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  1. Hey there fellow diaper dwellers! Im an open Adult Baby that recently moved to the Peninsula area (near San Francisco). Considering that Im relatively new to this side of the bay, I wanted to establish some new friendships with other ABs, DLs, Furries, and Bronies who share my interest in Infantalism and Age Play Regression. A little about me. Im 32 years young, slender, straight, 5'9, caucasian and Ive been involved in the AB/DL community for over a decade. Just to note, Im not seeking anything sexual. This is a friendly get together for those who wanna engage in harmless escapism. My apartment was recently converted into a nursery, which really captures that nostalgic feel of being young. I have a room full toys, games, cartoons, plushies and baby necessities to accommodate your needs. If you wanna bring your own stuff, its actually encouraged since everyone has that special something to make them feel comfortable. One thing I ask before you contact me, is that you must be over 18. Otherwise, people of all genders and sexual preferences all welcome. In respect to everyones agenda, I feel that it would be convenient to hold these meet ups on the weekends including friday nights. Perhaps we can have sleep overs in the future if things really pan out. Cost: FREE!!! Its about making friends, not money. When: Every Sunday from 12pm - 6pm Feel free to post your questions below! Address will be revealed privately to serious attendees.
  2. Boy wanting to find like-minded friends who have the same feelings. I have tried to ignore it for many years but can't stop wanting to wear nappies and enjoying it.
  3. Parum Journal Entry Day 0: Mag and I won the smart house! Everything is being set up today for us to move in tomorrow. The Plasti'Plants people sent the movers over earlier to pack our things and take them over. Tonight we'll stay in a hotel and they'll pick us up in the morning. Plasti'Plants is going to pay for everything we need for the year so that we can really test this place out. It's supposed to have everything. Guys, I'm so excited! ~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, we're checked into the hotel now. After my last entry the day got pretty busy. They had us go down to headquarters to have our scans done and everything. We had new chips implanted that are already coded for the house and have our data uploaded to the house's systems. Apparently, it'll be able to make or order anything we need customized for us. I'm so happy that Mag stumbled across this opportunity. When we signed up I never thought we would win. It feels like it was meant to be. Okay! Time to go get dinner! Ya gurl’s craving tendies! ~~~~~~~~~~ Mag Journal Entry Day 0: I went to sign the papers at Plasti’Plants today. A free smart house with full security and fencing to keep us safe, in exchange for one year's worth of testing? Easy life here we come! I could just feel Janice from accounting's glare stab at me the entire time I went in to sign the papers. What can I say Janice? It sucks to suck and you snooze, you lose! Only odd thing was the list of free items that I saw on the list. There were obvious things like a couch, kitchen table, some food and drink, etc. But there was also a crib, changing table, a high chair, and a whole host of other baby stuff? Did they think that we had kids? Ah well, I'm sure it was nothing. And worse comes to worse we can probably just donate everything that we don't want to some kids shelter somewhere. ~~~~~~~~~~ Checking into the hotel, I noticed that they had given us the first neural chip for Parum to download in addition to the keys for the room. I also noted that for some reason, the beds had plastic over the mattresses. Maybe the people who had the room before us had bedwetting problems? Oh well, I had Parum install the first chip before we went downstairs for dinner. It was so cute how even after all this high society and luxury that they wanted chicken strips off the kids menu! They said that it was just a craving that they had, but I still couldn't help but find it cute! <This is a collaboration with @RanchSkywalker (SkywalkerRanch here) and edited by @Aliceko_chan (both on Twitter) > https://toofplaypen.wordpress.com/2021/02/03/plastiplants-page-one/
  4. This is a sequel to "human to baby Pokémon" it takes place after my story please read that before this one! Storm the part eevee and part ralts child of Dakota the gardevoir and dill the eevee. Storm always knew his mom and dad where hiding something from him but when he snuck in to there room to find out he did not plan on the punishment he would get. He just hopes none of his friends come over. And what will happen when he goes back to school? Well find out in this story. Storm looks kinda like a eevee and kinda like a ralts in ways he can stand on his back legs looking mostly like a eevee that can walk in his back legs. It was the first change in Pokémon breading with different species and being part humans. But after all the humans where gone this became the normal thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Storm is a cute eevee and ralts boy a standing eevee basicly. He about 12 years old he's a guy that's very manly and hates anything childish and girly. Unfortunately though he didn't know about his dad's urges. His mom and dad keep that secret from him. But he was always curious why his dad never evolved. It was stupid to him but he couldn't change his mind. But one day at night while he was soppose to be sleeping he hered his mom taking out the trash. He peeked out his door and seen his mom holing a smelly bag and taking it outside he noticed a thing of baby power sticking out of it. He didn't think much of it And shrugged it off and went back to his bedroom. But he couldn't get the thought of his mom and dad keeping a secret from him. He had to know! "ahh! I can't take it I have to find out what there hidding! But how can I do it without them noticing..." Suddenly a idea hits him. He remembered his parents had a school meeting today to talk about his own school work and stuff. But he couldn't go because it was adults only or something stupid like that. He smirks and covers up just you wait till I find out this secret. Shortly after storm fell asleep. He sleeps only in boxers. After all the humans become pokemon and had kids the adults make all the new kids wear clothing because they have more human like bodys. Kinda. The next morning storm get woke up being shook some. "storm sweetheart it's time to wake up" A gardevoir said in a soft voice. Her name was Dakota. Storms mom. Strom groaned "I'm sleeping leave me alone..." Dakota glares. "brat I said get up..." Dakota picks him up with her psychic powers and walks him to the bathroom. He blushed hating to be picked up like this. "mom!" She smirks. "I don't care young man now take a shower you haven't bathed in like a week you reek..." She sets him down and he grumbles. "I don't reak! I just smell like a big man!" She looks unamused. "mhm.... Or a baby that hasn't been changed" He bushes "alright ill take one! Just leave." Dakota laughes and leaves the bathroom. "and make sure to clean everything young man or ill come do it for you!" His face couldn't go any brighter red. "I hate it when she dose that... Thank God she don't say this stuff when my friends are over..." Storm removes his boxers and gets in the shower making sure to take a good shower then remembering last night. "oh ya! The secret... Heh once I find this out I bet I can use it against them to get anything I want!" He giggles to himself excitedly. Cleaning up quicker and getting out drying off and finding some clothes layed out for him. Must have been his mother choice. They looked casual. He threw on the boxers and a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. "alright they should be leaving after breakfast... Then my chance." He leaves the bathroom and goes to the kitchen to see his dad, dill the eevee sitting on the kitchen chair and smiles at him. "hey kiddo! You going to be OK while me and your mom are gone?" He rolls his eyes. "duh..." He sits in a chair by his dad. And his mom puts pancakes down in front of them both. "ok eat up if anyone needs help I'll feed them." She giggles. And he roll his eyes. He can't belive they would think he can't eat himself he's freaking 12! And she still asks this. Then again she seems to look at dad when she says it. After breakfast mom and dad give me a hug. And mom looks at me. "ok emergency numbers are on the fridge and you know the rules no going in to our room without permission. Got it?" He grones. "yes mother... Shesh...." His Mom kisses his cheek making him blush and they leave. And storm takes a sigh of relief. "about flipping time... Shesh I'll wait a while to make sure they don't come back in." Storm sits down on the couch and watches some TV. Half a hour passes before he remembers. "CRAP I ALMOST FORGOT!" he jumps down from the couch and runs to his mom and dad's room nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Except it smelled like baby powder and stuff almost like a nursery. But he shrugged it off to old people smell and laughed. He looked under there bed and found a strange box he pulls it out and sits it on the edge of the bed. It's a box full of stuff like a pasifier a large one and like toddler toys. "where these my old toys...? This was definitely not my old pasifier though... This thing looks like it's for a adult... Maybe it was when mom and dad where kids? They told me there life story mostly..." He shrugged and put the lid back on it and goes to the closet and opens it up and his eyes get huge. There's a large supply of diapers and not for baby's like adult diapers but they also had some kinda baby print on them. And clothing that looks like it would fit dad suddenly it hits him. His dad dresses up like a baby. He starts to laugh. "oh my God! I can't wait to tell eveyone! I'm going to embarrass him so much!" He pulls out one of the large diaperes and unfolds it. "I sometimes forget dad's still a eevee so he's not much bigger then me... Creepy. These could almost fit-" Suddenly he's cut off from the door shutting and his eyes get big and hide the diaper halfway in his pants and half in his shirt and starts to panic seeing he left the box of stuff out he goes to move it when Dakota walks in. "STORM! What are you doing young man!" He froze with fear. Not even sure what to say his mom turns him around as he's holing the box and the diaper falls our from under his shirt and it hanging down from his pants and he blushes. And his mom smirks. "I see you found daddy's stash. And just what where you planning on doing with that?" He felt his hear beating like crazy. "n-nothing..." She smiles. "oh I get it! You wanted to test them out didn't you?" His eyes get big and shake his head. "n-no!!" Dakota laughes. Then glares at him. "i don't care if you did or not your in a lot of trouble and as punishment... you will while you are at home will be treated very special for ohh... 3 months." He gulps. "s-special...?" She just smiles and takes the box from his hand and sits it on the bed. Then grabs his hand. what could she have in store for him? He wondered it kinda scared him he never seen him mom act so... Sweet it was almost scary. He hopes he won't regret this. Chapter 2 Mom picks me up and sits me on. The Edge of there bed I sit there just staring and mom pulls out the diaper from my pants making me blush she smiles. "dill sweety! Can you come in to our bedroom?" Dad runs in and