom had started unpacking all their bags, while her Dad headed down to the lobby, surely parking their car in the hotel's parking garage. As the last empty bag was packed away, her Mom looked at her girl. Lila was lying on the bed, checking out the kid's channels on TV while thinking about the hotel pool and the waterslides that they had here. The last things that Mom left on the bed were Lila's old travel changing mat and a fresh pack of wipes. “Honey, come, let us get that poopy diaper of yours changed.” Mom announced as she placed the mat and her wipes next to her on the bed. “Can you lift your tushie for a moment, baby?” “I am not a baby” she insisted, ignoring the obvious smell and still letting her mum slide the changing pad up under her back. Then she raised her skirt over her belly. With her hand, she signaled her girl, that she could lie back down Lila could feel the soft but water-impermeable layer around her changing area and noticed that she was indeed acting as if she was a baby girl. And while noticing that, she became a lot more self-conscious about the embarrassing thing she did. “Mom you know, I think I have to clean that up by myself.” offered Lila embarrassed, and at the same time she simply wanted to vanish into thin air. But still, she trusted her mum that she would not leave her alone with all the mess she had in her diaper. Maria placed her hand on her kid's belly, “I will do that, honey. I promised that when I told you to go poopy.” replied Mom. “Besides, when you were a baby, I’ve changed your poopy diapers a ton of times, and I really don't mind doing it again today.” Lila relaxed as she heard that, she relented in relief and slowly spread her legs, making it at least as easy as possible for her Mom. “Oh, this diaper is full.” giggled Mom as she opened the tapes, revealing the mess on her booty. “I am sorry. Your mummy should have changed your way earlier. This must have been very uncomfortable.” “It was not that bad, Mom, I nearly forgot about that after some moments.”, replied Lila honestly. “You know actually ...“, she continued, before her embarrassment suddenly stopped her. “Actually, ...?” continued her Mom, as she softly began wiping down Lila’s messy tushie. “It’s just… I don't know, it made the trip much easier for me and I kind of liked it a little, I guess…” stumbled Lila. “And I really hate to go to the smelly bathrooms. In my diapers I felt so loved and protected as if I am still your little child.”, she confessed. “You are always my child and I love you.”, she told Lila and Mom continued wiping in silence as the young girl enjoyed the feeling of the cold, soothing wipe gently rubbing against her skin while being so close to her mum. As Maria rolled up the dirty diaper, she kissed her belly. “You are all clean now.” exclaimed her mom, waiting for a second to see if she would stand up to get her panties on. But as the moments passed, it was clear that there was more Lila wanted from her. And with a sarcastically strict voice, she said, “Now, we have something to discuss, my little one. You know, I used to insist that you wear pull-ups in the past because I didn’t want you stressing about having an accident, especially since you wet the bed pretty often.” She paused for a second to see Lila’s reaction and when there was no sign of refusal she continued, “Today I promised you that you could switch back to wearing undies this year. But, you had accidents in them a lot today, and you told me you also liked the security and comfort that they gave you. So I thought we might as well keep you in diapers like what we’ve always done, or do you really want to switch back to underwear right now and just wear them as bed-wetting briefs at night?” Mom’s question surprised Lila. She did enjoy her diapers a little on the trip, and she just told her that it was comfy and made her feel protected and small. She now regretted her strong refusal. And while her pride as a teenager was on the line, she truthfully did want to be diapered again. “Do you mind if I choose the diapers?”, confessed Lila with her face red like a tomato... “Of course not, my girl. I think those will give you a much more relaxed vacation if you don't have to worry about bed-wetting when you are tired.”, said Mom, who then went to grab some fresh diapers and powder from the closet. “But how can I go to the bathroom and pee when I wear them, I mean they are real diapers and not just pull-ups” the girl wondered as she felt the soft fabric under her bum. “Oh.” Her mum replied, “I really don't mind you using them when you need to go, and if we have a toilet close by you just come with me and I help you to get to the potty” Gently, she fluffed up another plain white diaper, placed it under her booty, and sprinkled a little bit of powder. After checking the alignment was right and nothing was too tight, she taped the diaper in place and carefully adjusted the leak guards, as Lila rolled over at her belly and giggled. “You are done, baby”, she said as she gave the diaper a gentle pat “Could you tell me when you need a change.” her mum reminded her of their mutual agreement that they had on their previous trips. “Okay.” nodded Lila. The little girl somehow was conflicted. Wearing a diaper, wetting and pooping in it was surely supposed to have been so shameful. Especially for a young woman her age, but at the same time, she didn’t mind the strange feeling at all. And getting her diaper changed by her mom was supposed to be extremely embarrassing at thirteen. But for her, it was different. It felt somewhat nice. She felt like a loved child and enjoyed the childish affection and trust, she experienced while returning into this nearly lost stage of their mummy-daughter relationship.
  2. Four-year-old Macy is a big girl who just about mastered the potty. The only thing standing in her way are the diapers that she still needs to wear every night. But when she has a huge accident during New Year’s Eve, this got her thinking about wearing diapers more often. Macy’s potty training begins to get flushed down the toilet as she begins to have accident after accident. With the return to diapers eminent for Macy, how does she handle the adjustment in going back to diapers? Will she try to get her big girl underwear back or give up potty training forever? Chapter 1: Use the Potty Hi! I don’t think that I have seen you before, but my name is Macy Robbins. I would like to share with you how I spent my childhood wearing diapers, and all of the things that I experienced when I was growing up. Now I know that when I was growing up, most kids my age did not wear diapers. They wore big boy underwear if they were a boy and big girl underwear if they were a girl. So, how did I end up wearing diapers? It’s a very crazy story, and a rather long one, but I promise you that it’s good. Pinky promise. I will start my story where it all started when I was two years old. Back then, I lived with my family. I lived with two older brothers. An eight-year-old brother named Jake and a four-year-old brother named Randy. I liked Jake better since he was always nice to me, and he played with me sometimes. Randy on the other hand was a meanie. He always took my toys when I wasn’t looking and blamed me whenever he got in trouble. Jake always stood up for me whenever Randy was in the room, but Randy always tried to argue with Jake. I didn’t like the arguments, so I usually tried to stay away from them when they argued. I lived in a nice house with my mommy and daddy in Cincinnati that was right next to a golf course. I never understood golf growing up as it was just a game that grown-ups play by hitting little white balls with metal sticks. We also lived near a nice park that mommy and daddy took us to all the time. Mommy used to sell houses to people before my older brother Jake was born. My daddy makes a lot of money as a brain doctor. Another word for it is surgeon. He basically helps a lot of people with owwies in their head get better. I like how daddy is able to help so many people and it makes me happy. So how did I start wearing diapers? Well at this point, I have been wearing them since I was born. But this whole thing called potty training changed everything. And just two days after my second birthday, my mommy got me a little chair called the potty. I was supposed to pee in that, instead of my diaper. Now why did she want me to do that? She told me that it was all part of me becoming a “big girl”. I can vividly remember my first day of potty training, thanks to a journal that I kept when I was nine years old. “Macy dear,” my mommy told me. “Now that you are two years old, you are going to be potty trained. Be a good girl and use the potty.” I can remember just sitting on the seat while I still had my diaper on and looking back at my mommy with a pouty face. “No!” I told her defiantly. But my mommy knew the best way to motivate me. She gave me a smile. “Macy, for every time that you use the potty, I will give you one M&M…But you have to use the potty and not your diaper, okay?” That did it. M&M’s were the best thing in the world for me, so I wasted no time in using the potty whenever I could. Now I didn’t successfully use the potty right away. It took almost a week before I successfully used the potty. Mommy then gave me my first M&M. It was a red one and it was good. The other motivator for me using the potty was that my mommy took away my diapers and had me wear pull ups instead. This made me feel uncomfortable if I peed in my pull up, so I wanted to use the potty more and more. After six months of using the potty, I finally had no accidents in the daytime. So, about a couple of weeks after New Year’s Day, my mommy gave me my very first big girl underwear. They came in two colors: Bubblegum pink and blackberry purple. I was so proud of being able to wear my big girl underwear. I definitely felt like a big girl. Plus, my mommy kept giving me an M&M every time that I used the potty. However, I still needed to wear diapers every night. Even though I could hold it during the day, I always peed my diaper in my sleep. While I remained accident free during the day, a year later, I was still regularly having nighttime accidents in my diaper. It was mostly pee but was occasionally poop on occasion. When I got frustrated, my mommy told me not to worry about it and that I would grow out of it when I got older. At around this time, my mommy’s belly was huge. A few days later, we were in the hospital. My mommy gave birth to a new baby. It was a girl, and she named her Phoebe. I was so excited. I was going to be a big sister! But all of that excitement wore off two weeks later, when I discovered that my mommy was paying less attention to me. My little sister cried all the time and my mommy always had to feed her, change her diaper, or put her down for a nap. I was beginning to miss the attention that my mommy was giving me, so I began to pee my underwear on purpose. This happened for a couple of weeks before my mommy decided to put me back in diapers again. But this was only for a month. One month later, my mommy had an appointment with my pediatrician. She recommended that I get potty trained again and to pay more attention to me as my regression was caused due to the jealousy that I had towards the attention that my baby sister was now getting. About two months later, I was potty trained again, as my mommy doubled the M&M’s every time that I went both pee and poop in the potty. The reward for just going pee was still one M&M. I enjoyed my M&M’s as I successfully began to use the potty again. But I still kept peeing my diapers every night. That was something that hasn’t gone away. Even after my fourth birthday, I still needed to wear diapers at night. And as I began preschool, I began to make a lot of friends. When I had my first sleepover in the fall, I discovered that most of my friends were fully potty trained. I only knew about two or three that still needed to wear diapers at night. But by Christmas time, two of those three friends were fully potty trained. Christie and Susie both got to wear underwear at night while Cassie still needed to wear diapers at night like me. Christmas was a fun time that I spent at my grandma’s in Indiana. I had a lot of cousins, including two of them that were twin girls that were way older than me. After Christmas, it was now New Year’s Eve. My mommy cleaned the area between my legs and picked out my outfit for me to dress myself. At this age, I could finally wear all of the fun underwear that most kids get to wear when they are at the potty-training age. But since I was so small at two, I had to wear tiny underwear that fit my petite size. I put on my Anna and Elsa Frozen underwear and my pink dress. This day was going to be great, but I don’t think that I can stay up until midnight. My older brother Jake was playing a video game while Randy just watched. My little sister Phoebe was in her bedroom, taking a nap in her crib. I was about to go to my room and play with my dollhouse that I got for Christmas. What could possibly go wrong?
  3. Riley, an eleven-year old girl, is going to fall in love with baby diapers. Disclaimer: this story was written in a different language than English. It was translated with the help of an online translator. If you find something wrong, please feel free to comment it and I'll fix it. Enjoy! — 1 Riley lived a monotonous life. Like any other eleven-year-old girl, she would wake up early in the morning, eat breakfast with a bowl of milk and cereal, brush her teeth and become an athlete to catch the bus that would take her to school, spend five hours listening to her teachers' endless speeches, and write down everything important on her notepad. Friends she had none. Not that she minded the company of others, let's be clear; she preferred to stay in the background and be on her own. In group work she would participate enthusiastically and do her part; when it was over she would go back to being the shy, reserved little girl she was. From time to time she imagined what her life would have been like if she had had friends. Probably, it would have been less boring and static and more eventful. Once, she posed the question to her parents, whose answers did not enlighten her much. Her father Greg told her that having friends fills the days with great excitement, while her mother Helen told her that time passes more quickly and cheerfully if one is in the company of a friend. She was still pondering this on her way home from school. She passed Vito's restaurant, then Mary-Ann's china store, then stopped at the supermarket entrance. She looked at it undecided about her next move. It was quite a long way, at least a 30-minute walk. She had finished her water bottle in the story hour; she would be thirsty even before she entered the residential area. She tapped the left pocket of her jacket, she had her wallet with her, therefore money as well. She was sure of it, she had not used it before this moment. Thus, she passed through the entrance and headed for the bottle counter. She took a fresh water bottle and set off in search of the crates, which in a single moment turned into a full-fledged treasure hunt. She found herself in the meat department, continued to the right, all the way to the back, and arrived at the area dedicated to bread. Puffing, she went back four wards and turned left. She was surprised to see the shelf of baby products on one side and the toy shelf on the other. Motionless as a statue, she admired the baby products side, especially the diapers and wet wipes in their colorful and flashy packaging. She came out of her trance-like moment by shaking her head. She reached over and grabbed a package of Pampers Baby-Dry. Fluffy, she thought. I wonder how they will fit me? Suddenly, Riley was struck with a sense of disgust and placed it back on the shelf. Why had she thought that? Why had she stopped there and held a package of baby diapers in her hands? What was happening to her? She took steps back. Her gaze shifted to a young woman with brown hair and delicate face. She, too, was looking at that section with interest. She stopped at the exact spot where Riley had been perched and picked up the diaper package and placed it in her cart. In that instant, their eyes met. Caught in the act, Riley looked away; her mother had taught her that looking at strangers was rude. She blushed. In complete silence, the lady smiled at her and continued on her way. The little girl took one last look at the shelves filled with diapers and other baby products. She would have liked to buy them and use them. However, there was one detail that hammered in her head: she was an eleven-year-old girl and able to listen to her body, not a baby. She went back to find the speakers, putting this strange episode behind her and hoping it would not happen again. I am a big girl, she told herself. And big girls don't wear diapers. — The next day, Riley was there again looking at those shelves full of light blue packages of Pampers Baby-dry diapers stacked one on top of the other and one behind the other forming an impregnable wall. The real reason she was there was still a mystery, but she didn't care at that moment. She was itching to buy a pack of diapers and a package of wet wipes. She reassured herself by saying, "I'll take them now. I'm going to get them now. I'll take them now." As soon as she took the first step, she would immediately retract it. Then, the air grew tenser and tenser, and Riley tried harder and harder not to panic. She did this seven times in a row. "You still here too?" asked a soft voice. The little girl turned her head to her left; it was the woman she had seen twenty-four hours earlier, dressed in a slightly wrinkled dark blue overcoat and brand-new light blue pants. Her first thought was: What a strange coincidence. "Uh-huh," Riley replied, nodding. His heart began to beat faster. "I'm glad to know I'm not the only person in this lane," replied the adult in a friendly, cordial tone. "I forgot to take the wipes yesterday." The woman fetched them and then returned to Riley. "You seem nervous, are you all right little girl?" Riley nodded hastily, as well as giving an unbelievable smile. The woman looked behind her, then turned her focus back to the little girl with a questioning face. "Why are you here?" she asked as she lowered herself to her height, eyes as clear green as an expanse of grass on a sunny day. Quickly, she added, "If you don't mind me asking." Riley remained silent. Why was this woman asking her that question? Was she a woman who had ulterior motives? Where were the adults at that moment? She began to breathe nervously. The woman realized she was being impetuous toward her, so she repeated the question in a lighter, less inquisitive voice, "What brought you here, honey?" "I... I-I don't know," Riley stammered, taking a few steps back. "Maybe..." "You're interested in these things," replied the woman thoughtfully. "It's nothing wrong, you know." Her eyes lit up. The woman continued. "It's a curiosity that a lot of kids have, so there's nothing wrong with... going back to being a little baby and using baby things. " "Really?" "Yes," she replied, smiling, "you're not crazy, you're a normal kid. You're unique." Riley's eyes became glazed over and she rubbed them with the sleeve of her jacket. "I want to make you a proposition, so you are free to refuse," the woman began. "I'll buy you everything you need and drive you home. What do you say?" Without thinking, the little girl shook her head. Such a proposal could not be refused. And Riley already had a counter-proposal in mind to make to the mystery woman. She took courage and proposed to her, "I have the money and I want to take it... but the only thing I need... is... to know how it fits." The woman smiled. "Would you like me to put it on before we part?" Riley blushed embarrassed and looked away from her. No. No! This was going too far; her private parts remained private! The woman chuckled amusedly, "Just kidding, silly! Just lie on top of it, lift it up until you feel it over your belly, and attach the tapes. If you're having difficulty, watch a YouTube video." Riley nodded and in a low voice thanked the woman, before leaving her field of vision she ruffled her hair playfully and wished her good luck with everything. Would she see her again someday? She took a package of diapers, one of wet wipes and a lotion of moisturizer and walked to the cashier to pay. The cashier who had served her, a woman in her 60s, complimented her on being a diligent and responsible girl. She could not blush upon hearing those sweet words; she wished they had been true! Once outside the supermarket, she felt over the moon, and the smile on her face was proof of that. Now, it remained for her to go home and turn back the clock; the day had taken a decidedly more exciting direction than the usual monotony.
  4. Annie had been eagerly awaiting this day for nearly a month. The family that she was renting a room from while she is attending college were all going out of town for the day to go shopping, leaving her alone all morning, afternoon, and well into the evening. They had, of course, offered to take her as well, but she had politely declined. She'd been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Annie had discovered years ago that she had a fetish for both bondage and diapers. Since that discovery, perverted, sexual desires seemed to constantly fill her mind involving both. Every time she became aroused she imagined herself in numerous scenarios, all of which involved her tied up and diapered. Her fetish for diapers didn't just stop there though. Annie was an adult baby. She didn't just want to wear and use diapers. She wanted to wear childish clothes, suck on a pacifier, sleep in a crib, and numerous other babyish activities. Annie wanted all of this to be forced upon her. She wanted a cruel master or mistress to tie her up and force her to use her diaper. She wanted to be restrained in a crib, hopelessly horny and unable to touch herself. To be sent out in public wearing children's clothes and a big babyish diaper, not allowed to return until her diaper is well used. Fantasies like these regularly permeated her mind, to the point where she knew she needed to do something about it. Unfortunately for Annie it was nearly impossible to do so while living in the dorms. Having three room mates and very little personal space prevented her from being able to keep any of the paraphernalia she would need to satisfy her sexual desires. For the first couple of years of college her fantasies were forced to stay as just that. In her junior year Annie had decided to not live in the dorms. Instead, she was paying a family to stay in a spare room they had. She loved the extra freedom and privacy she had, and not just for sexual reasons. The family was also very nice and the commute to campus was short. It was honestly one of the best decisions she could have made. Since moving in, this was the first time that Annie would have the house all to herself for an extended period of time and she planned on utilizing it as best as she could. With the increased privacy she now had Annie begun to amass a collection of items to help live out her sexual fantasies. Her first purchase had been a pair of leather cuffs and a sample pack of adult baby diapers. After the family had all gone to bed that night she played with her new toys and had the time of her life. That was when she knew she couldn't just stop there. Since then she had purchased a pacifier, a ball gag, a vibrator, a mix of adult baby and actual children's clothes, pull-ups for children, a few butt plugs, and several other items. She had a big padlocked chest that she kept all of these items in. The family never went into her room without permission, but it gave her peace of mind knowing that it was safely secured away. The chest was getting close to full after her most recent purchase though. Annie had recently placed her largest order by far in anticipation of today. The family she was staying with consisted of a mother, father, and two daughters. The youngest of which was only two years old, meaning that they had plenty of furniture for her. While home alone in the past Annie had gotten a bit adventurous. One time she had gone into the toddler's nursery and climbed into the crib. Her small frame was able to fit if she bent her legs back. Another time she went down to the kitchen and climbed into the highchair. The highchair was bigger than average and Annie was definitely smaller than the majority of woman, so she wasn't really surprised when she was able to sit in it, strap herself in, and secure the tray. The knowledge that she could fit in the highchair, albeit fairly snugly, was a game changer for Annie. Whenever she could, she would get dressed up in a diaper or pull-up, put on some childish clothing, and go strap herself into the highchair. There, she would release her bladder and then rub herself to orgasm through her hot, wet, diaper. These were always some of the most intense orgasms for her. Unfortunately for Annie, opportunities to do this were few and far between, which is what made today so special. Before now the family had only ever been gone for about three hours at most. Today they would be gone for at least ten. When Annie had heard the news of this trip she immediately got to work planning what was bound to be the best sexual indulgence session of her life. Once her plan was complete she went online and purchased everything she would need. Utilizing timer locks, Annie planned to lock herself in the highchair for two whole hours. She was going to drink as much water as she could beforehand to ensure that she would be forced to soak her diaper. This wasn't her entire setup though, not even close. Annie wanted this day to be amazing as possible and all of her purchases from the last couple of weeks reflected that. When Annie was sure that the family was gone for good, she sprang her plan into action. She started by completely undressing until she was left nude. From her chest she pulled out everything she was going to need and setting them out. The outfit she decided on for today was a white T-shirt with the Pampers logo on the chest, pink and white striped thigh-high socks, pink bows that split her hair into twin-tales, and an adult sized bib with the words "Messy Baby" embroidered on it. Her diaper was pink and covered in princesses and ponies, one of the thickest, highest capacity, and most infantile she could find. Of course, that wasn't all though. Annie started by pulling out a bottle of lube. She began rubbing down the butt plug that she had selected. It was a longer one that got thicker as it reached the base and it even doubled as a vibrator. Once sufficiently lubed, Annie worked it into her rectum, moaning as it slowly expanded her hole until it was all the way in. She had originally planned on messing herself today as well, but thought that it would be best not to risk stinking up the house. Next, Annie laid down on the ground on top of the opened diaper. She thoroughly powdered herself up with her bottle of baby powder before also inserting her vibrator. The vibrator was unimpeded due to how aroused she had been leading up to this. With both items inserted, Annie taped her diaper up. The diaper was nice and snug on her, ensuring the vibrator would stay in place. She would turn it and the butt plug on right before she locked herself in the highchair. Now that she was penetrated and diapered she could move on to other parts of her outfit. Annie sat up and grabbed her pair of nipple clamps. The little bells attached to them jingled as she picked them up and un-clamped them. She involuntarily gasped when she allowed them to painfully clamp back down on her perky nipples. The feeling was quite uncomfortable but at the same time incredibly arousing. The bells that jingled with every little movement added a nice bit of humiliation to the mix. The next item to go on was her pink, leather collar. The collar was entirely pink leather on the outside, but the inside was lined with soft fake fur that made it comfortable to wear. On the front was a D-ring meant for a leash. Annie had a leash to go with it but didn't plan on incorporating it today. In its place was a small metal tag that read "Baby Annie" on it. It was custom made and came with the collar. Another perk of the collar was that the belt style system it had for securing itself could be locked using a small padlock, which Annie did. For now that would be all of the bondage gear. Annie proceeded to don her shirt, thigh-highs, and bib. She took a minute to admire herself in the mirror as she stood up, admiring how cute she looked. Her outfit was still incomplete though. Wanting to hurry up and get in the highchair she diverted her focus from her reflection, grabbed everything else she needed, and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Just walking around with the vibrator inside her giving her an incredible amount of stimulation. She had to occasionally pause just to avoid cumming. Annie set everything down on the kitchen counter once she arrived. Her first course of action was to plug her laptop in and wake it up. She planned on having a constant stream of baby cartoons playing on it. She'd be forced to listen and watch along while she was bound, which excited her. Everything was already setup so all she needed to do was hit play when she was ready. Next, Annie went over to the cupboard, grabbed a large cup, and went over to the sink. She then began repeatedly filling it up and quickly chugging it down. She did this four times before her stomach felt like it was about to burst. She figured that much water would be more than enough both keep her hydrated and ensure her diaper would be very wet. The knowledge that it would eventually wind up in her diaper sent jolts of excitement through her body. She was nearly ready now. Now that her mouth was no longer necessary she popped the over-sized teat of her pacifier gag into it. She brought the straps of the gag back behind her head and secured them tight enough to prevent it from being removed. Once it was in place she slid a tiny padlock through the belt hook and clicked it shut, ensuring it would not be removed. The pacifier itself was quite large, clearly having been made for adults. The teat was massive and took up a majority of the space in her mouth. It forced her tongue down in her mouth and made sure that anything she would try to say would be nearly unintelligible. The shield and straps of the pacifier were pink, matching the rest of her outfit. It was now finally time to take her place on her throne. Annie hit play on her laptop before walking over to the awaiting highchair. The tray had already been removed and was sitting on the table next to her. On top of it she placed the ring of keys for all of the locks she was using and her cell phone. To be safe, she had previously ensured that she would be able to operate it with her nose. She also verified that she would be able to bend down far enough to reach it while sitting in the highchair. As Annie sat down she felt the increased pressure on the butt plug and vibrator. Due to her short stature and the above average height of the highchair, Annie's legs couldn't connect with the ground, meaning there was even more weight pressing against the items. This also had another delightful side effect of making it harder to relieve that pressure, even more so with the highchair straps secured. The loud cartoons blared in the background in front of her as she grabbed the first cuff and secured it around her left ankle. A short chain was secured to the D-ring on the cuff, which she twisted around the leg of the highchair a couple of times before securing it with one of the small padlocks. She then performed the same procedure on her right leg. Once complete she could hardly move her legs. Now that her legs were secured, it was time to switch on the vibrators. Annie leaned forward and plunged her right hand into the back of her diaper. She felt around until she found the switch for her butt plug. She flicked it over to high and immediately felt her rectum come to life with vibrations. Annie moaned into her pacifier as she removed her hand and worked it through the front of her diaper. She wanted to go through one of the leg holes, but was unable to due to how forced together her legs were by the seat of the highchair and the bulk of her diaper. A wave of light pleasure began to course through her body when she managed to turn the vibrator onto it's lowest setting, where it would remain for the rest of her experience. It was finally time for the final restraints. Fighting the urge to rub herself through her diaper, Annie quickly secured the highchairs straps tightly over her legs and diaper, forcing her against the chair with little room for adjustment and pressing her diaper and vibrator tightly against her. She then picked the tray off of the table and slid it onto the chair. When it finally clicked into place she could no longer see her diaper or legs. Just two more locks and she would be stuck like this for hours. Annie grabbed the final two cuffs and secured them onto both of her wrists. She then proceeded to wrap the chain attached to her left cuff around the chair and lock it together, making her left arm useless. Now was the hardest part. She had to give the right chain more slack to be able to lock it with just the one hand. After a bit of struggling she was eventually able to get it into place. All she had to do now was click the timer lock shut and enjoy herself. She had already preset it for twos hours. It would immediately begin counting down as soon as it was locked and only open once it hit zero. Taking a deep breath, Annie clicked the lock shut. Excitement coursed through Annie's mind. She was now completely stuck like this for the next two hours. Locked in a child's highchair in a diaper, unable to escape the light, teasing pleasure of her vibrator. She had purposely put it on low to make it as hard as possible to orgasm. She wanted to be teased with enough pleasure to keep her thoroughly aroused, but not enough to bring her to orgasm. She yearned to suffer, constantly aroused and yet unable to do anything about it. Her hands were locked to the highchair and the tightened straps over her legs and diaper kept her firmly planted in her seat, making it nearly impossible to hump her diaper. The intense vibrations from the butt plug didn't provide really anything in the way of pleasure, it was just there to tease her further and remind her of her status. Annie tugged on her restraints, confirming to herself that she was not going anywhere. The vibrator in her diaper was impossible to ignore. It's unending vibrations caused Annie to moan into her large pacifier. Her body desperately yearned for more pleasure, but it would not come. This was all she was going to get and she had better get used to it. Annie's mind soon shifted to the numerous fantasies she had come up with for herself over the years. She wished that she had a master or mistress here that would enforce her diaper bondage. She wished that they would subject her to this treatment as punishment for bad behavior. She imagined herself over their lap, being spanked intensely while they explained what was going to happen to her. They'd tie her up in her highchair and mercilessly edge her for hours. She'd be brought to the brink of orgasm before they suddenly stopped, leaving her frustrated and desperate. Her mind shifted again. She now imagined the family coming home and finding her like this. Seeing her locked in their daughter's highchair wearing a soaked diaper and sucking on a pacifier. Upon closer investigation they would hear the vibrators and put the pieces together. The parents would be furious and berate her before deciding that if this is how she wanted to be treated then they would oblige. From then on, she would be forced to wear diapers at all times. She'd be fed all her meals in the highchair in front of the rest of the family and sleep in a crib. They'd have to hire a babysitter that was years younger than Annie to keep an eye on her while they were out. Despite the boost in arousal Annie was getting from these fantasies, there just wasn't enough physical stimulation for her to orgasm. Whining into the pacifier, she began moving her hips in an attempt to stimulate herself. Unfortunately the straps did their job too well and prevented her from rubbing the vibrator on her clit. The only thing she was accomplishing was making the bells on her nipple clamps jingle. After several more minutes of failed orgasm attempts Annie had begun to get tired. She let out a frustrated moan into her pacifier before deciding that it would be better to give up for now. Annie instead tried to focus her attention on her laptop, where several colorful animals were singing a song about counting. The vibrations from both her plug and vibrator were nearly impossible to ignore though. The intense vibrations coming from the plug were too strong for her not to notice, while the vibrator was just stimulating enough to pleasure her. After several agonizing minutes had passed Annie began feeling a pressure in her bladder. All the water she had drunk was beginning to work through her body. That left her with a decision to make. Should she hold it as long as possible and force herself to have an accident? Or should she release it instantly like a baby who isn't potty trained? Annie opted to forgo her potty training and instantly begin flooding her diaper. Her reasoning was that only big girls are potty trained and wearing a diaper, sucking on a pacifier, and sitting in a highchair wasn't a big girl. She was going to use her diaper like the little girl she was. Besides, sitting in a warm, wet diaper would make this situation even better. Annie moaned as she released her bladder and felt her pee begin to rush out. Her stream hit her vibrator and fell down it, absorbing into the bottom of her diaper. The padding around her butt grew warm as it absorbed all of the liquid. Annie could barely notice it though, as the vibrations from her butt plug were too distracting. Several seconds later she finished and could feel the difference in her diaper's padding. Over the next half an hour Annie alternated between trying to focus on the cartoons, attempting to pleasure herself, and releasing more spurts of piss into her diaper. She had no way of knowing how long she'd been stuck there. The timer lock securing her right wrist to the highchair was set to not display the remaining time. That, of course, was intentional on her part. Knowing how long was left would take the fun out of it. Several minutes later Annie was attempting to pleasure herself again. This time though, she managed to twitch just right and an intense wave of pleasure was sent through her body. Annie bit down on her pacifier and shuddered as this happened. She instantly got to work on trying to recreate what she just did. The straps from the highchair did a good job of keeping her stationary, meaning she needed to work hard. Twitching her hips around enough she eventually managed to find an angle that allowed her to grind the vibrator on her clit. It took nearly no time at all for Annie to reach her first orgasm. She screamed and bit down on her pacifier as the waves of intense pleasure surged throughout her body. For several minutes all Annie could do was let out heavy breathes, flood her diaper even further, and enjoy the stimulation as she recovered. Once she finally recovered enough she started working to attain a second orgasm. The second time was a bit harder than the first. Annie felt a bit silly as she tried twitching her hips enough to get some pleasure. Her previous orgasm had been easy, but this one would need to be worked for. Fantasies raced through her mind as she repeatedly ground herself on the vibrator. She imagined being forced to do this as punishment. She fantasized about being caught masturbating in her diaper and as punishment she'd be locked up in this highchair until she could orgasm so many times. After a couple of minutes Annie succeeded in getting her second orgasm of the day. This one took even more time to recover from. During that time she did little other than sucking on her pacifier and releasing even more urine into her soggy diaper. She stared at the screen in front of her playing toddler cartoons, but didn't put any effort into registering what was actually happening. Minutes later and Annie had recovered enough to begin thinking clearly. She decided that she was done trying to orgasm for the rest of her time in the highchair. Those two had taken a lot of energy out of her and she was beginning to get thirsty. With no access to water for who knows how long, she decided it was better to be safe. While waiting out the rest of the timer lock, Annie got to thinking. After she was let out of the highchair she would still have plenty of time before the family came back home. Why waste this rare occasion and stop so early? She wasn't intending on being able to orgasm as well. She was supposed to be denied orgasms and teased instead. Maybe she needed a little bit of punishment as well? Annie got to brainstorming on what else she could do today. The two orgasms had taken a lot of energy out of her, so she'd probably need a nap at some point. That thought gave Annie another great idea. She could use her same restraints to lock herself in the crib. She could be diapered up and put down for a forced nap. How long would be appropriate though? After some contemplation Annie decided on another two hours. What about her punishment though? A forced nap-time could be a punishment, but it was a bit boring. Annie initially considered a spanking. She fantasized about them all the time and having a sore bottom while confined in a crib would make it feel more like a punishment. Unfortunately she would have to administer it herself though, which would take the fun out of it. She wouldn't be able to spank herself as hard or as much as she deserved. Annie resolved to look into how much a spanking machine would run her later today. After brainstorming a bit harder Annie decided on washing her mouth out with a bar of soap. She'd fantasized about it before too, but never acted on it. She'd read about it in smut-fics several times and watched ABDL porn videos of it, but never really considered doing it herself. Today would be the day though. Her naughty mouth would be thoroughly cleaned out. She even planned on putting herself in timeout afterwards, forced to hold the bar of soap in her mouth the entire time. Thinking about her future plans began getting Annie excited again. She was tempted to start working towards a third orgasm, but was able to stop herself. She had already came twice without permission. If she did so a third time she would need to make her punishment worse and as it stood, a mouth soaping followed by a timeout was already going to be bad. Even if she'd never experienced a mouth soaping, she'd never heard it described as pleasant. Annie spurted more pee into her diaper as she tried to take her mind off of the rest of her plans. If she lingered on them any longer she would have a hard time resisting the urge to cum again. She was glad that she had decided to turn on the cartoons before getting in the chair. They were probably the only thing that she could attempt to distract herself with. The vibrating butt plug and perverted thoughts continued making that difficult though. An unknown amount of time later, Annie heard the timer lock begin to beep, signaling that her two hours of highchair confinement was over. The lock automatically clicked open, allowing her to wiggle the chain it was securing loose. Once her right hand was free she was able to grab the keys on the tray in front of her and unlock her other arm. With both arms free she was able to remove the highchair tray and set it aside. Now that the tray was out of the way Annie could finally look at the state of her diaper. Unsurprisingly, it was soaked. The saturated padding bulged around the highchair's tight restraints. Nearly all of the water she had drank before confining herself had worked its way through her and into the diaper. This was a very high capacity diaper though, and Annie wasn't exactly a big girl. It could still hold plenty more urine from her. Once she was finished poking and prodding her diaper, Annie unsecured the highchair's restraints, allowing herself to bend over and also free her ankles. Now that she was free from her restraints she was able to stand up and stretch her limbs. First, though, she needed to turn off the vibrators. Annie snaked her hand into her diaper, feeling the back of it rub against the warm, wet, pee soaked padding as she held the power button on her vibrator. She then removed her hand, only to immediately send it back down the back of her diaper to shut off her vibrating butt plug. While powering it down she noticed that the back of her diaper was still mostly dry. Unexpectedly, Annie's stomach gurgled as she stretched out her arms. It was usually around this time of day that she would eat lunch, so it wasn't too surprising to her that she was hungry. That's when Annie had another naughty idea. The family had plenty of jars of baby food in their cupboards. She'd never been brave enough to try any of it before, worried that the family would notice it missing. At the moment Annie was too excited to care though, once the idea popped into her head she knew she had to do it. Annie waddled over to the cupboard and began looking through her options. There were several dozens of jars available to her, plenty enough to convince her that no one would notice a few of them missing. Annie decided that she wouldn't be allowed to choose what flavors she got and pulled out three random jars. Looking at the labels, she saw that she had grabbed carrots, turkey, and peas. Part of her was wishing she had gotten some fruit flavors, as they were bound to taste better than the vegetable and meat flavors. Another part of her was excited to get gross flavors. It was like an additional punishment. Annie then went to the silverware drawer and grabbed a small, green plastic spoon. The same ones that the actual baby was fed with. Annie placed her lunch on the highchair tray, before waddling back over to her room to retrieve a couple of her adult sized baby bottles. She had contemplated using an actual baby bottle, but figured that the adult sized ones would be more appropriate. More liquid meant more pee in her diaper. Before heading back to the kitchen Annie took a moment to remove her nipple clamps and vibrator. She wasn't going to be needing it for the rest of the day. Her butt plug was to stay in though, to help ensure that there would be no messy diapers. If the urge to mess were to hit her while she was unplugged she didn't know if she could resist it. When she returned to the kitchen she filled one of her bottles up with water and the other with apple juice. When both were full she placed them on the highchair tray and took a seat. Annie opted not to lock her ankles back to the highchair, as it seemed too tedious. She did, however, secure herself in using the highchair's built-in straps. She relished the feeling of pleasure as the crotch strap forced her wet diaper against her privates. Now secured to the highchair once again, Annie picked up the tray and placed it back on the chair. She fumbled with the keys behind her head for a moment while she tried to find the correct one for the lock keeping her pacifier gag in place. After a minute she was finally able to remove the pacifier that she had been forced to suck on for hours. She sat the gag down on the highchair tray and began unscrewing the baby food lids. Annie began to regret her decision when the smell of her lunch hit her. The mush in the jars smelled just as unappetizing as it looked. For a moment she contemplated drinking the bottles and just putting the baby food back in the cupboard. At the same time though, the food being unappealing made it even more exciting. Babies didn't get to decide what they are fed, and right now Annie was nothing more than a naughty little baby. Annie picked up the little green spoon and plunged it into the jar of pea flavored mush. The spoon was meant for feeding an actual baby, so it didn't scoop up much. She really wished that someone was here to force-feed her right now. Someone who would strap her into the highchair and lock away all of her limbs. Someone who wouldn't give her a choice about eating jar after jar of baby food. If she didn't cooperate they'd hold her nose closed until she was forced to open her mouth, at which point they would shove the spoon inside and keep it there until she swallowed. Annie's privates began to tingle as she held the spoonful of baby food up to her mouth. She took a deep breath before opening her mouth and moving the spoon inside. When Annie closed her mouth she could instantly taste the peas. The mush slid off of the spoon as she pulled it out of her mouth. The texture was just as bad as she was expecting, and the taste was awful as well! Begrudgingly, Annie swallowed and began scooping up some more. The aftertaste lingered in Annie's mouth after swallowing. It was just as bad as when it was actually in her mouth. She desperately wanted to grab one of the bottles and wash away the taste, but she had resolved to finish all of the baby food first as an extra punishment to herself. Naughty babies have to suffer through their yucky lunch. Annie lifted the second spoonful up to her mouth. After a moment of hesitation she moved it inside and swallowed it as quickly as she could. She repeated this process a few more times until the first jar was empty. Her goal was to eat fast enough to be able to ignore how bad the taste and texture were. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't working too well. Next up for Annie was the jar of carrots. She unscrewed the lid and plunged the spoon in, scooping out a big glob of the orange mush. Annie brought the spoon up and placed it into her mouth. The gross taste of carrots clashed with the pea flavored mush that was still on the spoon, making it taste even worse. Annie continued shoveling the gross baby food into her mouth and forcing herself to swallow it. When she finally finished the jar of carrots she sat it aside and opened the turkey flavored. It was the last one she had to eat, but it was the one she was dreading the most. Reluctantly, she put her spoon in the jar and scooped up a spoonful of the brown paste. Disgust and regret filled Annie as she closed her mouth around the spoon. The previous two flavors were nothing compared to the turkey. Her first instinct was to spit it out, but she managed to refrain from doing so. Her punishment was to eat all the baby food, and that's what she was going to have to do. She was having trouble forcing herself to swallow it though. Annie had to imagine herself being forced to eat it by someone else. Closing her eyes, she imagined some faceless woman around her age that had been hired to babysit her. She pictured herself in the highchair as she was now, with her babysitter holding the spoon in her mouth. The babysitter refused to remove the spoon until Annie swallowed the mush. Eventually, Annie was able to swallow her first spoonful of turkey flavored mush. She nearly gagged as she felt it slide down her throat. It took her a minute before she was able to scoop up another spoonful. Her eyes began to water as she slowly brought the spoon up to her mouth. After putting it in her mouth she had to once again force herself to swallow it. Tears were beginning to fall down her face when she got to the third spoonful. At this point Annie was getting desperate to get the taste out of her mouth. The only way to do that was too finish all of the baby food though. With this in mind she forced herself to pick up the pace and quickly shoved the spoon into her mouth. This time she was able to swallow faster than before. After finishing the last spoonful of turkey flavored baby food she picked up the baby bottle full of apple juice and began drinking as fast as she could. Annie did everything she could to wash away the taste out of her mouth. She finished her bottle of juice way faster than she expected and began working on the second bottle full of water. The second bottle was thankfully enough to clear her mouth of the taste. Now that she had finished her lunch, Annie released the highchair tray and restraints. Free once again, she placed the spoon and baby bottles in the sink, deciding to wash them after her nap. She would dispose of the baby food jars discretely later, along with her diaper. Annie hurriedly began removing her restraints from the highchair and brought them to the nursery for later. She just sat them down on the crib before heading back to her room to strip out of her clothes. She didn't want to risk getting them dirty during her timeout. She hastily removed her socks, shirt, and bib, ungraciously throwing them on ground and leaving her wearing only her wet diaper and collar. Now dressed properly, she grabbed her phone and waddled to the bathroom to begin her punishment. She setup a timer on her phone for five minutes, two and a half for each orgasm. With that ready, she looked over at the fresh bar of soap in the dish next to the sink. Hesitantly, she picked it up and inspected it. The bar had probably only been used once or twice, so it was pretty decently sized. Annie's became more nervous as she turned on the tap and held the soap bar under it. After several seconds, she figured that it was lathered up enough. With a big gulp, she turned the faucet off and raised the wet bar up to her mouth. With lots of trepidation, she opened her mouth wide and slid the bar of soap inside. A bitter, acrid taste filled her mouth as her tongue made contact with it. Steeling her resolve, Annie began rubbing the bar of soap against her tongue and cheeks, cringing while doing so. Gross suds began to fill her mouth and chunks of soap peeled off as the bar scraped against her teeth. The taste made it hard for Annie to continue carrying out her self-punishment. After about half a minute of washing her mouth out, she was convinced that her whole mouth had been thoroughly coated. Now that her mouth was clean, Annie decided it was time for part two of her punishment. Annie held the bar of soap still in her mouth and slowly began biting into it. She cringed once again and her body shook as her teeth penetrated the soft outer layer of the soap. Once it was firmly held in place, she started the timer on her phone and waddled to the corner of the bathroom. There, she planted her nose in the corner and interlocked her hands behind her head, assuming the position that she resolved to stay in until the alarm on her phone sounded. It didn't take long for Annie to begin regretting her choice of punishment. Punishments weren't supposed to be enjoyable, but the taste of the soap in her mouth was incredibly unpleasant. The gross film that coated her tongue and cheeks made the taste inescapable. Before long, her sudsy saliva began to leak out of her mouth and drool down her chin and chest, adding another uncomfortable element to the experience. With her face stuck in the corner, there was little else she could focus on but the soap or the plug in her ass. Annie continually let small spurts of pee escape into her already wet diaper as she waited out the timer. She tried her hardest to ignore the taste and feel of the soap the best way she knew how, by imagining herself in erotic fantasies. She pictured herself getting her mouth forcibly washed out by the father of the family she was staying with because she swore in front of his daughters. After washing her mouth out, she'd be forced to bite down on it and hold it while he spanked her over his knees. Finally, she'd be sent to timeout in the corner, her red bottom on display and the bar of soap still stuck in her mouth. Annie's privates began tingling as her drool continued running down her face. She wished she could see herself right now, hoping that she looked as embarrassing as she felt. Imagining herself in humiliating situations was helping make the time go by faster, but it was impossible to tell by how much. Not knowing how much longer she had to stay in the corner made it more arousing for her. She wish that instead of a timer, she had someone watching over her to decide when she'd learned her lesson and could leave the corner. Finally, after her chin and chest had been covered in soapy drool, Annie's phone started alarming, signaling that timeout was now over. Annie turned around and quickly ran to the sink. She spit out the the bar of soap and let it fall into the sink. No matter how much of her drool she spit out, the taste of soap would not go away. Rinsing her mouth out with water was hardly helping either. The disgusting film remained coated on her teeth and cheeks and wasn't going away. After finally making progress on rinsing her mouth out, Annie took a moment to examine the bar of soap. Large teeth imprints were clearly visible in it, showing undeniable evidence of where it had been previously. Annie mentally noted that she would need to replace it later as she began cleaning the dried and still wet drool off her chest. Once clean, Annie left the bathroom and headed back to her bedroom. She would deal with the soap later when she was cleaning up. In her room, she opened her chest and pulled out her full body onesie. The patterns on it were the same as the ones on her diaper. Pink ponies and princesses covered the soft white material all over, making it look like it was designed for a very young girl if it wasn't sized for an adult. The only other thing setting it apart from real children's wear was the zipper in the back, which was specially designed to allow a small padlock to slip through and keep it from being unzipped. Annie stepped into her pajamas and felt her feet make contact with the thicker material of the booties that were attached to it. She then slipped her arms through the sleeves and located the zipper on the back. It was a bit of a struggled to locate the zipper in the back, but once she found it she was able to zip herself up, covering her sagging diaper. Finally, she slipped the tiny padlock through the zipper and the rings attached to the back, with a satisfying 'click', she was now trapped in her pajamas. On her way to the nursery she made sure to close the door to her room, just in case. It's not like that would do much good though, with all of the other evidence of her activities she had left laying around the home. It gave her peace of mind though, which was good enough for now. As she entered the nursery, she retrieved her pacifier gag and placed it back into her mouth. Soon, a padlock just like the one securing her pajamas was attached to it, and Annie had no choice but to nurse on the rubber object. Now that she was dressed, it was time get in the crib for nap time. Shivers of anticipation ran through Annie as she lowered the side of the crib and climbed in. Inside, she sat up on her knees and raised the side back up. Once done with that, she rearranged herself so that was laying on her back with her legs bent up and spread apart. Now that she confirmed once again that she fit, she sat up and began attaching the first restraint to the bar of the crib. Once done, she cuffed her left ankle to it and locked it in place. Annie tugged at the restraint to confirm that it was secured. Satisfied that she would not be escaping, she repeated the same steps with her right ankle before moving on to her wrists. She readied both cuffs before securing her left wrist to the bars above her head. Using her free right hand, she placed the ring of keys above her head on a protrusion at the top of the headboard. There, she could reach them to free herself once time was up. From there she'd also be able to see them if she looked up, allowing them to mock her bondage, showing how freedom was so close but still unobtainable. After checking to make sure the timer lock was set for two hours, Annie took a deep breath and clicked it shut. She sighed around her pacifier as it set in that she was now trapped in this crib for the next two hours. It didn't matter how much she begged or cried, she had no choice but to stay in this crib and her wet diaper. Remembering her diaper, Annie let a stream of piss loose and felt it run down her butt cheeks, soaking into the relatively dry padding in the back. Excitement from her own helplessness flowed through Annie's body. She wished that there was a mirror on the ceiling so that she could see how pathetic she looked with her pacifier and infantile jammies, unable to escape the binds of her crib. Annie could feel her pussy getting wet again as she pictured herself from a third person perspective, writhing around helplessly in the crib, trying to avoid wetting her diaper. Unfortunately for her, there was no way to stimulate herself now. The realization that she completely unable to pleasure herself now only made her more excited. A minute or so later, Annie remembered the reason she was bound in the crib. She was supposed to be napping like a good girl. Trying to sleep while being horny was impossible though, and it made it even harder for her to avoid thinking naughty thoughts. She tried thinking of her school work she needed to work on still, as well as other mundane tasks. Horny thoughts would still occasionally break through, especially when she let more pee out, but Annie was progressively getting better at quickly discarding them. After a while she let out a small yawn. Her arousal had almost completely gone away and the exhaustion from the morning was catching up with her. She had a bit of trouble getting comfortable, as she usually slept on her side, which her current bindings made impossible. The thick padding of her soaked diaper between her legs and under her butt was also distracting. Despite all the roadblocks, she was eventually able to drift into a light sleep. ----- When Annie awoke sometime later, the first thing she noticed was the feeling of soggy, cooled diaper. There was no clock in the nursery, so she had no clue how long she had been out for. The timer lock didn't say how long it had left either, meaning Annie had no clue how much longer she was stuck like this. At least in the highchair she could estimate how long she had been there, but here she was truly clueless. Without much thought, Annie started peeing again. Her bladder had built up a bit since she fell asleep, so she was able to maintain a good stream for a few seconds. Her soaked diaper, still not at full capacity, happily absorbed the hot liquid. Annie was glad to feel the cool padding warm back up and grow even soggier under her. Annie figured that she probably wouldn't be able to fall back asleep now that the feeling of wetting her diaper had gotten her a bit excited. If she wasn't trying to sleep then there wasn't much else to do except think, which of course led to progressively more arousing thoughts. Not knowing how much longer her bondage would last was at the front of her mind, which was turning her on even more. She tried to imagine that someone was keeping her like this, and that she would only be released when they decided to. Fantasies and made up scenarios began to run through Annie's mind. She imagined this nursery being her room, and that this was how she was put to bed every night. She'd be put to bed early every night, before the sun even went down most days. If she was naughty then she'd be teased and edged beforehand, forced to spend her night frustrated and unable to resolve it. She'd wake up in the morning still frustrated and with a very wet diaper, much like she was now. Her thoughts drifted again, with her still in this same situation. She'd been put down in her crib for a nap after her college classes. A babysitter would have been sent to pick her up after her classes. The babysitter would have checked her diaper right in the hallway outside her classroom, changing her in the bathroom there if needed. As soon as she was home, Annie would be changed out of her big girl clothes and into her jammies for nap-time. Like now, she'd be strapped down to ensure she didn't go anywhere. Annie was now thoroughly horny and frustrated at her inability to pleasure herself. This was exactly what she had wanted earlier in the highchair. No matter how much she wiggled or struggled against her binds, her needy pussy was completely inaccessible to her. All she could do is wait for external factors to decide that she could pleasure herself. Her frustration only got worse as her fantasies became more perverse. She desperately wished that she could rub herself through her diaper or at the very least grind it against something. Until the timer ran out though, she'd be forced to remain like this; writhing in horny frustration, unable to get any stimulation. Being horny made it even harder for Annie to judge the passage of time, but her heart started beating hard with excitement when she heard the beeping of the timer lock. She instantly began working the lock loose and quickly had her right arm free. She didn't even both trying to remove any of her other restraints. Instead, she brought her hand down to her crotch and began rubbing herself through her pajamas and wet diaper. She wanted to snake her hand down into her diaper and go to town on herself, but with her pajamas locked onto her that wasn't currently possible. The feeling of her wet diaper rubbing against her lively crotch was more than an enough pleasure for her pent-up self. In under a minute of rubbing and hip thrusting, Annie was able to bring herself to a mind shattering orgasm. She wasn't able to stop there though. After a few seconds of riding out her orgasm and catching her breath, she got back to work. Three minutes later she found herself in the same situation, riding off the high of her second orgasm. Annie went limp in the crib as her thoughts raced. She mindlessly sucked on her pacifier and let urine flow into her soaked diaper as she came down from her high. After taking a few minutes to recover, Annie decided that she should probably free herself and clean up. Using the keys, she released her other arm and ankles from their binds. Now unbound, she climbed out of the crib and stretched her stiff limbs. She decided to leave her pajamas, collar, and pacifier locked on for the time being as she cleaned up her other messes. She fantasized that she was doing her assigned chores. When it was finally time to get undressed, Annie spent a lot of time in front of the mirror, staring at her sagging, discolored diaper. With a giggle around her pacifier, she reflected on how much fun today had been. She knew that she was definitely going to have to do this again when she had a chance. Even if the family was only going to be gone for a short amount of time, she would work around that to have more self-bondage fun in the highchair and crib.
  5. twirly girl in a dress and a diaper!