his eyes get big seeing me siting on the bed and a diaper in mom's hand he blushes. "w-what are you doing with that silly thing Dakota?" He looked very nervous I could see why they would hide this from me...i didn't know my dad was so... weird... "he knows dill" He almost wined a bit. "I think it's time we had a talk with him. And explain this to him." My eyes get big. "n-no I'm fine! I don't-" Mom glares at me it was scary. "storm shut up you are in trouble... Only speak when spoken too understand me young man?" I gulp and look down nodding she smiled. "good! Now as for all this stuff your dad is into acting like a child in diapers. That's also why he hasn't evolved." Acting like a child... And wear diapers... OK he's very weird... And he hasn't evolved because he likes to pretend he's a child... And mom tells me to grow up...I can see dad blushing and I look at him strangely. Mom pulls him closer and yanks off dad's pants and my eyes get big as I see this wet looking diaper on him it was sagging. I can't belive it... My dad's a big baby... "d-dakota!" Dad is blushing insanely and mom smirks. "alright! Dill wanted like a month where he didn't have to do anything he could pretend to be a child or baby." Dad covers his face and I look in disgust. "so dill you and storm will be my baby's for 3 months! No more adult thing except when storm has to go to school. Dill you don't work so you will be a baby most people in town know already so no normal clothes for 3 months" My face goes pale. D-did she just say my name too...dad sighs. "yes Dakota...but storm too? Why?" Mom smirks. "I'm not Dakota I'm mommy for the next few months. And storm is in a lot of trouble that's why. He broke his promise and this is what happens to kids who break promises!" I could barely think straight. "Y-you can't be serious mom...? This is a joke right? I-I'm sorry I won't do it again! But if I get caught people will laugh at me for the rest of my life!" Mom just giggles and winks at me. "then I guess you better not be caught. But don't worry you don't start school for a week you will have time to adjust to your new life style at home baby." I blush and glare "I'm not doing this..." Mom smirks. "I kinda hoped you would say that" Suddenly my body feels paralyzed. M-my mom just used paralyze on me! Oh my God I can't move is all I could think before I fall on my back blushing this can't be about to happen! "ok dill you first let's teach storm the rules while I change your dirty diapy." Dad blushes and walks up to my mom she picked him up and pulled out a strange table from the wall. It was a large changing table. She lays dad on it and starts untappeing his diaper and pulls it down I look away at this point. I don't want to see my dad's... thing... "aww looks like the little baby soaked himself that's OK mommy here to change you and make you all clean." I blush just from like second hand embarrassment. And knowing she's going to do this to me. "d-dose dad have... Like bladder problems?" Mom looked at me as she put a clean diaper on dad. "unfortunately he never learned to use the bathroom..." Dad blushes like crazy. "why?" Mom laughes. "your dad has been into diapers and I think he just didn't want to lean and going this long kinda messed up his bladder and doctors say he will never have control." What do they mean by into them? Like he just enjoys them? Weird... I don't see why people enjoy that... Being mocked looked down on... I'm already looked down on and treated like a child. He dose it willingly. Suddenly mom puts dad down and I float in the air going closer to her and my heart races. "m-mom please! We can talk about this I'm sorry please don't do this!" I start shaking and tearing up. I rarely cry but this was so humiliating I couldn't take it. "aww... Storm... It's ok... Don't cry mommy's here." She hugs me and I lean against her unable to move still crying. And Shaking. I don't even notice my mom taking off my shirt and pants. Then when she removes my boxers it hits me what she's done and I cry more. "no mommy don't please!" She just smiles laying me on the changing table and I'm blushing not liking being naked in front of my mom and dad. Mom grabs a diaper from the closet and unfolds it and lifts up my butt putting the diaper under me. All I can do is watch in horror as my mother diapers me a 12 year old! "aww your going to look so cute Storm!" I blush more and watch as she puts baby powder on me and flips the diaper over me. Just wait till she puts me down Im ripping this thing off. She straps it on then touches the front and a lock appears in it and looks like it locks and disappears. "magic my mom used on me heheh no matter how hard you try you won't be able to remove this." She can't be serious right...? This can't be happening my whole life is ruined! All because i had to find out my mom and dad's secret! And it some how it turned in to my own secret and If I tell people I'll give away my own it's not fair! Mom picks me up and I feel the paralyze disappear and she puts me down in nothing but a diaper. I blush and try and hide it. It's so hard to close my legs completely. I haven't had to use one of these since I was 3...now I get to do it for 3 months. And school starts in one week... If anyone catches me they will humiliate me to no end...this is the end of my life as the cool kid... And my new life as the freaking stupid laughing stalk baby...wait... Mom don't expect me to use this right?! Chapter 3 Mom grabbed my hand and then my dad's hand then she walked us both into the front room and sat us both on her lap. It was so weird to see my dad on my mom lap and looking like a baby. Wait what am I saying I also look like a damn baby sitting on my moms lap! God I want to die from embarrassment. "alright kiddos. Dill you probably know most of the rules but I'm going to explain the rules for the next few months." Dad lays his head on mom and sucks his thumb then looks at me blushes and hides his face in mom's chest. Is it possible to disown my own dad... "alright rule number one. You wear diapers for 3 full months no exceptions. There's a few more for storm once school starts it's a punishment not trying to make him the laughing stalk of the school." I kinda take a sigh of relief. "wait...? So d-dose that mean I got to use it... To... You know?" Mom smirks and quiets me. "I was getting to that. No more trips to the bathroom. You can only use the diaper." My eyes get big. "but that's disgusting!" Mom laughs. "you don't have a choice storm. Now rule number 3 you will both refer to me as mommy. No mom no Dakota nothing but mommy" I blush. "W-what about around my friends?" Mom pats my head. "oh especially around your friends" She giggles and I blush looking down at the padding between my legs. Curiosity killed the cat... Honestly I wish I did more like curiosity diapered the cat... I let out a big sigh. And continued to listen to mom. "rule number 4 you both will act like your age 3 years old when at home well Dill has to act like it for the full 3 months no exceptions. Storm only has to do it when he's at home while out or at school you can act your normal age of 12. Rule number 5 if you need a change you call me if at school or wherever I'll teleport there and change you. I'll try and keep people from finding out." I just stare at my diaper. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. My life is over. I'm going to be called a baby for the rest of my life. Mom sighs. And pets on dad who's clearly embarrassed to see me acting like this. "This is how we will punish you from now on Strom. "little" punishment. This is to teach you what's right from wrong. We don't believe in spanking or anything we don't like violent punishment for reasons. But I'm sure the fear of everyone will find out about this if you don't listen to us will make you act good won't it?" Spanking me probably wouldn't have made me listen... But this... This isn't fair! I don't have a choice or i'll be mocked! I'm that cool kid at my school! But I sigh. "yes mom... " She clears her throat. And glares a bit. "I-i mean... Yes M-mommy..." I bush oh my God that's so embarrassing! I haven't called her mommy since I was also like 3! "alright I think that's most of the rules now I think it's almost bedtime for my Little ones." Wait what? Bed time? I look at the clock. "U-uhh.... Mommy it's only like 7pm..." She nods and stands up holding me and dad in her arms my eyes get big and I hold on to her scared I haven't been held like this for a long time. Mom takes dad to his bedroom and lays him down. "goodnight baby" Dad blushes and smiles. "goodnight mommy!" Man just him calling mom mommy is kinda weird... What am I talking about this has been the strangest day of my life.. Mom takes me to my room and tucks me in to bed and kisses me I blush. "M-mom..." She giggles. "you're so cute your going to make a cute baby for a few months. But it's nap time. Oh you don't need changed do you? Because you won't get one till tomorrow morning." My face goes bright red. "n-no! I don't plan on using it..." She laughs. "well you will have to sooner or later. Unless you can hold it in for 3 months. Anyways good night love you." She leaves my room and i grone but I won't lie she did tuck me in to a really comfortable spot. No I can't fall asleep... It's too early... Only babies go to sleep... This.... Early.... But it was too late I passed out asleep. Probably from all the stress of today. DREAM I woke flipping the covers off me and to my surprise I was still in my boxers I smile great big. "yes! It was just a nightmare!" I jump out of bed and opened my door I see mom and dad sitting on the couch completely normal. "thank God it was just a dream..." I walk in to the front room. "hey mom? Dad? I'm hungry can I get something to eat?" They don't even act like I'm there. "... Mom? Dad? Hello?" I walk in front of them and my eyes get big. Mom and dad were suddenly younger mom was a ralts and dad was still an eevee. They were in diapers laughing and playing with each other. "mom! Dad! What happened to you two?!" Suddenly something talks in a deep voice. "I changed them in to baby's just like I'll do to you next." My body freezes and I turn and look and it's a giant diaper floating in the air coming at me I scream. And cry. NEXT MORNING I wake up screaming sitting up really fast and hugging myself shaking I pull the covers back and I see my greatest fear. The diaper. I sniff and wipe my eyes when mom ran in. "storm?! What's wrong?! Are you ok?" I nod wiping my eyes. "J-just a nightmare..." Mom hugs me and I hugged her back she gives me a confused look and suddenly grabs the front of my diaper I scream and blush. "MOM!" She smiles and kisses my cheek. "looks like that nightmare was very scary... How about we get you change?" My eyes get big and I feel the front of my diaper it was warm. N-no this can't be happening! I never wet the bed! No no no! This was just a one time thing! I know it was. I blush like crazy as mom picks me up. I can't believe this is happening. Chapter 4 While this is happening it hits me. I don't have to deal with this why am I accepting this happened?! I starts struggling in my mom's arms. I might be stuck in a dang diaper buts I'm not stuck acting like a damn baby! "put me down!!" Mom holds me well walking me to her room before I swing my arm and accidentally smack her across the face. My face goes pale as she stops and glares back at me with the most pissed off look I ever seen my mom have. "you're in so much trouble... We might not believe in hitting you but I'll show you something much... Much worse." This was terrible... Good job Strom you went and made a terrible situation worse. Mom lays me on the changing table still looking pissed I didn't move as she removes the diaper and wipes me with a cold baby wipe. I blush a lot it's so weird to have my mom clean me up. But something tells me it's going to be a bad day. Mom pulls out a new diaper and my face blushes like crazy. It was pink very girly. And mom walks over with it. "don't you dare start struggling or it will be so bad on you... Did you know I always wanted a little girl?" Mom puts it under my butt. Holy crap this thing feels thick and it's not even on yet?! Then it hits me. Mom's not planning on treating me like a girl right?! She knows I absolutely hate that. "b-but mom..." She laughs as she puts the new tick girly diaper on me it made my legs spread far then I see the locking thing again. Won't be removing this either... "aww my cute girl stormy! Good thing your the same size as your dad. I'm using the same sissy stuff I used on him when he pissed me off." Mom opens her closet and pulls out a pink dress as well and smirks. I start crying again I don't know why I this makes me cry. But I can't help it. "m-mom I don't want to be a girl it's bad enough I have to be a dumb baby!" She smiles and puts the dress on me. "don't worry, it's just today you really pissed me off for hitting me so this is what you get. Any other day you piss me off depending on how much you make me mad the punishment will change. I just hope for your sake you don't piss me off during school heh" She wouldn't make me dress up as a girl and send me to school right? No... This is mother she would so do that. OK no more pissing off mom... But God kill me. This is so embarrassing mom picks me up and kisses all over my face. "who's momma's pretty little girl!" I just look down to embarrassed to even speak. Mom takes me to the kitchen where I see dad in a highchair he's got syrup all over him and he's only in a diaper and I think we both blush and look away from each other. But dad giggles. "looks like mommy made you her girl... Better you then me..." Mom sighs. "dill your a mess come on let's go give you a shower. Stormy you will sit here and eat some pancakes while I give your dad a bath" Mmm pancakes do sound good mom puts me on the ground on my butt and undoes dad. I'm trying to get up but the damn diapers so thick I can't close my legs enough and I just fall back down and cross my arms and pout. Dad's set beside me then I'm picked up and put in a highchair and locked in with the tray in front of me. Eww... It still sticky from dad... What the heck did he do? Mom picks up dad and puts cut up pancakes on my tray. "alright you eat while I bathe your dad." She turns on the TV to some baby TV show. I grown as mom walks off. "this is awful... This highchairs all sticky! I have this TV thinking I'm some dumb baby now I can't even find my fork! Mom! You forgot my fork!" No response. "Does she really expect me to eat without one..." Then I remember how sticky dad was. Wait... Oh my God she dose... Gross... So I grab one of the pieces covered in syrup carefully with 2 fingers and eat it. At least it's good. I sigh and keep this up till there gone. Getting quite a bit of syrup on me. And sit there for what seems like forever. Watching TV out of boredom. "I'm going to have this stupid song stuck in my head all day... Can I just grab a knife and cut out my own ear drums?" I sigh. "you know what no... That would hurt more than the music..." I sat there though another like 3 episodes of the same show. I hate to admit it but I was kinda starting to like it. The music was catchy the plot was bull. But at least the music was good. It was like watching a Disney show. Suddenly mom walks in and sits dad in a play pen I didn't even know we had. Then again this must have been dad's baby stuff or whatever I don't remember a high chair being in here either. "oh no look like we have another dirty baby!" I blush. And dad laughs. "don't worry, you get use to it after a while... Be careful if mommy gives you a bath though she's rough. Heheh..." I hated hearing dad call her mommy... Wait give me a- my eyes get big. No no no! My own mom is not about to give me a bath! "no im not giving her a bath at them moment I'll wipe off her hands and stuff with a baby wipe I just got her in her cute clothes and diaper." Her? Oh.... Right.... I groan. I forgot... I'm this stupid girl for the day... At Least no one can see me... That's when the doorbell rings. Chapter 5 Mom walks over to the door opening it my eyes get big and I look away praying to God it's no one I know and hopefully they just think I'm some dumb girl... Baby girl. I hear mom talking. "hello?" Then I hear a guy's voice. It sounds so familiar. "howdy ma'am. I'm just here to pass these to all families of kids that go to the new school." No I know I know that voice... "aww thanks so much young man... But what is it?" I got curious I turn and look slightly at them. I see mom talking to a male Grovyle my eyes get big. Why is the school bully here?! I must have caught his eye because I see him look at me and I blush and look away. "well... It's..." he shakes his head "it's the list of supplies you need to bring stuff has changed with the new generation of Pokemon I'm just supposed to pass them out...uhh cute... Babies?" Mom giggles. "thanks there both very rotten especially the one in the high chair" The Grovyle laughs some and I blush a lot thinking he found me out. "well she is cute. She looks a bit tall for her age but I guess most new generation Pokemon do." He shrugs. "by the way my names Bryn. But where's your kid? Shouldn't you have like a kid my age?" I started shaking and look over at them scared moms going to tell him. "oh. You mean Strom? S- ahem he's sick today in his room sleeping." He looks at me for awkwardly long time and this stupid smile goes over his face. "oh ok well I'm going to get going. Have fun with the baby boy and baby girl" Mom shuts the door and I blush hearing some laughing from outside. "m-mom! I-i think he knows!" I feel like I'm going to start crying. "oh relax stormy. He seemed like a sweet boy he wouldn't tell anyone." I look down. "sweet my ass... Mom! He was the school bully! He would pick on me all the time specifically! It's not Fair!" I start crying and Mom sighs and takes me out of the high chair and pats my butt making me blush as it makes noises. But I lay my head In her. "... I'm not over looking how you cursed stormy. That's another punishment. But what?" Dad giggles. "how about you break his bladder?... You always had fun doing that to me." Mom smirks and my eyes get big. "W-what....but I need that!" Mom touched my gut and a strange key like thing popped up and suddenly I hurt for a moment then it was gone and I got confused. "for the rest of today you will have no control of bladder for cursing. Tomorrow I'll fix it." I was shaking and stopped crying. "Y-you're joking... R-right?-" My eyes get huge as I felt warmth out of no where start to spread across my diaper. Mom smirks. "oh no looks like mommy's baby girls having her second accident." I blush insanely and hide my face. "just change me..." Mom tilts her head "nah it's just a small wet" Mom sits me in the playpen with dad. "Dill teach your baby sister how to play with toys and stuff." I was as bright as a tomato at this point. And I thought the embarrassment couldn't get worse. Mom walks off to clean up the kitchen and dad smiles at me and holds up a bunch of toys. "want to play?" I shake my head and lay down in the playpen trying to keep from crying. This has to be the worse time in my life... My dad is happy to act like a weirdo baby... My mom is making me be a baby and wear a freaking dress! I would take it off but who knows what the hell mom would have in store for me next... I shiver at the thought. Dad gets by me. "you best get use to this... You need to get in to a little space. Or this will be the longest 3 months of your life..." I sniff and look up at him. "what's a little space?" Dad thinks for a moment. "it's where you act like a toddler or baby and just forget how old You are and just have fun!" I look at him unamused. "no... No way am I doing that... Ever. I'm a guy! And I'm a teen! I'm not some dumb baby like you! You're just a creepy weirdo!" Dad tears up and start to cry. I look down not knowing what to do just poking at my diaper. It's so mushy and warm it's disgusting. Suddenly mom comes in and picks up dad and pats him and hugs him. "what's wrong sweetie?" Great... I'm going to be in even more trouble... "I-i accidentally pinched my finger!" My eyes get big and look up. "aww dose mommy need to kiss his finger" He nods and mom kisses his finger and giggles and dad lays his head in mom "... I'm tired can I go lay down?" Mom smiles and kisses dad's head. "sure let's go lay you down." They walk off to the bedroom and I sigh. Why was dad so nice and not get me in trouble? He could have made this worse... As much of a weirdo my dad is he's a very nice guy... I'm sorry dad...I pick up one of his toys he had. "I haven't played with toys since the bully mocked me for it... There for babies..." I grab another toy and pretend like there talking. "well guess what stupid bullie I am a baby now so I can play with all the toys I want. And my mommy's going to make. You a baby also" I giggle as I pull out a toy that looks kinda like mommy and and pretend like it beats up the bullie and puts him in a diaper. I laugh. "now who's a baby!" Then I hear moms voice who's clearly been there behind me for a while and my face goes bright red and I throw the toys. "having fun sweetie?" I shake my head "aww that's too bad. I think it was so cute. You need to relax storm. I feel like you think you have to grow up so fast... But you don't you can be mommy's baby as long as you want" I start tearing up and wipe my eyes. Mom leans down and kisses my head. I still hate this. But... I love all the attention I get... I feel like I'm really loved... If I wasn't forced to wear a diaper and a stupid dress... Chapter 6 Mom sat on the couch and watched me as I awkwardly moved toys around. I didn't want to play while she was watching me. It's embarrassing. We probably sat there for a few hours it was dark out. Man the days seem to go by faster when I'm like this. I guess I'm so embarrassed I forget what time it is. Mom comes over and leans down by me. "you getting kinda hungry?" Honestly I was kinda hungry. I keep looking down rubbing the toy I had on the floor lightly not wanting to look up at her. She smiles and picks me up. That's when it hit me I haven't peed all day. but I didn't even notice that I had used it so I just figured I didn't, because I'm not a Dumb baby who can't hold it. She can't take it away from me heh. She takes me to the fridge and pulls out a bottle. I groan please tell me she's not about to bottle feed me... I would rather die... She warms it up and tickels my stomach making me giggle and push her hand away. I blush. "heh your going to like your num nums aren't you stormy?" I look away I'm not giving that a response. I'm just looking forward that tomarrow I get to go back to being Strom and not this dumb stormy... Suddenly the microwave goes off and mom holds me on my back. "hey what are you-" But I was cut off by a bottle being pushed in my mouth. I was about to try to push it out of my mouth when my mom glares and I shake pulling my hands away. Mom's glares are scary... And I know if I piss her off more I might get something worse then a