  6. 21-year-old Jillian Jenners is down on her luck and accepts her younger twin sister Jennifer's invitation to stay with her at her cozy three-bedroom apartment in Philadelphia. Having just finished college and earned her degree, Jillian is still jobless and desperate to find a new start in her life. When Jillian begins to have her nighttime accidents, she turns to diapers as a solution to her embarrassing problem. A new opportunity presents itself when Jillian discovers the world of streaming and begins to build a sizable following. When a "wardrobe malfunction" happens during one of her streams, it further boosts her fame in the streaming community. Does Jillian keep wearing diapers to please her fans, or does she stop altogether? And what part does her twin sister Jennifer have in this whole story? Find out in this original tale of discovery, acceptance, and, of course, diapers. Foreward: The JJ Diaper Twins - How it all Started Hi! First of all, thank you very much for purchasing our book! I am Jillian Jenners (but you knew that already!). I am sure that you are all very much aware of me and my sister Jen. Whether you stumbled across our YouTube channel, our Tiktok, found us on Instagram, our Facebook page, X (twitter), JustForFans, or happened to catch one of our many exciting Twitch streams, you all know us as the JJ Diaper Twins. The two J’s consist of me, Jillian Jenners and of course my identical twin sister Jennifer Jenners. We are basically diapered celebrities and have even caught attention of the mainstream media. But how did it all start? That is just what this book is going to tell you. Consider this book as a biography of the lives of me and my twin sister getting our exciting start in the city of brotherly love: Philadelphia. Home of those delicious cheesesteaks, tastykakes, and tomato pies. My aim for this book is to very clearly tell all of you my story and how the JJ Diaper Twins even became a thing in the first place. Now, I am sure that some of you will want to come and bother us with requests to be our caregivers. Just to be up front, both I and Jen are already taken. We will take no requests, but feel free to support us on our Crowdfunder (the very reason why this book exists) or buy our branded pacifiers, bottles, bibs, blankets, stuffys, and clothing made for every one of you JJ Littles. We have footed sleepers, onesies, cute frilly dresses and skirts, shortalls, socks, changing mats, plastic pants, and even our very own line of diapers coming very soon! The JJ Cozy Crinklez (coming soon!) will be the comfiest, most absorbent diaper on the ABDL market. We assure you that these diapers are able to handle the most destructive floods that you can unleash on them. My sister and I agree that these diapers are the best ones that we have ever worn (and believe me, we have tried them all!). Keep supporting us through your donations as each donation helps to keep the cost of these diapers affordable and competitive with the other brands. We are working on getting proper supply channels so that you won’t be waiting too long for your next exciting order. The JJ Nighty Nites are just a little more absorbent and can handle the heaviest of your overnight super soakings. Jen and I have tried them a number of times before bed and we both agree that there has yet to be a leaky diaper. We are both excited to bring this new addition to our J&J Merchandise. We are also working on a documentary and our first show on CuriosityStream, so be on the lookout for that. Why CuriosityStream? This platform will grant us greater freedom to tell our story to all of you JJ Littles, without the restrictions that YouTube would place on us. Besides our current projects, I will get back to the most current project that we have just recently completed: this book. Both Jen and I would like to thank you for all your help and support for without it, we wouldn’t be the JJ Diaper Twins that you know and love today. Now, how will this book be structured? To get the full story, both Jen and I have devoted sections to this book to each tell our own story of how this all started. It’s a crazy story, but every bit of it is true. My story will be told first in “Jillian’s Story” so I would recommend starting with that one. Following that one will be “Jennifer’s Story” and everything there will be told from her point of view. The next section of this book will contain a thank you message from my twin sister, so don’t forget to read that before you get to the table of contents! This whole book has been a labor of love and we devote this book to every one of you who purchased it. So to all my JJ Littles out there, stay diapered! Live full, laugh long, play strong! Love You Always, Jillian Jenners July 21, 2028 Foreward: A Very Special Thankies to All of You! Hi hi everyone! I’m sure that you have all read my twin sister’s previous section. Knowing (and trusting) that you have, you know that we are both very excited that you have picked up this book to hear the full story of how Jill and I became the JJ Diaper Twins that you know and love today. So thankies very muchies for all your help and support! Prior to my sister Jill’s meteoric rise to fame, I was a CPA working at one of the leading CPA firms in Philadelphia: Conway, Phillips, & Associates. Prior to Jill’s fame, I provided her with a place to stay at my apartment. You all know the rest of the story, but the purpose of this book is to fill in all of those details in between my sister’s anonymity and our now shared fame that is celebrated by all the JJ Littles. I will be honest, everyone. I at first was hesitant to follow in my sister’s footsteps. Due to the stigma of this kind of lifestyle, I wasn’t at all comfortable to join my sister in all the facets of her lifestyle of infantilism. But after seeing all the benefits that she reaped and seeing the endless stress and anxiety that came from the continual demands of my CPA firm, the initial experience that I had with diapers proved cathartic to me. How did I go from my insistent reluctance to join my sister to combining with my sister to become one of the biggest names in the ABDL community? That is the purpose of this book. I will not reveal anymore, as you will have to read my side of the story (Jennifer’s Story) to get all of the replete details recounting the genesis of the protection that “changed” my life. I will be honest again. As a result of taking that padded red pill, it has cost me relationships that I will never be able to rekindle again. But as a result, I have a wonderful and supportive community of the most caring and loving people that I have ever met. At every meet and greet, you all have never ceased to amaze me with your kindness and support. My sister has already detailed you on our future projects, so that redundancy will be avoided here. Just know that we have both mutually discussed every project together and I (thanks to my stellar financial background) have reviewed everything financially before moving forward with each project. Each project benefits all of you, and is FOR every one of you lovely littles. As is this book that you are now holding. Consider this miniature tome a passion project conceived by both I and my twin sister (who I love with all my heart) Jill. We want to share with you the story on how we both became the JJ Diaper Twins. How we can now wear our diapers proudly everyday and help out our ever-growing family of JJ Littles. To satiate your curiosity, yes. Both Jill and I are fully diaper dependent now with no sign of ever returning to urinary or fecal continence. Also (as she already told you), we already both have wonderful caregivers that are sweet and wonderful to both of us. With that knowledge in your possession, please refrain from making any solicitations to be our caregivers. You are all a wonderful community and neither of us could’ve ever made it this far without all of you. To address the needs of both Little and Caregiver alike, my sister and I are in the process of creating a network to match you JJ Littles to a wonderful caregiver that will care for all of your needs. We want it to be a good system so we are taking our time on it. Please be patient. Whether you’re the little or the caregiver. Please be patient. Again I would like to say thankies very muchies to all of you! The movement that my sister started has allowed me to discover and fully embrace my inner little. A side of me that I prefer to keep mostly private, but for your sake show it every now and then. Remember. Littlespace is nothing to be ashamed of. It is therapy for every one of us to escape from the overwhelming difficulties and challenges of everyday life. Love every moment of that littlespace, but take care of those adult things that need to get done (ESPECIALLY if you don’t have a caregiver!) Well, my sister and I need to get this final draft to the publisher so all of you can see our curious and interesting tale from full anonymity to full blown ABDL stardom. It’s surprising, embarrassing, exciting, and rewarding. This experience has taught me so much, and I hope that it will teach all of you as well. I will close with the closing that both Jill and I use to close out our Twitch Streams that served as a foundation of Jill’s career: Live full, laugh long, play strong! Stay diapered, all you JJ Little besties! Love You All Sincerely, Jennifer Jenners July 21, 2028 I. Jillian's Story Chapter 1 : Down on my Luck Hi! I know that all of you already know who I am, but here it goes. In case any of you just skipped the introduction or for some reason have not heard of me yet, I will tell you again. My name is Jillian Marie Jenners. And before you’re left wondering, yes. The same Jillian Jenners that’s part of the Jenners Twins, or the nickname that’s more familiar in the community: the JJ Diaper Twins. I’m the one “J” and my twin sister Jennifer is the other “J”. We are identical twins, but we couldn’t be anymore different! Yes, we shared the same egg and womb at birth, but that is where the similarities end. And to address your comments on the tabloids and fake news, don’t believe any of the fake stories that the media conjures about us. None of it is true (as I’m sure that all of you already know). Their agenda is solely there to silence us and our cause. A cause that they for some reason see as a threat to their agenda. What? Do they not want us to share the spotlight with the other celebrities? It’s clear that the Hollywood Elites write all the rules of who stays and who goes in Hollywood and it’s very clear to them that a pair of ABDL twins are not allowed to have any of the spotlight as they want it all to themselves. What gives them the audacity to try to silence or cancel emerging icons representing a cause that they don’t even understand? They don’t want to, so they’ll make up fake stories to keep us from becoming stars. Well you know what, Hollywood? Your attempts are not working. Our movement is stronger than ever, and it’s about to tear down the walls of your Elitest club of yours. But anyway, I digress. Now for the most intense burning question that any of you ever gave me. And believe me. I hear this one every time when I stream with my twin to this day: “How did you and Jenny become the JJ Diaper Twins?” I get this question every single stream. Every. Single. Stream. Well, question no more my fellow JJ Little Besties! I am about to tell you everything. How my life was changed forever. How my sister’s video game console launched my career. How an embarrassing accident and mishap during a stream transformed my career. All of you are responsible for making my career the success that it is, and I thank every one of you. Now after I tell you everything, please help the mods in answering the question. All of you will have the answer now, and you’ll be able to share it with every person that doesn’t know about this story yet. So, you wanna know how Jillian Jenners (that’s ME!) went from a nobody to a big YouTuber and streaming celebrity? Hang on to your diapys (and make sure it’s a fresh one) and listen to my story. This is my humble beginning and I hope that it can inspire you from wherever you are to achieve your dreams and aim for the very best. How did I get into wearing diapers in the first place? To answer that question, we have to go all the way back to June of 2023. Yes. Five years to get to the very beginning. I was a fresh college graduate from Cleveland State University while my twin sister chose Penn State to get her Master’s Degree in Accounting and earn her CPA. Yes, we went to different schools. As I said earlier, we may be identical but we couldn’t be more different! It was only one month since I graduated. But since my sister was in an accelerated program (that, and she used all her free time to take extra classes), she graduated one year ahead of me and went on to earn her CPA license. She just celebrated her fourth month at Conway, Phillips, & Associates (one of the leading accounting firms in Philadelphia where she lives now). What was I doing? I was starving. My emergency fund was starting to dry up. My sister’s numerous scholarships (plus her firm paying for her Masters Degree while she interned there) got her a full ride through all of her college education. On the other hand, I was sacked with debt from the Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Communication that was doing nothing for me at the time. And my parents couldn’t help me with my schooling either since my sister and I came from a poor family. I mean, $145,000 in college debt? Everyone, all I did was cry that entire month after I graduated. Failed interview after failed interview. My grades were really good, but the market was competitive. Who would hire me as a news anchor when so many other candidates had better qualifications than me? Wasn’t the news station that I interned at in Cleveland good enough for all of you? Well laugh it up, because my sister and I are making more than all of you now! Five figures? Try seven! But seriously. The economic times were really tough in 2023 (and they still are now in 2028). After spending a solid month of dried-up job leads, failed interviews, and zero job offers, I drowned my sorrows with a pint of Mint Chocolate chip ice cream. It was my guilty pleasure, but the refreshing mint at least tried to sweeten my rotten month of failed prospects. I was crying in the kitchen halfway through my pity pint of minty goodness. “You still crying, Jill pill?” My roommate Natasha asked me. What else could I do? Everything that I tried led to a dead end. And now, I was about to run out of money… “Yes, I’m still crying!” I told her. “You would be too if you had over $100,000 in unpaid college debt and no job prospects…” Natasha placed her hand on my shoulder. I didn’t know why she did this, as it DEFINITELY didn’t make things any better. “Jill? I know that you’re going through a rough patch right now. I know that I can’t do much to help you, but do you have anyone else that can help?” I sighed as I repeated the question in my mind over and over. “Well, I know that my parents can’t help me,” I told her matter-of-factly. “I already told you that they’re poor. My sister on the other hand is in Philly, rolling in money from her CPA job…” “Just ask your sister!” Natasha told me. I ignored her and dug up another generous scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream. I shoved the heaping spoonful into my mouth in my futile attempt to numb the pain of my miserable existence. Why did I ever go to school to be a news anchor? Who would ever want to hear a loser like me? Besides, most of the candidates that got the job were men. So much for gender equality… The explosion of sweet mintiness filled my mouth and I quickly swallowed it. “My sister?” I said in a forlorn sigh. “She’s got her own life now! What would she want with me?” That’s when I heard a knock at the door. “Miss Jenners!” the voice boomed, sounding like a crotchety old lady. It was the landlady. My rent was due. Aw shoot! I thought I already paid it! I KNOW I did last month! “Your rent is due, miss!” the voice repeated. “$950! Do you have it?” I opened the door and sighed. “Mrs. Steinbeck, just one second…” I woke up my cell phone and opened my banking app. I checked the balance and my heart sank. $20.89. I only had $20.89 in my account! “Well, I do have $20.89…” I told the landlady, my sheepish voice beginning to choke. The landlady shook her head. “Cash dear. I need it all in cash. You have until tomorrow night to give me the money. Give me it or you will be evicted. I will seize all your property as collateral and will return it once the rent is paid in full. I WILL do this if you don’t have the rent tomorrow. Do I make myself clear, Miss Jenners?” “Crystal…” I choked. The landlady slowly but firmly closed the door. I then started crying again. Natasha looked at me and sighed. “Girl, I can give you $100, but I still need to pay for my half.” I half smiled when I heard her say “girl”. This was a Natashaism and her favorite word to use before beginning a sentence. I guess it’s more common with her being from the Dallas-Fort Worth Area of Texas. I have nothing against any of you Texans (your accent is AMAZING!). It’s just that my accent is very boring compared to yours. And Natasha’s accent was Texas Golden. I grabbed my pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream (which was now starting to turn into a melty mess) and began to shovel the next melty mouthful. Natasha opened her purse and pulled out five 20-dollar bills. She firmly placed the money in my hand and gestured me to place my spoon down. “Set your ice cream down and look at me.” Natasha said firmly. “Both eyes, Jill…” I fixed my gaze on Natasha and ran my fingers through my brown hair. Okay. I’m staring at her. What now? “And stop playing with your hair!” she ordered. “I need you to act like a proper lady.” Proper? Lady? What is this, finishing school? I let go of my hair and sighed, placing both hands to my side. “Okay. No nervous fidgets or stims. What?” Natasha smiled, happy that I have her undivided attention. “Take the money. You need it, girl…” There she goes with that “girl”, again! Even after a year of living with her, I’m still not quite used to it… “Now,” Natasha continued. “You told me that your sister is ‘rolling in money from her CPA job’…Why don’t you just ask her for help? She’s your sister and I’m sure that she would love to help you if she knew that you were in need. She seems like a pretty cool girl, too. I saw you two at graduation…” “Yeah,” I muttered. “She visited me a month ago to watch me graduate. At least my parents congratulated me over the phone…” Natasha nodded. “She seemed pretty nice, though. You’re both twins, right? You get along with her?” I slowly nodded. “Yeah. We both grew up together! Then we grew apart during college…” “But she visited you! Your sister actually cared enough to fly from Philadelphia all the way to Cleveland to watch you graduate. Girl, don’t you think she still cares?” I folded the $100 and stuffed it in my pocket of my grey jogging pants. I then shoved another now liquidy spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my mouth. “My sister only did that as a polite gesture,” I told her. “If she really cared, wouldn’t she check in on me now and then?” Before I could even finish saying the word “then”, my cell phone vibrated with the song “Shallow” playing. (This song was both I and my sister’s favorite song in high school) The caller ID read “Jen” with a picture of her happily smiling below it. At this moment, I totally lost it. I began crying again. Knowing that my sister has heard me cry many times, I answered the phone. “Hello?” “Are you crying again?” Jen asked me. “I just wanted to check in on you since it’s been a couple weeks now. Now what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I sighed. “I thought that you didn’t care! Didn’t you just visit me as a polite gesture?” “Aw Jill…” she said in a voice that seemed to explode with sympathy. “You know that my level of concern for you far exceeds what you may think it does. Now I visited you last month because I love my twin sister and that’s what loving sisters are supposed to do.” “Why didn’t mom and dad come to the graduation?” I asked her. “Jill, we already discussed this. They didn’t want to come to your graduation. They didn’t come to mine either. I offered to pay both times, but they refused my offer. I don’t know what they have against either of us. Despite that being the case, we have to love them back. After all, they were the ones that raised us!” I sighed. “I think it’s the money…We’ve always been poor…” “But look at us, Jill! We both have college degrees and I am now on my fourth month at an amazing accounting firm.” “So you’re just going to gloat about your new job? Jen, I thought you were going to check up on me!” Natasha gasped and left the room. I guess she wanted to give my sister and I some privacy. Thanks I guess? “Jill, I am not gloating. I am very happy about the success that I achieved. And I want you to be happy about your success too! You graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cleveland State University!” “Sis, you graduated Summa Cum Laude! A year ahead of me with a Masters that your cushy accounting firm paid for. That same firm that you interned at! And now you got a cushy job there! Meanwhile, I am having failed interview after failed interview. They are favoring men over me! I guess an anchorMAN is better than an anchorwoman, huh? I thought we were past all the sexist crap…Besides…” I lost it again and burst into tears. “Jill, you’re crying again! What is pulling you into despair?” “What is pulling me, Jen? I’ll tell you!” I raised my voice. “My landlord…um lady…knocked on the door and wanted the rent tonight. I thought that I paid it! But it looks like that I didn’t. $950! I checked my banking app. All that I had was $20.89. She didn’t want it. She wanted it all in cash. Now if I don’t give her the money tomorrow, she will evict me and seize all the belongings in my apartment. She will only return them once I pay the rent in full. So go back to your perfect life!” “Perfect? Jill, you have no idea of the tribulations that I experienced today. Work was very stressful…” “Work? It must be a lot of stress to make all that money…” I sarcastically retorted. “You’re absolutely right Jill! It is! Now, I had no idea of the financial turmoil that you’re going through. And before you reiterate your crackpot sexist theory back to me, I have the perfect rebuttal. On four out of the five local news channels that I perused, I saw women news anchors. Not men, Jill. Women! You need to come out here, Jill. The northeast is more progressive and liberal. They don’t see any glass ceiling for us. Plus, most of the CPA’s that I work with are women. There are a few men in our group, though.” “So, how do you propose I come out?” I whined. “Earth to Jen! I’m broke! I have $145,000 in college debt and owe the landlady $950. How do you expect me to come out there with a plane ticket to move to Philadelphia. And the other problem would be a place to stay. Now, where would I stay.” “Jill, you would stay with me! My apartment is a 3 bedroom. I’m not using the other two rooms for anything. They are still empty. Okay. Not quite. Just a few of my extra belongings…I will take you in. You need to get out of Cleveland!” I sighed as I looked at the Mint Chocolate chip ice cream. “Just two more problems, Jen. One: my rent. And two: a plane ticket to Philadelphia? Now my roommate had pity on me and gave me $100, but that’s not going to be enough for either expense.” “Jill, just let me help you! I will pay for your rent and your plane ticket. I will buy a round trip ticket for me and a one-way ticket for you. You’re going to get a job out here, Jilly Bean. I will be out tomorrow afternoon, with $950 to pay your landlady for another month. Sound good?” I was now crying my eyes out. I never knew that my sister could be so loving and kind! “Oh, thank you!” I joyfully weeped. “You don’t know how much this means to me…” “Oh, but I do Jill!” Jen told me. “I’m your twin sister, remember? We’re two halves of one whole. I could feel that something was wrong with you tonight before I called you. That’s a twin thing. It’s like having a best friend, only waaaaaay better…See you tomorrow! Love you!” “Love you, too.” I told her. The call ended and I wiped the rest of the remaining tears out of my eyes. I then guzzled the rest of the thick and syrupy mint chocolate chip ice cream liquid and wiped off the sticky residue with my hands. Natasha came out of her room and smiled. “I heard some of the conversation but not all of it. Now girl, look at me again…” Well, I’m in a better mood now. So okay…I looked at Natasha and stared at her. “Yes Natasha?” “I was right!” she told me. “Your twin sister really does care about you and love you! And she just proved it!” She then proceeded to pat me on the shoulder. “It looks like the good Lord is looking out for you…” I shrugged my shoulders. I guess he is…I dug into my jogging pants pocket and pulled out the $100. “Do you need this back? My sister is paying my rent tomorrow and taking me to Philadelphia to live with her.” “Keep it!” Natasha pleaded. “It’s the least that I can do in your situation. Now, are you just going to have ice cream for dinner? I can order us some food. You don’t have to pay me. I got this, girl…” I nodded. “Thanks Natasha.” The rest of the evening was okay. Natasha ordered a pizza with my favorite toppings. They happened to be her favorites, too. Either that, or she was just being nice. A supreme pizza cooked to perfection. We were both so hungry that we ate all but two slices. As I was finishing my last slice, Natasha gave me that stare again, so I stared back. “Jill,” she addressed me. “Or Jillian?” “Only my mom calls me that,” I sighed. “Jill is fine…” “Jill then…” Natasha continued. “It was very nice having you as a roommate. Granted we were busy and we didn’t see a lot of each other, but I wish you the best. I have an interview in Columbus next week and if I get the job, I’m moving down to Columbus. This apartment will be vacant again. You will have to sign a release and pay another fee to get out of your lease early. I believe that our lease doesn’t come up until August.” “I will just have my sister pay it,” I told her. “I don’t want to take advantage of her, but I’m broke right now…Oh. Good luck on that interview! I hope you get it!” Natasha smiled back at me. “Thanks Jill Pill!” “Ha…” I grinned. “I can remember a few friends in high school calling me that…” To those of you still following the story, not much more happened that evening. I shed my t-shirt and jogging pants and slept in my bra and panties. And I just…slept. Yeah. That’s it. if you think you’re going to get more information than that reader, sorry. This is my story, and I will spare some of the unnecessary details, like my snoring or anything else that you don’t need to know about. You’re probably wondering “Jillian, when are you going to get to the diapers?” Doncha worry, my little besties. I will get to how I started wearing them very soon. I just needed to get to my departure from Cleveland first. I can actually remember sleeping really well that night. I felt so happy that my sister really cared about me. But finding a job was something that I really needed to do. Now my sister TOLD me that female anchors were more common in Philadelphia. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, hoping that she was right…
  7. The Baby in Kailee (An AB transformation) kailee was a high powered executive at a famous well known company, always dressed in professional clothing during meetings in the office, zoom calls, and business dinners. After a long day she was ready to go home to be in her diapers and suck on her pacifier. This brought Kailee much joy and contentment, she only wished she had a full time mommy, although she had a mommy that would come take care of her, it was not enough. One day after a long and busy day Kailee came home put on her diaper and grabbed her paci, she pulled out a flyer she found on her door few days ago. At first she thought, where did this come from? It showed a large vine covered house with lots of windows, almost a very large hospital. The flyer said “would you like forget about your trouble let your worries go away permanently”? If so please call us at 888-777-5252. we can help. Kailee called the phone number and heard a lady voice answered the phone..”hello thank you for calling the baby institute, this is wendy how can I help you” Uh yes Kailee said, umm I would like to book a reservation for few days, uh, I like the full package you offer please.” On the other end Wendy says ohh sure, Miss what is your name? Kailee tells Wendy her name, adress, billing info, as Wendy says ok we will send a unmarked van for u in a few days, the driver will call you when he is on his way. Kailee says “thank you wendy, I guess I will see you in a few days and hangs up. The next day Kailee makes arrangements with the management team for an extended Leave of Absence, and draw up paperwork for her assets to be donated to charity of her choice, as she doesn't think she will be back to work as we former self. She walks out of her plush office and says good bye to her co workers, as well as her receptionist, who is/was her closest friend,and knew her “secret” and often was her mommy, but she could not commit Kailee hugged her goodbye, and gave her a look that she would never see her receptionist again(little did she know it was gonna happen in the future) Kailee packed up some of her personal things in a duffle bag even though she was told she didnt have to, diapers, paci and her favorite teddy bear. Still in her business clothes, she changed into a short dress, diapered herself, and put on some slip on shies, her diaper barely covered her dress but she didn't care. She looked at her apartment for the last time, and checked her apple watch as a call came in from the driver, as she confirmed the address for the pick up. He arrived right on time as he opened the slider door for her and said “hi I am David, you must be Kailee”? She smiled and said “yes that's me nervously. Sje noticed several baby car seats in the van as well. David helped her put on the seat belt as well, and said “we are off” nervously, Kailee put her thumb in her mouth, as David looked in his rear view mirror and smiled. They drove through the large gate and into the circular driveway as David parked the van, opened the door for Kailee and said “we are here sweetie”. He opened the front door for her as she saw the large entryway and a reception desk, a young girl, saw kailee and said “can I help you”. Kailee nervously said “umm I have a reservation, the girl named Sally says “ ohh yes we been expecting you.” She gets on the phone and dials an extention and says Miss Wenty Kailee is here now, Wendy says great! I wil be out to great her. Miss Wendy comes out in a skirt, white blouse slightly opened in the front, jacket and high heals. She gives Kailee a hug and says welcome honey, Please foragive me the way I am dressed I had to help feed a baby. As Kailee smiles. Nervously Kailee says she has all the paperwork they requested to be filled out before hand, and reaches into her duffle bag for her walletand credit card. Miss Wendy says “ohh honey don't worry about those things now. We will take care of it later lets get you to be taken care of ok honey” as she said with a loving motherly tone of voice. Princess will you take Kailee to her new room? As she gives kayla a kiss on the head and pats her diapered bottom in he dress. As kayla leads Kailee upstairs to her room she tells Kailee that normally she is a Adult baby, but sometimes she is a swtich and becomes an adult aat times as he helps out at the front desk, she tells Kailee that she has been here 5yrs now. Kailee can here babies crying here and there, as Kayla shows Kailee the nursery room, the dining room where babies are being fed in high chiars as well as being breast fed, they find her room as she says here we are.. I will let the nurse know you are here. Kailee still sucking on her thumb looks around her room, as she sees large crib, changing table with diapers, powder, and wipes. Its painted pink with baby disney characters on the wall, a rocking chair, and lots of toys. Standing there in amazement,the nurse comes in and says “hello sweetie, do you like your new room”? I am lisa and will be one of your nurse/mommies, yes sweetie, there are many of us here, but we all take care of you in special way as she said in a sweet motherly voice.. Now honey lets get you out of those big girl clothes and change your diaper, I am sure you are wetty wetty, Kailee shows lisa her bag as lisa says ok honey, we will put this all in the closet and lock everything up. She starts to undress Kailee removing her shoes,then her dress, and her apple watch as she sees her soggy diaper, my my you are wetty wetty honey, she gently takes Kailee hand hand and has her lie down on the changing table, Kailee starts to cry, embarrassed that a stranger is changing her, Lisa says “dont worry honey, it will go fast and easy, Lisa pops a pink paci in Kailee mouth, to which calims Kailee down, as she starts to untape and remove her wet diaper. Lisa grabs the wipes and cleans Kailee up all over, then brings out a pink disposible diaper places it under Kailee and sprinkles powser all over her, brings the diaper forward and tapes the sides snugly, she lifts Kailee up and says “are you hungry sweetie?' Realizing that she has not eaten anything since she left home. She nods, yeh mommy lisa, not realizing she talked in baby talk. Lisa Smiled and lifts Kailee into her arms, as she carries her to the rocking chair, removes her blouse,, exposes her breast to Kailee, Kailee fusses a little but then latches on to Lisa nipple, as she starts to taste the special milk,as Lisa gently rocks Kailee and whispers, you have a long day baby girl, as she pats Kailee diapered bottom as she rocks her to sleep. Part 2 coming next
  8. The one thing Madelyn desires most in the world is to wear diapers again, and she is prepared to do anything to make that wish come true. As inexplicable as that desire is for a twelve-year-old girl, it is one she has obsessed over for the past three years. Ever since Madelyn tried on a pull-up that a distant cousin had used for bedwetting, the thought of what it would be like to forego her underwear for that padded, crinkling sensation between her legs has been a desire she has been unable to shake. Every other plan to get her hands on diapers or pull-ups has failed up to now. But this time it is going to be different. This time it is going to work. This time she isn’t going to back out at the last minute. The plan is simple. All Madelyn has to do is intentionally begin to wet the bed at night. Then, her parents will have no choice but to get her the diapers she so badly desires. What could possibly go wrong? Chapter 1: Daydreams in Class I will not chicken out this time. That was what I had told myself two days ago. That was also what I had told myself yesterday. Third time was the charm, right? It was easy to put a bold face to my latest harebrained scheme to acquire diapers from the safety of my daydreams. It was much harder when the time came to actually carry out the plan that had been brewing in the back of my mind for the past year – one I had finally decided to put into motion this week. Why would a 12-year-old girl want to wear diapers in the first place? I don’t know. All I know is that for the past three years, nothing I have done has been successful at getting this obsession out of my head. I certainly didn’t have any interest in being a baby. My younger brother, Jackson, is only six years old. I discovered where Mom kept all his old baby stuff long ago. I’ve tried his old pacifiers, bottles, and sippy cups. None of those items held any appeal for me. I can’t stand kids’ TV shows. I can’t color to save my life. And don’t get me started on dollhouses, barbies, and whatever other toys babies like to play with. In every aspect of my life other than this strange desire for diapers, I wanted to act my age. My latest plan all started a year ago with a magazine and a desire to procrastinate on my homework. There had to be some level of irony to the fact that this latest idea came about when I was seated on the porcelain throne. Mom had almost a dozen different magazines she subscribed to. Most of them found their way to the bathroom, which was also probably the only circumstance where I would have even considered reading them in the first place. I was already finished doing my business, but leaving the bathroom meant needing to continue a homework assignment I’d been slowly picking away at for the past hour. The only reason I even bothered to pick up a copy of the Reader’s Digest on that day about a year ago was for the few sections where it had funny jokes and stories. That, and I had left my smartphone in the bedroom. I really didn’t know how my parents managed when they were my age. I skimmed through the first section of jokes. Whoever had put together this edition of the magazine had totally mailed it in. There was a completely unoriginal one about redheads and souls that had me tempted to toss the magazine in the garbage. I mean, with how many magazines Mom had, would she even miss it? Redhead jokes get old really quick when you’ve had people telling you them your whole life. It has been forever since I’d been told one I hadn’t heard before. And even longer since I’ve been told one that was actually funny. Maybe I would have better luck with the second humor section toward the back of the magazine. I flipped through the pages casually when one of the advertisements caught my eye. I could scarcely believe what I was seeing. There it was. Right on the page. An exact replicate of the pull-up I had briefly stolen from a cousin two years ago. But there was more. That pull-up from two years ago had been the boys’ designs. This ad showed that there were ones for girls as well. And even though I’d had a pretty good growth spurt in the past two years, the product info indicated that I wasn’t even close to being too big to wear them. I didn’t tuck the magazine in the trash, but I did take it with me from the bathroom, burying it deep inside my box of miscellaneous things in my bedroom. I’ve looked at that page at least once a day for the past year. “Earth to Maddy. Earth to Maddy. We’re calling in.” My head jerked upright from the hard wooden desk in my math classroom to the sound of laughter. “Here!” I called back to our math teacher. “Well, thank you for joining us again, Maddy. Now,” he said, pointing to a cluster of numbers, letters, and symbols on the whiteboard, “that we’ve isolated ‘x’ on this side of the equation. Can you tell us what it is?” I had enough trouble paying attention in classes that I liked. For ones I hated? The temptation to daydream was hard to resist. And I hated math class. It was hard enough when we were dealing with regular numbers. I would be lucky to scrape by with a “B-” on my report card. But now, with the end of the school year in sight, my math teacher had ever-so-helpfully decided to give us a sneak peek of some of the things we got to look forward to learning next year in eighth grade. I sucked at long division. But it at least made sense conceptually. The numbers were real, even if doing the work to get the answer was tedious. But now there was this thing the teacher called Algebra, where we were supposed to be adding up letters as well as numbers, which was beyond my ability to comprehend. Every “x” and “y” on the whiteboard seemed designed to taunt me. May as well put a “D” or a “C” on the board, as that was about what I could expect on my report card next year if this was what was in store for me. I stared blankly at the whiteboard with the sinking feeling that even if I had been paying attention for the past five minutes, I wouldn’t be any closer to understanding what was going on. “Um,” I said, picking at my nails while I continued to stare ahead. I had to at least give some kind of guess. But my brain and my mouth sometimes aren’t exactly in sync with one another. “The spot.” “I’m sorry. What was that?” Mr. Thompson asked. “You know, the spot. Like, ‘x’ marks the spot.” The classroom was full of laughter again. This time with me rather than at me. I made eye contact with one of my friends, Angie, who turned to look back at me from the front row. We shared a smirk at the joke. Mr. Thompson sighed. “Everyone settled down, please.” He gave me a look that suggested he might be once again telling my parents about how I had apparently been disruptive in class. “Now, Maddy, if you had been paying attention as we worked through this problem, you would know that the answer was actually…” I didn’t even manage to pay attention long enough to get to the answer to what ‘x’ happened to be or what sorcery had been used to arrive at that conclusion. I fixed my eyes on a spot on the whiteboard, a method I had mastered to trick teachers into thinking I was actually paying attention to their nonsense when I’d rather be daydreaming. My thoughts slipped back toward my plans for this evening. The third time had to be the charm, right? It wasn’t really my fault the first two attempts at wetting the bed had failed. The first night, I had simply been too tired. We’d had an exhausting soccer game that evening that had gone on to overtime, and we’d been shorthanded, so I hadn’t spent almost any time on the bench. I had fully intended to stay up past midnight but had used the excuse of being tired to back out of it. Instead, I let myself drift off to sleep without wetting the bed. During the second night, I’d managed to stay up until 1 a.m., but I had found it impossible to make myself pee. I simply hadn’t had enough to drink. I had considered simply pouring water on my bed, but I was worried that might not be convincing enough should my parents make a closer examination of my bedding. I could have snuck off for a glass of water in the kitchen and stayed up another hour, but again, I chickened out and pushed the plan off to another night. But tonight was going to be different. I was going to be drinking as much water as I could tonight, and I would skip going to the toilet before going to bed. Plus, tonight was Friday, which meant it was pizza night, so as long as I picked out a caffeinated soda, I should be able to keep myself up late enough for this plan to work. I realized that I was likely going to have to keep this up for multiple nights. One random night of bedwetting — after having never wet the bed since I had been potty trained at the age of two — wouldn’t be enough to convince my parents to take action. But if I could have the courage to keep it up long enough, they would have no choice but to purchase the pull-ups shown on the magazine page for me. I would make sure to leave that old magazine out in a way that would get Mom to see the advertisement. It was a desperate move, but I couldn’t wait any longer for the pull-ups. I knew from other advertisements I’d seen that these pull-ups were sold in stores. Had there been a store close by that I could bike to, I might have considered going out and purchasing some for myself on a day when I had been left at home on my own. But that wasn’t an option for me. I still had over three years to go before I would be old enough to get my own driver’s license. I had already waited three years for this. I couldn’t possibly wait three more. “Maddy. Earth to Maddy. Hey!” There was the sound of hands clapping together a single time. More laughter. I blinked rapidly, adjusting my gaze over to Mr. Thompson, where he was standing at the front of the classroom with his palms still pressed together from making the noise he had used to so rudely interrupt my daydreams. “Maddy, please just take one of the homework sheets and pass the rest behind you.” I looked straight ahead, where Chloe was holding a stack of papers with her arm stretched out toward me. She rolled her eyes at me as I grabbed them from her. In a rare moment of self-control, I did not stick my tongue out at her. I took one of the homework sheets and passed the remaining one behind me to where one of my two best friends was sitting. The three of us had initially been seated next to each other. But Mr. Thompson decided a few weeks into the school year that doing so was too much of a distraction. Emma, who had been seated to my right, was switched to the seat behind me. Angie, who had been on my left, had worse luck. Not only was she moved to the front of the class, but she had to sit next to Ryan, who had the disgusting habit of picking his nose in public. But that was OK. We’d have the whole weekend together. Tonight was the beginning of the playoffs for our U13 soccer team. We’d had a moderately successful season, meaning we’d managed to somehow win more games than we lost over the past several months. It was disappointing that the spring soccer season was so close to coming to an end, but we had the opportunity to keep it going this weekend if we could manage to string a few victories together. The bell rang as the final class of the week came to an end. Mr. Thompson belted out more instructions about the homework as I slid the piece of paper, with all its archaic symbols and equations, into my backpack. I’d just ask Angie and Emma later to see if there was something I’d missed in his instructions. I joined my two friends in the hallway. We all lived in the same neighborhood, so we rushed off to catch the bus together. They chatted excitedly about the game tonight, but I walked alongside them in silence. My thoughts were somewhere entirely else. My mind settled on the image of the pull-up I had held in my hand three years ago. The few minutes where I had examined it thoroughly, my fingers tracing over its whole surface. How it had felt to wear it for a couple of minutes before I was forced to set it aside, not knowing the opportunity was one I wouldn’t get again for years. Should everything go as planned, I would be wearing a pull-up again in less than a week. But to accomplish that, I needed to wet the bed tonight – on purpose. <><><> Three years ago If there was a single moment that perhaps best defined the last three years of my life, it was that day three years ago when it all began. The day I first laid eyes on a simple object that would become an obsession I would never be able to shake off. I didn’t cry at the funeral. I knew, intellectually, that this was what people were supposed to do. But even the sight of my aged great-grandfather lying in the open casket hadn’t moved me to tears. It wasn’t as though I wasn’t sad, but it was a more abstract kind of sadness. That kind that has someone thinking heavy thoughts about what happens after death, not that kind that leaves someone bawling on their knees. I had no memories of the man lying in the casket. My parents said I had met my great-grandfather three times. But I had been too young to have any memories of those visits. My older sister, Grace, on the other hand, was devastated. It was her first funeral as well. She had memories of her great-grandfather. The man in the casket was not an abstract concept to her, but the ghost of someone who had played with her and held her in his arms. Jackson cried as well, but that was just because he was a baby. You could never exactly tell what it was that they were upset about most of the time. The three-year-old boy likely just needed a nap. But the funeral home wasn’t where that pivotal event in my life transpired; it was merely marked the event that gave cause for all my distant relations – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – to join together from where they were all scattered across the country. The reception after the funeral was where the fateful moment occurred. The adults ate, drank, and smoked while kids split into playing games with others of their age. There was a cohort of preschoolers huddled around a TV, watching stupid kids’ shows. On the other end of the spectrum was a collection of angsty teenagers Grace had abandoned me to hang out with. They weren’t particularly welcoming of youngsters, and my normally friendly sister had shooed me off after I attempted to tag along with her. Not that I cared that much. Other than my sister, teenagers made me a bit apprehensive. Besides, there were a half-dozen other kids my age to hang out with. My mom introduced me to two boys shortly after we arrived at the house for the reception. One of them, Alex, was eight. Though he made clear he would be nine in a few weeks, which would make him as old as me. His younger brother, Timothy, was seven. The boys were distant cousins from half-way across the country. There was some technical term Mom used for exactly what type of cousin they were to me — second cousins, twice removed. That didn’t mean anything to me. All that mattered was that they were my age and more than open to finding some way to play in order to pass the time while the adults did whatever adults did. We hit it off immediately. We did what kids that age normally do. We fell into the habit of playing simple games with each other as if we had been friends all of our lives. The two brothers were staying at the house where the reception was being hosted, so it was only fair that they gave me a tour of the massive building. We explored the expansive backyard, winding our way through the adults in the garden until we were shooed away. We played in the basement for a while, which had foosball and ping-pong tables before the teens decided that was where they wanted to be hanging out instead. But there was still plenty of house to explore. Alex and Timothy led me up a winding staircase to some rooms upstairs, where they had been sleeping while their family stayed with the relatives who were hosting the reception. That’s when I stumbled across a stunning revelation. One that would shape my life for the next three years. Haunt my dreams. Hound my thoughts. Practically drive me crazy as I was often left incapable of thinking of anything else. There was something out-of-place sitting in the corner of the room on top of a pile of discarded laundry. I tended to usually say the first thing that came to mind without regard to whether it was socially appropriate to do so. I wasn’t any better at that at the age of nine. I pointed at a blue undergarment in the corner that didn’t exactly look like a normal piece of underwear. It was not as though I didn’t have a good suspicion of what it was. But I wanted confirmation. “What is that?” Timothy walked casually over to the corner and picked it up. “Oh, that’s my pull-up.” I looked at the item in his hand. He was seven. That couldn’t possibly be his. I felt sure I was the subject of some kind of joke. “Don’t be silly,” I said. “You’re too old to wear pull-ups.” “Older kids sometimes need to wear pull-ups,” he said, still holding the item in his hand. His defiance left me no less confused. I rolled my eyes. “I doubt that even fits you.” I hadn’t intended in any way to dare them to put the pull-up on. But that must be how that statement had come across. Alex snatched the pull-up out of his brother’s hand and tugged it on over his dress pants. “See,” he said. “It fits. We wear them ’cause we still wet the bed.” They were bedwetters. And they weren’t the least bit ashamed of it. That was at least a topic that I understood. I had no intention of teasing or bullying them. While neither my brother nor I were bedwetters, my older sister had wet the bed up until a year or so ago. Why hadn’t I put together a connection between pull-ups and bedwetting? Come to think of it. I wasn’t even sure if Grace had worn pull-ups during her bedwetting phase. She had her own room, which I was very much forbidden from going into, so if she had, there wasn’t any way I would have known about it. When I had first learned of my older sister’s predicament, my parents had sat down with me and calmly explained what bedwetting was and how I was to never shame or tease her about it. And given how privately they had handled her condition, and the fact that it hadn’t ever impacted my life at all, I truthfully hadn’t ever given her bedwetting much of a thought. Alex mistook my pensiveness while considering my sister’s bedwetting to mean that I was still confused about the topic. He launched into a long explanation with words like enuresis, explaining how bedwetting was just a medical condition that he and his brother would grow out of. “Do you wet the bed?” Timothy asked me. “No,” I replied. I came close to continuing my reply and accidentally outing my sister, but I would never do something that mean to her. Alex still had the pull-up around his waist, completely unconcerned with how silly it looked. The pull-up had a picture of Spiderman, my favorite superhero, on the front. I pointed that out, which led to another conversation about which Marvel superheroes we liked best. Timothy was big on Iron Man. But Alex insisted that Batman was better than any of them. My eyes kept glancing down at Alex’s waist. I found myself unable to look away from the pull-up for long. The sight of the pull-up around Alex’s waist raised another thought. That pull-up would fit me just as well. My distant cousin and I were both about the same size, after all. I didn’t question the desire to wear the pull-up. Once the impulse had taken hold of me, there was little else I could think of as I distractedly continued the conversation with my cousins. Our parents called us down for dinner. Alex ripped the pull-up off and tossed it back in the corner of the room before we retreated down the stairs. I was unable to concentrate during dinner. Alex and Timothy were across the table from me, and it was all I could do to keep my mouth shut about what I had just witnessed. I was filled to the brim with questions, most of which I would have to keep inside unless I were presented with another chance to have a private discussion with those two bedwetting cousins. But there was one question more important than any of them. One perhaps best answered on my own rather than by asking them. What did it feel like to wear a pull-up? While the adults were content to sit and chat around at the table long after their plates were clean, that wasn’t the case for us kids, and soon we were back to running around; Timothy, Alex, and I were joined by another four cousins. Big houses and hide and seek go hand in hand together. We agreed that hiding upstairs in the house was against the rules for the game of hide and seek. That meant that the upstairs room where the pull-ups were waiting for me was technically off-limits. But I didn’t care one bit about the game. Anyway, making the upstairs rooms off-limits had been my idea. An absolutely brilliant stroke of genius for a then nine-year-old girl. In one move, I’d ensured that no one would be up there when I went looking for the pull-up and that I would be safe from anyone following after me. I took quick glances in both directions as I stood at the base of the stairway. Perfect. There were no other kids in sight. I leaped up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time with each upward lunge until I was safely around the corner and out of sight. I encountered my first problem when I made it to the bedroom where Timothy and Alex had been sleeping. I had somehow assumed that the pull-up Alex had ripped off could be fixed. I seemed to recall that the pull-ups my brother had worn a year ago had Velcro sides. But that wasn’t the case with these bedwetting pull-ups for some reason. But there had to be additional pull-ups elsewhere. There couldn’t be any way that the boy’s parents would risk them peeing all over the bed while they were spending the night as guests. I didn’t have any luck in the first suitcase that I looked through, nor the second, but the third one was where I struck gold. There were more than a dozen pull-ups tucked into the side of the suitcase. Surely, they wouldn’t notice if one of them happened to go missing. I grabbed a pull-up and bundled the pull-up into a ball, tucking it into the waistband of my skirt. I was sure that was not nearly as discreet as I thought it was at the time. But, to my good fortune, I was able to make it to a nearby bathroom without being caught. The adults were busy downstairs, and my cousins, who were playing hide and seek, were doing a better job than I was at abiding by the rules. I locked the bathroom door behind me. I double and triple-checked to make sure the door was actually locked. I removed the pull-up from under my skirt and held it in my hands. I didn’t stop then to think through how bizarre the whole situation was at the time. I think I must have stood there looking at it for several minutes. Feeling how it crinkled beneath my touch, testing out the sides to see how far they could stretch, rubbing my fingers down the padded interior. I was completely and utterly fascinated by it. The desire was no more explainable than a moth being drawn to a flame, a kitten to catnip, or a raven to a shiny object. I cautiously slid my arms through the leg holes, stretching the pull-up out in front of me. Not only was it more than stretchy enough for me, but it could probably fit a kid twice as wide as I was. Now came the moment of truth. I removed my skirt and underwear. The pull-up had a side that was helpfully labeled as the back, so I knew which way to put it on. As I brought the pull-up into place around my waist, it was like sliding the final piece of a puzzle into place. I turned around so that I could look at my reflection in the mirror. I lifted up the front of my skirt so that the whole pull-up was in view. It practically came up all the way to my belly button. There was something about the way it hugged my sides, the way the soft padding pressed against my skin as I sat down on the toilet lid and the way it crinkled quietly as I paced across the bathroom that left me completely enamored. There was just one thing left to do. And I didn’t have much time before everyone noticed that I was missing. I lifted up the lid of the toilet seat and sat down while still wearing the pull-up. One of my deepest regrets was that I had went to go potty right before the game of hide and seek began, meaning there wasn’t anything waiting to come out of my bladder at the moment. I tried. I really did. I wanted to know. I had to know. What would it feel like to pee into a pull-up? It couldn’t be bad. Alex and Timothy hadn’t seemed to be put off at all by waking up in a wet pull-up every morning. But nothing happened. The timing was off. My bladder wouldn’t cooperate. And time was up. I needed to be out of the bathroom in a couple of minutes. I considered it a radical idea. What if I put my underwear and skirt over the top of the pull-up? I could continue to wear it until I actually needed to pee. I nearly did it. I really, truly, honestly nearly did it. But then I chickened out. The same way I would, time and time again for years afterward. It was too risky. A small trickle of shame was diluting my euphoria. I knew that despite how ecstatic I was at my discovery, the reality of anyone else discovering this secret — and the relentless shame and teasing that would follow — would be devastating. I wasn’t like Alex or Timothy. I didn’t have the veneer of bedwetting to hide behind as an excuse for wearing a pull-up. I slid the pull-up off of my legs. I intended to put it back in the suitcase. Then it would be like nothing had ever happened. That’s when I encountered a second problem. Apparently, I had gone potty in the pull-up after all. Not a lot, just the teensiest of tinkles. But it was enough to leave a tiny yellow patch the size of a quarter smack dab in the middle of the pull-up. I breathed a sigh of relief that I had even noticed it in the first place. That would have made for an awkward situation for Alex and Timothy had I put the pull-up back in the suitcase. I peered into the trash can. I was in luck. I could make out two pull-ups at the bottom of the small trash can. One had been turned inside out, the color of its interior leaving no doubt as to the truthfulness of Alex’s description of his and his brother’s bedwetting. I bunched up the pull-up and tossed it in the trash can. I didn’t think it was likely that anyone would be paying too much attention to notice the addition of one more pull-up in it. My curiosity sated, I returned to the game of hide and seek, pretending that I had been expertly moving in between hiding places to avoid being spotted. I didn’t think anymore about the pull-up until later that evening when we were lying in bed at the hotel. Jackson was little enough that he could sleep on a padded mat and sleeping bag on the floor while Grace and I shared a bed – an experience that hadn’t gone well the past couple of nights, as it had been interrupted by midnight accusation of blanket theft. If it had just been Grace and me in the room, if Mom, Dad, and Jackson hadn’t been around to overhear it, I might have worked up the courage to ask my older sister about her bedwetting. I wasn’t even sure if she knew that I knew about it. But I had to know. Had she worn the same pull-ups as Alex and Timothy? Was there perhaps a style that came in colors and designs for girls? But we weren’t alone, and those questions went unasked. The drive home wasn’t any easier. I didn’t touch my tablet, which had been my constant companion on the trip here. Instead, I stared out the window. But I wasn’t paying any attention to the passing cities and landscapes. Instead, my mind was replaying the events of the previous day, in particular, the few precious minutes when I had my hands on the pull-up. I was filled with a deep sense of longing and regret. Why had I thrown the pull-up in the trash? Why hadn’t I put it back on beneath my skirt? I would have had it with me now. I could have been wearing it now. Of course, I did know better. I would have had no issue wearing the pull-up out of the house, but once we had gotten to the hotel, there wouldn’t have been any realistic way for me to have kept it concealed. But the acknowledgment of that reality did nothing to lessen my longing for the pull-up. I had nothing but time as I began to scheme up all the different ways I could get my hands on another one, or better yet, an actual diaper. What would I have done if I had known the wait was to be measured in years rather than days, weeks, or months? --- Links to all my stories can be found at https://abdlwriter.wordpress.com/
  9. Description: A baby for a bully - A story in which a girl enters a very reclusive school and, at school, will suffer at the hands of bullies who will make her their baby -------------------Chapter 01---------------- Ha-na was a small, beautiful 16-year-old girl with blonde hair that shone in the sunlight. Two pink strands stood out in her hairstyle, giving it a touch of originality. Her biggest dream was to become an idol and create her own musical hits. To pursue this dream, she studied at a renowned girls' school that was forming the current idol groups. It was a sunny day when Ha-na decided to take a break in a local café. The establishment was not very busy at the moment, which gave her a quiet environment in which to relax. She entered wearing her standard school uniform, a skirt combined with a shirt. As he entered the café, his eyes met a woman sitting alone at a table near the window. The woman had a laptop open in front of her, and her gaze seemed full of curiosity. Ha-na approached and greeted her: "Hello, my name is Ha-na. May I join you?" The woman smiled gently and replied: "Of course, make yourself at home. My name is Park, I'm a journalist. I've been expecting you. We have some things to talk about." Park explained that he was working on a story about the famous Melody cases, that famous idol school that hides a lot of secrets She asked Ha-na to provide proof of the story she had mentioned in a previous email. Ha-na looked around, making sure no one could see, and, with a quick gesture, lifted her skirt, revealing a diaper. She then lowered it, showing that she was wearing it. Park was surprised by the revelation, but kept her expression calm. "Now that we have the proof, you can tell your story," she said. Ha-na sat in a comfortable chair in the small café, her eyes fixed on Park, the curious journalist who surrounded her with questions. Although hesitant at first, Ha-na decided to open up and share her darkest secret. It was something that few people knew, but now it was time to reveal it. After a brief moment of silence, Ha-na took a deep breath and began to tell her story. She revealed that, against all expectations, she had received a special invitation from the renowned Melody school. It was a chance in a million, as this school was known for training the most talented and famous idols in the country. The Melody School was a veritable paradise for aspiring idols. With several buildings spread across a vast campus, each dedicated to different aspects of artistic training, the institution was a veritable music empire. Ha-na described the campus as a magical place, where the sound of melodies filled the air and dreams came true. As Ha-na shared her excitement at receiving the invitation, she mentioned that she knew about one of the school's most famous future idols, Baek Ha-rin. The teacher accompanying her, Mi-hai, mentioned Ha-rin's name with admiration and enthusiasm. "Wow, you've got a great chance," said Mi-hai excitedly. "You're going to study in one of the newest rooms, newly created in the building that will house the most famous future idols, including Baek Ha-rin." Ha-na knew that Baek Ha-rin was one of the rising stars in the music industry. Her powerful voice and captivating stage presence made her one of the most promising idols of her generation. Ha-na deeply admired Ha-rin and dreamed of following in her footsteps and achieving similar success. As Ha-na recounted these details, Park's mind filled with images of the Melody school. She could visualize the spacious corridors, decorated with bright murals depicting the most famous idols who had ever passed through. Ha-na's school uniform, consisting of a pleated skirt and a white shirt with pink details, perfectly matched the school's vibrant and energetic atmosphere.
  10. Chapter 1 (The opposite of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) could be described as Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). While PTSD involves the negative effects of trauma, such as flashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, PTG refers to the positive psychological change that can occur as a result of struggling with adversity. PTG may involve a greater appreciation for life, increased personal strength, improved relationships, and a deeper sense of spirituality or meaning in life.) The impact felt like a slap in the face, although her whole body shook. Far from the darkness, or the proverbial light, Sally only saw… opaque, a sort of grey. And a powerful smell. It stung her nostrils. After that, it was mostly confusion. She vaguely remembered her mother in panic, trying to open her own door, trying in vain to pull on the deployed airbags covering the SUV’s windows, in a futile attempt to get her bearings, and asking if she was alright. Sally felt alright. As right as one can feel after a head-on collision with a concrete barrier, that is. She felt herself for wounds, but the most evident effect of this crash was a painful shoulder, evidently due to the seat belt. She was mostly stunned, shocked, disoriented. But she couldn’t see any blood or bones poking out. “I’m fine, mom”, she stuttered, as she double-checked herself, confirming she had broken nothing. Except for maybe that shoulder. That stung. The following moments were a daze for Sally, as helpful drivers made their way to the wrecked vehicle, and called out if they were all right. Her mom was still desperately trying to open her door, but it wouldn’t open. A concerned face suddenly appeared inches away from Sally’s face, behind the loose window airbag which had been lifted out of the way. “You alright?”, the gruff voice sounded. “Get us out of here”, her mother almost shrieked. “I can’t open my door”. “Uhm, ma’am, you’ve got a concrete barrier on that side. You’d better come out this side. “You OK, miss?”, he asked, looking at Sally, who nodded. Sirens were approaching, louder by the second. It annoyed Sally that somehow somebody decided to forget their siren on, and that seemed to be her only focus now. The siren. Eventually somebody decided it would be better to turn it off, so the emergency responders could communicate with the victims. Amidst Sally’s protestations that she was alright, she was strapped onto a scoop stretcher, with an elaborate cervical collar, and after a while in which they took some vitals and made sure she wasn’t actually dying, they slid her into the back of an ambulance, her concerned mom got in a jump seat, and then the siren started again. And this time they didn’t turn it off.