damn diaper and dress... "come on now stormy you should eat up or you might have to go to bed without supper" I grone and start sucking. Actually I hate to admit it but this stuffs not half bad. It's sweet. It's not milk like I thought but kinda like a oatmeal but not exactly. I drank on it about half way I closed my eyes relaxing before I knew it i was asleep. DREAM I woke up and I was in someone's arms. But when I went to say something only noises came out. It was strange. Then I hear moms voice she laughes some. "aww look Dill he's trying to talk." Wait mom? And dad's here? But where am I? On Closer inspection I think I'm on a plane? I keep trying to talk but no words suddenly a pasifier it put in my mouth. I wanted to spit it out. But I couldn't it was like my whole body relaxed and I just sucked looking at my mom and dad. Suddenly there's a large boom. We hear the pilot come over the radio. "where going down! Get eveyone out of the plane immediately make sure they all get out safely!" There was panic even I was scared I started crying shaking. Am I going to die? Mom and dad take me to a plane door they open it helping people out but while doing that I felt the wind blow hard and the plane shook really hard as well. And I flew out of my mom's arms. And out the door falling out of the plane. I cried and cried. I don't want to die! I can't die! No please mommy!! END OF DREAM I was still asleep but Dakota come flying in the room to my crying and screaming for mommy. And she shook me and I woke up. Hugging mom tight and crying and telling her what I saw in my dream but even I know I didn't really say words I was just so scared. "shhh... It was just a dream storm... You been having a lot of nightmare lately haven't you?" Mom holds me in her arms that's when it hit me I was naked but my yellowed diaper... Wait yellowed diaper. I blush insanely. N-not again! This makes me. Whimper a bit mom held me till I calmed down. "now you more calmed down." I was more relaxed I nod "mhm" I wipe my eyes and mom smiles. "good now how about we get you changed? That must have been a scary dream to make you wet yourself." I blush covering my face embarrassed. Mom laughes and picks me up taking me to her room where dad was sleeping in only a diaper... Also wet. But it definitely helped seeing him in the same situation kinda... He enjoyed it but it made me feel a bit more comfortable. Mom changes my stupid pink diaper and cleans me up and puts me in to a normal diaper. I look outside and it looks like the sun just coming up. It must be pretty early. I sigh and mom picks me up after my change and takes me to the front room. "how about some TV To relax to." Honestly that sounded nice. Mom sits down and sits be beside her she turns it on to the same kids shows as yesterday. They where doing more missions and singing. It it was relaxing. I watch them for a while then I lay my head on my mom and I can feel myself falling asleep again. Why am I falling asleep so often? And so early? I can't tell if Im just mentally exhausted... Or something else. Oh well...this has definitely made me grow closer to mom... I love her so much... And that nightmare only made me realize I'm scared that I'm going to lose them. Or maybe it was more they where scared to lose me? Wait? Now that I think about it it was super scary for me too but my nightmare tonight was completely different then yesterdays. Like someone was forcing me to have a nightmare... But that's not possible right? You can't just force someone to have a nightmare? I don't know I just want to rest. I hope today is atleast less embarrassing... Chapter 7 I woke up oddly I was super relaxed. I don't know why but I laid there and sucked on something in my mouth a bit longer. Then it hits me I spit out whatever is in my mouth and blush like crazy seeing a pacifier in my mouth. I throw it down. "damn it mom... I bet she was involved in this... Why would my body want something like that. That's so weird..." I lean up and see I'm still in a diaper and it's soaked. Mom's magic must have still been in effect. I stand up and it sags down I can't help but blush and poke it. I'm so surprised it can hold that much. I'm so tired of this already. I'm a teen not this stupid baby... And yesterday a stupid baby girl... This is all the things I hate in life all in one. I try to remove my diaper thinking mom forgot to lock it. Nope... Still locked. I go to my door and peek out making sure no one else is here just in case. "mom...? Hello?" I see mom peek out of the kitchen "oh morning storm. You sleep well? Come on in I'm cooking breakfast we got some stuff to talk about." I blushed and looked down. "B-but.... I-" She rolls her eyes. "storm come on I'll change you after breakfast." This made the embarrassment worse. I leave my bedroom exposed and walk to the kitchen with the sagging diaper. Dad's in a high chair and he giggles. "whoa soggy butt today aren't we" I blush I thought I was going to cry when mom speaks up. "dill you have no room to speak your diaper was so full this morning we couldn't even wait" He blushed looked at the table. this made me laugh some and mom also smiled and picked me up. "there's a thing at your school going on I know you still got a few days till it starts but this is important for you to go to. So let's explain the rules for your... Problem." I sigh. "problem?... More like a curse..." She laughs. "how ever you think of it. So I told the nurse your problem. She said if your at school and have an accident she will change you in privacy" I blush and my eyes get big. "Y-you told the nurse?! And I have to ask her to change me?! Why can't I do it myself?!" This is it my life is over! "because I don't know if you will change back to one. And if I find out you cut even one out. I'm going to take you to school as stormy the new girl in school who has bladder problems." My face goes pale. She wouldn't dare... No she's my... no she would. I gulp "I-I understand... Do I atleast get enough clothes to hide... T-this?" Mom nods. "Oh ya if your good and don't make this any problem I promise no one will find out. And if your lucky never will even have an idea. But if you mess up in any way I'll promise you won't like the outcome. Understand me." I nod and she smiles putting me down in a chair. And puts some more pancakes cut up in front of me. With a fork this time thank God. "now eat up and I'll give you a bath and a fresh diaper." I sigh. And start to eat before it hits me. "w-wait give me a bath?! No! No no no! I can do that." Mom glares. "hmm let me think what kinda dress would you enjoy for school." My eyes are huge and shake my head. "I-I mean I can't wait for mommy to give me a bath!" I blush just eating. Mom smiles. "aww your such a cute little boy aren't you storm." Dad speaks up. "oh me too! I'm super cute and adorable right mommy!" Mom laughs and goes over and hugs him. "yap that's why... I'm going to give you a very good bath tonight~" I look confused. My mom and dad are weirdos... She took dad out of the highchair and picked him up. "alright storm you finish up I'll bath your brother." I grone. He's not my brother... He's my dad... I hate my life. Mom takes dad to the bathroom I eat and hear dad saying some strange stuff. Can't quite understand him but he's saying "mommy" and groaning but in a weird way... Probably just dad being freaking weird again. I sigh finishing my food. I see mom taking my dad only in a towel to her room. They take a while but mom comes out pushing a stroller with dad in it. He's in shorts and a childish shirt and a pacifier in his mouth. I give him that weirdo look. But he was relaxed and already half asleep. "alright storm your turn!" Oh god this isn't happening. Mom picks me up. "wait I wasn't done eating! Ya!" She pats my dipared butt. "too bad bath time baby's don't get a choice heh." I groaned and leaned over her shoulder and she takes me to the bathroom and she pulls off my diaper and sits me in a fresh tub of bath water it's jot too high but not too short. I blush as she started to wet me and scrub soap in my hair. "I haven't given you a bath since you were like 5. Mommy I do take good baths you would say then come to find out you stood in the bathroom for like 10 minutes and left" She laughs and I blush mom smiles. "you where a super cute kid... Then you became more... Like this." Mom washes the soap from my fur. "like this?" I was confused. What did she mean. "well you act like it's awful if you act a bit childish. Or terrible you act a little girly. You don't even talk about the girls you like." She smirks. "wait storm do you like Guys?" I blushed. "MOM!" she laughs. "sorry sorry! Hey whatever you like we won't judge you or hate you we love you storm. And this might not seem like it but I think you will understand later this is all out of love." I wasn't going to admit I understand... Kinda anyways but this is still humiliating. Mom takes me out of the water and dries me off leaving me in the towel and picks me up taking to the changing table to to no surprise puts me in a new diaper. Then she puts some shorts and a shirt on me. My shorts kinda puffed out some. But not too noticeable. "now to your school thing!" If one person found out they will blackmail me for the rest of my life... Chapter 8 Mom puts me down to let me walk then she walks up to dad in the stroller and pushed it to the door. "storm come open the door please." I sigh "yes mom... " I walked to the door a little awkwardly I forgot it's definitely not easy to walk around in these things. I open the door and mom pushes the stroller out the door with dad in it and I blush going out with them. My dad's sucking a pacifier in a stroller and I'm secretly in a diaper going to school. This will be the worst beginning of school ever. We walk all the way to school girls would laugh at dad who was still asleep mind you. They all thought he was a toddler or My brother...better then them thinking it's my dad... I see a bunch of kids with their parents like me. But I can bet none of them are forced to wear a diaper. "alright your suppose to head to class room 101. Me and your d-farher will head to the parents meet up. They will get you figuring out what your going to do Monday when school officially starts." I sigh and look up at them. "alright..." I walk inside and start to look around for the class it was so quiet I could hear my diaper crinkeling. I pray no one can hear that. As I look someone pushes me over and I fell on my butt. "hey-!" My eyes get big as I see a tall grovyle standing there. Oh no it's Bryn... "whoa hey watch where you're going shorty" He laughed and grabs my hand and pulled me up and bent down to my ear. "or should I say stormy" My face goes pale as he laughed and walked in to class. Yap this is it the end of my life. My ill never live this down...I shake as I step in to class all the seats were taken except for one by Bryn. Just kill me now... "oh storm you finally made it! Take a seat by Bryn would you?" I nod and carefully walk up to him and sit down my him. The teacher starts to talk about how everything's going to go Monday. I could barley pay attention I would look over at Bryn who was just smirking at me. I finally worked up the courage and whisper to him. "h-how much do you know...?" He doesn't stop smirking. And Whispers back. "not much but enough. So I assume you don't want this getting out do you?" I shake and nod. "please... You can't tell anyone... I-I'll do anything..." Bryn lets out a small chuckle. "great. I think this year where going to be the best of friends." He laughs more then the teacher stops and looks at him. "and what's so funny Bryn?" He stops and smiles. "oh i'm sorry. It wasn't a laugh of funny it was a laugh of excitement! I can't wait for the school year to begin ma'am!" The teacher smiles. Damn as much as I hate this guy he's definitely a smooth talker... "isn't that nice but please don't interrupt class like that again. I only get you for an hour today. I know you all probably don't want to be here but it's only an hour so let's make it quick!" The teacher goes back to explain more stuff. What could bryn have planned this scared me. And at the same time I had to pee very badly. I shook my leg up and down Just to take my mind off it. Bryn looks at me. "problem? That's annoying the hell out of me..." I shake my head. "N-nope no problem..." He sighs. "liar... Guess it's time to let out out secret." My eyes get big and shake my head. "n-no wait... I-I just gotta pee..." Bryn gets this shit eating grin. "well was the other day just a one off or are you still... Uhh diapered I guess?" My face goes bright red and I nod slowly. He smirks. "then go" My eyes get big. "but-!" Bryn clears his throat. "excuse me teacher?" I quickly start to wet myself in fear he's about to tell people. I felt all the warmth go all between my legs. "o-ok I did it please don't..." Bryn smiles. And the teacher looks at them. "what?" Bryn stands up. "I hate to bother you but could I use the bathroom? Me and my friend here storm really need to go." I could feel everyone stare at me and whisper. Bryns never had a friend in years. So I'm definitely a weirdo in this class now... Not as much if people found out about my Diapers. The teacher sigh. "ya I suppose I'll let two people go at once first you two then I'll send another group go on then." Bryn smiles at me to follow and we leave going to the bathroom bryn walks over to the door and locks it. He smirks at me. "take them off." I looks confused. "w-what?" He glares. "I suppose I need to tell everyone how you're a diaper wetting baby. Or you can take off your pants now." I blush and pull them down revealing my diaper I feel him push me up against the wall and cup his hand around the front of my diaper. "wow it's warm you really did wet yourself." He laughs and I blush so badly I want to die. "alright put your pants back on. Your going to do as I ask. If I tell you to wet or mess you do it. No if or ands or buts got me? Also why are you wearing these in the first place. The other day I saw you in them and a dress." I gulp so embarrassed. "w-well I found my dad's secret stuff... It turns out he's some kinda diaper lover or something... And he acts like a child... I was going to make fun of him but my mom used it against me." He looks curious. "interesting... And the dress?" I take a deep breath as I put my pants on. "well I got mad and accidentally hit her..." He smiles. "and if anything bad like that happened again you would probably be back in them huh" I nod Reluctantly. "great. Today after school I want to come to your house and hang out with my new "friend" " I looked confused. " B-but why?" He glares at me. "I have my reasons now your going to tell your mom you want me to come down and I'm your best friend understand me diaper boy?" I look down and nod "good. Now let's get back to class." We both head back to class and sit through the rest of the day. I headed to find my mom and dad outside and walked up to her. "H-hey mom?" She looked at me. "Ya storm?" I breath heavy being nervous. "c-can I have a friend come over today..." Mom looked excited. "of course! But I'm not hiding any of... The stuff." I sigh. "but!... that's fine..." I wave my hand to bryn who was standing not too far away and he runs over and half hugs me. "hello again ma'am! And this is... Storms little brother right?! He's so cute! I'm storms friend! Best friend" Dad blushes and so do I he knows that's my dad what's he playing at. What could he be planning... And why did he grope me today? Was it just to embarrass me... He could have easily seen it was wet... Today has been an awful day. But what could he have planned? Chapter 9 We make It back to my place Bryn hasn't shut up yet he's been talking my mom up. It's like there both best friends now... Of course the bully would have to make friends with my mother... Thats just weird. No weirder then the situation I'm in. Actually I almost forgot I'm wet. I sigh as we walk in mom shuts the door after bryn comes in. Suddenly mom chucks my pants off my face goes bright red as I try and pull my shirt down to cover the diaper. "m-mom!" She laughs and so does bryn which was even more embarrassing. "oh you knew this was going to happen I told you at home you can't keep pants on I got to know when you need changed." Bryn smirks. "oh look at that storms mom I think he's wet." She smiles. "well so he is! Hey I got a idea bryn. Your close friends with storm right?" I shake my head. Like hell if he is... But he would expose me if I said that. I sigh and bryn nods. "of course! Even if my friends a diaper wearing baby it doesn't bother me" She smiles "aww that's so cute. OK how about I give you permission to change him during school time." I blush and bryn smirks. "no way in hel- heck!" Bryn gives my mom a smile. "I would love to help with this punishment! I'm sure going to the nurse would be too embarrassing I bet him asking his best friend would work great." Mom smiles and picks me up. "ok let me go show you how to change him." Bryn nods "yes ma'am!" She takes me to the changing table and I blush insanely. "I-I don't want him to see me naked... Mom please..." She rolls her eyes. "storm please this is your best friend just let him do it." Mom quickly untaped my diaper and bryn watches so carefully. This creep... Is he just staring at me undressed?! Was thats his goal? To be able to see me naked and change me...What kind of weirdo is he...mom gets a new diaper on me and puts me in front of bryn. "and just like that." I could see bryn was blushing slightly smirking. I glare at him and he laughs and spanks my diaper butt and I jump and blush. "he's so cute when he's like this!" I blush like crazy and cover my face. This creep is in to me isn't he?! Well Im not gay so jokes on him! Mom laughs. "I have to agree. You should see him in a dress" She laughs more. And so done bryn. I just want to die... "so are you two more than friends? Is this why he's never had a girlfriend heheh" Bryn laughs more "NO! MOM I'M NOT GAY! how many times do I have to tell you?!" I don't think anyways... But god I hate that she just assumes stuff. "well maybe we will one day" He winks at me and I shiver. "people don't know it but I am bi." Bryn smiles at me all I can do is shiver more. So he was just doing this to stare at me naked... And mom's probably going to let him change me more... As long as I don't got to go back to wearing girls clothes. "oh storms mom you should make him go to school like a girl. If this is a punishment make sure he has to do it at least once." My eyes get big. "w-what?! No! Never!" Mom glares at me. "I wouldn't say never young man. But I like that idea. It would be cute!" No come on! Can't she see he's trying to embarrass me! I don't know if being bi is True or just another way to embarrass me and make me seem bi?! I don't know but I hate this guy! But... I can't do anything he owns me right now... "would it be too much trouble if I stay the night ma'am?" Mom smiles and I shake my head. "you can stay all you like bryn also my names Dakota. Call me that." he smiles and nods. "ok then. Thanks Dakota! I can't wait to play with my friend who's now a baby" He laughs and I just give up. "I'm going to my room..." Mom sighs. "fine but lunch will be ready later. You both go have fun and bryn if he makes a mess go ahead and change him I made it so only you the nurse and me can remove his diaper. And don't remove the diaper for him. I know your friends but-" Bryn smiles and nods. "ok I won't don't worry!" At this point I have already left and was in my room sitting on my bed in a shirt and diaper and sigh. A while later bryn walks in and sits by me. "man this is too easy. I got full permission to rear you like a little baby." I glare. "shut the fuck up..." He smirks. "oh no I wonder what will happen if I tell your mom you said fuck." My eyes get big. "w-wait! We can talk about this..." He keeps smirking the coky little fuck. "fine then for the night you do what I tell you to do got it?" I sigh. "got it..." He looks at me. "now how about you use your diaper like a good boy." I blush and grind my teeth. "I don't have to..." He thinks then smiles. "not even number 2?" My eyes get big. He can't be serious. Please no I don't want to do that it's bad enough I got to wet them... But... I have definitely got to go. "M-maybe..." He pats my diaper. "then squat and mess right here in front of me." I blush and stand up. "and if I don't..." He smirks. "you might end up being a girl for your first week of school." I gulp and sigh. "ok...just please don't tell mom..." I blush as I squat. This isn't real... Right? I just want to wake up. I don't want to do this anymore. It's not fair... Chapter 10 I squat there for a while just looking at Bryn who just smiled down at me. "well?" I look away blushing. And I mumble "I can't..." He glares down at me. "what?" I gulp. "I-I said I can't... I-I don't feel comfortable doing it... I can't force myself." Bryn sighs. "that's a shame. Your going to be a cute girl again" He laughs and it scares me and I fart a bit and my eyes get big. "W-wait I think it's happening!" He looks at me curiously and I feel myself start to go I feel it packing into the back of my diaper. This is disgusting... Oh God I can smell it... My face goes bright red as it just fills. And like out of a habit I also wet. I was kinda surprised by how easily I did it. But then again I never been pee shy. I just don't like to go number 2 around anyone I can't even do it when I'm in the school bathroom with someone... Surprised I did it now. "damn you stink storm!" He laughs and hugs me I blush. What the hells this creep doing? I feel the back of my diaper get pulled back I tried to pull away but it was too late. "wow you really did it. Didn't think you had it in you. That's gross. Your gross." He laughs more. Then groped me from the front again. This has to be the most uncomfortable ever... Oh God I just thought of him changing me! "wow your a wet one aren't you Storm?" He smirks. And pushes me down my eyes get big as I hit the ground and feel everything squish in to me. I shiver in disgust. "aww oh no the baby fell down good thing he had a full diapy to help with the fall." I drop my head in shame I never felt so stupid. When I was just around mom and dad at least they would mock me... But it didn't feel like they were trying to be mean but Bryns doing this on purpose. I start to tear up and whimper. Just hitting my emotional top. Bryn stopped laughing and looked down at me. "are you crying?" I shake my head and start wiping my eyes starting to cry more knowing he's going to mock me for this now. But he sighs. "I didn't mean to make you cry... Well not like this... I wanted to have some fun with you..." He pats my head. And I sniff tying to stop crying but my voice crack. "W-why are you doing this?" He shrugs. "I don't know at first it was because I seen you in a dress and diaper and I was going to mock you but... Never mind that's it I just wanted to mock you! Best go ask your mommy for a diaper change! But uhh I gotta go... I don't think I can stay today I got to go now!" Bryn runs out of the house. What did he mean by he was going to mock me but? Wonder what he was going to say. I stand up and groan. "this is never coming out of my fur..." Suddenly mom walks in "why did Bryn leave? I thought he was staying?" Suddenly she sniffs around the room and I blush worried she might notice it was me. "I-I don't know... He just-" Suddenly mom grabs me and pulls back the back of my diaper and I scream. Hoping it would make her get back. "mom!!" She smiles. "wow, no wonder he ran looks like this little baby made a stinky!" I was so embarrassed I covered my face I didn't even know what to say. Mom giggled "heheheh let's get you cleaned up and a bath then we will get you ready for bed." I mean I was starting to get sleepy. Damn her and making me go to sleep so early... But I don't want a bath or cleaned but at the same time I do... Mom takes me to the changing table and dad was on the floor with toys. "phew... Wait did storm have his first stinky?!" Mom laughs putting me on the changing table and untapping my diaper I was so ashamed this is the worst I ever felt "B-Bryn made me..." She gave me a stern look. "seriously storm now your going to lie about your friend? I Can't believe you. You had an accident all your own get use to it mister." She gets me all cleaned up and takes off my shirt and picks me up going to the bathroom. "but-" She glares. "no buts!" She gives me a small spank on my butt and both our eyes get big moms never hit me before. It didn't hurt but I was surprised and kinda scared. "oh my God storm! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that I have just been dealing with your dad and I have to spank him because he can get a little crazy among other reasons... Anyways I'm so sorry!" She hugs me and I hug back laying my head on her. Me being naked would normally bother me. But I have gotten so used to it over the past few days. "it's ok... You just never hit me before it was kinda scary..." She hugs me close starting some bath water. "I know... How about I make your favorite food for supper?" I look up at her and smile. "you mean mashed potatoes?" She smiles and nods and I smiles great big. "YES!" She laughs and puts me in the water and dumps a bunch of soap on my head and gets me wet and scrubs it in. There's a bunch of toys floating around. Probably from dad. I get curious though I grab one and push it along and it comes back then I push it under water and squeeze it and it makes a noise. I do this for a while I wasn't really having a bunch of fun if it was amusing while I get cleaned. I even forgot to be embarrassed before I notice mom taps me. "huh" She smiles. "I hate to interrupt your play time but you ready to come out?" I blush. "I-I wasn't playing!" I cross my arms and moms picks me up laughing and drying me off. "oh really not paying that's why you stayed in the bath an extra 15 minutes?" My eyes get big. "wait... You been done bathing me for 15 minutes and I didn't notice?!" She nods. "yap it was so cute. Ive never seen you play with toys since you were like 4 it's a shame really most kids still play with toys but you wanted to grow up way too fast...it killed your dad" She laughs and picks me up taking me to the changing table. "because he wanted to play with me right...?" She nods and smiles. "when you were young you two used to play together a lot you loved it. And so did he it was... Weird I guess but it was father and son bonding. But once you became able to talk he got scared to do it around you... Then it becomes this big secret." Mom lays me down getting me in a clean diaper. It was honestly so much more nicer then the messy one that was awful, I hope I never have to mess in one again. "hey mom? Was dad ashamed of himself because of me?" She sighs and nods. "you always wanted to grow up so quickly... That Dill was scared you would do exactly what you did a few days ago." I look away. I feel awful... Even though dad's weird for liking this... He's still my dad... And I love him no matter what I say... "hey mom? Can me and dad play stuff tomorrow." She picks me up and hugs me and I blush. "your dad would love that... You know storm you became such a good young man. It's a shame this will only last 3 months. I could do this forever." She laughs. I laughed awkward. "Y-ya... But I want to go back to underwear sometimes..." She sighs. "I know and I won't stop you. At Least now you understand your dad more and maybe tomorrow you two can grow closer. You and him haven't really been that close." Shs has a point I feel like I barely know him. Well tomorrow's all for dad! It's going to be embarrassing and probably make me wish I was dead but dad will be happy. And right now I know how he feels after Bryn got ahold of me... I get taken to eat and then after getting back to my room and tucked in. I quickly fell asleep hopefully no nightmares tonight.
  5. This story was written for a Valentine's Day story contest. Cupid's Bow It’s February again and they are everywhere.No matter where I turn, no matter how hard I try to avoid them, in this month, at least in this gods-forsaken country, the images seem to multiply of their own accord. I walk into a shopping mall and there they are. I turn on the television and, more than likely, they will be in some local car dealer’s commercial. I see them on billboards, on greeting cards, on cute little mugs, on men’s ties. I see them on posters, on facebook, in the Sunday comics. I see them wherever I look because—at least for the first half of this month—they are utterly ubiquitous. People think they are adorable: little baby Cupids flying about wearing nothing but a diaper, wielding the bow, looking to sting someone with the arrow of love. They don’t understand; they think they are just cute images. But every time I see them, all I can think of is my own shame. If anyone really knew me, I’d probably go into hiding around Valentine’s Day. But such is my state these days, even more than the rest of us, that I can hide in plain sight. Everyone seems to love Cupid, but no one knows Eros. It’s both a blessing and a curse, this lack of memory. But in February, at least, I’ll take it. Far better that no one knows me than a million people seek me out for favors, all expecting me to look like...that. When people did know me, back when they venerated Mom and Dad and the rest of them, they knew better. They understood the danger, the risk of asking us for favors. Oh they still did so, but they were not anywhere near as reckless as the masses of people hoping for an arrow from that little cherub are today. And back then, when we walked among them openly, the artists knew me as well. Look at any of the images from back then: Roman or Greek, it didn’t matter; I was portrayed as I actually was, a slender youth, beautiful of course—I couldn’t be Mom’s son and not be beautiful—winged, and usually naked. Back then, artists loved the body and painted or sculpted it with care and precision. And since our bodies looked like theirs, at least to them, they found themselves fascinated by our perfection. It was silly, of course: we were perfect because we were gods, but also because our visages reflected what they wanted and expected from us. And from Venus and Eros—I have always liked the Greek version of my name more—they expected perfection, and besides: the perfection of my naked body was a reflection of the perfection of Love.As time went on, though, we realized that our era in the limelight was at an end. We’d made it through two great civilizations, but both had fallen, and in the new era no one really remembered us. You can see it in the art. After the Great Fall, there was, for all intents and purposes, no art whatsoever; there was no one to commission it. And when, finally, after a thousand years, art returned to the world, well, we’d been gone so long; no one really knew us. I mean it shouldn’t have been unexpected: they couldn’t even get the image of the god they did believe in right. I met him once when he walked the earth; he was a short, swarthy man with dark, curly hair, typical of that time and place, yet their art depicted him as tall, light-skinned and angelic, with long, straight hair hanging freely. If they couldn’t get him right, we had no chance at all.So I shouldn’t have been surprised when the Renaissance artists started showing me as a child. I was known for being the son of Venus and Mars, after all, and they perhaps felt the need to show that I was younger. But their cherubic imagery still left me at least with some dignity: naked, my chubby, child self was still beautiful, and those artists painted me with great care to make me so. Not like these modern artists, who tend to show me only in cartoons, and then cover up my glorious god’s body in tunics or in a diaper. Where is the respect? I’m no longer perfection; I’m shown as a fat little babe playing with arrows. If I were Bacchus it would drive me to drink. Not that he ever really needed an excuse.But the thing that really makes me detest those images isn’t just their cheap cartoonishness. It’s the fact that it’s all my own stupid fault. In fairness, how could I have known? I ask myself that a lot, but it doesn’t change the facts, and the facts show that I made myself into the model for these ubiquitous portraits.You have to understand: we had long, long since retreated to Mt. Olympus, hoping there might come another time when the people would want us. (It still might happen: the culture today seems to have a not-unhealthy obsession with my Norse cousins, after all. It’s a short jump from Thor and Asgard to Apollo and Olympus.) Every once in a while, though, some of us would venture out among them, disguising ourselves as we always had. For me (and for Hermes too, though his problem was his feet), this always presented the need to hide my wings. Fortunately, as I am a god, that never was too much of an issue, and anyway humans tend to ignore completely that which they cannot comprehend. I could have unwrapped my wings in plain sight and it’s possible no one would have even noticed. (Not today, of course: I’d be all over YouTube.)After the Renaissance, I had grown a real fascination for my own childhood. Seeing myself depicted that way sparked something within me, and I needed to explore it. My lovely Psyche was more than happy to help, and our relationship was all the better for it. Nothing like a little bit of role-playing to spice up a two thousand year old marriage. And truth be told, we both really found it to be joyful: getting in touch with my child self after two millennia was both enjoyable and rather profound. And I liked it so much that it became a regular aspect of our lovemaking. But something changed near the end of the 19th Century.Diapers had been part of a baby’s routine since the 17th Century, but it wasn’t until the late 19th that they assumed the form we think of as traditional: the sheets of white cloth secured by large safety pins. Some time in there, some artists began putting diapers on my images, most likely out of a prudish Victorian desire to cover up the nakedness that centuries of people had found beautiful. Whatever the reason, when I started seeing them, I knew I had to add that element to our age play games. At first, Psyche was against it; she’d always been a purist. But I wore her down. She finally agreed, and one day near the turn of the 20th Century, as I wore the body I’d had as a small child, she put me into the first diaper I’d ever worn. It was a revelation: all of that soft material padding me down there. Psyche found the feeling of it next to her skin arousing, and (given the era) loved the fact that, for a change, I was the one trapped beneath excess layers of clothing. She had always enjoyed the age play, but it was clear to both of us that something between us changed when my loins were swaddled in this new way. Suddenly she seemed to take a more dominant role in our lovemaking as well as in the game, as if I were really the little boy I appeared to be. And it was at this point that my life was altered abruptly by the Fates: where we’d always been private in our “human” existence, they decreed that we’d be discovered.It was a not atypical London summer day: the morning sun had burned off the fog and all was lovely and warm. While we pretended to be human, we lived in a modest flat near Hyde Park: nothing so fancy as it would be noticeable, but comfortable nonetheless. We were immortal beings, after all, and I was a god: we were not about to live in squalor as so many Londoners did at the time. So we took this flat and lived quietly, venturing out only on occasion. This was one such occasion. Psyche decided that she wanted to take a walk in the park. A bit of mischief was in me, so I decided to accompany her as my child self. She insisted that, if I did that, she should diaper me and act as my mother or nanny. I felt myself become aroused at the suggestion; this kind of game always made her want me, and by this time I could become aroused just by thinking about the joys that would await us in bed upon our return.So we did as she suggested: she diapered me and was about to get me into some short pants and a child’s jacket when her eyes suddenly lit up. “What if you were a girl this time?” she asked.