  11. Hello folks, I stumbled through the web.archive and found a story from 2009 which was gone from this site through the great purge which deleted many stories. I found some stories by searching through the pages. This story was one I liked in the past. It's nothing special, and probably kind of repetitive. But for anyone who likes to read it again. Here it is: Weeboy - Mandy the baby sitter: Disclaimer:- Please note that none of the characters in this story are real children and the story is a work of complete fiction and should be read as such. Chapter 1 Hi my name is Mandy Brown I’m a 15 year old girl and i live in Yorkshire, England. I am around 5ft tall and really slim with long brown hair and hazel eyes and a body that is just starting to develop. I live with my parents and little sister Katie who is 5 years old and has the same brown hair and hazel eyes as me but she is small at only 3tf 2in tall. We live on a new estate where all the kids are younger than me ranging from 18 months to Emma next door who is 9 years old. Being the oldest kid in the street I get lots babysitting jobs but what people don’t know is that I’m the biggest baby of them all; let me explain. When I was a little girl I always wet the bed, although potty trained during the day at 3, my mother kept me in a nappy for bed. I never thought anything about wearing and wetting a nappy because it always happened while I was asleep until one day when I was nearly 6, we were going on holiday and we had to go on a plane for 9 hours. We got up early that morning and Dad packed the car with the cases Mum had filled up the night before, I got dressed in the cloths my mum had put out for me, a nice summery little dress, white panties and socks with cute little black shoes. We all got into the car and went to the airport once inside dad gave the cases to the lady at the check in desk and we all went upstairs to the café. Dad went up to a monitor and came back telling us we should go to the departure lounge our flight leaves in 40 minutes. We went through the customs hall and found the gate our plane would leave from and sat down beside everyone else and I started too played with little dolly. My mum came over to me a little while later and said “Mandy I’m going to the toilet are you needing to go” I said no but she said I should go and try anyway, So we walked over towards the toilets and then my mum headed towards the disabled toilet, I asked her why we were going to the disabled toilet and she said “you’ll see honey”. My mum made me try to go pee but I was just not needing, she then opened her bag and pulled out one of my night time nappies and said “Mandy, I want you to wear one of your nappies for the flight as you might fall asleep and you know what will happen then” I tried to argue but she was having none of it and soon I was getting the final tape stretched and stuck to the front of the nappy. She pulled out a pair of plastic pants and said “lets put these on over the top of your nappy, no one will see them under your skirt but if you wet yourself and your nappy leaks everyone will know” She slipped the plastic panties up my legs and patted my bum as she said “their all sorted” I again said to my mum that I didn’t need a nappy on because I’m 5 and a big girl now, but she said “there will be other children your age Mandy and maybe even older wearing a nappy on the plane it’s okay I promise sweetie” We made our way back towards the gate and everyone was now lined up waiting to get on the plane, as we stood there slowly moving forward my mum whispered in my ear “Mandy see the little girl in front with the red top on, she’s about your age honey and she has a nappy on too” I looked at my mum and said how do you know that? She smiled and said “you can see her bottom is padded under her jeans and when she bent down to pick up her book I saw the top of her plastic panties, that’s why I gave you a dress to wear today”. We soon got on the plane and found our seat which turned out to be just across the isle from the little girl my mum pointed out to me. A few minutes later and we were in the air soaring higher and higher it was fun it was the first time I had flown. My mum put the film Cinderella on my screen and I sat watching it for a while, then I heard the little girl across the isle tell her mum she needed to go to the toilet and her mum say “It’s okay honey just read your book” the girl then said as she was squirming in her seat “but mum I’m bursting” her mother smiled at her and said “I know Vickie but it’s okay, you have a nappy on remember” the girl blushed and looked at her mum and said “but mum I’m six, I don’t want to wet the nappy” her mum laughed and said “what did you think you had a nappy on for Vickie?, Just pee in your pants sweetie, its okay. I watched Vickie squirm in her seat doing a restrained pee pee dance for a minute or two and then she put her hands between her legs holding herself and looked at her mum and said “Mum Please I can’t hold it anymore!” her mum looked back at her and said “Vickie its okay, just let it happen honey I won’t be mad with you. Just pee yourself” Vickie squirmed around a little more then a look of panic and shock came across her face and she froze. Vickie’s mum must have noticed this because she leaned towards her and said “Has little Vickie had an accident in her nappy?” Vickie looked at her mum with a now sad face and said “I peed my pants”. I went back to my film and soon must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was my mum wakening me up to fasten my seatbelt for the landing. I buckled my seatbelt and started playing with my dolls hair a few minutes later I started to feel the need to pee. I leaned over to my mum who was in the middle seat next to me at the window and tugged her top, when she looked at me I said “Mum I need to go to the toilet”. My mum looked at me and said “You can’t get out of your seat just now because we are going to land, we will be landing in 20 minutes can you wait honey?” I was bursting and told my mum I didn’t know if I could hold it. My mum leaned towards me and the next think I knew she had her hand up my dress pressing the front of my nappy and she looked at me and said “Mandy your nappy is a little wet, you must have peed a little in your sleep, it’s okay to just finish peeing your nappy, you don’t need to worry about waiting. I hadn’t wet myself while awake since I was 3 and even then it was because I had an accident, I could have held on for a bit longer if I wanted but my mum said I didn’t have to. I looked at my mum and said “do I just pee pee like I would if I was on the toilet?” My mum looked at me and laughed and said “Just kid on you are a baby and when you feel the need to pee pee just go like you would when on the toilet but in your nappy” I sat there playing with my doll and a short time later felt the urge to go pee again, so I just relaxed and pushed as I would when on the toilet and I felt myself starting to pee, my potty training tried to kick in and I gave out a little gasp and threw my hands into my crotch to try and stop the flow but it was to late I couldn’t stop and I felt the warm pee flow through my nappy and realised it was quite nice. My mum just looked at me with a smile and said “I take it you decided not to wait then Mandy” I smile back and said “no mum and I feel better now”. Once off the plane we headed to our hotel and we booked in and went to our room, my mum changed me back into my white panties and we went for dinner. During dinner I felt the need to pee and wished I had a nappy on now so I didn’t have to leave my pudding to go pee, unfortunately I didn’t so got up and went to the toilet and then came back to finish dinner. After dinner mum said we should have an early night because of the long flight as we had a exciting day ahead of us tomorrow. We went back to our room and I had a shower and then mum put my nappy on and pulled a pair of plastic pants on over it saying she didn’t want any leaks on the hotels bed. I had my glass of milk and went to bed. I woke in the morning and felt the need to pee badly, I touched my nappy and it was still dry, I would normally go and get my mum to take my nappy off so I could go to the toilet but I remembered what happened yesterday and decided I didn’t want to get out of bed yet. I lay there and when I felt the next urge to pee I relaxed and pushed and felt the warmth of pee flow across my nappy as a peed myself. I thought to myself wearing a nappy is good; I don’t have to go to the toilet if I don’t want to and no one will know. My mum then opened my room door and came in, she looked at me and asked if I was wet and I nodded. She then sat on my bed and said “Mandy we are going to Disney World today and in the park there will be lots of people and huge lines for both the rides and the toilets, I was talking with your dad and we decided to give you the choice of wearing a nappy today. You will have a dress on like yesterday so no one will know and if you need to pee you can go to the toilet if you want, what do you think?” I looked at mum and said “do I have to?” my mum replied “no, you don’t have to but I think it may be for the best and remember you don’t have to use it, you can go to the toilet” I looked at her and said “but what if I have an accident mum?” My mum said “I don’t mind if you have an accident in your nappy or if we are in a long line and you decide to stay in line for the ride, I don’t mind If you just want to pee yourself but if you don’t wear a nappy and you need to pee you would have to leave the line to go to the toilet” I couldn’t believe my ears, I looked at my mum and said “I think you are right, I think it would be for the best”. My mum looked at me and said “come on then honey what are you waiting for? Lets get you dressed today is going to be fun” Chapter 2 I jumped out of bed and pulled off my nightdress, my mum pulled down my plastic panties and untapped my nappy and gave it to me and said “put that in the bin in the bathroom and have your shower, give me a shout when you get out.” I run across my room into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I placed the nappy in the bin and then stepped into the shower. I came out the bathroom rapped in a huge towel and shouted to tell my mum I was out the shower; she came in and helped me get dried. She then asked me to lie down on the bed and reached into my suitcase and pulled out the packet of nappies I use at night. I looked up at her and said “do I have to have a nappy on right now? Can’t it wait until we get to the park?” My mum smiled and said “Mandy its okay just put a nappy on now and if you need the toilet I will take you, but it means you can relax in the car if you fall asleep” My mum then slid the nappy under me and pulled it up between my legs and taped it shut and picked up my plastic panties and held them open and said “step into your panties sweetie, we don’t want any leaks now, do we?” I pulled my dress over my head and let it flow down my body and sat on the bed to let my mum put my socks and shoes on. My mum looked at me and said “there we go honey, lets go and get breakfast”. We went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast and then headed for the car to go to Disney world, as we walked through the front of the hotel I felt the need to pee so told my mum. My mum said “ok honey there is a toilet just over there let’s go” she took me to the toilet pulled my nappy off and let me go pee and then pulled the nappy back on and we left for Disney World. When we arrived at Disney world I was so excited the place was huge and so many people around I could see what mum meant about long lines. We headed off, we went on several rides and joined the line for the roller coaster the little board said 45 minutes to the front. We slowly moved closer and closer to the front of the line but when we reached the sign saying 15 minutes to go I started to feel the need to go pee. I decided not to say anything and we kept moving, soon we were at the front of the line and got in the roller coaster and off we went. Up and down we went faster and faster, upside down, left and right and then it slowed and we were back at the start. Dad looked at mum and me and said “I think its time for lunch”. I then remembered my need to pee which was now desperate and said to my mum. “Mum I need the toilet first, I need to pee” my mum looked around and said “There’s the toilets over there, lets go” we walked towards the toilet and then stopped, I looked at my mum and said “why have we stopped mum? I really need, come on let’s go” mum looked at me and said “honey this is the line for the toilets, you will have to wait” we slowly moved forward and I became more and more desperate and started to dance from foot to foot. My mum looked at me and said “to need that bad you must have needed for a while” I nodded and said “I needed when we were in the line for the roller coaster, oh hurry mum I’m bursting” We slowly moved forward but about 5 minutes later I was so desperate I started to pee, just a little dribble but enough for me to grab myself and gasp. Mum bent down to me and said “are you okay honey?” I looked at her and said “no! I peed a little and I’m really, really bursting” my mum looked up and then took my hand and pulled me out off the line for the toilet and started to head towards dad. I grabbed myself and looked at mum and said “What are you doing? I need to go to that toilet”. My mum smiled down at me and said “I know you do honey but you were not going to make it in time, you already peed a little didn’t you? Don’t worry you have a nappy on remember, just pee yourself” I looked up and mum as another urge to pee hit me and I crossed my legs but it was far to late, I felt the warmth spread across my nappy and started to remembered how nice it felt when wetting and said “mum I’ve peed myself” she smiled and said “I know you did honey it’s ok” We went for lunch and I had burger, chips and a coke, mum changed my nappy and we headed back towards the rides. We had a great time all afternoon and soon it was time for the park to close and we headed for the car. As we were leaving I saw the line for the toilets and felt the need to go and told my mum, she took my hand and we started towards the toilet when dad said “honey if we don’t leave the park now we will have a massive queue in front of us, can’t we just let Mandy use her nappy and change her in the car?” My mum looked at dad and nodded and then said to me “Mandy its okay honey, just pee your pants and I will change your nappy when we get to the car” she took my hand again and we walked across the huge car park towards the car. When we reached the car mum got a nappy out the bag and said “okay honey let me change your nappy” I looked at her and said “I’m not wet I still need the toilet. My mum giggled and lifted me into the backseat of the car a lay me on my back and said “we’ll soon sort that honey” as she started to tickle me, I screamed in laughter and felt the need to pee increase fast, I shouted “mum stop!! Please I’m going to pee, I’m going to pee myself” my mum just laughed and said “I know, I haven’t made you pee yourself with tickles since you were 3, But I’m going to now” she continued tickling me, harder and harder until I couldn’t stop laughing and then I felt the warmth start to spread across my nappy and realised I was peeing myself. I stopped laughing and my mum looked at me and said “by the looked on your face you are ready for a dry nappy, am I right” I just nodded and let her change me. We were soon at the hotel and went straight for dinner and then back to the room, mum checked my nappy but I was still dry and she took it off and sent me for a shower and told me to go pee. I came out of the bathroom after my shower rapped in my towel and mum helped me get dried and put my night nappy and plastic pants on for bed and tucked me in. I lay in bed playing with my dolly for a while and started to feel sleepy but then felt the need to pee and remembered I didn’t go when I showered. I lay in bed thinking about going to the bathroom and then I felt the urge to pee again and decided to just relax and pushed slightly. I started to pee so fast it caught me by surprise and by the time I realised I couldn’t stop. I enjoyed the warm wetness spreading across my nappy and drifted off to sleep. In the morning my plastic panties were wet inside, I must have peed myself again through the night and the nappy had leaked. I was soon up out of bed and showered, I was dressed in normal panties today and the same each day for the rest of the holiday, except for at night off course when I need my nappy. On the morning of the day we were going home my mum came in to take my nappy off and sent me for a shower and said “when you are ready Mandy give me a shout” I had my shower and went pee and came out in my towel and shouted on my mum. Mum came into my room and said “okay Mandy lets just put a nappy on you now because you fell asleep on the way here in the car, I don’t want a wet car seat on the way to the airport” I told my mum I didn’t want a nappy on until the airport but she started to nappy me anyway and I was soon dressed like I was for the last flight. When we got to the Airport and gave our suitcases to the lady at check in and we went upstairs to the shops and café’s and decided to get breakfast. We went into McDonalds and started eating and then we saw the family with the little girl Vickie who was on our flight here, my mum and dad started to talk to them and when I was finished eating mum said “why do you and Vickie not go and play in the soft play area and we will come and get you when we are going”. Vickie and I then went and played, jumping up and down and running around and then I fell over and my skirt went up, Vickie’s eyes went huge and she just looked and me and said “you are wearing a nappy too Mandy!!!” I started to cry but Vickie said “Its okay Mandy I have a nappy on too see” as she pulled her plastic panties out the top of her jeans a little. We continued to play for a while and then I felt the need to pee, I started to head back towards my mum and dad and Vickie said “Mandy, where are you going?” I looked at her and said “I need the toilet I’m going to tell my mum” Vickie started to follow me and said “but Mandy you have a nappy on. I need to pee too though so lets go and tell our mums” we arrived at the table where our parents were talking and Vickie was the first to tell her mum that she needed to pee and I then told my mum I need to go pee too. Vickie’s mum just looked at her and said “Vickie you still have a nappy on honey, just go and play and I will change you before we get on the plane” then my mum looked at me and said “just go and play with Vickie honey, you have a nappy on too so it’s okay to pee yourself and I will change you before we get on the plane” Vickie just looked at her mum and held herself and said “but mum I’m bursting if I jump up and down any more I’ll pee myself “ Vickie’s mum looked at her and laughed and said “Honey I know, that’s okay though, that’s what your nappy is for, Mandy is needing to pee too and she will wet herself if she jumps up and down much more too but she has a nappy on like you so it doesn’t matter. Just go back and play” We both ran off towards the soft play area again and soon were busy having fun. It was a good ten minutes before all the bouncing caught up with me and I had the sudden urge to pee. I stopped bouncing and grabbed myself and crossed my legs and Vickie looked at me and asked “Mandy what are you doing?” I felt a little squirt of pee escape me and managed to stop the flow but as soon as I tried to release the pressure I squirted again, then again and then I felt the warmth spread across my nappy and I couldn’t do anything about it. I looked at Vickie who was stood staring at me and said “I wet my nappy”. Vickie looked at me and giggled and said “I’ll wet myself soon to it’s okay lets bounce, We jumped up and down and up and down and a couple of minutes later I saw a look come over Vickie’s face and she grabbed herself and she froze. I started to giggle and Vickie said “there now I’ve peed my nappy too. We then went back to playing and jumping up and down. I heard my mum shout on us and we headed over to the table and my mum said “we have to go to the gate to get the plane now so let’s go change your nappy. I take it you are wet from all that bouncing?” I looked at my mum and nodded. She smiled at me and said “when I was a little girl I used to pee myself if I bounced up and down to much to, come on let’s get a dry nappy on you” Vickie and her mum followed us and Vickie had her nappy changed too and then we headed for the gate to get on the plane. When we got on the plane we were in nearly the same seats as before and across from each other so my dad moved over and sat beside Vickie’s dad and our mums sat on the end of each set of chairs and Vickie sat next to me so we could play. We in the air heading back to England and Vickie and I watched cartoons, after we had our lunch on the plane Vickie started shifting about in her seat as we watched the cartoons and I asked her what was wrong. She said “Mandy I need to go pee!” I looked at her and said “tell your mum your needing Vickie the toilet is just there” Vickie looked over at her mum and said “mum I need to go pee” Vickie’s mum smiled and said “Vickie it doesn’t matter, you have a nappy on. Just watch your cartoons and wet your pants” Vickie looked at me and said “don’t you have to go too” I thought about it and said “a little bit” Vickie looked over again at her mum and said “Mum Mandy needs to go pee to can’t we both go to the toilet” my mum looked over and said “Vickie, Mandy isn’t going to the toilet either because like you she has a nappy on so you can both just pee yourselves when you need to okay” We sat there and Vickie squirmed and did a pee pee dance for a few more minutes and then she sat there still, holding herself but frozen. Vickie then relaxed out of her trance and I said “did you pee your pants?” she looked at me and nodded and said “are you wet yet”. I looked at her and said I do not need to pee enough yet, but half and hour later I was the one doing the pee pee dance and squirming around until suddenly the plane shook and dropped suddenly and I felt that warm feeling spread across the front of my nappy. I grabbed myself but it was far too late and only let Vickie see I was peeing myself, she giggled and whispered to me “you peed your pants too now” I just nodded and smiled. We were soon landing in England and we said goodbye to Vickie and her mum and dad and left to get the car so we could go home. Mandy the Baby Sitter Chapter 3 When we arrived home it was late, my mum changed my nappy and asked me to go upstairs and get my Pyjama’s on so I was ready for bed. Once in my pyjama’s I went back down stairs and found that mum had made sandwiches and tea, we had supper and then it was time for bed, it had been a long day. I continued to wear a nappy to bed until I was 6, my mum decided at this point that I should wear pull-ups to bed, I had started to waken up during the night sometimes needing to pee and she would have to get up to help me with my nappy but I could manage the pull-ups by myself. My wetting continued both accidental and deliberately when I didn’t want to get up and go to the toilet, until I reached about 7 ½ when I found that my pull-ups started to leak especially if I woke up wet and decided just to do my morning pee in bed just because I could. When my mum realised that the pull-ups were leaking badly this is when the next major part of me becoming a big baby started. I woke up, it was 7am and I had to get up for school soon. I slid my hand down inside my Pyjama bottoms and pressed the front of my pull-up and found I was wet. I lay there for a while thinking about getting up and soon felt the urge to go pee. A mischievous little smile came across my face and I relaxed, pushed a little and soon felt that wonderful warm feeling spread across the front of my pull-up as I peed myself. The smile only lasted a few second until I realised that my pull-up was leaking and a wet patch was now spreading across my sheets. I jumped out of bed just as the bedroom door opened and my mum walked in. My mum looked at me and then noticed the wet patch on the bed and said “Mandy honey, has your pull-up leaked again?” I looked at her and nodded, she then said “I will have to think what we can do to stop this happening before we ruin your bed. You better go and get a shower before you go to school.” After school I arrived home looking forward to the weekend ahead, I completed my homework and then went out to the back garden to play. A while later mum called my in to get my dinner and afterwards I watched TV until I hears mum shout “Mandy it’s time to get ready for bed” I got up and went to my bedroom where I found my mum standing, holding a packet of pampers size 6 nappies. I looked up at her and said “mum what are they for?” my mum smiled and said “Mandy your pull-ups have been leaking too much; I have decided to put a normal nappy on you to see if that helps to stop you getting the bed wet.” I thought about it for a bit and then said “but mum, I can’t get these on and off by myself” my mum said “Mandy its fine just come and get me and I will help you, okay? Now lie down and let’s get you sorted” I lay down and mum soon had my nappy on me and she helped me up to get my pyjamas on. We went back down stairs and had some supper and then I went to bed. I woke up about 2 am bursting to pee so I pulled off the covers and sat up in bed, swung my legs over the edge and stood up but as I did this I felt a really strong urge to pee, I crossed my legs and grabbed myself as I felt a squirt of pee escape me, I managed to hold it and walked to the toilet but when I arrived in the toilet I was hit by another strong urge and crossed my legs and grabbed myself again. I looked at the toilet I was right next to it but if I moved I was sure to pee myself. The urge got stronger and soon I felt another squirt escape and decided to pull my Pyjama bottoms down and then my pull-up and try and get on the toilet before wetting to much. I pulled down my Pyjama bottoms, to do this had to uncross my legs, I soon felt another squirt escape and quickly went to grab my pull-up and realised and remembered I had a nappy on, not a pull-up. The shock of this was all it took and the squirt turned into a stream. I grabbed myself again but it was in vain as I felt that warm feeling flow through the front of my nappy, I smiled and pulled up my trousers and went back to bed. I woke up in the morning and mum was not up yet, it’s Saturday and mum and dad likes a long lie. I would normally take my pull-up off and wash myself, get dressed and go down stairs to watch TV but I have a nappy on this morning so decided to just go down in my Pyjamas. I was sitting watching cartoons and drinking some milk when I felt the need to pee. I put down my milk and stood up, I was about to walk to the stairs when I remembered I still had a nappy on and giggled as I thought to myself, baby doesn’t need to go potty because she has a nappy on. I sat back down on the couch and continued drinking my milk and waited until I was bursting and then just let go in my nappy, I smiled as I felt the warm feeling spread across the front of the nappy and though to myself, Oops baby’s had an accident. I wore the Pampers for a couple of weeks but they started leaking just like the pull-up did and when we got to the end of the packet mum had a surprise for me. I got in from school it was Friday again but this time it was the start of the October school break, no more school for a week. I heard mum shout on me from upstairs so went to see what she wanted. I reached the top of the stairs and saw my mum in my room so I went in to see what she wanted. She looked at me and said “Mandy, you know how your nappies have been leaking, I have been chatting with auntie Linda and she came over with these for you” I looked at the chair where my mum was pointing and seen a pile of white cloth and lots of pairs of plastic panties. The plastic panties were Pink, yellow, white and even some with little ducks and hello kitty on them. I looked at my mum and said “what are they mum”. My mum laughed and said “Mandy these are Terry nappies, the sort we used years ago before pampers and other disposable nappies came along. You put the nappy on with these nappy pins and then pull on the plastic pants”. I looked at her and said “but how will I get these on and off?” She smiled at me and said “your nappies will be off limits to you, only me or your dad are allowed to put these on you or take these off, so if you need to go to the toilet you need to ask to go”. I reached out and touched the nappies and seen how soft and fluffy they are, I looked at my mum and said “but won’t these leak like my pampers did?” My mum looked at me and said “that’s why I have called you up here, so we can find out”. I looked at my mum and said “how are we going to find out?” She smiled and said “get your school uniform off and I will show you” I stripped my top and my skirt off and then my tights and stood looking and my mum who said “take your panties off too and the jump up on the bed”. I took of my panties and now naked jumped onto the bed, my mum grabbed two cloth nappies and folded them together and slid them under my bum and then pulled them up between my legs, she asked me which plastic panties I wanted to wear as she put two pins in each side of the nappy. I looked over and then said “the pink ones mum, please”. Mum picked up the pink plastic panties and put my feet through the leg holes and slid them up my legs and then said “Mandy lift your bum until I slip your panties under your nappy”, I lifted up and she pulled the plastic pants into place and checked round the edges to make sure the nappy was inside the panties, she looked at me and said there you can get up now. I stood up and my mum patted my nappy and said “oh you look so cute Mandy. Put a skirt and a top on and come down stairs okay?” I got dressed, then went down stairs and watched TV for a while until mum came through and said “I have a DVD here would you like to watch it?” I looked up a saw that it was Cinderella and said “yes please mum I love this film” we sat and watched the film together on the couch, about 40 minutes into the film I felt the need to pee. I sat there thinking about it for a minute or two and then told my mum I needed to pee. My mum looked at me and said “the film will be finished in 15 minutes just wait” I sat there fidgeting for another 5 minutes and then said “mum, I’m bursting can you take me now” She looked at me and said “Mandy just wait it will be finished soon” I looked at her and said “but mum please, I can’t wait any longer” My mum giggled and then started to tickle me and said “I’ll sort it for you Mandy” I rolled about next to my mum trying to get away but I couldn’t and shouted “MUM STOP!! You’ll make me pee myself! Oh please I’m going to pee, I’m going to pee” My mum laughed and said “aww! Just as well little Mandy has a nappy on then, isn’t it” and then continued to tickle me. I screamed as I felt the first squirt of pee escape and shouted “MUM STOP it’s coming, I’m going to pee, please mum” My mum lifted the front of my skirt and said “It’s okay, now I can see it happen when you pee yourself”. With one last tickle it started, I felt a squirt, then another and another then I felt that warm feeling as I peed myself uncontrollably and looked up at my mum who had a huge smile on her face and she said “I think little Mandy has had an accident, now we can finish watching the film”. After the film I asked to be changed, mum said that I would have to wear the nappy until bedtime, so I went back to watching cartoons until she called me to dinner. I sat there at the table eating my dinner and then felt the need to pee so asked my mum to take me to the toilet. My mum looked at me and said “Mandy your nappy is wet already, it doesn’t matter if you need again, just pee you nappy” I couldn’t believe my ears, I sat there fidgeting for a minute but when a new urge came I just relaxed and pushed and started to pee myself with such a force that I grabbed myself and gasped “Oh!!” Mum looked at me and giggled and said “I take it you’ve had a little accident honey.” I nodded and she got up and lifted my skirt and had a poke about at my nappy and said “see Mandy nowhere near leaking”. After Dinner we played Monopoly and a couple of hours later I needed to pee again, I was having so much fun and I didn’t want to have to stop playing to go pee. I sat there and fidgeted more and more until my mum said “does little Mandy have to go pee pee?” I looked at her and said “yes mum, can I go please” She smiled at me and said “yes honey you can go, just go pee in your nappy again” I sat there and relaxed and as I bent forward to get the dice I started to feel that warmth spread across the front of my nappy, I place my hand into my crotch but it was far to late to do anything about the flow of pee now running freely into my nappy. My mum reached over and again felt my nappy and said “You know Mandy I think this nappy could take more but after this game I think I will change you for bed. After the game mum took me upstairs and changed my now very wet but not leaking nappy and said “I think these are going to work for you honey, just come and tell us from now on when you need to pee and we will take you to the toilet. Today was just a bit of fun to see how much this nappy would hold” Mum then put me in a dry nappy and plastic panties with ducks on them, then my Pyjamas and I went to bed. I woke up in the morning and slid my hand into my PJ Bottoms and then into my plastic panties and felt that I was dry. I lay there for a few minutes and then got up and went down stairs to watch cartoons, as I watched I started to feel the need to pee, I remembered mum telling me that I’m not allowed to take my nappy off myself, so went upstairs to my mum and dads room and opened the door. My mum lifted her head from the pillow and said “Mandy, what is it honey?” I looked over at her and said “Mum I need to pee, I’m bursting” as I stood there holding myself. My Mum looked back at me and said “Honey are you dry?” I knew I was but looked at my mum and said “I don’t think so mum” My mum looked at me and said “in that case honey just pee in your nappy again and go back and watch your cartoons. I will be getting up soon and I will change you” I walked back to the sitting room and started watching cartoons again and soon felt the urge to pee again, I though to myself this is like being a baby again, not having to worry about missing TV to go pee pee because I can go pee pee anywhere, anytime when I have a nappy on. Just then I was jolted from my day dream by the first squirt of pee and grabbed myself as my potty training kicked in. I let out a little giggle and pushed and soon felt that warmth start to spread across the front of my nappy as I peed myself. I woke up several times over the next few weeks in the middle of the night; I went and woke my mum to take me to the toilet and she did, but one night when I went through she looked up from her pillow and said “Oh! Mandy honey, just go back to bed” I looked at her and said “but mum I’m bursting” She said “I know you are honey, just use you nappy tonight Mandy” I went back to bed, pulled the covers over me and lay there trying to go back to sleep. A few minutes had passed before a new urge to pee hit me and reminded me I needed to go, I just relaxed and I quickly started to pee myself, it was becoming easier to just let go when I needed to pee. I felt the warmth flow across the front of the nappy and then across my bottom as it run between my crotch it felt wonderful. In the morning mum cam into my room and sat on the edge of my bed, she said “Mandy your dad and I have been chatting, we have decided to just let you use your nappy at night if you wake up because we are not getting enough sleep, getting up most nights to take you to the toilet is too much. I have a chart here and if you wake in the night I would like you to mark the chart with a ‘N’ and then just pee in your nappy and go back to sleep, if you wake in the morning dry I would like you to mark the chart with a ‘D’ and if you wake in the morning wet I would like you to mark the chart with a ‘W’, do you think you can manage that?” I looked at my mum and said “I think that will be easy enough, but what happens if I need in the morning and you are not up yet?” My mum looked at me and smiled and said “Mandy, if you’re already wet then just pee in your nappy, if you are dry and either me or your dad is awake then come and tell us you need to pee, if we are still asleep then you can try and hold on until we are awake or just pee in your nappy” I looked at my mum and said “I think I can do that” Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch4 Mum took off my nappy and said “Mandy go for a shower and get ready for school” I jumped up from my bed, run to the bathroom, turned on the shower and quickly got washed and ready for school. It was Friday and I was looking forward to the weekend, I was having my little cousin Lily stay over on Saturday night. Lily is 4 1/2 years old and has lovely long blond hair and big blue eyes, she’s a lot smaller than me, which is good because I like tickling her and she can’t run away. Lily still wears pull-ups during the day and a nappy at night because she has a lot of accidents. When I got out of school I run to the gate, I found my mum waiting for me in her car and got in. On the way home my mum told me that her and dad would have to go out tonight to a dinner at my dads work, she told me that Debbie was coming to baby sit for me. Debbie has been babysitting for me for over a year now and she is great fun. She is 17 years old with black hair and is huge, I think she must have eaten an elephant but I love our wrestling and playing around, she just loves to play. Once we arrived home I went outside to play on my swing and the trampoline until mum shouted me in for dinner. After dinner I watched some cartoons until my mum shouted “Mandy honey can you come up here please?” I got up and run up the stairs and found my mum in my room, she looked at me and said “Honey I have spoken to Debbie and she has told me that she doesn’t know how to use terry nappies. I don’t have any disposables here and your dad and I need to go in ten minutes, we don’t have time to go and get you any either. I have told Debbie that I will put you in your nappy now so she doesn’t need to worry about it, ok” I looked at my mum and said “but mum it’s only 6.30pm do I have too” My mum said “Mandy I have explained to you why, now up on the bed and no arguing” I knew my mum meant it by her voice, I pulled off all my cloths and jumped up on the bed, my mum laid my nappy under my bum, pulled it up between my legs and pinned it closed with two pins on either side. She then pulled me up to the sitting position and picked up a pair of yellow plastic panties with teddies on them and gave them a shake. She pulled open the waist and said “Okay Mandy, step into your panties” as I did she pulled them up my legs and over the nappy, checking around the legs to make sure they were on correctly. She then handed me my PJ bottoms and said “just put your pyjamas on now too, Mandy” Just as I was pulling my top over my head I heard the door bell ring, dad then shouted “That’s Debbie here Mandy” I run down the stairs and gave Debbie a huge hug, she patted my nappy and said “I see your all ready for bed sweetie, I have a DVD here for us to watch though and I’m going to order a Pizza later too, so don’t worry, I won’t put you to bed early” My mum and dad gave me a hug and then left for there dinner telling me to be good for Debbie. I closed the door and run to the sitting room where Debbie was putting the DVD in the DVD player and then she joined me on the couch. She lifted her bag and pulled out two bottles of coke and handed me one and smiled. The DVD was searching for Nemo, I had seen it at the cinema but I was more than happy to watch it again. I sat there cuddled up to Debbie, watched the movie and drank my juice until about an hour later when I felt the need to pee. I sat there, I slowly started to fidget and wiggle around and Debbie looked at me and said “are you okay Mandy?” I looked at her and said “No, I need to go to the toilet” as I started to get up. Debbie smiled and said “Mandy, your mum told me that if you needed to go to the toilet, I was not to take your nappy off, I have just to let you have an accident in you nappy” I started to cry, I didn’t want Debbie to know I liked wetting my nappy, I looked at her and said “but I want to go to the toilet” Debbie leaned over and gave me a hug and said “I know sweetie, but your mum told me not to take your nappy off and little girls in nappies don’t need to go to the toilet, do they?” I looked back at Debbie and shook my head; she smiled and said “okay, so just let yourself have an accident in your nappy when you can’t wait anymore” I sat there wiggling around for a few minutes more trying not to pee but was soon bursting; I felt a dribble escape into my nappy and grabbed my crotch, I then started bouncing up and down trying not to give in. Debbie sat there watching me and then burst into laughter and said “Oh Mandy, just let go sweetie. Just pee yourself, it okay, that’s what your nappy is for honey” I looked up at Debbie and said “I know but, Oh No….Oh!!” I felt another dribble escape, then another and another, it was too late. I looked at Debbie as I felt the warmth spread and said “Oh I’m peeing, I can’t stop, Oh No” Debbie giggled as she slid her had down my pyjama bottoms and touched my plastic pants and said “Aww has baby Mandy had an accident in her nappy?” she then smiled and said “I bet you have a nice warm bum now though don’t you?” I smile and said “yes, I peed and my nappy is all warm” Debbie picked up the menu for the pizza place and asked “so what type of pizza do you want?” I jumped up and down and said “Oh pepperoni please it’s my favourite” The pizza arrived quickly after Debbie phoned and we stuffed our faces, drank some more coke then decided it was time to play hide and seek. I let Debbie hide first and then went to look for her, I searched every room upstairs and then downstairs and couldn’t find her and as I was about to go back upstairs I heard a noise coming from the cupboard under the stairs. I run round to the cupboard door and pulled it open and there was Debbie trying to hide under some coats. Debbie came out of the cupboard and said “okay Mandy, your turn to hide” I run up the stairs and slid under my bed and pulled a box over a bit to block the view under the bed. Debbie shouted “I’m coming” and I heard her moving about the house. Debbie came into the room, looked around and then left again. She never looked under the bed, then10 minutes later she came back again having looked everywhere else and moved the box. I lay there still, trying not to make a noise while Debbie started to bend down to look under the bed where I was hiding. It was while I lay there that I started to feel the need to pee again, just then I saw Debbie’s face, she shouted “Ah!! There you are, come here” she then grabbed my legs and pulled me out from under the bed, giggled and started to tickle me, she does that every time she finds me when we are playing hide and seek. I screamed with laughter and then remembered my need to pee as the pressure increased with the tickling. I tried to pull away and Debbie laughed and said “what is it? Does Mandy not like getting tickles?” I looked up at Debbie squirming and laughing and said “yes I like tickles, but I’m bursting to pee, please stop, I’m going to pee myself” Debbie looked at me and smiled and said “Aww don’t worry little Mandy, you have a nappy on remember and you’ve peed yourself already anyway” she started to tickle me again and giggled “I think someone is going to have a little accident in her panties” The pressure built up and I soon felt the first trickle into my already wet nappy and grabbed myself. Debbie looked at me and slid her hand into my Pyjama bottoms and touched my plastic panties and said “aww!! I thought you had just peed yourself” she then slid my pyjama bottoms off my bum so my nappy was in full view and said “I’ll just have to tickle little Mandy a little more” as she giggled and started to tickle me again. I wriggled around trying to get away but it was no good and soon I was bursting so bad again that I dribbled some more and again I grabbed my crotch but this time Debbie kept tickling and said “ah you won’t fool me with that this time I’m not stopping until I see the pee spreading across your nappy” I then Dribbled again and as a last hope shouted “Debbie stop, Please I’m going to pee. Oh No please stop” Debbie then giggled again and said “that’s good, I won’t need to tickle you much longer then” It was then that I felt another squirt into my nappy and I tensed up to try and stop the flow but this time with Debbie still tickling me the flow just kept coming and I saw a smile appear on Debbie’s face as I felt the warmth spread trough my nappy and she said “Aww little Mandy’s peed her nappy, I bet your bums all warm again” I got up from the floor, Debbie pulled my pyjama bottoms back up and we went back downstairs. Debbie put the cartoons on TV, we sat there watching and the next thing I knew my mum and dad were at the door. My mum asked Debbie if everything went okay and Debbie smiled and said “yes, Mandy has had an accident in her nappy though, she has peed herself twice tonight. Mandy did ask to go to the toilet but you said not to take her nappy off, so I had to let her wet herself” My mum smiled and said “that’s okay Debbie, that’s what her nappy was for and I will change her now before she goes to bed, thanks for watching her” Debbie left and my mum took me upstairs and changed me into another nappy and tucked me into bed. I lay there in bed, a little while later I felt the need to pee, I just pushed and let it happen, as the warmth spread across my nappy, between my legs and under my bum I smiled and thought there now that’s better. Here is chapter 5 I woke up in the morning just after 8 am, it’s was Saturday, mum and dad were still in bed. I got out off bed and went down stairs to watch cartoons; I decided to have some coco pops and a glass of milk while watching Tom and Jerry. I soon felt the need to pee and remembered that I hadn’t done my morning pee yet, I still had my night nappy on and Mum has told me that I’m not allowed to take it off myself, I decided to try and hold it even though mum said if I needed in the morning and my nappy was already wet I could just pee myself again. I sat there fidgeting, doing a pee pee dance and holding myself for a little bit and then heard my mum at the sitting room door, she said “Mandy, are you watching TV?” I said “I’m watching cartoons mum” Mum then said “Honey, lets go upstairs and get you dressed, be quiet though because dad’s still sleeping, he’s not feeling very well, that’s why we were home early last night” I went upstairs and mum Followed she said “let’s go into your room and get you ready for a shower honey, remember Lily is coming today and she will be here soon” I went into my room, my mum pulled my Pyjama top off and as she did, she noticed me squirming and stepping from foot to foot and said “Mandy are you okay, do you need to go to the toilet?” I looked at my mum, now really desperate to pee and said “Yes mum I’m really bursting” and I grabbed my crotch. My mum looked at me and smiled and asked “are you dry honey?” as she pulled my Pyjama bottoms off and felt the front off my plastic pants. I looked at her and said “no mum, I had an accident during the night” My mum smiled and said “that’s okay honey I can see that, I can also see that you are so desperate to go now, that you may even have an accident before getting to the toilet, if I take your nappy off now, why don’t you just go in your nappy?, I’ll get your cloths laid out for today, so that when you get out of the shower they are ready for you, I think by then you’ll have gone in you nappy and I won’t need to worry when taking it off. I stood there dancing as my mum started pulling cloths out my wardrobe, I then felt a dribble escape into my nappy and gasped out loud, I grabbed myself and bent forward to stop the flow but I then started to feel the warmth spread through my nappy. I stood up straight again and removed my hands from my crotch, it was too late, I heard mum giggle and she said “its okay Mandy, you were meant to pee yourself, your nappy was already wet anyway and judging from how quickly you had an accident I’m glad I decided not to take your nappy off” Once mum was finished laying out my cloths she took my nappy off and sent me to the shower, when I got out the shower, mum helped me get dried and then I got dressed, we went down stairs and I started watching cartoons again. At about 11am Lily arrived with Auntie Linda, Lily run straight at me and gave me a hug and sat down to watch TV with me. I saw Auntie Linda hand my mum a bag and she said “I have packed 3 extra pull-ups for Lily and 3 or 4 of her pampers. Lily has a pull-up on just now; she should ask to go to the potty if she needs, if she has an accident then put another pull-up on her and hopefully she will be fine but if she has a second accident then she gets put in a nappy for the rest of the day and of course at night” My mum said “I’m sure I can manage that, I’m used to changing nappies” After Auntie Linda left, we had lunch and then my mum checked Lily’s pull-up and found she was wet and said “Lily why did you not tell me you needed a pee pee honey?” Lily started to cry and said “I’m sorry I didn’t want to miss Tom and Jerry, I tried to wait but I started to pee” Mum took her hand and said “it’s fine honey, let’s get you changed, but next time you need a pee pee come and tell me okay?” Lily run back into the room a few minutes later with a dry pull-up on, we decided to go out to the back garden and play on the trampoline, after an hour or so I went in to use the toilet, mum told me that we would need to come in soon as I walked passed by the kitchen door, I just kept walking and said nothing because I wanted to stay out. A little later we were playing on my chute, I noticed Lily fidgeting and doing a pee pee dance as she waited for me to slide down and let her have a go. I never said anything to her and a couple of minutes later she said to me “Mandy, I need to go potty” I giggled and said “okay Lily, if we go in now though mum won’t let us back out, I want one last shot on the trampoline” Lily ran towards the trampoline shouting “Me too Mandy” as she climbed onto the trampoline. Lily started bouncing and then a worried look came on her face. She looked at me and said “Mandy get me down I’m going to pee myself, Quick” I grabbed Lily down and we both run towards the house, Lily ran towards the stairs and got up about three steps and stopped, she crossed her legs and held herself and started to cry. I went over and said “what is it Lily, are you okay” Lily looked at me with tears rolling down her face and said “I’ve pee peed, I need changed” I went and got my mum and she came through and seen how upset Lily was and gave her a hug, once she was calmed down she said “Lily honey, lets get you cleaned up, were going to Tesco soon anyway so you guys were just about to be shouted in anyway” Mum went and got Lily’s bag, laid her down on the sitting room floor and ripped the sides open on the wet pull-up she was wearing. Lily was wiped clean and then mum pulled a pampers nappy out off the bag, Lily said “I don’t want a nappy on, I want my big girl panties” My mum giggled at Lily calling pull-ups big girl panties and said “honey your mum said that if you had two accidents I was to put a nappy on you, I’m sorry but I have to do as she asked” Mum then slid the nappy under Lily and tapped it shut and pulled her tracksuit trousers back up over her nappy. Mum gave us both our jackets and said “now girls lets go to the shops” We got in the car, mum drove to the shops and stopped outside mothercare and we all went inside. Mum started looking through packs of plastic panties and I said “mum why are you getting plastic panties” Mum smiled and said “you’ll see, don’t worry” Mum paid for the Plastic panties and we got back in the car and went round the corner to Tesco, We then went and got a trolley and went into the shop. We walked round and round as mum filled the trolley with shopping, just as mum was getting the last few items I felt the urge to pee and said “Mum I need to go to the toilet” Mum looked at me and said “Mandy, can you wait until I’ve been through the checkouts” I started dancing and said “No I need to go now” Mum sighed and said “okay, on you go I’ll wait here, there’s the toilet just there. Lily do you need to go honey” Lily looked at my mum and said “I’m not needing” I run to the toilet and just made it in time, I then returned to mum and Lily, we continued shopping for the last few things and about 15 minutes later we headed for the checkouts, I noticed Lily holding herself a little now and again, then just as mum started putting the shopping on the belt Lily said “I need to go Potty” Mum said “Why did you not go when Mandy went Lily?” as she continued what she was doing. Lily stood there doing a pee pee dance and again said “I need a pee pee, I didn’t need when Mandy went” mum never said anything and Lily continued to dance and squirm. Lily said again while holding herself “I need to go potty” Mum again said nothing, I tugged mum’s arm and said “Mum Lily’s needs a pee pee, she wants to go potty” Mum looked at me and said “I know she is Mandy but I can’t take her until I’ve paid for the shopping, she has a nappy on anyway so it doesn’t matter” Lily danced and held herself for a few more minutes and then said “I need to go potty, I’m going to pee my panties” My Mum bent down and said “Lily honey its okay, you have a nappy on, just go pee pee in you nappy” Lily stood there and did as she was told, you could see she was peeing herself by the look on her face and then she said “I went pee pee” My mum looked at her and said “that’s okay honey, that’s what you have a nappy on for; I’ll change you when we get home. When we arrived home mum put away the shopping as we watched TV and then said “Mandy, Lily go upstairs and get ready for your bath, I’ll be up in a minute to take your nappy off Lily” We both went up the stairs to my room and stripped our cloths off, when my mum came into the room she pulled Lily’s nappy off and then run our bath. When the bath was ready mum helped us get washed and then said “Okay girls you have five minutes to play while I get your nappies and Pyjamas ready for bed, I’ll be back soon to help you get dried” Mum came in and got us out the bath, rapped us in towels and sent us to my room where she dried us and then said “right Mandy your first, jump up on your bed and well get your nappy on” Lily watched me getting my nappy put on, she then asked my mum why my nappy was different to her nappies. My mum explained that I wear Terry nappies with plastic panties and then let her touch one of my nappies to see what it was like. Lily smiled and said “these are nice and soft I like these nappies” My mum looked at me and then at Lily and said “would you like to try one of these nappies tonight Lily instead of your pampers?” Lily jumped up and down excitedly and said “Yes please, can I?” I said to my mum “but mum my plastic panties will be too big for Lily” My mum said “I thought of that earlier, that’s why I bought plastic panties and Mothercare? They are for Lily and are her size” Mum lifted Lily onto my bed and laid the terry nappies under her bum, pulled it up between her legs and pinned it shut. She then pulled out a pair of pink plastic panties, gave them a shake, opened the waist and said “Okay Lily step into your panties like Mandy did” she then slid the plastic panties up Lily’s legs and over the nappy checking that they were on correctly. Mum then handed us our Pyjamas and said “right girls put your Pyjamas on and come down for supper and then it’s of to bed with you” I pulled my Pyjamas on and helped Lily with hers, we then went down to the kitchen where mum had two glasses of milk and biscuits ready for us. Mum said “there we go girl’s supper then bed okay” Once we had eaten supper mum took us upstairs and tucked us into bed and said “Lights out in ½ hour girl’s, see you in the morning” We played with my dolls until the lights went out and then both drifted of to sleep. I woke up about 5am because lily was moving about, I looked around and she was starting to get out of the bed. I said “Lily where are you going?” She looked at me and said “I need to go potty, I’m bursting” as she stood there dancing. I slid my hand into my pyjamas and felt my now wet nappy and said “you don’t need to go to the potty Lily, you have a nappy on remember, just go pee in your nappy” She said “but I don’t want too, I want to go potty” I smiled at her and said “Lily my mum doesn’t do potty at night that’s what our nappy is for, see I’ve peed in my nappy already” as I pulled the front of my pyjamas down so Lily could feel my nappy. Lily touched my plastic panties and said “you have pee peed” I said “see I told you, now jump back into bed beside me and go back to sleep” Lily got back into the bed; she lay there squirming about for a couple of minutes then I said “Lily, just pee. I’m trying to sleep.” I then leaned over, pressed her belly and giggled as I seen a look of panic on her face, she grabbed herself and tried not to pee but it was no use. Lily looked at me and said “Mandy you made me pee pee” I laughed and said “Lily you were going to pee your nappy anyway, at least now we can go back to sleep” Hi Here is Chapter 6 Hope you enjoy...please leave feedback and let me know what you think thanks weeboy Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch6 I woke up again at 8.30 and got out off bed, moving about in the bed must have woken Lily because she moved her head and said “Is it time to get up yet Mandy?” I said “Yes Lily, I’m going to watch cartoons? Are you coming? Lily jumped out off bed and said “can I get dressed before we go downstairs?” I looked at lily and said “No, mums still asleep, she will come and get us when she wakes up” We run down stairs, I put the TV on and asked Lily if she wanted some Coco Pops and a glass of milk, Lily nodded and said “Ill help you Mandy” We both went into the kitchen, I got the bowls and the Coco pops out while Lily got the Milk from the fridge. I had my bare feet and found walking on the cold tiled floor gave me a sudden need to pee. I picked up two glasses and filled them with milk as I moved from foot to foot doing a pee pee dance, I was glad to put the milk bottle down once the glasses were full so I could hold myself a little. Lily looked at me with a knowing glance and said “Mandy do you need to go potty?” I nodded and said “Yes Lily, I’m bursting” as I managed to fill the bowls with the Coco pops and some milk while dancing. Lily put the Milk away and we walked towards the sitting room, As I walked I felt the first dribble leak into my nappy, I stopped and tried to hold myself, I then realised I had a class of milk in one hand and a bowl of Coco pops in the other, I crossed my legs but crossing my legs alone was not enough pressure to stop the flow and I instantly felt the warmth spread across my nappy. I continue to the sitting room and sat down on the couch beside Lily who looked at me and said “If you need to go potty you better go tell your mum” I was a little embarrassed but smiled and said “Lily I don’t need to go anymore, I had an accident in my nappy” Lily looked at me with wide eyes and said “you went pee pee in your nappy? Why?” I said “I was bursting, I couldn’t wait and I just started to pee” Lily said “Why didn’t you go get your mum sooner?” I looked at lily and said “My mum said I’ve not to waken her to help me go pee pee if my nappy is already wet and I peed myself last night remember” We eat our breakfast and continued watching cartoons for a while; I noticed a little fidget from Lily every now and again but said nothing. It was about 10 minutes later when Lily started to squirm around a lot on the couch, I looked at her, she seen me looking and said “Oh Mandy I need to go potty!” I smiled and said “No you don’t Lily, you’ve got a nappy on and it’s already wet remember” Lily screwed up her face up and said “that was your fault, you made me pee myself” I giggled and said “You were going to pee yourself anyway, just like you are now” Lily looked at me as she squirmed, she then suddenly grabbed herself, I could tell by the look on her face that she had lost her battle with her bladder and I said “I think Little Lily’s had an accident in her nappy” Lily looked at me and said “how did you know?” I giggled and said “I know what a little girl peeing her nappy looks like” We continued to watch cartoons until my mum came down the stairs, she smiled and said “Morning girls, come upstairs and I’ll take your nappies off so you can have a shower. Are you wet or dry this morning?” I looked at my mum and said “I’m wet mum” Mum looked at Lily and said “how about you honey?” Lily said “I woke up during the night needing to pee pee, Mandy told me I was just to pee my nappy” My mum smiled and said “that’s okay honey, that’s what your night nappy is for. Do you need to go potty now Lily” Lily blushed and said “No, I needed to go potty when we were watching cartoons, I tried to hold it but I couldn’t wait anymore and I pee peed my nappy” My mum gave Lily a hug and said “Honey it’s okay, your not in trouble your nappy was already wet anyway” We went upstairs and had our shower, my mum helped us both get dried and dressed, both in cute pink tracksuits, Lily in her pull-up and me in my big girl panties. We were soon out playing in the garden; it was quite a hot day so mum gave us a glass of juice every now and again to keep us hydrated. A little later Lily was playing in the sand pit helping me to making sand castles when I seen her fidgeting. I said “Lily, do you need to go potty?” Lily looked at me and said “No I don’t need to go” We continued to play, Lily continued to fidget and bounce up and down on her knees as she played, after a few more minutes, she dropped her spade and grabbed herself and said “Uh Oh, I’ve pee peed” I giggled and said “Lily you said you didn’t need to go potty” Lily said “I didn’t want to stop playing in the sand” and she started to cry. I took Lily by the hand and said “Its okay honey lets go and get my mum to change you” We went inside and I explained to my mum what had happened and she laughed and said “Aww Lily lets get you changed into a dry pull-up. You need to remember and ask to go potty or you will have another accident, okay sweetie?” Lily nodded her head and said “I’m sorry I was having fun in the sand” My mum smiled and said “don’t worry honey, of you go back to the sand pit” Just before lunch time Auntie Linda arrived, came out to the back garden and grabbed Lily and gave her a huge hug and said “Hello honey, how are you? Have you been a good girl?” Lily looked at her mum and said “Yes mummy” Auntie Linda said “have you kept your panties dry?” Lily looked at the ground and said “No mummy, I had an accident” Auntie Linda looked at my mum and said “Has she been wetting herself?” My mum looked at her and said “She has had a few accidents; she wet both her pull-ups yesterday so I put a nappy on her as you requested, when we went to Tesco after dinner last night, she needed to pee while we were at the checkouts and she wasn’t able to wait long enough for me to get her to the toilet, so she had an accident in her nappy. She has had one accident today already so she is in her second pull-up” Auntie Linda said “Oh okay, that’s fine; Lily knows the rules. If she has two accidents, she gets put in a nappy, if she needs to go potty when she has a nappy on, she has to use her nappy” Auntie Linda then shouted “Lily, come here” Lily run to her mum she knew she was in trouble, Auntie Linda grabbed lily and pulled her over her knee and she slapped her padded bottom. Auntie Linda said “I have told you, you need to ask to go potty, you are meant to be a big girl” Lily started to cry and said “I sorry mummy, I’m sorry” Auntie Linda stood Lily back up and placed her hand inside Lily’s tracksuit trousers, she then felt the front of her pull-up and said “Lily your wet again!” Lily started to cry again and said “I’m sorry mummy, I pee peed when you spanked me” Auntie Linda laid Lily on the floor and said “Just you lie down there; I need to get a nappy for you, that’s the second wet pull-up today isn’t it?” Lily started to cry and said “yes mummy, but I don’t want a nappy on, I’m a big girl” Auntie Linda laughed and said “Lily, big girls don’t pee there panties, it’s only babies that pee there panties, that’s why babies wear nappies. You’ve twice peed in your panties so like a baby you need a nappy” Auntie Linda pulled the nappy out of her bag, slid it under Lily’s bottom and soon had it tapped snugly around Lily’s waist and said “There you go, now you can just pee yourself like a baby whenever you want” as she pulled Lily’s tracksuit trousers up over her nappy. Auntie Linda then said to my mum “how do you fancy going to McDonalds for lunch?” My mum said “that would be nice Linda, I’ll just grab my purse and will you stick the girls in the car while I lock the house?” Mum joined us in the car and we headed to McDonalds, me and Lily had a happy meal and mum and Auntie Linda had big Mac’s. We had a good laugh with mum and Auntie Linda while eating our lunch and then went to play in the soft play area. We had been playing for maybe 15 minutes when I noticed Lily doing a pee pee dance and I said “Lily do you need to go potty?” Lily held herself and said “Yes Mandy, I’m needing” I said “okay Lily lets go and tell your mummy” We both run over to the table, Lily tugged her mum’s arm to get her attention and said “Mummy I need to go potty” while dancing on the spot. Auntie Linda just looked at Lily and said “No you don’t, you have a nappy on!” Lily grabbed herself and said “But Mummy I …” Auntie Linda cut her off and said “no buts….you know the rule Lily, use your nappy” I felt a little sorry for Lily and said “Auntie Linda, I need to go pee now too, can’t I take Lily with me to the toilet?” Auntie Linda smiled and said “Mandy honey you just go to the toilet yourself, you’re a big girl. Lily has a nappy on so she doesn’t need to go to the toilet” I said “but she’s bursting to pee Auntie Linda” Auntie Linda giggled and said “I know she is Mandy, its okay, just ignore all her squirming and pee pee dancing, soon she won’t be able to hold on anymore and she will have an accident in her nappy.” I went to the toilet and when I came back Lily was still dancing from foot to foot. Auntie Linda said “Mandy, can you take Lily back to play in the soft play area” I took Lily by the hand and said “come on Lily lets go play” Lily looked at me with a begging look and said “But Mandy, I need to go potty!!” I giggled and said “Its okay Lily some bouncing will sort that” as I pulled Lily onto the bouncy part of the play area and started bouncing with her. After only a minute of bouncing Lily said “Mandy stop bouncing I’m going to pee pee” I giggled again and said “I know you are Lily” as I stopped bouncing. Lily crossed her legs and grabbed herself and said “Oh Mandy I can’t wait anymore, I’m going to pee” I laughed at the expression on Lily’s face as she tried not to pee herself and reached over to her and gave her an unexpected tickle. Lily bent forward and gasped as she started to pee herself; she looked at me and said “Mandy, you made me pee myself again.” I said “Lily you were seconds from having an accident anyway, I just helped speed it up a little” Lily and I went back to the table were our mum’s were sitting and Lily said “Mummy, I pee peed because Mandy tickled me” Auntie Linda said “Oh honey it doesn’t matter, you were going to pee your nappy anyway” My mum said “are we all ready to go home? Linda, do you want to change Lily before we leave?” Auntie Linda said “No Lily’s nappy will hold another wetting before she will need changing, let’s go” We got into the car and headed home, when we got back home, Auntie Linda told Lily just to jump into her car because they had to get moving, I takes an hour to get home. Lily looked at her mum and said “Mummy, Can I go potty before we go?” Auntie Linda said “No!! Just pee in your nappy again it’s already wet” Lily looked at her mum and said “But Mummy I don’t need to pee pee, I need to poop” Auntie Linda said “Just get in the car Lily; you can poop in your nappy!” Auntie Linda got in her car once Lily was strapped into her seat and they left, Later that evening Mum told me Auntie Linda was on the phone and she had said when Lily got home she had pooped in her nappy and it was really wet. It was soon time for bed; mum laid me on my bed, pinned on my nappy and slid my plastic panties up my legs and over my nappy. Once I had my Pyjamas on, mum patted my bum and said “Okay baby jump into bed and let me tuck you in” I jumped onto my bed; mum covered me up, gave me a huge hug and tucked me in. She then said “goodnight baby see you in the morning” Here is Chapter 7 Hope you all enjoy it! Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch7 I woke up at 7 am the next morning; Lying in bed I quickly decided that since it was the school holidays I was not going to get up yet, I turned over onto my front and closed my eyes, as I lay there trying to fall asleep I started to feel a need to pee. I slid my hand into my pyjama bottoms and touched the front of my plastic pants; I could tell my nappy was damp from an accident I must have had during the night. I smiled and thought to myself “its okay baby your nappy is already wet, just go pee pee” I relaxed and soon felt the first dribbles escape, I didn’t try to stop myself, soon a quick rush of pee was flooding into my nappy, I felt a warm pool of pee gather in the front of my plastic pants as I pressed the front of them and then it soaked into the terry nappy leaving that lovely warm feeling I’ve grown to love so much. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is my mum waking me up to tell me to get dressed because we were going to the shopping centre. I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom turned on the shower and shouted “Mum can you take my nappy of so I can have a shower?” My mum came up the stairs as she shouted “get onto the bed then, we need to hurry” Once out of the shower I got dressed and we were off to the shops, after a couple of hours we stopped for some lunch and then back to the shopping it was wonderful. We were in W H Smiths a little later and I was playing with a computer game when I felt the need to go to the toilet. It was then that I thought, if only I had a nappy on now I could just stay here playing, not having to worry about having an accident. I got up and went over to my mum who was in the book section and told her I needed to pee. Mum took my hand, we went to the bathrooms where I did used the toilet like a big girl but I realised for the first time I didn’t really want to be a big girl and use the toilet, I wanted to be a toddler who could just pee herself because she had a nappy on. I continued to wet my bed and enjoy my night time nappy and the feelings of being a toddler both at night and in the morning before mum took my nappy off until I was ten and this is when the baby in me really started to come out and mum found out how I felt. It really all came about when Katie my little sister was born, I got really jealous that she was getting all the attention like the baby I wanted to be. It wasn’t for a few weeks until the start of the school holidays when I was around the house all day that I decided I would try to stay in my nappy as long as I could so I could get some attention like my sister. I woke up on the Sunday morning and decided that I was going to watch cartoons, so I got out of bed and started to go down stairs, when I reached the sitting room I turned on my cartoons and lay on the couch, as I lay there I began to feel the need for my morning pee but I just ignored it because I had still had my night nappy on, I’m not allowed to take my nappy off myself you see, if I’m dry in the morning I’m meant to go and ask my mum to take it off so I can use the toilet, if I’m wet and mum is still in bed she has told me I’ve just to pee myself. I have come to realise over the past couple of years that mum can’t tell if I was already wet or not when I pee myself in the morning so now I enjoy having a nappy on and just pee myself like a toddler would whenever I want too. I lay there growing more and more desperate to pee enjoying the fact I could just hold out until I had an accident like a real toddler would do when too engrossed in the tv. Just them mum walked into the sitting room and seen me squirming on the couch and said “Mandy are you needing the toilet honey?” I looked at her and said “mum I’m desperate; I didn’t know you were up so I could get my nappy off” Mum started to walk up the stairs and said “Come on then, get up the stairs to your room so we can get that nappy off” I jumped of the couch and run to the stairs but as I started to climb them I felt a spurt of pee hit my nappy. I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed myself cross legged trying not to wet myself. My mum looked down the stairs at me and said “I take it you’ve peed then?” I looked at her and said “I’ve peed a little bit mum but I’m still bursting, I can’t move though or I will pee myself” Mum giggled and said “Oh Mandy, if you just stand there your going to pee yourself, if you walk up the stairs your going to pee yourself, your nappy is already wet honey just let it happen, just pee yourself.” I looked at her as another spurt off pee squeezed into my nappy but this time didn’t try to hold it back. As I felt that wonderful warm feeling spread across my nappy I said “Mum I’ve peed myself” Mum gave me a cuddle and said “It’s okay honey come up stairs and I’ll take your nappy off” I smiled at my mum and said “Can’t I just stay in my pyjamas and watch T.V. a little longer?” Mum looked at me and said “you can stay in your pyjamas but we need to get that wet nappy of you, that’s at least twice you have wet it now honey.” I said “ok, but what if I fall asleep on the couch?” Mum looked at me with a quizzing look on her face and said “Mandy are you saying you want to stay in a nappy?” I blushed and said “yes mum, I don’t want to wet the couch” My mum smiled and said “okay but let’s put a dry nappy on you okay?” We went up to my room and mum changed my nappy and I went back down to watch cartoons. Mum came down stairs a little later with Katie and I started to play with her on the floor while mum done the housework. We played for some time and mum popped her head around the door and laughed as she said “Aww look at my two babies playing together” Half an hour or so later I needed to pee so I got up and went into the kitchen and said “Mum, I need to go to the toilet” My mum looked at me and said “Mandy I’m busy right now, go and play with your sister” I groaned and said “Mum I’m really needing, please” Mum looked at me with a little grin on her face and said “Mandy you have a nappy on, just pee yourself if you can’t wait until I’m ready.” I held myself and said “But mum …..” Mum cut me off and said “Mandy if you want to be a baby and wear a nappy, then you will need to be prepared to use it but I think that’s what you want anyway, Isn’t it honey?” I blushed a deep red and looked at the floor and started to cry. Mum gave me a cuddle and said “It’s okay honey, I’m not upset with you but I am right, Yeh?” I looked up at her and said through my sobs “I just want to be like Katie, mummy” Mum looked at me and said “okay honey for the rest of the summer holidays you can wear a nappy when ever you want, If you don’t want have one on that’s okay too I’ll let you decide but I must put it on and take it off, you are not allowed to take it off yourself okay!?” I looked at her and nodded just as a sudden pressure reminded me of my urgency to pee and I grabbed myself. Mum giggled at me and said “does baby Mandy need to pee pee?” I smiled at her and said “yes mum, please hurry” Mum laughed and said “okay honey lie down on the couch” so I did and she continued as she bent over me grabbing the top of my pyjama bottoms “Until I tickle you!!” She then grabbed me and started to tickle knowing full will what the result would be. I giggled and screamed “MUM STOP I’m going to pee!!!” Mum Laughed and said “Yes, In your nappy it’s okay. That’s what a nappy is for honey” I felt the first spurt of pee and then quickly a second dampen my nappy as I screamed again “MUM I’M DRIBBLING, STOP” Mum continued and laughed saying “Is Mandy having an accident in her nappy?” Just then it happened, I felt a fresh spurt hit my nappy but this time I couldn’t stop it and it started to spread that warm feeling across the nappy and I relaxed, mum stopped tickling me and said “I think baby Mandy has peed her nappy” Mum then slid her hand into my pyjama bottoms and felt the warmth of my plastic pants. A huge smile grew across her face and she said “I think baby Mandy and mummy are going to have fun this summer” Hi Folks here is chapter 8, hope you enjoy it!! Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch 8. Mum pulled me up onto my feet from the couch, she patted my bum through my Pyjamas and smiled as she said “Mandy lets go get this soggy nappy off” we headed up the stairs to my room where I took off my pyjamas and then mum laid me on the bed. Mum stripped my nappy off and said “Mandy I need to go to the shopping centre for a few things, do you want panties on now or another nappy?” I looked at my mum blushing and said “can I just have a nappy mum” Mum pulled a disposable nappy out from my drawer and said “Okay Mandy lets get my little Girl safely in her nappy” I soon was having the tapes stretched and stuck to the front of my nappy and mum said “right honey stand up and step into your plastic panties, we don’t want any leaks now do we?” I stood up and placed a foot through the first leg hole, then the second. Mum started to slide them up my legs and over my nappy and then mum said as she patted my bum “there we go honey, no need to worry about having an accident now” I got dressed in a tee shirt and pair of dungarees and headed back down stairs to watch T.V. mum came into the sitting room and gave me a glass of juice and said “Mandy watch your cartoons and drink your juice while I get Katie changed and ready to go to the shops okay?”. I smiled up at my mum and replied “Okay mum.” Mum and Katie didn’t take long and we were soon in the car on our way to the shops, when we arrived and mum found a parking space, I started to get out of the car. We started to walk towards the shopping centre doors and I quickly felt a sudden urge to pee. I kept walking and said nothing and we were soon in M&S where mum was looking at some blouses. I soon feel my need getting stronger and stronger; before long I had to start holding myself and fidget, dancing a little next to my mum. My mum looked at me giggling and said “what’s up Mandy, does my little girl need a pee pee?” I looked up and said “Yes mum, are you nearly ready so I can go to the toilet?” Mum replied “Toilet! Mandy, little girls that wear nappies don’t need to go to the toilet” I grabbed my crotch and said “but mum, I’m bursting, please.” Mum smiled and said “don’t worry if you’re bursting to pee honey, looking at the way you are dancing around there you will be having an accident soon, then you won’t be busting anymore” I felt a new much stronger urge to pee hit me and crossed my legs and grabbed my crotch in an effort not to wet myself but as my mum had predicted I soon felt the first spurt of pee overpower my bladder muscles and soak into my nappy. I soon felt another dribble escape and decided to just let it happen. I uncrossed my legs and stood with them wide apart, within seconds a powerful spurt of pee started to escape and I gasped and put my hand on the front of my dungarees more out of habit that to try to stop the flow. I soon felt that hot warmth spread between my legs and remembered why I loved wetting myself so much. Mum looked at me and said “my little girls had an accident; just as well I put a nappy on her. Don’t worry honey I will change you when we get home okay” I looked at my mum with a worried look on my face and said “but mum what if I need to go again?” My mum said “Mandy honey that nappy will take another wetting at least maybe two you will be fine, don’t worry” We continued with our shopping for a couple of hours, then we decided to go to the food court for lunch where I had a Mc Donald’s happy meal and played in the soft play area, soon mum was finished her burger and we headed back to the shops for another hour or so until I felt the need to go to the toilet. I waited until mum was finished in Next and as we left I told her I needed to go to the toilet. Mum looked at me and said “Mandy its okay, your already wet honey, just pee your nappy again it won’t leak I promise!” I started to blush a deep red and said “But mum I don’t just need to pee, I need to poop too.” Mum said “Mandy I will only be ten more minutes can you hold on?” I smiled and said “yes mum” glad that I was going to get taken to the toilet to poop. Once mum was finished in WH Smiths she looked at me and said “Do you still need to go potty Mandy?” I said “yes mum, I’m desperate” Mum took my hand and we walked towards the shopping centre exit and headed to the car, I looked at her and said “mum where are we going the toilets are back the other way?” Mum looked at me and said “Mandy I told you already little girls that wear nappies don’t need to go to the toilet” My eyes went wide and I said “but mum!!!! I need to poop as well as pee!!!!” Mum laughed and said “Mandy little girls that wear nappies don’t just pee themselves they poop themselves too. The only reason I asked you to hold on was so no one else would smell your dirty nappy. Now get into the car and by the time we get home I want my little girl to have pooped herself okay” I started to argue but was cut off by mum saying “you wanted to be like Katie, well it you feel Katie’s bottom you will find she has pooped her nappy, I think you should learn how it feels.” I got into the car and mum pulled my seatbelt tight and clicked it into place but the pressure was too much and I started to pee. I just relaxed and let it happed after all I like to be wet but soon having relaxed caught up with me and I felt a sudden urge to poop, before I could do anything about it I had started to fill my nappy. I soon smelt the poop in my nappy and so did my mum because I heard her say “Good girl Mandy, I will change that poopy nappy when we get home.” Once home mum cleaned me up and said “it won’t be long to bed time Mandy I think we should just use another nappy okay?” I smiled and said “can I have a real nappy mum?” Mum smiled and said “I’m sure that will be okay” she started to slip the soft fluffy terry nappies under my bottom and then pulled it up between my legs and pinned it closed. She slid my plastic panties back into place and sat me up and said “okay baby, just put your Pyjamas on now any come down for dinner” I played with my toys until dinner was ready and then went to the table. Half way through dinner I felt the urge to pee, I decided to just go in my nappy and soon I started to pee myself, I felt the warmth spread across my nappy but never let on I was wetting myself and mum and dad never seemed to notice. It was bed time an hour after dinner and once in bed mum came back into my room and said “oh Mandy I forgot, are you dry or do you need a change” I looked at mum and said “I’m still dry mum, goodnight” Mum left and I lay there in bed playing with my PSP and before long felt the need to pee again, I decided just to pee myself again and soon warmed my nappy up with a fresh wetting. I put my hand down the front of my Pyjamas and felt the warmth through my plastic panties and gave the front of my plastic panties a gentle rub, as I did I felt a tickling feeling between my legs, I couldn’t explain it but it was a good feeling and it made me want to rub my nappy more and as I did I drifted of to sleep. Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch 9. I woke up at around 3am with a strong pain in my belly, I lay there holding my tummy and knew I was going to have to get up and go to the toilet. I stood up out of bed, started to walk to my mum and dad’s bedroom doubled over and in pain. I reached the doorway, opened the door and walked into the bedroom; just as my mum woke up. Mum looked at me and said “Mandy honey why are you out of bed?” I said “Mum I’m desperate to go to the toilet, can you take my nappy off please?” Mum sat up in bed and said “Mandy you know if you wake up during the night needing to pee that you are just to wet yourself, that’s why you have a night nappy honey” I half screamed at mum “But I don’t feel well mum, I need to poop not pee. This wasn’t completely true because as I stood there I felt an urge to pee too” Mum started to get out of bed and said “oh do you have an upset tummy honey? Come with me to the bathroom” as she took me by the hand and led me down the hallway. I stood in the bathroom now rocking from foot to foot with the need to pee as my mum pulled down my Pyjama bottoms, she smiled and said “I thought you said you didn’t need to pee” as she pulled my plastic panties down, then the nappies and sat me on the toilet. I exploded into the toilet with hot runny poop and this made my bladder release too and I looked up at mum and said “thanks mum that was close” Mum helped me clean myself up with Katie’s baby wipes and pulled my nappy and plastic panties back up and then my Pyjama bottoms and said “Oh Sweetheart you seem to have a really upset tummy, lets get you some Calpol and back to bed” I was soon back in bed with my mum tucking me in, she smiled at me and said “Honey just you go off to sleep now, don’t worry if you have an accident in your nappy it will keep your bed clean, okay” as she rubbed her hand over my forehead in a loving calming way. Within a few minutes I was asleep and only awoke when I heard someone walking in the hallway outside my room. I looked at my clock it was 9.15am, I sat up in bed and then felt a cramping in my tummy and remembered what happened during the night, I jumped out off bed and headed to my bedroom door. I could hear water running in the bathroom and the door was locked when I reached it and tried to get in. I run down the hallway to my mum and dad’s room, Mum was still in bed, I felt the urge to poop desperately increase and said “Mum I need to poop” Mum said “Honey dad’s in the shower, he’s late for work; he should be out in a couple of minutes try and hold on sweetie” I stood there bent over and could feel the urge grow quickly as the poop started to move from my bowel and I squeezed my butt shut and said “Mum I can’t wait, I’m going to poop” and with that the pressure in my tummy won it’s battle and my tummy started to empty itself. I looked at mum with a defeated look on my face and tears in my eyes and said “I’m sorry mum, I couldn’t hold on anymore” Mum got out of bed and came over to me and gave me a hug and said “Mandy it’s okay honey you have a nappy on, your not very well and accidents are expected” I suddenly felt the urge to pee, I ignored it and just let go in my nappy because it was already dirty, what was to point of asking to go to the toilet to pee now, anyway Mum would have just told me to pee myself anyway. Mum smiled a knowing smile at me and said “I take it you just topped your nappy up with pee Mandy just to make sure it was completely full!!” I blushed knowing I was caught and said “I didn’t ask to got to the toilet to pee because I expected you to tell me just to use my nappy since it was dirty” Mum Laughed at me and said “Oh honey I’m only joking with you, trying to make you feel a bit better about your accident. You were right just to pee yourself, lets go to your room and get you cleaned up okay?” I smiled at mum and headed back to my bedroom, Mum cleaned me up and then picked up another nappy folded it and slid it under my bottom. I lifted my head and looked at mum and said “Why are you putting another nappy on me mum?” Mum smiled at me and said “Mandy you like wearing a nappy don’t you” I said “yes mum you know I do” Mum pulled the nappy up between my legs and started pinning it shut as she said “Good, what better way to deal with a tummy bug and to let you see what a real toddler has to deal with. I am going to check your nappy every hour Honey but it only gets changed or comes off once it’s used okay, no more needing to run back and forth to the toilet worrying if you are going to make it on time, just relax and let go in your nappy and concentrate on getting better” Mum then pulled my plastic panties and Pyjama bottoms back on and said “do you want to stay in bed honey or come down and lie on the couch and watch T.V.?” I decided to go down and watch T.V but fell asleep through the second cartoon. Mum woke me up a couple off hours later and gave me a cup of juice and said “you need to drink honey or you will get dehydrated because you’re ill” I started to drink my juice while watching Tom and Jerry, having just woken up I soon felt the need to go for a pee. I put my cup down and was starting to get off the couch when I remembered I was in a nappy, I smiled, laid back down on the couch and picked up my juice, continuing to drink it even as the warmth started to spread through my nappy and heat my bottom as I peed myself, just like a little girl who wasn’t potty trained yet. Mum checked my nappy and changed me several times during the day, then soon after dinner I felt the cramps start in my tummy and the need to poop urgently, I ignored the need to go and soon felt the back of my nappy expand with warm squishy poop. Mum quickly smelt my dirty nappy and came over to me and said “Mandy I think you have pooped” she placed her hand on my bottom and squashed the mess around and giggled “I thought so, lets go and get you changed” I was changed like Katie on the plastic changing mat with baby wipes and then rubbed with cream as my mum explained she didn’t want me getting a bad nappy rash. I was soon in a fresh nappy and plastic pants and ready for bed. I decided over the couple of days that I was ill that I wasn’t keen on having to poop myself, I loved wearing a nappy though, I enjoyed being able to wet myself whenever I wanted too and it could be very convenient, for example needing to pee when in the middle of a computer game online or at the cinema watching a long film with a large coke but pooping was uncomfortable and made a smell that people could notice easier. When I woke up on Friday morning I felt much better, I decided to go downstairs to watch my cartoons and get some breakfast. I ran into the lounge and turned on the T.V and then headed to the kitchen to get some coco pops. I ran to the far end of the kitchen to the cupboard where the bowls were kept and pulled one out, I lifted the coco pops of the worktop and filled my bowl but as I started walked towards the fridge for the milk a sudden strong urge to pee hit me. I was standing there on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor with my bare feet; I knew right away that I wouldn’t make it back to the lounge dry. I was going to wet myself whether I wanted to or not. I slipped my hand down the front of my pyjama bottoms and touched my plastic pants. I giggled as a felt the first squirt of pee escape into my nappy and just relaxed, a strong stream of pee soon flooded into my nappy and I thought to myself what a naughty little girl I was being as I felt the warmth spread through my nappy. I finished getting my breakfast ready and went to the lounge to watch T.V and lay on the couch. A little later Mum came down and said “how are you feeling today Mandy?” I smiled up at my Mum and said “I feel a lot better today mum, no upset tummy.” Mum patted me on the head and said “Oh that’s great honey I’m glad to hear you feel better today.” Mum sat down beside me and said “Mandy remember I told you that your Dad and me might be going away to a dinner at your dad’s work and have to stay over night” I looked at mum and said “yes mum, when is it?” Mum gave me a hug and said “its tomorrow night honey, do you feel well enough for me to go and leave you with a babysitter all night?” I smiled and said “Mum tell me it’s Debbie, Is it? I want Debbie to come over and stay” Mum Laughed and said “I take it that’s your way of saying yes Mandy, It will be Debbie but only if you are sure you feel up to me and your dad going away overnight” I jumped up and down and said “Yippee Debbie’s coming over I’ll be fine mum, I love when Debbie baby-sits for me” Mum Smiled and said “okay that’s sorted then I will call Debbie and let her know” Mum then said “is my little girl wet or dry this morning?” I put my hand on the front off my pyjamas and said “I’m wet Mum” I was then taken upstairs; mum got out fresh nappies and plastic pants and said as she pulled down my Pyjama bottoms “Do you need to go potty before I put a clean nappy on you?” I thought about it and decide I could probably do a pee if I went to the toilet so told my mum “yes I need to go potty” as I started to walk to the door. Mum grabbed my arm and said “Where are you going Mandy? Get up and lie on the bed so you’re ready for me to change you.” I jumped up on the bed and said “But mum I thought we were going to the toilet so I can go for a pee first?” Mum Laughed and said “No I wanted to know if you needed to go potty so you didn’t wet a clean nappy within minutes of getting it on. You’re already wet so I don’t see the point of taking you away through to the toilet when you can just do it here and then get changed.” Mum smiled and said “Lie back and go pee in your nappy so I can get you changed, mum has a lot to do today” I lay back on the bed and pushed on my bladder a little, I soon felt that I could pee and relaxed to let it happen. I felt the first dribble escape; I closed my eyes and pushed turning the dribble into a stream of pee that spread across my nappy and opened my eyes to see my mum standing looking down at me with a huge smile on her face as she said “That’s it honey, good girl” I turned red and said “was it that obvious I peed myself?” Mum giggled as she pulled my plastic panties down and said “Honey you peed a lot and hard, I could see the pee coming through the nappy, running down the inside of the plastic panties, then into a little puddle until the back of your nappy soaked it in” I giggled back as she changed my nappy and said “I’m glad my nappy is covered up most of the time if you can see me pee myself that easily” Mum patted my nappy and said “there all dry, go and play with Katie. I have a lot to do today if your dad and I are going away tomorrow” Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch10 I run down the hallway into the sitting room where Katie was lying in her playpen, I leaned in and moved her teddy to get her attention and was rewarded with a cute little smile. Mum came into the room and said “why don’t you get in beside your sister Mandy and I will bring you both a surprise” I nodded and said “ok mum, what’s the surprise?” Mum giggled and said “wait and see Mandy” as she walked away after lifting me over the playpen rails. About five minutes later mum came in and gave Katie a bottle with some juice in it and asked me if I wanted a drink too. I nodded and she left the room again, only to return within a minute handing me a bottle the same as Katie and said “there you go honey” I looked at mum and said “Mum why are you giving me my Juice in a baby bottle, I’m ten I can use a cup you know” Mum laughed and said “Mandy you can’t be ten, you’re not even properly potty trained yet. A baby bottle matches the baby’s nappy you’re wearing. Now drink up your juice like a good little girl” I stuck the bottle in my mouth and began to suck and was rewarded with both the juice and a relaxing feeling, before I managed to completely empty the bottle I fell asleep laying beside my sister who was already asleep. After what felt like only minutes I woke with a start when mum reached into the playpen and picked up Katie. I looked at mum and she said “oh hello sleepy head, that was a long nap” I said “I was only asleep for a few minutes mum” Mum looked at the clock on the wall and said “Mandy it’s almost noon you have been asleep for nearly two and a half hours, did you not sleep well last night or something because you were not long up when you fell asleep” I sat up in the playpen and moved the toys around to make space to play once mum brings Katie back. Suddenly I felt an urge to pee, I stood up and the urge got stronger, I crossed my legs to help me hold on until mum came back. Mum was away changing Katie’s nappy and took several minutes before she came back into the sitting room, she put Katie into the playpen beside me and noticed my pee pee dance as I tried my hardest not to pee myself. Mum looked at me and said “Mandy what are you dancing for, you have a nappy on honey there’s no need to try and hold on. Little girls that wear nappies and drink from baby bottles are too little to go potty anyway” I looked at her and said “It’s too late now anyway mum I’ve had an accident, I’m peeing myself already and I can’t stop” Mum gave me a hug and said “Aww baby, it’s okay that’s what your nappy is for honey” as she put her hand between my legs and squeezed the crotch off my nappy which gave me this new tickly felling down there that I have been getting lately. Mum looked at me and said “let’s get you changed honey because you really soaked this nappy, you don’t want a nappy rash” I giggled and we headed upstairs where I lay down on the bed waiting for a change. Mum came in and pulled out another nappy for me. I looked at the nappy and said “mum can I wear big girl pants now?” Mum smiled and said “Mandy you have just told me you had an accident, if you had big girl pants on I would be cleaning a floor right now. I am really busy today I think you should wear protection.” I looked at mum and said “can I wear a pull up then, instead of a nappy? Then if I want to go to the toilet I can just pull it down and go but if I don’t want to go or have an accident then it doesn’t matter” Mum smiled and said “Mandy if a pull up makes you happy honey then a pull up it will be but don’t kid me on that you’re not going to wet it” I giggled and said “you know me too well mum” Mum Laughed at me and said “Mandy in four hours Debbie will be here, can you at least make that pull up last until them?” I smiled and said “Oh yeh! I forgot you and dad are going away, but I love when Debbie is here” I had been playing with Katie for a couple of hours and was having loads of fun when I next felt the urge to pee, I fidgeted for a little while until I felt I could not hold it much longer, I stood up to get out of the playpen to go to the toilet but that was when I realised I had waited too long, I felt a quick spurt of pee hit my pull up and knew I was not going to make it. I looked at Katie and said “Oh Oh! Big sis is wetting her nappy” as I relaxed and felt the Warmth spread through my pants.” Mum came in about an hour later and picked Katie up and said “Mandy I’m going to get Katie a bath and sort her for bed before Debbie comes, do you need the toilet before we go into the bathroom?” I looked at the floor and blushed and said “It’s too late for the toilet mum, I was needing the toilet but was having too much fun, I though I could wait until we finished playing but when we were finished and I stood up it was more than my bladder could take, I started to pee myself almost instantly and couldn’t stop” Mum just laughed at me and said “Mandy I told you that you would wet your pull up, didn’t I?” I giggled and said “I did try to go to the toilet mum” Mum looked at me and said “Mandy it helps if you go to the toilet before you start to pee yourself that way you might keep your pants dry” I Laughed and said “I know mum” Mum walked away with Katie and said “Mandy I’ll be back soon to get you ready for bed once I have sorted Katie, okay?” I moaned and said “but mum can I wait until Debbie comes before I get ready, I don’t want my nappy on too early” Mum Smiled and said “Mandy that doesn’t usually bother you, you are usually quite happy to have a nappy on” I blushed and said “I Know but Debbie makes me wet if I have a nappy on and need to pee” Mum patted my wet pull up and said “Debbie didn’t make you wet your pull up but it’s wet, what difference does it make? Anyway that’s what your nappy is for.” Mum left with Katie and later shouted for me to go upstairs, she sent me for a bath and then dried me and put me in my night terry nappy and plastic pants and said “there you go honey, you can just wet if you need to now honey. I have shown Debbie how to change your nappies so if you need a change she will sort you out” I got off my bed and pulled my nightgown over my head, headed to my bedroom door and run back down stairs, Tom and Jerry was about to come on TV and I love cartoons. I jumped onto the couch and felt the air puff my plastic panties up and giggled as I pushed down on them to flatted the huge bulge under my nightgown. The door bell rung, I heard Dad say hello to someone, then I heard Debbie’s voice and jumped up and run to the door. Debbie bent down and picked me up and said “hi Sweetie, are you ready to have a fun weekend?” I smiled and gave Debbie a hug and said “I’m ready for a fun weekend, I’m glad it’s you that’s babysitting me Debbie, your fun” I went back to my cartoons, Debbie went with my mum to be shown where everything she would need for the weekend was and given all the contact numbers and money for groceries and treats. Mum and Dad appeared a few minutes later and said they were going now; they gave me a hug and told me to be good and do what Debbie asked. I promised I would be good for Debbie and hugged my parents back and they left. Debbie closed the door and said “Mandy go back and watch your cartoons, I’m going to get us a drink and I have some popcorn here, I’ll be trough in a minute” I nodded and want back to the sitting room; soon Debbie joined me and gave me a large glass of Coke, I smiled and said “Debbie this glass is too big, Mum says I’m not to drink a lot after 6pm or I will wet the bed.” Debbie giggled and reached over to me, lifted my nightie and patted the front of my nappy and said “Mandy you have a nappy on; it doesn’t matter if you pee yourself. Just drink your juice sweetie and let’s have some fun” I giggled too and said “Okay Debbie but I’m going to be soaked in the morning” and I started to sip my coke. Debbie Laughed and said “Mandy you would be soaked in the morning anyway I know you too well” We watched the cartoons and munched our way through the popcorn, I started to feel an urge to pee but wanted to see the end of the cartoon so ignored it. I sat there as the need to go grew and soon was fidgeting with myself trying to hold on. Debbie looked at me and said “I think a little girl needs a pee pee” I nodded and said “Yep I’m bursting” as I fidgeted some more. Debbie giggled and said “Mandy it doesn’t matter you have a nappy on” I looked at Debbie and said “I know I have a nappy on but I want to go to the toilet, I want to wait until this cartoon is finished though but oh!! I’m really bursting” Debbie laughed at me and said “Mandy, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about bursting to go for long, your about to have an accident any second and then you won’t be bursting anymore” The cartoon ended and I stood up and said “Debbie come and help me get my nappy off” as I run for the bathroom. I got to the toilet, I stood there hopping from foot to foot and holding myself as Debbie came in and lifted my nightie. I dribble a little because of the cold bathroom floor as Debbie started to pull down my plastic pants and again as she started to undo the first nappy pin but this time she noticed and stopped. Debbie looked at me and quickly pulled up my plastic pants and said “Sweetie your wetting” I blushed and said “just a little bit Debbie but I have stopped, quick help me get the nappy off before I pee myself totally” Debbie giggled and said “Mandy your nappy is wet now, even if it’s just a little, it is still peed. I think you should just finish wetting yourself and we can go back downstairs to watch TV, I will change you before bed, what do you think?” I bent forward and grabbed myself as I quickly crossed my legs and said “Oh Debbie!! It’s to late, I don’t have a choice anymore, I’m peeing myself and oh! I can’t stop” Debbie giggled and slid her hand onto the front of my plastic pants and said “Aww Mandy sweetie your nappy is lovely, warm and squishy and I can fell you still peeing.” Once I had stopped Debbie said “There sweetie all done, Lets go and finish watching your cartoons” We went back downstairs and about an hour later the cartoons were finished and I was sleepy so Debbie changed my nappy and I went to bed. Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch11 I woke up at around 3am bursting to pee. I remembered all the Coke that Debbie had made me drink the night before and knew I was lucky to get even a small chance to go to the toilet. I threw off the covers, swung my legs out off bed and stood up and then the urge hit me like a ton of bricks. I grabbed my crotch and crossed my legs but the first couple of squirts were now in my nappy. I managed to stop the flow, I slowly walked into the hallway towards the toilet, opened the toilet door and stepped inside, I lifted my nightgown and grabbed the top of my plastic panties as another urge hit me due to the cold tiled bathroom floor. I had just got my plastic pants to around my knees when I heard Debbie say “Hi Sweetie, I thought it was you I heard up and about, are you ok?” I hopped from foot to foot, now desperate and said “I need the toilet Debbie” Debbie smiled at me and said “but honey you have a nappy on” she bent down in front off me, touched my terry nappy and smiled as she looked at me, she then took hold of my Plastic pants and pulled them back up over my nappy. I started dancing and said “No! don’t pull them up, Oh! I’m bursting Debbie, help me get my nappy off” Debbie Giggled as she said “you don’t have to worry about being bursting when you have a nappy on sweet heart, the worst that can happen is you have an accident.” “But Debbie, I’m going to have an accident now if you don’t help me!” Debbie gave me a hug and whispered into my ear “You don’t need to worry about being bursting just now Mandy, you’ve already had a little accident in your nappy that’s why I just pulled your plastic Panties back up, you don’t have to bother any more sweetie, just finish peeing yourself that’s what you are wearing a nappy for anyway” I was now jumping about trying not to pee and looked at Debbie with puppy dog eyes as I said “Please take my nappy off Debbie” Debbie took my hand and led my out of the Bathroom and towards her bedroom as she said “Come on Mandy just jump in beside me for the rest of the night” When we got to Debbie’s room; she placed me in bed, jumped in beside me and pulled the covers over us. My desperate urge to pee was soon back, I was squirming around the bed and Debbie looked at me and said “Oh Mandy have you not finished peeing yet? Will you stop squirming around!!” I crossed and uncrossed my legs and held my crotch trying not to pee myself and said “But I can’t help it Debbie I’m really bursting” Debbie started laughing and said “for a Girl who is quite happy to wear and use a nappy when she decides she wants too, you make a huge fuss about it when you have no choice but to wet your nappy” Debbie then turned onto her side to face me and said “I will just have to deal with you like a little girl and make you wet yourself then; otherwise I’m not going to get any sleep” A look of shock came across my face as Debbie surged towards me and I felt a dribble escape just from the shock as she grabbed me and started tickling and pressing on my bladder. I felt the urge grow and screamed “Debbie, STOP…….I’m going to pee……” Debbie Laughed and continued harder and harder “I know your going to pee……that’s the whole idea!” I suddenly felt my bladder give way and through my hands into my crotch to try and stop the flow but Debbie had felt me tense up and grabbed my arms before they got there and said “that’s a good little girl, just let it all into your nappy” as she pushed down on my bladder one more time and seen the front on my nappy grow yellow and wet. Debbie gave me a cuddle and touched the front of my plastic panties and said “Oh honey your nappy is lovely, warm and squishy now, Ahh! Now that you don’t need anymore let’s get some sleep honey.” When I woke up in the morning Debbie was no longer in bed. I got up quickly and run down the stairs to see where she was, I heard someone in the kitchen, I run in and hugged Debbie and said “I thought you had left because I didn’t just pee myself when you asked me last night, I’m sorry Debbie” Debbie Laughed and said “Mandy you silly girl, I’m not going to leave until your mum is back and anyway I’m not mad with you about last night, you were so cute and funny to watch” Debbie was getting breakfast cereal out of the cupboard and asked me if I wanted any, It was then the fact that I had not asked too go to the toilet for my morning pee hit me with a sudden urge and I crossed my legs. Debbie looked at me and said “Are you okay Mandy?” as she lifted some bowls out the dishwasher. I smiled and said “I’m fine Debbie, just hungry” Just as Debbie went into the fridge the urge hit me hard, I started to dribble and was just going to grab myself when Debbie looked back round and that was all the delay it took for me to feel the warmth of a fresh wetting spread through my nappy and there was nothing I could do to stop it so I tried to carry on like nothing had happened and we went into the sitting room to eat our breakfast. Debbie sat down on the couch and just as I went to sit down Debbie stopped me and said “how’s your nappy? Do you want to go to the toilet before you start eating?” she then reached out to the front of my plastic panties to see how wet I was. Debbie felt the warmth and a smile came over her face and she said “Oh! My little girl’s just had an accident in her nappy, were to late this time sweetie so you can just stay and eat your breakfast” I looked over at Debbie with a worried look on my face and said “I’m sorry Debbie” Debbie giggled and said “Mandy I’m just teasing you, relax, I knew you peed yourself in the kitchen I was watching you to see what you would do. There’s no real point in going to the toilet if you need to pee when you have a nappy on that’s already wet. If you had told me that you needed to pee I would have probably just told you to wet yourself again anyway” I smiled and gave Debbie a hug and said “I like wetting in the morning it makes me feel like a little girl and I like to be little” Debbie grinned and said “Mandy, why don’t we pretend that you’re a little girl for the rest of the weekend, Toddler age would be fun, old enough to ask to go to the potty when you want to but little enough to wear a nappy all the time and use it when you want or I can’t take you potty” I jumped up and down excitedly on the couch next to Debbie and said “Can we really? Debbie, I would love to play a toddler girl” Debbie smiled back at me and said “Remember though Mandy if you’re a little girl of around 3 yrs old then I’m in charge and you need to listen to me and do what I say, ok?” “Ok Debbie, You’re the best!” After we ate breakfast Debbie took me up stairs and took my nappy off and sent me to have a shower, once I was done Debbie helped me get dried and said “Ok Mandy hop up onto the bed” as she patted the duvet. I looked up at Debbie and said “what are you doing, I don’t need a nappy during the day?” Debbie picked a fresh nappy and pins of the pile on my side board and said “Mandy your only three years old, you still need a nappy just in case during the day honey but come and tell me if you need the potty” I giggled and said “Oh yeah I forgot, sorry Debbie” Debbie slid the nappy under my bottom and pulled it tight between my legs and flat on my belly and pinned it tightly, she picked up a pair of pink plastic panties and gave them a shake and placed them over my feet and slid them up to my knees and said “Stand up now honey so we can get your pants on right” I stood up and Debbie pulled the plastic panties over my nappy and checked around the edges to make sure they were on correctly and smiled at me and said “there you go honey, your all sorted and no need to worry if you have an accident” I run down the stairs and jumped back on the couch to watch my cartoons and Debbie said “Mandy I’m just going to do my homework can you watch TV for a while and then we can go to the park or do something this afternoon” I was happy with that because I love the Saturday cartoons so just nodded my head and went back to watching. Debbie came over a little later and asked if I wanted a drink, I nodded and soon Debbie appeared with a baby bottle with some juice in it and said “there you go honey, some nice orange juice” I giggled and said “but I’m three, I don’t need a bottle” Debbie just replied “Mandy you spilled your cup of juice yesterday so just drink it up like a good little girl” I place the bottle in my mouth and sucked on it, I loved the babyish feeling it gave me as I watched my cartoons sitting in a nappy sucking juice from a baby bottle. About an hour later I felt the urge to pee. I thought about just letting go in my nappy but decided to go and tell Debbie that I needed to go to the toilet. I walked into the dining room where Debbie was doing her homework; I was now holding myself and fidgeting around and said “Debbie I need to go to the toilet” Debbie smiled at me with an evil looked on her face and said “Mandy, Little girls don’t go to the toilet they use a potty or wet there nappies. Can you wait 10 minutes; I’m really busy with this just now. I will come and get you when I’m ready” I started dancing and said in a whining voice “But Debbie I’m Bursting, I can’t wait that long to use the potty” Debbie patted my bottom and said “Oh well it looks like the potty is not an option this time honey. Never mind, just go back and watch your cartoons and I will check on you in 10 minutes anyway but don’t worry if you have an accident that’s why little girls wear nappies” I started to walk through to the couch but half way there I was hit by a sudden urge to pee and crossed my legs as I felt pee escape into my nappy. I pushed down hard with my hands and stopped the flow, I continued to the couch and started watching TV again and placed my hand on the front of my plastic panties, I felt a warm patch so slid my hand inside, my nappy was wet not just damp, I knew that even if I did manage to hold on until Debbie was finished what she was doing she would check my nappy before taking me to the potty, she would then tell me I was already wet and just to finish peeing myself. I lay there watching TV for a couple more minutes and soon the urge to pee was back but this time I decided not to fight it and soon a little dribble escaped me, because I did nothing to stop the first one, a second and then third dribble soon escaped into my nappy, just as the fourth dribble started I felt another sudden urge from my bladder and because I again decided to ignore this the fourth dribble turned into a gentle flow and then into a steady stream as the pee spread across my nappy. I slid my hand onto my plastic panties and felt the lovely warm feeling that makes me love wetting myself and gently rubbed the front of my nappy, I lay there smiling as I felt that tickling feeling down below and watched TV. Debbie appeared at the door a few minutes later and said “Mandy, do you still need to go potty?” I looked down and shook my head and said “No Debbie, I had an accident” Debbie smiled and said “That’s okay Mandy, that’s why you had a nappy on sweetie. I’m going back to finish my homework, I should be finished in time for lunch. If you need to go potty again before then sweetie, just use you’re nappy since it’s already peed and I will change you after lunch, Okay?” I smiled and said “okay Debbie” Debbie went back through to the dining room and I continued with TV until Debbie shouted that Lunch was ready. I run through to the dining room and sat at the table where a large plate of French toast was waiting for me and Debbie. As I sat eating my lunch and discussing what we were going to do that afternoon I felt the need to pee, I put my hand to my crotch and was just about to ask Debbie to take me to the potty when she said “Does my little baby girl need the potty again?” I nodded and started to get up from the table as Debbie said “its okay honey, your already wet, just finish your lunch and use your nappy I’m going to change you after lunch anyway” I sat back down and bounced on the chair a few times trying to hold on but when I felt the first dribble escape instead of trying to stop the flow I pushed and was instantly flooding my nappy and this caught me of guard a little, I gasped and grabbed at my crotch which caused Debbie to giggle and say “uh oh! My little toddler girl has had another accident, just as well she has a nappy on” I giggled and nodded and said “I pee peed, my nappy’s really wet now” Debbie laughed and said “you really do like to be a toddler, don’t you?” I nodded again, Debbie then took me by the hand and said “let’s go and get my little girl’s nappy changed so we can go to the park and town centre” Debbie changed my nappy and pulled a long summer dress over my head and said “there you go honey no one should be able to tell you have a nappy on under that dress” I smiled and said “Thanks Debbie” Debbie patted my padded bottom and said “do you think you can keep your panties dry like a big girl now?” I smiled and said “I think so Debbie” Debbie Giggled and gave me a wink and said “MMMmmm I’m not so sure honey!” Mandy the Babysitter 12 (I’m sorry I have not had the time to write anything for a long time, hopefully I will have more time now and continue this story) Debbie grabbed her jacket and we headed out the front door. I started to walk down the front path when Debbie shouted “Mandy, come back here!” I walked back towards her and she grabbed onto my hand “Toddlers have to hold onto an adults hand when they are walking down the street, There are too many cars about you know. I don’t want any accidents; well unless they’re in your nappy”. I giggled and took Debbie’s hand; I felt the smoothness of my plastic pants gently rubbing my thighs as I walked along beside her, I was trying to walk as normally as possible with my terry nappy keeping my legs apart at the crotch, I think I got away with it. When we reached the shopping centre Debbie took me to HMV, We looked through the computer games and then she held a game up in the air waving it around and said “Look Mandy the new Mario Cart game for the Wii, That’s what we are doing tonight” as she headed to the counter to pay for the game. I smiled and said “I love Mario Cart, I can’t wait” Once we were finished in HMV we headed to Next where Debbie took her time rumbling through loads and loads of clothes and eventually decided on a new top and as if I wasn’t board enough by this time we had to wait in a massive queue for what felt like forever to pay for it. Debbie decided she needed just one more thing and we headed for Boots the Chemist, when we arrived at Boots Debbie guided me through the aisles and stopped in the baby section, She picked up a pink toddlers dummy and smiled at me and said “Aww look Mandy, That is so cute. I’m sure the little girl I’m babysitting tonight will love this. What do you think?” as she started laughing. I turned bright red as other people were standing right next to us; I don’t know why because they probably would never have thought that the little girl Debbie was talking about was me. Debbie paid for the dummy and put it in her bag; she took my hand and said “would you like a happy meal before we head to the park?” I nodded and happily agreed as we headed up the stairs to the food court. I grabbed a table while Debbie went to order, When she arrived back she had my happy meal, Cheeseburger, Fries, a coke and a of course toy, A cute little pink doll with long blonde hear and a tiny brush to brush it. I laughed as I showed it to Debbie who said “Aww look my little toddler has her own baby now too.” We finished our McDonalds and started towards the park, we were only two streets away when as we stopped at the crossing I started to feel the effects of my coke, I placed my hand between my legs and looked up at Debbie and said “Debbie we need to hurry I need to go potty!!” Debbie looked as me smiling as she said “Mandy, try and hold on like a big girl, there is potties at the park we can use” I nodded and said “I’ll try Debbie” My need to pee grew as we entered the park, the toilets and the play park were at the other side of the park and I thought to myself I will make it just in time as we scurried across the grass. When we got to the play park we headed for the toilet block. When we got round to the front of the building and thinking I was going to be fine found that the doors were locked and a sign that simply said “closed for refurbishment”. I looked at Debbie and said “Debbie I need the toilet really bad” as I started a potty dance. Debbie looked at me and giggled as she said “Mandy, little girls don’t go to the toilet, they go to the potty and little girls that have a nappy on only go to the potty if it’s possible otherwise they go in their nappy”. I looked at Debbie and said “can we just go home to the toilet, I mean potty then?” Debbie looked at me with a devilish look and said “Mandy, you wanted to come to the park. I think you should just stay here and play for a little while” I grabbed myself and whined “But Debbie I’m bursting!!!” Debbie gave me a hug and said “Just go and play honey, remember what I said, little girls that wear nappies only go to the potty if it’s possible, right now it’s not possible so just go and have some fun and when you need too you can have a little dribble in your pants, I’m sure by the way you are dancing about there that you won’t dribble too many times before you can’t stop peeing and have a full accident” I decided to head for the chute still hoping I would be able to stay dry until we got home. There was a couple of kids playing on the chute when I arrived so waited my turn, when I reached the bottom the little girl who looked to be about four said to her big brother I need to go potty, I thought to myself and giggled I know the feeling. The little girl runs over to her mother as her brother and I had shots about going down the chute, I watched as they headed for the toilet block which I already knew was locked and wondered to myself what the little girl will do. A few minutes later the little girl comes running over and said to her brother “Ben we need to go now, I need to go potty and the potty is locked” Just at this point I felt a desperate urge to pee too, I crossed my legs as I stood at the top of the chute. I felt a spurt of pee dribbling into my nappy and grabbed myself to stop the flow and smiled as I managed it. Just at this the girls brother looked at her with an angry look as he didn’t want to leave the park and snarled “why don’t you just pee your nappy, I don’t want to go home yet” The little girl screamed at her brother “I don’t want to pee my nappy, No!” Just at that the kids mother came over having heard the kids shouting and said “Emily, I forgot you still had a nappy on honey, don’t you want to stay and play at the park?” Emily nodded and said “yes mum but I need to go so I can pee pee” I slid down the chute still watching and listening to the mother and two kids, *Thump* Ouch. I had been paying so much attention to what was happening that I came right of the end of the chute and landed hard on the ground. As I sat there trying hard not to cry in front of the young kids so I didn’t look like a baby. I had missed the spurt of pee escaping into my nappy and because I missed it I wasn’t able to try to stop it either so now there was a little trickle running free, I tried with all my might to stop the flow but my bladder was having none of it. I decided it was too late now and just relaxed completely allowing the trickle to turn into a flood that made a warm puddle in my plastic pants under my bottom and then soaked in to leave the warm dampness that I loved. I then thought about what had just happened and giggled, I tried so hard not to cry like a baby that I peed like a baby in my nappy, if only the kids new. Emily’s mum then pulled her up close to her and slid her hand into her nappy checking to see if she was wet or dry. Emily started dancing from foot to foot and said “mummy, hurry I’m bursting!” Her mum smiled at her and said “Emily I forgot you had a nappy on sweetie, I think your brothers right, I think you should just stay here and play and have a pee pee in your nappy and then when we get home I will change you into big girl panties” Emily continued to play and a few minutes later as I followed her up the chute she stopped and put her hands in her crotch and bent forward, this giving everyone a view of her nappy. Emily’s brother joined the queue and shouted at her “Emily hurry up and go down, your holding up the queue!” Emily started to cry and said “I can’t Ben, wait a minute, Oh NO!” Ben laughed and said “Emily, are you peeing yourself?” I glanced down at her nappy and noticed her once pure white nappy was turning a light yellow colour as the pee spread across her bottom and giggled to myself and thought, that will be a yes Ben. Emily didn’t say anything she just nodded as she cried softly. Emily slid down the chute and shouted at the bottom “Mum I’ve pee peed” I slid down the chute behind her and decided that I had had enough fun in the park for one day and headed back to Debbie who took my hand and we started beck towards home. Just as we were leaving the park Debbie looked at me and said “do you still need to go potty or have you peed yourself Mandy” I lowered my head and said “no I don’t need now I peed myself when I fell off the bottom of the chute.” Debbie started to laugh and said “Mandy its okay honey, I seen you do that and I nearly peed myself too, at least you had a nappy on” We were at the top of our street, twenty five minute its taken to get this far, I need to pee again but I could wait until I got to the house, Then I decided what the hell I’m wearing an already wet nappy so I just let it dribble into my pants as I walked but as another urge hit and the dribbles turned into a steady stream it caught me by surprise and I grabbed at my crotch which only alerted Debbie to what I was doing. Debbie giggled and said “Just as well I put my little toddler girl in a nappy today it turns out she has ended up pretty wet, never mind honey I’ll change you into a nice clean nappy when we get home all ready for tonight and a lot more fun” I smiled and replied “I can’t wait” Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch13 We arrived home and Debbie put her new top beside the rest of her clothes in the spare room. I went to the sitting room and switched on the TV and sat down on the floor, I felt my nappy squelch underneath me, the nappy was still really warm and I was in heaven. I was awoken from my day dream bliss by Debbie shouting “Mandy, Mandy come here to I see your nappy.” I looked up at her, slowly got up and walked towards her and she started laughing and said “Ah so you are still on this planet, you were away in a world of your own. What was so interesting?” I giggled and said “oh nothing Debbie, nothing at all” Debbie lifted my skirt up and told me to hold it there and as I did I saw a worried look come over Debbie’s face. “Debbie, what’s wrong?” I asked. Debbie Giggled and said “Honey you have wet yourself so much that your nappy is soaked all the way up the back and half way up the front. You even have a puddle of pee in the bottom of your plastic pants.” I looked down and could see the best part of a cup off pee sloshing around in the crotch of my pants and said “Oh Debbie what am I going to do now, If I take my nappy off the pee will go everywhere.” Debbie giggled and said “let me get your dress off first and I will sort you out” she then pulled my dress up and off over my head. Debbie had another look at my nappy and then said “Kneel down on the floor honey, Okay now lie on your belly.” I lay down on the carpet. Just then Debbie grabbed my feet by surprise lifting my up as if we were playing wheel barrows. I shouted “what are you doing to me Debbie” I felt the rush off warm pee run back up my crotch towards my belly and after about thirty seconds Debbie let me back down. I looked at her and said “Why did you do that?” Debbie laughed and said “Stand up honey” I stood up, Debbie looked at my nappy and said “There see, No puddle of pee now. But your nappy is so wet in the front you could be mistaken for a baby boy” I looked down and laughed too. Debbie took my hand and said “okay honey lets go and change that nappy before you flood the house” I smiled and said “sounds good to me.” We arrived in my bedroom and Debbie slid my nappy including the plastic pants to the floor in one package by simply undoing one pin to loosen it off. I headed to the bathroom, had a shower and when I arrived back I found Debbie had three nappies piled on top of each other and folded neatly into a kite shape. I was summonsed and gently guided until my bottom was in the perfect place on the nappies. Debbie picked up the baby powder and with a quick puff I was covered in all the right places. I soon felt the soft fluffiness of the terry nappy being pulled between my legs then pulled tightly across my belly. I looked up at Debbie and she smiled and said “now hold still honey, next comes the nappy pins and I don’t want to jag you” The nappy pins were in before I knew it and soon Debbie has a pair of baby pink plastic pants in her hands. I felt her slide my feet through the leg holes and she pulled them up past my ankles, she held out her hands to pull me to my feet and I took her hands and stood up. Debbie pulled the pants up over my nappy and made sure it was tucked in all the way round and then said there you go honey as she patted my now well padded bottom. I gave her a hug “Thanks Debbie” Debbie picked a short pink nightdress and handed it to me. I looked at it and said “Debbie, that’s way too short for me now” Debbie giggled “Mandy, it will be fine. I will be able to see if my little girl has an accident tonight and it makes changing you easier” I said “can’t I wear My Pyjamas?” Debbie Laughed “Mandy honey, with that nappy your bottoms won’t fit you; a two man tent would be about right.” I looked down and giggled as I started to head to the door; “it’s that big I can hardly walk Debbie” Debbie patted me on the bottom again and said “you will be fine sweetie, no need to worry about leaks now.” I managed to get to the sitting room and sat down, Debbie set up the Wii and as I chose my mini me Debbie went off to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of crisps and two huge glasses of coke. I looked round at Debbie as the glass was put down in front of me and said “Wow that’s too much juice, I’ll be running back and forth to the toilet all night if I drink all of that.” Debbie grinned at me and said “Potty Mandy, Little girls use the potty.” We had soon played five games of Mario cart, Debbie had one the first three but I had one the last two and now I understood how it all worked I was going to win big. I was midway through the sixth game and well in the lead when I felt a need to pee. I decided that I would finish the game and then head to the toilet, by the time I got to the end of the game I was dancing about and fidgeting greatly. Debbie said “That wasn’t fair Mandy, I couldn’t concentrate on that game for laughing at your potty dance, I should make you play another game before I take you to the potty as a punishment.” My eyes went wide and I grabbed my crotch and I said “No Debbie, I need to go now, right now or I will pee myself” Debbie started laughing and said “fine, come on then” We run up the stairs, well as best as I could with the padding I had on and just made it in no more. Debbie smiled as she pulled up my plastic pants after re-securing my nappy and said “Aww my little girls getting all grown up, doing her pee pees in a big girl potty” We went back down stairs and Debbie said “Mandy how about we cuddle up on the couch and watch a film now, three games each sounds a good place to stop don’t you think” I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her “Okay sounds good, but you just knew you were going to get beat at Mario cart” Debbie giggled “maybe, but I’ll let you choose the film” I run to the DVD rack and grabbed the new snow white and the seven dwarf’s movie and gave it to Debbie. Debbie put the movie on and about half an hour into the film I needed to pee again; I fidgeted about for a couple of minutes and then said “Debbie I need to go Potty!!” Debbie laughed as she paused the film and took my hand, as we headed for the stairs she started singing “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to pee we go, we run up stairs to save the flairs, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho” I nearly peed myself laughing “Debbie don’t you’ll make me pee myself” Debbie tucked my nappy all back in once I had peed and smiled “twice in a row that must be a record” Once we were back on the couch I finished off my juice and cuddled into Debbie. She smiled at me and leant down into her bag and picked out the cute pink toddler dummy. Once she had opened it she looked at me and said “here sweetie, this is for you” I looked at her and decided what the hell; I might as well play along with her. I opened my mouth and accepted the dummy and cuddled into her. I soon started to feel a bit sleepy and relaxed and must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was wakening up with a massive need to pee. I jumped up but as I got to my feet the pressure on my bladder was too much and a spurt of pee rushed into my nappy. I crossed my legs and pushed my hands deep into my crotch and the flow stopped. I looked down at Debbie who was now grinning back at me and said “Debbie Quick, I need the toilet” Debbie turned me around and looked at my crotch; she then touched the base on my plastic pants to confirm her thoughts and said “Mandy, I have told you before; little girls don’t go to the toilet they got to the potty” I was dancing from foot to foot now, bursting beyond belief and said “Okay, Okay, take me to the potty then, PLEASE!!” When I looked back at Debbie she had that devilish look on her face, she giggled “Mandy, Little girls who wear nappies only get to go potty when they need a pee pee if their nappy is dry. Little girls with wet nappies don’t need to go potty.” I grabbed the front of my nappy and said “But Debbie, I’m bursting” Debbie laughed and said “I know you are but your nappy is wet, you started to pee yourself.” Debbie pulled me back down beside her and said “Just cuddle in beside me and let it dribble into your nappy, I don’t want to have to run up the stairs to save you wetting an already wet nappy” I cuddled back into Debbie and started watching the film again; every now and then I allowed a little dribble of pee to escape into my nappy when the pressure was too much. Debbie looked at me and said “sweetie, can you stop fidgeting and sit still, have you not peed yet?” I grabbed myself again and said “Debbie, I don’t want too” She smiled at me and paused the TV and said “Mandy you already have peed, just finish peeing yourself honey, here let me help” Just at that Debbie jumped on me and started tickling me; I felt a spurt of pee escape and through my hands to my crotch but it was too late. Debbie knew from past experience that if I dribbled and she pushed down hard on my bladder at the same time it was game over. The spurt of pee turned to a constant trickle running between my legs and warming my bottom, even though I tried with all my might, the trickle of pee only got stronger until there was a steady stream gushing into my nappy. That always happens, I thought to myself. If I don’t catch myself before it turns into a gentle trickle there is no return. By the time I had stopped thinking about it I had a warm wet patch in the back on my nappy. Debbie looked at me and giggled as she touched the crotch of my nappy “Oops, my little girls all warm and wet. Just as well I put suck a thick nappy on you. We can finish the film in peace now though.” Debbie put my dummy back in and cuddled me tight as we continued to watch. Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch.14 I lay there sucking my dummy therapeutically and cuddled tightly into Debbie as I got more and more tired. I must have fallen asleep before the end of the film because Debbie woke me later with a large glass of milk and said “Come on Sleepy head, Time for a drink and then bed” I looked up with half shut eyes due to the bright lights now in my face, looked at the large glass of milk, then at Debbie and said “Debbie, you know I’m not allowed to drink that at this time of night and especially straight before bed” Debbie Giggled and said “why sweetie” “You know fine well why not, because I will wet the bed” I said, as I stuck my tongue out at her. Debbie said “No one will know honey; you can’t wet the bed anyway because you have a nice thick nappy on. So it doesn’t really matter if you pee yourself and you’re already wet anyway, so just relax, drink your milk and enjoy it”. I smiled and took the glass of milk and headed up the stairs, I pulled down my duvet and jumped into bed. Just then Debbie came into my room and pulled the duvet up over me and tucked me in. Debbie blew me a kiss as she left the room and I a started sipping at my milk, before I knew it I had greedily drained the glass, I placed the empty glass on my bedside cabinet and cuddled down to sleep. The next thing I remember was waking up suddenly, it was still dark outside; my bedside clock was the only light in the room and it showed it was only 3.13am. I had been woken by a severe need to pee; I had to get to the bathroom and fast. I pulled the covers off me and swung my legs out of bed. I jumped to my feet and as soon as I did so I felt the extra pressure on my bladder. I took the first step towards the bathroom and was hit by another desperate urge. I felt a small trickle of pee escape me into my nappy, I crossed my legs and tried to stop the flow with my hands but my nappy was just too thick to get any control. I felt the trickle turn into a steady stream between my legs and gave up. I sat back down on my bed and pulled my legs back in and then my covers back over me. I lay there still peeing myself, feeling the wonderful warmth trickle down between my legs into a warm puddle under my bum before it was soaked into that lovely warm damp feeling I had grown to love. I turned over but didn’t have to try hard to get back to sleep. The next time I woke up it was Debbie at the room door shouting “Mandy honey, are you getting up or are you going to stay there all day” I looked around, it was now light outside and the clock showed 10.35am. I started to get out of bed and asked Debbie if I could get changed. Debbie smiled and said “After breakfast will be fine Mandy, you will need a shower and right now we need to eat, it won’t hurt to wait another 15 minutes” I nodded and said “Okay Debbie, after breakfast it is” Now that I had been out of bed for a couple of minutes I started to feel the urge for my morning pee. I knew there was no point in telling Debbie as she always makes me pee myself if my nappy is already wet when I need to go. I managed to keep control along the hallway but as soon as I took the first step down the stairs I felt the first dribble squeeze past my bladder muscles and into my already wet nappy, I tried to ignore it so Debbie didn’t notice but this meant by the time I was half way down the stairs I was in full flow and by the time I was at the bottom my bladder was just adding the final couple of spurts into the waiting padding making sure it had completely empted itself. I walked across to the breakfast table where Debbie had already got the cereal in the bowls and sat down. Debbie then looked at me with a devilish look and said “how’s your nappy doing sweetie” as she shoved her hand in the top of my PJ bottoms and touched the crotch of my plastic pants. A smile came over her face and she giggled “Aww look, my little baby girls has went pee pee in her nappy already today and she is only just up” I blushed and said “Debbie I was already wet, you would have just made me pee myself anyway if I had asked to go. I peed as I came down the stairs”. Debbie started laughing “Oh honey, I’m only playing with you. I noticed that you were peeing yourself as you came down the stairs, don’t worry about it, let’s get breakfast and then we can get a clean nappy on my little girl, that’s if you want to be little again today”. I smiled and nodded meekly “yes please Debbie, I like being a toddler” Once I had finished breakfast I headed up to my room and pulled of my PJ’s and took a hold of my plastic pants at the waist. I started to slowly slide the pants down over my wet nappy and then down my legs, I love the feeling of the tight elastic of the leg bands on my baby pants sliding up or down my legs. I pulled the rest of the nappy down without undoing the pins as it was now getting cold, I don’t like a cold nappy but more importantly I needed to poop and I really don’t like a messy nappy so jumped on the toilet while I had the chance. I was soon in the shower and warm and clean again. When I got out of the shower and returned to my room Debbie was there waiting on me with a plastic bag, she smiled at me as she pulled out a packet of pull-ups. I looked at her and said “what are those for” Debbie giggled and said “Mandy these are a mixture of pull-up training pants some have little hearts on that disappear when you have an accident, some have little stars that disappear when you have an accident and I can’t remember what the other ones do. I thought we could try some toddler potty training today for some fun if you like” I nodded and smiled and said “can I have the ones with the hearts on please, please they sound so cute” Debbie laughed and pulled a pair out of the packet and handed them to me and said “there you go, you can be a big little girl and pull them up yourself” I pulled the pull-up up my legs into place and then got dressed in a short denim skirt and t-shirt for playing out the back yard, I smiled at Debbie and said “these pull-ups are cute; they don’t feel very thick though what if I have an accident?” Debbie rolled her eyes and said “they should be fine if you wet yourself; they swell up and become much thicker when you pee” I went outside and started to play with my basketball shooting hoops, around 45 minutes later Debbie joined me and said “I’m finished my project for University so thought I’d come out here and whip your backside at basketball” I threw the ball at Debbie and said “Bring it on!!” We had a great time shooting hoops and then Debbie said “I’m going to head in to the toilet, does my little girl need to go pee pee too?” I rolled my eyes at Debbie and said “not yet, I’m fine playing here” Debbie headed to the house and stood at the back door going through her pockets and then turned to me with a worried look on her face and said “Oh Mandy, I pulled the back door shut and the keys are on the kitchen table. I’ve locked us out and have no way of getting us back in” I started laughing at Debbie and then said “don’t worry, Mr Evens next door has a key, I’ll go and get it.” Debbie watched as I left the back yard through the side gate and then when I returned said “give us the key then Mandy!!” I looked at her with a sad face and said “Mandy Mr Evens isn’t in, the cars not there and there was no answer at the door. He must just be away to the shops or something because I remember my Dad asking him if he would be around this weekend to keep an eye out that we didn’t have any wild parties or anything” Debbie screwed her face up and said “Okay, what are we going to do now?” I smiled “let’s just shoot some more hoops until Mr Evens comes back” Debbie looked at me and said “I hope he is not too long, I really need to pee.” I laughed at Debbie and said “I thought I was the toddler; you’re a big girl you can wait. You could borrow my pull-up if you want” Debbie started laughing and then threw the ball at me and said “Don’t make me laugh, let’s just shoot the hoops” An hour or so later Debbie stopped and said “let’s go and see if Mr Evens is back yet” We both went through the gate and down the side of the house but the car was still not there and there was still no answer at the door. Debbie was fidgeting about now in a manner I knew all too well so I led us back to the back yard. When we got back round the back of the house Debbie was dancing about a bit and really fidgety. I giggled and said “Debbie, try not to think about it and you will be fine.” Debbie looked at me and said “easy for you to say” I gave a fidget of my own and said “well not really Debbie, I’m really needing now too” Debbie laughed and patted my bottom as she said “yeah, but you have a nappy on, you can get away with peeing yourself” We both danced around for another ten minutes before I couldn’t hold on any more and said “Debbie, I can’t hold it any more. Oh No I’m going to pee, I’m going to pee myself” Debbie giggled and said “did you dribble honey?” I went red in the face and nodded. Debbie lifted my short skirt and said “Aww look honey, that’s so sweet, a little bit of one of your pink hearts has faded” I bent forward to have a look and as I did another spurt of pee squeezed out and I seen another wee bit of heart fade and I grabbed myself. Debbie took my hand and sat me down on the grass and said “Open your legs sweetie and just let it go. You are wet now anyway” she then pulled up the front of my skirt a wee bit so we could both see the pull-up I sat there thinking what the hell and when the next urge hit I pushed down hard as if I was on the toilet and boy did it work. A sudden gush of pee started to fill my pull-up and the three pink hearts started to disappear quickly and soon were gone. I looked at Debbie with a smile and said “well I’m all sorted” Debbie sat down on the grass next to me and pulled the skirt from under her bottom, she looked at me and then said “I’m left with no option, I’m going to have to do a Mandy” I looked at Debbie with a puzzled look and said “what are you on about” Debbie lifted her skirt at the front giving a view of her pink knickers and gave out a sigh as she said “this!!” My eyes looked at Debbie’s knickers and then started to grow wider and wider as a wet patch got bigger and bigger until the whole of her knickers were soaked and a puddle formed in the grass. Once the puddle soaked into the ground Debbie stood up and let her skirt down and giggled as she said “see no one will ever know” I giggled and said “I think I’m not the only toddler here today. Do you want to borrow one of my nappies once we get back into the house?” Debbie went Bright red and said “I don’t think so and don’t you dare tell anyone what happened either” I giggled and said “tell anyone what, that my babysitter pee peed her panties” Debbie stuck her tongue out at me and said “Shush, YES!” We sat around for another 10 minutes or so and then we heard Mr Evans car in his drive so went to get the key. Debbie opened the door and gave me the key back and sent me to give it back to Mr Evens. When I got back Debbie was coming out of the toilet with her wet panties and said “I’ll go put these in the wash, go to your room and ill come up in a minute to change you” I pulled the soggy pull-up off and noticed how much thicker it was now and laughed. When Debbie arrived she asked me if I wanted another pull-up or a nappy on. I quickly said “a pull-up please, with stars on it” Debbie laughed and said “don’t get to excited about the stars on them, they probably won’t be there for long if I know you” Once I was changed, Debbie said “you go watch some TV and I will make something to eat, then we can head out” I looked at up and said “where are we going tonight Debbie” Debbie smiled cheekily at me and said “Wait and see!!!” Mandy the Baby Sitter Ch.15 I sat there on the couch watching Tom and Jerry trying to work out where we could be going. About 20 minutes later Debbie shouted “Mandy our Pizza is ready, come to the table and get it.” I jumped off the couch and run to the dining room, I was just about to sit down when Debbie chuckled “not so fast baby, I need to check you are still dry before you sit down to eat.” I looked at Debbie as I started to blush “I’m not a baby, I’m still dry and anyway I sit here and eat in a wet nappy most of the time” Debbie giggled and said “Mandy, that’s enough of that. Just because you are wearing a pull up doesn’t mean you’re a big girl, I’ll check your pants when I decide and I’ll decide if you are dry” as she slid her hand onto the front of my pull-up. I laughed and said “I know I’m dry because my stars are still there, Look!!!” as I lifted my skirt, showing my pull-up in all its glory.” Debbie burst into a fit of laughter and gave me a hug as she said “I was trying to make you think that I was angry with you but you are just so cute sometimes I can’t help but laugh” We sat at the table and ate the pizza (pepperoni, my favourite Mmm!) and once we had finished I went back to the couch and watched the end of Tom and Jerry. Debbie came through once she had done the dishes and tidied up and said “I’ll just sort some things into a bag for you and then we can get going.” When Debbie arrived back she had my ‘Going out bag’ with her, that’s what I call my nappy bag. She came over and sat beside me and said “Mandy, were going out in the car, do you want a nappy on or are you ok with your pull-up” I smiled and said “I’m okay with my pull-up, I’m going to be a big girl tonight Debbie” Debbie winked at me and said “ok sweetie, that’s fine but it’s a long journey, almost an hour and a half so if you have an accident it’s fine” We got into Debbie’s little car and set off, after about 20 minutes Debbie said “you are going to meet my Auntie Sally and little cousin Holly tonight” I looked at Debbie and said “where are we going to meet them about” Debbie replied “At my Aunties house, I was asked to babysit for Holly before I agreed to look after you this weekend, I had forgotten about it until my aunt called me on Thursday so I asked your mum if it would be okay to take you with me up to my aunt’s house and then I could babysit you both. Your mum thought it was a great idea so that is where we are going” I sat upright in the chair and said “what age is Holly? She’s going to be able to see my pull-up with this skirt on, she’s going to laugh at me.” Debbie put her hand on my leg in a reassuring way and said “Oh Mandy, I’m sure it will be just fine. Holly is 6 years old, she still wets the bed almost every night and I know Auntie Sally keeps her in nappies for bed at night so she has nothing to laugh at you for.” I smiled and relaxed “That makes me feel better, are we nearly there yet” Debbie laughed at me and said “no Mandy we are still over an hour away, are you board already” I gave a little fidget and said “no, it’s not that” Debbie smiled at me with a knowing look in her eyes and said “does my little girl need a pee pee?” I blushed and nodded “its okay, I’ll hold on” Debbie said “you can try if you like but it’s still a long way, I think you will have an accident before we get there, I don’t mind if you want to just pee yourself now and get it over with if you don’t think you will manage to wait. It’s up to you” I looked at Debbie and said “I’ll wait” We jumped around as we listened to the music which disguised some of my desperation but after 45 minutes I was in trouble and Debbie could tell and she giggled “Mandy you’re really bursting, it’s okay to pee in your pull-up, I don’t mind honey” I pushed my hand into my crotch and said “I don’t want to pee myself this time, I want to try and be a big girl and hold on” Ten Minutes later and I was still holding on somehow, I said to Debbie “when we arrive at your auntie’s house, where is the toilet?” Debbie giggled and said “I’m not telling you, no I’m only kidding it’s the first door on the left after the stairs” I smiled again “Thanks Debbie, when we arrive at her house can I just run straight to the toilet? Can you explain to your aunt were I’m going and why so she doesn’t think I’m rude” Debbie started laughing and said “That’s fine honey, she won’t mind” I was now bouncing up and down in the seat with desperation and Debbie was trying hard not to laugh at me again, we turned right off the main road into a smaller street and the left into another one and Debbie said “Try and hold on honey it’s just down the end of this street, you have done fantastic to stay dry this long” I giggled and said “see I can be a big girl” Debbie laughed and said “we’ll see, you have not made it yet” I stick my tongue out at Debbie and said “I will” Debbie laughed again and said “anymore of the cheek young lady and I’ll stop the car and tickle you” I looked at Debbie in horror “No, don’t tickle me, please” The car stopped and Debbie looked at me and said “don’t look so worried I’m stopping because we have arrived, not because I’m going to tickle you” We both jumped out the car and run to the door, Debbie opened the door and we both went into the house, I run past Debbie and into toilet and just as I locked the door I felt a sudden urge to pee. I flung my hands to my crotch and managed to catch the dribble as it started and stopped the flow. I pulled the pull-up down as fast as I could and sat down on the toilet. My bottom had hardly touched the seat when my bladder gave out on me. I sat there relieved but boy that was so close. When I had pulled myself together from my near miss; I pulled my pull-up back up and opened the door. Debbie was standing there with her auntie Sally and both of them were looking at me with a smile on their face. Debbie said “Did you make it sweetie?” I smiled and said “yep, told you I would” Debbie gave me a hug and said “I bet that was close though, wasn’t it” I nodded and blushed, Debbie’s aunt then said “come on through then, I have someone who is desperate to meet you” as we made our way to the sitting room. When I walked in the door there was a cute little girl with blonde hair sitting in the corner playing with her toy kitchen. Her mum shouted on her “Holly, this is Mandy” she looked at me and said “Mandy this is Holly” I looked over at Holly and said “hello holly, what are you doing” Holly smiled and said “I’m playing with my kitchen, do you want to play too or I have some dollies up stairs if you want to come to my room” I smiled and said “okay Holly show me your dollies” Holly stood up and headed to the stairs and we both headed up the stairs. As we were climbing the stairs Holly’s mum shouted up to her “I will be up there in half an hour to give you your bath” Holly shouted back “But Mum I want to play with Mandy” Her mum shouted back “you can play more after your bath, I’m going out remember so you need your bath before I go, ok?” Holly shouted back “Okay mum” and sat down cross legged on the floor so I sat down facing her and picked up one of the dollies. We had been playing for about 10 minutes when I noticed Holly looking at my legs and her eyes went wide, I then realised she was looking at my pull-up which was on view as much as her little pink big girl panties because we were sitting cross legged. I uncrossed my legs and moved to be sitting on my legs in the kneeling position so there was no longer anything to see. Holly then looked at me and said “Mandy, why did you run to the toilet when you arrived?” I smiled at her and said “Because I was bursting to pee pee” Holly looked at me puzzled and said “But don’t you have a nappy on?” I blushed red and said “well it’s a pull-up not a nappy and I only wear one just in case I have an accident.” Holly giggled “my mummy told me a pull-up is just a nappy for big kids, I have to wear one if we go a long way it the car, If I need a pee pee when I have a pull-up on my mummy just lets me pee my pants, I don’t have to wait until I get home” I smiled and said “well your mummy must be right then but I was trying to be a big girl” Just as we started back playing with the dollies Holly’s mum came to the door and said “Bath time Holly” she then looked at me and said “if you pop down stairs Mandy Debbie has some snacks for you both and Holly will be down soon” I got up and said “Thanks” Then headed down stairs. When I got there Debbie was setting up the Wii and put Mario cart on. I run towards her and grabbed a controller and said “Oh Great, I love the Wii and most of all Mario cart” Debbie laughed and said “I know you do but I’m going to beat you” I laughed at Debbie and said “what like the last time!!!, I beat you remember” We started a game and munched some crisps, I just managed to beat Debbie and was in the Middle of laughing at her when Holly came busting through the door shouting “can I play, can I play the Wii too, Please!!” Holly was standing there with just a dressing gown on; just at that point her mother came in and said “come on Holly let’s get you dried and your PJ’s on”. “Debbie, could you sort Holly down bellow before putting her to bed later?” Debbie knew her auntie meant putting Holly’s night nappy on before she went to bed and smiled and nodded. Holly looked at her mum and said “But Mum, I don’t want Auntie Debbie doing it. I want you to do it when you come back.” Holly’s mum pulled her up the stairs and said “Now don’t start Holly, when I come home tonight you will be sleeping so Auntie Debbie will need to do it for you” Holly Huffed and stamped her feet “I don’t want Debbie doing it I want you to do it” Holly’s mum was losing her patience with holly and grabbed hold of her dressing gown and pulled it down and said “If that’s what you want sit there a minute” Holly sat on the bed, a couple of minutes later her mother came back with a pile of terry nappies and some plastic pants and started folding the nappies into one thick nappy. Holly looked at her mum and said “mummy what are you doing?” Her mum pushed her back onto the bed and said “Holly I’m going out in ten minutes, I don’t have time to argue with you about who is going to nappy you. I am going to nappy you now; if you need the toilet later then you can decide if you want Debbie to help you go to the toilet like a big girl or you can pee yourself like a baby the choice is yours” Holly didn’t get the chance to reply to her mother because she had made good work of the nappy and had pulled her to her feet to pull the clear plastic panties up her legs and then her short nightdress over her head. Her mother then said “you can head back down stairs now” Holly started to walk towards the door but her nappy was so thick she could only waddle; she looked at her mum and said “mum this nappy is too thick, I can’t walk properly with it on” Her mum just laughed and said “well if you had decided to let Debbie put a nappy on you later you could have had one of your normal nappies on but because you decided to be silly I had to put one on thick enough to get you through the night that won’t leak. There is nothing I can do about it; it’s your own fault” Holly arrived back in the sitting room with a face like thunder and you could see the plastic panties bulge out below her nightdress, she looked like a toddler and as cute as anything. Debbie’s auntie came back into the room now dressed to go out with her coat on and her bag in her hand and said “I will see you guys later, have fun. Oh and Debbie I have put Holly in her night nappy already as you probably can see, If she needs the toilet and decides to act like a big girl and ask for you to help her will you take her to the toilet? If she decides to act like a baby then just let her pee herself. If she goes in the nappy though she has to use it the rest of the night, no more chances at the toilet. Debbie Giggled “She’ll be find Aunt Sally, you go have fun, leave her to me” Debbie’s aunt smiled and said “thanks Debbie, I’ll not be too late” she then left. Debbie got up and handed her controller to Holly and said “there you go honey, you have a game with Mandy and I’ll go get something for us to drink with the snacks, okay” Holly took the controller and we started to play, we weren’t even 2 minutes into the game and I was getting my butt kicked. I had to sort this out, I couldn’t get beaten by a 6 year old, it only got worse. This girl must be on this thing all day and night to be this good. Debbie came back through with a large tray; it had 3 glasses and a huge bottle of coke on it. Holly started jumping up and down because she had beaten me. Debbie laughed and said “Did she beat you? We’ll now you know how I feel when you beat me all the time” she then started laughing and gave Holly a congratulatory pat on the head. Debbie sat down and poured the three large glasses of coke and handed one to me, then one to Holly. Holly looked at Debbie and said “Auntie Debbie, I’m not allowed to drink this much before bedtime” Debbie smiled and gave Holly a hug and said “why not sweetie?” I giggled and thought to myself for the same reason I’m not Debbie. Holly blushed and said “Because I’ll pee my bed” Debbie giggled and said “Oh Honey, you will probably wet the bed anyway even if you don’t drink it. Let’s just have some fun, enjoy your juice” she then patted Holly on the bottom and said “don’t worry sweetie, that nappy will handle as many wettings as you can through at it and still not leak” Holly took a sip of her juice and was soon drinking it without a care in the world and we all played Mario cart. After a few games I got fed up of getting beaten all the time and said “why don’t we play something else” Holly started jumping up and down and said “can we play hide and seek, Pleeeaaasseee” Debbie smiled and said “okay Holly, Mandy and I will hide first count to 50” Holly started counting and I run behind the long curtain and Debbie hid behind the couch. Debbie was found almost right away but it took a few minutes for Holly to find me. I was next to try and find everyone and counted to 50 and then started looking. I could see Holly’s shoes sticking out from beneath the curtains but decided to ignore it and go looking for Debbie who after a few minutes I found under the stairs. I came back into the sitting room, winked at Debbie and said “have you seen Holly? I can’t find her anywhere” just at that point I heard Holly giggle and said “what’s that? Did you hear that Debbie? That curtain giggled.” I reached over and pulled back the curtain to reveal Holly and said “Oh there you are, it was you giggling” Holly laughed and said it your turn to find us Auntie Debbie. Debbie laughed and said “okay then go, 50, 49, 48....” Holly grabbed my hand and said “Mandy come with me” We headed up the stair, passed Holly’s room and into her mum’s room” I felt the need to pee as I had run up the stairs, I said to Holly “wait a minute I need to go to the toilet first before we hide” Holly said “but Debbie will catch us, can’t you wait until she finds us” I thought about it for a second, thinking Holly was going to have us hide under the bed or somewhere that Debbie would soon find us quickly I said “ okay, I’ll wait” Debbie opened her mum’s wardrobe; she reached up to the bottom rail and turned it. I heard a click and then Holly pushed the wall and it moved, Holly said “quick close the wardrobe door and come in here” I closed the door and stepped inside the room and Debbie pushed the wall back and it clicked closed. I looked at her and said “What is this place Holly?” Holly smiled and said “this is our secret room; it has my daddy’s office and the safe in it. My mummy said if ever anything bad is happening at the house to come and hide in here and if no one comes to get me after half an hour I have to call the police from the phone on Daddy’s desk. Debbie will never find us in here” My need to pee was growing and I realised we could be in here for some time. I heard Debbie moving around looking through the rooms and then back again, I heard the wardrobe door open and Debbie rumble through the clothes on the rail and then heard the door slide shut again. I now knew it was going to be almost impossible for Debbie to find us, I was now really desperate to pee and dancing about doing a potty dance. We had been in the secret room now for 20-25 minutes and I could tell we could be in here all night at this rate. Holly had noticed me doing my pee pee dance and said “are you bursting” I nodded and blushed, admitting such a thing to a 6 year old. Holly giggled and said “don’t worry Mandy, you have your big kid nappy on” I felt about 2 inches tall but couldn’t help laugh at how cute Holly was when she said it. Just at this point I heard Debbie shouting with a panic in her voice “Okay girls you can come out, you have won. It’s not funny anymore, where are you?” I said to Holly “we better go out, Debbie is worried” Holly said “wait Mandy, one second” Holly pressed a button on the phone on her dad’s desk and the house phone started to ring, I heard Debbie running down stairs to get the phone and Holly said “right now, let’s go, she won’t know where we have been hiding now, we can use it another time” We stepped out into the bedroom and I heard Debbie running up the stairs to find us standing in the hallway. As I stood there I felt a dribble escape into my pull-up and crossed my legs tightly to stop it. Debbie said “where have you pair been, I have searched the house from top to bottom, you scared me. Come down the stairs and you can tell me all about it.” I said “Debbie, I need to go to the toilet first” Debbie looked at me and said “are you still dry? I saw you cross your legs a minute ago with a look of panic on your face.” She then lifted my skirt and said “Oh dear, a couple of your stars have faded. You know that little girls don’t need to go potty once that has happened” I blushed and said “But Debbie, No, Please let me go, not in front of Holly” Holly looked at us both and said “what don’t you want in front of me?” She was about to start crying when Debbie gave her a hug and said “Holly, you weren’t getting left out. Mandy needs to go pee really badly and when I checked her pull-up some of her little stars have faded. That means she has peed a little in her pants, you know the rules Holly, if you have a nappy on and you need to go potty but have already peed you don’t get to go potty you have to use you nappy. Well the rules are the same for Mandy and she didn’t want to pee herself in front of you.” Holly Giggled and said “What stars? I don’t mind if she pee’s herself” I lifted my skirt and pointed to the stars on my pull-up and said “these little stars disappear when you pee in the pull-up to let the grownups know you are wet” Holly looked at me puzzled “but Debbie said you had peed so why are they still there” I was just about to answer when Debbie started “That’s because she is only a little wet at the moment, once she has peed herself more you will see that the stars will have gone.” Debbie pointed down the stairs and said “right girls down the stairs, we have a lot of crisps to eat” As I walked down the stairs my need to pee grew stronger and stronger and at one point I had to stop to hold myself to stop another dribble. When we got into the sitting room we all sat round the coffee table. I was kneeling down and fidgeting around as I ate the crisps, then it started getting harder and harder to hold on, I was bouncing up and down and holding myself with both hands. Holly started to giggle and said “Mandy, Debbie said you have just to pee your nappy, why are you trying to hold on? Just pee your pants!” Once again I felt like I was 2 inches tall, being told to pee my nappy by a little kid felt so wrong but I didn’t have time to think about it as I started to feel a dribble escape into my nappy. I pushed down with all my might and it stopped the flow but within 30 seconds the desperation was as bad as ever again and I felt another dribble escape but this time It escaped and I was already pushing down with my hands from the last time so I couldn’t push any harder. The next dribble came quickly, then the next and the next but this one didn’t stop it turned into a gentle trickle and my eyes went wide.” Debbie giggled and said “I think someone’s little stars are disappearing” I started to turn red, I then felt the gentle trickle turn into a steady stream and the warm feeling started to spread across my crotch and then down to my bottom. I knew that there was no point in holding myself anymore so I removed my hands from between my legs and continued eating the crisps as I finished peeing. Holly looked at me with wide eyes and said “Did you just pee your big kid nappy Mandy” I giggled at her and said “Yes Holly, I peed my pull-up” Then very excitedly Holly started bouncing around and said “Mandy, can I see the stars on you pull-up now” Debbie giggled and said “they will be all gone now Holly because Mandy is completely wet” I blushed and lifted my skirt anyway and said “see, they are all gone because I was a naughty little girl and peed my pants” as I pointed to where the stars once were. Holly looked at the pull-up and said “that’s magic, how does that happen?” Debbie said “I don’t know but that’s what they do” Debbie then decided we had enough time to watch a short kid’s film before Holly’s bedtime so she put in the DVD and we started to watch it. The film was Poo bear and friends. We were 15 minutes into the film when I noticed Holly squirming a little in the seat. Both Debbie and I were more interested in watching Holly than the film. She squirmed around doing a potty dance for the last 20 minutes of the film and we watched to see what she would do. I expected her to have an accident long before the film ended but she made it to the end still dancing about. As soon as the credits started to roll up the screen Holly jumped up from her seat and shouted “Debbie quick I need to go!!!” Debbie started giggling and said “where do you need to go?” Holly started to run to the door and said “to the pot.....” she suddenly stopped and crossed her legs, grabbed at her crotch and her eyes went wide and said “it doesn’t matter now” I looked at her; she looked as if she was going to cry so I gave her a cuddle and said “It’s okay Holly, that’s what your nappy is for honey. I’m wet too remember” I placed my hand on the front of her plastic pants and could feel the warmth from the nappy and giggled as I pushed it against her and said “a wet nappy doesn’t feel too bad, can you feel how lovely and warm it is?” Holly smiled and said “I like it when it’s just peed, but I don’t like it once it cold” I giggled and whispered in her ear “let me tell you a little secret of how to fix that” She looked at me and said “how do you do that?” I giggled “you pee in it again” Holly started laughing and said “but what if I don’t need to pee” I picked up the juice bottle and poured her another glass of coke and said “drink this that should help” Debbie looked at me and said “Mandy she’s just going to bed right now, that’s not a good idea.” I giggled and said “Why Debbie, she’s already wet and that nappy is not going to leak anytime this week. Debbie giggled and said “I suppose your right” We both looked at holly and laughed; while we were discussing whether drinking the coke was a good idea she had emptied the glass anyway. I gave Holly a hug goodnight and Debbie took her up to bed and tucked her in. When Debbie came back down we watched some more TV quietly and finished off the snacks. It was around an hour later that Holly’s Mum phoned to say she would be home in ten minutes. Debbie said we should get ready to go because we still had a long drive to get home. Once Debbie had packed her stuff she said to me “Mandy, we need to take that wet pull-up off. What do you want to wear on the way home? Do you want another pull-up or a night nappy?” I blushed and said “I think I will fall asleep before we get home and I have had a lot of coke to drink tonight I think I better have a nappy.” Debbie smiled and said “I think that’s the right choice sweetie, it means I don’t have to stop on the way home, I hate these service stations at night. If you need to go on the way home, would you mind just using your nappy?” I giggled and said “I don’t mind, if it makes you feel safer, that’s what it’s there for anyway.” Debbie pulled out three nappies and folded then together and got to work, she was soon pulling my plastic panties up over my nappy and then my skirt back into place. Just as we were getting my cloths straight the front door opened and in walked Debbie’s Auntie. Aunt Sally said “do you guys want a cup of tea before you set off” Debbie nodded and said “yes please, I’ll go and pack the car so we are ready to go afterwards” Holly’s mum went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, she came back through and looked at me sitting on the couch and noticed my nappy, not that you could ever miss it. She smiled at me and said “I see Debbie’s got you all ready for the journey home, it’s a long way and nowhere to stop at this time of night. A nappy is a good idea I think. No need to worry about accidents” I giggled and said “well not of the potty type anyway” Holly’s mum giggled and said “your too funny girl” as she headed to the kitchen and came back with the tea. Debbie was back by this time and we had a wee chat as we had our tea and then got ready to leave. Just as we opened the front door and stepped out I heard Holly shout “wait I want to say goodbye” Aunt Sally shouted “Holly, you should be sleeping” Holly started to cry and sobbed “I want to say bye to Mandy and Debbie” Her Mum smiled and shouted up “Oh Okay them, Come on” Holly soon appeared at the door and gave Debbie a hug, Debbie and her Aunt continued talking and then I noticed Holly dancing. Holly looked at her mum and said “Mum, Mum, I need a pee pee. Her mum giggled and said “are you dry Holly?” Debbie looked at her aunt and shook her head, Holly’s mum then bent down and touched the front of her nappy and said “Oh honey you’re already wet, it doesn’t matter” Holly started whining and said “but mum I want you to take me to the potty” Her Mum said “Holly, Don’t start. It doesn’t matter, your already wet, just pee yourself” Holly started to cry and said “I don’t want too mummy” I looked at Holly’s mum and said “its okay I’ll sort her for you” I reached in the door and picked up Holly in my arms. I whispered in her ear “is your nappy all cold and yucky” Holly nodded at me and I whispered again “do you remember me telling you how to fix that?” Holly said “yes, pee in it again, but I don’t want too.” I smiled at her and said “But honey, your mummy says that you have to just pee in your nappy, I have a nappy on now too, I’m wearing a nappy like yours for the car ride home. Do you want to see it?” Holly smiled at me and said “you have a baby nappy on, like me? I giggled and said “holly, sometimes these nappies can be big kid nappies too” Holly giggled and said “show me then, show me” I put Holly down on the icy cold path at her front door in her bare feet, I lifted my skirt and she smiled at me and said “You do have a baby nappy on, I thought you were only kidding” Just at that the icy cold path caught up with her, she started dancing around like mad and grabbed at the front of her nappy and her eyes went wide. I picked her up and gave her a hug; I could feel the warm pee running into her nappy through the plastic panties. I smiled to myself, gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered into her ear “there, all nice and warm again ready for bed” Holly smiled at me and said “I know it feels nice” I put her down in the hallway, her mum gave her a cuddle and sent her of to bed and told her she would be up in a minute to tuck her in. We said our goodbyes to Aunt Sally, I waved as we left, then we settled down for the long dark journey home. By the time we had made it back to the main road I could already feel the very beginnings of a need to pee. I remembered that I hadn’t gone before we left and all the standing around in the cold hadn’t helped. I sat back and smiled to myself and thought, what the hell, I have a nappy on, why worry about it? Mandy the babysitter ch.16 We had been driving for about half an hour before my need got to the desperate stage. I sat there fidgeting knowing we had over an hour to go before we would be back home and knowing I would only be able to hold on another 10 to 15 minutes at the maximum. I slid my hand under my skirt between my legs, I touched the cool smooth plastic of my baby pants and was just drifting into a world of my own when Debbie tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped and looked at her “you gave me a fright” Debbie laughed “Sorry Mandy, are you okay? You look like you need a potty.” I blushed and said “I need to pee; I need a pee real soon” Debbie smiled at me and said “I thought so. There is nowhere I would feel safe stopping for about 40 minutes, can you hold it that long sweetie?” I pouted and said “no, I’m bursting now. I’m going to have an accident any minute” Debbie laid her hand on my leg and gave it a gentle rub in a reassuring manner and said “That’s okay honey, that’s why I put a thick nappy on you. Looks like you’re going to have a warm bum for the next part of the journey” I laughed at her and said “don’t make me laugh Debbie or I will pee myself” Debbie laughed at me and gave me a look as if I was stupid and said “you’re going to pee yourself anyway so what’s the problem silly” I blushed and said “it’s not that funny” as I stuck my tongue out at her. I felt another sudden urge to pee; I placed my hand back under my skirt and onto the front of my plastic pants. I pushed down hard trying to save an accident as I felt a spurt of pee escape. I slammed my legs shut to try and aid the effort but my nappy was just far too thick. I felt another spurt of pee escape me but this time it didn’t stop, it turned into a trickle. I gave out a little gasp as I knew what would happen next and sure enough it quickly turned into a steady stream of pee that I could feel spreading across my nappy through my plastic panties. I looked around at Debbie as I heard her giggle and said “What you laughing at” Debbie smiled and said “Oh nothing sweetie, I take it you don’t need a potty anymore.” I laughed and said “No, I think this warm feeling on my bottom is a wet nappy unless you have heated seats in your car” Debbie laughed “what are you like Mandy; I bet you feel better now though. There is nothing worse than being bursting to pee” I laughed and said “yes there is, Bursting to pee and not having a nappy on so you can just pee yourself” Debbie smiled and said “well ok your probably right sweetie” The rest of the journey went pretty uneventful and I fell asleep at some point. I woke up just as we came off the motorway into our town about ten minutes from my house. I looked over at Debbie and noticed she was fidgeting about a lot and said “Are you okay Debbie” She screwed her face up a bit and said “I’ll be fine; I’m just bursting for the toilet but I’ll make it home, just” I laughed and said “see I told you bursting to pee without a nappy on was worse” Debbie stuck her tongue out at me and said “It’s not funny” As we drove down the high street about 5 minutes from my house a new need to pee hit me too but I never said anything as I knew Debbie really needed to go first. When we reached my house Debbie parked the car and we both got out and run to the door, Debbie opened it and hobbled holding herself to the toilet. I went into the sitting room now desperate and holding myself too, I switched the TV on and sat on the sofa holding myself, feeling the cold smooth plastic of my panties and the dampness of my nappy beneath reminded me I was already wet, so there was no real point trying to hold on, I smiled as I decided to just let it go like a toddler. I felt a warm river of pee rushing into the already damp nappy warming it up as it run down the inside of the plastic I was touching. How I love that feeling, I thought to myself, Naughty but very nice. Hearing the toilet flushing woke me from my daydream, Debbie came down the hall into the sitting room and said “come with me Mandy and I’ll change your nappy. I’m sure that one will be cold, damp and yucky buy now. I followed Debbie to my room and lay down on the floor, Debbie lifted my skirt, grabbed the top of my plastic panties and pulled them off and in doing so touched my wet nappy and smiled. “Mandy, some little girl has went pee pee in her nappy again, I can tell because it’s all warm and it should be damp but cold” I blushed and said “I needed to go when we arrived home, just like you. When we got out the car the cold air turned my need into me being really bursting. I could see you were really bursting too and realised only one of us would make it to the toilet and keep our pants dry. I decided that because I was already wet and had a nappy on I would let you go first even though I knew it would mean I would wet myself again” Debbie smiled and gave me a hug and said “Aww honey that’s so nice and thoughtful of you. Let’s get you in a nice fluffy dry nappy for bed” Once in my fresh nappy, again really thick for overnight we headed down the stairs and Debbie said “half an hour honey and it’s off to bed for you okay, it’s really late” I nodded and sat down to watch TV. Debbie came out of the kitchen 10 minutes later with a baby bottle filled with milk and handed it to me and said “There you go sweetie, your mum and dad will be back tomorrow so this is the last of you playing a toddler tonight. Come here and get a cuddle and drink up all your milk, It would be a shame to waste that nice big thick nappy by being dry in the morning.” I blushed and giggled as I snuggled into Debbie and started to suck on my bottle. I must have fallen asleep as the next think I knew Debbie was pulling the covers up over me and I was in bed. Debbie smiled and put the bottle back to my lips and said “here sweetie you fell asleep, have another little drink and go back to sleep” I took the bottle into my mouth and started to suck and soon felt myself drifting off to sleep. I woke up hours later, it was starting to get light outside but too early to get up, but get up I must as I was bursting to pee really badly. I slid my hand down the front of my pyjama pants and touch the crotch of my nappy; I then slid my hand down the inside of my pants just to double check. I was as I first thought, already wet. I must have slept through an earlier need to go and peed myself. I lay there thinking about it and then a sudden urge brought me back to my current desperation. I lay there thinking, will I get up and go to the toilet like a big girl or lie here and pee myself again like a baby. I heard a good little voice in my head saying “get up Mandy you need to pee” Then another naughty little voice saying “why bother baby, you have not gone potty all day, you have peed your nappy every time. Why bother now, just go and make your nappy all nice and warm and squishy, just how you like it, it’s already wet anyway. Before long I realised I had spent to long listening to the voices in my head and felt a trickle in my nappy. I shot my hands down to my crotch again and tightly crossed my legs but the trickle just continued as if I hadn’t bothered and soon turned into a gushing stream. I lay there peeing myself helplessly as I heard the naughty voice in my head giggling as it said “Opps baby left it too long and peed her nappy as usual” I told the naughty voice to go away and went back to sleep. The next time I woke up it was because Debbie was shaking me and saying “come on sleepy head, it’s time to get up. Your breakfast is ready” I sat up and felt my nappy beneath me and said “Debbie can I get changed first” Debbie pulled me to my feet and pulled my pyjama bottoms down and cupped my crotch with her hand and said “Oh it’s pretty wet but I’m sure it will be fine until after breakfast even if you need to use it again” I pulled my bottoms up and headed down stairs with Debbie to eat breakfast. Bacon, Egg, Sausage, beans, hash browns and toast, Yum!! Debbie and I giggled and laughed all through Breakfast talking about what we had done over the weekend, me playing a toddler all weekend and many wet nappies and her locking us out the house and peeing her pants before we got back in. When we finished breakfast I felt the need to go to the toilet and asked Debbie to take my nappy off so I can go. Debbie smiled and said “honey I’m busy just now, I need to clean the dishes and the kitchen before your mum and dad get back and then I will take you for a shower and change you into big girls panties. Come and help with the dishes” I got up and went into the kitchen and said “But Debbie I’m bursting” Debbie through me the dish towel and said “Just dry the dishes and then we will go” I bounced around a bit and said “Oh Debbie I can’t wait that long” Debbie smiled and said “well just pee then, your nappy’s wet anyway!” I stopped dancing for a second and said “But Debbie I don’t just need to pee, I need a poop too.” Debbie stopped washing the dishes and her eyes went wide as she looked at me and she said “Oh right, well, eh. Oh what the hell just do it in your nappy anyway. You wanted to play a toddler girl this weekend and a toddler girl in this predicament would poop her nappy just the same as she would wet it so why should you be any different.” I started dancing again and my eyes were as big as saucers and I said “Oh Debbie, No. Don’t make me poop myself.” Debbie giggled and said “well let’s get the kitchen cleaned quickly and then I’ll take you” We were almost finished the dishes when I felt a sudden cramp in my stomach. I crossed my legs as tight as I could and tried with all my might to hold on but it was about to happen. I screeched at Debbie “Oh please let me go, I’m going to poop” Debbie laughed and said “Oh come on then and we headed out the kitchen, Debbie walking and I hobbled as I had my butt cheeks clenched shut as hard as I could. When we reached the stairs I realised I had a problem, I would have to unclench my butt to step up the stairs. I took them one at a time, stopping to clench my butt shut on each step. We got all the way to the top and halfway along the hallway to the toilet when my need to pee got so desperate that a spurt of pee shot into my nappy. I stopped and grabbed at my crotch to stop myself from peeing, the fatal error though was taking my mind off trying not to poop and before I knew it, it had started. I stood there fixed on the spot pooping myself like a baby and of course the shock of this had caused me to lose control over my bladder.” I looked up at Debbie, she stood there with a knowing look on her face and said “Opps, I think we waited too long, my baby girl has made a stinky. Come on let’s get you in the shower” I waddled and said “yes please, this is really yucky” Debbie giggled and put her hand on the seat of my nappy and squashed it against my bottom, this spread the contents across my bottom. I jumped away and looked at her and said “Oh what did you do that for” Debbie laughed and said “you’re going to get changed right away, a toddler girl might have to wait a while and during that time would almost certainly sit down on her full nappy causing it to spread across her bottom just like you have now. I just didn’t want you not being able to feel the effects of a full nappy and feeling you missed out on something” I stuck my tongue out a Debbie and said “I could have lived without that Debbie, It’s disgusting.” Debbie took my nappy off and wiped my clean enough for me to get in the shower and then when I came out I got dressed in normal big girl panties, jeans and a top. It felt weird not having lots of padding between my legs. When I came down stairs Debbie had the Wii set up and we played Mario Cart for ages. Mum and Dad came home about an hour later. Debbie stayed for dinner and then headed home. I went to the door to say goodbye to Debbie and gave her a hug, Debbie whispered in my ear “remember to keep these big girly panties dry.” I giggled at her and said “I’ll try”
  12. Good Morning! I have been working on a game for three weeks and I would like you to see what I have done so far, I have been working on the map design and soon I will be able to dedicate myself completely to the story, which I plan to be very long, I have many ideas! If you want to follow this project more closely I will leave you a link to the patreon in which I am publishing it, in addition to the fact that once the map finishes well and has some history, I will publish a totally free Demo. I hope you give me a lot of advice, since I am a little newbie creating video games, and finally I can tell you that right now the game is only in Spanish, although I have thought that for the first version outside of Alpha, it will also be in English! Kisses~ and thanks for reading me n.n Links: https://www.patreon.com/ABDLMiah Links: https://abdlmiah.itch.io/a-whole-week-in-diapers [Alpha 0.21] [Game Update 07/22/2021] In this version, the “potty system” has finally been implemented. I have been working on this update for a long time, now the pee meter works together with the system, when you almost reach the limit the character will pee a little and if it reaches the limit limit will not be able to hold and will let everything out. This update brings 45 different phrases depending on the mental age of the character and how much he wants to go to the bathroom! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Well, here goes nothing. I have posted on ABDL sites before but I don't think my heart was really in those stories. That has changed now, this story is one that I have put plenty of work into and I am finally ready to test it out on a real audience. I have a few chapters ready in the coming weeks but, based on how things go I hope to move to a regular schedule as I have lots of plans! Note regarding grammar, well I am terrible at it. I don't have an editor and rely mainly on re-reads and free web grammar checks so, don't judge me too bad, ha! Hope you Enjoy! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The sound of a flip-flop smacking the bottom of a foot and the ground in an annoying, repetitive beat filled the car as they approached their destination. “Tara, stop that!” her mother spoke sharply. Tara leaned up from the clenched position she was in at the back of the van and pressed her foot down hard to stop the tapping. She had been holding back her bladder for the better part of the trip. The freeway separating Tara’s house from her mother’s best friend was legendary. She had been holding back the two colas she had pounded at lunch and was thankful the end was nearly in sight. “I keep telling you it's not healthy for you to keep doing this to yourself; I thought we were past this.” Diane continued. In her current condition, Tara couldn’t help but agree with her. Ever since she was little, she had issues with bathroom breaks. As a small child, she was potty trained early, but that did not stop her from constantly having accidents. Her mom always said she had her ‘head in the clouds’; she would be so focused on something that nothing else would matter… nothing. As she grew older, Tara continued to have accidents that would go up and down in frequency. When she started school, she earned the unpleasant nickname ‘Tinkle Tara’. Between accidents and a bout with bedwetting when she was 7 and 9 years old, it looked like she was doomed to it. However, for whatever reason, a switch had flipped, and it had been nearly 8 years since ‘Tinkle Tara’ was uttered. On the other hand, in the last few months, Tara has been putting her bathroom training through the ringer. Time after time, she found herself holding her bladder and aching from the effort. Whether it was at the mall, watching a movie, or sitting through classes, the urge to go was becoming more frequent and urgent each time. She had not told her mother that she almost always felt the need to go ‘right now’ whenever she had to pee. It never helped matters that her mother was a health nut and had drilled into her to keep hydrated, so she always was drinking water. It was a habit, but then again, it was only in the last few months that things started to go sideways. Now Tara was also going to be playing ‘big sister/babysitter’ to a 10 year old. Her mother and Brittany’s, had been friends since High School and now work for the same company. Both had been married and are now divorced. With lucrative jobs and a daughter, they were about as close as any family member. So when they both were chosen to go overseas to be in charge of operations in a new business move for the company, they quickly decided the plan. As Tara was 18, she would watch and take care of Britteny until the two mothers got back, which would be around the beginning of the summer. “Now remember, you have to be in charge of Brittany and keep up with your school work. Those are the two most important things,” her mother said, for about the hundredth time. “Mom, I know. I have hung out with Brittany plenty of times before,” Tara countered. “Not for this long and with this many responsibilities. Plus, Cathrine has… Well something else that you are going to have to keep track of,” her mom finished. “Oh?” the girl raised her eyebrow. “She will tell you,” her mother said giving her a look that said, this is serious. As the van pulled into the garage of Cathrine and Brittany’s home, Tara shot like a bullet out the door into the house. Catherine was blurred as she shot for the bathroom in the room she usually stayed in on the second floor. Scrambling through the door, the sight of the bathroom made Tara relax. “No!” she gasped, hurriedly tired to get the button on her shorts undone. She had relaxed too early, and now things were out of control. Finally sitting on the seat, a sharp but blissful relief crept over her. She had not realized how much and how painful this time had been. Tara knew that she should stop doing this but, for now, inspected the damage to her shorts. The whole crotch of the garment was a darker shade of blue and was a lost cause. Luckily, she had one other pair close to these that she could grab from her bag and slip into. This was only the third time this had happened, but it certainly was not something she enjoyed. Slipping into fresh clothes, she made her way back down to the living room to ‘officially’ greet Cathrine and Brittany. “Whew, sorry about that,” she greeted Catherine. “It’s alright, pretty on par for you, ha!” Cathrine jested, then her voice went low,“Follow me to the kitchen.” Her mother was talking with Brittany, and the girl was looking like she did not have much to say, so she followed Catherine. “So there is something that I have been keeping from you; I just told her mother last night,” she let out with a long breath. “Oh no, is something wrong?” Tara blurted out. “No, no, nothing serious, but… Brittany has been having some troubles. Bathroom troubles,” she responded flatly. A heat rose in Tara’s cheeks, and she simply said, “Oh…” “Now I know that you had your own issues, but I recently saw a book about accidents among older children and teenagers. I have Brittany following some rules that are designed to help her get through this phase.” Cathrine explained as she put a hardcover book on the counter. “The front of the book explains how the rules work - the ins and outs as they were. And in the back there is the list of rules and a little chart if you need it,” she went on. Tara picked up the book, and before she could utter a word, Cathrine continued, “You obviously don’t have to read it, and Brittany knows the first two rules by heart now, but you should read them and she has to follow them. Supplies are in the upstairs hall closet.” “Supplies?” the girl questioned. “Well, in a nutshell, Brittany has to use protection whenever she has accidents. The more accidents, the more protection, and the more…eh… privileges she loses.” the older woman explained. “Ah, well, I guess that makes sense.” Tara concluded. She couldn’t believe it, Brittany was in diapers! It was a shock only because there had never been a hint to her that her little friend may have had such troubles. Well, Tara herself was smaller, but not terribly so, but she was still taller by a couple of inches. Brittany had a heart shaped face, round blue eyes, and shorter brunette hair, while Tara had sandy blonde hair past her shoulders, brown eyes, and a longer face. Both had followed their mother’s genes, like matched sets. “Cathrine, we need to get to the airport,” her own mother called out. “Oh yes, coming!” she replied, and then to Tara, “Just read the rules and make sure Brittany follows them, simple as it gets!” With that, she hugged Tara and made her way to the living room, where her daughter and Tara’s mother were. There were the usual tearful goodbyes, as the realization of how long it would be before they were all together again sunk in. All too soon, it was just Tara and Brittany watching TV in silence as the girls both recovered from the painful departure. Tara ordered pizza as a way of cheering them both up, and by the time the large pizza and sodas had been consumed, it was close to bedtime. She, Tara, knew it was time to broach the subject. She decided to do so in a manner that showed she trusted Brittany to know what she had to do. “Well, I guess it is time for bed, Brit,” she stated. Brittany yawned. “Yeah, I guess so.” The girl got up from the couch and made her way to the stairs. “Wait, Brittany!” she called to stop the girl. “Is there something we need to talk about? Some rules?” The younger girl froze, and she stiffened as she turned to face Tara, so she went on the offensive. “Before you say anything, it's alright. I had problems when I was around your age,” she tried to soothe Brittany. “I don’t want to follow the rules without mom,” she almost spat back at Tara. “Look, this will go smoothly if we just follow what your mom wants you to do.” Tara countered. “But… it's just… It's so embarrassing, and I want to just be normal.” Brittany pleaded, “Please don't make me do them.” It nearly broke Tara’s heart to see Brittany clinging onto a small hope that she would be out of whatever she had been enduring. “What exactly are the rules you are supposed to follow, i haven't read them yet because I want you to tell me,” Tara said. “Well, umm… you… There are five rules, and if you have any, you know. Then you start at 1 and go from there.” Brittany mumbled. “I see, and what rule are you on now?” She questioned further. “1B,” Brittany said out of the side of her mouth. “1B?” “Yeah, the first rule has three parts… some kind of like grace period before the rest of the rules, I guess.” Brittany had crossed her arms and had not looked at Tara since she started talking about the rules. “How far have you gone down the list?” Tara asked with complete curiosity. “Just two, but it was awful.” Brittany huffed. Tara was in a bind; she didn’t want to fight Brittany for weeks on end. And she didn’t want to have to deal with Brittany having accidents she could prevent. But most of all, she did want to have fun with Brittany; she really was like a little sister. The girl shouldn’t have to feel alone in this… then it hit her. It was drastic, but it just might work. “Alright, let's look at 1B,” Tara announced. Going into the kitchen, she opened the back of the book and found the page with 1A at the top. She read out, “1A - a single day-time accident will result in a pull-up for 1 day and night.” Turning the page, she also read, “1B - a single night-time accident will result in regular pull-ups for 2 days & night-time pull-ups for 2 nights.” Brittany was bright red but Tara talked fast to ease the embarrassment. “So you…” “The night before last, this is my second night. Mom let me go without during the day today because she was leaving,” the girl clarified. “Good, then we will both follow the rules going forward.” Tara stated. “Both?” Brittany asked. “Both,” she replied. “What good is that? It's still just me that will have to do any of it!” Brittany screeched. “Hold on. Did you see me dash upstairs when I got here?” Tara asked, and the girl nodded. “Well, I didn't quite make it, and my shorts got a bit wet. So I guess that puts me on 1A, right?” she said, matter of fact. “You're lying,” Brittany huffed, but Tara was prepared for this. A quick trip to her room and her shorts from earlier presented to Brittany were all the evidence she needed. “Whoa!” Brittany exclaimed. “Told you, so we will both be in pull-ups tonight. Your mom gave you a break, so we will just go with the pull-ups tonight. And if we are both dry in the morning, this all resets, right?” She asked cheerily. “Yeah, but… but… “ Brittany couldn’t come up with an argument. “Now come on, we are still about the same size; let's see if they fit and we can get off to bed.” Tara led the dumbstruck girl up the stairs and to the closet. It was packed with white boxes, each labeled in the upper corner. The shelf at chest height had two opened boxes, one of the left read ‘Slims’. Thinking these must be the pull-ups she grabbed two, and handed one to Brittany. “Let’s both get pjs on, i will come to your room in about 10 minutes.” Tara said as she closed her door behind her. Throwing the pull-up on the bed, it suddenly hit Tara what she was about to do. It had been so long since she had worn something like that she almost felt as if it stared back at her. As if this meant more than just a means to an end. Shaking her head, she inspected the pull-up; it wasn’t any of the major brands she knew. In fact, it only had an “R” in the center of the waistband to indicate a brand. The sides were just a bit longer than the width of her hand and the padding looked fairly thin, but then it was just a pull-up. Changing into a tank top with thin shoulder straps, she placed her usual PJ pants next to the pull up on the bed. Stepping into the pull-up she began to doubt that she would fit, yet as she dragged it up to her waist, it never seemed to tighten. Standing there, 18 years old, and in a pull-up, it may as well have been fitted for her. It clung to her a bit but didn’t feel tight, and she felt the leg holes conform around her leg just below her butt, a perfect fit. She walked around and noted the extra padding and the overall ‘bulk’ she was not accustomed to as she moved. Satisfied, she pulled her PJs over the pull-up and went to see Brittany. Knocking on the door, the girl called out that she was ready. Tara was momentarily taken aback as Brittany had some small shorts and the diaper spilled out of the top and the sides. “All set?” she asked. “Yeah… I guess,” but Brittany kept glancing at Tara's PJs. Pulling the band of her pants down a bit, Tara showed the top of the pull and said, “Fitted just fine.” Tara began to giggle, and a smile reached Brittany's face as well. Soon they were laughing hard at the situation, and the tension was broken between them. “Night, Brit, see in the morning.” Tara chuckled out. “Night, Tara” was the reply as the younger girl got into bed. Back in her own room, Tara turned off the lights and got under the streets, exhausted. However, she almost immediately realized why Brittany’s shorts were so small. Being under covers, in pants, and in a pull-up was not the most comfortable thing. But tiredness eventually overtook Tara, and she drifted off.