“What?”She smiled that sexy smile I couldn’t resist and repeated, “What if you were a girl this time? We’ve been playing this forever, but I’ve never gotten to take care of a little girl, and their clothes are so much more adorable than boys’ clothes in this era.”She was right, of course: almost all boys wore variations of the same theme: a child’s school uniform. Shorts, high socks, shirt, jacket. Maybe a cap. Girls, on the other hand, though they were always in dresses, were thoroughly individual.“So you want me to change my body to female?” I asked. It had never in all of these years occurred to me to do so, but I knew I could with no real problem. And gender was never really an issue to the gods.She looked pensive. “Truth be told, it’s the clothing I’m interested in. Whether you are physically a girl or a boy matters a lot less.”Still, if I were going to assent to this, and there was no doubt about that—I’d do absolutely anything for her—I thought I might as well go all the way. So I appeared in front of my love as a small girl, and she actually squealed with delight upon seeing me that way.“Oh, Darling!” she said. “We should have done this eons ago: you are absolutely precious this way.”I grew warm knowing that she was feeling such pleasure, so I went along with anything she asked. I gave myself a pretty yellow dress and some girls’ shoes and white knee socks. Psyche enjoyed playing with my hair, brushing it out and tying it with a ribbon. When she was sure she had it right, she allowed me to stand in front of the mirror. There before me stood a small Victorian girl, her dress poofy enough to hide the fact that, though a bit too old for them, she was wearing a diaper underneath. I lifted the skirt and looked at the odd garment that babies and young children used as a portable chamber pot. As I was looking at myself, Psyche approached with something new: a pair of short, woolen underwear.“What’s that for?” I asked her.“To put on over the diaper, Silly,” she said, “so it won’t leak.”Leak. As if I intended to use the thing. She slipped the tight woolen pants up my legs and over the diaper. “That’s better,” she said, patting me on my padded behind before lowering the skirt again and covering the infantile garment. “Time to go, Cutie.”A new pet name, too, I thought. At least she had derived it from one of my real names. “So I’m Cutie? And who are you?”She smiled. “Mommy, of course. But I’ll go by the name Isabella. And your real name will be Penelope.”Penelope. Wife of Ulysses. Signifies faithfulness. “Sending me a message, Mommy?” I asked playfully.She laughed. “I know you’ll never be unfaithful to me.” Then she winked. “Especially in that disguise.”She was certainly right about that. The only way I could be unfaithful today would be to run away from her, and no sooner had I conceived that thought than it sounded like a fun addition to the game.Of course I didn’t tell her. It would have spoiled things if she had known my plan. So off we went, walking toward the park. She held my hand so I would not “get lost”; I was seriously enjoying this. It was always great when she came up with new flavors for our games. She sang to me softly as we were walking, as if keeping a real child calm and content. When we got to the park, she sat down on a bench and told me to “play” with some of the “other” little girls, who were jumping rope a short distance away. I was surprised at this; we’d never involved others in our games before. But when I mentioned this she just said, “I’m the mother here; you go play like a good girl.”When I got into the game, I kept looking across at Psyche. Truth be told it almost made me miss a couple of jumps, but I am a god; I was fine. As I jumped, though, I kept thinking about how my dress was flying up revealing my petticoats, and I worried about it also revealing what lay beneath the petticoats. I looked back at the bench; Psyche was talking to another woman. From the animated way they spoke and pointed over to us, it was clear this young woman was a mother herself and her daughter was one of the girls I was with. How far was Psyche going to take the game today? We had long since crossed beyond anything we’d ever experienced, and if I judged correctly it was just as exciting for her as it was for me.The other girls grew tired of the rope-jumping after awhile, and we drifted apart until I was left with only one blonde-haired girl to talk to. Her name was Cynthia, and her mother was indeed the woman with my Psyche. After a few more minutes, though, the “parents” called us to come back to the bench. Cynthia dutifully obeyed, but I hesitated. If I were going to run, this was the time. So when Psyche called me a second time, I giggled, turned, and started running.Ordinarily there would not be much chance of Psyche catching me if we were racing, especially if I had a head start, but I had these very small legs and was further hampered by the thick diaper. I heard her calling, but I kept running and laughing. Finally, she caught up to me and stopped me.I whirled around to face her, my cheeks puffy and surely red from the running. I wanted to share the great joke with her, to hear her laughter echoing my own. But as soon as I turned I knew something was wrong. “How could you do that?” she demanded.“Do what?” I asked. “I was just running. It’s not as if I unfolded my wings.”She frowned. “You couldn’t have embarrassed me more had you done that.”Embarrassed? I looked back toward the bench, and the other woman was standing there with Cynthia. She pointed at me and shook her head. Glancing around, I realized there were several others in the park who had witnessed my little escapade. “Do you even understand being out in human society anymore?” she asked sharply under her breath, then added, more loudly, “Don’t you know how to behave yourself?”Suddenly I understood: I had seemed an unruly child and she was feeling embarrassed by my antics around these mortal women. I tried to wriggle out of her grasp to apologize, but she held me firmly. “I can’t believe you acted that way,” she said. Suddenly I felt her open hand crashing down on my rear end. Through the dress and petticoats and diapers, I could hardly be expected to feel any pain, but the shock sent waves through me and I responded as any young girl might have: I yelled.“No!” I yelled. “Don’t spank me! I’m sorry!”It was as much for the onlookers as for myself, I acknowledge, but I didn’t anticipate what happened next. She grabbed hold of me, lifted me up, and carried me to the nearest bench. With a swiftness I had hardly ever seen in her, she flipped me over, lifted the dress, and started raining blows to my behind. Without the layers of material, her hand actually hurt this time. And what’s worse: the shock of it all caused my little girl’s bladder to release, flooding my shamefully exposed diaper. By this time I was crying for real. She clearly knew what I had done, but kept spanking anyway until she figured I had had enough…or maybe until she remembered that this was supposed to be a game between us, not reality.She lifted me off of her knee and set me in front of her. Smoothing my dress and using her handkerchief to dab my tears, she spoke gently in words only I could hear: “If we are out in public like this, you have to act like a proper little girl. Goodness knows if Millicent back there will even allow Cynthia to play with you anymore.”Between my sobs, I spoke up. “I just...thought it would be...funny.”She shook her head. “Maybe if we were alone it would have been. But you could have ruined everything for us; can’t you see that? If we are to remain here in London, we need to be vigilant not to do things that call undue attention to us.”I nodded; she was right. And I was the one who had volunteered to be the little girl here; I had to play the game fully. Suddenly something else she said sneaked into my brain. “What do you mean, allow Cynthia to play with me again?”She straightened my bow, ignoring me. “I dressed you as a sweet, adorable girl and you go and act like a brat.”I tried to pull away but she swatted my behind again. “Enough of that!” she said. “Or we’ll never be able to come back.”“Come back?”She smiled slyly. “I just made a date for tomorrow to meet with Millicent back here. You’ll get more time to play with Cynthia.”Over on the bench, I could see Cynthia and her mother talking. Now I knew what they were talking about. I turned to Psyche. “You want me to play this role again?”Her eyes answered me before she did. “I don’t know why, my love, but something about you as Penelope makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.”It wasn’t difficult to figure out why. Two thousand years without a child and suddenly I’m letting her experience motherhood, in a way. And I too was loving it: the freedom of being a little girl was exhilarating. I hadn’t had that much joy in running since a foot race with Hermès a millennium ago. (He won, of course, but somehow I made it close, and it felt heavenly.) “If I agree to this,” I told her, “you can’t discipline me like that again.”She shook her head. “If you act in a way that is naughty, I will have to in order to maintain the facade.”So it was up to me, I thought. I could handle that. And anyway—though I’d never acknowledge it to her—there was something about the whole thing I had enjoyed. I’m a god; no one had ever done anything like that to me before. I found it somewhat...exciting. We had crossed the distance back to the bench by this point, and Cynthia ran up to me. “Mommy says we can play again tomorrow,” she told me.I giggled. “That will be fun,” I told her. As Psyche and Millicent made their plans, we talked about the doll she would bring. I told her I’d bring one of mine as well. It wouldn’t be hard to make a doll. Finally, Millicent and Cynthia said goodbye and left us.“Now, little girl,” Psyche said to me, “we need to do something about that diaper.”If there had been any doubt that she knew of my disgrace, that removed it. “Let’s get you home,” she said.I smiled. “You know, I can just will it to be clean.”“I know that,” she said. “I also know you haven’t. Something in you clearly wants me to change it.”She was right. I hadn’t thought about why I’d allowed it to remain wet, but of course she was right: there was still more of the game to play. She took my hand once more and we headed back to our flat.Once we were back across our threshold, she wasted no time in whisking me over to our bed, laying me down, and (with my petticoats lifted high) pulling those woolen pants down to reveal my soaked diaper. “You know, I didn’t expect you to actually use this thing” she told me as she unpinned it and cleaned me off with a wet washcloth. “But since you have...are you suggesting that you enjoy this game as much as I do?”I didn’t have to answer her; my smile said it all. “Let’s just keep playing for awhile,” she said.“Not right yet,” I said, and I allowed myself to change back into my normal self. Her hands were still moving the washcloth around, but now their target was the nether regions of a beautiful young man who was most definitely aroused by her actions. I pulled her down on top of me, and we enjoyed each other’s bodies for the rest of the afternoon more than we had in a long time.Lying there afterwards, spent of my energy and just holding Psyche in my arms, I contemplated all that had occurred during the day and I knew that we would keep playing this game. There was no way I was going to give this raw emotion up. So the next day we found ourselves back in the park, once more as Isabella and her little girl. Cynthia and I played with the dolls we had brought—some elaborate invention about a shopping trip to Harrods; I let her lead since I had no clue how to act this age or this gender, but it was actually fun. Meanwhile the “grownups” chatted, taking a cue from us and discussing their last excursions to the great store. Millicent was surprised to discover that we had never been there for cream tea, and she insisted that we accompany her the next day. So Penelope had another date to be with Cynthia. As we played, I felt the internal cramp that suggested my bladder was again full. Knowing that I had no other option, I just let it go in the diaper. I considered cleaning myself, but it had seemed yesterday that Psyche really liked that part of the game, so I just left it wet. I was surprised though when she called me over to the bench, lifted my petticoats and stuck a finger beneath the woolen pants.“You’re wet,” she announced, and I found myself utterly embarrassed: I didn’t know she’d do something like that in public. “She’s still not trained?” Millicent asked. Psyche shook her head. “No, her body is slow. I’d better change this.”Not knowing where she was going with this, I was surprised to find her unpinning the diaper right there. She reached into the oversized handbag she’d carried with her and removed a damp rag, which she used to wipe me down. Then she pulled out another diaper and put it on me, tugged up my woolen pants, smoothed my dress, and swatted me on the rear to send me back to play.Cynthia, who had seen it all, said, “You still wear a diaper?” Her voice sounded different, as if she had decided that she was more mature than I was because she didn’t.It took no acting on my part to look sheepish. “Yes,” I admitted. “Then we need to play house instead,” she said. “You can be the baby.”For the next hour or so, our dolls were aunts come to visit and Cynthia was my “mother.” She was actually a little bigger than I was, so it didn’t take a lot for her to sit me on her knees and bounce me up and down. It was an enjoyable sensation, but all of the bouncing loosened my tiny bladder once more.She turned to Psyche. “I think she’s wet again,” she said.Psyche gave me a look that suggested she thought I was doing this on purpose. “Well,” she said, “I don’t have another diaper for her, so she’ll just have to wait until we get home.”Cynthia decided that it was the “baby’s” bedtime, so I found myself lying on the grass at her feet while she sang a lullaby. Somehow, the hushed tones and soft grass lulled me, and I actually fell asleep.I awakened back in our flat.“How did we get here?” I asked, groggily.Psyche laughed. “You really were out cold. I carried you back, changed you, and you’ve been sleeping since.”I felt my diaper; it was soaked. “You said you changed me?”She nodded. “You’re not wet again?”It was confusing. Somehow “Penelope” had no control whatsoever over her bladder. It wasn’t a condition I had consciously given her. I morphed back into myself and removed the wet garment.“Maybe we’d better put a hold on this game until I can figure out why this is happening,” I suggested, but she was having none of it. “I’ve finally found another woman to have a friendship with,” she said. “I haven’t had one since the Tudor era.”“Whose fault is that? You haven’t tried to find one since then.”She frowned. “Well it was hard watching poor Anne end that way. She didn’t deserve it. All she did was love him and give him a child.”“I know, I know,” I said. Memories of masquerades in the palace mixed with that last, horrible, bloody moment, making me wince. “Well then you know why this is important to me,” she said, and I did. Thus “Isabella and Penelope” not only joined Millicent and Cynthia for tea at Harrods, but became regular visitors to the park. Sometimes we met them there; other times Psyche would have me join with the “other girls” in whatever games they were playing. I got very, very good at hopscotch. But a strange thing was occurring: it seemed that all of this playtime as the nearly incontinent Penelope was actually affecting my own bladder as well, and I was finding it harder to control my needs even as a grown Eros. Psyche said that maybe I needed to wear diapers all the time; it was a jest at first, but soon it grew into a reality. I started wearing them even as an adult, and even then she insisted on changing them. Quickly, the beribboned Penelope was not the only one of our unusual household whom Psyche was mothering. I was not worried about all of this. I was a god; I understood what Freud was writing about in Austria and knew that this was all some subconscious desire on my part to relive that lost childhood. And since Psyche was more than willing to help, we played more and more. Gradually, I was spending so much time as the little girl that it was affecting my other duties.Although people didn’t believe in us gods anymore, somehow I was one of the only ones that they still prayed to. I guess there is always a desire for love in everyone’s lives, and my gold-tipped arrows always got a great workout. Occasionally, someone would even deserve a lead-tipped one, but by this time I reserved these for the worst stalkers and sexual offenders. I had most recently used one in 1888 in Whitechapel on a doctor who had been killing prostitutes there. His heart was particularly black and he only became aroused by the kind of power he knew he could exhibit in dark alleys. I decided that I would punish him by giving him an enormous fear of women in general; hence the lead arrow. I was still called often though for my gold arrows, but even there I needed to be careful since the humans were not. Sometimes the love they engendered was quite erotic; sometimes it was even illegal. On at least one occasion, it cost a man his life. That was a playwright who wished for a certain young man he lusted after to love him. When they were caught, the playwright was prosecuted for sodomy and died in prison. Even the good arrow could be harmful. But most of the time it was what it had always been: an antidote to unrequited love. And those who addressed me properly in prayer deserved to be helped from this painful condition.But now I found myself not even listening to the prayers because as Penelope I was simply having too much fun. And it didn’t hurt that Psyche was so aroused by her maternal instincts: our relations had improved in both frequency and power. I began thinking that I would just keep playing the game forever, but the Fates had another thing in mind: Cynthia was growing older and needed other stimuli in her life. Finally, there came a time when she and her mother failed to come to the park, and that was the beginning of the end.But when I returned at last to granting prayers, I found myself quite as incontinent as the little child I’d been playing. I tried willing my bladder to work properly, but it still did not; something was affecting my power to make that change. Still, I could not ignore the prayers any longer, so I decided to acquiesce to the artwork that had Cupid painted in a diaper. Thus I did my job as a cherub, and when I got home I became Penelope and Psyche was a Mommy again. Gradually, my bladder control returned and I no longer required the diapers. By then though, I had discovered that the human world now almost uniformly saw me in that unfortunate juvenile state, and I was stuck with it. When I tried to do my work as myself, I found that people didn’t accept me as Eros: their mental image of the diapered cherub overrode the reality of a grown winged archer right in front of them. Eventually, I just gave in and, thoroughly embarrassed, appeared as they expected. I could have retired like most of my Olympian friends, but unlike them, I was still revered. So instead I swallowed my pride and did what I needed to do. There was at least one reward: my sexual experiences with Psyche grew even stronger; she loved being a mommy so much that, after an afternoon spent as a child, I could pretty much count on some very adult lovemaking. But I had forever destroyed, or at least altered, the view of who I was. No longer the erotically beautiful youth, I was now a babe in diapers. And that’s how things remained, though I never did get used to being seen that way by others besides me and Psyche. And now those images are everywhere. This ridiculous holiday celebrating love (why don’t they celebrate that every day?) has turned baby Cupid into big business. No one even knows the older version anymore; he is just...gone. And it is all because of my own silly game. Gradually I lost all need or desire to return to the form I’d used for centuries other than for relations with Psyche. But as the 20th Century wore on, even that changed: she added new features to the game in our new apartment in Chicago: more accoutrements of the tiny child that would fill out a modern nursery. And she became known as the young widow with a child. (That’s what she told everyone, and I was beginning to think it was not incorrect: in my normal form, Eros seemed to have ceased to exist.) I once was Eros, the beautiful son of Venus and Mars. Now I live my life as Penelope and have even given up my duties as Cupid. By this point, even the adult pleasures of lovemaking have slipped away. Psyche just wants to be a mommy, and I’ve almost forgotten what it was like to be a man. I’ve lived permanently as a child for over half a century now, having lost faith in the adult world after two World Wars. Still, every year around Valentine’s Day, I get nostalgic and feel ashamed that I’ve let the world down. But love still exists without me; it finds a way even though the only bow I have these days is the ribbon in my hair.
  6. I am curious if others try to mimic the walking style of a baby after they have learned to walk without holding onto something.
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