  14. I could hear my mother throwing open the drapes to let the sunshine in. She gently pulled the covers back and shook me gently; “time to get ready for school sweetheart.” I laid there pretending to be asleep and also pretending not to hear what she was saying. I was never a good lair but I tried all the same, shielding my eyes from the sunlight with my forearm I mustered up some pretty convincing snoring sounds, all the while I could hear my mom moving about the room around. I became aware of the cool morning air on my legs and hated the feeling. I’d always worn oversized night shirts to bed which I could tell was all knotted around me, I must have moved around a lot in the night, everything seemed normal except for my underwear, which felt warm and clammy, but I didn’t care in that moment. I only wanted a few more minutes of sleep, why couldn’t mom understand that. I didn’t have to pee either which further proved that it wasn’t time to get up yet. I felt my mom tugging at the sides of my underwear, I heard the pop of tapes being loosened followed by my mom peeled back the front of my diaper. The shock of the cold baby wipes on my skin was enough to jolt me awake. “What is… What is happening..?” I said in the most pitiful voice I could muster. With one hand my mom grabbed both of my ankles and lifted my bottom in the air only to let me down again a moment later. “Why am I wearing a diaper mommy? I wear panties. I don’t wear diapers anymore.” I said beginning to clear the cobwebs. Mother only laughed as she finished taping up the sides off the clean diaper. “Don’t be silly Ashley, we talked about this a couple days ago at the park, don’t you remember?” “We decided you weren’t ready for potty training yet.” I sat up trying to remember going to the park. I knew the park she was talking about, it was right up the road and we’d been going there since I was a toddler, but this talk that my mom was saying we had, I couldn’t place it. I feel like being told that I wasn’t ready to sit on the toilet was something I would remember. I shook my head, trying to gather myself. Okay so, I’m not potty trained and I wear diapers. That is going on and what else has changed since I went to bed last night? My mother helped dress me the rest of the way and even tied my shoes on for me, which she hadn’t done since I was in the first grade. Things at school seemed normal, I was still in Mrs. Saunders fourth grade class and all my friends were still there, Amy, Jenifer and Joan, all giggling amongst themselves. We’d always talk during lunch and recess breaks. Mrs. Saunders was writing on the chalk board when I felt a tingling in-between my legs, but before I could give it a second thought, I was peeing, the warmth spreading all over, I sat there unable to move. When the pee finally stopped, I felt around my pants and bottom with my left hand as carefully as I could, not wanting to draw attention to myself. All dry. Wow. The diaper held it all, I thought to myself surprised. This isn’t too bad. During recess me and Amy talked about her older brother Andy who would tease her, she told me that last night she shoved him into a metal door knob hurting his back and making him cry. She got in trouble but she seemed to be proud of herself. By the time school let out the diaper was noticeably heavier and I had a waddle to my step. I must have wet it again at some point without realizing it. When I got home my mother met me at the door, she inched down my track pants so my underwear was on full display, she pressed on the front of the diaper with the palm of her hand and then pulled out the back and peeked down my backside before telling me I needed a change, which I would have told her if she’d asked. But maybe that’s what it means not to be potty trained. Babies don’t tell their parents when they need a change; they don’t have to, that’s not their job. How nice would that be, not having to worry about anything and to be completely taken care of. It was a passing thought but an interesting one. I made my way to my bedroom and lay on the changing table along the wall. Had the changing table always been there? It must have, next to the table was a book shelf that used to have books on it, the books had been replaced with bags of diapers, the packages had pictures of boys and girls my age wearing nothing but diapers around their waists. They looked happy as could be. I’d never seen such a thing, or maybe I had. As I laid there getting my diaper changed, I looked around the room, I saw my old teddy bear resting on the bed across from me. I thought I’d lost him, I hadn’t seen him in a long time but there he was as if he’d been there the whole time. Dinner that night was a big bowl of Kraft Mac & cheese followed by some Family TV shows from the 90’s. During the second episode of Home Improvement I felt a knot in my belly that was beginning to feel uncomfortable. I knew Laying down would make me feel better so I grabbed a blanket and lay on the couch next to my mom. The relief was instant, I knew I was messing my diaper but it felt like the right thing to do. A few more pushes and the discomfort was gone. If mom noticed she didn’t seem to care. Oddly enough even though I could feel the full diaper pressing up against my bottom, I couldn’t smell it. After the show was over it was time for another diaper change and time to start getting ready for bed. Mom didn’t treat this diaper change any differently than the wet diapers she’d changed earlier in the day. She just used more wipes to get me clean this time. Before bed mom tucked me in and gave me a kiss goodnight. As I laid in the dark thinking about the weird day I’d had my hands felt the plastic of the diaper taped to my waist. It felt right, it felt like it was always supposed to be there. I pushed lightly against the front of the diaper and heard the soft crinkling sound. I hadn’t felt this good in a very long time. Sleep followed shortly after. When I would wake up the next morning I would find my room without a changing table. Books on the selves, no teddy bear on the bed and most disappointingly of all my big girl panties around my hips, the one thing that gave me pause was that for the first time since I was potty trained, I’d wet the bed. I sat up slowly taking in my surroundings. My night shirt was wet up to my belly button and the bed had a large dark spot the size of a basketball where I had been laying a moment before. It was coming back to me it was Saturday morning and by the look of it mid morning. Not really knowing what to do. I stripped out of my wet clothes and went to the closet to pick out a clean outfit. It came slowly that the events of the previous day had only been a dream. A very real feeling dream but a dream none the less. Everything was the same except that I wasn’t potty trained and it was a good dream, I was happy. But that's silly, nobody my age was still in diapers. Like every girl in my class, I wanted nothing more than to skip through the next five years so I could start learning to drive, go to the mall and date boys. But after that dream, I was suddenly unsure. It wouldn’t be bad to stay young, if only for a little while longer. Maybe instead of trying to act older than my age, I should act my age. After all here I was a young girl who had just wet her bed. Life went on like normal after that, my mom was upset for all of five minutes when I told her about my accident, she cleaned the mattress and wrote it off as a onetime accident that could happen to anyone. Slowly the memory of the dream began to fade, I chose not to tell my parents about the dream, mostly because I didn’t know how to tell it without it sounding crazy. A week later I was in my 4th grade class room, the sun shone through the windows warming the side of my face. Turning towards the light I saw birds in the trees while squirrels ran through the courtyard. It was a beautiful spring morning and I couldn’t wait to get outside and lay in the grass. I closed my eyes just for a moment and sighed deeply. My bottom grew warm as I let the air out of my lungs. Somewhere in my subconscious, I knew I was wetting my diaper. This was okay, the diapers get wet, they get dirty, and they get changed. No big deal. Except it was a big deal, the realization that I was dreaming came to me slowly. I looked around the class. Everything seemed right, except one thing, how did I get here? The last thing I could remember was going to bed the night before. And now her I was sitting in a wet diaper. I stuck my hand down my pants and felt the soft plastic shell of the disposable diaper just too confirm. It squished as my hand brushed up against it. When I wet the diaper I was probably wetting my bed in the real world I realized. Oh well, nothing to be done for it now. Now that I know that I’m dreaming, what do I do? I sat there in for a moment taking everything in. I felt a ball of energy slowly building inside of me and before I knew it I was running full speed. I heard my chair hit the ground and the teacher yelling after me but by then I was already running down the hall. I heard myself laughing as I threw open the doors to the playground. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again. It was recess. The playground was alive with the laughter of children at play. All my friends were there, we played tag, running around the field. I stopped to catch my breath. Hands resting on my knees, hunched over slightly in that brief moment of rest my stomach gave an involuntary push, I laughed as the creases in the back of the diaper unfolded to accommodate the mess that I was putting into it. I was pooping my pants in front of all my friends and it didn’t matter. I laughed some more as the flow of poop kept going until my whole backside was covered and there was nowhere else for it to go. Once I was done it was right back to playing. None of my friends noticed or skipped a beat. We played for minutes. Hours? It’s hard to say. Perhaps I’d actually grown tired because when the bell rang I forgot that I was in control and I followed the crowd of children back towards the school for lunch. One of the teacher’s assistants stopped me before I could get inside though. “Hold it right there kiddo, I think someone filled their britches.” Andrea the TA said with a smile, she gently turned me around as you would a toddler and pulled at the back of my pants to look inside. “Yep, that’s what I thought, why don’t you come with me and we’ll get you taken care of.” She took me by the hand and led me down the hall. The realization that I just had my diaper checked in front of the entire school made me giggle. I knew she was taking me to the nurse’s office. That was where I always went to get changed. As I opened the door a bright blinding light came over me and I was back in my bedroom. The bright light was coming from the window overlooking the street I must have forgotten to close the drapes the night before. My bed was wet, I wasn’t upset though. It was a happy accident. I thought back to my dreams this one and the one I’d had the week before, I didn’t understand what they meant but I knew how they made me feel. It felt good to be taken care of, to have all my needs attended to. A part of me longed for that. Was I too old to get that feeling back? After this second dream I had to know for sure. The End
  15. Hello, this is another idea I've had for a fair bit. It may be slightly influenced by French Whines (kudos to the author of it; probably one of my favorite stories I've read on this site), except...well, this is more supernatural than anything. And now, for WARNINGS: there will be political undercurrents in this story. If you're not a fan of Israel or Arab countries, well, I will say this story probably won't be for you (as I am ethnically Jewish from my mom and have the utmost respect for all religions - so long as they aren't hurting people - including Christianity and Islam, my feelings, as much as I want to be an impartial observer, may spill out. I apologize beforehand, but this story is something I feel I had to write from the bottom of my heart after all that's happened). But I PROMISE beforehand, there will be a good ending to this; I may be cynical about our irl chances if/when another huge war spills out, but that doesn't mean this story has to be. Of course, politics and the bigotry (portrayed in antagonists INCLUDING THIS CHAPTER, JUST SO YOU'RE WARNED) are there, but I promise to be respectful in that regard. Violence is there, given the subject matter. Language is a given with any of my stories. And of course, gender-swapping is a major thing, and I promise to be respectful in that regard as well. About critique, feel absolutely free to tell me what I'm doing wrong; in fact, I encourage it with all my heart! I want to publish this under my pseudo penname in books for AR/AB stuff, and in order to publish without mistakes and errors, I absolutely need to know what I've done wrong. If you can't find anything wrong, then tell me what you liked, please! These things make me a better writer. I'm not soft when it comes to critique, and I'll always listen to it. Thank you in advance! Now, to start the story: - Chapter One: Death is Not the End. - Lieutenant Lavi Zingel’s calm brown eyes were constantly aware of their surroundings, for danger was close by. He was deep undercover in Sayeret Matkal’s operation in Egypt; if he was found out, Israel could deny any involvement. Operation Rebirth was risky, but he had been the first to volunteer for it. It was all he could do for his country, was it not? Ten top Israeli scientists had been captured by a shadowy Iranian-proxy organization, and it required a delicate touch; only one man could be sent to infiltrate, and he was perfect, as he was of Arabic and Jewish descent (from his father and mother, respectively), and looked the part with dark olive skin, and a full dark-brown beard. Mossad was worried that Alraabitat Almunahidat Lilsihyuniati (Anti-Zionist League, honestly, couldn’t they think of a more original name than that?) was forcing the scientists to build nuclear weapons in Egypt, which would then be shipped to Syria and Lebanon. Zingel was as skilled a combatant as had ever gone through Sayeret Matkal; everyone in the secretive unit knew it. He had aced every test, physical, medical, psychological, had been pushed to his limits and beyond, and he had come out of it stronger than ever before, a weapon who could kill a man hundreds of different ways. But the main thing that separated him from the others was his mind. He was an omniglot, fluent in over twenty languages and dialects. He had graduated top of his class in high school, a 750 on the Psychometric Entrance Test, summa cum laude in all classes, with a bagrut certificate. He was knowledgeable about how nuclear weapons worked, having had his Egyptian-Israeli father and Israeli mother working on them. It didn’t surprise him that he was the first choice for the mission. What did surprise him, as he looked at the weapons, was that they were far from nuclear armaments. Quite simply, as he looked at the manifests, saw the tired scientists working (not just Israeli, but Egyptian as well), it was far from nuclear. This was a weapon of which the likes had never been seen on this planet before, something he had as much a clue about as the workings of God: in other words, none. Then there was shouting, and he turned around to see a large Arabic man hit a short, heavyset Egyptian woman, who took the hit with stunned disbelief. “I don’t want excuses!” the man roared. “I wanted Project Rebirth to be up-and-running a week ago! I should kill you all, you worthless piles of shit!” “But…what you’re asking…” one of the Israeli scientists, a woman, spoke up timidly. “It’s impossible. This is God’s work, not-” “I DON’T GIVE A DAMN WHAT PIGS LIKE YOU SAY!” the man shouted, closing the distance and shoving a gun in the scientist’s face. “I wanted this to be done long ago! It should’ve been sent to Lebanon and Syria long ago! It should’ve detonated in Tel Aviv, the city of rats like you, long ago!” Zingel was torn. On the one hand, nothing could compromise his identity. Mossad specifically said that the weapons were the priority. But compassion had been instilled in him as well from his parents, and he wanted to rescue the hostages - for clearly the Egyptian scientists were just as much hostages as the Israelis. He took a chance. “Excuse me, sir,” Zingel said politely. “Yes, what is it?” the man snapped. “If we kill them, all hope for Project Rebirth is lost.” The operative was using all of his silver-tongued charm to both keep his cover and spare the lives of the hostages. “And the Zionists would attack us without recourse. Wouldn’t it be better to spare them just a day?” The man gave the operative a cold look. “Who the hell are you?” he snapped. “Dr. Mourad Slimani,” Zingel said in a perfect Algerian Arabic dialect. “I’ve been on this project since day one.” The man gave him a smile. “Well, Dr. Slimani, I suppose there’s no harm,” he said with a shrug. “It’s mostly finished anyway. All that’s left is to shoot them.” Zingel didn’t even blink, didn’t give anything away. “And once the weapon has been tested? What’s stopping the Zionists from attacking? You have to know that they’d send someone?” “I’d be surprised if they didn’t, my good doctor. But I suppose a heretic is as good as an infidel for this purpose.” He holstered his first pistol and grabbed the heavyset Egyptian woman - who had surprisingly dark skin for an Egyptian - by the hair with one hand, a second gun in the other, as she pleaded, “Please, please, I’m a mother, I have children!” “Shut up, you warped whore!” The man hit her in the face with the pistol. “I’ve killed many mothers and their children; don’t think you can negotiate that way with your life on the line!” A cruel smile played on his face. “But I’m not going to shoot you. He is.” He flipped the gun to offer to Zingel. “You can’t be serious! I’m a doctor, I swore not to take lives!” he protested. “You can shoot her…or I can. I can give you five seconds to decide, Dr. Slimani.” Zingel was trapped, and he knew it when he felt the weight of the semi-auto pistol. There was only one bullet in the chamber, which could only mean one thing: he was burnt. Who did it didn’t matter; he knew his cover had been blown. What he did next was impulsive as hell, but he didn’t feel like he had an option. He took the gun…and dropped it, proceeding to draw a hidden knife from his lab coat, grabbing the large man by the throat and backing them both against the wall, as armed guards went in the room, aiming their weapons at them. “You know you don’t have to shoot any of them,” the operative said calmly, as more guards had arrived and had drawn their weapons, shouting at him. The scientists were cowering on the floor…except for the heavyset Egyptian, who was looking at him…curiously? “You know damn well that these aren’t nuclear weapons.” “Of course not!” the man laughed. “Is that what your precious Zionist special agency said, ‘Dr. Slimani’ - or, should I say, Lieutenant Lavi Zingel? They’re not infallible.” “Then what are they?” “Something that will end the lives of all Zionists, purge the Western infidels, and-” “Shut up!” Zingel spat, drawing a tiny bit of blood from the man’s throat. “I asked what the weapons did, not the overarching goal.” “Why should I tell you anything?” “We’re both dead men either way. Feel free to state what you were planning on doing. I don’t have a wiretap, on my oath to God.” “The oath to your god?” “No. It can be yours if you wish. But I have no reason to lie. You’re the leader of this project. So spill.” The man laughed. “You should’ve been born a merchant, not an Israeli pig with that tongue of yours. Devil’s tongue. You think I’m the leader of this project? You think I’m in charge? No, this reaches far beyond your limited comprehension, into the heart of your supposed ‘allies’.” Zingel’s heart dropped. “The United States.” “Very perceptive of you. That is correct: there is an element in the United States who wants this weapon and would pay us by knifing the Zionist regime in the back. I don’t care what the hell they do with this weapon; they’ve paid us with nuclear armaments already. Israel will soon be no more!” “Not if I have anything to say about it!” The man stabbed the Israeli operative in the leg with an odd stone knife and shouted, “Praise be to God! Open fire!” Zingel felt the pain from the stone knife lance through his leg, felt shots nail him in his torso, passing through the man to get to his heart, as the knives from both slipped from their grasps. He slumped against the wall, tearing out the knife he had been stabbed with - it had hit his femoral artery, and he knew he was a dead man anyway, no matter what - breathing ragged gasps. The Arab man was dead, a sadistic grin permanently etched on his face. “That. Is. Enough.” The Israeli looked in shock as the Egyptian woman, now twice as tall as any man and bearing animalian features all over her body: the paws and limbs of a lioness, a crocodilian tail and back, the breasts of a human woman, and the face of a hippopotamus. A very angry hippo. The scared guards aimed at her, but she merely waved a paw, and the guns melted away, the armed guards in the room shriveling into mummies in an alarmingly-short time. The Israeli and Egyptian scientists had their eyes closed and were seemingly sleeping before they vanished into thin air. “Wha-” Zingel coughed up blood, as the creature turned to him. He cowered; he knew enough about Egyptian mythology from his father to know who this…goddess was. But he saw her eyes soften when they saw him. “Shh…it is okay, little one,” she cooed. “I am here.” “But…Ta-wa-ret…” His eyes were tinged red, darkness slowly slipping over them, as he hacked up blood from his ruined lungs. “Yes.” Tawaret’s black eyes were warm, and a sense of security washed over the dying man. “The scientists are safe, away from here, their memories of these horrors gone. But you…you have been hurt with the weapon, my own powers. I cannot heal you, but there is another way I can keep you alive. You, the bridge between worlds, the one who does what is right, must stay alive, must find the ability to stop the world from warring once again, for it will be the end of all. Do you understand, little one? Just nod if you agree.” Lavi Zingel nodded once, as the last breath left his body and darkness swallowed him whole. - I will explain what all of the Israeli things mean (I hope Google Translator did okay with the rare Arabic...): Sayeret Matkal = Israeli special forces, equivalent to British Special Air Service and United States Delta Force. Specializes in deep reconnaissance for intelligence gathering, but also does black operations, combat search-and-rescue, counterterrorism, hostage rescue, manhunts beyond Israel's borders, etc. Mossad = National intelligence agency for Israel, responsible for gathering information, counterterrorism, and covert operations. Much like United States' CIA. Psychometric Entrance Test = Israel's standardized test/entrance exam, based on quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, and English. Scores range from 200 to 800. Basically, that means that Lavi's a genius. Bagrut certificate = A certificate that says a student passed the matriculation exam for Israel. High scoring ones like what Lavi had are necessary to go into higher-leveled jobs.
  16. I’m new to writing so let me know what you think ☺️ Chapter 1 Jayne finds herself on an airplane, soaring high in the vast expanse of the sky. The sense of freedom and solitude envelops her as she is the only passenger on this plane. Soft, fluffy blankets surround her, swaddling her like dollops of whipped cream. The comforting embrace of the blankets brings her a profound sense of security and contentment. The blankets seem to stretch infinitely, taking up the entire plane, and Jayne feels as if she's floating on a cloud. As the plane ascends higher and higher, a delightful rush of butterflies flutters in her stomach, filling her with pure joy and exhilaration. The sensation of elevating in the sky, unburdened and weightless, is an experience she relishes. The enchanting melody of "Let it flow" by Spiritualized plays in the background, its gentle notes adding to the dreamlike atmosphere. With each passing moment, Jayne's heart dances to the rhythm of the song, amplifying the euphoria she feels. "Here it comes and then it goes And that feeling takes me home And I don't know where I'm goin' Let it flow" As the plane starts its descent, Jayne can't help but giggle with delight. The excitement of the downward shift fills her with a thrilling sensation. She feels as if she's on an adventure, descending into a world of pure bliss and ecstasy. The dream takes her to a place of complete release and surrender, where she lets go of all inhibitions and embraces the flow. Suddenly, Jayne is jolted awake by the song continuing from her alarm clock. "Let it flow..." Her heart still races with the remnants of the dream's euphoria. She realizes that her bladder is full, and she rushes to the bathroom. The relief she experiences as she uses the bathroom is similar to what she felt in her dream. Jayne, is a 30-year-old girl, free spirited, creative designer at a large gaming company. Slim and tone in posture, she has undergone a transformation in recent years, becoming more conscious of her health and well-being. This all thanks to her partner Ryan, who does marathon runs alongside his day job. Their one year relationship has been a catalyst for positive change, as she found herself motivated to adopt healthier habits. Long runs have become a regular part of Jayne's routine. She finds running to be relaxing. On the weekends she likes to unwind and make her runs a little more entertaining. This entertainment is fueled by vaping some of her favorite sativa weed. She enjoys the rush of endorphins and the melodic vibrations that flutter with each stride during her elevated run. In this headspace she is able to achieve not just a runner's high, but instead, the best of both worlds. The joy of running has become her therapy, allowing her to clear her mind and find solace in the rhythm of her feet hitting the ground. In addition to running, Jayne has embraced yoga as a way to balance her physical and mental well-being. She's discovered the transformative power of yoga, not only for its physical benefits but also for the sense of inner peace and mindfulness it brings to her life. Her wardrobe has also evolved to reflect her active lifestyle. Yoga pants have become a staple, not just for their comfort, but as a symbol of her commitment to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. With Ryan away on an offsite project for the past six months, Jayne has found herself facing the challenges that typically come from a long-distance relationship. In the past, she had struggled with long distance relationships, but this time, she was determined to approach it differently. She knew that maintaining her fitness routine was more crucial than ever, as it not only kept her physically healthy but also helped her cope with the emotional distance between her and Ryan. Jayne has had to learn to trust and be patient, giving Ryan the space and understanding that he's immersed in his offsite project. The sporadic communication has made her anxious at times, but she's reminded herself that Ryan's dedication to his work was one of the things she admired about him. This past month, Jayne has struggled with feelings of uncertainty as Ryan has been really out of touch in communication. She has been trying to get herself to understand that the sporadic check-ins are likely due to his busy schedule, and she that she needs to trust in their relationship. Jayne's morning began like any other as she prepared for her remote workday from the comfort of her downtown apartment on the 33rd floor. Stretching and yawning, she embraced the tranquility of her living space with a sense of calm and purpose. Her cozy apartment was adorned with soft furnishings and elegant touches, creating a serene ambiance that inspired her creativity. After freshening up in the bathroom, Jayne made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Today, she was in the mood for a delicious omelette. But as she reached for the vegetables in her fridge, she realized she was out. Undeterred, Jayne decided to take a quick trip downstairs and a couple of blocks over to the morning farmers market. The prospect of getting fresh, organic vegetables excited her, and it was the perfect excuse to take a short break and savor the beauty of the city before diving into her work. Stepping outside her apartment building, Jayne felt the city's vibrant energy enveloping her. The sound of distant traffic and the chatter of people bustling about created a symphony of urban life. With a spring in her step, she strolled down the bustling streets towards the farmers market. As she reached the market, she was greeted by an array of colorful stalls, each offering a delightful selection of fruits and vegetables. The sights and scents of fresh produce invigorated her senses, and she relished the opportunity to engage with local vendors and support the community. Jayne carefully selected the ripest tomatoes, crisp bell peppers, and vibrant greens for her omelette. With her bag filled with the freshest ingredients, she made her way back to her apartment, feeling a sense of fulfillment and contentment. On her walk back to the apartment she decided to stop into her go-to pharmacy, Trust Pharnacy, which is convientally situated at ground floor of her apartment complex. She loves this pharmacy as it's always well stocked with her preferred zero-waste feminine products. This time around she notices that it's not only those products that are well stocked at this pharmacy. As she walked around, she found out that they moved her aisle to the back of the store and she had to traverse two different incontinence aisles. One of which looked like it was dedicated to single packaged adult diapers and the other for larger packages. As Jayne explored the back of the store, she noticed that her aisle had been moved to a more discreet location, hidden away from the main shopping area. She had to navigate through two different incontinence aisles to find her desired products. One aisle displayed single packaged adult diapers, while the other held larger packages. As Jayne approached her aisle, she couldn't help but notice a striking girl, who appeared to be around her age, refilling the diapers on the shelf. She notices the girl's posture and body form. Jayne is envious of how round and plump her ass is. Even after Jayne's rigorous squat routine for her workouts she has nothing on this employee's ass. This girl had a radiant smile, adorned with braces that Jayne found oddly attractive. Her name tag read "Aria" "Excuse me, could you help me get this pad brand?" Jayne asked. "Sure thing! Let me grab the..." Aria's reply was cut short by the store intercom broadcasting her number for clocking out. "I thought this time would never come. I can finally clock out" sighed Aria. She mentioned that she had worked overtime and was finally being relieved. "I'll be right back I have to get the right keys for this shelf" Aria said as she sped out of the aisle. Jayne found Aria's behavior peculiar as she hurriedly passed her, seemingly fidgety and eager to leave. It seemed that there was more to Aria's excitement than just the end of her shift, and Jayne couldn't help but be intrigued. Less than a minute later, Jayne hears footsteps advancing closer to her and sees Aria speed back into the aisle. Aria steps up on a short step stool and reaches for the flap to unlock the shelf and flips it up. "Is it this one?" Aria asked. "It's actually the one next to it that is almost out" replied Jayne. Aria seems to be bouncy in her posture. Since there was only one package of the pads left, Aria had to go on her tipy toes to reach for it. Jayne notices that she is bouncing her heals on the stool like she is jump roping without lifting her feetoff the ground. Suddenly an "ahhhhh" sigh softly exits Aria's lips. There is a sudden pause as Aria freezes with her arms deep in the shelf. After about 5 seconds of being frozen, Aria carefully steps down the stool and hands Jayne the pads. Aria looks at Jayne with a spacey gaze says "Here you go, have a good rest of your day!" Jayne sees Aria take off her apron and walk down the hallway very calmly towards the back room. Jayne couldn't help but observe Aria's movements as she walked towards the backroom to clock out. There was a subtle waddle in her step that Jayne found strangely cute. She tried not to stare, but her eyes were drawn to the oddly placed wet patch on Aria's butt. She notices Aria discreetly reach her hand out to grab something when passing through the aisle. The checker at the front scanned her pads and looked up at Jayne "I take it you must have met Aria, hehehe she is quite the free spirit!" Jayne nervously chuckled as she grabbed the bag and headed home to go make breakfast. As she cracked the eggs into a bowl and whisked them with care, she couldn't help but admire the panoramic view of the city through her large windows. The morning sun painted the skyline with warm hues, casting a golden glow on the bustling streets below. Jayne sautéed the vegetables with a hint of olive oil, savoring the aroma that filled her home. She expertly folded the omelette, creating a masterpiece of flavors and colors. As Jayne sat at the breakfast table, her mind couldn't help but replay the peculular encounter with Aria, the employee at the store. The puzzle pieces of Aria's behavior seemed to fit together in her mind, and a thrilling realization washed over her. The fidgety behavior, the sudden shift in composure, the weird wet patch on her butt, what she reached for in the aisle... it all pointed to one possibility...Aria wears diapers! But she not only wears them, she uses them. Aria was flooding her diaper while helping Jayne and it had leaked! Jayne changed topics in her head as she noticed it was 8:45 and she had to hurry to finish her morning tasks before the work day. Jayne logged in for the work but throughout her day her mind was racing. She found herself imagining Aria wearing a diaper, feeling the same sensations that had brought her pleasure in her dream. The day went by...Jayne had a typical work day, half virtual calls and half the other time to actually get her work done. Jayne logs off of work a little bit after 5pm. Her phone rings, and she notices that the number shares the same area code as Ryan's work phone. Curiosity mixed with a sense of unease, as she answers the call. It's not Ryan but instead a woman's voice on the phone.
  17. Meet Alice. An 19 years old college girl who, recently has been having some troubles with a slightly leaky bladder. Regular bathroom trips have frustratingly become the norm for her in recent times, as well as frequent sudden urges to go. Which when you're often stuck in a 90 minute class can be a problem.... The last thing she ever expected at her age was to be worried about peeing herself in class, it's the sort of thing she would of happily teased someone other unfortunate student for, but the reality is that the cute college chick now finds herself terrified that with her seemingly misbehaving bladder, she might end up doing what in her mind, would probably totally destroy her all so-important social life. Yesterday was the final straw. She had struggled with every fibre in her body to hold it until the end of class, trying desperately hard not to make her predicament obvious to the rest of her class, as she fought against her throbbing weak bladder. The only way she held it was to constantly remind herself of just how much it would ruin her life if she peed herself in front of everyone. Alice hated History any way, she didn't even know why she picked it. That stupid teacher Mr Slater would never let her leave from the moment the class started. Perhaps because of his perceived perception of her as being one of the more rebellious students in his class, which to be fair to him was probably justified. It was seemingly his way of trying to teach her some much needed discipline... The second her class was dismissed Alice literally ran down the hallway, barging past people. There were a few chuckles as some students noticed the pretty girl clutching between her legs. Eventually she made it into the girls toilets where she charged into one of the cubicles, however before she could even lock the door, or pull down her panties, her baby-like bladder decided to let go...... She stood frozen on the spot only a mere few inches away from the toilet , as if to add insult to injury, as she helplessly let out a huge gasp which was followed by a torrent of uncontrollable pee which gushed out from beneath her pleated skirt, quickly forming a large puddle which spread outside of the cubicle She felt like an embarrassed, un-potty trained child as the reality of what she had done set in, causing her make-up covered cheeks to instantly burn red. The puddle was huge, and there would be no mistaking what it was if someone came in and saw her stood there.. "No no no this can't be fucking happening" shouted the distraught girl as she looked at what she'd done, completely oblivious that she wasn't alone.... She soon heard some giggles from the stall next to her.....her heart instantly skipped a beat as a feeling of dread rushed through her....... In her desperate rush she couldn't believe she hadn't noticed there was someone in the next stall..... Whoever was in there obviously knew about Alice's accident. To be fair no one could of missed the sound of her pee hitting the floor though. It had been like someone putting a tap on full power and left it running for about 20 seconds... Looking down Alice almost died when she saw her accident had crept under the partition wall and into the cubicle the other girl was in...... Knowing now that the girl could potentially ruin her if she knew who she was, Alice, in a complete panic thought hard about what to do. Then she heard a voice.... "Oh dear looks like someone needs some pampers, did Mommy not put one on you this morning little one?" came the condescending voice of the laughing girl Alice fought hard to hold back the tears in her eyes.... Judging by the horrible rough voice the cruel words had been spoken in, Alice thought she recognised the voice as a girl called Lisa Phillips. This was bad news. She was a rather large girl known not to be backward in coming forward. Probably something to do with her own shortcomings, she wasn't afraid to try and bring other people down if she had a chance. If she found out it was Alice, she knew news of her accident would be common knowledge by tomorrow morning.... She decided that she now had two options.. 1. Wait it out until Lisa leaves and hope to god she doesn't wait for her outside or go and get her friends..... which knowing her would probably be extremely wishful thinking... Or 2. Just grab her bag and get the hell out of there before Lisa has a chance to come out of the cubicle and see her..... A concerned Alice examined her skirt realising to her surprise it was pretty much dry, and her shoes had also avoided being soaked. Visually she felt relieved there were actually no signs of her having just peed herself. She knew her expensive blue Victoria's Secret panties were obviously completely soaked, but no one need ever to know about that. She would just stick them straight in the washing machine when she got home. Suddenly, panic set in...........as she heard a click from the stall next to her. Meaning the cubicle door had been unlocked......... Without any time to think, Alice knew she had to act quickly. She grabbed her bag, swung the cubicle door open and ran, with her hands on her head to cover her face.... She bolted for the exit door trying to catch Lisa by surprise, who hadn't expected her to quickly run away. She managed to catch a glimpse of the running Alice from the side and back as she saw her dash for the door, with the girls hands trying to cover her face and her dark brunette coloured hair flying all over the place.... Alice quickly made herself disappear into the crowds, as the toilets were fortunately situated right by the college main entrance, and thankfully it was now home time, meaning what looked like half the college were either stood waiting for friends or headed home for the day.... Lisa charged out of the toilets hoping to get a better look at who the panty pisser was but felt disappointed to be met with nothing but crowds of students walking about.... The question is, did she, or did she not get a good enough look to know which college girl had just had a little pee pee accident?
  18. Chapter 1: This is a joke, right? Lisa was wandering around her house frantically, getting ready to leave for work. She couldn't find half of what she needed and was about to miss her bus. Finally finding the all-important house keys, she ran out the door, locking it behind her. She sighed in relief and ran down her driveway to find a small package by her mailbox. "That's odd," Lisa thought, "I haven't ordered anything recently." She deposited the package in her purse and hurried to the bus stop just in time to catch the 12, the only bus that stopped near her work. Once taking her seat on the near-empty bus, she pulled out the box and examined it. Only her address was written on it, so she had no way of knowing where it came from or if it was meant for her. She ripped off the tape to be welcomed by bubble wrap. "This is adorable!" Lisa thought as she unwrapped the rest of the package, she saw a cute bracelet with green marble-like rocks. After putting on the bracelet, Lisa spotted a note in the box. Unfolding it, she began to read it. "To whoever receives this bracelet, I am sorry, I just couldn't take it anymore. This thing has ruined my life. I don't know where it came from but received it one day. After a few days of wearing it, I discovered this thing can grant wishes when you say "I wish.." THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING! I swear it's like a monkey's paw. You won't notice it at first, but if you aren't careful, it'll ruin you over time. You can't take back a wish once it's been made. If you are smart, you won't use it! Good luck and good riddance. Please be smart." Lisa laughed; this had to be a joke, right? The bus screeched to a stop, reminding her why she had been on the bus in the first place. Luckily for her, her workplace was only 2 stops away, so it took no time on the bus, but walking would take forever. She climbed off, thanked the bus driver, and went to the small office building in front of her. It was 5 stories high, which was small compared to the skyscrapers in the nearby area. Unfortunately for Lisa, she works on the fifth floor where an advertising company is located. So when the elevator is down, which happens often, an annoying journey up the stairs is required. Not fun in heels. "Please let them be working, please let them be working, please!" She spoke to herself as she turned the corner to where the elevators were. "Closed due to Maintenance" hung on the doors. "Danmit! I wish the elevator would just work." Suddenly, the door behind her opened as the elevator repair man walked out. "Then you got good timing. I just finished up," He told her. "Wait, are you serious? You have it working again?" Lisa's voice carried a mix of disbelief and relief. The repairman nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yep, just finished up. Good timing on your part." A surge of gratitude washed over Lisa. "Wow, talk about luck. Thank you so much!" "Not a problem," he said, stepping aside to let her enter the elevator. "What floor are you headed to?" "The 5th," Lisa replied, stepping in and pressing the button. "Ah, perfect. You're all set then," he remarked, moving to remove the maintenance sign. Lisa couldn't help but grin. "You've just saved me from a trek up a gazillion stairs in these heels. You're a lifesaver." The repairman chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Glad I could be of service. Have a good one!" "You too! Thanks again," Lisa called as the doors slid shut, leaving her alone in the now-functioning elevator. Once on the 5th floor, Lisa rushed over to her desk; she was late enough as it was and didn't want to run into her manager or stop to chit-chat with a coworker and get busted. Setting her things down and taking her seat, Lisa sighed in relief. "Few, finally made it, and now what do I have going on today? Looks like I have a meeting in an hour in conference room 501." *Gurgle* "Shoot, I didn't have enough time to get breakfast. I wish I had something to eat this morning; otherwise, this will be a long day." *knock* *knocK* "Hey, Lisa. Do you have a minute?" Looking up from her Computer, Lisa saw her coworker Sarah. "Hey, Sarah! what's up?" "I noticed you were running a little behind today, and you look like you could use a pick me up. I have an extra breakfast burrito I made this morning. Would you like it? If you heat it up for like 30 seconds in the microwave, it comes out amazing!" "Oh my god, you are a lifesaver, Sarah! Thank you so much. I had a hectic night last night; I'll tell you more about it at lunch." "Rain check, I'm heading out early today; I've got a doctor's appointment I need to go to, maybe Monday after the weekend unless you want to meet sooner?" "I'll get back to you. I got to unbury myself; there's a ton of things I need to catch up on." Sarah's breakfast burrito was amazing and definitely hit the spot. Now being able to focus, Lisa spent her time before her meeting catching up on emails and direct messages and preparing for the meeting. The prep work paid off while in the meeting as she provided solid updates on the status of their latest project, but before returning to work, she had to stop by the bathroom for a pee break. Only to see that three other ladies were waiting for a stall to open up. "Can you believe how long these lines get during peak hours?" Lisa chuckled nervously, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah, tell me about it," replied Sarah, her voice sympathetic. "I swear, I practically live in this line some days." A middle-aged woman in line with them nodded in agreement. "You'd think they'd install more stalls or something with how crowded it gets." Lisa chuckled, feeling discomfort as another wave of urgency hit her. "Yeah, that would be nice. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to pee so often." Sarah chuckled. "Yeah, it's just one of those things we women have to deal with, right?" Lisa nodded, trying to ignore the increasing pressure in her bladder. "Yeah, I suppose so." As they continued to wait, Lisa's discomfort grew. She shifted from one foot to the other, trying to distract herself from the urge to pee. But the pressure was becoming unbearable. "Come on, come on," Lisa muttered, hoping desperately for a stall to open up soon. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, one of the stalls became available. Lisa practically dashed inside, grateful for the relief it offered. The discomfort from her full bladder now a distant memory. She resumes her work with renewed focus, navigating the rest of the day's tasks without significant hiccups. As evening approached, Lisa gathered her belongings, ready to return home on the bus during the peak transit hours. She joined the bustling crowd at the bus stop, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of dinner and relaxation after a long day at work. The bus arrived, and she could already see from the outside that it was pretty full. Upon getting inside, she saw her suspicion was correct: no seats left, and she'd have to stand. As Lisa stood in the crowded bus, she felt a sudden, urgent need to pee. Panic surged as she glanced down at her new pair of pants, desperately not wanting to ruin them. The pressure in her bladder was unbearable, and she knew she wouldn't be able to hold it much longer. Without thinking, she frantically whispered, "I wish I had some way to protect my pants." Instantly, she felt a strange sensation over her, followed by a wave of relief as she felt herself peeing. But to her shock, her pants remained completely dry. At the same time, her crotch started to feel warm. Lisa's eyes widened in disbelief as she was peeing herself. She glanced around nervously, hoping no one had noticed her moment of weakness. But as she looked at her fellow passengers, she saw that they were all engrossed in their conversations or staring blankly out the window, oblivious to her predicament. Feeling both relieved and bewildered, Lisa cautiously reached down to touch her pants, half-expecting to find them soaked despite the lack of any wet sensation. But to her amazement, they were completely dry, as if nothing had happened. However, she noticed that her underwear seemed like they swelled up, absorbing the pee, as she could still feel the warmth, and even a bit of weight was now weighing them down. "What the heck is protecting my pants?" Chapter 2: Is that a Pullup? As the bus rumbled along its route, Lisa's mind raced with confusion and disbelief. She glanced around, hoping no one would notice that she just peed herself. "What just happened?" she whispered, her heart pounding with embarrassment and bewilderment. She tried to calm her nerves with a deep breath, chalking it up to a bizarre fluke. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, or she was just overly stressed from the long day at work. But even as she tried to rationalize the inexplicable event, a nagging sense of unease lingered in the back of her mind. There was something undeniably strange about the way her pants remained dry despite it feeling like her bladder released its contents. Lost in her thoughts, Lisa almost missed her stop. With a jolt of realization, she made her way to the front of the bus, eager to escape the uncomfortable confines of the crowded vehicle. Stepping off the bus onto the sidewalk, Lisa took a moment to gather her thoughts. She knew she couldn't dwell on the strange occurrence forever; she had to focus on getting home and putting the bizarre incident behind her. As she walked the short distance to her apartment building, Lisa couldn't shake the feeling of the swollen underwear between her legs, making her worry that her peeing wasn't just in her head. Entering her apartment, Lisa tossed her purse onto her beanbag chair in her bedroom. The box and note were still in it, slightly spilling out of her bag as it landed. Feeling utterly drained both physically and emotionally, Lisa moved to her couch out in the living room and collapsed onto it. She needed time to process everything that had happened but knew she couldn't afford to dwell on it indefinitely. With a sigh, she pushed herself to her feet and went to the kitchen, her stomach grumbling in protest. Dinner seemed like a distant afterthought, but she knew she needed to eat something to replenish her energy after the long day. As she rummaged through the fridge, her eyes fell on a box of leftover pizza from the night before. With a shrug, she grabbed the container and popped a few slices into the microwave. As she waited for her meal to heat up, her thoughts drifted back to the strange bracelet on her wrist. It was adorable, but where did it come from? Was it okay to keep it? What was up with that weird note? *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* The microwave sounded, breaking her train of thought and bringing her back to her dinner. As Lisa sat down to eat her dinner, she couldn't shake the unease that had settled over her since the bizarre incident on the bus. The pizza tasted bland, the flavors muted by her racing thoughts. She kept glancing down at the bracelet on her wrist, its intricate design catching the light from the overhead lamp. With a heavy sigh, Lisa took her last bite, her appetite gone from the bland flavor. She felt she should address the weird feeling from on the bus but wasn't sure where to start; it was all too weird. The logical part of her brain screamed that it was all just in her head, a series of strange events with rational explanations. But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that something more was at play. After staring blankly at the wall for a few minutes, Lisa pushed herself up from the table and went to the bathroom to shower. The shower's hot water sounded inviting, a temporary escape from the chaos swirling around her mind. As she undressed, she couldn't help but glance down at her underwear. To her horror and confusion, she saw that her panties had been replaced by what looked like a girls' pull-up diaper. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, sending a shiver down her spine. "What the...?" Lisa muttered, her hands trembling as she touched the strange garment. It was soft to the touch. Panic threatened to overwhelm her as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. Confused, she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, the image of a grown woman wearing a diaper staring back at her. As Lisa stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection in disbelief, she tried to convince herself that it was all just a bizarre hallucination brought on by stress and exhaustion. "This can't be real," she muttered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. Shaking her head, she quickly stripped off the pull-up diaper, tossing it into the trash bin with disgust and disbelief. "I must be losing my mind," she whispered, her hands still trembling as she turned on the shower, desperate to wash away the day's strange events. The hot water cascaded over her body, providing some much-needed comfort and clarity amidst the chaos of her thoughts. As she scrubbed away the tension and confusion, she tried to push aside the nagging feeling that the diaper was real. Once she had finished her shower, Lisa wrapped herself in a towel and stepped out of the bathroom, determined to put the bizarre events behind her and get some much-needed rest. With each step, she tried to convince herself that it was all just a figment of her imagination, resulting from an overactive mind and a stressful day at work. She moved to her bedroom, where she retrieved a fresh pair of panties from her dresser drawer, determined to put the day's strange events behind her. Slipping into the comfortable cotton panties, Lisa couldn't shake the memory of the pull-up diaper she had found herself wearing earlier. It was all too surreal, too bizarre to be real. Yet, the soft fabric of the panties against her skin offered some semblance of normalcy, grounding her in the present moment. Oddly, they didn't feel like the pull-up she thought she saw herself wearing. Could it have really been a pull-up diaper? With a sigh, Lisa grabbed a cozy pair of pajamas from her closet, eager to relax and unwind after the tumultuous day she had endured. As she slipped into the soft fabric, she felt a slight sense of relief wash over her, the warmth of the pajamas soothing her frayed nerves. Tired from the day's events, Lisa opted to go to sleep and crawled into bed. She usually would stay up to watch some TV or read a good book, but with the stresses from work, the date she had last night, and the weirdness she experienced today, she figured getting sleep was the better option for tonight. Chapter 3: That was a Weird Dream On Saturday morning, Lisa awoke to the sunlight seeping through the curtains. She groaned softly as she stretched her limbs, feeling the warmth of the morning sun. She enjoyed the blissful ignorance of sleep for a moment, her mind still shielded from the previous day's events. But as she shifted in bed, her thoughts inevitably drifted back to the strange occurrences that had unfolded—a bizarre package, a mysterious bracelet, and the unsettling discovery of the pull-up she was wearing. "Must've been a weird dream," she mumbled to herself, her voice thick with sleep as she attempted to dismiss the surreal memories that lingered in the recesses of her mind. "There's no way any of that was real." Despite her attempts to convince herself of the absurdity of it all, a lingering sense of unease persisted within her consciousness. There was something undeniably tangible about the memories, a lingering presence that refused to be dismissed as mere figments of her imagination. Pushing aside her lingering doubts, Lisa swung her legs over the edge of the bed, preparing to face the day ahead. As she stretched, a sudden, intense pressure in her bladder jolted her from her thoughts, causing her to freeze mid-motion. "Uh-oh," she muttered under her breath, her heart sinking as the urgency of her need to pee washed over her. It was an overwhelming sensation, demanding her immediate attention and threatening to ruin her day before it started. Lisa scrambled out of bed, her movements quick and frantic as she stumbled towards the bathroom. The painful discomfort with each step reminded her of the urgency to relieve herself. As Lisa reached the bathroom door, her sense of urgency intensified, each step feeling heavier as if trudging through mud. The pressure in her bladder seemed to swell with each passing second, a relentless reminder of her body's urgent demand. Finally reaching the bathroom, Lisa's hand trembled as she reached for the doorknob, her heart pounding. With a shaky breath, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, her eyes darting to the familiar sight of the toilet. But before she could register her next move, a sudden wave of warmth flooded her. Panic seized her as she realized what was happening, her hands fumbling with the waistband of her pajama pants in a frantic attempt to undo them. But a strange sensation overcame her before she could even step closer to the toilet. A soft rustling sound filled the air, accompanied by a strange sensation against her skin. Lisa's eyes widened in shock as she looked down, expecting to see her pants darkening with the telltale signs of her accident. But to her bewilderment, her pants remained dry, untouched by the inevitable release of her bladder. Instead, a faint crinkling sound reached her ears, followed by the sensation of something expanding against her skin. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Lisa realized what was happening. Her heart raced as she looked down, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before her. A pull-up diaper, once again, was in the place of her panties, soaked with the evidence of her accident. Lisa's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the surreal scene before her, unable to comprehend how such a thing could happen. This still had to be a dream, right? There's no way this would be possible. But it felt real. There she was, seeing herself in the mirror again, in a soaked pull-up diaper for little girls. Looking around, she could tell she was still in her apartment; things weren't different, and then it caught her eye. Her purse was sitting on the beanbag chair in her room, with a small box and a note sticking out. The reality of the situation sank in, and a sense of dread washed over her. This was no dream, no figment of her imagination. It was all too real; Lisa quickly slid back up her pants and ran over to the note to reread it and see if she missed any information. Lisa frantically sifted through the box's contents, her hands trembling with anxiety and disbelief. She felt frustration wash over her. The absence of clues regarding the mysterious bracelet's origin only increased her bewilderment. She scanned the note again, her eyes darting over the hastily scrawled words in search of any hidden meaning or clue that might shed light on her predicament. But the message remained cryptic, offering no further insight into the true nature of the bracelet or its origins. A sense of helplessness washed over Lisa as she realized nothing could explain what was happening. She then attempted to remove the bracelet from her wrist, but her efforts proved futile, the band clinging stubbornly to her skin as if fused in place by some unseen force. Panic surged through her veins as she tugged at the bracelet with increasing desperation, her mind racing with a million unanswered questions. Suddenly, her phone started to ring, breaking her thoughts and frustration at the bracelet. She fumbled for her phone, her heart pounding with fear and apprehension. The caller ID revealed Sarah's name. With a shaky breath, she answered the call, her voice a little cracked from her worries and just recently waking up. "Hello?" she ventured tentatively, followed by her clearing her throat as she realized how raspy she first sounded. "Hey, Lisa, are you okay?" Sarah's voice sounded concerned, her words tinged with worry as she sensed the tension in Lisa's voice. Lisa hesitated momentarily, grappling with the overwhelming urge to confide in Sarah, to unburden herself of the weight of her newfound reality. But the fear of sounding insane, of being dismissed as delusional, held her back. "I... I'm fine," she replied hesitantly, her words tinged with uncertainty as she struggled to mask the turmoil within her. "Just... woke up a minute ago. What's up?" "I just wanted to check in on you," she said softly, her words laced with sincerity. "You seemed a little off yesterday, and I wanted to ensure everything's okay. Maybe meet up for coffee and talk about Thursday night?" "Oh, that's right! I didn't get to tell you yet, did I?" she replied, her voice becoming energized with the distraction and the prospect of sharing the spicy details of her date on Thursday. "That sounds great," Lisa said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips despite the lingering unease gnawing at her. "Coffee sounds like just what I need right now." Sarah's relieved sigh was audible through the phone. "I'm glad to hear that. How about we meet up at Brew Haven around noon? That should give us plenty of time to catch up." "Sounds perfect," Lisa replied, her voice steadier now as she focused on the prospect of spending time with her friend. "I'll see you there." Lisa's mind raced with a million conflicting thoughts and emotions as they confirmed the details. On one hand, she was grateful for the distraction and the chance to talk with Sarah about her recent date. But on the other hand, she couldn't imagine having another accident while hanging out with her friend. Chapter 4: New Panties Please As Lisa stood in the bathroom stall, her mind reeling from the surreal experience, she couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary was happening. The evidence was right in front of her—the pull-up diaper now snugly wrapped around her hips, soaked with her latest accident. With trembling hands, Lisa reached down to touch the smooth fabric of the pull-up, her fingers tracing the contours of the unfamiliar material. It was a surreal sensation, the reality of the situation sinking in with each passing moment. "I... I can't believe this is happening," she murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to face the bizarre turn of events. "This... this can't be real." But as she looked down at the pull-up, its soft padding offering a strange comfort in her confusion, Lisa knew she could no longer deny the truth. Something extraordinary was at play. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Lisa forced herself to focus on the task at hand. She couldn't afford to dwell on the surreal nature of her situation, not when there were other people waiting outside for the stall. Gathering her courage, Lisa quickly checked her pants for any signs of the pull-up underneath. To her relief, there was no telltale bulge or outline that would give away her secret. It was as if the pull-up had seamlessly blended into her clothing, leaving no trace of its presence. With a silent prayer of gratitude, Lisa straightened her posture and composed herself before finally flushing the toilet to avoid suspicion and unlocking the stall door. Stepping out into the bathroom, she offered a quick apology to the other ladies waiting outside, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at her earlier rudeness. "Sorry about that," she muttered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she met their gaze with a sheepish smile. "I didn't mean to cut in front of you like that." The other women offered polite nods in response, their expressions a mixture of annoyance and understanding. "No worries, honey," one of them said, her tone gentle and reassuring. "We've all been there before." With a sense of relief, Lisa hurriedly washed her hands, eager to put some distance between herself and the awkward encounter. As she exited the bathroom, Lisa's mind raced with questions, her thoughts consumed by the inexplicable magic that seemed to be at play. How was it possible that her panties had transformed into a pull-up, seemingly of their own accord? And what did it mean for her future if such bizarre occurrences continued to unfold? As she walked, Lisa couldn't shake the uncomfortable sensation of the wet pull-up against her skin, a constant reminder of her life's surreal turn. Feeling increasingly frustrated and disgusted by the situation, Lisa couldn't help but resent the childish garment clinging to her hips. It was a humiliating symbol of the inexplicable magic that seemed to have taken hold of her life. With a deepening scowl, Lisa finally reached her desk and sank into her chair, the wet pull-up squelching beneath her with an unpleasant squish. Grimacing, she shifted uncomfortably, trying in vain to find a position that would alleviate the discomfort. But as she fidgeted in her seat, her mind raced with a single thought: she needed to figure out what was causing these bizarre occurrences. With its cryptic note and mysterious powers, the bracelet seemed to be the only explanation. With trembling hands, Lisa reached down to her wrist, fingers fumbling over the smooth surface of the bracelet. She tried to slide it off, but it refused to budge as if fused to her skin. Panic rising within her, she attempted to cut it off with scissors from her desk drawer, but the metal remained unscathed as if mocking her futile efforts. Frustration boiled within her, mingling with a sense of helplessness. She was trapped, bound to this cursed bracelet with no means of escape. Each wish only seemed to entangle her further in its magic web, leaving her more powerless than ever. Desperate for answers, Lisa began to make wish after wish, each more fervent than the last. She wished for the bracelet to be removed, for knowledge about its origins, for it to disappear entirely, for it to stop meddling with her life. But with each wish, nothing changed. The bracelet remained firmly in place, keeping her captive until satisfied. Defeated, Lisa slumped back in her chair, tears of frustration pricking at the corners of her eyes, threatening to overwhelm her with the magnitude of the situation she found herself in. How had a simple bracelet turned her life upside down in such a short amount of time? As she leaned back, on the edge of tears, "I wish I at least had a new pair of panties," she muttered under her breath, more as a desperate plea than a genuine belief in its fulfillment. With tears threatening to spill from her eyes, Lisa's whispered wish hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of her desperation for a reprieve from the chaos. As Lisa attempted to gather her composure and focus on her work, she reached into her purse for her earbuds, hoping that immersing herself in music would offer a temporary escape from the chaos swirling around her. With trembling fingers, she fumbled through her bag until her fingertips brushed against something unexpected. Pulling out her hand, Lisa's eyes widened in surprise as she stared at the object now nestled in her palm—a pristine pair of panties, neatly folded and seemingly untouched by the events of the day. She blinked in disbelief, unable to comprehend how they had appeared in her purse as if materializing out of thin air. For a moment, Lisa questioned her sanity, her mind reeling from the inexplicable sight before her. But as she reached out to touch the fabric, her fingers tracing the delicate lace trim, she couldn't deny the reality of the situation. Somehow, her wish had been granted again, this time in a manner that defied all logic and reason. As Lisa looked around the bustling office, her heart pounding with apprehension, she couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that someone must have seen her moment of desperation, running to the bathroom. Thinking she might have leaked and needed a new pair. But as she scanned the room, her gaze darting from one face to another, she found no trace of recognition or curiosity in the eyes of her coworkers; hell, no one was even glancing her way. Breathing a sigh of relief, Lisa focused on getting changed and cleaned up. Grabbing her purse, she stood up and headed towards the bathroom, knowing she needed a way to conceal the pull-up for safe disposal. She is glad to at least have a change of underwear, her mind racing with a million questions and fears. What if they think she can't control her bladder? What if she couldn't? The thought made her skin crawl with unease, a cold shiver running down her spine as she pushed open the door to the restroom. Inside, the familiar hum of running water and whispered conversations greeted her, a comforting backdrop to the chaos swirling within her mind. With practiced ease, Lisa made her way to the nearest stall; thankfully, the line had subsided, her movements brisk and efficient as she locked the door behind her and quickly shed her soiled garment. A sense of relief washed over her as she peeled off the wet pull-up. A chill ran up her body as the cool air of the restroom offered a welcome reprieve from the suffocating discomfort of the past hour. With trembling hands, Lisa hastily donned the fresh pair of panties, her fingers fumbling with the delicate lace trim as she struggled to compose herself. But as she finished dressing and prepared to leave the stall, a sudden wave of panic washed over her, the fear of discovery gripping her heart with icy fingers. What if someone saw her leaving the stall with the pull-up in her purse? The thought made her stomach churn with dread, her mind racing with a million worst-case scenarios. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Lisa closed her purse after burying the pull-up as far down as she could. With a determined stride, she unlocked the stall door and stepped out into the restroom, her gaze sweeping the room for any sign of prying eyes. To her relief, the restroom was empty, the only sound the distant chatter from the hallway outside. With a sigh of relief, Lisa made her way to the nearest trash bin, her movements quick as she dug out the pull-up and disposed of it. But as she left the restroom, her heart skipped a beat as she collided with a familiar figure standing right outside, her eyes widening in surprise as she found herself face to face with Sarah. "Hey, Lisa!" Sarah exclaimed, her tone bright and cheerful as she offered her friend a warm smile. "Fancy running into you here. Everything okay?" For a moment, Lisa felt a surge of panic coursing through her veins, the fear of discovery threatening to overwhelm her. But with a forced smile and a casual shrug, she brushed off Sarah's concern with practiced ease, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Yeah, everything's fine," Lisa replied, her tone light and nonchalant as she sidestepped Sarah's probing gaze. "Just needed a quick break, you know how it is." Sarah nodded understandingly, her expression sympathetic as she reached out to squeeze Lisa's shoulder in a gesture of support. "Of course, I get it," she said, her tone gentle and reassuring. "Well, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me. I'm always here for you." "Thanks," Lisa said, her voice tinged with warmth as she met her friend's gaze. "I really appreciate it. There's been a lot going on lately that I'm honestly still working through. I could use a coffee date if you're up for it tomorrow?" "Absolutely! Text me over the details later; I'm open all day." With a final nod of gratitude, Lisa turned and headed back to her desk, her mind still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions and revelations that had unfolded throughout the day. As she settled into her chair, she couldn't shake the lingering sense of impossibility. Glancing at the clock, Lisa realized she still had a few hours left in the workday. With a determined sigh, she forced herself to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside her worries and distractions as she delved into her work with renewed determination. As the hours ticked by and the end of the workday drew near, Lisa's curiosity got the better of her. With a hesitant glance around the office to ensure no one was watching, she reached down to her wrist and touched the smooth surface of the bracelet, her fingers tracing its intricate patterns with a sense of trepidation. Summoning her courage, Lisa closed her eyes and made a wish, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke the words that would set the wheels of fate in motion. "I wish I didn't have to ride the bus," she murmured, her heart pounding as she awaited the inevitable response. To her surprise, the answer came swiftly and unexpectedly as a ringing phone. Startled, Lisa reached for her cell phone, her pulse quickening with anticipation as she answered the call. "Hello?" she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she held the phone to her ear. "Hey, sweetie, it's Mom," came the familiar voice on the other end of the line, warm and reassuring. "I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing." Disappointment flooded through Lisa at the sound of her mother's voice. It was great to hear from her, but she was hoping for a call about winning a car or something. Either way, her mom's call was a comforting reminder of the love and support that surrounded her. With a grateful smile, she leaned back in her chair, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders as she settled into the conversation with her mom. As they spoke, Lisa's mother mentioned that she was in the area and offered to give Lisa a ride home from work, sparing her the usual ordeal of navigating the crowded bus and rush-hour traffic. Grateful for the unexpected gesture, Lisa readily accepted, her heart swelling with gratitude for her mother's kindness. As she hung up the phone, she couldn't help but wonder, did her wish come true? At least she didn't have to ride the bus today, but was it just a coincidence? Meeting her mom in the office lobby, Lisa couldn't help but notice the weary lines that creased her mother's face, the sadness that lingered in her eyes. Sensing that something was amiss, Lisa hesitated momentarily before approaching the subject with her mother, her voice hesitant as she spoke. "Mom, is everything okay?" she asked, her tone filled with concern as she searched her mother's face for any sign of distress. Her mother hesitated momentarily, her gaze drifting away as if lost in thought. But then, with a heavy sigh, she finally spoke, her voice tinged with sadness and resignation, as her eyes began to tear up. "No, sweetheart, everything's not okay," she admitted, her words weighted with emotion. "Your father and I... we're having some problems. I... I left him this morning. Nothing's final, but I'm frustrated." Lisa's heart sank at her mother's words, a wave of sadness washing over her as she realized the depth of her parents' troubles. She reached out to her mother, offering a comforting hug as tears welled up in her own eyes. "I'm so sorry, Mom," Lisa whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I had no idea things had gotten this bad. You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to, but know that I'm here for you, no matter what." Her mother returned the embrace, holding onto Lisa seeking solace in her daughter's arms. "Thank you, sweetheart," she murmured, her voice muffled against Lisa's shoulder. "I just need some time to figure things out. But it means the world to me to know that you're here for me." As Lisa and her mom walked out of the office building towards her mom's car, Lisa couldn't help but notice the trunk of her car was packed full of her belongings. Concern etched lines on Lisa's forehead as she glanced at her mom. "Mom, where are you staying?" Lisa asked gently, her voice filled with worry. Her mother sighed, a mixture of exhaustion and uncertainty clouding her expression. "I... I don't know yet," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "I just needed to get away for a while, figure things out." Lisa's heart ached for her mother, the weight of their shared troubles pressing down on her shoulders. Without hesitation, she squeezed her mom's hand, offering a silent gesture of support. "You can stay with me," Lisa blurted out before she could second-guess herself. "I mean, if you want to. My apartment isn't big, but we'll make it work." Tears welled up in her mother's eyes, gratitude shining bright amidst the uncertainty. "Oh, sweetheart, thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I would do without you." As they reached Lisa's car, her mother hesitated before turning to her with a hopeful smile. "And if you ever need a ride somewhere, just let me know. I'll be there for you." As Lisa's mom's words hung in the air, Lisa felt her heart skip a beat, her mind racing with a sudden, chilling realization. Could it be possible that her wish had inadvertently affected her mother's behavior? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, the weight of guilt settling heavily upon her shoulders. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Lisa replayed the events of the last two days in her mind, searching for any connection between her wishes and the events that had unfolded. It was too much of a coincidence to ignore—the timing, the circumstances, everything seemed to point to her. As her mother climbed into the driver's seat and started the car, Lisa's thoughts whirled with uncertainty and fear. What had she done? What if her wishes continued to impact the lives of those around her, causing unintended consequences and chaos? Chapter 5: Motherly Advice As Lisa and her mom drove back to Lisa's apartment, the silence between them was intense, the air thick to the point where you could cut it with a butter knife if you wanted to. Unspoken words and unresolved emotions lingering in the air. Lisa stared out the window, lost in thought, her mind still reeling from the realization that her wishes might be affecting those around her. Her mom glanced over at Lisa, concern etched on her face. "You've been quiet, sweetheart. Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice gentle. Lisa blinked, gazing away at the passing scenery to meet her mother's worried eyes. "Yeah, Mom, everything's fine," she replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Her mother studied her for a moment as if trying to decipher the truth hidden behind Lisa's facade, but ultimately, she sighed and returned her attention to the road. "Alright, sweetheart, if you say so," she said, her tone tinged with disappointment. Lisa's heart twisted with guilt at the hurt evident in her mother's voice, but she couldn't bring herself to confide in her just yet. Not when she didn't fully understand the extent of the situation herself. As they pulled into the parking lot of Lisa's apartment building, Lisa felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She glanced over at her mother, her heart heavy with the burden of her secret. How could she explain what was happening without sounding crazy? "Thanks for the ride, Mom," Lisa said softly as they stepped out of the car, her eyes avoiding her mother's concerned gaze. Her mother frowned, sensing Lisa's unease. "Are you sure everything's alright, Lisa?" she asked, reaching for her daughter's hand. Lisa forced a reassuring smile, the weight of her guilt threatening to crush her. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just a lot on my mind lately, you know?" she replied, her voice tight with emotion. Her mother's expression softened with understanding, but Lisa could see the worry lingering in her eyes. "Well, if you ever need to talk about anything, you know I'm here for you, right?" her mother said, her voice filled with love and concern. Lisa nodded, her throat tight with unshed tears. "Thanks. I appreciate it," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. As they made their way to Lisa's apartment, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. How could she fix the situation with her parents? Would a wish fix it? The thought of her mother being affected by her wishes filled Lisa with a sickening dread. Once inside her apartment, Lisa helped her mother carry in a few bags of clothes, among other things, her movements distracted as she tried to push aside her mounting anxiety. But as they set the bags down in the living room, a sudden urge gripped Lisa "Shit..." she cursed under her breath as she stumbled backward, nearly dropping the bags she was holding. Her mother's eyes widened in alarm, concern etched on her face. "Lisa, what happened? Are you okay?" she asked, rushing to her daughter's side, concern etched on her face, Lisa forced a tight-lipped smile, her mind racing with panic. "I-I'm fine, just need to use the bathroom," she stammered, her voice strained with the effort of holding back her urgency. Without waiting for a response, Lisa hastily set down the bags and bolted towards the bathroom, her hand pressed tightly between her legs as she fought to maintain control. Her mother's worried gaze followed her daughter's frantic movements, her heart twisting with concern at the sight of Lisa's obvious distress. As Lisa reached the bathroom door, her bladder screamed for release, a hot wave of pressure coursing through her body. With a shaky exhale of relief, Lisa pushed open the door and stumbled into the bathroom, her legs shaking with the effort of holding back her impending accident. Her mother hovered anxiously in the hallway, her eyes wide with concern as she watched her daughter's desperate dash to the toilet. With a frantic whimper, Lisa reached the toilet just in time, her body trembling with the effort of holding back her desperate need to pee. With a shuddering sigh of relief, she collapsed onto the seat, her bladder releasing a torrent of pent-up pressure. Hisssssss..... Outside the bathroom, Lisa's mother stood frozen in place, her heart heavy with worry as she listened to the sound of her daughter's desperate relief. There were no signs she had to pee that bad. Did she even know she had to go that bad? Her mom thought, worried about the health and well-being of her daughter. As Lisa sat on the toilet, her mind raced with a whirlwind of confusion and fear. What was happening to her? Why did she keep experiencing these sudden urges to pee? It felt like her body was betraying her at the worst possible time, given the weird magic with the pull-ups appearing when she pees herself. After a few moments, Lisa managed to compose herself enough to stand up and flush the toilet. She washed her hands, her mind still reeling from the recent events. When she opened the bathroom door, her mother was waiting outside, her expression a mix of concern and confusion. "Are you... okay? That was quite a close call," her mother said, her voice gentle yet probing. Lisa tried to brush off her mother's concern, a faint blush tinting her cheeks with embarrassment. "Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I just got caught up in bringing the stuff in and didn't realize how bad I needed to go," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. Her mother, however, wasn't buying it. "Honey, that was more than just getting distracted. Are you sure everything is okay?" she asked, her tone gentle but firm. Lisa shifted uncomfortably, her mind racing for a plausible explanation. "It's nothing, Mom, really. Just a one-off thing," she insisted, avoiding her mother's probing gaze. Her mother sighed, placing a comforting hand on Lisa's shoulder. "Sweetheart, this isn't the first time something like this has happened, is it?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. Lisa's cheeks burned with shame as she shook her head, unable to meet her mother's gaze. "No, it's not," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Lisa's mother's brow furrowed with worry. "That isn't normal, honey. How long has this been happening?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. Lisa hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. "It's been... a couple of days," she admitted, her voice barely audible. Her mother's eyes widened in alarm. "A couple of days!? We need to get you to a doctor," she exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency. Lisa's heart sank at the thought of having to explain everything to a doctor. "I-I don't think it's necessary, Mom. It's probably just stress or something," she stammered, her voice tinged with desperation; how could she possibly admit to having a toddler's bladder issue as an adult to another person? Her mother shook her head, her expression firm. "No, Lisa, this could be something serious. We need to get you checked out," she insisted, her tone leaving no room for argument. With a heavy sigh, she nodded, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Okay, Mom. I'll go to the walk-in later," she promised, her voice barely above a whisper. Her mother's expression softened, her worry evident in her eyes. "Okay, just promise me you'll take care of yourself, alright?" she said, reassuringly squeezing Lisa's shoulder. Lisa forced a smile, grateful for her mother's understanding. "I will, I promise," she said, her voice steadier now. With a nod, her mother released Lisa's shoulder and turned towards the door. "Alright, well, let's get the rest of these bags in, shall we?" she said, her tone lightening as she tried to change the subject. Lisa nodded, relieved by the change in topic. "Yeah, sounds good. And hey, how about we order takeout for dinner tonight? My treat," she suggested, hoping to distract her mother from pressing the issue further. Her mother smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "That sounds wonderful, sweetheart. I could go for some Chinese food. What do you think?" she asked, her enthusiasm contagious. Lisa grinned, grateful for her mother's easy acceptance. "Chinese it is, then. I'll go grab the menus, and we can decide what to get," she said, heading towards the kitchen. As they settled on their dinner choices, the tension that had filled the apartment dissipated, replaced by a sense of normalcy that was comforting to both. They spent the evening enjoying their meal and catching up on each other's lives, the earlier events pushed to the back of their minds, at least for the time being. As the night wore on, Lisa and her mother finished their dinner and settled into a comfortable routine to end the night. They chatted about mundane things, and eventually, it was time for bed. "Goodnight, Mom," Lisa said, warmly hugging her mother. "Thanks for the ride today." "Goodnight, sweetheart," her mother replied, returning the hug. "Any time, honey, consider me your personal driver for now. haha!" Her mother laughed jokingly. With a concerned smirk, Lisa watched as her mother went to the couch, where she would sleep for the night. Once her mother was settled, Lisa headed to her own bedroom, feeling mixed emotions. Was my wish the cause of my mom's separation? On her way to her bedroom, Lisa passed by the bathroom and decided she should head there first, hoping to relieve herself before bed, even though she didn't feel the need to go. Luckily, to her surprise, she ended up peeing a ton from all of the fluids she had since having dinner. "Thank GOD! I better not need to pee so badly in the morning." Relieved, Lisa got up and headed to bed, the day's events weighing heavily on her. She lay awake for hours, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of everything that had happened. Eventually, exhaustion overtook her, and she drifted to sleep. Chapter 6: Nosy Mother With a groan, Lisa slowly blinked her eyes open, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite her troubled dreams. She stretched languidly, relishing the warmth of her bed for a few moments before reality came crashing back. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, preparing to start her day, a sudden, urgent pressure gripped her bladder, causing her to freeze mid-stretch. Frustration and confusion warred within her as she realized she had just gone to the bathroom before bed and shouldn't be feeling such a strong urge to pee so soon. "Damnit," She cursed under her breath; she quickly scrambled to her feet, her muscles protesting the abrupt movement. She hurried out of her bedroom, intent on reaching the bathroom before it was too late. As she rushed down the hallway, the noise of her footsteps echoing in the early morning silence, she inadvertently woke her mother, who had been sleeping on the couch. Her mother stirred, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she sat up, concern etching lines of worry on her face. She watched Lisa disappear into the bathroom, her heart heavy with unspoken questions. She knew something was wrong, but she also knew that Lisa wasn't ready to talk about it yet. As Lisa closed the bathroom door behind her, she let out a frustrated sigh, her mind racing with confusion and fear. What was happening to her? Why did she keep experiencing these sudden, uncontrollable urges to pee? Lisa's heart pounded in her chest as she ran towards the toilet, her hand shaky for her worry of wetting herself again. With a desperate attempt, she grabbed the toilet seat to lift its lid, only for her worst fears to be realized. Hiissssss The pressure in her bladder had reached its breaking point, and before she could even get the seat up, she felt her body betray her, releasing a torrent of urine. Shame washed over her as she stood there, helplessly wetting herself, a pull-up miraculously appearing, absorbing the mess, leaving her pajama pants dry. With a defeated gasp, Lisa collapsed onto the tiled bathroom floor, feeling the soaked pull-up under her butt, bulky from absorbing all of her pee. There she sat next to the toilet, tears welling up in her eyes as frustration and embarrassment overwhelmed her. She hugged her knees to her chest, feeling utterly defeated by her body's betrayal yet again. The cool tiles starkly contrasted the warmth and wetness between her legs. Tears running down her cheeks as she realized the extent of her predicament. She was a grown woman, yet here she was, wearing a wet pull-up like a toddler. "Why does this keep happening to me?" she cried, her voice trembling. "It's not fair!" The sound of her voice echoed in the small bathroom, mixing with the soft hum of the ventilation fan overhead. When Lisa's mom heard her daughter cry out from the bathroom, she got up to check on her. "I'm too old for this," Lisa muttered bitterly, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "I shouldn't have to wear these stupid pull-ups like a child." Her mother knocked softly on the door, concern evident in her voice. "Lisa, dear, are you okay? Can I come in?" Lisa wiped her tears and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I'm fine, Mom. Just... just give me a minute, okay?" She heard her mother's footsteps recede down the hallway, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She knew she couldn't keep hiding this from her mother, but she also didn't know how to explain what was happening to her. Lisa pushed herself up from the floor, her legs feeling weak and unsteady. She stumbled slightly, caught off guard by the weight of the sodden pull-up between her legs. With a shaky breath, she reached down and removed her pajama pants, revealing the bulky garment. Tears continued to flow from her eyes as she stripped off the pull-up, the cold air of the bathroom meeting her damp skin. She balled it up, a sense of shame washing over her as she tossed it into the trash can with a soft thud echoing in the small bathroom. Lisa quickly pulled her pajama pants back on, the fabric feeling soft and clingy against her skin. She hurried back to her room, her mind racing about how to handle the situation. She searched her dresser for a clean change of clothes and realized she needed to get laundry done; she only had two pairs of clean underwear left. Grabbing one of them, she rushed back out of her room towards the bathroom to shower and remove the smell of pee before speaking with her mom next. However, she was too late; as she approached the bathroom door, she was stunned to see it was already closed and locked from her mother going in there while she grabbed her clothes. *** Lisa's mom, Carol, stood outside the closed bathroom door. Concern for her daughter mingled with a growing sense of unease as she tried to make sense of the situation. She had heard Lisa's cries, and her instinct as a mother told her that something was seriously wrong. "I'm too old for this," she heard Lisa mutter. "I shouldn't have to wear these stupid pull-ups like a child." Carol hesitated, her hand hovering over the doorknob as she tried to process Lisa's words. Pull-ups? Why would Lisa be talking about wearing pull-ups? The confusion only added to Carol's growing concern, as she gently knocked on the door. "Lisa, dear, are you okay? Can I come in?" Carol called through the door, her voice laced with worry. There was a moment of silence before Lisa responded, her voice strained. "I'm fine, Mom, Just... just give me a minute, okay?" Carol hesitated, torn between respecting her daughter's privacy and wanting to comfort her. Ultimately, she decided to give Lisa the space she needed and stepped back from the door. As she waited outside the bathroom, Carol's mind raced with questions. What does she mean she is too old for this? Too old for what? Was she really wearing a pull-up? Before Carol could dwell on these thoughts any longer, she heard the sound of the bathroom door unlocking, followed by the soft click of its opening. Lisa stood in the doorway, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy from crying. Carol's heart broke at the sight of her daughter's anguish, and she longed to wrap her in a comforting embrace. But before Carol could say anything, Lisa rushed off to her room. Carol watched her daughter retreat down the hallway, a sense of helplessness washing over her. She knew she couldn't force Lisa to talk if she wasn't ready, but that didn't make it any easier to stand idly by while her daughter suffered. With a heavy sigh, Carol stepped into the bathroom, locking it behind her. Her eyes scanned the room for any sign of what had caused Lisa's distress. The air was thick with the scent of urine, and Carol wrinkled her nose in distaste as she made her way further into the room. Her gaze landed on the trash can near the sink, and her heart skipped a beat as she noticed the crumpled pull-up lying discarded inside. Carol's breath caught in her throat as she reached for the pull-up, her fingers trembling with disbelief. She lifted the pull-up from the trash can, her eyes widening in shock as she took in its sodden state. Clearly, this wasn't just a one-time accident; there were already two in the can. Lisa must have been wearing pull-ups for some time now. Why didn't she tell her mother? Have they grown more distant than she thought? Carol searched the bathroom, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind reeling with questions. She opened cabinets and drawers, looking for any sign of the package of pull-ups Lisa was using. But to her confusion, she found nothing. As Carol stood in the bathroom, her mind reeling with unanswered questions, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease settling in her stomach. She glanced around the room, her eyes scanning every corner in search of some clue that might shed light on the situation. But the bathroom offered no answers, only the lingering scent of urine. Her heart heavy with concern, Carol carefully placed the pull-up back into the trash can, her thoughts consumed by worry for her daughter. Lisa had always been independent and resilient, but seeing her distressed was tearing at Carol's maternal instincts. With a heavy sigh, Carol turned to leave the bathroom, her mind still racing about how to approach Lisa about what she had discovered. But before she could take a step, a sudden knock at the door startled her, causing her to jump in surprise. "Mom, are you almost done in there?" Lisa's voice came from the other side of the door, tinged with impatience. "I really need to take a shower." Carol's heart sank at the sound of Lisa's voice, the defeated tone in her voice only added to Carol's growing sense of worry. She had been so preoccupied with her thoughts that she hadn't even considered how her actions might affect Lisa. Now, feeling guilty for being the cause of slowing down Lisa's efforts to clean herself up from her accident this morning. "Sorry, sweetie, I'll be out in just a minute," Carol replied, her voice strained with emotion. She quickly moved to the toilet, her need to pee still present. As Carol relieved herself, her mind raced with thoughts of how to handle the situation with Lisa. She knew she needed to talk to her daughter about what she had discovered, but she also didn't want to invade Lisa's privacy or make her feel ashamed. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Carol finished her business and flushed the toilet, her thoughts still in turmoil as she washed her hands. She took a deep breath, trying to steel herself for the difficult conversation ahead, before finally opening the door and stepping out into the hallway. Lisa was waiting just outside the bathroom, her expression a mix of frustration and embarrassment as she watched her mother emerge. Carol's heart ached at seeing her daughter's troubled face, and she longed to wrap her in a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry for taking so long, sweetie," Carol said softly, gently touching Lisa's arm. "I didn't mean to keep you waiting." Lisa forced a small smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "It's okay, Mom. I just really need to take a shower." Carol nodded understandingly, stepping aside to let Lisa pass. As her daughter disappeared into the bathroom, Carol couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at her conscience. She knew she couldn't avoid the conversation they needed to have, but she also didn't want to make things any harder for Lisa than they already were. Unsatisfied with the answers she had found so far, Carol turned to Lisa's room. As Carol entered Lisa's room, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She felt conflicted; she didn't want to invade her daughter's privacy, but she knew she needed to find some answers. With a heavy heart, she began to search the room, careful not to disturb anything from where it was. Her eyes scanned every corner in search of some clue that might shed light on the situation. As she opened drawers and checked closets, Carol's heart sank further. There was no sign of the package of pull-ups Lisa had been using, and only one pair of clean underwear was left in her daughter's drawer. Carol felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she concluded that Lisa must have been struggling with her bladder for a while now. With a sigh, Carol closed the drawer and turned to leave the room, her mind still racing with unanswered questions. She knew she needed to talk to Lisa about what was happening, but she also didn't want to make things any harder for her daughter than they already were. She just wanted to reassure her that it was alright and that she would be there for her. *** As Lisa stepped into the bathroom, a knot of anxiety twisted in her stomach. She couldn't shake the worry that her mother had seen the pull-ups in the trash. The thought made her heart race with panic, but she quickly pushed it aside, telling herself she was overthinking things. With trembling hands, Lisa quickly stripped off her pajamas and stepped into the warm embrace of the shower. The hot water cascaded over her body, washing away the physical evidence of her embarrassment. As she stood under the spray, lost in her thoughts, Lisa's phone buzzed on the bathroom counter, startling her out of her thoughts. Confused, she reached for it, her fingers struggling to unlock the screen from the shower's steam. A text from Craig flashed across the display, and Lisa's heart skipped a beat at the sight of his name. Despite everything that had happened, his message brought a small glimmer of comfort to her troubled mind. "Hey, babe. Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. I know work has been crazy lately, but I'm here for you, okay? Let me know if you need anything. Love you ❤️" Tears pricked at the corners of Lisa's eyes as she read Craig's words. Despite the chaos around her, his unwavering support was a beacon of hope in the darkness. With a watery smile, Lisa quickly typed a reply, her thumbs flying across the screen. "Thanks, Craig. I really appreciate it. I've just been really busy lately and barely hit my deadline on Friday. But knowing you're there for me means the world. Love you too ❤️" As she hit send, a sense of relief washed over her. No matter the challenges, she knew she had people around her who cared about her. Craig, Sarah, and Mom would all be there for her. Even with that reassurance, Lisa felt a small pit in her stomach as she thought about what had happened with her mom and dad. Even if they are there for her now, what happens if she makes a foolish wish that ruins their life? Could she live with herself if that were to happen? Lisa pushed off her worries for now. She finished drying off, getting dressed in a checkered black and white skirt, a pair of nylons, and a white blouse with a jacket over the top. As she dressed, she couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety about meeting Sarah and revealing the truth about the magic bracelet. But she knew she needed to confide in her friend; she couldn't keep this secret to herself. Sarah was the perfect person to confide in. Sarah had always been a good listener and had a knack for offering practical advice. With a deep breath, Lisa grabbed her phone and sent Sarah a text message asking her to meet at a local coffee shop. She hoped that Sarah would be able to help her navigate the chaos that had become her life ever since she had received the bracelet. As Lisa exited the bathroom, her heart raced with the fear of encountering her mother, her mind still reeling from the morning's events. She clutched the trash can tightly, determined to dispose of the evidence of her accidents before her mom could find them. She didn't want anything else to complicate her already chaotic situation. However, as she made her way down the hallway, trying to keep her footsteps as quiet as possible, Lisa froze in her tracks as she heard her mother's voice from the living room. "Lisa, honey, wait." Carol's gentle tone sent a shiver down Lisa's spine, and she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She couldn't face her mother right now, not with the shame of her secret weighing heavily in her hand in the trash can. But before Lisa could retreat outside to dispose of the evidence, Carol appeared in the hallway, her expression a mix of concern and confusion as she approached her daughter. "Sweetie, are you okay?" Carol asked, her voice soft and gentle. "I saw you rush into the bathroom earlier in a hurry, and... well, I just want to make sure you're alright?" Lisa's heart clenched at the worry in her mother's eyes, and she swallowed hard, trying to find the right words to say. She couldn't bear to lie to her mother, not when she had always been there for her, but she also couldn't bring herself to admit the truth about the magic bracelet. "I'm fine, Mom," Lisa replied, forcing a smile despite the turmoil inside her. "Just... you know, when you gotta go, you gotta go." Carol studied her daughter's face for a moment, her brow furrowed with concern, before nodding slowly. "Alright, if you say so, sweetie," she said, though her voice was tinged with uncertainty. "Maybe try going before going to bed next time. haha," She laughed, trying to joke and lighten the mood. Lisa's face blushed a slightly brighter red. "Yeah, I tried that last night, but it didn't work as well as I hoped. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to pee so bad when I woke up. haha," Lisa tried joking back in hopes of keeping her mom off the trail of what was really going on. As if this was a totally normal thing for her to deal with. "Right?! I guess I can relate to that." Carol replied, trying to ease up the embarrassment she saw she was indirectly causing. "Are you taking out the trash?" she asked, her curiosity piqued, trying to change the subject. Lisa's cheeks now burned with embarrassment as she realized she had been caught in the act. "Uh, yeah," she stammered, her mind racing for an excuse. "I... I just noticed it was getting full, so I thought I'd take care of it." "Do you mind taking out this bag with you? I would have done it sooner, but I didn't know where the bins are here," she said, pointing to the bag she had from the day before, leaning up against the door. "Sure, I can do that," Lisa replied, quickly grabbing the bag and trying to run out the door before her mom could see what was in the trash bin in her hand. "Is there anything you need, sweetie? I was about to head out to the store, so if you need anything, just let me know." Carol asked her daughter, curious if she would admit to needing more pull-ups. Lisa's heart skipped a beat, worried her mom might have seen the pull-ups and assumed she needed more. "Uh, no, Mom, I'm good," she replied quickly, her mind racing for an excuse. "But... um, actually, I was planning to meet Sarah for coffee later. Do you think you could give me a ride?" Carol's expression was soft, nodding with a smile. "Of course, sweetie," she said. "I'd be happy to give you a ride. Just let me know when you're ready to go, okay?" Lisa's heart swelled with gratitude for her mother's support. "Thanks, Mom," she said, her voice lighter than before, as she felt a weight removed, hoping things were more normal. "You're the best." With a final smile, Carol turned and headed back to the living room, leaving Lisa alone in the hallway with a sense of relief washing over her. She knew she couldn't keep hiding the truth from her mother forever, but for now, she was grateful for the chance to spend time with her friend and get the trash out before her mom could try to confront her about the pull-ups. Chapter 7: Coffee Date The coffee shop came into view as Carol's car pulled up to the curb. People were bustling in and out of the coffee shop, seemingly in a hurry to get wherever they were going. Lisa's stomach fluttered with nervous anticipation as she glanced out the window. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the conversation she knew she was about to have. As the car came to a stop, Lisa started to exit the car; Carol's gentle voice interrupted her, concern etched in every line of her face. "Are you sure you don't need anything from the store? I can pick up anything you might need?" Carol's offer carried a note of worry, her hope that her daughter would open up about her needs. Lisa forced a smile, trying to reassure her mother. "No, Mom, I'm good, really. I have everything I need." But before she can fully step out, Carol's concern spills over into another question, one Lisa had hoped to avoid. "When are you planning on seeing the doctor? It has me worried about you." Lisa felt a pang of defensiveness rise within her. It's not that she doesn't appreciate her mother's concern; it's just that she's too embarrassed about the situation to want to bring it up with someone else. She hardly wanted to talk to Sarah about it, but they'd been best friends for years now, and the number of times she's had to help Sarah get home after getting too tipsy at a club and wetting herself, she knew Sarah would be the last person to judge her about this situation. "I'll get to it, Mom, I promise," Lisa replies, trying to strike a balance between reassurance and deflection. "But honestly, I'm feeling fine today. Really." Carol's worry hardly dissipates, but she nods reluctantly, knowing when her daughter is putting up walls. "Okay, honey. I'm here for you if you need anything." Lisa nods, offering another weak smile before finally leaving the car. As she watches Carol drive away, she can't shake the guilt that twists in her gut. She knows her mother only wants to help her, but opening up about the reality of her situation is a hurdle she's not quite ready to jump yet, at least not with her mom. As Lisa stepped into the coffee shop, she scanned the area and spotted Sarah sitting at their usual table near a window at the front of the shop, a warm smile on her face. Lisa felt a sense of relief wash over her; Sarah's presence always brought comfort, especially in times of uncertainty. Approaching the table, Lisa noticed that Sarah had already ordered her favorite coffee—a small gesture that meant more to her than she could express. "Hey, Sarah," Lisa greeted her friend with a grateful smile as she took a seat opposite her. "Hey, Lisa! I got your usual, hope that's alright," Sarah said, sliding the cup across the table. "How's your day been so far?" Taking a sip of her coffee, Lisa sighed, feeling the tension of the day slowly melting away. "It's been... eventful, to say the least," she replied, her thoughts briefly flickering back to her urgent need for the bathroom this morning and the pull-ups she ended up throwing out after having another accident. Sarah raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to Lisa's day than she was letting on, but she decided not to press, as she seemed a little distressed. "Well, you made it through the week in one piece. That's always a win," she remarked with a playful grin. "Yeah, barely," Lisa chuckled, grateful for Sarah's light-hearted approach. "Any exciting plans for the weekend?" The two friends engaged in some light small talk while sipping away at their favorite drinks. Discussing their respective Fridays and plans for the weekend. Sarah mentioned a new movie that was coming out and suggested they go see it together. "That sounds like fun! I'd love to see it with you," Lisa said, genuinely looking forward to spending more time with her friend. Sarah, ever perceptive, remembered seeing Carol was the one to drop her off. "We should look at show times later. I also noticed that your mom dropped you off today. Is everything okay with her?" she asked gently, her eyes filled with concern. Lisa hesitated, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Should she tell Sarah about the bracelet and its wishes? Would Sarah even believe her? She knew how crazy it all sounded, and the last thing she wanted was for Sarah to think she had lost her mind. As she debated internally, Sarah's voice broke through her thoughts. "Lisa, you know you can tell me anything, right? I'm here for you, no matter what." Taking a deep breath, Lisa weighed her options. On one hand, keeping everything bottled up inside was taking its toll on her mental health, and she longed for someone to confide in. On the other hand, the risk of rejection and judgment was almost too much to bear. Sarah's concerned gaze met Lisa's, and she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her. Maybe, just maybe, Sarah would understand. Maybe she'd even believe her. "I... I don't even know where to begin," Lisa started, her voice barely above a whisper. She fidgeted with her coffee cup, unable to meet Sarah's gaze. Sarah reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on Lisa's trembling fingers. "You can tell me anything, Lisa. I'm here for you." The words hung in the air, heavy with promise and acceptance. With a shaky breath, Lisa mustered the courage to speak, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I know this is going to sound absolutely insane, but... but something bizarre has been happening to me lately," she began, her voice gaining strength with each word. "I... I've been making these... wishes, and they've been coming true. It's like magic or something, I don't know." She braced herself for Sarah's reaction, steeling herself for disbelief or mockery. But to her surprise, Sarah simply nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Go on," Sarah encouraged, her tone gentle yet unwavering. Lisa began recounting the events of the past few days—the mysterious package, the bracelet, the note. "It grants wishes, but not in the way you'd expect," Lisa explained, trying to find the right words to describe the inexplicable nature of the bracelet's powers. "I didn't believe it at first. I only put it on in the first place because I thought it was cute, but then... things started happening." She explained her experiences with the bracelet, from her wishing to no longer need to ride the bus and how her mom called shortly after, only to find out her mom and dad were separating. Sarah listened intently, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief at the news about Lisa's parents. As Sarah listened to Lisa's recounting of the events surrounding the mysterious bracelet, her initial expression of shock slowly transitioned into a more skeptical demeanor. She furrowed her brows, processing the information, but there was a glimmer of concern underlying her reaction. "I don't know, Lisa," Sarah starts cautiously, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I mean, it's definitely... a strange coincidence, but... magic bracelets? That's a bit... out there, don't you think?" Lisa's heart sinks as she registers Sarah's disbelief. She had hoped that confiding in her friend would provide some relief, but instead, she feels a sense of isolation deepen within her. She opens her mouth to protest, to insist that it's all true, but Sarah's next words catch her off guard. "I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, Lisa," Sarah says, her tone softening with genuine sympathy. "That's a lot to deal with, especially on top of everything else you've been going through." Lisa's breath catches in her throat, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. "Th-thanks," Lisa manages to choke out, her voice wavering with emotion. "It's been... rough, I... I just don't know how to process what is going on right now." Sarah nods understandingly, reaching across the table to squeeze Lisa's hand in a comforting gesture. "I can only imagine," she murmurs, her gaze filled with compassion. As the weight of the conversation hangs heavy in the air, Lisa wrestles with the urge to divulge the full extent of the bracelet's powers. She knows it sounds absurd, even to her own ears, but a part of her longs for Sarah to believe her, to validate her and the events happening to her. Before she can gather the courage to speak. However, a sudden pressure builds in her bladder, cutting through her thoughts with urgent intensity. Panic floods her senses as she realizes she's moments away from having another accident. "I... I need to use the bathroom," Lisa blurted out, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry, I'll be right back." Sarah's concern flared anew at Lisa's abrupt announcement, her brows knitting together in worry. "Are you okay? You seem... flustered." Lisa shook her head, her mind racing with anxiety. "I'll explain everything, I promise. Just... just give me a minute." Without waiting for Sarah's response, Lisa rose from her seat, her heart pounding. She knew she had to do something to prove the bracelet's magic to Sarah, to make her believe. Then, suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She was about to have an accident, which meant her underwear would change into a pull-up again. She could show Sarah her underwear and then have an accident, and they'll transform. Sarah would have to believe her at that point! "Come with me," Lisa urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "I'll show you." Confusion flickered across Sarah's features, but she rose from her seat nonetheless, her concern for Lisa outweighing her bewilderment. "Okay?" As they made their way to the bathroom, Lisa's mind raced with a thousand thoughts, her determination bolstered by the knowledge that she was about to reveal the truth to Sarah. She knew it wouldn't be easy, that Sarah might still doubt her even after witnessing the bracelet's magic firsthand. But she couldn't let that stop her. She had to make Sarah understand, to believe her. Pushing open the door to the bathroom, Lisa gestured for Sarah to follow her inside. "Watch," she instructed, her voice tinged with excitement and trepidation. "I'll prove it's not just random coincidences." Lisa's heart pounded as she led Sarah into the bathroom, her mind racing with the gravity of what she was about to reveal. She could feel Sarah's skeptical and confused gaze burning into the back of her head, but she refused to let doubt cloud her determination. As they entered the bathroom, Lisa's hands trembled slightly as she reached for the hem of her skirt. With a deep breath, she lifted it up, exposing her panties to Sarah's bewildered gaze. "Look," Lisa urged, her voice tight with urgency. "I'm not crazy. My underwear will turn into a pull-up if I... if I..." Her words trailed off as panic surged through her, her bladder protesting with increasing urgency. Desperately, she tried to hold back the inevitable, her muscles straining against the overwhelming pressure. As Lisa stood there, her eyes squeezed shut in a mix of desperation and embarrassment, Sarah's expression shifted from confusion to shock. "Lisa, what are you doing? Use the toilet!" Sarah's voice was filled with a mix of disbelief and worry as she took a step closer, reaching out as if to offer support. "I-I'm sorry," Lisa stammered, her voice strained with effort. "I just... I need you to believe me. Please, just watch." With a deep breath, Lisa forced herself to relax, letting go of the last shreds of control she had over her bladder. Silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of urine hitting the floor and pooling below her. Nothing happened. There was no magical transformation, no pull-up appearing to save her from the humiliating accident she had just experienced. Instead, Lisa felt the warm, wet sensation spreading down her legs, the sign of the bracelet's magic taunting her. Why didn't it work? Her eyes snapped open in horror, tears welling up as she looked down at the puddle forming at her feet. She had hoped that the bracelet's magic would somehow prove her right, but all it had done was leave her feeling stupid, foolish, and extremely embarrassed in front of her closest friend. Sarah's gasp of shock was the only sound in the bathroom as she took in the scene before her. She could hardly believe what she was seeing, her mind struggling to make sense of the surreal situation unfolding in front of her. "L-Lisa... what just happened?" Sarah's voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with disbelief. Lisa could only hang her head in defeat, unable to find the words to explain. She felt a wave of shame wash over her, knowing that she had proven nothing and now probably seemed even crazier to Sarah than before. Now, feeling like she had just lost all sense of reality. "I-I'm so sorry, Sarah," Lisa choked out, her voice trembling with emotion. "I thought... I just thought if you saw it, you'd believe me about the bracelet. But I was wrong. I was so wrong." Sarah's expression softened with genuine concern as she stepped forward, reaching out to gently touch Lisa's trembling shoulder. "Hey, it's okay," she said, her voice filled with compassion. "Accidents happen, you know? I mean, how many times did you help me out at the club?" But despite Sarah's words of comfort, Lisa couldn't shake the crushing weight of her embarrassment. She felt like a total idiot for doing this on purpose in front of someone. Why didn't she think of a better way to prove the bracelet's magic? With a shaky breath, she stepped back from the puddle to see the damage that was done. "I... I think I just need a moment," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. Sarah nodded understandingly, her concern etched in every line of her face. "Of course, take all the time you need. I'll be right outside if you need anything." Sarah quietly exited the bathroom, leaving Lisa alone with her shame. Lisa sat down, wondering if she could ever face her friend again. The weight of her humiliation threatened to overwhelm her with tears. How could she even bring herself to step out and face Sarah again? Chapter 8: Shopping As Carol navigated the familiar streets to the store, her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Lisa. She couldn't shake the worry that lingered since her daughter had started acting strangely, especially after finding those pull-ups in the trash. Pulling into the grocery store's parking lot, Carol grabbed her list and headed inside. The store was bustling with activity, shoppers weaving in and out of aisles, their carts filled with the week's necessities. Carol couldn't help but overhear bits of conversation from nearby shoppers as she wandered through the aisles. Seeing one little girl ask her mom to use the potty while doing a potty dance only exaggerated her thoughts about Lisa and her close calls. Pushing her cart along, Carol collected different items on her list, her thoughts drifting back to Lisa. She had always been a bit of a worrier, but lately, it seemed like something more was weighing on her daughter. Carol glanced down at her list, her eyes catching on the item with a question mark next to it: "Pull-ups?" She furrowed her brow, a knot of worry tightening in her stomach as she considered the implications. Should she really be contemplating buying pull-ups for Lisa? Would that be crossing a line? Would Lisa appreciate the fact she didn't have to ask? With a sigh, Carol pushed her cart forward, weaving through the bustling aisles of the grocery store. As she passed by the baby care section, she couldn't help but steal a glance at the pull-up packages on the shelves. She scanned them, trying to match the design she vaguely remembered from the discarded pull-ups at home. There were dozens of different styles and brands. But it had to be here somewhere. The ones in the trash were rather childish, nothing like a grown-up would wear or what you could get at the pharmacy. Carol's steps slowed as she approached the baby care section, her eyes scanning the shelves for any hint of familiarity. She felt a pang of guilt for even considering buying pull-ups for Lisa without her consent. But the worry gnawing at her heart was too strong to ignore. She began to sift through the various packages, her eyes tracing over the different designs and sizes. None of them seemed to match what she vaguely remembered from the discarded pull-ups at home. She let out a frustrated sigh, feeling lost in a sea of unfamiliar products. "Excuse me, ma'am, can I help you find something?" a voice interrupted her thoughts. Carol looked up to see a store employee with a friendly smile. "Oh, um, yes, I'm looking for pull-ups," Carol replied, feeling a flush of embarrassment. The employee nodded. "Sure, what size are you looking for?" Carol hesitated, unsure of how to answer. She didn't want to reveal too much about her daughter's situation to a stranger. "Um, I'm not exactly sure. I think for some older kids?" The employee nodded understandingly and led Carol to a different section of the aisle, where the bedwetting pull-ups were stored. Carol's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. How had Lisa ended up needing pull-ups? Was it a medical issue? Or was there something else going on that she didn't know about? With a heavy heart, Carol thanked the employee for the help. Staring at the package of the same pull-ups she saw in the trash, she felt torn. Should she pick them up? It seemed like Lisa was out of them at home, or at least she couldn't find any of them. Would buying them only embarrass Lisa more? Carol shook her head, trying to push aside her growing concern. She continued down the aisles, methodically ticking off the remaining items from her list, but her mind kept returning to Lisa and the pull-ups. Maybe she should pick them up just in case? The worst case scenario is she totally misread the situation and can just return them, and the two of them will laugh about this one day. Torn, Carol returned to the baby care aisle, selected a package that seemed to match the ones she had seen at home. Finally, with her cart filled and her list completed, Carol made her way to the checkout counter. As she waited in line, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was invading her daughter's privacy in a way she never had before. She began to unload her groceries onto the conveyor belt. But she couldn't shake feeling embarrassed for her daughter as she placed the package of overnight pull-ups on the belt. Her cheeks blushed lightly at the thought that she was buying these for her adult daughter. As Carol finished placing the last of her items on the belt she felt her phone buzz in her purse. She fished it out and saw a message from Sarah, Lisa's close friend. The message caught her off guard, and she quickly glanced around to ensure no one was looking over her shoulder as she read it, briefly looking at the pack of pull-ups before opening the text. "Hey Carol, wanted to give you a heads up. I'm gonna take Lisa over to my place for a bit, and then we're gonna catch a movie. So don't wait up for us, I'll drop her off at home later. Let us know if you need anything." Carol's heart skipped a beat with relief as she read the message. She felt slightly concerned for her daughter, for not being able to get her to the doctor today; feeling she should have been more adamant about it. But it is nice to hear Lisa is getting some girl time in. Carol quickly sent a thumbs-up emoji, and paid for her items brushing off the embarrassment about buying pull-ups. She doesn't have to have a direct conversation with Lisa about them now, or at least for a little while. Carol drove back to the apartment. On the drive, she began to think about what she should do with the pack of pull-ups. Should she leave it on the table for them to talk about when she gets home? No. That would be a bad idea, what if Sarah comes in to chat? Then, it would be on full display. What about her bedroom? Sarah wasn't likely to go in there. But what if Lisa brings back a guy? It would be a little awkward with her mom there, but it would be even worse if he saw a pack of bedwetting diapers on her bed. Then, it struck her. Duh, I can just leave them in her underwear drawer. No guy will go in there unless he is a creep, and if that's the case then they aren't meant to be anyway. When she arrived home, Carol rushed to bring in everything. As Carol brought the groceries inside, she couldn't shake off the weight of concern that had settled in her chest since finding those pull-ups in the trash. She made multiple trips from the car to the apartment, each time feeling the pull of worry tugging at her thoughts. Finally, with everything brought in, Carol began sorting through the bags to find the pull-ups. She located them nestled among the groceries and pulled them out, feeling a sense of apprehension. She knew she needed to talk to Lisa about them, but the right opportunity hadn't presented itself yet. With the package of pull-ups in hand, Carol made her way towards Lisa's room. She hesitated at the doorway, her mind racing with uncertainties. How would Lisa react to finding them? Would she be upset? Embarrassed? Would she even understand why Carol had bought them? Pushing aside her doubts, Carol stepped into Lisa's room and began searching through her stuff again, hoping to find a pack of pull-ups that were just well hidden. But no matter how hard she tried, she kept coming up empty-handed. She even pulled out the drawers to see if Lisa had hidden them behind the drawers but turned up nothing. Where was she keeping them? After a lot of rummaging, she finally gave up, opting to leave the pull-ups – tucked away in Lisa's underwear drawer. It seemed like the most discreet option, ensuring they would be there when Lisa needed them without drawing unnecessary attention. As Carol placed the package in the drawer, her fingers brushed against something else – a small box containing a note. Curiosity piqued, she picked up the box and examined its contents. The note inside caught her eye, and she read it over carefully, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Is this some kind of joke?" Carol muttered to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. The idea of a magical bracelet granting wishes seemed too absurd to be true. Without giving it a second thought, she left Lisa's room in a state close to its original so as not to raise suspicion. Chapter 9: What are Friends for? As Lisa gingerly inspected her skirt, relief flooded her when she realized the fabric hadn't visibly betrayed her humiliating accident. With a shaky sigh, she began to peel off her wet underwear, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at the mess she had made. Not wanting to stay in urine-soaked underwear or have any way to carry them out of the bathroom without it being clearly visible, Lisa opted to dispose of the soiled garment. Lisa grabbed some paper towels, used them to dry off her legs, and tossed several on the floor to help mop up the puddle she had created. Not wanting to leave a mess for the staff to clean. She quickly used her feet to mop up the evidence of her mishap the best she could before she disposed of the soaked paper towels; luckily, they also helped to bury her underwear sitting in the trash can. Just as she was beginning to regain some composure, a gentle knock sounded on the bathroom door, causing Lisa's heart to skip a beat, freezing her in her tracks. "Lisa? Are you okay in there?" Sarah's voice was filled with concern, muffled by the closed door. Lisa's heart eased with gratitude at the sound of her friend's voice. Despite her mortification, she couldn't help but feel warmth at Sarah's support. Lisa called out, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. Her voice was slightly hoarse from the lingering embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just... just give me a minute, okay?" There was a brief pause, followed by the sound of the doorknob turning as Sarah pushed open the door, her concerned gaze meeting Lisa's. "I brought you something," Sarah said softly, holding out a rolled-up fabric bundle. I keep a new pack of underwear in my car for emergencies, and I thought you might appreciate a pair ." Lisa's eyes widened in surprise as she accepted the offering, touched by Sarah's thoughtfulness despite the situation's awkwardness. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "I... I really appreciate it." Sarah smiled sympathetically, her eyes warm with understanding. "No problem. We've all been there, right?" As Lisa quickly changed into dry underwear, a sense of gratitude washed over her. She felt so lucky to have a friend like Sarah in her life—someone who didn't judge her for the awkward moment she had just put her friend through, someone who just so happened to be ready for something like this to happen, someone who she could talk to, to get her thoughts, fears, and secrets out to. "Looks like you've got everything taken care of," Sarah remarked, breaking the silence as Lisa finished changing. "Yeah, thanks to you," Lisa replied, smiling gratefully at her friend. They stood there momentarily, the weight of the situation still hanging in the air. Lisa felt the urge to make another wish, to undo everything that had happened, but she hesitated. She remembered what happened with her mom. What unforeseen consequence would happen with a wish to undo something already done? She couldn't risk making things worse. Sarah must have sensed her friend's turmoil because she spoke up. "Hey, why don't you come over to my place? You can take a shower and relax for a bit. Maybe it'll help clear your mind." Lisa appreciated the offer and nodded, relieved to escape her apartment and her mom for a while. "That sounds really nice, actually. Thank you." As they left the bathroom and headed towards the exit, Lisa couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She knew she had to be careful with the bracelet and its wishes, but she couldn't ignore the temptation to use it again. The power it held was both alluring and terrifying. Once they were in Sarah's car, Lisa glanced at the bracelet on her wrist, feeling conflicted. She thought about wishing to undo everything that had happened, to erase the embarrassment and the mess. But something held her back. She couldn't shake the feeling that using the bracelet again would only lead to more trouble. Sarah tried to distract Lisa from what happened. "Hey, I've done it a thousand times," she said, trying to ease Lisa's embarrassment. "Don't sweat it. We all have our moments." Lisa nodded, grateful for Sarah's understanding. She couldn't shake off the embarrassment, but Sarah's reassurance helped. "I just wish this whole thing hadn't happened," Lisa muttered, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "That was the most embarrassing thing ever." Sarah comforted her friend, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know it feels like a big deal now, but trust me, we'll laugh about this one day. In the meantime, let's hit the road to my place so you can get that shower. And hey, we can still go see that movie we talked about if you're up for it." Lisa managed a weak smile, grateful for Sarah's friendship. "Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks." As they drove to Sarah's place, Lisa couldn't help but wonder why nothing had happened. She made a wish, just like she had done with not wanting to ride the bus. Only nothing changed. She was still embarrassed about what happened. She was still in Sarah's car, still wearing different underwear than when she started the day. She stared at the bracelet momentarily, frustrated that it refused to work how she thought it would. It didn't protect her from peeing herself; it got her mom in a separation, and now it was ignoring her. This thing is a curse! As they arrived at Sarah's place, Lisa felt a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment. The short ride had provided a small respite from the day's events, but she knew she couldn't escape them entirely. Sarah's apartment building was familiar yet unfamiliar, a place Lisa had never visited despite their close friendship. Sarah led the way, her steps brisk as they ascended the stairs to her apartment. Lisa followed, her mind still reeling from the day's events. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease, the nagging suspicion that the bracelet on her wrist was more trouble than it was worth. Inside Sarah's apartment, Lisa took in her surroundings with curiosity. The space was cozy and inviting, filled with warmth and a comforting home scent. Sarah gestured for Lisa to make herself comfortable as she disappeared into another room, returning with a bundle of clothes moments later. "Here you go," Sarah said, offering Lisa the clothes with a sympathetic smile. "I grabbed you some clean clothes and a towel. The bathroom's right through there." Lisa accepted the clothes gratefully, feeling grateful for her friend's kindness. "Thanks." Once inside the bathroom, Lisa hesitated momentarily, her fingers trembling as she reached for the hem of her shirt. She paused, her reflection staring back at her with a mix of uncertainty and resignation. How had her life come to this? Soiling herself as if she couldn't control it. She never imagined herself in a situation quite like this. All of this chaos in her life, all of it because of a cursed bracelet? Shaking off the thoughts, Lisa focused, quickly undressing until she was just in her underwear. She stared at herself in the mirror, the image reflecting back at her a stark reminder. She couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu wash over her. She had been in this situation before, just a few days ago when she got the bracelet. She stood in the bathroom staring at her reflection looking at a wet pull-up she was wearing. Here she was again. Having had an accident, only this time, she was in underwear. The pull-up, no-where to be seen. Just as Lisa was about to step into the shower, Sarah's voice interrupted her thoughts from outside the bathroom door. "Hey, I'm going to order some takeout. If there's anything specific you want, just text it to me. Otherwise, I'm just going to get some Chinese food." "Sounds good! Thanks." Lisa called back, her voice brimming with gratitude. As she stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading over her body, Lisa couldn't help but feel relief washing over her. The day's events seemed to fade away if only for a moment, replaced by a fleeting sense of peace. She was grateful for the opportunity to wash away her shameful moment, leaving it in the past. Once she had finished showering and dried off, Lisa dressed in the clothes Sarah had left for her, feeling grateful for her friend's kindness. Not only was she understanding, but she was also being overly generous. Sarah gave her a pair of brand new underwear again, a pair of sweat pants, and a large hoodie—the perfect comfort clothes to combat the stressful day she had had so far. As Lisa emerged from the bathroom, Sarah greeted her with a warm smile. "Feeling better?" Lisa nodded, her spirits lifted by the comfort of her friend's presence. "Yeah, thanks to you." Sarah smiled, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Anytime, Lisa. That's what friends are for." Lisa and Sarah settled in to enjoy their takeout, the tension of the day began to melt away. They chatted and laughed; Lisa told Sarah about her date with Craig tomorrow. Excited to be able to see him again and enjoy a nice meal with him. The comfort of their friendship eased Lisa's earlier embarrassment. Lisa felt grateful for Sarah's understanding and support, her worries about her accident and the pull-ups momentarily forgotten in the warmth of the evening. As they finished their meal, Sarah glanced at the clock and frowned. "We should probably head out soon if we want to make it to the movie on time," she said, double-checking the time on her phone. Lisa nodded, a sense of unease creeping back into her mind. She knew she had no way of controlling the bracelet's magic. Not yet, at least. Not wanting to embarrass herself any more than she already had, she knew she needed to use the bathroom before they left. She couldn't risk ruining Sarah's clothes or embarrassing herself again. "I just need to use the bathroom real quick," Lisa said, trying to sound casual despite her nerves. She didn't feel the need to go, but waiting until she needed to go hasn't been working out the best for her lately. "I'll meet you by the door." "Take your time, Lisa. We're in no rush." As Lisa entered the bathroom, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over her. She stared at herself in the mirror, the worried look in her reflection a stark reminder of the day's events. She couldn't let another accident happen, not now. Taking a deep breath, Lisa moved herself over to the toilet and sat on it. She tried as hard as she could to relax and let herself go. She couldn't feel any sensation that it was working. It was like her body had chosen to ignore her completely now. Suddenly, she heard the splashing water and a stream running. She let out a sigh of relief. Maybe she could get through the rest of the day without further embarrassment. She knew she still had to be careful with the bracelet, especially now that its magic had been confirmed and seemed unpredictable. She couldn't risk trusting it to replace her underwear and prevent an accident. After using the bathroom, Lisa took a moment to compose herself, her mind racing with thoughts of the bracelet and its powers. She couldn't help but feel a sense of regret for ever putting it on, for ever making those wishes. But she also knew she couldn't change the past. All she could do now was be cautious and hope for the best. As she rejoined Sarah in the living room, Lisa forced a smile, trying to push aside her lingering worries. "Ready to go?" Sarah nodded, standing up from the couch. "Yeah, let's go."
  19. Julie was running as fast as she can from the party that her friend hosted that got busted by cops. She found a window open in a quiet house that looked like nobody was home. After landing in it. Julie decides she will spend the night here. She was a little buzzed still from the drinks she had. Julie sat down then layed her head against some what she thought were pillows. She then picked one up and said "Wait a second these arnt pillows they are diapers! Just what I need! What is this place?" Julie puts on the thick diaper which perfectly. She then stands up and looks at the childish design room, crib, and closet full of clothes. Julie surprised "Oh a daycare! Makes sense and look here we have some cute clothes! They look like they will fit perfectly on me!" Julie then puts on a pink flower skirt overalls that barely covered her diaper. Then looked in the mirror and said "oh yea looking good. Fifty flavors of cute right here". Julie then feels her bladder needing released then let's it all out in her diaper "oh I'm totally filling my diaper up. Is this what freedom feels like!" Julie then grabs her wet soggy diaper and starts rubbing it "oh what's this! Oh my this feels so good. So squishy and warm. I might...uh...hmmm.. oh my I'm such a naughty girl" Julie then gets super tired and falls asleep. Julie then wakes up but finds her diaper clean. Confused who had changed it. The window has been locked. "Whoever changed me must have locked the window. How do I get out of here!" She then looks at a tall window typed door. Julie sees a lock and chain on the other side. She starts to get on her tipy toes to try and unlock it but shes way to short to reach it! She trys to yell out for help but no use. Julie sees a mommy like women enter the door way then yells out "Hey there must be some mistake I'm not really a child. I know how it looks but someone changed me already. I don't belong here and..." Julie then pauses and see a officer come in with the women. The women says "sorry I can't be anymore help officier". The officer then says "well if you do see her let me know". The women picks up Julie then says "What do you need darling?". As Julie is picked up. She wets herself from the officier standing right by holding his radio. Julie trys to play along till officier leaves. She then says in babyish tone "I need diapie changed!" The officer then looks at Julie and says to women "she looks a little big for diapers don't you think?". As the women lays down Julie on the changing table and opens her wet diaper "yea but don't let that fool you she deffinatly does need them. This is her third diaper change today! Isn't that right little stinker. Ran right through her little tummy didn't it? Do you need fed some more sweetie?". As Julie gets up from her diaper change she is super hungry. Julie then says "yes oh my god I'm starving. I mean... baby very hungwy." The officier still a little confused then says "you sure she's not to old. To me she looks to big to be in daycare much less nurse on a boob." Then Julie confused and in her head said to herself "Wait did he say.... nurse on a boob" then Julie sees the women put her huge boob right in Julie's face. Then the women says "your meals already cupcake" The women picks up Julie then the officier says "well your the expert but gosh.. kids these days" the women then pushes her boob closer to Julie's mouth with Julie having a super shocked look on her face and can't believe what she's about to have her do. Then the women smiles and says "they look so mature don't they?" Julie then having to play along starts sucking on the women's boob and starting to feel the milk enter her mouth then start to drip off her face. The women then says "it's all that fast food chemicals and formula they grow up on. Little girls need the real thing" As Julie kept drinking she felt her bowls release. A huge amount of poo entered her diaper. From all the drinks she drank it was super slushie and mushy. The diaper sagged super low in her humiliating situation. The officier then smells the horrible present she made in her diaper then says "that's my cue to leave". The women smiles and says "that's right sweetie get it all out" After Julie's humilating situation. The women then starts changing her diaper. "Peeyeew looks like my girl left me a big present in her diaper. We got to cut back on that big girl food and get you back on baby food" After Julie's diaper change she sees the clip board to sign out of nursery and tells the women "Hey so thank you for the diaper change and all. It looks like it's closing time so il just sign myself out". The women then snatches the clip board "oh I don't think so. Your coming home with me. Il take good care of you before somebody comes to claim you". Julie shocked "oh that's really not necessary" as Julie said that the women swooped up Julie and carried her in her arms and said "but you need a mommy to change your diapers and I got every size diaper imaginable. You can stay in my nursery. It was getting lonely with just me and my cats. The nursery is built for someone my size but your big for your age anyway" As the women walked outside with Julie to her car. Julie confused "big for my age? But I'm not a baby". The women waved to officers "evening officers. Ever find that college girl?". The officier said "no but don't worry ma'am. As per your request we will be stationed here till she shows up" The women smiled then said to Julie "did you hear that? Were going to have a fun time together... for a long time!" After arriving at the woman's home. Julie was carried into the home then up into the nursery room. To Julie's surprise it was a full adult size nursery just fit for her age. The woman then pulled down the crib bars and placed Julie inside then pulled the bars up trapping her inside. It was impossible to escape. Julie wasn't able to hop over or anything. Then the woman quickly shot her with a needle that weaken Julie. Julie's legs failed and she landed on her diaper butt. Only able to crawl around on her hands and knees. "Please let me out. I'm not a baby! I demand to be let go" Julie yelled out. The woman smiled then plopped a pacifier in Julie's mouth. "Now now cupcake your to young to make decisions. Also if I recall the cops are still looking for you. So you can either spend your time in a dirty old prison or stay here as my baby girl. Now which sounds better?" Said the woman. Julie then thought twice. She knew prison would be horrible. So if she had to pick anything I guess it's being this mommy's baby girl. Julie then says in babyish tone "stay with mommy". The woman then smiled. "Good girl. Now lets go over the rules. You will use your diaper for poopie and pee pee. No exceptions. You will call me mommy and mommy will decide when to change your diaper. You will also be breastfed and given a nice baby food diet. If you complain or act bad I will be giving you a good spanking over my knee or even a warm enema to fill your diaper. Since you tried yelling at mommy it's time for a spanking" Julie's new mommy grabbed her from the crib then put Julie over her knee. Then pulled her diaper down and spanked away. "Ow ow ow" SPANK SPANK SPANK. Julie's butt started turning red and she started crying. Mommy then pulled up her diaper and hugged her. "Sorry mommy had to do that but sometimes naughty girls need to be taught a lesson" The woman then slid her hand down the back of Julie's diaper and pushed her finger up Julie's butthole. Julie felt something go up. "Mommy what did you put up my butt" Julie asked. Julie's mommy put her back in the crib "don't worry about it sweetie you'll find out in the morning" Julie then fell fast asleep from the long day. She then woke up and smelled something really bad. "Ewww gross what's that smell? Did I just fart without knowing?" Julie then layed up on her butt and felt something yucky and mushy spread and smear against her buttcheeks and privates. "Noo noo noo I couldn't have! I just pooped my diaper in my sleep! This isn't happening! I'm not some dumb baby" Julie's mommy walks in the room "well good morning sweetie. Uh oh I think I smell someone made a big stinky poopy in her diaper. It's ok sweetie your just a baby you can't control yourself. I think someone also needs some feeding little stinker" The mommy then grabs Julie and heads to the rocking chair. Then places Julie's dirty diaper butt on her knee squishing all the poop again against Julie's butt. The mommy unbuttons her bra. And then grabs Julie's dirty diaper butt with her hand and then pushes her forward. Making Julie suck on her boob. Julie disgusted couldn't do much. All she could do is just suck and hope that her new mommy will change her diaper. The mommy just rocked her back and forth smushing Julie's dirty diaper butt.
  20. *Knock knock knock* The sound of someone knocking on wood could be heard through the raven haired preteen’s room on this day. Despite the bright sunlight coming through the window and sending streams of light through the gaps in the lacy lavender curtains, and the bright red numbers on the alarm clock sat on the white bedside table reading 11:20am, the small unassuming lump underneath the thin flower patterned comforter would indicate that the occupant was still very much asleep. The 12 year old girl’s long wavy hair sprawled across the pillow, the only part peaking out into view from her cozy resting place. “Sarah! It’s time to get up! Just because it’s summer vacation doesn’t give you an excuse to sleep all day!” Came the somewhat exacerbated voice of my Mom from the other side of the bedroom door. “Okay okay, I’m up…” I listlessly reply almost on autopilot whilst snuggling deeper into the comforter of my bed, still somewhat drowsy in that state between being asleep and being awake that we tend to find ourselves when we’re bereft of any idea as to what is actually going on around us. I continue to lie there fading in and out of consciousness for who knows how long when I once again hear my Mom’s voice, slightly more agitated now through the door. “I guess we’re doing this the hard way.” She sighs as she opens my door and briskly walks through, coming to my bed before I can make out what’s happening. Normally this would be fine, Mom would throw the blanket off of me and give me a good shake to wake me up properly. However as I stir more awake I’m immediately reminded of something and I quickly recall why I was awake so late last night and squeeze my legs together a little to confirm my thoughts. I’m greeted with the feeling of soft thick padding between my legs, suddenly I’m more awake than I’ve ever been, I’m wearing one of my little sister’s diapers. I try to sit up as quickly as possible to show that I'm up and awake but almost simultaneously my mother has whipped the comforter off of the bed. “Time. To. Get. Up. you know I wouldn’t have to always make a big deal about this if you would just…” My mother’s words trail off as she gets a good look at me. Me, pulling on my pink pajama shirt to try and cover the obvious waistband of my diaper from above my pants, only to get caught in said waistband and clearly expose it to my mom. I can feel my face start to heat up as she focuses down to my waist and I freeze, overwhelmed; my brain is running a million miles a minute trying to find some sort of excuse, some sort of fix for this situation, but nothing comes, all I can do is sit paralyzed in a daze feeling my face heat up from my cheeks to my ears as I look up at my mom. She looked bewildered for a moment, like someone just told her that the sky's the ground, the sea’s made of apple juice, and tomorrow is yesterday, but after what felt like an eternity but also a moment the confusion in her gaze faded and she softly spoke. “Go ahead and hop in the shower, I’ll have lunch ready for you when you get out.” She gently rubbed my shoulder, turned, and walked out of my room leaving me sitting there alone like a deer caught in headlights. I sat in a daze not really knowing what to think, Mom just caught me wearing a diaper, but she didn’t get mad, she didn’t say anything about it, she didn’t really do anything and it confused me to no end. I absentmindedly looked over at my alarm clock seeing it read 11:30am. I know I’ve been sitting thinking for too long and decided to listen to my mother and go take a shower. I enter my connected bathroom and turn on the shower waiting for the water to warm up. I start to undress but come to a stop when I get down to just my diaper, instead my sight is attracted to the full length mirror on the back of the door I've just entered from where I’m greeted by my reflection. My eyes are met with a petite little girl stands there at 4 foot even (~122 cm) with exposed milky white skin and long wavy raven black hair that reaches to the middle of her back and big bright doe eyes of a similarly black color to match, looking down it’s obvious she has yet to start her path to puberty as her chest remains flat, much to her chagrin as a lot of her peers have started to develop in such an area, though along with her somewhat lacking height her mother assures her she’s just a late bloomer and she'll have her turn in no time. Looking down even further I make eye contact with the various Sesame Street characters that adorn the landing strip of the Pampers size 7 diaper, two tapes securely attached to keep the absorbent garment in place, and an assortment of colorful designs outlining a squiggly yellow line; a wetness indicator meant to change to blue when wet. Despite what this stupid thing put me through this morning I can’t help but smile a little as I see myself wearing it, the soft warm padding hugging me in just the right places and the soft crinkle as I move and shift about, something about it just feels so right. I’m glad I finally found the nerve to put one on even if I’m a bit regretful as to how it turned out in the end, I grimace again worrying about my mom before pulling off the diaper’s tabs and deciding to throw it in my garbage before hopping into the now steaming shower. I start washing myself almost mechanically while my thoughts start to wander off as to how this whole situation came about, where did it start. Actually I can’t really pinpoint when it started but for as long as I can remember I’ve always had a strange attraction to diapers, getting strangely self conscious when diaper commercials appear on TV, not being able to look away when the younger kids had their diapers changed at daycare, walking down the baby product isle of the grocery store with Mom after Lily was born. All these years of small little tugs of curiosity here and there have added together to the point where it finally got the better of me and I decided to go through with it and finally wear one. I stayed up past my normal bed time until Mom and Dad both went to sleep, before sneaking into my little sister’s room to steal one of her night time diapers. Putting on my first diaper in 10 years was amazing, even though I was all tingly with nerves, as soon as the tabs were stuck on I knew immediately that I was hooked. Well I still flubbed it in the end but it doesn’t seem like mom is mad at me or anything, maybe we’ll both just forget this happened and I can find another day to try exploring my interest in diapers again and hopefully not get caught then. After getting out of the shower, drying off, and wrapping myself up in a big fluffy towel I make my way back to my room where I’m met with an odd sight, there on my remade bed is a small stack of folded clothes while for school Mom usually puts clothes out for me to wear, but on days without school as long as we aren’t going anywhere where dressing is important she leaves it to me to wear whatever i want, but sitting on my bed today are some clothes she obviously picked out for me to wear. While finding it odd I figure it wouldn’t hurt to wear what she picked out for me and make my way over to the bed but part way there I stop in my tracks when i see a second pile that was previously just hidden from view by the bed frame, there sat on my bed is a pair of pink flowery panties that I would wear any other day, no problem there, but next to those is the real problem one of Lily’s Paw Patrol Pull-up training pants, and next to those is one of her Pampers diapers. My eyes go wide and my head goes blank trying to understand what’s going on, why are there diapers in my room, I mean obviously Mom put them there but why? Is she testing me? Is she trying to be considerate? I honestly don’t know what to think, my blush quickly comes back, imagining my mom trying to decide what kind of underwear I her 12 year old completely potty trained daughter is supposed to wear and just giving up and leaving it to me to decide. I’m honestly conflicted. Part of me is too embarrassed to wear anything but the panties after what happened earlier. However there’s another part of me that’s trying to convince myself that this is obviously a sign that Mom’s okay with me wearing a diaper, otherwise why else would she put them here? I agonized for what felt like an eternity over what to do when I finally decided. “The heck with it, she already saw me wearing them and she obviously left them here with the intent that I might decide to wear them so I’m just gonna do it!” Well even though I psyched myself up for it I still chose to forgo the pampers and instead wear the Pull-up and panties over top for good measure. “Huh, this is different.” I muttered to myself after shimmying the Pull-up up my legs and into place. The Pull-up was snug in a different way from the Pampers, a different fit and the padding was substantially thinner as well after close examination. I moved my legs and waist a bit to get comfortable hearing that distinct crinkle bringing a smile to my face and turning my attention to the rest of my clothes. First a white training bra with pink trim and polka dots dotting the surface, Mom makes a big point that it’s important to wear this so I’m ready for when I really need one, followed by a pair of stretchy light grey leggings, my favorite hello kitty socks, a sunny yellow skirt, and lastly a Pink short sleeve T-shirt with a pretty butterfly decorating the front. Having finished getting dressed I move over to my vanity, a matching set along with the dresser, night stand, and bed frame, to brush my hair. Having successfully untangled any knots and gotten myself looking presentable I confidently make my way outside my room and into the hallway, where all my confidence is immediately replaced with anxiety as I hear the faint crinkle sound coming from my bottom, as I continue meandering down the hall toward the stairs. I stop at the top hearing the sound of my little sister playing in the living room and what sounds like Mom humming in the kitchen no doubt finishing up lunch, I take a deep breath and take my fist step down the stairs “Here goes nothing.”
  21. Hey everyone. Over the last week I've been playing with AI chatbots and LLMs to see how they do with ABDL content. I think it turned out pretty well, and now I have about 13k edited words worked into a story, and maybe 20k more once I get around to editing them, fitting them into the narrative arc, etc. One note - it starts a bit heavy, but gets lighter. Full disclosure: this was written in collaboration with an LLM, but directed and edited by me. What's weird about this is that it really felt like it was a collaboration to me - some of the elements that made me want to develop the story more came from the LLM. --- Chapter 1 Sarah stepped off the school bus and walked up to her house, her backpack bouncing lightly with each step. As she opened the front door, the smell of her mom's chocolate chip cookies wafted out to greet her. "Hi honey, how was your day?" her mom, Lisa, called out from the kitchen. "Fine," Sarah replied, setting her backpack down by the door. She headed to the kitchen, hoping to sneak a warm cookie, but stopped short when she saw her mom's serious expression. Lisa gestured for Sarah to sit at the kitchen table. "Sweetie, I wanted to talk to you about something. I know the pull-ups haven't been working well lately to keep your bed dry at night." Sarah's shoulders slumped a little, but she tried to keep a brave face. "Yeah, they've been leaking a lot." Lisa reached over and gently squeezed her hand. "I have an idea I wanted to run by you - what if we tried using tape-on diapers at night instead? They're more absorbent than the pull-ups." Sarah wrinkled her nose at the mention of diapers. "But mom, diapers are for babies! I'm way too old for those." "I know this isn't easy," Lisa said, her voice soft with understanding. "But wearing diapers at night doesn't make you a baby. They're just a tool to help keep you dry and comfortable while we work on this together." Sarah chewed on her lower lip, thinking it over. The idea of wearing diapers made her feel self-conscious, but she was also tired of waking up in a wet bed. "Do you really think they'd help?" Lisa smiled reassuringly. "I think it's worth a try. And remember, your dad and I love you no matter what - diapers or no diapers. We're so proud of how brave you're being about all of this." Sarah managed a small smile at that, feeling a little bit lighter. "Okay, I guess we can try the diapers. But only at night, right?" "That's right, honey. Just at nighttime, and no one else ever has to know." Lisa stood up and grabbed a cookie from the cooling rack, handing it to Sarah with a wink. "Now, how about we have some of these cookies and you can tell me all about your day? I heard a rumor that a certain someone aced her spelling test!" Sarah grinned, biting into the warm, gooey cookie. As she began to recount her day, the worry about the diapers faded a bit. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but with her mom and dad's love and support, she felt like maybe she could handle this new challenge. *** A few days later, Sarah arrived home from school and found her mom, Lisa, in the kitchen, preparing dinner. "Hey sweetie, how was your day?" Lisa asked, looking up from the vegetables she was chopping. "Fine," Sarah replied, grabbing a snack from the pantry. As she turned around, she noticed a package on the counter. Curiosity piqued, she read the label: "Youth Diapers." Lisa saw her looking and gave a warm smile. "Ah, I see you've spotted our new helpers. I know it might seem a little strange at first, but I think these could really make a difference with the nighttime leaks." Sarah bit her lip, feeling a mix of emotions. "Do I have to wear them?" she asked hesitantly. Lisa put down her knife and came over to give Sarah a reassuring hug. "Let's just give them a try and see how it goes. Remember, this is only for nighttime, and no one else ever has to know. If they don't work out, we'll put our heads together and come up with another plan." Sarah leaned into her mom's embrace, drawing comfort from her steady presence. "Okay, I guess we can try them." "That's my brave girl," Lisa praised, giving Sarah an extra squeeze before returning to her cooking. "I'm making your favorite tonight - spaghetti and meatballs. Why don't you tell me about that science project you were working on while I finish up?" As Sarah launched into an explanation of her potato battery experiment, the diapers faded to the back of her mind. Laughing and chatting with her mom over dinner, she felt a little more ready to face this new challenge. That evening, after dinner and a shower, Sarah's mom brought one of the diapers into her bedroom. "Let's make sure it fits alright. Do you want to try putting it on yourself first?" Sarah hesitated, then shook her head, feeling overwhelmed. Her mom smiled gently, "That's okay. Lay down and I'll help you." With shaky breaths, Sarah laid on her bed, dressed in an oversized t-shirt. Her mom unfolded the diaper, and Sarah's eyes widened at how thick and crinkly it looked. She squirmed as her mom slid it under her bottom and pulled it up between her legs, securing it snugly around her waist. The bulk felt strange and uncomfortable. "How does that feel? Not too tight?" her mom asked as Sarah slowly sat up, acutely aware of the diaper crinkling with every move. "It's okay... just weird," Sarah mumbled, her face burning, as she put on her pajamas. Her mom tucked her into bed, trying to keep things as normal as possible, even with the obvious diaper bulge under the covers. "I'm proud of you," she said softly, kissing Sarah's forehead. Sarah lay awake for a while, intensely aware of the diaper's presence. She worried about waking up wet, wondering if it would leak like the pull-ups usually did. Mostly though, she just felt embarrassed and babyish as the crinkly plastic constantly reminded her of what she was wearing. *** The next morning, Sarah woke up slowly, blinking against the sunlight streaming through her curtains. As she stretched, she became aware of an unfamiliar sensation - the diaper between her legs was thick and squishy, but the sheets beneath her were dry. Sitting up, Sarah patted the bed around her, marveling at the lack of damp spots. A small smile tugged at her lips as she realized the diapers had done their job. Just then, there was a soft knock at the door. "Sarah? You awake, sweetie?" Lisa called softly, peeking her head in. Sarah nodded, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious about her wet diaper. "Yeah, I'm up." Lisa came in and sat on the edge of the bed, giving Sarah a warm smile. "And how did the diapers hold up? Did you stay dry?" Sarah fidgeted with the edge of her blanket. "The diaper's wet," she admitted. "But the bed's all dry." "That's wonderful, honey!" Lisa praised, giving Sarah a big hug. "I'm so proud of you. I know this isn't easy, but you're handling it with such maturity." Sarah leaned into the hug, feeling a mix of emotions - relief that the diapers had worked, happiness at her mom's praise, and still a little embarrassment at needing them at all. As if sensing her thoughts, Lisa pulled back and looked Sarah in the eye. "Remember, sweetheart, this doesn't define you. You're still my smart, brave, amazing Sarah, no matter what. And we're going to keep working on this together, okay?" Sarah nodded, blinking back a few tears. "Okay, Mom. Thanks." "Now, what do you say we get you out of that wet diaper and ready for the day? I think I smell Daddy's famous pancakes cooking downstairs!" Lisa grinned, tickling Sarah's side. Sarah giggled, the heaviness of the moment lifting. "With chocolate chips?" "Is there any other kind?" Lisa winked, helping Sarah out of bed. As Lisa helped her out of the wet diaper and into a clean pair of underwear, Sarah felt a little flicker of hope amidst the mixed emotions. Maybe, with her parents' love and support, she really could get through this. "Race you to the kitchen!" Sarah challenged, taking off down the hall with a laugh. Lisa chuckled, following behind at a jog. "Oh, you're on!" As they bounded into the kitchen, Michael looked up from the stove with a grin. "There are my two favorite girls! Who's ready for some world-famous chocolate chip pancakes?" "Me!" Sarah exclaimed, climbing up onto her stool at the counter. As Michael slid a stack of fluffy pancakes onto her plate, winking at her over the syrup bottle, Sarah felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the food. Sure, the diapers were still new and a little weird. But here, laughing with her mom and dad over a delicious breakfast, she knew she was loved and supported, no matter what. And that made all the difference. *** Sarah arrived home from school to find Lisa waiting for her in the living room, a sympathetic smile on her face. "Hi sweetie, how was your day?" Sarah shrugged, setting down her backpack. "It was okay, I guess." Her eyes fell on the diaper laid out on the coffee table, and she felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. Lisa patted the couch next to her. "Come sit with me for a minute. I was thinking it might help to practice wearing your diaper for a bit before bedtime tonight. Just to get used to the feeling." Sarah's cheeks flushed at the suggestion. "Right now? But what if Daddy sees?" "Daddy's still at work, honey. It's just us," Lisa reassured her. "And remember, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. This is just a part of our new routine, like brushing our teeth or putting on pajamas." Sarah hesitated, then nodded, settling onto the couch beside her mom. Lisa helped her wiggle out of her jeans and underwear, keeping up a steady stream of light chatter about her day to help Sarah feel more at ease. As Lisa brought the front of the diaper up snugly and taped it securely at the sides, Sarah couldn't help but giggle. "It's so crinkly!" Lisa grinned, poking Sarah's nose playfully. "The crinkliest! But you know what that means? It will keep you dry." Sarah reached for her jeans, but her mom stopped her. "Those might be a bit snug over the diaper, honey. It's pretty thick. Why don't you just wear it like this for a little while, since we're staying in?" Sarah wanted to protest, but the words stuck in her throat. Clad in only a t-shirt and the bulky diaper, she felt more exposed than ever. Gingerly, she stood up, blushing at how the thick padding forced her legs apart. For the next half hour, Sarah went about her usual after-school routine - having a snack, watching a little TV, starting on her homework. The diaper felt bulky and weird at first, but as she got caught up in her activities, she found herself forgetting about it for minutes at a time. That is, until the first twinge from her bladder reminded her of its presence. Sarah froze, the urge to pee suddenly at the forefront of her mind. Usually, she'd just run to the bathroom without a second thought. But now, with the diaper... She thought of asking her mom for help, but didn’t want to do anything to draw attention to the diaper. She pressed her legs together tightly, trying to hold it, but the bulk of the diaper made it difficult. A small spurt of urine dampened the front of the diaper and Sarah froze, panicking. She desperately tried to clench her muscles, but the need overpowered her and she felt herself fully relaxing. The diaper grew warm and heavy between her legs as it absorbed the flood. Sarah felt hot tears pricking her eyes. The sensation of purposely wetting herself was distressing and humiliating. When the flow finally stopped, she sat motionless, overwhelmed by the soggy bulk encasing her. "Sarah? Everything alright?" Her mom came in from the kitchen and immediately noticed her daughter's distress. "Oh honey, did you have an accident?" The kind words broke Sarah's composure and she started to cry, covering her face. Her mom sat beside her and pulled her into a hug, letting her sob into her shoulder. "Shh, it's okay sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong. The diaper did its job, see? No mess." She rubbed Sarah's shaking back. "I know this is so hard. But we'll get through it together." Sarah just clung to her mom, drawing shaky breaths. In that moment, she was deeply grateful for her mother's steadfast support and lack of judgment. Even so, the road ahead seemed dauntingly steep. Her mom gave her a gentle squeeze before saying, "Let's get you changed into a dry diaper before dinner, okay?" Sarah nodded, sniffling. She let her mom guide her to lay back on the couch and remove her diaper. The process of being changed was embarrassing, but also comforting in a way. There was something soothing about her mother's calm, tender care. A fresh diaper was slid beneath her bottom and secured snugly around her hips. The clean, dry bulk felt better, but was still a strange sensation. Her mom helped her to sit up, giving her a soft smile. "There we go, all clean and dry. Ready for dinner?" Sarah managed a small nod, still feeling shaky and raw. She clung to her mom's hand as they walked to the kitchen, intensely aware of the way the thick padding made her waddle. As Sarah and her mom set the table, they heard the front door open and close. "I'm home!" Sarah's dad called out. Sarah froze, suddenly acutely aware of the bulky diaper crinkling loudly under her oversized t-shirt. She shot her mom a panicked look. Her mom gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay, sweetie. Daddy knows about the diapers, remember? There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Sarah swallowed hard, trying to calm her racing heart as her dad entered the kitchen. He greeted them warmly, kissing her mom on the cheek before turning to Sarah. "Hey there, princess. How was your day?" Sarah managed a shaky smile, fighting the urge to hide behind her mom. "It was okay," she mumbled, shifting uncomfortably as the diaper crinkled with her movement. If her dad noticed her attire or the telltale bulge and crinkling, he didn't show it. He just pulled her into a warm hug as usual. Sarah relaxed slightly, comforted by the familiarity of his embrace. Dinner was a quieter affair than usual, with Sarah's parents carrying most of the conversation as she picked at her food. She couldn't quite shake the feeling of the diaper between her legs, a constant reminder of her shame. But her parents' easy normality helped a little, making the situation feel slightly less overwhelming. After dinner, Sarah helped clear the table before retreating to the couch to watch tv, trying to ignore the diaper. As her bedtime approached, she turned to her mom and said, "I think I'm ready for bed.” Her mom nodded understandingly. "Okay, honey. Let's go get you changed and settled." In her bedroom, Sarah laid down on her bed, her cheeks flushing as her mom gently removed the still dry diaper. “Do you want to go to the bathroom?” her mom asked. Sarah eagerly got up. Once that part of her nighttime routine was finished, her mom had secured a fresh, thick diaper around her hips for the night and helped Sarah into a pair of oversized pajama bottoms. The extra room helped accommodate the diaper's bulk, but it was still noticeable. Sarah blushed as she caught sight of herself in the mirror, looking more like a toddler than an 8-year-old. Her mom turned down the covers and patted the bed invitingly. Sarah climbed in, hyper-aware of the crinkling with every movement. As her mom pulled the blankets up around her, Sarah felt tears pricking at her eyes again. "Mom?" she whispered shakily. "Do you think I'll ever not need diapers?" Her mom smoothed Sarah's hair back from her face, her touch gentle. "Of course, sweetie. This is just temporary, remember? We're going to keep working on it and I fully believe you'll get past this. But even if it takes a while, that's okay too. Daddy and I love you no matter what, diapers or no diapers." Sarah nodded, blinking back tears. She clung to her mom's hand, drawing strength from her solid presence. Her mom leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, honey. Daddy and I are so proud of you. We'll get through this together, I promise." As her mom turned out the light and left the room, Sarah curled up on her side, the diaper crinkling softly with her movement. She tried to focus on her mom's comforting words instead of the embarrassment swirling in her stomach. It wasn't easy, accepting this new reality. The diapers felt like a glaring sign of babyishness, a step backward she hadn't wanted to take. But in the darkness, her parents' steadfast love and support felt like a lifeline. Maybe, just maybe, if she leaned on that love... if she trusted in their belief in her... she could come out the other side of this. A few tears slipped down her cheeks, but Sarah clung to that hope as she drifted off to sleep, aware of the diaper’s thickness. Chapter 2 (a few weeks later) Sarah lay on her bed, the crinkle of the diaper loud as her mom fastened the tapes securely. She fiddled with the edge of her pajama top, a question burning on her tongue. "Mom?" she finally asked, her voice small. "I really want to have a sleepover with Kate. She’s asked me to spend the night a couple times. But I'm scared she'll find out about... you know." Her mom checked the legs of the diaper, smiling gently. "I understand, sweetie. Sleepovers are a big deal at your age. It's okay to want that experience." Sarah nodded, biting her lip. "But how can I do it? With the bedwetting and the diapers?" "Well," her mom began thoughtfully, "what if you wore pull-ups instead of diapers for the sleepover? They're less bulky and might be easier to hide." Sarah shook her head vigorously. "No way. The pull-ups leaked all the time. That would be worse. I don't want to risk it." "Okay, that's valid." Her mom tapped her chin, considering. "What if we hosted the sleepover here, at our house? That way, you'd have all your usual supplies and routines." Sarah sat up a little, interest piqued. "Like how?" "Well, we could hide all the diapers in the master bedroom. I could diaper you there. We’d just need to distract Kate for a minute during the diaper change.” Sarah nodded slowly, warming to the idea. "And in the morning, You could wake me up early and change out of the diaper. Before Kate wakes up." "Exactly," her mom agreed with a smile. "We could double-check that your pajamas hide the diaper well." Sarah took a deep breath, feeling a flicker of excitement alongside the nerves. "I think... I think I want to try it. Having the sleepover here, I mean. It feels less scary than sleeping at Kate's house." Her mom squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I think that's a brave and wise choice. We can make sure everything is set up to help you feel comfortable and confident." Sarah exhaled slowly, nodding. "Okay. I'll ask Kate if she wants to sleep over here next weekend. I'll just tell her my house is better because... because we have a trampoline! And a popcorn machine!" Her mom laughed, eyes twinkling. "Those are excellent selling points. I'm sure she'll be thrilled." Sarah managed a smile, feeling a weight lift off her chest. Maybe this could work. Maybe she could have a normal sleepover, even with the bedwetting. It would take some extra planning and courage, but she was starting to believe it was possible. Her mom enveloped her in a warm hug. "I'm so proud of you, Sarah. You're facing your fears head-on. That's true bravery, you know." Sarah nestled into the embrace, drawing strength from her mom's steadfast support. She knew there would still be challenges and scary moments ahead. But for now, she allowed herself to feel a spark of hope and excitement. With her mom in her corner and a solid plan, perhaps even the biggest obstacles could be overcome, one diaper and one sleepover at a time. *** The next day at school, Sarah nervously approached Kate during lunch. "Hey, Kate? I was wondering... instead of me sleeping over at your house, would you maybe want to have a sleepover at my house this weekend?" Kate's eyes widened slightly, and she fidgeted with her sandwich. "Oh, um... I don't think I can this weekend. My family has... plans." Sarah's heart sank, but she tried not to let her disappointment show. "Oh, okay. No worries. Maybe another time?" Kate nodded, not quite meeting Sarah's eyes. "Yeah, definitely. Another time for sure." The rest of the school day dragged by, Sarah's mind spinning with worries and what-ifs. Had she said something wrong? As soon as she got home, Sarah sought out her mom, finding her folding laundry in the living room. "Mom? I asked Kate about sleeping over here, but she said she can't. She seemed kind of weird about it." Her mom set down the shirt she was folding, patting the couch cushion next to her. Sarah plopped down with a sigh. "I'm sorry, sweetie. Did she say why she couldn't?" her mom asked gently. Sarah shrugged, picking at a loose thread on the couch. "She just said her family has plans this weekend. But it felt like maybe there was more to it." Her mom nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible her family does have something going on. Or maybe she's just not ready for sleepovers yet, for her own reasons." Sarah hadn't considered that. She chewed her lip, thinking. "You mean... like maybe she's worried about something too? Like I am with the bedwetting?" "It's possible," her mom said with a soft smile. "Everyone has their own challenges and fears, even if we can't always see them." Sarah leaned against her mom, absorbing this idea. "So what should I do? I don't want to pressure her or make things weird." Her mom wrapped an arm around Sarah's shoulders, giving a comforting squeeze. "I think the best thing is to keep being a good friend, just like you always are. Let Kate know the invitation is open, but don't push. When she's ready, she'll let you know." Sarah nodded slowly. "Okay. I can do that." She hesitated, then added quietly, "I just really wanted to try having a sleepover. To feel... normal." Her mom pressed a kiss to the top of Sarah's head. "I know, sweetie. And you will, when the time is right. In the meantime, how about we have our own special sleepover this weekend? We can camp out in the living room, make popcorn, and watch all your favorite movies." Sarah managed a small smile at that. "With sleeping bags and everything?" "Absolutely. And I'll even let you choose the toppings for our sundaes." Sarah giggled, feeling a bit lighter. "Even if I want gummy bears and chocolate sauce?" "Even then," her mom agreed with a grin. "It'll be our own special tradition." Sarah hugged her mom tightly, grateful for her unwavering support and understanding. The disappointment over the sleepover still stung a little, but her mom's love and the promise of their own special sleepover helped soothe it. Maybe Kate just needed time, Sarah thought. Just like Sarah had needed time to work up the courage for a sleepover invitation. And in the meantime, she could focus on enjoying the little moments of connection and normalcy, even if they looked a bit different than she had imagined. With a deep breath and a determined nod, Sarah hopped off the couch, ready to start planning their living room campout.
  22. Well, this is a different sort of story. I had the idea of combining a babyfur story...with the Golden Age of Piracy. Weird idea, but I've researched a bit, figured out how things worked, and it just...took hold. It's a lot less mature than most of my stories, actually (surprising for me), buuut I maaay include some things that are a lot more AB and regression themed than I normally do (which is normally a lot). Also, there will be a bit earthier stuff, like a brothel and tavern wenches (as was in the times. Don't worry, no sexual themes aside from...motherhood themes.), so consider that the warning. I'm also admittedly not sure where the story's middle and climax are, but I have an idea about the end; I just don't know where it'll go before then. EDIT: About critique, feel absolutely free to tell me what I'm doing wrong; in fact, I encourage it with all my heart! I want to publish this under my pseudo penname in books for AR/AB stuff, and in order to publish without mistakes and errors, I absolutely need to know what I've done wrong. If you can't find anything wrong, then tell me what you liked, please! These things make me a better writer. I'm not soft when it comes to critique, and I'll always listen to it. Okay, here's the first chapter: Chapter One: Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls The ocean in 1595 was a treacherous place, especially when one didn’t know what they were doing, and even more so when it was an area rife with danger already; the broken ships, names long since lost to the pounding waves, howling winds, and sea spray proved that without a shadow of a doubt. Fortunately for Florence Goodluck, the feared - at least, she hoped she was - black-furred fox captain of the seven seas, she and her small crew knew exactly what they were doing...or so they hoped. She wore few fripperies; while she and her crew were regarded as pirates, welcomed at Tortuga by fellow pirates, they weren’t a very wealthy or successful crew, having gotten few prizes over the time they were active. She and her crew wore simple, short, homespun dresses, ragged and torn from years on the sea. “Tack to port!” she called out in a high soprano, as she took the lookout point, seeing her crew of big cats maneuver the Catastrophe (her idea to let the crew, having known her lifelong friends since they all lived on the docks of Dover, England as orphans, know how much she appreciated them, especially since they unanimously voted her captain.) with Emma Everard, the stoic snow leopardess helmscat at her customary spot at the wheel. Not that the fox minded the lookout and rigging jobs; she never ordered her crew to do anything that she wouldn’t do, and she knew that Emma was better at the wheel than she could ever be. “Move port, bring the riggings up!” Grace Wythinghall, the powerful pantheress roared out, as was her right as quartermistress, helping the crew move away from the bow of a half-sunken ship, the stench of rotting wood in the air as a cold, heavy mist began to roll in. Florence sniffed the air, with most everything, even the familiar sea spray scents, fading into the furling mists. She realized that it could be a quest that ended all of their lives. No pirate had ever gotten this treasure, mostly because of silly and stupid superstitions that the older folk believed in. But she truly believed that she and her crew would be the first, and it would propel them to fame, glory…and mostly peace. Maybe because we’re the most desperate, that we have absolutely nothing to lose, she thought to herself. They were all veterans of the seas for a decade, and yet none of them were over the age of twenty-three, having lived hard lives as pirates, spending almost all of that decade in the bosom of their small frigate, rocked to sleep by the waves, avoiding privateers (those damned hypocrites, no better than they were…only with a letter of marque by the kings and queens of countries allowing them to prey on those weaker than them), fellow pirates, and legitimate navy ships that could’ve sunk them and sent them straight to Davy Jones. All Florence wanted was to retire. She was tired of the sea, tired of the dangers, tired of starving, and she wanted to put down roots somewhere on an island where the most she’d see of the ocean was occasional fishing, with more money than she knew how to spend. “Florence, I can’t see anything in this mist!” Agnes Coulthurst cried out, the cougaress’s tail lashing in annoyance, bringing her back to the moment. “Hold steady!” the black fox called. “Are you absolutely sure, Flory?” Denise Parkham called out; the lynx boatswain's voice tinged with terror. This was not a natural mist; the conditions for mist weren’t there; hell, it was far too cold for the normal spring weather of the Caribbean, and frost began to creep on the sails. “Do NOT call me ‘Flory’!” Florence snapped. “Hold steady unless I say!” A cheetah was scratching her claws on the ship deck, whimpering, “We’re going to crash into one of those ships-” “AVIS, WE ARE NOT GOING TO CRASH! TRUST ME!” the black fox shouted. “That goes for everyone! We are going to make it through! Have I ever led you wrong before?! Hold - damn - steady!” “You heard the captain!” Grace roared; the fox had to admit that the vocal cords of the quartermistress was a much louder sound that almost seemed to cut through the mist. “Hold steady until she says!” All eleven animals held their breaths, as if the very act of breathing would cause the water to hear and consume them. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a sword. Then Millicent Huchenson and Winifred Daundelyon, a serval and caracal as close as twin sisters (even though they weren’t actual sisters like the Rowes) heard a faint roar coming in front of them, their especially keen ears pounding with blood, and both of them screamed in terror, holding each other. Florence heard the faint roar as well, heard the sailmaker and cooper scream, and immediately bellowed, “DROP ANCHORS AND FURL SAILS RIGHT NOW!” Her crew reacted quickly, knowing that their lives depended on it. Whether Lady Luck existed or not, they knew one thing: they were lucky, for the roar was coming from a waterfall that plummeted down into nothingness - the anchors had managed to cling to rocks just in time to save them from going over. “This has to be the goddamned end of the world…” Isabel Hornboldt moaned pitifully, the jaguaress who served as the navigator unsheathing and sheathing her claws. “There’s nothing on my maps that says anything about a goddamned waterfall!” “That means we’re close to The Dying Night!” Florence shouted, her eyes alight with recognition. “Don’t you girls remember what the legend said?” “Other than some voodoo witch that cursed the pirates who killed her husband?” Sybil Rowe asked curiously, the tigress carpenter looking straight at her lioness sister, Cecily's eyes. “And they were never heard from again? And that everyone who tried to find this treasure died?” the gunner finished in a dour tone. “Cecily, Sybil, curses aren’t real!” the fox captain snorted to herself. Curses? Ridiculous. And they were a much better crew than those that had died; hadn’t they proved it by surviving until now? “Anyway, it’s at the bottom of the waterfall.” “Well, unless you plan on jumping off, I’d love to hear ideas, Flory!” Agnes snapped. “Always grumbling, Agy, always grumbling about something!” Florence retorted, inwardly seething about the childish nickname uttered by the cook. “Don’t you know that there are tributaries that lead downward? Or did you forget about the legend entirely?” The cougaress’s face flushed in annoyance, but Avis Ballett was quick to say, “But we can’t see anything in the mist!” Florence sighed, quickly wrapping a rope around her paw and stepping off of her perch, down to her crew from the crow’s nest, using her weight to counterbalance and land safely on her paws. Her crew had seen her do it so many times that they were no longer afraid for her safety…but they didn’t dare try it themselves. They would follow her anywhere…except with that; some things were just a death wish. “That’s why the legend is called ‘The Dying Night,’” the fox explained, mostly to the cheetah musician, but to the rest of the crew as well. “We wait until dawn; that’s night’s death, that’s when the mist will clear up and reveal the tributaries. Then we go down to them, find the ship, get the loot, divide it, and get out as rich women.” “You’re placing an awfully big bet on a mere legend, Flory,” Denise mused, her paw drumming on the side rail. “Enough with that stupid nickname! We know it’s real, Denise, there’s enough evidence to prove it, especially since it's here in front of our eyes.” Florence’s green eyes were desperate. “You’re my crew; I’d go down with and for you any day, and you know that, but we can’t be pirates forever. This could be the one. This could be the treasure that we could retire with and live like queens.” “I’d settle for a family.” All heads turned to face Isabel, who looked sad. “We’re family, Izzy,” Grace gently coaxed. “No, I meant…we stole this ship from the privateers together, and we're as close as we can get without being blood…but I want something…tangible,” the jaguaress said with a sigh. “No insult meant to you girls, but we see each other every day, every time I wake up on this ship. I’ve heard every argument we could ever hear. I want a different voice.” “Get enough money, and you could buy a family,” Florence said with a smirk. “Florence, not everything’s about scoring that big loot.” To the black fox’s shock, it was Emma that said those words, the normally quiet snow leopardess having a faraway look in her eyes. “I’d love a family myself. We all grew up as orphans; I wanted to know my mom for years. She died, you know. Died in childbirth. Dear ‘Dad’ left me on the docks. We all have similar stories, Florence, even you. Haven't you ever wanted someone to hold you, to love you, no matter what?” Florence sighed angrily. “Look, you want a mommy to feed you, pay a damn wetnurse. Those times are done, and you can’t ever go back. What’s done is done. We’re here right now, so let’s focus on our goal right now." She took a deep breath and rubbed the fur on her temple - a tic that she had when she was trying to calm herself down. "Anyway, we’re all tired, so get some sleep until dawn. Millicent, Winifred, take the first watch.” The fox’s crew looked at her…and let out collective sighs, knowing they weren’t going to change her mind; she could be quite stubborn. It was the trait that brought them this far, and the trait they loved and hated. But she was right, in a way: she had never steered them wrong, had always kept them safe. “Yes, Cap’n,” they chorused. They gathered their ragged blankets, shivering as, one by one, they fell asleep in the cold mist, their dreams right in front of them…one way or another. - Okay, quick explanation about the specific jobs of this crew on their frigate (a smaller ship used in the Golden Age of Piracy): Captain - Democratically elected on pirate ships, believe it or not, although they could just as easily have command stripped of them. In most cases, the captain was the brains, the one who got the ship through fair or foul means. The most successful captains could install rules on the ship. Quartermaster (quartermistress, in this case) - Also democratically elected, the quartermasters were the seconds-in-command of the ship, unlike various the various legitimate vessels (even though the pirates had first and second mates). They were the crew's answer to the pirate captain, sharing their concerns, and being an intermediatory for the captain to give orders to the crew. If the captain had taken another vessel and wanted to start a fleet, the quartermaster would be the captain of that ship. Navigator - Even though the captain and quartermaster often had knowledge of navigation, a pirate ship might have a dedicated navigator. With a good navigator, the captain would know where merchant ships struck, could navigate islands and shallows, that sort of stuff. Boatswain (bosun) - The supervisor of the various seamanship stuff around the ship, monitored the stores, and ensured sails, anchors, and rigging were in good condition. On larger ships, they'd have people under them. Carpenter - The carpenter was the one who was responsible for fixing leaks around the ship, making various repairs, and refitting captured vessels for the purposes of the pirates. They were also responsible for a lot of the, ah...immediate surgeries (i.e., amputations) in the absence of a surgeon. Cooper - The cooper was responsible for assembling barrels, used to keep wet stores, dry stores, gunpowder, water, rum, etc. from spoiling, making them airtight, fixing buckets, etc. Normally on larger ships, but I figured I could make a slight exception. Sailmaker - Sailmakers were basically the chief engineer on a ship, used to stitch and make sails, which, without them, ships went nowhere. In the absence of a surgeon, sailmakers were also responsible for stitching wounds shut. Gunner - The gunner was responsible for the cannons, how much gunpowder was necessary for to hit the target, who shouted the order to fire. Gunner teams (four to six men) were required to be accurate and speedy, and they were outfitted with a lot of guns. Cook - Yes, even pirate ships had cooks. Normally, they were ones with amputations (not here), but while they stole food stores from the ships they captured, and ate from taverns, yes, cooks were needed to prepare food and rum. Musician - Yes, pirates had musicians like fiddlers and trumpeters. Like in others, they created rhythms for shanties, to aid in manual task, and to entertain, but they also contributed to a cacophony of noise during attacks.
  23. I feel like this has been done in a story before but if so, I can’t find it. It’s set in the 80s, which isn’t important, except my inspiration was a vintage huggies ads. Full disclosure - as with my other story, this was written with the assistance of a LLM. Chapter 1 In the heart of a bustling suburb in the early 1980s, a spirited six-year-old girl named Lucy lived in a modest, warmly-lit split-level house adorned with the typical decor of the era. With bright eyes and an ever-present smile, Lucy’s imagination turned the family’s backyard into grand stages and faraway lands. She was an only child, the apple of her parents' eyes, and the center of their world. Peter, Lucy’s father, was the quintessential working man of the '80s, spending long hours in an office filled with the hum of typewriters and the scent of fresh ink. Despite his busy schedule, he never missed one of Lucy's impromptu living room performances, cheering the loudest from the comfort of their floral-patterned couch. Anne, Lucy’s mother, had the air of grace and patience about her. As a stay-at-home mom, she dedicated her days to raising Lucy, who she saw as a bright star just waiting for her chance to shine. Anne’s friends were part of a social circle that buzzed with tales and tips about the entertainment industry, and it was through them she learned the power of child modeling as a stepping stone to acting. The path seemed clear, and Anne, with her resourceful nature, started to gather information on local modeling agencies that worked with children. She transformed their dining table into a strategic planning area, with phone numbers, agency pamphlets, and lists of upcoming auditions. Anne and Peter believed in nurturing Lucy's dream. They saw her not just play pretend, but transform with a conviction that seemed well beyond her years. Lucy’s delight in performing was evident; whether she was reciting lines from popular commercials or mimicking her favorite TV characters, her enthusiasm was infectious. As the neighborhood buzzed with the sound of kids playing and the chirp of crickets, the little family of three began to envision a world beyond their white picket fence—a world where Lucy’s name lit up marquees and her laughter echoed in the applause of adoring audiences. Little did they know, a simple trip to the grocery store would soon open the door to Lucy's first big break, an opportunity hidden within the pages of a magazine lying casually on the checkout counter. — As Anne stood in line, her eyes fell upon the glossy pages of a parenting magazine. Between the tips for toddler meals and the best pre-schools, a small advertisement caught her attention: a casting call from the renowned Kleenex brand, seeking children aged 2 to 4 to model for a new line of diapers. The ad noted that older children were welcome to apply, though it stressed the desire for a child who embodied the brand’s target demographic. Anne’s mind raced. Lucy, with her petite frame and youthful features, often received coos and adoration meant for a toddler. Though she was six, her small stature could be the key to fitting the casting call's unique requirements. Anne purchased the magazine, the pages soon to be adorned with sticky notes and highlighter marks. That evening, she discussed it with Peter over dinner, Lucy animatedly sharing stories from her day in the background. Peter nodded thoughtfully, his features lit by the warm kitchen light as he turned to glance at Lucy, who was blissfully unaware of the budding plan. It was a long shot, but one worth taking. The weekend was spent in a flurry of activity. Anne sorted through the countless snapshots of Lucy, finding those candid moments where her vivacity shone: Lucy grinning with chocolate ice cream smeared across her cheeks, her concentration while drawing, her infectious laughter as she played in the fall leaves. Each photograph was a vignette of Lucy's essence, and together they built a portfolio that captured not just her likeness, but her spirit. Peter wrote a cover letter, concise yet brimming with a father's pride. He described Lucy’s vivacious personality, her love for performance, and her unique situation of being a six-year-old who could pass for three. With hopeful hearts, they mailed the portfolio to the address listed in the magazine. Days passed, the regular rhythm of life resumed, but a current of anticipation hummed in the background. Every ring of the phone caused a jump, every trip to the mailbox was filled with a mix of dread and excitement. Anne and Peter tried not to speak too much of it, not wanting to build false hopes. Yet, in the quiet moments after Lucy had been tucked into bed, they allowed themselves to dream, to wonder. The waiting was a gentle ache, the kind that comes from wanting something so fervently for someone you love. And so, they waited for a reply that might change everything. — The letter was thorough, providing dates, times, a location in the city, and contact numbers for any inquiries. It emphasized that wardrobe would be provided, ensuring that Lucy would be outfitted in a way that best represented their brand during the audition. The words seemed to leap from the page, igniting a flicker of excitement and a rush of nerves. That night, after Lucy had been read her favorite bedtime story and had drifted off to sleep, her parents sat at the kitchen table, the letter between them. Anne bit her lip thoughtfully. "I wonder what they’ll have her wear," she mused. "Something comfortable, I hope. She’s at her best when she’s comfortable and can just be herself." Peter nodded, sipping his coffee. "Probably something colorful, to catch the eye. You know how she loves that red dress of hers? Something like that would suit her," he suggested, trying to picture his little girl in the bright lights of a professional photoshoot. Anne smiled softly, her mind painting pictures of Lucy, perhaps in a pastel dress, her hair in soft curls, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "They’ll want her to look angelic, like every parent’s dream of the perfect child," she said. The two of them talked late into the night, discussing logistics and the subtle flurry of what-ifs. But underlying all their practical plans was the shared wonder at the notion of Lucy, their Lucy, possibly becoming the new face for a national brand. — The morning of the audition, the city was abuzz with the kind of energy only a big event could generate. Lucy, clad in her favorite red dress, clutched her mother's hand tightly as they approached the venue, her eyes wide at the sea of families. The queue snaked around the building, a colorful parade of potential stars, each child bubbling with anticipation or fidgeting with impatience. Peter and Anne exchanged supportive smiles, bolstering their spirits against the tide of nerves. When their turn came, the check-in attendant handed them a package of Huggies diapers and a Huggies-branded towel, explaining the somewhat surprising instructions. Around them, the open space had transformed into a makeshift changing area, with parents adeptly preparing their toddlers for the spotlight. Anne's maternal instincts bristled at the idea of changing Lucy in such a public setting. Peter’s brow furrowed in concern, but they understood the reality of the situation — they were one of many, and the audition was a machine with little room for privacy. Finding a relatively quiet corner, Anne laid down the towel with a gentle assurance to Lucy, whose initial bravery wavered. "It's just like getting ready for a swimming lesson," Anne coaxed softly. Lucy, sensing her parents' unease, nodded, a mature understanding flashing in her young eyes. With a privacy shield formed by her parents, Anne quickly changed Lucy into the diaper, her movements as discreet and swift as possible. Once ready, Lucy stood up, the Huggies diaper fitting perfectly on her small frame, her red dress now folded neatly on the towel. Peter draped a light jacket around her shoulders, offering a semblance of privacy, and Lucy managed a small, brave smile. As they waited for Lucy's turn, her parents couldn't help but marvel at her composure, the way she handled the situation with a grace that belied her six years. The air was electric with the murmurs of onlooking parents and the soft cooing directed at the younger children, but Lucy stood out — not just for her age, but for the poise with which she carried herself, her eyes shining with the promise of what was to come. In the bustling atmosphere of the audition, with the murmur of voices and the occasional click of a camera shutter forming a backdrop of anticipation, Lucy felt a growing discomfort that had nothing to do with the nerves of performing. Shifting from one foot to the other, she finally leaned closer to Anne and whispered, "Mom, I need to pee."
  24. Five-year-old Lila is jealous of her baby brother always getting all the attention. But Lila's life changes forever when she discovers a mysterious diaper that will grant her every wish. How much fun can Lila have with unlimited wishes at her disposal? Chapter 1: Lila's Diaper Wish Five-year-old Lila woke up to the sound of her younger brother wailing in the other room. If she were to guess, he probably needed another diaper change. “Camden!” her mother shouted from the hallway. “Don’t worry. Mommy’s coming!” Lila sighed when she heard her mother get up just to dote on little Camden. He does this every night. His diaper gets wet and she takes care of it just like that. Her mommy keeps telling her that she is the big sister now. Three months ago, this was not the case. “I used to be the baby…” she whispered. “Now my little brother has to ruin it. He gets everything! I wish that my mommy would pay more attention to me!” Lila pouted as she buried her face back in the covers of her My Little Pony bed. Minutes later, she could make out the sound of her mom from the hallway walking back into the room. She stopped at the bathroom, turned on the light, and then turned it off after a few seconds. In mere seconds, Lila was fast asleep. Lila woke up with a gasp. She clutched her hands over her pajamaed groin and lept out of bed. She swung the door open and rushed a short distance down the hallway and into the bathroom. She turned on the light and closed the door. She lifted the toilet lid up, pulled down her pink pajama bottoms and Elsa and Anna Frozen underwear and sat down. She could hear the refreshing tinkle as the mesmerizing sound filled the whole bathroom. The sound reverberated for about 20 seconds. She smiled. I made it! She gasped again, siting up in her bed. Her Frozen underwear and pajamas were soaked. She pulled back the bedsheets. A large and saturated wet patch covered the area of the entire mattress. Lila’s face reddened and her face filled with tears. She got out of bed and rushed across the hallway. She quietly open the door and whispered with tears in her eyes: “Mommy! I peed the bed!” The mother stirred, and caught glimpse of the small silhouette standing by the door that was open just a crack. She let out a quiet sigh. “Lila dear, you wet the bed again. This is the third time this week, honey.” Lila’s face, which was now beet red, flooded with tears. “But I didn’t mean to, mommy! I had the dream where I…” “You had that same dream again? The one where you get up and go to the bathroom?” Lila slowly nodded, as she wiped more tears out of her eyes. She was now letting out hiccup sobs. The mother gave Lila a soft pat on the neck. “Here. Let’s get you cleaned up and back to bed. We’ll get you a shower, some dry underwear, dry pajamas, and some dry bedding..” Lila’s tears vanished, her hiccup sobs becoming less frequent. They were now just hiccups. The mother led Lila into the bathroom and instructed her to take off all her wet clothes. “I’m going to change your bedding.” the mother told her. “I’ll be right back to give you a shower, okay sweetheart?” Lila nodded as she removed her soaked pajama top. The mother left the bathroom to take care of Lila’s soaked bedding. Lila took her soaked pajama bottoms and then sighed when she took off her soaked Frozen Elsa and Anna underwear. It was sad to see both Elsa and Anna all wet from her nocturnal accident. After removing her underwear and piling it with the other wet clothes, she looked down at her princess parts, which still had just a little pee dripping off of it. She then noticed the door open just a crack that went to the waste bin. There was a faint light coming from it. She opened the door to the trash bin and found an empty white sleeve draped over the edge of the waste bin. that she knew came from her brother’s diapers. Her mommy must’ve thrown it away when she was finished with it. Having seen her brother’s room, she knew that the white sleeve came from a large box of Huggies Little Snugglers. They were size 1’s, since her little brother was only 3 months old. But then she saw the light again. It was a bright flashing light that came from inside the white sleeve. She glanced inside and noticed that there was an object that was flashing at the bottom of the plastic sleeve, since the one side was open but was sealed on the other side. She felt down to the bottom and gasped. Mommy forgot to use this diaper on my little brother! She stuffed it back in the trash and closed the door to the waste bin underneath the sink. The mother came back and led Lila to the shower. She undressed herself and entered the shower with Lila. They both showered together and the mother made sure that Lila got all of her parts really good. After the shower, they both dried off and the mother gave Lila a fresh pair of Elsa and Anna Frozen underwear and a pair of yellow pajamas, since pink and yellow were Lila’s favorite colors. The mother led Lila back to her room and pointed to her bed, which now had some fresh bedding. A Disney Belle and Cinderella comforter sat on the top with matching pillows. She then hugged Lila and smiled. “Try not to have that dream again, dear.” She got Lila underneath the covers and tucked her in. “You’ll grow out of it soon. Mommy used to wet the bed when she was your age.” Lila gasped. “You WET the bed?” The mother nodded. “I was a little girl, just like you and I had that same kind of dream. I wet the bed until I was seven, then I stopped after that.” Lila whimpered. “So I’m going to wet the bed for two more years?” The mother shook her head. “We don’t know that, sweetheart. Every child grows out of this at a different age. Try to get some sleep now. Good night, Lila dear.” The mother and Lila both nuzzled their noses together and the mother kissed her on the cheek. She then pulled the covers up to Lila’s chin and turned to exit her room. She flipped off the light switch and closed the door. Lila waited a few minutes for her mother to go back to bed. When it was all quiet again, she gently got out of bed and tip-toed across the floor. She quietly turned the knob until the door was open just a crack. Just enough for her to squeeze out of her room. She continued tip-toeing down the hallway and back to the bathroom. When she opened the door, sure enough. She could see the light glimmering from the crack to the door that was underneath the sink. With the lights off in the bathroom, she could see the light even more. She opened the door and reached into the trash bin. She pulled out the white sleeve and looked inside. She reached down and pulled out the source of light. Sure enough, it was a Huggies Little Snugglers diaper. But something was unusual about this one. It was flashing brightly like a night light. Lila held the glowing diaper and closed the door to the sink. She quietly left the bathroom with the diaper and went back to her bedroom with it. Very quietly, she closed the door and laid the diaper in the middle of the floor in her room. She then sat on her bed and scratched her head, trying to think of what to do with that diaper. Should she use it for a night light? It was glowing pretty bright and Lila was secretly afraid of the dark. Too afraid to tell mommy. But as Lila looked at the diaper more and more, she wanted to hold it again. So, she got out of bed and picked up the glowing diaper again. It was a size 1, and the most unusual diaper that she has ever seen. She has seen her mother change Camden’s diaper before and none of them ever glowed like that. As she held the diaper, she could feel the power flowing through it. At this, her thoughts returned to where they were earlier in the night. When Camden first woke her up. “My little brother gets everything!” Lila pouted. “Why don’t I get everything? I used to, before my little brother was born. I wish I was the little sister, instead of my brother! Then I would get everything! Everything would be good again…” The glowing diaper flashed, and just like that, Lila gasped. She removed her pajamas and underwear and stretched out the diaper, following just as she remembered her mother doing it with Camden. She laid down over the diaper and stretched the front over her private area. She peeled back the two tapes in the back and stretched them both onto the landing zone. At this, she gasped. This magic diaper actually fits? Then it hit her. She is once again an infant. That’s when she realized that she couldn’t move her legs. She can move her arms when she was on her stomach. She then glanced at her bed and almost started to cry, when she still noticed the bright glow coming from her diaper. Lila sighed. “Oh, I wish I could be laying in my bed!” And just like that, her entire body flashed and vanished from where she was helplessly on the floor. She appeared laying on her tummy on her bed. Her bed flashed and railings popped up all around, converting into a crib. A blinding flash sent her into a deep sleep. A bright ray of sunlight woke Lila up. Her mother entered the room, with the biggest smile on her face. “Ahh!” The mother cooed. “Did little Lila have a good night sleep? Here. Mommy’s going to get you out of your crib. Lila gasped. Sure enough, she was still an infant. And she felt so wet. A big mess was in there too. At this, her little body couldn’t take it anymore. She started to cry. The mother nodded, as she lifted Lila out of her crib and held her in her arms. “Don’t worry,” she told her darling daughter. “Mommy’s going to change you.” She then smelled a foul odor wafting from Lila’s diaper. “Hoo dear! You made quite a stinky! Here. Let mommy change you.” Lila glanced at the glowing diaper that she was still wearing. If mommy is going to change me, then I wish that the next diaper that mommy changes me in is a magic diaper like this one! Lila flashed and then giggled, as if the bright flash tickled her. The mother noticed her laughter and smiled. “Ah.” She cooed. “My little Lila is happy…” The mother laid Lila on a changing table. She unzipped her pink footed sleeper and unsnapped her white onesie. As she was about to take off Lila’s diaper, a voice made her turn around. “Mommy! I’m up!” The mother pivoted and noticed that it was Camden, in his green pajamas. Camden smiled when he glanced at his little sister. “How’s little Lila, mommy?” The mother smiled. “Lila’s a bright ball of sunshine this morning, Camden dear. Now, I’m about to change your sister’s diaper. It’s a very stinky one, so I don’t think you want to watch.” Camden closed his eyes and pretended to barf, making the barf sound. “Before you do that, I wanna thank you for not calling me a baby for peeing the bed last night.” The mother nodded. “You’re not. As I told you, I wet the bed when I was your age. Now, let me change your sister Lila’s diaper…” “Little Lila!” Camden said with a smile. He glanced down at his happy sister. Get into a clean one, okay? Mommy, I’m going to watch cartoons. Okay? I love Saturday!” Camden left the room, leaving the mother to take care of the important business with Lila. The mother opened up the tabs on Lila’s diaper and folded the front down. Just as she suspected, a large chunk of poo lay in the center, surrounded by the soggy liner. Lila glanced at her mother as she changed her diaper. One thing that she noticed was that she couldn’t see the glow coming from the diaper. Only she could see it for some reason. The mother lifted her out of the wet, stinky, and messy diaper and got out the wipes. She began wiping all the poo off of her diaper area. She wiped her frontal area really good and then laid Lila on her tummy to wipe all the poo out of her bottom and clean that area really good. Lila grinned as she reflected on seeing her brother in the room. Just as she wished, she was now the youngest again. And even better, she now has an older brother! The mother wiped everything one more time and rubbed some Aquaphor all over her daughter’s bottom, abdomen, and diaper area. Finally, she powdered her bottom and diaper areas with a few light pats. She opened up a brand new box of Huggies Little Snugglers. It was a huge pack with 180 diapers. She took the first white sleeve and tore the plastic along the top, exposing the rounded ends of all the new diapers. She pulled one out of the sleeve and held it. Right after she held it, it flashed brightly and began to glow. To Lila’s amazement, her mother couldn’t see the glow. Only she could see it. The mother laid Lila on the new glowing diaper and folded the front over her diaper area. She swiftly fastened both tapes to the center of the landing zone. Lila smiled, still in awe over the new glowing diaper that she had. Oh, I wish that every new diaper that I’m changed with is a magic diaper! No sooner did the words leave her thoughts when all of the diapers in that new opened sleeve began to flash and glow. Lila smiled, as her mother snapped up her onesie. So many wishes. Unlimited wishes. Her smile turned to laughter as she giggled with delight. Lila’s diaper wish came true.
  25. A friend gets shrunk down to doll size by his friend. She decides to humiliate him and punish him in so many humiliating ways. Using him as her new toy.
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